#⚗️ PROMO .
adventuringalchemy · 11 months
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------------------- " Now, these people were promised GREATNESS ! And I'M ready to deliver ! I'm sorry THIS is how they had to learn the truth . Nothing built can last forever, Gabriel. "
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monstershearts · 2 years
Doctor Jack “Invisible Man” Griffin
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Nationality: Australian (with an American work visa, depending on the verse)
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 27 (verse dependent)
Appearance: Piercing blue eyes, strong square jaw, handsome face, short blond hair, muscular build, 5'10", usually goes for a classy semi-casual look when he isn’t at work. Button-up shirts worn open at the collar, black or blue jeans, black cowboy boots.
FC: Dacre Montgomery
Personality: Eccentric, charming, quick to anger, volatile, violent, arrogant, ambitious. He fully believes that he is a scientific genius, and while he isn’t entirely wrong, he often forgets that he is not always the smartest person in the room. Money is also highly important to him.
Goals: To prove himself in the scientific community, to come up with an invisibility formula that the U.S. military will pay him a fortune for.
Strengths/Powers: Highly intelligent, silver tongue, decent physical strength, an experienced brawler, quick thinker and problem solver, determination, can become invisible after injecting himself with the serum he invented.
Weaknesses: His own ego, his short fuse and reckless attitude, the fact that he has to remove any clothing that isn’t skintight in order to be completely invisible, the fact that his serum makes his temper and mental state even more volatile than they already are, his workaholic nature, the fact that he is totally blind to his own mortality.
Likes: Rum, tequila, women, power, classic muscle cars, AC/DC, being away from his father, his fiancee Flora(verse/thread dependent)
Dislikes: His father, car thieves, mobsters, bigots, people who underestimate him, being told that he can’t do something/that he has limitations.
Languages: English, rudimentary German
Background: Jacobi Edmund Griffin was born in the fall of 1995 to a deadbeat thief and hardworking woman who left by the time he was five. Jack’s father was in and out of jobs, mostly relying on petty crimes to keep a roof over their heads, food on their table, and gas in their car. Jack focused intensely on his academic career, showing signs of genius level intellect at a very early age. He graduated high school at 15 with honors, and was offered a full ride scholarship to the University of Queensland, where he got his doctorate in biomedical science. While he was in his late teens, his father informed him that they would no longer have to worry about money troubles. They were rich! Everything was finally coming up roses for the Griffins, and his father proved it by buying him his dream car, a midnight blue 1979 Chevrolet Camaro, as a belated graduation present. Jack was ecstatic, of course, but something in the back of his keen yet cynical mind told him that it was too good to be true. After about a month of mulling it over, he finally decided to ask his father where exactly he’d gotten the money from. That turned out to be one of the worst days of his life. His father deflected, at first, demanding to know why it was so important, but Jack kept pushing and pushing until his father confessed that he’d made the money by selling stolen cars for parts. It was his last job. He promised! But that wasn’t good enough for Jack, who had grown up loathing his father’s criminal activity and wanted desperately to believe that he’d finally gone straight. The two got into a massive fight, throwing punches, shoving each other around, destroying furniture, with Jack’s father calling him an ungrateful brat and throwing him up against a wall. It should have ended there, but Jack refused to go down, leading his father to come at him with a knife. There was a scuffle, a lot of blood, and even more chaos. By the end of it, both men were injured really badly, but Jack was the one who was able to call for an ambulance. Both were taken to the nearest hospital. Jack survived. His father did not. The teen was not charged, as all the evidence clearly pointed to him having to defend himself, but there was a grueling investigation that eventually led to his father’s house and both cars being seized by the state, and Jack being sent to live with his estranged mother since he was 17 and still technically a minor. As soon as he was physically able, he threw himself into his studies at the university harder than he ever had before, leading his mother to admire his intellect and work ethic and regret leaving him with his father. In Jack’s eyes, that was too little too late, but he was never outwardly hostile toward her about it. Over the next few years, he completed his PhD, becoming the youngest graduate in his class and immediately looking for work both near home and abroad. He landed several decent jobs in and around Brisbane, working in state of the art labs with many accredited scientists, but none of them would take him seriously, despite his outstanding achievements, due to his age. Fed up with the politics and discrimination, Jack turned his efforts to finding opportunities outside of Australia. It wasn’t long before he was hired on by an American company that was handling a few military contracts, applied for a work visa, and flown out to Boston to begin his new career. Things were finally taking off for him, it seemed. His coworkers saw his talent and intelligence and treated him as an equal, which made him even more eager to prove himself. At 26, he was put in charge of one of the most top secret projects the military had entrusted to Wells Biotechnologies: a serum that would allow operatives to become totally invisible for a short time. Needless to say, Jack was thrilled beyond belief, and got to work on it right away. At first, he did some research into various biological methods of camouflage, but quickly realized that the genetic modifications necessary to make that possible in humans would be far too invasive and risky. He then turned his attention to something called a refraction index, which he found could be changed with the right amount and method of chemical convincing. His research eventually led him to experiment with various anesthetics in combination with other chemicals, trying drug after drug, combo after combo, and getting little to no results. The military wasn’t happy with the lack of progress. After only a year, they pulled Jack’s funding, but he still refused to give up. When he wasn’t working on the projects that were still approved or dodging hushed underhanded comments, he was sequestered away in his lab, continuing his experiments off the books. Fueled by spite, very little sleep, and what few meals he remembered to consume, the young scientist worked tirelessly to find his perfect formula. Monocaine, he finally discovered one particularly grueling night, was the key. It was a particularly strong local anesthetic that worked remarkably well with the refraction-altering chemicals in such a way that made them compatible with human cells, even affecting fabric worn tight to the skin. Not wanting to risk asking for permission to start human testing and getting rejected, Jack tested the serum on himself. It worked beautifully…aside from the fact that he felt a bit less in control of himself than normal. It was almost like being high, or what he guessed being high might have felt like, having never tried recreational drugs before. It was bizarre, and he noted that he felt strangely numb all over. All of his findings were written down in his journal, including the fact that it wore off after about two hours. The after effects were much less pleasant. He’d been hungover maybe a couple of times in his life, and this was at least twice as bad. Nausea, a splitting headache that nearly made him want to cry, light and sound sensitivity, aching muscles, and insurmountable fatigue pretty much summed up his symptoms, and he wisely determined that sleeping in his office would be a much better idea than trying to make it back to his apartment. The next morning, he was much better off, though his head still hurt. Another couple weeks of nightly testing followed before he finally worked up the courage to tell his superiors. He did his best to make his case, but they refused to hear him out, no matter how much proof he showed them of his success. He had used company resources without permission and stayed on the clock for far longer than he was supposed to; he was lucky they didn’t suspended. Angry and heartbroken, Jack jumped to his last resort, taking out a syringe of the serum that he had gradually become addicted to and injecting himself with it. They were stunned to see him becoming invisible right before their eyes, and when they recovered enough from their shock to try and catch him, he ran, evading them almost effortlessly and taunting them as he went. It became a sort of game for him. He loved watching them squirm, loved seeing their alarm at being proven wrong by a man twenty or thirty years their junior. It was electrifying. The possibilities of what all he could do with serum also began to turn over in his brain. He wouldn’t have to wait for a payout from the military if he was able to just grab the money for himself without anyone being able to see him. He could also try going into private detective work, chasing after details that no visible person would be able to get near. The world was his oyster!
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lovesick-level-up · 1 year
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raphaels-zone · 1 year
It’s a new day. It’s your time to shine!
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NAMES : AFTON, Walten, Slasher, Chat, Outer +More
PRONOUNS : He/It/Neth/Star/Toon +More!!
AroAce Xeno Individual, 22 yrs old
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I support having fun and consuming media without restriction in a safe way ^^!! And I stole this format from Quentin XD!!
Disclaimers: I fixate on specific characters, and therefore sometimes am not well informed on other parts of specific fandoms (I only really know FNAF and UTMV). I enjoy and engage with horror media, media considered offensive, and just generally embrace cringe with open arms. Also this blog is basically a hub of all my interests.
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@baliscastles - Otherkin blog
@fazbears-warehouse - fun xeno, stim, etc blog
@nevis-empire - identity hoard blog
♡ Rᴇᴛʀᴏꜱᴘʀɪɴɢ ☆ Cᴏʜᴏꜱᴛ ❀ 𝚂𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚎𝙷𝚎𝚢 ♬ 𝐊𝐎𝐅𝐈
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☠ Kristin -> @in-the-arms-of-death (°)#))« Pepito -> @aquatic-anxiety ✎ Fred -> @fred-the-janitor 🛹 Carre -> @carre-less-skater ⚽ Richas -> @explorar-curiosity-e-opportunity ♡ Hardcore Deities -> @hardcore-deities 📿 Sneeg -> @theholyfork 🖤 Natalan -> @deaths-obedient-servant 🃞 The Watcher -> @eye-m-always-watching Isa -> @beheld-beauty Tiba -> @hidden-maple-leaf
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𓄿 Philza -> @your-royal-crowfather ❂ Sparklez -> @fallen-starbourne ⚗️Phantom -> @phantom-brewery
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⚝ Fwhip/Alchemist -> @countof-grimland ⛧ Xornoth -> @corrupted-snowfall
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🔧 Fazbear Ent -> @fazbear-board-of-directors 💭 Izaiah -> @welcome-dreamerz
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Check the Cameras for more blinkies -> 001
Interests: FNAF, FNAFVERSE, UTMV, QSMP (But I Have No Clue Ever I live in Headcanon), Technoblade, Transformers, ATSV/ITSV, YU-GI-OH, Minecraft, Fanfiction, Ph1lza, Horror Analog, Game Theory, YTTD, Isekai Anime, Transmigration Manga/Manwha, Horror Games, DBD, Gacha, Arcade n Star Aesthetics, Crossovers, BNHA
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#comfort media - medias that I constantly return to
#comfort character - characters I will always be willing to consume media about usually they are kins as well but not always
#comfort dynamic - same as duo but it's more than two
#hyperfix - medias that I enjoy for a specific time I reblog content occasionally
#promo - i post links to my fanfics lol
#comfort - things like stimboards that give me comfort
Friend Tags - things like 💌: Phi, who is my Sun and PLP and husband (but not really), for friends
#raphaelcore - things that are just like me fr
#fav - things that are m fav
#mumblings - just me talking to myself I am mumbling under my breath
#comfort animatronic - i love bonnie and freddy model you do not understand
#ftbc: au - a very. very specific au.... comfort au,,,, for me
#reminder - mostly self care
#shopping list - things I want to buy
#The Author's Food - writing resources
#raphael reblog - things I reblog w/o other tags
#raphie's genders - xenos I reblogged before I just put in my carrd
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lucky-rabbits · 10 months
hi hi hi time for a self-ship promo 🪄🐇
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hi im silvie (he/they, 25+ adult) and i'm genshin impact lore obsessed
i have 4* f/os but mostly focused on my genshin impact ones rn (🦦 neuvillette, ⛓️wriothesley, ⚗️rene) but mostly stick to oc x canon levels of shipping with a lot of emphasis of expanding on the existing lore
🪄 i dont mind sharing f/os
🪄 minors dni
🪄 this account is separate from my main blog (begaydoalchemy)
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adventuringalchemy · 1 year
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------------------- about. rules. verses. | willing and open to rp with anyone and anything. very open. very oc friendly. willing to make alternate universes to fit into your muse. human verse available for human faceclaim muses. please note that my ivor is canon divergent.
------------------- semi-exclusive. anti-duplicate. 20+. willing to rp with minors so long as it isn't smut. shipping is encouraged!
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adventuringalchemy · 1 year
tag dump.
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