#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀TURN THE WHOLE WORLD ON IT’S HEAD ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀ starter calls.
dfect · 2 months
like this post and i’ll send a prompt or two from chai to your inbox :)
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tainted-liquor · 8 months
'Hot Wheels! ...🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ft. 1610Miles
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...⋆。° ✮
Ingredients: sugar, kisses, n a lil bit of lemon zest!
TWs: A lil suggestive, but nth serious? Miles js runs a hot wheels car across yo ass like a ramp😭
A/N: Inspired by my man lol
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It was dark outside. Wayyy too dark, the kind of dark where your main priority would be to go straight home, regardless of what temptations of bright colors pushed themselves into your face. But right now, you were In Miles' house while his parents were out on their little 15-year anniversary date. You spent the whole day dancing in his room, trying on some of his shorts for the sheer fun of it, and watching TV together so close that it would've sent Mrs. Morales into a coma. It was around 9 o'clock, and the two lovebirds still weren't back from their date.
So, you decided to do something to pass the time. You hopped on on the plushy material of the Morales' couch, doodling in Miles' sketchbook while you waited for him to finish taking his shower. Did you nearly lose your shit when you saw his many many Gwen drawings? Yeah. But you were instantly relieved to see most of them crossed out, painted over, or replaced with drawings of you entirely.
You scribbled down a rough sketch of Miles, groaning in frustration when it didn't turn out how you imagined. He looked French instead of Puerto Rican, and everything decided it wanted to go wrong. You put down the pencil, letting it fall between the concave of its pages before scrolling on your phone. It wasn't very long until Miles emerged from the bathroom, internally panicking as his toned muscles stared at your from his short-sleeved white tee. "Eugh, you stink. Get back in the shower" You joked, sporting a wicked grin and a quiet laugh.
He side-eyed you, looking you up and down before sucking his teeth. "I will throw you off that couch, don't play with me" he chuckled, shifting closer so you could see the tiny blue box in his right hand. "Oooh, what's that?" You asked, turning your head as he loomed over you. He opened the box, revealing 3 toy cars stacked on each other. "My cars!" He beamed, flopping comfortably on the living room floor as he took out every toy car oh so gently. "Cars? Like, Hot Wheels cars?" You inquired, watching as he pretended to rev up the engine.
It was no surprise that he owned toy cars, you had already seen his massive collection of rare toys and posters around his room. You thought it was cute, silently admiring as he explained why he even has the cars, and breaking down their value. "I mean, I can put them away if you want?" He asked, sounding slightly more embarrassed by the second. "Oh, no no no! I love that you have interests!" You reassured. You watched him stay in his own little world, before continuing to scroll on your phone.
It wasn't long before Miles looked back up at you, suddenly brewing an idea. He slowed his actions, analyzing your posture and looking down at his cars. He fought back a smirk that crept on his face, slowly advancing towards you like he was trying to see what you were looking at on your phone. You didn't really notice he was getting closer, finding yourself lost in the world of TikTok as you watched a guy dance to Kung Fu Fighting. And you didn't notice until you felt cold metal hit the fabric of your shorts.
"AH-! FUCK-MILES WH-..." You began, turning around to see Miles using the curve of your spine and the silhouette of your behind as a ramp. Miles burst out in laughter, shivering as he ran each car across your backside. "Are you fuckin' serious right now?" You deadpanned. He nodded, a smug but clearly overjoyed grin plastered on his face. "What? It's-...pffFFHAHAA...It's the perfect ramp!"
"Make me smack you miles"
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Taglist: @ashsostrange @chessbox @janaeby @faeriesoiree333 @Fivestardior @an1bara @bachirasegoist @milesnanana77 @niaurluv @sp1derw1re @ban-al3x
taglist form <3 https://forms.gle/iZbuc8PAAo5k5xXG6
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partnerlesspansexual · 8 months
Hobie Brown bf headcanons (❁´◡`❁)🧷🖤🎸 Use of Y/N: none Warnings: none Genre: Fluff 🌸 (BTW, happy October everyone 🎃)
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• Taller or shorter S/O: I feel like Hobie is the type of guy that couldn't care less about the height of his S/O. You could be as tall as lady D or as short as Napoleon; but as long as you can carry him around like the princess he is, he doesn't mind 👑❤️ • Preferred gender: Doesn't have one 😊 In my opinion, Hobie is more attracted to personality than physical appearance. He likes hes, shes, theys, thems, everyone! If you have a good vibe and hate the government, he's all over you, babes • His love language: Hobie's love languages are definitely gift giving and physical affection. Like, you could just be sat on the sofa doing whatever, and he'll just come in and climb onto you like an infant; and you'll be like "ummm, excuse m-" and he'll just shush you with his fingers. And then you'll just stay there. Forever. And as for gift giving, he'll just come back from his daily spooderman activities with a bunch of random bullshit he found, dump it on the desk that you're currently working at and say "You're welcome 😌" as if he's just given you the key to the universe • Pet names (for him): pretty boy, handsome, hot stuff, baby boy, gremlin lord, etc. • Pet names (for you): sugar-tits, thicko, babes, ducks, love/lovey, sweetie, dumbass, etc. • Tickling: You need to understand something. If you initiate a tickle fight with Hobart Brown, it is no longer a tickle fight; it's a tickle WAR. And he has no mercy, he'll go for your tummy, your sides, your feet, your EVERYTHING. And when you've had enough he'll just scream "DO YOU YIELD?! DO YOU YIELD?!" • Sharing food: NO, absoloutely not. Look, he loves you, but if you so much as put a finger near his precious fish and chips, you will pay the price. He'll smack your hands away like a fly and scold you like an angry mother "get your grubby mits off my food, cheeky bugger". And then five minute later he'll crumble and give you a piece cuz he just loves u that much ❤️ • His favourite couple activity: He likes the simple things in life. Going down to the pub for a drink with his baby is all he needs to keep him happy. He has to keep his eye on you at every moment, because you have the tendency to wander off; like, he'll turn around for 1 second to order your drinks and he'll turn round and you're just GONE, and he's stood there like "This bitch 😒" but in a loving way ❤️. Or just chilling at home listening to his records with his head in your lap as you play with his hair. • Pets: This man would deadass just bring home any animal he finds on the street. Like, you'll come home after a long day at work, go to the bathroom to take a shit and you just open the door to see Hobie in the bath tub with a whole possum like "😶..... I can explain"
(Why does the world keep torturing me with beautiful men that don't exist? WHY? 🥲)
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alornights · 1 year
⟢ sleepovers and treatments
➜ in which ! kyle enters the world of lush and beauty.
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💌 ﹫kyle broflovski.
✩ 🎸 warnings﹗none.
🍓 ⟡ notes — i need to get my lush life together tbh
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kyle never was that interested in skincare or beauty if we're being real here, seriously guys, be honest.
of course he takes care of his hair but, very minimal.
so when he starts dating you and is invited for a sleepover at yours, he's beyond shocked at what he witnessed in your bathroom.
"Why do you have so much stuff." He murmured in disbelief, jaw dropped at the sight of your bathroom.
You laughed pulling out two face masks. "It makes me feel good, I feel accomplished and it makes me feel pretty."
He rolled his eyes, "I don't think you need all that though."
"Probably," You joked pushing him so he was sitting on the toilet, walking between his legs to start putting on his face mask, "But it's fun, it's cool, and it's trendy. And you feel like you aged down 50 years so I say that's a win."
"Oh really?" He questioned, his arms dragging you closer to him by your waist, giving you a kiss on your collarbone. "We'll see about that."
and see he did.
usually he would just, not do this. like he would just refuse.
but something about the way you just lit up whenever he let you do something had his heart melting.
so he let you put all kinds of products on his face, and tbh, took note of what might work, for research purposes ofc.
you even managed to get him to realize how bad his hair is and how he needs to bring it to its glory. lord knows how much he needed your advice on that one.
one of the main reasons he let you do this though, was because of how close you would get to him.
he loves you. which means he loves being around.
so the fact that you're so up and close to him most of the time sends butterflies to his stomach and almost gets him to giggle.
if you're standing while he sits, he'll let his hands rest at your hips to circle them or draw/write things into your skin.
extra points; he kisses any skin he sees to make you flustered.
extra extra points; you sitting in his lap so whenever he wants hell just start kissing your neck, whispering sweet nothings.
this whole ordeal lasts fucking hours. let's say you start at like 7, this shit will take up until 11 or 12.
why? either you two get distracted talking about gossip or kyle is being dramatic and refuses to do something.
"Do I have to?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow, watching you take out your nail equipment.
"Yeah, your nails are horrendous to look at. You have some hot hands, they can be even hotter with good nails." You explained with a smirk, "And it's not like I'm going to color them unless you want me to."
"... What colors do you have?"
ended up not doing any color nail polish sadly, one day you'll get him though. don't worry, time is unlimited.
"All this... for a bath." He uttered turning to you in shock seeing what you had laid out for him.
He tilted his head as he watched the bath continue to steam up. Looking to the end of the bath he realized there was a stool with a few things on it.
For one, his favorite drink was in a wine bottle. Ice and mini umbrella included. Then there was a radio with old classic hits playing, some grapes, a lit vanilla candle, and a bunch of different varieties of bath bombs.
All this, for a bath.
You simply smiled, "Welcome to the lavish life."
he will be doing this at home any chance he gets.
or he'll just go over to your place. either which works.
you tried for funsies to try and do his makeup and he simply refused knowing it would somehow get passed around.
but, he wanted to do your hair to see if he was any good (totally not bc he wanted to do it for you every day in case you didn't want to). and how could you deny your boyfriend?
you started off with braids and he was surprisingly good at it for his first time. a few mistakes but overall pretty good.
this is just a silly lil thing but i imagine the two of you listening to barbie, specifically can you keep a secret while doing your routine.
by the end of the night, he feels like a new man.
he's never, and in his words, "felt so clean"
"So...." Kyle murmured climbing onto the bed to lay his head on your chest.
You smiled immediately letting your hands play with his curls, "Hmm?"
".... When are we doing this again?"
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basu-shokikita · 4 months
Possibility, a Toki from a different reality
So @dalberadiata has an AU where Toki never left the cult and, therefore, never joined Dethklok. But the call of destiny is much stronger, so he accidentally catches a glimpse of Dethklok when they're visiting Norway and pretty much instantly becomes infatuated with Skwisgaar. The interest isn't one-sided and Skwisgaar teaches Toki about the world of music...and many other things. 🎸💘
I've been wanting to do something with this AU for a while because I'm fascinated with it. So, after many talks, I decided to write the scene where Toki wears non-religious clothing for the first time. More specifically, the clothes Skwisgaar lent him. Needless to say, this is a Skwistok AU 🥰
You can also read this work here!
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Hat in his hands, Toki looked at his feet. Or rather, the lack of them. Covered by the dark robe he had been wearing everyday for the past 8 years, it was like he was floating on the floor. Some kind of ghost that still managed to trip on his non-existent feet sometimes. 
His eyes kept going back to his legs, his arms, his torso, his neck even. All dutifully covered so there was nothing in sight, nothing to tell apart. Not even the top of his head was safe, protected by the hat of the same color of his robe. He was one undefined silhouette not to be confused by a mere mortal wearing vulgar clothes or showing skin. At least, that’s what his parents had taught him. 
He was always to be covered, never to expose anything. Never to embarrass or as shame the family with his indecency. Long ago were the days where he was allowed to wear a simple t-shirt and shorts for his daily duties. He was a real member of the family now and he had to behave as such.
His eyes met his own hesitant reflection, worry scattered all over his features. Should he really be doing this?
“Eh, Toki,” Skwisgaar put down the black magazine he was reading. “Don’ts..think abouts it too much.” 
Toki glanced at Skwisgaar in the reflection, and simply pursed his lips in response. He knew Skwisgaar meant well, but he had no way to understand. He had no idea what this meant for Toki, the weird guilt swelling in his gut just from his thoughts. The feeling that his parents, his dad especially, had always been right about him. That he was a failure to the family and the whole town.
He tossed the hat on his bed, as if that would make his dad’s eyes stop glaring at him from inside his mind. He wanted this. He wanted to do this.
“Okay.” He said, more to himself than Skwisgaar. “Turn around.”
“Whats?” Skwisgaar squinted like he hadn’t understood him.
“Turn around.” Toki repeated, this time gesturing with his fingers.
Skwisgaar grimaced for a good couple of seconds before throwing his palms into the air and turning around. “Talks about overkills…” He muttered under his breath but Toki still heard him.
Not that he cared, this wasn’t about Skwisgaar, it was about him and he wanted it his way. This was hard enough as it was, he didn’t need Skwisgaar’s prying eyes on top of it. Toki inhaled deeply and then closed his eyes. He counted until 10, an old trick to calm down his anxiety that he had learned from a nice old lady at the local market a couple of years ago. Then, he exhaled slowly and opened his eyes. 
His stare wasn’t all quite confident, but he had to make do. Determined, he brought his hands to his collar and started unbuttoning his robe. It had exactly 16 buttons, so he took a while to undo them. The buttons were worn out and old so they always took several pulls to get off the buttonholes. One time, as a teen, Toki suggested getting new ones but his mother gave him a glare of disappointment that made him never want to ask again.
Undone, the robe fell to the floor and Toki’s first instinct was to immediately pick it up and carefully fold it to place it on his chair. However, his fingers hesitated when he was inches away from the floor. 
He remembered the first time he refused to wear the robe, because it was uncomfortable to wear, to move in. Because he thought it was ugly, because he was tired of following this charade he had never wanted to be part of. 
His dad ordered him to take off his clothes and made him stand in the snow for hours, with nothing to cover himself with. At some point he lost consciousness, and when he recovered it, he was shivering in his bed. His dad told him, just as cold as the snow that he had been surrounded by, that it was his own doing for rejecting the Lord’s graces.
A few years later, Toki fell off the mountain while running errands. He slipped with the ice and rolled for a few meters before crashing against a rock. He managed to limp his way down, though his sides really hurt and he was pretty sure he was bleeding from his leg. When his mother saw him, the first thing she was worried about wasn’t him, but the robe. 
She made him take it off, quickly tossing the snow off it and washing it to remove Toki’s blood. Not even a glance of concern when Toki was stitching himself as she dried the robe next to the fire and carefully sewed the holes back. Toki watched his mother treat his robe with more care and gentleness than he had ever received from her. 
When, just two years ago, Toki had taken his picture with them. It was his first official family picture. During his childhood, he had only seen his parents in the framed photographs around the house, never seen himself, like he wasn’t allowed to be part of it. So, he was pretty excited, to be finally acknowledged by them. He tried really hard not to smile when the town’s photographer came to take it. 
However, when he saw the final picture, he felt nothing but cruel disappointment. Because the person in it, between his two parents, didn’t feel like him, it didn’t look like him. With the serious face and the dark robe, he looked like any other member of the sect. Nothing to tell him apart from the rest, and that’s exactly what his parents had wanted all along for him.
Toki straightened instead, not even giving a spare glance to the robe on the floor. He proceeded to unbutton his dark purple shirt, trying not to feel self-conscious when the skin of his chest began to reveal itself. He always undressed looking away from the mirror, it was a habit his parents had taught him. Dress with the mirror, undress without it. Flaunting one’s own skin, even in private, was sinful.
From the corner of his eye, he saw Skwisgaar’s head move. “I’m not ready yet!” He said, trying to inspire obedience but his voice came out squeaky instead.
Skwisgaar grumbled but he didn’t try to take a peek at least, and Toki was relieved. Undoing his pants took him way less time than the rest, and he just let it join the robe on the floor, along with the shirt. 
The clothes Skwisgaar had lent him were resting on the edge of his bed and Toki hesitated again. Was this really him? Maybe he shouldn’t mess with the order after all. Maybe he shouldn’t be tempting…he didn’t even dare to think of the word. His eyes wandered around the room, until they finally fell on Skwisgaar’s mane.
Luscious bursts of golden cascading down his shoulders, leading to that black leather jacket that had enraptured him since he first saw him and the tight black pants that followed, finishing up with the elegant black boots of the same color. He was beautiful and, just as important, he was free. And Toki desired that freedom just as much as he desired him.
He made up his mind and grabbed the shirt first before forcing it down his neck and torso. Then, he spread the pants and shoved his legs inside. It was definitely tighter than he expected, and he had expected a lot. As he struggled to make his groin somehow fit comfortably between the fabric, he realized Skwisgaar was most likely a smaller size than he was. The last touch were the black combat boots that, ironically, were a tad bit too big for his feet. 
With one last exhale, Toki took a glance at his reflection and almost didn’t recognize himself. 
His usually hidden shoulder-length brown hair was exposed and slightly disheveled from the movement. His torso was adorned by a short-sleeved black shirt with an over-designed skull and the name of a band he didn’t know in red letters. The shirt had probably been loose on Skwisgaar but on Toki it fit just right. The faux leather pants made noise whenever he moved and, just like he suspected, made his crotch stand up. Packed with combat boots, they made him look like a rockstar, even if he could still see the reluctance in his expression.
Toki tried smiling, then he tried frowning and struck a pose. He put a hand on his hip and one foot in front of the other one and feigned the smugness he often saw on Skwisgaar. It made him laugh to see this much arrogance in his face, however, and he ended up cracking up in front of the mirror. Sighing, he stood straight and contemplated himself. It was weird, and it definitely didn’t look like his usual self. But maybe it could be.
Maybe this could be him.
Also, he could finally see his feet step on the floor, how crazy was that? Toki Wartooth, finally allowed to have visible lower limbs. Absolutely insane.
“Oh, heys.” Skwisgaar said, walking up to him with a smirk. “Has I met you befores?”
“Pfft.” Toki snorted, though couldn’t erase the coy smile on his face, especially not when Skwisgaar wrapped an arm around his waist. 
“You looks good in my clothes.” He said, eyeing Toki’s body. His stare stayed for a little longer on Toki’s lower abdomen before it went up again. “Ja?”
Toki averted his gaze, chuckling lightly. “I look like you.” He said, feeling his cheeks heat up from Skwisgaar’s attention and proximity to him. 
Skwisgaar took a whiff at his collarbone. “Smells like me toos.” There was something suggestive about his eyes, and Toki could’ve sworn the room was getting hotter despite being in the middle of winter. “Heh.” Skwisgaar seemed satisfied by the reaction and pulled away. “Wants to gets out of here?”
Toki didn’t expect that, though he wasn’t against it. “Where are we going?”
“There’s ans a metals show in the towns.” Skwisgaar said, his eyes were smiling at Toki with tenderness he hadn’t seen before. “I can gets us there.” His thumb slightly brushed Toki’s chin. “Hm? What you says?”
Light blue eyes got starry from the idea alone and Toki swallowed heavily. His first metal show ever…he imagined a raging crowd and killer instrumentals. An imposing vocalist growling incomprehensible lyrics, the chaos and sweat in the atmosphere…
His heartbeat sped up from anticipation and Skwisgaar smiled at him. His first metal concert would be with Skwisgaar of all people. Toki couldn’t help thinking it was the perfect date. A nod. “Let’s do it.”
Skwisgaar’s smile turned into a grin as he laced his fingers with Toki’s and dragged them away from the room. Toki allowed himself to be led, excitement bursting through his chest. 
When he walked past the door frame he turned around and gave his old clothes one last look before leaving.
He would never look back.
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
I wanna riff off the Ancient Rome ask with my own, but instead of Rome it's Greek babey!!!!
So the old Byzantine Emperors had a bodyguard group called the Varangian guard. They were foreigners to the Empire and loyal only to the Emperor.
Hob is one such guard. He was kidnapped at an early age when his village was attacked by Norsemen. Since then he's fought his way around Europe before being invited into the guard. He's not big on the whole Christianity thing, but he can at least enjoy serving such a pretty Emperor.
On the flip side, Dream is miserable. As Emperor, his head is constantly in peril of being put on the pike. He's got to keep his neighbors from spilling into his territory, he's got to keep trade lines to the east open for business, even the church threatens to break apart and there will be riots in the streets. There already have been when two factions of chariot fans joined forces and nearly burned down Constantinople.
Fortunately, he has his guard around him. Men who can't and won't be bought off or forced into killing him due to the machinations of the other noble houses or even his own siblings. Hob is one of the few he trusts absolutely with his life.
Hob accompanies him to church, where even he is not permitted a weapon. Hob watches over him when he visits the bathhouse and is the only one allowed in the room when he bares his Imperial person so to speak. He even is the sole guard positioned inside the royal bedchamber to watch over the king as he sleeps. He does his job well enough and speaks so little to the various other nobles and Imperial family members that there is little thought of him. He just does his job really well.
What they don't know is Hob has grown to be more than just a body guard. He's Dream's closest companion. He has been given a thorough education in Latin and Greek, how to read and write, he's even sat in on a few philosophy and poetry lessons to better entertain his employer.
In turn, Dream has allowed himself to be less guarded around Hob. They've talked and chatted about loves lost and won. About Dream's idea of the soul being blind until it's had a true, satisfying love. Hob wants to be that love and as such has also been satisfying his Emperor with not only his company but his body as well. It is a sin in the church, but Dream doesn't care. He's an Emperor after all.
This all changed when a Persian assassin snuck into the palace and attempted to kill the Emperor to provoke a war the Byzantines were sure to lose. The assassin was killed by Hob before he could make his attempt on his Emperor's life, but the damage is done. He locks himself in the imperial apartments, refusing to come out except for the high holy days when he spends all his time in church. He refuses to attend senate meetings. He communicates only through Hob. He is completely isolated from the rest of the world.
Some of the noble families titter and gripe about how close a foreign heathen is to the Emperor. How closely he stands to the throne when Dream does make his scant few public appearances. But the Emperor is safe at least. Just so long as Hob can continue to pay the Persians off that is.
Oh poor Dream, I don't envy him! Except for the fact that he has Hob protecting him 24/7. That is a pretty enviable position to be in!
I really like the emperor/guard situation. The intimacy of that relationship. And there's something especially intimate in the fact that Hob is a foreigner here with absolutely no loyalty or interest elsewhere. It's like he's totally focused on Dream. At this point he doesn't even really have a home to go back to: Dream is his home, his family, his everything. Maybe that's too much for the members of the court and maybe they don't like how close the emperor has become to this common indentured bodyguard. Frankly, Hob doesn't care. He doesnt care about anything in the world, except for Dream.
As much as he hates to see the love of his life so scared and helpless, locked away in his rooms like a precious jewel... it is admittedly a great convenience for Hob to have him in one place all the time. They spend so much of their time in privacy, they become quite used to expressing their love and living a simpler, more domestic life. Sometimes Dream almost seems to forget his troubles when he's lying in his luxurious bed with his head on Hob’s chest.
It isn't only himself he's keeping safe, of course. If Dream isn't in any danger then neither is Hob. Seeing Hob wrestling with that assassin and finally finishing him off was one of the worst moments of Dream’s life. He was terrified that the one man he loves would be killed, all for his sake.
Hob is safe in the imperial apartments with Dream. No assassins will piece their iron doors. Hob may be paying the Persians off, but Dream is paying for Hob’s safety too. And it's worth it. Every moment of Hob’s safety is worth whatever Dream has to give.
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woojungz · 6 months
junghoon x KQ trainee!reader 🥤🎸
❝ one shot
𓂃𓈒 junghoon and his oblivious crush who doesn't notice just how much he's head over heels for them, even though he's trying so hard to make it known. featuring: hyunwoo as his wingman(⁠˘⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠˘⁠)
word count: 5.1k
author's note: um yeah i disappeared for a month(⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠;⁠) this fic is set throughout the course of your debut preparations as another group under KQ!
( likes and reblogs appreciated!♡ )
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you were initially spooked when you entered KQ as an impressionable trainee, scouted for the next group the company is set to debut in a few months. you have to thank your seniors for the scare, receiving warnings about how you shouldn’t have chosen KQ or even hearing literal horror ghost stories about how the building is apparently haunted.
they’re all something to laugh off though, even if the company can get annoying sometimes, you’ve found it the least bit tolerable with the friends you’ve made, such as your own group members and also xikers members since the both of you were quite close in age. aside from that, they also do their part in guiding you and your fellow trainees with your future idol life.
you’re able to count with your fingers the number of months left until your group is about to debut, a bit busy with sessions around the company building day and night.
like… today in particular.
the door to the recording room creaks as you push it open, greeting your vocal teacher by the corner along with a few familiar KQ producers.
you’re actually surprised that one of your ateez seniors, hongjoong, is actually here. since they’re often on some schedule, you didn’t expect him to show up at all. as you enter the recording booth, you made it a point in your head to ask him later about how it feels like promoting overseas, as it’s one of your goals to travel the world as an idol as well.
a conversation ensues with everyone in the room as you get your headphones ready, standing before the microphone. it was a bit intimidating to see everyone so serious at the corner of your eye, but your vocal teacher giving you a thumbs up managed to calm your nerves a bit, with hongjoong flashing you a smile too.
recording your parts for the songs went by in a whir, honestly feeling like you kinda blacked out the whole time with so many eyes on you. can’t say that you’re not nervous… but you were excited at the same time. as you left the recording booth, it felt like a huge weight on your shoulders lifted off, until it felt like something really rested on your shoulder.
you turned around and met a set of piercing eyes, but you’re startled state easily fizzled down when you realized it was just junghoon, and a smile tugging on the side of his lips.
“i watched you record your lines back there, i always knew you were great at singing right… but wow i never knew you were that good.” you were surprised to see half of the xikers members were actually around to witness you record your vocals for your debut song.
talk about embarrassing… like you wanna just dig a hole and hide there forever. especially when you remember that you messed up some parts when you were trying to warm up.
“stop it! i didn’t know you guys were actually watching, then i should’ve tried my hardest to keep my voice from cracking like earlier…”
your trance was quickly interrupted when he started singing your lines jokingly, even trying to copy some of your mannerisms as you were in the recording booth a while ago.
you bantered with him, releasing a low huff as you threatened to hit his shoulder if he didn’t stop the sing-song he was doing.
“speaking as your senior, i’m telling you that’s quite normal actually. so don't worry about it. really y/n, i mean it. now you’re probably gonna be off to dance practice after this one, so i got you this drink for later.”
“you love calling yourself our company seniors when we’re not really that far in age!” you try to hit junghoon on the shoulder, missing when he swiftly dodges the light attack.
you playfully whine, and he only erupts into a little fit of a giggle. “think i don’t know you well enough that you always try to playfully hit me? you’re so predictable y/n…”
junghoon doesn’t receive a reply, but his eyes bore a deep gaze on your features. he almost fell into his habitual activity of admiring you during conversations, but he snaps out of it real quick when you snatch the bottle of a drink right out of his grip.
your attention flickers toward hyunwoo when he suddenly yells among the simultaneous chitchats happening within the recording room.
“alright everyone! i feel like i’m actually in a really good mood today. so if anyone’s up for some fried chicken, it’s gonna be my treat. just head out with me,” and with that, everyone’s in a shuffle to scurry out of the recording room, the abrupt shut of the door making you realize you’re left alone with junghoon.
“you’re not in the mood for some fried chicken too? guess we might be meant to be huh.” you offer your hand in front of him, junghoon reciprocating to shake it in return. he’s honestly quite impressed with himself that he managed to keep composure this whole time, holding your hand in his while you tell him the both of you are meant to be?
of course, he knows it in him that you just mean it in a friendly type of way, but he can’t handle the way his heart beats fast at your words. especially when he’s been pining over you ever since he met you, biting his tongue but failing to keep the smile creeping up on his lips. oh kim junghoon you are so down bad for this person…
and since he's made it this far without slipping up on his little crush, he's sure he can contain yourself from blushing from a mere hand-holding (or hand-shaking) moment.
he only laughs it off as he lets your hand go, racking up his mind for any possible reply. really junghoon, a whole moment you had to take there from that simple interaction.
“now where were we?”
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from how busy and tired you were with trainee life, you can’t even decipher anymore which day of the week is it. you just know that you have to be there on the dot for dance practice that stretches all throughout until the sun sets.
your legs were aching as you sat around in a circle with some of your fellow members along with seeun and hyunwoo.
your dance teacher had dismissed you a bit earlier today, but your group members decided to stay for a while to play the mafia game, and eventually settle in with a round of truth or dare. you honestly can’t remember when exactly the two xikers members joined you all, but you didn’t really mind as both of your groups were close already as time went by.
a bottle spins in the middle of the floor—the empty bottle of the drink junghoon likes to give you all the time.
speaking of junghoon, where is he though… you thought he and hyunwoo were inseparable, guess not. you were used to getting almost daily drinks from him that you wouldn’t feel a day would be complete if he didn’t hand you one.
“earth to y/n?” seeun snaps his fingers right at you, and you laugh it off when you realize you were probably staring into nothingness.
the bottle points to you.
one of your group members was about to make you choose between truth or dare, not until seeun interrupts with his laugh echoing so loud within the dance practice room. “ooooh… you were thinking of junghoon weren’t you? you were staring so hard at the bottle.”
hyunwoo suddenly lands a slap on the back of seeun’s head, making him yelp. “i didn’t know you were that smart to figure that out dude… this will probably be the last time i’m gonna be telling this to you but you were kinda a genius for realizing that.”
seeun only rolls his eyes, while hyunwoo scoots a little bit away from him, snickering. “was that meant to be a compliment or an insult?”
hyunwoo just sticks his tongue out at seeun, turning his head back to you. “actually, junghoon’s supposed to come with me today but minjae asked him for help around the dorm or something.”
“i didn’t even ask but okay…” you deny, eyes flickering towards the wall instead because they were damn right you were thinking about junghoon. question is, isn’t it completely normal to be thinking about him at that moment? that bottle really does remind him of you with how often he buys it for you. who are you defending yourself from anyway… not like you were gonna acknowledge seeun’s teasing from a while ago anymore.
“blah blah blah, enough of that nonsense now, you’re dragging the game out. so y/n… truth or dare?” you have to thank your member for bringing the mood back after those two were bugging you with their rascal-like attitudes.
and suddenly your members were squealing into oblivion?! what happened to them being on your side… now you’re a bit nervous about what they’re gonna ask you. at least there’s no chance they’re going to make you do some insane dare.
"we've been dying to ask you… is there something going on between you and junghoon?" your group members bring up, making you mentally face-palm yourself.
"not you guys too!"
you're crossing your arms in front of you, chewing the inside of your cheek to think of some excuse to not talk about this. but why do you not wanna talk about this anyway… you're just friends with him, right? and since you don't wanna be called a party pooper, you just answer them so they'll finally shut up about junghoon.
"well… we're just friends." it's kinda funny watching their shoulders heave down like a balloon getting deflated.
hyunwoo chimes in again, letting out some noise of a 'tsk.' before shaking his head.
"it just doesn't make sense to me why he's so different around you. the first time the other guys met him, they were all saying he was so intimidating and quiet to have around." seeun nods in agreement, listening.
"intimidating? if i'm gonna have to choose among the xikers members, he's probably the most approachable from all of you."
"junghoon and 'approachable' in a single sentence?! well, i'm quite close with him so i know he's not completely that scary but… it's the first time i'm hearing a first impression like that about him." hyunwoo leans back, seemingly starting to drown in deep thought just because he couldn't fathom this other personality of junghoon that he only chooses to show you.
"whatever. you're dragging the game out again with all your questions. here, i'll go spin the bottle to see who's next."
and as you swing the bottle in the middle of your huddled figures, you find yourself in a reverie of how junghoon actually treated you these past few months. the first time you stepped into the KQ building, you didn't know how you managed to get lost. thankful that you accidentally bumped into junghoon in one of the halls, and he offers to take you on a tour around just to show you the way.
from then on, you'd always come up to him whenever you had questions as a trainee, continuing to warm the friendship between you two. never once did he greet you with his supposed intimidating aura that everyone keeps talking about, though you do feel it a bit in his gaze sometimes. so you wonder if he's trying to seem like a welcoming senior to all of you newbies to the company, or if there's something more… just as everyone's trying to suggest.
whatever it is, it's bound to give you a headache on top of the trainee schedules you have to keep track of lately.
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by the time you spent practicing the choreography for your debut song, you weren’t sure if you were on the verge of getting sick of hearing it even before you got to debut. but you push those thoughts at the back of your head as you focus on trying to get this particular move right, except you appear to be struggling…
“y/n, don’t you think we should take a little break before we practice this next part of the song? it’s almost lunch anyway.” one of your members collapses on the ground, sighing in exhaustion. you do give them a nod, but still not letting up and trying to rehearse the moves in front of the practice room mirror.
“this is supposed to be my center part, i’m trying to perfect it today though…”
your member only huffs another sigh before rolling over to face the other side of the room. by a minute you were already back in your element, dancing right from the start of your song until you get to your center part and messing it up once more, groaning in annoyance.
the practice room door creaks open along with hyunwoo’s voice echoing that he’s apparently gonna treat everyone to some fried chicken again, earning the attention of your fellow group members as they soon rush out to get lunch.
but you really can’t afford to waste time right now, after your dance teacher left you a reminder that he has to see you master your moves already by the time he gets back this afternoon.
and what do you know… you’re completely left alone with junghoon again.
“junghoon! haven’t seen you around recently… you don’t wanna get chicken with the rest of the guys?” you turn to face him, shaking his head as he approaches you.
“already ate lunch, and besides, i really wanna see how your debut preparations are going,” he utters, handing you another bottle that you immediately chugged down. you didn’t realize you were that parched from practice.
“well, that’s good. i’m kinda missing you a bit lately.”
and as junghoon felt your hand brush over his as he gave you the drink, he finds himself in another epiphany at your words.
you? his crush… missing him?
as he starts to ponder deeper he’s almost convincing his thoughts that you might’ve been saying that because you miss receiving the drinks and not really spending time with him. but he’s so sure you said you missed him. it’s probably another one of the things you innocently mean, and just because of his little crush on you, he’s blowing things out of proportion. yeah… that seems to be the case.
“hey, junghoon, are you okay?” he blinks back into reality when he sees you waving a hand in front of his face. “you sure you had lunch? you just spaced out a second ago. anyway, as i was saying, i think i need a little bit of your help for this one move i’m trying to execute.”
he wasn’t able to reply when you lifted your phone screen up to him, showing him the part of the choreography you were practicing.
he’s praying there’s not a hint of a blush spreading on his cheeks right now when you get closer.
“me? well… yeah i dance but i’m more of a vocalist or—” really junghoon… y/n’s asking you right now and you throw yourself under the bus by saying that. he mentally claps for himself, sarcastically.
“what? you know i’m starting to think you haven’t eaten lunch yet with the way you’re acting right now. i know you’re a really great performer, i’ve seen most of your fancams! don’t lie to me,” you playfully jab him on his shoulder, you’re really gonna be the death of him if you keep up with your antics. at this point, he’s impressed he hasn’t slipped up on how he feels for you yet.
but… did he hear you right again? “you watch my fancams?!”
“well yeah silly… i joke around with you a lot but i’m honestly speaking when i say you’re one of the people i look up to.”
oh y/n… you really have no idea how you’d possibly make him melt at your words. he’s too dazed to express a little gratitude at your compliment, so he steers the situation.
“how about we start practicing that move together right now? gotta make it quick so you have some time to get lunch afterward you know.” and he watches you nod at him like a puppy, facing the mirror to get yourself ready. though you’re looking at his figure in the mirror so you can follow his moves, at least he could tolerate it since you’re not directly looking at him.... and possibly make him evaporate from the face of the earth with how his heart is beating fast from your gaze.
once he got over all of his internal fuss, your practice session was actually starting to go smoothly, your entire mood cheering up as you finally managed to get most of the moves right, thanks to junghoon. you don’t notice yourself starting to steal glances from him every now and then, giggling a little bit more than usual when he makes jokes as he teaches you some parts of the choreography.
the atmosphere was light for the most part, even having forgotten how you were starting to crave lunch a while ago.
it was a medley of chuckles within the room, until you break the fit, breathing in relief and turning your head towards his direction.
“last move i have to get perfect, it’s this spinning part of the choreography. i’m actually having a bit of trouble with this ‘cause it’s hard to keep balance.”
he watches you scratch your head before bringing your phone up to him again, dragging your finger to find the timestamp of that one move in the choreography video.
“i can’t seem to find which part it is, but… i’ll just show you. it kinda goes like this,” he’s already looking at you before you glance back at him one last time, staring at your figure to execute the spinning move of the choreography.
but you were caught off guard when you suddenly misstepped, your foot hitting the forgotten bottle on the floor and losing balance.
it went pitch black as you closed your eyes as a reflex, preparing yourself for the impact of the floor that never came. that was until you came to your senses, opening your eyes that were staring right at junghoon’s, and you were then reminded of why exactly people call him intimidating. but though his gaze had a fierce tinge to it, his brows were contorted into a look of worry for you. his arms were around you to catch your figure, hands secure right on your waist with a gentle hold. junghoon sharply inhales, and thankfully you broke away from his grasp, or else his heart wouldn’t be able to handle the situation further.
you scoot away from him with a little bit of distance, not forgetting to mutter a low thank you before fanning your face and looking in the opposite direction. you almost wanna curse yourself with the way blood is starting to rush at your cheeks, trying to hide your flushed expression. it’s one thing to mess up in front of junghoon, but it’s another for him to… to catch you like that. and is it really that serious for your heart to be beating like crazy right now? you can’t manage to keep it under control. there’s no way you’re going to continue practice after what just happened.
junghoon broke the deafening silence, his voice still a gentle one. “do you wanna go grab lunch now? maybe the hunger is making you a bit dizzy.”
“yeah… i think you’re right. i’ll go head out first,”
it was a whir as junghoon watched you hurry out of the practice room, head hung low and still worried about the recent scenario. he’s starting to debate with himself on whether he should be following you out the door, but his legs were already giving him an answer as he struggles to budge from his position.
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normally you’d be groaning and screaming through your pillow from how busy you were with debut preparations, but you’re thankful you weren’t able to face junghoon because of your hectic schedule approaching your debut.
it’s been a week since the incident happened, and honestly, it felt like hell whenever you were left alone with your thoughts, so you drowned yourself with practice. it got to a point where your manager’s begging you to loosen up a little bit, so here you are at your dorms, huddled up within the sheets.
for starters… you’re absolutely sure junghoon isn’t mad at you or anything. he’s very understanding with you and always teases that he knows all of your antics already, likewise as you know him very well… you’re very close with him right? as friends. but calling whatever is between you two as friendship hurls an inexplicable stomp on your chest that you hate.
and it’s gotten worse when you look back on your actions that one time. yeah he might not be mad at you but there’s this certain thought that keeps provoking you. from the combination of the way you kinda stormed out that time and ignored him throughout the whole week, it might seem like you were mad at him. it’s not totally like you never see him anymore, you still sense his presence from your peripheral vision when you stumble upon him at the company. but you weren’t making any moves to approach him at all.
“so did you finally realize you have a crush on him?” one of your members asks, earning your attention as you attempt to kick the mattress on the top bunk.
you thought that would be the last of it as you didn’t respond at all, tired of hearing your members playfully complain about your behavior lately. some chatter about how all they were talking about was how you seem so out of it lately, always staring into oblivion.
they’re not dumb… they know it’s probably because of junghoon because it’s weird that they never see the both of you together anymore. maybe it’s because you’re suffering from a severe case of being deprived of the drink junghoon always gives you that your group members almost attempted to buy you one, just so you'd cheer up.
“whatever. i’ll just wait this out until it all passes and i forget about it.”
“trust me when i say that’s the worst thing that could come out between two people pining for each other.” pining. was that really it? the spark of hope within you was starting to rekindle at the thought of junghoon possibly reciprocating your feelings. it’s just the uncertainty that’s causing all this unnecessary dilemma.
“know what? i think you watch too many movies that it’s rotten your brain and makes you say all that nonsense! and besides… shouldn’t you be dozing off now? our debut showcase is literally tomorrow.” you reply back, switching your lamp off so the room is pitch black.
“blah blah you talk too much. just don’t come running back to me when you guys finally confess to each other or something.”
your member was met with silence as you’d thrown the covers on yourself. there’s no point engaging in this conversation leading to nowhere.
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but it in fact does not pass and get forgotten like you intended it to.
from getting your makeup done, walking up to the stage and greeting the fans, your mind was torn in between focusing on your debut and the urge to clear out everything with junghoon once and for all. you’ve had the past week to think about everything and all it has led to was that you have to communicate what you feel towards him. you’re not about to act like a child and wait for him to approach you instead. enough of that passive aggressiveness.
you snap out of it straight away when your debut song starts playing, finding your body moving along muscle memory. and for a while you let yourself get washed away by the feeling of finally making one of your dreams come through, a smile tugging on your lips as you hear the fans cheer as you perform. but everything else makes its way to trace back at him.
junghoon—it’s undeniable that he was a big part of your journey from the first step you took as a trainee until you found yourself doing what you love on stage.
from the blinding lights of the venue, you were able to catch a familiar glint of someone’s eyes you were longing to meet lately. it was junghoon among the crowd, locking your gaze with him as he watched you near the end of your performance. your eyes flicker toward the banner he’s holding, decorated with your name, along with hyunwoo cheering beside him. despite the facemask he has on, you always knew it was him after all this time you’ve spent studying his features when you’re together. trying to search for something more as you drown in his gaze.
as the camera points to your figure, you don’t realize you're already smiling, holding up a pose to finish your ending fairy for the performance. it warmed your heart to see your fans appear for your debut, but it was so much more when the person you wanted to see the most showed up for support.
but as you returned backstage, it was inevitable for the air to turn a bit cold, just like how you left him hanging this past week. you knew that he deserved an apology.
he’s approaching you with a bouquet in hand, a card among the flowers which had ‘congratulations on your debut’ written on it.
with how pretty the colors of the flowers were, it was how gloomy you started a conversation with him.
“junghoon. um, about lately. i wanted… to talk to you about stuff.” you began, failing to meet his eyes.
he takes a step closer, hands in his pockets as he hides the way he’s fidgeting. “me too, y/n.”
“i’m sure you’re probably mad at me for ignoring you these past few days i—you probably have a lot of things you wanna let out on me, so i’m saying that i’m ready to hear all of it. get mad at me, it’s alright. i’m probably not making any sense, am i?” it’s the second time you’ve met his gaze in a while, staring back up at him with a slight frown.
junghoon doesn’t like seeing that expression on you, flashing you a smile instead, his eyes softening as he pats your head.
“no, no… y/n i’m not mad at you at all. honestly, i think i should be the one apologizing for last time. i shouldn’t have touched you like that so abruptly—”
you interject, backing up with a step. “it’s not that, well… yeah it kind of is but, that’s not the main point. let’s forget about whatever happened back there, i understand that i was about to fall over and you just caught me.”
he hums as a response, waiting for you to continue your string of words.
“i feel like i have to clear it out why i’ve been avoiding you lately, and i just wanna get this off my chest already. but it’s... it’s a bit difficult to tell this to you in person.”
junghoon’s giving you that encouraging look, making you break eye contact and burying your gaze within the bouquet instead.
“i’ve got something to tell you too, y/n. i do sense you’re a bit nervous—and that’s completely alright. how about we say what we want to tell each other at the same time… does that ease your nerves a bit?” you're a bit comforted talking to junghoon the way you came to know him, letting your shoulders relax around his aura like he always does.
and you flash a small smile back, meeting his eyes. “yeah… yeah. i’d like that. i mean, you always know how to make me feel at ease anyway.”
and you await his count of three, staring down at your shoes before closing your eyes in anticipation.
“i like you!”
and it hasn’t taken you long before you realize that your chorus of voices meant that he reciprocates your words, feeling a buzz spread throughout your whole being as you check his expression for anything out of the ordinary.
but he’s just as shocked as you, holding each other’s breath like a deer caught in the headlights. you can’t help but feel your fingers fidget, alone somewhere backstage and only hearing the crumple of the bouquet wrapping and the shuffle of junghoon’s shoes.
“since when?” you broke the silence, and he shuffled his bangs in an attempt to distract you from the blush rushing to his cheeks.
“ever since i met you, y/n.”
you part your lips, surprised. “oh… i’m a bit embarrassed it took me so long to realize that i do have feelings for you too. junghoon, i’m… i really do like you and i wanted to spend more days with you in the future…” you struggle to find the words a bit, but junghoon nods as he patiently listens.
“you have no idea how much it makes me happy hearing that from you. it’s probably a bit weird hearing this from me, but really… i mean it sincerely.” he feels like the heavy weight finally lifted off from his shoulders, expecting his confession to feel like a mess of emotions, but he’s surprisingly calm.
“no, no! not weird at all. i’m relieved the junghoon i knew is back…”
“let me show you how much i like you?” junghoon asks, your heart racing when he cups your cheek with his hand, the other taking the bouquet from you so he can inch closer to your finger. the both of you close your eyes, awaiting the moment you’ve been yearning for forever, tilting your head a bit as he comes closer, almost pressing your lips against his not until—
“hey junghoon! so you were here all along huh, you suddenly ran off after the performance. i was gonna remind you that you owe me for all the fried chicken i had to buy lately! the price is no joke, i hope you know that and oh—oh. i think i’m interrupting something…”
the both of you immediately pulled away from each other upon hearing hyunwoo’s voice through the halls, earning him a fierce glare from junghoon. you huff in return… how dare hyunwoo interrupt your kiss?! really he’s gonna get it soon, narrowing your brows at him before he scurries at runs away as fast as he can.
“hyunwoo... when i catch you!”
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author's note: the lag was insane when i pasted the whole fic into Tumblr...
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straighttohellbuddy · 2 years
“What’s my name in your phone?” He asks, and you look at him with faint surprise, “did you change it back to –“
“If you’re talking about the nickname you gave yourself when we first met,” you had already anticipated him, and his smile turned impish at being caught, “I’m going to ask you to keep it to yourself for very selfish reasons; I like being the only person to know you were cocky enough to name yourself that in my phone –“ you looked into the camera as Wilbur leaned his head on your shoulder, “chat, I had met this man like twelve hours before this, the audacity,” you laughed.
“Was I wrong?” Wilbur asked, though he was a little pink around the ears.
“No but I don’t want the whole world knowing that!” You shook your head in disbelief before leaning your cheek against him. “Am I still your future hot lit professor?”
I don't actually know if this is under 500 words, but still
For anyone who wants to know what this is from (or anyone who wants to read a good Wilbur fic), I'd recommend but you're talking in your sleep ❤️
And to everyone else... Now I have to admit the stupid nickname don't I?
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Okay so the canon answer is 'Five Star Dick' and in the Company section of the contact he added 'according to Yelp', so when he would call it would come up as 'Five Star Dick (according to Yelp)'. It's a silly, somewhat cocky reference to their first conversation.
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A little later, before they stop hanging out, the reader also adds 🍆🎸 to the name.
This wasn't the original nickname I had in my mind when initially writing the fic, it was a lot more generic but I am taking that one to my grave. I'm actually much happier with this being the canon nickname, and I love this fic so very much 🥰🥰🥰
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bunnyhatz4teaplz · 3 months
Bands I listen to that I think Carl Grimes would listen too because I said so. (I'll probably make a part 2 of this) he's so emo
🎸Pierce the veil
-Definitely a big fan of them
-His favorite albums is probably colid with the sky and misadventures!
-DEFINITELY crys to hold on till may!
-his favorite songs would include: today I saw the whole world, stained glass eyes and colorful tears, tangled in the great escape (especially that song!) Cheap bouquet, yeah boy and doll face.
🎸Avenged sevenfold🎸
-hes such a big fan of them!!
-seize the day is HIS song
-his two fav albums are city of evil and nightmare
-relates to afterlife
-definitely rights a bunch of lyrics from their songs on his shoes
-he first heard of them on the radio in the car
-the song that was playing was bat country. He really enjoyed it Lori was about to skip it but carl told her not too
-his fav songs include: seize the day, afterlife,almost easy,bat country and buried alive
🎸system of a down🎸
-you already know this boy is a big fan of them!
-I like to think before the apocalypse happened he was walking home from school when he heard a group of older kids listening to them
-he was scared too scared to ask them what band this was and who they were so he had behind a bush so the older kids couldn't see him
-long story short one of the older kids noticed him and asked him to come out of there. Here's how it happened:
"What the- hey kid!" The older kid shouted to carl. Carl froze. They noticed him. He tried to walk away but the older kid stopped him. "Hey kid wait!" The older kid shouted. Carl hesitantly turned around "what's your name?" He asked the little kid. Carl noticed that now that the entire group of older kids were staring at him with confusion. "I-im Carl. Carl grimes sir!" Carl stuttered "well Carl grimes why were you hiding behind that bush and watching us? You a spy or something?" The older boy asked "no sir!" Carl replied "okay listen kid you don't have to call me sir I'm not a cop" the older boy chuckled "but why were you watching us?" Carl stayed quiet for a bit and then he told the truth "because I wanted to hear the song you guys were listening too, I thought it sounded cool" he confessed "oh, well kid you could have just asked us" the older boy said with a smile "yeah we'd be happy to tell you what the song or band that's playing" one of the older girls in the group spoke up "oh okay" carl smiled "so what's this band called I think they sound awesome!" Carl said with a big smile on his face. "Well Young carl grimes this band is called system of a down and the song that is currently playing by them is radio/video" the older boy said "cool, well I have to get going now my mom must wondering where I am" Carl told him "okay then but hey kid you seem cool and if you enjoyed system of a down we can show you more songs by them or better more bands that we'd think you like. We're always here just stop on by!" He said to carl "okay thank you! I'll definitely come back!" Carl said to them "oh and kid! Be careful out there it's a dangerous world out there" the older boy said to carl as he was walking away "okay I will!" Carl replied back before walking back home.
-end scene-
-his fav songs by them include:innervison, radio/video, old school Hollywood, loney day, and darts
|well these are some of the bands that I think Carl Grimes would listen too. I'm probably going to make a part 2 because there a some more bands I think he would listen too! What bands do you think he would enjoy? Also these are just my personal head canons!|
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vrankup · 9 months
The Power of Site Auditing: Unveiling the Secrets
Hey, awesome folks It's your digital marketing agency in dwarka, vrankup! 🌟 Wanna dive into the world of site auditing? Buckle up 'cause we're about to take a wild ride through this whole deal. If you're scratching your head, wondering what the heck site auditing even is, no worries – I got your back. Imagine this: your website's like your crib, right? And just like you gotta clean up your room every now and then, your site needs a good ol' check-up too. That's where site auditing struts in, making sure your digital crib is A-OK.
## Site Auditing Demystified
Okay, so what's this site auditing mumbo jumbo? It's basically like when you give your car a thorough once-over – checking the tires, oil, brakes, the whole shebang. Well, a site audit does that, but for your website. It's like an online detective mission where you figure out what's working, what's not, and how to make your website a total rockstar.
## Uncovering the Hidden Juicy Bits
Imagine your website's a cool old attic, packed with all sorts of cool stuff. But, you know, it can also get a bit messy up there. A site audit's like going through all those dusty boxes, finding those rad treasures you forgot about. Broken links? Nah, we ain't got time for those. We're hunting down forgotten pages and giving 'em a fresh coat of digital paint.
## The Magic of Content
Hold up, let's talk about content. Your website's like a big, interactive storybook, and the words you put on it? They're like the magic spells that captivate your visitors. During a site audit, you're like the content wizard, making sure your spells are top-notch. Is your content telling the right tale? Is it speaking to your peeps? A site audit sorts all that out, making sure your website's words are pure gold.
## Speed: Fasten Your Digital Seatbelt
You ever been stuck in traffic, just waiting forever? Ain't nobody got time for that, especially on the internet highway. Site speed's the superhero that zooms your visitors to where they wanna go, pronto. A site audit's like giving your site a turbo boost – finding what's slowing things down and making sure your pages load faster than a sneeze.
## User Experience: Making it Easy Peasy
Picture this: you're on a crazy cool adventure, but you got no clue where you're going. Not fun, right? Your website's gotta be easy to navigate, like a well-marked trail. A site audit's like the mapmaker, ensuring your visitors sail smoothly through your digital wonderland. No more lost souls – just happy explorers.
## SEO: The Way to be Seen
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You made it, legends! You just conquered the wild ride of site auditing. You've got the know-how to turn your digital pad into a rockin' hotspot. But guess what? Site auditing ain't a one-hit wonder. Keep coming back to it, keep fine-tuning your crib, and keep blowing minds with your awesome website. So go out there, fellow rockstars, and keep slaying the digital game! 🚀🎸
Catch you later,
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reactivatedrockstar · 9 months
The AU & Alternate Verses
Prior to the events of security breach, Monty was a new animatronic that was incredibly jealous of Bonnie. He didn't understand why he got to be in the front of the stage while he was stuck in the back with his drums when he played the bass even better than he did!! This resentment eventually lead for Monty to do the unthinkable. He asked to talk to Bonnie, where he threw him against the wall, slashed his torso open, ripped out the wires, and smashed a bowling ball into his head. Once the deed was done, Monty then hid the body away where it was never found.
For a whole year, Bonnie lay there, desperately sending some sort of distress signal that was too weak to get through to most of the animatronics. However, the voiceless wetfloor signs began to act strange, making odd sounds and turning to face just about anyone, as a result of this distress signal. In fact, those wetfloor bots helped Bonnie stay recharged via wireless technology, unbeknownst to the rabbit.
Then, somehow, Freddy found him, and he begged the human staff to help fix him. While they didn't have the right parts to fix him completely, they were able to fix him enough to where he was functional again. Bonnie had absolute no memory of how he came to be in such a state due to data corruption, but he does remember some things, which will easily agitate him and make him aggressive.
Due to his state, Bonnie is unable to interact with guests and do shows, which he misses, so he tends to loiter around behind the scenes where nobody can see him during the day.
In this AU, Gregory waited for the doors to open at 6 in Freddy's room after seeing Vanny and Moondrop, because he was absolutely terrified, however I am willing to negotiate this upon request. (Well, I'm just about willing to negotiate anything lore-wise, including Monty being the attacker.)
Main: This is the bog standard verse that the blog is going to follow that's already been described. Freddy found Bonnie after a year of him missing, begged for him to be repaired, and then he was given just enough to function. Bonnie still has a lot wrong with him, so he can't come out during the day and interact with the patrons, but he can still interact with his friends! This verse will not be tagged.
Yesterday: This verse is less of a verse, and more of a way to interact with Bonnie before the attack ever happened. This verse will primarily be used to form relationships with characters before Bonnie went missing. Here, Bonnie is in his full glory, happy, dorky, and not a care in the world, aside from drama between his friends. This is the ideal verse for children characters who aren't trying to spend the night in the Pizzaplex. Any asks that interact with Bonnie like nothing is wrong will be treated like a question being asked by a child in this verse. Will be tagged as Yesterday {Verse 🎸🐰}
Purple Monster: The circumstances of this verse may differ, but the end will always be the same. Maybe it was Bonnie's loneliness, or the feeling of being abandoned and forgotten, maybe it was the crushing realization that his friend was the one who did this to him, maybe he was hacked, or possessed. No matter what, Burntrap took control of Bonnie, and now uses his body to do what he pleases, and Bonnie doesn't have the strength of will to stop him.... or does he? This particular verse may require a bit of plotting, since there are so many variables that may or may not lead to this, but I'm all ears for it. Will be tagged as Purple Monster {Verse 🔪⚠️}
Glitched: Just like the others, Bonnie was hacked, enhancing his worst traits. The urge to be perfect became so intense, that it paved the way for his frustration and irritability to become noticeable. While bugged out, Bonnie acts very different, as if he is constantly on the verge of snapping and exploding. He becomes testy, and very hard on himself, criticizing himself harshly for even the smallest of mistakes. He can do better than how he's performing, so why isn't he?! While he has become more of a perfectionist, Bonnie only holds himself to a higher standard, not the other's, he never gets upset with their performance.
He comes off as angry when the other's ask him about it, saying it's fine when it's more than obvious he's not. His fists are increasingly finding themselves clenched more often, often denting, cracking, or even breaking whatever is in his hands. (Never his guitar or bass though, although he has also become increasingly more protective and possessive of those too.)
When it comes time to find a missing child roaming the Pizzaplex, Bonnie doesn't particularly care if he finds him first or not, but rather that he's found. At first, he is gentle, not wanting to harm him, but as the night progresses, he becomes more and more reckless and desperate, until he forgets he's not supposed to hurt the kid at all. As Gregory enters Bonnie Bowl to get Monty's Mystery Mix™️, Bonnie decides to corner him by throwing bowling balls at him with enough force to leave them stuck in the wall. Luckily, Gregory read in a log earlier that a specific ball return had to be put out of order, because it was spitting the bowling balls out fast enough to send a bowling ball hurling at the rack behind it and break it. All Gregory had to do was find the generator to the broken ball return, turn it on, and trick Bonnie into hurling the balls down that alley.
Bonnie chucked two bowling balls, but realized what he'd done too late. Bonnie was effectively hit with his own strength twice. First in the chest, then the jaw. The blow knocks him off his feet and sends him flying into the bowling rack behind him, leaving him temporarily offline as Gregory takes his ears.
From that point forward, Bonnie can no longer hear anything, and is relying on sight alone to find Gregory. Chica's voice box will not work on him after this point. (Not that the player should have that upgrade before then.)
With the ears, Freddy will be able to hear where any of the animatronics are based on their voices or footsteps. He is also able to hear Vanny.
After Bonnie loses his ears, his frustration is at a crescendo, leading him to cry as he continues his search, but this time, he's on a quest to get his ears back so he can play music again.
During the Afton fight, Bonnie will make his way down the hall at a slow pace. If the door is down, he'll force it open, Gregory must use a fazcam or fazerblaster to stun him- he'll stumble back, and eventually out the other door.
This verse is basically if security breach had Bonnie in it, and will be used for threads that take place during the game. I don't expect this verse to be used much, but it will be tagged as Glitched {Verse ⚠️🎳}
M.X.E.S: This is the closest verse to the game's canon perhaps. After Freddy, Vanessa, and Gregory left the Pizzaplex, they discover the mimic lurking below. Upon their return, Vanessa uncovered Bonnie, who had been damaged far beyond repair. At least, beyond repair for what the ruins of the Pizzaplex were capable of. Vanessa then took Bonnie's AI chip, and then used what was left of Bonnie to create M.X.E.S, instead. M.X.E.S can't speak directly, and he can't seem to change his facial expression once he's nothing more than a digital program, but he acts like Bonnie did, he thinks like Bonnie, he is Bonnie's consciousness. He remembers everything Bonnie does. He is only able to communicate with animatronics with a silent language that only they can hear.
When he sees Cassie, M.X.E.S tries to send the other's her way, in an attempt to stop her, and protect her- but the end result would have gone horribly wrong, unbeknownst to him. Seeing Cassie so afraid hurts, and all he wants to do is protect her, but it either ends in failure, or the V.A.N.N.I. program stops him. Being shut down will not kill M.X.E.S, he can be turned back on and still retain the memories. M.X.E.S will be unable to answer questions. This verse will be tagged as Ruined {Verse 🐰🖱}.
Unsalvageable: Glamrock Bonnie was an expensive animatronic, and Fazbear Entertainment deemed Bonnie a lost cause. With Monty's popularity, Bonnie had no reason to be fixed, given the cost or repairs, it just wouldn't be worth it. Given that he was so different, as well, there wasn't much the company could salvage from him, either, so the bunny was shipped off to the Fazbear scrap yard, where all the unused, replaced, and unsalvageable animatronics get dumped. Now Bonnie has to fight for his life, against other machines and avoid being turned into scrap metal- without his friends.
In this verse, Bonnie is pretty damn depressed, and he severely misses his friends, but he's also terrified. Like a cornered animal, it could be dangerous to approach him, if he sees you as a threat.
This verse is the vest way for characters from previous installments or fan games to interact. The Toys, the Funtimes, the Rockstars, Candy, Popgoes, etc!
This verse will be tagged as Unsalvageable {Verse 🐰🗑}
Ultimate Hell: set in Ultimate Custom Night, Bonnie and M.X.E.S. are both active and keeping a certain somebody in their own personal Hell, hoping to keep him away from the Pizzaplex, keeping him occupied. This is what Bonnie can do to keep his friends safe, even if he isn't physically there anymore. Bonnie dreadfully misses his friends, and often feels lonely, but he'd rather be able to protect them than do nothing.
In this verse, Bonnie's state will either appear as he is supposed to look, or as broken and damaged as his physical body is, depending on his mood/aggression. The angrier he gets, the more damages can be seen, and whenever he attacks the night guard, he appears fully damaged.
This verse... I'm not going to lie, I don't know how this works entirely yet, but it exists! Don't ask questions, this is a "Don't care, I'm interacting with characters that don't exist at the same time Bonnie does" verse.
This verse will be tagged as Ultimate Hell {Verse ⭐🔥}
Rabbit Ears: This is a human verse. Bonnie' full, birth name is Bonaventure Barnabus Bunnie, and he is the third oldest child of 14 kids in his family. As a result, his house is usually chaotic, and he often walks to his best friend, Freddy's house for some peace.
The default for this verse has him at age 23, which is around the time the band he started with Freddy is at peak popularity, but you can interact with him at any time.
A month after Monty joined the band, the two of them were involved in an 'accident.' Monty seemed okay, but Bonnie was in a coma for over a year. When he wakes up, he's 24 and he has chronic pain, particularly in his chest, right arm, and legs, with little to no recollection of what happened.
Bonnie is a natural brunette, he's been dying his hair on his own since he graduated high school. Music is his entire world, but he fell in love with 80's music when he heard Van Halen's Jump playing while grocery shopping. He's gone to school with Freddy since kindergarten at the very least, and he's been identifying as non binary since he was 18, but experimenting with his gender since he was 16. His family nicknamed him Rabbit Ears due to his habit of butting into conversations he wasn't apart of, to which his dad would reply "not you, Rabbit Ears!" Brent and Bridgette thought this was hilarious and that became his family nickname. While his parents named him Bonaventure, he still goes by Bonnie, and even considers Bonaventure a dead name once he identifies as nonbinary. Your character is unlikely to know that's his first name, unless you're Freddy.
The following information is not important, nor to I expect anyone to keep it all straight, but this is a list of Bonnie's siblings and his relationships with them:
Brent: the oldest of the Bunnie children, he acts like an asshole and definitely takes advantage of his little brother. Makes fun of him all the time, especially over the whole 80's thing. He's basically a frat boy. Despite that, he will fight you if you mess with any of his siblings, and he was absolutely pissed when Bonnie was comatose. He is six years older than Bonnie.
Bridgette: stereo typical teenage girl, even in her twenties, she's the type to only think about what parties are happening and hates having responsibilities, so she often pushes them onto Bonnie. Despite that, she helped Bonnie find his style when he first started experimenting with makeup, and even bought him a few makeup products to start out with and gave him a few lessons. Nowadays she turns to Bonnie for advice, but he's still her brat baby sibling! She is two years older than Bonnie.
Bibi: Bibi is Bonnie's Irish twin, but they really aren't that close. Bonnie has always felt protective of her, even as a toddler, and often times, during thunderstorms, Bibi would be frightened if Bonnie wasn't there with her. They were usually in the same class, but with different teachers, although in high school, Bonnie and Bibi had mythology and world history 2 together and often picked each other as partners. Bibi starter playing around in makeup about a year after Bonnie did, so she often stole his makeup since they both had the same complexion. She is nine months younger than Bonnie.
Becka: known as Becka Broadway, this is Bonnie's favorite sibling, and best friend in the family. Becka definitely pushed Bonnie to try out for musicals in high school, and he even performed the guitar in their school's rendition of Little Shop of Horrors, which included Mean Green Mother from Outer Space. Becka was the first sibling Bonnie came out to, and he's had her full support since day one. She is two years younger than Bonnie.
Bernadette: Bonnie sees Bern as a huge drama magnet, and she steals his makeup and dresses all the time. He's usually fighting with her, but he still loves her, even if he can't exactly tell if that's reciprocated. She is six years younger than Bonnie.
Bradley: Please stop being such a teenage boy, and for the love of god put deodorant on, and stop trying to be a Chad! He is eight years younger than Bonnie.
Bailey: Bonnie is incredibly protective of Bailey and regularly plays video games with her. Yes he is still salty about the cheap way she beat him at Mario Kart. Yes if they have an argument they settle it in Smash. Bailey is nine years younger than Bonnie.
Beckett, Breckett, and Beckham: the triplets are known as little terrors, and Bonnie regularly has to try and hold all three of them in his arms as they squirm around and try to cause even more trouble. They are eleven years younger than Bonnie.
Brielle: Bonnie loves and is protective of all his siblings, but when Bonnie was 14, he lost Brielle while taking care of his siblings and had an absolute panic attack over it. She'd shut herself under the sink, and was completely unharmed, but he's been extra protective of her ever since. She is 13 years younger than Bonnie.
Bartleby: Baby. Although, it is a bit annoying how Bonnie has to be the one to pick her up from daycare. She is 18 years younger than Bonnie.
Bobbi: Fetus. Bonnie loves him, hates changing his diapers. Also has to pick him up from daycare as well. He is 22½ years younger than Bonnie.
This verse will be tagged as Rabbit Ears {Human Verse 💫💙}
If you want to let me know you read this, you can leave a like, but I use the honor system anyway.
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dfect · 2 months
#⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ AND THE CROWD GOES WILD !⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀ dash commentary.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ WHEN THE MUSIC KICKS IN ; IT FEELS LIKE IM ON A STAGE ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀in character.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀CONCERT’S OVER ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀ooc.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀WANNA HEAR MY PLAYLIST ? ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀music.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀FEEL THE BEAT ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀prompts.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀TURN THE WHOLE WORLD ON IT’S HEAD ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀ starter calls.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀JUST SHUT IT ; I WON’T LISTEN ! ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀ answers.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀JUST GOTTA DIVE IN AND DO IT ALOUD ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀starters.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀STARTED OUT AT THE BACK OF THE SHOW ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀dash games.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ THE BEAT GOES ON ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀banter.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ EVERY SONG’S GOTTA END ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀threads.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀RELEASE IT ALL ; NO ROOM TO FALL. ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀musings.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀START THE SHOW ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀promos.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ ALL SIGNS ARE GO ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀self promos.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ DID YOU SEE THAT ? ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀visuals.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ WORDS ARE HARD ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀crack.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF BEING PART OF THE CROWD !⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀visage.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀HEAVY HITTIN'⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀mid game verse.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀ROCK AMBASSADOR⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀post game verse.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀SWITCH IT UP !⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀nsr verse.#⠀ ⠀ * . ⊹ 🎸⠀ ⠀KEEP YOUR BEACON SHINING BRIGHT ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀drabbles.
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myastrouniverse · 2 days
June/2024🌘♈️Under the Will of God, means Under the Will of Oneness.
🌘 ☸︎ Dr. Kaku, to me, it is this delusional fairy tale about morons literally cohabitating the SAME BODY, like some creepy two headed freak twins; in a side show carnival.
🌘 ☸︎ ♇︎ Who thought of this insanity? People who are too stupid to understand metaphor or allegory or the fucking difference between the two; and then taking everything in ancient folklore fucking literally. Most of those stories are astrological allegories, but don’t listen to a PhD in Cultural & Physical Anthropology. Instead, listen to a fucktarded MKULTRA Hollywood Isreali propagandist.
♀️ ◾️🦚Any man who thinks he is God over women, needs his dick cut off and fed to him. I am getting disgusted over filthy fucking worm stories about the corrupted divine couples. Harmony is RESPECT for the individual. Respect for the WHOLE divine HUMAN in another HUMAN creates HARMONY. You don’t disrespect another person’s MIND BODY AND SPIRIT over YOUR CORRUPTED FUCKING EGO.
🌘 < ♅︎ How long are we going to let delusional fucktarded billionaires shit on our future until we literally turn into Mel’s Hole?
🌘 < 🎸Did anyone look up the story about the infamous Art Bell conversation with Mel, about his bottomless hole that leads to another dimension? Inside the hole, they pulled out a black telepathic seal with human eyes. That was some creepy shit. Remember the coin? The coin from WWII? They are still playing the same game.
🌘 ☸︎🌞I want to remind everyone that I am currently living with parents, who have been trying to murder me for DECADES. They are fucking insane. My entire family is completely devoid of logic or rational thought. It’s like being around wild animals. I have no idea what 🤡💩 they are going to pull next.
🌘 < ☿︎ MT SAINT HELENS, is a divine feminine. I AM not going to discuss more of the ancient lore at this time. My reasoning is to let the stupid continue doing fucktarded things until they destroy themselves over their own stupidity. I don’t see anyway out for those who are willingly ignorant.
🌘 ☌ ☊ The divine feminine or Priestess hold a cup. That cup will always be pure, as long as the Priestess reminds herself to EMPTY THE CUP, in order to REFILL the cup with new wisdom, knowledge, understanding. The divine becomes foul and disgusting when he/she refuses to EVOLVE and EXPAND their knowledge or understanding of their world and relationships to others. The divine male is supposed to hold a sword. If a man plays games like a dumb bitch and refuses to stand up for his human rights and protect the human rights of his family, he becomes corrupt. I don’t see any men protecting me. All I see is a bunch of cowardly men playing soap opera games and masterbating like monkeys. It’s fucking pathetic. Whatever.
Kishi Bashi - I AM the Antichrist to YOU
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🎨 Andy Warhol - The Last Supper, 1986.
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