#* guest muse {kelly grayson}
xvnzhao · 16 days
            MiHoYo Production Studio is a currently multinational production company that has come to be known through it's numerous action and adventure series  ,  beginning with it's HONKAI IMPACT series  (  with the final instalment as Honkai Impact 3rd  )  ,  it has branched out to numerous other television series and it's current most popular are GENSHIN IMPACT  ⸻  an action  ,  adventure  ,  drama  ,  everything you could ever want series in it's 4th year of airing  ⸻  and HONKAI STAR RAIL  ⸻  a space traveling tale with friends and drama  .  though it's staple is seemingly only in action-adventure  ,  MHY also has a law procedural series called Tears of Themis  ,  and it's newly released series in it's first season  ,  Zenless Zone Zero  .  
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GENSHIN IMPACT is an action-adventure series full of ups and downs . . . from dramatic reveals to comedic climaxes  ,  it's a series full of different flavors that appeals to many  .  with a seasoned cast  ,  genshin impact brings about different ways of storytelling  ,  appealing music  ,  and intricate sets  .  it's currently in it's fourth year of airing and with high ratings  ,  it's one of the fan favorites  .
current cast:
ZHOU YING as Lumine  ⸻  deuteragonist  /  abyssal princess AJAX as CHILDE  ⸻  fatui harbinger  /  local menace (@plicatum)
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HONKAI STAR RAIL is space fantasy that takes viewers across numerous galaxies  .  never a dull moment traveling with the astral express  ,  problem solve and saving the world . . . honkai star rail brings a whole new meaning to traveling through space  ,  finding new lands  ,  crossing timelines  ;  it currently just wrapped up it's newest arc in PENACONY and viewers find themselves back on xianzhou luofu  ,  celebrating and meeting more comrades  .
current cast:
GIANNA SLOANE as Stelle  ⸻  protagonist  /  trailblazer ARCHIE GRAYSON as Aventurine  ⸻  IPC agent (@plicatum) CIARA KELLY as Himeko  ⸻  captain of the Astral Express (@plicatum) OSCAR WOOD as Sunday  ⸻  head of the Oak Family (@plicatum) BELLA WOOD as Robin  ⸻  famous singer (@plicatum) MAYLING as Feixiao  ⸻  Arbiter General of Xianzhou Yaoqing (@plicatum) HAN MUYANG as Jing Yuan ⸻ Arbiter General of Xianzhou Luofu (@plicatum) AJAX as Childe ⸻ guest star (@plicatum)
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TEARS OF THEMIS is a law procedural following the junior lawyer of the themis law firm and the numerous cases she takes on . . . while not a well known series  ,  it's one full of mystery  ,  tragedy  ,  drama  ,  romance  ,  comedy  ,  and a bit of action . . . it's a little bit of everything for those that prefer some realism to their shows  .  
current cast:
ZHANG LIQIU as Rosa  ⸻  protagonist  /  junior lawyer
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SERA ELIWOOD ⸻ model / ajax's girlfriend (@crimsontwins)
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i am practicing VERSE EXCLUSIVITY with this verse . . . meaning any muses i've mentioned here that has had a "role" fulfilled means that i will practice an exclusivity with said muse in this verse UNLESS OTHERWISE DISCUSSED  .   this will not be observed for LUMINE and only lumine . . . while this verse will be my main celebrity /  televised series verse  ;  i am also down to au this verse to interact with other of the same muses  (  confusing  ??  yes . . . just ask me  !!  )  .
ROLES ASIDE FROM ACTORS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE  (  ie:  stylists  ,  set designers  ,  managers  ,  etc  )  .
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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For @unbrxken​ - Falling Starring Chad Dax-Rozhenko, Genevieve Dax-Rozhenko, Sabrine Dax-Rozhenko, Ben Dax-Rozhenko, Stephanie of House Martok, Taylor of House Martok, and potentially any Orville muses Guest starring Claire Finn, Ed Mercer, and potentially any other Orville canons/Sylvia Malloy
“The Orville will rendezvous with the Rotarran near Klingon space so we can get to Qo’noS,” Genevieve explains of the itinerary. “So in the meantime...”
“Family reunion?” Ben asks, smiling.
“Family reunion,” Genevieve confirms, chuckling. “I’m hoping Uncle Martok will send Layla to pick us up when we meet with them. But first...”
“Welcome to the USS Orville,” Gordon interrupts, “Er, sorry, ambassador...”
“No, no, you’re fine,” Genevieve laughs as the man docks them on the ship’s shuttlebay. In a moment, he opens the shuttle doors and the young woman happily leads her pack off of the shuttle, where Ed, Kelly, and a couple security officers are waiting to greet the group. “Captain Mercer. Good to see you again.”
“Ambassador,” he greets, shaking her hand enthusiastically. “That it is. I’m glad it’s under such better circumstances than last time.”
Genevieve laughs. “And, may I introduce my little entourage here. My twin brother Chad, my cousins and bodyguards Stephanie and Taylor, my older brother and bodyguard Alexander, and my children, Benjamin and Sabrine.”
“My first officer Kelly Grayson,” Ed introduces in kind, “Chief of Security Alara Kitan, and... I think you might know the security officer she had join us.”
Genevieve giggles, finally addressing her sister. “Hi, Audrey.”
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ofweirdestship · 2 years
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Retelling of the end of 3x07
Spoilers! (Shocking I’m sure)
Features Claire Finn, Charly Burke, Isaac, John LaMarr, Rayna Biel, & guest muse Lily Scott
“I’m... sorry,” Charly finishes. That was hard, all of that was hard for her to say.
Isaac doesn’t miss much of a beat. “Thank you, ensign,” and turns back to his work.
She accepts that. It’s the most she can expect from him, she knows, as she starts to leave engineering again.
“Perhaps--” She turns back when he speaks again, surprised, as he continues, “You could assist me with the calibration.”
She nods and quietly goes up to work with him, neither one saying anything more. It’s a stART DEAR GOD.
A sudden crashing whips her and Isaac around to see what the commotion was. Lily stands there looking anything but the usual controlled and collected Charly sees of the other. She points wildly at Isaac. “I HAVE AN IDEA!”
Everyone is staring at her. It’s Isaac who responds. “An idea, Miss Scott?”
“It’s jus' crazy enough t' work, but I need you,” she points to Charly, “you,” she points to Rayna (didn’t they hate each other?--), “you,” she points to John who’s just coming in the door, “And-- I need-- you all stay put,” and as she’s running out the door she’s already yelling, “DOCTOR VILLKA! DOCTOR VILLKA!”
John blinks, looking between everyone. “Anybody know what that was?”
He’s met by multiple headshakes and Isaac’s, “Negative.”
“Awesome,” he says to himself, shaking his head. “Guess we’ll find out.”
When Lily comes careening back in with Dr. Villka and Timmis behind her, she doubles over for a moment, resting her hands on her knees and catching her breath. John looks to Dr. Villka but she just shakes her head. He looks back to his deputy chief. “Lily, what is going on?”
Lily takes a deep breath. “Isaac. When ye deactivated yourself, we discovered tha' there was a very, very, very small portion of code ye missed tha' we didn’t know about backed up on a storage cell, aye?”
“Where are you going with this?” John looks at her.
Lily waves him off, her attention on the Kaylon entirely. “Isaac.”
“Correct, Miss Scott. What is the relevance?”
“John. How long would it take t' degrade from a fresh cell if we broke it?”
“If we kept it in a stasis field, it wouldn’t be bad, but any power surge--”
“Right, right, hours, I remember,” Lily interrupts abruptly, waving her hand as she begins talking. “Wha' if we-- wha' if, we made a new storage cell, an' allowed Isaac th' time t' copy th' programming t' it? Then he could be deactivated, th' cell moved ou' and put in stasis, we downgrade th' electro-chemical pathway physically, update th' neural network--”
“Reinstall Isaac’s programming the way we did when he deactivated, and boom, he can utilize the full emotional range but still keeps his memories and personality,” John finishes, nodding along. “Her logic checking out to you, Dr. Villka?”
“It is,” the woman laughs, “It is, that should work.”
“I want everything ready t' go before we deactivate Isaac,” Lily says. “Hell, I want it ready before we break th' cell. Dr. Villka, I’ll need yer assistance redesigning th' physical component. Rayna, you and Isaac work on th' storage cell-- maybe make a backup of tha' backup, just in case. John, le' th' cap'n know we’re about t' do something crazy an' make sure we’re ready with th' stasis field, sir,” she adds that last word almost like an afterthought. “Let’s do this.”
And do this, they did. Rayna follows Lily’s advice, making a backup of the backup and putting it, unbroken, into stasis as well on its own. By the time everything is together and ready, Ed and Kelly have joined the group.
“No one told Dr. Finn?” Lily looks around before they begin.
“Maybe it’s best we don’t tell her... just in case,” Kelly admits, and that’s all that needs to be said.
Lily takes a deep breath, looking around her. Her full engineering team, and then to this insanely assembled team.
Charly stands back, not with them but ready for when they’re down to putting Isaac’s consciousness back in place. The part they need rests on a small table beside where they have Isaac sitting and waiting, Rayna standing beside it and Dr. Villka with her. John’s at the controls to set the stasis field for the cell they’re about to break, the other one in his hand to be added once it’s broken. Captain Mercer and Commander Grayson are with Charly, watching.
“On my mark, Unk, break tha' cell, an' Isaac, it’ll be time fer tha' pulse. Everybody ready?”
Nods all around. Lily nods. “3... 2... 1... mark.”
And they’re all in motion. Lily barely registers the crunch or John working with the stasis field, because on her mark, Isaac deliberately self-administers an EMP to himself and drops stone cold deactivated back on the table. Immediately, she’s on his other side and she, Dr. Villka, and Rayna get to work. Once the new part is in, Lily steps back, watching Dr. Villka work with rapt fascination and severe anxiety in equal parts. Rayna gently sets the old piece aside. If this didn’t work, they’d reinstall him back to how he was and everything would be fine.
But Lily wasn’t planning on that. Wasn’t even thinking of it. It wasn’t a possibility, because this was going to work.
She scarcely notices the doctor finishing, just Charly immediately coming over to take over. John releases the stasis field and he and Rayna go to help her where needed.
To be frank, Lily doesn’t notice anything until Charly says, “Done,” and the blue lights of Isaac’s “eyes” reappear.
Everyone backs up, watching with bated breath.
Isaac moves carefully, deliberately slow, seeming to take all of them in. “Hello. Can you tell me where we are?”
Faces fall, and Lily kicks herself. Dammit. She’d been so sure...
Well, they could put him back to how he was, even if the... emotions...
Lily looks up at a sound, a muffle snort, which is weird to think about because she’s almost certain it came from...
Isaac starts laughing, suddenly reaching out and pulling her in, hugging her tightly. “I got you. I got you all there, didn’t I?”
Lily lets out a heavy breath, feeling a laugh bubbling up herself. “You me'al asshole! Don’ do tha'!”
But she’s laughing, and so are the others. Lily hugs Isaac back as the Kaylon continues, “Thank you, Lily. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“Oh, Isaac, there’s no need t' thank me,” the Scotswoman protests, pulling back gently. “Ye’re my friend, an' someone I’ve served a lo' of years with. I saw ye after th' first try, I knew how much it meant t' ya, even if ye couldn’t tell without th' emotions. I knew I had t' find a way.”
“Lily, you’ve saved me,” he insists, shaking his head at her-- she thinks she’s going to find it a bit interesting, seeing him move with more emotion like this-- and then adds, “You’ve done me a favor I can’t possibly repay you for.”
Lily sighs, rolling her eyes. “All righ', all righ'. Don’ get all sappy on me, save it fer Dr. Finn.”
“Save what for Dr. Finn?” Everyone’s heads turn to Claire. “Sorry to interrupt, I was coming to check on Chief LaMarr and see how he’s doing.”
“Better, doctor,” John answers before Lily swats his arm and they all back up, leaving a perfect path between Claire and Isaac.
“What’s going on?” Claire looks at them all.
“Claire,” Isaac says, and the way she turns to him, the way he says it, says everything.
“What did you do?”
“It’s a long story,” Lily admits with a chuckle. “But... it won’t reset again.”
Claire gasps, looking to the other woman, then back at Isaac, frozen where she is. Instead, he moves to her, gently reaching out to take her hand. She reaches up to his head, and then lets out a sob, even as she smiles, falling into him a bit. Isaac wraps his arms around her at that.
Dr. Villka smiles, turning to John and Ed. “Captain, chief, I hope you know what 3 fine young minds you have working for you.”
“We do indeed, though, I think technically speaking we have 2 of those. The United Federation of Planets gets the last one,” John jokes, ruffling Lily’s hair.
“Really? You’re in Union uniform,” she looks surprised.
“Aye, well, between th' Janisi an' th' fact I’m no' a fan of having t' work down here in th' Federation uniform, it was better fer me t' wear this,” Lily admits.
“Well, you, my dear, are brilliant,” Dr. Villka tells her sincerely, and Lily waves her off with a small shrug.
“You fla'er me,” she chuckles, looking back to Isaac and Claire, though not trying to hard to listen in.
Seeing the look on Claire’s face was enough to her.
0 notes
papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
April 8, 1946
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Directors: Lemuel Ayers, Roy Del Ruth. Vincente Minnelli, George Sidney,  Norman Taurog, Charles Walters. Robert Lewis Producer: Arthur Freed for Metro Goldwyn Mayer
The shooting schedule ran between April 10 and August 18, 1944, with retakes plus additional segments filmed on December 22, 1944 and then between January 25 and February 6, 1945. The film was first proposed in 1939. 
Synopsis ~ We meet a grayed, immaculately garbed Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr. in Paradise (his diary entry reads "Another heavenly day"), where he looks down upon the world and muses over the sort of show he'd be putting on were he still alive.
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Lucille Ball ('Here's to the Ladies') is appearing in her 64th film since coming to Hollywood in 1933. 
Fred Astaire ('Here's to the Ladies' / Raffles in 'This Heart of Mine' / Tai Long in 'Limehouse Blues’ / Gentleman in 'The Babbit and the Bromide') also appeared with Lucille Ball in Roberta (1935), Top Hat (1935), and Follow the Fleet (1936). His name was mentioned twice on “I Love Lucy.”
Lucille Bremer (Princess in 'This Heart of Mine' / Moy Ling in 'Limehouse Blues') 
Fanny Brice (Norma Edelman in 'A Sweepstakes Ticket') appeared in the original stage version of many editions of The Ziegfeld Follies on Broadway.
Judy Garland (The Star in 'A Great Lady Has An Interview') also starred with Lucille Ball in Thousands Cheer (1943). 
Kathryn Grayson (Kathryn Grayson in 'Beauty') also starred with Lucille Ball in Thousands Cheer (1943).
Lena Horne (Lena Horne in 'Love') also starred with Lucille Ball in Thousands Cheer (1943).
Gene Kelly (Gentleman in 'The Babbit and the Bromide') also starred with Lucille Ball in Thousands Cheer (1943),  Du Barry Was A Lady (1943), and A Guide for the Married Man (1967). He made an appearance on the Lucille Ball special “Lucy Moves to NBC” (1980).  
James Melton (Alfredo in 'La Traviata')
Victor Moore (Lawyer's Client in 'Pay the Two Dollars')
Red Skelton (J. Newton Numbskull in 'When Television Comes') also starred with Lucille Ball in Having Wonderful Time (1938), Thousands Cheer (1943),  Du Barry Was A Lady (1943), and The Fuller Brush Girl (1950).  On TV he appeared on “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” in “Lucy Goes To Alaska” (1958). Ball and Skelton appeared in numerous TV specials together. 
Esther Williams (Esther Williams in 'A Water Ballet') also appeared with Lucille Ball in Easy To Wed (1946). 
William Powell (Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.) also played the same character in The Great Ziegfeld (1936). 
Edward Arnold (Lawyer in 'Pay the Two Dollars') appeared with Lucille Ball in Roman Scandals (1933) and Ellis in Freedomland (1952).
Marion Bell (Violetta in 'La Traviata')
Cyd Charisse (Ballerina in 'Beauty') also starred with Lucille Ball in Thousands Cheer (1943).
Hume Cronyn (Monty in 'A Sweepstakes Ticket') was honored by The Kennedy Center in 1986, at the same ceremony as Lucille Ball. 
William Frawley (Martin in 'A Sweepstakes Ticket') played the role of Fred Mertz on “I Love Lucy” and “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”. He also appeared on “The Lucy Show,” his final screen appearance. 
Robert Lewis (Chinese Gentleman in 'Limehouse Blues' / Telephone Voice in 'Number Please')
Virginia O'Brien (Virginia O'Brien in 'Here's to the Ladies') also starred with Lucille Ball in Thousands Cheer (1943),  Du Barry Was A Lady (1943), and Meet The People (1944). 
Keenan Wynn (Caller in 'Number Please') appeared with Lucille Ball in Easy To Wed (1946), Without Love (1945), and The Long, Long Trailer (1954). 
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Ziegfeld Girls
Karin Booth  
Lucille Casey  
Aina Constant  
Elizabeth Dailey  
Frances Donelan  
Natalie Draper  
Karen X. Gaylord  
Aileen Haley  
Carol Haney  
Shirlee Howard  
Margaret Laurence  
Helen O'Hara  
Noreen Roth  
Elaine Shepard  
Kay Thompson  
Dorothy Tuttle  
Dorothy Van Nuys  
Eve Whitney - appeared on “I Love Lucy” episode “The Charm School” (ILL S3;E15).
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Gloria Joy Arden
Jean Ashton  
Irene Austin  
Judi Blacque  
Bonnie Barlowe  
Norman Borine  
Hazel Brooks  
Ed Brown  
Kathleen Cartmill  
Jack Cavan  
Marilyn Christine  
Laura Corbay  
Rita Dunn  
Meredyth Durrell  
Shawn Ferguson  
Jeanne Francis  
Jean French  
Mary Jane French  
David Gray  
Bill Hawley  
Doreen Hayward  
Charlotte Hunter  
Virginia Hunter  
Patricia Jackson
Margaret Kays  
Laura Knight  
Laura Lane  
Dale Lefler  
Melvin Martin  
Diane Meredith  
Lorraine Miller  
Joyce Murray  
Janet Nevis  
Ray Nyles  
Billy O'Shay  
Jane Ray  
Dorothy Raye  
Beth Renner
Melba Snowden  
Walter Stane  
Ivon Starr  
Robert Trout  
Chorus Boys
Rod Alexander
Milton Chisholm  
Dick D'Arcy  
Dante DiPaolo  
Don Hulbert  
Herb Lurie  
Matt Mattox  
Bert May - appeared on “The Lucy Show” in “Lucy and Tennessee Ernie Ford”
Jack Purcell  
Tommy Rall  
Ricky Ricardi (!)
Alex Romero
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“LIMEHOUSE BLUES” starring Fred Astaire, Lucille Bremer, and Robert Lewis
Robert Ames (Masked Man)  
James Barron (Couple with Banners)  
Eleanor Bayley (Couple with Branches)  
Mary Jo Ellis (Couple with Banners)  
Sean Francis (Ensemble)  
James King (Rooster)  
Harriet Lee (Bar Singer) 
Eugene Loring (Costermonger)  
Charles Lunard (Masked Man)  
Patricia Lynn (Ensemble)  
Ruth Merman (Ensemble)  
Garry Owen (1st Subway Policeman)  
Ellen Ray (Couple with Parasols)  
Jack Regas (Masked Man)  
Billy Shead (Couple with Parasols)  
Ronald Stanton (Couple with Branches)  
Wanda Stevenson (Ensemble)  
Ray Teal (2nd Subway Policeman)  
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“LOVE” starring Lena Horne
Juliette Ball (Club Patron)   
Lennie Bluett (Dancer)   
Suzette Harbin (Flirt)   
Avanelle Harris (Club Patron)  
Maggie Hathaway (Dancer)  
Charles Hawkins (Club Patron)  
Marie Bryant (Woman Getting Her Man Taken)   
Cleo Herndon (Dancer)   
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“THIS HEART OF MINE” starring Fred Astaire and Lucille Bremer
Helen Boyce (Countess)   
Feodor Chaliapin Jr. (Lieutenant)
Naomi Childers (Duchess)
Charles Coleman (Majordomo)   
Sam Flint (Majordomo's Assistant)
Sidney Gordon (Masked Man)   
Count Stefenelli (Count)   
Robert Wayne (Dyseptic)   
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“PAY THE TWO DOLLARS”  starring Edward Arnold and Victor Moore
William Bailey (Subway Passenger)
Joseph Crehan (1st Judge) - played a Detective on “I Love Lucy” “The Great Train Robbery”
William B. Davidson (2nd Judge)
Eddie Dunn (3rd Subway Policeman)   
Harry Hayden (Warden)   
George Hill (2nd Subway Policeman)   
Wilbur Mack (Subway Passenger)   
Larry Steers (Magistrate)
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“NUMBER PLEASE” starring Keenan Wynn
Peter Lawford (Voice of Porky)
Grady Sutton (Texan)
Audrey Totter (Phone Operator Voice)
Kay Williams (Girl)
Bunin's Puppets
Elise Cavanna (Tall Woman)
Jack Deery (Man)
Rex Evans (Butler in "A Great Lady Has An Interview”)
Sam Garrett (Roping / Twirling Act)
Silver (Horse in "Here's to the Ladies') 
Arthur Walsh (Telegraph Boy in "A Sweepstakes Ticket") - appeared on “I Love Lucy” in “Lucy Has Her Eyes Examined” (ILL S3;E11). 
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Sidney Guilaroff, Lucille Ball’s hair dresser, who takes responsibility for her famous ‘golden red’ for this movie, becoming her trademark color.
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Although they appear in different segments, this is the only feature film collaboration between “I Love Lucy co-stars" Lucille Ball and William Frawley. Coincidently, Frawley's character in this film shares a striking similarity with his iconic character of Fred Mertz on “I Love Lucy.” In this film he plays a money-hungry curmudgeon of a landlord, much like the show. In the above photo, he appears with director Minnelli and co-star Brice. 
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The horse ridden by Lucille Ball is the Lone Ranger's Silver!
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Lucille Ball was actually fired by Ziegfeld from his road company production of Rio Rita in the 1930s.
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In February 1956, Lucy and Desi appeared on “MGM Parade” to promote their MGM film Forever Darling. The show also included footage of Lena Horne singing from Ziegfeld Follies. 
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Lucy also played a showgirl in pink in “Lucy Gets Into Pictures” (ILL S4;E19) aired on February 21, 1955. The scene was inspired by Ziegfeld’s legendary stage shows featuring beautiful women wearing elaborate costumes navigating long staircases. To solidify the comparison, Ricky says he is going to a meeting with Mr. Minnelli. Vincente Minnelli was one of the directors of Ziegfeld Follies. 
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Lucy Ricardo had previously cavorted around in a lampshade in the manner of a Ziegfeld girl in both the unaired pilot and “The Audition” (S1;E6).
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Ziegfeld Follies includes a sketch for Red Skelton called “When Television Comes” aka “Guzzler’s Gin” in which a (future) television spokesman gets increasingly sloshed on his product. This sketch was an obvious influence on Lucy’s Vitameatavegamin routine in “Lucy Does a TV Commercial” (ILL S1;E30) aired on May 5, 1952. 
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Ziegfeld Girl Eve Whitney appeared on “I Love Lucy” episode “The Charm School” (ILL S3;E15). She used her own name for the character.  
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The Telegraph Boy in "A Sweepstakes Ticket" Arthur Walsh - appeared on “I Love Lucy” in “Lucy Has Her Eyes Examined” (ILL S3;E11) as Arthur ‘King Cat’ Walsh. He teaches Lucy how to jitterbug. 
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The first Judge in the “Pay the Two Dollars” James Crehan also played the Police Detective on “I Love Lucy in “The Great Train Robbery” (ILL S5;E5) first aired on October 31, 1955.
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Porky, a voice on the telephone in “Number Please” Peter Lawford, played “Password” against Lucille Ball on September 24, 1964.  At the time, Lawford was married to President Kennedy’s sister, Patricia. On November 26, 1968, Ball was a guest on “The Tonight Show” when Peter Lawford was sitting in for Johnny Carson.
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Chorus Boy Bert May appeared as a solo dancer on “The Lucy Show” in “Lucy and Tennessee Ernie Ford” (TLS S5;E21) in February 1967. 
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In the dressing room, Lucy jokes with Fanny Brice, one of the funniest women in showbusiness.  This was the only time Ball and Brice collaborated and was Brice’s last film. 
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Ziegfeld’s follies began on Broadway, so it was appropriate that the show featured past and future Broadway musical stars:
Lucille Ball ~ Wildcat (1960)
Carol Haney ~ The Pajama Game (1954)
Tommy Rall ~ Call Me Madame (1950)
Fanny Brice ~ The Ziegfeld Follies 
Marion Bell ~ Brigadoon (1947)
Victor Moore ~ Anything Goes (1934)
There was a lot of material that was not filmed, but written and cast. Some of the original skits would have added “Lucy” performers Mickey Rooney, Ann Sothern, and Van Johnson to the cast.
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Closed for @ofthecontinuum​ Muse(s): Ed Mercer, Kelly Grayson, more case-by-case Guest starring: Case-by-case
“...look, whatever is going on right now,” Ed is addressing the guy who had just appeared on his bridge, rubbing his forehead slightly, “Can I just say ‘no’ and be on my way?”
Addi looks over and their eyes widen before they turn back to their station and pretend to be far more invested in looking for subspace transmissions because they don’t need nor want to go into this one, nope, no way, not a chance, they are content to just be another nameless crewman in this one.
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ Starring S’Chn T’Gai Grayson and Iris Kirk, guest starring potentially any other Orville muses
Business as usual on the Orville, the ship was getting ready for a major supply run for the Planetary Union and as such, most of the crew had shifted into wearing Union uniforms.
For Ed, it was a welcome, familiar sight he’d definitely missed. A crew in the same uniforms of home, for a small stint, is somewhat of a comfort. Then again, he’s dedicated his life to the fleet, he supposes it comes as no surprise.
Ed blinks out of his thoughts and looks around the bridge at the sound. “...was that James?”
“Actually, Ed, I think it might be the teenager on our window,” Kelly says, and he blinks and looks over in front of him, staring in shock.
“That’s not the weird part,” Iris says at the helm. “That teenager is decisively not dead.”
“...did Rebecca lose one?” The captain glances to the two girls at the helm. Angie and Iris both shrug and look back at him uselessly. “Great. Well, alert engineering to bring him aboard, we’ll... figure it out from there.”
“Aye, sir,” John says from his station and sending the alert to Engineering, informing them of the situation and giving his exact positioning so they can get him with the transporter.
So, like Ed had initially thought, business as usual on the Orville. “Bortus, you have the conn, Kel, with me. Alara, alert security to have a team meet us at the transporter.”
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ Starring Emma Mitchell, S’Chn T’Gai James, S’Chn T’Gai Grayson, Hannah McCoy, Jared McCoy, etc. and guest starring Isaac, Ed Mercer, Kelly Grayson, etc. Likely sinful content warning because I don’t trust my muses at all, but hopefully it’s nothing like some other threads I could mention...
Emma hums softly, waiting by the transporter. The landing party said they were sending back some samples for her. She sighs, trying not to rush things but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t excited.
She loves getting new plants. The landing party had scanned the samples and didn’t find any noticeable threats, so they were coming straight to her instead of her having to go to them, which was always a good sign.
Frowning, she lights up as the lights appear, smiling at Hannah as she steps off the pad and motions to the various additions that had come up with her. “This is all you, honey, need help carrying it to your part of the lab?”
“Ooh, maybe,” Emma admits, picking up an orange flower curiously. “This is larger than I expected when I heard I was getting samples.”
“Well, it seems completely harmless,” Hannah explains as she starts gently gathering the other, smaller samples. “I honestly think no one would have noticed it, it was just... there, no smell, no nothing. We scanned it, didn’t show any odd properties to any of us.”
“Yeah, I noticed there was no smell,” Emma remarks. “That’s very interesting. I’m gonna to bring this one straight to the lab, forget the arboretum.”
“Sounds good to me,” Hannah smiles. “Lead the way.”
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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For @unbrxken​ - Here We Go Again, Lost Count of the #s Starring Charlene Turner, S’Chn T’Gai Grayson, and potentially any Orville muses Guest starring Ed Mercer, Kelly Grayson, and potentially any other Orville canons/Sylvia Malloy
“All right, Miss Turner, let’s see it.”
And, nodding, Charlie stands up  at her teachers direction and holds up her hands, concentrating.
As she waves her hands, she sees a small hole in the empty air appear, focusing on it and pulling back her hands to stretch it, digging in her heels as she starts to feel it pull. She glances up to Miss Matthews with pri--
SHIT! Breaking her concentration had been a bad move as the thing’s pull suddenly increases tenfold, and she breaks one hand away to grab onto something. “No, no, no no no--”
She fights hard against the gravity of her vortex, feeling it pulling hard, almost creating a pure vacuum--
And, there she goes with a yelp through it, watching it close behind h--
Ed and Kelly had both sat up when the vortex had appeared, but they both jump to their feet as a girl is forcibly ejected from it and flung into a wall behind them, hitting the ground with another thud.
The girl groans, sitting up, holding her head. “Owww.”
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