#⏤ hecs
hecs · 10 months
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i think i love my theme now, it's kinda pretty 😋 btw happy late 1 year anniversary to @hecs ❤️‼️ it's supposed to be on 28 Nov tho HAHAHAHAHA, thank you for helping me grow ❤️
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gunpowder-tim · 7 months
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someghimg something friendships last for entire lifetimes and i hope ours lasts for many more
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blackjackkent · 2 months
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I think it's about time someone looked after you. How about Shadowheart? 🦉🐻
for @resting-meme-face
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cirusthecitrus · 8 months
Iliad? In my She-Ra cartoon? It's more likely than you think
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Some of you may know that og Hordak and Prime (from the motu franchise) also have "normal" names. Sooo, you know how long it took my dumb ass to realize that Hec-Tor and Anillis are spelled and pronounced suspiciously similar to Hector and Achilles - u know, the heroes from Homer's Iliad??*
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I have no idea if this lil trivia fact is an intentional reference or not or if this specific choice of characters is supposed to mean anything at all. But it means everything to ME
Because why Horde Prime of all people was given the name of a hero?? Why Hordak, his brother, was given the name of his enemy and his victim? And why do these names fit the 2018s versions of these characters so well?
!I'm not an expert in ancient literature or greek mythology/history or anything close so my knowledge and understanding of the Iliad and its characters is literaly on the surface level! I'm only making this post cause looking for parallels is fun c:
Horde Prime as Achilles
The mythological hero, Achilles was often reffered to as the beast, or pure element, force of nature, or even a star. Not a person, not a human being
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He was an exceptional fierce hero known for his passion and determination, but also his arrogance and stubborness. Noble yet often selfish and capricious, understanding and caring yet cruel
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The one who possesed arcane knowledge about the fate of humanity, and with it - about his own destiny
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The one protected by the gods, who was so close to godhood himself, whos body was immortalized in the river Styx
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And yet, one small part remained vulnerable, a part of him stayed painfully human. And once it was discovered and aimed at, he was as good as dead
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The one who was driven by horrific almost animalistic rage. Rage that came from pain and grief. Rage that came... from love?
Achilles lost someone dear to him and this loss blinded him with desire for revenge, made him chase after the warrior who took his loved one from him. He refused to let go, not even letting go of Hector's corpse
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Hordak as Hector
Described as "deserving of love" Hector was a great warrior, deeply devoted and loyal to his home and his cause
A brave unstoppable leader who nonetheless made many mistakes by letting his human emotions and traits make him act unwise, arrogant, reckless and naive
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The one who believed in his gods and trusted so many, but in the end was only deceived and lied to. And this lie was the reason why Hector could not escape Achilles' wrath
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The cause and the victim of Achilles' rage. His personal enemy, the one who killed his beloved. The one who feared Achilles so much yet in the end stopped running away and faced him in their first and final duel
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The one who lost everything. Doomed to die tragically by Achilles' hand. Hector didnt even beg for mercy, only for his body to be treated with respect, but Achilles could not be reasoned with. Instead he dragged his corpse behind his chariot for days on end, not letting him rest. Not letting Hector return home to his family
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But wait, who is Patroclus of this story?
Funny how this part of Achilles' story fits Hordak a lot more, since it was him who lost a dear friend and it was him who was consumed with grief and fury. Thus, in a way, Hordak is both Hector and Achilles and Entrapta is his Patroclus. But what's Prime's deal then?
We can always enter fanon territory and headcanon that Prime might have lost someone a long time ago and grief turned him into a monster. Could be a lover, could be a friend or family, could be his old self even. But then what Hordak had to do with it? Why he became the target of his rage?
Perhaps in this version Patroclus isn't even a person. An idea of perfection and control. Hordak's imperfections ruined the image of his ideal world where everything goes his way, ruined his own image, the facade of an all mighty god who could not make a mistake or create something less than perfect. In a sense Hordak's defect and later betryal killed everything Prime was working on and was trying to achieve, everything he believed in
Perhaps Hordak is both Hector and Patroclus. A brother Prime loved so much, but only when he was still a perfect obedient doll with no name. But once Hordak began to change, showing his personhood and becoming harder to control, becoming unrecognizable, HP could not accept it. In his mind Prime lost a brother, and someone who named himself Hordak was his murderer
Again, I have no idea why the hell they chose these names for their aliases. Achilles and Hector were in no way pure or flawless people, but... they were still heroes. Does this say anything about the characters of Horde Prime and Hordak or their dynamic? Especially their motu versions**?? Or was this just a reference for the sake of reference? (oh maybe im only seeing things and its not even a reference??) They could've chosen an iconic pair of tragic brothers instead idk on the surface it'd seem more fitting :/
But i'd rather keep my tinfoil hat on and think that it was all intentional, because I'm LIVING for the implications regarding Prime's humanity .з.
**Motu fans and experts if you're reading this, i'd love to hear your thoughts on this, you have to know more than me!
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galacticwildfire · 2 months
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Just sharing as an Australian history student to show how fucked the uni system here is. Especially when they doubled the cost of most degrees in the middle of 2020 (the year I graduated) when we’d spent our hsc studying and preparing for a certain degree/career. My year group could not suddenly change our entire life plan over a policy they introduced just as we were about to graduate and had done our uni applications.
In 2020/2021 they doubled the cost of anything arts or critical thinking related (including politics/history/law) when our government wasn’t operating as a democracy should (our prime minister swore himself into half a dozen government positions without anyone knowing) + openly said women were lucky they weren’t shot at for protesting against the country’s domestic violence problem that the government chooses to ignore.
They did this to effectively force students from low economic areas and backgrounds (myself included) into areas that needed filling (while doubling psychology when we have major shortages) and gatekeep a significant amount of degrees to the wealthy areas, effectively fucking over regional students who struggle immensely as it is with affording university.
We have a new government and they still haven’t reversed it, and I’ll be about 70k in debt for a three year degree because I had a period of illness and had to drop and retake classes in my second year. I’ll barely be able to afford my masters degree before reaching my student loan cap.
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izzydrawsforfun · 12 days
I know this is a dead topic but what are your views on the Zim Age Discourse?
It's a dumb discourse. And got even dumber when people claimed that Jhonen said that "Zim was 16" but no one gives an actual source to this bs. The Wiki is not a trusted source, anyone can edit that. And then the whole thing of Zim being "older than any human" or whatever that came out.
I refuse to believe people really thought Zim was meant to be an adult on the original series. It's clear that he is meant to be a kid in Irken years. It's clear that Irk is a planet where the Irkens gotta work from the moment they're literally born. Zim being a kid and a soldier is not a impossible concept.
It's clear that Jhonen intended for Zim to be around the same age as Dib, but in alien years. I don't give a damn if he decided to retcon it years later after the series was already done and over. The original show concepts even reffer to Zim as a kid during the events of the cartoon:
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People can have whatever headcanons they want for Zim's age, but making a big deal about people who disagree with you, or cancelling artists for writting and drawing their own interpretations is just fucked
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yellowflashof-theleaf · 3 months
Aw hecc naw
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sailor-tri · 2 months
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Let's eat parfaits together
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happyk44 · 2 months
Demeter: Oh, excuse me! Have you seen Persephone? Brown hair, smile that would shake the earth, weird obsession with turning roadkill into fertilizer?
Nymph: A white man broke into today.
Demeter: A white man?! No! Well, what did the others do about it?
Nymph: Nothing.
Demeter: Fucking typical! Ugh, I'm calling Hecate.
Demeter: *dials Hecate's phone number*
Hades, on the other end: Go for Hades.
Demeter: Hades? Why the hell- Where's Hecate?
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irisfixation · 3 months
stealing someone's name and pronouns is so much fun.
your primary means of referral in the world, the way your friends recognize you, the thing that anchors you to 'who you are'. even if you find a new name? that itself creates a new presentation, changes the way your friends (and yourself) associate you.
people will see your past accomplishments, your past acts, and not associate that with you. your old accoutrements bearing your former name are no longer yours; if anything, they belong to whatever took that name from you.
simply robbing all of that away from someone. no, you do not get to decide these things anymore. oh? you want it back? then struggle.
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moshieee · 5 months
Heigeuchvwbjsv gummy jumpscare
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Hello there @gummy-axolotl
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hecs · 10 months
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thank you for 127 followers i love u guys 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️ puku puku pow pow‼️‼️
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dailypearldoodles · 2 years
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Day 213
Today's outside Pearl is from @periwinklemoonlight! Her Pearl is super cute and I love how she colors it just looks so nice :DDD
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blackjackkent · 7 months
Jaheira's office does indeed look completely overgrown, which is apropos to be honest.
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There's several notes in here from various people regarding her investigations into the cult and the shadowlands prior to her departure to Last Light. Also a note from the Flaming Fist indicating that Rion and Jord have been helping to "settle street disputes" in a fashion the Fist disapproves of, and a clipping from the Baldur's Mouth Gazette relating to the Beloved Ranger statue (which was actually Minsc) disappearing.
There's a button operated by the pin Tate gave us on the side of her desk; it opens a pathway down into "Jaheira's Hideout" beneath the house.
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There are quite a number of these traps set up. The Narrator informs us, on a passed arcana check, that these are attuned to the druid who set them - Jaheira - but that they can be overwhelmed by being hit with the same element.
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I trust you implicitly, Jaheira, and also I can't figure out what pressure plate you're talking about. So I hope you're right. XD
At the bottom of the hill is... well, a sort of paradise.
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A gorgeous green lagoon rounded with trees and plants and a run-down but sturdy house of wood and thatch. Next to it is a badger, labeled "Postmaster Badger", and several "Messenger Rats."
"The only patch of wilderness this city permits me," Jaheira says wistfully. "There ought to be supplies here to aid us."
"You know this place, Boo?" Minsc says indignantly. "Hmph. Minsc has never been invited."
Everything inside the house is trapped. XD I quicksaved aggressively while disarming everything because I was very afraid of exploding Jaheira's sanctuary by accident.
In disarming the traps, Hector finds a hidden door behind a bookshelf.
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Jaheira reaches out and puts a hand on his arm before he can proceed. "Keen eye," she says quietly. "But if it's supplies you seek, weapons to aid in our fight - you won't find them behind that door." He can hear a sudden effort in her voice, one he knows all too well - the struggle against sudden emotion. "There is nothing back there of worth to anyone but me."
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Hector looks at her thoughtfully. His curiosity is piqued, certainly, and it is a powerful force on its own - but more than that, he has been fascinated, over this past hour or so, at seeing beneath the brittle shell that Jaheira always presents to the world. "If it matters to you, it matters to me," he says earnestly.
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She looks away from him, her eyes flicking rapidly around the room. "On my word," she mutters. "All you will find inside is dust, and the mouldering keepsakes of a much younger woman."
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"Jaheira," Minsc rumbles gently. "Our friend has put their trust in us. Boo thinks it only right to return the gesture, no?"
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For a moment, Hector thinks she is going to lash out, defensive-- but then she hesitates, and smiles ruefully. "You so rarely make a habit of being right, ranger, that it puts me ill at ease when you are." She sighs, looks back to Hector and nods. "Pass, then. Go on. See what it is a foolish old Harper thinks worth hiding away."
Hector holds himself still for a moment, giving her the chance to change her mind. He is curious, and he welcomes the chance to connect with her here-- but he will not push where he isn't wanted.
When she doesn't object, he leans over and pushes the bookcase aside.
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It's an unassuming little area, really - no more than a dirt cave behind the house. A large chest, several display cases and crates and a table covered in scrolls.
The table first, and the scroll on it:
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"Rite of the Timeless Body," Hector says thoughtfully. "What's that about? I'd best ask Jaheira."
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"I found a strange scroll in your sanctuary. Something about a 'timeless body'?"
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She snorts. "The threat of spanking never kept the children from poking through my things. Why should it deter you." She glances at the paper on the table. "It is... a ritual. Or it describes one at least. Practiced by druids of certain esoteric circles. If they be learned and powerful enough, the practitioner of this ritual might slow their aging, extend their life well beyond its natural reach. In greener days, I might have been strong enough to do it. I might be yet, with the right preparations."
Hector blinks. "So you plan to do it?"
Jaheira hesitates, shrugs. "I make no plans. Only... contingencies." She scowls, seeing the expression on his face. "Do not look at me like that. I have been content to see the span of my natural years - a privilege far too few in this world can claim. I do not speak of clinging to life for its own sake. I just... look back on that life's work and I wonder... is it done?"
She lets out a heavy breath and leans against the wall of the building behind them. "The Dead Three plague the world still. The city still falls prey to small minds like Gortash or lost souls like Orin. It is every Harper's hope to be a light that drives out darkness. But I've lived long enough to see so many of those lights burn out, while the shadows cling stubbornly on. Knowing that, isn't it our duty to burn on if we can? To fight for as long as we are able?"
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Karlach gives a sudden, sharp laugh at Hector's side. "You're preaching to the doomed choir, ma'am," she says sardonically.
Jaheira smiles sadly. "You've done more than your share of fighting already, Karlach," she says. "If there is one person I would trust to make the most of a longer life, it is you."
Hector knows he shouldn't ask, he knows it isn't fair with Karlach standing right there to hear him... but the words slip out anyway. "Would you live on at any cost?" he asks.
She quirks an eyebrow at him. "In truth, I had put this ritual from my mind - until Last Light. Trapped in that darkness, I turned to my research again. What if I was a little stronger? As fast as I once had been?" She shrugs. "Then you came, and made the question moot. But I kept this. Just in case, I told myself. A final resort. Perhaps you were not the savior you seemed. I had learned better than to think of life as some simple tale, after all. There is no guarantee of happy endings, or true heroes."
She looks at him thoughtfully for a moment before going on. "I believe that still. But when I look on all we have achieved since, I wonder... perhaps it is not heroes we need. Only people who are willing to try. I do not know what manner of story that makes. But I do know that, without an ending, it would be no story at all." She gives a short, sharp nod. "So I will accept mine, when and however it comes. As for this city's story, well..." She grins suddenly, pockets the scroll. "Well, that is entirely your problem now, cub."
He smiles slightly. "I'm honored you think of me that way."
"Hah. Do not thank me for slinging a weight around your neck," she says dryly. "I might start to feel bad." She huffs out a breath and shakes her head. "I do mean what I say - but I am also a Harper. In every honeyed word, there is a hook. But I do not plan on going anywhere just yet."
She pauses, and then grins with gallows humor. "And besides, you still have a tadpole in your skull. You are almost certainly going to die first."
Hector doesn't really think that's particularly funny.
(A/N: Time for some incredibly self-indulgent headcanon - in this worldstate and in my particular headcanons for Jaheira post-BG2, you cannot convince me that she didn't obtain the information on that ritual partially for Rasaad, knowing she was going to outlive him by a century and not wanting to face losing another man she loved. Though I think the more altruistic explanations for her wanting it still also applied. (And perhaps Rasaad wouldn't have accepted it anyway even if she'd been able to figure it out.) She does say she put it aside for quite a while, until Last Light. Probably after Rasaad died.)
There are two Very Rare quality weapons in the chest opposite the table:
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This is a scimitar first found in a haybale near the Druid's Grove outside Trademeet, in Baldur's Gate 2.
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This staff is obtained in Watcher's Keep in the Throne of Bhaal expansion. Caden (to my recollection) never went there during my playthrough, but that doesn't mean he didn't while I wasn't paying attention. ;) Cespenar also apparently can upgrade it in the pocket plane.
I miss Cespenar. I hope he's doing well.
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Finally, at the back of the room is a slightly dusty-looking display case.
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Aw man, c'mon, I just teared up. You can't hit me with a throwback like that and expect me to remain normal.
This is the necklace that Khalid makes for Jaheira (if you help him) in the Siege of Dragonspear expansion between BG1 and BG2. He was incredibly cute about it and talked about how he declared his love for her for the first time. SHE was incredibly cute about it and talked about how lucky she was to have him. The item description was also incredibly cute and talked about how just wearing it revitalized her.
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*quiet wailing*
We can ask her about it further, too.
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"About that amulet I found in your house..."
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"Oh dear," she says, looking at him warily. "Should I brace myself for some fashion advice?"
She pauses, then sighs. "But I suppose you have earned better than glibness from me. It was a gift from my husband, Khalid."
He can hear the emotion that rockets through her with the single word. He is sure he sounds much the same when he speaks of Karlach.
"He was a Harper," she goes on. Her expression grows distant, lost in memory. "A better one than me, truth be told. Any idiot can swing a sword. But to believe in the cause, with the whole of your heart? A much trickier thing."
She draws a breath and lets it out shakily. "He died. Alone, in pain, and far too young. Murdered by a mage who craved immortality." A muscle works in her cheek. "I'll not grant it by naming him in the same breath as my husband."
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[HISTORY] Recall what you know of Khalid.
Narrator: The quiet, unassuming shadow to Jaheira's strength, Khalid was another warrior who helped end the Bhaalspawn crisis. Shortly after, he was murdered by the mad mage Jon Irenicus.
Hector and Jaheira have spoken of this a little before. Jaheira first mentioned him in the context of Karlach's engine, and the impending similar loss that Hector faces himself. In that moment, and in this one, he felt and feels a sudden deep surge of connection with her, a terrible bond that steadies and reassures him even if he wishes neither of them had to bear it. He is not alone, and neither is she. He hopes his presence gives her similar solace.
"I'm sorry," he says quietly. "I hope I didn't bring up any bad memories."
She smiles weakly. "Nothing that wasn't already there, fear not," she says. "But I've lived many lifetimes since Khalid died. You, ah..." She trails off before the slight shiver in her voice can take root and blossom into tears. "You twine your life around the people you love. And when they are gone, you grow around their absence instead. It is just another way they shape you..."
She swallows, then goes on suddenly louder, faster-- "Which is my sage way of saying... I am in no danger of forgetting how my husband died. But I choose to remember how he lived."
(A/N: God, the writing in this game is gorgeous.)
Hector wonders, briefly, what Karlach thinks of this conversation, but he does not dare to look at her, or that same emotion will rise into his own throat and choke him. Instead, he focuses on Jaheira, listening intently. I choose to remember how he lived. "Tell me something about him no one else knows," he says, tone deliberately light.
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She gives a slight laugh. "Most Harpers swagger and flash their feathers to catch your attention. Khalid was of a quieter sort," she says. "I have never known a warrior who would go so far out of his way to avoid a fight. Which meant the few he chose were usually the right ones." She pauses, and then laughs again, shakier this time. "And when we were married... on an upturned cart in the rainy Dalelands... he stammered so much, I've never been sure if our vows actually counted."
Hector smiles. "You seem an odd pairing," he says, gently teasing.
Her eyes narrow, taking on a sudden almost playful air. "The druid in me would like to say it was a thing of balance. The younger woman recalls rather more about a fine bottom-- and the habit not to speak unless he had something to say."
This comment is so unexpected that it startles a laugh out of Hector - and he's relieved to hear Karlach laughing too, behind him. Jaheira looks rather pleased with herself at the reaction.
"The songs make much of Khalid's meekness," she goes on after a little while, more seriously. "The quiet little Harper who had to keep a tight hold on his courage. But he had it when it counted. And more than that-- he had compassion. When you live a Harper's life, see all that a Harper sees, that is by far the harder thing to hold onto."
She looks down at the aquamarine pendant in her hands, then slips it around her neck. "But a bard can tell you all the rest," she says, turning away. "As for all the things they cannot... well. I shall just have to keep those for myself."
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cirusthecitrus · 2 months
Moar Young Prime/Kur twins AU stuff has piled up!
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I even tried experimenting a lil bit and was so brave about it! (but im still scared of working with color bleh)
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*Average life expectancy of a spacebat is +-200 years, so YeAh, these two are just 8ft babies everybody point and laugh
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avianscribe · 2 years
No, I don't want my online experience to be optimized. I don't want it to be based on my search history, shopping preferences, location, age, gender. When I come online, I want to be a cypher. A cryptid. A complete enigma. I want the algorithm to hear my footsteps in the dark and get a shiver up the spine and pray to whatever deity rules AI that I pass by softly and leave it alone.
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