#▽ OUR HEARTS ARE COMPATIBLE. ( markus x simon )
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“We can’t win without you!” it’s what Simon said.
“I can’t live without you. Take my heart so you can keep living, and I’m 100% okay with dying to save you, because a part of me won’t. It will be inside you.” it’s what Simon meant.
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its-ashehausen · 7 months
Watch "Markus & Simon- I Found" on YouTube
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andthekitchensinkao3 · 8 months
Get to know me better?
@tentoriumcerebelli way to drag a shy critter into the spotlight ;) Thanks for the tag!
1. 3 5 ships: Hank/Connor (obviously, duh, but I love all ships.) Markus/Simon (their hearts are compatible!!!! T___T). In no particular order: Finch/Reese from Person of Interest; Jim/Blair from The Sentinel; Ed (Blackbeard)/Stede from Our Flag Means Death
2. first ever ship: Dee Laytner X Randy "Ryo" Maclean (from the Sanami Matoh shounen ai manga/anime FAKE) - veeery closely followed by Jim and Blair from The Sentinel TV series.
3. last song: Last song I listened to, or referenced in one of my fics? XD Listened to Adam Lambert's cover of Bonnie Tyler's Holding Out For a Hero.
4. last movie: Because it's Spooky Season, I am watching horror movies and scary stuff. Most recently returned to a favorite of mine, Deliver us From Evil - which I have coincidentally drawn inspiration from for an as yet unfinished HankCon AU, called When You're a Stranger. I know, me and my weird AUs... ;)
5. currently reading: Stephen King's The Dark Half
6. currently watching: Making my way through the SAW movies (and playing The Devil in Me) - both because I love the franchises, and for spooky horror research for the Kamski Project XD
7. currently consuming: Coffee. Every hour of every day. I have a cuppa right in front of me as I type this very sentence.
8. currently craving: More hours to the day so I can write? Also sleep is good. But also popcorn. Or, ooh, oven roasted potato wedges and aioli + sriracha.
9. Tag, you're it!! I am passing the gauntlet to anyone and everyone who feels inspired to join this game of tag that's got nothing to do with AO3 :D
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xelyncraft · 4 years
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Colored Version of my previous sketch - It’s been a long time since I’ve put this much work into a piece. My fingers hurt. But I think breaking out the tablet and remembering how to actually finish a piece of art was good for me and definitely worth the result. 
~ Our Hearts are Compatible ~
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chryseis · 5 years
Because I--unlike David Cage--am not a coward, let me just say that Markus should have been able to romance Simon because they actually had chemistry, and North only should have been a romance-able option if the player chooses the violent route because pacifist!Markus has absolutely nothing in common with her.
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indeliblymarred · 4 years
Markus + Simon :>
who cries when someone dies in a movie: simon obvs who wears the ugly holiday garb: simon and markus thinks it’s endearing who pays for the meals: if they had meals to pay for, markus who slams the oven door and who plays the trombone: markus plays the trombone and simon slams the oven door who brings home stray animals: simon who leaves the bathroom door open: neither who tells the 'dad jokes': simon and it’s sweet af who wants kids more: simon uwu who travels more: markus bc head ambassador for new jericho who spends more cash: markus bc he likes to look Fancy who buys the things in infomercials: simon bc they look like fun to him who draws in the dust on their cars: simon who starts the snowball fights: markus ofc and he destroys simon every time who throws away the directions to things: markus and simon’s the one to fish them out who puts up holiday decor: simon does most of it, but markus helps who is more likely to forget to bathe: markus and simon will gently remind who gets more obsessed about things: markus who sings in the shower more often: markus and simon always stops to listen
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capt-pissoff · 6 years
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if we're gonna die, bury us alive if they're searching for us they'll find us side by side
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koshka-kimmy · 6 years
Detroit HC: Simon ran away because he fell in love with his owner.
So, you know how we’ve never actually learned this cinnamon roll’s backstory - all we got is a date his absence was reported by previous owners.
Well, I’ve got a weee small idea for you.
He’s always in for a peaceful solution and doesn’t resent humans, per se. Also we don’t see any scars (yes, he may be covering them up with layers of clothes, but the more possible reason for him dressing up in a thousand layers of fabric is his modesty; it shows in his actions and behavior like hell, so you can’t change my mind) Therefore we’re free to assume that humans treated him well.
What if! Simon lived with a married couple as their housekeeper, emotional companion and all the other things according to his function. And long story short, he started developing feelings for the husband. His final straw wasn’t the fear or anger: it was love.
That’s why he never shows hostility except for the moments when it’s Markus’s decision to choose the violent path.
So he discovers that he’s developed feelings for a human - but he can’t make a move, of course, because he loves his family and also loves the wife too much to hurt her in any possible way. He never confessed - one night he just escaped the house and found a path to Jericho.
That’s why Simon is so fucking shy around Markus, despite the obvious tension, - one time he touched this fire and barely made it out alive without being destroyed by Cyberlife and without harming his family, and he’s too afraid, probably, to allow himself to ever love again.
“Our hearts are compatible” was his final confession, a relief from this prison, because now, finally, he could be free.
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z-ero-b · 6 years
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Thirium pump snow globe.
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ashikubi · 6 years
Simon to Markus : Our hearts are compatible
Me as I sat there as Simon gives his heart to Markus
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farahtheshipper · 6 years
I don't care what anyone says, Simon definitely had some sort of gay crush on Markus fite me on this.
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its-ashehausen · 6 months
Simon & Markus- War Of Hearts by Ruelle
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neerbear · 6 years
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Simon offers his heart
I might have went through a style change oops
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vagrant-muffin · 6 years
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Simon would not hesitate if it was for Markus, let’s be real
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ataaaaashi · 6 years
Pssttt, Popping in cause there's not many people who ship simon x Markus which is a shame cause their meant to be. I think I saw the scene where Simon sacrifice himself for Markus like WTF?? HOW IS THAT NOT LOVE T_T
thank you for popping in, I welcome all simon x markus shippers with open arms! honestly at this point, simon being in love with markus is canon. even if you don’t ship them, you have to admit simon is pretty clear on his feelings. simon can sacrifice himself ON TWO SEPERATE OCCASIONS (one of which he LITERALLY GIVES HIS HEART TO MARKUS) and then if simon died on the rooftop during public enemy, connor can later pretend to be markus in order to trick simon into giving him jericho’s location and the way simon says “don’t leave me, markus!” afterwards is ABSOLUTELY HEARTBREAKING and also there’s the iconic Hug™ and listen, I’m just so salty about not being able to smooch simon. 
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detroit: become a 12 yr old girl with a crush
as a bi who is constantly focused on that gaydar, i can confirm that my gaydar was going wild when simon came onscreen. the boy had a thing for Markus, feelings returned or not.
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