#╰・ ⁀ ִ ˚ serah farron ・ in character
femmehysteria · 10 months
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I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day, check my pinned post for active polls
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akimojo · 2 months
I'll forever love serah for deciding to save the future with noel...... not out of obligation or a sense of duty, but because she's taking control of her own life for the first time in 3 (possibly much longer even) years and saving the world is what she wants to do
In the dream world when she has the choice to back down and live peacefully, her wants of being with her family again (fake or not) and saving the future conflicting with each other, she realizes that for the first time in probably her entire life, there are people relying on her because of what she herself set in motion, all as a result of her newfound agency and courage
The old serah would've probably chosen to stay living in the dream, she might’ve preferred the comfort of a fake sanctuary over a grim reality with an unlikely shot at a happy ending, but the new serah isn't content with running away and staying put anymore, she'd rather die going for what she really wants than live a life devoid of true meaning when she could've wanted more
The mirror still being in her room during the fate and freedom paradox ending is representative of that, she may have forgotten all about her journey, but there's something tugging at her, something deeply wrong about her situation that gnaws at her core and leaves her to wonder about what she's missing when she should feel fulfilled, and that feeling scares her
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esli-art · 2 years
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-> Serah Hargreeves
I spinned my characters wheel on Twitch this morning and got Five Hargreeves + Serah Farron. Tough duo to mix, not gonna lie 😅
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symplysleepy · 2 years
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Aurora Farron, 16
Aurora, as she appears in Triple Farron, branded, and in battle.
I’d love it if you gave the story a read! It’s only a few chapters in, but I’ve got big plans for this character and I’m so excited to share her story with all of you. <3 (ffnet link here)
FFXIII and its characters belong to Square Enix. Aurora Farron is a fan made character created as part of a fanfiction series written in the FFXIII universe. Aurora is my own design, please do not repost any art or work of mine, with or without credit. I’m open for any fanart made of Aurora as long as I’m credited <3
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doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
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dresspheres · 2 years
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Here are some more screenshots, this time for the characters from Final Fantasy XIII! As always, each character has their own folder. Please like or reblog this post if you're planning on use them. Some screenshots may be blurry or out of focus as I haven’t gone through them with a fine toothed comb.
Alexander (274)
Amodar (316)
Bahamut (73)
Bartholomew Estheim (1,109)
Brynhilde (149)
Cid Raines (1,447)
Dajh Katzroy (560)
Gadot (1,149)
Galenth Dysley (1,864)
Hecatonchier (24)
Hope Estheim (18,876)
Jihl Nabaat (1,117)
Lebreau (595)
Lightning Farron (25,157)
Maqui (484)
Nora Estheim (650)
Odin (234)
Oerba Dia Vanille (23,980)
Oerba Yun Fang (11,711)
Orphan (502)
Ragnorok (226)
Rygdea (348)
Sazh Katzroy (18,919)
Serah Farron (4,449)
Shiva (190)
Snow Villiers (20,012)
Yaag Rosch (1,501)
Yuj (446)
If you would like to support me, please consider buying me a Kofi or tipping me on PayPal.
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hubristicassholefight · 11 months
Swordswoman Showdown Round 2 Part 2
Lightning Farron (Final Fantasy XIII) vs Fa Mulan (Mulan)
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Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
She uses a Gunblade. A sword thats also a gun. Said to be very rare because it takes so much skill to use. Does lots of slashing and backflips. Later becomes Champion of A God and sword fights a guy for eternity. Later becomes champion of a Different god and uses lots of different swords; She is dramatic and has lots of character growth and is awesome.
#She fights sephiroth#she has a fire sword for Drama#She gets armor too#how can you say no to that face#you want it she can do it
#back to rep my girl because I am NOT done talking about her#like she deserves everything okay#having to grow up quick and throw away her childhood to become her sisters new guardian after losing their mom#having to continuously grow stronger not for herself#but to keep Serah safe#and then eventually the need to want to protect others#her new found family#the fact that she would do so much for them by the time we get the third game#how kuch she had to fight all she had to do for the#the sake of humanity#the things she’s been through#it makes you want all the best for her
#i love them both but come on I gotta rep Lightning 😭😭😭#come on she uses her gunblade like a pro#but I love how she’s not afraid to throw hands either or how agile she is#so she doesn’t have to rely on her weapons at all times#she’s strong too like even before becoming a l’cie she can knock down men -snow- twice her size#she has the skills to back herself up#lets not forget she stabbed a god in the face with a survival knife#she’s just constantly getting stronger and she’s pretty#did I mention she’s pretty because#she’s very pretty
#she comes with 2x Big Sister baggage!#you know how much you love Grizzled Cynical Old Man Acquires Child?#get ready for Grizzled But On The Inside Woman Acquires Child Who Is Somehow Even More Cynical and Grizzled than Her#Idolizes Her and Becomes a Mirror Turned Back Upon Her So She Has To Examine Her Shit#also she’s just so cool#unpopular opinion but I love the feel of combat in XIII#I’m not a fan of super granular systems I love the vibes-based play#watching her flip and slash her way around the field kicks ass#like yes bitch u barely need me here#SHE HAS A GAY LITTLE CAPE HOW CAN YOU SAY NO TO A GAY LITTLE CAPR#they couldve made her a little grizzled tho. for Me.
#Did I mention she can grill up a good steak#but that's all she can cook#She stabs a god in the face with a pocketknife#she punches dudes in the face#she meets a hot australian chick and slaps her and then shows her her tits#She has a suit of armor and a horse cause she a knight#yes i'll propagandize for her in her every poll cause she's perf
#Ok but you forgot to mention how Lightning is literally one woman army#She freaking uses magic and summons her stead guardian and even users those giant ass double edge blades and they fight in unison#She is also very acrobatic and elegant with her moves#Even more so in XIII-2 where she is literally fighting a war on her own and now has access to divine abilities making her more of a Paladin
Fa Mulan
stole her father's sword to take his place in the imperial army. defeated the invading leader and stole HIS sword too.
Soldier who saved all of china; She’s one of the ogs, man, her movie is a banger
i know she's a problematic fave but i still love her :(
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catyo90 · 4 months
Why I still recommend Final Fantasy 13
As we all know FF13 was the black sheep of the Final Fantasy games. It had a different fighting system and was strangely more linear than its previously better-known games. However, this was more of the gamer's issue as when FFX and FFX-2 came out a lot of people said there were too many missable items and didn't like having to search everywhere for items or hidden scenes.
Years later Square Enix responded made FF13, and what were the gamer's responses. "We don't like it"
Now with FF games like 15 and 16 which are open-world people praise both for their own styles and stories. I'll be honest 15 was okay, the fact though that DLC kept coming out for the game and the story was lacking a bit for some of the characters, made me kinda miss the simpler ones. Now as for 16, I have not played it yet but I will differ from those who have that opinion.
As for FF14 which is an mmo its far different from the others but you get the opportunity to play with friends and actually go at your own pace.
But with all the games that have come out of the Final Fantasy franchise, I can say that everyone in the FF13 trilogy I remember and they have good characters. which I wanna talk a little bit about. (FYI this is where the spoilers now will appear. you've been warned. Also Very long Post just fyi)
Let's start off with of course the Queen
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Lightning aka Claire Farron. A Cocoon soldier who stays distant and strong for her sister after losing their parents, after years of becoming strong to protect her only family. She faces losing her sister Serah to become an eternal crystal or the insidious cieth. After everything she faces, they save Cocoon. She only had a moment with everyone and realized that she and Serah could have a chance at actual peace. She gets taken away from the dream to save a goddess and forced into the duty of a protector. And even after that, she stays strong, guiding Serah along the way to help her fight Caius even though everyone thinks she is dead.
But then Etro dies and she fails in her mission, overtaken with grief by not only the goddess dying and failing...her sister. The only person in her life that kept her from losing all of her hope. Dies. Everything she did in the first game...gone. And then after sleeping for 500 years she's given the chance by God to save Serah and the World. A sort of redemption if you think about it.
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Snow falls kinda under the same category but from a small different point of view. Snow was deeply in love with Serah and in the first game was trying to save her and Cocoon as well. Even though Etro caused Lightning to disappear he still tries to hold the fort and he got to have his peace with her afterward. But sadly he only gets to have that life for a year before FF13-2 starts, the love of his life goes on a mission he cant join. All the while he does his damn hardest to help Fnag and Vanille's pillar holding up Cocoon. And in doing so, willingly takes on the I'cie curse even after getting his brand removed in the first game. Once again everything in the first game almost not worth it (This is a reoccuring theme.), if not for Serah coming back. But then she dies and he can't fix, and he couldn't be there for her. His promise to be her hero is shattered. For 500 years he cares for the people and everyday misses Serah, blaming himself everyday for what happened and not keeping her safe. HE is basically the prime example of a suffering hero.
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Hope is kinda the odd one out, he is only a child, in the wrong place wrong time situation with his mother and him being brought into the Bodium purge. He loses his mother and goes on a verge to get revenge on Snow who he held responsible. But in a short amount of time when he stays with Lightning he learns from her that his innocent world is over, he is a fugitive, a I'cie and alone. But after she tells him about her past and facing the worst that life can offer, you grow from it. He even goes from taking up the rear to guarding her in the front, his fear fades throughout the entire game and he learns to grow up to be a fine young man in FF13-2. He even makes a new world for humanity in case Cocoon were to fall. He was their Hope, their hope for a world rid of monsters.
But in LR, we see that he has disappeared possibly having been kidnapped, remolded / torture back into young hope and made to spy on Lightning to fulfill her Savior duties. And can't speak his true thoughts, he is a fake. Even Lightning realizes though that the next world needs him, he even sees his parents who were long since dead he realizes that he gets the chance to have a proper life, Hope is the Symbol for all to have Hope and to Believe.
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Sazh suffers from the possibility of outliving his son. He is a widow and the only family left for him is his son who is quite young, and unfortunately at a young age his son is branded by the I'cie. Dajh basically only has a short time to be a child, until he either turns to crystal or a monster. Sazh loses him after being taken and fights to save him, but all the while he slowly loses his faith. He lost his wife and now his son, every moment he questions what they are doing. Only the prospect of saving Dajh keeps him going as well as his Chocobo chick. After saving Dajh though they get to live a normal life until the end of FF-13-2
For almost 500 years Dajh is in a coma like state and Sazh once again loses his faith thinking the only way Dajh can be saved is by doing it himself. When Lightning comes around though and helps reawaken Dajh, well so does Sazh. He regains his faith and even comes to the final moment of the game with everyone ready to welcome the new world with his son. He's the family man, kinda similar to Barret from FF7. But he is also the representation of a man going down the harder path to help those he loves.
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Fang and Vanille fall under the same issue, Born to Gran Pulse and lived and had to sleep in immortal crystal to awake and find their home in ruins. The life they lived all gone and the only thing left of who they were is each other. Fang even takes on the torture to awaken Ragnarök. Doomed to bring about the end of Cocoon. But then their fate is changed and they were able to save instead of destroy.
In FF13-2 they are able to help Serah in her mission but they knew what she might have to face and with LR, they were torn about by both a sense of duty and a want to protect the other. Lightning finds out that they each wanted to help the other, however Vanille want for redemption at the cost of her own life to save the lost dead souls, thats what splits Fang away because she refuses to lose Vanille.
They can represent both family and lovers. One will not go on without the other, no matter what.
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And now for the princess, (not literally) but still i love Serah. Anyhow, Serah is the embodiment of Love, Faith and Hope. She goes through everything, turned into an enemy of Cocoon, turned into crystal, given the gift and/or curse of Etro, lost her fiancé to time travel for a bit, dies, has her soul taken out of Lightning where she was safe and then used as a bargaining chip by God to make Lightning keep to her role. But through everything, she still believed her sister and fiancé would save her, that she would be able to live her own life and teach children.
This girl fought and stepped up to every challenge but unlike lightning she shows her emotions, all the pain of failure and loss is understanding and that makes her into a connection for the player.
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Okay so for times sake Im putting these three in one group since their stories are enveloped all together.
They are the last humans of a future timeline where the events of ff13 did not go well, Noel is basically the last human that ever existed and under Caius teaching and wing both of them protect Yeul who is a priestess of Etro forced to live again and again only to die after seeing the last of her visions into the future. Caius who knows some of the past Yeuls loved him, the last one loves Noel and he tries everything to save her. So whats his plan. Oh yeah, kill the goddess Etro to stop all natural death and the visions. Hence stopping Yeul from dying.
Noel guided by Lightning has to aid Serah to stop Caius and save the Future. After everything though, he fails by killing Caius not realizing that with his death he actually killed Etro (long story) watches Yeul die and Serah die. and after all of that is forced to watch the world and timeline for 500 years fall and crumble into a shell of the former grandeur that it was.
Yeul after dying, helps Lighting but in her now spirit like self she reveals a terrible truth that while Caius is alive no good will come. But while the Yeul we know wants Caius dead. (along with hundreds of other past selves.) Some of them also want Caius to live causing him to never truly die. To quote Caius "Even if one Yeul desires my salvation, another demands my rebirth."
Yeul is the symbol of mourning and regret but also wisdom in knowing that not all things will be bad, and that good things do eventually happen.
Caius is the symbol of inability to accept what happens and the cruelty of death. His immortality while at first would seem like a gift is a curse, he watching all those he love die and when the chance to die comes, it fails. He is stuck in an infinite life that is now out of his control.
Noel is the symbol of failure but also standing back up taking the next steps forward. After everything, with just the promise of seeing the person he loves again, even if only one more time. Gives him the strength to move on.
So if any of you can identify with even one of these characters I highly recommend you play the game. Trust me, me writing all of this down doesn't do the games justice. Its a lovely styled game that after some time you will get used to and its really not that hard of gameplay, watch a few videos and you will get the hang of it.
So anyways im not sure if i convinced any of you but enjoy your days and i send you off with a smiling lighting because its so rare and you all deserve one.
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danhang · 8 months
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#DANHANG  : independent, literate & highly selective multi - muse roleplay blog ; features canon & oirignal characters from various media. canon + headcanon based. mature themes will be present & properly tagged.
as adored by cherry ( 25+, she / her, gmt + 1 ).  i only use the beta editor, so please do not use the legacy editor when writing with me. DNI : minors & personal blogs
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a gentle study on : the obstacles & beauty of adolescence, betrayal & trust, the    power of will & the desire to do good, heroic tendencies  /  heroic    foolishness, beautiful girls have sharp claws too, the desire of  self - indentification &  the perpetual need for validation.
lovingly affiliated with : @kazekamis
rules, muses & mains under the cut ( temporarily )
this blog is private meaning i will only interact with mutuals. and while i'm open to all fandoms and crossovers, i reserve the right to not follow back if i 1.) either don't see our muses interacting, 2.) your blog is full of picture posts, 3.) you don't tag your triggers. proper roleplay etiquette and human being sense is required when following me, aka don't be a douche, ableist, racist, homophobe, or proshipper.
i'm not affiliated with any of the fandoms i write.
regarding triggers, they will be appearing on this blog in form, but not limited to, angst, violence, depression, mentions of war, mental health and ilnessess. everything will be tagged accordingly. smut content will be found on this blog only with muses off age and rather scarcely.
i'm not a fast writer, nor do i have the time to reply daily. please don't rush me when it comes to writing because the more you rush me, the less i'm likely to actually reply to you. this is a hobby and i'll always treat it as such.
my portrayal is primarily based on canon material from shows, games, mangas and visual novels, mixed with headcanons i've created for my muses. if you ever have any questions about my muses, feel free to approach me!
muses are multi-ship unless stated otherwise. i do accept mains and wish to be granted the same privilege if i were to accept you as mine. if we ship, i give and expect ship exclusivity. let's have fun. :')
credit icon border, post & blog banners @poetryrph
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CARD CAPTOR SAKURA. kinomoto sakura EIGHTY-SIX. shinei nouzen FINAL FANTASY. aymeric de borel, noctis lucis caelum, serah farron, snow villiers, yuffie kisaragi, yuna GENSHIN IMPACT. navia caspar, yae miko HAIKYUU. kageyama tobio, oikawa tooru HONKAI: STAR RAIL. gepard, kafka, robin JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE. higashikata josuke KINGDOM HEARTS. sora LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. alune, luxanna crownguard, zoe MORIARTY THE PATRIOT. sherlock holmes MYSTIC MESSENGER. choi saeyoung PERSONA. kujikawa rise, takamaki ann SAILOR MOON. aino minako TEARS OF THEMIS. marius von hagen
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ann: @halchron ( ryuji ; ship exclusive ) marius: @cauterisen ( ship exclusive ) noctis: @halchron ( prompto ; ship exclusive ) oikawa tooru: @kazekamis ( kuroo & sugawara ; ship exclusive ), @violevin, @cauterisen ( ship exclusive ) rise: @halchron ( yu ) sherlock holmes: @violevin snow villiers: @halchron ( hope ), @violevin, @kazekamis ( lightning ) sora: @kazekamis ( kairi ) yuna: @halchron ( tidus ; ship exclusive )
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snstse · 9 months
Me, rating the main* XIII and XIII cast names:
⭐️ - Great.
✅ - Okay.
❌ - Dislike.
*defined as either the protagonists or otherwise characters significant to the plot of the series as a whole.
⭐️ Reasoning for her chosen name is funny when you consider she chose it as a teenager. Cringe queen.
⭐️ Two syllable name that’s easy to say.
✅ Combos well with her last name. Lightning Thunder. Also kind of funny.
✅ Can be shortened to Light as a nickname, thankfully.
✅ Thankfully was not named this by her parents… sort of.
❌ Too many letters. Makes misspelling it easy in tags.
Total score: Yeah, it’s okay.
⭐️ Four letter name. Short and easy to spell.
⭐️ Single syllable.
⭐️ It is soft, like him. When frozen, it is hard like his abs. Very clear symbolism.
✅ Kind of silly name for a silly man. Honestly, would not want it to be changed.
❌ This is a name you’d give your pet, not your child.
❌ Very un-intimidating. Imagine meeting the Patron and his name is… Snow. And he’s 6’ 7” and depressed.
❌ Last name is hard to spell. I’ve misspelled it four times and it embarrassed me. I’m making him change his last name to Farron when he marries Serah.
Total score: Whoever named you just looked outside the window when it was snowing, didn’t they?
⭐️ Four letter name.
⭐️ Single syllable.
✅ Hope becoming the symbol of hope is cool I guess, but comes off as a little heavy handed.
❌ Honestly, kind of confusing when characters say ‘hope’ with the lowercase ‘h.’
Total score: Nora named him and thank god for that. Bartholospew would’ve named him something pretentious and hard to spell, I bet.
⭐️ Fun to say and pretty spelling.
⭐️ Two syllable.
⭐️ You can make lesbean puns—‘cause get it? Vanilla is a bean? And Vanille is an alt spelling of Vanilla? And Vanille is a lesbian? And—
✅ Despite being 7 letters, it gets a pass. I’ve never misspelled it.
❌ The idea that someone would name their child Vanilla… Again, that is what you’d name an animal, not a person.
Total score: ‘Vanilla Lesbean’ deserves to take off. It’s a good pun, I swear.
⭐️ Doesn’t seem to be a real name, but I feel like it works really well.
⭐️ Feels amazing to say.
⭐️ Four letter.
⭐️ Single syllable.
⭐️ Incorporates the very rare letter ‘z.’ Very memorable to me, as a result.
✅ Rhymes with jazz. I like to think Dajh’s is taken from ‘adagio’ — to keep with the musical theme. Just wish they’d take the music theming further. Like, is his hobby playing the sax? Is his favorite genre jazz? Give me more on this man!!!
❌ I created an annoying coworker who says “Why so sassy, Sazh-y?” to him way, way too much when he’s even a little snarky; which, of course, aggravates him.
❌ He’d be too easy to name-search online by nosy people and weirdos. Sometimes, having a unique name isn’t all that great…
Total score: Katzroy… Sazh is a cool cat… Oh my god. The cat imagery is everywhere.
⭐️ Four letter.
⭐️ Single syllable.
⭐️ A cool name for a cool lady… Whoever named her got lucky she ended up becoming a hunter and not, like, a dentist (which would also be fitting, but in a bad way.)
✅ Not very exciting, but straightforward about who she is I guess.
❌ Another name you’d give to an animal. Or a wolf OC. A very cool wolf OC.
❌ Personally, I would not want to be named after a bone, especially a tooth.
Total score: Could be better.
⭐️ Name meaning ‘princess,’ which is so fitting given how she has two ‘knights’ (and one, literally, becomes a knight.)
⭐️ One letter off from ‘seraph.’ She’s an actual angel, so this fits.
⭐️ Unconventional spelling of a common name. I like how the ‘e’ elevates it—makes it more elegant and tied it together.
⭐️🎉 5 letter names are perfect.
⭐️ Two syllable.
⭐️ Laura Bailey.
✅ When you think about it, if not for the spelling, she’s kind of an oddball for having such a normal, common name.
❌ Serah’s actually perfect. There’s nothing to see here.
Total score: I’m going to marry her.
⭐️ Four letter.
⭐️ Single syllable.
⭐️ I like how it’s pronounced. I think the common pronunciation is ‘no-elle.’ It’s cute and the superior way of saying it.
✅ Him being a ‘savior’ of humanity like a certain biblical figure is cool I guess. Considering how it all turned out though…
❌ All the Christmas puns… eugh. And the Christ = Kreiss thing? I think I’d get sick of it.
❌ Me and my sib actually argued over how it’s pronounced and they called me dumb. Well, I have over 80 hours of proof, so suck it!!!
Total score: God, there are so many four letter, single syllable names in this game.
⭐️ Four letter.
⭐️ Single syllable.
⭐️ Love the spelling. Very pretty.
⭐️ Rare letter name starting with ‘y.’ ‘Y’ names are very pretty and elegant to me, I think.
⭐️ Soft-sounding name for a soft-speaking girl.
✅ Rhymes with ‘mule.’ Mules are actually cool, so only kind of unfortunate.
❌ Christmas puns and way too match-y with Noel.
Total score: I want to eat a roll cake.
✅ 5 letter.
✅ Two syllable.
✅ Cool, but slightly edgy combination of letters and pronunciation. Fitting for a dude dressed in purple and voiced by Liam O’Brien.
✅ Liam O’Brien.
❌ Stabbed Serah, which is why he gets no stars.
Total score: I don’t hate him, I just don’t forgive him for stabbing my wife.
⭐️ Six letter.
⭐️ A pleasant-sounding three syllable name.
⭐️ Very pretty.
⭐️ Lumina meaning ‘lights’ and her being a container for both Lightning and Serah… whew. They got me on this one.
✅ Actually funny to imagine if Serah was like, “What if we named our daughter ‘Lumina?’” and Snow immediately vetoes it LMAO. Gets a checkmark, because this name is just ruined for him.
❌ I’m actually kind of mad I can’t use this for my fankid SMH. Damn it, Lumina… could you have trolled Snow a little less.
Total score: Just a dang good name.
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anastasius-writes · 3 months
Fandoms / Character Lists! Devil May Cry : Dante - All Vergil - All V - All Nero - All Lady - All Trish - All Lucia - All Final Fantasy : Cloud Strife - All Barret Wallace - Most (No smut) Tifa Lockhart - Most (No smut) Aerith Gainsborough - Most (No smut) Lightning - All Snow Villiers - All Oerba Dia Vanille - Most (No smut) Oerba Yun Fang - All Sazh Katzroy - Most (No smut) Hope Estheim - Most (No smut) Serah Farron - Most (No smut) Gladiolus Amicitia - All Prompto Argentum - All Noctis Lucis Caelum - All Ignis Scientia - All Warframe (I don't see most having game tbf): Chipper - Most (No smut) Ember - Most (No smut) Exalibur - All Frost - Most (No smut) Gara - Most (No smut) Garuda - Most (No smut) Gauss - All Harrow - All Ivara - Most (No smut) Jade - Most (No smut) Khora - All Limbo - All Sevagoth - Most (No smut) Stalker - All Titania - Most (No smut) Ticker - Most (No smut) Volt - All Wisp - Most (No smut) Yareli - Most (No smut) Invincible : Invincible (Markus Grayson) - All Omni-Man (Nolan Grayson) - Most (No Smut) Allen the Alien - All Debbie Grayson - Most (No smut) Cecil Stedman - Most (No smut) Rex Splode - All Atom Eve (Samantha Wilkins) - All Resident Evil : Jake Muller - All Piers Nivans - All Madness Combat : Hank J. Wimbleton - All Wendy J. Wimbleton - All Pank J. Wimbleton - All Skittles - Most (No smut) Sanford - All Deimos - All 2BDamned - All Mortal Kombat : Johnny Cage - All Sonya Blade - Most (No smut) Kung Lao - All Raiden - All Liu Kang - All Kuai Liang (Scorpion) - All Kuai Liang (SubZero) - All Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion) - All Tomas Vrbana (Smoke) - All Noob Saibot - All Bi-Han (Subzero) - All Erron Black - All Fujin - All Shang Tsung - All Assassin's Creed : Altair Ibn-La A'had - Most (No smut) Arno Dorian - All Ezio Auditore da Firenze - All Connor Kenway(Ratonhnhaké:ton) - All Edward Kenway - All Shaun Hastings - Most (No smut) Jacob Frye - All Evie Frye - Most (No smut) Team Fortress 2 : Soldier - All Scout - All Sniper - All Spy - All Heavy - All Engineer - All Medic - All Demoman - All Pyro - Most (No smut) Deus Ex : Adam Jensen - All Francis Pritchard - All Vaclav Koller - All NieR : 2B - Most (No smut) 9S - Most (No smut) A2 - Most (No smut) O6 - Most (No smut) Adam - Most (No smut) Eve - Most (No smut) Vocaloid : KAITO - All Gakupo Kamui - All
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Artphabet Challenge!
S : Serah Farron from Final Fantasy XIII-2
T : Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis
U : Ultima, the High Seraph from Final Fantasy Tactics
V : Vayne Carudas Solidor from Final Fantasy XII
You can request a character on >>> my post <<<
You can support me here❤️
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auburniivenus · 8 months
Send ✏ (or "PENCIL") for mun to write about a muse they thought about trying to roleplay or one they are already roleplaying outside Tumblr RPC.
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ooc; final fantasy again? yes!! because i love the story and the franchise, square takes my money, i don't care. so, serah farron, a brilliant student who loves history, mature who cares about others. i love soft characters, she's my type. it crossed my mind to also create a blog for her, because she's just marvelous.
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
2 and 14 for the female character ask!
2. One of your favourites from when you were a child?
Falsetto from Eternal Sonata :)
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I'm pretty sure as a kid I had a gay crush on her but I didn't know I could like girls so it never registered. Anyways I always loved her 1) because she can punch and kick things 2) because she was also fighting against climate change in that game. She's great :)
14. An interesting familial relationship with female characters? (Mother and daughter, sisters, etc.)
...I had to check and see whether or not I answered with them yet and I TRIED SO HARD TO AVOID BRINGING UP FF13 AGAIN-
but alas, Lightning and Serah Farron from FF13
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The two grew up orphaned at a young age, and Lightning (left) being the older sister had to try and pick up the responsibilities of taking care of her and her sister as a result, turning into a soldier to support both of them
But that would come at the price of both Lightning and Serah never really having time for each other. The two do try to find ways, very small and very human ways to help, with Lightning picking up the job she does and then Serah just being the support (I remember reading how Serah used to make food for Lightning whenever she gets back home for example).
And even despite how small these actions are, there is so much love between these two sisters that Lightning fought gods TWICE for her sister, and Serah traveled through time and even fixed the timeline to save hers.
It's a lot of love and dedication and I am just so in love with their dynamic ugh.
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oathofpromises · 2 years
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ooc: I have been working on a new banner graphic for a bit now, but finally had time today to sit down and finish it. I’m pretty happy with this one since I made it myself and is one that fits all of my muses in some shape or form. Blue has always been a favorite color of mine to use for my edits, so made me happy. I need to remake the rest of the ones I use, The credits for any resource I used in this that were textures will be placed in my credits section.  Overall, though,  today been mostly an editing mood. I’ve been fighting off a migraine for most of the day, too, which ugh...but I’ll attempt to get to working on more asks and everything. I do apologize that the past few days I haven’t been around as much. Mood hasn’t been the best for various reasons, but I have added a handful of muses to my list now. There are a few that I used to have on there, but I took off for a bit. Anyway, go check out my carrd for list of all the characters I can write if you aren’t sure what ones I can write for, but here are the new ones : 
Rinoa Heartilly
Lightning Farron 
Serah Farron
Yuffie Kisaragi
Fade from Valorant
I am trying my hardest to catch up on things owed and whatnot, and I do want to state that I haven’t been as talkative outside writing because I’ve been dealing with real life stuff too. I promise I am not ignoring anyone, and I am trying to best to be around. Like said at the start, my energy levels haven’t been highest, so that is a huge part that I’ve been quiet. I am grateful to anyone sending kind words in with the how’s my portrayal thing. I promise answer those individually, as each one has really touched my heart a lot.
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Solidarity (Final Rose)
Claire looked down at Neo. Her lips twitched. “Hey. Sorry for almost bumping into you. I didn’t see you.”
The shorter girl’s eyes twitched. She kicked Claire in the shin and promptly regretted it. Stupid tall person with stupid levels of durability and stupid amounts of Aura. She just barely managed to stop herself from clutching at her foot.
Claire just continued to smile.
Neo scowled and then brightened when she noticed Diana walking past. She quickly signed to the other girl.
“I see.” Diana nodded sagely and then leapt at Claire. “Behold the power of my Grappling Octopus Attack... Version 5.2!”
Neo cackled inwardly as Claire stumbled around with Diana clinging onto her back. Now was her chance! She kicked Claire in the shin again, only to absolutely no damage to anyone except herself. Grabbing at her foot, she decided to sign for reinforcements.
X     X     X
“Shouldn’t you be helping her?” Yang asked Averia as Anna tried to wrestle Claire to the ground with Diana’s help while Neo once again kicked her in the shin.
“She’ll be fine,” Averia said. “Plus... Claire called me short last week. She gets to suffer for her temerity.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Claire is the tallest female at Beacon Academy. That’s right, she’s taller than all of the other female students and all of the female instructors.
Claire is 6′ 4′’ (six feet and four inches) tall. That actually makes her an inch taller than Taren, half a foot taller than Lightning and four inches taller than Diana and Fang. She’s really, really tall. In fact, she’s probably the tallest female human/Faunus character in Final Rose to have appeared so far if you don’t count transformations (e.g., Diana’s and Fang’s Ragnarok forms tower over humans/Faunus in general).
Claire is also an incredible nine inches taller than her mother (Serah) and more than a foot taller than Fraise. As the shortest main character Neo (who is 4′ 10′’) is one and a half feet shorter than Claire.
All of Snow’s children are tall. Ice is 6′ 10′’ and Alyssa is 6′ 2′’. That makes both of them well above average height. Notably, almost all of Snow’s descendants are tall as well. It’s kind of the reverse of the Dia-Farron, most of whom tend to be on the shorter side. It’s fortunate for the Imperial Family that they have blood from both the Dia-Farron and Villiers branches of the family, so they tend to be either average or slightly above average in height.
Funnily enough, until about the age of twelve, Averia and Claire basically looked like twins. However, by the time they attend Beacon, the differences are obvious. Averia basically looks like a clone of Lightning whereas Claire might have the Farron facial features, but her build and general size are all from Snow’s side of the family.
One of Diana’s favourite photos is one taken back when they were all kids. It shows Averia and Claire towering over a tiny Diana. She likes to compare it to a later photograph, taken only a decade or so later that shows Averia as being the shortest one of the three.
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