#but i also love him being a horrible little evil man freak
goldenageofwireless · 8 months
thinking about . Soul again . i think our current interp of him is further from canon than we'd like but we love him soooo much . might just adopt him and make him an oc honestly
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sunderwight · 2 months
I love HOTD fic concepts where Lucaerys and Arrax accidentally kill Vhagar. I want more of them so bad.
Mostly because of the black comedy potential. I could go either way for whether or not Aemond dies too, but jesus that's such a great idea. The oldest, biggest, scariest dragon on the fucking planet and somehow sopping wet twink Lucaerys Velaryon and his tweenage mount manage to take her out? One little alteration and the tone of the whole conflict shifts almost entirely.
Of course some kind of freak intervention is required for it to work, and most of that's still pretty dark. Options I like include Vhagar actually just being so old that she's nearing the end of her lifespan and so it's less that Lucaerys and Arrax successfully kill her, and more that she just happens to die at the worst possible moment for Aemond, or else something like lightning from the active storm striking some of the chains on her (prospects also not good for Aemond with that one), or Arrax gets in a single lucky shot via breathing fire right down her throat and causing a fatal blowback of the whole firebreathing system that is like a 1 in a million chance type thing.
But then what? Everyone at Storm's End saw Aemond flip his shit at Luke and go chasing after him, plus Arrax is like snack-sized compared to Vhagar, you can't even plausibly lie and claim that somehow they instigated the conflict, not even with Luke's history of successfully landing critical hits against his uncle. Not that the "we're the victims" approach would necessarily do the Greens strict favors here, since Aemond's a grown man now and his side are hinging a lot of their cause on appealing to the same brand of Westerosi toxic masculinity that views losing a fight as a sign that the gods don't like you enough.
I haven't seen it yet but I also think it would be really funny if the Greens tried to paint Lucaerys as this like, unholy terror? Like they just have to exaggerate how horrible this one teenager is in order to salvage any shred of dignity from the situation. He is death from the skies! Tried to murder his uncle in cold blood when they were but babes! Thirsted for violence and slaughter ever since! The mad dog son acts at the behest of the evil false queen who spawned him, truly he is Maegor come again! A sinister bastard! And they're talking about this Disney Channel ass kid:
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We can all hear the dramatic score from the show gradually distort into circus music in the back of our minds, right?
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yanderespamton78 · 28 days
(please dont take anything said here personally i am tired and angry and i get so sososo worked up over this debate since Adi is very similar to a character ive been obsessed with for a year)
so after being in a sweet tooth fandom for a bit i found that much to my surprise (and distain) adi is actually a thoroughly hated character, which was surprising after coming from a fandom where the "evil child murderer" character is one of if not the most popular. And i feel that a lot of the people who hate adi do just see him as "evil child murderer" BUT HES MORE THAN THAT!!!! I PROMISE!!!!! get out of that echo chamber and open your mind to a new opinion (please i spent like 40 mins typing this out)
so firstly, adi was actually just a really nice normal guy before the crumble. he was a sweet man, he was a doctor, he was dad material. not a psychopath. he clearly isnt insane or murderous by nature. We can see his love for Rani in the first episode when he starts freaking out and barging past people just to try to keep her alive even when he knew the odds werent in his favour. he clearly loves his wife more than the world itself and would burn cities in her name. This is a man who Loves His Wife. After the crumble we can see that Adi and Rani are living a semi normal life. we see that all Adi wants is some normalcy despite the horrible situation he's been put into. And all he really needs for that is his wife. Evidently the rest of his family is already dead even if its not mentioned so this man is already under a lot of stress, also knowing that if anyone finds out that Rani has the sick he's screwed. but you know what? hes coping. hes living. maybe he's sometimes forced to be just a lil bit sadistic but its fine its fine its okay because Rani is okay. When he first sees Gladys's research he is horrified and refuses to do the things asked. he loves his wife but even he stops at the idea of killing children (like a normal person). When whatserface (forgot her name) is killed by the horse he is horrified but you can even see a bit of Rani's sadistic nature with how quickly she is to be like "right welp hide the body it was not our fault :)" while Adi is moritified but still helps her because shes his wife and she loves him.
In fact, even when abbot kidnaps him he doesnt want to kill the children. Why would he??? He kills them because if he doesnt Rani will die and all he wants is Rani to be okay. Put yourself in his shoes. your whole life was flipped upside down in the crumble and then your second chance at a mostly normal life was also torn away from you. Now the person dearest to you in the whole world (and also the only person you still have) is about to die at the hand of Doctor Robotnik, who is also trying to force you to kill children otherwise he'll kill you too. Adi is visibly shook after having to kill roy. He didn't want to. He even says in his little voice vlog thing that he has done something terrible (iirc). When Gus comes along he is desperate to have a reason to spare him and when Gus talks he is overjoyed that he doesnt have to kill another child. Sure he's kind of forceful and aggressive but my man is under so much stress and has been for the past 10 years let him be pissy. AND his wife is okay (for now)!! woohoo!!! When he finds the cure he is overjoyed. Sure he ignores his wifes wishes but at this point he is numb to the killing. IT IS EXPLICITLY STATED MULTIPLE TIMES DURING THE SHOW THAT HE DOESNT WANT TO BE A DOCTOR BECAUSE HE STARTS TO BECOME NUMB TO THE DEATH. he KNOWS that this whole doctor thing will start driving him a bit cooky and tries to avoid it but he's forced into it. and that is why he doesnt understand the true reason behind Rani's crying and begging. He doesnt fully realise how she feels at this point due to what he's been forced to do and thinks its too late to go back
He goes back into his laboratory and everything's gone. burned away. AND his wife left him. here is when i feel you can really see where he snapped. Everything he has is gone now. the only thing he could ever need, and the person who he did all those terrible terrible things for, is gone. It cant get worse now. He starts spiralling and going down a desperate path to redeem himself. At this point he is completely insane and broken. He really thinks with all his heart that the only way he can fix what he's done ad get forgiveness from his wife is by killing gus. he thinks its the right thing to do. He's delusional. he seems like a hollow shell of himself by the last season but you can still see little sparks of his old self occasionally. he betrays Gus and team because he thinks its the only way he can redeem himself. the only way he can get Rani to forgive him. But at the last second RIGHT before stabbing Gus he realises its not right and he realises that he's become a terrible person that his wife would be ashamed of. HE REDEEMS HIMSELF. HE SAVES GUS. AND YOU LOT STILL SEE HIM AS THE EVIL CHILD MURDERER. DIEEEEEE
anyways TLDR i love Adi a lot and he did the bad things that he did because he was sad and desperate and loves his wife a lot and anyone who thinks otherwise can go suck toes
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thegeminisage · 1 month
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME, holy shit! tuesday we watched ds9's "a time to stand" and "rocks and shoals."
a time to stand:
i feel like ds9 is so fucking good every episode i rate "watch" on ym spreadsheet would easily be "must see" in any other trek show. where do i even fucking start
i love that theyre just casually mentioning bashirs darkest secret in playful banter now. theres something in there that makes me very emotional but also it's extremely funny. also, he really DOES quote percentages like a vulcan. whatever he and garak were doing, i don't know what that was but i loved it. literally his boyish smile
oh speaking of couples. KIRA AND ODO. they've got the station all to themselves...um, e quark. i did get deluded for a hot second, when they were all at the bar together, into believing in kira e odo e quark. i don't think that's going to be a permanent feature in my psyche but it was fascinating to experience just once
no one made this gifset so i have to make do with a screencap
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HE MAKES HANDS TO TOUCH PEOPLE WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i may have had to pause the episode to start screaming
also. hi. "im glad you can still smile" "only when im with you" what if i threw myself into the sun
dukat and kira, holy shit. i've never been so scared in my life. i think about it all the time that he essentially called leeta into his office to fuck him. he BLOCKED KIRA'S EXIT. jesus christ we've come so far from his gay little fireworks show and the thron in his ass
odo manipulating weyoun who's obsessed with him <3 king. but he only did it because <3 kira asked him to. he literally said i've walked this horrible horrible line before i can do it again...their relationship is somehow moving forward because they are going back in time
and like GOD she knows he loves her and she hasn't decided how she feels back but somehow it's still comfortable because he doesn't ask for anything...IMPECCABLE fucking vibes. WHO is doing it like them
on the spaceship side, all of that was very fun, especially sisko and his <3 headaches. but even funnier was them getting stuck 17 years away from help. JUST like. star trek voyager
rocks and shoals:
kira in this episode. mwah. she quite literally can't live with herself and it's SO clever because at first you the viewer are also like aaaa no dont let the bajorans protest aaaaaa theyll get in trouble and then kira has the change on heart and youre like oh shit. oh fuck. whose side am EYE on?
also, the fact that this was also odo's kneejerk reaction, and she said "don't make me fight you too" and he immediately fell in line. that's love.
garak's "oh, NO" as they were falling. please let the man say "oh shit"
o'brien ripping his pants <3 incredibly funny i felt like i was getting loopy right along with them. the wide shot of the flaming ship sinking into the sea as they laughed their asses off.......cinema
poor dax!!! she tries so hard to be brave but man she really did get fucked up
the little vorta freak in this episode...i want him dead. what an evil thing to do to your own guys AND one of sisko's people died too because of it. ik they won't kil him but they should kill him
i wasn't expecting the thing between garak and nog to have like consequences but it was funt hat they brought it back up. good for them and good for nog, even though i still wish it had been bashir on the post
julian being so chirpy and cheerful w the vorta after fixing him up as though he is a normal patient...sir please control yourself
my only complaint is i wish jake had more to do...right now he just seems to be getting underfoot, when staying behind was supposed to be a sign of maturity. hopefully all his reporting isn't for nothing!!!!
TONIGHT: voy's "day of honor" and "nemesis"
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kramerblogrealgood · 7 months
Comic books that you should read!!! Yes you!!! Right now!!!
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These are comics I really enjoy! I'm trying to stick to slightly more obscure comics, preferably stuff that's a little newer, but that's by no means a rule! This is my list baby, I make the rules!
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#1: Local Man (Image Comics, 2023)
Local Man follows Jack Xaver, who was once the superhero Crossjack before being unceremoniously kicked out of his team and legally barred from any vigilante activity. Moving back in with his parents in his destitute former hometown, Jack starts to unravel a conspiracy that has ties to both his old team and his old town.
It rules! It's funny and heartfelt and thrilling and if it were a TV show you'd never stop hearing about it. It's also one of the few modern original Image series that actually takes place in the "Image Universe", so it's packed with references to characters like Shadowhawk. You don't need to know all these guys to enjoy the comic by any means, but it's fun for long-time fans.
Most of all, I'm a fan of the basic conceit of this comic: it looks at The Dark Age of Comic Books with the same reverent-yet-critical eye that so many other comics used on the golden and silver ages. I think that rules! A lot of this stuff deserves reappraisal!
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#2: The Wrong Earth (Ahoy Comics, 2018)
The concept for this is pretty simple: what if Adam West's Batman got sent to the world of the Nolan trilogy, and Christian Bale's Batman got sent to the world of the 1966 TV show?
They hit all the dramatic and comedic beats you could imagine coming from this premise, and a few you probably couldn't think of. It's not just a one-dimensional parody, though: really sharp writing and an engaging mystery elevate what could easily be, like, a Dorkly video into something special. Which is to say: if you think this premise sounds good you'll love this comic, and if you think it sounds stupid you'll probably still like this comic.
There are some cool character designs here, but my favorite is the villain in both universes:
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His name is Number One, and he's a crime boss with an egomania/numbers gimmick. (Sorry for the compressed jpegs)
I imagine "design an original 1960s villain, and then design his edgy 2000s reboot version" would be a difficult prompt for an artist, but Jamal Igle knocks that shit outta the park. Number One really feels like he could fit into Batman's rogues gallery, but he's not a riff on anyone in particular- he's kind of like all of them. The "1"-shaped scar is an especially great touch.
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#3: Ice Cream Man (Image Comics, 2018)
(This image isn't from any cover as far as I can tell, it was posted on instagram by writer W. Maxwell Prince.)
Hey, another from Image Comics! And it's my favorite genre, too: horror anthology. If the pic I chose didn't tip you off, this one gets SPOOKAY! The basic premise is that every issue is a one-shot that features a character going through some kind of horrible misfortune. Tying all these tales of woe together is the enigmatic Ice Cream Man, who seems to be somehow torturing all these humans for his own amusement. We eventually learn that he's an evil god-type thing named Riccardus, and he has a good counterpart who's trying to stop him- all the lore stuff is a little vague, but that doesn't mean it's not interesting! The art style used by artist Martin Morazzo is almost uncanny-valley, it reminds me of The Shivering Truth.
Some of the "horror" in this comic is really personal and upsetting, by the way- the one about dementia made me cry. Actually, a lot of these made me cry. Full on snotty gasp-sobbing. 10/10. Riccardus has real sexyman potential if the freaks on this site would ever read something besides fuckin Wayne Family Adventures.
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#4: Wayne Family Adventures (DC/Webtoon, 2021)
What? It's cute, fuck you. "eeuuuhhh it's out of character" you sound like a dweeb man
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#5: Eight Billion Genies (Image Comics, 2021)
Just like The Wrong Earth, this has a killer elevator pitch: what if every single person on Earth got exactly one wish, all at the same time? Also like The Wrong Earth, it takes it's premise in every angle you can think of- there's wish trading, wish stealing, cities that are kept safe from the chaos of the outside world but you have to give the city government your wish to get in, you name it. No wonder Amazon bought the rights. Keep an eye out for that movie/series, I guess.
Ok, I need some non-image comics.
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#6: Giant Days (Boom! Studios, 2015)
Anime fans, this one's for you: you know all those series you love about groups of cute girls just going through their daily lives? Well imagine if those cute girls were over eightee- hey wait where are you going come back
Giant Days is a slice-of-life story about three young women facing the challenges of college life. Apparently it's a spin-off of a webcomic with like 15 years of strips, but I don't care about all that and neither should you! It's a little like gilmore girls in terms of tone. The dialogue is snappy, all the characters play off each other in ways that's fun to see, and there's this 7 foot tall Australian rower chick who's completely obsessed with her reedy loser boyfriend. It's just comforting. It's like a big plate of mashed potatoes, this comic.
Hey, speaking of slice-of-life:
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#7: Megg, Mogg and Owl (Indie/Fantagraphics, 2013ish)
This has the honor of being the only comic on this list that's been adapted to another type of media, in the form of a segment on Justin Roiland's weird kinda-shitty Hulu halloween special. Not much of an honor, I guess.
Anyways! MM&O is about a group of "friends" who live together in drug-addled squalor. Megg is a chronically depressed witch just waiting to die. Mogg, Megg's boyfriend, is a talking cat who just wants to keep the degenerate lifestyle they've built for themselves stable, and Owl is a neurotic sex addict who wants to make something of himself but doesn't want to lose his only companions, and Werewolf Jones is a drug-dealing sociopath. It's like Peep Show! I absolutely love this comic, I reread it constantly, but I'm having a hard time pitching it.
If Giant Days is a plate of mashed potatoes this is like... a gas station hot dog eaten over a storm drain or something. Still kind of comforting, just in a different way. Let's cleanse our palette with some capeshit.
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#8: Planetary (Wildstorm/DC, 1998)
Planetary rocks. We follow an amnesiac immortal named Elias Snow as he travels the globe with his top-secret Planetary Investigations team to uncover the secrets of the Wildstorm universe. Think of it like... The X-Files crossed with The Venture Brothers. X-Files in that they investigate weirdo mysteries, Venture Brothers in that every genre of speculative fiction- from Doc Savage-style pulp heroes to Kaiju to James Bond superspies- all exist, or existed, in some form.
Also on the team besides Snow are The Drummer (who has some kind of information-based power I never really understood) and Jakita Wagner, the super-strong ADHD daughter of a Tarzan expy. It's hard to do it justice in a post like this, buy a copy! Or pirate it, if you don't want to give Warren Ellis any money!
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#9: Bad Enders (Indie, 2020)
Hey, this one is free! Check it out here: https://beany-tuesday.itch.io/bad-enders-pilot-issue
Bad Enders is a shonen pastiche with all the humor and charm you could expect from a @beanytuesday joint. It's great! It follows a burnt-out twentysomething who once had ambitions of becoming a demon hunter, but has since resigned himself to a life of filling out excel spreadsheets. Beanytuesday has stated there probably won't be any more Bad Enders content, but he has another comic called GUE (https://beanytuesday.tumblr.com/tagged/gue/chrono) that takes place in the same universe.
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#10: G-Man (Image Comics, 2009)
i bet you thought i was done with image huh
Anyways, this was my jam back in like 3rd grade and you know what? It holds up. When they say "all-ages" they fuckin mean all ages, I'm a grown man and I can enjoy this.
The story of this entry is that I wanted to end on 10 instead of 9.
The story of this comic is that a kid named Mikey G gets his hands on a magic blanket that allows him to fly, but his brother ALSO uses the magic blanket to fly with and they become, like, rivals, but this other kid can also fly and he starts fucking with them... better than it sounds. There's also this crazy arc later in the series where they have a baby brother but- hold on, I'll show you
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See? Nuts.
Ok, that was all of them bye
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light-wayland · 1 year
There ain't no way you make me give you a ranked list of Circle members and get away with not making your own. C'mon, tell me! Who're your most and least favourite of the circle gang?
naive of you to assume i wasn’t going to send you one anyway. i think i like all circle members, only the top 3 are definitive, everything after depends on the mood so i won't even number
Robert Lightwood. he's only my all time favorite character and i think about him every minute of my existence since i've read The Evil We Love all those years ago. nothing special
Michael Wayland. this adorable little man crawled into the grossest deeps of robert's grumpy cold heart and said "There's nothing wrong with you, Robert." and got his heart broken horribly. in the process turned waywood into my all time favorite ship and changed my life. thanks man
Maryse Lightwood. gaslight gatekeep girlboss? except that she was the gaslighted one i think... anyway, she put up with robert for 24 freaking years, and post-michael robert was so annoying. mother. but also literally badass mom. i wish we understood her better.
Luke Garroway. it's giving father figure and can be shipped with several people. at the same time he's an asshole who doesn’t aknowledge his own assholery and that gives him depth because it's more realistic than let's say robert who thinks everything he does is a unexcusable mistake
Valentine Morgenstern. [redacted] but what he and luke have going is kinda hot not gonna lie
Stephen Herondale. my lightwood loving bias would usually stop me from touching a golden annoying mf even with a ten foot pole but this one can and will be poked with a sharp ten foot pole because like maryse he is somehow nasty enough to put up with robert's grumpy face and he's also a huge loser
Jocelyn Fairchild. luke's female half but with not page time enough to be cool. i think a problem is that her character on page doesn’t live up to what's built around her, even less than luke, and that makes her underwhelming, but i'm her apologist when it comes to her decisions as a mother, i will choose her over her biological son anytime
Hodge Starkweather. deserves better. he was stuck in the same house with robert and maryse for 15 years. that's punishment enough if we're being real
Céline Montclaire. i understand why some readers love her. she's kind but has a selfish side, which makes her human. on practice she's too nice to me, and not nasty enough to put up with robert
Amatis Graymark. i genuinely like her and stephen as a couple i just don't care much about her individually, which is a shame because her story is interesting. i guess she has a similar problem as jocelyn
i think all circle members are interesting characters so in my head they're awesome. i hope this list satisfies you
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Poly!Cruella De Vil and James Nolan/Prince James x Reader || Headcanons
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Plot: These two together totally skeeve me out but I just find them as a concept so amusing!! And I'm glad they found eachother XD So, poly relationship HC's are a must.
Warnings: These two are complete freaks. So there are nsfw themes throughout. Kinks include heavy Mommy Kink, James is her bestubbled 'Golden Boy', Pet Play mentions, domestic kinkiness (the way you all act is not just sexual at this point, it's just your dynamic), etc. Also obnoxiously cutesy nicknames like 'Jamesy-poo' XDD That's definitely a warning! And feelings, which sneak up on you (: By the time you realise, its too late XD
This was a blast XD
<3 <3 <3
Alright so Cruella is definitely!! in total control here. She's the Boss. The Dom. The Asmodeus to yours' and James' Fizz, to you Helluva Boss fans.
The Mommy of your little 'family', basically.
Then James is her 'Golden Boy'/naughty boy, and you are their sweet, sweet pet. So like, James is a little bit higher up in the procession of power then you, but not by much.
Often its her directing the two of you equally, but occasionally she'll ask James what he thinks they should do with you, or leave you two to 'play on your own'- and she makes it clear that Jamesy-Wamesy is in charge, while she's away.
"Sweetheart stay with darling Jamesey-poo, mommy has some work to do." - Cruella, whenever she has to go do some Evilness.
When you're cold its really a toss-up; Cruella may actually give you some furs to wear (This version of her really likes the idea of branding you~ ) or you might get James' jacket. His prince jacket! Ahh <3
Cruella may have you dressing like James eventually. She thinks its cute if her two playthings have a uniform.
If you'll remember, James left his old flame Jack to die at the top of the beanstalk, totally heartless- but let me tell you, Cruella has that man so whipped he wouldn't even think about doing that to her unless there was a HUGE pay out. You, he may consider abandoning. But one nasty look from her and he'll save your sweet ass like the prince he was groomed to be. He does love you (As much as he and Cruella can love at least), its just that (In the words of his Wiki Page) he's inherited 'King Georges lack of empathy and ruthless personality'.
You and Cruella watching James fight with David-
You: Oh god, which one's James?? Cruella: The ruggedly handsome one. You: I- which one!? Who's winning?? Oh, ow! Who just got punched in the jaw?? Who's the one bleeding? Cruella: Oh, you tell me! They look exactly the same, darling! You: *deadpanned at her*
You and James have an odd relationship where you kinda argue a lot, when you're not being their obedient 'pet'. You're very snarky with each other and it makes Mommy Cruella roll her eyes- but she loves it. She loves being the 'favourite'.
Cruella, to David: Jimmy has always resented you for being the one that those horrible parents of yours kept... You: ... ehhh, I don't think he's that deep actually. I think he's just sore he had the best sword lessons in the enchanted forest and still got killed by a Behemoth. Cruella: Darling- You: ... and also David got a castle. And people like him. and I don't know how identical they are under the clothes but I bet his dick is bigger, too, honestly. Cruella: 🙄 Darling... You: aM I wRoNg???? Cruella: *Sigh, turning back to David who's very understandably uncomfortable* My darlings are such a pain sometimes... anyway Sheriff Stubbles, where were we?
... You and James fight over Cruella often. Who gets to make her drinks, who gets to kiss her first, who gets to go down on her (You've been known to actually trip that asshole off the bed before and he has dragged you to the end of the bed and tied you to the bedpost before. All the while Cruella just sits there all pleased with herself~~ Maybe acting annoyed a little, but acting badly XD), etc.
That doesn't mean you two aren't very fond of each other, though. Its mostly fun, and foreplay (;
Cruella and James are both allowed to have 'fun' with other people (Whether that be actually going out and sleeping with others or just that- 'fun'. Like when Cruella pretended she though David was James and when James pretended to be David to kiss Snow), but let me be clear- you are not.
Cruella: Darling you're like our faithful Rottweiler, aren't you?? You would never hurt us like that. You could never be pleased by anyone else but us. Hm?
James: Yeah, and no one else would put up with you, either *eyeroll*
They don't actually do it very often though, mess around with others. They're both quite content with this relationship right here! Not that either of them would admit it.
<3 <3 <3
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dorylinae-supremacy · 7 months
Almost 3am and I physically cannot stop thinking about dark fluffy fae AU’s
Fae au… save me.. Fae au Save me fae au
I have decided that this is my chance to ramble about all the fae WIPS I have noted down so read all that under the break! It’s very very long so enjoy!
First concept is Phil being vaguely magic and then falling in love with Kristin and them having 3 half fae children who are just weird and wonderful.
They’re not human so they don’t entirely understand things (which can lead to them just being fucked up sometimes) but they still go out and spread their magic.
Techno toys with crops, using his gifts of magic for both good and evil while Wilbur weaved his own magic into his words and form. He can convince anyone of anything if he works hard enough.
Tommy would be a chaotic bundle that just shoots out spells at random, causing mayhem wherever he goes.
Another concept is a fairy au where the seelie have butterfly wings while unseelie have either moth or other insect wings I can’t decide. Techno, a seelie Prince, is given off to the other court as a sign of good will.
From my silly little notes he basically has to put off a massive performance for them to save his branch of the fae family tree. Problem is his parents are assholes.
Obviously shenanigans ensue where Wilbur decides to scope out this other Prince and ends up deciding that he’s brother materiel.
Queue him using a bit of madness magic to make Techno go a bit off his rocker and begin to get violent. It all would end in the big performance where he dances and dances and by the time he’s done he realises he killed all the others and then gets adopted.
I also have another AU where fae!Wilbur is pushed into having his own circle far too young and ends up trapped in a deal with human!SBI because of it.
General vibes of that one is that he’s way too young to be making deals of that kind but he gets forced into it anyway and now he has to try and trick people.
Techno comes across him since they set Wilbur up in the palace garden and immediately spots how bad he is at being a fae after Wil fails horribly at tricking him.
Obviously since Techno is incapable of being normal he starts to obsess because Wil took a similar appearance to him since he was the first person he saw. He’s ofc very very interested and now keeps visiting him.
Eventually after a bunch of visits Techno figures out Wils name and steals him away. He reassured Wil that he doesn’t wanna actually do anything bad, he just kinda wants to keep him as a brother and Wil can’t decide if that’s better or worse.
Ofc Techno has to show his new surprise brother to the rest of the family and they’re all not normal about it at all. Phil is probably like “aww what do you have there?” as if Techno didn’t just bring a magical fucking being into the castle.
They bind him in more deals probably. I think Wil would try and be like “I’ll give you whatever you want just let me go” and parentsduo try and let him down softly that he’s literally never going back to the fae realm.
And now I must reveal to you my Sweeter Than Honey brainrot that I hoard away.
First one is very very soft. It’s just a vague outline of Phil deciding to teach Techno how to bake and it’s everything Tech deserves and more. That boy deserves the absolute world.
There’s a small bump in the road where he’s not careful and kinda burns himself but it heals very quickly and he gets cuddles in the nest for it.
My next 2 centre around parties because I think fae have lots of them.
Yet again we have another silly one. It’s the first party that they’ve really had after Techno became a fae and he ends up getting swooped up between different groups of fae. He actually does end up making a few genuine friends and it’s yet again everything he deserves.
He heads out into a garden area with his new besties for a bit and forgets how bad the Prince going missing looks and comes back to Phil freaking out.
After the old man is done having a heart attack it’s time to wrap up and he gets excited to see his friends again sometime soon. He gets all tucked into the nest and dozes off a bit before Phil / Kristin ask him if he enjoyed it.
He kinda mumbles that it’s the first time he’s ever enjoyed a party and thanks them for bringing him to it. He gets a little kiss on the head and falls back asleep.
My final one and what I think is my fav from my STH brainrot chronicles is this one. It’s based off an ask where lenn explained that the masks on the ferry would turn the wearer into the animal it presented.
I think you all know where this is going.
So by now his wings are more grown in, maybe it’s an anniversary of his yoinking who knows, and they’re celebrating on the ferry that brought him over to fae lands as a symbolism thing.
Technos exploring the ship again since it’s changed up appearance a little and ends up finding the mask room again. He makes not the smartest decision and decides to try on a pig mask.
Ofc he turns into a pig and then shenanigans ensue. Probably Bad and Skeppy figuring out that Techno is now a pig and instead of telling Kristin and Phil they kinda just chase him around. It’s a whole situation.
Either way parentsduo figure out that their kid is missing. Again. They flip their shit but try to keep it on the downlow a little. For now.
Obviously they eventually spot Skeppy and Bad chasing around a pig on the boat and connect the dots. They kinda fawn over pignoblade for a while before Kristin reverses the spell.
Fun thing about the ferry though is that it has a sense of humour. One that carries into its magic as well. This apparently includes having Techno keep some of those pig features even after the spell.
He gets some pointy ears, tusks and a tail for his troubles and ends up a bit self conscious about it. Since he feels dumb for falling for the mask and also now he has all these pig features.
Kristin and Phil obviously won’t allow that and let him know just how cute they think his new features are. He feels a bit better after they maybe imitate the traits onto themselves as well.
After that they return to the nest and he falls asleep with his little tail wagging because that’s what he deserves.
I also have a vague idea for a Wilbur centric fae fic but that’s long and I’ve spent like 30 mins just rambling on this post already.
If there’s weird spellings, words or autocorrect then I’m sorry I literally typed this all on phone. I will maybe probably go fix it later if I remember.
Until then, enjoy my delusions o7
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fodlaneverafter · 7 months
FEA character mini-analyses: black eagles as rebels
Today I feel like explaining why I cast characters the way I did in FEA (my ongoing 3H/EAH crossover fic)! If all goes well this'll be a four-part series--one each for the three houses and one last post for the house lords + Rhea. (I'm sorry Ashen Wolves fans... I'll talk about Yuri in the last post, but I don't think there's much I can say for the rest of his house.)
Now without further ado, let us begin!
Hubert as Faybelle Thorn: let's raise a cheer for everyone's favorite dark fairy!! (please don't this is cursed enough. haha get it? cursed, because he's--) As we all know the most important thing about Hubert von Vestra is his impeccable sense of style, and Faybelle's aesthetic is the only one that comes close. The only major difference between these two characters is that Faybelle is spiteful, while Hubert is simply ruthless. And I think it's enough to make him a Rebel, as the Dark Fairy's actions are nothing but petty. With his father's role being stolen by the Evil Queen, I thought this would add an interesting dimension to his loyalty to Edelgard (whereas Faybelle hates Raven for it). Also, Faybelle's pet is canonically a pomeranian puppy named Spindle, and I wanted to give Hubie a pomeranian puppy named Spindle.
Ferdinand as C.A. Cupid: I needed something to replace nobility as the virtue around which he centers his life, so naturally I decided on the most entertaining alternative--love. In this AU, destiny-bound "true love" serves as a good enough parallel to the corruption of Fódlan nobility. So while he may have some disagreements with Edelgard, he can't argue with her understanding of destiny. Giving him big ol' wings makes him even more annoying to her, which is exactly what I want. ... Okay, yes, I did make him Cupid just because it was the only way I could include "Ferdinand von Aegir Cupid" in this AU.
Bernadetta as Cerise Hood: yes, it does hurt me that Bernadetta's color palette clashes horribly with the RRH aesthetic, but what can a girl do they're the perfect match! Of course Bernie would be shy and reclusive if her father was the freaking Big Bad Wolf. And who wouldn't be anxious having to hide a secret like that in the woods, constantly surrounded by the vicious Wolf people? Of course I couldn't make her as extremely nervous as she was in 3H, but uh. I don't think anyone minds. (We are kicking Count Varley out of the picture by the way please forget he ever existed.)
Petra as Cedar Wood: the only princess besides Edelgard in 3H may be a mere commoner in this retelling, but real queens need no crowns. Cedar's desire to understand humans is the closest in-universe to Petra's desire to understand Fódlan (even if they're for different reasons). Furthermore, I find Petra's honesty works well with Cedar's curse--they're both so endearing for it.
Dorothea as Meeshell Mermaid: we shall forever mourn the lost potential of Meeshell, but Dorothea is a whole other story. Voice of an angel, check. Renowned beauty, check. Most importantly, her longing to be truly seen and loved, check. Let's not forget the Little Mermaid was treated as little more than a pretty plaything in the prince's court, never truly seen by the man she loved. Canon Dorothea fears exactly that. Her being a Rebel is just too perfect.
Linhardt as Briar Beauty: I don't think I need to explain myself here? But... the tricky part about him is that Linhardt would never in a million years be unsatisfied with his destiny. I had to lure him to the dark side with lots of enticing research opportunities on the true nature of destiny-bound curses and succession laws, because of what happened with his mom's story (Evil Queen stealing Dark Fairy's role and all). Anyway, I love imagining him with green crownglasses and the fact that his personality is the polar opposite of Briar's will never not be hilarious.
Caspar as... the son of the White Queen??: yeah so the White Queen doesn't have a kid in EAH; I just couldn't think of anything more suiting for Caspar, both in personality and appearance (a bonus, in my book!). Now technically most of the Wonderlandians are Golden Deer, but like... who cares. Also, it's adorable to picture Caspar having normal conversations with his mom, who is the princesses' advisor, and they're quite literally just shouting at each other. Even if they're on opposite sides of the destiny conflict, I feel like they'd have the sweetest relationship.
And that, my folksies, is that.
Confession: before starting this fic, the Black Eagles were my least favorite house. I didn't understand them at all, but now I am so glad I do. They got that Rebel heart, lads.
Next up: Blue Lions!
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explosionshark · 1 year
Oh yeah and sorry for the spam but I was looking through my notes and I think I forgot to mention it but in Who Am I, the contrast between the Faith/Riley intimacy scene and how freaked out Faith was by it and the much more wholesome and good for each other intimacy of the Willow/Tara magic scene that was in between them that was real good.
okay yeah i think this was a brilliant choice the show made.
i also think the depiction of faith's sexuality on the show is deeply and obviously troubled but kind of incidentally a little bit genius?
under the cut to discuss issues of sexual assault and some of the darker things the show has implied about faith
like to be clear i think that the way the show often equates faith's desire for sex with her evilness sucks and is bad.
but i also think the kind of hyper-sexuality we see from her fits in very well with all of the very strong implications that she's a victim of CSA.
i've talked about this before, but i can't find any of the posts on my blog so forgive me for repeating any points
but there's a lot of alarming details that point to faith being a CSA survivor. she makes a lot of comments about her mom's predatory boyfriends, there's the "let me stay the night, promise i won't try anything" line she mocks, there's hitting on giles, in later seasons she makes reference to events that could have only happened pre-sunnydale involving a man who asked her to dress like a school girl. all of it paints a pretty horrible picture, especially compounded with all of the implied details of the physical abuse faith suffered at her mother's hands.
so you have a young girl with a horrific background of abuse and victimization and then you give her powers but no stability, no support - is it any wonder she went dark? when faith's relationship to power has always been the ones who have it make the rules and everyone else just deals with it?
because i think this is something you see explicitly in the way faith transgresses against xander and riley.
with xander in particular, it's like. the scene where she assaults him begins with him asking to come in "just to talk, i swear" to which she replies "think you could make something happen if i didn't want it to?" which is just. a horrible bit of foreshadowing, and very telling as a first reaction. it's actually a great precursor to the riley stuff, because xander shows up and tries to connect with her emotionally. he tries to imply that he knows her, that he cares, and her immediate reaction is to dissect that genuine offer of support for the ways that it must be an attempt to manipulate her. he wants to brag that he had sex with her, or else he's trying to trick her into sleeping with him again. she denies that they have a connection because "it's just skin" which is fundamental to the way she thinks about sex. it's a tool - it offers relief or power, but not anything else.
"what do you want to do with this body?" is what faith asks riley. "am i a bad girl? do you wanna hurt me?" i mean it's not hard to read into this. fucking riley isn't about riley, it's another one of faith's weird sexual proxy deals with buffy and it's about being buffy and it's about dicking buffy over. when riley is kind and genuine in bed, when he tells 'buffy' that he loves her is when faith starts to flip out because the script she keeps trying to lay over buffy's life keeps breaking. she flips out, gets panicky, tells him "this is meaningless" in an effort to reassert something she believes to be true about sex -- that it's a tool of power with, at best, an inauthentic veneer of intimacy.
if there's one specific turning point in faith's post-graduation day redemption arc it's here. THIS is when she starts to realize she's fucked up, that her entire worldview was wrong.
to accept that she was wrong about about sex is to accept that she was wrong about power. it means the narrative of her life is all wrong. that she was hurt by her mother and by men who preyed on her was not, in fact, the uncaring laws of power in action but deliberate acts of cruelty that needlessly victimized her. it also means that every fucked up thing she's done to buffy, and xander, and angel, and riley, and everyone else is, in fact, her fault. she loses the ability to hide behind a law of the universe - we're not at full accountability yet, but this is where it starts.
right here:
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when Faith stumbles out of bed, trembling and panicking, and Riley asks "what happened?"
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"nothing," faith says, stricken. she says it twice, actually. the second time sounds like more of a lie.
[obligatory disclaimer here wrt the fact that consent here is. a messy thing to talk about. given that this whole post is in regards to fictional characters and that the sex between riley and faith is 1) not framed as rape 2) utterly and completely fantastical given that it's facilitated by the use of a magic artifact i've avoided using the language of irl sexual assault to discuss it. ymmv]
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
i know you said you haven’t figured out it out yet but i’d like to hear any thoughts or random ideas you might have abt nezha & nico, either in general or in the time travel verse 👩‍🏫
Wow I didn't expect someone would actually be interested in this... Well, all the more motivation to be enthusiastic, then. xD
You're right that I've yet to figure out their connection, however, I can tell a little about that that drew me to the idea of them in the same picture.
The first would probably be their characterization.
Both are painted in black and white, of kindness and the flaws within. Afaik, the whole thing about Nezha is that he's a naughty, carefree, uncontrollable menace yet also kind in his own ways. He did so many wrongs and he tried to do just as many rights to make up for it. It's similar to Nico, in the way that they are kind at heart, yet can appear evil in others' eyes for some reason. And yes, they both have committed conventional horrible. Hell, Nezha peeled off Ao Bing's spine or st. Would you look at that, Bryce?
Grudge-holding. Now, I'm not saying I fancy what Rick did to Nico's fatal flaw, but talking in canon here, Nico held his sister's death against Percy (and himself) for quite a while; whereas Nezha, having died and was reborn again, literally came fighting his father because the man ruined his temple, where his soul resided. Like. If that isn't one hell of a grudge then I don't know what is.
Their spirits, their willpower, the prowess they possess despite their young ages. They are both so fierce, unstoppable, and resilient. Nezha is portrayed as a literal child in Chinese mythology, but his story is one hell of a ride (ya know, with all the slaying dragons, carving up his own flesh...). Idk about you but it gives me an impression of how intense Nezha might be, which is quite a reflection of Nico's story and characterization. Because Nico is... extreme, too, and you can't possibly tell me Nico's life story, with all that Tartarus and torture in the jar, isn't a grand tale in its own way. Alas, against all odds, they both emerge victorious. I love them.
They're both freaking powerful too, btw. But again, I guess every mythological figure is powerful in its own way.
Idk about you but I think Nico and Nezha should be allowed to sit down together and trade gory, creepy, bloody stories about themselves just to scare everyone else.
2. Their backgrounds, their stories.
They both have daddy issues omfg. Nezha literally fought his father, who ruined Nezha's temple, to the point of interference from other deities. And while I love Nico and Hades's love with everything in me, they did have a strained relationship throughout PJO. Hades told Nico he would prefer Bianca over him, and later nearly fired a ball at him. If that isn't parallel I don't know what is.
Their mothers love them so much I'm crying. Nezha's mother, Lady Yin, carried him in her womb for years and built him a temple when he asked her in a dream. And I suppose we don't need to talk about Maria anymore.
They are both, technically, 'prince's LMAO. Nezha is known as the Third Crowned Prince (or whatever that is bc Chinese is so hard to translate into English omg) and Nico is well, Nico. Their fathers are both technically kings, as well. Hades because obviously, Li Jing is known as one of the Heavenly Kings. And if you really look into it, Nezha is a commander of Heaven's army, directly under his father, whilst Nico is the Ambassador of Hades. Wow.
They are viewed as awful in people's eyes but still took efforts to help. I'm gonna admit my viewpoint might be altered by the Nezha (2019) movie. Nonetheless, I find it quite interesting that Nezha and Nico, though being scorned and ostracized by their kind, ended up being their saviors. Nezha killed himself when the Dragon King threatened to flood his hometown, and Nico went such lengths to aid the Seven with their world-saving quests. This is also proof of their kindness, which I adore so much, btw.
Feud with the sea. Well maybe not feud in Percy and Nico's case. A sensitive topic. History, maybe? Lol. Anyway, the fact remains that both Nico and Nezha share an unpleasant history with a son of the seas. If you take Nezha (2019) into consideration though, they both make peace with said animosity too! xD
They both befriend their old enemies. I'm talking about Wukong and Bob. It's fascinating, in a way lol.
These are everything I can come up with so far... Huh. I didn't expect them to share so similarities... I'm serious about Nezha and Nico having a bonding session now. These two are deemed to be besties.
It doesn't need to be in the Time Travel AU. Nico crash-landed in China before, didn't he? Maybe, Idk, Nezha was sent to investigate, and they ended up friends because Nico is as social as a capybara and Nezha has all the purity and generosity of a carefree child who fears nothing.
...I'm so deep in this omg...  
Anw, if you want to share your Nico and Nezha content, I'm all ears!! xD
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ram-de · 10 months
[read] the world doesn't deserve gordo
GORDO!! MARK!! they're so precious as little kids... The little raven carve? This is all a car crash and I'm so invested... Please....
Thomas... Is Thomas a slime. Was he always been a slime??? He's not a slime in book 1...
Why the hell would a dad tattoos his kid at the young age of 8???? they can barely make decisions!! ERM.... GORDO IS 12 HES JUST A KID!! my son!! This is child labor what the fluff?! FIND ANOTHER WITCH WHAT THE HELL is there a witch shortage
Ngl not liking how the human love interest, referred to 'mate', is seen as an item here rather than like, human. Like they weren't given a choice after a wolf sets their eyes upon them. Idk... then again that's just richard talking.
Gordo my son is traumatized, he was barely given a choice!! #justiceforgordo
Gordo... He's my father fr😔 HES BONDING WITH THE KIDS AUGSHSHSH JOE LAUGHED ??friendfriend?friend??
Gordo he deserved everything... I'm not ready for whatever train crash that gonna happens. Is Marty gonna be murdered too😭 is Mark going to betray him too😭
ABEL IS A SLIME I NEED HIM TO dye his hair pink or something
Mark is so whipped man😭 CUTE CUTE CUTE inject this shit to my veins (I don't know shit about drugs)
Is the girl Meredith king... Have my son gordo not suffered enough... THERE SHE IS... No wonder gordo would be 38 and traumatized like... One parents manipulated him, the other murdered someone, wolves would? Eventually betray him, enemies of wolves aka the hunters are mad extremist like...
This would be so great to read in a manga media like maybe as a seinen thriller mystery romance kinda Manga published monthly PLEASEEE I can imagine the colorspread the dramatics I think I've said it in wolfsong already BUT STILL look even the villains is dramatic they're quirky (Meredith u lunatic queen)
I swear if you thomas blamed this on my son gordo... ELIZABETH YOU'RE ON THIN ICE...
maternal bonds😭 this is when Elizabeth began doing dinners again back at green creek I'm weeping shes so strong
Now why am I sad for this King guy... Klune is ruthless to side characters
FUCK YOU THOMAS... he's always being the one who babble about "oh but everything is a choice" and then ONLY. MADE CHOICES FOR AND BY HIMSELF LIKE?? THIS HAPPENED A LOT IN BOOK 1 TOO I am so mad. At the end of the day gordo's mother is right. U have to make your own choices not take whatever others gave you. damn I'm hurting. My son gordo. Thomas hate.
Fuck this pack dynamics the bennets alphas are certified selfish pricks (abel, thomas, joe yes u too joe u were one )
I'm going insane we only have Marty to trust in this house
As much as I adore the cutiepie mark... This romance isn't working bro like gordo is hurting hsgsjdjdjjjs also... Freaking THOMAS said to gordo not to lead Mark's feeling BUT LOOK WHAT HE FACILITATED INSTEAD?? for Mark to lead on gordo's feeling instead by making him visit the teenage boy every 6 month??? fucking hypocrite you thomas bennett
I am so bitter that Thomas were portrayed to be this saintly father figure to ox who give wise wisdoms (fReEdOm oF cHoIcE) and train with him when he's basically the catalyst to every evil thing in the world. I know, I know, character flaws and all. I just feel lied because he's horrible. Don't care about his reasoning! Couldn't even be gentler about it to gordo.
I feel really uncomfortable with the spice? scenes can we skip
I will also always side 100% with my son gordo BACK AWAY MARK can't even write hello monthly like fuck off with the mate bullshit he's been hurting for YEARS! you have your packs but gordos. Marty's dead! And you(plural) didn't call back! However sweet mark is he's still a Bennett.
I hate it here I hate it here I hate it heree AHHHHH I HATE IT HERE fucking Thomas ruining lives
Hmmm I need a proper groveling from Mark he can attribute his absence to his father but in the end he still aligns himself not to gordo anyway like?
ROMABCES ASIDE I like (love love love) the dynamics in the garage guys and robbie made a good addition to the crew too 😭 they're adorable pls
Ermmmmm why is gordo being pushed to be the one initiating talk?? Guys?? he's the one being wronged???? ELIZABETH??? MARK WHAT IS YOUR REASON FOR NEGLEGIENCE TO YOUR 'MATE' HUH??
This sucks if it leans to the one hurting being the one to make things work like... I NEED TO SLEEP.
Tj klune really excels at this homey dynamics scene!! This scene involves like 11? Characters simply just blabbering and it felt so endearing shgshsh
Who the hells wears jeans on commando MARK???? I get it werewolves can heals fast BUT ZIPPER ARE PEAK HORRORS
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your babygirl!! (for the gimme a character thing)
Ask game
How I feel about this character
I adore him, unironically. A lot of people hate him solely because he’s a bad person, and to me that’s narrow-minded thinking. He’s fun BECAUSE he’s bad. He’s fun BECAUSE he’s a horrible person who hurts other people and doesn’t care for their feelings.
He’s pathetic, a disaster, and unironic mess. He’s like 50, trapped in the body of a toddler, constantly slapfighting with kids because he’s petty and can’t keep ANYONE out of his relationship drama with a certain homophobic rat. I’ll get into the relationship/ship stuff in the next section, if you’re curious.
I also like his design a lot.. the right side of his face is this beautiful mosaic and FOR SOME GOD FORSAKEN REASON HIS EYELINER IS AMAZING??? Also most people think his voice is annoying but there’s a cute charm to it… nobody can tell you sound like a girl if you make it annoying on purpose!!!! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
A lot of my thoughts about him I can’t put into words because it’s all just “HAKASKISKAKAKSJSKSOSKSKSJS MMMM BABYGIRL OLD MAN YAOI” And TV static, so I hope this’ll suffice!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Should be obvious. I ship him and Kazuma (Fathershipping), and him and Dr Faker (Deceitshipping/scientistshipping). Technically nothing I like about the two are canon but FUCK YOU their both amazing
The way I think of Fathershipping is all cute and fluffy and “omg kazuma.. but you have a wife!! But.. I still love you..”, sometimes it’s unrequited and sometimes it’s just doomed. Byron’s just a horrible shy, gay mess when it comes to Kazuma. Like ITS SO TELLING how he was willing to literally DIE for him during episode 55, and the fact that in the Sam episode there were only TWO TENTS?? Yeah, they fucked
But as for scientistshipping, it’s just horrible toxic yaoi. You know the Cantarella scene from Utena (assuming your there)? Yeah, that’s them. I wish they had more non-toxic interactions, it would have been sweet to see them reconcile beyond their gay little shoujo bubble apology
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Him and his kids! And probably him and Yuma, I’ll go more into it in the last section.
My unpopular opinion about this character
He never had a wife. He’s a transmasc (or agender, depends on how I feel) gay man, his kids are test tube babies. He’d sooner die than willingly put his lips let alone *bits* near a woman
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
I wish things with Vetrix were explored more beyond “haha look at the evil freak!!”, I wish he wasn’t demonized for wanting revenge when he literally got deformed and has PTSD from being in Barian World for 5 years straight.
I like Zexal, but (somewhat yugioh as a whole) has an issue with portraying people as either black and white villains or good guys, and people who aren’t pretty bishounen tend to get the shortest end of the stick at times. Like, there’s a REASON why his kids get more screentime than him. It’s because he isn’t conventionally attractive. Vetrix is not a black and white villain, he contains multitudes.
You have to factor in that he was was put in a foreign alien world for half a decade by a person who he thought was a FRIEND, thought his only other friend DIED, was away from his kids (two of whom were taken away and put in an orphanage), got deformed so badly literally no one recognizes him, and more. People who try to act as if characters like KAITO are better than him are so fucking insane because he’s not. I watched his duel with him today and Vetrix had a line about them being the same. They’ve both hurt and killed people as a means to an end. Hes truly not a bad person and people need to realize that 😭😭😭
There’s also the issue with his kids. I wish he got more scenes with them after his arc, I wish we got to see him work to be better especially after all he did, to deal with the ramifications of it all. It feels like his relationship with his kids were just haphazardly tacked on and stapled together, held together by a few peices of duct tape that the writers saw and just sent on its way. It would have been interesting to see if his kiss (ESPECIALLY Quattro) did not forgive him, especially after the shit he said and did.
The same for faker, these kids have no reason to forgive their father after the actual VILE acts they’ve committed towards them.
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alvin-draper · 4 days
I'm sorry did Erik just drop a FUCKING STADIUM ON CHARLES. Like plausible deniability on the knowing he was there front but fuck me. Ohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo okay flashforward central we killing off all the people now. Oh my godddddd what a finale man. I'm sorta liveblogging bc I no longer have the energy to go find random posts to write notes essays off of. Too busy watching Hank and Logan do weird shit cirac 1973. MF DO WHAT U WERE MADE FOR. ERIK WTF ISTG. For all his mutant love bollocks he really only loves them where they're on his side. This is not solidly the case with him always but it's where he's at after 10 years of solitary and it sucks arse. Poor Kitty trying to hold him. Furthermore I absolutely need to see the Rogue cut of this at some point. Already found an extended cut to watch at a later date. Erik just fully yoinked their secure bunker out of the ground which is actively quite funny, however he's wearing the evil helmet and has nearly killed Charles. Also I'm seeing evil speech coming. vfbdsqjihcv bjkdLAN BXWLKEDBCX SAKDLB THIS FUTURE SHIT. Also that clip of fucking Peter watching the TV jgbjajabsdjb. And all the kids in the future dying. He still talks a good talk though. If you brush off the uh. The murderey stuff. And the fighty stuff. IT's like he's never heard of grassroots activism and community organising. Erik this is not how movements succeed and you should know it. 'All those years wasted fighting each other Charles. To have a precious few of them back...' Gayboys. Furthermore I am very sad about this. Oh my godddddddd Charles Erik. Mr President?????? Oh my God it's RAVEN!!!!!! Oh my god she shot him. Oh my fucking. Oh my. Oh hey Charles forgor about u. Pretty boi. He's so right though. Bloodshed leads to more bloodshed. Cycles of violence. It's her chance to break them all. While Bobby dies and Kitty mourns and they all die 50 years from now. She gets to make a different choice. Ohhhhhhhhhhh the silence of that empty room. That chance of their future coming to fruition. Also Charles getting that chance. And giving it up. Goodbye old friends. Goodbye Erik. I'm gonna go freak out about this aren't I. And Logan. What became of him? How does 2014 look in a world sideways from their original? There's sunlight coming through the blinds. The tech is weirdly advanced. He's in the school and the kids are alive and class is in session. Hank's doing fine. Storm. It's like everything went perfectly and perfectly wrong all together. Oh my god JEan? NAH. Put it back in the box. SCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl aren't you a telepath can't you tell at least a little?? Anyway hey prof. He could use some help with everything from 1973 on apparently. Oh good God. This has to be equal parts dream and nightmare for him. RIP Logan though even after all that the Stryker thing fucking. Oh ejwkvh dnksv fsj sfvnsdjke. Hey Mystique. She should always get the last word. Okay so that movie was INCREDIBLE. Post credits??????? Post Credits!!!! One thing to thank Marvel for then I love post credits. Maybe not this one fucker seems ominous af. Are they seriously fucking giving a fake explainer on the pyramids to me right now I am going to ferqfvdwe someone. Time to go watch all the deleted scenes too hope those'll be good. More Cherik maybe? Oh the Rogue scenes yayyyyyyyy. Rescuing Rogue goes hard I like it. Erik protecting them????????? Yes humanise my bb. Bobby though!!?? Did they kill Bobby early in this cut?????? Wild. Oh wow she got. The grew up. Oh God Kitty. Hello Logan? Yeah Hi babes. Ur pseudo daughter is here. Oh but they all ended up fine! Yeah they shoulda kept this I fear. Some of it anyway. Her being able to fully take over from Kitty destroys some of the tension on that end though. Hmmmm. Done w this kinda horribly written post now just needed to liveblog it a little due to the brain worms you understand. I LIED DELETED STORM LOGAN KISS WHAT. Yesssssssssssssssssssssss.
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your-mom-friend · 2 years
Ranking Avatars on a Completely Arbitrary Scale Part 2: Apocalypse Boogaloo
Arson Montague: 11/10. What an icon. She is the moment. I want a full series surrounding her life. She had a Coffee Shop AU with Jack Barnabas and immediately stopped being evil and died. Poor girl. I can't help but find the circumstances of her existence so funny though. Her mom killed her dad while she's been pregnant. The cult didn't even want this to happen since she wasn't "conceived in the flame". According to the wiki they relented since "no one knew how that would even work". They threw away the childcare book because it didn't fit the aesthetic. She still turned out pretty okay. We love to see it.
Annabelle Cain: 8/10. We don't even know anything concrete about her childhood because she might not have told the truth. Go queen give us nothing! Yeah she terrified people at the arachnophobia study but she also used her powers to help Jarchivist and Co. so like? good for her? Confirmed Eldritch Horror.
Nikola Orsinov: 3/10 *in the tune* fuck this shit i'm out! fuck this shit i'm out! No but fr she gave me legit creeps and the forced skincare routine while hilarious to think about just makes me itch all over. Not a fan. Sorry bestie. Do have to give her points for being a whole Demon Mannequin and still being freaked out by The Coffin, as well as for being sassy with Elias. Points deducted for killing Danny
Nathaniel Thorp: 9/10 this man was requested and I had to look him up because i lowkey forgot but when I saw the start I remembered INSTANTLY I love him. He cheated death!! in a game!! what a madlad. Cut off his finger to prove a point lmao. Sad that he was a coward in the beginning but ah aren't we all? He died and then undied and then got better but couldn't eat or drink. What a character. @4bsent-damascus I hope you know you have excellent taste.
Melanie Queen: 8/10. Queen of owning her opinion. Not gonna call her a girlboss or whatever (she is but not for the eye thing) but if there's one thing she's unparalleled at it's owning her opinions. I feel for her! I really do. If I had a ghost bullet in my leg that decayed my morals enough to let me get all the pent-up anger out I would also not want it out. She was horrible to Jon for most of her run, but I also get it? Also, like fucking hell dude she had to mutilate her eyes to get her life back!!
Daisy Tonner: 8/10. She's a good person!! I love her. Points off for being a cop though. But she owned up to the harm she caused! And after disconnecting from The Hunt she worked VERY hard to make sure she wouldn't hurt people again and still allowed it to overtake her so she could protect her friends! Excellent character and she has incredible depth and complexity
Hezekiah WAKEly: 10.5/10 just wanted to lay in the dirt and get some sleep. What a mood. He didn't even really do anything! Yeah he was a little enthusiastic about the grave digging but I feel like that's understandable. If my only good sleep came after I dug graves I too would want to dig more graves. half a point off for murdering his friend though :/ I would've docked a whole point but his friend was a snitch and told the church which is pretty lame. Also it's so funny that the guy that wanted to sleep so bad had the last name Wakely
Maxwell Reimer: 5/10. His last incarnation kidnapped a kid which is a very bad thing to do, so don't. He is kind of a mid character to me honestly. Points for being a body hopper like my man JMag but eh. No real feeling about him sorry lads.
Tova McHugh: 5/10. Diversity Win! The person stealing your life force is a Demigirl! [This is from checking the wiki, where it's noted that Tova is referred to with both she and they pronouns.] This is more from personal dislike of the whole "I can do more so my life is worth more" philosophy they've got going on. Kind fucked up bestie. Was going to be a 4 but I kind of appreciate how much she's working for the philanthropy? In the sense of "I've taken their lives so I need to make it worth it so it wasn't in vain" which is has complicated feelings but I think it's good.
Micheal Crew: 6/10. Overall good character actually. He had some bad luck with the lightning strike and only went after the Lietners to get rid of the thing that was tormenting him. Devoted himself to The Vast and only then was a little insane. Don't think he even actually killed anyone? Just scares the shit out of them. Cool guy.
Julia Montauk: 7/10. Really cool to me actually. Feral, which we love to see. She's got such a fun dynamic with Trevor. She wasn't even like, a bad person at first. Just trying to live her life and then some pool of nightmare ink made heer feral and she's been living that monster hunting life ever since. Points off for keeping Gerry imprisoned and trying to kill Jon. Though I do wonder how she and Trevor managed to get into the UK at all considering they couldn't before
Trevor Herbert: 8.5/10. What a madlad. Showed up in season 1 like "what's up I'm Herb I'm homeless and I may have killed a man". Just wholesale unhinged. He also battled lung cancer. and addiction. and he won!! Incredible. Love his dynamic with Julia and I would've given him a 7 but I forgot about the addiction and lung cancer thing till I looked it up and I think that deserves an extra point that shit is hard.
This is part 2 of this post
Tag list: @pipis-pods @alas-shes-mad @4bsent-damascus @crabussy @u-suck-im-sick
Lmk who else you want to see and I'll add them in the next part (there's so many avatars it's insane there's like 80)
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sscarletvenus · 3 years
•Sinu's back ~~~ And he's cooler than ever ~~~
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• My girl looks so good rn I'm gonna scream, cry and throw up
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• Anyways so Mitsuki's dad was a piece of shit, womanizer, idler, child neglecter (basically Gapryong Kim in a nutshell lol) and she was the one who stepped up and revived casino Lucky after becoming Ceo
• Vivi and Mitsuki besties... So true garbage really does belong together
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• The timeline of the flashback is when the Club Vivi is being set up, and the underground Fighting Cage (where Sinu is being used) is already running.
• So Vivi is the one who brought Mitsuki to Korea and introduced her to Eugene, who then invited Mitsuki to watch the fighting as a VIP.
• Eugene calls Sinu pathetic for selling himself off for the street, his love and his men, not realising that MITSUKI HAS BECOME OBSESSED to the point she wants to buy Sinu... And Eugene, the devil's advocate that he is, agrees to sell his "object" only if Mitsuki is willing to run the Second Affiliate...
•honestly Eugene's nerd ass always reminds of a tarantula like so much evil in such a little container
• Whenever Sinu appears I start quivering either from the sadness or for the ahem horny
• MITSUKI IS NOT A GIRLBOSS LMAOOO like miss ma'am you're rich enough to afford therapy, and yet you're resolving your daddy issues by drugging and gaslighting an innocent man who just said he isn't interested to make sacrifices for you? (UNDERSTANBLY SO BECAUSE YOU'RE STRANGERS AND YOUR NASTY ASS IS MAKING HIM FIGHT TO DEATH JUST TO FEEL SOMETHING EVERY PASSING DAY)
• Like no matter how horrible a parent was to you, it doesn't give you the right to be horrible to someone else... JUST LOOK AT JAKE. Same daddy issues. Same disgust for men. Same experience of being touched by Sinu's "romance"... But did we see him go around asking Sinu to fight with random dudes one fine Tuesday morning to prove his "sacrifice"???
•Are we talking about Lee Jinho/244 cuz Eugene mentioned a Drug Genius...
•idk i feel like she could actually #MakeHimWorse... Like girl YOU'RE CALLED HIME BECAUSE OF YOUR BEAUTY AND BRAINS... and yet you're on your knees??? GET UP AND GO TO WORK PLEASE
• he's so fine omg my head hurts
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• so I told you all there' a HIGH POSSIBILITY that shiro oni and warai oni have come across each other right??? I think we just got a lookism and htf crossover (Nomen's uniform is similar to that of the gang Seongjoon took control of, and they're both notorious biker gangs from Kanto region)
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• UMMM so I thought Xiaolung and Jerry were SIMPS but looks like the SIMP OLYMPICS has a rising contender : NOMEN lmaooo
•So Ruyhei (aka Kagiroi president aka Ranger Dog aka Nomen) left his position of the president of a gang that took over Kanto region from the freaking Yakuza to move to Korea for a girl who... lol nvm everybody point and laugh
• "WHO MADE HER CRY" how tf are we supposed to know take a guess???
• Also Jake wants to bring Mitsuki to Daniel because he promised him to do whatever he wants if Daniel lets him meet Sinu... And Daniel wanted to take her to the some President (most probably Steve Hong?)
•"HOWEVER... DESPITE ALL OF THAT... THERE'S NO ROMANCE" mic drop sinu let's gooo
• felt some chills cuz cap guy, mandeok, samuel are on their way to the second affiliate with eugene who probably keeps around a few terrorist organisations as pets... J-HIGH, HOSTEL, BIG DEAL PLZ GET OUT NOW
•kinda curious about the outcome of the fight between Zack and Kenta damn
• in conclusion big storm coming next week : lovers reunited after the korean war Vs. SIMP super ultra pro max hd
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