#☆ Howdy's Pitstop
thestarsurfers · 6 months
*it wakes up blushing a bit but acts like it's still unconscious*
Poppy was tending to Sally in the medbay. Poppy was a large bird, her feathers red in color on her body although she did have some other colors like yellows, greens, blues, and oranges. She wore a space-themed shawl with stars and planets on it. Sally was a smaller woman of star qualities. Her head was a bright glowing star, yellow in color. She wore a silver iridescent cropped jacket that had shoulder pads. Underneath the jacket, she wore a white tube top. Her shorts were also made of iridescent material and she had a silver star belt. Her shoes were white and buckled platformers. She also wore red frameless star-shaped glasses.
"Oh, Howdy. Who's the newbie?" Sally asked, chuckling slightly. "Not entirely sure!" Howdy chuckled, "Found them out in space unconscious. Speaking of that, Poppy, can you give a quick checkup?"
Poppy nodded, "Of course. Let me just finish patching up Miss Starlet over here." Howdy nodded, placing the star-bound anon on a spare medical bed. "Howdy, can you stay with Sally and make sure she doesn't run off while I tend to our new guest?" Poppy asked, gently smiling. "Well, of course, dear ol' Poppy." Howdy smiled as he went and made sure Sally wasn't escaping.
Poppy got to work checking up on star-bound anon.
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abd-illustrates · 1 year
Highs Lows and Dungeon-Diving Bros | Sketchbook Session
Grab a cuppa and get comfy, ‘cause it’s time to sit down, have a catch-up, and unwind with another Sketchbook Session! ☕✏️ (As well as ponder some more existential bits n’ pieces that’ve been on my mind lately, as tends to happen whenever I make one of these 😅)
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 months
Ship Bingo Animated Show edition
Mysterious Woman x Elktaur/General/Nowhere King
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Katilda x Mr. Blik
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Sylvia x Commander Peepers
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Gamagori x Mako
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Madoka x Homura
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Luz Nocada x Amity Blight
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Lazlo x Patsy Smiles
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Discord x Princess Celestia
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Ruby Gloom x Skull Boy
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Dexter x Howdy
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Pandora Pitstop x Dick Dastardly
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Star Butterfly x Tom x Marco
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Darling Charming x Apple White
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mlplovelight · 1 year
Ch. 6 - Ponyville
“So what do you think of Ponyville, TWILIGHT SPARKLE?”
Applejack asks you this as soon as you reach the town gates, so all you really have to say is:
“It sure has buildings.”
“Hehe, fair,” Applejack chuckles.
“Give her a break, Applejack,” Sweetcream Scoops scoffs and taps Applejack on the shoulder as she passes by. “Let her have a minute before you start asking questions.”
“Sorry, I just get excited,” Applejack rubs the back of her neck and Sweetcream Scoops rolls her eyes with a weird smile on her face.
While Sweetcream Scoops and Berryshine say their goodbyes to Applejack before taking off to wherever they’re off to, you decide to take stock of this Ponyville real quick, and yea it sure does have some buildings alright.
There’s a two-story shop on your right hoof side just as you walk through the town gate, you can tell cuz it says ‘shop’ on the sign, and even that building standing right next to you feels miniscule compared to the crumbling spires and castles of Old Equestria that you’re familiar with.
In fact, the whole town feels tiny. You can see another gate leading OUT of town off in the distance, even though you just got here! it almost feels more like a pitstop than a town, with only a small handful of buildings, and just a few ponies walking to and fro across its dirt roads.
What’s weird though is that every time two ponies cross each other in the road, they stop to say hello or even engage in full conversation with each other, some of them even meeting at a crossroad and then walking together the rest of their way. You certainly hope you aren’t expected to be that friendly, that sounds like a nightmare.
As long as no one perceives you, you’ll be good.
“Howdy, stranger!” a woman approaches you from behind and you jump literally ten feet in the air with a yelp. Well not literally ten feet, but you do literally jump. “Oh, uh, sorry! Didn’t mean to startle you!”
The woman is a very purple pony, with soft hair curled around her face like a comfy pillow, which is fitting because she looks half-asleep, despite her seemingly friendly demeanor. No wonder she’s tired though, she’s dragging a suitcase behind her that’s practically as big as her whole body is.
“Daisy Dreams!” Applejack says, grabbing Daisy Dreams’ attention and rescuing you from a potential social situation. You take the save with grace and hide behind Applejack. “It’s been a while! What brings you to town?”
“Just business as usual,” Daisy Dreams chuckles. “Gotta lug some merchandise for a friend of mine in town, you know how it is.”
“Always on the go, Daisy,” Applejack says with a smile. “You oughtta relax sometime, take a moment to smell the flowers.”
“That’s rich coming from you, Applejack,” Daisy Dreams sticks out her tongue. “If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you were practically fused to your shop.”
“I ain’t in the shop now, am I?” Applejack crosses her forelegs and tilts her head up. She’s affecting a powerfully smug posture, you’re pretty impressed.
“Yeah? I saw you just got back in town yourself,” Daisy Dreams gives a very sinister and evil smirk. “Where ya headed?”
“I mean, I’m goin’ back to the shop NOW, yeah,” Applejack stammers and kicks her hoof across the dirt. You are no longer impressed. “But I’ll have you know I’m plannin’ a big expedition!”
“No kidding!” Daisy Dreams says. “You’ll have to tell me all about it when I’m not lugging so much cargo.”
“Will do!” Applejack nods her head. “Pleasure chattin’ with ya, Daisy Dreams!”
“You as well, Applejack,” Daisy Dreams returns Applejack’s nod, and then turns her attention to you, and while you look away to avert her gaze, you wish you had some kind of spell that would make anyone who looks at you turn to stone medusa style. “And welcome to Ponyville, stranger!”
The woman trots off and you curl your nose up in contempt.
“Is everypony in this town so FRIENDLY?” you ask irritably.
“Pretty much,” Applejack laughs. She moves to touch your shoulder, but backs off after you recoil. “Stick with me though, I’ll take the brunt of the conversations.”
“If I’m being honest,” you say sternly, “I’d rather just go to the library and be left in peace.”
“Hm, okay that’s fair,” Applejack sighs and hangs her head. What’s her problem? She perks up right afterward and points into town with her hoof. “It’s on the far side of town, up the hill on yer right over there. Building with a red roof, you see it?”
“I do,” you say, and begin to trot off before looking back at Applejack. She immediately darts her eyes someplace else as you look toward her. Again, what is her deal? She’s so weird, you don’t understand her at all.
You know if Emerald Ray heard you say that, she’d be all ‘well maybe you should get to know her better’. Fussy, pestering ghost.
Ughhhh, but you DID promise her that you’d try to get along, and you also told Applejack you’d let her give you the tour, so…
“But first, you promised me a tour,” you say, barely exerting the will power to not grit your teeth.
“I did!” Applejack’s whole posture stands up straight, like she was just possessed or something. “You really wanna take the tour?”
“Whatever, just show me around,” you sigh, eager to get on with this before you change your mind and chicken out. “But I’m limiting us to ONE random conversation with a stranger. If a second pony tries to talk to us, I’m booking it to the library.”
“Hehe, ‘booking’ it, that was nice,” Applejack laughs. You didn’t intend that pun at all, and hearing Applejack’s laughter at your unintentional joke makes you feel weird. Your cheeks get all hot, and you feel like something is going on with your stomach. But it’s… nice. It feels good to get praised.
“Yes, well,” you say sharply, drawing yourself up, “I am a master at many things, including comedy.”
Applejack guides you on the tour and quite frankly there isn’t a lot to see; there’s the library, obviously, a couple of private homes, a sweet shop, the scrap shop, and the general goods store. Oh, and a couple community centers.
What is odd to you is the ‘couple of private homes’; you would’ve thought a town would have more buildings for people to live in, but apparently most of these buildings were erected a long time ago, and building more has just never been in the cards for the ponies who live here, so most of them sleep under the stars.
It strikes you as quaint, and all too familiar. You have no idea when the last time you slept in a real bed was, probably not since you were a child but all your memories of childhood are fuzzy and\or horrifying so you’re not really sure.
The only building Applejack actually takes you inside is the sweets shop, where a vibrant cream-colored pony is standing behind the desk. She gasps when she sees Applejack and comes out to greet her, and you slouch and groan and brace yourself for another one of these awkward conversations.
“Applejack, how the heck are ya!” the pony says, grabbing Applejack’s hoof and shaking it vigorously.
“Pleased as punch, Honeybelle!” Applejack grins ear to ear, she really must be as pleased as she says. “How ‘bout yourself? Fancy seein’ you in town!”
“Yeah, I’m taking over the shop for Ribbon Heart while she’s out,” Honeybelle shrugs. “You know I hate working hard, but hey a friend’s a friend, right?”
“Yep,” Applejack chuckles. “Is Ribbon Heart already out? I thought she was leavin’ tomorrow.”
“Nope, she just took off this morning,” Honeybelle says, and you are SO LOST. “Probably gonna be a while, y’know? The rock farm is pretty far away.”
“True,” Applejack sighs. “Dang, wish I’d gotten a chance to see her off.”
“Maybe she’ll bring you back a souvenir,” Honeybelle shrugs.
“Like a rock?” Applejack says with a devilish smirk.
“Like a maaaaagic rock!” Honeybelle says with a life. “C’mon in here, girl! Make yourself at home!”
“Maybe later,” Applejack says, “I promised my new friend the tour, so I only popped my head in to say hi.”
“Oh, I didn’t even see you there!” Honeybelle gasps, and as she reaches for your hoof, you jump back and hiss.
“Good,” you say firmly. “Keep it that way.”
“Uhhhh,” Honeybelle narrows her eyes, then arches an eyebrow and looks at Applejack.
“Don’t mind her,” Applejack says quickly. “We’ve been on the road a while, nerves are frazzled.”
“That right? Really take you ‘a while’ to get to the scrap meet and back?” Honeybelle scoffs, but before Applejack can mount a retort, Honeybelle just laughs. “Whatever, it’s no big deal. Feel free to swing by anytime, I’ll be phoning it in here all day!”
“Will do, Honeybelle,” Applejack smiles. “Pleasure seein’ you.”
“You too, sweetheart!” Honeybelle gives a big smile and a wave as Applejack heads out the door with you in tow.
“Alright that was the one conversation I promised,” you grumble. “I’m heading to the library.”
“Sure,” Applejack smiles at you and nods affirmatively. Very casual, very professional. You appreciate that kind of thing. Not everything has to be a whole conversation. “I’ll be at the shop if you need anything. Er, MY shop, the scrap shop. Not the general goods store, it has the ‘shop’ sign outside so—uh, y’know, it might be confusing.”
You are trying really hard not to laugh. She almost gives you a run for your money in the ‘dumb awkward girl’ competition.
“So you sell the scrap you take from Old Equestria?” you ask, and honestly you’re not even sure why you did that, what about going to the library? Well, you’re curious so that’s why you asked, but still that’s a weird thing to do! You can’t just be asking people things!
“Mhm,” Applejack says. “I take the stuff that’s old and broken from the ruins, and I make it new again. And if I can’t figure out what somethin’ used to be, or if it’s way too banged up to go back to what it used to be, I make somethin’ entirely new.
“Ponies come to my shop and they ask for this or that thing, sometimes knick-knacks, sometimes tools, and if I have that thing, I give it to ‘em! If I don’t have it, I tell ‘em I can go get it, and then I do! Simple as.”
“That’s…” you can feel yourself about to say something really stupid and there’s a part of you SCREAMING at yourself not to finish that sentence, but your dumb horse lips just move of their own volition and cringe sound comes out of your fail mouth. “…really cool!”
“Thanks!” Applejack says, and she has a big smile on her face. A big pity smile cuz she doesn’t want you to know just how stupid she thinks you are. “You’re welcome to swing by, check it out if you’d like.”
“Yeah, I’d like that!” you blurt out FOOLISHLY.
“Awesome!” Applejack jumps up and whinnies, before taking off and beckoning you to follow. “C’mon, it’s right this way!”
“Yeah,” you say awkwardly, “I’m right behind you.”
You really are the stupidest pony who’s ever lived, you know that?
Of course you do. HOWEVER!
Maybe just this once you can let yourself be a little stupid.
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weltonreject · 3 months
hello !! it's egr just stopping by to say i hope u are doing well :D i just started rereading the goldfinch which was likely a bad move considering how busy i am these days but also i could feel the need to do it brewing for so long i couldn't resist anymore, i also just got back from a trip to visit family and i got to pitstop on the way to see a long time obsession of mine in person (bog bodies !!) i hope you're having a great weekend so far and i am sending lots of good vibes ur way !! <333 egr
egr!!! howdy howdy!!! so sorry for my delay-- it's so lovely to hear from you!
it's so funny, right before you sent this ask i had just gotten my tgf copy and tucked it on the shelf next to my bed for an unusual spring reread. i too feel like the need for a reread has been brewing for a long while and i think perhaps doing it with More Sunlight is the move... so busy but at least So Sunny-- omg, like the desert!! our vegas chapters era!!
oooo that sounds very interesting! glad you got to have your curiosity pitstop! fuck seeing the Biggest Ball of Twine or whatever, where's our road trip pitstop to some mf bog bodies?? i hope it is everything you wanted and more! what is it about them that first got your interest?
i had a very plain but relaxing weekend! didn't do much of anything except slowly inch closer to getting Very Wild about tgf again (which means, inherently, i also thought about hathaway and cleo again... missing him very much lately)
hope your week is off to a great start!
be well x
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deannacornell · 11 months
Cornell's Country Store
Newsletter 8/1/23
On the road again...
Gift a teacher
Friendly reminder
Howdy folks! Seems like we've been on the road a lot this year and here we go again. But, I'm not complaining because this trip is an actual vacation. For some unknown reason I've always wanted to visit Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA. So, that's where we're headed for a little R&R. We know it's hot, but it's hot everywhere! As you may have guessed, we will make a three day pitstop in Nashville to see the grandbabies and go to the George Strait / Chris Stapleton concert (tickets were Bill's Christmas gift last year!)
Gift a school employee...
We think teachers are the real MVPs and, as a matter of fact, we think all school employees deserve some extra special TLC this time of year. We will have a special sale during tax free weekend - August 11 - 13 just for school employees. But, we're taking it a little further and offering up gift cards at a 10% discount so you can GIFT A TEACHER or school employee! It's super easy, just call or come by the store and tell them you'd like to gift a teacher / employee with a gift card. Give the name and the school they work for and we'll do the rest (or you can deliver it yourself). Gift cards are available in any amount you choose and they'll be 10% off from now until August 15. Let's send them back to one of the most important jobs in the world looking good and ready to conquer the year!
Friendly reminder...
This one is for the feed customers. We don't mean to sound like a broken record here, but it is very important for inventory control (amongst other things) that you call or come in the store prior to pulling up in the warehouse or to the bulk bins to be loaded. One of the main reasons is so that we make sure someone is in the warehouse or at the bins to load you. Nobody likes to wait! When you come in first the sales clerk will radio the warehouse and the guys will be there waiting for you instead of you pulling in and being frustrated that nobody is in there. They guys have many jobs to do in different parts of the property and are not always in the warehouse. But if we can radio ahead, they will be right there. I could go on and on about all the reasons that we've implemented this system but that's annoying! The bottom line is we take our job very seriously and customer service continues to be our top priority and loading you quickly is of the utmost importance to us.
all our best,
Bill & Deanna
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allthings-fantasy · 5 years
One Call Away
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1970
Warnings: smut, impala sex, dirty talk, language, fingering, unprotected sex, dean being really good at sex
AuthorsNote: I posted this this morning with a gif of shirtless Dean (you could only see his back) and it got flagged and I just now noticed... So I hope this one doesn’t get flagged either. ANYWAYS happy reading!!
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You almost didn’t hear your phone buzzing from the passenger seat over the rain pelting against the windshield. Keeping one hand on the wheel, you blindly reached over in search of your cell. Fumbling, you answered it and pressed it against your ear. “Hello?” 
There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, making your brows furrow. “Uh, hello?” 
“Y/N?” The voice on the other end of the line was the least thing you were expecting. It’s been two months since you last heard from him.
Your brows shot up, suddenly a lot more interested in the conversation. Shifting up in your seat, you eased off the petal a little bit.“Dean? Hi, uh, what are you up to?” You wanted to slap yourself in the forehead. What kind of stupid teenage question was that?
He scoffed and mumbled something about another hunt. “I can hear you driving, where are you heading to?” 
You chuckled and glanced at the mile marker. “Just passing mile marker 76 on I-64. You need something?” The question you asked had a double meaning, both of you knew what you were asking without having it say it. 
“You’re about three hours away… mind making a pitstop? If you got other things going on, it’s good. I ca-”
“Dean, stop. You know I’m here for you, just send me the address and I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Your lips tugged into a small smile at the thought of seeing him again. Not that you’d ever speak the words, but you missed him. 
A little less than three hours later you were pulling into the Red Moon Motel, throwing your Mustang into park beside Baby. Before you could even get the ignition off, door number 23 opened with Dean quickly making his way out of the room. 
Your face split into a shit eating grin as he walked over to your window and tapped a knuckle against it. “Howdy, cowboy.” 
Dean smiled and nodded his head. “Let’s take my car, backseat is bigger.” His eyebrows wiggled before opening your drivers door for you. You giggled and jumped from your seat, the two of you heading for the Impala like a couple of rebellious teens. 
Sliding in the passenger seat, you barely waited until he was out of the parking lot before sliding yourself against his side. Dean smirked and lifted his right arm, letting it fall around your shoulders. “You eager or something, sweetheart?” 
Your fingers froze on his thigh, pausing to look up at him with an eyebrow raised. “You called me, remember?” 
He shrugged and looked at you for a moment before back at the road. “Maybe I just wanted a nice talk.” 
“Ha! Still as funny as ever, Winchester.” Your fingers continued to travel up the length of his thigh, moving your lips closer to his neck. The smell of leather and whiskey filled your nose and you were ready to melt. 
With a small kiss at the base of his neck had goosebumps raising across his skin. Dean shifted in his seat when your fingers traced the outline of the growing bulge in his jeans. “Baby, there’s a spot I’m trying to get to but if you don’t let up we’re gonna end up on the side of this highway.” You released a groan and placed one more kiss against his neck before giving him his space. 
The drive only lasted another fifteen minutes before Dean was pulling onto a dirt path that lead to a small clearing in the middle of the woods. When he shut Baby off, he gave you a quick wink before getting out of the drivers door, leaving it open for you, and opening the backseat. 
You laughed and quickly followed him, shutting the back door behind you. Your mouth opened to say something, but was quickly cut off by Dean’s lips. The sudden movement made you gasp before quickly melting against him. His fingers found your hair at the base of your neck and tugged slightly till he could get better access to your neck. 
“Thought you wanted to talk?” He growled against your skin before taking a small nip at your neck. His other hand gripped at your hip and pulled you into his lap. 
He tasted the same as he always did, and it was something you were becoming more and more fond of. For the past two years this had become a routine for the two of you. A simple phone call and a drive had you releasing whatever built up tension burning inside. Both of you agreed this is all the further your relationship could go, with both of you hunting it was just easier this way. 
Your fingers moved between your bodies in search of the button on his jeans. Dean moved his hand from your hip to grip your wrist, stopping your actions. “Slow down, sweetheart. Wanna take my time with you tonight.” 
Well that was a first. Your sessions were usually wham bam thank you ma'am and you were both on your separate ways. But you weren't going to argue with him, you'd take as much as him as you could get. His fingers dipping under your shirt brought you back to the present. Dean's lips only left your skin to peel the fabric from your torso. 
Hot breath fanned across your chest and his hands ran up your sides, resting his thumbs on the underside of your bra. A small moan left your lips when your hips rocked against his hard on. The seam of your jeans was causing heavenly friction between your legs, but you wanted more. 
Dean flexed his hips in time with yours and you could feel your slick growing between your thighs. In a matter of seconds, he had the two of you flipped and you were suddenly pinned against the back seat. You sighed at the feeling of his weight on top of yours, but his shirts were becoming an issue. 
His flannel came off with ease, but the t-shirt required a little more tugging. As soon as his black shirt was tossed somewhere in the front seat, Dean crashed his lips back to yours and worked your bra off. The kiss was hungrier this time, clashes of tongue and teeth. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders, nails biting into his skin. “Dean… please.” 
He smiled against your lips and fished for the fastening of your jeans, tugging your panties along with them down your legs. Dean sat back on his thighs to finish stripping you of your clothes and look at you sprawled out in front of him. You withered underneath his intense gaze, skin flushed and chest heaving from your heavy breaths. Your legs opened a little wider for him, a silent invitation for him to have his way with you. 
One hand started at your knee and softly traced until your inner thigh. His fingers ghosted around where you wanted him most before pulling back and doing the same with the other leg. A frustrated grunt left your lips and you propped yourself up on your elbows to look him in the eyes. “You just gonna keep staring or are you gonna do something?” 
You watched as he tried to suppress the smile on his face before bringing his hand down on you. His hand rested against your lower stomach while his thumb circled your clit. That smile finally broke through when he saw your thigh twitch. Leaning back over you, Dean let his lips ghost across yours. “That shut you up…” 
When he pressed his lips fully to yours two fingers filled you to the brim. A moan was muffled by Dean's mouth as his fingers picked up the pace. Vulgar sounds filled the small space as he fucked his fingers into the wetness of your pussy. 
A whine left your lips, hips bucking to meet the thrusts of his hands. “C'mon baby. Wanna see you cum on my fingers.” Dean's hand shifted until his thumb was able to play with your clit again. 
With one last pump of his hands had you tipping over that sweet edge he pushed you towards, groaning his name. You fell limp under his touch, releasing another small moan as the waves of relaxation washed over you. Damn that man and his talented fingers. 
“Good girl.” Dean kissed your forehead and leaned back slightly, pulling his fingers from your cunt and dipping them into his mouth. He groaned around his own fingers before releasing them with a pop, “Taste even sweeter than I remember.” 
He quickly made work of his pants and boxers, his erection springing free. Holding the back of your knee, Dean spread your legs wider for him to settle between. One of his hands gripped the base of his cock, letting his tip run through your soaked folds. He paused for a moment, glancing up to your face, “You're still on the pill?” 
You giggled and nodded your head, wiggling your hips to keep him rubbing against you. “Thank God.” He groaned and leaned over your, holding his weight on the hand beside your head. Both of you moaned when he finally sunk inside of you. “Fuck, you're so tight. Always so fucking tight.” 
He smashed his lips to yours again before slowly rocking his hips. Dean always felt perfect inside of you, every thrust had the head of his cock pressing against your cervix. It didn't take long for him to pick up his rhythm. Each delicious thrust had moans spewing from your lips in desperation. 
Your nails dug into his back, silently begging him to go harder. You were close to that edge again and Dean knew it. His thrusts got sharper and his mouth got filthier. “Cum for me. Soak my fucking cock.” The string of murmured filth had you seeing stars. Your arms clung to him while you sobbed out your release, thighs shaking from the force of your orgasm. 
Dean groaned at the feeling of your release. “Fuck, I love you. Love this fucking pussy.” He thrust his hips harder against yours until he was pumping you full of his cum. Both of your bodies were covered in a layer of sweat, chests panting while trying to recover your breath. 
Dean placed a simple kiss against your lips and then your forehead. His arms situated until they were wrapped around you, flipping you over until you were laying on his chest. The action made you smile and you lifted your head to see him reach underneath the seat, pulling out a blanket. “What's that for?” 
He shrugged and unfolded it, tossing it over your naked bodies. Your brows were furrowed as he laid his head back, relaxing, before locking his arms around you. Dean Winchester did not cuddle you. Normally, he'd be helping you look for your bra about now. He opened one eye with an annoyed look. “Will you lay down? Just want to hold you for a little bit.” 
His eye closed before he saw your shocked expression. Him wanting to hold you wasn't a bad thing, just wasn't exactly what you were used to. Saying he loved you during sex? Yeah, that happened and was never spoken of again. But this? This felt way more intimate than that. 
With a soft sigh, you gave in. You rested your head against his chest and snuggled up against him, pulling the blanket around your shoulders. Even though the two of you were in the middle of nowhere, you didn't like the idea of your chest being on display. Your eyes started to drift close after placing a soft kiss on the center of his torso. Dean's arms gave you a small squeeze before you both slipped into sleep.
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ricciardo3fanpage · 4 years
What if you really really need to go? #holdituo #dontgo #dontbedigusting #danielricciardo #gogoricciardo #dr3fans #ricciardo #motorsport #f1 #racing #renaultf1team #renault #rsspirit #smile #2020 #formula1 #quarantine #keepyourdistance #stayhome #staysafe #staypositive #inthistogether #hi #howdy #hello #pitstop (bij A wee bit happier) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ub0ajFY8q/?igshid=55phvfadkbhs
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Life takes a lovely turn, and why that’s a bad thing.
A girl meets a boy, they fall in love, and suddenly life gets busy. All that time to myself that I used for bike rides the last few seasons is now time spent with Mike (bliss!) or trying to catch up on house work or taking care of this mini-crisis (water in the basement) or that (kitty cancer). And busy has meant a lot less time on the bike this summer. And as we all know, that is a bad thing. Not nearly enough exercise, or endorphins, or adventures. Or libraries. This bike has only braked for two libraries so far this season, and both of them were closed. Sigh. We will keep working on that. Still, the two libraries I did get to visit are super charming. First, the library in Seville Township is one that I have passed by many times but really never noticed. The library is nestled in the small village of Riverdale just a few yards away from the Heartland Trail, one that I have ridden at least two dozen times.  On July 1st, my first trail ride of the year, Riverdale made a nice pitstop to rest and rehydrate on my way back to the trailhead in Alma. The library has no weekend hours, so it is unlikely that I’ll get to pop inside to look around anytime soon though. Just the same, it is cute, gets bonus points for the bike rack right next to the building, and Gnomeo, who was along for the ride, enjoyed the photo op.
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Second, this past weekend, that boy and girl went bike camping for the first time for either of them.  We are such geeks. We have matching Jamis Renegades which have earned the monikers “Zoe” and “Wash”, and we have matching bags that make us look over-the-top uber geeky. Loaded with everything we needed to camp for a few nights, we trekked 20 miles to Sleep Hallow State Park and stayed in a very out of the way, hike-in, rustic site. It was bliss. 
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The next day we rode another 20 miles round trip just to explore the local landscape and the rural town of Laingsburg. Again, the library has no weekend hours in the summer, so we didn’t get to pop in, but it was a local Pokestop, and since it was a Pokemon Go Community Day, what else do two geeks do when out and about on their bikes? Catch Eevees of course. Don’t worry – we didn’t actually play while riding – we just rode around the block from Pokestop to Pokestop for several laps trying our best to find shinies. Mike scored 7, I only found one. Pout. Oh well, this Eevee graciously photobombed the bike library shot. 
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The ride home after camping and spending the whole weekend on our bikes was a wee bit slower and had a few more rest stops, so took a bit longer, but was enjoyable just the same. We are already dreaming of making the next bike camping trip a mini-tour.  Stay tuned for the further adventures of Juliette, Zoe, and Wash and if you spot any of them at a library near you, stop and say howdy!
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krixwell-liveblogs · 7 years
We stopped at an old church with boards up where there should have been stained glass windows.  Litter and more than one half-full trash bag occupied the ground at the base of the building.  Together, we walked inside.
Looks like we’re taking a formerly religious pitstop.
Is this where we’re supposed to meet up with the rest of the gang, or are we just stopping here to stitch up Brian?
Regent was perched on the lip of the stage beneath the altar.  Tattletale sat on the back of one of the benches, her feet resting on the seat.  Bitch paced at the rear of the church, the point farthest from the front door, and her dogs moved like gargantuan silhouettes in the darkness of the aisles.
Howdy, everyone!
If it weren’t for the light filtering in between the plywood on the windows, I wasn’t sure I would have known they were there.
Sounds like it’s quite dark in here, besides that little bit of light.
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getpaulhoward · 7 years
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Howdy, partners. 🤠 #totaleclipseroadtrip #cowboy #cowboys #beardedcowboy #cowboybeards #cowboyhat #miners #miningforgold #golddiggers #pitstop #instadude #beard #shell #smirk #saveahorse #rideacowboy #touristselfie #selfie #beardedselfie (at Shell Gas Station)
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thestarsurfers · 6 months
*the anon seems unresponsive* ~spacebound anon
"Oh shoot, ya not dead, are you?" Howdy looks a bit concerned, gently grabbing the anon and placing them gently on his surfboard leaning up against him as he quickly surfed his way to the moon.
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ratigan-in-the-wall · 3 years
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“Oh Howdy folk, didn’t see you there! Welcome to the Anxiety Nook, my name’s Ratigan. What can I do you for today?”
Basically, the Anxiety Nook is a pitstop/shop for people who have a hard time functioning socially. His little shop space supplies all sorts of fidgets and other sensory safe items.
Ratigan themselves carry around a few fidgets and safety items of their own. He’s got a long, heavy lounge sweatshirt for comfort, a rubber chew stim on his necklace, and the four baby blankets. (Fun fact, Ratigan is me!)
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thestarsurfers · 6 months
*floats by the spaceship in space like a flipping idiot* ~spacebound anon
"Oh, dear. Pal, what are you doing?" Howdy chuckled as he approached you on his surfboard. He was an 8-foot-tall green caterpillar with antennas that had stars at the end. He was wearing purple suspenders with purple pants and a white work shirt. His shoes were polished back shoes. He also wore a light purple bandana around his neck.
His surfboard was light pastel yellow in color with the words "Bodega" printed across it.
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thestarsurfers · 6 months
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"My, My. Darling, did you fall off your ship?" The yellow puppet asks as he looks down at you in your astronaut gear. His hair was a pompadour, light navy in coloration, with a star-shaped ponytail at the back. His eyes were yellow stars that were gentle as they looked upon you. He wore a purplish-blue cropped puffer jacket with fur around the neck and the sleeves cut off. Underneath that, he wore a black crop top with a star-shaped window to his chest. His shorts were a light grey in color and his shoes were sneakers that were purple and white. He had a star bracelet on his right wrist. "You're a long way from home, aren't you? Don't fret, I'm sure my friends and I could find a way to send you back. But for now, how about you stay up here and enjoy the view?"
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Welcome to the official blog for the Welcome Home AU known as the STARSURFERS AU! A fun little alternate universe set out in the cosmos. As the blog progresses, things might change. You will also meet a lot more characters along the way.
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RULES! ☆ ☆ 1. Be kind. ☆ 2. Asks will be deleted if they make us uncomfortable, please think before you send. ☆ 3. No NSFW. This includes suggestive asks and implied lewd comments. ☆ 4. No hate speech. More rules to be added as time goes on.
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TAGS! ☆ ☆ Wally Surfing - Answered by Wally. ☆ Julie Stargazing - Answered by Julie. ☆ Sally's Home - Answered by Sally. ☆ Poppy's Moon Nest - Answered by Poppy. ☆ Frank's Research - Answered by Frank. ☆ Eddie's Outerspace Deliverys - Answered by Eddie. ☆ Howdy's Pitstop - Answered by Howdy. ☆ Barnaby's Bash - Answered by Barnaby. ☆ Interstellar Broadcast - Reblogs. ☆ Paintings From The Cosmos - Fanart.
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That's all from us for our introduction post. We hope you enjoy your stay in the cosmos.
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