shmowder · 3 months
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They'd plead you as guilty thinking it's a brilliant strategy to win the case
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lnsania · 2 years
  "  𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇   𝐎𝐑   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒  “   victor for oswald bc i forgot about him earlier (rip,, sorry vic)
@undeadasshcle  //  send "smash or pass" for my muse to answer honestly about yours. no lying allowed.  ( not accepting )        
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“ i would rather admit defeat to batman then submit to you and what i can assume are nonsensically ridiculous and outrageous ‘kinks’  --  and THAT will never happen so hah neither will this !!       pass . ”
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rou-luxe · 4 months
ikevil playlist series
it's "done". the last few are so ooc... by popular vote, there are joke thumbnails as placeholders (my sense of humor is broken)
and an extra sorry to all victor fans 😭😭
don't know any of these songs? I sincerely doubt it. but it's about time you try new music 😇🔪
please let me know what you think. can't wait for you all to get jumpscared by the occasional memes
keep in mind that these are a combination of what I think they'd like + their vibe + etc.
@moonlit-tia here is your sassy short king
in terms of "well done playlists" I would say:
Harrison - I wouldn't change a thing. I felt really sure about his
Alfons - there's comedy. sadness. the whole package.
Elbert - some songs felt really out of place because some suited him more in lyrics than music
William - some of these tracks are long as HELL
Jude - everything is pretty good no matter where you go, but not enough variety
Liam - see Jude
Roger - I don't know enough about him...
Ellis - see Roger
Victor - no explanation needed
yeah so for roger / ellis / victor just beware 😭😭
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embersofhope-if · 1 year
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"On the 25th anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that their children were dying because of their choice to initiate violence, every district was made to hold an election and vote on the tributes that who would represent it."
Twenty-five years have passed since the rebellion, yet the price is still being paid by the Districts. Even though most people alive today had no part in the fight, they suffer the consequences of the Capitol's anger. The harsh reality of the Capitol's cruelty is revealed every year on July 4th, Reaping Day. On this day, two children from each of the 12 districts are randomly chosen to fight to the death in an arena until only a lone victor remains. Parents hold their children close and hope it isn't their child who will be ripped away from them, knowing that there is nothing they can do to stop it.
However, this year is different. This year marks the very first Quarter Quell, and parents don't have to worry about whether their children might be taken away because, for this once-in-a-lifetime event, they get to choose who goes into the arena. But there's no doubt in anyone's mind who's going in when the mayor has a child of his own - me.
Now it's my turn to play a true game of life or death. May the odds be ever in my favor
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Demo ☆ Playlist ☆ Pinterest
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Customize your appearance (hair type and color, complexion, height, build, clothing)
Choose how you interact with the Capitol and those of your District
Form new relationships and change the ones you already have
Train in the weapon of your choice yes including a bow
Try not to die<3
17+. Content warnings for graphic violence, child death, child abuse/neglect, starvation, murder
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Creon Levesque ♤ The Mentor ♤ RO ♤ 19
A special friend in very special places. I met Creon when you were 12 years old at a dinner party my Uncle Keyon had brought me to in the Capitol. Maybe it was the fact that I was very obviously District or maybe it was something else entirely, but from that night forward, Creon and I have had an intense and strange relationship. And now they stand before me assuring me that with them as a mentor, everything will be alright. How they managed to get themselves as a mentor they won't tell me, but honestly, in the end, does it matter?
♤Creon is gender selectable by the player♤
Romance Route: Red flag of all red flags, forbidden love, different worlds, insta love (at least on Creons part)
Aurelius/Aurelia Weaver ♧ The District Partner ♧ RO ♧ 18
My district partner. I don't know them that well, especially after they dropped out of school at 16 to work full-time in the factories. I'm not entirely sure what I did to them to warrant the looks of pure disgust and anger they throw my way after that, but now things have changed. They asked to be the other tribute for District 8, and now standing in front of them and looking into their eyes, all I can see is a predator looking at its prey. They are going to kill me, and they're going to enjoy it.
♧ Aurel is always the opposite gender of Mc ♧
Romance Route: Enemies to Lovers, Doomed Love, potential unrequited love, perhaps unrequited but actually requited love😏
Asher "Ash" Fairchild ♡ The Childhood Bestfriend ♡ 16
Ash was the first and only real friend I've had my entire life. They were practically the embodiment of everything good in the world. Everyone loved Ash, and when they had their name called for the 23rd reaping the shock and sorrow was felt throughout the entire District. Even walking up to the stage, they moved like a petal dancing through the wind. Their memory has haunted me every day for the past two years, and now I get to experience the same terror they felt in their final moments.
♡ There will be an option to be in a relationship with Ash before their games. Ash is also gender selectable by the player ♡
Romance Route: First love, childhood friends to lovers, soulmates
Soren Vesper ◇ The Mayor ◇ 46
The mayor of District 8, and my Father. A very stern man who prefers things to be done his way. I've never seen his mask of the harsh mayor who does everything the Capitol request ever break, that is until the announcement of the Quarter Quell. The change happened so fast that it scared me. A once mighty man who didn't care about the people of his district now begging them to choose anyone but his child to go into the games. At least I get to know my Father does care for me before I die.
Tribute and Other Profiles TBA
☆This is my second IF my main one is @shadowsofthegun-if if anyone is interested in being a goofy little cowboy and i have another IF @dustandshadows-if set in the world of the shadowhunter chronicles if anyone is interested in that as well. @konosadmaru is also my main if anyone wants to follow me on there☆
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elleneedsleep · 4 months
K♤ Can't Catch Me Now Q♧
Inspired by: 'Can't Catch Me Now' by Olivia Rodrigo (I recommend listening to it as you read for vibes)
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THE TRIALS HAD been pointless from the beginning. A futile effort to make fair competition when the scale was already tipped firmly in one direction. Were it not for the Imperial Right all those years ago, Serulla would've fallen to a civil war. However, much of a blessing that law had been, its legacy was beyond deserving of gratitude.
Oaths had been sworn to accept whatever outcome occurred — to face hostility amicably like the well-behaved puppets they were.
The plot that Nira Atha'lin had cultivated was not able to evade the Earis's suspicions. It was unfortunate that Queen Roena's good-tempered nature had led to nothing being done about the 'alleged' schemes.
The Ilves heir let themself believe that the fault truly lied with them. Perhaps, if they had conferred with Zaros — who, despite his vices, was still an honourable man — he would have put an end to his mother's plans. Such words had tasted bitter on the Earis's tongue, and had been swallowed for purely selfish reasons. What could they have argued if he'd chosen to side with his mother? The bond of kin would surely have been more favourable than whatever fleeting desires had gone cold over the past eight years.
On the night before the final trial, the Earis had thought little of the wine laced with a scent of cinnamon. Until the wavering vision they endured the following morning. Stubborn (after a taunt from their beloved rival), they had marched to the location of the spar without mentioning their symptoms to Her Eminence. Maybe they should have shouted accusations, when their prowess of the blade had been dulled by the effects of the poison. If they had not been so prideful as to assume that they could beat Zaros regardless, then fate may have been kinder.
His bewildered gaze upon being named victor had only rubbed salt into the wound. Cocky bastard — he was surely faking it to earn them some pity.
No later than sunrise on the ascension day, the former queen was hysteric. Nira refused to entertain her clamor; the absconding of a disgraced palace brat was not the concern of the innovating Atha'lin line. They had won the seat with 'honest' favour, and did little to tame the cruel taunts spoken of the former Earis.
Roena grieved her second child. And Zaros, having achieved the throne and his mother's praise, still felt unsatisfied.
It was ironic, the path that the stars had laid out for them. Lesser than His Eminence, and greater. The Earis had been freed from the gilded noose they had bore — the fear of making one mistake and ending up at the gallows no longer nipping at their heels. Zaros had been wrong, in the end; it would be he who dried up like a prune, his name upheld by the pretense of power.
They would see the world; know the places they had read personally. They would physically experience the history and cultures that had baited their curiosity. Petty in their rivalry, the Earis felt a sense of triumph at having been gifted a life that had been but a dream beforehand. All bitterness parted from their mind like the swathes breaking at the cliffs.
And yet, gnawing at their heart, the Earis couldn't help but wonder who Zaros would waltz with now.
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wizardfrog69 · 2 years
୨⎯ "what Halloween costume they would wear" ⎯୧
Note: in some of the scenarios the character will have a s/o
Feat. Fukuzawa, Yosano, Atsushi, Kunikida, kyoka, dazai, mori, higuchi, Elsie, oda, ango, Fitzgerald, poe, lovecraft, Twain, fyodor, Nikolai, Sigma, natsume and Shibusawa
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ᓚᘏᗢ he wouldn't wear a costume
ᓚᘏᗢ if he has a cat then it will have a tiny costume, probably like a tiny pumpkin, tiny pumpkin cat
ᓚᘏᗢ if his s/o wants to dress up for Halloween then he won't appose
ᓚᘏᗢ if he was asked too choose his s/o costume then you know it will be a cat costume, no exceptions
Akiko Yosano:
⛨ would dress up as a sexy nurse
⛨ would make their s/o other look like a realistic dead body too scar all the kids 🥰
⛨ sexy nurse and sexy patient couples costume
Atsushi Nakajima:
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ he will just turn into a tiger and call it a day if he doesn't want to do anything for Halloween
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ kitty lost its tail nooooo :'(
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ would dress up as a rich person
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ I have no idea what he would dress up as
Doppo Kunikida:
✒ doesn't do Halloween
✒ definitely doesn't dress up
Kyōka Izumi:
❀ a cute little bunny or something
❀ I don't see her as celebrating Halloween
❀ but maybe she would after going into the ada
Osamu Dazai:
⛐ yeah a fucking car and weird lines is a perfect representation of dazai
⛐ 100% would wear a costume
⛐ couples costumes 24/7
⛐ the two of you would go as gomez and morticia addams
⛐ annoys everyone at the agency about the fact that he has a partner to wear a couples costume with
Ogai Mori:
☵ fuck it he gets a water emoji code
☵ would only dress up to go trick or treating with elise
☵ would dress up as a vampire or the phantom of the opera
☵ if he has a s/o then he will joke about drinking their blood if he wears the vampire costume actually drinks the blood
Ichiyō Higuchi:
⚔ couldn't find a gun so a sword it is
⚔ would absolutely LOVE to do a couples costume
⚔ she would wear some cute costume probably
۵ she would dress up but idk what she would dress up as
۵ maybe like a princess or something
۵ or maybe jesse from breaking bad
Sakunosuke Oda:
☆ dresses up only for the kids
☆ would adore a couples costume, nothing too scary tho
☆ he would love to do Emily and Victor from Corpse bride
☆ don't scare the children
Ango Sakaguchi:
⌨ too busy doing his word 😒
⌨ he probably wouldn't do it but he gives off Victor vibes yk, idk why but he low key does
F Scott Fitzgerald:
$ dresses up as money
$ or wears a suit made out of diamonds
Edgar Allan Poe:
✍ would probably dress up as one of his protagonists
✍ or would wear his raccoon thing (yk the thing he wore in the sleeping card thing)
✍ Karl would also wear the cutest costume ever
✍ also tiny pumpkin
Howard Lovecraft:
๑۞๑ he just pulls out his ability and terrifies everyone
Mark Twain:
> would dress up a ghost
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ didn't want to dress up
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ somehow Nikolai forced him too
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ has rat face paint on
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ dressed up as a rat
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ in the sewer sitting on a thrown surrounded by rats
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ I think he might have got too carried away
Nikolai Gogol:
⚁ obviously would
⚂ idk what he would dress up as, maybe a clown....
⚃ a killer clown (literally)
⚄ would run round holding a knife chasing kids and adults alike
⚅ "almost" stabed someone
♤ again, someone who was forced by Nikolai
♡ was forced to dress up as a jester so he could match Nikolai
♧ never showed his face in the casino
Sōseki Natsume:
=^..^= third cat person
=^..^= would turn into a cat and call it day 2.0
=^..^= would dress like a skeleton
=^..^= even more emo
=^..^= emo cat boy
Tatsuhiko Shibusawa:
◇ would dress up as sans or a skeleton just for the shit of it
◇ would probably dress up in something spooky for fun and scar all the kids
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Hello, hello! Welcome to my Stardew Valley masterlist! Make sure to check my pinned post for request info <3
Not all characters I write for are listed here, by the way!
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   ➢ Multiple
   ➢ Sebastian
Headcanon - With a Spouse That Holds in Their Emotions (Comfort)
   ➢ Sam
   ➢ Victor
Headcanon - With a Rich yet Closed Off Reader (Fluff)
   ➢ Sophia
   ➢ Haley
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♧ Thank You for Reading ♧
         ♡ Send in an Ask if You Want ♡
  ☆ Do Not Copy, Repost, Edit, or Translate my Work ☆
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blankdblank · 4 months
A list of feedback symbols for Brother Dearest.
♤ - Found Family moments are the best!
◇ – I love the moments of angst and danger!
♧ - The era relevant tidbits are my fave!
♡ - Sending the main family all the love in the world!
♪ - I cannot wait to see more on filming and Norma’s plot lines!
✂ - The sections in school are my fave!
✈ - Parts on people around the world not in the main family are always fun to see!
✔ - Yes, we do love Erik and his acclimation to New York and University life!
✰ - The Beserkers on and off planet are so much fun!
❀ - JRR Tolkien met living trees! Imladris is real! *Pterodactyl screech in glee*
❄ - The war flashbacks, so painful but so much fun to build the backstory!
❍ - What is the looming shadow?! Why is it attacking Battle Bunny and her family?!
❐ - Thinking of the two Steve’s locked in a box. :)
➘ - What is that? My jaw on the ground. What will the President and the US Gov get up to next?!
♘ - Oh yes, I perfectly recall its ghost goat season. Let’s give Victor a shout up where he’s hiding from James on the roof.
☂ - I love how the city and country life is built around the story as it moves forward showing more background characters who need love too.
☎ - Love the story! Can’t wait to see who drops in on the family in the next chapter!
☁ - ‘Let it rain, let it pour, the consequences of my actions’ sighed the arrested future Prince Consort.
☠ - I just want to send the poor dead tired writer a soft pillow, a fuzzy blanket and some cider. Might be just to check your pulse, we know not even you know where the plot bunny army are dragging you off to next.
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inkadink17 · 8 months
(I can’t really remember or find the og oc bio temp maker I am so sorry.)
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Hazbin Hotel Oc
(Also before I get into this yes I Stan the three Vees as they are it’s just a nice thought to think of a forth is all)
General info
♡ Name :
King Victor || of the kingdom of Fhackdishite
♡ Nicknames/Alises :
King Victor
Vic (Vox)
Your majesty
Your highness
Ancient bastard (velvet)
Senile dust dick (Valentino)
Good friend (Alastor)
College (Vox)
♡ Date of Death : 1200s (medieval/Middle Ages)
♡ Age: 60s
♡ Species : Dragon demon
♡ Sex : Male
♡ Gender : Male
♡ Birthdate : 6/25
♡ Height : 6’4
♡ Weight : 164 lbs
♡ Alignment : Lawful Evil
♡ Sexuality : Heterosexual
♡ Current Occupation : Overlord (Vee)
☽♠ Appearance ♠☾
♤ Body Type : shit, idk
♤ Skin Color/Fur Color : purple (dragon form)
♤ Hair Style : none
♤ Hair Color : none
♤ Hair Texture : none
♤ Eye Color : red
♤ Eye Shape : almond
♤ Nose Shape : snout
♤ Mouth Shape : big dragon mouth?? IDK
♤ Teeth : resembles dragon
♤ Body Modifications :
stitches around his neck (decapitated in life)
Fiery tail
♤ Work Outfit :
King robe
Hood (to hide dragon form)
King attire
♤ Casual Outfit :
#1: look at me being the best single dad and shit shirt that velvet got him/king pants (pajama pants with crowns on them)
#2: turtle neck/sweat pants
♤ Formal wear :
Still king attire lol
♤ Sleep wear :
♤ Swimwear :
We swims in his dragon form (aka naked sorta)
☽♣ Personality ♣☾
Positive traits
♣ responsible
♣ hard working
♣ romantic (if right person is met)
♧ Negative Traits (See above for traits)
♣ controlling
♣ aggressive
♣ egocentric
♧ Likes
♣ books
♣ being king
♣ teaching the other Vees about responsibility
♣his minions (teeny tiny tin horsemen, maids, ect..)
♧ Dislikes
♣ the other Vees acting irresponsibly
♣ Modern Technology
♣ Valentinos Vulgar behavior
♣ velvet commenting on his age
♣ anyone who opposes him
♧ Hobbies :
giving orders
Going to the gym with velvet
Gossiping with velvet
♧ Weaknesses:
♣ Phobias :
Autophobia/Monophobia (fear of being alone
♣ Pet Peeves :
dishes left in the sink
Last minute calls
Feeling like a babysitter to the other Vees
Velvet making him help her pick an outfit
Being pushed around
♣ General Weakness :
Being alone
♧ Strengths
♣ Skills : knitting/ good hand writing/gives great advice
☽♦ Magic/Fighting ♦☾
♢ Fighter or Hider? :
He’ll fight if he has too, in the case that the other Vees are in danger, otherwise he hides in V tower
♢ Powers
♦ Description : he can breath fire and fly like an actual dragon
♦ Strength :
sturdy scales on skin
Very powerful when large
♦ Weakness :
being alone, again
Angelic weapons
♢ Weapon of Choice :
☽♥ Stats ♥☾
♡ Health : ★★★
♡ Physical Strength : ★★★★★
♡ Speed : ★★★
♡ Agility : ★★★★
♡ Smarts : ★★★★★
♡ Charisma : ★★★
♡ Luck : ★★
♡ Work Ethic : ★★★★
♡ Wisdom : ★★★★★
☽♠ Relationships ♠☾
♤ Mother
Unknown (most likely executed after his birth)
♤ Father
♠ Name : King Victor |
♠ Status : unknown
♠ Relationship Status : his father is a role model to him
♤ Sibling(s)
♤ Pet(s)
Pet cat named Cheshire
♤ Significant other
♤ Ex(‘s)
(Wives, beheaded)
♤ Crush
☽♣ Previous life ♣☾
♧ there isn’t much to say about his past, He ruled a King in the medieval times in the kingdom of Fhakdishite, he got married 9 times and beheaded each of his wives and was beheaded himself.
☽♦ Fun Facts ♦☾
♢ He has an allergy to wheat bread
♢Every time he turns on his phone, he calls one of the Vees over to help him work the damn thing (he can’t send a text to save his life)
♢Only the other Vees have seen what he looks like under the hood
♢He doesn’t admit it but he considers the other Vees his children
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shmowder · 3 months
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living their best old man life
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junostwistedworld · 2 years
Fan-Made Countries
I enjoy worldbuilding, it never gets boring. The two countries here are both based on the Little Red Riding Hood fairytale, and in my Storykeeper AU, the forgotten kingdom my OC Fayde is from split into these.
Wolf Woods
No exact cultural inspiration.
One of the wildest countries in current day Twisted Wonderland, most of it is made up of the dark woods. Where thieves and monsters and unspeakable things lurk. There aren't anymore cities in the country than when it first started, but they've expanded in size. Beastmen species consist of animals inhabiting forests and swamps mostly, though wolves outnumbered the others. Beastmen and animal. It's assumed that the children of the Big Bad Wolf declared themselves the rulers.
In the Wolf Woods, the succession of the throne doesn't rely on who was born first like most other places. No- it all depends on who is the strongest and most cunning. When the country was still new, the fights between heirs could get deadly. Yielding was not accepted, they wanted to come out on top or die trying. A few centuries back though it was finally organized: challenges would be judged by several people (in case they needed to literally pull the heirs off of each other), and the general consensus was that once someone was pinned, they lost. End of story, the victor is named the first heir. Once they're coronated, challenges cease. Not everyone always accepted this, obviously, but... another story, another time.
They twisted the Big Bag Wolf into: the Forest Guardian. A wolf who patrolled the forest trails day and night despite the dangers. He would find those who had wandered from the path and guide them safely to the forest's edge no matter what monsters crossed their path.
Red Towers
No exact cultural inspiration.
Much smaller than Wolf Woods, with only about eight villages in all, this is where the humans scared of the dark woods after what happened to Red Riding Hood retreated. They cut down the trees, burned the plants, and drove out anything and everything that they feared with torches, pitchforks, and spears. Their country was built on the foundation of fear, hate, and superstition.
The country gained its name from the watchtowers built along the border. Walls were built between the towers overtime out of their fear for the world beyond. They've isolated themselves for so long that technology, morals, and such are extremely outdated and old fashioned.
There is no one and only ruler in Red Towers. Every town has their leader. Some sort of elder or trusted figurehead. Those leaders meet and make the laws and such. (Has Twisted Wonderland explicitly mentioned any countries that aren't monarchies...? I can't remember)
They haven't twisted the Red Riding Hood story, so the huntsman is their 'Great'. Even in modern day though, tensions with the Wolf Woods is very real. As far as they care, they're the same as all those years ago and it's only a matter of time until history repeats.
I don't know why I'm so nervous about posting this. Anyway- I tried to make the vague ideas in my head make some sort of sense written out. I feel like Leona wishes Sunset Savanna had inheritance laws like the Wolf Woods.
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skuzzzii · 2 years
♧ Master List ♧
Steddie ~
Steddie Streamer AU - Steve and Eddie recovering from colds. Trying to do a normal vlog .
Allergy season: Eddie and his seasonal allergies with Steve being a caring bf.
Yuri on Ice ~
Movie Night Modern AU- Victor having sneezing fits during movie night with yuuri.
Pepper : Alex and Henry face the consequences of pepper
Stifle adventure: Stages of Henry losing his battle against stifling.
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bossbotmgr · 8 months
[My OCs/Headcanon Posts]
♤Victor Labrat: Info post, Toyhouse ♡Pearl Gangadiddle: Info post, Toyhouse ◇Penny Gangadiddle: Info post, Toyhouse ♧Prudence Gangadiddle: Info post, Toyhouse
Sellbots: ♤Valant Lovette: Info post, Toyhouse
Cashbots: ♤TBA
Lawbots: ♤Quinn Pinncushion: Info post, Toyhouse
Bossbots: ♤TBA
Boardbots: ♤TBA
[Headcanons/Lore Posts]
♤Headcanons: Maskless Prester/Misty doodles, Cog department body types,
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grimmshood · 2 years
You’re my: vtsom mutual funny jake eat a dwight mutual
How I met you: your jake art showing up in the tags and my eyeballs jumping out of my skull
Why I follow you: your art..beautiful... your victor and dracos and your little guys
Your blog is: an absolute delight... Clicks like... reblogue...
Your URL is: DRACO VANORA SLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your icon is: i cannot remember i can only assume vanora i have been so long since i touched things
A random fact I know about you: drew jake as that little white fucking thing and the autism creature
General opinion: YEAAHHH EYAAHAHHH YEAAAHHHHH excellent artist very funnyguy
A random thought I have: What if albert kreuger um. *turns him into taffy*
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seawitch62 · 2 years
All are welcome, come one, come all, weary hungry travelers.
Word count 1019
Story contains fright, clowns and fangs.
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Carnival of fright.
'Everything being a constant carnival, there is no carnival left'
Victor  Hugo.
The canvas canopy adorned with stringed blinking lights, eye catching like that of diamond necklace around a pretty lady's 
A beacon for weary  travelers, to stop, refresh, take a load off, enjoy the show. Similar to the last stop for  gas for x amount of miles. 
Corn dogs and funnel cakes plus beverages and  a host of the typical delights, all are welcome!
The big tent shines, a lighthouse in a sea of bitumen. The foreseeable future is an endless trek of highways. Even at this distance the alluring aroma of carnival food drifts baiting, enticing hungry travelers, those who passed the last stop, those who did not think ahead to pack supplies of munchies or those that did and well…. Who already ate through their meager supplies.
Stomach growling, the unfortunate traveler takes the bait and is reeled in.
Taking the exit, she parks the car, food! Sustenance of any kind, even greasy carnival food!
Anything to abate this hunger!
Upon entering the  carnival grounds the sense of by gone times, a time that is long since forgotten.
The night sky is clouded grey with the full moon hovering, a prisoner of condensed water vapor, floating through the night.
A feeling  of the unnatural, not a place you want to find yourself especially for a lone female.
With a sense of foreboding she realizes this is not a place to linger but her hunger drives her to find something to ease her hunger pains.
With each step she is closer to the big tent and looking back her vehicle appears to be  floating away.
Her mind is playing tricks  on her!
Hunger? That's what it must be!
The few visitors she does see, seem to be in a trance.
Drugs maybe? This place is creepy, she tells herself.
Food  and go.
At last she finds a food stall, quickly ordering her preferences.
She hears music coming from the big tent.
♧I can feel it, my head is in a Daze Daze Daze
I'm addicted to it, Replay Play Play
As you wish
Go on until you reach it
Locked up in the Carnival wow wow♧
The show? Well I don't have time and this place is creeping me out!
Get my food and go go go she thinks to herself.
With her food in hand she tries to find the exit, 'what the?' Try as she might, the exit alludes to her.
A clown jumps in her path, a clown resembling Pennywise, startled she jumps back dropping her food.
The clown's face eerily painted jerks from side to side, grinning showing his razor yellow teeth.
Panic now over takes hunger and she turns and runs.
As she runs turning back she can see the clown close on her heels.
The big tent.
Looking to escape the evil that is the clown she runs directly into the tent.
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"Hello, welcome to the show" Heeseung welcomes the scanity crowd.
The clown stands at the entrance which is also the exit, blocking her departure.
Seating herself on a wooden bench, valiantly trying to ease her erratic heartbeat and catch her breath.
The ringmaster Heeseung continues with the show.
"My weary, tired, hungry travelers sit back and relax before you continue  your destined journey".
Music blares from the speakers, Heeseung moves around the small crowd, dancing on empty benches. One by one he dances towards his audience, with an elegant inhale of their surrounding air, he moves through the crowd.
The clown still blocks the tent flap, grinning  maniacally.
Heeseung is making his way towards her, his movements graceful, he is behind her, sniffing her hair. 
My perfume? Sweat?
Heeseung smiled.
Sliding himself beside her he begins to sing.
♤You're burning my whole body
I'm thirsty for you
Like a fever, fever, fever, fever♤
The awkwardness is overwhelming, yet she feels compelled, drawn to look deep into his eyes as he serenades her. The audience stare in love and admiration, the only emotions portrayed on their otherwise deadpan faces.
Heeseung croons his seductive song, enchanting her with a smile.
He seems so out of place here, bright, shiny star encompassed by the gloom of yesteryear.
Performance concluded, "coffee?" He asks politely.
The clown still crowns the exit she reluctantly agrees to.
His trailer could belong in a Victorian circus, antique is the word.
His clothing, his possessions, even the coffee cup from a time lost.
Heeseung is a sweet host, offering conversation to  ease her discomfort.
The beverage eases her hunger but it's still ever present.
Coffee cup empty, "thank you but it's getting late I best hit  the road".
Heeseung stands with a look of annoyance and something  else.
Advancing towards her, he alludes an aura that frightens her.
Stumbling to her feet, "I think you have the wrong impression" she voices.
Scoffing, he gives her a look full  of mockery, "no I think you have misread the situation" he laughs as he advances.
Where's the door? Hell it's like it disappeared!
Where is the door?
It can't have disappeared?
Icy cold breath assaults her neck, trying to escape, the trailer is now her dungeon.
With a diabolical laugh he advances till she is pinned against the wall of the tiny trailer.
He smiles, opening his mouth, he displays his teeth, elongated fangs.
She tries to scream, the terror blocks the sounds as she chokes on her own fright.
With the speed of a cheetah his teeth bite into her soft delicate skin.
Blood loss, fright she feels herself fading, fading till she is unconscious.
The sunlight beams directly through the windshield, stirring the passenger.
Slowly she opens her eyes, remembering the previous night's happenings she jumps straight to full on alert mode. 
Looking around, isolated, the desolate landscape is vast and empty.
The big tent is gone, in fact it's like it was never there!
Was it a dream? More like  a nightmare?
Hunger driven imagination?
Fixing her hair, she notices tiny bruises on her neck.
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xalwaysagustx · 2 years
The Hearts Desire - Chapter 1
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When Van Helsing feels he should help a young girl who stood upon a bridge in the dead of night, he signs himself up for one hell of a ride. Can these two help each other heal from the emotional damages inflicted upon them from their past?
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Van Helsing walks on the empty streets of London, on a quiet peaceful night. Coming back from the castle where he worked as a bodyguard for a certain someone. Currently there was conflict on the rights of vampires, in human history they were seen as evil but given new information about the vampire war, people are fighting for that equality. Van Helsing was the "war hero" of said war, he murdered hundreds senseless. While he knows he can't make up for it, and putting aside the fact it wasn't his fault, he'll forever feel in debt too the whole race. Especially though to young Delacroix. He looked up from the concrete to cross over the bridge, it would usually be busy with cars, people and busses. But the only thing he noticed was a group of people standing on the other side. It was rather unusual, and when I looked a bit closer he stopped in his tracks, he saw three men holding a girl. Shoulder length, brown hair. Her eyes were dark and looked as if she had been crying. She didn't struggle as they pulled her around, pushing her body onto the rails of the bridge and forcing her head to look over and down into the water below them. She only let out a soft grunt through all the abuse.
"Take a good look, honey. It's the last thing you'll ever see." The men laughed.
Urgency shot through him, it was clear there was some sort of foul play going on. He couldn't ignore it, he couldn't walk away, the image of her flooded his head when he would look away from them.
"Hey." He started over towards them, it seemed as though they panicked, which wasn't what Van expected. His expression turned more worried as they pushed the girl closer to the edge. His speed picked up but by the time he was close enough to do anything her scream filled the empty streets and the men were running in the other direction. He expected a fight, which he would have been able to take with ease. But this, he just missed her sweater as she fell. His face turned to shock and didn't hesitate to jump directly in after her. Stupid. That's what he was thinking, but his body didn't show it. The water was cold, freezing even. In the middle of November it would be, but he pretty easily focused back onto the goal soon after hitting the water. He held his breath and felt around desperately, coming up to see if he could see anything. It was pitch black below the bridge, the only light they had before was that of the few street lamps.
"Ah!" He gasped as he saw what he thought to be the fabric of the yellow cardigan she wore. Swimming over instantly he grabbed ahold of her and swan right towards the land on the side of the bridge he came from.
"Dammit! What the hell?!" He cursed lying her on the ground, he checked if she was breathing and he felt nothing.
"Shit." He muttered as he started cpr, it only took a minute before she choked up the water and gasped for air. He sighed heavily and picked her up again. They needed to get back to the mansion as quickly as possible, even if he was okay in the cold with wet clothes, she was already on the verge of death. Lucky for them, it wasn't far from the bridge.
<----------------------- ♧ ---------------------->
A harsh three knocks sounded at the door, the two people who sat on the couch reading jumped, startled.
"Now, who would he knocking at the door this late?" Lupin sighed.
"Maybe it's an emergency?" Cardia hopped up and started towards the door.
"Wait, Cardia. Let me go first." Lupin said, ushering her back. He opened the door, he was shocked to see Van holding a young girl, both soaking wet.
"What-" He started confused, but Van just ran past him in search of Victor.
"Oh my- Victor!" Cardia let out, realizing instantly what Van Helsing was going for. Van headed towards the small room where Victor set up his medical supplies. It would have been a better idea to go to a clinic, yes. But Van Helsing knew this would ultimately be the better route. He had no idea who she was and given someome tried to kill her he wouldn't feel safe taking her to a public clinic, let alone leaving her there. He also knew Victor was the best doctor in London, and his clinic was closed. Lucky for them though, the best doctor in London lived right in the next room from himself.
Entering the room, he laid her down on the table. Soon after Victor came in, looking very confused but started on checking her out.
"Go, Van. Make up a bed in one of the spare rooms, I'll check her out." Victor gave him a reassuring smile, but as soon as he left the room his expression went to concentrated.
Lupin and Cardia stood in the hall when Van Helsing stepped out of the room.
"I'm very curious about what's going on." Lupin said, a concerned look washing over his face. He pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head.
"I don't even know where to start"
"How about why you guys are soaking wet? Or maybe where you found the girl?" Lupin sighed.
"Why are you nagging me? I seem to remember you drug home a girl in need of help aswell." Van said annoyed. Not that this wasn't a valid question, but after all he's gone through in the last 30 minutes, he's irritated.
"Sorry, sorry." Van said quickly, ready for a lecture.
"While I was walking home I saw a group of people at the start of the oakland bridge. I didn't think much of it until I looked closer, it was about 3 or 4 men shoving that girl around. They threw her off the bridge before I could get over there but I jumped in after her."
Lupin and Cardia had expressions of disbelief, they would assume he was joking if Van Helsing joked around, but he doesn't.
"You.. just jumped in? In the water, off a bridge, in the middle of winter?" Lupin stammered.
"Are you okay?!" Cardia asked quickly.
"Hold on a moment, Impey quite literally fires me put of a canon and no one bats an eye. But I jump off a bridge into water and I get shocked faces?" Van laughed sarcastically, the only one who needs worried expressions is the girl laying in a bed two doors down. He doesn't even know if there is anyone out there to make that worried expression for her.
"Enough of the talking, will you two help me make up a room for her?" Van asked.
"Hold on, shouldn't he ask The Count before rushing into this?"
"I'll explain things later, what do you expect me to do, throw her out the door?"
Lupin sighed and reluctantly started to help. Cardia, who has already rushed off to grab blankets and sheets walked into the room and started setting up the bed.
"No need to be so hesitant, dear. She needs our help." She placed her hand on Lupin shoulder, and he also questioned why he was hesitant. Van was right, he drug home a girl, too. And he's looking into her eyes at this moment.
"You're right, let's hurry and pray she'll be okay."
<----------------------- ♧ ---------------------->
"Everything seems basically okay, she'll probably be rather sore when she wakes up from hitting that water but otherwise... Which, are you okay from hitting the water?" Victor asked him the same question Lupin and Cardia had,
"Yes, I'm okay." He muttered, not taking his eyes off the bed where she lay.
"Alright, good. I don't know how you always avoid injury but I can't say it's a bad thing. She's also suffering from a rough bit of hypothermia, but you pulling her out so quickly definitely helped prevent a much worse outcome." Victor started picking up some of his tools,
"I'm gonna head back into the other room and continue some work, if she wakes up let me know." He turned and walked out the door.
Van walked over to the bed and sat down on the chair beside it. He sighed heavily, it felt like the first breath he took since he got out of work. He thought of getting some food ready for her, but assumed they'd try and keep him from doing so since for some reason the others didn't like him cooking. It doesn't matter much though, it's probably better someone be here if- when she wakes up, so she isn't startled. Although, thinking about it, maybe seeing an unknown man next to her bed could be more startling. How will he even approach her? What does he say first? What if she panics? Reasonably so if she did but they're only here to help. He imagines a hurt animal scared of the person who will ultimately help them. For now it didn't matter, whoever she was, wherever she came from, she's safe right now. After everything that that happened he was glad it was the outcome, and though reluctant to say so, he was exhausted. He may back in the chair and closed his eyes, he wouldn't go to sleep, just rest a bit. Or so that's what he had planned.
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