#⌜💔⌟credence headcanon⌜😭⌟
⭐️(Credence & Modesty)
Headcanons || @storiesnotyettold || Still Accepting
It is my long-standing belief that they would probably die for each other - but I feel that, with Credence, that holds a certain weight that it doesn’t with Modesty? Not to say she’s ingenuine in her emotion but she is a child and cannot fathom death, in the same way, he an - admittedly emotionally stunted - adult can. Especially given that he’s technically died once before. 
And since that’s honestly more canon than it is headcanon - consider this. In general, Credence does not consider Modesty his ‘adopted’ sister - he knows he’s adopted, he knows she’s adopted - but she is his sister, just as much as she would be had they been bonded by blood. 
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2.what was the best thing in your character’s life? @ Credence
Crucio muse development || @storiesnotyettold || Not currently accepting
I feel in many ways there’s not an answer to this that is not both easy and obvious... So I’ll go for the slightly less blatant one and, instead of saying, Mr Graves - I’ll say Modesty.
Modesty is the youngest of his fellow adopted siblings and also his favourite. She and he connected on a level he and Chastity never did and she is, for the largest part of his life - his only friend... They try and support and cheer each other as much as possible, given their largely joyless existence. 
It makes it, therefore, even worse to know that he scared her - possibly hurt her - and while the home was hardly happy, he drove her from it and killed their family. 
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Full Names~~
Credence Barebone Narcissa Violetta Black Sirius Orion Black Gregory Caradoc Dearborn Cedric Eldrich Diggory Percival Elias Graves Gellert Morgan Grindelwald  Helga Grace Hufflepuff Timothy Andrew Timberly Andren Jewkes Braith Marie Jigger Gilderoy Hyrum Lockhart Patrick James O’Brennan Peter Patrick Pettigrew Severus Tobias Snape Gadis Sugeen Percy Ignatius Weasley  Wendelin Windblown Leandra Elladora Zabini
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4. Is the muse a dom or a sub? What about the mun? (for any of the muses)
Munday & Sinday || @dracmal || Still Accepting
So I think that for there to be an answer for this question… The kink needs to actually be involved which automatically excludes some of the purer beans - or you know, the beans that don’t have partners who engage in that… But, under the cut in case I get wordy. Also, you know. kinky shit. 
Hi, my name’s Susan I’m twenty-eight and I’m a switch??? Like I have heavy sub leanings ‘n’ I think to dom it’d need some specific kinks for me to run that role well - and it’d need to be asked (begged) for. 
Actual SubsCredence - In all his normal verses. I can see him making a poor dom in his evil verse.TimActual DomsGellert - Completely uncomfortable unwilling about submitting. Not any kind of Dom you would actually want. Leandra - she can play a sub if required (it’s very rarely required) and while you might be doing all the work, please trust it is under her direction. SwitchNarcissa - Sub leanings. Patrick - Doesn’t get to kink often, is delighted when he is and tends to take the lead/initiate and is, therefore, extra delighted, to get bossed around. Severus - Probably has Dom leanings because of the control aspect but could submit to the right lover. Percival - Mostly dominant but able to submit in the face of someone who deserves the respect. Obscurus - Volatile nature makes it struggle for dominance and, like Gellert, it is not a gentle or caring dom. But it’s animalistic nature can cause it to sub if faced with someone stronger who can make it. 
And everyone else idk bc I haven’t gotten into that w/ them - either they’re not that into it or like… I’m just unsure. 
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20. Have they ever had an imaginary friend? - for Credence, please
Different is... Good? || @deathlesshallows || Still Accepting
I MEAN... Let’s just side-eye the fuck out of the Obsucrus right about now shall we? (This isn't real enough for you, Billy? I'm not real enough for you? It was real enough for Georgie!)
BUT, beyond that??
No. Anything unnatural, anything unseen... Invisible friends with voices only he could hear? Does that sound like the kind of devil that Mary Lou Barebone would let into her home? I don’t think so. 
Perhaps as a very young boy, he imagined his mother (his real mother, that is) coming to him (he pictured her as an angel because he imagines she must be dead... Although of course, from what his mother says, she’s likely in hell with all the other wicked, unnatural sinners).
He was a very lonely child - and the voice when it came was terrifying - because it wasn’t as if he needed another thing about himself for Mary Lou to hate. 
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‘Heights & ‘Weights’
Put under a cut & tagged just in case?
Heights of my muses && their body types more than their weights bc ain’t nobody got time for that. Mostly for my reference, and usually in their most common verses. 
Timberly - 5′ 1″ - Slight, borderline between ‘underweight’ and ‘ideal’ with one good meal tipping her over.  Gadis - 5′ 5″ - Lithe surprisingly compact Leandra - 5′ 5″ (appears taller due to wearing heels) - curvy.  Obsucrus - The obscurial form can create an incredibly tall column - and is extremely dense. Its current host is 5′ 6″ and at an ideal weight.   Narcissa - 5′ 6″ Slim Helga - 5′ 6″ Currently ‘ideal’, good food and less physical activity will fill her frame out a little as she gets older.  Wendelin - 5′ 7″ Slender Peter - 5′ 7′ Chubby Braith - 5′ 9″ Slim Percival - 5′ 10″ - Average - slightly chubby pre-Grindelwald, and then slightly undernourished post-Grindelwald.  Gellert - 5′ 10″ - Average but starting to show signs of a middle-aged paunch. Credence - 5′ 11″ (appears less due to slouching)  Percy - 6′ - Coltish. Severus - 6′ 2″ On the lower end of his ‘ideal’ weight during his time at Hogwarts both now & as a child, he tends to return to school from the summer quite thin and gains weight throughout the year. Post Hogwarts, during his death eater days and for some time after Lily’s death, he is at his thinnest.  Patrick - 6′ 5″ - Heavy set - there’s weight there but it’s muscle - but he’s not especially stacked. Physical activity stops him from getting too weighty, but he’s not a gym bunny. 
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aquamarine @ all of them
Wow, amethyst is a type of quartz? || @rebelrebcl || Still AcceptingSomeone with lots of tattoos or none at all
Okay, uh... Moving swiftly on from my confusion about tattoos being kinky...
I’ve tried to go hard line on this bc I mean ??? Honestly. Most of them are probably somewhere in the middle? Rather than either side but ??? Also, define lots’? Does that depend on size too? Like a sleeve is technically one tattoo, right? But it’s gonna cover a much greater area than a tramp stamp...
Credence - None.Tim - None.Narcissa - None.Braith - Lots.Helga - Lots.Wendelin - Lots.Leandra - Lots.Peter - None.Severus - None.Patrick - None.Percival - None.Gellert - Lots.Gadis - Lots.Obscurus - Lots. Percy - None.
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It is worth noting the impressive and horrifying size difference between the Obscurus Newt holds in his suitcase (and the one that Ariana probably would have had) and what Credence produces - this is due to the well of magical power that Credence has. It gives the Obscurus much more scope for destruction. They are not usually so large - capable of terrorising individuals, or maybe small villages at their peaks - not whole cities. 
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🍃: Have they managed to let go just yet or do they still struggle with a loss? If, how does it show? (Credence)
Loved & Lost || Still Accepting | @freedomisbeforethee
Credence has only really suffered one major loss in his life* - that of his adoptive mother and sister Chastity. It’s… Very difficult to articulate his feelings. He much preferred Modesty to Chastity. Chastity, adopted as he was, from a magical bloodline was, as he wasn’t, a resounding success. Dedicated to the cause, with no evident magical ability, was spared a large portion of the abuse that Credence was not. Somewhat spiteful, cruel and a tattle tail - Credence feared her… Not nearly as much as he feared Mary Lou. But she was their mothers perfect, favourite child and her second in command. But she was his sister and she was not as awful as their mother. There is a mixture of regret and grief and guilt for her death that is almost entirely to the bone - but it is in combat with a sliver of hatred and anger for her too. With time, and understanding, it’s likely that he will come to forgive Chastity all her flaws and simply be left with the bittersweet mixture of loss & memory.
Mary Lou is amplified. His grief is almost entirely drowned out by fear and guilt. He killed her, he murdered her (Chastity was simply a bystander who got caught in the crossfire) and it makes him awful and terrifying and… Free. He didn’t… Hate her? But now that he’s parted from her, he’s starting to. He was certainly afraid of her and the love (???) he felt for her as a caregiver was certainly very distorted by the fact that she beat him and berated him and seemed to, on some level, hate him. But she still fed him and ‘cared’ for him and clothed him and taught him and reared him and constantly told him he should be grateful for all she did for him - and lets get down to the bare bones of it here (wink wonk, nothing like a pun before crushing honestly) Mary Lou Barebone abused him. She neglected him. 
And he was a child, dependent upon her for everything. I’m sure when he was especially ‘good’ there might have been times when she was almost decent to him but those don’t justify / rectify the times when he was ‘naughty’ or ‘bad’ and she was entirely awful. And so while he’s upset about her death, it’s much harder to feel genuine about it because she hurt him and some part of him is glad that she’s gone - but also. He’s alone now and who’ll take care of him? He’s got nothing now and he’s alone and HONESTLY he’s feeling it?? It’s hard to be sad about your dead mom, when you’re starving and it kinda makes it almost makes it seem like maybe it was worth it just for what you got? (Additionally, he’s really scared that he’s going to get into trouble (more trouble) for the deaths he caused somehow, so, again, his grief is muted by the terror of his own life at the moment).
As for how it shows - Credence is often too consumed with trying to survive to cast himself upon their graves (provided, of course, they have graves beyond the collapsed church) wailing and bemoaning their loss - however - he does cry about it and he is very scared of hurting those he loves (especially those he loves more) and it has actually prevented him seeking out his other sister, Modesty - because he saw how scared she was of him, and he fears he can only bring her harm. And it’s a trauma that’s probably going to haunt him forever, if not, for a very, very long time. 
*That is one major loss that he remembers. He is, as we know, adopted - however, he does not remember his birth parents and while he assumes they must be dead, he just doesn’t know. One could hardly call Mary Lou enthusiastic about discussing them.
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In celebration of finishing my verses page for my three new characters & adding a werewolf verse for them all... I present to you...
The one with all the Werewolf AUs
I’ll update this as I come up with them / remember the stuff I had for it them all, but this’ll be my main post for all Werewolf AUs for my characters. 
Credence - Coming soon. Timberly - (why can’t I remember what I had for this???) Narcissa - Voldemort is deeply displeased with the Malfoy family. Lucius & Draco have let him down, so awfully. As a punishment, he commands Fenrir infect Narcissa. OR Sirius, Andromeda, Regulus... The Black family sure is having some issues staying faithful to the cause... Instead of Orion, it is the youngest Black daughter Voldemort selects as an example as to why you do not cross him. Braith - A stray werewolf in the woods where she lives catches her on a full moon, she survives and it actually helps with her hearing loss. But it’s not worth the trade-off. Helga - Coming soon. Wendelin - Coming soon. Peter - Maybe Remus? Or, As Voldemort applies pressure on the weakest of James’ friends to extract their location from him - Fenrir takes the intimidation a bit too far. Peter is bitten and now shares more with Remus than he ever did before.   Patrick - Coming soon. Severus - James Potter is too late to save Severus - oh sure, he still saves his life - but now he’s infected and, if possible, even more bitter than before. Gellert - Coming soon. Gadis - Lycanthropy? In the old country, we call that a blood curse.  Percy - Coming soon. Percival - One of Gellert’s cruellest tricks was infecting Percival with Lycanthropy.  Leandra - Coming soon.
Obscurus doesn’t get one as it’s not human. 
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Credence did not know he was the ‘child’ Mr. Graves was looking for. 
Percival describes the child as no older than ten, which he is not - and of immense power and... 
He knew he had magic - or something like it - because he’d spent a long time, trying to suppress it. It’s why he believed it when he said he could teach him, why Credence could join the wizarding world. It could not be an immense power if he could surpress it.   So until the final attack - he did not know that he was the obscurus. Prior to that, the attacks were triggered by his emotions, but separate from his physical being - he felt that something was trying to look after him. He can, in some sense ‘control it’ given that he can direct it towards those who have hurt him, but his grasp on it is very weak. 
It is only due to the full transformation that he comes to realise the truth. 
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What is your character’s Patronus form? Can they cast a Patronus? [[ all muses]]
A majestic Ravclooo || Still Accepting || @somewhat-managed-mischief 
So, casually ignoring the very conflicting information JKR gives us about the Patronus charm (bc, I could go off - but I won’t - bc who has time for that??)Those who can’t:Credence - Simply due to a lack of training - Eventually he would be able to, and I love the idea of it being a gloster canary but I don’t think it would be. Helga & Wendelin - I’m going to pretend that, in their timeline, dementors are not nearly as prevalent and as such, the Patronus charm has not yet been created. Gadis.Obscurus.Incorporeal only.Timberly. (But it becomes a horse)Braith.Peter.
Those who can:Narcissa - it’s a cheetah and she uses memories of her son to conjure it.Percy - Fox.Patrick - A badger.Percival - Heron.Gellert - Phoenix. (Bonus crack answer - a bumblebee.)Leandra - Tiger.Severus - Doe.
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Disgust (for credence , can that boy even feel this? D:)
Baby you ain’t lookin’ right || Still Accepting || 
Credence is not great at hiding his emotions - and he certainly is capable of feeling and displaying disgust. His non-verbal displays of disgust can vary radically, especially in response to different sources (for example - disgust with himself often leads to tears).
Credence does not often curl his lip, wrinkle his nose or bear his teeth - which is odd as disgust tends to be displayed most prominently in the lower half of the face - but he will turn his body away, his eyes narrowed against what he’s seeing. Unfortunately for Credence - whether it’s purely human nature, or simply his own personality - a lot of things that he finds repugnant also make him curious and so - he’ll find himself unable to tear his gaze away. His eyebrows will also pinch together and in the most extreme cases, it will cause him to wretch.
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Munday Meme || Still accepting || @tragiicc
👄: Which of your muses would probably get sexual with each other, if they met?
Answered Here
💀: Which of your muses would probably fight each other if they met?
I mean, this question is meant to be answered with Patrick x Everyone else, am i rite..? And Gellerts willing to fight anyone who’d stand in his way…Credence and Percival would fight Gellert for sure. Tim and Patrick would probably get into arguments occasionally - I do have a sort of semi idea that they’ve never duelled each other and would rather avoid that if at all possible… Tim and Narcissa are unlikely to get along. She would not like Snape as a teacher and has argued with him in past roleplays where they’re both students. Narcissa is not much of a fighter, but she can bicker frequently with Severus. She’s also likely to ruffle Patrick’s feathers bc. Ew. Mudblood.  She doesn’t much care for Peter either.Braith doesn’t really fight unless in self-defence and there’s little cause. Peter’s too busy running away. Helga and Wendelin might bicker. Leandra is ready to fight all the boys and girls too. Not that there is ever much cause… Snape would fight Peter for sure. And it is only his limited patience that keeps him from fighting with the others.To his credit, Patrick would probably not fight Credence or Braith. Tim, again is his friend, but she could cop the worst of a bad mood. Everyone else could be fair game under the right circumstances.
🐷: Which of your muses is the naughtiest?
Well, I think here we’re referencing you know, ‘for the lulz’ or ‘wink wonk’ kinda misbehaviour not… Mas slaughter for the greater good… So… Peter, maybe? Patrick… Leandra. They’re my pranksters / sexual deviants / bad people. Braith’s initials are BJ - which always makes me lol. 
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§ .....Credence?
Random Facts || @somewhat-managed-mischief || Still Accepting
Fun fact - Credence seems remarkable resigned to the beatings his mother metes out because in an attempt to spare Modesty the pain he suffers he has always attempted to shield her from punishment. 
The eventual outburst where Mary Lou died is because of the extra stress he was under from Gellert - and his belief that perhaps, he had found the child his Mr. Graves had been looking for. 
Also - as is common with those who suffer abuse - he has been warped into believing that he deserves it…
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