mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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Mukuro's Kitsune Abilities
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— Human ( default ) - Either with or without her vulpine features ( ears and her four tails ). When they're hidden, the ears and tails could still be seen on her through reflections of herself and will come out when she's drunk or completely relaxed around a person.
— Small fox - pink and white fur with little black tips on her ears, four tails. standard fox size.
— Medium(?) fox - think the proportions of the maned wolf but with Mukuro's color scheme lol she takes this form for shits and giggles mostly.
— Large fox - about the size of single family home, uses this size strictly for intimidation and for when she wants to end a battle quickly or need to escape/run quickly.
— Other people/creatures - Mukuro can take the complete form of another being, so long as she's seen them ( and can mimic their voice perfectly if she's heard them ) This is a short term transformation since that tends to drain a lot of her energy to maintain the image of someone else. Max time is maybe about four ( 4 ) hours ( an hour for each tail ).
— Inanimate Objects - Much like the above, Mukuro can temporary turn into things for the sake of hiding. Same time duration as the above ability.
Other Abilities:
— Illusions - mainly used to confuse people for escape or if she's feeling malicious enough, to torture people. Can be something as simple as just fake copies of herself / weapons to even images of her victims' loved ones.
— Enhanced Night Vision - ability to see clearly in the dark
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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— everyone needs to know that mukuro in almost every sort of jrpg/rpg/fantasy verse absolutely is wearing this outfit, or something equivalent to it, unless stated otherwise lol
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
‘‘Then please, find a seat and I shall be with you shortly.’‘
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Going to greet the owner, he spent a little bit of time chatting with them before going to join Mukuro. Luna seeming very much satisfied now that she had gotten her usual snack, Oliver set down a large plate of cookies for them. He wasn’t joking when he said this was the usual time for them to be finished. ‘‘Here, I got us a little something.’‘
Mukuro gave a small nod when told to find a seat, and she did just that, picking a spot that was right next to the shops large windows。 And it was from that spot that Mukuro could get a good view of the interior as well as comfortably watch the people pass by the window。
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When she heard footsteps approaching, Mukuro's attention turned from watching the world outside, to Oliver and the plate he had set down。 The scent the cookies gave off were warm and fresh, a tell-tale sign of being out of the oven not to long ago。
「Oh~ you were right, these are super fresh。 Thank you,」 Mukuro spoke as she took one of the cookies on the plate, feeling the cookie squish a little in her grasp before she took a bite and a loud hum of delight rumbled out of her throat。
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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— kitsune!mukuro absolutely loves this
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
Seal that kitsune! She's going to destroy everything!
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「You gotta catch me first, a-hole, I'm gonna bite everyone AND everything! Nothing and no one is gonna be safe from these chompers!」
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【 unprompted asks 】 ♡ 【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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Sayaka wrapped her arm around Mukuro’s waist, smiling up happily at her. “I love you mommy!”
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A soft smile grew on Mukuro's lips as Sayaka's arms wrapped around her。
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「And I love you too~」
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【 unprompted asks 】 ♡ 【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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"You're cute, but you need to be a bit more hot to satisfy me." Trie smirked, shrugging at the little fox.
(To Kitsune!Mukuro)
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Mukuro says nothing at first, just squints at him。 Sure, the statement he made was a normal one to make。。。 probably。 Although, she would have asked some questions if he thought of her hot while she was in this small fox form。
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「I'll show you hot,」 she states before darting forward and。。。 bites his leg!
She has a hold of his leg and will not let go!
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【 unprompted asks 】 ♡ 【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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Here he was, wondering where in the world he'd wandered into- leave it to the cities to confuse country bumpkins and religious travelers, especially those of relatively isolated lifestyles like monks.
Yonezu was, of course, someone that fit the bill, given the way he idly stumbled to and fro places that caught his eyes- not quite like a tourist taking in sights, but more so a confused and very lost visitor trying to identify any landmarks that might guide his way.
Until he walked straight into Mukuro.
For her, it was completely obvious that he wasn't human- the nine fluffy tails and the ears poking out of his head gave that away. Yet everyone else didn't seem to notice...
"Oof- my apologies, I wasn't paying attention- are you o... kay..."
But the way he looked at her, first into her eyes, then down at her chest, then back up again... it wasn't like he was seeing her, but more as though he saw through her. As if Mukuro was just a window for whatever he saw within...
"You're... you're very special, aren't you...? Oh goodness, that's a terrible way to greet someone- I'm Yonezu, miss. Please, if it's alright, I'd like to learn more about you! I'm searching for someone and I need help, and I think you're just the kind of individual I'm looking for!"
The way his tails swayed excitedly, and that hopeful gleam in his eye- whatever he saw in her, its given him encouragement to seek her out...
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  Mukuro first noticed someone wandering around like this was a whole new experience, it wasn’t touristy-like behavior, to her it just looked like pure confusion。 THEN she took note of the ears and tail he sported,  and a quick glance of their surroundings told her that no one else seemed to see them, an interesting observation really, because Mukuro felt whenever she had her ears and tails out, people took note of them quite quickly。
  She didn’t really make any movements when he began to walk in her direction and then eventually ran straight into her。What also was interesting was the way that he looked at her, or rather through her, watching him with her eyebrows raised in interest, especially after the next thing that he said。
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「I suppose so,」 Mukuro remarked, either in response to his statement on how that was a terrible way to greet someone or the comment about her being very special, or ( most likely the correct answer ) rather both of them。「I’m Mukuro, and sure -- I could help you out, although I don’t really do free work。」
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【 unprompted asks 】                      ♡                    【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
2023 Wday submission from Sesshomaru
Hiyah, as per custom, it’s time for white day after Valentine’s Day. Do with this as you will like with last month. Hope you like! [submitting early in case you’d like time to respond to it]
Sesshomaru had waited at a designated spot in a public park for the kitsune to arrive. A couple days prior, a message was left at her home in the form of a traveling paper talisman controlled by one of the spellcasters in the Gumi.
The Talisman, once it had located Mukuro, would ‘poof’ away into smoke and in its place leave a note, requesting for her to come to the park at a specific place to meet for a brief moment. The requested date to meet being the 14th of March, a date that no native of East Asia would miss.
He’d heard that Valentine’s day was celebrated differently in European nations, but in Asia, women normally gave gifts on Valentine’s day to friends, family, and acquaintances alike, and the recipients would return the favor the following month on White day.
The gifts were white and did not necessarily have to be a consumable good. Having lived through the many centuries, Sesshomaru was well aware of the human customs, and he saw fit to follow the traditions as to be respectful.
When Mukuro arrived, he first hands her a small box containing marshmallows.
He’d gone out around the Western part of Japan (out of old habit) and had come across a store which sold some interesting marshmallow treats fashioned to look like cute animals. Though they did not make foxes, he requested a meeting with the owner of the store and put in a special request for them to specially make marshmallows in the form of a fox.
To pay homage to the receiver, he’d asked for pink elements to be added to the marshmallow foxes, keeping the majority of their color scheme white as to conform to the color theme the gifts should abide by.
As Mukuro had given him an edible gift along with a suit to wear, he had also prepared a secondary gift for her.
In a small, slender box held a kanzashi. The hair stick variety, to be specific rather than the kind one fashions into their hair like an ornament.
The hair stick variety was more useful in the sense it served a practical purpose, it was more apt for everyday use, and in case of emergency, it could be used as a stabbing weapon. With her profession, a hair stick styled kanzashi was more useful.
“It is made of sterling silver. The lilies at the end were carved out of white jade.”
White jades are lucky stones, and they are known for the power to make one feel calm and peaceful. It was also known for giving the owner luck whether it came to health, love, or business.
Perhaps the image of innocence and purity didn’t quite suit Mukuro, they did fit the color scheme. If one considered her general knowledge of Demon society, one could consider her ‘innocent,’ and that was the definition he went with- not that he had explained any of his reasonings behind the gifts.
He had answers prepared if she should ask, but otherwise, he planned on keeping such things to himself.
“These are White day gifts in return for the Valentine Day gifts you’ve presented me last month.”
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Honestly, Mukuro had forgotten about White Day, having been a bit out of touch with giving someone a Valentine’s Day gift and getting something in return。 So when she had gotten that message, not only was Mukuro just surprised at being given a message, Mukuro didn’t know what it was going to be about until she saw something about White Day being advertised and she finally recognized the date on the calendar。
And still, Mukuro couldn’t hold back her initial surprise when she was handed a little box。
Taking care to open it, her eyes did light up at the small fox-shaped marshmallow treats that were also colored similarly to what she looked like when she was in her fox form。
When she was given the second gift of the hair pins, Mukuro couldn’t help but let out a small gasp at the item。
「It’s so beautiful,」there was a bright, genuine smile on her lips as she spoke, these looked almost too pretty to wear but she’d make sure that she would find some opportunity to wear them。
「Lilies are my favorite flower。。。」 Mukuro couldn’t help but say out loud, she knew he probably didn’t know that, and the reason he chose it was probably because of the color scheme as well as just how even she considered herself innocent in the terms of Demon society。
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「Thank you so much, I really love them〜!」
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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((To Kitsune!Mukuro))
I know you could eviscerate me, but... [can hold it back no longer] FUCKING HELL, YOU'RE ADORABLE!!! YOUR FUR LOOKS SO SOFT AND SHINY AND FLUFFY~
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「Damn right I can~ This isn't even my final form too~」
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「And thank you~! You can look but you can't touch!」
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【 unprompted asks 】 ♡ 【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
【 @fangsofdestruction​ 】
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  Now this。。。 wasn’t what Mukuro was expecting, she’s turned this particular corner dozens of times before, or at least, she’s pretty sure she has。 Not only was she now faced with a mansion she hadn’t come across before now, but there was something。。。 odd about the place。 It wasn’t the same sort of。。。 vibe that she got with the human abodes, this one was more powerful, if she had to describe it。 But this was the way she was directed to go, but what started as a bit of a stake-out assassin job now turned to。。。 well, whatever the hell is happening now。
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  Mukuro was on high alert as she’d begin to traverse a little deeper into the compound, and over time the sense became more and more familiar to her。 They were yōkai, like her。 Which now made her even more curious as to how she only found out about this now。
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                                                                               【 starter for Sesshomaru 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 3 years
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"Poor thing, and I just swept the area for traps yesterday. Such cruelty towards sweet creatures like you...allow me to help you out."
Kneeling down next to the trapped fox, Oliver made sure his movements were slow to avoid startling the poor thing. Careful just in case it would bite, slowly he freed it from that awful trap. Wrapping it up in a towel, the fox got a few gentle pets from him. How anyone could put out such awful traps, leaving them to suffer for who knows how long.
If he found the bastards that put out the traps, he'd break their damn legs for making these sweet critters suffer.
"Such a beauty. I'll take you home with me, make sure to care for you until you're healed. Don't worry little one, you'll be better again soon enough."
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  Moments like these really demonstrated just how, even with how smart Mukuro normally portrayed herself, she still had lapses in judgement。 At least this the snare traps Mukuro had encountered up until know were just used with a tough rope, but this one she stumbled upon was a bit more cruel since a thin wire was used。 Thankfully, Mukuro’s leg was what tripped the trap, so there was a sharp wire wrapped tightly around her leg and not her neck。
  She had grown exhausted of crying out for help, not wanting to do that too much in case the hunters would show up instead of someone able to help。 No matter how much magical ability she had, she couldn’t get out of traps like these, not when they hurt this badly。 So when she heard someone beginning to approach, Mukuro was ready to hunch down as much as she could to remain hidden just in case it was someone unfavorable, ears tucked tightly down and fear was really visible in her eyes as she carefully watched the man approach。
  Her normal light pink fur was dirty and grimy from both dirty and dried blood from the trap so she appeared more like a normal dusty brown/red fox。
  When Mukuro realized that the man meant no harm to her and was helping her out of the trap she relaxed more and, as much as she’d like to, she couldn’t really run away, not with the wound she had。 So she just remained as small as she could, wrapping herself into a little ball until he got a towel wrapped around her。 Mukuro couldn’t stop the small trembles that went through her body, both in fear as well as relief as she was being carried away。
  She wouldn’t speak just yet, so she’d just let out a little sniffle as she buried herself more into the towel he wrapped around her。
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【 unprompted 】                            ♡                             【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 3 years
fox!mukuro getting caught in a trap: haha oh no step bro~
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a few seconds later: haha no but for real someone get me out of here
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mcmcntomorii-later · 3 years
                                                                                        【 starter for kazuto 】
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  Mukuro always found herself drawn to peculiar individuals, she never knew how or why this came to be。 Perhaps it could be total coincidence or maybe there was actually something in whoever she felt drawn to。 So that’s why she found herself in front of this man, looking up at him from her small, pink fox form。
  There was a particular scent to him, death being the strongest。
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「You are。。。 a mercenary?」 Mukuro questions softly, her head tilting slightly。 「May I hire you?」
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                         【 @lost-chronicles​ 】 ❤‘d for a 【 starter 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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🌹 - Levi, Mammon, Ushio and Junichi
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「Really〜? I’m so happy to hear that〜!」
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【 if your muse thinks mine if beautiful 】             ♡               【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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‘Bathing in Nature’
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  Being this far away from civilization, one had to make due with what they could, so that’s was the reason as to why Mukuro found herself bathing in a river。 At first, it was just to get seek some relief from having ran about the forest in her fox form, but as soon as she dipped her feet in the water in her human form, Mukuro decided to do more than just dip her feet in。
  In the midst of her bathing, she heard something nearby, freezing her actions, Mukuro looked towards the source of the noise, eyes narrowing slightly。
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「I know you’re out there, you’ll make yourself known if you know what's good for you,」 Mukuro called out on high alert。
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【 catch mukuro bathing an a lake/river 】              ♡              【 accepting 】
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