#☆ komorebic ☆
queeerrmogaigremlin · 2 years
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Image ID: a rectangular flag made up of 7 horizontal stripes. The stripes from top to bottom are pink, reddish orange, orange, off-white, light green, green, teal. End ID
Komorebic: a gender related to sunlight filtering through the trees and making patterns on the ground
Alt prompt 9 of cointober: sunlight
Flag made by @julietianboy
Please dni if you are pro-ship, an nsfw blog, or support trans-id.
Please dni if you don't support m-spec monos, lesboys, or non-traumagenic systems
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ijustwannamakeemojis · 5 months
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[ID: Six pixel hearts of various flags in order being, fraysexual, frayromantic, mspec, zombofloric, inviveila and komorebic. End ID]
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xenogender-otd · 9 months
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Komorebic! A gender-related to the way the sun shines through leaves and trees (The "Komorebi" phenomenon)
Credit: Unknown
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lolitafashionblog · 5 years
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Concentrato di tenerezza sotto vetro ♥️ • • • From Instagram
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gendercunt · 2 years
Sims 4 World Genders (part two)
Flags/coined by me! Please see my list of excluded worlds in the part one post
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[[IMAGE ID A horizontal 6 stripe flag. The colors from top to bottom are light cyan, cyan, dark tan, beige, light blue, blue. There are 6 stripes in the colors of the rainbow coming from the top left corner of the flag. There is are black palm tree icons in the center of the flag. END ID.]]
Sulanic - A gender relating to The Sims 4 world Sulani
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[[IMAGE ID A horizontal 6 stripe flag. The colors from top to bottom are dark purple, dark red violet, dark red, red, lavender, purple. There is a black potion icon in the center of the flag. END ID.]]
Glimbrookic - A gender relating to The Sims 4 world Glimmerbrook
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[[IMAGE ID A horizontal 6 stripe flag. The colors from top to bottom are dark green, green, bright yellow-green, muted yellow-green, light red, dark red. There is a black graduation cap icon in the center of the flag. END ID.]]
Britechestic - A gender relating to The Sims 4 world Britechester
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[[IMAGE ID A horizontal 6 stripe flag. The colors from top to bottom are dark gray, gray, muted dark green, muted gree, light cyan, cyan. There is a black light bulb icon in the center of the flag. END ID.]]
Everharboric - A gender relating to The Sims 4 world Evergreen Harbor
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[[IMAGE ID A horizontal 6 stripe flag. The colors from top to bottom are dark brown, brown, red violet, red, light blue, blue. There is a black mountain icon in the center of the flag. END ID.]]
Komorebic - A gender relating to The Sims 4 world Mt. Komorebi
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[[IMAGE ID A horizontal 6 stripe flag. The colors are a gradient of shades of cyan, from light to dark. There is a black pine tree icon in the center of the flag. END ID.]]
Granfallsic - A gender relating to The Sims 4 world Granite Falls
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[[IMAGE ID A horizontal 6 stripe flag. The colors from top to bottom are dark purple, dark violet, dark red, light green, green, dark green. There are two black ruined pillars in the center of the flag. END ID.]]
Selvadoradic - A gender relating to The Sims 4 world Selvadorada
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pinkchocolatesims · 3 years
Snowy Escape or Nah Challenge
@storiesbyjes2g has this adorable challenge for your OCs:  For those who do not have the pack yet or have not gotten into yet, this challenge is for you! Think about your OCs and tell us how they would feel about visiting Mt. Komorebi. Tag some friends and use #snowy escape or nah. 😂 
(I usually don’t do challenges because I’m always playing a different generation but I have to do this one for reasons. Also it’s all past tense since it’ll be worked into my story)
Ainsley (self sim): Would not usually be open to going. It’s a beautiful country and the food will likely be amazing but she’s a true homebody and does NOT like the cold. Sulani is more her thing, but would go for her husband and bundle up.
Matthias: Grew up not too far from Mt. Komorebi and has relatives that live there so of course he’s in. He never got into the snowy sports but has always been a lover of the culture and food. After his parents moved to the states they visited Mt. Komorebi less but he’ll always remember his vacations there.
Nehemiah: Loved hearing stories about where his dad grew up and had the opportunity to go after high school. He’s such an adventurer and likely tried every possible sport before breaking somthing.
Araceli: Not going. At all. Can’t wear heels. Is an actual food critic and a low-key hotel snob. Doesn’t like more than the required amount of clothing. The idea of the bathhouse disturbs her.
Harley: Totally open to going but never made time when she was filming to take up sports. Went with her grandfather once and had a great time but it was hard to really enjoy the peaceful culture with paparazzi, fans and a security detail. Thankful she got to see Matthias in his element and use her Japanese. Hard to travel with [REDACTED], erm more than two kids.
Benjamin: Was briefly deployed at an undisclosed location near Mt. Komoreb and has no desire to return. Doesn’t travel unless it’s to the beach too much after Strangerville.
Eve: LOVES the cold weather and is very excited to go try her hand at snowboarding. Has already booked tickets. 
Generation 5 (no spoilers) will make their way to Mt. Komorebi to visit some distant relatives and we’ll see how that goes after all the bug fixes are worked out and I buy the game.
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carguytimes · 7 years
ホンダS660の特別仕様車「#komorebi edition」を期間限定販売
ホンダは、2シーターオープンスポーツ「S660」のβタイプに、特別仕様車「#komorebi edition(コモレビ エディション)」を新たに設定し、2017年11月10日~2018年1月31日の期間限定受注で販売する。価格は208万円(消費税込)。 >>S660 #komoreb... http://dlvr.it/Pwd9QY
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shop4retail · 7 years
HKIRC medical center by PAL Design, Hong Kong
In addition to the honeycomb-like hexagonal lightboxes across its ceiling, the designer recalls the intention to create a forest path with sunlight permeating down through leaves, not dissimilar to the Japanese poetics of komoreb. from Retail Design Blog http://retaildesignblog.net/2017/05/26/hkirc-medical-center-by-pal-design-hong-kong/
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komorebb · 7 years
A veces me pregunto si la gente alrededor de Perseo veía lo mismo que yo, estrellas en sus ojos. Las cuales no sabía si  seguían vivas o simplemente eran el recuerdo de constelaciones que habían brillado en el pasado, pero ya no lo hacían.
La cuestión es que me he equivocado muchas veces de tren y lo he perdido otras tantas, y él ha estado en cada estación esperándome con un abrazo infinito. Y nunca he sabido cómo agradecérselo y siento que no existen palabras suficientes para regalárselas a alguien que me ha hecho olvidar lo que se siente al sostenerle la mirada al miedo.
Tiene la palabra coraje tatuada en el corazón, y no me sorprende, porque cada fibra de su ser parece gritar con valentía. Porque si le cortasen las alas, él construiría unas nuevas, y si le arrebatasen la voz, él gritaría con más fuerza hasta que sus pulmones quedaran sin aire.
Conozco a muchas persona que caen y se levantan, pero nadie lo hace como el. Nadie abraza la tristeza con suavidad, teniendo cuidado de no cortarse con las esquinas, que la acoja en el pecho porque sabe que a veces, hasta la tristeza necesita un hogar. Que esta bien que duela. Que no pasa nada.
El me ha explicado que ese dolor puede parecer infinito, pero que la tormenta siempre acaba pasando, que con el tiempo los truenos solo serán un eco en el vacío y en los charcos se dibujarán arcoiris. Que es normal querer gritarle a mundo que pare, que no es lo que tenías planeado, que cómo pretende que sigas respirando si te ha quitado el oxígeno.
Es normal.
Está bien.
 Perseo lleva el firmamento entero encima suya, cada vez que convierte un “no puedo con esto” en un “soy fuerte y lo voy a superar” crea una nueva constelación. Y ahora no tengo dudas de que las estrellas de sus ojos siguen vivas.
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lolitafashionblog · 5 years
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Riemergo dopo un numero assurdo di giorni in cui sono caduta nel mio buco... non penso sia mai successo di mancare così a lungo da qui 🙄 Ma in questo periodo, sono sommersa da casini assurdi (non potete avere idea 😂) e preoccupazioni varie, quindi alle volte ammetto che i social passano in secondo piano... A livello di mail e messaggi però sono sempre sul pezzo, chi mi ha scritto in questi giorni sa!! E anche i vostri ordini personalizzati stanno procedendo in tabella, quindi don’t worry 😎 Entro domani conto di fare un bell’aggiornamento sullo shop e di aggiungere tutti i prodotti che negli ultimi mesi avete trovato solo in fiera... Sto anche lavorando a una bella novità e poi, tra meno di un mese c’è il @cartoomics!!! Insomma, nonostante tutto, qui c’è tanta ciccia sul fuoco 🤩 • • • From Instagram
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lolitafashionblog · 5 years
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Questi musetti carini vi augurano uno splendido mercoledì sera 💛 • • • From Instagram
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lolitafashionblog · 5 years
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Giornate strane con mille cose da fare e poca testa per pensare... Maaa, si continua a lavorare a testa bassa 👊🏻 Domani partono un bel po’ di pacchetti e il corriere è già prenotato 🚚 Se volete approfittare delle ultime ore di sconti, correte su Etsy: tra i tanti accessori disponili, ci sono anche le collane Kokeshi rosa 🌸🌸🌸 Come sempre potete andare direttamente sullo shop di Etsy cliccando sul link azzurro che trovate nella mia bio → @komorebe15 🌎 Worldwide shipping 🌏 • • • From Instagram
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