#☄. *. ⋆ mother.
profanecenser · 1 year
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purecetra · 3 months
tag dump I.
☄. *. ⋆ visage. ☄. *. ⋆ aes. ☄. *. ⋆ music. ☄. *. ⋆ precious daughter. ☄. *. ⋆ planet protector. ☄. *. ⋆ headcanons. ☄. *. ⋆ lore. ☄. *. ⋆ sentence starters & memes. ☄. *. ⋆ study. ☄. *. ⋆ musings. ☄. *. ⋆ character habits. ☄. *. ⋆ mannerisms. ☄. *. ⋆ fashion. ☄. *. ⋆ interests. ☄. *. ⋆ meta. ☄. *. ⋆ the mother. ☄. *. ⋆ the lover. ☄. *. ⋆ eve. ☄. *. ⋆ ooc. ☄. *. ⋆ psa.
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gojosmovingcastle · 2 months
gojo's moving castle - g. satoru
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☄. *. ☄⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚⋆☄. *. ☄☄. *. ☄⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚⋆☄. *. ☄
Satoru walked through the family home with bags full of souvenirs dangling at an alarming bag breaking weight. 
"Papa's home!" He sang through the entry hall, trading out his curse bloodied shoes for warm cat themed slippers. He lifted the bags of souvenirs back up with deep confusion etched on his face. There was no shushes from Y/n over yelling at one in the morning, nor Megumi's protest at his Papa statement were heard which worried him a bit. Tsumiki wasn't even waiting for him with a mochi she had hidden away since the night he left for his mission.
When Satoru pulled up he could hear the television sound system from the garage so he had known they were home. 
"Miki?" He peaked around the corner while following the television sounds. "Gumi?" The bags grew heavier in his hands and his brows drew with worry, he picked up his pace as the television light grew brighter. "Sweetie pie?" 
Satoru's feet came to a halt as he came around to the family room.
In front of him, there was an intricate castle built almost as tall as their very high ceiling. A smile graced the young mans face as he set the bags down. A calming tune pulled his attention to the TV to see the ending of Howl's Moving Castle.
His lips pulled even wider, remembering when Suguru had compared Y/n and Satoru to Howl and Sophie. 
His eyes had drifted down to see the Ghibli movie set Tsumiki and Megumi had gifted Y/n this most recent mothers day after she had promised to watch them all with the two.
As he grew closer to the front his heart nearly beat out of his chest, and he couldn't help the coo's that left his lips. 
There in the deep pillow castle, curled in the thick blanket Satoru had brought back from his last mission in Johannesburg, Tsumiki, Megumi, and Y/n were curled up asleep. Surrounding them were the many stuffed animals Satoru had brought Tsumiki back after every far away mission he had to go on. Which had seem to add up to a lot as it looked like the source of bedding for the three. 
Megumi was curled up into Y/n's side, clutching his Gundam action figure against her stomach. While Tsumiki was using Y/n's upper arm as a pillow as she hid her nose deep in her neck.
Satoru could tell Y/n was deeply uncomfortable, so he quickly snapped a picture and dived in to his family's castle. 
Firstly, he lifted Tsumiki and pulled her close to his chest as he settled into the couch. He then lifted Y/n's head slightly waking her up and pulled her close, legs intertwined and spread across his own. Causing Megumi to fall fully onto Y/n's stomach. 
The four were now a ball of cuddles. 
"Toru?" Y/n groggy tilted her head to him making him reach out and brush the hair from her eyes. 
"Hello, sleeping beauty." She blushed in her half-asleep state, nudging her head into his hand. He put two fingers over her lips as he saw her open her mouth to ask about his mission. "Go back to sleep, we can talk in the morning." She nodded and placed a soft kiss to his fingers and curled further into his lap, circling her arms around Megumi.
Satoru looked to the three with more love than he thought he could handle. Never in his life did he think he would experience such small but meaningful family things.
Each and every moment he spent with Y/n and the kids he thanked whatever being above that they gifted him with them after being alone for so many years. 
"I love you, Miki," he pulled Tsumiki closer to his side and wrapped the pink Hello Kitty blanket tighter around her and him. "I love you, Y/n," He wrapped his free arm around her upper chest. "I love you, Gumi." He smiled at the boy who he now sees as a son.
It was silent for a few seconds before the boys voice shocked him, "Love you too, dad, now shut up and go to sleep." Megumi grumbled, hiding his ear in Y/n's stomach, and holding his Gundam over his other ear.
Satoru didn't think he could smile any wider, but he managed.
He cherished every slip up Megumi had. A tear escaped his eye as he watched his sons face pinch as the movie got louder. He quickly reached for the remote and turned the television off, and the fireplace on with the opposite remote to encompass his loving family with more warmth.
Satoru wouldn't want to come home to anything more or less. He had everything he needed right here in this small castle. 
The warm and welcoming Gojo Castle.
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voidpetrova · 4 months
shoulder to cry on — obx men x reader
☄. *. ⋆ content warning(s) & genre: swearing, drug abuse mentioned, child abuse, assault is mentioned, previous relarionships mentioned, pining, slight unrequited love, death mentioned, suicide mentioned — hurt/comfort
˚♡ 。˚ synopsis: comforting the obx men during their time of need, helping them heal and cherishing the fact that you're their rock
sometimes, the pain of growing up with too present of a father figure is just as harmful as the lack of one. JJ MAYBANK grew up without a mother, she had left him and luke many years back, while jj was just a kid. he didn't deserve it, he didn't ask for it. he had yearned for the love of his mother, the love he would never receive. he was sure his father blamed him for it, for her leaving and never coming back. every fuck-up of his was just another reason for luke's resentment.
luke had his moments, ones where a switch would flip, and his son was the apple of his eye. it was an artificial pride, jj knew it, too. but it never stopped him from smiling, from the temporary joy that filled him to the brim, the fabricated chance that his father was proud of him.
every one of the pogues had seen the aftermath of their arguments, but no one really tried diving deeper into them. no one thought to do something about it, to take action. they all had their priorities in the way—the treasure, ward, the cross—things that jj helped with, but when would the favor be returned? he cried, body trembling with broken sobs, the thought of his pain going unnoticed rubbing salt into the wound. it didn't go unnoticed.
“c'mere, baby,” never in his life did he see himself breaking down in front of anybody, let alone a girl. he didn't harbor enough trust to let loose like that. it was his way of thinking, until you came along. you were the ray of sunshine that finally peaked, bursting through the clouds and the façade that he had so carefully put up. you were his anchor. “i'm here now.”
you were there, you really were. he sobbed, the cold tiles of the floor brushing his bare, bruised legs. he reached out to you, his breathing heavy. tears slid down your cheeks as you took him into your arms, wrapping them around his back as you pulled him in closer than ever. you were his real home, the person he felt safest with. “gonna come live with me, let me take my boy in,” you rambled through tears, his face buried in your neck as you listened to him. you listened to the way he sobbed, and you knew all he had longed for was unconditional love. “i love you, j, i'm so proud of you, so proud.”
all he could do was cry. you would take him in, your parents would take him in. all he felt was love, despite the years of craving it. he nodded through his sobs, and for a while, you sat there. you sat there with him in your arms, stroking his hair while you both cried. in the end, it was okay, because he knew he was safe.
nothing ever went to waste. no amount of hard work; blood, sweat and tears—none of it ever went to waste. it was a fact JOHN B needed help accepting. it wasn't that he didn't want to accept it, but he couldn't. every obstacle he had come across sent him into a spiralling abyss of insanity, and he needed help finding his way out.
the time he had spent following his father's tracks, the time he had spent as a refugee—away from you, away from his friends—, the time spent on trial and in a prison cell, none of it ever went to waste, and he never could've done it without you. he had his moments, episodes where he would lose it. it all became too much for him, but the moment came when he watched ward's legacy come to an end, watching his boat blow to pieces. it was all over.
you were the one that caught him when he had collapsed, falling to his knees. you fell right with him. it was all over, it was, finally, all over. he couldn't find it in his heart to believe it, to accept it. he ran a hand through his hair as tears rolled down his cheeks, his breathing elevated as he watched the frenzy of flames in the water.
“it's okay, it's done,” you had brought the words to life as you searched for his attention, hands cupping his cheeks and wiping his tears away. it was all over, a brief, temporary but, nonetheless, existent peace was in store. “you did so good, john b, it's over.”
he knew it was all over the minute he heard it from you, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you in. he found all the peace he needed in your presence, your warmth. knowing you had been there the entire time, knowing you would always be there. it was all he needed.
papers were scattered across the floor, the room dark and quiet. he didn't need the silence, it was the last thing he wanted. his thoughts ate him alive, sweat trickling down his temple as he sat on the floor, hands pressed against his ears as if to mute the voices in his head. the voices told POPE HEYWARD that he would never amount to anything, that all of his work went to waste. he would never be significant amongst the pogues, not as much as jj and john b. he would never be significant in his father's eyes, in the eyes of the future. no scholarship, no future. nothing. as if there was nothing in store for him.
the only source of light had come to life when his door had cracked open, the light in the hallway embracing his features, his red eyes and the tear stains on his cheeks. his father had let you in, guiding you into his room almost immediately, a worried expression on his face. you frowned when you saw him, running to his feet as fast as you could.
“pope,” you began, pausing to scan the mess in his room. the scattered papers, the broken pencils and books that had been torn apart. “talk to me, baby, what's the matter?” he couldn't meet your gaze as he shook his head, allowing the tears to fall freely. all he wanted, more than anything, was a chance at life.
when he finally began breaking down, he didn't fight back as you pulled him into your arms. you felt him tense up, but the feeling lasted a split second, no longer. “there's nothing for me out there, is there?” you could barely make out what he was saying through his tears. your warm hand stroked his cheek as you shook your head, planting a kiss on his forehead.
“got such a bright future, pope, i promise,” you whispered, and it meant something to him. all the pushing, all the fighting he had been doing just to be important. he wanted to find his place, wanted to make everybody proud. “just don't forget me when you're out studying in new york, when you're rich and famous, living in a villa.” he laughed through his tears, and you couldn't resist joining.
despite joking, there was a hint of seriousness in your words. “i won't, i promise.” his words had come out more clearly the second time around. you placed another kiss onto his forehead, “you've come so far, pope. i'm so proud of you, you're gonna be great.” it meant something, more than when people pushed his limits, his capabilities. it was enough to know, at least someone, thought he was doing enough.
when you separated from his touch, he felt his heart stop, his eyes searching your return the following second. you offered him a soft smile as you showed him what you were doing, picking up what had been discarded and thrown around the room. the papers, the books. picking up pieces of him, putting them back together.
things had a way of falling into place the same way they had a way of falling apart. sometimes, fate was nice, and decided to show a way out. an exit, despite the previous challenges that awaited completion. RAFE CAMERON was lost, he had no way out, it seemed. a glass child—an abusive, narcissistic sociopath, that's what he was, right? everyone knew him as an aggressive, spoiled cokehead. no one thought to ask why? how?
bags of the white powder remained on his table, sealed shut, two weeks after ward had killed himself. sometimes, he found himself contemplating taking a few lines, knowing his body had grown accustomed to them. two weeks, he had been clean for two weeks. he couldn't have done it alone, he knew that. waking up in the middle of the night from a nightmare with a dry throat, in cold sweat. it wasn't something he could fathom doing alone.
“it's not your fault, rafe,” for the first time in a long time, he was quiet. for the first time, he was the one doing the listening. he listened to you, he had to. “you did so good, baby. you protected him, your family. it wasn't sarah or rose, it was all you.” every little sacrifice, every little thing he did, was him ripping a piece of himself off to save his father. all he ever wanted was to matter, to be his son. not a pawn or a disappointment, he wanted his validation. when ward died, everything seemed to go with him, his love included.
tears clouded his eyes and he sniffled, throat growing thick with tears as he listened. “he's gone, rafey. he's dead, and we can't bring him back,” you sat yourself next to him, fingers desperately grazing his face as you brushed away the tears that fell loosely. “but he died loving you, and you know it. none of this would have been possible without you. he died proud, knowing his son saved him. none of us could do it, it was all you.”
it was everything he needed to hear. he couldn't imagine crying in front of his girlfriend, any girl, as a matter of fact. it was different with you. you didn't tell him to man up like barry did, you didn't tell him he was alright, even though he wasn't, like ward had. you listened, you comforted. you took him into your arms as he finally began to cry, using your free hand to throw the powder-filled bags into the bin next to the sofa. he cried, like never before. there was no limit with you.
“good job, rafey. did so good for him.” he didn't care about the coke, he didn't care about the withdrawals. he didn't feel the need for any of it, not while he was with you. you kissed his cheek as you pulled him in closer, letting him stain your shirt as he continued to cry. you would let him come to you during any time of need, you needed to keep him afloat when he needed it the most. and he loved you for it.
you had healed a heart you didn't break. maybe you were his guardian angel, maybe you were sent by a higher power, maybe you were what sealed his fate. TOPPER THORNTON knew he had his phases, specifically, the period he spent chasing a girl who wanted nothing to do with him. he wasn't her destination, he was just a stop along the way. he was good to sarah, he always let her come back to him when she wanted nothing to do with john b. after every argument, he accepted her temporary presence, even though he knew she'd always go back to him. he accepted the love he thought he was meant to receive, before meeting you.
he had stopped letting her come back, he let you heal his heart, even though it wasn't yours to heal. he let himself fall apart. for once, he was someone's to fall apart and put back together. he couldn't play the savior anymore, it was all you. it was you who treated him to dinner, who made promises—not to break, but to keep. you were the one who distracted him from his mother, his past, the peer pressure and mistakes along the way.
“they don't define you,” is what you'd tell him. it took convincing, it took repetition, but it stopped going in one ear and out the other. he finally realized it once he har started floating adrift, straying and going towards rafe and kalce, who had him coked up, in the presence of girls who wanted him drunk with his wallet full. each time he came back, drugged and drunk, you waited for him. it began to dial down, he had started declining the offers. getting himself back, with your help.
you knew how thankful he was, and you knew you couldn't leave him be. when you prepared him breakfast in bed, you knew that all your work could go down the drain at any moment, but you didn't care. you never stopped. it was worth it, to you. it was worth seeing the way his face lit up. for once, it was him receiving love, as much as he gave.
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madame-fear · 7 months
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Check out HOTD masterlist, part one for more content. ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Check out HOTD masterlist, part two for more content.
—♡ last updated : 09 / 02 / 23 | requests : closed —
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↳˗ˏˋ HEADCANONS ˊˎ˗ ↴
꒰ LUCERYS VELARYON ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ JACAERYS VELARYON ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ VELARYON BOYS ꒱ • General NSFW headcanons with a Wife!Reader • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ RHAENYRA TARGARYEN ꒱ • Yandere!Mother!Rhaenyra with a Daughter!Reader. • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ AEGON TARGARYEN II ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ AEMOND TARGARYEN ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ HELAENA TARGARYEN ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ SEVERAL CHARACTERS ꒱ • Christmas with the Hightowers and Targaryens. • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
↳˗ˏˋ ONE SHOTS ˊˎ˗ ↴
꒰ LUCERYS VELARYON ꒱ • To Hold Dear | Lucerys x Pregnant!Wife!Reader • Heirs of the Tides | Lucerys x Shipping Businessman Daughter!Reader • Venus as a Boy | Lucerys x Reader [ NSFW, prompt 105 ] • Still Waters Run Deep | One Eyed!Lord!Lucerys x Reader [ part one ] • Still Waters Run Deep | One Eyed!Lord!Lucerys x Reader [ part two, NSFW ] • Unravel | Ghost!Lucerys x Widow!Reader • Jealousy, Jealousy | Lucerys x Jealous!Reader [ angst to fluff ]. • Silk Kisses | Lucerys x Reader [ fluff ]. • Stirb Nicht Vor Mir (Don’t Die Before I Do) | Lucerys x Prophetic!Reader • Thin Needles Disrupt Silk Threads | Lord!Lucerys x Celtigar!Reader [ angst to smut ] • Issa Perzitsos (My Little Flame) | Lord!Lucerys x Wife!Reader [ NSFW ] • Possibly Maybe | Lucerys x Targaryen-Hightower!Green!Reader. • Dragonsong | Modern!Guitarist!Lucerys x Reader • Heartstring | Modern!Lucerys x Reader • Duty & Sacrifice | Lucerys x Maid!Reader [ angst to fluff ]. • Yellow Daffodils | Lucerys x Targ/Hightower!Wife!Reader [ fluff ]. • Petrichor Salt | Lord!Lucerys x Lady (of Driftmark)!Reader [ NSFW ] • Like Someone in Love | Lord!Lucerys x Lady (of Driftmark)!Reader • Sealed in Silk | Lord!Lucerys x Shipping Businesswoman!Reader [ NSFW, part two of Heirs of the Tides ]. • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ JACAERYS VELARYON ꒱ • Say It | Modern!Jacaerys x Jealous!Reader [ friends-to-lovers ] • Tear You Apart | Dark/Yan!Jacaerys • Scarlet Hue | Jacaerys x Princess Regent!Reader • Trying Not To Need You (Is Tearing Me Apart) | Jacaerys x Tully!(Redheaded!)Reader [ enemies-to-lovers, NSFW ] • Bastard for Bastard | Jacaerys x Daemon’s Bastard Daughter!Reader [ angst to fluff ]. • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ VELARYON BOYS ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ RHAENYRA TARGARYEN ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ AEGON TARGARYEN II ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ AEMOND TARGARYEN ꒱ • Bloodrose | Aemond x Velaryon!Niece/Wife!Reader [ NSFW ] • Come To Me | Jealous/Possesive!Aemond x Reader • Fireburn | Aemond x Reader • Not Everyday is a Lazy Sunday | Modern!Aemond x Reader [ NSFW ] • It May Be | Modern!Aemond x Reader [ Enemies to Lovers ] • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ HELAENA TARGARYEN ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ SEVERAL CHARACTERS ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
↳˗ˏˋ IMAGINES ˊˎ˗ ↴
꒰ LUCERYS VELARYON ꒱ • Being Lucerys future wife, and him taking you on dragonrides. [ slight mention of NSFW ] • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ JACAERYS VELARYON ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ VELARYON BOYS ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ RHAENYRA TARGARYEN ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ AEGON TARGARYEN II ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ AEMOND TARGARYEN ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ HELAENA TARGARYEN ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
꒰ SEVERAL CHARACTERS ꒱ • To be updated soon, check previous masterlists for more content.
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aecassie · 2 years
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🍰₊˚.༄ ೃ -- ,,🍥 ·˚ ༘ ꒱🍧 .˚ ᵎ┊͙◟̆◞̆ˏˋ🌳°•*⁀➷ ❝ ❞ ✧ ೃ༄⋆ ☄︎.·˚ *🔭⌦ ❝
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑠 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑘𝑦𝑙𝑒'𝑠 "𝑧𝑜𝑚𝑏𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛" 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑖𝑚, 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑖𝑚 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑚𝑜𝑚 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒. 𝒴𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑛'𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛, ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑜.
𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟: 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡, 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘚𝘈, 𝘬𝘺𝘭𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 :(, 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢, 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘺/𝘯.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: 𝑦𝑒𝑝, 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑎𝑑. 𝐼 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑘𝑦𝑙𝑒'𝑠 𝑚𝑜𝑚, 𝑖𝑓 𝑖 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡. 𝒦𝑦𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟, 𝑓𝑎𝑣 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑒, 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠!
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: @sireanmagne <3
𝚈/𝙽 = 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎
𝙷/𝙲 = 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚒𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚛
𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑒𝑛!𝑘𝑦𝑙𝑒 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚!𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ!𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
𓂂 ˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ 🦷 ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳ ˖👥 빨 : 🪡 간 . 색✺ · 𓈒 ꕊ🦴. ⁺ ˳ ✢ ̥ৎ୭ ॱ 🌇ꊞ₊ . ྀྀ‎⠀◌
You had moved to the academy 5 months ago. You was a witch, young but talented.
Your powers are several: Telepathy, regeneration, healing, telekinesis, mind manipulation, environment manipulation and fire manipulation. You were the only witch in the academy capable of fully manipulating an element of nature, fire of course.
In short, you are considerably powerful.
Your main power (the one you use the most) is Telepathy, and the way it works on you is, let's say, "unusual". You can read anyone's mind if you place your palm lightly on their head. You also manages to reassure her by closing your eyes and passing your white magic to her.
On your second day at the academy, you went to a frat party (which you hate) with Madison, where as a result of various events, she overturned a bus. The problem was, your best friend Kyle Spencer was in there. And he ended up dying, even though he didn't do anything.
You then went to the morgue along with Madison, gathered his and other boys' body parts and "resuscitated" him. Well, "resurrected", because Madison gave up halfway through the process, you had to do the rest and Kyle woke up like an angry Frankenstein, who killed one of the guards on the premises.
Your power eventually summoned Misty, who took care of him.
You took him to the academy, Madison stayed for a few days wanting to "share him" with you, but when she got tired of it, she let it go. Since then, you've been taking care of Kyle, literally. You bring him food, help him put his clothes on, give him pictures to color, put him to sleep and much more. Kind of like nobody cares about Kyle, they always put him on the sidelines, except for you and sometimes Zoe.
Fiona found Kyle's supposed mother, and told you to "get rid of the kid quickly". Cordelia advised you to "take him where he shouldn't have left, to his home."
There you were, with no choice, packing the 2 shirts and 2 pants that Kyle had. He looked at you confused, sitting on the edge of your bed.
"C-clothes? W-w-why?" -- Kyle asks you and looks at you innocently, what broke you. -- "You'll know, Ky."
Clothes folded, you and Kyle headed to your car, heading to his mother's house. Glancing to the side, you saw Kyle watching the trees pass outside the window in fascination. "What do I do?" You asked yourself, thinking of the pain of simply leaving Kyle there, as if he were an object you used and no longer want.
It wasn't like that. You didn't want it to be like this.
You was thinking about turning around and staying with him like you promised.
But it was his mother, and you knew better than anyone how bad it was not having your own mother around.
You parked the car, got out and went to the backseat, where Kyle was. When he looked and saw the front of the house, he started to cringe, and the more you tried to get him out of the car, the more he grunted.
"What's wrong, Kyle? It's your house, we need to go. Your mother is desperate." -- It was in vain.
Around 4 or 5 minutes later, you managed to get him out of the vehicle. You took him to the door of the house, but you stayed there, waiting for his mother. The woman's face revealed itself the moment she opened the door. She reached out, trying to hug Kyle, but he was like a small child when he hugged around your waist.
"NO!" Kyle yelled, startling you. Kyle's mother then asked you to give her the boy, and so you tried to. -- "NO!!" Kyle yelled louder, and that was when you realized something wasn't right. -- "Ky, it's your mother. It's okay, I can come visit you." - You said it calmly, but as the words left your lips, he seemed to despair more. -- "S-stay." - Kyle said and you look at him confused. -- "W-w-with -y-you." Kyle was already crying. -- "Kyle, I can't keep you away from your own mother" -- You explained and felt the grip on your waist intensify. -- "Exactly Kyle, listen to what she said. Remember me? I'm your mommy, my good boy." -- My good boy. As soon as Kyle heard those words he seemed to lose his mind. -- "NO! Y-YOU NO! Y/N!" -- He said furiously, hugging you so tight that you thought if he let go you would fall.
You lifted your head and looked him deep in the eyes. -- "Kyle, what happened?" -- He just took your right hand and pressed your palm over his forehead. You understood what he meant. -- "Want me to find out what you're thinking?" - He nodded. Kyle's mom looked at you confused.
You closed your eyes and that's when you saw it. You saw everything Kyle went through.
Flashbacks of his screams, his despair.
You couldn't clearly identify who the woman on top of him was, but then you forced yourself to see.
And it was her. Kyle's own mother.
Tears streamed down yourr eyes as you removed your hand from the boy's face. All your sadness turned to hate in a matter of seconds. Kyle's flashbacks weren't the only ones that came to mind. Yours too. No one ever knew, no one but your mother. When you were 7 you went through the same situation, but with your uncle. "Uncle John" was what you use to call him. That ended your life.
You started to cry, but gathered all your strength and slapped the woman on the left side of the face, who tried to fight back, but before she could, she was thrown into a concrete wall. Your telekinesis was still developing, but it was pretty good.
You would go after her, but you heard Kyle's soft cry. -- "I-I'll s-s-stay with y-you?" -- Kyle asked -- "Yes Ky, you will. I don't care about Fiona, I'll manage." - You gently run your hands over Kyle's face and hug him, letting him wet your shoulder with tears. You two went to your car, got in and looked at each other. -- "It will take a while for Fiona to accept you there. Isn't it better you move in with Misty?" -- He shakes his head frantically. -- "I- d-don't c-care h-how long-it t-takes. A-as long as I-I-I'm-with y-y-you, I-Im s-s-safe." Kyle looked at you. He smiled when he said it, and damn, his smile. You would easily describe him as a helpless little angel. A helpless little angel who needed you, your love, your affection and your protection.
And you would make sure you secure all of that for him.
Without even noticing, small tears ran down your rosy cheeks. You kind of felt "special" to someone for a moment. You could finally help someone, give the love you never received. Grinning tight-lipped, you placed your hand on top of Kyle's, who lowered his head and looked at you again, his eyes twinkling. -- "I think it's a good idea for us to go to Starbucks first, don't you?" Kyle smiles back, you turn to grab the steering wheel and head towards the cafeteria. You picked up the coffee menu and showed it to Kyle, he pointed to the latte topped with whipped cream. It was always his favorite, even before his death. You've chosen a coffee-based Frappuccino, the best in your humble opinion. Leaving the place with 2 cups in your hands, you handed one of them to Kyle, who was waiting for you sitting on one of the wooden benches. Kyle smiled and tried to drink the coffee, knocking it over a little, but the mess was soon cleaned up by you, with the help of a tissue that you took already anticipating a possible accident.
After having your drinks, you decided to go back to the academy.
"Oh my God, if that old bitch finds out he's back, she'll kill you!" -- Madison says ironically and you just roll your eyes and take him to the main room. -- "Hey, he wasn't going to leave?" - Queenie asks confused pointing to Kyle. -- "Yes, but not anymore." - You smile slightly and when you try to continue your way with Kyle, you are stopped by the voices of Cordelia and… Fiona.
"I told you, Fiona" -- Cordelia's tone sounded amused. -- "Jesus Christ, what the hell do I need to do or say to get you to start obeying me?!" -- Fiona throws you across the room and Kyle quickly runs to you. Lucky for you that, after taking the woman's "punishes" so much, it didn't even hurt anymore. -- "Y/n?" - Kyle places his hands on your face, analyzing every detail of you. -- "I'm fine, Ky, it's okay." Fiona rolls her eyes and lights a cigarette. -- "Okay, keep the kid, but take care of him. I'm nobody's babysitter." -- Fiona's voice wasn't so close anymore, it was in the hallway. Kyle looked at you worried, but seemed to calm down when you gave him a reassuring smile, even though you were a little dizzy. -- "Let's go?" -- You ask Kyle who agrees and takes your hand helping you to get up. You two go to the shared room and lie down together. He snuggles his face into the crook of your neck and clings to your waist. You pull a blanket over you, his favorite. -- "S-song?" Kyle looked at you like a puppy dog ​​and you smiled, knowing he wanted you to sing to him, which definitely calmed him down and put him to sleep. You started petting, lightly messing up the boy's blond hair, who smiled and lowered his eyes. A beautiful melody came out of your lips, in particular, one from one of the Disney movies, entitled "Brilliant Flower Shine". For anyone else, that would be stupid. But for you and him, it was comforting. His thin, relaxing voice sounded, Kyle's heartbeat calmed and the tightness in his chest eased away. Looking closely, you noticed Kyle sleeping. You smiled and hugged him fully, kissing the top of his disheveled blond hair and falling asleep next to him afterwards.
"No one will ever hurt you again, Ky."
That was your promise from that day on. And you wouldn't break it.
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@sireanmagne, hope you like it! <3
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reyanfia · 1 year
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the warrior and his healer — neteyam x reader ☄. *. ⋆➢ part two!
other chapters are up! read it here -> chapter 1, chapter 3, chapter 4
setting: awa'atlu, pandora.
pairing: neteyam x fem!metkayina!reader
warnings: this chapter has a little bit of fluff between reader and tsireya, and we all love tsireya so that's not a problem.
summary: confused about your feelings towards the sully boy, you discuss your thoughts with tsireya after a long day of welcoming the tulkuns home.
a/n: i am very grateful for the amount of engagement that i received in the previous chapter <33 i swear it caught me so off guard seeing it reach that high in just a few hours! you guys really motivated me to write this one. i owe you guys ^^
also not much is really happening in this chapter, however the next one will definitely be worth it.
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the next day, you joined tsireya, ao'nung and rotxo in teaching the sully kids. it was a lot more fun than you thought, the youngest one — tuk — being your number one source of serotonin during the entire session.
lo'ak was so embarassingly obvious around tsireya, you couldn't help but laugh along with everyone every single time he messes up his words.
you also got a look at how the eldest daughter, kiri, could control the sea life while you were swimming around collecting seashells. you had never been so amazed by someone.
and then there was neteyam.
after your little interaction with him yesterday, you felt most comfortable around him. he felt the same. you would often find yourself floating towards him, and it wasn't even intentional. it's like the sea was doing this to you on purpose.
you started to join their training sessions, them all being your only source of entertainment. it was tiring, but your mother had reminded you about how you should go outside every once in a while. so you were having fun and following your mother's orders at the same time. double win!
your friendship with the sully kids grew everyday. they visited your marui every now and then, taking a look and accompanying you as you were studying.
but you found yourself enjoying neteyam's company the most. and oddly enough, you still weren't sure why.
— ☄. . ⋆✧ .
a few months pass by, and the test was nearing.
neteyam was your closest friend out of all the sully's now, always reassuring you of your skills in days of doubt.
countless times have you tried your pastes and other medicines on him, each and every one successful.
he had spent many eclipses in your marui, helping you out during your study sessions, telling you stories from back home, entertaining you and keeping you company during your most stressful times. you couldn't be more grateful for him.
both of you had grown fond of the other, in a way that when others look at the both of you, they would assume that you and neteyam were a pair.
and it wasn't hard to see why. anytime neteyam was injured, he'd only go to you, and never the elder healers. he'd always walk beside you, smiling while listening to you rant about whatever it was about medicine that you discovered.
and you would do the same. you always listened to his stories with a content expression, you liked to sit with him by the ocean as he sharpened his hunting weapons.
you were both basically inseparable.
— ☄. . ⋆✧ .
you sighed for the 12th time that day. and it wasn't even noon yet. "I just— I can't seem to understand how this works. whatever this is." you planted your face into your hands in defeat.
you had been trying to figure out something in the scriptures since the first few minutes of day. you still haven't been able to decipher it. "take a break, _____. you've been spinning your head off on this since dawn. you haven't even ate breakfast yet," neteyam said, crouching down next you as your hands dramatically limp to your side.
he smiles sympathetically at your state. grabbing your hand, he lifts you out of your misery and drags you out the marui. you only followed wherever he brought you, your mind still thinking about that thing you couldn't understand.
you don't know how you didn't notice, but neteyam has now brought you to the ocean. the only way you realized was when he snaps his fingers in front of your face, breaking you out of your confused daze.
"shall we go for a swim?"
you wanted to say no. you wanted you go back home, and keep reading until you figure something out. that was the most important thing right now.
but you couldn't find yourself to do that, not when he's taking you by the hands. you find yourself nodding, slowly stepping into the lukewarm water.
"what's the harm in a little swim?" you thought to yourself.
on the count of 3, both of you took a breath in and sank down into the water.
both of you swam around, aimlessly, only admiring the flora and fauna that lived in the ocean. you let the ocean carry away your frustrations, and relish in the moment.
you and him had fun collecting glimmering seashells, shiny rocks, and some stuff you may have wanted to use in your studying. well, it was mostly just you dragging neteyam around and he's just tending to your interests. not that he's mad at it though. in fact, it's what he likes the most about you.
you stuffed your collections into a little pouch that was tied neatly by your hip.
a sudden change in surroundings made you look up. the water around you seemed to be, vibrating. the animals around you were frantic, swimming in all kinds of directions. the bioluminescent plants also seemed to be flashing.
you turned to neteyam. "what's happening?" you signed, in which he shrugged in reply.
both of you swam to the surface, the sound of horns immediately filling both your ears. and it wasn't just any horn, it was the horn that is usually blown to signify celebration.
you both looked into the distance, and neteyam couldn't help noticing the beaming smile that made it's way up your face. you dragged him out of the water, giving him absolutely no explanation why until you both reached to where everyone in the village had gathered.
tsireya's singsong voice drifted in the air, "everybody! our brothers and sisters have returned!"
neteyam took a moment to look at the people — they seemed incredibly happy and joyous, celebrating the animals' return. he watched as you jumped gleefully. the boy was wondering as to what exactly has returned, but upon a closer look, it seemed like a pod of whales.
he followed after you as you ran to the edge of the woven walkway and dived into the sea, calling for your ilu. "let's go, neteyam!"
your ilu came from under, and you both grabbed onto it's harnesses. neteyam sat behind you, and off the ilu went.
the ilu swam quickly towards the tulkun, seemingly excited itself, and all you could think about was finding your spirit sister.
you told the ilu through the tsaheylu to stop when you were near the tulkuns. your smile hadn't wiped off your face since you left the shore, and it caught onto neteyam too.
you unliked your queue from your ilu, letting it go. you then took neteyam by the hand, bringing both of you swimming towards your spirit sister.
"aritxa! it's been so long!" you signed quickly, sharing a cheery look with neteyam. aritxa replied to you joyfully, "indeed it has, _____! how have you been?"
you smiled up at her. it seems she did not notice the boy next to you yet. "i've been doing well. oh and this is my friend, neteyam! he and his family are living in our clan now."
neteyam was amazed as to how your behaviour around your spirit sister was entirely different as to your everyday actions. you seemed at your happiest right now, communicating back and forth with aritxa. it made him wish you were like that with him, too.
not long after you introduced him to aritxa, kiri and tuk came by on an ilu, inviting neteyam to meet rotxo's spirit brother.
he gave you a look, as if asking for permission. he kind of hoped you'd insist on him staying, but you allowed them to take him away.
once he was far enough, you continued the conversation. "i'm training to become a healer. the tsahìk will announce her choices next 2 weeks and i've been busy these past few months. neteyam has been a big help, though." you signed, swimming beside her a little further from the pod.
"he must be special, then. all your life, your only friends were tsireya, ao'nung and rotxo. they were all you spoke about everytime we returned." aritxa teases, resulting in you bashfully waving an arm at her.
"he's just a friend! a really good one. his siblings are my friends, too. it's nothing special." you replied.
aritxa hums, "whatever you say. but he is different, right? the way you feel between him and his siblings are not the same."
you cast your eyes to the ocean floor in thought. "well, I guess so. don't tell anyone else about this! I'll be embarrassed." you confirmed her suspicions, smiling shyly.
you then held onto aritxa's fin, swimming with her as you listened to all her stories from when she was away.
however, you didn't know that a certain sully boy had been watching your conversation from afar.
— ☄. . ⋆✧ .
that evening, neteyam did not come to your marui. that's fine. it happens sometimes. maybe he's tired from meeting the tulkuns.
but you can't help but feel a little disappointed at his absence. it was as if you were looking forward to seeing him, outside your marui, ready to accompany you.
tsireya was braiding your hair behind you, humming to you as an attempt to soothe your nervous energy. she could sense it, and it was strong. you sat in front of her, playing with a blue flower that neteyam had given you while you were swimming with him that morning.
you were wondering whether you should discuss with tsireya about how you feel. you had to get this out of the way so it doesn't bother your work.
"should i tell her, should i not, should i tell her, should i not..." you repeated this mantra over and over in your head as you plucked the petals of the flower. each word slowly making you lose patience and sanity.
and with each petal plucked, it kept reminding you of him. images of neteyam would float into your head, refusing to leave you alone. oh, that stupid smile of his. it was way too sweet. sometimes you wish you could just kiss it off—
you huffed audibly, tossing the stem to your side.
tsireya's hands stopped working, ears perked when she heard your not-so-quiet noise of frustration. "what's wrong, _____? you've been restless all evening. something is troubling you."
you sighed, clumping all the plucked petals together. "im not sure if i should tell you this, reya. i'm screwed."
tsireya clicked her tongue. she began to finish braiding the last strands of your hair, and when she was done, she turned to sit in front of you.
she smiled softly, patting your shoulder. "it is alright to tell me. if i can, i will help you. whatever it is."
you held her hand that was on your shoulder, englufing it in your two hands. pursing your lips, you hesitantly started. "i.. i may have, um— feelings. for neteyam."
right when you said that, the ends of tsireya's mouth quirked up. "this is not funny, reya! i have to do something about this problem, it may distract me from my studies—"
the girl in front of you laughs. "no! i mean, no. _____, your feelings, they are not a problem. don't view them as a distraction," she paused a few seconds, trying to find the right words to say.
she slipped her hand out of yours, reversing the action. your hands are now held by hers tightly, in order to get her point across. "look, the best you can do right now, is to accept it. now, i know it sounds like nonsense, but if you... hm, if you let it in, it will not kill you. sure, it may put you off track of some things for a bit, however if you resist it, you'll only end up hurting yourself more."
you couldn't bring yourself to meet her eyes. although she knew that you were listening to her every word.
"and after that? what do i do? it's not like it'll go away if i just take it in." your voice sounded helpless, giving a slight pang to your friend's heart.
"oh dear _____. this may be just a temporary crush, but if your feelings are serious and true, it is best to tell him. now, do not think of rejection and any of that sort, we are not at that stage yet," tsireya giggles, lifting your mood a little.
"but whatever happens, do not fear it. do not resist it. your feelings, they are only natural. alright?"
her soft-spoken voice really earned it's place in your heart. you didn't waste a beat, nodding at her words.
she smiles at you once again, which you finally returned. "now, go and have a rest. i must return home."
her thumbs run over your hands before she let go. you watched as she walked out your marui, giving you a brief sight of the purple eclipse skies outside as she lifted the entrance flap.
maybe she's right. maybe it is just a temporary crush.
but whatever it is, tomorrow is going to kill you. and hopefully in a good way.
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tagging: @azaleaniath @theycallmesia @saturnheartz @mirikusashes @thesecretsoftheuniverse @fanboyluvr
tags that won't work: @goatmilkaddict @erenjaegerwifee
[other parts are out! check top of this post.]
those who request to be in the taglist under this chapter, will be tagged in the next one. thank you!
next part will be out soon :]
also thank you, like really big thanks, to everyone who reblogs and likes my work. you guys make me feel happy, it's literally my serotonin dose. thank you guys! so much!
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
black mascara — EZ REYES
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A|N: in honor of the season 5 trailer, I had to write a little something. This one will actually be small since I don’t have too much to go off of in writing this but I can’t lie and say I’m not a little fired up! So get comfy.
GIF BELONGS to: @dailymayans
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“See that crave for power…that’s seeping through your pores is exactly what’s gonna get you killed, Ezekiel.”
“…if that happens to be the case, I hope they know their prayers well because I’ll still be here from beyond the grave.”
She did not know this person that she sat face to face with. She didn’t even know what that statement means. Majority of the time Hadiza kept out of The Mayans business, despite the fact that her older brother Franky interacted with them from time to time. She knew Ezekiel way before he decided to join the club and although she’s seen the Mayans around town, she didn’t have much of a opinion when the man first brought the idea to the table a week before his release.
Now she wished she would have.
Back then she trusted that Ez knew what he was doing.
This Ezekiel was not the man she used to know.
Hadiza had a feeling this would happen, that as soon as Ezekiel got into the president’s chair, a whole new level of danger would be unleashed. She saw the shift in Ezekiel throughout his time in the charter happen gradually, that her worries started to keep her up at night. The lack of sleep even proposed her to talk to Felipe about it, who simply listened and still had faith in his baby boy until Gabby came around.
Which was kinda foul the longer she thought about it. Was her word really not good enough when she’s been around? She’ll have to take that up with Felipe at a later time, respectfully.
She’s known Ezekiel since high school…it’s been years since they stepped into their adulthood. However a good portion of Ezekiel’s youth was ripped away from him the night his mother died.
Yes people change…but not like this.
Hadiza was beginning to think that a piece of Ezekiel died with his mother that day but what could she say about him now? So much has happened since then and He wasn’t the same—sure it was foolish to think that he would be completely healed from that tragedy but the light in his pretty honey eyes, did not reflect what was beyond them or what was on the outside.
“So that’s it then,” she raised her shoulders, “you’re gonna waste your life away for reckless shit? You’re better than this Ezekiel.”
“What do you exactly expect me to do? This is the duty that I’ve strived for. And you’re looking at me as if we didn’t know it would always end up being this way. I know you didn’t think this shit was rainbows and daisies, you’re much smarter than gabby in that sense.” Ezekiel bit, yanking a cigarette from his pocket.
Hadiza shook her head, “speaking ill of the dead…somebody that you killed and claimed to love like she was just nothing to you. I’m not feeling this. Or you.”
“There’s the door, fucking use it,” Ezekiel flared his nostrils as he pointed at the exit, “you’re the one who came here trying to preach to me what I’ve already heard. And what I’ve told myself before back when I was weak. What? you thought shit was gonna change because it’s coming from you? I’ve got to be smarter than that, especially when it comes to the club and nothing you can say to me right now…matters.”
“Then what does, motherfucker?!” She was on her feet now, “greed? Selfishness? No wait. I got it, your ego.”
The man lifted his shoulders, not needing to say anything more or seemed to be the least bit phased by the irritation that was showing in his long-time friend’s frame.
“Going after the sons—
“I don’t want to hear it.” Ez glared, “I’ve seen enough wars to not fear a damn thing. Don’t you ever question: Where does fear get you, diza? Look in the mirror. Everybody pays a price with the cards they’ve been dealt.”
The woman chewed down on her bottom lip in annoyance, “and just how much are you willing to lose?”
“That’s something I’ve got to reflect on in my own time…but you’re here.” Ezekiel kept his eyes trained on the woman, puffing on his cigarette.
Before Hadiza could lose the courage she said, “Fuck your subliminal and fuck you.”
“We’ve already done that, remember? With Sofia watching in the background. I think the message then was very clear and something you should thank me for.”
That was so low and disrespectful, considering that Hadiza had a moment and went to someone who she thought cared about her well-being. At that time she just received the news that her fiancé wanted to break off the engagement after cheating on her with a co-worker and the first person she went to was Ezekiel. He was the first person she thought about and felt complete with—a mistake on her end, sure but she wasn’t expecting him to have company other than Sally.
The smirk that was on his lips was smacked right off by her hand. However that did not stop Ez from yanking on her wrist and getting into her face.
Anyone was fair game at this point.
This she knew deep down.
He could end it all, right here in this trailer.
What made her any different?
Did he even love her anymore? Or was she just another ploy in the way Ezekiel floated around life now? Hadiza was not part of the club so why was she becoming collateral damage?
“You don’t get to come here and think our friendship and reminiscing about the old times, or guilt trip me about Gabby, would stop me or save me from myself. That’s not your job, never was amor. Sorry I couldn’t live in your fantasy of being a good ol’ friend to you anymore. But that’s life, so either continue standing by and keep your mouth shut or take a walk and don’t look back.” Ezekiel gritted into her face and that hurt more than him squeezing her wrist.
The black ink dripped down her brown cheeks as she hissed, “you’re done to me.”
And this she hoped she meant. She couldn’t stick around and she knew Ezekiel was pushing her to do so but ultimately it was her choice. Her eyes stung from the makeup as she clenched them closed, fighting away the memories of their teenage years: watching Ezekiel love Emily, having intense debates over literature in class and outside of, him being there for her first heartbreak and attempting to get angel to drive him to the asshole who broke her heart house to egg it and piss on their front doorstep, to Marisol Reyes encouraging her to keep loving her son the best way that she knew how…
“Good,” Ezekiel breathed into her face, shoving her fist back down her by her sides.
He broke eye contact after awhile since she no longer had any words for him. He placed the cigarette back to his lips as he slouched back on the couch. Hadiza swiped the mascara from the bags underneath her eyes, deeply inhaling and battled with herself on what to do or say.
The words fell empty just like the relationship she once had with the man she called her best friend.
She sniffed as she snatched up her bag, making sure she had her keys before she took her exit. The door to the trailer opened on her way, revealing Sofia who easily picked up on the tension in the home. Her dark eyes shifted between the pair but Hadiza patiently waited for the wavy haired woman to get out of her way.
Ez pressed his elbows into his knees as he grunted, “What is it, Sofia?”
If Hadiza continued to be foolish she would have tried to believe that the tone of his voice was telling her something, besides him being an asshole. That perhaps he didn’t truly want their friendship to end but that’s the difference between the two, she didn’t have to be selfish.
“Um, you’ve some company. Bishop and Tranq are outside.” Sofia informed as she stepped into the trailer with Sally.
Ez quickly got to his feet, putting his cigarette out in a nearby ashtray and brushed his shoulder by Hadiza as he left the trailer. Sofia easily picked up on the woman taking a sharp breath at his actions but didn’t speak on it.
It didn’t take the most intelligent person to understand that something transpired between the two. Their relationship didn’t threaten what she had with EZ and in a way, Sofia actually thought it was beautiful. How their relationship didn’t appear to be transactional or circumstantial. How simply being next to each other was enough for them. Or it used to be. Yet Sofia wasn’t naïve to think that it would last with the new propositions EZ took on.
Sometimes that’s just the way life worked out and the sooner Hadiza figured that out…maybe she could protect her heart a bit better.
It was a little awkward as Hadiza had to collect herself, hand on the trailer’s door before she went outside. Sofia wasn’t one for words and she wasn’t sure anything she could say would provide comfort for Hadiza either. After what happened right here in this trailer, weeks ago, it’s not like the two had the chance to really talk about it.
They didn’t have to but it seemed like Hadiza always had a lot on her mind.
Thankfully for Sofia, Hadiza pushed the door open, not sparing her a glance, either placing herself on autopilot or trying her best to ignore her presence—it didn’t bother Sofia one way or another as Hadiza left the home.
“See you around then,” Sofia muttered, taking a seat on the couch, after the door clicked shut behind Hadiza.
Her long legs kicked up the dirt as she passed by the group of men on the side. She couldn’t get away from the place fast enough, feeling her heart being squeezed with each step she took.
“Hey,” Tranq started to call out to the woman but it was almost as if she heard nothing while she shoved herself into her car.
Bishop’s eyes were back on EZ as his eyes briefly burned into Hadiza’s retreating form. He just knew the Reyes brother fucked that up and it’s a shame because he was fond of the girl, despite her having a connection to a pig. Of course he never fully trusted her (by no fault of her own) but she was kind enough whenever she rarely showed up to club.
He kept it silent but he knew his body language did enough talking for him as EZ focused back on him.
“Tonight is the night, round everybody up.” Ez ordered, stalking off and daring a glance at Hadiza’s car and over his shoulder as he stood on the steps of his trailer, while she backed off the lot and sped away, eyes solely on what was in front of her and not what was left behind in the rear view.
Ez swallows down the small lump that wants to form in his throat but that wasn’t important right now. He had other things to tend to and Hadiza was no longer one of them.
Instead of running back, she ran to her mother’s arms who was less than thrilled to see her baby this upset over a man who she trusted to be good to her child.
Later Hadiza found herself in her mother’s hands again when she received the devastating but expected news from Angel Reyes on her door step. She broke down in the doorway right in front of him and she knew the eldest brother couldn’t handle that amount of heartache that he also shared, despite him placing a kiss to the top of her head and leaving her with one of EZ’s dog tags, he left her with the woman who gave her life to deal with the weight of the lost on his own.
Hadiza then sent a letter to Felipe a couple of days before she decided to take her life elsewhere, away from all that Santo Padre showed her. She wasn’t sure if there would even be a funeral or memorial but she had to get out while she can still stand.
Antigua was always a place Hadiza wanted to visit and now she can say that she lives here comfortably.
She left her mother on the front deck to get them a refill of her famous rum punch that was leftover from her mother’s house party yesterday night. Hadiza was humming to herself in solitude until she heard her mother screaming out to her from outside.
The woman did not hesitate to race around the house with a bat, ready to fight off any Osprey’s that decided to invade their property again. Hadiza held her breath as she yanked open the door, eyes wild as she searched for her mother on the deck.
“What is it, ma?” Hadiza exhaled, seeing her mother sitting up on one of the wicker chairs.
Her mother nudged her chin towards the front and Hadiza cautiously took a step towards the railing. A few of her fingertips rested on the banister as she leaned over a bit, looking over at the new found community they both settled into. It was quiet as usual, air warm, seaweed scented, and fresh.
She wasn’t sure what had spooked her mother until her eyes settled down by the cars parked along the curb. Her eyes moved to the left a bit and she had to rub at one of them to make sure her mind wasn’t playing tricks on her. It tended to do that the first couple of weeks she settled in the country. Lately she’s been okay. A figure stood by a identical golf cart (that they had in their driveway) that was parked right behind Hadiza’s car, fitted cap on their head as their hands held onto a mobile device.
Her throat went dry before she could even muster up and ask if she could help the person locate who they were searching for…because she knew it was him before those honey eyes looked up at her.
“Ezekiel.” She shuddered, feeling her mother get to her feet behind her, like the DJ Khalid meme, almost like she wasn’t still healing from the last Osprey attack two weeks ago.
Her mother also gripped onto the banister, “Oh hell no. I rebuke this demonic spirit, get away from here!”
And tossed the freshly watered plant at Ezekiel who side-stepped the assault.
“Hey, Mrs—it’s just me!”
“I know! Aren’t you supposed to be dead, you bastard?!” She yelled back.
Hadiza whispered at the woman, “Ma, please.”
The woman humphed, folding her arms as she waddled back to the chair, already aware how this would go.
Hadiza pointed the bat at Ezekiel, “wait right there.”
“Not if you’re gonna beat my ass.”
“I’ll think about it by time I get downstairs.”
Hadiza’s mother cackled at that, knowing she raised her baby with some sort of sense.
Hadiza couldn’t tell you how she felt but the brain fog was kicking in. She weeped over this man too many times just for him to be here in the flesh, like they all didn’t experience the hell he indulged in back in Santo Padre.
Her mother was right to think a demon was standing in front of their home. The anger Hadiza directed at EZ after receiving the news of his death was like no other emotion Hadiza’s had before but she found peace in Antigua.
She halted at the front door, noticing EZ fumbling with his fingers after the phone disappeared from his hold. Hadiza took her time going down the few front steps, crossing through the grass and down the slope to the gravel.
The man looked up at her approach, carefully reaching up to lift the cap from his head to mess around with the brim of the hat as Hadiza moved closer but almost not close enough.
His eyes immediately went to her head, noticing that the mountain of coarse hair that she had was long gone into a buzzed style now.
He smiled, “you finally did it huh? I know you’ve been eating ‘em up more than ever out here.”
And she couldn’t stand it, her eyes scanning the old yellowing of bruises and cuts on his face, puffing out a laugh at his compliment as she almost collapsed into his arms, bringing his body so tight to hers that he thought he would break her rib cage but he followed through with the same actions.
Her chin buried into his shoulder, one of his hands around the small of her back, and the other cradling the back of her head, he heard her sob against him and he couldn’t be more apologetic.
When they pulled apart, she held onto his face analyzing the marks on his skin before she inflicted her own attack on his lower half.
“Hey! Ow!” A good whack to the top of his head, made Ezekiel stop taking the hits as he gripped her wrists again.
Except this time was different, his touch was much more softer.
“I’m sorry okay. I’m sorry for filling your head up with doubts and making you believe that I didn’t give a shit about our friendship. When quite frankly—no pun intended, you’re the best got damn thing that’s been in my life.” His hands slipped into holding her hands into his own large ones.
And the way he was staring at Hadiza, let her know that this was the old Ezekiel she had missed. It was the spark in his eyes that made her feel safe, given what he got himself involved in.
He could see her mind spinning with questions, the corners of her eyes damp with tears.
“What did I say to you when we first became friends?”
“…’jalapeños on these nachos are missing and I make better ones than these whack ass ones you’re eating.’” Hadiza actually thought about this.
Which made a goofy grin appear on Ez’s face and he shook his head with a sigh, “yeah I think I did say that but after that? I said you’re stuck with me if you choose me. It would always be Kiel and Diza for life, remember?”
It was ironic that he wanted to think back when he basically was rude as hell to her about this in his trailer months ago. The bitterness was still in the pit of her stomach but the higher road wanted her to be happy that this man, her best friend, Ezekiel Lorenzo Reyes was very much still alive.
Hadiza wasn’t sure how the fuck he did it but here he was, wiping away her black mascara before holding her hands in his again.
A small smile appeared on her lips as she peered down at their hands, lifting their conjoined hands up to place her lips right on the back of his hands. Ezekiel let out a breath he wasn’t aware that he was holding.
“For life.” She repeated, staring at him underneath her eyelashes.
He nodded his head, not breaking eye contact as she pulled the necklace from around her and placed it back on Ezekiel where it belonged. He glanced down at it, a new wave of emotions hitting him as he realized a piece of him was always with the one woman he deeply cared for.
“Let’s get inside.” Hadiza told him, as he leaned over to place a kiss to her full cheek.
She turned, her hand still resting in one of his hands as he reached for the fallen bat with the other, “think I might need this if I try to give your mom a hug.”
Hadiza laughed, “Baby steps, Kiel.”
“That’s fair.” He answers from behind her, letting her lead the way to her new home.
Perhaps now here in the Caribbean, they had the chance to create a better life, a better friendship together with no more black ink or blood spills blinding the way.
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Continue along with my anthology works that were written during the spring season here.
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magicshowstrixs · 5 days
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❌ DNI ❌ ➺ Ages under 16, proshippers, zoophiles, ableist, fatphobic, lgbtphobic, polyphobic, racist, sexist, romanticism and/or demonization of disorders/illnesses, against neopronouns/xenopronouns/xenogenders, endogenic systems & their supporters, etc.,
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💫 BYF >>
➤ OUR INBOX AND MESSAGING ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED(?) !! We are rather shy when it comes to talking to strangers so messaging will stay closed unless you are a close friend of ours. Thank you!
➤ WE ARE POLY AND VERY OPEN ABOUT IT!! We have multiple lovely partners that mean the absolute world to us and we won't shut up about them!
➤ WE ARE A SYSTEM!! I mean like, obviously. We are very open about that online. We use sign-offs most of the time, but if there is no sign-offs, it is either HERO or MARCY/SKIT talking! Thank you!
➤ WE GET HYPERFIXATED ON MEDIA SUPER EASILY!! We reblog a LOT of stuff for fandoms, current fandoms being OMORI, AMPHIBIA, REGRETEVATOR, etc.,
➤ While we don't actively post or reblog anything too mature/suggestive, our account is +16!
➤ Want more info? Our carrd is always available! We will be redoing it sometime soon, but for now it's mostly up to date!
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#banana reblogs - Casual reblogs 🍌 #4 my lovers - posts that I reblog 4 my lovers! 💞 #FAVE FAVE FAVE - my favorite art pieces! 💝 #art inspiration - art inspo! ✨ #critters art - my art (from @crytrncrawlrs) 🎨 #critters chitters - general chatter 🔊
@ghostsghoulsngraves >> SYSTEM BLOG 👻🪄 @marblesdaydreams >> SKIT'S BLOG 🎲🍂⚔️ @dailylifeofmagic >> FUNNI SCREENSHOTS FROM FRIENDS & LOVERS 🗨️🗣️ @flowerslifearchive >> LIFE ARCHIVE 🌞🌇 @crytrncrawlrs >> ART BLOG 🎨🖌️ @superstarsleepovers >> STIM & CUTESY REBLOGS ☀️🧸 @stitchedcardtricks >> OC HCS & CONTENT🌌🎪 @cr-scribbles >> CHILDREN: REKINDLED BLOG🐻🔪 @thelostwaters >> TLW COMIC BLOG🌊🩸 @cosmicsolarsystem >> OMORI SUNNY DAYS ASK BLOG (CURRENTLY CLOSED)🌞💤 @totallynottalkingobjects >> DHMIS ASK BLOG (CURRENTLY CLOSED)🕛📚
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[ #callofthevoid ]
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[ #forgottencircus ]
Everyone has high expectations for you, TOYMAKER.
Meet ARCHIE DURHAM, a teenage boy who moves back to his hometown to live with his mother after his father passed away. While getting used to a new life, he also needs to get used to strange lucid dreams he has been having ever since he got to the town. Join him and his friends, MAXINE, CECIL, and RUDY as they get used to their new life together and slowly begin to unravel the mysteries of the town! Let's all just hope they don't get too roped up in those mysteries…
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[ #galaxyawaits ]
This place is BEAUTIFUL! I can't believe we all get to work here together!
SERVO SYMPHONIES INC., a titan corporation that has been one of a few companies making large leaps in invovation and technology, has opened a mall after their closure of Oceans Ahoy! This massive mall contains many shops, a movie theater, food court, and Galaxy Awaits! Galaxy Awaits is a resturant/entertainment location made to practice sentient robots as employees working alongside humans. When a group of friends get back together again, they all get jobs at the location.
However, when people start going missing, REBECCA begins to realize there is a lot more at play than just advancements in tech & fun.
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[ #thelostwaters ]
Restart over and over until you get it right.
BLISS MAYS is a young journalist fresh out of college! She wants to make herself known in the world by solving the unsolvable mystery to this day of STARFALL WATER PARK. That park is infamously known for the disappearance of many and no leads or anything as to their disappearance. Some people believe it's something supernatural and due to no leads, investigations have been shut down and the place abandoned. BLISS MAYS goes to investigate herself however! And while wandering the park for evidence, trips into a time vortex that brings her back to a week before the incident had occurred. BLISS now needs to solve this mystery before it happens, for the sake of the missing people, and for herself to not be a part of one of the many missing posters.
But who is that strange person she keeps seeing out of the corner of her eye? Almost seems like he's following her… Does she have to deal with a stalker now too?
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[ #nostringsattached ]
Who really are you, Cupid?
NJOKI wakes up one day, having not remembering anything from the past couple years outside of one moment where they were betrayed by their best friend and injected with a mysterious syrum. Not only do they not know what happened, but also they woke up in bed with a random woman they had never seen in their life, expressing to be their wife, RUBY. NJOKI confesses everything to a very confused RUBY and learns that for the past couple years, NJOKI had been someone named CUPID who's a billionare and CEO of a massive corporation.
…and apparently, a complete asshole.
NJOKI now has to work hard to get their life back together while also trying not to be caught again. But with damage already done, can they pull it off and get down to the mystery behind everything?
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[ #experimentallyincapable ]
If anyone is out there, please, I beg of you, help us before it's too late!
Scientists sometimes can dig too deep into places that should stay locked up forever. DYLAN NILSSON is an intern at the Black-Out Cortex, a research facility focused on uncovering paranormal or unknown events that had happened in the world. He has been wanting to work alongside scientists who look into this stuff for the longest time, but he would have never come along if he knew the facility was going to be taken over by a creature that is just as interested in humans as they are in them, but maybe even more.
This creature ends up taking over the facility and cutting off all of their connections to the outside world which isn't too hard since they are already pretty far from the outside for the safety of others. DYLAN's internship has turned into a prison as he is stuck in this place as a scientist, being forced to work for this creature or else he might be used as an experiment himself.
Joining alongside another employee there, KEN, DYLAN has to find a way out, but also to help break everyone else out so him and the others will all be free safely…but what even is on the surface at this point? Maybe it's safer inside…
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[ #lastcallhome ]
The phone is ringing again.
ATHENA SHEPPARD doesn't recall much of her childhood. She always assumed she never needed to, but something was off about the old town she grew up in. When she decides to stay with her mother for the holidays, her mother gives her a warning about their household before she arrives. Every day at 6:13 P.M. the landline starts ringing. But everytime she picks it up, there's only ever radio silence. Her mother has given her one piece of advice— Ignore it.
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[ #recollectiveobserver ]
You are a special one. The one and only. Go collect yourself.
A vast void of souls, yet 'KID' was special. 'KID' was chosen to go to multiple different dimensions and collect their body parts to put themselves back together. A right leg, a left leg, a torso, a left arm, a right arm, their head, and their brain. Each of these dimensions correlates to a different kind of dream-like state as well or… -core. With the different friends and foes they will meet, 'KID' needs to go around without a voice and solve problems until they find the locations of all of their parts.
But why is this happening to them?
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[ #looseconnections ]
Many stories span across many universes, all connected by a train. Would you like to go on a ride?
LOOSE CONNECTIONS is a collection of OC stories that were originally for a series that SHARKIE has called No Place Like Home. These OCs are practically used like D&D characters in that story, but I also wanted to do more with them outside of that story, leading for this to be created. Each OC has their own story and plot, some connected, others not. In one way or another, however, they all bounce off of each other.
Nothing will ever separate us again, MOSS. I promise.
MOSS PARSONS, BIANCA PARSONS, BREE OCHOA, and POPPY VANCE used to all be very close. Having just moved from the city with their parents, MOSS and BIANCA are ready to start a new life and end up meeting BREE and POPPY. MOSS and BREE hit it off extremely well while POPPY and BIANCA also bonded. Their lives were very normal, MOSS and BREE being silly teenagers that fell for each other quick and started dating while BIANCA and POPPY were the two older ones in the group that watched over the two.
Yet, a camping trip in the forest far from the town can make things go horribly wrong. Something awful happened to BREE and now, something was growing inside of them. Spreading. A parasite. Something they can't fight.
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You can find peace here.
"APPLE", or at least that's the name they remember, woke up in a god's domain. They don't recall anything from their past life, but maybe that's not so bad. They now live in this domain as a minor deity, working alongside the two major deities, CRISS & CROSS. With the power given to them, they are able to make a beautiful world of their own creation. They just hope they can keep a good balance up and make their superiors proud of them.
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You made your mistake because of your greed.
NIL NACERI used to be one of the cruelest leaders in the war between his species (name still needed) and the rest of the world. Being creatures that can rise again a second time after they have already fallen and are a pain in the ass to actually kill, they reigned superior, causing the world to fall into great destruction. Many had to flee home, others had to go into "human" trafficking just to make ends meet. Unfortunately, NORMAN ADNAN was one of the poor children that had been sold off in exchange for money by his family.
However, NIL's reign would soon end as he tried to reach for something unobtainable. He knew it would not work, but tempted fate anyways and got what was coming for him.
NIL NACERI is now in a new reality, but one he is not allowed in. One where he is no longer superior and instead, punished for what he had done. Now, practically the size of a rat and constantly glitching, NIL has to suffer the consequences of his crimes against humanity.
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It's not your fault.
TOBIAS MELTON and KELSEY were the greatest of friends. Possiby even more than that, but that simply wasn't a conversation they were ready for at the time. They were happy with where they were. And yet, their peace could not last for long.
With the increase of technology, more sentient robots were showing up more in society, mostly being pushed out by SERVO SYMPHONIES INC and a side company that gave them most of their androids. Similar to SERVO SYMPHONIES, under the surface, this company was incredibly cruel and misguided, not caring for a human soul and only wanting to make money off of their products, no matter the cost or lives.
KELSEY's parents worked for the company, but he was unaware of what they were doing. He only became aware of it when it was too late. During a sleepover at his place, TOBIAS was kidnapped by KELSEY's parents and brought to a facility. One where they were testing to see if a human spirit could be melded together with an android to create a completely sentient one, unlike the ones being marketed already.
Thus, PLEXI was created. Through the pain and suffering of TOBIAS that fateful night. And the experiment did work. Maybe a bit too well.
KELSEY never meant any of this, but he can't turn back time now no matter what he tries.
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NORMAN ADNAN, after being rescued and brought to another world by a giant crow creature who just wanted a son, now travels from town to town, looking for an adventure. Somewhere to go out in nature. Something to experience. He has grown as a satyr, now with the incredible talent of finding deadliness to any item he can get his hands on if used right. The crow ran a business that sold items like that, items that looked normal, but could be used as weapons for self-defense. NORMAN can now kick some ass.
And yet… he fell so quickly in love. On one of his walks, he came across a robot in nature. That robot's name is PLEXI. It was love at first sight for the both of them. They both had a deep love for nature and bonded well over that.
As time passed and they got closer, NORMAN decided he was finally ready to leave the nest. Him and PLEXI now travel together, looking for a place to stop and settle at. Somewhere in nature where no one will be able to bother them ever again.
…and maybe they will pick some supernatural kids up along the way!
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No one ever found her body, but she still rose from the grave to come back for you, EMMA.
EMMA MURILLO lives a normal life, or at least that's what she wishes. Being a college drop-out, she is trying her best to just make a living while jumping from job to job. However, one day while she was visiting family, she sees something on the TV that causes so many memories to flood back to her. A cartoon character staring right back at her. JUDY. One of the side characters of a cartoon she used to work on with friends. A cartoon that never saw the light of day due to a horror accident. It was that, right? Just an accident?
EMMA is now paranoid as the guilt begins to flood back to her after years. She is now being haunted both mentally and physically as what appears to be a manifestation of this cartoon character is tracking her down to drag her down to their level. It has already gotten one of their team members and EMMA is no longer safe anywhere.
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[ #sapphirestreasuretrove ]
This is a world where we can be whatever we want to be! A kid's playground!
Join SAPPHIRE the dragon, COTTON the lamb…?, and TOOTH the gator as they go on adventures in a magical world they woke up in. While life is safe and cozy in the protection of VIVIAN, the spider mother that takes care of them inside of the caverns nearby the shores of the beach they woke up at, darkness roams the land. Pieces of an ancient artifact are scattered all over the land and if put together, will give the owner one wish and great power. Criminal hands are trying to get this artifact to the glass frog king. It's up to SAPPHIRE, COTTON, and TOOTH to team up and take down these villains to get their peaceful world back to its proper place!
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🎈🔪 GUI AU 🔪🎈
[ #guiau ]
Welcome to White Space. You've been living here for as long as you can remember.
Meet GUI, a monochrome, neutral girl in a colorful world where everyday is her best friend's (Michael's) birthday! Join her and her friends as they go on adventures together and explore their own vast world of fun! What's all this about a golden rabbit, however?
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[ #cr , #childrenrekindled ]
Happy Birthday, Michael.
Coming directly from the website itself, it’s “a reboot of Children, a fancomic about the missing children from the Five Nights at Freddy's series by Scott Cawthon. It tells the story about a group of friends who were all murdered at a family restaurant by a mysterious killer, and ultimately ended up possessing the animatronic mascots in it. As restless spirits, their only option is to seek out the one who took their lives, and have their revenge so they can be freed from the purgatory they have been put in.”
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[ #cosmosgarden ]
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[ #sundaysprings ]
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ligayangdala · 2 years
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welcome to ligayangdala !
our works are written in our mother tongue, tagalog as we write for the filipino fans of nct—or as we call ourselves, filozens! ☄. *. ⋆
this blog is handled and owned by two admins; admin l & admin g. together, you can call them ligaya! (you can also call them by their pen names, lia and gaia ㋡) as this is a sideblog, all interactions such as likes, replies and follows will be from @0710studios.
both admins are adults, uses she/her pronouns, and are comfortable writing smut, fluff, angst, and romance. read our carrd before requesting/sending an ask!
🕸 ˚˖ ⌯ ito ang links ng blog namin ! ꒱ 🛹❕
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HILING KAY LIGAYA ᎒᎒ mga isusulat ni ligaya
MAIKLING KWENTO NI LIGAYA ᎒᎒ mga sinulat ng isang upuan
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TWITTER NI LIGAYA ᎒᎒ ginagamit para maisalarawan ang mga sinulat ni ligaya
CARRD NI LIGAYA ᎒᎒ bago kayo magpatuloy, basahin muna ang carrd ni ligaya
KWENTO NI LIGAYA ᎒᎒ mga chika kasama si ligaya
꒱ ﹒﹒ ♡⃞   ֺ our anons, our nakshies 𝄒 ୨ ❋ ࣪ ˖
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enjoy our works, mga mare! ♡
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rhodeybugg · 6 months
Intro Post {Since I have more followers and people actually interact with me!}
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Heya! I'm the resident faun with anxiety and way too many oc's.
•Aromantic, Asexual.
Hardcore Envy, Thuzi, Oilrose and Dizzy shipper for comfort reasons. [I accept Nuzi as a ship but please dont force me to ship it. I dont like it.]
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Age: 19
Pronouns: They/Them [Nonbinary]
Fanfic Writer and Artist
Current Hyperfixations: Murder Drones, Mother: COGDIS, ENA, Kentucky Route Zero, Fortnite.
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Commissions: Open
Art Requests: Closed
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.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Current Au + Storylines
Murder Drones: Solver-Bound AU.
Fic Status: Incomplete, 1/4.
Kentucky Route Zero:
Dust From The Past [Fic] : [In the works]
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decepti-thots · 1 year
rewind ☄
(any AU headcanon)
everyone and their mother has said 'what would a universe where Chromedome really WAS a plant sent to mind Rewind look like' but consider the equally awful alternative: AU where rewind is sent to try and keep the Institute's prize mnemosurgeon from going off the rails and killing himself or, equally bad in their eyes, trying to just plain quit. Rewind was only supposed to be a helping hand that gave Chromedome someone to talk to and talk him down occasionally, and in exchange Prowl said the search for Dominus would be reopened. unfortunately Rewind has fix-him syndrome and Chromedome is a serial monogamist, so THAT goes tits up, and now everything is a mess. oops.
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voidpetrova · 10 months
hard to get — kai parker x reader
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content warnings and genre: swearing, alcohol consumption, clichés — drama
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
synopsis: you were the girl next door, he was the devil's advocate. you liked your russian literature, he liked his women—all of them, in fact.
the parties took place on the front lawn of 4347, mystic falls, every sunday afternoon. despite the supernatural secrets lurked around every corner, it never got in the way of the little girls of your quiet neighborhood. lizzie saltzman wpuld bring the tea set, which was appropriate, since she was the hostess. hope mikaelson provided formal attire from her deceased mother's closet. and josie saltzman invited the additional guests—stuffed animals for each of the girls—some of whom hadn't been to a party in years. of course, it never occurred to the three young girls, that while they were busy playing out their fantasy, one of the older girls in the neighborhood was engaging in a fantasy of her own.
your were the walking cliché embodiment of the good girl next door – quick-witted, kind-hearted, and always ready with a sharp retort. your life had a predictable rhythm until the day you crossed paths with a neanderthal. up until that point, you had a thing going on. you were there, every morning, a book in one hand with a coffee cup in the other, basking in what the day had in store for you on your front porch.
kai, who was an enigmatic playboy with a smirk that could melt hearts and a reputation for leaving a trail of broken promises, set his sights on you the moment he saw you with bonnie bennett. he sauntered over, confidence radiating from every step, and leaned against your picket fence. “hey there, gorgeous,” he purred, blue eyes dancing with mischief. “mind if i join your afternoon?”
you barely glanced up from your book, arching an eyebrow. “is this the part where i'm supposed to swoon and hand you my heart?” your tone dripped with sarcasm as you turned the page, ignoring his presence.
kai chuckled, undeterred. “i like a challenge,” he replied, flashing his signature grin. “so, what's a smart and stunning girl like you doing with a book like that?”
“reading it and wondering how many times i've heard that line,” you shot back, your lips quirking into an amused smile.
undaunted, kai persisted. day after day, he found new ways to engage with you in conversation, each attempt met with a witty retort. it became a dance of words and glances, a tantalizing game you played on the quiet streets of mystic falls.
“i have a feeling you're just waiting for me to sweep you off your feet,” kai teased one afternoon, leaning on the hood of his car as you walked by.
you chuckled, raising an eyebrow. “and i have a feeling you're mistaking me for someone who would willingly fall for that.”
as the weeks went by, kai's relentless pursuit of you showed no sign of slowing. he became a fixture in your life, a presence that simultaneously annoyed and intrigued you. you debated, exchanged barbs, and even shared moments of genuine laughter, all while kai's intentions remained clear.
“when are you gonna stop playing hard to get, sunshine?”
“depends, when are you gonna stop being hard to want?”
but then something shifted. beneath the playful banter and sarcastic jabs, a connection began to form. in between your arguments, you would noticed the way kai's eyes softened when he thought you weren't looking, how he listened intently when you spoke about your passions, and the times when his laughter seemed unguarded and genuine.
one evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, you found yourself seated on your porch swing, just like every other night, lost in thought. kai appeared beside you, surprisingly subdued. “you know, i've never met anyone quite like you,” he admitted, his voice carrying a note of sincerity.
you turned to him, your gaze steady. “is that your way of saying i'm a challenge you can't resist?”
kai's lips curled into a half-smile. “maybe it's my way of saying i'm not sure i want to resist.”
your heart skipped a beat, a mixture of emotions swirling within you. you opened your mouth to respond, but before you could find the words, kai leaned in, capturing your lips in a kiss that was both unexpected and electrifying. in that moment, time seemed to stand still as your connection deepened.
pulling away, kai looked at you with a mixture of uncertainty and hope. “i've wanted to do that for a while,” he confessed, his bravado replaced by vulnerability.
your couldn't help but smile, your walls slowly crumbling, but the hesitation never making a full departure. “of course, it's just a few steps away from sleeping with me, isn't it?” the smile on kai's face slowly faltered, even all the while he knew you were joking, your words couldn't help but sting.
your banter had evolved into something deeper, something that left you both breathless and eager for more. as you continued to explore your feelings, you soon discovered that beneath kai's playboy facade, was a man capable of genuine emotion, while kai found in you a kindred spirit who challenged him in ways he had never experienced before.
“you know,” he began, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he began to wander, as if he was nervous to tell you something. “i haven't slept with anybody since we kissed.” you scoffed, but you couldn't ignore the way his words made you feel. it was what he was known for, yet he was straying away from it just for you.
you raised an eyebrow, giving him a skeptical look. “i should be checking for signs of the apocalypse. the world must be ending if kai parker, the master of fleeting romances, is suddenly turning into a monk.”
he let out a soft laugh, the sound surprisingly genuine. “okay, maybe monk is a bit extreme, but let’s just say i’ve found myself more intrigued by a certain someone’s company than just a quick roll in the hay.”
you feigned surprise, placing a hand on your chest dramatically. “kai parker? interested in more than just a casual fling? this must be a parallel universe or something.”
he shot you a playful glare. “hey, i'm not saying i'm proposing here. just—noticing that maybe there’s more to life than moving from one hookup to another.”
you tilted your head, giving him a thoughtful look. “so, what? you’re saying you’re looking for something real?”
he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “i didn’t say that exactly. i'm just saying that being around you— it’s different. and yeah, maybe i'm curious to see where different could lead.”
a mix of emotions swirled within you. you had spent so long building up your defenses against his advances, and now he was dropping his playboy facade? the irony wasn’t lost on you.
“different,” you echoed, your voice softer than before. “you do realize that ‘different’ for you is still probably light years away from what most people consider normal, right?”
kai smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “who needs normal when you’ve got interesting?”
you couldn’t help but chuckle, his words catching you off guard. “interesting, huh? is that your way of saying i’m a puzzle you’re trying to solve?”
he leaned in, his tone teasing. “nah, puzzles are too much work. more like a mystery i want to unravel, one piece at a time.”
you rolled your eyes, but the corner of your mouth tugged into a smile. “you are ridiculous, kai parker.”
he chuckled softly, the smile lingering on his lips as he looked at you. “and you like it.”
before you could offer a sarcastic retort, he closed the distance between you, his lips capturing yours in a kiss that was surprisingly tender. it was a kiss that held the weight of unspoken emotions, a silent promise of something more.
as he pulled away, he met your gaze with a newfound seriousness. “i just wanted you to know that I’m not playing games here.”
your heart raced as you looked into his eyes, seeing a sincerity that was both unexpected and strangely comforting. “and i just want you to know that i’m not the kind of girl who falls for pretty words and empty promises.”
his fingers brushed against your cheek, his touch gentle. “i wouldn’t want you to be.”
there was a moment of shared understanding between you, a silent agreement that while the journey might not be easy, it was one worth exploring. and as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the two of you, you realized that maybe, just maybe, God had something beautiful in store for you.
but just as your relationship was blossoming, a rumor swept through mystic falls, threatening to tear them apart. it was said that kai had been with another girl, a betrayal that shattered your trust and left you heartbroken.
unbeknownst to you, the rumor was nothing but a cruel lie. kai had remained steadfastly devoted, his feelings for you growing stronger by the day. he had never been with anyone else, consumed by thoughts of you as he gave himself a few days off, attempting to surprise you with days' worth of planning dinner reservations.
as days turned into nights, you found yourself growing more perplexed by kai's absence. the rumor that he had slept with someone else gnawed at you, fueling a mix of disappointment and betrayal. the possibility of a genuine connection seemed to crumble beneath the weight of the gossip, and your heart ached for what you thought had been lost.
seeking solace in a familiar friend, you found bonnie's comforting presence. she listened patiently as you poured out your heart, sharing your confusion and the sinking feeling that the connection you had felt with kai might have been a mere illusion.
“i just can't believe he'd do this,” you lamented, your voice tinged with sadness. “after all the time we spent together, the conversations, the moments.”
bonnie placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “i know how much you've been through already. it's okay to feel hurt. but remember, rumors aren't always true. maybe there's more to the story than you know.”
still, the pain lingered, and in an attempt to take your mind off things, bonnie suggested a night out at a club. she wanted you to let loose and forget your worries, even if just for a little while. she knew you were a gorgeous girl and, despite not treating sex like a playtoy, you had a few tricks up your sleeve. you knew just the way to curl your hair, you knew just the dress to put on to get everybody's attention—just the perfume to wear to turn heads, and just the makeup to put on to capture as many compliments as you knew how.
the club was alive with pulsating music and vibrant lights as you and bonnie danced your cares away. in the midst of the throbbing crowd, you found solace in the music's rhythm, allowing it to drown out the doubts and uncertainties that had been plaguing your mind. as the vibrant lights of the club danced around you, the beat of the music pulsed through your veins. her idea to let loose was working, and the worries that had been consuming your mind were beginning to fade. you swayed to the rhythm, feeling the music's energy wrap around you like a warm embrace.
bonnie leaned in close, shouting over the music. “you look stunning tonight!”
you laughed, the sound lost in the cacophony of the club. it was liberating to let your guard down and simply enjoy the moment. as you and bonnie chatted, the conversation turned unexpectedly towards your feelings for kai. it was a subject you hadn't discussed openly with anyone before, but the club's pulsating atmosphere seemed to encourage honesty.
“okay, fine,” you admitted, a blush rising to your cheeks. “maybe i've started to feel differently about him. but with all these rumors going around, i don't even know what to think anymore.”
her eyes glinted mischievously. “well, if you ask me, rumors are just noise. i told you once and i'll tell you again—you should follow your heart and see where it leads.”
before you could respond, a deep voice interjected, sending a shiver down your spine. “wise words, indeed.”
you turned to see klaus mikaelson, his gaze fixed on you with an intensity that made your heart race. his presence was magnetic, his charm a force to be reckoned with. the combination of the club's energy and his undeniable allure created a heady mix of emotions.
“klaus,” you greeted, trying to maintain your composure despite the butterflies that had taken up residence in your stomach. “didn't expect to see you here.”
he offered you a smoldering smile, his eyes never leaving yours. “life is full of surprises, my dear,” he smiled, and you couldn't help but follow his footstepw away from the dance floor. “can i buy you a drink?” normally, you wouldn't have accepted, but tonight was about letting loose. you nodded your head, earning a smile from him.
as hw engaged you in conversation, his words laced with innuendo and flirtatious undertones, you found yourself both flattered and slightly uncomfortable. his attention was like a spotlight on you, and though you were no stranger to attention, there was something different about the way klaus looked at you.
his words were magnetic, drawing you in with their subtle promises and unspoken desires. you laughed at his jokes, allowing yourself to be swept up in the whirlwind of the night. it was both exhilarating and overwhelming, a whirlwind encounter you hadn't anticipated.
amid the laughter and exchanged glances, you couldn't help but notice a shift in the atmosphere. people around you were suddenly casting curious glances towards the entrance, and your heart skipped a beat when you followed their gaze.
there he was, kai parker, standing at the entrance of the club. his piercing blue eyes were fixed on you, and a whirlwind of emotions crossed his face – surprise, disbelief, and something else you couldn't quite identify.
as if drawn by an invisible force, your gaze locked onto his. time seemed to slow as the space between you and him was filled with unspoken tension. it was as if the world had fallen away, leaving just the two of you in an electric bubble of awareness.
bonnie nudged you playfully, breaking the spell. “seems like someone's here to join the party.”
you tore your gaze away from kai, the intensity of the moment leaving your heart racing. your cheeks were flushed, a mix of emotions swirling within you. as you turned back to klaus, his expression held a knowing glint.
“ah, young love,” he mused, his tone suggestive.
you shot him a look, half-amused and half-embarrassed. “it's not like that.”
he chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “isn't it, now?”
but as klaus's attention remained on you, kai approached with determined steps, his eyes locked onto yours. the atmosphere around you shifted once again, this time with a palpable sense of tension and uncertainty.
his arrival had disrupted the easy dynamic you had shared with klaus, leaving you in a whirlwind of emotions you struggled to understand. the club's vibrant energy seemed to mirror the storm of feelings raging within you, and you knew that the moment kai reached you, everything was about to change. as he closed the distance between you, the anticipation was almost suffocating. jis eyes bore into yours, a mixture of emotions swirling within them – surprise, confusion, and something else that sent a shiver down your spine.
“hey,” he said, his voice softer than you had expected. it was as if the whirlwind of the club's atmosphere had transformed into a bubble that contained just the two of you.
“hey,” you replied, your own voice catching slightly. his presence was overwhelming, and you felt a mix of nerves and a strange fluttering in your chest.
kai's gaze lingered on you for a moment longer before he turned to bonnie, his tone casual. “mind if i borrow her for a minute?”
bonnie glanced between the two of you, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. “of course not. i'll be right here.”
as you followed kai away from the club, the silence was heavy with unspoken tension. the music seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the sound of your heart pounding in your ears.
“i heard there was a rumor going around,” he began, his voice a mixture of curiosity and something you couldn't quite decipher.
you sighed, your gaze dropping to the floor for a moment. “yeah, about you and someone else.”
he let out a frustrated huff, running a hand through his hair. "i knew these rumors would start eventually, but i didn't think they'd mess with your head like this."
you looked up, meeting his gaze. “kai, i thought—”
he reached out, gently lifting your chin with his finger. his touch was electric, and his eyes held a sincerity that took you by surprise. “you thought i was different. and i am, (y/n). i haven't been with anyone else since that night we kissed.”
your heart skipped a beat, his words resonating deeply within you. “how do i know you're telling the truth?”
kai's expression softened, his fingers brushing against your cheek. “you can trust me, (y/n). i know i've made mistakes in the past, but this... what we have, it's real.”
your breath caught in your throat as his words washed over you. there was vulnerability in his gaze, a side of kai you hadn't seen before. the emotions that had been swirling within you since you met him were suddenly overwhelming, and you felt a lump forming in your throat.
kai's thumb brushed against your lips, his gaze locked onto yours. “can i prove it to you?”
before you could respond, his lips met yours in a kiss that was both gentle and intense. it was a kiss that held all the unspoken emotions between you – the doubts, the longing, and the newfound realization that maybe, just maybe, you had both been wrong about each other.
as the kiss deepened, the world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you lost in the moment. the whispers of the club's music echoed in the background, a haunting melody to the story unfolding between you and kai.
and just when you thought nothing else could possibly matter, a new voice cut through the haze. “am i interrupting something?”
you pulled away from kai, turning to see klaus leaning casually against a nearby pillar, a smirk playing on his lips. the mischievous glint in his eyes told you that he had been watching, his presence a reminder that the supernatural world had a way of turning even the most intimate moments into a spectacle.
kai shot him a glare, his arm protectively wrapped around your waist. “actually, you are.”
klaus chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender. “my apologies, young lovers. i'll leave you to it.”
as klaus walked away, a mix of embarrassment and amusement flooded your cheeks. kai's fingers squeezed your waist, and you looked up at him, the tension from moments ago replaced by a newfound warmth.
“you know,” he said, his voice a playful whisper, “i think i'm okay with people knowing we're not just friends.”
you smiled, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. as you looked into his eyes, you realized that sometimes rumors were just that – empty words that held no power over the truth.
“me too,” you replied, your voice filled with a newfound confidence.
and as you leaned in for another kiss, the club's vibrant energy seemed to swell around you, a backdrop to the unexpected twist in your story. with kai by your side and the promise of a real connection between you, the night held endless possibilities, and you were ready to embrace every one of them.
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reyanfia · 1 year
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the warrior and his healer — neteyam x reader ☄. *. ⋆➢ part three!
other chapters are up! read it here -> chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 4
setting: awa'atlu, pandora.
pairing: neteyam x fem!metkayina!reader
warnings: for this chapter, a shit ton of emotion, mentions of bl00d, & angst.
summary: the rda has targeted your village, and neteyam insists that you stay back. but being your stubborn self, you leave and follow after them anyway.
a/n: i swear teyam is not dying in this one, okay? he's alright. i wouldn't be so cruel. and uhh yesterday's chapter felt empty and boring so im going like all in for this one
anyways, enjoy!! this was barely proofread btw since i completed the other half of this chapter in a rush goodbye lmfao
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after a few days of acknowledging your feelings, seeing neteyam, anywhere, was starting to become a challenge.
on eywa. you wished you could throw these feelings out the window. you wished you could see whatever you were feeling so that you could crumple it up and dispose of it.
but oh, that was not what your heart wanted.
those feelings that your mind despised — your dear heart yearned for more of it. it was addicting. it's new, and it is unfamiliar. and yet, it had become your favourite thing to feel.
when you would look his way, you would feel that sense of adoration and fondness. and if he ever caught you staring, he'd smile and everything around you would become meaningless. invisible.
people could see, how you started to stare at the ground more often. they didn't know why. in truth, you were trying your hardest to not let your eyes roam around, afraid of accidentally catching a glance at him and end up looking like a literal plum in front of everybody.
studying, whether alone or with him, was also becoming harder. the salves on those shelves would remind you of those evenings when you'd have to tend to him, and those nights where you'd try the ones you've created on him. and if he was there with you — accompanying you in your marui, your heart would start to race. looking at him. touching him in the slightest ways. everything, has become difficult.
but you don't know if he shared your feelings.
he was so hard to read, it's starting to drive you crazy. how he acted around you was just the same in front of everyone else — smiling at everyone, helping everyone. if you thought he did something he only did for you, it seemed pretty much like you were wrong. patting your back when you're down? sweet! but then he goes and does it to other girls too.
you could feel that hope dying. well great, that was what you always wanted. right?
nope. no, you were absolutely wrong. because deep down in your heart, you never wanted this feeling to end.
but everything comes to an end, doesn't it?
— ☄. . ⋆✧ .
"no. no no no, this can't happen."
a few days ago, the news about the destruction of the ta'unui clan spread like wildfire in your clan. you heard it first from tsireya, and others came to tell you the same thing.
your studies had become the least of your priorities. you could envision the villagers of the ta'unui, how they looked, and how they felt as the RDA demolished their home in the blink of an eye.
the ta'unui people in your head started to distort, and slowly they were replaced with the metkayina. the awa'atlu village. your home, and everything you loved.
and everything was at risk now. people around you are crying, scrambling around, not knowing what to do. are we done for? the tsahìk's spirit sister had been killed. aritxa could be next. so is this it? this is ridiculous. you didn't want to die this way. even if eywa told you herself that this was meant to happen, like hell would you accept it.
your mother wiped the tears off of your panicked face, bringing you into the longest embrace you've ever had with her.
"oh, my love, do not weep. it hurts me seeing you like this," your mother's downhearted voice struck you right in the heart. never in your life had you thought you'd see her so miserable, so dejected.
"let me come along! please, i can't just let you and father go, what if you get hurt? what will become of me—"
your words instantly turned into sobs at the thought of seeing your parents hurt, all bloody and lifeless. and though you were trying your hardest to conceal it, anyone outside your marui could hear you. yet, they wouldn't care. everyone's lives were in danger. another's tears would be yours.
both your parents hugged you so tight, you could barely breathe. you didn't care. if this is how you'd die, at least it was in your parents' arms.
your father kissed you on the head before leaving, with the saddest smile on his face, along with your mother.
they were walking right into battle.
in the corner of your eyes, you saw neteyam coming towards you, with such a disheartened look on his face. you were astonished as to how he wasn't crying. not a single tear. his eyes didn't look like he was crying.
"teyam, please let me come with you."
that hoarse voice of yours nearly convinced him. but it takes a lot more than that for him to put you at risk.
no words came out of him.
because he didn't need words.
just like how your parents did, he held you in his arms, so hard he didn't want to let go. when you both pulled away, he held your face in your hands meeting your bloodshot, puffy eyes. he never wanted to see you liked this. and he's making sure he won't, ever again.
"i can't let you, ______. how i wish i could have you alongside me, but no. i can't have you hurt. you, are the healer. who'll be fixing my cuts and bruises if you're not there, hm?"
your eyes cast down to the ground, wincing at his words. but he only brought your head up again so you would look at him. "i'll come back, for you. alright? i swear."
you huffed. "you better."
giving his last smile before he left, he ruffled your hair, and then off he was.
— ☄. . ⋆✧ .
time was passing.
the village was dreary. there were a few younger children and their mothers who were told to stay back, still crying.
you were trying your best to not jump into the sea right now.
you looked into the distance. you could hear the slightest sounds of gunshots, screeches of the tsuraks, and the war cries of your people.
every second passing was riling you up.
you looked down, fiddling with your fingers, attempting to calm your cries. your thoughts went back and forth in your head, "should i stay? or should i go? no, they told me to stay, i'll only bother them. oh — but what if they are hurt?"
and you hated yourself for disobeying your loved ones, but if any of them got hurt, you knew you wouldn't forgive yourself if you didn't.
standing up to your feet, you pushed aside the marui entrance, called for an ilu and off you went.
it took some time to get to the three brother's rocks, and you were trying your hardest to stay out the radar of the sky people.
finally arriving at the ship, you unlinked your queue from the ilu and swam around, looking for your friends and the sully kids. your breathing was starting to quicken as you tried to push away any negative thoughts. you had to find them.
"get on!" tsireya's voice was heard.
you whirled around, swimming in the direction of her voice. sadly, your weak heart was not ready for what you saw.
lo'ak was putting pressure on the wound. and neteyam, he could barely speak.
"oh no. no no, there's no time for this. uh—"
you hushed your voice, and hushed your panicking. you called for the ilu, and it swiftly came in just a second. "lo'ak. we must go back. now get on, keep putting pressure on the wound. try your best to not let any blood out." you voice came out stern, and he followed your orders.
tsireya helped lo'ak carry neteyam onto the ilu. neteyam was in between you and the younger sully.
you told the ilu to ride back home. and fast.
reaching shore, all of you got off your ilus and dashed straight to your marui.
your breathing was heavier than neteyam's, as you started to work on his wound.
"tsireya, please prepare the tawtsngal bandage while i clean the wound."
she did as told and went to your shelves to get the necessary items.
all your healing salves were already on the floor next to you, so you didn't have to run back and forth through the marui to get things.
"the sky demon's weapon went all the way through. okay, that's good, i won't have to dig for it. oh, my eywa." you were trying to quiet yourself as you started to slather the paste onto the entrance and exit wound, the salve naturally cleaning up the blood on the skin. you winced when you looked at the bloody flesh, nearly crying.
your eyes glanced to neteyam's face every once in a while, making sure he wasn't in too much pain. he was still breathing, that's what mattered.
tsireya came running to you with the bandage, woven out of tawtsngal stem. you quickly wrapped it around his chest, tightly so the blood would stop pouring out.
"we — will stitch him up after the blood stops. it won't be too long — since this paste is quick to stop it," your voice gets cut off at every tight knot you made with the bandage to secure it in place.
"are— are his lungs unhurt?" lo'ak asked you. "looking at the position of the, uh, shot, it has missed his organs."
you took another look at the bandaged wound, as if checking to be sure. it's not like you could see it anyway.
neteyam's eyes were closed so you checked his pulse. it was stable. a little slow, but stable.
"he will be okay. i'll make sure of it." you said at last, comforting yourself and the younger sully. tsireya let out the biggest sigh of relief.
he will be okay. he has to.
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give this baby some love guys
tagging: @azaleaniath @theycallmesia @saturnheartz @mirikusashes @thesecretsoftheuniverse @fanboyluvr @neteyamforlife @xaoxin @naynay2808
tags that won't work: @amortencjja @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @goatmilkaddict @erenjaegerwifee [help im actually confused are these "not working tags" working or nah? cus when i type the user in after the @ it doesn't show up but it still links to your guys' accounts somehow]
those who request to be in the taglist under this chapter, will be tagged in the next one. thank you!
final part will be out soon! :]
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0710studios · 2 years
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ligayangdala’s backup account
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welcome to 0710studios aka ligayangdala ! ✎ this is our navigation 𓆩☆𓆪 𓈒 ࣪ ֢
our works are written in our mother tongue, tagalog as we write for the filipino fans of nct— or as we call ourselves, filozens! ☄. *. ⋆
this blog is handled and owned by two admins; admin l & admin g, admin g will focus on writing, admin l will focus on proofreading. together, you can call them ligaya! (you can also call them by their pen names, lia and gaia ㋡)
both admins are adults, uses she/her pronouns, and are comfortable writing smut, fluff, angst, and romance. read our carrd before requesting/sending an ask!
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59 notes · View notes
likecometsx · 10 months
┘chris&prue *☄; closed starter // @rainbowmuses
"you're not..." chris said, squinting at the other. he knew her face, but only from photographs. but he knew she was here in the city. how they managed not to run into each other before this was a mystery. "are you? prue halliwell?" his eyes scanned her again. in everything he heard from his mother, and from those months studying the history of the charmed ones, chris still knew there were no garuntees that it was his aunt - not in this city.
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