#♡;; Boss to his heart || { rosanimemuses // kaito }
ahogedetective · 2 years
' reverse burrito ' Kaito - because it would be funny ( rosanimemuses )
{ Blanket Burrito! 🌯 }
@rosanimemuses !!!!
Shuichi always admired how hard of a worker Kaito was, when it came to his astronaut work. He always gives his support, hoping that his work will always go smoothly, especially when he'll be even more busy than usual; however, while he understood this was an especially busy week for Kaito.... he was worried with how much he had been pushing himself too hard. Being someone who was more than guilty of doing that, Shuichi didn't want his boyfriend doing the same to himself. Though despite trying to tell Kaito to please just rest for the day, he must've been very persistent that he did not need to, much to Shuichi's dismay. "B-But Kaito, you've been working practically nonstop!! That's not good! Surely whatever else you have left can wait, right?"
And seeing that Kaito still did not look willing to rest, he crosses his arms with a big pout. "Alright... looks like I have no choice." He first grabs both of Kaito's hands, so he can yank him up from his seat. Then, once dragging him close enough to the bed.... He gives him a firm enough push to make him lay down on it, right on top of the blanket. "Don't say I didn't warn you, mister!"
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And with that declaration, Shuichi grabs both ends of the blanket closer to him, before proceeding to wrap Kaito completely in it like a burrito roll. And even if Kaito might've tried squirming or breaking free, Shuichi would just go: 'Aht, aht-' And playfully whap at his arms and legs to make them stay down, not being able to hide the growing smirk on his face. He could only imagine how silly this looks: him, somehow succeeding in wrapping his bigger and taller boyfriend up in a blanket burrito like this. The results of training truly do pay off, after all, he jokingly thinks to himself.
Once he finished fully wrapping Kaito up in the blanket burrito, he climbs back off the bed, hands to his hips with a proud smile on his face. "There we go! And before you ask, no, I will not let you out until you get some sleep. Maybe next time you will listen to this detective before he has to take drastic measures? Heh, heh, heh." Though he can't bring himself to be too mean, leaning in to kiss his forehead before his smile softens. "Really though... please get some sleep, Kaito. You work so hard, each and every day. It makes me so proud of you; but overworking yourself is no good. You know... what you always tell me? So I don't want you doing the same, either. I promise you'll feel much more focused and energized after a good sleep. Then I'll let you out of this blanket roll. Okay?"
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ahogedetective · 2 years
Kaito holds a sushi roll in front of Shuichi's face. " Open up here comes the rocket! " he teasingly says. ( rosanimemuses )
@rosanimemuses !!!
"K-Kaito, please.... I'm not a babyyy..." He meekly laughs with a light blush on his face, and playfully gives a gentle slap to Kaito's arm. It was going to feel even more embarrassing playing along after being teased like that, but the sushi roll before him looked so good... and shy as he was, he didn’t mind it at all whenever Kaito wanted to feed him.
And so, as he mutters: “B...But okay. U...U-Um....” He slowly opens his mouth wide enough, so that Kaito will be able to plop the sushi roll right into his mouth. “A-Ahhh...”
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ahogedetective · 2 years
@rosanimemuses continued from - x !!!
"A...A-Ah. You think so...? Th... Thank you...." He blushed deeply at his eyes being called beautiful. It was almost funny how Kaito said something cheesy himself, it made Shuichi's heart flutter. At the mention of Kaito having gifts for him as well, he perked up. "You got some things for me, too...?" He honestly thought the date in itself was the gift, which Shuichi more than loved; so to hear Kaito still had gifts for him, made him feel all the more lucky right now, that he has such a wonderful boyfriend.
"O-Okay!! I'm sure you will do a wonderful job taking care of them, with how great you are with plants." Kaito even wanting to do that for the roses, to make sure they stay alive as long as possible... it made him so happy. Then his reaction to the mason jar made him giggle, clasping his hands together as he asks: "D-Do you like it? Ah, and as for the hot chocolate, it is sugar-free, no worries. I made sure of it." Specifically by handpicking each ingredient himself, making sure that it was sugar-free.
When Kaito handed him his gifts- "Ahhh... !" Shuichi's eyes widened, gasping in awe. "O-Oh, my... Kaito, these are wonderful!!" He carefully holds everything in one arm, using the other to closely examine each gift. "I have been needing some new books to write in, so this is perfect. I can't wait to use them! And this magnifying glass keychain... I adore the design of a galaxy in the middle; it's so beautiful... I'll put this on my bag right away!! And maybe switch it up from time to time and wear it on my pants loop, too!" In fact, he carefully placed the books and chocolates down, so that he could carefully place the keychain on his bag. "Perfect... what do you think?" He beams, thinking it pairs perfectly with his bag. "I promise to take absolute care of this, and the books. Thank you so much for such wonderful gifts, Kaito.."
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Humming into the kiss, he whispers into it: "You're the best boyfriend a guy could ever have...." Once he has to break away from the kiss, that's when he picks the box of chocolates back up, before opening them. "Ohh, coffee chocolates, I see... ! They smell so good: I'd like to try one right now if that's okay!" Giddily picking up a piece, he plops it into his mouth, humming at how delicious it was. "And taste just as good, too: thank you, Kaito! I'll happily enjoy them. Would you like to share them together? If they won't be too sweet for you, that is...!"
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ahogedetective · 1 year
( rosanimemuses ) Kaito leaned down and kissed his favorite detective on the cheek. " Here's the start of your birthday present." he said as they handed Shuichi a tray full of a light breakfast. Kaito had climbed in through the window and borrowed the kitchen to make it. he was sure to clean up afterwards. " I figured we could go to the bookstore together and get a coffee? " Kaito made sure to leave room for Shuichi to interact with others today. " Tonight, I set up a picnic under the stars. "
@rosanimemuses !!!
Being able to see Kaito first thing in the morning, was already the highlight of Shuichi's day. Albeit the initial confusion as to why Kaito climbed inside through the window, and not just enter from the front door aside... eating a homemade breakfast from was also a delight, emitting a small giggle at the kiss to his cheek, kissing his right back while accepting the tray. "Thank you, Kaito! You always spoil me so well..."
As he sits down and begins eating, he listens to Kaito tell him the ideas he came up with them to do together. The bookstore and coffee.... and a picnic while stargazing; both sounded so lovely... he visibly perks up in excitement at the ideas as he says: "Ahh, I'd love to! It's been a while since I've been to that bookstore. And coffee sounds nice, too... and so does a picnic under the stars later. You always choose the best spots to view the stars with... I can't wait!"
Then after finishing his breakfast, Shuichi walks over to Kaito and wraps his arms around him, so that he can lean up and give him a kiss. "Just like any time I do, starting my day off with you, makes me so happy. I want to spend it with you as much as I can.... I'm looking forward to everything we'll do, today! You're the best, Kai: I love you!"
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ahogedetective · 3 years
@rosanimemuses​ replied to your post:  “Result: Shuichi is erm...i guess”
Kaito vc : grrr that quiz is pissing me off... Sushi is so pure! 
“N-Now, now....” He softly pats his chest. “Don’t let it upset you, Kaito... it’s j..just a test! A-At least you think I’m much purer than what it said and, w-well: my boyfriend naturally knows me better th-than any test result would!”
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ahogedetective · 3 years
Kaito hugs Shuichi protectively. " Even if I'm grounded,I'll protect you. " Santa better watch out
@rosanimemuses !
"Oh...!" He utters a soft noise in surprise at the hug, before looking up at him with a baffled expression. “Gr-Grounded??? Why were you grounded! I’m sorry... a-and thank you, Kaito: you always keep me safe...” He nuzzles up into Kaito’s arms some more, leaning up real quick to give him a kiss.
“I’ll stay right by your side the whole time! To also keep you company as well...!”
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ahogedetective · 3 years
@rosanimemuses​ replied to your post: “A-Are you serious!! Another one of these
Kaito just kind of hugs him protectively again. " I'll take the kicks for you this time. " 
“Kaiitoooo....” He whines, nuzzling against Kaito in the hold and rests his face against his chest. “I knew I could count on you to protect me... b-but no, absolutely not!! I don’t want you getting kicked either, K-Kaito! I’ll pr-protect you, too!”
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ahogedetective · 3 years
Kaito kisses Shuichi and pulls him into a hug. " Merry Christmas. I hope I never have to live a day without you."
@rosanimemuses !!
Shuichi hums happily at the hug and kiss, leaning up to kiss Kaito back as he wraps his arms around him in turn. "Merry Christmas, Kaito...ahhh...." That made his heart flutter softly in his chest. It was when he said things like that, that made Shuichi just... feel so loved, and special.
"....Me too." Resting his head against Kaito's chest, he closes his eyes and lets himself listen to his boyfriend's soothing heartbeats. It was always music to his ears. "Every day that I live, I want it to be with you. You make me so happy, each and every day, that I can't put it into words. I'm so lucky to have you..."
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ahogedetective · 3 years
" Treat ! " Kaito shouted and scooped Shuichi up into his arms. He placed several kisses against his boyfriend's face before handing Shuichi some homemade candy in a little orange box.
@rosanimemuses !
"Woah-!" Shuichi let out a surprised noise when Kaito scooped him up. When he started planting lots of kisses on Shuichi's face, he giggles and happily squirms in Kaito's hold, cheeks turning a bright pink. "E-Ehehe, Kaito, ahhh!" He tried places some kisses on Kaito's face whenever he could amidst his giggle fit.
Then when he was given the orange box, his eyes light up curiously as he opens the box, giving a small gasp when seeing the homemade candy inside. "Ohh...! You made me these for me? Ahh, thank you...! What a very nice treat to receive... is it okay if I try it right now?"
He picks up one of the pieces of candy and plops it into his mouth. He emits a hum of delight, finding it very tasty. "Mm... Kaito, I love these, they're really good. Thank you so much...!" He beams, leaning up to give Kaito a big kiss. "I'll enjoy these very much."
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ahogedetective · 3 years
" Oh no," Kaito said,gently touching Shuichi's wolf ears. ( rosanimemuses )
@rosanimemuses !
Shuichi nearly screamed when he looked at himself in his bathroom mirror this morning. A pair of wolf ears suddenly on his head, paired with a tail... and when he gave both a good tug, seeing that without a doubt, they were not fake: he couldn’t believe it... the ‘wolf curse’ Kaito had endured first, really did pass onto Shuichi... He almost had to wonder if this was a dream, even though he knew it wasn’t, which made such an unfathomable scenario even more insane than when it happened to Kaito
He had frantically scrambled over to the room Kaito was in, to tell him in a near panic about this. “Y-Yeah, I had just checked into the mirror, and... I suddenly have these ears?! A-And even tail, too! I can’t believe this...” He whines loudly, hanging his head as his ears drooped... though when Kaito touched them, they rose right back up and wriggled a bit. Now he was embarrassed that his ears physically showed that he liked the touch, cheeks burning as he emitted a quieter, flustered noise.
“ueeeuuuee.....wh-what do I do...? There is no way I can go outside looking like this...”
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ahogedetective · 3 years
@rosanimemuses​  replied to your post:   “ Whoa Shuichi! You need to...”
kai vc : Don't worry I'll protect you, dearest !
“Kaitooo....” He utters in a very relieved in happy sigh, burying his face slightly in his chest as he clings to him... “T-Thank you... I knew I could count on you to protect me. You’re the best: I love yooouuuu...”
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ahogedetective · 3 years
" Is it really okay for me to live here? " Kaito asked , clutching his hands into a fist as he knelt before Shuichi's uncle Akihiko.
@rosanimemuses !!!
"Ah, K-Kaito, please... you don't have to kneel..." He sheepishly chuckled, gesturing him to stand back up straight. Even before he had met Kaito, Akihiko already had a good opinion of him, just by how happily Shuichi would always talk about him, and knowing that he was being a great boyfriend to his nephew. And on that day, when he actually met Kaito for himself; that proved even further that his trust and good view of him was not misplaced.
Overtime, as Kaito visited his house more often, and the two talked more and more... they slowly grew very close, to the point that Akihiko started to think of Kaito as family, now. He knew the boy had a really rough life, including his strained relationship with Jin. It was why he at least tried to be like a father figure/guardian to Kaito, too: by caring for him, offering to lend an ear if the other ever needed to vent... and telling him to never hesitate if he ever needs anything. It was not because he wanted to “replace” Jin by any means; but rather, fill in those cracks until Jin mended his relationship with Kaito, he hopes.
The boy had truly became an important part in Akihiko’s life.. and not  just his: his wife’s as well, as Yuki had also already liked Kaito from the get go, and grew fonder of him as she got to know him more, too. Kaito... was truly a part of the family. That’s why when he asked if he could live with them, Akihiko did not have to hesitate with his answer; he was more than happy at the thought of Kaito moving in with the three of them.
With a nod, he confirms once more: “Yes... it is absolutely okay. You are practically apart of our family, after all.” He smiles warmly, gently resting a hand on his shoulder. “Plus, I’m sure Shuichi would be really happy if you lived here as well; Yuki, too. Hopefully Mr. Kirigiri will be okay with this decision, too, once you tell you talk to him about it. Either way, it would be very nice to have you. You always help to make this home feel even livelier when you visit, after all.”
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ahogedetective · 3 years
♜ : Shoulder rubs ( Kaito massaging Shuichi's shoulders because stressful boy 0
{ Acts of Intimacy ! }
♜ : Shoulder rubs // @rosanimemuses !
Stress was a given when it came to detective work at times: but today's work especially stressed him out. He had to handle a fraud case today, in which his client fell for a very convincing scam. So naturally, that made it very difficult to gather enough decisive evidence to expose the scammers, as he almost hit a lot of roadblocks when following their trail...
It didn't help that his client was so stressed out, that he was a bit rude and snappy with Shuichi, which only worsened the longer Shuichi took to gather his evidence. While he did feel bad for him and tried to be understanding, this only made him a lot more stressed out and pressured. While it did take nearly the entire afternoon... in the end, Shuichi was able to expose these people and have them arrested, potentially saving many others like his client from being scammed by them in the future.
He was also paid very handsomely as well by his client, partially out of guilt for how rude he was to Shuichi. So that was at least nice... and in the end, he was happy he was able to truly help him in the end. Still, he wanted to just hurry back home and finally spend some time with Kaito, immediately doing so once the case was officially done with. “I’m sorry I’m just now getting back... that case held me up a lot longer than I expected it to..” He tells him, a long sigh leaving him as he began changing into lounging clothes. “Basically... a fraud case made much more difficult with how intelligent these scammers were in hiding their trail. It felt like I was hitting many dead ends trying to follow it as I slowly gathered evidence...but thankfully in the end, I still succeeded in exposing them, which truly helped my client.”
He was ready to fully unwind for the rest of the evening with his boyfriend... and when Kaito wants to massage Shuichi’s shoulders- “!” He very happily accepts that offer, giving a nod and the best smile he could muster. “Oh yes please. That would be great right now...” He would go to sit in between Kaito’s legs on the bed so the other could begin. And the feel of his strong arms firmly rubbing his shoulders... “Ohhh...” Shuichi groans in complete satisfaction, closing his eyes to fully enjoy the feel. He didn’t even realize how much tension had built up into his shoulders... “Kaito... you are the best.” He breathlessly laughs, a long content sigh leaving him afterwards. “Thank you. I needed this so much after today, you have no idea. This feels so good...”
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ahogedetective · 3 years
" Hey, Sushi. D-do you want to go to a haunted house with me? " kaito mumbled. " I'll hold your hand so that/you/ don't get scared. "
@rosanimemuses !
"Hey there, Kaito: Ah? You want to go to a haunted house, Kaito?" Shuichi couldn't help but look surprised at the sudden idea, knowing how much Kaito is afraid of paranormal things, even if he doesn't like to admit it...
"S-So I don't get scared, huh..." He mutters with a sheepish smile, thinking it's probably him who should be saying that... "H-How sweet of you... While he was a little worried about how well Kaito would handle a haunted house... he wasn't against the idea of going to one. Unless a good jumpscare got him, he wasn't really scared of things like that. That, and: holding Kaito's hand as they explored one did sound nice... So with a nod, he answers:
"O-Okay! Sure thing: I wouldn't mind going to one with you at all, Kaito. When would you like to do so?"
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ahogedetective · 3 years
" Tree? Let's get a tree! " Kaito shouted, his tail wagging excitedly behind him. ( rosanimemuses )
@rosanimemuses !!
"A-Ahaha, even you too, huh, Kaito!" Seeing Kaito so adorably excitedly with his wagging tail and all, how he could not want to get a tree at his request? Reaching up to gently pat one of his fluffy ears, he nods his head.
"You're so cute, heheh... but yeah, sure!! I'm sure that we will be able to find a nice one together!"
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ahogedetective · 3 years
@rosanimemuses​ replied to your post: “I... have no idea why this is even a ‘holiday’
Kaito vc : Grrr no body better try it. ( hugs sushi )
“Oh...!” He utters a surprised noise at the sudden hug, before laughing softly and instantly hugging Kaito back. “Aww, Kaito: thank you! Though don’t worry, I... think I should be safe? I’d like to think I’m a good enough height to be considered pretty tall, after all... regardless, I doubt anyone would dare to try that with you protecting me! Heh heh....” Leaning up, he gives his cheek a soft peck before nuzzling into his arms some more.
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