spidey-bie · 1 year
Guess who unwillingly read a smut work again? Yay 😑. (It was the first thing I saw when I first woke up. I started this at 7 am yesterday morning.) I will admit that it was kinda on me this time for not having the Miguel smut tag blocked but there was nothing that could've led me to believe that it'd be smut in the first place so my point still stands. Label your smut works.
TW: More pet names and nicknames. (I am a romantic aromantic I'm so sorry 😔) This is a loose continuation of the previous one.
You were awaken, unfortunately, by the jarring sounds of your morning alarm. You groggily look over to surprised to see your beloved s/o Hobie Brown still dozing away. Usually he'd sleep in his own room but you both had decided to have a sleepover the night before. At least this meant that you didn't have to make a trip to go and wake him.
"Bie." You shake him lightly. You only get a groan. "C'mon Bie you gotta get up."
"Just five more minutes." You thought about taking him up on his offer but, history has shown that this only led to you both sleeping in till noon. You had plans for the day and they required the both of you to be up at 8. Unfortunately Hobie had no plans on budging. Usually you'd gently ease him awake but time was ticking away. You had to take a more direct approach.
Begrudgingly you leave the comforts of your warm bed and head towards a window. If you weren't awake before the cold air had woken you up now. You open the curtains to let the sunlight pour in and wrestle the covers from his arms. (At least you knew that if a criminal attacked in the early morning Hobie would be fine. Unfortunately your blanket was not.)
"UGGGGGGH." He groaned as he tried to shield his eyes with his hand.
"Nope. I can't leave you here. You'd never get up before one if not for me."
Hobie grumbled something about time being a concept and moved his hand away.
"Bug must you torture me like this?"
You give him a tired giggle.
"I'm sorry Bie but it was the only way."
He sits up and yawns. This was a good sign. Hopefully he'd soon make his way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Hopefully.
"I'm gonna get started on breakfast. Please at least be out of bed before I get back." You wait for his reply.
He wipes the sleep from his eyes and nods. You head to the kitchen.
You pop a couple frozen beignets in the oven and throw the rice that you prewashed into a pot. By the time the rice had finished Hobie had emerged from the bathroom much more chipper than before.
"The bathroom's all yours." He gives you a wink.
"I leave the rest to you sir." You give him a mock salute and he rolls his eyes. Quickly you make your way to the bathroom.
You turn the water on and throw on a clear shower cap over your neon purple bonnet. You take note of Hobie's matching neon pink one laying on the vanity. He hated it when you first bought it for him. Yet, without fail he wire it every night. Whenever you offered to buy him another he refused absolutely offended that you even offered in the first place.
"Pink is punk. You think I'm getting rid of it now?Come off it." You chuckled at the memory.
After your shower you finish getting ready for the day. The final task that you had left was your hair. You applied a light oil to your hands and got to work. You had to unravel all of the twists that Hobie had done only a couple days before. After you finished you look yourself over in the mirror, make some final adjustments, pop on your black ring, and head out.
Immediately you are met with the smells of onion, chilis, and various spices. Hobie must've made that one dish again. When you arrived in the dining room you had found that you were right. Alongside the rice and beignets you made you find a mock ackee and saltfish that he makes with eggs, as well as bacon on your plate. You mentally cheer and sit down. Hobie smiles.
"I've been waiting ages for you to get out. Almost checked to see if you were alright."
You scoff and roll your eyes. "Bie, hush."
Grabbing your fork you dig into your plate. The first bite in and a whirlwind of delicious flavors hit your taste buds. You set your fork down and stare at him. A few years ago you couldn't ever imagine something like this. A familiar warmth and a shared meal with someone who cared for you.
"Bug, is something wrong?" He looked at you worriedly. "The food's good init?"
You nodded and smiled.
"Yeah." You pick back up your fork. "It's absolutely delicious."
A/N: Was this rushed? Most definitely. Do I have any regrets? No. I love this sm and if you don't go kick rocks (this is a joke).
I debated on whether I'd do shared rooms or separate but it is what it is. I stole the bonnet hc from @/murdrdocs.
Fun fact a black ring on your middle finger is supposed to be a subtle sign for asexuality if you didn't know. (I have a black and a white one.) Also i'm Creole not Jamaican so forgive me if I got something wrong here. Finally, beignets are heavenly and I'd eat them all day if not for my gluten intolerance.
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jennsterjay · 27 days
Punkprowler Headcanons (because you can never have enough 😌👌🏾🎸💜✨)
-Hobie makes Miles G mixtapes of songs that remind him of him, and Miles G uses his uncle's old cassette player to play them. Miles G figures out a way to do a backwards compatible mp3 to cassette recording (because he's tech savvy like that) and gives mixtapes with his own favorites on them to Hobie. Hobie plays them on his Sony cassette deck in his boathouse
-Miles G helps Hobie take care of his wicks when he's tired after battling Osborn and his symbiote army, and Hobie likes to braid Miles G's hair in different styles because he loves it when he wears it proudly
-Miles teaches Hobie how to cook Puerto Rican dishes, and Hobie and Riri help Miles G with his physics homework on the days he's too tired to think after coming from nightly patrols
-At Earth-138B Miles G fits right in because he has no problem fighting fascists and V.E.N.O.M. symbiote cops, and even though rock isn't his top genre, he did have an alternative Linkin Park phase and Hobie convinces him to rap at some of his punk concerts. He becomes an urban legend
-After Hobie makes Miles G his own watch, Hobie often pulls him into spontaneous dates and adventures at other dimensions. Miles G warms up and starts doing it too, and before they know it, crossing time and space just to spend time with each other becomes a regular part of their lives
-Mattea Murdock teaches Hobie Spanish so he can use it to surprise Miles G. Miles thinks Hobie learning Spanish for him is the coolest thing on the planet
-These two are good-hearted vigilantes but watch out. Hobie has no problem killin it on a guitar, and Miles G has no problem handling his business like wolverine. Oooo What's up danger?
-As the Punk spider who's the Prowler in another universe, and the Prowler who was meant to be Spider-man, these two are the definition of opposites attract
-When Hobie meets Rio he introduces himself as his boyfriend with a smile. When Hobie meets Aaron he introduces himself as his girlfriend with a toothy grin. Both of these times were unplanned and Miles G was mortified until Rio smiled at Hobie, and Aaron laughed and told Hobie he liked her style
-Hobie Brown, Miles G Morales, and Ganke M Lee (Earth-42) often play video games and do graffiti at Miles G's spraypaint mural at the abandoned Metro Station. This is how Hobie finds out Ganke is Miles G's guy in the chair. Hobie can't tell if Ganke likes Miles because he can never get a read on him, and Ganke likes messing with Hobie just for the entertainment value
-When Gwen V. Stacy (Gwenom) meets Hobie, Hobie thinks Miles' friend has somehow succumbed to a V.E.N.O.M. symbiote that followed him from Earth-138B, so he tries to 'rescue' her from the symbiote but that goes about as well as you would expect. Gwen and Hobie are pretty evenly matched in a fight but eventually Gwen convinces him her symbiote is different and can be trusted. After their rocky start, and Hobie finds a symbiote dog in his own world that he takes care of, he brings this little inkblot with him to visit her and they become friends. They both mess with Miles G, and Gwen is ready to go to their wedding already, because Gwen and Hobie are friends in every universe
-Miles G plays some Childish Gambino while chilling with Hobie, and Hobie says that that singer is The Prowler in another universe. He smugly mentions he caught him once. Miles G doesn't know what to do with this information
-These two love to mix and match each other's clothes. Hobie takes the shirts Miles gives him and turns them into sleeveless crop tops with FNSM symbols and Anarchy symbols painted and spraypainted on them. And Miles takes the patched jackets and hoodies that Hobie gives him, and adds his own designs and spraypaint to them with his own tag designs and symbols on them. Peak punk style and NY streetwear solidarity
-Hobie teaches Miles G how to play the guitar and the drums, and Miles G teaches Hobie the salsa, cha cha, the jerk, the dougie, the wobble, and any other dance he thinks Hobie needs to catch up on and learn. He finds that Hobie is a quick learner
Cue a timeskip and Hobie has long defined dreads, and Miles G has dreads in a braided bun to match. Miles G stopped Hobie's canon event where he was fated to die young with a signature Morales "Nah imma do my own thing", and Hobie helped save Rio and Aaron from the final battle with Kingpin and the Sinister Six when Miles G's identity was revealed and he had no choice but to lead an avengers assemble style fight
Now that things in Earth-42 and Earth-138B have calmed down, they can say that their futures are looking bright
And at the end of the day, no matter what obstacles they may face, they're glad to have each other
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ncthingistrivial · 3 months
               but just imagine telling a cast member of the original movie that they're wrong.
Rochelle really has the class that I do not bc if someone said "it's not Brandon's movie" to my face, I'd probably be in jail right now.
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loveshotzz · 2 months
I hope with every fibre of my being that we see more of Steve’s home and family life, I feel like he’s the one character that we don’t know a lot about and it’s driving me insaneeew
I hope we do too, but I just know that we won’t 😒! The Harrington’s weren’t even included in the play besides a business sign.
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goldenageofwireless · 5 months
thinking about . Soul again . i think our current interp of him is further from canon than we'd like but we love him soooo much . might just adopt him and make him an oc honestly
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linagram · 5 months
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meme attack. nande boku ga koko ni iru no
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asheanon · 5 months
It was a lovely evening. Simply sublime.
For those who may fancy themselves a night under the stars, it was perhaps the perfect night for camping... However, for those who didn't want to go through the motions of needlessly sleeping out in the wilderness when you could easily still enjoy the stars, then go into the comfort of a nice, warm, bug-free room at a nearby inn - complete with an actual bed and bathroom safe from the elements... It was a perfect night for that too!
In the fading light of day, around an oddly sizeable campfire, there sat four figures. At a glance, it would seem they were doing little more than most in a social gathering involving fire would do: just hanging out around it. The talkers would talk, the listeners would listen and those who wished to partake of the large, homemade puffs of fluffy confectionery could do so however they saw fit, which...
Really is just to say all four of them were roasting said sugary puffs and having a jolly good time while doing so!
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Chit-chatting away about some pleasant memories and experiences of yore, Mina seemed even more buoyant and bubbly than usual (never underestimate the power of giving lots of sugar to a tiny newt lady.) Lorien offered a similar caliber of enthusiasm whenever the opportunity presented itself as well. Quietly, Branson and Sal listened to the two, playing the part of captive audience with relative ease.
Despite all the scintillating stimulus that may meet the senses here, however, it was at that very moment that Sal felt an unfamiliar presence... the sound of leaves rustling in a nearby bush or something of the like seemed to follow.
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". . ."
Branson seemed to pick up on the sound as well. The violinist and the newt seemed unaware of it. Neither of them said a word.
It wasn't until another soft, suspicious addition to the ambience of the night revealed itself that one of the two finally spoke up.
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"There is room for one more, should you wish to join us."
Though she did not look in their direction, the invite was cast out for whoever lurked in the shadows...
Briefly, there was silence. Having missed out on the auditory cues, if Mina or Lorien didn't know any better, they would think this was the makings of a ghost story in the works! Who better to tell such a tale than the ghost-of-sorts among them, after all.
Unbeknownst to all four of these friendly fellows, however, it could be noted that there was a chance - and only a chance - that whatever phantasms may linger among the nearby brush were of a distinctly @royaldeceit and/or @danthekickingman design...
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planetvries · 8 months
Wow, that full moon really knocked him out, huh? 🌕🐺
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1980ssunflower · 1 year
feeling so happy to hear my ryans voice again 🥺💖💖
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rockorded · 2 years
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  Dominik   is   the   type   of   man   you   look   at   one   time   and   you   can   immediately   tell    that   he   smokes  weed   and   his   favorite   movie   is   Jennifer’s   body 
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ncthingistrivial · 3 months
               We're thinking of Brandon a lot today. ❤️❤️❤️
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linagram · 1 year
To the prisoners: What did it feel like getting the video extracted? And do you have any guesses what was on it?
sorry for the late reply and thank you sm for this question! (note: all of this happens before they find out about their verdicts, but they can already see that the guards are treating them differently)
Akio: It felt weird. Yes, I thought this whole thing was just.. I don't know, a game or something like that, but when they did that to me.. This is real. I really am going to be judged. And after they were done.. Fine, I don't want to say it, but I really did pass out. It's not like I'm weak, okay? I'm sure something like that happened to other prisoners as well. And no, I don't have any health problems, don't even ask. Just.. don't act like him. Don't worry about me.
And about the video.. I don't want to think about it too much. Who cares about that? I'm sure they just saw my accomplice instead of me. Sure, maybe I came up with everything, but he was the one who did it. It wasn't my fault.. I just hope that video didn't show all the details.
Aimi: Hm.. I've never felt like that before. It was a very strange feeling, but I wouldn't say that it was bad. Also, it didn't last that long, so I'm not complaining. Um, we're going to have two more trials after this one, right? That means I'll have to do the same thing like two more times.. Well, again, I'm not complaining.
You want to know what I think about my video?.. Well, my relationship with the guards haven't changed and I feel like they actually think I was.. the "victim", I guess? That means my video actually didn't show that much. I don't know if I should be happy or sad because of that, haha.
Shun: W-why did you have to ask me that? I've almost managed to forget about it, but now I have to think about it again.. I-it was scary. I had no idea what was going on and I just wanted everything to end. Also, how can something like this be real? I refuse to believe that they can actually see everything in just one video.. How did they even extract it? This doesn't make any sense!
But.. I think they treat me a bit differently now? Like, they're nicer to me now.. I don't know, maybe I'm just imagining things. But if that video really did show my "crime".. Hehe, it means I really do deserve to be forgiven.
Naomi: Well, I definitely didn't expect something like that. But for a place as strange as this, it's only natural to go through such a strange procedure. I can't say much, I think you'd have to experience it yourself to understand it.
About my video.. I don't want to think about it, but I hope it didn't show me being the victim. I don't want the guards to make the same decision that everyone else in my life did.
Kei: Ehehe, I'll never forget something like that, that's for sure! I have no idea what they saw in my video, but.. um, I hope it was something they can handle? Especially Miki-chan, that poor girl.. Ah, I don't have to worry about Eiji, he's gonna be fine. What? He's not as pure as he wants others to think!
Again, I don't know what they saw, but.. If they really know more about what I've done.. Well, Eiji still hates me. So even if he knows everything, he still doesn't want to forgive me. My little brother loves me so much, haha..
Eiko: Okay, fine, maybe all of this is not just some people being very passionate about roleplaying. But wow, they really did impress me with that whole "video extracting" thing! Now I want to know more. Oh, it's also supposed to be a music video, right? As I've already said, I hope one specific guard liked my voice~
I don't want to think about what they saw. It's not like I'm scared or anything, I just.. don't care. Even if they vote me guilty, I'm still gonna think that I was right. And I know I was.
Asahi: .. Just what was that? What is this place? T-this can't be real, right? They can't just.. I don't know, go through my brain and extract a fucking music video, this makes no goddamn sense! What are they gonna do next time, they're gonna do the same thing to my heart, but they will extract a whole movie instead?
Who cares about what they saw? Why is everyone so calm about this? I'm literally a child, but I know that it's impossible to do something like that!.. But if this thing can somehow make them forgive me.. Haha, maybe it's actually not that bad.
Yurika: .. I don't think something like this should be allowed. How does this place even work? Is this legal? I'm pretty sure it's not. Where did they get this technology from? I don't think someone as young as those two should be allowed to use it. Yes, I'm only two years older than the oldest guard, but still..
Fine, if this is real and this actually works, I just hope that video did a good job explaining what happened. I was the victim. The guards should know that already. But then why.. Why do I feel like they don't actually want to forgive me? What did they even see?
Riku: I don't know how this thing works and I don't want to think about it, because I care about my sanity and I don't want it to go lower. So I'll just accept it and move on~
My video, huh.. Oh, right, it was a music video too, wasn't it? Haha, well, I was the vocalist of our band, so I don't have to worry about them not liking my voice. I know my song was great and that's what matters. About what they saw.. It was that guy's fault. I'm sure they know that now. Also, if that video comes from, like, my brain.. Interesting. I see him as the guilty one and I see myself as the victim. So that means the video would most likely show exactly that, right? In my case it was definitely true, but don't you think that when it comes to some other prisoners, those videos aren't the most reliable source of info?..
Reina: Haha, well, the guards have managed to surprise even someone like me, so that's impressive! I would give them headpats as a reward, but I know the older guard wouldn't like it. But it was kinda fun, actually, I don't mind doing it again!
About the video.. Haha, I hope it wasn't too scary! I don't have much to say, but I hope they were able to see just how much of a villain I was.. Because if that's not the case and they will still vote me innocent, I will do everything that I can to make them see the truth with their own eyes.
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dfect · 3 months
#⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ AND THE CROWD GOES WILD !⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀ dash commentary.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ WHEN THE MUSIC KICKS IN ; IT FEELS LIKE IM ON A STAGE ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀in character.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀CONCERT’S OVER ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀ooc.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀WANNA HEAR MY PLAYLIST ? ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀music.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀FEEL THE BEAT ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀prompts.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀TURN THE WHOLE WORLD ON IT’S HEAD ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀ starter calls.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀JUST SHUT IT ; I WON’T LISTEN ! ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀ answers.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀JUST GOTTA DIVE IN AND DO IT ALOUD ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀starters.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀STARTED OUT AT THE BACK OF THE SHOW ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀dash games.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ THE BEAT GOES ON ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀banter.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ EVERY SONG’S GOTTA END ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀threads.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀RELEASE IT ALL ; NO ROOM TO FALL. ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀musings.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀START THE SHOW ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀promos.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ ALL SIGNS ARE GO ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀self promos.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ DID YOU SEE THAT ? ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀visuals.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ WORDS ARE HARD ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀crack.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF BEING PART OF THE CROWD !⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀visage.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀HEAVY HITTIN'⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀mid game verse.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ROCK AMBASSADOR⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀post game verse.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀SWITCH IT UP !⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀nsr verse.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀KEEP YOUR BEACON SHINING BRIGHT ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀drabbles.
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fagweave · 3 months
Everyone should headcanon both their favorite character AND least favorite character as trans. It would help.
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genpact-kinfessions · 4 months
uuuuu....new genshin kinfession blog has dropped...not technically kin but a lot (re: the host + a few others) of my system is. plus, im an introject so.
just saying hi, as one of the many bennetts in my system! uhm. there a lot of us. and i miss my friends. and thats about all.
but yes. hi. i go by bennett but i & headmates refer to me as bennett6 or number6 for the sake of easy organization....uh. hm.
im a bit sad right now. but i am holding out hope that it will get better! (or, at least, trying to hold onto hope. its something u gots to reach out for...it don't come naturally. u gotta...u gotta nuture it. kind of. eugh. im getting...abit blurry, but that is fine because at least i have hope!)
Sending hugs from afar! I think it'll get better- might take awhile, but hopefully it won't take so long, yeah? /lh
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fazbearmismatch · 8 months
tag dump.
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