#♔;; v: main
drachliebe · 15 days
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// i was gonna wait and post these scibbles on father's day , but....
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opyre · 4 months
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❝ there’s no time for sentimentality. ❞ ⸻ @blighteds ( anabella ) .
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and there is a softness in his heart that begs for forgiveness , begs to forgive , to forgive , forgive . he's unsure if he can , unsure if he will . he stands before her and the her presence is the same domineering shadow it always has been . it zaps the peace from his lifeforce and leaves him struggling to hold himself in the present , in reality . he feels shackled to his past for this moment , and he thinks of clive . ever - bound to what was , wishing to free himself into what will be . joshua oft exists in what is , whether what is may prove a ghost of his former self , or the haunt of his very existence , a blight on this land that he wishes to preserve . to heal .
his voice wavers , and he succumbs to quiet . silence sits with them like a third entity for some time . he shatters it , ❛ i only thought - ❜ she does not care for excuses , remember . ❛ you're right . apologies . ❜ his words are stiffer than usual . pointed , and uncomfortable . still , despite this meek appearance , he has grown so much , and seen so much of her folly . his disagreements and passion for a just cause overwhelm him and he speaks up with more confidence , determination holding together every syllable ,
❛ have you changed , mother ? or have you always been so cruel ? ❜
i know it's true , but please , tell me this isn't you .
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fiercerebekah · 1 year
❝Hello, dear sister, REMEMBER me? It has been a few years since we last saw each other.❞
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               Rebekah was back in New Orleans for a jazz festival. One last hoorah to end her three-year tour around the world. During her travels she'd had time to reminisce over the many different lives she'd led over the centuries, and what she'd discovered was that there was something truly SPECIAL about this city. It had a way of evoking feelings of nostalgia that that were so much more intense than anything she'd felt in all the other places she'd called home. Perhaps thats why returning was so difficult.
Naturally, she was getting good and liquored up on her balcony overlooking the festivities on bourbon street, enjoying the jazz and feeling a bit sorry for herself, when she was interrupted. Surely this lurker was the luckiest man in the French Quarter, as Rebekah didn't snap his neck on sight for disrupting her. In fact, she found that his presence stirred up more of that SENTIMENTAL LONGING she'd been hanging onto.
DAMN HER SOFT HEART for having hope in the moment, however fleeting or daft it might have been. There was just something so FAMILIAR in the stranger's eyes, that she allowed herself to indulge in the fantasy she was creating for herself, ❛ Elijah? ❜ She said it so softly, unsure if she wanted his answer.
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arroganced · 1 year
anyone who's willing to sacrifice their own flesh and blood can never truly be trusted . ( but its like about something so small and dumb )
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“ it was a joooooooooke. ” it was not a joke. the car tire was flat, it looked like it was about to rain, and they were stopped in the absolute middle of nowhere. not really, but they only had one bar on their phones and it wasn't doing anything. “ i was just sayin' if you talked to that person standin' over there, we'd have a better chance of getting help. you got better eyes than i do and uh, yeah. i can't see anything, i think my contacts are dryin' out. ” a lie, he had eye drops. deft fingers run through curls, nails digging through his scalp as he purposely honks the horn. the two of them weren't alone except for someone standing in the distance doing something inconspicuous [ to chad ], but he did not want to leave the car. “ you're wearing your lucky sweater today and i look rough. what if they think i'm ugly and decide to beat me up ? then we'll both be out of luck. ”
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gliitched-realiity · 2 years
Anonymous asked: ✉ from Glitch to Vincent omg please
TXT MEME.  || Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
Glitch could barely think, if it was being entirely honest with itself. A terrible migraine had settled into its skull, the world was blurring slightly from all the wine he had drank in the past few hours, and he was fairly certain that he had accidentally hurt its already-damaged shoulders from exactly how tensed-up he'd been all night. How an ordinary evening at home alone had turned into... this, the Fracture didn't know.
Well, that wasn't entirely true. He could guess at how things had escalated into something so dreadful, at least. The original plan had been to rest at its apartment, drink until the awful sensations that had plagued its body all day were finally numbed, and then maybe, just maybe, try to get some sleep... None of that had ended up happening, clearly. Instead, he had found himself sprawled out across his leather sofa — drunk, muscles aching, with a screaming headache.
And nothing else that he'd been trying to numb had improved, either.
Too-quick movements, Glitch suddenly shifted to grab his cellphone from where it had previously been discarded onto the coffee-table. There had to be something he could do about this, even if he couldn't ——
—— kill anyone, right now.
[✉ → Vincent]  Are you busy?
No, worrying the precious little dove wouldn't do any good. And surely, a question like that would do exactly that.
[✉ → Vincent]  Do I still have wine at your house?
Desperation, at best. Even if there was extra wine, laced or not, at Vincent's apartment, that wouldn't really matter. That wasn't ENOUGH for how fucking bad this had gotten.
A frustrated growl formed in its throat, cellphone angrily thrown to the side — clattering noisily against the end-table without a text sent.
     ❝ Damn it — ❞
His throat was absolutely on fire; it felt like somebody had shoved a lit match down it while simultaneously holding the point of a dagger against his vocal chords. That terrible gnawing pain had settled into its stomach again. Beyond the pains, he was starting to feel downright dizzy — and as much as he wanted to blame the alcohol, that had been happening all fucking day, so he knew that wasn't actually the problem. Everything ached, even muscles that didn't usually cause him grief, and at this point, it was starting to feel like the universe was playing some sort of sick joke on his nervous system.
   Fuck, he was so HUNGRY.
The next several... ( minutes? hours? it was getting difficult to keep track of time with how hazy his mind had gotten ) ... were a distressing blur that, in all honesty, he'd entirely lost track of. There was too much of everything — too much pain, too much disorientation, too many intrusive thoughts to even keep track of where one started and another ended.
When the world finally tried to refocus, the taste of fresh blood was pooling in his mouth. A brief moment of ecstasy flooded through it, back arching slightly, a low whimper of unadulterated NEED slipping out from its lips.
       Fuck, more. Please —
Crimson eyes snapped open abruptly, a gasp echoing through the otherwise silent walls of his apartment, as the sharp pain in his own wrist actually registered. And for a minute, he sincerely had to debate if he actually cared that it was his own blood, that this wasn't actually going to make the hunger stop for very long, that the years of self-destruction for the sake of easily-accessed blood were supposed to be OVER.
After a moment's struggle, it finally managed to force its own fangs away from its skin. The bite-mark left behind wasn't terrible, in the grand scheme of things, but the distinct puncture wounds were undeniable. A greedy tongue swept out over them, lapping away at the bloody injury until supernatural healing, inevitably, started to try to knit the skin back together.
It shouldn't have been so fucking easy for those to close, damn it.
In the aftermath, Glitch was panting, breathes hitched with some twisted cocktail of hunger, lust, and distress. Pale fingers twisted, roughly tugging at a ruby tie to loosen it — anything to take some of the pressure out of his burning throat. He desperately needed to FOCUS, he knew, but trying to do that was... easier said than done.
Minutes passed in silence, save for its heavy breathing and the muffled buzz of household appliances that always felt a little too loud when nobody was making sound in the apartment. Dual auras flickered harshly around it, a harsh contrast to the otherwise dark room, vibrant colors twisting and flaring alongside the seemingly endless series of emotional flips.
When he could finally halfway form rational thoughts again, though they still felt dreadfully 'to the left', he tried to reevaluate the situation:
Why did you bite yourself? You haven't done something like that in ages.
Starving vampires do strange things, don't they?
Right. Of course that was the problem; he was fucking HUNGRY, because he hadn't been able to hunt in over a month, so he'd finally slipped up. Nobody could expect a vampire to spend that much time without feeding and then NOT end up struggling ——
—— No, no, no, STOP.
   You're a Fracture.
      You are a FRACTURE.
   You are not a —
Something hauntingly similar to dysphoria sparked before he could even finish that thought, a visceral growl tearing its way from his throat. Disgusting. Everything about this was DISGUSTING. Damn it, why wasn't it —
You're NOT a vampire. You're a Fracture.
   You are not —
         ❝ Fuck! ❞
The curse was shouted into an empty apartment, echoing off the walls, a shrill ringing briefly filling the room before it was forcibly silenced. Immediately, a terrible cough followed the curse, as the Fracture's hand flew to his own neck, trying miserably to sooth that awful burn as it flared again. Tears briefly stung at its eyes before they were harshly blinked away, and then he moved to pick his cellphone back up.
[✉ → Reese]  I need your help.
No, even they would think that he was fucking crazy for whatever this spiral was. Hell, even he was starting to wonder if its sanity had finally cracked a bit too far.
[✉ → Vincent]  I think this fixation shit is getting worse. I feel fucking crazy & I don't know what to do.
But could he really say that to his host, of all people? Not hardly. Surely if the Fracture was suffering this much, then somewhere in the depths of Vincent's mind, he wasn't well either. Either that was the case, or Glitch was just finally snapping itself, and regardless of which this may have been...
No, it wasn't rational to reach out to its host right now. Perhaps they needed to discuss the topic later, but right now, in the middle of these agonizing spirals, that wasn't going to work out.
Fuck, he was so hungry. And when had he started actually crying — ?
[✉ → Anti]  Please come over. I need blood. Now.
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rosietrace · 1 year
Sumeragi Yuuta; Moodboard
▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱♔⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤†
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【 ♛ 】 Sumeragi Yuuta, the not so golden prefect of Ramshackle 💸
Main inspiration from Mammon from “Obey me”, Scrooge McDuck “DuckTales”, and Kaz Brekker “Six of Crows”
   ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Main story: Night Raven College, the golden rule
Face Claim; Nakamoto Yuta from NCT
V/A: Uchida Yuma (内田 雄馬)
Theme; FINNEAS, Medieval
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divide-et-impera-rpg · 10 months
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Depuis 1989 et le retour de la monarchie en France, la maison de Bourbon possède le pouvoir afin de préserver la paix entre sorciers et non sorciers. Cette monarchie de nouveau insérée au sein du pays instaure une nouvelle façon de vivre pour les français. Ils se retrouvent de nouveau hiérarchisés en fonction de leur titre, si dans un premier temps les membres de la famille royale n’en profitent pas, il semblerait que les temps changent. C’est ainsi que vous trouverez à la suite la liste des personnages de la famille royale jouables sur le forum.
maison de bourbon
Héritiers du roi soleil, la famille de Bourbon a fait partie des premiers partisans d’un retour au calme suite à la guerre civile magique et celle avec les moldus. Sachant parfaitement qu’ils pouvaient acquérir une partie de la société magique à la cause, ils se sont liés aux Flamel les seuls pouvant leur permettre d’accéder au trône. Récupérant la couronne en 1989, suite au référendum magique et moldu, ils gouvernent d’une main de maître, imposant en délicatesse certains changements. Leur ambition étant de reprendre la place que leur famille possédait, il souhaitent revenir vers une monarchie absolue, mais cela risque de se compliquer par la suite.
Première Branche † Alphonse de Bourbon, 78 ans (né en 1945 - décédé en 1986) X Carmen de Bourbon née Martínez-Bordiú y Franco, 76 ans (née en 1947), reine mère. X ♔ Henri de Bourbon, 58 ans (né en 1965), roi de France (PNJ du forum) X Charles d’Orléans, né de Bourbon, 55 ans (né en 1968) Monsieur. X Claude de Savoie, née de Bourbon, 50 ans (née de 1973) ➜ Voir la famille de Savoie. Deuxième Branche X ♔ Henri de Bourbon, 58 ans (né en 1965), roi de France. (PNJ du forum) X ♕ Sybilla de Bourbon, née de Grèce, 58 ans (née en 1965), reine de France. V Louis de Bourbon, 25 ans, (né en 1998), dauphin de France. V Anne de Bourbon, 23 ans (née 2000), princesse de France. V Antoine de Bourbon, 20 ans (née en 2003), prince de France. Troisième Branche X Charles d’Orléans, né de Bourbon, 55 ans (né en 1968) Monsieur. X Laetitia d’Orléans, née de Nassau, 54 ans (née en 1969) Madame. X Emilien d’Orléans, 30 ans (né en 1993).
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atimefordragons · 2 years
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☾♔; August 2, 2022 ☾♔; 2:11am ☾♔; sotd: n/a ☾♔; cotd: n/a ☾♔; Collage Set (I guess) ☾♔; JCBCU Contest Entry
𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: lyrics from Sheila ki Jawani
JCB CINEMATIC UNIVERSE CONTEST 001: RUNNING UP THAT HILL, RIGHT INTO VECNA'S ARMS https://urstyle.fashion/contest/6190-running-up-that-hill-right-into-vecnas-arms
Not really happy with this set, but whatever.
Shoutout to kara for reminding me I still hadn't made a proper entry for my own contest, lmao.
Lowkey a joke entry, and shockingly not a song to stay with Vecna, lol. I picked Sheila ki Jawani for my leaving the upside down song, but it's more like, I'd dance out instead of run out, cause Sheila ki Jawani (Sheila's Youth) is an iconic self-love anthem!
Link to some official subs and the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTmF2v59CtI
Lyrics translation:
I know you want it but you never gonna get it
Tere haath kabhi na aani // I'll never come into your hands
Maane na maane koi duniya yeh saari Mere ishq ki hai deewani // Whether you accept it or not, the whole world is crazy for my love
Ab dil karta hai huale haule se Main toh khud ko gale lagaun // Now my heart slowly wants to embrace myself
Kisi aur ki mujhko zaroorat kya Main toh khud se pyar jataun // What need do I have for anyone else, I can love myself
What's my name? What's my name? What's my name?
My name is Sheila, Sheila ki jawani // Sheila's youth (the official video translates it as Sheila's killer youth, but that's not really right, jawani is kinda like idealized young adult age when you mess around and have the most fun)
I'm too sexy for you
Main tere haath na aani  // I'll never come into your hands
No no no no Sheila, Sheila ki jawani I'm too sexy for you
Main tere haath na aani // I'll never come into your hands
so this song would be me picking myself, but there is a romance verse from the male love interest in the movie, and ya'll know I'll always pick my man in the end, lol.
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destruczion · 5 years
#・● 。◜♔◞   sᴇᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴠᴇʟʏ ᴄʀᴀᴡʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ʜᴇʟʟ.  ◞   ooc.#・● 。◜♔◞   ʙᴜʀɴ ɪᴛ ᴀʟʟ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴏᴜɴᴅ.  ◞   tbd.#・● 。◜♔◞   ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀʙʏʀɪɴᴛʜ ᴏғ ʜᴏʟʟᴏᴡs ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏᴜɴᴅs.  ◞   musings.#・● 。◜♔◞   ᴀʀʀɪᴠᴇ.  ʀᴀɪsᴇ ʜᴇʟʟ.  ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ.  ◞   queue.#・● 。◜♔◞   ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴋɪɴɢᴅᴏᴍs — ɪ ᴀᴍ ᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴀʟʟ.  ・゚*◞   promo.#・● 。◜♔◞   ᴍᴏɴsᴛʀᴏᴜs ᴘᴀɴᴛʜᴇʀ-ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ sᴛᴏᴘs ғɪɢʜᴛɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴄᴜᴛᴇ ᴄᴀᴛs.  ・゚*◞   crack.#・● 。◜♔◞   ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ sᴛᴜᴅʏ ᴍᴇ.  ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢʀᴀᴅᴜᴀᴛᴇ.  ・゚*◞   hc.#・● 。◜♔◞   (  visage  )  ・゚*◞   ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴏʟᴇ ᴏғ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴏʏᴇʀ: ᴍᴏɴsᴛᴇʀs‚ ᴍᴀʏʜᴇᴍ‚ ʜɪᴍsᴇʟғ.#・● 。◜♔◞   000 :  (  v : main  )  ・゚*◞   ɪғ sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴛʜɪɴᴋs ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴜᴘᴘᴇʀ ʜᴀɴᴅ — ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ɪᴛ.#・● 。◜♔◞   001 :  (  v : post-wars  )  ・゚*◞   ʜᴇʟʟ ɪs ᴇᴍᴘᴛʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴠɪʟs ᴀʀᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ.#・● 。◜♔◞   002 :  (  au : ᴍᴀғɪᴀ  )  ・゚*◞   ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ʟɪᴠɪɴɢ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ᴋɪɴɢ sᴏᴍᴇᴅᴀʏ‚ ᴀ sɪɴɢʟᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ɢʜᴏsᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʟʟs.#・● 。◜♔◞   003 :  (  ᴀᴜ : modern  )  ・゚*◞   ᴡᴇʟʟ ғᴇᴅ ᴅᴇᴠɪʟs ʙᴇʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ғᴀᴍɪsʜᴇᴅ sᴀɪɴᴛs.#・● 。◜♔◞   ɢʀɪᴍᴍɪᴄʜɪ.  (  ship  )  ・゚*◞   ɪ sᴀᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴀʟʟ ғʀᴏᴍ ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪ ᴡᴀs ᴄʀᴀᴡʟɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ʜᴇʟʟ.#・● 。◜♔◞   ᴄʜᴀʀ.  (  ichigo  )  ・゚*◞   ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄʜᴀsᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴅɢᴇ ᴏғ ᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴀʏs‚ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴜʀ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴛᴏᴍᴏʀʀᴏᴡs.#・● 。◜♔◞   ᴄʜᴀʀ.  (  ulquiorra  )  ・゚*◞   ɪ'ʟʟ ᴛᴇᴀᴄʜ ʜɪᴍ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴs ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ sᴛᴇᴀʟ sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴇʟsᴇ’s ᴘʀᴇʏ.
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mxnstersarereal · 7 years
Stella stepped carefully behind her friend, trying to avoid the glass as she did so. “You know I’m all for breaking and entering, but did we have to smash a window?”
She wodered if someone was in the building and if so, what would the two girls do if they were discovered?
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drachliebe · 8 months
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been thinking about cartoon!v again and needed to ramble about taba and a.rktos--
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as much as a wet cat a.rktos is in the show , the sentiment to him being this " primordial and unknowable entity of ice and hatred " IS PRESENT . . . except that its very much exaggerated . bastard's been tormenting greenland for centuries ( and there is a possibility that he was far more nefarious before taba was born ) , so old stories passed down for generations really played a major role in amping up the fear factor .
a.rktos really IS a bogeyman here , as most of his power and infamy deriving from that very fear . otherwise . . . he's just a petulant , overgrown bully with ice powers . taba's relationship with this a.rtkos starts out in the same sentiment as in main , but it doesn't take TOO long to figure out the truth .
that's where the dynamic dissolves to a more playful antagonism-- think peter pan and captain hook . what better way for a wild child to counter that stiff and tyrannical oppression of adulthood than with pranks and mischief ? and although the dragon babe is a genuinely sweet creature , the line of " lets teach this jerk a lesson " to " hey lets see how far we can push his buttons " can be pretty thin at times . . .
but it doesn't end there either . as t.abaluga matures , so do his views of the world and everyone around him . there's gonna be that moment of clarity where the kid realizes just how painfully alone his nemesis is and how similar their struggles really are . both were only kids when they lost their parents , both are following their " destinies ." but unlike taba , a.rtkos had no comfort left behind for him in dreams or stars . there was no respite to be given , no friends to be made . ( not that the selfish prick would know how , but i digress )
i believe that that should have been taba's arch with his nemesis-- from fearing and hating the foe , to playful antagonism , to empathy and possibly friendship . a bit like how we see our villains after we grow a little , huh ?
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opyre · 3 months
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sea - salt waves crash 'gainst hideaway's formation , and he sighs into the air , thick with humidity . the clouds are forging something dark , gray , and forboding ; a storm draws ever nearer . wrapping his fingers against the wooden fencing of clive's balcony , he speaks like he's talking to no one , but he knows his dearest friend stands just beside him , ❛ it's been some time since i've felt the rain on my skin . what say you , jill ? i may just stand here awhile . though , i understand if you'd rather see yourself beneath a ceiling . ❜ and he pauses before giving a half - hearted chuckle , ❛ pray , however , do not speak of this to my brother . ❜ he'd have his inferno of concern to deal with . he simply misses the grounding touch of nature , to reassure him that he is , indeed , alive . he'll be careful to ensure he does not get sick this time .
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. . . @coldsnp .
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Although all of us play with the same main character for Open Heart, yet the characters that we have created in our head are vastly different from each other and even from our in game version. So I thought I'll make this post with the two versions of my MC, Diana Ramirez. Because I love them both.
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Just a normal girl who gets thrown into things that can hardly be considered normal during her three years of residency at Edenbrook Hospital.
*I use the white MC face in game, despite my MC being Indian-American, because the Hispanic MC's smile creeps me out a little.
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Over the past one year Dr. Diana Ramirez has become a comfort character. So here's everything about her.
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♕︎𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝔻𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕒
♔︎Name : Dr. Diana Torsha Ramirez
♔︎Home : Her family has two homes, one in Kolkata in West Bengal, India and another in Chicago, Illinois (her parents currently stay here)
♔︎Ethnicity : Indian-American
[Note : Her Dad's American while her mom's Indian. We will learn more about them soon.]
♔︎Nicknames : Di, Rookie and Torsha
♔︎Immediate Family : Stephen Ramirez(Father), Indrani Mitra Ramirez (Mother), Daniel Stotra Ramirez (Younger Brother)
♔︎Education : John Hopkins University
♔︎Appearance : Long Wavy Black hair, dark brown eyes.
♕︎𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖 ℝ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕤 𝔸𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝔻𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕒
❁She's almost never seen without her glasses as she's highly myopic. Her nearsightedness has lead to many embarrassing situations all throughout her extremely awkward school years.
❁She is well versed in English, Hindi and Bengali.
❁Diana is a mythology nerd and a huge potterhead.
❁She is extremely close to both her parents and although she will never admit it she loves her brother to death.
❁She keeps in touch with her best friend Valerie Thomas even now, they have monthly video chatting sessions where they catch up about their respective lives.
❁Di says she's an animal person if asked whether she's a cat or a dog person. But she secretly a little biased towards cats (don't tell that to Jenner 🤫)
❁On her 17th birthday her maternal grandmother gave her a watch that used to belong to her, she wears it on every important event of her life.
❁She can recite Bengali poems and she often sends Tagore poems recited by her to her family in India.
❁She's terribly arachnophobic.
❁Unlike popular belief, she's one of those rare doctors who can function without multiple cups of caffeine.
❁She and Naveen often have long discussions about their shared cultural heritage.
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@genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @drariellevalentine @rookie-ramsey @aleynareads @openheartfanfics @miss-smrxtiee @terrm9 @aestheticartsx @fireycookie @maurine07 @starrystarrytrouble @schnitzelbutterfingers @tsrookie @anntoldstories @iemcpbchoices @stygianflood @sophxwithers @actuallybored @iloveethanramsey @natureblooms24 @chemist-ana @mercury84choices @casey-v @uneravine @mm2305 @mrsethanfreakingramsey @smilex1104 @missmiimiie @shanzay44 @sweetheartdetectivex @potionsprefect @headoverheelsforramsey @jerzwriter @mainstreetreader @coffeeheartaddict @adiehardfan @mia143 @kdjdhdvksojs
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ravusnightblossom · 2 years
She was out doing a supplies run to Lestallum and though she knew the garage was in good hands with Ravus and paws with Lexus, Cindy still felt an unease in being away. But her job would not halt, even for a day reserved for lovers, regardless if the pair weren't really into the holiday. Regardless she would leave a note upon the kitchen counter for when he returned from one of his patrols, something reminiscent of the letters they shared as children.
It drives me crazy to leave you boys like this, but I know you’ll behave yourselves. I understand this day is supposed to be a special one, but I also know neither of us are really into it. Besides, you've made each day extraordinary. I mean you already know I'm nuts ( and bolts ) about you, but let me write it out just in case… I love you, Ravus. Today, yesterday, and all the days after. I'll be home soon, darlin'.
Oh, and could ya meet me in the diner? I was going to fix up a little something for us when I get back! 💛
And as he ventures to the Pitstop with Lexus pulling up the rear almost excitedly as keen nose catches the smells coming from within, sure enough the aroma of food would hit him as well. The sight within could be considered quite awe inspiring; a veritable banquet running along the length of the counter bar, probably three difference kinds of mac and cheese, whiskey smoked pulled pork, naturally a few different variations of fries, and even some grilled fish and lightly steamed vegetables, overall a wonderful mix of down home and gourmet.
In but a moment there’s a faint humming coming from the kitchen and sure enough out comes Cindy, not donning her work attire or sporting a few streaks of oil upon her skin but in a bright, flowery sundress with her hair in a few loose braids twisted to a sidebun. There might be a couple little puffs of flour on her cheeks however the culprit for that would be the strawberry shortcake she just finished.
“ Happy Valentine’s Day, Hun! ” Cindy beams as she places the cake upon the counter then steps from behind it to properly greet him with a kiss. “ Oh an’ don’t worry about overindulgin', I’m sure we can burn off any extra calories later~.”
V-Day 2.0 || @topmechaniic 
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⋞⁘♔⁘⋟       Once he had returned from his patrols and taken some time to shower and take a seat upon the sofa, Ravus found the letter that had been left for him. He’d been expecting of her to do a supply run soon, so it hadn’t been alarming for her presence to be absent. Still, the gesture was appreciated and he smiled as he read it, scritching behind Lexus’ ears as he did so. 
“Why do I have a feeling your mother is plotting something?” he asked the coeurl with a slight chuckle, then placed the note aside, one one of the side tables for safe-keeping. 
When he spotted the truck’s headlights in route to the diner, he took a few moments to tidy the main rooms, also giving her some time to compile whatever she had in store. He didn’t want to seem too eager, after all. Finally, he tugged on a sweater and beckoned Lexus to his side so they could meet up with her, as requested. 
As soon as Ravus opened the door, the smell of food touched his nose and he hummed in approval. Whatever she was preparing smelled absolutely fantastic! He was drawn to a pause, though, seeing the literal banquet of dishes set out! There was so much, and such a variety! He also saw a number of things he had never even had before. 
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“What is all this?” he asked with a light laugh, somewhat taken aback. As she approached, he hugged her closely and smirked at the remark. “You’ve outdone yourself. Mm, thank you. I have full intentions of indulging. Even if I gain several pounds in doing so.” Everything he’d tasted that she’d made had been amazing, and he had no doubts this would be anything less! Now if he could only figure out where to start.      
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santinorps · 7 years
do all of them
fuck well ok 
Send me a ♔ for me to describe a favorite roleplay character of mine.
i’d have to say alex gaskarth just because i know him so well and i’ve played him for so long and in so many different verses like he’s just my baby at this point ?? me, a 20 year old girl, is mother to a 29 year old man…….. miracles do exist
Send me a ♕ for me to describe favorite roleplay character of someone else’s.
i can only pick ONE ????!!?! 
then i’d have to go with @elizawrits‘ john o’callaghan. like i’ve known this character for such a long time now and i still remember how much i adored and appreciated and was even jealous of the detail imogen put into john when we first started writing and honestly he’s just such a beautiful soul and probably the most accurate representation of johno that i’ve ever encountered in rp like he’s just perfect which is amazing in itself bc i remember imogen telling me once upon a time that when she started playing john she didn’t actually really know him or the maine all that well and was scared she was going to play him ‘wrong’ or something but he was so spot-on !!!! honestly i love her john and i love the dynamic we’ve created with our ship, ily imogen thanks 4 birthing johno xoxoxo
Send me a ♥ for me to describe a favorite roleplay ship of mine.
ok i sorta gushed slightly about my ship with @elizawrits‘ johno in the previous answer (it’s callakarth if u wondered) so i’ll pick a different ship for this one cos we wouldn’t wanna blow up imogen’s ego too much would we even though i would literally die for our callakarth
i am having a seriously hard time picking just one of my ships rn though….. like there’s so many reasons to love all of them. i think i’ll pick uynitz though bc it was really unexpected. like that ship wasn’t really supposed to become anything except an old one-night stand plot and then suddenly they were fwb and now they’re in love and it’s gross and beautiful and ?????? how’d we get here in a few short months ??? their dynamic is lovely bc they’re just two very Soft™ boys who need luv and cuddles. i am v grateful that kat messaged me to plot them or else this happy accident would never have happened !! 
Send me a ♣ for me to describe a favorite roleplay ship of someone else’s.
i remember back when i joined this group and met a nick santino and cassadee pope ship there, and my chara, joel, became really close pals with cass (but not so much nick just because his player wasn’t around much at the time), and cass n nick were getting married and like. cass always told joel things about what was going on in the ship and joel would try n give advice and it was just really nice and i liked getting that insight into someone else’s ship and i always just thought it was so cute cos they were gettin hitched and all. 
and LATER ON me and the nick player ended up having a psl and now i get to ship with her !!!!! wild
Send me a ♦ for me to describe a plot that I’ve been wanting to do.
SO MANYYYYY give me college au honestly or fake dating or basically my entire plot bunnies tag lol
Send me a ☯ for me to describe an roleplay I’d create.
i was really into the idea of doing a bandom version of the television show westworld like i had such solid muse for it for like…… three days lmfao but it would be super complicated and i lost the heart for it before i could work it all out (but if someone else wants 2 do it i’m cool with that) 
i think if i was gonna start modding again it would be something really low-key so i wouldn’t start with that
otherwise, i would love to do my own version of the reality tv or blackmail plots that have been going around for the past year or so but for bandom only 
idk i don’t have much muse for modding rn and who knows if i ever will again !!!!!!!
Send me a ☮ for me to describe an amazing roleplay experience.
honestly the first group i was ever in was great like it was a mess but it was great bc that was what got me hooked on rp and i met the wonderful @elizawrits there and really solidified how i play alex and it was just a really nice introduction to rp 
Send me a ☠ for me to describe a terrible roleplay experience.
WHERE DO I BEGIN…….. this probably wasn’t the MOST terrible but damn, the mess that happened with my first group that i modded cos we had a total co-mod meltdown and basically my advice there is don’t lie 2 ur co-mods n honesty is always key cos otherwise u just look shady and nasty af even if ur intentions were good. yeah that was bad. i’m going with that one cos even tho it wasn’t the first nightmare scenario i dealt with in rp, it was the first one that actually kinda hurt my feelings ?? ppl showing their True Colours™ is such an experience 
Send me a ♡ for me to describe a character that I haven’t had a chance to roleplay but would like to.
i’ve been toying with the idea of playing sam palladio for months now and i am so back and forth about it and one part of me wants to play him as his character on nashville, gunnar scott, and maybe find someone who’ll play his main love interest from the show against me but on the other hand i just wanna play him as himself but like ??? idk what to do with him !!!!! i created a whole secret for him but it’s REALLY dark and honestly it might even be too dark for bandom so i’ll have to scrap him and remake him if i wanna play him……. hmm
Send me a ☀ for me to talk about someone I’ve met through roleplay. 
if this means like physically met then i haven’t actually met any of my rp partners because i think nearly all of them live in america (or the ones i’m super close to do) and it’s a bummer but hey it’s on my bucketlist !! i’m gonna meet u all and squeeze u real tight someday 
but if it just means met in general on the old interwebs then there’s so many ppl i could talk about ?? and honestly i love all of u?????? like if we’ve ever written then pls know that ily
get to know the rper – send me a symbol!
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destrozcs · 5 years
@sadisticperfection asked: Saunters right over to him and delivers a passionate kiss to those lips. You could say that Szayel has missed him.
♔—;; The Sexta growled his appreciation, returning the surprise kiss with enthusiasm; nipping at the Octava’s lower lip, hands daring to slip around to grasp the other man’s ass and haul him impossibly closer.
   After a moment, he broke the kiss with a grin.
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   “You should greet me like this more often.”
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