#◜blackberry: isms.◞
doughiestwarriors · 1 year
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   blackberry cookie tags !
◜blackberry: inbox / replies.◞ ◜blackberry: behavior.◞ ◜blackberry: headcanon.◞ ◜blackberry: in character.◞ ◜blackberry: mirror / faceclaim.◞ ◜blackberry: isms.◞ ◜blackberry: playlist.◞ ◜blackberry: aesthetics.◞   ◜blackberry: desires / shipping.◞ ◜blackberry: attire.◞
◜blackberry cookie / v. main.◞ 🇷​🇪​🇸​🇵​🇪​🇨​🇹​ 🇴​🇷​🇩​🇪​🇷​ ﹠ 🇱​🇴​🇦​🇹​🇭​ 🇲​🇪​🇸​🇸​. ◜blackberry cookie / v. alt.◞ 🇵​🇺​🇹​ 🇲​🇾​ 🇸​🇪​🇷​🇻​🇮​🇨​🇪​ 🇹​🇴​ 🇹​🇭​🇪​ 🇹​🇪​🇸​🇹​.
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New Sunny podcast is out and, as teased, it's about the guys' upcoming films, Fool's Paradise and Blackberry, out on 12 May!
Meg showed up at 9:00 which some people might say is late.
Shopify ad is full of Succession references, "Glendall Roy!!!!" and Logan Roy-isms: "FUCK OFF!"
There are a few new clips for the creeps.
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Fool's Paradise
Hollywood satire with a focus on persona, ego and stage names, hence why the main character is accidentally named "Latte Pronto" and a passive observer reflecting the surrounding characters' projections.
Explores different sides of the industry with the big cast and spirals into chaos by the end as the ppl behind the stars are revealed
Charlie started on the script during Sunny S10 (~2014) bc he felt certain '70s and '30s style comedies weren't being made anymore.
Felt he'd never be cast in them even if they were
Directed because he didn't want to give up control of his script especially if he was going to play the passive lead without a voice
Influences: Being There (1979) starring Peter Sellers and directed by Hal Ashby; also films by Woody Allen, Albert Brooks, Robert Altman, Coen Brothers, Paul Thomas Anderson, Buster Keaton, and Charlie Chaplin
Charlie plays the MC but Ken Jeong's character is the protagonist
Movie follows their journey together looking for real relationships in Hollywood.
Reshoots focused on making Ken the heart of the movie
Charlie worried that he was pushing Ken too much, but Ken was willing to do many takes to get to a non-sarcastic heartfelt place
Jon Brion's score is very classic old-fashioned Hollywood and used a lot of old recording techniques to add to the timeless fairytale feel of the movie
Glenn loved Charlie's script from the first draft and every revision
Charlie and Rob, the Original Glenn Girlies, found Glenn and his glacting choice to do a "vaguely European" accent (like Jan?) for his Business Manager character to be the funniest part of the film
Film contains Sunny easter eggs and actors like Peter McKenzie
Glenn was nervous about playing a character based on a real person, especially since he only had 3.5 weeks to prepare and couldn't do as much research as he would have liked.
IRL Jim met Glenn at the Toronto premiere and seemed to approve his onscreen portrayal.
Glenn felt like he lacked film experience where characters have arcs, so it was a challenge to keep track of Jim's anxiety levels through the story while shooting out of order.
Read the script many times and talked to director Matt Johnson about every scene because he didn't have the benefit of being a writer here like he does on Sunny
Worried about being too unlikeable but committed fully to the character because of his experience with Dennis
Glenn played Jim very earnest and sincere, and not at all for laughs — that's where the comedy comes from
Rob and Charlie found Jim to be nothing like Dennis or Glenn because even though they both experience rage, Jim is competent and has a cold killer look in his eyes -> DENNIS IS NOT A COLD CALCULATING KILLER.
Matt Johnson shot with long lenses on gimbals so that the cameras were far away enough for the actors not to know if they were being filmed and what was on screen — this adds to the handheld thriller but kinda comedic aesthetic of the whole film
Charlie was excited that a director finally let Glenn go full Glenn all over this movie and wished he was in every frame
Also wished he was the one directing the movie showing off Glenn
Rob, Charlie and Meg are annoyed that people are so surprised how good Glenn is in this role (we know and agree!) and predict that he will get more roles off this performance
Glenn has a theory on why he thinks things are shifting for the Sunny cast BUT HE DOESN'T GET INTO IT BECAUSE THERE'S NO TIME LEFT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
The girlies were all too happy and nice-looking today for me not to screenshot away.
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I'm so excited to watch these movies... can't find any showings for Fool's Paradise yet, but Blackberry is playing at my local cinema later this week, and I will be there!
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thinking about our general societal disconnect from. being an animal. somehow being a biological being with physical needs and instincts and natural cravings is frowned upon and it baffles me.
when i was eight one of my teachers informed the class that even though we are related to other primates we aren’t really animals because God made us for a better purpose. while I do believe in God, I also believe in evolution, and I believe that we are made of the same concoction of chemicals and flesh and bone as our fellow creatures. and it shows.
cause…we have animal needs. we eat and drink, yes, but I also mean that we are pack creatures and the majority of us do best when living with others. and we are omnivores (who need a more plant-based diet than many people have access to these days) with front-facing eyes and endurance stamina and pattern recognition skills perfectly suited to foraging. and we are physiologically soothed by the color green and the sound of running water and by looking at plants.
we’re animals!!!! I’m a little flesh beast and so are you!!!!! modern jobs have us sitting still, indoors, working on tasks that all too often do not scratch the itch in our brains. you know when I have felt that itch get scratched? when I’ve stuck my hands in a cold stream and splashed around, when I’ve been crouched on the ground watching a line of ants, when I’ve helped a friend turn salvaged wood into a garden bench over the course of an afternoon, when I’ve filled a basket with blackberries, when I’ve hiked and chased seagulls and let the little animal who lives somewhere in the simplest most foundational parts of my brain do what it was made to do.
somehow those kinds of activities are seen as immature or childish or just weird. and it probably has to do with a whole slew of -isms (ableist ideas of worth based on productivity? racist views that portray lifestyles and cultures based on subsistence farming/nomadic practices/animist philosophy/etc as uncivilized? Protestant work ethic viewing physical needs as an obstacle to maximum efficacy?) but it’s something I rarely see talked about, even on tumblr where talking about theory is common.
i think we need to start talking about the weird shame that a lot of people and groups these days experience when it comes to being an animal and all that creature-ness entails.
also. for all that “touch grass” gets bandied about and rightfully criticized, please…if you’re able to go outside. please do it. biophilia is a real observable phenomenon and it is one hell of a drug. and it doesn’t require a national park! earlier today I entered a near-meditative state while observing bees just doing their thing! the world is full of wonders! (and if you can’t go outside, maybe watch a nature doc or start a window garden or do whatever you can to tend to the indoor cat in your brain!) we are all creatures and we! need! enrichment!
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flowercrownd · 3 years
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   blackberry cookie tags !
◜blackberry cookie: inbox / replies.◞ ◜blackberry cookie: behavior.◞ ◜blackberry cookie: headcanon.◞ ◜blackberry cookie: in character.◞ ◜blackberry cookie: mirror / faceclaim.◞ ◜blackberry cookie: isms.◞ ◜blackberry cookie: playlist.◞ ◜blackberry cookie: aesthetics.◞   ◜blackberry cookie: desires / shipping.◞ ◜blackberry cookie: attire.◞
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swallowbirdwatcher · 3 years
Tag drop #1
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ballwizard · 3 years
chicory is a good game and you should play it (MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD)
this is just going to be a semi organized ramble/analysis of the game . cleaned up but mostly copy pasted from the discord convo @leftistaco and i had last night :P
core themes of the ending
I will never never never NEVER get over chicory saying "when I said you could have the brush, you were already holding it." like. thats why the game ends if you don't pick up the brush at the start. in the brushflower field, chicory saying They must have been a VERY creative person and after the whole game of pizza saying they're NOT a wielder they ONLY got it cuz they were there they're JUST A JANITOR and THEY'RE the one who made a new brush. they were the most capable. they were already holding it. like. aurgh . art is meant for everyone even if you don't think it is . like its a thing that everyone can share . you could be dropped into a room with a complete stranger and a pad of paper and pencils and you could still draw together . art is so personal and yet it's everyones but everyone's is different and part of a whole . ripping and tearing my books to shreds with my bare teeth and crying and rolling around everywhere. ART IS EVERYONES THERE IS NO LEGACY YOU MUST FOLLOW THERE IS NO BURDEN YOU MUST BARE. IT IS ART THAT IS THE MOST HUMAN THING OF ALL.
not to say it again but "you were already holding it". I dont think any line ever has affected me more. God. all of them kind of want it. every godamn person you talk to kinda wants to try it out. you give it to pickle. they all say it. God. ohhhhh were all so human were so fucking human it is killing me. you would take it. I would take it. everyone would take the brush. we all want to color in our world don't we.
the final battle
first off, the repeated bringing back of the up on the mountaintop's motif was SO good. the way chicory fights is so awesome too. all her flourishes. and th e way you can feel all thr wielders even if techincally they arent there. I remeber someone saying that the wielder before cardamom was abstract. you know that Shapes attack it does ? they're really there.
AND THE . FIGHTING THE INSTITUTION ITSELF THROUGH THE BRUSH WITH THEIR OWN BRUSHES THEY MADE . THE CYMBAL ISM................. the fact that. the connection with the brush manifests your darkest feelings physical and its SEEN in the boss fights like like like like. chicory sees herself as imperfect and not worth it so she manifests as a hideous shriveled rabbit head . blackberry feels remorse for the way she's lived and mentored and feels like a monster so she MANIFESTS AS A MONSTER . PIZZA FIGHTS A LITERAL MANIFESTATION OF THEMSELF WHO IS COMPLETELY LOST AND ANCHORED TO THE BRUSH LIKE ITS A LIFELINE. AURGH. the fact that the first boss fight is disembodied eyes . because pizza feels like theyre being watched in the first time in their life after being a "nobody" and it's scary!!!! its fucking terrifying feeling like you're being scrutinized for everything you do by everyone and its not just pizza!!!! chicory feels like it too!!! i bet every fuckin wielder was freaked about those eyes because its scary and it's a burden to be that hypervisible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chicory & pizza
as someone who kinda looked rlly similar to chicory when Twas Bad like...her being Like that is so accurate it hurts. when you're that deep you want to dig your fucking claws in and drag it down with you. the depiction of both chicory and pizzas struggles with mental health and self worth are so. God it fucking HURT like ive BEEN THERE iv e had days where i didnt even want to feed myself. it feels very, very heavy, and very, very real.
The FUCKING Brush Wars
im also thinking about like. the fact that there were canonically brush wars. the power to make color being institutionalized made people so mad for power that there were wars . like . people died for the brush just because there was only one and the importance placed upon it ended up being false because you literally can just grow one with the right mindset!!!!! like. the importance on tradition is such a fucking burden that its prevented people from making color basically opens source for years and years. so many people were hurt by it, physically & mentally and GOD!!! game makes me feel emotions
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bakkermotorszaandam · 5 years
Damon, de Tesla onder de motoren?
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Zou dit dan de Tesla onder de motoren worden? Op de CES ( Consumer Electronics Show) beurs in Las Vegas heeft Damon een prototype gepresenteerd (Damon Hypersport Pro) die toch wel erg indrukwekkende cijfers qua vermogen en bereik heeft. Overige opties als de 360graden actieve veiligheidssysteem ism BlackBerry zijn erg interessant. Zo kan het stuur trillen als er een gevaar gesignaleerd wordt. De motor leest de wegen met behulp van sensoren, radars en camera’s vergelijkbaar met die in auto’s. Ook de Shift optie is zeer innovatief, met een druk op de knop verandert je zithouding door aanpassing van kuipruit, handvatten, voetsteunen en het zadel van (super)sport- naar tour-stand (zie 1e filmpje).
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Wat gaat dat kosten?
Vooralsnog alleen in USA te pre-orderen voor een bedrag dat begint bij $25.000 (zonder belastingen). Maar wie weet gaat het zoals bij Tesla, en kun je verschillende software upgrades kopen die je wel de volledige snelheid of bereik geven. Het zou mij niet verbazen dat dit soort verkooptactieken normaal worden. De uitlevering van de motoren, vooralsnog ongeveer 500 stuks per jaar, gaat niet via een dealer netwerk maar via een direct-sales & service model zoals Tesla ook doet.
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Ik ken de grote groep gemiddelde motorrijders best goed en die willen helemaal geen motor op een batterij. Speciaal voor die groep hebben we een prachtig aanbod met echte verbrandingsmotoren, een showroom vol! Kijk snel of er een mooie voor jou bij zit! HIER
Waar ken je Damon van?
Ikzelf nergens van maar het lettertype lijkt wat op die van die stofzakloze stofzuigers 🙂 Bewust? Wie zal het zeggen. Bedrijf is opgericht in 2017 in Canada, dus nog een startup.
Website: https://damonmotorcycles.com
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lunarautumn · 7 years
UH SHIT, I’ve never been tagged in anything before!  Sorry for being five days late @catamarang !  
RULE:  Tag ten followers you want to get to know better!
- Name:  You can just call me Lunar  :3  My actual name is Colleen, if you really want to know.
- Gender: Cis-Female
- Star sign: Aries
- Height: 5′5′’ (168-ish cm)
- Sexuality: Um … Heteroromantic definitely, and maaaaybe asexual?  I think? Maybe ‘crippling fear of intimacy’ is more accurate.  I don’t know if that really qualifies as ‘asexual,’ eh heh.  Or maybe it does, I have no idea!
- What image do you have as wallpaper:  Howl’s Moving Castle on my laptop, Rapture (Bioshock) on my desktop, and Pyro (TF2) on my iPod.  
- Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?:  What?  No, no!  Noooooo … Mr. Flick doesn’t count I was like seven years old shut up.
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years:  Ummm.  Hopefully in an apartment at least.
- If you could be anywhere else right now, where?:  New York City!  Preferably in a penthouse hotel room near Times Square, livin’ the good life.  
- What was your coolest Halloween costume?:  Grim Reaper.  I was a boring child.
- What’s your favorite 90s show?:  Spongebob! Although The Wild Thornberries comes in close second.  Rugrats was great too.
- Last kiss?:  (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)
- Have you ever been stood up?:  (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)
- Have you ever been to Las Vegas?:  Not yet.  Someday though.
- Favorite pair of shoes: Black sneakers.  Simple, practical, stylish.
- Favorite fruit:  Wild black raspberries!  (No, not blackberries.  Blackberries are big and sour and yuck, black raspberries are small and sweet and delicious.  They are different things.)
- Favorite book:  Rising Storm, book four of the original Warrior Cats series.  I must have read that thing like fifteen times when I was younger, the pages are literally falling out.
- Stupidest thing you’ve ever done:  Uhhh … haha, there’s a lot to choose from!  Hmmmmm … I’d say telling my Mom I was okay with moving after high school when I really wasn’t.  It kiiiiiind of ruined my life?  And killed all of my friendships and personal connections during my most fragile and vulnerable period when I needed them most?  Haha, pretty stupid right?
So, um.  Anyway.
Tags!  (I don’t wanna impose or anything, and please don’t feel forced to do this if you don’t want to!  Especially if we’ve never actually interacted before.  But ... y’know.  If you want.)
@jaspidoodles @spoookles @mxghostly @goth-ism @jovialjuggernaut-draws @sunnysunsrain @hariruri @hedgehogkween @mandyquesadilla @chororine
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tokobineka · 4 years
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Headphone Bluetooth JBL handsfree headset bluetooth wireless HM-01 Harga: Rp115.000 (harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim) Beli headset buat denger Music??? READY WARNA: merah putih gold  hitam biru  JANGAN tanggung" beli yang Bagus aja!!! Harga Termurah dan Terbaik di sekelasnya atau dibawah harga 1 juta Headset JBL bisa untuk Bluetooth, bisa untuk telpon dengan KUALITAS SUARA POWERBASS bisa juga untuk laptop atau komputer karena sudah INCLUDE KABEL SAMBUNG KE KOMPUTER OR LAPTOP dan KABEL UNTUK CHARGE :)  Headphone Bluetooth JBL | OEM | STEREO BISA PAKAI BLUETOOTH BISA FM/RADIO  BISA PAKAI CABLE AUX/AUDIO BISA PAKAI MICRO SD/TF CARD  Specification of bluetooth : - Bluetooth version : V3.0+EDR - Operation distance : 10/20m - Range of frequency : 2.4 to 2.4835GHz ISM band - Sensitivity : -85dB Specification of MP3/FM - PC Interface : USB 2.0 - Music format : MP3/WMA - TF Card Support : 128M-64GB - FM Frequency response : 87.5-108MHz - Rechargable lithium battery : 250mAh Specification of Headphone - Type : Stereo headphone with MIC - Speaker :40mm - Sensitivity : 115dB S.P.L at 1KHZ - Impedance : 32 Ohm - Frequency response : 20Hz - 20KHz - Rated Power : 40mW - Power Capability : 100mW - Microphone unit : 4.5mmx2mm -58dB+/- 3dB - Plug Type : 3.5mm stereo Feature - Memungkinkan Anda menikmati musik berkualitas digital secara nirkabel dan mengkonversi antara musik dan panggilan telepon yang dibuat secara bebas - Dukungan Kartu TF - Dukungan FM, dapat menerima radio stereo berkualitas tinggi - Dukungan perangkat bluetoothstereo untuk menerima musik stereo A2DP dari komputer laptop, komputer meja, PC tablet, Iphone, Blackberry, adaptor bluetooth, MP3 Player atau perangkat lain yang mendukung audio stereo bluetooth. Headphone ini dapat digunakan untuk memutar musik melalui bluetooth, micro sd, aux. support SD Card, AUX dan Radio FM. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEG1KwZHdjh/?igshid=144hgp8by5khv
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Chiquinho Celular Rua São José, Cidade Nova, Ao Lado do Comercial Jesus. (98)99106-5012 Ligação/Whatsapp, Vendo Fones de ouvido JBL original estéreo de alta qualidade Wifi Sem fio com Design leve e lindo. R$:135,00 à vista sem desconto. R$:128,25 à vista com desconto de 5%. Aceitamos: Dinheiro, cartão crédito/débito: visa, Mastercard, hipercard, American express, diners club, elo, Design leve e lindo, ótimo p/ Whatsapp, Isolamento de Ruídos, Bateria com duração de 5 horas. Especificação de wireless: versão sem fio: 5.0,distância de operação: 10 metros,faixa de freqüência: banda ISM 2.402-2.480GHz. Especificação do fone de ouvido:tipo: fone de ouvido estéreo com gravador de voz,alto-falante: 40mm,impedância:controle de som baixo/alto: 32,sensibilidade:110db +/- 3dB,cartão memória suportado: de 128 Mega bytes até 32 Giga bytes,freqüência FM: 87,5-108MHz,bateria de lítio recarregável: 200mAh. Características:modo de economia de energia inteligente:se não estiver conectado no modo Bluetooth desligará automaticamente após 5 minutos,Permite você desfrutar de músicas com qualidade digital e o melhor sem fios e você pode mudar do modo música para o modo de chamada telefônica,Suporta dispositivos estéreos via Bluetooth para receber músicas de um aparelho de CD/Usb/Dvd player automotivo,computador,laptop,tablet,PC, notebook,blackberry, adaptador Bluetooth ou outros dispositivos que suportem áudio estéreo via Bluetooth,tempo de chamadas telefônicas de até 4 horas,tempo de música:até 4 horas. (em Bacabeira) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz6HGhaHKjc/?igshid=18ob4hu1tli2x
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anachef · 6 years
What’s New in Hollywood Studios: New Menus, New Merchandise and MORE Construction Updates
It’s been a busy week over in Hollywood Studios! We’ve rounded up all the updates for you — new eats, new merchandise and LOTS of construction.
Hello from Hollywood Studios!
We don’t expect to see these Christmas decorations up much longer! They have been busy in the last few days in the park with lots of new updates, starting with the Skyliner station!
Skyliner Construction Updates
Disney’s Skyliner Gondola System is really making progress and we can’t wait to see this new mode of transportation open in the fall of this year. Noticeable updates this week include some more red elements along the top of the station.
Skyliner Construction
What’s New on Hollywood Studios Sunset Boulevard
Sunshine Day Bar, the seasonal counter service location that replaced Toluca Turkey Legs, Co. and subsequently Sunshine Day Cafe, re-opened this Holiday season with a new name and a festive menu.
Sunshine Day Bar
With the holidays now over, we went to check out the menu updates.
Sunshine Day Bar Menu
Christmas drinks have been swapped out in favor of lighter, fruitier beverages like the Cherry Blossom, with Bacardi Superior Rum and Luxardo Cherry Liqueur with pineapple juice and grenadine.
Cherry Blossom Cocktail
The Southside Fizz is made with Hendrick’s Gin and pure cane sugar.
Southside Fizz Cocktails
The Blackberry Moonshine Lemonade features Old Smoky Blackberry Moonshine.
Blackberry Moonshine Lemonade
Verrines, light parfait style desserts, are officially taking over! Over at Catalina Eddie’s, the Seasonal Eggnog Panna Cotta and Chocolate Mousse have been removed and you’ll now find a new Lemon Cheesecake Verrine.
Catalina Eddie’s Menu
Since Santa’s Meet and Greet is now over, Once Upon a Time has reverted back to a merchandise shop featuring mostly kids’ items with a small emphasis on Beauty and the Beast items.
Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time Merchandise
What’s New in Hollywood Studios Echo Lake
Minnie’s Silver Screen Dine is back again at Hollywood and Vine! We first told you about this dinner party when it debuted back in 2016.At this movie-themed character buffet you can meet Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy and Goofy wearing their award season best.
Minnie’s Silver Screen Dine at Hollywood and Vine
Star Wars themed eats are gone from Backlot Express!
Backlot Express Restaurant
We LOVED this fun Star Wars themed menu before. Luckily, the new menu is just as good — and you can still grab a few of your old favorites, just with new names.
Backlot Express Menu
Debuting on the menu is the Chicken and Biscuits — biscuits and chicken tenders topped with country gravy, a spicy strawberry glaze, and bacon crumbles. Read our review to see what we thought of this!
Chicken and Biscuits
The Cuban Sandwich features roasted pulled pork, sliced ham, Swiss cheese, and pickles and mustard. Read our review to see what we thought of this addition!
Cuban Sandwich
The HUGE Peanut Butter Brownie is pretty much everything we would want in a brownie — chocolate, peanut butter, frosting, peanut butter candy — Read our review to see if it lived up to our expectations!
Peanut Butter Brownie
The Key Lime Verrine is made up of layers of light and airy key lime custard and graham crumbs topped off with a dollop of whipped cream and a white chocolate ring  — Read our review to see if we’ll add this Verrine to our must-try list!
Key Lime Verrine
One thing to note, kiddos can still have that BB-8 Souvenir Sipper with their soda!
Backlot Express Menu
While we’ll miss the Star Wars theme, we are looking forward to drinking Blue Milk soon once Star Wars – Galaxy’s Edge opens this fall!
What’s New on Hollywood Studios Hollywood Boulevard
Cupcakes are noticeably missing over at the Trolley Car Cafe.
Trolley Car Cafe Bakery Case
Currently the only cupcake available is the Peanut Butter Crunch Cupcake — but, hey, we’re not complaining; there’s a reason we’ve loved this one for years and featured it in last year’s cupcake challenge!
Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch Cupcake
What’s New in Hollywood Studios Toy Story Land
Last week, we noticed the Buzz Meet and Greet had changed locations. His Meet and Greet was moved closer to the entrance into Toy Story Land, but this was to avoid the Slinky Dog Dash line during peak crowd days in the parks. Buzz has moved back to his original spot past the entrance sign.
Toy Story Land Buzz Meet and Greet
We also took a peek over the fence in Toy Story Land to see how Star Wars – Galaxy’s Edge is coming along. There’s still plenty of scaffolding up, but things are really starting to come together over there on Batuu.
Galaxy’s Edge Construction
What’s New on Hollywood Studios Grand Avenue
We also got a much better view of this building that’s being constructed adjacent to Tatooine Traders.
Grand Avenue Structure
We had scoped this spot out just last week, but it seems progress steady progress has been made the scrims are down, revealing a green tile roof and a rather simple design.
Grand Avenue Structure
We’re still not sure what this building will be, but we’ll be sure to keep you updated on it’s progress!
What’s New in Hollywood Studios Shops and Stores — New Merchandise
We found the CUTEST new bags in Hollywood Studios this week!
Loungefly Disney Snacks Backpack
The new Loungefly bags and wallets are covered with all of our favorite Disney snacks, including Mickey Pretzels, Mickey Shaped Cookies, the Mickey Ice Cream Bar (coming soon to grocery stores!), and more!
Loungefly Disney Snacks Wallet/Clutch
We’ve also spotted Buzz Lightyear Ears at several merchandise locations around Hollywood Studios. This tribute to everyone’s favorite space ranger features his famous catch phrase emblazoned on the headband —  “To Infinity and beyond!”
Buzz Lightyear Ears
Polka dot prints are in with the new merchandise line — Rock the Dots — celebrating Minnie’s classic dots!
Rock the Dots Merchandise
We spotted ears, spirit jerseys, new loungefly bags and even sparkly sneakers with a big poof on them in this adorable merchandise line.
Rock the Dots Minnie Mouse Ears
Rock the Dots Spirit Jersey
Check these out!!! We need somewhere awesome to wear these!
Rock the Dots Shoes
We found some more Mickey Through the Years items on Sunset Boulevard.
Mickey Through the Years Shirt
We’re loving the items in this line — perfectly retro and vintage-y!
Mickey Through the Years Merch
This bag matches the mug we found last week!
Mickey Through the Years Tote
Mickey Through the Years Tote
Speaking of mugs, how about this tumbler? Its got the same collage art on it as some of the clothes introduced in this line last week.
Mickey Through the Years Tumbler
This t-shirt is really adorable with all of the different Mickeys on it, take a look and see how many you can find!
Mickey Through the Years Shirt
Mickey Through the Years Shirt
And a few more Celebrate Mickey items as well — all to celebrate Mickey’s 90th Birthday!!
Celebrate Mickey Hat
We also spotted a cool new Edna Mode Mug, featuring all of our favorite “Edna-isms“.
Edna Mode Mug
Edna Mode Mug
NO CAPES! Which is your favorite Edna quote?
Edna Mode Mug
Check out these awesome Chewbacca Ears that we can’t wait to wear!
Chewbacca Ears
And be sure to use the Play Disney Park app so you can grab this limited edition Midway Mania Pin after you complete the “Midway Maniac” Challenge in the app.
Limited Edition Midway Maniac Pin
Limited Edition Midway Maniac Pin
We also took a peek at Disney’s new Valentine’s Day Merchandise!
Mickey and Minnie Valentine’s Plush
This line includes adorable Mickey and Minnie plushes and a limited edition Magic Band featuring characters and artwork from the Pixar Short, Lava.
I Lava You MagicBand
  That’s it for our Hollywood Studios news and updates this week! Be sure to follow us so you stay up-to-date on the changes and additions to the parks every week!
What Hollywood Studios news do you find most exciting? Let us know with a comment!
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nctanthca · 4 years
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naschkater-com · 5 years
Bienen erfahren seit ein paar Jahren einen extremen Sympathie-Höhenflug – kein Wunder, dass Biene als Verpackungsmotiv so beliebt sind! Sie waren uns schon immer (bzw. seit der Zeichentrickserie Biene Maja) viel sympathischer als die Wespen und Hummeln. Denn weder nerven und ängstigen sie uns wie die Wespen im Spätsommer, und anders als Hummeln beliefern sie uns noch mit Honig! Kein Wunder also, dass alle Welt das allgemeine Bienensterben beklagt und wir allerorten mit Samenpäckchen für Blühwiesen, die den Bienen als Nahrung dienen sollen, zugeschmissen werden.
Die Wahrheit hinter dem Bienensterben ist komplex
Sterben denn die Bienen nicht? Sind Blühwiesen und Blühstreifen an den Äckern denn etwas schlechtes? Die Wahrheit ist: Es ist alles viel komplizierter, aber darauf kann ich hier nicht eingehen und belasse es bei einem Link zu einem entsprechenden Artikel von Spiegel-Online. Denn nein, nicht alle Bienen sterben, es gibt sogar mehr Imker, Bienen und Honig als jemals zuvor. Aber ja: Bestimmte Bienensorten werden dezimier, besonders durch die fiese Varroamilbe, die ganze Bienenvölker ausrottet. Und weil manche Menschen im Frühling Bienen als ihr neues Hobby entdecken (eine Königin mit 10 Arbeitern kriegt man im Versandhandel für rund 10 Euro), aber im Winter keine Lust mehr haben, sich um ihr Volk zu kümmern und es durch die nahrungsarme Zeit zu päppeln, lassen sie die Tierchen dann verhungern. Auch das gehört zur komplexen, unangenehmen Wahrheit.
Aber bei Süßigkeiten, um die es ja hier geht, stehen Bienen zurzeit hoch im Kurs. Vor allem bietet sich das Insekt überall dort als Motiv an, wo Honig enthalten ist. Aber darüber hinaus kann es auch zur Verzierung von Produkten dienen, in denen Obst enthalten ist, das bestäubt werden muss. Wie bei der schön gestalteten Bioschokolade “Chocolate and Love” mit Orangengeschmack, die ich in Tschechien gefunden habe. Oder der “Jack Daniels”-Schokolade, in der der Honig-Whiskey verarbeitet wurde. Deutlich weniger elegant ist der bräsige Brummer, den Haribo auf seiner Schaumzuckerware “Brumbasser” mit Lakritzgeschmack abbildet. Auch bei verpacktem Honigkuchen machen sich fleißige Bienen gut als Verpackungsmotiv wie bei dem Produkt des tschechischen Herstellers von haltbarem Fertigkuchen Dubea.
Einige Bespiele für Süßwaren mit Bienenmotiv
Organic “Chocolate and Love”, Sorte Orange, Fairtrade, 80 Gramm, gefunden in Tschechien, mit Motiv Orangen, Pflanzen und Bienen.
TrüffelSchokolade mit einem hellen Jack Daniels “Tennessee Honey”. Bienenmotiv auf der Verpackung.
Dänische Brumbasser: Fruchtgummi in Bienenform mit Lakritz und Lakritz-Schaumzucker. (Sommer 2016)
Sweetland Bienenfreunde Kräuter-Bonbons 110 Gramm mit Honig von österreichischen Imkern, Pro Kauf werden 0,5 Cent gespendet.
Sweetland Bonbons “Bienenfreunde Fruchtbonbons” – Mit Honig von österreichischen bzw. deutschen Imkern. Unterstützt Wildbienenprojekte: Der BUND erhält 0,05 EUR pro verkauften Beutel für sein Projekt zum Schutz von Wildbienen und anderen Insekten, siehe wildbienen-deutschland.de
Recht viel Mandel, aber nur 2% Honig enthält der Riegel “Bit-O-Honey” von Pearson Candy Company in St. Paul, Minnesota. Das Unternehmen wurden über schon 1910 gegründet. Der Riegel Bit-O-Honey wurde aber ursprünglich 1924 von der Schutter-Johnson Company auf den Markt gebracht, ging dann zu Wards Candy, gehörte später zu Nestlé und wurde 2013 an Person verkauft.
Dubea Medov´y pernik Honiglebkuchen mit Bienenmotiv aus Tschechien, einzeln verpackt, haltbar.
Kastner Honig-Lebkuchen Österreich
Brunch Zarte Blüte – Honig
  Einige Bespiele für Süßigkeiten mit Biene Maja-Motiv
Pectoral das Original Bonbondose Biene Maja
Und extra für Kinder. Corny Kids “Biene Maja” mit Kakao.
Griesson Biene Maja Kekse
Noch ein Biene Maja-Lizenzprodukt: mit Creme gefüllte Formkekse in der Art der “Schöller Koalas”
XOX Popcorn Biene Maja mit Honig 50 Gramm
Popcorn mit Biene Maja-Lizenz im Eimer.
Haltbare Croissants mit der Biene Maja drauf.
Bioland Biene Maja Honig Tube
Bioland Biene Maja Honig Glas
Wer glaubt, immer alles antibakteriell abtöten zu müssen und deshalb eine Seife mit Sagrotan kauft, kann dies jetzt auch mit einer Biene Maja-Lizenz tun, die bietet Sagrotan nämlich für seine “No-Touch”-Serie an.
Am Stand von Nawarra auf der ISM wurde auch mit Biene Maja als Lizenzfigur geworben.
Süßigkeiten und Snacks mit Honiggeschmack OHNE Bienenmotiv auf der Verpackung
Moser Roth Noix+Chocolat Honig-Salz-Mandel Fairtrade
Balisto (Mars) mit Mandel-Honig-Füllung.
Barú-Schokolade mit dem Nilpferd aus Belgien, einzeln verpackt, in diesem Falle mit der Geschmacksrichtung Honig-Mandel.
Ist das noch Karamell?!: Kuhbonbons Milch + Honig
Dr. C. Soldan Kinder Em-eukal Hustenbonbons Walderdbeere-Honig
Sweetland Bonbons “Bienenfreunde Fruchtbonbons” – Mit Honig von österreichischen bzw. deutschen Imkern. Unterstützt Wildbienenprojekte: Der BUND erhält 0,05 EUR pro verkauften Beutel für sein Projekt zum Schutz von Wildbienen und anderen Insekten, siehe wildbienen-deutschland.de
Klar, Sanddorn-Honig-Kombi darf nicht fehlen – allein schon wegen der farblichen Nähe!
Dr Soldan Em-eukal Granatapfel-Honig
Hartkaramellen von “Herbamelle” aus Mailand mit einem Schuss Honig und “Mirtillo Rosso”, also roter Heidelbeere, auch Cranberry genannt…! 🙂
Von Imkergut kommen schließlich Sanddorn-Honig-Gummibärchen in leicht durchscheinendem Orange.
Kastner Honig-Lebkuchen Österreich
Swiss Schwytzer Kräuterli Kräuter und Honig
Tabaluga Drachenfreunde Kekse mit Apfeldicksaft und Honig
Schwartau Corny Crunch Hafer + Honig. ©naschkater.com
Die Honigdrops von Albert Heijn waren vor allem hart und zu süß. Was kaufe ich auch so etwas, wenn ich keinen Honig mag!!! ©naschkater.com
Corny hat einen neuen Riegel kreiert: “Ganze Nuss”, den es in drei Sorten gibt, unter anderem Mandel & Waldhonig.
Die Fruchtbonbons in den Sorten Kirsch, Holunder, Orange, Zitrone, Vanille und Erdbeer-Joghurt. Kräuter-Bonbons in Glühweinbonbons, Anis-Stäbchen, Lakritz-, Salbei-Honig-, Fenchel- oder auch Euka-Menthol-Bonbons.
Die gebrannten Mandeln mit Hülle aus Honig-Sesam oder Kokos im witzigen Beutel kosten 3,90 €.
Kölln Müsliriegel Honig-Nuss
Auch Nestle springt natürlich auf den Fitness-Zug auf und bietet seine Fitness-Zerealien jetzt als Protein-Müsli an. Wie Kellogg’s kommt es in einem festen Plastik-Standbeutel statt wie die Zerealien im hohen Pappkarton. Möglicherweise sprechen diese teiltransparenten Beutel die Verbraucher zur Zeit stärker an als die für Cornflakes gängigen Kartons. Praktischer oder umweltfreundlicher sind sie nicht unbedingt.
Der auf die Tüte geklebt Streifen auf dieser Bonbontüte soll zusätzlich Aufmerksamkeit erzeugen und zum Kauf animieren. Noch toller wäre natürlich, wenn darauf noch ein Gewinnspiel oder Freebies ausgelobt würden.
Popcorn mit Honig-Geschmack, gesehen in Portugal.
SNd Samba Nuts: Erdnüsse mit Honig-Chili-Geschmack! ©naschkater.com
Hier treffen zwei Sorten Tortilla-Chips beinhart aufeinander: Honig-glasierte Rippchen und Zitronenpower.
The Bee Bros Honey Spread with Cocoa+Blackberries No Palmoil Honigaufstrich
Die Eigenmarke “Spar Natur Pur” bringt ein originelles Bio-Joghurt auf den Markt: Honig und Bockshornklee! Wikipedia schreibt dazu: Im Nahen Osten, in Nordafrika und in Spanien wird Bockshornklee als Nahrungsmittel oder Futterpflanze angebaut und geröstet, gekocht oder frisch verzehrt. Darüber hinaus wird er als Gewürz verwendet, beispielsweise werden die Samen – wie auch Schabzigerklee – in Südtirol als Brot- oder Käsegewürz verwendet. In der indischen Küche finden sowohl die Samen, mitunter als Bestandteil von Currypulver, als auch die frischen oder getrockneten Blätter Verwendung in zahlreichen Zubereitungen. Bockshornklee ist Bestandteil der türkischen Gewürzpaste Çemen, die u. a. die Trockenfleischspezialität Pastırma ummantelt. Die Keimlinge werden als würzende Zutat Salaten beigemischt oder als Sprossengemüse verzehrt.
Übrigens: Um weitere deutsche Lizenzfiguren auf Süßwarenverpackungen kümmere ich mich hier. Und eine Übersicht meiner Beiträge zu den vielen internationalen Lizenzfiguren auf Süßigkeiten von den Schlümpfen bis zu Spongebob Schwammkopf findet man hier. Tja und über Insekten als Proteinlieferant in Süßigkeiten und Snacks habe ich auch schon berichtet.
  Bienen als Verpackungsmotiv erfreuen sich großer Beliebtheit Bienen erfahren seit ein paar Jahren einen extremen Sympathie-Höhenflug - kein Wunder, dass Biene als Verpackungsmotiv so beliebt sind!
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babyawacs · 5 years
#join #canadian #satan‎ism #not #so #much @wired @wireduk @apple @tim_cook @google @samsung @k nox  @qnx @blackberry @bla1ze Ididnt join canadian satanism, i want a hardened donttouchmyphone realtime-decombobulator serverchain messages through privielgedquicfastest blockproof repplacepho neproof and sothat the inventions will always!!!!!be safe including who when what exactly. Why the bitterness subculture. Also qnx seems miraculous in many things underrated by bloatware competition is unfair too and idont want to join homo religion apple and pay extra for a fancier foto app whichis just a heavily molested linux. Live and letlive and as survivor mistrust male sexua lity but the girls will a l w a y s havemy unconditionalsupport and themwise enough not to misuse it. So allnot complicated a su perhardened safe actual security device on my side. Instead sellingme and porningme as thanks and then aiding the scums in doing so anyone that remoteliest wants to . Blackberry key2 red edition? Sure. Whynot. But but but someone has a50mp cam. Woa !!!!!!! @blackberryclubs: #inst10 #ReGram @bla1ze: Despite @crackberrykevin saying I couldn't have one, I got my hands on a #BlackBerry #KEY2 Red Edition. 😂
#join #canadian #satan‎ism #not #so #much @wired @wireduk @apple @tim_cook @google @samsung @k nox  @qnx @blackberry @bla1ze Ididnt join canadian satanism, i want a hardened donttouchmyphone realtime-decombobulator serverchain messages through privielgedquicfastest blockproof repplacepho neproof and sothat the inventions will always!!!!!be safe including who when what exactly. Why the bitterness subculture. Also qnx seems miraculous in many things underrated by bloatware competition is unfair too and idont want to join homo religion apple and pay extra for a fancier foto app whichis just a heavily molested linux. Live and letlive and as survivor mistrust male sexua lity but the girls will a l w a y s havemy unconditionalsupport and themwise enough not to misuse it. So allnot complicated a su perhardened safe actual security device on my side. Instead sellingme and porningme as thanks and then aiding the scums in doing so anyone that remoteliest wants to . Blackberry key2 red edition? Sure. Whynot. But but but someone has a50mp cam. Woa !!!!!!! @blackberryclubs: #inst10 #ReGram @bla1ze: Despite @crackberrykevin saying I couldn’t have one, I got my hands on a #BlackBerry #KEY2 Red Edition. 😂
#join #canadian #satan‎ism #not #so #much @wired @wireduk @apple @tim_cook @google @samsung @knox @qnx @blackberry @bla1ze Ididnt join canadian satanism, iwant a hardened donttouchmyphone realtime-decombobulator serverchain messages through privielgedquicfastest blockproof repplacephoneproof and sothat the inventions will always!!!!!be safe including who when what exactly. Why the bitterness…
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superprofitz · 5 years
Weekly Stock Market Recap – Sep 29th 2019
Readers – Please note this is our last weekly market recap!  For more info please see this post as well as information for subscribing to future recaps if there is general interest. 
To the greater readership, thanks for following along over the years and best wishes for success in the future!
A rather quiet week on the news front as the same daily rumblings and hopes about a U.S. – China trade deal that have gripped the market for over a year, continued yet again.   A flock of Federal Reserve members came out to opine about the economy – some content with where rates are, while others wanting more cuts.   The impeachment situation was more of a sideshow as a two thirds majority in the Senate to remove is never going to happen.
While this is probably a negotiating tactic on Friday it was reported the White House is considering limiting U.S. investment into China, including a possible delisting of Chinese companies from U.S. stock exchanges.
The “wrong” sectors continue to lead the market – this utility chart looks like something out of NASDAQ year 1999!  These are “safety” sectors where money goes to hide.
Global economic news continues to worry.   Germany’s manufacturing PMI gauge fell to 41.4 in September, its worst reading in a decade.  A figure below 50 indicates contraction.
The Commerce Department estimated that consumer spending rose 0.1% in August, versus expectations of a 0.3% rise. Incomes rose 0.4%, also below forecasts of 0.5%
For the week the S&P 500 fell 1.0% while the NASDAQ sunk 2.2%.
Here is the 5 day weekly intraday chart of the S&P 500 …via Jill Mislinski.
The week ahead..
Big week ahead for economic data with ISM Manufacturing (Tuesday) and Non Manufacturing (Thursday) to be reported – recall the dark number in the manufacturing data last month.   Employment data hits Friday; the U.S. is expected to have added 145,000 jobs, above the 130,000 last month, while the unemployment rate is expected to stay steady at 3.7%.
Index charts:
Short term: the S&P 500 was not able to get to new highs, in fact it is now closer to the breakout level over a double top that occurred in July.  A move through either level will be interesting indeed.  The NASDAQ never got to the same point the S&P 500 did.
The Russell 2000 remains in its very long term range (in yellow) – the trendline connecting recent highs remains a constraint.
The NYSE McClellan Oscillator has now turned negative – those with shorter term trading outlooks should look to be cautious.
Long term: decent conditions.
Charts of interest / Big Movers:
Tuesday, Netflix (NFLX) fell 4.3% on analysts’ concern about earnings, given the competition from Disney and other streaming video platforms.
Blackberry (BB) fell 22.6% Tuesday after posting weaker-than-expected numbers for its fiscal second quarter.
Shares of Nike (NKE) were up 4.16% Wednesday as the apparel and footwear maker on Tuesday reported first-quarter earnings and sales that topped Wall Street expectations, including a jump in China.
Hard to tell in the chart as the range is so massive in the 3 month period but Beyond Meat (BYND) surged Thursday after McDonald’s (MCD) said it would trial a plant-based burger made by the company at 28 restaurants in Canada.
Micron Technology (MU) ended 11.1% lower after the memory-chip maker reported another large earnings decline and predicted a disappointing holiday season.
Stay frosty my friends!
from StockTrader.com https://ift.tt/2nHYvMt via IFTTT
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suadcampbell · 6 years
is given a bad rap. Does it deserve the disdain? I mean, really, what's wrong with it? Whom does it harm? Not the economy. Not the job market. Not the inventors. Who's to say when enough is enough? If someone said to me, "Suad, stop. You have enough chocolates, bric-a-bracs, books, clothes, jewelry. Just stop, it's overindulgent." I'd say, "You don't understand, I can never have enough chocolates, bric-a-bracs, books, clothes, or jewelry, and anyway, who the heck are you to dictate to me what I should and should not have? And what about you? I think you have three cars too many. The house you live in is ostentatious. Your kids have too many toys." See how rocky the road becomes when one starts down it.
        Should we all be happy living in tract homes if we can afford to buy designer ones? Should we buy non-organic foods even if we can afford organic? How about our TVs? Does anyone really need a TV that stretches the length of the room and is so clear you can see the anchors' pores beneath their pancake makeup, the errant hair in a nostril, the crevasses of crows feet? What was wrong with the boxy 26 inch screens of just a decade ago? And have you seen the coffeemakers these days? There are a myriad of choices. Some of these machines are as sophisticated as what you find in Starbucks. But hey, if a person loves his coffee, this is caffeine heaven.
I've been in kitchens whose stoves rivaled those of a restaurant's. Enormous, chrome beasts whose grates look as if they could swallow you. Do any of the cooks you know need stoves like these? Do any of these stoves' owners use them to full potential? I'm sure there are some but not many. And what about the refrigerators they're selling now? They're practically walk-in. But who cares? If it makes people happy and they can afford it, who gives a heck?
        Kitchen gadgets abound. Who needs apple corers, or watermelon slicers, or mushroom brushes, or garlic keepers, or food processors, or industrial strength blenders, or paper towel racks, or banana hangers, or bread makers? Core your own apples! Slice your own watermelon! Dice your onions by hand, and knead your own dough--and shove your paper towels under your sink.
Microwave ovens? Blech. Get your ass in the kitchen and put the roast in the oven, and the potatoes. Boil the vegetables on top of the range. And do this after you've been working all day and your kids are clamoring for food and attention. Uh-huh. You go first.
        It goes without saying, that afterwards you wash the dishes by hand, because who really needs a dishwasher?
        I won't give examples about automobiles and trucks and motorcycles. About toy motorized scooters, chrome racing bikes, mountain bikes, desert vehicles with all the big wheels. Quad this. Quad that. I won't talk about the electronic industry: iPhones, dumb, smart, and smarter—they're working on smartest. Or iPads, e-readers, laptops, desktops, blackberrys and droids. Who can live without them? Why would they? Would you? COULD YOU?
        We all know about shoes. The importance in having the right shoes. Gangs take them very seriously. They steal and beat each other up over them. Schools ban certain kinds of shoes, especially if the laces are the wrong colors. These shoes cost hundreds of dollars. And how about sunglasses? We all need them, right? Especially, if we live in the western states or the sunbelt. But they have to be designer to look right. To feel good. And what about ripped jeans? A must.
        And does anyone really need the bright pink flamingo lawn ornaments or the wooden ducks, or stone cherubs? The wind chimes, the "Welcome Home Sweet Home flags? The ornamental birdhouses? Fountains? Jacuzzis and pools?
        Don't even get me started on the non-essential service industry—non-essential to regular folk: maid service, cleaning service, lawn service, acupuncturists, chiropractic, life coaches, pool cleaners, masseurs and masseuses. While, technically these are non-tangible assets that one contracts out for, it's still consumerism because it's something you want and you pay for it. Trust me, if I had the money, I'd employ all of the above, except for the pool. I haven't got one.
        I think it's fantabulous that we live in a country where even the poorest among us have some of these luxuries. And they are luxuries. They're not necessities, not exactly. But they give us choices, make us feel good, free us up, help the economy, and make life more enjoyable. Period. We are not Puritans.
        It isn't as though by depriving ourselves of "stuff" we'd start reading the classics and the moderns and discuss books like say, Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment. Or Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections.
        People would be no less hungry in Africa, or freer in Iran, or safer in North Korea; or wiser or smarter or happier.
        Do some people get caught up in consumerism? Need every new-fangled thing, and then some? Of course. Do they overextend themselves, go into debt, fall into trouble? Of course. But it isn't fair to denigrate consumerism across the board because some people can't control their spending. It would be like condemning all gambling, alcohol, or porn, all pleasurable activities—for at least some of us. Not everyone who gambles becomes an addict, not everyone who drinks becomes an alcoholic, and not everyone who watches porn is a sex addict, neither is everyone who eats dessert obese.
        If we relinquished our stuff, or at least became less anxious for the new products and waited until our stuff was obsolete, we wouldn't suddenly become devout and pious and devoted to helping one another. Charitable donations wouldn't go up. We'd be too busy cooking on the stove, scrubbing dishes, hunting for pay phones or tripping over our wall-phone cords, writing messages by hand, squinting at small TVs, mowing our own lawns, cleaning our own pools, driving clunkers, and manually opening our garage doors—okay, maybe that's a slight exaggeration—but we'd be working harder, and we'd be too damn tired to help anyone. And we'd be sad. Grieving for our stuff, our wonderful way of life. Our brains would atrophy. Our bubbles burst.
        I say viva consumerism as long as you can pay for it! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.
        What say you?
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