eqvity · 2 years
I feel like Aymeric is not 'obviously in love with the WoL' because he really sees them as like... possessed of the freedom he wishes he had too? He wants to be nobody of immediate importance, he wants to travel and learn more about the world outside of Ishgard, he wants to be a true force of change that people can rally behind due to the weight of his deeds and not his name and heritage alone.
They're someone who doesn't preach and proselytize, but takes action to shape the future into a better world for everyone who calls Eorzea their home and that's something that he doesn't have the luxury of sharing due to his bloodline, reputation, and base social identity.
He envies that they are living proof that any person, no matter their background or race, can make a lasting and powerful difference that effects others in very meaningful ways.
I think that sort of blinds him in a way? To the fact that they're essentially still human and flawed and capable of being wrong, but the more he is able to interact with the WoL as a regular person and less as a breathing symbol that is needed and that people need to believe in, he is able to appreciate them more as a real friend and comrade-in-arms and can do a better job aiding them in their endeavors as much as he can (given his current role, anyway).
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taciturned-loqua · 2 years
Genshin x (diagnosed)adhd!reader
Characters: | Zhongli | | Alhaitham | Yanfei |  x gn!reader
Summary: What it’s like to interact with them as a person with (diagnosed) ADHD (with no prescribed medication)
Warnings: Unedited, mentions teasing you for being forgetful in Yanfei’s part, person treating you badly due to your ADHD (also in Yanfei’s part but not Yanfei), if I missed any, please do tell me!
Please consider a reblog in addition to a like! I would really appreciate it <33
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As the gentleman he is, Zhongli would help you in every way that he can
If you trust him enough, you could always give him a few important things such as spare keys in case you forgot your own
Could DEFINITELY see him listening to your ramble on with whatever’s on your mind with a gentle smile <33
(I’ve always wanted to say this but) Zhongli would gently pat your head when you’re getting a bit too hyper and his deep voice does have the effects of soothing you
Go on walks with him in the afternoon, guaranteed to get you food 
Oh? You forgot money? Don’t worry, he’ll pay :D
…Except he forgot his as well…
Fear not! This elderly man seems to have spotted someone who could do a favour
He would be doing basically the equivalent of watching over two chaotic children if our friendly neighbourhood ginger joined a stroll as his request after paying for you two
More under cut!
During his student years, he was pretty annoyed at your habits of constant fidgeting and rambling and awkwardness around him 
Only until he started putting more thought towards your behaviours did it click that you were neurodivergent
Why did he start observing you more whilst putting away his initial disdain for you?
The man was paired with you for a required group project 
He grew to acknowledge your intelligence, as well as your determination despite your learning struggles, as well as your perfectly balanced emotional to logical side, and your…. (the list really goes on)
Even you were pretty confused how close you seemed to have become with the stoic man, but nonetheless, you were content that he no longer minded you (as often, he still did some occasions, but tolerated it)
Pretty much growed used to you, and you learnt to respect his boundaries
Though he doesn’t strike me as the type to help you with a lot of stuff unless it will have a massive impact on you, I think he’d be the type to gift you a book labelled ‘How to Organise Your Room for Dummies 101’ with a serious face
Definitely would talk to you about studious topics which serve as your rambling about your newest findings on studies regarding whatever interests you
You were pretty familiar with the old lady, but only a few times did you manage to catch view of the legal advisor
Yanfei started greeting you with smiles, nods and a ‘Hi!’ when seeing you outside of visiting Madame Ping until you guys decided to sit together at lunch once
Started growing closer with you after lunch dates 
Ngl, Yanfei probably wouldn’t notice your fidgeting and stuff, will never know you have ADHD unless you tell her
Teases you for your forgetfulness if you’re comfortable
Spends a lot of her free time rambling along with you, getting distracted from one topic to another then another until it’s time for either of you to leave to continue on with your days
If people ever learn of your neurodivergence and mistreats you for it, she’ll be there to defend you and insult them in her lawyer-ly ways and makes sure you’re doing alright and that the other will never say a thing to another person
Since her memory’s pretty darn good, guaranteed to help you remember the things you struggle to
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withanironwill · 1 month
[THE LOVERS] - What do they consider to be the "perfect partner", be it romantic, platonic, alterous, etc.? Is there someone like that in their life?
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What with the safety of England in her hands, and her focus predominantly being on eradicating vampires, Integra hasn't let the idea of a "perfect partner" truly ruminate. Though, it would suffice to say that such a being would be one who understands the work and the risks, and dedication that come with it. They must be strong-willed, understanding, patient, and ambitious. Signs of shyness or a fragile display would not keep her attention. She can be cold and domineering, so they would need to be able to stand their ground and demand respect in a similar way to her own.
Depending on the timeline and verse, there are possibilities and the presence of all of those relationships. If we follow the primary canon timeline, I personally see a very close platonic/familial bond with Walter, a potentially alterous albeit complicated due to dynamics one with Alucard, and similarly a platonic one with Seras. I would also like to point out a somewhat familial inclination between Sir Penwood and Integra given their interactions during her childhood and later on in her adult years.
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aviiatrix · 8 months
Casually places down that in every verse (especially Fallout and Resident Evil) the fact that if River really loves someone she gives them her old military dog tags as a way to remember her just in case something happens to her which is a big show of trust considering what she goes through during her deployment in those verses. She doesn’t easily give those up because to her those are a symbol that she made it out alive and a reminder to keep going for her family.
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alldaddy · 2 years
odin has a PHD in busting it wide open and droppin’ hella nut.
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saiibeo · 2 years
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when you get this, post theme songs for your muse! then tag 5 or more people!
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standard theme: cyberpunk 2077 - cloudy day
battle theme: cyberpunk 2077 - extraction action
emotion theme: cyberpunk 2077 - outsider no more
boss battle theme: cyberpunk 2077 - the rebel path
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standard theme: rule of rose - piano etude 1
battle theme: rules of rose - fear 2
emotion theme: rule of rose - the attic
boss battle theme: rule of rose - fight
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standard theme: fallout 4 - of the people, for the people
battle theme: fallout 4 - we are unstoppable
emotion theme: this war of mine - the last goodbye
boss battle theme: fallout 4 - enough is enough
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tagged by: stolen and not tagging since I yoinked it but you should steal it too.
all of their osts are from video games and river's most of hers minus one is from the video game she was created from. do I regret it? absolutely not-
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arysoakheart · 2 years
even though arys has always dreamed of being a kingsguard, he learns with time that he doesn't really... like it. under robert's reign, it's not all that bad. he certainly doesn't agree with all of robert's decisions or commands, but it's not all that hard to follow him, comparatively.
but when robert dies & joffrey becomes king, everything goes south. having watched joffrey grow up for almost a decade, arys has seen how spoiled & cruel he is. with each passing day, he finds it harder & harder to follow the king's orders. after all, he became a kingsguard to be a protector, not a sword under a vengeful child's command.
so when tyrion chooses him to be myrcella's sworn shield & go with her to dorne, he is extremely grateful.
& even aside from the kings he serves, his fellow kingsguards are not people he would want to befriend. except, perhaps, for barristan selmy. his other shield brothers are oathbreakers, for certain, but more than that, he thinks they are unkind people.
so when he's alone, arys spends a lot of time thinking about why he became a kingsguard & why he chooses to stay. but he thinks it's not so much a choice as a lack of an option to leave. he swore an oath & he would not break it. but even if he did decide to give up being a kingsguard, none in history have ever done so. he imagines the consequences would be like that of desertion. but sometimes, he wonders if death would be better than being a weapon for cruelty.
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chosenpower · 7 months
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the coffee
whether it’s your sharp tongue, your tendency to blow hot or cold, or the familiarity of you, you’re the coffee. don’t immediately assume that your undercurrent means you’re bitter, a common misconception, because people who like coffee always make it work for them. coffee doesn’t always have to be dark, it can be a warmth that’s comforting and the first start to a day. you aren’t nearly as tough as you make out to be, but we’ll keep your secret. you’re a constant, won’t ever go out of style. not everyone’s taste, but what is these days? an unknown quote reads “I like drinking coffee alone and reading alone… I realize that even though I like being alone, I don’t fancy being lonely” remember you don’t always need to face things yourself, there’s a reason people suggest “coffee?” when they want to spend time together.
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ealdfrith · 9 months
test post
⧼♞⧽ NULLA A AUCTOR DIAM. Maecenas efficitur congue eros, eu lacinia tellus vehicula eget. In efficitur risus tincidunt, congue eros quis, faucibus ipsum. Nulla molestie ante vel condimentum commodo. Aliquam vel felis fringilla, posuere ipsum ut, molestie leo. 
Suspendisse condimentum, leo eu lacinia iaculis, turpis quam vehicula ex, at blandit ex est eu dui. Phasellus rhoncus diam purus, at aliquet erat facilisis vitae. 
test link
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et risus mauris. Nam eu enim ut tortor venenatis pretium. Curabitur viverra leo ligula, non venenatis orci scelerisque ac. Ut semper est nibh, eget blandit mauris vulputate a. Morbi arcu lorem, luctus et dictum vel, elementum efficitur ante.
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eqvity · 2 years
Aymeric's biggest dog thinks he's still pup sized and WILL sit on your lap- Had plans for the day? Too bad, you're a chair for doggo now.
He also drools a lot, bring a handkerchief.
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lostindarkclouds · 1 year
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♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟ ♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙
I don't believe that Alastor would fall in love with someone naive or stupid.
you said something or did something that would interest him. he liked it.
It doesn't matter if you fall into hell before or after. He is always stronger than you. you knew that.
You must have touched something in his heart to get his eyes.
I imagine you are intelligent, planned, fun, observant but obedient.
oh dear, how you entertained him!
He will not immediately notice that he likes you. you amused him. Can you be his friend? Are You Enough For This?
Oh, you're definitely funny, open-minded, smart, and have good taste in clothing and food, you are brave... how cute.
He will realize that he likes you very, very late. You will be friends first. Alastor is intelligent, disregarding personal space, acting on his own pleasure, mysterious, selfish, self-preserving and funny.
You took walks with him on the streets of hell, drank coffee and chatted, went to the radio station and even played a song for you on a broadcast.
The poison slowly poured out and spread and rotted wherever it touched.
The clues were always in front of you. you knew . he knew.
Now wasn't it your fault for ignoring all this?You knew it was dangerous.You deliberately became his friend. You thought you could play it safe. You were careful.Sudden mood changes, facial expressions, voices, body language were something that you observed for years and even became an expert on.
Where did you go wrong?
When did it all start? when he starts touching his arm or shoulder often? When you sing sweet songs for you and dance from midnight to dawn?When you start eating dinner at his house, not at the restaurant? Oh,His mother's holy jambalaya 😩✋Or when you move to hazbin hotel with him? While staying in opposite apartments...
You weren't sure.
your eyes scan the landscape with burning anger.His arm is wrapped around his waist, his long thin fingers combing your hair. He gently unties the knots and kisses your head each time you let out tiny moans of pain.
"Dear, what did you do to make your hair get so tangled?"
You look with flaming eyes.
With a sigh, she pulls her fingers off you and looks at the strands of hair tangled in her fingers. The look carries a false sadness
"You're always arrogant. Why don't you be a good wife and properly wait for me in bed? "
You don't make a sound. What could you say anyway
"Silence doesn't suit you, my dear. You know if you're too quiet you might lose my interest."
you swallow.
"Hahaha don't worry dear. As a good husband, I will never leave you indifferent. After all, I don't want you to be bored."
............ ♙...........
Oh my first try. I'm so excited.
( Feel free to warn me for typos )
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withanironwill · 2 months
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The Valentine Invasion wasn't the first time Hellsing had taken losses, but it was markedly the largest. Due to the dangerous nature of their work and out of respect, Integra keeps a ledger of those lost in battle fulfilling their duties to the organization's cause. Additionally, she handwrites a formal letter of condolences to the families or next-of-kin for those with contacts. Every so often, she reviews the names and dates recorded to remind herself of the prices paid and lives lost. Every year at the time of the invasion, she visits the graves of the fallen soldiers. Though anyone hired into the organization knows the risks and signs a waiver, it is still a heavy weight to carry sending people into situations prowling with monsters that continue to surpass expectations. Because of this, Hellsing continues to dedicate itself to the advancement of vampiric studies, magical studies, and so forth.
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aviiatrix · 1 year
// Imagining that beginning sequence as River saying “We stand on the brink of total war and I am afraid. For myself, for my mother, and for my infant sister. Because if my time in the army taught me one thing… it’s that war. War never changes.” And then sobbing over it.
Like the beginning speech would be completely different.
Hearing it in her voice in my head is interesting. Especially since her voice would be speaking on the situation much more cynically. Nearly the same words, but she’d also have flashes of how bad anchorage was. And talking about how desperate the US got to the point of experimenting on their own soldiers. Imagining her voice being more angry and solemn rather than having a more respectful tone like Nate is interesting. And man River’s speech at the Veteran’s Hall, although it never happened, wouldn’t have been the same in so many ways.
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alldaddy · 2 years
a friendly reminder that myth odin is seven feet tall (okay fine six foot eleven and a half but shhhh). he’s half giant so, y’know  — tall.
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saiibeo · 2 years
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What are you made of?
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Blood & Smoke
You're angry. Your heart is consumed by fire, because no one else can understand the way they hurt you. You gave them everything you had, your time and love, and still they chose to betray you. You wish that somebody understood, anybody out there. I hear you, little flame, I do. You need a hand to hold, but you can't be sure they won't stab you in the back again, so why bother? I implore you to try anyway. Get up everyday, use your spite as power, and never back down from a challenge, be it noble. You're a hero that will be painted as the villain time and time again; keep going anyway. Those most remembered are loved so little in life.
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Wood & Leather
You are sturdy. You keep yourself in order, and you believe the world should follow suit. You are stubborn and strong, and people look up to you for it. Leaders like you deserve to be fostered with love, and it is probable that you were given enough to flourish, but not enough to believe in it yourself. You are distrusting, though perhaps once upon a time you trusted too easily. You build walls high, and plaster concrete over your doors. When people knock, it can take you months, or even years to answer. I know it can be hard, darling, but please learn to step outside those walls, even if in armour. You will be hurt, and you will be loved, and it is part of the beautiful whirlwind that is life. You can always retreat later. I'm proud of you.
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Stardust & Math
You believe that the greatest strength anyone can have is a level head, and that no amount of brawn can outlevel a well rounded mind. There is no rest for the wicked, so there is no rest for you. Your mind is a place of constant creation, there are always problems to solve. If you want something right, do it yourself. While there is some truth to your rhetoric, there is also value in emotional intelligence. Don't forget to let yourself indulge in such a thing. Likewise, don't forget to make connections. You're clever, but no amount of thinking will substitute true connection, dear.
stolen from @blczin-gunwicldcr
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arysoakheart · 2 years
one day when arys is heading into work, he finds this friendly cat wandering around a few blocks away from the hospital, and he stops to pet it for a little, but when he continues walking, it follows him to work, & BOOM that's how arys gets a cat 🥹
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