#★ — xel
xelquaa · 8 months
Hello!!1!11!! Welcome to a mess of un-organized random reblogs (and sometimes(very rarely) og posts)
prev user: meow-jasper-meow
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I use multible names:3
Jasper , Jas , Jay / J
Xelqua , Xel , X
I also luv misc (/+) silly nicknames :33
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↓ more stuff 😼
Stuff about me:
Sexuality: AroAce
Gender: Trans-masc-Non-Binary, Xenogenders, Audigender but also, fuck the government, gender is a concept and gender is like pokemon cards to me
Pronouns: They/Xe/Xae/Ae/It/Em/most neos
(i prefer neos)
I have and may post/rb about: AuDHD, anxiety, ocd, mdd, osdd-1, (Phisical->) POTS, EDS
a bit more info abt me here :3
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Things that i like!!:3
Fandoms: Grian, Mumbo Jumbo, Grumbo, ★Grumbot, (+some other misc hermits), Hermitcraft ★S7, S8 and first bit of S9(up to the buttercups), FeatherWeight AU (by DoctorSiren), Gravity Falls(dont rlly do ships except fiddauther(qpr)any one that ships bill dni.), The Glass Scientists, into the spider verse, Wall-E, ★AvA + AvM
Other stuff: Kandi, Photography, Nature, Traveling, Cats<333, Grumbo, Grumbot, Jrumbot, birds, clocks, robotics, Minecraft, Roblox, Among Us, Collecting random stuff, Gacha(Life,Club,2), Writing, Ford ThunderBird 1955, hippie vans, crystals, bones, rocks, learning random stuff, clouds, building, exploring, My (not yet) Legally wedded Husband @transford-pines /p, harassing my husband/j/aff and Arizona tea, + more but I dont wanna update this like every day
Other stuff:
Feel free to dm me, tag me or ask stuff :DD
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Banners :3 :
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ladyyatexel · 3 years
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Lady Yate-Xel Is Making Art For Money!
This is certainly a brand new concept you’ve never seen before. Revolutionary, even.
If you are interested in being in the driver seat of where my art hand goes next, read onward! I am minus job and plus living in a society, so consider partaking in my innovative swap of Colors for Currency.
★Info current as of Sept 16, 2023★
👇 Check below for terms and details! 👇
☆Having some health issues right now, so production is slower than usual! Doing my best but the wind is against me~!☆
Prices are in US Dollars and are for:
color images
single figure
no to minimal background
standard 8.5" x 11" size
primarily digital media
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Increase in size, number of subjects, or complexity increases the price. For every additional subject/character, expect to add another $30.
Payment is made through PayPal invoice only. Payment under $50 is required in full up front. Higher price points can be paid in portion up front and then in full upon completion. Please let me know if you intend to utilize split payment, otherwise I will assume and invoice for full up front. I will not deliver a full and finished high res image without full payment.
Pricing is for private personal usage only. Additional charges apply for license to reproduce.
Customer has rights to use the image for typical digital scenarios, such as profile photos, story illustrations, and similar. Credit is required for these types of uses. Printing for personal settings are absolutely fine. Frame it in your living room or tape it in your locker, go nuts.
The image is not to be reproduced for sale by others, reposted in a gallery or social media, or be used in any kind of monetized setting. I retain all reproduction and exhibition rights to the image, i.e. making prints for sale and featuring it in portfolios on and offline. I will not sell prints of images featuring your characters or real people.
I don’t do pornographic or fetish images, and I reserve the right to refuse any project based on my comfort with the content.
That said, I love drawing blood in many contexts, please ask me t paint blood. 👍
Images are not limited to media franchises you've seen me work with! Feel free to propose I make your fave from something I've never seen!
Check out my other work linked in my sidebar here on tumblr or at ladyyatexel just about everywhere to get an idea of what I make and if I'm a good fit for your project. If there's a particular style or image of mine you like and want me to use as a guide for how to approach your project, it's helpful to reference that when you contact me.
If you're interested in something not listed here, like my dolls or watercolors, feel free to contact me! I've just listed the basics here.
Process and Delivery:
Send me a description of what you'd like me to paint for you, including subjects, size, and medium, and make sure to note if you would need it by a certain date. We'll also go over what general style you'd like and I'll get any references or descriptions I'll need from you.
• Once I've accepted the commission and received payment, I'll send you thumbnail sketches of possible compositions and colors and you and I will work out which one we like from those.
• I'll make a preliminary drawing from the selected thumbnail and send you a copy for approval or changes. This is where anything big can be changed. To protect myself from abuse of my time, I put a soft limit of three revisions on both thumbnails and pencil before you will need to pay a little extra.
• Once any adjustments are finished, I can begin work on the final and send you another image for final approval. Small changes can be made here, but most of the image will be committed to final at this stage. Once you approve, assuming all is paid, I can send you the final.
• Please allow approximately three weeks for a final image delivery. Turnaround can be shorter or longer depending on complexity of the project or outside factors, but this is a good estimate to keep in mind in case your project is time sensitive.
Delivery is in the form of a high-res (300+dpi) scan. Any versions I post online will include a watermark.
Physical delivery is not currently available.
Contact me at ladyyatexel.art @ gmail dot com with inquiries, proposals, and offers of unfathomable fame and fortune. Please don’t send commission proposals on social media or places like Discord – I prefer to keep everything about a transaction confined to email so nothing is lost or confused between platforms. If you have a quick question about whether I'll do a particular subject or something similar, social media messaging is fine!
By commissioning me, you are agreeing to all the above.
Thanks for looking! I hope we can make some cool stuff together!
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feyravenchatter · 2 years
This is that plot bunny. The one that I've mentioned in tags so many times now. The one where I cleaned out canon's house, rearranged all the furniture, and am haunting the place like a primary-colored poltergeist. This one, as long as it's going to end up, will also have 2 prequel pieces to cover a few things happening before the main plot.
Time is nebulous, which means I have no idea when tf this is set, although it’s technically post-s6, kind of, canon timeline means nothing, they’ve been out there a while, like a five years a while, alpha Lance, omega Keith, mpreg after the first couple-ish chapters, nsfw, very very canon divergent, omegaverse, No Blades or Paladins were harmed in the writing of this fic, except maybe Keith, there is stress and drama and angst, and all this stress is bad for the babies, both klance and their spawn
During a battle to liberate yet another planet from the empire’s rule, Keith is feeling his heat coming on, and has been since the night before.  His reaction times are slower than usual, and he has a few near misses.  He convinces himself that no one noticed those slips bc he never actually got hit.  He really should have known better than that.
Klance talk immediately after the battle because Lance noticed Keith slipping.  Pack knew he wasn't feeling great the night before, but didn't know how bad it was.  Lance goes to find Keith first to ask about it and while he knows about the irregular heats, he’s only now finding out about the infertility diagnosis.  Keith dismisses it, saying that he's gotten used to it and knows he'll never have children of his own.  Lance is upset for him, and lets slip that not having their own wouldn't bother him, leading to his admitting that he's kinda-sorta-maybe had a thing for Keith for a while.  Keith then admits that he's kinda-sorta-maybe had a thing for Lance for a while as well, but doesn't think any alpha would want him due to his sterility.  Lance tells him that that really doesn't matter to him, because adoption is always there and that he still wants a relationship with Keith despite him being /broken/.  Keith is still feeling gross from his coming heat, and Lance decides they’ll talk more about their new relationship later.
While Keith is napping, Lance attempts to, but only lays in bed, trying not to think about how exhausted he is from two major battles in as many days, which leads him to thinking about the planet from the day before, Xuvelten, and how odd the Xel are.  The race has a cultural obsession with balance, their entire civilization and religion built around the concept.  They firmly believe that everything, good or bad, must have a counter, and that to disrupt balance is to disrupt reality.  Lance shivers at the memory of the tour around their central worship site, an artificial cavern roughly carved into a mountain, and the god-spirits that are inside.  Each has their own, smaller, altar and worship place, god-spirits dedicated to almost everything, and each with a direct opposite.  It had unnerved not only him, but the rest of the pack as well, especially with the Xel’s insistence that their god-spirits were actual entities and not concepts.  They had willingly joined the coalition, thrilled at the idea of assisting to restore universal balance.
Lance’s half-asleep thoughts are interrupted by an intercom announcement from Allura that they’re heading down to Atruvela in 1 varga.  He’s pretty sure Keith didn’t hear that, and rolls out of bed, changing into his formal outfit before going to wake his newly-named omega.  Lance was right, Keith didn’t hear the announcement, waking him with the knock on his door.  He relays the message, but doesn’t come in, listening to Keith changing from the hall.  A few minutes later, he’s met with a frustrated, whining Keith.  He’s still half-asleep and can’t seem to figure out how the buttons on his blood red silk waistcoat (that Lance had convinced him into to begin with) work, pouting at his new alpha.  Lance knows that it’s his heat and helps with the buttons, asking if Keith heard him about them leaving and getting a grumbled answer.
Lance is a little concerned that his heat is too close for him to be able to join them, but decides not to say anything about it, knowing what the reaction will be.  When the entire pack meets up in the ballroom, the pack notices, but Keith swears that he's ok enough to go down to the planet, despite objections from Shiro, and especially after Allura tells them that they're all expected to be there for the celebration and negotiations.  Lance sticks close to him after letting Pidge and Hunk in on what's going on (about Keith’s incoming heat, but nothing else).  They both agree to keep an eye on Keith as well in case he gets any worse.
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