mcmcntomorii-later · 1 year
“You could blind those who look too much.” Whether it remained a secret or not, or whether he was serious or joking about the blinding, wasn’t relevant to his plans, only the continued usage of it by her. If she was committed to this path then that was a foregone conclusion. 
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“When you have need of me, call my name and I shall be there.” It was better than his old summoning call anyway. For too elaborate, and that was coming from him.
She didn't know whether to laugh or groan at his response to her query。 It was hard for her to tell if what he said was meant to be taken as a joke or not, so Mukuro will just go with taking it as a joke and so a light airy chuckle was brought out of her。
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「Fine, I guess I could do that。」 Mukuro says with a soft laugh, and when he told her how he could be summoned should she need him, Mukuro gave a nod。 For a second, Mukuro debated on telling the raunchy joke that instantly came to mind, she probably shouldn't tell it given how little they knew of each other but。。。 what the hell, why not。
「I'll keep that in mind, especially should I need a name to moan in the dead of night。」
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theredengineapologist · 10 months
Call me Randy (he/him). I decided to re-watch Thomas and Friends for the first time in 18+ years and now I want a space to Trainrot (tm). Expect shitposts, humanized fanart (drawn by yours truly), fanart reblogs, and the occasional analysis on recent episodes I watched.
Please be aware that I am an adult (23 years old) and that some of my posts contain content unsuitable for children. This includes, but is not limited to:
Coarse language (aka cussing)
Horror art (Tagged appropriately as #tw horror and other relevant tags)
Suggestive content (Nothing explicit tho (yet), and all tagged appropriately)
Please use your own discretion before following me.
Also in case it wasn't obvious, my favorite character is ✨James✨.
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Key: Blue = Complete, Green = In Progress, Yellow = Not Seen
[HIT ERA (SEASON 8-11): INCOMPLETE (Seen "Henry and the Wishing Tree", "Spic and Span", "Edward the Great", "Saving Edward", "Keeping Up With James", "James the Second Best", "Dirty Work", "Thomas and the Big Bang", and "Edward and the Mail"]
[BRENNER ERA (SEASON 17-21): INCOMPLETE, Partially Seen S17 (Eps 1-4 plus "Henry's Hero", "The Thomas Way", "The Frozen Turntable", "Away from the Sea", "Gone Fishing", and "No More Mr. Nice Engine"), Finished S18 - S20]
[BWBA ERA (SEASON 22-24)]: INCOMPLETE (Seen "Hunt the Truck" and "School of Duck")]
[TTTE MOVIES: SEEN "The Adventure Begins", "The Great Race", "Journey Beyond Sodor", "Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure", and "Tale of the Brave"]
Have a Splendid day ❤
General Tags:
#redengineposts = All Posts made by Yours Truly 😈
#redengineart = ❤ My Art ❤
#redenginepolls = Silly Polls that I have Made 🥰
#poll results = The Results of Polls I made
#trains irl = Real life trains/engines/locomotives! In the real world!
#reblog = Things reblogged from other Tumblrs 🙃
#queue queue b*tches = Things from Le Queue
Art Tags:
#redengineart = ❤ My Art ❤
#TTTE: Sudrian Boys = All things related to my own TTTE Humanized AU
#Into the Trainverse = Posts crossing over between my humanized TTTE and that of other creators
Writing Tags:
#TTTE: Sudrian Boys = All things related to my own TTTE Humanized AU
#randys headcanons = My headcanons relating to TTTE
#randys trainfics = Fanfics I have written for TTTE
#on today's episode of "thinking too hard about trains"... = General thoughts about the Thomas and Friends TV show 🚂
#ttte first impressions = My first impressions of TTTE episodes as I watch them
#ttte episode review = My reviews, discussions, and/or general thoughts about TTTE episodes
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mugiwara--ya · 7 months
heyyy hi a little life/med update !!
ive been super super busy these past couple weeks w a ton of socialization etc and ngl i think i burned myself out lol last night after we got back home from a con (and the bar stop after it) i had a massive shutdown that lasted hours and im still reeling from it, but ANYWAYS!! med update med update wooo
so! on top of the lifesaving bupropion ive been taking all year & the eszopiclone for sleep i finally !! got put on something for my ocd, lets give it up for fluoxetine to join my beautiful, beautiful cocktail, mwah 💖💝💗💕💞💓
i know it supposedly takes a few weeks to fully Work but im already feeling a MASSIVE difference right off the bat, like yesterday i was at the mall and i ✨ touched the escalator's handrail ✨ i was literally so excited i kept looking at my hand going yoooooo im DOING it im making it HAPPEN like even my friends congratulated me on it kdsfjhakjg it felt silly but massive at the same time lol and of course i still immediately disinfected my hands but the important thing is that I Did It
and idk its like!!! i knew it was BAD like especially these past few months its been just. VIOLENTLY out of control but god the absolute relief ive been feeling is making me feel like i was still grossly underestimating it, it had completely taken over my life. right now its like, i encounter any random trigger and i brace myself for the anxiety spiral to come and then it DOESN'T and its so ??? like i still have The Thought but then i just go "ok" and dismiss it like an annoying notification and thats IT, while the last time i was on therapy i literally described my ocd as having hundreds of those cymbal-banging monkey toys of different sizes just sitting there in my brain Waiting and every single time i got triggered one of them would start losing its absolute shit - for example if im at the supermarket, on top of the everything about existing as an autistic person at the supermarket, thered be like a dozen of them constantly going ALERT ALERT CONTAMINATION CONTAMINATION EEK EEK DANGER DANGER BANG BANG BANG- and now the monkeys r GONE. get turned into mostly-dismissable phone notifs, idiots !!!!!!!!!
the only monkey im willingly keeping!!!!! is the low poly 3d model of monkey d. luffy constantly rotating in my brain <3 kfngskjdfs
also like i still do like, say, my cleaning rituals when i get back home, but idk i just. i feel Normal about it?? like calmly wiping my phone bc phones r Gross and not bc i literally see a green film of Germs And Various Pathogens enveloping it lol. anddd i havent been attacked by violent intrusive thoughts in a minute !! lets see if it stays that way. im generally super sensitive to medications too so im on low doses of everything and i wanna keep it like that lol so heres to hoping it keeps goin like this so i dont have to up my dose 8)
uhh thats about it ! having a bit of Personal Issues tm at the moment tho but im so relieved abt my ocd i kinda have the bandwidth to deal with them lol. i prolly jus need some sleep quiet and to not be perceived by anyone for a solid week.
in other lighter and unrelated news my queue is completely empty rn so it'll be just a liiiittle quiet around here for a bit but ! yeah. also i just watched the latest op anime episode and urhgrhghrghrgh it was so good hhh <3333 so yah if you read this whole thing i am giving you a little kiss on the forehead, mwah, hope you have a great week !!
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breathplayed · 11 months
17, 29, 48, & 55 😁🫖
oh u GOT me got me lets go
(17) what is your favorite line you’ve ever written? babe plz this one is too hard..... there's too many...... I HAVE 920K WORDS ON AO3 AND ~50K INCOMING I DONT EVEN REMEMBER THEM ALL......... uuhhhhhhhh ok ok ill try to narrow a few down. it's all gonna be recent tho bc that's what i remember most + i have rly been indulging myself stylistically as of late lmao
for just ~pretty language~ my favorites rn are
"Jimin is almost too pretty to mar with mortal hands, but Jungkook finds desecration is half the fun when his hands slip lower" (folie à trois)
"Some floodgate inside him has broken, the last bastion of resistance crumbled, and now he’s a drowning man in the dead waters" (folie à trois)
“I love you,” he whimpers into Taehyung’s kiss like a prayer. Too devout; Taehyung’s hands and lips pause. Jimin’s own lip is already trembling, caught, so he lets the confessional spill like it’s the last Sunday he’ll ever see." (the losing game ch17)
"[Taehyung] used to dream, sometimes, after Jimin was gone, that he was holding him again, that he could crack open Jimin's ribcage and crawl inside to make a home beside his heart before they burned together." (the losing game ch5)
"Sometimes—in his darkest moments, on his worst nights—Jimin dreams about Taehyung carving over each and every one of his scars. Creating clean new edges to each of them, prying fingers in the wound to be as close as possible, rewriting their memories and meanings with a jagged, almost unbearable intimacy." (the losing game ch17)
"The graves we dig ourselves are often the deepest." (the graves we dig..... now thats a real throwback huh)
there's too much i could say for dialogue but.... i'm super fond of the hurtful conversations present!vmin have in tlg (especially ch14, i reread that a lot), ignite the stars ch5 (also reread that a lot), and also i love pretty much everything that comes out of taehyung's mouth in folie à trois lol
(29) give us a spoiler for one of your stories. answered here, but since this one could be answered multiple times i'll bite......... my queue tag ("i'm glad it was queue") is a play on one of my favorite lines in all of tlg that i have been excited about getting to for yeaaaarrrssss. no one but me knows the line yet (or how hurtful its context is) bc it's in one of the final chapters hehehe but it's "i'm glad it was you" ..... :')
(48) do you reread your own stories? the answer to this used to be a strong NO!!!! but that has actually changed in the last two years! i don't rly reread anything older (my writing style has changed so much + there's things i'd change about older fics esp <2020 so it's not an enjoyable experience to me, i'd just fret over editing it) but there's some newer fics i reread bc they are So written to my own taste. i think i really improved a lot getting to write a bunch in lockdown lol + started caring less about whether ppl liked the fic and just wrote for ✨Me✨ so several of those recent fics i'm happy with and do reread sometimes like a stupid idiot narcissus
The ones i've reread the most are "sit, stay" + "sea legs" + favorite parts of "ignite the stars" and my favorite parts of "the losing game". the other scattered pwp's since 2020 have gotten reread about twice each. and i recently reread WBIO for the first time since writing it in early 2020!!! mixed feelings on that one bc i felt like i would change some parts of it if i wrote it today but that's a sign ur growing and improving i suppose
(55) do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them? oh i have so fucking many 'WIPs' it's not even funny. there's probably like ~12 completely bullet point outlined medium length / longfics in my docs down to exact dialogue i'd write, and dozens more fic attempts that have a whole plot and ending. bc as soon as i come up with an idea i already immediately know how i want it to end. which gives me way too many Plot Bunnies that are viable to be turned into fics!!!!! two years ago i made a list of every idea i thought should at least see the light of day in threadfic form if not an actual fic and it came out to 30 fics lol (and that was cutting it down to the essentials)
the thing is, very few of my WIPs are ever 'abandoned' in my mind, it's more like... i put them in my mental freezer. on hold / on ice. and some of them are closer to the front and get taken out and rotated around and worked on more often, while others are shoved to the far back of the freezer as i say "i'll make that someday" and forget it exists til the next time im reminded of it. there's only a few that i'd actually toss in the trash (aka truly abandon and never work on again).
the ones that are definitely abandoned in that i know i dont Want to write them are all on the more domestic romcom side (think like 'meaner than mean' or 'i like us like this') i know people like those but they're the hardest thing for me to write, those were the most annoyed i've ever felt while writing, i would literally groan out loud working on them, i am rly only happy writing conflict/angst or pwp lol
tbh, if i were to be realistic with myself, i'd say most of these wip's are 'abandoned' in that i probably will never get around to finishing them. but i dont want to call them abandoned because i do like the plots, and think ppl would like them, and want to share them!!! i just think they would suck / not be fun to write. Maybe Someday i will do an archival effort and work on translating as many of them as i can into threadfic form so they see the light of day in some format and are no longer abandoned to rot in my docs... bc there's no way that most of them are ever going to be written the way i wish i could do them justice :') and then i can abandon them knowing that ppl at least got to read a vague outline of what could have been
fun fact: i opened the aforementioned list of all these ideas to count and on one of them, a fic i've been poking at since 2018, i have the note "finish this or die" next to it. guess i know which one i've picked atp 🪦
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lil-melody-moon · 4 months
hmm lets say The Doors - Soft Parade for the album ask game?? ✨ (underrated yes it isss)
Oh Gosh, the one album by them that I didn't buy and I don't want it - although there are some good tracks, but I usually don't listen to it. I actually had to listen to it again to give you answers, so without further ado <3
1. Favourite and least favourite track?
"Runnin' Blue" would be my favorite. I don't know, it's just so catchy, plus the intro always gets me. Morrison just sings without any instruments, his voice makes wonders to me <3
Now to the least favorite, I thought I will go with "Do It", but Densmore's drumming is fantastic in this one, so nope. So I will go with "Wishful Sinful" then. It's too much of an orchestral piece, just doesn't fit in and it's kind of boring to me on the long run. I never skipped it, because I don't listen to this album often, but like, boring in the long run XD
2. Side A or B? (for later releases: first half or second half; for doubles: A, B, C or D?)
Oh, definitely side B and that includes: "Wild Child", "Runnin' Blue", "Wishful Sinful" and "The Soft Parade". Excluding "Wishful Sinful", this side has almost all of my favorite tracks on this album <3
3. Thoughts on the cover art/packaging?
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It's nothing special, like comparing it to the third album, for example, it ain't nothing special. Maybe if the band was a lot closer it would be better, but like, I don't know. Even the font isn't good. You just gotta look at any other album of theirs and the covers are better XD
4. Are any of the tracks important/meaningful to you? Why?
I don't think there are any? Wait, let me read the lyrics XD Nope, there aren't any, I think I like those few songs for the melody and Jim's voice mostly <3
5. When did you first hear the album?
Oh God, was it when I just listened to all of their album at one day? It was definitely around December 2022. 22nd of December - my mom's birthday! It was when I've decided to listen to one album of their per day. Just one listen to get the general feel. It was when I was getting into older music, just before my obsession with The Doors truly started.
6. Have your thoughts on the album changed since you first heard it?
Oh yeah, they did. I was just getting used to their sound and you know, this album is far different from the rest and I liked it quite a lot, just to then realize that it's boring in the long run and doesn't have the feeling that for example "Waiting For The Sun" or "L.A. Woman" brings in when I listen to them. So the opinion went from "Hey, this is good!" to "Eh, I can live without it".
7. Are you a fan of other works by the artist/in the genre?
Of course! "Waiting For The Sun" is my favorite The Doors album. I have this one certain day during each month when I listen to it and feel myself calming down while each song plays. "Love Street", "Summer's Almost Gone", "Wintertime Love", "Yes, The River Knows", "Five To One" those are the few I'm mad about - I love "Yes, The River Knows" so much that I learned how to play the vocal melody on classic guitar <3 You can only imagine how happy I was when I've saw it at the record store. I took it without any thoughts, just bought it right away!
8. A lyric you like from the album
Definitely the intro to "Runnin' Blue"
Poor Otis dead and gone Left me here to sing his song Pretty little girl with the red dress on Poor Otis dead and gone
It's just so catchy, the rest of the song is wacky in a way, but like the line "Pretty little girl with the red dress on" is so well done, it just gets into your ear and doesn't want to leave, you know
9. How did you discover the album?
Been listening to one The Doors album per day and I just played it because it was the next in queue. Nothing much of a big discovery I know, but what can you do? XD
10. Do you own/would you like to own a physical copy of the album?
I had like two chances to get it at the record store and even if I thought about buying it, seeing it there for the first time, there's always another album I want more. Plus, I think I can live without it. I mean, I only have to get the first The Doors album to have all of them at home that I like. So yeah, I don't want it that much.
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spookyloversong · 4 months
The Fintech Revolution: How Technology is Shaping Financial Services 🌐💼
Hey there, Tumblr fam! Let's talk about the whirlwind of change that technology has brought to the financial services industry. Strap in, because it's been quite the ride! 🚀💰
🔍 Breaking Down Barriers: Gone are the days of waiting in long queues at the bank or filling out mountains of paperwork. Technology has smashed through these barriers, offering us the convenience of managing our finances with just a few taps on our smartphones. 💻📱
💳 From Cash to Cashless: Remember when carrying cash was the norm? Now, we're living in a world where contactless payments and digital wallets reign supreme. Thanks to technology, transactions have become faster, safer, and more seamless than ever before. 💳✨
📈 Empowering Investors: Investing used to be a privilege reserved for the wealthy or well-connected. But with the rise of fintech, anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection can dip their toes into the world of stocks, cryptocurrencies, and more. It's like having a personal finance advisor in your pocket! 💼💡
🛡️ Fortifying Security: As technology advances, so do the methods of cybercriminals. But fear not! The financial services industry has responded with robust cybersecurity measures to protect our sensitive information. It's a constant game of cat and mouse, but our defenses are stronger than ever. 🔒🛡️
💰 Financial Inclusion for All: Technology has paved the way for financial inclusion, bringing banking services to underserved communities around the globe. Whether it's mobile banking in rural areas or microloans for small businesses, fintech is bridging the gap and creating opportunities for everyone. 🌍💸
📊 Data-Driven Insights: Big data is the name of the game, and the financial services industry is playing it like a pro. With the help of technology, companies can analyze massive amounts of data to gain insights into customer behavior, market trends, and risk management. It's like having a crystal ball for predicting the future of finance! 🔍📊
So there you have it, folks! Technology has transformed the financial services industry in ways we never thought possible. From digital payments to data analytics, the fintech revolution is here to stay. 💥💼
0 notes
✨maybe one where sirius breaks out of azkaban and goes on a mad quest to bring james back to life. He looks into ancient rituals (he decides on the one medea used to trick those girls into killing their dad- a boiling potion you throw the dead thing into and they come out young and very much alive. (In the myth it worked the first time but she made a fake one for the dad but whatever)) queue some grave robbing: and sirius, a genius, does manage to pull it off! But he makes a mistake and james is 12 years older than when he died (which works out nicely) and james is having issues recalling anyone besides sirius. With maybe some gentle sirius caring for james (who is pretty much uselessly weak for a while)
Sirius looked through the bars out onto the ocean. Azkaban was a shithole. He felt like he didn't belong here in the same breath that he knew he deserved some sort of punishment for bungling up everything so bad. James, dead. Harry, off with Hagrid and wherever Dumbledore had sent him-- Sirius didn't think for a second that Hagrid had been allowed to take Harry in, anymore than they would've let Remus.
If he'd done what he should have and stayed with Harry, he wouldn't be in here, but he'd been blinded by grief. It had been months, but thinking about it still made his heart clench painfully and tears well in his eyes. If he'd been there with James, like he was supposed to be and was always meant to be, they would've been able to get away; James would still be alive.
James would be alive.
He wished there was something he could do. The waves crashed against the building. Sirius wondered what it would be like to feel it for real instead of getting the undefined wetness that came into his cell from the wind.
He'd give anything to see James again, just to see his smile one more time.
Another wave crashed into the building, bringing with it the thought: well, why not? Why couldn't Sirius see him one more time? Why couldn't he bring him back? There was nothing stopping him from trying. He was in Azkaban, and that was stopping him for now but he could get out; he was an animagus, it wouldn't be that hard to get out with the vast majority of guards being dementors-- dementors, who didn't have eyes or brains and he already knew couldn't tell that he was even there when he was Padfoot.
He'd stayed in Azkaban because he felt he deserved it for failing James. He never left because the only reason he had to get out was Harry. But even if he could find Harry, he wouldn't be able to raise him when he was on the run from the law and what kind of life would that be for a kid?
Sirius shifted into Padfoot. The dementors that had been hovering nearby, feeding off of his newfound hope drifted away. They couldn't get anything from him like this, so there was no point in lingering when they could drain the will to live from some other poor sod.
But he couldn't linger on that, so he slipped through the bars. 'Slipped' was a bit of a euphemism. He had to press and wriggle and twist to force his way out. The bars were close together, but they weren't the main thing keeping the inmates in their cells. That didn't mean they were easy to get through, but he managed it. His desire to get out was far stronger than their ability to keep him in. Once free of his cell, he had to be careful not to get spotted by any of the human guards. The dementors passed by him like he wasn't there, but another wizard would know something was wrong the second they saw him. They might think he was a Grim instead of an animagus, which would be kind of funny actually, but he still didn't want to risk it. Anything that made them look closer was bad for him.
It would take them a little bit to figure out he was gone, and he'd need every second of that time. First, he had to swim to shore, then he had to find his way to a Black property. Grimmauld Place was probably where his mother was still living, but the others should all be uninhabited. Disowned he might be, but the wards were keyed to blood, and whether he liked it or not, he was a Black by blood and nothing could change that. Usually, he didn't like that, but this time, it was going to come in handy. He'd read plenty of restricted books as a child, all of them found in the family libraries.
He reached the end of an open hallway, sighed, then took a running jump into the water. This would be the easy part, and he couldn't hesitate. It was only going to get more difficult from here, and if he wavered so soon, he'd never succeed. Finding the right ritual would be ridiculously difficult, but he was sure that performing it wouldn't be a piece of cake either. He took that jump and decided that he wasn't going to look back. He wasn't going to second guess this decision; he couldn't afford to.
Myths and legends had more power than people liked to think. So many of them were fake stories that the whole lot had been thrown out by most wizards. 
Fortunately, Sirius paid attention, and he knew magic. Potions might not be his forte, but he understood rituals like no one else. It's why it had been so easy for him to become an animagus despite the fact that everyone said the process was supposed to be incredibly difficult. Rituals required prolonged attention. They required focus. Even finding the appropriate ritual for a person's situation took perseverance, and weeded out most of the people that wouldn't be able to complete the ritual properly.
Sirius was not one of those people. He knew what he was doing. He was thorough, he did his research, and he had nothing but time on his hands. There were things he wanted to get done, but none of them were half as important as getting this done. As soon as he got James back, he could worry about the rest.
He could try to get his name cleared, he could find Harry and offer him whatever help he could, and he could see about finding a real place to live because Black properties could be worse, but they still weren't places he wanted to stay. Too much history, and far too many bad memories of when he'd been stuck with them full time. Eventually, he'd have to find a new place to stay, but that wouldn't matter until after he got James back.
He read all the stories they had on resurrection and healing. He read the commentaries that they had, because of course there were commentaries-- the Black's were a lot of things, and at least half of those were opinionated.
Sirius knew what he was looking for, and while he wanted to make really sure before he started, he had an inkling that he'd found it after he read the myth. Medea. The exact details in the myth differed based on edition, but Sirius knew that it was what he needed. Medea took an old ram and killed it. She stripped the bones clean and rubbed them with a salve. Then she threw them into a potion, added a few more ingredients, and the same ram appeared only young and healthy.
In the myth, Medea did it to trick people into killing their father because she couldn't afford to get more blood on her hands. The children killed their father and tried to resurrect him by throwing the bits of him into the same potion that Medea had used, but it didn't work; they didn't follow the proper steps, so their father remained dead (and Medea got what she wanted, but that part wasn't as important to Sirius).
The potion ingredients were important-- as they always were-- but for something like this, he thought there was a little bit of wiggle room. If he got the right properties and did it in the correct order, it should work, even if he didn't get the exact same potion ingredients. Still, the closer he could get, the better his chances of success.
So he did his research, he scoured through books, and he hunted around for the ingredients that he needed.
Medea had been the child of a god, so she'd been able to bring back a ram that she had no particular attachment to. Sirius was only human, and he'd read enough musings from Black ancestors that he was convinced this would work because James was important to him. It wasn't enough that Sirius loved him, he needed to be the single most important person in the world to him, and he was. Devotion. It was a key component in the ritual. That, at least, he could guarantee he had correct. Granted, Medea's goal had been different, her devotion aimed elsewhere, but Sirius knew that he had this part correct. For the rest of it, there was a chance that there was an alternative that might be more accurate to the original, but he wasn't sure. he couldn't be sure. Medea hadn't exactly written out the instructions for how to do this properly.
The two most important physical ingredients weren't going to be a walk in the park. First, James's remains. He was going to have to go dig them up. Grave robbing left a sick feeling in his stomach, and he'd need to be careful not to get caught. If he got caught stealing someone's corpse, it would be worse than if he simply got thrown back in Azkaban. Wizards had strict rules about disturbing the dead. Killing a dozen muggles would pale in comparison to that, in their minds. Not that Sirius had killed anyone, but still. Second, Sirius's blood. He needed a lot of it, and he wasn't really sure how to get it out. He was more worried about stealing James's body though. The thought of drawing blood out of himself wasn't fun, but it didn't have the societal attitude towards it that grave robbing did.
He didn't want to disturb James's grave. It seemed so disrespectful. This was his best friend, his everything, and he was about to dig up his body and use it in an experiment. He knew it wasn't that simple, that this wasn't merely an experiment or something he was doing on a whim. He knew that James would forgive him in a second if it worked, but if it didn't work and he did this, then what would be the bright side?
He brushed those thoughts away as he turned into Padfoot and headed for Godric's Hollow. Doubt would lead to failure, and he couldn't fail.
Rituals were messy. Merlin, why were they so messy? There were fluids everywhere, feathers sticking to the side of the wall where they didn't need to be, and Sirius had sweated through his clothes two hours ago. He'd started the ritual this morning, and once he started, he couldn't stop, not if he wanted it to succeed. The air smelled strongly of lavender, and he couldn't air out the room because he needed it to be saturated.
His stomach growled in hunger but he ignored it. He was close. He was so close. Magic buzzed around the room like lightning on a low burn, letting him know that he had done everything right so far. The cauldron bubbled in the center of the room, keeping it uncomfortably warm. He rubbed sweat from his face with the edge of his shirt, but the shirt was already moist so it didn't do much.
Moment of truth, he thought, reaching for James's bones. He'd rubbed the salve into them earlier, letting them steep, and now they looked pink from the mixture. He tipped the bones into the cauldron, hissing in pain when a splash of boiling water hit his arm. He shook it off, reached for the bowl that held the final ingredients, and threw them on top.
For two heart stopping seconds, nothing happened. Sirius watched the herbs swirl in the water as they seemingly had no reaction to the potion.
Then, with a rumble like thunder, it worked. The level of liquid in the cauldron sank low, the fire underneath put itself out, and moments later, James was there, falling to the floor like he'd been pushed from over the edge of the massive pot.
"James," he breathed, then rushed over to help him.
He looked up at Sirius and smiled. He didn't have his glasses or clothes at all, and the only worrying thing about that was how thin he was. Sirius must've gotten something in the ritual wrong, because he didn't look as healthy as he should have. But he was alive and smiling at Sirius like he always had. "Hey." He glanced around them, taking in the mess that had been made of the room-- not that Sirius cared how bad the room or he himself looked because it had worked. "What happened?"
Sirius was too choked up to speak, so he just shook his head and pulled James into a hug. He didn't bother to try and keep the tears at bay. James was back. He was alive, he was okay, and that was a sodding miracle.
"I have a son?" James asked, frowning.
"Yeah, Harry. You don't remember him?"
He shook his head.
"It's okay. The ritual didn't exactly have a manual, it's not wonder I messed up. I'm sure your memory will come back," Sirius said, and it wasn't an empty platitude. He did think that James's memories would come back. He might've bungled up the ritual a bit, but he hadn't gotten it that wrong. James was too thin and his memory was pretty spotty when it came to everything other than Sirius, but he was already starting to recover. He was keeping all his food down, even if it didn't look like he'd started gaining weight yet. The first day-- after a very long nap-- he hadn't been able to remember any of their friends, but earlier today, he'd mentioned Moony being a werewolf, so clearly he'd made some progress without Sirius having to tell him stories to trigger any memories.
"I think you did a pretty good job," James said, which was so very James. He always comforted Sirius. Always told him that it wasn't that bad when he buggered up, always was there for him. It was no wonder that Sirius had fallen to pieces when James wasn't there anymore. He hadn't been able to breathe without him.
"What are you doing?" Sirius asked, and James froze, taking on a distinct deer in the headlights look.
"Erm. Nothing?"
"Uh-huh, that's what it looks like," Sirius said dryly.
He was half out of bed, in spite of the fact that he wasn't strong enough to try and walk anywhere on his own. When Sirius caught him, he shuffled back into bed. Or at least, he tried to. Sirius went over to help him. He wasn't uncoordinated, he was just weak. James had made progress, even if he seemed to think it wasn't good enough. He didn't need help eating anymore, but he had when he'd first gotten back.
"Thanks," James muttered after Sirius helped him get comfortable.
Sirius glanced at him. "Something wrong?"
"Don't you hate this?"
"Hate what?"
"Helping me all the time," James said. "I can't do anything without you. Doesn't it bother you?"
"No. You were dead, and now you're back. There's pretty much nothing I wouldn't do for you. Helping you when you need it is nothing. Besides, you'd do the same for me, if the positions were reversed. Don't even try to pretend that you wouldn't; I know better," Sirius said with a grin.
"Of course I'd do it for you."
"Then what's so hard to believe about this?"
"It's not hard to believe," James said, making a face. "It's... different. We used to be the same, you know? We were equal."
"We're still equal," Sirius said.
"It doesn't feel equal."
"You just need help," Sirius said, covering James's hands with his own. "Everyone needs help sometimes. Like when you're well enough that we can go get Harry. You think I could raise him on my own?"
Sirius rolled his eyes. "You're not helping me prove my point."
"No, no I get what you're saying," James said. He turned his hand over so he could give Sirius's fingers a small squeeze. "I just wanted to get the magazine over there. I thought that if I took it slow, I'd be able to get it, and then when you came in, you could see that I was able to do it on my own, and you'd stop worrying as much."
"I'm never going to stop worrying about you," Sirius said. That hadn't always been true, but it was now. James could've come back to life perfectly healthy, and Sirius would be just as worried as he currently was. James had died. He knew what it was like to lose him, and he wasn't going to take it for granted.
Sirius helped James into the tub, then reached for a bottle.
"Why'd you do it?" James asked as Sirius lathered shampoo into his hair.
"Do what?"
"Go after Peter. Killing him wouldn't have made you feel better."
"You think so?" Sirius asked neutrally.
"You were in pain. You were grieving. Revenge doesn't make the pain go away, and it wouldn't have brought me back."
"You will notice that after I escaped Azkaban, I worked on bringing you back instead of revenge."
"You got angry," James surmised.
"Of course I was angry. Tip your head back."
James did, and Sirius started to rinse his hair. "I just mean that when I'm involved and you get angry, you can't think. I used to feel guilty for that, you know?"
"Why would you feel guilty?"
"I thought it was my fault. That I'd done something to make you like me more, and so you didn't care about other people." James chuckled. "Then I realized that I was in love with you, and it turned out you were in love with me too, so I stopped worrying about it as much. Love is..."
"Powerful," Sirius supplied, and James hummed in agreement. "It's how I knew Medea's myth was the right one. She did it for love."
"If I call you a sap, are you going to pour cold water on me?"
James grinned. "Sap."
"How rude!" Sirius gasped. "Betrayed in my own home."
"In your own washroom, even. I'm positively evil," James said.
"Yeah, you look real evil." Sirius leaned down and pressed a kiss to his wet forehead. "Ferocious, even." 
"How could I not with my own Medea taking care of me?" 
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shinsoups · 3 years
thanks for tagging ella ✨ @kirakirasaku
tagging: @chibishae34 @lovelytarou @mjoork @brazil-hinata @kanbayashis @starsakura17 @tangerinefluff @ everyone who wants to join
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Why did you choose your url? coz of bokuto's famous hey hey hey (just inserted my name on the last hey haha)
Any sideblogs? this is my side blog :) my main is @howcanisey and i have a doodle archive @sey-doodles
How long have you been on tumblr? been here since 2011? but this sideblog is already one year old yey
Do you have a queue tag? yes...it's days gone q sometimes it just says on q hehe
Why did you start your blog in the first place? always wanted to start an anime sideblog and i dont wanna annoy the people who follow my kpop blog with anime content and vice versa so here we are
Why did you choose your icon? kuroo cutie
Why did you choose your header? aizawa is a mood
What’s your post with the most notes? ohh probably this one? the jjk comic haha
How many followers do you have? 1.2k (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ thank you for enduring my messy blog hahaha
How many people do you follow? around 200? if its the anime content but total of 300+ if i'll count the blogs i follow for the kpop contents :))
Have you ever made a shitpost? go check my sey rambles tag haha yeah i think i do that a lot
How often do you use tumblr? i used to be here for more than 8hours a day in total? but now im just checking in and out like 3-4 times per day?
Did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? nah i keep all the hate inside me or just unfollow them ahahha jk i dont like fighting/arguing.
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this post”? usually i ignore them because im here to have a good time. sometimes i reblog stuff coz i like to get myself educated about whats going on
Do you like tag games? yes. especially picrews i enjoy the cool art styles also mix and matching of what i look like haha
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? ohh im not sure if you can call us mutuals 🥺 since i barely interact with people here but there are some blogs who i know are big/famous coz they're content creators and i see them a lot too with nice contents. i think most of them create gifs and arts :)) tbh i feel shy seeing them follow my blog (♡˙︶˙♡)
Do you have a crush on a mutual? i dont know how to feel about this question but i love all the blogs i follow :) ❤
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mcmcntomorii-later · 1 year
‘‘Ah, a dessert date! It’s gonna be so fun for sure~ oh, once we are done eating here is there anywhere else you wanna go? If not I can take you back home and fly you back up.’‘
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He wanted to make sure she got home properly, and since they left via her balcony Eran doubted she brought her keys with her.
「I have no other places I'd like to go,」 Mukuro said with a smile, it was rather late at night already so she really couldn't think of anywhere she'd like to go at this hour。
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「So taking me home after this will be fine, thank you。」 Mukuro added and he'd be right about that assumption, she didn't really have the keys she'd need to get back into her home if she took the normal way in。
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mcmcntomorii-later · 1 year
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The more she explained, the more he began to feel reassured that this didn’t seem to be something too serious - not to mention, she seemed to come prepared for when one of these nosebleeds did happen - but it still sounded like a bit of an annoying inconvenience, to have to deal with.  Wasn’t there anything she could take? “So, there’s nothing you can do about your nose? Like drink more water or anything…?” He wasn’t really a doctor so he didn’t know what to suggest here.   “Or do you just have to…get used to it?”
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Mukuro gave a little shrug at his questions。
「I just get used to it, I never really bothered looking up any sort of remedies, well-- outside of using a humidifier in my home to keep the air a bit more humid。」 It wasn't an all the time thing or else Mukuro would have looked into it more, and she always tended to keep tissues on her person so that when a nose bleed would strike her, she'd be prepared。
「Sure, it sucks but what more could I do, you know?」
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mcmcntomorii-later · 1 year
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"Haaa~" Liber casually places her head onto Mukuro's left shoulder, eyes closing. "Nee-chan, can I crash at your place tonight? I'm too lazy to head back to the Heaven Realm~" a little bit of magic couldn't do it. What exactly has she been doing this whole time to trigger such fatigue...?
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Liber's sudden visits were always a pleasant surprise, 「of course you can。」 Mukuro said with a small smile。
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「You can use my bed if you'd like,」 Mukuro didn't really plan on sleeping so the other could have full access to Mukuro's bed。
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【 unprompted asks 】 ♡ 【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 1 year
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💐 (Pretty lady in her age range? She may as well try)
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「Sure,」 Mukuro gave a small nod after giving a little moment of thought。 Mukuro would always give people at least one shot at taking her out, if she had fun then great, that'd be nice and probably lead into a more dates, and if she didn't then oh well, better to try and know than to not try。
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「What do you have in mind?」
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【 ask mukuro on a date 】 ♡ 【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 1 year
Technically, he was right, Mukuro really shouldn't have had her one of her tails laid in a manner that could easily get stepped on but at the same time, one didn't have to be a brain surgeon to know to not step on a tail。
Especially since there was not only one but four, not to mention the fact that they're pink。 It wasn't like she blended in with the locals
Mukuro would let out an annoyed click of her tongue as she cradled the injured tail, her eyes narrowed sharply。 Her tail did hurt quite a good deal, expected pain was one thing but unexpected pain was a whole different level。
She'll remember this。
Would she have not already yelped in pain, she probably would have absolutely hammed the situation up more and turn into her smaller fox form and act like he kicked her。。。 maybe some other time。
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「Whatever。 You put a lot of weight in your step, you know?」 For a scholar he sure is built。
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【 @al-hazen 】 cont. from 【here】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 1 year
‘‘Then please, find a seat and I shall be with you shortly.’‘
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Going to greet the owner, he spent a little bit of time chatting with them before going to join Mukuro. Luna seeming very much satisfied now that she had gotten her usual snack, Oliver set down a large plate of cookies for them. He wasn’t joking when he said this was the usual time for them to be finished. ‘‘Here, I got us a little something.’‘
Mukuro gave a small nod when told to find a seat, and she did just that, picking a spot that was right next to the shops large windows。 And it was from that spot that Mukuro could get a good view of the interior as well as comfortably watch the people pass by the window。
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When she heard footsteps approaching, Mukuro's attention turned from watching the world outside, to Oliver and the plate he had set down。 The scent the cookies gave off were warm and fresh, a tell-tale sign of being out of the oven not to long ago。
「Oh~ you were right, these are super fresh。 Thank you,」 Mukuro spoke as she took one of the cookies on the plate, feeling the cookie squish a little in her grasp before she took a bite and a loud hum of delight rumbled out of her throat。
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mcmcntomorii-later · 1 year
“Great!” Renji beams when she accepted his offer. Another friend he could add to his list - which was quite short at the moment, he was ashamed to admit. There were many people he talked to, and greeted but none that were truly interested in getting to know him. Hopefully Mukuro would be different. He somehow had a feeling she would be! Just a gut instinct on his end. To her question, he pressed his lips together and shrugged. “T’ be honest, ’m not sure if this squad fits me well…” He fiddled with his obi, unsure if she was willing to listen to his troubles and what weighed on his mind. "I pretty much joined cuz of Kira and Momo - seems like they really admire Aizen Taichou… but..” another shrug of his shoulders. “I don’t know - it just feels like I don’t belong. Will I feel this way if I join another squad..? Since ’m so new t’ this, I guess I haven’t really adapted yet.”
As he smiled, so did she, this was perfect, he'd also be a name that she'd add to her short, and slowly growing list of friends。 Also something that she'd probably never admit, since she too had people she was on relatively alright terms with, but greeting one another in passing is far different than having someone wanting to get to know her。
Mukuro gave a small nod at his admittance, 「well, as much as a bummer that is to hear, 」 since she disliked the thought of making a new friend and then having said friend transfer to a different squad。
「I think that's one of the good things about the squads, I like that there's the option of you can change to a different squad if you'd like。 That's fair, I think that's something if you feel comfortable in a squad that you'd feel like you would be able to improve easier。」
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mcmcntomorii-later · 1 year
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◕‿◕ (Vash)
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The feeling of Vash's fingers playing with her hair caused an immediate reaction of relaxation within Mukuro, her eyes closing slightly as she leaned into Vash's touch。
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「Thank you, Vash。。。 this is really nice。」
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【 play with mukuro's hair 】 ♡ 【 accepting 】
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