#this blog continues to be 99.9999%
aishitara · 1 year
oop, forgot to let y'all know yesterday that my blog is 6 years old now.
feels like 6 million. that's how time works on tumblr, right?
here, have this pain.
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plantdonut · 4 months
So... an announcement. a cool one. yes.
hi. most of you don't really know me. that's mainly because i don't have much of a social presence... not on tumblr, or anywhere else for that matter. so here is a fun fact about me: I write a lot! I love writing... I just tend to keep 99.9999% of my writing to myself, much to my loved ones' frustration.
but here's some good news: I won't be hiding and keeping my writing to myself anymore. I'm actually going to start posting again, starting with my old writing and working my way up to more recent works!
i will be posting here and on my sideblog a bit less and posting over on my NEW blog @foxclcves more from now on. because i'm super into writing original stories and characters these days and less fandom related things. i won't be disappearing completely though; i will continue being on both this account and the new one.
i still enjoy tmnt 2k3 and other fandom shenanigans deeply! however, when it comes to creating content of my own for any fandom... my heart hasn't been in it, because i am just burned out on it. and that's okay: it's why I'm putting it down and doing something else. i've been wanting to work on my own stuff for a long while, so I'm happy that I'm finally making it happen.
once again, if you are interested in my original works, follow me over at @foxclcves --and if you like what you see, leaving me a tip would be super cool of you (but obvs not required)
thanks for reading, and I hope to see you around
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jinxed-ninjago · 2 years
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I posted 590 times in 2022
That's 590 more posts than 2021!
420 posts created (71%)
170 posts reblogged (29%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 472 of my posts in 2022
Only 20% of my posts had no tags
#lego ninjago - 403 posts
#ninjago - 402 posts
#ninjago jay - 88 posts
#jay walker - 87 posts
#ninjago cole - 73 posts
#cole brookstone - 73 posts
#ninjago kai - 58 posts
#kai smith - 57 posts
#ninjago zane - 55 posts
#zane julien - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the idea of lloyd leading the team when they’re on missions then everything breaking down into absolute chaos at the monastery is great tho
My Top Posts in 2022:
If you watch Zane in this clip, you can really tell he has no concept of social cues.
When Jay and Lloyd start to get nervous, Zane looks at them in an almost confused way, almost like he doesn’t understand that they probably shouldn’t have been listening in on Nya and Maya’s conversation (this is further backed up with Zane bluntly saying “Yes, we did” and then continuing to be confused when that response makes Jay upset). The only reason he has a nervous expression is because he’s mimicking Jay and Lloyd.
Basically Zane is heavily autism coded and it makes me incredibly happy.
419 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
Ninjago characters and nicknames they call other people
Cole and Kai probably call everyone babe. Idk. It just works lol. Cole does it just because and Kai does it because he’s flirtatious as fuck.
Nya probably goes around calling people “bitch” and “motherfucker” all the time. She’ll just go up to Jay randomly and affectionately go “hey bitch” and walk away. Jay is her favorite person to call “bitch” because of how flustered he gets.
I’ve mentioned this before but Zane refers to everyone as “love” because he likes to remind people that he cares about them.
Lloyd probably calls everyone either asshole, bro, bruh, or bestie. It all depends on his mood. So if he greets you with something like “hey asshole” you’ll know he’s fed up with the team’s bullshit and he probably got ambushed with dart/water guns at breakfast.
Jay just nervously refers to everyone as either bestie or fren. Unless you’re Fugi-Dove levels of annoying. Then he calls you “an annoying bastard.”
577 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
Ninjago characters and the dumbest stuff they’ve definitely done because I’m bored
Jay has definitely taken a toaster somewhere near water just to prove a point about his powers, like I’m 99.9999% certain he’s done it. Let’s just say he’s lucky he’s more resistant to electricity than most other people.
I don’t know why but I got the idea that Zane threw himself into lava at some point to prove how strong titanium is. He succeeded because titanium’s melting point is 3,304 degrees Fahrenheit and the temperature of lava is significantly lower. His inner wiring certainly didn’t survive so Jay and/or Nya had to completely replace multiple wires and gears.
Kai and Nya at some point went into a forest so they could practice their elements. Kai started a forest fire that very quickly got out of control and they had to call the fire department to get it taken care of. And yes, Kai got in trouble for arson.
Lloyd has definitely blown up his room with his powers a few times. Purposely? Who knows, certainly not everyone else who lives at the monastery.
Wu has canonically held back information until it’s important multiple times and seeing as Andreasen said it’d likely get the ninja killed someday, yeah we’re calling Wu’s withholding of information the dumbest thing he’s ever done
More will probably come later, I just wanted to share these lol
632 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
Side affects of Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane’s powers because I’m bored or something
Kai’s almost constantly hungry. Fire needs to be fed on a near constant basis, and this made its way into Kai. Kai’s aquaphobia also comes from being the master of fire, since water puts out fire (I mentioned this in my “How different weather affects the elemental masters of creation” post). He also has a higher body temperature than an average human, so it takes a little longer for a fever to get to emergency levels for him. He also heats up the area around him if he’s upset.
While Jay has a higher tolerance for being electrocuted compared to other people, he’s not immune to it. If he’s not careful, he can electrocute himself to the point of going to the ER (this is mildly supported by Jay being able to shock himself awake when he’s asleep). Being electrokinetic also means he can control electrical signals in his nervous system; sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes it’s a bad thing (as controlling electrical signals means he will not hesitate to cut off the electrical signals that cause pain, and y’know, pain exists for a reason). This is canon but if he’s upset he also starts sparking (although I like to think it happens if he gets super excited too).
Cole is technically geo-thermokinetic, and not exclusively geokinetic. He’s partially immune to being burned by small amounts of lava/magma, but if he was to, for example, try to swim in it, he’d still end up with at least second degree burns, if not third degree burns. He also has scars where his arms turn to magma when he uses his Earth Punch ability.
Zane had to learn how to properly control his powers after he rebuilt himself. If he got too upset, it’d mess up his internal mechanics, and he’d end up in the Samurai X cave being taken care of by either Nya or Jay. If he’s upset, the surrounding area’s temperature drastically decreases, to the point of needing to wear a jacket around if he’s upset for longer than a few minutes.
1,059 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The funniest thing about the ninja being color coded to me is the fact that they’re color coded down to their underwear and, as of season 11, weapons.
So basically:
Kai’s katana has red accents:
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Jay’s kusarigama has blue accents:
See the full post
1,345 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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chosetherose · 2 years
I swear they switched to singular peace signs lately instead of double. // Or maybe the peace signs never meant anything, have you ever thought about that? At this point it is more than ridiculous to continue believing in this theory. It was obvious that it didn't mean anything from the beginning, we just got our hopes up and that's it.
Everything here sounds ridiculous. Karlie and Taylor still together in 2023? Tell that to 99.9999% of the world and they will look at you like a lunatic. And I get it. But patterns are patterns. I identify patterns in my rather intense job for a living, I’m good at it, and I’m telling you all I noticed they have gone from double peace signs in 2022 to singular peace signs now. If you think I’m a lunatic for it then cool I don’t care. There is always a chance it means nothing. We aren’t batting 1000. Im here to blog what I notice incase it makes sense in hindsight.
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salmand · 6 months
Hello, idk if you're aware of it atm but this donation post you reblogged is a scam. That user continuously remakes accounts using that same story, and almost the exact same wording, while pretending to be a different person each time: they don't need help, they aren't diabetic, and they don't need insulin. I have proof here. That user also blocked me & several other people after we called them out, then changed their url, and as you can see, now deactivated and will likely return with the same scam story.
Protip, if a user you've never interacted with suddenly follows you and/or comes into your inbox begging you to reblog their donation post of theirs or even directly asks you for money (often they'll ask for like hundreds of dollars while insisting its "not a lot", & will use the 😭🥺🙏😞 emojis in their ask), check their blog to see how old it is. If it's only a few days old, there's a 99.9999% chance it's a scam.
Thank you for telling me!!^^ I was supicious too and never really use this app that much, you could say Im really naive- Ill make sure I wont fall for it again.
Again, thank you for telling me^^
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faunusrights · 3 years
Murph, how can you say that you’ve been reading good Fiona fics and not include the links???
okay so. when i said good fiona fics. i meant like. primarily anything by @alexkablob and @mylordshesacactus because. COME ON. COME ON!!! their fic made me go from, like 'oh nice some friendly communist lesbians' when i saw the HH in canon to 'OH NICE??? SOME FRIENDLY COMMUNIST LESBIANS!!!' which like. you know. you Know.
i know there were a few others that were good sheep content but i'd have to re-stroll through ao3 and have a Gander to try and find em again (I DON'T USE AO3'S BOOKMARKING TOOL I KNOW I'M A CLOWN I JUST KEEP EXPECTING MY SWISS-CHEESE BRAIN TO RECALL THINGS) but tbh none of them made fiona as fuzzy as i'd prefer (she's a sheep faunus if anything that girl should be 99.9999% body hair and 0.0001 braincell i'm welsh i can attest to this) so i guess i will continue to write it myself hdgjshjfsk we must reach Ultimate Peak Bastard Sheep. and we begin with process with tummy fluff and constant thoughts of cute girls,
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Yet Another Blog PSA
Me, A Simple Digimon Adventures blog: * makes these banners * * like a year ago pre Kizuna because this has continued to be an issue *
* they are Basic I Know but I needed some way to get the points across *
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Like 99.9999% Of The People Who Have Tried To Follow Me (before I eventually attempt to softblock them / and/or unfollow/block for other reasons in my FAQ) Or Have Attempted To Force Interactions I Didn’t Want Or CONTINUE To Interact With My Contents ANYWAY:
* BREAKS THESE RULES in sOME [+EVENTUAL] WAY * [ * it’s typically the not Digimon specific rules more often bc ofc but * ] { * when it IS the Digimon specific rules I COULD SAY THINGS ----- }
[ * Does not apply to fans who have been kind & respectful. You guys rock!!! * DOES apply to people who think/CLAIM they’re being “respectful” while bombarding me &/or my mutuals with their Adventures Canon/Tri/Meiko hate (or hate for our other favs) I/we didn’t ask for ]
{ * If I followed you first or I’ve discussed the series with you positively you’re (mostly) fine, but, like I still have rules for interacting with me extensively and I appreciate them BEING RESPECTED } { this also goes for if you see contents of mine you want to reblog } [ MY RULES STILL APPLY IF YOU’RE REBLOGGING FROM ME. ]
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hollowhollowheart · 5 years
1/4 I think a lot of the people who were made very angry by your post is because there is a very loud and very “mainstream” trans lobby so to speak that advocate that homosexuality IS wrong and these people have large gsm media on their side. There are normal trans people who aren’t like this, but the momentum of things such as the cotton ceiling(pls look this up) means lesbians are getting stomped on and are sensitive
2/4 When there are quiet, normal trans women who respect homosexuality and understand that 99.9999% of lesbians are fundamentally incapable of finding them attractive, there’s no issue. When lesbians are being pressured by the Mainstream! community with conversion therapy tactics? When biology is being lauded as fake? There is absolutely an issue.
3/4 Instead of taking this interaction as “all radfems are rude transphobic harpies”, I implore you to look a little deeper into what is causing this strife. Look at the prominent leaders of trans organizations and the homophonic sentiment and sexual abuse they spit out. There are reasons for the anger here.
4/4 Lots of radfems or gender criticals are just women who were tired of being stepped on by identity politics and the rampant misogyny within it or are lesbians who were tired of being harassed. This is a complicated, painful issue that can’t be contained to one posts discourse. If you actually want to talk, ask me to pm you.
5/4 I’m sending these anon because I don’t want hate if my url gets out and I’m on the “wrong side of the discourse”. Please respect that. 👋
I completely understand the anger shown. I do not blame them for all the shit that they’re going through. I never said I don’t understand, I never said I wanted them to angrily defend their position on my post, which only wanted to start a conversation to create understanding. 
I never said “all radfems are rude transphobic harpies.” I don’t know where you got that from. I did say radfems are mean. If you look through the notes, all you see are people calling me homophobic, people calling me a dirty trans person, people thinking that I’m a rape apologist, or whatever. 
I looked through my innocent post one day, and saw people slandering me for whatever bullshit they thought I said. I’m apparently a dumb transgender person who thinks my opinion is right.
Almost no one took me seriously, when I asked for a discussion. I’m trying to understand. I don’t do well with yelling. But that’s what everyone did. They called me clueless, called me this, and that, and told me I knew nothing about the community.
Yeah! You’re right. I don’t know much. I just left my parents, just started to realize who I am. I’m trying to learn. But all I heard was hate.
Newsflash. Opinions are opinions. Here’s the truth: I’m currently questioning my sexuality after being convinced for years by my religious parents that I was straight. I know what homophobia feels like. I’m trying to understand the community that I suddenly realized I was a part of not even a year ago. I’m not transgender. I’m a questioning woman of color who suddenly realized that I’m not as straight as I had thought.
I want to understand. I think we all want to understand. I don’t mind you getting mad at people who are being mean to you. I don’t mind that at all. Believe in what you want to believe.
But getting mad doesn’t solve issues. It breaks down the community. Why are you calling people homophobes online as if it’s the only thing you’re doing? Why aren’t we focusing on real issues that affect people? Like gay people being murdered in not just other countries, but even in places like the United States. Trans people of color are being murdered almost constantly. Gay people are being oppressed in nations like Russia. There are real issues in the world here, not who’s going to sleep with someone else.
I’m not saying your issue isn’t real. I’m just saying that this inter-community issue seems to put all of us in Discomfort Central. We should be able to discuss our issues instead of yelling and calling everyone slurs. We should be able to respect trans people, especially their gender. Misgendering trans people incites violence, incites anger, makes it all worse. We should be able to respect radical beliefs, even if you think it’s a bit too radical. Calling them rude names, throwing around the d-slur, or whatever... that, too, incites anger, violence, makes everyone worse than it already is.
This is no longer discussion and trying to create an understanding. This is just mindless yelling that separates us even farther. Plus, people are yelling to “drop the T” or “take out the L” and all the yelling makes everyone tired, angry, upset...
I understand how these lesbians feel attacked. I understand. I also understand from trans friends that they’ve also encountered people who are both interested and not interested in them. It’s alright. It’s okay. But some people feel entitled. Okay. Cool. Figure that out between yourselves. There are some people that are on the other side of radfems that are extreme too. People that call everyone transphobes if they don’t understand. People that tell lesbians and gay people that their sexuality has to be this or else. Both sides are at fault here. Do not mistake this as a call to hate on radfems. 
But don’t you think talking calmly and bringing up points and trying to be nice... don’t you think that makes people a bit more empathetic, more able to reason with, and more understanding? I know some people have been disrespected due to these arguments. So will you battle fire with fire? Will you burn down the entire community? Put down your swords, your guns, your anger for a moment and realize that we’re all human beings.
We all deserve love and respect, whether you’re transgender or whether you’re a gay person who isn’t interested in trans people.  We all deserve respect, whether you’re a radfem or a libfem. All of us, we’re human beings. I love everyone in this world. My love has only one limit: those who spread hate and injustice.
Will you spread hate through a community that’s already been hated from outside of the community? What will you do when gay rights are challenged across the globe? What will you do? Continue to battle it out amongst yourselves, calling for trans rights, calling for lesbian rights, calling for whatever? There are no winners here. No one wins here. You are deluding yourselves if that’s what you think. 
I know people are still yelling at my post. In fact, I’m glad this is a sideblog so that I don’t have to see it on my main. People are saying stuff, but I don’t bother anymore. I understand. You feel attacked by my thoughts, as if I’m trying to convince you to sleep with trans people. Sure. Go ahead. I’m not paying attention anymore. But... maybe there’s a better way.
My motto was always to preach love and respect, even to those who you don’t understand, those who you don’t agree with. And I’ll continue that, with or without this blog. And I’m choosing without.
If you ever see this, no matter what you believe, know that I wish the best for you. Have a nice day.
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light-wolf · 6 years
Some of you might have noticed that I've posted some “questionable” art recently. This will probably continue. It won’t be very often and it’ll always be comparatively “tame” art, but if you don’t want to see half-naked furry dudes but still want to keep following me, I guess you can blacklist the tag “nsfw-ish” that I use in most of those cases.
There are multiple reasons for this change. First, it’s out of spite at Tumblr for purging all adult content and the shitty way they’ve handled it. Even if my blog has always been 99.9999% SFW, I’ve gotten lots of completely safe posts removed and I have no way to know what they were. I’ve always used my blog as an archive of all kinds of great content (that’s part of the reason I’m so obsessive with the tags) and it’s all a fucking mess right now.
Second, at this point everyone knows I’m gay and a furry and honestly I fucking love being a gay furry. I don’t have to be ashamed of the stuff I like or what I am. It doesn’t make sense to censor myself in my own fucking blog.
Don’t worry, I won’t post outright porn (even if Tumblr allowed it) or extremely suggestive stuff. But expect me to be a bit more permissive about the kind of stuff I reblog than what I’ve been in the past.
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Ok I don't know if anyone has gotten this idea too but: Remember when Hux said to Snoke that they couldn't loose the resistance cuz they were being tracked or something and after that it immediately gets cut to Finn.. So what if they're tracking them through Finn like a tiny tracker in him cuz he was a Stormtrooper😐 and what if Ben uses that to find them or Rey again😵😱
Hello, my Sweet Anon! If I remember correctly, the choice of words Hux uses in TLJ is “we have them tied on the end of a string.” To which Snoke replies, “end of a string, indeed.” However… he only says this when Kylo walks into the room, a smugness in his voice, as though Kylo’s presence impacts his words in some secretive way.
As to what this means, I can’t help but think of the Red String of Fate from Rian Johnson’s tweets—referencing the Asian myth of fated lovers destined by supernatural forces. So, I’m more privvy to that “string” meaning something else entirely (specifically, Rey and Kylo’s inevitable collision).
Now, I try not to answer questions non-Reylo based, because I want the content of this blog purely ship-grounded. But, since the Reylo content is in the above paragraph, I think I can now speak freely!
I’ve been reading the new fanfiction and have seen this kind of thing pop up from time to time; “that thing” being the idea of a tracking beacon attached to Finn.
However… there are a tad too many flaws with this idea. All of our answers can be found in TFA, where Finn last had contact with the First Order.
When Finn commits treason and crashes the TIE Fighter, Hux demands that a squad be sent “to the wreckage”. If Finn had a homing beacon, why send a squad to the decimated ship when they could simply follow Finn?
As far as the TIE fighters finding Niima Outpost, where Finn is, it would only make sense that they would target the nearest inhabited area in search for the droid—which, thanks to Unkar Plutt, has drawn some attention.
Another instance is Takodana. Now, while the theory is supported by Finn’s presence, there is also the matter of him being close to BB-8, the droid the First Order is looking for. And, he is one of the “two fugitives” Bala-Tik (Leader of the Guavian Death Gang) mentions. So, the First Order is DEFINITELY looking for him. Once on Takodana, Bazine Netal (the First Order Spy) alerts the droids presence in Maz’s Castle.
So, in both cases where the First Order had the chance to target Finn with EXPLICIT orders to do so, they relied solely on external resources like their TIE Fighter and spies. If Finn had a tracking device, then they would have used that, so our answer is that there is a 99.9999% chance that Finn does NOT contain a tracking device.
However, this won’t prevent the inevitable reunion of Ben and Rey. After all, why use Finn as a conduit when they already have a channel of communication? I say we wait and see, and watch as their intimacy continues to build as the series come to a heart stopping climax. Thank you for the interesting question, my Sweet Anon~
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brcckens-blog · 7 years
hi everyone! hope you’re well! this is a quick little mid-hiatus thing saying that i’m like 99.9999% sure i’m switching blogs, so, mutuals, if you’d like to continue on plots or want to follow me on my new blog, give this a like and i’ll follow you from there when it’s pretty much finished being set up.
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discovercreate · 8 years
Designing a Custom Wedding Dress with Whitney Bischoff
Hello again, brides! If you haven’t been able to tell, I’m a lady who loves to plan, but I can also be very indecisive at times. So when it came to selecting a wedding gown, the planner in me paired with my indecisiveness created a challenge. I could not wait to try on wedding dresses, but it didn’t go quite as planned. I’m so excited to share how I ended up with a custom designed wedding dress, and as always, thanks for following along this journey down the aisle.
Like so many of y’all reading, I had dreamt of this day for SO long. The only problem was that with every dress I tried on, there was just something not quite right; something I couldn’t pinpoint (cue the indecisiveness). I found a few dresses that were 99.9999% perfect, but I wanted something 100%. This is not a decision that I could make a mistake with, but it was also a decision that I did not want to wait too long to make (cue being a planner). Goodness gracious.
After hours of researching online and collecting photos that inspired me, I walked into Belle Vie Bridal Couture completely overwhelmed. I could not understand how any woman could say yes to just ONE dress! I felt as if I desired 10 dresses to encompass a little bit of everything I loved….strapless, long sleeved, ball gown, sleek, lace, beading, color…are y’all catching my drift? I loved everything!
But let’s be real, I’m a bride with a budget in mind, and I absolutely could not have 10 dresses. Thank goodness for Amanda Bonnell, owner of Belle Vie Bridal and the creative director at Audrey Grant. Amanda put my mind at ease and ensured me that with a little bit of trust, I could have it all, even with one dress – a custom designed dress.
Trust in your vendors is something I know I mentioned in last month’s post and I will continue to do so because it is of utmost importance when planning a wedding. Being the planner I am, there is no way I could have decided to design my own wedding gown without a designer who I could trust with my vision. Amanda took the time to listen to my likes and dislikes, look at ALL of the pictures I had saved, and after trying on a few dresses, she sketched for me a custom dress with all of my favorite attributes.
Being my own fit model has been such a once in a lifetime experience, and also gives me such peace of mind knowing that tweaks can easily be made. It’s been so amazing to witness Amanda working her magic throughout this process, and I absolutely cannot wait to see this dream gown come to fruition!
To all the brides who are on the journey to finding and/or designing their perfect gown, here is my advice:
If something seems off when you’re trying on a wedding gown, it probably is, so be sure to follow your intuition.
Designing is an art. Designers have a knowledge, expertise, and eye for details that you and I may not notice or understand.
Once you have decided to design your own gown, be sure to voice your opinion along the way. I can guarantee your designer will want you to be ecstatic about the final product and that you said yes to your one-of-a-kind, never duplicated dress.
Until next time!
xoxo, Whitney
Follow Whitney’s Wedding Journey
Engagement Photos | Planning a Domestic Destination Wedding
Photography: Carly Michelle Photography | Event Planning: Always Yours Events | Wedding Dress: Belle Vie Bridal
© Style Me Pretty, 2017. | Permalink | Comments | Add to del.icio.us Post tags: Blogger Bride, Celebrity, The Bachelor, Wedding Planning, Wedding Planning Carousel, Whitney Bischoff Post categories: Blogger Bride, The Blog, Wedding Resources
from Style Me Pretty http://ift.tt/2lAaav1
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mariaaamaaarquez · 5 years
Okay HI! 
Currently writing this 38065 feet in the air, its -62 degrees outside, and I am zooming at a happy 541 mph! Fun Times!!!! 
(PS- The first half of this was written on my flight back home from SD, the second half was written today.)
I know that while I was away for the weekend in San Diego I was LACKIN w the blogs but a bitch is back and better than ever.
Anyways lets start.
Todays post is one thats genuinely been on my mind so freaking much, its crazy.
I dont know what it is. idk if its family, friends, relationships, or what thats triggering it. 
(Or maybe its just that im a virgo and I hate when I dont get things my way.)
Im a big people person. I love people. I love being social and inviting towards others.
But sometimes thats a curse as much as it is a blessing.
Because sometimes, I create these images of people.
I’ll meet someone, and then based on how they act towards me, and the things they say, ill create this image of them in my head. But ive come to realize that when you first meet someone, its all butterflies, and rainbows- but when You really get to know them- when you get into the little crevices of their soul, and crack open their flaws and imperfections..
Thats when it gets me. Like reeeaallllyyy comes for me like a truck hitting me in the face. 
(or kinda like when you take a dab and you dont realize how big it is and then you realize but its too late and you start coughing like crazy ok yeah you get the point MOVINGGG ON)
The reason for it getting me is mostly because soon after getting to know people to a certain extent- shit changes. Some people maybe realize you aren’t the right person for them. But see I never notice that- I continue to try. And I dont even mean this just when im boy crazy- I mean it in general.
I continuously try and see the best in people. Which is so crazy to me because I have been hurt so many times (& counting) for letting myself continue to just see the best in people. You could throw a brick at my face and id still try and find a way to love you.
But would you do the same for me?
If I threw a brick at your face, would you still find ways to love me?
If I broke you
If I hurt you
The way you hurt me
Would you still find ways to love me?
You wouldn’t.
And see thats what im tryna get at here. I am so good at forgiving, 
(dont get me wrong tho bc I dont forget) 
but its so easy for me to get hurt that way.
If a boy is giving me the same signals the last one did, and the last one broke my heart- what makes me think this one is different?
If a girl-friend was jealous of me and did everything she could to make me feel worse about myself than I already do- what makes me think I can trust the next one with my whole life story?
Seriously- I wonder I wonder I wonder,
What makes me think things are going to be different?
And as far as my family goes? Theres always something, no matter how much energy I put in, its never reciprocated back to me.
Its been like that a lot recently.
Dont get me wrong, im a very firm believer on the fact that people that are meant to be in your life WILL be in your life. 
I dont like forcing shit.
I dont like people doing a half ass job at maintaining a friendship, or relationship with me.
Im tired of it.
I know I deserve better.
Shit, I deserve the fucking world.
I deserve people that would go to the edge of the fucking universe if they had to for me.
Not no half ass only hit you when they’re bored or need something type of people.
My birthday’s coming up.
The bigggg eighteen.
There was a plan- a whoooole exciting ass plan
But now?
Do I even want to?
The vibe isn’t the same, with anyone
I dont wanna feel like I have to get drunk or high in order to have a god time with these people anymore.
I want to be able to say these are my people and this is why I am here.
But lately ive been getting such half ass energy I dont even wanna deal with it anymore.
I dont wanna be that girl.
The girl that goes away for college and goes completely ghost on everyone for the next four years- or maybe doesn’t even come back.
But right now,
Thats what its looking like.
Its kind of like that whole “people only miss you when you’re gone” type of shit (obviously im not dying but you get the point)
Will you miss me?
Will it even matter?
Doesn’t seem like it.
Its shitty, but its eye opening. 
Extremely fucking eye opening.
If my walls could talk, they’d be some of the saddest happy walls of all time. They’ve seen the face time calls, the movie nights with ex boo thangs or girl friends, all of it. 
Like have any of you ever thought about that? If your walls in your room could talk- what would they ask you about? WHO would they ask you about? 
“What happened to this person?”
“Did you just stop talking?”
“Weren’t you best friends?”
“ok seriously get out of bed”
Lmao that last one was just a funny relatable one that my walls would 99.9999% say to me if they could talk lmao-but all of the above as well sisters.
But if they did talk- I KNOW they’d know exactly what I mean about this energy one. Like seriously they’d probably think im stupid as fuck for always putting my 110% into people that won’t do the same for me.
there are certain people- certain friendships
that I would give my life for.
I would put myself in jeopardy for these people.
and one specific one has been on my mind lately 
and I would blow up my entire life for her.
matter of fact- I already did.
she is my backbone and my rock- and I value her so much.
she's the one that could throw a brick at my face and id still find ways to love her, and lately my energy has been off with her.
not anymore. 
no more lies
no more secrets
and it could mean im risking it all
risking her
risking other people
and risking myself
but I leave in three weeks, and someone like her?
I will never find someone like her
she is a light
she is a beauty
she is a ball of life
waiting for her time to come
so she can shine as bright as the sun
she is amazing
and I would take a million bullets for her if I had to
and just like that, as my phone blows up- the truth has come out,
and the energy, will forever be unmatched. 
fuck em’.
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10 Sexy Texts That Will Make Him Fall In Love
Guys are often seen as stoic, silent creatures who “don’t want to talk about it.” If my coaching client calls tell me anything, it’s that a lot of women struggle with getting their guy to open up about his feelings.
Like I’ve said in my past blog posts, men are often taught at an early age that losing their cool (i.e. showing emotions) is a sign of weakness.
It might seem like we’re the unreadable Sphinx, but the truth is that we do have a soft and gooey center – if you know how to get to it.
(I just realized that sounds a bit gross…)
But the hidden, private part of him is reserved for that special woman in our life.
If you can crack the secret code to make him open up, he’ll know you’re “The One“.
Text messaging is one of the ways you can tell a guy that you’re the right girl for him – but indirectly.
Men are known for communicating in a straight-to-the-point, let’s-not-beat-around-the-bush kind of way.
But not when it comes to dating and romance…
He won’t say it (or even be consciously aware of it), but your guy is always be up for a nice, steamy session of text flirting. He lives for the thrill of the chase.
And beating around the bush is, in fact, a GOOD thing for both of you.
Considering the way a guy’s brain is wired, sending him a well-crafted text message is just like throwing a match into a gunpowder.
Yes, your man is a powder keg of love (and lust!) that’s just waiting for a chance to explode. Here are 10 of the best text messages to light his fuse:
#1: “My mind’s been running wild with naughty, naughty thoughts all day…and it’s all your fault”
Just like you, men want to be WANTED.
Most women want men to acknowledge their beauty and personality, but your typical guy is after a more sensual kind of longing.
Desire begets desire.
Your man needs to know that he’s running through your mind harder than a triathlete gunning for the gold medal.
When he’s aware that you’re ALSO thinking of him in an R-rated kind of way, you’ll create a feedback loop that’s directly wired into a primal part of his brain.
Naturally, he’ll push you to elaborate on what you just told him – the next step is to supply him with one detail at a time.
EXAMPLE: “I was thinking of the weight of your body pressing against me.”
After you’ve texted back and forth for a while, wrap things up by saying “I’d love to keep this going, but I have to get back to work (or any other reason of your choice).”
You want to end it – and leave him wanting more.
Then, finish it off with:
“Besides, I’d rather continue this conversation face to face… I’ll let you count the minutes until then :)”
How detailed you want to get is up to you. But if your conversations at this point aren’t getting sexy yet, I suggest keeping the tone suggestive rather than using actual explicit words…for now.
#2: “I’m feeling like FedEx right now…because I’m interested in a certain package of yours ;)”
Did you just indirectly reference a part of his anatomy?
Yeah you did – and he’ll love you for it.
Let me be totally blunt with you – a red-blooded man loves it when his woman “wants his biz“.
The thought of a girl craving his manhood is all it takes to get him firing on all cylinders.
A man derives a BIG part of his masculinity from this part of himself, so he’ll feel extremely gratified knowing that you want him in this very specific way.
Yet another flirty text – #3: “Nothing sounds better than hearing you say my name when you _________. I’ll just let you fill in the blank :)”
Never underestimate the power of a horny man’s imagination. We’re first and foremost visual creatures, so give our mind’s eye something to work with.
We’re tantalized by what we can’t (or want to) see. Give your guy’s mind an excuse to work overtime, and he’ll create the perfect image to burn into his brain.
By letting him “fill in the blank”, you’re basically giving him a free pass to picture the two of you in the dirtiest situation he can imagine.
Trust me, he’ll want to fill in those blanks in more ways than one… if you know what I mean.
Try this text – #4: “Wanted: sexy, handsome guy to supply love-starved girl with a steady shower of kisses. Generous perks and benefits await qualified candidates.”
Send this separately: “Only one spot open…let me know if you’re interested.”
Pro tip: Your text messages don’t always have to read like a page out of “Fifty Shades of Grey”.
You don’t have to sound like an erotica author all the time, and he’ll appreciate you mixing it up with a little levity. Also known as FUN.
As much as he appreciates the raunchy stuff, shifting gears every now and then keeps you from being too “intense”. A dash of humor will break up the monotony, give him a nice chuckle and STILL keep the sexy vibe going.
(Oh, and feel free to customize this “sexy ad” text with your own “job description”.)
A good girlfriend knows how to tickle his funny bone…along with the other parts of his body.
Super texting – #5: “I was just thinking about the sounds we make when we’re alone together. It’s like a song stuck in my head and I can’t think of anything else.”
Guys aren’t just turned on by visuals. Supplying his brain with the right soundtrack is just as powerful and will complement his dirty daydreams.
Use audio and engage his senses…
#6: “I need to hear you say my name…especially when it’s out LOUD and you’re out of breath.”
As with the last text, planting strategic “audio clips” will have a HUGE effect on him – sometimes even more than the pictures in his head.
Give your guy the best snippets from the last time you got physical with him, and he’ll be craving you so much that it hurts.
#7: “Licking a lollipop right now, and I can’t stop thinking of you for some reason. I can’t put my finger on it…maybe you should come over and help me figure out why.”
And we’re back to visuals! I’ll admit some guys can be dense, but 99.9999% of men will immediately understand this text.
Trust me, this is one metaphor that WON’T fly over his head.
#8: “Just thinking about the way your tongue feels against my skin…great, now I need to freshen up down south… Care to help?”
Yeah, this one’s self-explanatory, so make sure you’re ready for what happens next when you fire off this little gem.
#9: “It’s freezing here and I’ve buried myself under a bunch of blankets. Not wearing anything was probably a wrong move.”
Not all sexy texts have to be graphic. In some cases, less is more and implying nakedness is a good way to pull this off.
Remember, sexual desire is like gravity…sometimes all you need is a little push and the rest takes care of itself.
Keep it to hints as much as you can. Guys like dirty when you’re WITH him, but they prefer imagination when you’re not.
#10: “I’m playing film critic today and found a movie online…but it’s a porn flick. Wanna watch it with me? Your input would be highly appreciated.”
“Playful” is the operative word when it comes to texting a man. Inviting him to watch porn is a guy’s secret wish, so you get extra points by being creative about it.
Of course, choose something that you genuinely DO want to watch.
Most of the time, turning him on boils down to a matter of pointing his mind in the direction you want. Give him the right material, and he’ll run with it.
You probably know by now that it doesn’t take much to get him started.
While sending him the right text messages is a step in the right direction, it’s only ONE PART of that special combination that will unlock his heart.
And by “combination”, I mean cultivating certain behaviors, attitudes and habits that speak to your man in a way no other woman can.
If you want to be THAT girl in your guy’s life, I’ve found a way to simplify the process and take you to the quickest path to his heart.
For instance, did you know that you need to know how to match his connection style?
I’ve prepared a short video that will explain what his connection style is – and why it’s critical you know this about him.
This is the missing piece in the love puzzle that a lot of women miss – and this often spells the difference between staying together and splitting up.
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mialipsky-blog · 8 years
Designing a Custom Wedding Dress with Whitney Bischoff
Hello again, brides! If you haven’t been able to tell, I’m a lady who loves to plan, but I can also be very indecisive at times. So when it came to selecting a wedding gown, the planner in me paired with my indecisiveness created a challenge. I could not wait to try on wedding dresses, but it didn’t go quite as planned. I’m so excited to share how I ended up with a custom designed wedding dress, and as always, thanks for following along this journey down the aisle.
Like so many of y’all reading, I had dreamt of this day for SO long. The only problem was that with every dress I tried on, there was just something not quite right; something I couldn’t pinpoint (cue the indecisiveness). I found a few dresses that were 99.9999% perfect, but I wanted something 100%. This is not a decision that I could make a mistake with, but it was also a decision that I did not want to wait too long to make (cue being a planner). Goodness gracious.
After hours of researching online and collecting photos that inspired me, I walked into Belle Vie Bridal Couture completely overwhelmed. I could not understand how any woman could say yes to just ONE dress! I felt as if I desired 10 dresses to encompass a little bit of everything I loved….strapless, long sleeved, ball gown, sleek, lace, beading, color…are y’all catching my drift? I loved everything!
But let’s be real, I’m a bride with a budget in mind, and I absolutely could not have 10 dresses. Thank goodness for Amanda Bonnell, owner of Belle Vie Bridal and the creative director at Audrey Grant. Amanda put my mind at ease and ensured me that with a little bit of trust, I could have it all, even with one dress – a custom designed dress.
Trust in your vendors is something I know I mentioned in last month’s post and I will continue to do so because it is of utmost importance when planning a wedding. Being the planner I am, there is no way I could have decided to design my own wedding gown without a designer who I could trust with my vision. Amanda took the time to listen to my likes and dislikes, look at ALL of the pictures I had saved, and after trying on a few dresses, she sketched for me a custom dress with all of my favorite attributes.
Being my own fit model has been such a once in a lifetime experience, and also gives me such peace of mind knowing that tweaks can easily be made. It’s been so amazing to witness Amanda working her magic throughout this process, and I absolutely cannot wait to see this dream gown come to fruition!
To all the brides who are on the journey to finding and/or designing their perfect gown, here is my advice:
If something seems off when you’re trying on a wedding gown, it probably is, so be sure to follow your intuition.
Designing is an art. Designers have a knowledge, expertise, and eye for details that you and I may not notice or understand.
Once you have decided to design your own gown, be sure to voice your opinion along the way. I can guarantee your designer will want you to be ecstatic about the final product and that you said yes to your one-of-a-kind, never duplicated dress.
Until next time!
xoxo, Whitney
Follow Whitney’s Wedding Journey
Engagement Photos | Planning a Domestic Destination Wedding
Photography: Carly Michelle Photography | Event Planning: Always Yours Events | Wedding Dress: Belle Vie Bridal
© Style Me Pretty, 2017. | Permalink | 1 comment | Add to del.icio.us Post tags: Blogger Bride, Celebrity, The Bachelor, Wedding Planning, Wedding Planning Carousel, Whitney Bischoff Post categories: Blogger Bride, The Blog, Wedding Resources
Designing a Custom Wedding Dress with Whitney Bischoff published first on their blog to my feed
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samboine123 · 8 years
Designing a Custom Wedding Dress with Whitney Bischoff
Hello again, brides! If you haven’t been able to tell, I’m a lady who loves to plan, but I can also be very indecisive at times. So when it came to selecting a wedding gown, the planner in me paired with my indecisiveness created a challenge. I could not wait to try on wedding dresses, but it didn’t go quite as planned. I’m so excited to share how I ended up with a custom designed wedding dress, and as always, thanks for following along this journey down the aisle.
Like so many of y’all reading, I had dreamt of this day for SO long. The only problem was that with every dress I tried on, there was just something not quite right; something I couldn’t pinpoint (cue the indecisiveness). I found a few dresses that were 99.9999% perfect, but I wanted something 100%. This is not a decision that I could make a mistake with, but it was also a decision that I did not want to wait too long to make (cue being a planner). Goodness gracious.
After hours of researching online and collecting photos that inspired me, I walked into Belle Vie Bridal Couture completely overwhelmed. I could not understand how any woman could say yes to just ONE dress! I felt as if I desired 10 dresses to encompass a little bit of everything I loved….strapless, long sleeved, ball gown, sleek, lace, beading, color…are y’all catching my drift? I loved everything!
But let’s be real, I’m a bride with a budget in mind, and I absolutely could not have 10 dresses. Thank goodness for Amanda Bonnell, owner of Belle Vie Bridal and the creative director at Audrey Grant. Amanda put my mind at ease and ensured me that with a little bit of trust, I could have it all, even with one dress – a custom designed dress.
Trust in your vendors is something I know I mentioned in last month’s post and I will continue to do so because it is of utmost importance when planning a wedding. Being the planner I am, there is no way I could have decided to design my own wedding gown without a designer who I could trust with my vision. Amanda took the time to listen to my likes and dislikes, look at ALL of the pictures I had saved, and after trying on a few dresses, she sketched for me a custom dress with all of my favorite attributes.
Being my own fit model has been such a once in a lifetime experience, and also gives me such peace of mind knowing that tweaks can easily be made. It’s been so amazing to witness Amanda working her magic throughout this process, and I absolutely cannot wait to see this dream gown come to fruition!
To all the brides who are on the journey to finding and/or designing their perfect gown, here is my advice:
If something seems off when you’re trying on a wedding gown, it probably is, so be sure to follow your intuition.
Designing is an art. Designers have a knowledge, expertise, and eye for details that you and I may not notice or understand.
Once you have decided to design your own gown, be sure to voice your opinion along the way. I can guarantee your designer will want you to be ecstatic about the final product and that you said yes to your one-of-a-kind, never duplicated dress.
Until next time!
xoxo, Whitney
Follow Whitney’s Wedding Journey
Engagement Photos | Planning a Domestic Destination Wedding
Photography: Carly Michelle Photography | Event Planning: Always Yours Events | Wedding Dress: Belle Vie Bridal
© Style Me Pretty, 2017. | Permalink | Comments | Add to del.icio.us Post tags: Blogger Bride, Celebrity, The Bachelor, Wedding Planning, Wedding Planning Carousel, Whitney Bischoff Post categories: Blogger Bride, The Blog, Wedding Resources
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