#⌜👪⌟narcissa headcanon⌜🐍⌟
The Black family is in general prone to mental instability (and I say mental instability, not illness because it is my firm belief that Bellatrix, for example, exhibits more an antisocial personality disorder - which is not recognised as a mental illness). I’ve touched before on how this runs in the family - Walburga, Bellatrix, Violetta, Elladora etc - (here and here) and Narcissa’s fears about it) and it’s not unusual for pureblood families in general, as confirmed in canon by the Gaunt family line as well. 
As a member of the family - it’s not untrue for Sirius - he does have hints of it and these were only made worse with 13 years incarceration in Azkaban. He is not as bad as some of his family - not so blatantly unhinged and violent - but there is a certain undercurrent there that it is sometimes wise to remember. While he’s never agreed with his family’s view that they are better than everyone else - practically royal - he does have a very inflated sense of self and a certain disregard for consequences that can make him dangerously volatile if pushed too far.
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⭐️ - andromeda and narcissa?
… But it still checks out || @imbuedmagic || Still Accepting
After Andromeda leaves the family, Narcissa tries for a while to maintain contact - but the cloak and dagger of it all rapidly becomes too much for her and the fact that both sisters are hoping to convince the other to change their minds about the family means that instead of severing their familial tie it sort of, dies a slow death, instead. 
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🖋 + magical creatures (Narcissa)
Penny for your thoughts? || @storiesnotyettold || Still Accepting
Is ‘No.’ an emotion because Narcissa feels it, to be honest. 
She has never been fond of animals - magical or otherwise. At Hogwarts, she had a newt, called Edmund. She supposes she was supposed to learn some kind of responsibility from having him and did an acceptable job or caring for him, until her second year where she traded him with another student (who did a much better job of loving Edmund). 
But she has no interest in taking care of another creature, feeding it and cleaning up after it. She didn’t take care of magical creatures in school because classes like that were for people who would have to rear such animals for work or similar. Her father in law does breed flying horses, of course - but there is something more noble and moneyed about that - and unicorns are pretty but it doesn’t necessarily mean she wants one.
She suffered a crup for Draco, although they had to get rid of it, due to Lucius’ peacocks - which, without a regular silencing charm - are noisy and just generally inconvenient. 
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ any and all :3
Headcanons || @somewhat-managed-mischief​ || Still Accepting
You gotta know, of all my muses who could find out Graham was a muggleborn, Patrick would give him The Most Shit about it. Hypocrisy is simply foul and while Patrick might not be mean enough to reveal the truth - he’d certainly threaten to do so.
Narcissa taught Draco how to dance - from literally just holding him in her arms as a baby / small child dancing around with him - to teaching him properly as a young boy. If her son had been a Triwizard champion there’d have been no panic for him about opening the Yule Ball. They didn’t dance for the longest time after his fifth year but have recently started doing so again now. 
Severus knows Penelope’s middle name. He’s not brought it up yet, because he’s not sure what reaction it will cause and he wants to save it for maximum effect. 
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Full Names~~
Credence Barebone Narcissa Violetta Black Sirius Orion Black Gregory Caradoc Dearborn Cedric Eldrich Diggory Percival Elias Graves Gellert Morgan Grindelwald  Helga Grace Hufflepuff Timothy Andrew Timberly Andren Jewkes Braith Marie Jigger Gilderoy Hyrum Lockhart Patrick James O’Brennan Peter Patrick Pettigrew Severus Tobias Snape Gadis Sugeen Percy Ignatius Weasley  Wendelin Windblown Leandra Elladora Zabini
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4. Is the muse a dom or a sub? What about the mun? (for any of the muses)
Munday & Sinday || @dracmal || Still Accepting
So I think that for there to be an answer for this question… The kink needs to actually be involved which automatically excludes some of the purer beans - or you know, the beans that don’t have partners who engage in that… But, under the cut in case I get wordy. Also, you know. kinky shit. 
Hi, my name’s Susan I’m twenty-eight and I’m a switch??? Like I have heavy sub leanings ‘n’ I think to dom it’d need some specific kinks for me to run that role well - and it’d need to be asked (begged) for. 
Actual SubsCredence - In all his normal verses. I can see him making a poor dom in his evil verse.TimActual DomsGellert - Completely uncomfortable unwilling about submitting. Not any kind of Dom you would actually want. Leandra - she can play a sub if required (it’s very rarely required) and while you might be doing all the work, please trust it is under her direction. SwitchNarcissa - Sub leanings. Patrick - Doesn’t get to kink often, is delighted when he is and tends to take the lead/initiate and is, therefore, extra delighted, to get bossed around. Severus - Probably has Dom leanings because of the control aspect but could submit to the right lover. Percival - Mostly dominant but able to submit in the face of someone who deserves the respect. Obscurus - Volatile nature makes it struggle for dominance and, like Gellert, it is not a gentle or caring dom. But it’s animalistic nature can cause it to sub if faced with someone stronger who can make it. 
And everyone else idk bc I haven’t gotten into that w/ them - either they’re not that into it or like… I’m just unsure. 
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If you notice any errors - or anything that makes you ??? - please say so that I can address it, this was a monster to complete.
Narcissa - here bc this is gonna be long enough anyway.  Patrick - O.W.Ls Outstanding: Charms, DATDA, Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, Study of Ancient Runes Exceeds Expectations: Herbology, Transfiguration. Acceptable: Astronomy, Divination Poor: History Of Magic N.E.W.Ts Outstanding: Charms, DATDA, Transfiguration. Exceeds Expectations: Herbology, Potions, Study of Ancient Runes Acceptable: Care of Magical Creatures. Tim - O.W.Ls Outstanding: Charms, DATDA, Herbology, Potions, Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes Exceeds Expectation: Astronomy,  History of Magic, Transfiguration, Divination. N.E.W.Ts Outstanding: Charms, DATDA, Herbology, Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes Exceeds Expectation: Astronomy, Potions, Transfiguration Gilderoy -  O.W.Ls Outstanding: Astronomy, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures Exceeds Expectations: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions Transfiguration, Arithmancy Acceptable: Herbology, History of Magic, Divination, Study of Ancient Runes N.E.W.Ts Outstanding: Astronomy, Charms, Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology Exceeds Expectations: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration Braith - O.W.Ls Outstanding: Astronomy, Herbology, History of Magic Exceeds Expectations: Divination, Arithmancy Acceptable: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Study of Ancient Runes Dreadful: Potions N.E.W.Ts Exceeds expectations: Astronomy, Herbology, Arithmancy, Divination Acceptable: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Study of Ancient Runes  Severus - O.W.Ls Outstanding: Charms, DATDA, Herbology Potions, Study of Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures Exceeds Expectations: Astronomy, History of Magic, Transfiguration, N.E.W.Ts Outstanding: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, Study of Ancient Runes  Peter - O.W.Ls Exceeds Expectations: Herbology, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures Acceptable: Potions, DATDA, Charms, Poor: Astronomy, Divination Troll: History of Magic N.E.W.Ts Acceptable: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures Leandra - O.W.Ls Outstanding: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration Exceeds Expectations: Herbology, Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Study of Ancient Runes Acceptable: Astronomy Poor: History of Magic N.E.W.Ts Outstanding: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts Exceeds Expectations: Study of Ancient Runes, Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures Acceptable: Divination  Gregory - Obtained 12 O.W.Ls all ‘Outstanding’* N.E.W.Ts, all Outstanding: Astronomy, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration, Arithmancy, Divination, Study of Ancient Runes Percy - Obtained 12 O.W.Ls all ‘Outstanding’* N.E.W.Ts, all Outstanding: Charms, DATDA, Herbology, Potions, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration, Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes. Cedric - O.W.Ls Outstanding: Charms, DATDA, Herbology, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, Study of Ancient Runes. Exceeds Expectations: Astronomy, History of Magic, Arithmancy. N.E.W.Ts None, due to death.
Wendelin, Gellert, Percival, Credence, Helga, Gadis, && The Obscurus do not have any for a variety of reasons (it is before standardised testing, they are not from the UK and therefore have different exams, or were not raised in an environment that allowed them to take standardised tests etc.) 
*This creates an anomaly as (from the HP wiki): The only known characters to receive all twelve O.W.L.s are Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley... However in [POA] it is revealed that attempting this would cause a timetable clash... [McGonagall] had to write several letters to the Ministry in order to obtain a time-turner for [Hermione] so that she would be able to attend all her classes when she attempted to take all twelve subjects in her third year (although she ultimately dropped two when she was not able to cope with so many subjects). Therefore, Percy, Bill, and Crouch Jr would have had to have done something similar to be able to study all twelve subjects too... all three had parents connected in some way with the Ministry, so this is fairly plausible. I’m not sure if I’m going to accept this for any of them however based on this I might.
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Valentines headcanon I promised and then promptly forgot about...
Who gets into the swing of the season, and who thinks it’s card selling bullshit?
Narcissa - Her cynical nature towards the holiday (especially as she gets older) does not outstrip her desire to be made to feel special. Wendelin - During her life, it’s hardly a mass commercial monster and is much more about romance and spring and fertility. Supports it in general but is less welcoming to ‘secret admirers’.  Gellert - Considers it shlock. Can has and will present a decent show of affection and romance if it is to his benefit to do so, but disdains the saccharine falsity.  Patrick - Favourite day of the year. Lovelorn girls, who were expecting a proposal and are now out for a revenge fuck? Girls, who are the single one in a sea of couples desperately seeking a shred of affection and a soft word? Amazing. Also, he likes the marked down chocolates the next day. Mysteriously vanishes for a week if you and he had been playing around anything serious, however.  Tim - An entirely terrifying and confusing situation every single year. Would probably melt and / or cry and / or die if she received a genuine valentine.  Percival - Nonsense. He can tell you he loves you 365 days a year. Why would he need one specific day to do so? Can be coerced into a passable show of romance if in a committed relationship.  Cedric - Cedric ‘Romance’ Diggory - not buying into the season? I’m afraid you’re dreaming. While he doesn’t tend to get too ostentatious in his display, he thinks it’s nice to have a day dedicated to showing you how much he cares. Gilderoy - Once sent himself 800 valentines. A touch selfish about the occasion, but when in romantic pursuit he has not learned much in the way of self-control. You see, instead of sending 800 individual valentines, getting an owl to bring, say, 10 each would have drastically cut down on the number of feathers and faeces.  Credence - Has never been brave enough to give a valentine, and doesn’t even imagine anyone would think to give one to him. Helga - Technically, historically, not a big thing during her day. But would think it sweet, and the biggest proponent of Galentines Day / Platonic Valentines. Braith - Like the sentiment, dislikes the over-commercialization. Expect instead of roses, a fancy dinner and a diamond ring a freshly picked bouquet of wild flowers, breakfast in bed or a picnic and a flower crown. Severus - Valentines? Whomst? Bitter Single. Secretly invested if in a relationship - subtley ostentatious. Poetry, expectional wine and a quiet night with his undivided attention over dinner and dancing.   Peter - The guy in the shop at 9PM on the 14th sweating staring at the wine and chocolates.  Leandra - Knows its overblown. Doesn’t care. Will spoil you. Frankly offended if she doesn’t receive at least three ostentatious rose bouquets and one proposal by 10am.  Gregory - Can be coerced into a passable show of affection if in a relationship. Vocally opposed.  Gadis - Not really something she’s ever been involved in, the circus is like an extended family and she’s not sure what kinda upbringing you had, but she doesn’t want flowers from a boy she thinks of as her brother.  Obscurus - Give it things and tell it it’s pretty and maybe it won’t murder you. The amorous nature of the day pleases it. Percy - Soft, sweet boy. Probably the secret admirer that left you a single red rose, a moderately sized box of chocolates and went red but denied all knowledge.
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‘Heights & ‘Weights’
Put under a cut & tagged just in case?
Heights of my muses && their body types more than their weights bc ain’t nobody got time for that. Mostly for my reference, and usually in their most common verses. 
Timberly - 5′ 1″ - Slight, borderline between ‘underweight’ and ‘ideal’ with one good meal tipping her over.  Gadis - 5′ 5″ - Lithe surprisingly compact Leandra - 5′ 5″ (appears taller due to wearing heels) - curvy.  Obsucrus - The obscurial form can create an incredibly tall column - and is extremely dense. Its current host is 5′ 6″ and at an ideal weight.   Narcissa - 5′ 6″ Slim Helga - 5′ 6″ Currently ‘ideal’, good food and less physical activity will fill her frame out a little as she gets older.  Wendelin - 5′ 7″ Slender Peter - 5′ 7′ Chubby Braith - 5′ 9″ Slim Percival - 5′ 10″ - Average - slightly chubby pre-Grindelwald, and then slightly undernourished post-Grindelwald.  Gellert - 5′ 10″ - Average but starting to show signs of a middle-aged paunch. Credence - 5′ 11″ (appears less due to slouching)  Percy - 6′ - Coltish. Severus - 6′ 2″ On the lower end of his ‘ideal’ weight during his time at Hogwarts both now & as a child, he tends to return to school from the summer quite thin and gains weight throughout the year. Post Hogwarts, during his death eater days and for some time after Lily’s death, he is at his thinnest.  Patrick - 6′ 5″ - Heavy set - there’s weight there but it’s muscle - but he’s not especially stacked. Physical activity stops him from getting too weighty, but he’s not a gym bunny. 
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’Four’ Headcanons || @somewhat-managed-mischief || Still Accepting
Narcissa & Draco or Penelope & Snape I also need more Malfoy love in my life, okay?
Narcissa refuses to send Draco to Durmstrang because it’s too far away. It doesn’t stop her crying once he leaves for Hogwarts (like she cried when her sister left for Hogwarts). 
Due to reasons - sad reasons - she sometimes can’t quite believe he’s here, he’s alive and he’s so breathtakingly perfect?? It leads to things like - sitting in his room watching him sleep to make sure his tiny chest doesn’t stop rising and falling and carrying him, almost constantly, for the earliest parts of his life (until she nearly dropped him due to exhaustion and Lucius put a stop to the nonsense).
Narcissa spoils him - she does - and that’s partly because she identifies love with things (it’s the only way her parents showed affection) but having Draco (and depending - Lucius) has made her a lot less... Restricted in showing love. As a small child he was very open and receptive (read: unable to protest) to being adored physically as well and she didn’t have to hold back and reign herself in - if she wanted to spend hours cuddling him, kissing his forehead and blowing raspberries on his tummy - she could. And while it’s not something she exactly recognises or can identify/articulate... Having him sort of - clarified the feeling of emptiness/sense of a need for something beyond what she got as a child? And again, it’s not... She never felt unloved??? But she has such an urge to just hold her baby and be close to him and simply delight in everything about him that there's a bewilderment/confusion about... Why her parents never did that with her? And this, unquantifiable feeling that she just doesn’t understand?? She doesn’t know where it comes from, whats manifesting it... But, Draco - Draco, she tells herself - will KNOW that she loves him because he will feel it as an intrinsic part of his soul and not as something he has to provide evidence for. 
"Funny you should mention Draco's father. Let me show you the generous gift he's made to the Slytherin team." Yeah. Funny that. I think we all know who bought those brooms. And then regretted the decision immediately bc... ‘omg my poor baby what he gets hit in the face by a bludger WHAT DO U MEAN LUCIUS??? A BROKEN ARM FROM PLAYING QUIDDITCH??? Oh right, just that nasty Potter boy nvm them, plz pass the marmalade.’
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In celebration of finishing my verses page for my three new characters & adding a werewolf verse for them all... I present to you...
The one with all the Werewolf AUs
I’ll update this as I come up with them / remember the stuff I had for it them all, but this’ll be my main post for all Werewolf AUs for my characters. 
Credence - Coming soon. Timberly - (why can’t I remember what I had for this???) Narcissa - Voldemort is deeply displeased with the Malfoy family. Lucius & Draco have let him down, so awfully. As a punishment, he commands Fenrir infect Narcissa. OR Sirius, Andromeda, Regulus... The Black family sure is having some issues staying faithful to the cause... Instead of Orion, it is the youngest Black daughter Voldemort selects as an example as to why you do not cross him. Braith - A stray werewolf in the woods where she lives catches her on a full moon, she survives and it actually helps with her hearing loss. But it’s not worth the trade-off. Helga - Coming soon. Wendelin - Coming soon. Peter - Maybe Remus? Or, As Voldemort applies pressure on the weakest of James’ friends to extract their location from him - Fenrir takes the intimidation a bit too far. Peter is bitten and now shares more with Remus than he ever did before.   Patrick - Coming soon. Severus - James Potter is too late to save Severus - oh sure, he still saves his life - but now he’s infected and, if possible, even more bitter than before. Gellert - Coming soon. Gadis - Lycanthropy? In the old country, we call that a blood curse.  Percy - Coming soon. Percival - One of Gellert’s cruellest tricks was infecting Percival with Lycanthropy.  Leandra - Coming soon.
Obscurus doesn’t get one as it’s not human. 
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What is your character’s Patronus form? Can they cast a Patronus? [[ all muses]]
A majestic Ravclooo || Still Accepting || @somewhat-managed-mischief 
So, casually ignoring the very conflicting information JKR gives us about the Patronus charm (bc, I could go off - but I won’t - bc who has time for that??)Those who can’t:Credence - Simply due to a lack of training - Eventually he would be able to, and I love the idea of it being a gloster canary but I don’t think it would be. Helga & Wendelin - I’m going to pretend that, in their timeline, dementors are not nearly as prevalent and as such, the Patronus charm has not yet been created. Gadis.Obscurus.Incorporeal only.Timberly. (But it becomes a horse)Braith.Peter.
Those who can:Narcissa - it’s a cheetah and she uses memories of her son to conjure it.Percy - Fox.Patrick - A badger.Percival - Heron.Gellert - Phoenix. (Bonus crack answer - a bumblebee.)Leandra - Tiger.Severus - Doe.
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[[For the Wizarding World questions~ For Narcissa: What is your character’s opinion of the other Houses?/Which subjects did your character take? /What OWLs and NEWTs did your character achieve?/ What is your character’s Patronus form? Can they cast a Patronus?/ What is your character’s Boggart? Is it embarrassing for them?/ Has your character ever thought about or tried to become an Animagus? What form do or do they think they would take?]]
What the heck is a Hufflepuff? || Still Accepting || @condamnexaetrelibre
What is your character’s opinion of the other Houses?
Gryffindor is a house for traitorous showoffs. Hufflepuffs are… They have their uses, but they’re somewhat limited and largely pitiable. Ravenclaws are stuck up.   
Which subjects did your character take? 
Divination and study of ancient runes (In addition to her core classes)
What OWLs and NEWTs did your character achieve?
O.W.LsAstronomy - ECharms - ODefence Against the Dark Arts - EHerbology - PHistory of Magic - EPotions - ETransfiguration - ADivination - AStudy of Ancient Runes - EN.E.W.TsAstronomy - ECharms - ODefence Against the Dark Arts - OHistory of Magic - APotions - AStudy of Ancient Runes - E
What is your character’s Patronus form? Can they cast a Patronus?
She can - it’s a cheetah. She uses memories of her son to summon it.
What is your character’s Boggart? Is it embarrassing for them?
As a child - it was her great-grandmother Violetta (which is where her middle name comes from) and it would embarrass her greatly. Violetta Bulstrode was a Black by marriage and a Black by her mother's blood and while incredibly beautiful - like Narcissa - also incredibly unstable, like Bellatrix, but without a stay at Azkaban to cause it. Towards the end of her life, she was quite mad and not very well taken care of either. Narcissa was terrified of becoming like that, and the extreme physical similarities between them only served to make it worse. As she grew older the hunched figure began to look more and more like her... After her marriage to Lucius, the birth of her son, the fall and rise of Voldemort it was usually her family, dead. Draco, Lucius - sometimes by her own hand, but usually by the Dark Lords... Bellatrix, herself and yes. Even her traitor sister and cousin. 
Has your character ever thought about or tried to become an Animagus? What form do or do they think they would take.
She hasn’t. Its very difficult transfiguration work, which she did not take past OWL level. However, I think she’d be a swan or a fox.  
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Birthdays & Wands
You can tell how long I’ve had a muse by the below, because obviously, I used to care a lot more (and I think some of them just got randomly generated ones). Someone who’s good at wand && birthday meanings should tell me what to give to them all lmao - Or I’ll just find out what months don’t have birthdays yet (February, March, April, June, July, September, October) and do it that way. I’ll potentially update these at some point? But I doubt it.
Tim - Fir, 12 ¾ inches, unicorn hair, whippy || September 1st
Narcissa - Rosewood, 11 inches, veela hair || December 12th
Helga - Pear wood, 14 inches, unicorn hair || ???
Severus -  Birch, 12 1/2" inches, unicorn hair  || January 9th 
Peter -  Chestnut, 8 2/3" inches, dragon heartstring (1st) && Chestnut ( 1.4″ inches, dragon heartstring (2nd) || ???
Patrick - ??? || ???
Obscurus - ??? || ???  Non-human - therefore doesn’t have a birthday, and cannot wield a wand of their own.
Gadis ??? || ???
Percy ??? || August 22nd
Percival - Ebony, 15 inches, white river monster spine || ???
Gellert - ??? (1st) && Elder, 15 inches, thestral tail hair core (2nd) || ???
Braith - Rosewood, 10 inches, phoenix feather || May 26th
Leandra - Rosewood, 11 inches, dragon heartstring || ???
Credence - ??? || ??? 
Wendelin -  Ebony, 10 inches, kelpie hair || ???
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Munday Meme || Still accepting || @tragiicc
👄: Which of your muses would probably get sexual with each other, if they met?
Answered Here
💀: Which of your muses would probably fight each other if they met?
I mean, this question is meant to be answered with Patrick x Everyone else, am i rite..? And Gellerts willing to fight anyone who’d stand in his way…Credence and Percival would fight Gellert for sure. Tim and Patrick would probably get into arguments occasionally - I do have a sort of semi idea that they’ve never duelled each other and would rather avoid that if at all possible… Tim and Narcissa are unlikely to get along. She would not like Snape as a teacher and has argued with him in past roleplays where they’re both students. Narcissa is not much of a fighter, but she can bicker frequently with Severus. She’s also likely to ruffle Patrick’s feathers bc. Ew. Mudblood.  She doesn’t much care for Peter either.Braith doesn’t really fight unless in self-defence and there’s little cause. Peter’s too busy running away. Helga and Wendelin might bicker. Leandra is ready to fight all the boys and girls too. Not that there is ever much cause… Snape would fight Peter for sure. And it is only his limited patience that keeps him from fighting with the others.To his credit, Patrick would probably not fight Credence or Braith. Tim, again is his friend, but she could cop the worst of a bad mood. Everyone else could be fair game under the right circumstances.
🐷: Which of your muses is the naughtiest?
Well, I think here we’re referencing you know, ‘for the lulz’ or ‘wink wonk’ kinda misbehaviour not… Mas slaughter for the greater good… So… Peter, maybe? Patrick… Leandra. They’re my pranksters / sexual deviants / bad people. Braith’s initials are BJ - which always makes me lol. 
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Sexual (and some romantic) Orientations / AKA me waffling and struggling to label anyone when lbr no one even really asked me to / AKA I can’t even think straight.
Casual disclaimed that sexuality is fluid and I ship with chemistry anyway and this isn’t all set in stone it’s just my current thoughts and therefore through interaction, these are completely open to change and given that I am hella uncomfortable with labels in my own personal life this is just awkward but there we go etc etc etc 
Credence is very sexually repressed - and his attraction tends to be based more on peoples kindness towards him than their physical qualities. His identity, were he able to give it a label, would probably align closest with pan / demi. 
Tim again is difficult due to repression - although of a slightly different kind. She has a clear preference for males - however is potentially best described as bi-curoius.
Narcissa comes in at a 1 on the kinsey scale - predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual. Probably heteroromantic.
Bi sexual and Bi romantic.
Boy should be lucky enough to get some. Bi curious.
Heteroflexible.. Near celibate. 
Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally hetero.
Pansexual with a male preference. 
Sapio bordering on ace. 
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