#★→ lesson one ( meme. )
msommers · 4 months
🗡️ for meredith and jorina!
tyyyy ily // character danger meme
MEREDITH (as of the start of dao)
raw power: ★★☆☆☆ — she's just a lil rogue. most of her focus is on charisma, but she gets a bonus point because i'm counting her maneuvering of her allies as part of her power. bc she do be barking orders left right and center and they have no choice but to follow given how much force is behind them lmao formal training: ★★★★☆ — the thing is that she absolutely was a highever honor roll student and #1 teacher's pet material, but i'm knocking off a point because mere would've vastly preferred history lessons over martial training. it's staying at 4 though because of noble privilege in having the best trainers around. combat experience: ★☆☆☆☆ — before the Night That Shall Not Be Mentioned, she wouldn't have experience at all outside of an occasional spar with ser gilmore and maybe a visiting dignitary if she believed it would garner approval. willingness to kill: ★☆☆☆☆ — hard to not let older mere influence this one, i had to snap out of that mindset. she'd prefer to avoid most bloodshed...but, y'know, that was before the plot decided to come for her entire life and this drastically changed. previous victims: ☆☆☆☆☆ — none bc there was never any reason for her to be killing. she's an advocate for merciful punishments—let there be lessons and a purpose served! gee, what a shame it would be if something were to change such an idealistic and gentle pov!! that'd sure be sad!!!
JORINA (as of the start of inquisition recruitment)
raw power: ★☆☆☆☆ — i’ve been stunlocked by seriously considering jorina’s combat skills for maybe?? the first time LOL but i don’t think she’d be that powerful at all. she’s good with a bow and decent with daggers, but she’s using both to bait enemies to her stronger allies most of the time. lets the mages and warriors handle it, bye. she's gonna go steal your paperwork while you get fireballed or w/e formal training: ☆☆☆☆☆ — jorina struggled her entire way through learning the necessary skills to provide for her family, and that included her fumbling over and over while teaching herself how to fight. combat experience: ★☆☆☆☆ — pre-inquisition she would’ve had maybe two or three scrambles in a denerim alleyway, but they were hardly fights as she’d just disappear into the nearest shadow as quickly as possible. willingness to kill: ★★☆☆☆ — i think this is mostly affected by her desire to avoid conflict and operate in stealth to get work done. if caught she’d rather just incapacitate the enemy and ditch the scene. previous victims: ☆☆☆☆☆ — if anything she was an occasional thief before finding proper, steady work, so no lives were taken there. just a few coins, but that's fine!! she used them wisely :)
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infintasmal · 4 months
mun meme
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★  NAME:  Chai ! KC is also acceptable
★  PRONOUNS:  she/they/unbothered
★  BEST EXPERIENCE: Def the relationships I've managed to forge. I've had some partners for years, those that I've become great friends with, with whom I owe much of my development as a creative toward. I've found a sense of community in rp spaces that I otherwise wouldn't have had access to.
★  PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Any DMs are fine, discord or otherwise. I am notably bad at initiating or maintaining conversation, I struggle a lot in social settings even online so I am appreciative of those that have been patient with me. I'm trying to be better about it but I know it can be frustrating.
★  MOST ACTIVE MUSE: Botan on DeathBlossomed is at the forefront rn which is why I've been low activity here. However Ja'far is nearly always active and has remained a steady muse for several years.
★  EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I started in middle school (I'm turning 30 next month, so 2007/8) on Gaiaonline, writing real cringy stuff but it sparked a long standing passion. I moved onto tumblr in 2012/3 my freshman year of college. You can do the math bc it makes me feel old
I tend to be pretty unbothered by most things, I've been here too long however I'll never like the active policing of other people's blog content that seems to have intensified in the recent years with the 'puriteen' wave. I think people really forgot fandoms roots with the "Don't like, don't read. Dead Dove Do Not Eat." disclaimers and could use a lesson in it. The whole 'proshipper' discourse is just exhausting and I'm simply too old to be bothered, y'know. I don't mean to be like 'you shoulda seen what was going on back in my day *shakes cane*' bc some of it was skeezy for sure and we had our fair share of problems, but I felt like most people were at least staying in their own lane.
I also take issue with people who repeatedly, publicly complain about not having 'any' rp partners or not enough interactions while simultaneously making no effort to reach out to others and show interest in anything beyond their own self satisfaction. It shows that you don't appreciate the current rp partners you have or have had by stating that they're 'not enough' and that you're only looking to satisfy your own needs rather than acting as part of a community. It sucks to feel left out but at some point you've gotta start taking initiative. If we all sat around waiting for someone to come to us, no one would ever communicate.
★   PLOTS OR MEMES: I find that memes are good way to initiate a first interaction, it kinda gives me a sense of who you wanna write with, what kinda things you're interested in, and sets up the relationship nicely. But I do like plotting out threads, but only as an outline or a starter point. Sometimes, we end up plotting a little too specifically and it's like, what's the point of writing it if I already know what's gonna happen, y'know? Like, tell me where I'm going but don't tell me what I'm gonna see along the way. I like to have a solid starting point and then go with the flow from there with discussions being mainly about major plot points.
★  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Ahh, I'm sure if you look closely enough you can find some overlapping traits with some of my muses (like dumb & gay LMAO) but I don't think there's any one muse that I would say is really like me. I think I'd be a really boring character to rp as so I'll leave it for memoir writing x3
Tagged by: @quickdeaths (Ty !! I appreciate it ~)
Tagging: I've seen a lot of my dash do this so if you haven't had the chance yet, go for it bbs
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impuretale · 1 year
Alright - Headcanon Asks yeah?
All of them! Every last one for a character in the Stand. Which character for each headcanon up to you.
Okay [cracks knuckles] I can try that! I may wind up going back to a few more than others but it just tells you which ones I do the most thinking on. Also by and large this is specific to the 2020 miniseries but will figure in wider canon sometimes.
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Headcanon meme ask list is here.
☾ - Larry Underwood's dreams and visions, even those alluding to Mother Abagail, are as disturbing as they are at the start of the series because he's still taking coke. Hence why his vision of her calling him to come and see her is intermixed with that of his dying mother.
★ - Joe/Leo Rockway still has dreams about both Larry and Mommy Nadine as he grows up.
☆ - Kojak the dog fathers puppies and lives a good, long dog life.
☠ - Lloyd Henreid's gold tooth that appears after arriving in Vegas, is not purely cosmetic. One of the first people who wound up on the telephone poles didn't understand the pecking order yet and thought he was an easy target to take a swing at, and while Lloyd scrapped back, Flagg finished the matter by establishing that he picks his soldiers and they are off limits.
✿ - Flagg is very accustomed to his partners passing out before the end and tends to hit such a devastatingly huge dip in adrenaline afterward that he could probably benefit from aftercare, which never happens because his partners are out. When your mind is open to the eldritch horrors and arriving leaves everything exposed and unguarded, you don't experience post-nut clarity so much as post-nut disparity. This is not a big enough deterrent to warn him off from the practice itself, but then it is very canon that he finds this kind of exposure necessary, even if unpleasant. Wizards, amirite?
■ - Glen Bateman tends to live in clutter. Where he puts something down is just where it lives which means his home dwelling can contain a lot of organized piles of stuff -- it looks like a mess and on occasion he will be very "shit I need to clean I'm out of surfaces" but he knows where everything is.
♡ - Lloyd Henreid is in love with Randall Flagg and doesn't really expect anything from it -- he isn't afraid of him as Julie thinks he is. What he's afraid of is the notion that Flagg only tolerates him. This leads to him trying too hard to be accommodating, on occasion.
♥ - Fran ignores or rebuffs Harold's romantic advances because even if her feelings go beyond "kid I used to babysit that I thought was annoying when I was a teenager" it is not romantic in origin -- she also projected a lot of her little brother onto him, who died when he was little. So him making it after Trips was bittersweetly important because he has always been the younger sibling that made it. Even if it is something she distanced herself from because childhood trauma is hard to deal with as a kid and a teenager, and her friendship with his sister made it a quietly kept secret. She recognizes that's unfair and not something he asked for, but she didn't ask to be the object of his unrequited affections either.
☮ - On the way to Boulder, Glen went fishing a few times with Stu, which seemed to relax him. They would usually catch things and Glen would joke, if they did not, that his loud speechifying scared the fish away.
♦ - Stu cannot play any instruments and his singing is for the shower and the radio only.
☯ - Harold loves PayDays (canon) but absolutely hates fruity candies. After trick or treating he and his sister would barter for their favorites and his willingness to let go of higher-value candy like chewing gum for chocolate meant it was a largely pleasant experience where neither sibling had much reason to steal from each other's stashes.
▼ - Fran hates swimming and can only do it because her parents made her take lessons when she was a kid.
∇ - Assuming my New Game+ theory re: the 2020 miniseries and Flagg holds water, Mother Abagail is also just as aware that events have transpired before and is less ruffled by Flagg because she's literally had these conversations with him multiple times.
♒ - Flagg has a sweet tooth (book/TDT canon) -- with a fully stocked kitchen and permission to fuck around and find out, Lloyd discovered this when he made deep fried oreos and then almost didn't get to have any.
☼ - Lloyd Henreid's XIX tattoo is an easter egg but he got it because it was his first tattoo, on his 19th birthday, and he couldn't think of anything else cool to get.
ൠ - Randall Flagg has no pop culture memories from after 1994. His car has a tape deck because it doesn't occur to him that cars wouldn't have one. He keys into new music pretty quick but all his favorites and the ones that get stuck in his head are from well before that and come from a variety of places.
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Shrek 2
“Shrek 2″ is often considered to be one of the greatest sequels of all time by some people... and those people would be correct.
Shrek and Fiona are happily enjoying their marriage until they’re invited to a royal ball by Fiona’s parents. Fiona and Donkey are excited to go, but Shrek is hesitant. He has a feeling that Fiona’s parents won’t really like him or accept the choices that Fiona has made. Still, he ends up going and gets caught up in a ploy crafted by the Fairy Godmother.
The first “Shrek” was content with delivering a simple, yet powerful story. It used the benefit of simplicity by crafting genuinely funny jokes and sharp commentary about the relentless push of conservatism from DreamWorks's clear rival. “Shrek 2″ is ambitious, if not anything else. It retains the same level of jokes and commentary and I dare say that it actually elevated those levels. There were so many moments that had me laughing out loud. A few notable jokes were the “Cops” parody, which is still relevant today, and the Starbucks joke which is just so good. While maintaining the same level of quality of jokes and commentary, “Shrek 2″ also does what every good sequel does and expands the scope of the first film. I love everything about the kingdom of Far Far Away. First off, the name is just top-notch. It effectively positions itself as the place that every fairy tale starts off mentioning. Making it a parody of Hollywood is just so damn clever. “Shrek 2″ also feels like a genuine continuation of the first film because it follows up on logical plot beats. In a franchise about being more realistic about our ‘happily ever afters’, of course, they should explore what the in-laws think. Of course, we follow up on Prince Charming who hasn’t learned the lessons of the first film. Speaking of Prince Charming, “Shrek 2″ delivers with its new characters. Every one of them just hits the mark. Doris The Ugly Stepsister was hilarious to me as a child. Mongo will always have a place in my heart. Puss In Boots was so popular that he got his own spin-off movies, one of which is gaining exceptionally great critical reception in theaters right now. And who could forget the Fairy Godmother? She’s such a fun villain because she gets to be the celebrity who gets to ham it up when the cameras are rolling, but then switches to an evil mob boss on the flip of a switch. Plus, she has an amazing singing voice. She performs a cover of “Holding Out For A Hero” and has the rare honor of exceeding the original as the definitive way of listening to the song. Jennifer Saunders really sounds like she’s having a blast in the role. The final climax of this film is one that sticks out in everyone’s mind. I think rightfully so because the action is high-octane, high-stakes, non-stop fun with great jokes and call-backs along the way. You truly feel like Shrek is running out of time because of the love potion Fiona’s about to drink and the effects of the potion he drank. I do think the twist was a bit predictable, but it was still executed in an ambiguous enough manner that it didn’t bother me one bit. All in all, this movie is a masterclass on how to make sequels. I know it’s a meme to call it the best sequel of all time, but there is some truth in that. I wouldn’t go as far as calling it the best, but I think it’s perfect for the “Shrek” franchise.
Rewatched on January 4th, 2023
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rikas-things · 1 month
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Hello, everynyan! 😺🩷
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This is my master list! Things you'd like to see, as well as info about me, will be here!
I'll mostly use this for my artwork and to introduce myself, so I hope you'll be intrigued to see about it.
More under the cut
🩷About Rika💜
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Name: Rika, Rika M
Home: America
Hobbies: drawing, edits, making memes
Favorite color(s): Pink & purple
Favorite food(s): sweets 🧁
Least favorite food: potato salad 🤢
Favorite show(non-animated): Heat of the Night, Matlock (I'm prolly showing my age here lol)
Current obsession(s): Twisted Wonderland, Diabolik Lovers, Naruto, Jujutsu Kaisen
(the ones in color are the biggest obsessions)
Other facts: I used to use Wattpad religiously, but after the site went to Hell and back, I've been trying to find alternatives and am currently working on sending my stories to Archive Of My Own (AO3). I'm trying to get a webcomic started but haven't thought up a proper plot yet...
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OMG, this series has a choke hold on my like none other!! I've played the game off and on for like a year and I've just recently gotten Rollo's card a few days ago, which also happened to be on my birthday! Best! Gift! EVER!! (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
Ahem, even though this gatcha game has gotten so popular I'm sure everyone but the neighborhood dog knows about this, but in case you don't, I'll explain:
So Twisted Wonderland is this world centered around Disney. Particularly the villains, who are turned into these super beautiful anime boys who are all super capable with magic but have varying degrees of trauma. They all have to go to this school for magic to become official mages, and here's where you come in: you're a random who got transported into this world via horse and carriage, and after nearly getting burned alive by this talking cat and trying to explain to the very irresponsible and weird man with the mask that you ain't from here, you are allowed to live on campus until he "finds a way" to get you back home. Oh, and the crow dude's the Headmaster of the academy, by the way.
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Loh story short, he has you be a free therapist for these gorgeous but dangerous bishie boys and you get rewarded with stuff to fix the dilapidated dorm the headmaster forced allowed you to stay in. I may or may not have butchered a bit of the initial plot but I hope you understood it. Blah, blah, blah, there are cards you need to collect and or strengthen through lessons, blah,blah, blah, the more power they are the prettier the art is- OH BUT YOU CAN'T DATE THE BOYS!
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....yeah, this ain't an otome(girl's dating) game. It's a visual novel, but that won't stop the characters from flirting with you at random moments. Nor will the fandom stop from making them datable. La, la, la, can't hear you over the sound of my Idia x Reader getting over 200 reads!! ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ
Yeah, so this is the section for my fic. Sorry for the yap session (⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠˙̫̮⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠):
There's only a few of these available, and I'm not sure if I'll ever continue them. But if you'd like to see more of my amateurish writing, then I'd be glad to do so.
My artworks are here:
☹࿇༲࿆༫࿆࿂࿆༗(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)࿇༲࿆༫࿆࿂࿆༗☻
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Ah, Diabolik Lovers. For many, this series needs no introduction. But for a few of you who had not known about this franchise, I'll gladly tell you.
I first learned of this through the laughably bad "anime", which had me in such a blind rage, I barely remembered it before learning it had adapted from a game of the same name,.which, while I do have my own misgivings of the initial premise (the source material is DARK with a capital D) the anime does the series a great disservice.
Not only do the boys get scrubbed clean of anything that made them interesting, save for their sadism and their desire to drink Yui(our unfortunate heroine) dry, Yui herself is not even a person. Lots of the reasons and ideas behind her character are thrown out of the window for a cheap and lazy cash grab. Same for the second season.
That being said...
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I'd be lying if I said this series didn't have me in a chokehold for the LONGEST TIME.
The game art, story, and generally everything else is far superior, and, with the exception of More, Blood-
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And I dearly enjoyed everything involving it's characters, as well as the fandom and the funny meme content (Laby fans, where u at 😏)
And I've actually made my own interpretation of Diabolik Lovers in the name of Diabolik Alcoholik!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy your time on this silly little blog of mine and hope to see you soon!
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yellowpuppet · 2 years
✧*̥   @killmenots​​ *̥ dialed ˚✧: “  i don’t hate you.  i pity you.  ” - coffin to whichever battery doi you prefer !
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⋆   ★    ❝ YOU?! ❞  They  croaked,  not  even  intending  their  voice  to  be  as  loud  as  it  was.  They’ve  been  a  lot  of  things  before  ...but  PITIED  is  a  new  one.  The  heels  of  felted  hands  come  up  to  scrub  at  their  own  eyes.    Not  that  any  real  tears  could  even  be  shed.  This  one;  This  mean,  nasty  floorboard  one  had  taken  the  green  one  away  before  in  the  hole  and  Doi  HATED  him.  
When  their  eyes  refocus,  even  through  the  tears  they  stare  at  the  coffin.  Stridor-breathing.  Their  a  mix  between  vexed,    tearful  and  the  usually  confused.  Yet  what  they  can  remember  of  this  coffin-  and  they  do  remember,  somehow  this  lesson  was  a  topic  revisited  within  the  household  by  a  three  puppets-  makes  their  chest  heave  without  lungs.  
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⋆   ★    ❝  You  took  the  other  one  away! ❞  They  scorned,  not  moving  out  of  their  seat  just  yet.   ❝ What?  Why  are  you  ?...  GO,  go  away! ❞  They  looked  around  for  the  rest  of  their  clump.  They  weren’t  here.  Had  he  taken  them  both  this  time?  Doi  continues  to  panic.
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    @ask-thedepressedkidatthetabletable: ❛❛[ defend ] - For Alex&Casper please :)❜❜
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                                   ✧・゚  𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃.
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★  ⸻   [ defend ]  your muse defending mine’s reputation , dignity , or safety for them .
       It wasn't a secret that Casper got more trouble with High School than other teenagers. He was a mediocre student, diligent with his work, even if his participation during the lessons was little to zero and he could be found in more than one after school activity. The latter having started out as AN EFFECTIVE MEASURE to stay away from home as long as possible and not having developed further than that. His friendships were superficial at best as he didn't allow himself growing too close with others. He experienced first hand what would happen if he did and it was a two-way-street. They were safer if they stayed away from him and him and his sister were safer if NOBODY CARED.
       But that also meant that people talked. Casper was so over the occasional stupid comments he got and his stoic attitude seemed to turn off any bullies as it wasn't fun to mess with someone who didn't care. It was different with the teachers. Not everyone was a Mr. Barnes. Casper always found the man's efforts exhausting to lure him out of his shell, but the OCCASIONAL NUISANCES were rooted in good intentions. He was probably the only teacher who gave a shit.
       It became painfully clear once more as Casper tried to squeeze himself out of the classroom to escape a talk with their math teacher, but unfortunately he was too slow. The room emptied itself one by one and one of the other students packing their stuff was Alex. He'd showed up for once. He too didn't have the best relationship with the school and it was one of the few things the boys had in common. What made it even worse that Mrs Bell's VERBAL ASSAULT tore pieces of Casper's patience and stoic exterior down, right in front of the eyes of him and a handful other students. If she only knew that there was no use. Yes, yes, he knew all of those things. No, he wasn't intending on changing them. He couldn't. She had no idea. Casper's head began to hurt as he glared at her desk. She was a bitch just for the sake of it.
       The woman's voice began to stutter when someon else joined the one-sided conversation. Casper's brows furrowed with poorly concealed confusion and he didn't have to look up to know that it was Alex. Please don't make this worse. Please. He didn't understand what Alex had to gain from speaking up against whatever unfair crap Mrs Bell was pulling out of her brain, and that emotion alone was stronger than his reservation. Like many times before his eyes darted up to look at Alex. Check what he was on about, what he was thinking. This guy was SORT OF AN ENIGMA.
       Mrs Bell obviously had some trouble to find a good retort. Alex sounded like a smartass sometimes, but then again adults always found offense in someone younger calling them out. As if they ate the soup of wisdom and superiority, oblivious that they had done it with a fork. Casper was quick to lead the way outside. Without a comment. Of course. God, the air in there got sucked out, he needed to head out and take a few breaths. He slowed down once he noticed that Alex was right behind him. Until the other caught up with him and THEY WALKED IN SILENCE next to each other down the hallway. It was hard to understand why Alex felt the need to stand up for him. There were some questions burning in the back of Casper's head, on his tongue, but he knew they'd never make it out.
       Maybe he'd be able to slip him a note later once he calmed down. For now he could just flash a quizzical look at Alex once in a while, when he thought the other wouldn't notice. How could you tell how you felt about an incident if you didn't have an explanation in the first place?
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Hello again Zu! Don't worry about late replies, I mean, look at me now :"D. Sorry for not replying earlier, usually when I'm going reply your answers something always shows up (ಥ﹏ಥ). In the meantime we haven't talk, have you already played Deltarune? I haven't, yet. And lately I'm seeing a lot about this new meme about Susi asking Kriss: "KRISS WHERE THE (D)UCK IS THIS PLACE?" Or something like that xD.
About the violin, playing the instruments is hard indeed, and a trauma for some of us, but at the end it's really worth the beautiful sound someone can produce with practice :"D. And I also hope I can fix Sebastián soon (´⌒`。). by THE WAY, YOU PLAY THE OCARINA? -insert Ocarina of time memories here, I haven't played the game tho ajxjsjx- THAT'S BEAUTIFUL- Wind instruments are so beautiful sounding (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`). DO YOU ALSO PLAY KALIMBA? CAN YOU MARRY ME PLEASE? (?) I have a kalimba at home, and it's actually my sister's, but sometimes she burrows me her instrument and I like to play The last airbender OST's in it :"D. It's such a beautiful instrument and I love its sound (♡˙︶˙♡) it's very relaxing.
About the chinese manwha, I was reading Silent Lover. It's about a mute boy named Chen Yu that is sent to the King of Zhen Bei's palace in place of the daughter of the family he serves as a slave. He is send there as a concubine in place of the daughter because the King is know for killing the 9 concubines he had before, and the family sends him as concubine instead of Chen Ruo Fei (the daughter) to avoid that, so Chen Yu has to pretend he is a woman and tries to survive.
The manwha is not bad, it has good things as the evolution Chen Yu has across the history. But sadly at the very end the principal couple falls in the cliché of being given "roles" of "the woman" and "the men" of the relationship, being both of them males, and it also romanticized a bit the abusive relationship of Chen Yu and the emperor. But like I said before, not everything was bad. Because the art was just, oOOOOF. BEAUTIFUL.
THE ART WAS SOMETHING I LOVED A LOT, AND THE CHARACTER DESIGNS AS WELL. Now I'm going to read a Thousand autumns. So i'm going to prepare my tears.
WHAT ABOUT YOU ZU? HOW HAVE YOU BEEN THESE DAYS? Have you maybe hang out with your friends? (o゚▽゚) The old lady is alright? And how it's work as well? :0
I send you lots and lots of love, hugs and muaks Zu, you're very beloved by all of us! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ don't ever forget that!
— Waffle and oreos anon ★
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OMG I was answering your first ask when you sent the new one?? Are you reading my mind?? XD
Hii again!╰(*´︶`*)╯☆
Guess I broke all the records since you had to message me the second time omg— I didn’t do it on purpose tho! (ówò) Please forgive me for that, for big messages are hard for me to reply, but it's never your fault ♡ And don’t apologize! >:3 Let's say we're even, to not worry about the time anymore heheh ☆ Don't mind this big text of mine and feel free to reply as you want!
I haven't played Deltarune since that time, so many things to do instead :'D Oh that meme! It's gonna be legendary XD
I can feel you! (>3<) Some lessons were literally torture... How's Sebastián? *^* I haven't played this game either but yeah!! I was inspired by Wadanohara game <3 Wind instruments are much harder tho... Pfff throwing a shoe would be too effective xd Noo I haven't learned to play the kalimba yet! /// WAIT do YOU play it?? (*⁰▿⁰*) Awww I'd love to hear it! ♪
Wow— this sounds intriguing! ☆ Gotta look into (*゚∀゚*) I'm glad you enjoyed the story itself despite the ending <3 It reminded me of the manhwa "My heart beats" where a guy joins the women's water polo team while pretending to be a girl (wears a swimsuit and inserts silicone breasts xd). And he falls in love with another girl... In short, a very good story (*´꒳`*) Prepare your tears for another worthy manhwa! (òwó)
MOCHI THE KITTY?? \(//∇//)\ Awww congrats!! How did it happen? (°▽°) How is da baby girl doing??
I'm so happy to hear you liked the comic, thank you a looot! (〃ω〃) Oh it's alright! Don't be sorry <3
"Can we catch up until the morning?" is what Cross asks Dream to cheer him up after his "...Like none of this ever happened." Dream says this with bitterness cause their past together was turbulent (running away from Nightmare, quarrels, Dream's corruption, etc.), and they just didn't have enough time and opportunities to spend it enjoying each other calmly.
Real life has come, then family, and their time is running out. So Cross invites Dream to do things they couldn't do back then (like eating nice cream in Undertale? Why not? ;D) But they only have time until the morning — they have too little options to spend this night outside, in the Multiverse, unique and unforgettable.
Dream summons a staff and opens a portal [white background]: he asks the birthday boy to make a wish — to choose where he wants to be and what he wants to do. (His magic is fueled by positive emotions, guess it's gonna be something exciting~ (spoiler: there'll be another episode, in Underlust) ☆
Yep! I had fun with my family last weekend, hope to have fun with my friends too when they get well <3
Koshka's doing great ;D Every morning she wakes me up pocking her nose in my face and grumbling if I don't get up as fast as possible xd
Work's been great too! And Inktobertale's going really good with all needed breaks as well heheh (ùwú)☆
You're always being so nice to me (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) Thank you so much for your letters and kind words, it means a lot to me and I keep them in my heart ♡
How are you doing? *^* How's your family? I really hope everything's going good for you, but if you ever need someone to talk to sooner, please don't hesitate to DM me! Lots of love <3
And take care of yourself, cause somebody...╰(*´︶`*)╯
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅ — @skater-brain asked: — ⚅ ⚅ — 🃏 A major adjustment or transition period he went through — ⚅
Character Study Meme
🃏 Sender requests a subject.
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Most of Hanekoma's growth happened under the tutelage of Shibuya's then-Producer, Haruto Abe, as he tried to get back up on his feet and reintroduced into society. He had fallen to his very lowest: hungry, angry, injured, sick, and exhausted. He might not have lasted much longer if Haruto hadn't shown up one very cold night and offered "just a warm drink".
Hanekoma had followed the old man, reluctant but desperate, into a small café tucked on Spain Hill. He didn't believe that the kindness being offered to him could have come without pity or with some kind of catch. But day after day Haruto continued to pester and bug him. Hanekoma, after coming into Haruto's home, found that he was no longer hunted by his enemies. His wounds healed, and Haruto cured his illnesses quickly when they came. Haruto taught Hanekoma how to make coffee, "out of convenience," he'd said, and as soon as Hanekoma had mastered it offered him a job.
Hanekoma didn't think much about working in the café. At first it was just his way of showing Haruto his gratitude for helping him get back to a mostly healthy weight and into a healthy body. But as it stretched on, Hanekoma found Haruto encouraging him to get a bank account, and then to work on his professionalism. Hanekoma was slowly introduced into a more healthy lifestyle, and while this was all done gradually, it was the most transformative time of Hanekoma's life. Haruto suggested to Hanekoma not to merely pain anger into the walls of the city, but to really use his street art as an outlet to send a positive and meaningful message to those who might see it. Haruto was the one who encouraged Hanekoma to expand his artistic endeavors and experiment with new outlets. Haruto was the one who supported Hanekoma reaching out and meeting, getting to know, and getting close to new people.
By the time Hanekoma had died and entered his game, he had become a new person entirely. Different from the animal that Haruto had pulled out of the street. Different even from the young man that had gotten into that predicament in the first place. Hanekoma had metamorphosed into a person that opened his arms to the world and cherished humanity deeply. He would continue to grow and learn as he lived his life as a reaper, and he would carry the lessons he learned during his game with him forever, but no time in his life had ever been as transformative as that time with his beloved café owner.
To this day Hanekoma cherishes those memories deeply, and he lives every moment to its fullest, hoping to carry the life Haruto has given him into the lives of those he loves. He wants to have the same spirit and giving nature, and he wants to give his heart freely to the world around him, to honor Haruto's memory.
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cityandking · 6 years
🗡️ for Vesper, Cordelia & Winry!
Raw power. ★★★★☆ [Truth be told she’s an immensely powerful mage who has been hiding it behind decorum, quietude and politeness in an attempt to stay out of trouble all her life. It comes in handy in the end.]
Formal Training. ★★★★★ [If there’s one thing the Circle can offer, it’s formality. If there’s one thing the Inquisition gives her, it’s training. She’s studied everything.]
Combat experience. ★★★☆☆ [The Circle offers no––or minimal, anyways––opportunity for combat experience, but being on the run for nearly a year in the middle of a war definitely got her learning.]
Willingness to kill. ★★★☆☆ [She understands pragmatism, and cost, and survival, but–– Maker. It never gets easier.]
Previous victims. ★★☆☆☆ [Her first was from the riot at the Circle, and in the moment she was too busy trying to keep her students safe to realize. Only afterwards did she fall apart. Privately, of course––it wouldn’t do to let the children see.]
Raw power. ★★☆☆☆ [She’s really not a particularly powerful mage. Party tricks and minor illusions are about the best she’s got, and she learns some basic combat magic on the road because it’s that or, y’know, die.]
Formal Training. ★★★☆☆ [She had some, technically, but she had little interest in her lessons and didn’t always, ah, pay attention.]
Combat experience. ★☆☆☆☆ [She was a noblewoman and then a cloistered mage. She’s got not a lick of combat experience. Joining the Wardens was a sudden change in lifestyle.]
Willingness to kill. ★★☆☆☆ [She’d really rather not to, but she has strong self-protection instincts, so when push comes to shove–– Well, she shoves back.]
Previous victims. ★☆☆☆☆ [What previous victims.]
[character danger meme]
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yellowpuppet · 2 years
✧*̥ @pescastories​ *̥ dialed ˚✧:  “Don’t move, you’re losing blood!” (From Edith)
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Standing  off  kilter,  hand  grazed  against  his  chest.  Doi  certainly  felt  like  he  was  dying.  Brain  fogged  and  consciousness  dropping  in  and  out  like  the  breath  he  didn’t  necessarily  need  to  breathe  but  used    to  try  and  still  his  nerves.  Blood  and something  black  and  tar  oozing out  of  his  chest.
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He  was  told  not  to  move  and  yet  he  just  wanted  to  be  next  to  Edith,  to  have  someone  hold  him  in  case  he  really  was  dying.  He  didn’t  want  to  be  put  in  the  hole  alone.  
The  yellow  puppet  takes  heavy  steps  towards  her,  one,  two,  three  -  He  collapses  into  a  heap  just  in  front  of  her.  His  brain  is  too  fuzzy  to  remember  how  it  came  to  this.  It  must  have  been  one  of  those  teachers  that  cropped  up  from  time  to  time-  what  lesson  was  it  this  time?  Why  did  everything  feel  so  heavy?    
⋆      ★    ❝ Am...I....dying?  ❞
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅ — @plumadivina​ asked: — ⚅ ⚅ — 👶 — ⚅
Muse Skills Meme
👶 Parenting/Babysitting
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
⚀ Hanekoma is fairly unfamiliar with this particular skill, but he tends to consider himself pretty good at it. Whether he actually is or not is largely up to any viewing party. His only real experience with this topic is in regards to the kids he’s gotten close to like Neku and co.
⚀ Hanekoma isn’t downright terrible at taking care of kids. He’s not going to ignore them or feed them something they shouldn’t have or try to give them adult medicine when they get sick. As far as the basics go, he’s pretty good at taking care of kids and he’ll follow instructions to a T if he’s to be watching after a child. He’s also pretty friendly with children, and if he sees that he’s scaring someone, he’ll immediately start making adjustments to get them feeling more comfortable (be that by being softer or by making himself look silly, whatever he needs to do). He’s pretty good at entertaining kids in a variety of different ways, and in all of these regards, one might consider him pretty skilled in parenting.
⚀ That being said, when it comes to life lessons and respecting authority, other parties might be more inclined to judge Hanekoma harshly. Hanekoma takes the consideration that kids need to learn respect through example, and he’ll take them seriously when they come to him with a concern regardless of what that is. If a kid doesn’t feel like it’s very fair that they don’t get to gorge themselves on sweets, he’ll actively listen to their complaints and try to formulate a defense that makes sense for the kid not to eat those sweets. He tries using sometimes really complicated methods to get kids to listen to him, sometimes really roundabout ways, and some parents might not appreciate that. If he’s babysitting someone who prefers their kids just accept “no means no”, they likely wouldn’t take too kindly to Hanekoma’s methods.
⚀ Hanekoma also teaches respecting the self and self-fulfillment over everything else. And while treating others with kindness and respect is also very important to that philosophy, it might not agree with other ways of thinking. He’s very much the kind of parent that says, “What? You want to play baseball now even though just a week ago you wanted to learn to play violin? You want to switch? Okay, let’s see what we can do.” And he’s not one for try to force a child into learning a certain skill or getting into a certain pastime. He’ll of course try to encourage sticking with something even when things get difficult, but if a child decides they just don’t like something and want to move on, he’ll encourage that change. If a parent who was trying to ensure their child stuck with a certain elective, Hanekoma’s methods might seem like a poorly-structured way of life, and they certainly wouldn’t want to entrust him with their child.
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅ — @dandybarista asked: — ⚅
⚅ — 📰 meows — ⚅
Muse Answers Questions Meme
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⚀ What is their name?:
"Sanae Hanekoma," he smirked. "I think. He's just like Ancestor, so he's probably got another name, too. I call 'im Grandpa when I'm not around anyone, but don't tell him that."
⚁ Relationship with them?:
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He shrugged a bit, face dusting over with a rosy hue "Mm, I don't know, really. He's... Nicer to me than Ancestor, but I thought for a while it must be a trap. Recently, though... Uuuh... Well, I mean, he's just bein'... Real sweet to me. Maybe I'm gettin' closer to being like-- like family or something..."
Ah... How did this conversation get this uncomfortable this quickly?
⚂ What do you view them as? (family,friend,other):
"Friend, maybe," he muttered far too quickly. "Maybe a good friend. Maybe even, like I said, maybe I'm gettin' closer to being more like family. I guess I don't know 'im well enough to know for sure..."
⚃ Do you feel attracted to them in any way?:
God, they just keep getting worse! These didn't bother him before! He was blaming Joshua for this entirely. This was all his fault.
"Nopenotatall," his face was dark all the way down to his neck now. "Ditto what I said about Ancestor."
He was lying, and he was too flustered to do so very well.
⚄ What’s one thing you’d like to do with them?:
He swallowed hard, "Um... I dunno... Watch 'im make his brew maybe...? Take some lessons..."
His answers were pathetic, but he was short circuiting at this point. His mind was filling with scene after scene after scene... He wanted to be closer, to--
⚅ Tell us one memory you have with them.:
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He swallowed hard, and his dialect slipped away as he tried to focus on talking, "Uh... Well, there was this one time he took me out to tag his city. Or... Was I the one that asked him...? I don't remember but... Watching him work was great. That's always something I found really beautiful... About all of us. The way we work is always a little different. But it's always amazing to watch..."
⚅⚀ Anything you’d like to ask them or state to them? If so, say it now, please!:
He leaned back and covered his face, "No... Well... I guess... I'd say thanks for looking out for me... He's been a lot more accommodating to me than I ever deserved for him to be. And I... Really appreciate it..."
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅ — @the-grim-heaper​ asked: — ⚅ ⚅ — 📰 — ⚅
Muse Answers Questions Meme
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
⚀ What is their name?:
”Sho Minamimoto, my greatest weapon that turned out not to work at all, haha. But hey, he’s done some good stuff for my city, even if he does give me fits sometimes.”
⚁ Relationship with them?:
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Hanekoma drew in a deep breath, “Aaah, that’s a bit difficult. I’m tryin’ to get ‘im to like me, but uh... Well, so far all I can get is for ‘im to tolerate me. It’s all I’ve ever been able to do. But, hey. That’s not so bad, right? I think he’s gettin’ a little softer these days. Those kids musta had a real good impact on him. I’m hoping to get him to soften up even more over time.”
⚂ What do you view them as? (family,friend,other):
”My kitten,” he purred, fully aware of how much trouble that title would earn him around the lion himself. “I mean, here’s the thing. I’ve been trainin’ him for a long time, so he’s almost another one’a my kids at this point. But seein’ as how I’ve been givin’ him a lot more serious lessons than anyone else, he’s very close to me. He’s my student and someone I care about, despite that wild attitude of his. That’s why I call ‘im kitten. I’m the cat an’ he’s still comin’ up in his own. He’s still gotta lotta lessons to learn. That’s all.”
⚃ Do you feel attracted to them in any way?:
He shook his head, “Nah. Not him. I mean, I doubt he’d appreciate that kinda thinkin’ anyway. But I’m just not interested in lookin’ at ‘im like that. Don’t think I could do it. Like I said, he’s kinda like my kid.”
⚄ What’s one thing you’d like to do with them?:
Hanekoma bit his lip and turned his eyes up to the ceiling of his little café, “Well... I would be lyin’ if I said I didn’t wanna fight him. I wanna test ‘im and really see how far he’s come since his last game. That bein’ said, though, I know it’s not safe. He doesn’t really know how to hold back, and even though I don’t want him to hold any limits, I don’t really want ‘im wreckin’ my café again, or anything else, for that matter. I gotta put the city first, even if I am excited to push him to ‘is limits.”
⚅ Tell us one memory you have with them.:
”Believe it or not, some of my fondest memories with that cat is teachin’ him how to use taboo refinery. He’s so bad at it, even though he tries to act like he’s smarter’n everyone else. But he’s shit at taboo. Even so, watchin’ him work so hard to wrap ‘is head around it and the determination to put up with my ass long enough to figure it out was endearing. He mighta hated every second of it, but I really got to carin’ about that kid.”
⚅⚀ Anything you’d like to ask them or state to them? If so, say it now, please!:
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“Well,” he replied softly, reaching up to massage the back of his neck, “I think... I would wanna tell ‘im that I care about ‘im. I’m excited to get ‘im on our side and have him workin’ with me to really protect this city. He does what he does because he’s attached to Shibuya same as me. That’s why I picked him in the first place. Now that the danger is over, I wanna teach ‘im to slow down and take things in stride. I wish I could really tell ‘im how much I care an’ how dear he is to me. How I wanna see him grow. I know he’d never accept it, not even on the best of days, but... Well, I can’t help it. I still see a little of myself in ‘im, y’know?”
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