#╰ ♡ filed under: career.
parkduris · 1 year
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neosimi · 2 years
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💼 4t2 career day table + separated clutter 📊
while i’m not quite finished decorating the community college lot, here is HSY’s debug career day table and sforzinda’s separated clutter from it. perfect for career fairs on and off campus. :]
files are compressed. polycount + swatches under the cut. 
update 1/29/23: fixed shadow on the presentation board.
download: [sfs] | [box] ♡
credits: EA, @anvilesi.
check out the cafeteria station if you haven’t already. (🖒ᵕ ᵕ)🖒
EP12 career day table - 750 polys | $1500
sep. clutter: presentation board - 30 polys | $5
sep. clutter: pen holder - 146 polys | $1
sep. clutter: bowl - 146 polys | $5
sep clutter: paper stack - 41 polys | $1
sep. clutter: nametag - 10 polys | $1
notes: all separated clutter is repo’d to the presentation board. categorized under deco -> sculpture. please let me know if you run into any issues, enjoy!~
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @rosieathena - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x she/her!reader
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Familiar Face
“What about you, kid, did you have a crush in school?” Derek asks Spencer, a natural progression considering everyone on the team had already discussed their school crushes. Even Penelope joined in from the computer screen. It‘s a long flight, they have time.
The image of you enters Spencer’s mind as soon as the question is asked.
“No, I didnt.” He answers, the picture of you seeming to grow until it envelopes all of his thoughts.
Emily raises an eyebrow. “I think someone is telling a lie!”
This peaks the entire team’s interest, all of them leaning forward in their seats, profiling him expertly in terrifying silence.
“Alright, alright! There was a girl I had feelings for!” Spencer admits defeat under the deadly gaze of his friends, who all smile in joint victory.
“Come on kid, you’ve gotta tell us more!” Derek says, already prepared to tease the genius to no end.
Spencer sighs. “She was my best friend. My only friend, actually. Nobody could really...stand to be around me, nobody my own age, back then. The only reason I wasnt mercilessly bullied was because of her, she so fiercely defended me all the time.” He laughs fondly, losing himself to thoughts of you. “She was always much smaller than me, but she was fearless. We used to play imaginary games where we were both police officers chasing bad guys; it was her who inspired me to want to pursue a career like this. Before her, the bad guys scared me. My mom loved her, and she loved my mom, they were always laughing together whenever she came over. I can distinctly remember my heart stopping when our imaginary police games got particularly dramatic and she’d grab my hand, for just a few seconds I was allowed to believe I had a chance with her.” Spencer shakes his head, pulling himself out of his thoughts and clearing his throat. “But that was a long time ago, she has most likely forgotten all about me.”
He looks down at the case file in his hands and pretends to read it while the team exchange glances. He did his best to reveal as little personal information possible about you, so that they have no way of finding you and forcing you to see him again, but he couldnt help still feeling worried.
It had been a while since Spencer had thought of you. His mind drifted to you every so often, but he only ever let himself very shallowly recall memories of you, he wouldnt dare relive them properly. But after talking about you aloud for the first time in so many years, the dam was broken, and his mind was flooded.
Not only does he recall how his heart stopped when you held his hand, he remembers the way you’d grin every time you saw him, even if you’d only spent an hour without him. Spencer recites the countless facts he remembered specifically to tell you. He remembers every word you ever told him, from the day you met when the two of you were five years old, until the day he graduated high school at 12 and had to leave for college.
That day in kindergarten, you left the other kids you were playing with so that you could go and sit with little Spencer, who was reading a book by himself. You introduced yourself and asked him to read to you, which became an ongoing tradition in your friendship, up until the day you cried into each other before he had to leave for college. You told him you adored him, that you’d do everything in your power to stay in touch with him, and then you kissed him. Neither him nor you had ever addressed any feelings outside of friendship, and even then, neither of you said anything. It was your shared first kiss.
Spencer remembers every detail of every incident when you physically jumped in front of him to protect him from school bullies. He counted six times that you got called to the principal’s office for punching, kicking and biting people that were mean to him. It would always be Spencer who pulled you away from a fight and held you back, you werent scared at all. He remembers when you got a black eye in a particular incident protecting him, he felt so guilty that he threw up and tried to avoid you, because he thought you’d be safer and happier without him. But you found him, you always did, and you told him you’d break every bone in your body if it meant he would be safe. That was one of the moments, one of many, that made him fall so hard for you.
A week passed, a week of Spencer daydreaming of you in the same way he did all those years ago. None of the team had brought you up again, which gave him just as much relief as it did stress; he couldnt tell if they were planning something or if they’d simply moved on. Regardless, the team’s focus is presently on a case of a missing child. This case is only a short drive away, no flight necessary, which was the only pleasantry of this case.
“We contacted a CARD team investigator to assist us on this case.” Aaron briefs the team as they enter the station, and everyone nods.
The CARD team, Child Abduction Response Deployment, works to recover victims as quickly as possible and helps apprehend those responsible for taking them. There are only 60 or so agents who make up the CARD team, stationed at field offices and assigned to one of five regional teams. They are seasoned veterans of crimes against children, especially child abductions, and have received extensive training. While some local law enforcement agencies may only work one or two child abduction cases a year, CARD team agents work these kinds of cases all the time, keeping their unique skill set honed.
An officer approaches Aaron. “Agent (Y/L/N) has already started interrogating the first person on the local sex offenders list.”
Hotch nods. “Rossi, you and Prentiss speak to the first victim’s family. JJ and Derek, go and speak to Addie’s parents.” He instructs, referring to the child currently missing. “Reid and I will assist Agent (Y/L/N) with interrogations.”
Spencer feels his mouth dry up, Agent (Y/L/N)? It couldnt be, could it? The probability of that coincidence is far too low, it isnt logical, only hopeful.
The team splits up, with Spencer and Aaron heading to the interrogation room. The CARD investigator has her back to the window, sitting opposite a particularly seedy looking middle aged man.
“How many times are you and I going to meet in these circumstances, Mr. Williams?” She says, a hint of sass mixed into her authoritative tone.
“As many times as you jump to suspect me the second a kid goes missing!” Mr. Wiliams snaps back, raising his voice.
Although Spencer cant see her face, he can practically hear her raise an eyebrow sarcastically as she laughs. “Oh, you overestimate yourself, Mr. Williams. You are simply the first name on the list, there are plenty of other creeps far more capable of such a professionally executed crime. As far as Im concerned, you’re an amateur.”
Spencer smiles slightly. Hotch looks at him.
“She’s good, isnt she?”
Spencer nods. “She’ll break him in no time.”
He cant help recognising her voice as somewhat familiar, but he discards it as his mind playing tricks on him.
“Garcia said she’s quoted as the best CARD investigator in her regional team, if not the best of them all. In every case she’s worked, she’s found every child, and found them alive.”
Spencer frowns slightly, looking to Hotch. “Why did Garcia do a background check on a CARD investigator?”
There’s a flicker of panic in Aaron’s eyes, but he immediately regains composure. “She’d heard of Agent (Y/L/N) prior to this, in various articles Garcia likes to read about children who were reunited with their parents after being kidnapped. She hoped to join us on this case so that she could befriend the investigator.”
Spencer nods, that does sound like Penelope. But he couldnt shake the feeling that something was off. Penelope had never mentioned an Agent (Y/L/N) before.
“You’re obsessed with me!” Mr. Williams scoffs. “Even though Im in therapy for my inappropriate attractions, I’d rather have my dick cut off with a butter knife than sleep with you!”
The CARD investigator laughs at that, she really laughs, dramatically wiping tears from her eyes.
“Oh, now you’ve dug yourself a hole!” She says as she rises from her seat, placing her palms flat on the interrogation table and leaning over to him. “I’ve got a game for you. Why dont you go ahead and give me a list of women who would sleep with a man who can only get it up for little kids? Oh, wait, sorry, Im getting you confused with pedophiles who can get it up in the first place. You missed that train, didnt you? I also think you’re forgetting who was at your court case, and who saw the naked pictures of you that were passed around the court.” She chuckles, shaking her head dismissively as she walks around the table and leans over him from the side, her hair shielding her face from Spencer’s view.
“Sweetheart, my pinky finger would give me more satisfaction!” Agent (Y/L/N) cheers.
Mr. Williams tugs at his handcuffs, and she laughs harder.
“You’re really gonna try that with me? Do you WANT to go back in a cell? From what I remember, the other inmates dont take kindly to people like you, but Im sure you know that from your own experience, right?” She leans closer to him, Mr. Williams shrinking away from her. “Where were you at 3pm on Tuesday the 13th?” She tucks her hair behind her ear, and Spencer’s blood runs cold.
It’s you.
He knew it, the moment he heard your name, heard your voice, your laugh, he just didnt want to admit it!
“How did you find her?” Spencer asks, his voice stern.
“Garcia.” Hotch replies, neither of the men looking at each other.
Spencer nods and speed walks away, feeling his entire body heating up until he steps outside the building. He feels lightheaded, dizzy, like he’s dreaming. Before he knows it, his phone is pressed to his ear.
“You’ve reached the desk of the one and only sex goddess-“
Spencer cuts Penelope off. “How did you find her?”
He hears her swallow nervously. “W-Well, you graduated early, so I knew there was no point looking in yearbooks, but there were school pictures from before then...she was always stood next to you.”
Spencer sighs, Penelope doesnt say anything else, and he knows why. She’s worried that he’s angry with her, but he could never be. He knows that the team put her up to it for that exact reason: Garcia is the only person on the team he cant hold a grudge against, because her intentions are always nothing but kind. Without her needing to say it, Spencer knows she found you because she saw how happy he was just talking about you, she wanted to reunite the two of you. Set him up with someone that he already knew, or did, many years ago. And for that, he cant be upset with her.
“I havent seen her since I was 12, what do I say?” Spencer asks, truly lost in a situation he had not prepared himself for.
He can hear the relief in Penelope’s voice at his response. “Just be yourself! That worked when you were kids, so it’ll work now!”
Spencer looks over the door of the police station. “How can you know that?”
The smile on Penelope’s face is obvious. “You both ended up catching the bad guys.”
Spencer cant help but smile, too. It’s a strange bit of reassurance, and he appreciates it more than he can say. “Thank you.”
Penelope squeals. “Go get her!”
Then she hangs up, causing Spencer to laugh as he tucks his phone back in his pocket. He takes a few deep breaths as he stares at the door, hyping himself up before he nods to himself and walks back inside. Determination fills him as he makes his way back to the interrogation room, but the determination melts when he sees you talking with Hotch in the entrance hall. He had anticipated he’d have a few more seconds to mentally prepare, but that was gone, and so was his confidence. Spencer stops dead in his tracks, frozen to the spot.
You and Hotch smile as you talk, your eyes distracted from him by something you couldnt figure out, until they glanced at the door. Your expression fell into one of utter disbelief. Wide eyes approach Spencer at a pace that could slow time itself. Once you’re close enough, you lift your hand at the same snail speed, gently touching his cheek with your fingertips.
“Is it really you?” You whisper, such a quiet contrast to the confidence in the interrogation room.
Spencer nods, parting his mouth to speak, but then your face begins to change. A smile forms, blooming into a grin until he recognises it as the same smile you’d always give him, and quite suddenly all words lose their meaning. No amount of syllables or sentences could come close to a justified description of your beauty.
“Well, let me start by saying with complete confidence that my childhood crush on you has transcended its previous laws.” You say, blushing slightly at your own confession.
“How so?” Spencer asks with a small smile.
“Childhood crushes are supposed to end when childhood does, but here I am!” You declare, playfully mad at him.
He laughs. “Last time I saw you, you very unfairly put me in a state of shock that made me mute for an entire day.”
Your eyes widen with concern. “I did? Why!?! How!?!”
Spencer sighs. “You kissed me, and as soon as you did I couldnt function.”
“And why is that unfair?” You ask teasingly, grinning again.
“You rendered me physically incapable of responding appropriately!” Spencer states in joking accusation.
You raise an eyebrow, processing the sentiment behind his words. You take a step closer to him, standing on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck. “Well, what’s a 20 year break in a conversation? I’d gladly continue it! A little less sadly this time around though, if possible.”
Spencer leans in. “Oh, that’s definitely possible.” He mumbles quietly, half a second before your lips meet his.
Spencer’s hands go to your waist, then to the small of your back, then your hips, while yours run through his hair and hold him to you, not that he’d ever try to escape. Your lips collide in the most gorgeous way, dancing together wordlessly, perfectly detailling the extent of your yearning for each other. You pull away, panting, and Spencer feels himself swell with pride noticing how impressed you are. Maybe waiting 20 years to kiss you back was good, since he got some practise in before the final test. Seeing you still recovering from his kiss, he finds confidence he never would’ve found without you.
“So, dinner tonight?”
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agentstarkid · 1 year
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“Rohayhu is an expression in the Guaraní language that serves to describe a deep feeling of love towards another person. It's believed that there are two variants of the story of its origin and in both situations, the couple falls in love almost from the first meeting. That feeling seems to grow rapidly over time. In an effort to show their affections through an expression that was only understandable to both of them, one of them proposed the word "Rohayhu" as the way to say "I love you." In this way, when one said it, the other would be able to understand the intention behind those words.”
✦ PAIRING: daniel ricciardo x famous!latina!reader
✦ PIT BOARD: social media au | ✦ FC: becky g
✦ TRACK LIMITS: female!reader, covid-19 & quarantine mentions, age gap, language.
✦ MAY'S RADIO: Holiiiii babes! ✨ I'm sososo happy you guys liked Serendipity as much as you did, I was honestly so anxious! I really cheerished each and every single one of your feedbacks 🤍 I'm also sooo sorry it took me so long to post part 2 but honestly I wouldn't even be posting this today if it wasn't for @onceuponaoneshotfanfic 🤍 she listened to all my ramblings and gave me so many great ideas when I was feeling stuck! 😭 On another note, I'm pretty sure most of you guys never heard of the guaraní language and that's okay because here I am to shed a bit of light on it 😉. Guaraní it's one of the official languages of my country (along with spanish) and, in my humble opinion, it sounds so romantic and elegant. And as much as I'm trying to keep the reader's nationality pretty ambiguous, I had to give my culture a little role in this story somehow. By the way, Ro is pronounced with a flicked R sound, not rolled and the O is /ŏ/. Hayhu sounds like 'Hi who'.
I really hope you enjoy this one! Every feedback is appreciated 🥰
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JUNE 08, 2020
INTERVIEW: The most romantic side of Y/N L/N! | LatinxNow!
The singer reveals all about how she's spending lockdown down under, her new cooking show and how her fans "know the one she's in love with".
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1,191,050 views • liked by pierregasly, corey_wilson and 204,490 others
danielricciardo Happy Monday kids. Don't forget to be kind 😉🤠🤘
View all 3,998 comments
user 2 hands on the wheel, please Daniel
user2 yourinstagram we'd love an epic car sing along 👀
user3 you're a goddamn treasure to the Y/N-nation sir! 😍
yourinstagram Can't decide if I'm flattered or filing for copyright infringement 🤔
danielricciardo Guess I'm taking over your career now 😘 yourinstagram let's stick to our day jobs mate 👍🏼 you're lucky you're cute tho 😘
user4 he's NOT being slutty enough. pop that leggy up on the seat pls
user5 how can one be so hot and so cringe at the same time
user6 it's his brand™
user7 does anyone else want to empty their bank account to see him on stage with y/n?
JUNE 16, 2020
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scottyjames31 and marcusstoinis have added to their stories!
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JUNE 20, 2020
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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JUNE 30, 2020
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, karolg, pierregasly and 8,452,325 others
yourinstagram Most of the things I had planned this summer didn’t end up happening, but there are two things I hadn’t planned on that DID happen. And those things are finding someone whose love feels like daylight, warm and full of new beginnings, and my 5th studio album, Vesper. SURPRISE! 🌟🤗 Brace yourselves, lovelies! During these tough times, I turned to music and created something truly magical. I've been pouring my dreams, hopes, heart and soul into this project. I'm beyond thrilled to unveil my entire brand new album featuring a collection of heartfelt love songs dedicated to the one who always keeps my creative flame alive 🃏❤️. Love has a funny way of inspiring art, I wrote and recorded this music in isolation but got to collaborate with some musical geniuses! Better set your alarms, it'll be released TONIGHT at the stroke of midnight as a heartfelt gift to you and to my muse! 🎂 ALSO keep an eye out for Los Besos' music video! 👀 I really hope you guys enjoy this little piece of my heart as much I did recording it! Love you guys so much ❤️
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user2 if they ever break up i'm gonna burn down this entire city 🙂
user3 "my muse" lol does anyone know how much it cost a toaster so I can take a shower with it? :)
user4 i'm climbing the walls banging my fists screaming my lungs out crying throwing up dying
arianagrande I'm claiming #6 because that would be me after I listen to this album
itsvittoriasousa the girls and I are claiming #1 🤭
sebastianyatra off to break records once again, penguin 🤟🏼
mauyricky we loved working with you and jpsaxe, sis! the world needs another collab it's been too long since mi mala 👀😈
user5 sooo she just said lemme make these bitches lose their minds by writing a whole ass album about how in love I am with this bloke and drop it outta nowhere on his birthday
user SHE IS INSANE! Y/N baby he is just a man 😫😫😫
lewishamilton I already pre-saved it 🙏🏾 Congrats sis! 💜
user a XNDA and Y/N collab when????? 👀👀👀
user6 danielricciardo I hope u are aware of how fucking lucky you are and that you treasure and worship the woman that she is 🔪🔪🔪
*danielricciardo and 6,852 others liked this comment*
danielricciardo so incredibly proud, chip ❤️
yourinstagram Love notes for my number one fan 😘 user WE'VE GOT A RED HEART GUYS!! 😱 FUCK THEY ARE SO CUTE 😭 user2 HE CALLS HER CHIP 😫❤️ do I know what it means? fuck no but it sounds so cuteeee!!!
user7 danielricciardo sir I need to know to which god you prayed to
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📍 Monaco
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, pierregasly, fioamato and 952,684 others
danielricciardo A big thanks for my birthday wishes! Gotta say this year is looking pretty 🍑 great 😏 3 days to go 🏁
View all 3,097 comments
yourinstagram You may be fast, but can you handle the curva grande? 🤭
danielricciardo oh baby don't threaten me with a good time 😏 userA I think we annoyed them too much asking for a hard launch and now they are being fucking horny and unhinged online 😳 userB Do y'all need a dog? I can bark userC userB nah daniel's scared of dogs lol I volunteer as their rug though
user I'm gonna need 35 to 365 business days to recover from THAT bro 🤯
fioamato seems like you had a lot of cake 👀
danielricciardo sabroso 😏 userA DANIEL??!!!!! 😳 userB HE'S BEING HORNY ON MAIN FOR HER BITCH ME TOO TF 🥵
userA my brain isn't functioning after this. it changed me forever 🤯 userB Daniel really is a menace first and a human second 😩 userC how am I supposed to live laugh love under these conditions??? userD THAT SHOULD BE MEEE
pierregasly happy birthday bro! hope you enjoyed the cake 😉
natalie_pinkham Idyllic first official shot 😍
user8 I used to pray for times like this 😭😭😭😭
chloestroll STUNNING ❤️😍 (her not you)
yourinstagram ❤️❤️❤️
user9 i'm so used to giving and now i get to receive 😭
user10 man you really won the fucking lottery like DAMN MAMI 🥵
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JULY 5, 2020
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AUGUST 12, 2020
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─── Please don't forget to reblog & comment! ♡
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saintodo · 3 years
thots: makki’s only fans
♡ note: uh….yeah <3
♡ word count: 646
♡ warnings: gn!reader, sex work/only fans, talk of nudes, doggy style fucking, consensual filming
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i love the idea of people mistakenly assuming that you’re the breadwinner between you and hanamaki. it makes sense, you have a well-paying stable job while he’s been unemployed and “in between jobs” for the longest time. they just assume that he’s your deadbeat boyfriend, who’s mooching off of you.
neither you nor hanamaki really say too much when people have the audacity to make jabs right to your faces. you just uncomfortably laugh and try to divert the conversation, but hanamaki straight up just doesn’t give a fuck. he laughs and slings his arm around you and agrees with them. he says something along the lines about how he’s practically your sugar baby. it normally gets the other person to get real awkward and drop the topic, maybe even walk away under the guise of some excuse. you always get embarrassed by his antics, but let him get away with it.
i mean, the other person should feel weird for trying to pass judgement on your relationship like that, especially when they don’t know shit. if they did, they’d learn that you’re not the money maker in the relationship, hanamaki is.
as one of the top 1% creators on only fans, hanamaki makes a shit ton of money, way more than what your salary is worth. he’s incredibly successful, it’s safe to say that people love his content. whether it’s simple nude photos or videos of him jacking off, his audience eats that shit up. but his most popular videos are the ones he films with you.
you’re so supportive of his career, which hanamaki is so grateful for, but he was pretty surprised when you first offered to join him in a video. when he asked what made you want to, you just shrugged your shoulders and said “gotta make sure everyone knows you’re mine.” his cock immediately chubbed up at the subtle possessiveness in your tone.
the rare videos you make together are carefully filmed to ensure your faces are always hidden. hanamaki doesn’t show his face anyways in any of his content and he’s not going to let anybody see yours. the lewd expressions you make when you’re bouncing on his cock are reserved for his eyes only.
after he posts content with you in it, hanamaki always gets flooded with comments talking about how fucking hot your body is or how cute your breathy moans sound. damn right, he thinks. hanamaki agrees with them, he knows damn well how much of a catch you are.
sometimes he reads replies where the user says something about how they could fuck you so much better than hanamaki or how you need a real dick in your life. he snorts whenever he comes across them. he doesn’t get mad, but he does file those comments in the back of his mind.
people are surprised when hanamaki uploads another video with you right after posting one with you in it. the videos you appear in are normally few and far between. clicking to view the recording, it shows hanamaki fucking you in doggy position. your back curves so pretty as hanamaki drills his cock in and out of you.
“nobody can fuck you like me,” he muses aloud. the slick sound of his hips hitting the curve of your ass fills the pauses between his words. “c’mon baby, tell the camera who fucks you the best.”
you moan when he lands a resounding smack on your ass and press your face further into the pillows. “a-ah! it’s you, you fuck me the best, fuck me so good and deep. feel it in my throat,” you babble, rocking your hips back against hanamaki’s cock.
“that’s right, baby.” he smooths his hand over your ass, pressing his thumbs into the dips of your back. “you were made for my cock.”
safe to say, people got hanamaki’s message.
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nikikyuuun · 3 years
Reader that has a crush on rei and always leaves love letters for him but it’s never signed so one day rei catches them putting a letter in his locker and the rest is ur choice 🤩
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i love secret admirers it's so cute!!!!! sobs ......... for the sake of simplicity, it's assumed that rei and the reader at the very least know each other, but i didn't specify any more than that! i hope that's alright, and i do hope you enjoy! ♡
❧ rei with a secret admirer
content warnings: none
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❧ rei is no stranger to the concept of secret admirers, and not just because of his idol career. his whole vampire thing is oddly popular, it seems, and sometimes he might come across the odd love letter in his locker or under his desk or placed near his bag...
❧ when the new ones started coming in, he didn't think much of it at first—maybe he read them and felt flattered as he tends to, before filing them away—but there was a feeling he couldn't quite shake off about the handwriting, or the writing style. it felt familiar, somehow, but he couldn't quite identify it. rei makes sure to file these away separately, for organisation's sake—and who knows? perhaps he'll even figure out what exactly is so familiar about them... this old man still has some strokes of genius in him left!
❧ he doesn't, well, actively seek out this new admirer of his, though. unsigned as they are, combined with the sheer volume of idol work (and other fanmail!) rei receives daily, he reckons it'd take forever to even narrow down the pool of people it could be. so he waits it out! he rather enjoys reading each new letter, too—they're thoughtful in a way that other letters often aren't, too, almost as if they're from someone he knows... just a little something to keep at the back of his mind~
❧ suffice it to say, catching you in the middle of dropping a letter into his locker? well, it feels a bit like a gift has been dropped into his lap. he'll play it off no matter how you react—will you be embarrassed? cool and composed? it doesn't quite matter to him—rei might tease you a bit, sure, but ultimately he'll let you go without much fuss for now... but he reads the letter and thinks back to you, and it feels a little more like a veil has been lifted from his eyes. perhaps that was why these letters seemed so familiar despite the lack of identification, and perhaps that was why you seemed to be a little more skittish around him, sometimes.
❧ the next time he sees you, he waits until you're alone with him—then he taps you on the shoulder, holding a few of your letters in hand. "i'm quite flattered that you think so highly of me, fufu," he says, though he swears he feels his heart almost skip a beat. "perhaps you'd like to go out for coffee, sometime? we could even call it a date."
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parkduris · 1 year
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parkduris · 1 year
tags dump!
╰ ♡ filed under: tag.
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