#☆゚       post war verse    ↳    don’t wanna live as an untold story     ◝
secondhandmckie · 2 years
  repost don’t reblog, post what you associate with your muse(s); and then tag others!
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tagged by: literally nobody I stole it tagging: YOU...if you want
ANIMAL: Dog. Playful, friendly, curious and often fearless, bordering on recklessness. Aggressive with perceived threats, but loyal to a fault to trusted hands. COLOR(S): Red (life, war, courage, anger, love), Yellow (warmth, brightness), Orange (courage, creativity, curiosity) MONTH: September or October. She loves when the leaves change and she is more comfortable in her leather jacket. SONG(S): Trouble - Neon Jungle ( I don't look for trouble / But trouble looks for me / And it's been waiting around corners / Since I was seventeen) Oh! - The Linda Lindas ( Oh, when I say something / I wish I had shut up (oh!) / And when I try to help / I always screw things up (oh!) ) Could Have Been Me - The Struts ( Don't wanna live as an untold story / Rather go out in a blaze of glory / I can't hear you, I don't fear you ) NUMBER: 7 DAY OR NIGHT: She loves sunshine, but she’s a night owl. Nighttime babeeey PLANT: Tiger lily SMELL: Leather, honey and orange blossom shampoo, coffee, a tinge of motor oil, dusty books GEMSTONE: Amber. “Amber has also been used, historically, as a talisman for courage and self-confidence, and was thought to bring good luck to warriors in battle.” SEASON: Autumn!!! PLACE: Her shop in the main verse, or the inn. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries. ELEMENT(S): Fire! DRINK: Coffee. She goes for beer but wouldn’t mind a whiskey now and again.
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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For @unbrxken​ - Falling Starring Chad Dax-Rozhenko, Genevieve Dax-Rozhenko, Sabrine Dax-Rozhenko, Ben Dax-Rozhenko, Stephanie of House Martok, Taylor of House Martok, and potentially any Orville muses Guest starring Claire Finn, Ed Mercer, and potentially any other Orville canons/Sylvia Malloy
“The Orville will rendezvous with the Rotarran near Klingon space so we can get to Qo’noS,” Genevieve explains of the itinerary. “So in the meantime...”
“Family reunion?” Ben asks, smiling.
“Family reunion,” Genevieve confirms, chuckling. “I’m hoping Uncle Martok will send Layla to pick us up when we meet with them. But first...”
“Welcome to the USS Orville,” Gordon interrupts, “Er, sorry, ambassador...”
“No, no, you’re fine,” Genevieve laughs as the man docks them on the ship’s shuttlebay. In a moment, he opens the shuttle doors and the young woman happily leads her pack off of the shuttle, where Ed, Kelly, and a couple security officers are waiting to greet the group. “Captain Mercer. Good to see you again.”
“Ambassador,” he greets, shaking her hand enthusiastically. “That it is. I’m glad it’s under such better circumstances than last time.”
Genevieve laughs. “And, may I introduce my little entourage here. My twin brother Chad, my cousins and bodyguards Stephanie and Taylor, my older brother and bodyguard Alexander, and my children, Benjamin and Sabrine.”
“My first officer Kelly Grayson,” Ed introduces in kind, “Chief of Security Alara Kitan, and... I think you might know the security officer she had join us.”
Genevieve giggles, finally addressing her sister. “Hi, Audrey.”
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @riseofthemuses​ Starring Victoria Mercer, Bethany Bashir, Wynn Scott, and other assorted Orville muses. Guest starring canon Orville muses.
“My god,” Ed mutters under his breath.
It’s certainly befitting of the situation, seeing the planet from orbit. There was allegedly a Federation colony down there. Or, well, the remains of one. “Any lifesigns?” Ed glances to Addi at their station.
“Captain...” They frown. “I’m picking up an automated signal.”
“Play it,” he orders.
“--tine. Please be advised, do not approach. This colony has signs of an unknown virus that has proven extremely hazardous and has been placed under quarantine. Please be advised, do not approach.”
Addi clicks it off after a moment, frowning at their screen and gasping. “Definitely life signs, captain, but... not very many.”
“Hail the surface,” he orders. “Let’s see if we can establish contact.”
Addi nods and reaches up to respond. “This is the Federation starship Orville seeking contact with Federation colony Kasaxton-4. Please respond.”
Victoria looks up from where she’s dabbing a cloth at Bethany’s forehead at the signal on the computer. Her fever hadn’t broken yet, and hope for her looked bleak. She looks at the boys, chewing her lip a moment and then nodding for them to respond.
They had to try and get help, right?
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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@unscrxpted​: Deema said “hold up (reverse)!” to James Meme: send me ‘HOLD UP‘ for your muse to grab mine by the back of the shirt to keep them from doing something dangerous / foolish, send ‘HOLD UP‘ REVERSE for my muse to do the grabbing always accepting
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,” James catches Deema by her uniform collar. “Run this plan of yours by me again? We’re lost on an uncontacted planet and your plan is-- what, go beat some information out of a random passerby to figure out where the landing party went?”
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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Open! Starring S’Chn T’Gai Hailey
“I can assure you, rumors of my death are highly exaggerated. Vulcan has been on edge due to the delicate situation with Romulus regarding the end of the war and I believe that some are attempting to paint the Federation in a worse light by claiming I have passed away, simply because my wife and I live here on Earth with our daughter.”
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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Open! Starring Stephanie of House Martok
“So much as look at the ambassador wrong and I can promise you it will cost you dearly,” Stephanie glances up from where she’d been seated for the function. Taylor was seated with Genevieve and she had been posted across the room so both could assess any potential risks.
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ Starring Mirila Kozak & Potentially Any/All Orville Muses
“Kozak, what do you think you’re doing?!” His voice is aggravated, shocked... a little worried, she might even guess.
Mirila ensures she can transmit her answer. “Buying the Defiant an escape, Captain Sisko.”
“Absolutely not, Mirila, there is no chance of you making it out of there!”
“Yeah.” She continues on in, firing all her available weapons. “I know. But there’s a chance of you getting out of here, and the Defiant’s a lot more important, with a lot more crew, than this little shuttle. All due respect, sir, but get out of here while you’ve got the chance.”
“Come back here, we’re not losing you! Dammit, that’s an ORDER, Mirila!”
She smirks. “It’s a good thing you’re not my captain, sir. Go.”
She cuts off the transmission as the computer warns her her weapons are offline. All that’s left for her is... collision course. She lays it in, not minding the way her shuttle moves and reacts under fire from the Jem’Hadar. Not much she can do now. She locks in her coordinates and prepares to take over if the computer can’t make it.
And then...
...in a flash, she’s sitting, to her shock, on a transporter pad. But the architecture of the ship... it’s almost...
...there’s an alarm going off. But it’s not a normal alarm-- not like a yellow or red alert, not like a call to battle stations. She looks up at a redhead running to the computers just outside the transporter. She smiles at Mirila reassuringly. “Hi there, lass. Jus’ where and when did you come from?”
Mirila stays where she is but sets her shoulders. “Mirila Kozak. Bajoran Security, Deep Space Nine. 825-6317K.”
“That’s not a good sign,” the woman says, turning when the doors open and they’re joined by... security, she’d guess. Mirila stares in confusion at the woman in the lead.
A Xelayan? But... no, she was the only one left. Her people, her planet, her entire universe was destroyed. She’d been the lucky one who landed in another universe, somehow.
Alara turns and addresses Lily. “Lieutenant Scott, what’s going on here?”
“I just got a name, rank, and serial number out of her, so you know about as much as I do about the ‘what’, chief,” Lily says.
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
Tag Dump - Verses
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