elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      fingers are wrapped around...  pavel’s forearm  ,  ellie can’t help but tug lightly  ,  as a laugh escapes her.  both have their heads turned to focus on the scene that was happening just on the other side of the bar.  ellie turns to look at pavel  ,  a surprised look crossing her features.  “  i take that this happens often ?  ”  ellie had heard the rumours that captain james kirk had a habit of making a DEEP impression on any body  -  human or alien but ellie had never seen it happen in person. 
                          the enterprise was docked at one of the many space stations littered around earth  ,  where the ship was under going some maintenance  ,  which meant that the crew were on a sort of short shore leave.  and for once everything was actually going as planned.  sat up on a bar stool  ,  ellie’s leaning against pavel’s side  ,  as she couldn’t keep her eyes off the captain.  “  ugh it’s gross  ,  is what it is.  ”  he was right though  ,  it HAD been impossible to look away.  but letting out a laugh  ,  she turns her head  ,  letting her chin push into pavel’s shoulder  ,  as she focus’ on the other side of the small bar area.  it was like seeing your brother make out with someone in front of you.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @ensnchekov​​​   :      asked     ❨      it's impossible to look away.     ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      " bu-cky ... " his name was dragged , first it was slight annoyance but a laugh soon followed along. she couldn't stay mad at him , not when she's done the exact same thing once or twice before and she was the professional here. staring at the churros that sat rather sadly on the plate. no wonder they didn't fluff up as much as they should have AND they looked a little small. elenore looks over her husband , a smirk pulling at the corner of her lips. " you're just lucky that churros are kinda easy to make in a hurry. "
╰   ––––––– ✧   @wnterslder   :      asked      ❨        ❛ okay, remember when it asked for fifty grams of sugar? yeah. i accidentally used salt. ❜           ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      metallic fingers are gripped around the gun.  index finger hovering over the trigger.  blue eyes are focused on the man who had appeared out of nowhere.  he was lingering the entryway of the kitchen.  he’d startled her.  she didn’t like being startled.  didn’t like the idea of not knowing who was around.  -  it had triggered that part of her brain that she’d been wanting to leave behind her.  the winter soldier.  she was always there  -  in the back of her mind.  ellie hated to admit it but she kept her alive.  
                           bucky hadn’t told her that anyone else was in the apartment.  jaw clicks and her grip on the gun tightens more.  but his voice was in her ear  -  hand resting lightly over hers  ,  trying to push her arm down  ,  away from aiming at the other man.  this is sam.  he had continued.  he’s a friend.  he can help.  blue eyes turn to look up at bucky.  the expression he was wearing was one that tugged at her heart.  he was worried.  concerned about his friend.  she looks back at this sam  ,  he’s wearing the same kind of expression.  it takes a couple of seconds  ,  but she finally drops the weapon  -  placing it back in its holster and the tension in the room lifts.  if only slightly.  “  sorry  -  ”  she murmurs.  first to sam and then to bucky  ,  before she turns her whole body towards him.  “  you didn’t tell me anyone else would be here.  ”
╰   ––––––– ✧   @wnterslder​​    :      asked      ❨        put the gun down. now.          ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      if it wasn’t one thing.  it was another on board the enterprise.  scotty was losing his mind over why the environmental controls on board were suddenly going hay wire.  life support hadn’t been affected but the engineer was panicking that it could be next.  for now  ,  the temperature control had been the only to go kaput. 
                           a weary grin crossed ellie’s lips as she handed sulu his mug of hot chocolate.  “  i’m not built for this kind of temperature.  ”  ellie grumbled  ,  adjusting the beanie that rested on top of her head.  she had her hands full in the mess hall  -  the amount of cocoa powder she gone through that morning was incredible and star fleet would probably have questions about why she ordered so much of it when they next dock.  she was just lucky that both the coffee AND tea hadn’t been depleted yet.  “  but i’ve got you covered.  soup on the menu for today.  did you want any  ?  ” 
╰   ––––––– ✧   @he1msman​​​      :      asked      ❨        i'm freezing.         ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      her eyes narrow as a huff crawls out her throat.  standing up straighter  ,  ellie watches as he lingers near the front door.  ellie had thought it was just a rude customer who couldn’t read the CLOSE sign on the door.  she hadn’t realised it was jesse who had found her bakery until she looked up  ,  almost jerking back at the sudden appearance of the man.  eyes had then drifted out the window to see if barricade was lingering out on the street.  it didn’t look like it  ,  but that not cop was a sneaky little shit. 
                         she had been too busy cleaning the tables to even yell at him to leave.  she had ignored him for a couple of minutes.  still mad at him.  until he spoke.  her brows raised high into her hairline.  “  right.  ”  she mumbled making her way back behind the counter.  placing the cleaning bottle back in its proper spot.  “  i think working for evil aliens bent on destroying the world to be the definition of a bad guy  ,  jesse.  ”  looking back him  ,  she rests her hands on the counter  -  keeping the bench between her and him.  and barricade.  “  how’d you even find me  ?  ” 
╰   ––––––– ✧   @decepticonranks​​      :      asked      ❨        “Look. I’m not the bad guy here! All I do is work for them!” A pause. “That could have came out better!”          ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      eyes squint.  body is automatically already turning back the way she had come.  back to her room.  the tardis was a little too quiet.  ellie knew that the master’s tardis liked to mess with her  ,  play little tricks.  but this was just  ...  “  they left without me  ?  ”  brows furrowed over her eyes  ,  as her body turned back around to face cobra.  “  and they what  ?  ”  hands ended up on her hips then.  “  left you to be my baby sitter  ?  ”  she hated when they did this.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @cobracommandertm​    :      asked      ❨        she might not need more of an ego in the tardis, but … here the commander is. leaning on the console like he owns the place. the real question is: where is Dylan? Where is the master? Who left him in charge!?           ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      a hand presses to the back of her neck.  squeezes slightly before it comes back to rest in her lap.  ellie leans back against the couch  ,  blue eyes focusing on crowley as he comes to sit in the chair opposite her.  she tries to give him a soft smile but it falls a little flat.  she was feeling better  ,  she promised.  but the lack of her medication was making her emotions be all over the place.  “  yeah.  ”  she mumbles.  “  i’m glad you’re back.  ”  she’s trying to change the subject.  crowley hadn’t been around for months.  she missed him.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @crcwly​    :      asked      ❨        glad to see you’re feeling better.           ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
📐 Julian's 6ft!
send 📐 + your character's height to compare with one or more of mine! elenore & @dimensionalspades
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      a raised brow followed his sentence.  she wasn’t a doctor but the wound wasn’t so bad that she couldn’t help patch tintin up  ,  especially where it was positioned.  “  is getting shot not the worst  ?  ”  she questioned  ,  lips pulling into a slight smile.  pressing the bandage tight against the back and front of his shoulder  ,  she proceeds to tape it against his skin.  “  just try not to do it again.  ”  ellie pulled away.  “  i’m a baker  ,  not a doctor.  ”
╰   ––––––– ✧   @vingtiemes​ ​    :      asked      ❨        i've  been  through  worse           ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      his voice makes her almost jump out of her skin.  hand hovers over the light switch on the wall.  the living room was bathed in a warm yellow tone and bucky was resting against the arm of her rather old looking couch.  blue eyes narrowed as they ran over him in a quick scan.  he was bloody  ,  holding his arm against his chest. 
                         chest heaved as ellie stepped further into her apartment  -  the front door slamming shut behind her.  “  what the fuck  ,  bucky  !  ”  her harsh whisper breaks the silence that had been lingering in the air.  she was trying to stay quiet  ,  so that she didn’t alarm any of the nosy neighbours. 
                          he’d been on the news  ,  both him and sam.  the news still had no idea what they were talking about.  they had a mission  ,  ellie knew that much but they had practically dropped off the radar and had been missing for almost an ENTIRE month.  “  where the hell have you been  ?  ”  her anger starts to diminish though  ,  as soon as she steps closer to him  -  seeing how tired he was.  bag and keys were dropped onto the couch behind him.  before she reached up and lightly held onto his face  ,  which was also caked with blood.  “  what happened  ?  ”
╰   ––––––– ✧   @wnterslder​      :      asked      ❨       before you say anything,  it wasn't me.         ❩˙
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elencr · 2 years
ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚    ―      ㅤ‘ INCORRECT QUOTES. ’   | ACCEPTING ! @colnerys
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      her mouth opens slightly.  tongue coming to rest at the corner of her lips.  head tilts to the side  ,  blue eyes focused on the misshapen cake that was currently in the front window of the bakery.  she turned to look at spencer and then back at the cake.  a huff pushing out of her nose.  “  god damnit.  ”  spinning on her heel  ,  ellie makes her way back inside the bakery  -  going to the window.  looks like she’s gotta have to make the cake all over again.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @ofcryptid​​   :      asked      ❨      it looks like a huge, misshapen penis.    ❩˙
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elencr · 2 years
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ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚    ―      ㅤ‘ JENNA MARBLES. ’   | ACCEPTING !                                                                               ❛      Don’t expose me like this.      ❜
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* .  ♡              standing with her hands on her hips  ,  ellie stares down at @ensiignchekov​  ,  who was sat in the middle of the table.  eyes narrow before her hand is held out towards him.  “  i can and i will.  ”  she’s teasing of course  ,  everyone knew that they would never argue and in the end were finding their exchange rather humorous.  “  pavel come on  ,  ”  she groans stamping her foot like a child.  “  gimmie my phone back.  ”
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      she doesn’t really want to start off with an i told you so  ,  but my god was it tempting.  she hadn’t expected to see dylan on her front porch this late at night.  but here they were  ,  the time nearing two in the morning  ,  just sitting in ellie’s little kitchen  ,  with a coffee  ,  with just a splash of whisky  -  there was no way that she would be getting any sleep tonight  ,  even without the coffee.  
                           “  what happened  ?  ”  was the only thing she said.  she didn’t want to put dylan out  -  especially not when she knew about his temper.  the brunette hadn’t seen the master or dylan for the last six months.  on one hand it had been nice.  peaceful  ,  quiet.  she could run her bakery without the threat of it being blown up.  on the other hand  -  she felt a little put out herself.  rejected.  unwanted.  “  something must have happened  ,  dylan.  ”  ellie shifted in her seat  ,  pulling her legs up onto the chair.  “  because you’ve never admitted i’m right before.  ”
╰   ––––––– ✧   @masterfultm​      :      asked      ❨        you were right about everything.         ❩˙
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elencr · 2 years
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      hand stills against his brow.  eyes narrow ever so slightly.  leaning back slightly  ,  ellie let her butt rest against the corner of her the bathroom counter.  what else was she supposed to do  ?  he had saved her life yet again.  trouble seemed to always find the brunette  -  even when she wasn’t looking for it.  bucky had saved her and now this was how she repaid the debt.  she would cook him food  ,  clean his injuries  ,  let him crash on her couch for a while  ,  while he healed.  she didn’t think she was doing anything ... wrong.  “  can’t help it.  ”  came her reply  ,  sniffing slightly  ,  ellie continued dabbing at the cut over his brow.  “  i’m just a nice person.  ”  she huffed.  they had only known each other for a couple of months at this point  ,  whatever was between them had been brewing for the last couple of weeks and ellie didn’t know how to keep the lid on her emotions.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @wnterslder​​      :      asked      ❨ i don't need you to ... i don't know, take care of me. just stop being so nice.  . ❩˙  
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      there was just something different about new york winters.  american winters in general.  ellie hadn’t really seen snow in real life before.  she came from the part of australia that BARELY dropped down below twenty degrees (celsius) during the day in winter.  so of course  ,  the idea that she would need something as BIG and as thick as a winter coat was still a foreign concept to her. 
                          blue eyes lingered on the white puffy jacket that was held out towards her in tony’s hand.  nose scrunched upward before she took it from him.  “  yes  ,  dad.  ”  she teased with a wicked grin.  pulling the jacket on  ,  ellie leans up and presses a kiss to his lips.  “  what would i do without you  ?  ”
╰   ––––––– ✧   @t0nystrk​      :      asked      ❨       don't forget your jacket.         ❩˙
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