stonecoldmeme · 1 year
What if . . . Prompto witnessed Noctis take his final breath at the end of the game before dawn came again ?
What If..? Scenarios | accepting but slowwwww
He didn't-- He didn't know why, he didn't know--
Their numbers were starting to dwindle. The daemons. They were still fighting, yeah, but he noticed it on reloading. A few less emerged from the shadow on the ground each time a new wave came, and then...
"You guys got this." He'd already turned to sprint up the stairs, just knowing. It was a feeling in his gut, it was an instinct he couldn't define, didn't understand, didn't want to understand, it was--
Prompto had no memory of the elevator ride. Little memory of the direction he sprinted in, but he knew, he knew where to go, he knew where Noct was, he knew...
And in some ways, he also knew what he'd find. It wasn't like they hadn't been told. At the campfire. Like he didn't try his best to hold in the sadness and the rage and smile.
Like the weak smile that greeted him after he'd managed to take the stairs three, four at a time, managed to face the throne and-- It--
Noct. He couldn't say it. The... the sword through his chest. The look on his face, the...
He smiled. One more moment. Smiled at him, and then his eyes just sort of...
So did Prompto. Falling to his knees at his king's feet. Laying his head in his best friend's lap. Sobbing for--
More. More than that. More.
He didn't feel the warmth of the sunlight on his back.
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madeimpact · 1 year
Because I think you could have some fun with it : Vanitas
Kin assign me || @rexelectus
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HAHAGDGSJGDJ I might as well collect all the Soras while I'm at it!! Kiddo was honestly doomed by the narrative and he deserves another shot. I could see myself giving him that while also enjoying another outlet to be a little fucked up and evil now and then
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novuscaelum · 1 year
Would you rather eat vegetables only until you turn 18 but never have homework, or have endless homework but you can eat whatever you want until you turn 18?
That was quite a predicament but Novus already had an answer for Noctis. "Vegetables. Uncle Ignis says that seasoning does wonders so I'll stick with those instead of homework."
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writtenxbeginnings · 1 year
Posting for the Starter Call from rexelectus
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    "Hey, Noct!” Prompto threw himself back on his friends - on his kings - bed, his legs kicking back and forth as he waited for the reply, a small huff of breath leaving his lips. He knew things were going to be different once Luna and Noct got married, he wasn’t upset about that. What he was bummed about was the fact that it felt like he never got time with his friend anymore. Between being busy with the kingdom, and his own family? It was hard for the pair to get together for more than meeting about the Crownsguard, or when Prompto had to come pull Gladio out to dinner instead of spending another night training. Giant, jerky lug. “Come onnn, please tell me you’re free today?”
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“You stayed…” (Regis)
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--- The coming of death paints his face, the wrinkles around his eyes more dark and brows furrowed with lines of worry and fear carved into them. It had been a long time since he had feared the loss of someone he loved so dearly. This was his son. His pride and joy. The last good thing he ever did. "Of course I did," He smiles but his eyes are wet with unshred tears. "you're my boy." Regis' hand moves strands of hair from Noctis' forehead. "I'll battle the Hells themselves just to make sure you're okay." His boy. His son. The Father's eyes soften.
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tenebriism · 1 year
Ship Bias: Ignis
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Ignis x Gladiolus (the camera pans, slowly, towards @strictomiles , with a sign above her head that says ' It's My Fault. ' )
Ignis x Noctis, OBVIOUSLY.
Ignis x Ravus.
Ignis x Cindy
Ignis x Prompto
Honorary mention of Ignis x Gilmore because of Rissa again. They were literally made for each other and I quickly became obsessed with them.
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sanguineate · 2 years
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@rexelectus. → unprompted ask.
" If you could count the flower petals as the rose dies , are you dying with it . . . or is it living beyond you ?"
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❛   that's   a   loaded   question   ,   don't   you   think   ??   ❜ stil   ,   it's   one   cassius   actually   has   to   think   about   for   a   moment.   immortality   had   somewhat   skewed   his   perception   of   death   ,   cassius   finds   ,   it's   difficult   to   think   about   it   when   he's   been  so   distant   from   it   for   millenia   .   one   hand   reaches   out   to   trace   the   petals   of   a   nearby   flower   in   a   vase   as   he   thinks   ,   carefully   choosing   his   words.
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❛   the   simple   answer   is   neither   ,   i   think.   you   simply   become   a   spectator   to   death.   the   philosophical   answer   you   want   is   that   the   rose   lives   on   ,   dying   only   when   you   forget   about   it.   ❜ 
a   beat   of   pause. 
❛   people   are   much   the   same   ,   if   you   think   about   it.   ❜
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
Would you be surprised to learn that you've been on my mind?"
Reassuring Starters [accepting]
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The comment draws a laugh out of Luna, who is deftly fixing the collar of Noctis’ shirt. Her husband’s brand of affection is one she can never tire of - for as shy as he seems at times, he has always been so unabashed when they are alone. Not a bit afraid or ashamed of his feelings. It is a delight.
 ❝The city of Altissia has adorned herself in lights and colour to charm her visitors, and you manage to be equally as charming with a single sentence. Bravo, dear Noctis.❞
 This brief respite from their duty is well-earned, and to pass it up would have been downright criminal. Lunafreya had been hearing about this carnival ever since she was a child, but it never fell on a convenient day to visit. Until she mentioned it offhandedly to her husband - then suddenly, their schedules magically aligned to give them an entire week to themselves in Altissia. 
 It is like a second honeymoon, almost. Free from the neverending demands of their crown, to indulge one another without the threat of another emergency making itself known any second. And thus, when she utters with such sincerity, she is relaxed and unhurried, for she has all week to make her point. 
 ❝I cannot tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to this. Oh, the carnival will be fun, I am sure - but it is your undivided attention I shall treasure most. Every time you look at me with those eyes, I feel I love you a little more.❞
 She punctuates her words with a gentle kiss, before grabbing his hand in a seemingly sudden burst of energy. ❝Now, let’s go! I hear they have those big cardboard pictures you put your face in - and some themed sweets, too!❞
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nerdynanny · 1 year
🕯️ (for Ignis 💛)
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
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"I hope he understands why I did what I did. Someone had to stop Ardyn-- I wasn't about to let that be him. If protecting Noctis costs me everything, I am happy to pay that price. My life for my Prince. For my friend. For my brother."
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ofmoonlily · 1 year
❤️ *sets this here and yeets*
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Send ❤️ if you want to ship but are too shy to ask | Accepting | @rexelectus
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DUDE. LEts fuckin GOOOO!! Noct and Yunie would be a really cute ship ;n;
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valiisthea · 1 year
🍦 💛
Ice Cream Compliments! || Always Accepting
@rexelectus !
I love your writing! And you've been ever so kind and thoughtful during our plotting process, even with me having fallen off the edge of the planet. I love how open you are to trying just about anything, and I really love seeing you and your replies on my dash!!! You're incredible!
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madeimpact · 1 year
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novuscaelum · 1 year
Does Novus have a Sword and Shield? If yes, what are their names/personalities?
Oooh, that's a good question! There were some interactions that I did a while ago where Zack from FF7 was Novus's shield but other than that I haven't really thought about it honestly. Might have to start thinking about that more...
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writtenxbeginnings · 1 year
💿 {For Aulea}
Answering from this meme
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"For one so small, you seem so strong. My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm. This bond between us can't be broken. I will be here don't you cry." The words were soft, sung under her breath as she looked at her boy, knowing who he was destined to be. Who he already was. And it broke her heart, knowing she wouldn't be there to see it all.
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@rexelectus liked for a regis starter!
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"-- You do realize you have to eat your vegetables one day." Regis watched as his son moved yet another lettuce leaf from his plate to the side. Although he spoke, Regis couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his lips. "What if they only serve you salad? Can you imagine? The future King slayed by a leaf."
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tenebriism · 1 year
And -- the plate has fallen off the table . Whether it made it to the ground or not , Noctis does not care . He blinked at his love [ [ i n n o c e n t l y ] ] then sipped from his water glass . He may be single when this is done , but it is not his fault that he has been fed the forbidden food .
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" . . . "
Don't mind him. Just . . . revisiting his wine collection. It has been quite some time, after all, and wine tends to get awfully lonely if neglected for an extended period. As such, a few HEARTY glasses may be in the cards for tonight.
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