shmowder · 2 months
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Alternative universe where Lara asked for help first
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malleusbutcursed · 2 years
Hello! Welcome to show!
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I'm Rubin! I'm a writer for twisted wonderland i also write for other fandoms but rarely! 》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》♧
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Rules for requesting/What i will or not do.
I won't write smut because I can't really write it well or properly.
SA, Ab€se, self h/rm . I been through some of these things and I don't feel comfortable writing them.
I'm comfortable writing for yandere scenarios but only to a certain extent like. (No SA, No physical ab/se, a yandere is emotionally ab/sive though so I'm only comfortable doing that to an extent.)
Character limit for headcanons/scenarios are 5.
I mostly write for gender neutral, but I don't mind writing Male or female.
No Teacher x Student. Example: (Divus Crewel x Student reader) i can do it where the reader is a teacher but not as a student.
I won't do any ships like Ortho x Reader and If I did it would be platonic.
No crossovers like genshin x twisted wonderland because I don't find interest in writing those scenarios.
I will write for platonic and romantic scenarios! Just make sure to let me know which one in your request.
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I will add a masterlist soon!
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minzart · 3 years
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♤ Rubin: the owl motif? My boss loves those little creatures, got one when younger, never let it get hurt once
♤ Rubin: yes I have a phone, why do you ask?
♤ Rubin: if I fight? Yeah, sometimes... what? ... sorry, not interested in joining a party just yet
♤ Rubin: why I wasn't here last week? I gotta life too Y'know, and it's noone of your business
♡ Rubin: ohhhh got something for me?
♡ Rubin: information eh? I can't imagine what makes you think I would have anything of value to you, but... if you insists, I can tell somethings... for the right price
◇ Rubin: what a nice sword you got there, I wonder what broke it into two halfs... care to tell me your stories while I finish this?
◇ Rubin: lost a limb? No problem! I can do a cool prosthetic, tell me your aesthetic and we can discuss the price
♧ Rubin: didn't wait for the crystals to recharge or you used them too much this time?
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shmowder · 3 months
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Secret warehouses with unsecure wifi connections what could go wrong
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shmowder · 2 months
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who needs a shiny rock on a ring when you can have a whole intact skull from a bull's skeleton?
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shmowder · 3 months
follow up question to the pet name question: healers favorite physical touch affection?
Is Rubin technically a healer? Should I still include him? sure, why not.
Their favourite ways to show physical affection
Daniil Dankovsky
He has a tendency to keep one of his hands occupied at all times, usually by carrying his bag or fidgeting with a pen. As of lately, Daniil started reaching for your hand instead.
The leather glove feeling pleasant against your palm, his thumb occasionally rubbing the back of your hand. His grip squeezing your hand reassuringly as the two of you walk side by side.
It's a subconscious habit at this point, moving his finger alongside your knuckles, trailing the delicate joints of your hand, maybe drawing the veins at times.
lifting your hand up to his face, pressing his lips against the back of your hand. Sometimes, he left a second smaller kiss on the sensitive skin inside your plam before going back to the original task he was occupied with.
The bachelor of medicine himself makes a rather passionate dance partner at times, despite him claiming otherwise and that he's simply following the correct steps. He enjoys the classical waltz, the dramatic symphonies as he twirls you around, a charming smile adoring his face as he steps closer until your chests are almost pressed together. Slowly swaying you with the soft melody, his grip confident at the small of your back, guiding your steps.
Stanislav Rubin
Closing his eyes and burying his face between your neck and shoulder is how Rubin gets his respite. Exhausted from work, a loud mind and an aching heart both get put to bed as he simply hugs you from behind.
Back slouching to allow someone of his height to tuck his face against your neck. You feel his soft breath tickling your skin, his arms tightening around you, pulling you closer into his embrace as if he's afraid to let go.
He is simply content with this, listening to your heartbeat, being allowed to simply hold you. Tense shoulders relaxing as you extend your hand squeeze his forearm, reassuring him that he may stay as long as he wants.
What a beautiful thing it is to be held and hold someone back. How lucky he feels, grateful for your kindness. For you to share your warmth with him, let him be a little selfish and hold you a little longer. You're the safety he can't go without.
Artemy Burakh
His hands seem to have a mind of their own at times. cupping your face in his big hands, staring at you with a smitten expression before giving you a kiss.
Holding you by the hips and coaxing you to move to the side when you're blocking his way to reach something, giving you a gentle squeeze before letting go, followed by a warm smile.
His hand resting on top of your thigh when you sit next to him, Artemy asking about your day as his fingers briefly massage the area. Switching between drawing circles and giving slow squeezes.
Especially the bear hugs he gives you each time he's back from a long trip to the steppe, covered in mud and grass. Setting the basket of freshly picked herbs to the ground as he picks you up with his arms and buries you against his chest, laughing as you tell him to at least take a shower first.
Asking for a kiss in exchange for letting you down, be it your lips, adorable cheek, or temple, he'd drown you in small kisses and pecks if he could. The idea of carrying you to join him in the shower is getting more temptating by the second.
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shmowder · 4 months
Hi! I love the way you write, you're a great storyteller! Could you maybe write a little something about how Rubin, Daniil and Artemy would deal with a clumsy reader who often bumps into things and gets hurt? If so, I'd be grateful! I hope you have an amazing day <3
Thank you very much! I enjoy writing stories and telling them. I hope you have a great day, do take care of yourself <3
Dealing with a clumsy Reader
[fluff, overprotectiveness, GN reader]
[Artemy, Daniil, Rubin]
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The Haruspex
The first time you've planted face first into the ground when walking up to him, Artemy chalked it up to a trip of fate. The second time, however, he walked faster to meet you halfway and catch you mid-stumble into the paved streets.
Call it intuition, a gut feeling, or whatever you want. Burakh seems to know exactly when to hold you by the arm just before you trip on air when walking together. He saved several obiects from breaking by catching them after they slipped from your fingers.
The two of you are on extreme opposite ends. He mastered his own body to move effortlessly; the precise movement of a surgeon was engraved into him since childhood. Learning to tread delicately despite his size and body, both as a child collecting twyre and making sure not to crush the fragile herbs roots and as a medic in the army where one misplaced step could spell his demise on the battlefield.
And you had the grace of a newly-born fawn learning to walk.
Watching out for your safety on your behalf started developing into one of his many habits, the ones that occur almost unconsciously. He just learned to stand close enough to pull you back just before you could fall into the river because you leaned too much against the rusty railings. His arm hovering around your waist whenever he brings you into his lair just in case he left another sharp scalpel or two exposed on a table.
Lending his aid to you with tasks that require precision. Usually, work around the house, like hanging a picture frame after you accidentally dropped the hammer on your foot or moving furniture and heavy boxes around.
You don't even have to ask him for help, Artemy visits you a couple of times a week to check if you need anything. Sometimes inviting you along on his grocery trips with Sticky and Murky so he gets an excuse to carry your bags and walk you home.
The two kids definitely catch on to your clumsy nature and it's clear Artemy had a talk with them about it when Murky offers to let you hold her doll for protection from bad luck while Sticky grumbles about how a doll won't help and you probably need to wear medieval knight steel armour just to walk around safely.
Sometimes Artemy feels like he should be concerned more, especially since he is finite and won't always be there to pull you away from danger and into the safety of his arms, he won't always be able to stabilise you or pick you up after you fall.
It eats him up at night.
Wondering if you got home safely, if you're eating well, if he's gonna see you tomorrow with a new band-aid on your finger, knees, or elbows.
Maybe you're thankful for his constant help, or maybe you begrudgingly accept it with defeated annoyance. Whatever your reaction may be, Artemy finds himself enjoying looking out for you. A part of him feels guilty for liking the feeling of having you relay on him in certain things.
"I'll take care of the bags, hold my arm instead...STICKY TELL YOUR SISTER NOT TO RUN TOO FAR AHEAD THIS ISN'T A RACE"
The Bachelor
Is the one putting these said band-aids on you.
When he first met you, he was under the impression you were a patient coming to see him. What do you mean by no? You just came to say hello and introduce yourself? Then why do you look like someone who just came out of a brawl with a raccoon and lost? What's with all of these bruises and scratches?
Actually, it doesn't matter. This town is already full of weird people with unusual quirks. Daniil's politely insisting that you must sit down and let him disinfect the scratches, he has plenty of bandages for your brusies, too.
As Daniil works on cleaning you up, he's careful not to press too much on your bruises, asking you if the bandage is too tight or constricting as he wraps it. He gently goes over every painful spot on your body from the smallest of cuts on your fingertips to that painful bruise from twisting your ankle. Cleaning them with a cotton pad and applying the clean bandages afterwards.
Sometimes, he can't believe how one person can manage to get hurt this much in such little time. Other times, he wonders how you even managed to survive without a personal doctor accommodating you each night.
He's already busy at it, but he makes time for you. He's not going to turn someone in need away, especially someone who's hurt to no fault of your own. The human body is stubborn and uncooperative at times. He understands that better than anyone, he doesn't make you bear the blame of your limbs refusing to listen to you.
When he does scold you, it's for not coming to him sooner. An untreated papercut may result in amputation if left infected for a long duration of time. You're not a bother. You have every right to seek medical attention, and he won't turn you away from his door even in the middle of the night.
Ever since, he started carrying more band-aids and disinfecting alcohol in his bag. Each time you meet him on the street while walking around the town, he's stopping to check you over for any injuries, telling you to sit on a nearby bench as he quickly attends to you before leaving afterwards to the meeting with the Kains he's already late to. It's clear to any onlookers how much this town isn't his forte. The more days he spends here, the more symptoms of exhaustion he starts showing.
But there is something relaxing about the simplicity of someone merely asking him to treat their bruises. Finally, someone who isn't asking him to bring them the moon from the sky or solve another mystery murder.
He's delighted to get a moment to himself to take care of you. The more frequent these meetings become the more open and comfortable he becomes with you.
One time, you even heard him actually make a joke that wasn't fully oozing sarcasm from every letter. Friendly banter is rare but not scarce with him. He also enjoys sharing his medical knowledge and teaching you the proper ways to treat a cut in case he isn't around anymore.
If you do ever ask for a specific type of band-aids with colourful pictures on top, he'll throw a sarcastic comment your way about the proven scientific benfits of silly pictures of dinosaurs on band-aids, how he's not a pediatrician and you're being absurd.
He still shows up with the exact type of colourful band-aids you asked for the next day.
"The discolouration is due to the hemoglobins turning into biliverdin. It's a good sign and will go away on its own eventually. Are you feeling good enough to walk home on your own, or should I accompany you? No, I insist, it's far from a bother."
The Warden
Rubin's first meeting meeting with you happened in a grocery store when you accidentally stepped on his foot while reaching for something on a high shelf. You immediately turned around to face him and apologise when you heard his wince but accidentally dragged the shopping cart along, making you stumble forward and step on his other foot.
The two of you ended up falling to the ground in the middle of the store. At least he was under you to soften the blow.
He was strangely calm for someone who just had his legs run over and back slammed against the wooden floor. Awkwardly getting up and acting like nothing happened as he picked up his scattered groceries from the floor.
You saw him staring at you as he internally debated whether to lend a helping hand with your fallen groceries or not. By the time he made his mind, you were already done. Instead, he reached over you to the item you were trying to get on the high shelf and handed it to you.
That memory of this stranger in the store stayed with him for a long while, he'd recall it while brushing his teeth or running errands. With a small town like this, you were bound to meet again.
Eventually, the two of you did. In a vaguely similar manner where your clumsiness resulted in both you and Rubin crashing into each other, with him softening your fall like always.
This time around, he made the effort to learn your name and introduce himself properly. He had an air of apathy around him like he was going through something, as if he lived in his head all the time. Rubin's eyes drifting to the side when the two of you would talk, his clothes looking as if he just threw them on after waking up without a second thought, his reponses to you rarely exceeded a sentence or two. It was very easy to mistake his demnour for his disliking you.
But he didn't. If anything, his legs seemed to take him to you in a beeline whenever he'd spot you around town. The two of you would sit or walk in silence most of the time. He wasn't as quick to pull you away before you bumped into a tree or a pole, but he'd put his hand between you and the hard surface to take the damage instead.
Just by being around you, he was already accumulating more and more bruises by the day. Ones he'd pay in your stead for your clumsiness. He never complained however.
A part of him enjoyed having you fuss over him each time he'd do it. Like that one time, you were about to touch a hot pot on the stove, and his reaction was to pick it up instead and move it away. You showed great concern as you sat him down on your kitchen chair and held a cloth with ice inside to the burn on his hand.
"I'd rather it be me than you, I can handle it."
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shmowder · 1 month
(What a beautiful picture you have in your profile now! Very aesthetically pleasent 🙏)
Hello! Hope you’re doing better. Send you the warm rays of support. This time I will request a little bit of fluff writing. How about Daniil, Artemy, Rubin and Stamatins having self-care day with reader? Like applying face masks, manicures, and doing non-strenuous sports.
anon 🧡
This is the first time you've seen someone treat self-care like work, stress over which facemask to choose as he compares all their benfits in his mind.
The ultimate self-care for Daniil might be ordering three espresso shots with his coffee instead of just one this time around. Alas... he does miss the university days where he actually had the time to sit and relax.
It's nostalgic, the way you pamper him. Daniil sitting still with his eyes closed as you apply the face mask to his skin, sugar scrub alongside his lips, the way they feel much softer afterwards. Two glasses of champagne on the nearby table. An antique record player–advanced technology for the time period–humming in the background, a nice melody that fills the room.
Self-care wasn't something he could afford the time or money for during his travels and service time. However, Artemy still has the recipe for the herbal tea his father would make to him every week to help soothe his nerves. The type of twyre that can be repurposed into soap and used in bathing.
Maybe he could cook something up for the two of you while you indulge in your creams and masks? be it slow, cooking a steak of meter into tender perfection or attempting to make a dessert, something more sweet.
You'd be doing him a favour by massaging his hands and applying lotion to them. In fact, you'd be doing all of his future patients a favour. A rough palm and bruised knuckles that have just started to fade away. You could spend an entire day pampering his hands, and Artemy wouldn't object.
God knows he needs it. That man hasn't been granted a moment of rest in the last decade. It will be hard to convince him to let go of his responsibilities for a day and allow himself this, even an extra hour on the bed is a luxury to him.
By virtue of being so tall, Stakh was also cursed with back pain that only worsened the older he got. Still in his 20s and his spine already feels as stiff as a board.
Massage his tense shoulders and try to get his body to unwind. Remind him to unclench his jaw. Laying on his stomach on the bed, bare upper body to allow you easier access. Stakh can't even downplay the immense relief that washed over him as your hands massaged the knots in his back away. The lovely scented lotion overwhelmed his senses, lulling him into relaxation. barely 10 minutes by, and he's already asleep.
self-care? They are already self-caring every day. Don't you see the bottles of liquor littered around? Not that Andrey would say no to another line if you're so insistent–
...soaking in a hot bath? Facemasks? manicures?
That... actually doesn't sound so bad. Sure, lead the way.
While Andrey is more comfortable in his skin–too comfortable even as he has no qualms about lounging around naked after the said bath. Peter, on the other hand, is walking around with soaking wet clothes, the ones he refused to take off during the bath because he just didn't feel like it.
And where Peter is better at keeping still while you do his nails, watching you with interest as you clean them, trimming the cuticle and filing the sharp edges after cutting them. Andrey is more nitpicky about your choice of nail polish colour, understimulated as he keeps asking how long it will take them to dry. Why is an undercoat necessary? why can't you just paint them on directly? It's what he did during his youth they came out looking fine.
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shmowder · 1 month
something something Victor and Stakh having their symbolic animal be a tiger & my childhood plushie I perceived as a symbol of protection and safety was a tiger
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shmowder · 3 months
Imagine Rubins reaction to being chosen by the reader over the other healers/love interests. Like this poor man thinks so little of himself, so to be someone's first pick? He needs all the love in the world
Ilyyyy i love this idea!! was supposed to have a Haruspex and Andrey parts but... yeah. I decided to post it like this rather than leave it to rot in my drafts
Rubin with a reader who chose him over everyone
[fluff, hurt/comfort, romance, slight crack, petty conflict, jealousy]
[Stanislav Rubin x reader | One-sides Bachelor/Reader] [Gender-neutral Reader]
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Choosing him over the Bachelor
Rubin never saw himself as anyone's first choice.
Not even their second or third either.
He usually imagined himself as the last resort anyone would ever go to.
Both as a doctor and as a person.
The Bachelor's arrival into town more than confirmed this–not that Rubin had any doubt to begin with–people would prefer to consult Dankovsky for medical aid despite him being a literal stranger to the town and its ways.
So why did it sting when Rubin watched as the same families who once entrusted him to treat their children, not spare him a single glance anymore ever since what they described as a "real" doctor arrived into town.
It's okay, he'd tell himself, it's what he's used to. People would seek Isidor before and never offer Rubin any gratitude despite him doing the majority of the work.
He should just be grateful that the Bachelor allowed him to act as his aid. He knows his own medical knowledge is lacking and outdated.
But heavens above, he wasn't dealt a better hand in life.
He is doing the best he can with the choices he was offered.
You were one of the few lights remaining in his life.
The way you'd wait for him outside the theatre-turned-hospital to finish his shift each day and walk him home despite the dangers.
The way you'd scold him for neglecting his health again, insisting he must rest and eat something or else.
It felt strange for him to be shown love.
To have someone care so much that they actually seem upset when he skips meals or only goes to bed when at the verge of collapsing.
Someone who is happy to see him each day, someone who doesn't constantly remind him of his flaws or what he lacks.
But life is too cruel, and his hope was short-lived.
One day, he was finishing his work and clocking out. Walking outside to the grey filled skies, soft droplets making small ripples in the wet streets as they fell down.
Rubin's gaze immediately went to the usual spot where you'd wait for him each time.
Only to not see you there.
Well, not alone; someone else is keeping you company.
The bachelor's coat hanged heavy on your shoulders as Daniil held the umbrella above both of your heads.
Ever the gentleman, he must have offered his coat to you when he saw you outside alone in the rain.
The umbrella was not big enough to cover a large distance, making the two of you stand intimately close.
Bodies almost pressing against one another.
Despair sinking like poison into the pits of Rubin's stomach, refusing to resurface as his limbs felt ten times heavier to move, weighting down his body.
The end of the day exhaustion wasn't helping either, courtesy of always stubbornly taking the longest possible shift in the hospital.
Rubin watched as Daniil's lips moved. He was saying something to you... whispering it like a snake against your ear. Coiling his scaley tail against Rubin's heart and squeezing it painfully tight.
The hand not holding the umbrella went up to hover above your waist, silently asking permission to place it there...
To hold you.
Rubin's legs moved so fast as he made his way across the street to you. The sound of his footsteps splashing against the wet concrete finally made the two of you take notice of his presence.
Maybe the look of desperation on his face gave him away, or maybe it was you mistaking the raindrops going down his face for something else, the growing wetness in his eyes didn't help either.
But the mere sight of him hurrying towards you made you immediately take the bachelor's coat off and hand it back to Daniil.
Leaving the dry safety of the umbrella below and meeting Rubin halfway through the street.
Hugging him amidst the pouring rain, your arms holding him reassuringly tight.
Burying your face into his chest.
His heart skips a beat as he feels your lips curl into a smile against the thin fabric separating you from his bare skin.
Telling him how you were waiting for him, how much you missed him, and wanted to go back to his own place already.
After the moment of confusion on Daniil's face passed, he seemed to understand the implications here as he cleared his throat in embarrassment and walked up to the two of you.
To Rubin's surprise, the Bachelor seemed to take it in stride as he explained how it was him who insisted on you taking his coat to stay warm.
Daniil ended the conversation with a short apology and offered his umbrella for the two of you to borrow as a way to make amends.
Moments ago, this seemed like the end of Rubin's world. The adrenaline from the emotional rush burned hot in his blood.
Yet it... was resolved so easily. You didn't even hesitate before walking to him, Daniil showed him grace and respect rather than disdain.
This kindness, he was not used to.
As if you'd slip away from his fingers one day, as if life will snatch you away the second he turns his back like everything else he has ever loved.
It was a hard pill to swallow, the fact you willingly chose him.
Chose to be with him, not as a last resort nor our of obligation or pity.
Not once or twice, but time and time again you'd choose him.
And each time it would stun him, as if all of the past loyalty and devotion you've shown was a mere fluke, a mistake on your part.
That this time it's the end, this time you'll definitely walk away. This time you'll reciprocate Andrey flirting or accept Eva's invite to spend the night.
This time... definitely this time you will shatter his heart.
Because that's what life taught him.
One day you must wake up and realise his true worth. See him as the lowly creature he stares at in the mirror.
The broken pathetic man he must be in your eyes.
And yet, you'd frown each time he spoke about himself in that town. Act offended on his behalf as if it was you he was insulting.
Ask him directly if he thinks you're that stupid? Why else would he assume you'd ever wake up when you weren't under any spell to begin with.
The truth is, you've always loved him since the start.
Since the moment you met him even.
What started as a puppy crush quickly flourished into deep admiration as you learned more and more about him
In your eyes, Stakh was strong. The kind of strength truly worth of respect.
You've never met anyone as strong as him, and you'll gladly remind him of that each and every single day.
That there is nothing to endure, you'll be with him through thick and thin.
That he isn't missing something, he isn't lesser than anyone in here.
He's whole as he is, worthy of love and kindness.
And day by day, your words echo in his mind.
So much that for a brief second, he can stand staring at the mirror without a pile rising in the back of his throat.
Remembering the praises you'd sing about his lovely brown eyes, akin to pools of honey under the sunlight.
The frown that seemed permanently etched into his features reminded you of the graceful sadness of a willow tree.
The reflection of a crescent moon on a lake's still surface without a single ripple in sight.
Maybe one day, the shackles of the past will have mercy and loosen themselves from around his mind.
But until then, you'll gladly love him enough for both of you. Until then you'll stay by his side, choose him over and over again until he understands you're here to stay.
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shmowder · 4 months
Hello! Firstly id like to say how much I enjoy your writings. And I was wondering your opinions on Stanislav Rubin, and if you have written anything about him yet?
Thank you very much. I'm glad that even though I post a lot of memes and silly things, people still remember that this is a writing blog at its core.
Ah Stakh, the man, the myth, the legend Rubin himself. I absolutely adore him. He's like what happens if you drop the soul of a 90' anime tsundere into a survival horror middle age man.
Rip Stanislav, you would've loved going Hmp >:/. You would've loved posting blank black screens on your snapchat with a single dot in the text bracket. You would've loved getting away with throwing heavy-duty physical objects at Artemy in the name of comedic effect during fillter beach episodes.
What's so interesting about him is how much the narrative is out there to get him. How much his story tells a complicated relationship about bline love, trust, and abuse.
At times, it seems like Rubin loved Isidor more than his own son ever did from the amount of faith he held in him. Especially when that said person took advantage of his willingness to serve in order to do the dirty work.
That's probably why Rubin is acting extremely difficult during the game. He's grieving deeply. He seems lost and devoid of purpose, so he clings to whatever new problem he can find to give himself purpose. He works himself to an early grave just so he doesn't have time to think, and if you don't interfer as Artemy, he's successful.
Rubin's extremely devoted to his own set of morality, even when it contradicts itself and hurts him in the process. It's like he's willing to dig himself further into a mess even if he knew the chances of him solving it alone are very slim.
He'd rather do it himself than ask for help.
But it doesn't feel like pride, more like spite. That's the thing him and the bachelor have in common. They're both moved in spite of the universe and not because of.
Meanwhile, Artemy does things out of love for the universe. It explains why Rubin was described by the developers as being Artemy's rival.
Stakh was the best student Isidor ever had, the most diligent and quickest to learn, even a better student than his own son.
But that's exactly the problem. That's all he was great at, being an excellent student. Isidor didn't want a student for life. He wanted a new Menkhu to replace him, to pave the way for the future. How could he let someone who always looks to others for guidance ever take the lead?
Rubin decided to follow the bachelor when it came to curing the plague. In P1, Rubin used to be a soldier and an extremely good one at following orders too before he had to come back hom from a head injury.
In P2, when Rubin is devoid of purpose again, he doesn't try to be his own person and pave his own path. No, instead he sticks with the familiar and goes to join the army.
In the marble nest where Artemy is dead, Daniil says that Rubin has already joined the army and he could be behind any of those soldiers' masks.
What's the alternative future for him? Remaining a student. But for Artemy this time, who successfully took his father's place in p2.
Rubin and Bad Grief were the first ever people to fall out from the friend group after Artemy left, and it makes sense with how opposite they are in nature.
Grief saw how good he was at doing what he is, how excellent he is at being a gang leader and how easily this life came into his hands with very little work. He almost seems perfect for the job of being a glorified sketchy shopkeeper with a dangerous front as a gang leader.
He saw that, and he hated it. He wanted out. He wanted freedom and to break from the narrative. He acted out of script and went to the Inquisitor with his own two legs, closed shop, and threw away that perfect life, which was designed especially for him.
Meanwhile, Rubin longs back for that life. For Isidor to crawl out of the grave and tell him what to do next, even if it meant he will be mistreated and forced to bear the sins of his master just so Isidor keeps his own hands clean. He wants someone more knowledgeable to direct him again, tell him what to do, where to go and what to say.
Grief adored freedom, but Rubin loathed how terrifying it was. Grief understood the way of the world, how everyone is masquerading as their roles, how the whole of humanity is a game of pretend we play with each other, a mere facade. He understood that, and he climbed up as a result of playing his cards well. Or at least, life handed him the perfect hand for his role.
Rubin's black and white view of the world was his doom. Isidor was right and could never do anything wrong in his eyes, even when it was Rubin suffering because of him. Grief was bad. Therefore, he could never do anything right no matter what explanation he gives.
Artemy abandoned his father, therefore he is forever responsible for Isidor's murder in Rubin's eyes.
It's almost funny how throughout the whole game, as Artemy, you keep getting reminded of how much Rubin hates you and wants you dead.
Yet when he invents the panacea after you neglect your job, he fully credits it to you as your invention. The inquisitor even says so.
Love and hate are like dusk and dawn, different angles, but still the same sun.
Rubin's hate for Grief and Artemy proves that he still cares about them above all.
Even then, it doesn't take much convincing for him to abandon that hate. Almost as if he wants to be rid of it himself but can't do it on his own, he requires you to talk to him and give him that one final push. Aware of it or not, he has always looked to others for help despite him trying his best to handle things alone.
Now, as for writing something about him, I haven't yet. I would love to, he seems very fun to write. Emotionally constipated characters usually are.
But do you mean as a ship or x reader?
If it's a ship, something with Artemy is my first thought.
I know Isidor was in the process of adopting Rubin and that he refers to him as father sometimes. But all of that happened after Artemy left the town and not before.
So while Rubin and Isidor saw themselves as found family, Rubin and Artemy never did. Their last time together was spent as childhood best friends, and not once do they refer to each other as siblings or imply it.
To me they will always be just childhood friends. Artemy was estranged from his own father for 10-5 years depending on the game and Rubin filled that spot in the meanwhile. The sole reason for the adopting thing was just to get Rubin the right to cut bodies and nothing more in Isidor's case.
Rubin might have seen him as a father figure, but I doubt Isidor saw him as anything but a student, let alone a son.
In his dairy during his last days before death, Isidor only speaks of Artemy. Wishing his son was by his side.
And in Artemy's case, he immediately forgives Rubin for so many things during their first meeting in P1. And in P2, he still attempts to talk and have a resemblance of a friendship with him.
Artemy literally follows him like a kicked puppy, wanting his best friend back and desperately attempting to mend things with Rubin. The fics practically write themselves at this point. Stakh clearly likes Artemy but he won't let himself easily give into the temptation because he is just angsty like that.
Maybe that "rivally" was extremely one-sided in Rubin's case.
But for x reader, you're not Artemy so you'll get very favourable treatment.
He's already willing to let himself burn at the stake for someone else. Rubin and Eva both share the passion to sacrifice themselves for the sake of someone else, ironically enough.
The only difference is that Eva took the hopeless romantic path whole Rubin took the selfless devotion one.
He'd do well with someone who is soft and caring, that man requires a hug that lasts a century. He needs someone to be patient with him, someone wise who understands him better than he understands himself. Someone be there for him to fall back on.
Stakh is the type of person who will mould himself to your expectations and needs rather than just let himself...be himself. He will think the way he is just isn't enough to get you to stay in love, and so he will try to adapt what you deem impressive and love-able.
Breaking himself in the process.
A reader who gets him out of that cycle would be perfect. Someone who reassures him that he is enough. That he doesn't need to set himself ablaze just to keep you warm.
He will be extremely awkward in love. He doesn't have a single romantic bone in his body. But he's nothing if not a fast learner.
it's clumsy attempts at the start, but eventually, he learns to speak his feelings more. Words of sincerity and promises of devotion acting as his flirting.
He stares at you a lot with his big round, lovely brown eyes. Across the room? he's looking at you until you come talk to him. Suddenly, he's not slouching so much. It's endearingly embarrassing how honest his eyes can be when his lips won't admit that he needs you.
He will cling to you as time goes on. Why exactly can't he go out with you when you're hanging out with your friends? Listen he knows this is just a grocery trip but he wants to walk there with you and carry the bags.
One time, you took too long in the bathroom at night, and he woke up from sleep just to knock at the bathroom door and ask when you were going back to bed. You found him half-asleep sitting on the ground near the door when you opened it.
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shmowder · 3 months
super important question what do daniil, rubin and artemy call their significant others? (like, pet names?) and do they use cute nicknames often? in front of others?
Ooo that's a really fun question.
Daniil Dankovsky
Latin endearment terms, he likes going the extra mile for a petname.
"Mea vita" = My life. Is his most common one. Because you are really his life, it fits well with his goal of defeating death and all. To save you, to save his life.
"Mi carissime" = My dearest. Is a good option, and it's long enough for Daniil to sound sophisticated while throwing it around so casually.
He might do french if he's drunk and his tongue is too heavy to get that crisp latin pronunciation. Don't tell him his french is rusty because he will sneak out of the bed at 3am to go practice.
Artemy Burakh
Steppe language comes to mind. It is partly based on Buryat Mongolic, so we can get away with using the real-world equivalent... kinda?
"Kheerkhen/Khөөrkhen" (Хөөрхэн) = dear, dearest, cute"
"My heart" Would fit him, the steppe equivalent could be "Minii zürkh" (Миний зүрх)
He'd want to stick to his roots, maybe in hopes you'd catch on to the steppe language. Artemy tends to use it when he's upset and cursing someone out, or when his love for you is too overwhelming, and he needs to name you after every beautiful thing in the world.
Flowers too, he has a tendency to playfully call you by flower names.
Victor Kain
"My dove" is what he uses the most. Even ingame.
"Songbird" and "Angel" come to mind.
If you think too much about his petnames for you, you'd notice the subtle emphasis on the pet part. He prefers the formal "dearest" when addressing you in front of others.
But sometimes, to remind people of their place, he ask you to come to his side by intentionly using the dove title. What a good little bird are.
Bad Grief
"Dollface" It's just his vibe. It's very hard to explain why, but it fits him. His petnames are playfully, partily digging at you being so pretty and soft.
"Lovely" and "Sweet thing" are used in its place from time to time, he has a theme and sticks to it.
"Baby" Oh no, this isn't a petname. He is just calling you a baby, you know, as an insult. Or so he claims, so why does he say it so tenderly with a stupid smitten smile on his face?
Stanislav Rubin
He has picked on various Steppe phrases, but he doesn't feel like he has earned the right to them? He doesn't know much Latin or any other language. Stakh definitely feels lacking when it comes to romance and overthinks his petnames because of it.
It's a long trial and error process where he decides to test out one petname, grimce then vows to never use it again.
"My everything"
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shmowder · 2 months
I'm NOT thinking about Stakh having a size kink and being very ashamed of it. I'm especially not thinking about a reader who deliberately teases him, tormenting him everyday waiting for his eventual snap.
You keep asking him to compare hand sizes, commenting on how big his hand is, how long his fingers are, how he could easily hold both of your wrists in place with just one hand. Pretending you don't notice the sudden shortness of his breath, the widened pupils or the red dusting his cheeks.
You ask him to help you reach things from high shelves whilst still standing in front of them. Giving him no choice but to press his body flush to your back as he retrieves the item, fingers trembling and threatening to drop it when you suddenly pressed your ass against his front, looking up at him with innocent eyes as if you weren't shamelessly grinding against his semi-hard bulge.
You keep testing his self control and patience, making comments out of the blue about how since he is so big and strong, he could easily throw you around and manhandle you in bed, right? Having the poor man choke on the herbal tea he was just drinking, closing his eyes and refusing to meet yours, attempting to ignore the vivid flashes of reenacting that same fantasy, as if he wasn't plagued by wet dreams about you each night, about how much you'd struggle to even fit his cock inside.
He's just too afraid of breaking you :( So he doesn't even dare to taste your lips, because once he realises you'd accept a kiss from him, that he actually has a chance, he's terrifed of greed engulfing him. It's a slippery slope, even just one kiss could lead to so much more.
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shmowder · 3 months
Stakh is so bpd coded
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shmowder · 3 months
Request for whenever ♡ Which characters do you think would be a good match for a shy, inexperienced reader? (Interpret inexperienced in whatever way you wish.)
... and maybe who would be the least compatible/most awkward? 👀
I am both haunted and amused by this post and the tags in the reblogs: https://www.tumblr.com/herbgroom/724992331947933696/victor-kain-vlad-olgimsky-eva-yan-and-andrey?source=share
🐿️ anon
Lmao That post is hilarious. Maybe Add Yuilia for her relationship with Eva, The Saburov, who definitely tried for a child at one point, Bad Grief too? Wasn't there a herb bride sitting by his side at the hideout? I always assumed the two of them had some sort of casual thing together because why else is she here in a dwelling of criminals and goons.
Artemy isn't a virgin either. He can claim to have been married in the past in a p2 dialogue choice. Maria does kiss someone, which indirectly causes their death a week after. She is also alludied to have been in a relationship with Andrey at some point? And he's still alive, so. Yeah, Andrey is the town bicycle dw about it. Young Vlad isn't either bc he enters a marriage with Maria in P1 utopian ending bachelor route.
On the opposite end, the ones who seem most likely to be inexperienced or virgins are: Rubin bc he was studying under Isidor the whole time, Anna because she is deeply mysophobic, and maybe mark Immortell bc who would fuck him.
I'm choosing to interpret it as a reader who's inexperienced and a virgin, I hope it's what you're looking for and that you like it. slight smut below cut
Would be the most gentle with an inexperienced reader
Eva Yan
She'd be the most considerate out of everyone, starting very slowly and checking in with you every step along the way. Being around Eva makes you feel as if the weight of the world was lifted from your shoulders. There are no expectations set upon you to perform.
It makes sense that the person contiguous with their authenticity would be the best option to take your virginity.
She is very romantic about it, soft kitten licks and brief kisses. Honey pouring from her lips with every word spoken against your skin, describing how beautiful you look sprawled atop her silk sheets. As ethereal as a painting below her, as lovely as a song. She litters kisses up and down your body, she guides your innocent hand to her body, feels her heartbeat, then lower and lower, and it's her heat your fingers are caressing. All of this, all of her, is for you.
Stanislav Rubin
His hands are trembling as you confide your truth in him, entrusting him with such a precious thing. Stakh barely hides the look of shock on his face, of you choosing him to... be your first time.
He's extra careful, handling you with such delicate touches he himself never thought he was capable of.
Pleading eyes nervously glancing away from your gaze as he peels your clothes off one by one, insisting you lay on the bed... He'll take care of everything. Barely paying his own needs any attention during the act itself. Instead, you become his whole world, and the urge to bring you pleasure and comfort is consuming his mind. It feels like drowning in the best possible way.
Alexander Saburov
Thoughtful of you and your comfort, protective in the way he lays a pillow under your head and another below your hips. Large hands just holding you for a moment, getting you used to the feeling of being touched, caressed and felt. It's like slowly dipping into a bath of hot water, turning putty in his grip the more he massages your body.
You're pampered beyond what's necessary and then even more.
He doesn't speak much, but his eyes tell you everything you need to know, the raw adoration reflecting alongside the glistening light. He's never too slow or too fast, never lifting your thighs to a discomforting height, never pressuring your body down with his weight. Instead of you arching your back, he would rather lift you slightly off of the mattress to adjust the position. He doesn't push for anything beyond vanilla either, gentle lovemaking under the candlelights. Even if you argue that you can handle more, he isn't undermining you, but it's better to start slowly and gradually build up.
Would use it as an education opportunity
Victor Kain
He takes the information in and closes his eyes for half a minute, deciding how to proceed. Victor tries to assess your knowledge and what's the most efficient way to fill in the gaps. He reassures you it's no problem. He had a sneaking suspicion but didn't want to jumb to conclusions. He is thankful you were so upfront with him.
He runs you a hot bath and tells you to take your time.
He is patient after you come out, asking you to join him and sit down. He keeps his hands to himself as he would rather start a conversation instead, watching your tense shoulders relax as you get more and more comfortable.
Prepares the room in the meanwhile, clean towels covering the sheets, some water and a small plate of fruits on the nearby table.
The atmosphere is light. He extends his arm and asks to hold your hand. Brushing his thumb against the back of your hand as he keeps the conversation going, getting you used to the feeling of his touch caressing your skin. Your body leans into him, and he gladly closes the distance.
A slow soft kiss, making sure to never cage you in or overwhelm you. Calculated seconds as he pulls away before you lose your breath. asking if it was enjoyable for you, or would you prefer something else. Observing your dilated pupils and glistening lips.
He's very caring with you, unbelievably so. Victor lets you set the pace as he encourages you to follow his lead. Like learning a ballroom dance for the first time, no matter how clumsy you are, he effortlessly makes up for your mistakes while nudging you towards the correct steps. Thin long fingers exploring your body, learning what makes you tick, which parts are the most sensitive as his fingertips glide against them. Watching your reactions and adapting his behaviour along, helping you understand your own needs better.
Using lubrication and protection no matter what, making sure you're well prepared before taking him inside. He might even overdo it just in case. Never pushing in fully, instead slowly inching insides. Pausing every now and then to check in with you, running his hand up and down your sides to get you to relax, melting the tension away from your muscles as he gently squeezes and caresses them.
Whispering how good of a job you're doing, being so well behaved for him. Praising you for learning so fast, taking him in so well on your first time.
Aglaya Lilich
It was easy to figure out, especially with how you'd react each time her lips curled into a confident smile before she kissed the sensitive skin peaking just above your collar. Her keen eyes catching the subtle shiver rippling through your body, you probably didn't even realise the adorable face you were making, staring at her all wide-eyed.
She's been slowly getting you accustomed to being at the receiving end of her affection ever since the two of you first expressed a hint of attraction to one another. Be it the way she'd pronounce your name with care and weight to it, to the way her hand deliberately brushed against your own each time you handed her something.
Gradually growing bolder throughout the weeks.
Linking her arm with yours to help you cross a street but not letting go afterwards. Standing a little too intimately when it's just then two of you in a room.
Offering you to take a seat atop the corner of her desk while she works. Making you very aware of how close her hands are to your thighs, the way her hairbun is looser than usual, the relaxed expression she's wearing.
She planned for the perfect day, taking you out to a proper dinner date beforehand. Showing you exactly how you should be treated, how you should be adored before anyone even dares they have the right to lay a finger on you. Bringing you back to her home, offering to make some tea while you get comfortable.
And poping the question out of the blue, would you like to share her bed for tonight? Yes, as in sleep together. She would certainly like that, yes that is why she is asking in the first place. While she remains hopeful and certain that all the signs you've showed so far had a 90% chance of you agreeing, she is still prepared to the off chance that you decide no. Completely dropping the subject and deciding to enjoy a warm drink with you instead, cherishing your company either way no matter what.
If you agree, you'd be blessed by one of her rare smiles. The woman with a steel heart shouldn't have such a smile that could rival the sun in warmth, and yet she does, because of you. She guides you to her bedroom, asking if you'd like to shower first. Would you like her to join you or wait here? She's pleased with either answer.
The sight of Aglaya in a dark nightgown is a stark contrast to the full coverage dress she wears all the time. She's beautiful in her elegance, still looking powerful in just silk. The room lights are dimmed.
Aglaya is simply content with holding you on the bed. Letting you feel her heartbeat, describing how meeting you felt like a miracle by itself, complimenting your mind, the traits making up the majority of your essence. Her love is surprisingly soft, easy to swallow, and her words almost make you fall into a trance.
She asks if you're sure again, if you're ready. She is in no rush. Only your explicit confirmation would get her to continue.
Aglaya takes a hold of your hand and guides it along your own body, then onto hers. Teaching you what makes her feel good, what she suspects would make you feel divine. You're laying below her as she spreads your legs atop her own thighs, looking at you from above with her black hair framing her face.
One kiss against your ankle.
Another below your calf is a third on the tender skin under at the inner side of your knee.
She makes her way up gradually until she settles between your legs. Her hot breath against your intense heat, your most sensitive organ bare in her grasp. She expertly moves her fingers, explaining what's happening, what she's planning to do next, and how it might feel. Drinking in every last bit of your essence, describing your taste, what a growing addiction for her it might become.
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shmowder · 4 months
I have some more dessert headcanons 🍰 I doubt I can explain but it's just a feeling I have. Daniil would like Turkish Delight. Lara and Artemy both like fruit pies, best is blueberry for Lara and rhubarb (it's a vegetable but whatever) for Artemy (oh god I'm stereotyping based on colors again). Candy corn for Clara. Candy corn is divisive but I actually like it. I think Grief would like candy in general, maybe those little chocolates with liquor inside, and cinnamon flavored things. Big Vlad - mincemeat pie. Rubin - bread. Just bread. Red velvet cake for Katerina, meringues for Eva. For Aspity, those dirt pies made out of oreo crumbs, pudding, and gummy worms lol. I think Grace, Notkin, Sticky, and Murky would like those too :o)
There's probably some obscure dialogue that contradicts something there but oh well~
What do you think of Victor's animal being a tiger? I keep thinking Basset Hound and yes that's almost entirely because they both have a high likelihood of being found sitting on the floor by the clock. He's some kind of scent hound to me - more calm and deliberate than sighthounds, and once they have their mind set on something, focusing on it to the extent that it's nearly impossible to pull them away. But at the same time, I can sort of see the cat thing.
🐿️ anon
Your brain is big and wrinkly all of those fit perfectly omfg. "Rubin = bread" I LOVE IT.
Here's what I think their preference in sweets would be in addition to yours.
Turkish delight, Honey soaked rose baklava, kanafeh with sweer syrups. The intensely sweet desserts are her favourite, think heavy caramel chocolate cakes. She'd sample a lot of desserts from different cultures but those would be her comfort ones.
Victor Kain
The dishes he eats are an acquired taste that wouldn't appeal to most people. Think blue cheese and something along those lines. think bitter chocolate, coffee, and pistachio flavours. Traditional creme burlee and dark chocolate mousse.
I like to think that Khan abhors these flavours and desserts out of rebellion and only demands the most sprinkle filled bubblegum bonbon cupcakes for his birthday.
Maria, however, goes for flavour-rich desserts that explode in the mouth, something with a heavy taste and an aftermath of wine.
Cheesecake, lemon tarts. Subtle sweetness with the spin of something different sate her appetit the most. French Vanilla chiffon cake for special occasions, a blueberry muffin with her morning light cream cappuccino.
He's absolutely not a dessert person, so when the craving strikes, he would rather go for a baked good. Almond bread, rosemary-walnut brow butter cookies and biscuits, English muffins too.
Fairy bread cookies, strawberry shortcake, and orange puddings. Fruit based desserts with cream are her favourite. Peach pie and cherry jello. Sadly, most of these would only be found in the Capital, and exporting them into the town wouldn't come easily. The kin might adjust their recipies to accommodate her sweet tooth and include more fresh fruits.
For Victor's animal, I was surprised to learn it's the same one as Rubin! They both have tiger in their descriptions. Especially when Khan's animal is an adorable hedgehog. Oh my god, so cute. But it fits. He really does go hide in that spiky polyhedron whenever life gets too troubling. He also has the Kains and Capella ready to protect him.
It's because of Victor's animal being a tiger that I add the "predatory" lines in the story. The sharp claws hidden in his clapsed hands.
He's a tiger in the aspect of the danger rather than the ferality. His mind is as sharp as a tiger's tooth and his focus and patience when hunting a prey or a goal is unmatched. You never expect him or hear him, how he'll as stealthy as a tiger when it comes to mind games.
For Rubin, however, I do see the symbolism centring on the ferality instead. He's like a caged tiger, one with filed down claws and broken teeth. He used to be so sharp and had so much potential. He's truly a force to be reckon with, but the cruelty of life stole away his prime. He's overcome with grief and appears as a docile, tired predetor because of it, like a circus tiger not caring anymore and just jumping through the fire hoops of whoever orders him to. Which is why he is so quick to join the army, he needs a purpose, a mentor, an end goal, a firey ring to make him feel useful because nothing is more terrifying to an imprisoned animal than absolute freedom.
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