#elenore please. be mature.
elencr · 2 years
ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚    ―      ㅤ‘ INCORRECT QUOTES. ’   | ACCEPTING ! @colnerys
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curiosityunsated · 3 years
And though the world rages, we stand tall
AN: wow it’s been a hot minute guys. My bad. Also peep the TikTok trend I had to include because it’s stuck in my head.
Warnings: mature language and violence. No beta.
Pairing: Kíli/oc
Description: not everyone in the Iron Hills appreciates Elenor’s marriage into the royal family. But she has a sharp tongue and a short temper. Cross posted to AO3. Drabble.
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Forget shearing the other dwarves’ beards.
Kíli was going to have their heads after this.
He watched as his One was dragged into the cold cavern, struggling and failing to gain enough purchase to stand and walk on her own. It was so, so strange to see Elenor’s head so much lower than a dwarf’s- even though she was considered so short by human standards, she normally stood a full head and shoulders higher than most of his people. And yet here she was, drooped and weakly struggling between two burly dwarves.
Her gown was essentially shredded from the knees down, likely from being roughly dragged over the uneven stone ground, and her circlet was missing. He had loved that dress on her- only she could make the color brown look so appealing where on others it was no better than mud. And the circlet had been a wedding gift from Thorin… those tree shagging bastards had better hope it was found.
His heart squeezed ever tighter as he watched from a dark ledge meters above the cavern floor as Elenor was flung to the ground, hard. Every fiber of his being was poised to spring, to climb down the walls if he had to, to defend his wife and get her out of here. But Nori, crammed onto the ledge with him, grabbed a fistful of his shirt to keep him in place.
“Wait, lad, just wait a mo’- you and I are good, but not good enough to take on the seven of them at once.” Oh how he hated that the Spymaster was right. If the two of them ran into this now, with so many stab-happy treasonous bastards, Elenor was more likely to get hurt than she already was- or worse.
So he was forced to watch as she was jerked up to kneel at the feet of a dwarf named Rumír.
“Well hello there, Princess.” He sneered, spitting her title out as though it were a sour ale. Kíli was too far to see much of Elenor’s face, but he imagined her scowl. She said nothing.
“What’s this, then? Too good to talk to the likes of me? You seem plenty ready to talk to my Lord Daín, and the other noble selves.” He taunted, twirling a strand of his beard around his finger in faux thoughtfulness.
“Perhaps if you had something interesting to say, I would.” Elenor’s voice was strong, though she sounded exhausted. It was silent for a moment.
“You’ve got a smart mouth, girl. Is that how ye ensnared the Prince of Erebor?” The double entendre was there, and as Rumír’s men laughed Kíli could practically feel Elenor’s ire begin to rise.
“Oh, is that what all this is about? Goodness, and here I thought these were just the lengths you had to go to get any dam to speak to you.” She spit. The laughing quieted immediately, and whatever pride Kíli felt for Elenor’s quick wit was minuscule compared to the dread pitting in his stomach.
Just as he feared, Rumír did not appreciate the comment whatsoever.
“Ye think yer so smart. Untouchable, since ye tricked a Prince into bedding ya and marryin’ ye. But ye ain’t a dam, are ya? Yer a human bitch who has no right rubbin’ elbows with our royal family. Let alone fuckin’ ‘em.”
Please be quiet Elly. Please don’t-
“I didn’t realize you wanted to fuck my husband so badly, my Lord.”
Mahal wept.
With one gesture from Rumír, one of his men pinned Elenor to the ground by stepping on the back of her leg, and yanked up a fistful of her hair. Kíli’s scalp tingled in sympathy at what had to be a painful action. Watching another dwarf handle her hair so casually burned a deep part of him- not even his brother, or Uncle Bilbo, or any of the males in their family or the Company would have dared. Their touch wasn’t forbidden, it wasn’t as though Kíli owner her hair by any means but… for someone outside family? It was deeply disrespectful, in a way Kíli wasn’t quite sure Elenor completely understood even now.
Rumír’s heavy boots crunch loudly in the loose stones as he moved to crouch in front of Elenor.
Whatever was said next didn’t make it up to Nori and Kíli’s ledge, but it must have been particularly offensive because the next moment he was roaring in anger, wiping his eyes and stumbling backwards, nearly falling over in his haste to back away.
“Did she jus’ spit at him?” Nori breathed, half in awe and half in shock. Particularly offensive, indeed.
Rumír snarled a command, and the dwarf holding her had a dagger out and at the ready in seconds. Kíli tensed at the sight, ready to push himself off the ledge and jump if he damn well had to, but the dagger didn’t go near her throat. Instead, it rested against her scalp.
“How fond of ye do ye think yer little Prince’ll when yer shorn head disgraces his family? How quickly will the court here in the Iron Hills welcome ye when yer reputation is ruined and yer head bare?” The enraged dwarf growled. Being shorn was… indescribable. It was life ruining. And even after explaining what had happened, that Elenor hadn’t committed any crimes… it would be hard on her to feel the weight of the shocked stares. She was strong, his Elenor, so strong… but also very soft. She genuinely cared for their people, had tried so hard to belong. She has been genuinely anxious about accompanying them to the Iron Hills, worried about how she would be received; it had taken reassurances from himself, Fíli, and Uncle Thorin that no matter her reception in the Iron Hills, Erebor would always be her home. If this were to cause a rift between her and the rest of their people, it would quietly haunt her.
But then she spoke.
“Go ahead, ruin me. I could give a damn about my reputation in the Iron Hills.” Her voice didn’t shake.
“And in Erebor?” He challenged.
“They will believe their Princess.”
Kíli’s heart swelled with pride. His brave, brave Elenor.
He watched with frozen horror as Rumír’s hand came down- a bastardized iglishmek command for cut- the command to cut her hair- when Daín’s booming voice echoed in the cavern.
He, and Thorin, and Kíli’s amad came rushing in, as well as most of the Company (that could be spared for the visit, that is) and so many soldiers. Kíli grinned wickedly, and scrambled away from the ledge.
He and Nori stumbled their way down the pitch black, narrow miner’s corridors- feet slipping on the loose gravel. They had ran, half slid into the cavern where Rumír and his men were fighting to escape. A younger Kíli might have thrown himself into the fray.
But this Kíli, the married Kíli, went straight for his wife.
Elenor was alone now, her captors having abandoned her as soon as they realized they weren’t alone. But she knelt in the same place, bent over with one palm against the rock and her other arm wrapped around her torso. He skid to a stop on his knees beside her. Now that he was so close, he was hesitant to touch her. Her condition was so much worse up close.
The shredded mess of her skirt left peeks of her legs clear up to her knees- and the distinct, bruised outline of a boot on the back of her calf. Her breath escaped her in wheezes, and it seemed as thought she needed to convince her lungs to suck more air in with each inhale. Her hand left crimson smudges on the ruined velvet where she held herself, and her hair now hung limply around her face in messy strands, ripped out of the style it had been in this morning.
He would have their heads for this.
“Kee…” she whispered, looking up at him. Her eyes watered as she smiled weakly at him, and he carefully, urgently, drew her to him.
“Amrâlimê. My love, oh my love, shh, shh… I’m so sorry, I’ve got you, you are safe…” he whispers that and a thousand other comforting nothings in her ears as the fight around them quickly lessens. She leans on him fully, and doesn’t say a thing. She presses her face into his neck, and he can feel the curve of her nose against his pulse, can feel the warmth of her tears as she cries perfectly silently as she absorbs his words.
The moment is broken first by his mother, who drops to her knees in front of them. And then the world is a flurry of activity.
The next calm moment appears as Oín snaps his healer’s bag closed, having completed what he can. Elenor, freshly washed and smoothed with salves and bundled in bandages, clean clothes, and in their bed, looks better than she had but sounds just as terrible. Oín guesses broken ribs, which Elenor agrees with- she had apparently felt them break when she had fallen on the stairs.
Slowly, their family trickles in a little at a time.
First to come is his mother and brother, almost immediately after Oín finishes his work. Amad presses a hot cup of tea into Elenor’s hands, off the tray Fíli leaves on the low table in front of the fire.
Kíli lets his older brother press their heads together for a moment, before pulling away to clap his shoulder.
His mother is perched beside Elenor, murmuring something too low to hear from across the room and slowly stroking her hair. Though he can’t hear what’s being said, he can see Elenor’s eyes shine as she nods a little. He really hopes his mother isn’t making her cry- he hates it when she cries.
Ori and Dori are next, the first armed with books of Dwarvish laws that Elenor’s attackers can be charged with, the second with reassurances that the dress can be fixed-Kíli is fairly certain that’s bullshit, but it’s appreciated nonetheless-and soft handkerchiefs.
Bombur and Bilbo come bearing cookies and tarts, of which Elenor takes two, thankfully.
Dwalin comes next, and brings with him a solemn guilt. Amad ushered the others to the other side of the room while Dwalin, Elenor, and Kíli talked for a long while about how neither blamed Dwalin for this incident. He firmly disagrees with their assertions that even he cannot be responsible for all six members of the royal family at once whilst they are scattered about a strange city, but he does seem more settled by the end of it.
At last, Thorin and Daín enter the room. Thorin, in a rare physical display of affection, presses his forehead to Kíli’s first and then to Elenor’s.
From where he sits on the bed beside his wife, he can hear his uncle murmur “I am so glad to see you safe, niece.”
He refuses to acknowledge the sappy glow he feels at the words and stuffs it down.
Daín looks very uncomfortable. For a moment, Kíli assumes it’s because this is the least amount of clothing he’s seen Elenor wear. While the Company has seen each other in various states of undress during the journey, and Oín being a healer and Dís both a mother and a woman, Elenor’s modest shift doesn’t bother any of them.
But his cousin and host shuffles, actually shuffles, in the doorway before striding over to drop to a knee beside the bed. He has no problem looking Elenor in the eye then, and Kíli realizes it’s not embarrassment to see a lady in her shift that’s affecting Daín but what appears to be guilt. It’s not a look he thinks he’s ever seen on the other dwarf before. It’s unpleasant.
But the flowery, blustery apology is stopped cold when Elenor interrupts him.
“I don’t blame you, Lord Daín. You and your family, your city- or most of it- have been wonderful. I’ve truly felt welcome. The actions of a few aren’t the representation of the many.”
And then she’s distracting him from more insistent apologies and promises of retribution on her behalf by asking if he would mind getting her some more tea, and he really should try one of Bilbo’s tarts. She wields polite conversation and diplomacy like a hobbit, and he is once again amazed.
She does not, however, say anything contrary when Dwalin delivers 7 neat braids to their rooms the next evening and the news that the rest of the hair on their heads has been publicly reduced to ashes. Kíli had wanted their heads, but he’ll make due with their humiliation.
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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ROWENA ROWLE is TWENTY-THREE YEARS OLD and an UNSPEAKABLE in THE BRAIN ROOM at THE MINISTRY OF MAGIC. She looks remarkably like AISHA DEE and considers herself aligned with THE DEATH EATERS. She is currently OPEN. 
The second daughter of Pure-Blood socialite DEMEAS ROWLE and African witch ATIYA ROWLE Rowena was loved dearly. Her older sister REGINA and her were cherished from the day they were born, their parents having as much love and time for them as they had for each other. Rowena was the perfect blend of her parents having inherited her mother's kind, soft nature but her father's mischievous side. Despite the three year age gap between Rowena and her elder sister they saw each other as best friends, spending hardly any time outside of their family home in Cambridge meant that they usually only had each other and their parents for company, not that she was complaining. Content with her small family Rowena waited with bated breath until bedtime each evening when their mother would come in and tell her bedtime stories. Entranced by tales of her mother's youth Rowena would dream about visiting North West Africa where her mother grew up. Her dreams were only increased when their parents thought it was time to teach the girls traditional African magic, able to do so without breaking the underage magic law by not using a wand, as was tradition, the pair practiced every second they had to spare. Rowena took to it like a duck to water, able to cast spells through her fingertips that would make her toys fly across the room or change the colour of her sisters tight black curls. Her favourite piece of magic to do however was dream walking, a technique her mother had also been fond of. Rowena had learnt to walk in others dreams and she often found herself entering into her mother's and seeing the planes of Africa with her own sleeping gaze. 
Rowena’s life took a drastic change the day her sister boarded the train for Hogwarts, not because she had left although she would miss her sister terribly, but because her and her mother would be moving to Africa the following day. An aspiring author her mother had been commissioned to write a book centering around African cultures and traditions from the perspective of a woman who had been raised with them. Moving to a wizarding town in the center of Ghana Rowena had never been more excited. Wanting to fully immerse herself in the culture she asked her mother to enroll her in the town's school, where she would hone her wandless magic skills and become top of her class, surpassing many of her fellow students including ELINAM JELANI who she quickly became friends with. During her time in Ghana the pair became inseparable, him taking the place of Regina while she was away. Even at night in their own beds they would walk in each other's dreams and go on adventures riding elephants or slaying cheetahs. Rowena’s sweet and trusting nature took a hit however one day when her and her mother visited a muggle tribe not far from their town. Originally excited by the prospect she waved at members of the tribe and let out a bout of accidental magic, her excitement quickly turned to fear when the muggles turned against her and shunned them from their village. In trying to soothe her crying daughter her mother used the phrase “don't be upset, they're just jealous”, words that stuck with Rowena to this day, silently lighting a fire of hatred and superiority within her.
Returning to England just in time to board the Hogwarts express she was apprehensive about being sorted, she decided to spend the train journey alone with her thoughts, until MARCUS OLLIVANDER stormed into her compartment. With worry seemingly etched across her face the boy stayed in order to ease her fears, he was kind and funny and quickly her worries melted away. Sorted into Hufflepuff along with Marcus she made her way to their table and sat down next to none other than her estranged cousin THORFINN ROWLE who appeared to have been waiting for her. Almost able to hear the need for a sister in his mind she listened intently to him, feeling a little put out herself to have lost so many years with her own. Allowing him to take her under his wings as his sister CAMILLE ROWLE had done for Regina he stoked the fire burning inside her, pointing her in the direction of the ‘right’ people to befriend she was introduce to NARCISSA BLACK, ELENOR YAXELY and VIOLET BULSTRODE. Although Rowena got on well enough with Violet, she found Narcissa and Elenor to be a bit arrogant and so only kept the friendship going for appearances sake. Finding she got along much better with boys she became ever closer with Marcus, she would teach him about wandless magic, intriguing him to no end as he always thought wands were the key to a wizards success. Captivating many students in her common room with her spells she found that using a wand was not necessary, much preferring sometimes to learn without. 
In her third year Rowena tried out for the quidditch team, becoming obsessed with the sport through her relationship with Thor, getting the place of reserve keeper she became close to fellow quidditch nut EDGAR BONES, and despite the difference in age they got on exceptionally well, Rowena being very mature for her age. Through Quidditch she also made friends with GIDEON PREWETT, a funny, entertaining Hufflepuff who she introduced to Thor, thinking the pair would make great friends. Spending more and more time around Thorfinn and his friends Rowena formed a crush on Slytherin DECIUS FLINT who treated her as a friend in her own right, not just Thor’s annoying younger cousin. Throughout her years at Hogwarts she turned many heads when she decided in lessons to put her wand away and use wandless magic instead, it wasn't until her head of house PROFESSOR SPROUT took her aside however that she realised how strange it must have been for her fellow students to see. She was told by the professor that wandless magic is only used by very skilled sorcerers, many never being able to master it, and at the mention of her dream walking abilities and the way she so easily read people's emotions she was informed that she was a natural Legimens, a rare gift that would allow her to eventually read people's thoughts and feelings if she honed in her skills. Priding herself in her natural abilities and the skills her mother had taught her she quickly ran back to the common room to share the information with Thorfinn and Marcus. 
Leaving Hogwarts with exceptional grades and a determination to hone in her Legimens skills she got a job as an unspeakable in the Brain room, finding it the perfect setting to practice reading minds. Still very close to Thorfinn she was not all surprised when he came over with a proposition for her, he spent the evening relighting the fire of hatred and superiority over muggles that she thought had all but burned out. Introducing her to a figure she would come to know as THE DARK LORD she could sense the pride radiating off him as she joined the wizard and his cause. Believing whole heartedly in his way of thinking she threw herself in to it, wanting to prove herself to him she mentioned her abilities and he seemed impressed, asking if anyone else in her family had similar skills, eager to please she mentioned her cousin Camille's talents, much to Thorfinn’s dismay. It would seem that Thorfinn had been trying to hide his sister's skillset, not wanting to share yet another thing with her. Stuck between wanting to please The Dark Lord and Thorfinn she has been tasked with recruiting Camille to the cause along with anyone else that she could. 
Living in a flat above Diagon alley with Marcus and CELESTE POTAGE, a girl he had met from work who was now as much her friend as he was made it rather difficult for Rowena. Fully on board with the Dark Lord's plan she could see from a mile off that her best friends would choose the wrong side of this fight, trying to keep it to herself for now, not wanting to lose them she spent a lot of time with Thorfinn and his friends. With her crush on Decius still lingering she prayed for a distraction, which came in the form of Elinam Jenali. The boy she was so fond of from her childhood years in Ghana had moved to England to pursue a career in the Department of International Magical Cooperation at the Ministry. Bumping in to him one day at work she couldn't deny that the connection was still there, seeing him at least twice a week since they had brought their old friendship back to life and more. Noticing that he had grown into a handsome man did not help matters and Rowena had started to notice feelings being presented that lended themselves to more than just friendship. Staring to fall for the boy who was unaware of her Legimens abilities and knowing he felt the same, Rowena only had one question, when was he going to tell her that he was engaged? 
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female 
Sexuality  → Up to Roleplayer
Relationship Status → Single
Previous Education →  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Hufflepuff)
Family → Regina Rowle (sister), Thorfinn Rowle (cousin/mentor), Camile Rowle (cousin)
Connections  → Marcus Ollivander (best friend), Celeste Potage (best friend), Edgar Bones (close friend), Gideon Prewett (close friend), Narcissa Black (friend), Elenor Yaxely (friend), Violet Bullstrode (friend), Decius Flint (object of affection), Elinam Jenali (potential love interest)
Future Information → N/A
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
Hello please don’t hate me and accept this other round of intros lmao
Also please plot with my babies they all need some love
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BLAKE HUDSON looks an awful lot like ZAC EFRON. HE is TWENTY-SIX and while they’re CREATIVE, they have a tendency to get pretty IMPULSIVE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to STRESSED OUT by TWENTY ONE PILOTS. ( val. 22. she/her. est. )
But, when he was around 13-14, he was adopted by a nice loving family that decided to take care of him.
It was nice while it lasted, but he soon realized his habits of going out and partying(when he was a little older ofc) were a lot to deal with, so he decided to move out.
And he ended up in a frat house, and honestly doesn’t remember what he was studying because he was always drunk or high, and like... hardcore partying all the time.
What he does know is that it’s then he discovered a passion for mixing tracks and DJing. And then he just quit college to spend all his time learning how to become a better DJ and shit. Also then he started to slowly stop using drugs until he was entirely clean, and hasn’t taken any since.
Now he’s definitely better, has a Youtube channel where he posts his stuff, and decided to move back to Kola, his hometown, since he believed being in California could help his building career.
Isn’t popular yet, but he does have a small fanbase building up.
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ELENORE DUNSFORTH looks an awful lot like EMILIA CLARKE. SHE is TWENTY-SEVEN and while they’re FAIR, they have a tendency to get pretty BLUNT. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to NEVER GIVE UP by SIA. ( val. 22. she/her. est. )
Elenore was born the second in a somewhat wealthy family. She was raised to be fair and just to everyone, well-mannered and polite. But never was to become the heiress of their company.
But at 16, there was a terrible crash, in which her parents and older brother died, while she was the only survivor. So she was to become the heiress, but only once she turned 18.
Until then, her uncle(WC PLEASE) took over, as well as caring and protecting her. But she could also tell he was only trying to persuade her to give him the company. That was then she started to lose her politeness, or at least, depending on the situation.
At 18, once she got full reins of the company, she booted out her uncle to continue what her parents had started. She still has a lot to learn and do, but she’s being trying to make it grow, starting by buying some smaller restaurants or hotels.
But obviously, it’s not that easy and people are desperatly trying to make her fail.
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EVELYN MCDONALD looks an awful lot like ELIZABETH OLSEN. SHE is TWENTY-FIVE and while they’re CHARMING, they have a tendency to get pretty MANIPULATIVE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to FALL IN LINE by CHRISTINA AGUILERA&DEMI LOVATO. ( val. 22. she/her. est. )
Honestly, I haven’t fully worked out the details for her. I’m thinking only child in an average family, but then she ended up watching her father disrespect her mom and just be an ass and cheat on her so not a nice family.
Then her mom starting dating more and more assholes so that didn’t help.
Never went to college, but I can definitely see her working in a bar, either as a barmaid or even a pole dancer.
Bisexual who loves her women but also loves to destroy her men the way her father did with her mom. Overall, very good with her girlfriends but the worst with her boyfriends because she just remembers what her dad did.
Wesley’s ex, she particularly enjoys going back to him just to destroy him a little more. @shtbgs
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FINLAY AINSWORTH looks an awful lot like JACK FALAHEE. HE is TWENTY-EIGHT and while they’re ELOQUENT, they have a tendency to get pretty DECEITFUL. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to SOBER by DEMI LOVATO. ( val. 22. she/her. est. )
Okay let me tell you something about this sad boy: both his parents were junkies, and he was a complete accident. His mother did slow down on drugs and alcohol while she was bearing him, but didn’t completely stopped. So everyone was obviously greatly surprised when he was born in great health.
But it started getting more complicated later. As a kid, he was a nice kid, actually had to mature early since both his parents were useless. But then came sophomore year and his problems started. A new kid(WC HELLO) transferred, one who was already deep in his addiction. He brought Finlay in with him, and it wasn’t long he was addicted too. And obviously, his parents didn’t seem to care.
Barely finished high school, never went to college, instead taking on small shitty jobs here and there. Honestly, anything he could get.
He ODed three times before he was forced to rehab. First few days, weeks, were hard, but he soon realized he wasn’t on a good path. Honestly, rehab was the hardest thing he did, but now he’s a 100% clean and feels so much better.
Currently waiting table in a restaurant, but is considering applying to college, although he doesn’t know which major he would like.
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JANIS CRAWFORD looks an awful lot like EVANGELINE LILLY. SHE is THIRTY-SIX and while they’re RESOURCEFUL, they have a tendency to get pretty UNRELIABLE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to BAD LIAR by KREWELLA. ( val. 22. she/her. est. )
A lot of Janis’ early life is pretty average. Although she was born as Mary-Elizabeth Grimes. She had a lovely family, an older sister and a younger brother, good grades, her life was perfect.
She married her college boyfriend, who was a few years older, once she graduated, even if her parents did not agree. They thought she was only marrying for his wealth, when she actually really loved him.
But then they tried to have a kid a few years later, but it didn’t work. Some tries later, still nothing. So they went to the doctors, and it was then she discovered she was infertile.
Instead, the two decided they would adopt, and raise the kid as their own. But the worker(I WILL KILL FOR THIS WC) from the adoption agency had other plans. You see, it took a very serious interest in her, as far as making advances to her. And she couldn’t deny she didn’t hate it either.
But that’s when it turned creepy: when he started saying they could just run away, change names, take the money of her husband. But she never thought he would do it. Turned out he did, when she came back to an actual crime scene in her living room, her husband’s body on the floor and the man just waiting for her.
She managed to escape to her neighbours, who called the cops and kept her safe for the time being. Of course when the cops arrived, the man was gone.
For her own safety, she decided to change name for Janis Crawford, and is only now arriving in Kola.
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LIAM JONES looks an awful lot like JAI COURTNEY. HE is THIRTY and while they’re APPROACHABLE, they have a tendency to get pretty DARK. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to PUMPED UP KICKS by FOSTER THE PEOPLE. ( val. 22. she/her. est. )
Sad puppy, son of a military and a nurse. He never got to see his dad much until he died. Still, he was happy with his mom and his younger brother, even if she sometimes struggled to keep everything under control.
It was only them three, but he could tell it was hard for her with her job. So he decided to grow up early to help her. And for him, that meant being able to bring as much money as he could home. He started with a few small cleaning or painting jobs before moving to bigger ones.
In his junior year, he started going to underground fights, gambling on the matches. A habit that never left.
After graduating, he moved in with his high school sweetheart, but still kept on sending money to his family.
Few years later, Liam actually opened up his own underground fighting ring. It wasn’t long until it was big enough to rival any other. He started adding more to it, including gambling card games and the likes. His girlfriend knew, but she did not mind: she actually sometimes helped with it.
At 27, he became a father or a beautiful young girl. But sadly, three years later, she was killed, along with his then wife. The owner of a rival ring(WC DO I HAVE TO MENTION) was trying by all means to destroy him, and sent his lackey to do the job. What was originally planned was for them to only kidnap the two, but they went further than the orders. 
It has now been 5 months, and Liam has allied with his previous rival to find the lackeys, since they now both have something to hate together.
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LILIANE “LILY” AUSTIN looks an awful lot like AISHA DEE. SHE is TWENTY-FOUR and while they’re AGREEABLE, they have a tendency to get pretty MISERABLE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to DON’T TALK ABOUT IT by TOVE LO. ( val. 22. she/her. est. )
Family of 5, Lily was the youngest. They were not incredibly poor, but they weren’t rich either. Some months were harder than others.
Lily’s always tried to be the best she could, in school and socially. She was part of a few clubs and the cheer squad during high school.
She got into communication on a scholarship, and was asked to pledge to one of the sororities. It originally wasn’t her plan, but the girls seemed genuinely nice. At first, at least. Turned out they only wanted a scholarship student to raise the average of their house.
Still, despite only originally being accepted as a sister for her grades, the others started loving her for who she was and included her in their plans.
Which turned out horribly during her third year. A small group of them, 6 to be exact(WC, 4 SINCE ONE IS LILY AND ONCE IS... NOT PLAYABLE ANYMORE), took a weekend off to a cabin in the woods(always a good start for a horror story). They were drinking quite a lot, and didn’t have all their minds. They decided to go swimming, deciding to jump off the cliff and into the water. But they didn’t check how deep it was, and the first one to jump hit her head on a sharp stone. Seeing as she wasn’t responding, the girls got scared and went the secure way to the water. Only to find her dead.
Refusing to be caught for this, they buried her body deep into the woods, along with all her clothing. Of course, her disappearance went noticed, but when asked, they said she didn’t come back with them, only saying she wanted to take a small roadtrip down south.
Now, Lily works in communication for a small enterprise and lives with a lot of remorse for what she did.
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MONICA HUNT looks an awful lot like FELICITY JONES. SHE is THIRTY-ONE and while they’re SWEET, they have a tendency to get pretty ABSENTMINDED. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to NOBODY’S HOME by AVRIL LAVIGNE. ( val. 22. she/her. est. )
Sweet, sweet child who never truly grew up. She was born two months early, and her parents always thought something was wrong with her, although no doctors diagnosed her with anything. She only grew up to be naive, a tad childish, and completely absentminded.
But Monica’s parent’s didn’t know what to do with her. She couldn’t focus on anything, never paid attention to anything. They usually had to repeat everything twice to her. They were desperate, and honestly couldn’t deal with her. And as soon as she turned 18, they were gone.
It was coming back from classes that Monica found the house emtirely empty, apart from her own things, on her birthday. She thought it was just a bad joke, and didn’t say anything for a few weeks. Lived off the food her parents left behind, and ordered pizza.
It was only when she was asked if her parents would be attending her graduation that she mentioned they’d been gone for weeks. But she 18 now, and had to take care of herself.
So she got a small job in a clothing shop, sold the house and moved to a small place with a roommate(WC GIVE HER A FRIEND).
Now she’s working as a barmaid in a club, has never been to college, and never heard of her parents.
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NATALIE CALLOWAY looks an awful lot like JENNA COLEMAN. SHE is THIRTY-THREE and while they’re CARING, they have a tendency to get pretty ASSERTIVE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to DARK HORSE by KATY PERRY. ( val. 22. she/her. est. )
Please welcome the queen of double-face. In a somewhat good way. She always enjoyed helping the people she loved, without telling them it was her. Any way she could, she would do it.
She was loved by most people, although some of the popular kids never enjoyed her cheerfulness. She didn’t care though.
After graduating high school, she decided to study to become a criminal investigator. Even though she ended up marrying Grayson Calloway, aka pretty much into crimes. @sinraised
But she really damn loves him like crazy, and is willing to put even her job on the line for him. AKA, without him knowing, she uses her job to kind of conceal/destroy/manipulate pieces of evidence that could trace back to him or his crime ring?
Otherwise, she just appears like a pretty normal investigator, and a very normal, loving woman in general.
She actually goes to the crime ring once in a while, and people there know she isn’t going to rat them out and she can be trusted.
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REBECCA BLACKSTONE looks an awful lot like ELIZA TAYLOR. SHE is TWENTY-FOUR and while they’re CARING, they have a tendency to get pretty NAIVE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to ROCKABYE by CLEAN BANDIT&SEAN PAUL&ANNE-MARIE. ( val. 22. she/her. est. ) 
Okay this one is supposed to be Hadley’s half sibling, so basically, her mom would’ve had her with a rockstar, and she never knew him. @ofadorations
She was raised alone by her mom, but saw a lot of men come in and out of her life everyday. So she never knew what it was like to have a full family.
She did alright in school, not the best grades but it satisfying enough for her mother. Still, never got to keep a relationship for more than a few weeks.
After high school, she went to study zoology, but had to stop abruptely. During a party, Rebecca got drunk and slept with some guy(WC IMAGINE THE ANGST), she doesn’t even remember who, exactly. But from that incident came another: she was pregnant.
Her mother was terribly disappointed in her, seeing as she was doing the same mistakes she did, and decided she would not help her with money anymore. So Becca stopped her studies and took on a waiting job in a restaurant. Which she came back to after her son was old enough to be left with a nanny.
She’s currently struggling a lot with money and keeping her life on tracks okay she needs someone to help her.
Also if you bring her a Bob Morley, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Thomas McDonell, or literally anyone from The 100 I will love you so much??
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STEVEN BLAKE looks an awful lot like TOM HARDY. HE is THIRTY-NINE and while they’re RELIABLE, they have a tendency to get pretty ERRATIC. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to MR BRIGHTSIDE by THE KILLERS. ( val. 22. she/her. est. )
Okay you know the Transporter movies with Jason Statham? Well, that’s what he does.
When he was 17, his girlfriend(WC THAT WOULD BE ADORABLE) fell pregnant. For the time being, their parents helped them financially so they could just take on a part-time job while still being able to continue to study.
But as soon as they turned 18, it was over, and they obviously couldn’t go to college, not with a baby(WC OKAY THAT CHILD WOULD BE LIKE 21-ISH NOW) and barely any money. So while she went to work in restaurant, he started as a taxi driver.
And then moved on to more serious business. He carried a man once, when he was about 23, that decided he wanted only him as his driver. So from taxi driver, he turned into a more private one. He was starting to be trusted by his clients.
And then he got tasked to deliver a package, an important one. He was to not look at it under any circumstance. Word started travelling that Steven Blake was a secure and reliable deliverer and driver, so it became kind of his small underground business.
But that wasn’t safe, he saw that a few deliveries later when he was actually attacked. Not wanting to take any risks for his family, he signed for divorce, despite still being deeply in love with his wife and his kid.
Okay so obviously maybe not as much of a badass as Jason is in the movies, but still one. He knows how to fight and use guns so I wouldn’t mess with him tbh.
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ellportrpg · 5 years
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Name: Majorie Hennison
Age: 30
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Unemployed
Martial Status: Unmarried
Species: Witch
FC: Kat Graham
Availability: Open
Majorie has always loved and appreciated her family but she’s never felt like she was properly apart of it. This was no fault of her parents, aunts, uncles, or siblings. But in a family of such remarkable people, Majorie has always felt left behind. Although she was born as the only biological daughter of her parents she doesn’t feel she represents them well at all. Elenore being the most like them in the family. 
Her sisters were always her role models. Millicent was strong and adventurous and Elenore was beautiful and charming. They both had their own natural allure and they could get Majorie to do whatever they pleased. The would dress her up and play with her in the garden, always good fun but always treating her like the silly little baby. 
As she grew up and her sisters went on to do amazing things Majorie looked desperately for anything that could be considered a talent. But she was average at everything she did, the epitome of the phrase ‘jack of all trades, master of none’. Despite how she tried to pour herself into soccer or writing she found herself getting bored and frustrated. 
High school was a hellscape for her. She was consistently compared to her sisters and attempting to escape their shadows. But she couldn’t and instead each day after school she’d ignore her family’s calls and go down to the beach and sit on the cool pebbles staring out at the ocean. Despite the fact that she was only sixteen she could make the waves do what she wanted. And when she asked her mother how that was possible Katherine said she must be a powerful witch, one who’s powers don’t wait. 
This revealed itself to be true. And by the time she reached maturity, Majorie could summon storms and breathe underwater with the sirens. Majorie fell in love with one of them spending the week in the pacific ocean with her beautiful aquatic girlfriend. It was only when a search and rescue party came looking for her that Majorie remembered she had a life to get back to. Her parents were distraught and when they heard it was a siren who kept her fascination they understood but told her not to return. 
Upset, but not defiant, Majorie did as she was told. She did not return to the sea but chose to keep it in sight. After graduating high school she got a job as a waitress at a restaurant on the pier. For eight years she served up clam chowder in bread bowls to the hungry patrons all while keeping her eye on the great grey sea. 
For the past two years, she has been working odd jobs and helping her mother in the shop. She considers herself a failure but no one ever treats her that way. She can’t help but be distracted. She knows that there is a part of her magic calling to her, telling her to go back tot eh shores, but she’s resisting the urge. She doesn’t want to worry her family again.
+ kind, resilient, powerful 
- untalented, distant, insecure
Arthur Hennison - father.
Katherine Hennison - mother. 
Charlotte Hennison -  aunt. 
Millicent Hennison - cousin ( godsister )
Elenore Hennison - cousin ( godsister )
Adelaide Hennison - aunt. 
Martin Hennison - uncle.
Tess Hennison - cousin. 
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