#✧ Fashion: Forget about style; worry about results. ⸻ ✶
arasanwar · 1 year
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heartbreak-sandwich · 11 months
Lex! I loved your boyfriend hcs, I'd love to hear your headcanons on the guys as fathers 👀
omg Joz yes!! This is such a cute idea, thank you 🥰 ✨ The ST boys as fathers ✨
💕STEVE HARRINGTON is a superdad. He loves friendly competition with his (many - five, to be exact) children to see who can throw something the farthest, who can get to the car the fastest, and who can finish their desert first. - Bedtime stories are crowded with all of them on the same bed, huddled around Steve as he does voices for all of the characters. - Food is always creative and messy, and Steve encourages curiosity in every way. "Don't play with your food" is not a rule to be found in the Harrington household. - The rowdy bunch attends each other sporting events, band concerts, and school plays in a pack which is forever recognizable because of course their outfits are color coordinated.
💕BILLY HARGROVE loves his little girl more than anything else in this world. He is very protective, letting her roam at a safe distance, and worries more than he lets on about her safety and emotional wellbeing, and whatever she wants, he teaches her how to earn. - His little angel is a superfan of his metal music, so of course he picks up an extra shift every other weekend to pay for her drumming lessons. Every time a friend comes to the house while she's practicing, they comment on the noise, and all Billy says is, "I know. She's gonna be a star someday," with the proudest smile on his face. - Every time something comes up while Billy is spending time with his daughter, he tells whoever he's talking to, "Hang on. I have to ask the boss," and turns to his daughter and whispers in her ear, her face becoming very serious before she gives a quiet answer back to him. - He teaches her how to fix her own things -- the car, the toilet, the legos she knocked over on accident. He never wants her to have to rely on anyone else to solve her problems, and he teaches her to be self sufficient along with his support.
💕ARGYLE is full of childlike wonder at all times, so it's no surprise that he is the fun dad. He takes his twin boys on adventures every chance they get, and he encourages their creativity every step of the way. One of his boys is an avid painter while the other is a violinist. The walls inside their home are adorned with murals always being worked on inspired by ambient strings in the background. - Argyle's kids are homeschooled because their family prefers to hit the road for the sunny months of the year, and he figures they learn more from seeing the world than they ever could stuck inside a classroom. - He makes up stories on the fly to tell his kids, and he's always forgetting the characters names, but they don't seem to mind. The stories involve silly but useful life lessons that he wished someone would've told him when he was their age instead of having to figure them out on his own. They'll thank him someday. - The fashion sense in their family is absolutely wild. Argyle wants his kids to be able to express themselves freely with their style choices just like he does, and the result is a colorful array of garments always strewn about the home, lots of them covered in paint, and sometimes on purpose to add a little flavor.
💕JONATHAN BYERS is your average, working class father, but he is adamant about making time to spend with his family. His two daughters starting high school has been the biggest challenge for him so far, but he never misses a dance recital or a soccer game, and he's always home in time to have dinner with everyone so he can hear about their days. - The Byers family is big on gifts from the heart, so for every birthday, Jonathan makes his girls their own mixtapes complete with songs they already know and love combined with songs he thinks they should hear. It warms his heart when he hears the tracks blaring from their respective bedrooms while they get ready for school each morning. - Being an equal caretaker has always been important to him, so Jonathan took it upon himself to learn to braid. When his girls were little, he used to braid their hair before bed. Now, even though they can do it themselves, they still seek him out at least once a week or so for the perfect plait. - He is the chauffeur for his girls and all of their friends regularly. He'll take them to the mall, the arcade, to school, wherever is needed, and he never complains about it. He feels like it's a gift to be able to spend that time together while they can.
💕EDDIE MUNSON is a single dad whose son is an absolute carbon copy of him. The little guy is never sitting still, his long wild curls billowing behind him as he darts around the house with his plastic sword saving the day. Eddie is pretty sure his first words were "stick it to the man," and he smiles with pride when his son says some off the wall thing because the Munsons wear their weird like a crown. - Above everything, Eddie teaches his son to be kind. Be kind to people, be kind to animals, be kind to places, and be kind to things because the world needs more of it, and it all comes back to you. He teaches him how to put spiders outside instead of kill them and to invite the kid sitting alone on the playground to play pirates with him. Always be kind. - Corroded Coffin has a new stand in drummer while Gareth is away at school. Eddie's son is still fairly young, but he has great rhythm, and playing an instrument proves to be a great way to channel his energy. There is a new house rule that says sticks are for smacking drums only, and you can probably guess why. - Eddie plans small DnD oneshots for he and his son to play through together, and he loves it. The adventures, the battles, and the roleplaying are great for the imagination, and it's their favorite bonding time. Last year's Christmas present to his son was a custom set of abalone shell dice, and he treasures nothing more.
These were so fun to do!! Thank you for getting me thinking outside of my usual box :3 ❤️‍🔥 Requests are open!
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
Hi! Could I please have a matchup with a male character from Genshin Impact?
My Name is Rachel, Im 18, and my pronouns are she/her.  My zodiac sign is Taurus and Im a Gemini rising. I have brown hair that comes a few inches below my shoulders, brown eyes and freckles.
I’m a really optimistic person, and I try to help others as much as I can! I’m good at giving advice, and making people feel better. I’m also very charismatic and very outgoing! I love trying out new activities, But, I can get impatient easily and I tend to be stubborn. I’m very affectionate and I tend to make sure that everyone around me is feeling alright before making sure that I am. Basically, I’m like the mom friend. 
I really enjoy fashion design. I love sewing and coming up with a new ideas of something I can make! I’m also really passionate about music. I’ve played piano for 11 years, and it really helps me to express myself! Some of my other hobbies include baking, crocheting and shopping. My personal style is a kind of mix between softie and angelcore. I love clothes that are pink, ruffly or have some sort of lace on them. Some things I like include, pretty perfume bottles, flowers, and jewelry I have a huge sweet tooth, so I also really like desserts! I absolutely hate bugs.
Thank you so much!! <33
Hello hello thank you for the request I really appreciate it. And now the moment you’ve been waiting for…DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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My match maker senses have decided that our calm and collected head of the Yashiro commission is your true match.
I feel like Ayato's calm nature and your upbeat and outgoing personality would mesh well together. He keeps you grounded while you open his eyes up to new opportunities and solutions.
Besides that, I also think you would fit into his lifestyle quite well. He has to meet with important people and keep up appearances so your charismatic nature and way with people would work well with the socialite lifestyle.
Being the head of not only the yashiro commission, but the Kamisato clan as well puts a lot of burden on Ayato's shoulders. He will often come to you for your advice and your interesting perspective, and even if you can't solve his problems you effortlessly are able to lift the stress off his shoulders with something as simple as a hug.
You are the only one besides his sister and Thoma who he will let his guard down around and let himself breath, cry, and be overall vulnerable with.
I imagine that due to his busy schedule Ayato has a tendency to forget to take care of himself, so Thome relies on your motherly side to convince the man to eat 3 meals and sleep for at least 8 hours. Even Ayaka has begun to see you as a big sister and comes to you with her own struggles and worries.
Because you do so much for him like baking him treats and playing songs for him, Ayato often worries about returning the favor due to having so little free time. So as a result, he spoils you so much you even barley get a chance to thank him.
He takes you on dates to the fanciest restaurants, buys you the finest of silks, the prettiest of dresses, the most radiant of jewelry, he almost named an entire festival after you (Ayaka and Thoma were thankfully able to talk some sense into him to save you from embarrassment). He just loves you so, so, so much and wishes he could spend more time with you.
Even though he's busy Ayato will always be there for you when it matters and support you no matter what. If you want to become a musician, he will get you the finest of instruments and be in the front row of your first performance. If you want to be a fashion designer, he will get you the best materials to work with and the biggest venue to hold your fashion shows. No matter what you do he will be so proud of you, and to celebrate your achievements he will buy the best of the best of sweets.
At the end of the day if it came down to it, Ayato would give up his name and his title if it meant he could bring even a bit of the happiness that you bring to him. (P.s. you didn't hear it from me, but I hear he plans on getting you a pretty shiny engagement ring so may wanna start planning your dream wedding now ;))
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Sorry, this took me all day to write, I prefer to write on my computer, and I was busy today. Hope you like it.
Runners Up: Venti, Zhongli, Thoma, Childe
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dearestones · 2 years
Death Note Matchup: Amane Misa #2
Warnings: Fluff. 
@repostingmyfavs Request: Hi! If you not to busy I have a request, could you match me up with a death note charecter. Their gender doesn’t matter to me, I have a crush on literally all the characters in the franchise so.
I am 5’3. I dye my hair all the time! Currently, I am sporting hot pink as a hair color. I have a green eyes. I’m very pale. I can’t even go in the sun without coming out with a huge sunburn. I wear these black glasses. I tend to always be blushing.
I am gender fluid and bisexual. I tend to have trouble picking out what to wear because sometimes I wanna dress feminine, sometimes masculine and sometimes even neither or both. So my style can really fluctuate.
Yellow is my favorite color. I love to read, write, play video games and even cosplay. I’ve been told my smile can light up the days of others, so I try to smile a lot.
I tend to hide my feelings so I’m not a burden. I am very bubbly and energetic but also quite anxious and sensitive. I am easily taken advantage of for my kindness.
I tend to look on the good side of things. I love to give hugs, and not to brag but I give the best hugs.
Thank you so much! Take your time and don’t forget to eat and rest!
After going through the information given, I believe that you pair well with Amane Misa!
Oh my gosh, you’re taller than Misa! You’re still petite and cute, but Misa likes looking up at you and squishing your cheeks to grab your attention. Furthermore, she loves your style! Pink hair? It looks so good on you and she must say, your lovely blushing cheeks matches your hair quite well.
Don’t worry about your sunburns. Once Misa finds out that you have sensitive skin, she will immediately go to the nearest dermatologist, pharmacy, or wherever just so she can get you some heavy duty sunblock. In the interest of preserving your skin and keeping you healthy, she also suggests a skincare routine. Don’t worry, she’ll take into account your interests and the time that you have available to complete your routine. At the end of the day, though, you will see results and your skin will start glowing with your inherent beauty!
She may not show it sometimes, Misa can be mischievous. If you’re not paying attention, she’ll snatch up your glasses and start wearing them for fun. She thinks your glasses are cute and fits your personality.
Genderfluid? Ohhhh! Misa doesn’t understand at first, but after you explain it to her, she will be jumping up and down for joy. While her entire life is dedicated to upholding traditional beauty standards, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like experimenting and embracing new ideas. When she realizes that you like to be more masculine or more feminine at times, she immediately gets to work dragging you to different stores and malls just so you can get your full range of outfits. Misa didn’t grow up with money so she knows how to get the best deals!
On those days where you can’t choose between different ranges of styles, Misa will be there to help you out. You might feel like she’s a fashion critic, but she means well. Regardless of how you want to present yourself, you will end up looking your best and fashionable. 
Misa doesn’t get the appeal of video games, but she enjoys watching you play. Sometimes, she’ll sit in your lap with her head tucked against your chest or she’ll lay her head on your lap. Be sure to pet her hair or pat her cheeks every once in a while because she adores physical affection.
What Misa really loves about your hobbies is your cosplays! Can the both of you do a couples cosplay? Or maybe a cosplay of both of your favorite characters? She’ll help you pack for conventions and do your makeup if you aren’t able. (Please let her do your makeup. She’s artistically inclined and being in an intimate position like touching your face and combing your hair is cathartic and comforting for her). 
Smile for Misa. She loves it. Don’t be surprised if you find out that her camera roll has dozens of pictures of you smiling. She claims that it brightens up her day. (If you check her social media accounts, you can see that she doesn’t post about you often and when you ask her, she’ll selfishly declare that it’s because she wants to keep your smile for herself). 
Please don’t hide your true feelings from her. If there’s one thing she’s learned from past relationships and from romance novels, it’s that partners should be earnest and true to each other. Repressing emotions isn’t always a bad thing, but if you don’t have the proper, healthy outlets, you might end up doing damage to yourself and others. You don’t have to tell her right away, only when you’re ready. Please trust her, she’ll make sure to support you the entire way. 
You give the hugs and she’ll give the kisses! And yes, Misa can and will confirm; you do, indeed, give the best hugs. 
In conclusion, the both of you are quite cute together! Just be sure to tell Misa if you’re feeling overwhelmed; she tends to get carried away if you don’t intervene. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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david-watts · 2 years
4, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 20 (sorry it’s a lot)
never worry about asking me too much at once lmao!!
4. who is your least favourite doctor? why? I have actually been thinking about this recently and it's tough but I have to say four. I do really like quite a few serials in his era but it's also the stretch of the show where there really was a format that they stuck to and it's therefore my least favourite stretch of the show. it's like. to put my favourite doctors higher on the list I have to put doctors I still really like down at the bottom, y'know?
9. least favourite outfit of the doctor's? why? ten's outfit without the long trenchcoat is bland, tbh. eleven's is just strange enough that it doesn't feel like just quirky fashion of the time (though it would inspire quirky fashion of the time...) and I can't exactly fault nine's outfit because he was #goingthroughit but yeah I don't exactly have a least favourite I just have nitpicks
15. what is your favourite companion outfit? why? I would say steven taylor's outfit in the celestial toymaker because he's got the striped jumper that EVERYONE in 1965/66 had and I think it's fucking neat but uhhh I do have others. romana II's outfit in full circle is pretty neat. jamie in the war games where he's covering up the allegedly awful puffy shirt from the space pirates with a dark jacket is also a Look. we can't forget ace's jacket, either! last but not least is yates' outfit in planet of the spiders
16. who is your favourite doctor/companion duo? I do actually really enjoy the first doctor/steven in the massacre of st bartholomews' eve, and the fourth doctor/adric is also enjoyable for those few episodes. oh and seven with either mel or ace! oh and twelve and bill. yeah. can't forget new who exists now can I?
17. what is your favourite alien species? I do like the alpha centauri, and the ice warriors, but I have to say the alzarians are. the most interesting. *cough cough* they're descended from spiders and if adric in castrovalva is... let's say to be believed that means those spiders were capable of having dicks what the actual hell *cough cough*
18. what is your favourite alien planet? I want to know more about metebelis three. but that's only in a 'I want to concept more about metebelis three' way. I also like logopolis, because that's a very interesting place. I have also really loved akhaten ever since that episode broadcast
20. if you could change anything about the show, what would it be? I'd bring back serials. no more condensing a story into 45-50mins or at best an hour and a half resulting in lack of character development and worldbuilding you Must pad out the runtime to a minimum of two hours. also I'd like. have more things like the invasion of time. and I'd bring back the heavily synthesised style of title sequence no more orchestras and beat drops against the time vortex you're getting the doc's face floating in space and you're gonna like it (can you tell where I'm up to in my rewatch?)
I'd also like to mention that I do in fact have two dr who story ideas rattling about in my head; one is my oc keith's story, which I am willing to talk about because it's like my dream dr who story arc that I doubt will ever get made. but I am actually thinking of submitting my second idea at some point. I haven't actually written much of it beyond a vague concept outline because I would like to not only wait until after I've finished my degree for reasons of time but also learning, y'know? I'm also like. not that confident in my writing yet. I'll probably publish some other original work and get back into writing fanfiction just for the practice
anyway thanks for asking!! hope you don't mind my indecisive rambles
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sourav2004 · 6 months
Budget- Friendly Décor Hacks Elevate Your Home with Wall Stickers
You can fluently transfigure the look of any room in your house using wall stickers. In this composition, we ’ll bandy how to use these simple ornamental accentuations to amp up your space on a hay budget.
Embracing Cheap Home Style
also, as more people seek affordable home styling results through DIY and affordable designs, most of them are embracing the idea of cheap home-style scenery options. Wall stickers have become decreasingly popular owing to their ease of fixing and several design variations, not forgetting that they're fund-friendly. Wanting for a renter who wants some particular touch or a homeowner’s tight budget, adding wall stickers can be an effective fashion to ameliorate the look of your demesne.
Unveiling Advantages of Using Wall Stickers
Simplified operation Process They're easy to put up because they've a simplified operation process; unlike regular wallpapers or makeup which requires lengthy medications and operation times. This implies that one can change the appearance of every room in his/ her apartment with wall stickers without having any special tools or chops.
Wall stickers come with different patterns, sizes, and designs for you to choose which is important since we've different tastes in terms of decoration. You may prefer simple geometric numbers, flowery themes, or indeed bold images but whatever your preference is, there are wall stickers that can match your imagination.
An affordable choice of Wall symbols not only looks good but they're also effective. Starting as low as a bone, these wall symbols give stylish value for plutocrats when compared to druthers like artwork, wallpapers, and custom showpieces. They enable one to embellish a single room or indeed an entire house while still maintaining style with a tight budget.
How to Choose the Right Wall Stickers
When you buy wall stickers for your home there are colorful effects that you need to consider to get the perfect bones for space.
coinciding with your décor theme It's better if you suppose about wall stickering after considering what's formerly on the walls of your room and what color scheme it has espoused. To elect corresponding ornamental rudiments among others available in stock, people should take into account their current decoration ideas – whether ultramodern minimalism or cozy counterculturist enthusiasm.
Strategic Size and Position When choosing wall stickers, consider the size and layout of your space. While strong statements may be made by large wall stickers in commodious apartments, lower bones are perfect for adding subtle accentuations or filling empty wall spaces. Don't forget to try out different placement options to find a stylish arrangement for your space.
Quality First Indeed though affordability should be considered, it's important to choose high- quality wall stickers. Look for symbols produced from sturdy accoutrements that do n’t fade fluently, peel off, or gash piecemeal. Buying quality stickers guarantees continuity and that your innards remains fresh and various throughout the times.
Brand Character- It's important to probe top brands when buying a durable product similar as sticker walls so that it can match with home design. Do not worry; I can help you by participating some estimable brands.
Rangoli Furnishings RoomMates Wall Decal World
To add up, living spaces may be converted into protean, low-cost, and elegant areas using wall tattoos. The capability to apply them fluently, their wide range of styles available, and their affordable ness have made them the favorite choice of all kinds of decorators moment.
Source- https//shoprangoli.in/ collections/ wall- stickers
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alicedoessurveys · 7 months
1 - When was the last time you spent over £100 in one transaction? What did you buy?  the food shop, huzzah for cost of living crisis
2 - Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? I do. I have a stuffed sloth teddy (my emotional support sloth). as a teenager I was embarrassed about it and worried people would judge but now as a 28 year old I don't give a shit.
3 - Would you describe yourself as fashion-conscious, or do you just wear whatever feels comfortable?  I mean, I care what I look like but I will always choose comfort over style.
4 - The last time you got up from where you’re sitting, where did you go and what did you do? 
5 - Would you rather read an erotic novel or watch an erotic film?  neither thank you 🙈
6 - Who taught you how to tell the time on a proper analogue clock?  primary school teachers I guess
7 - What’s your favourite way to make your home smell good? Do you spend a lot of money on making this happen?  reed diffusers and plug in air fresheners. they don't have to be expensive, I get mine from Aldi
8 - How long have you had the computer/tablet you’re currently using? Does it need replacing or upgrading?  gotta be almost 10 years now. and because its apple its starting to give up life. but I can't afford to replace it.
9 - When you’re home alone, do you make sure all your doors are kept locked? I live alone, I always keep my doors locked unless I know someone is coming round.
10 - How often do you light candles? Do you just like regular ones or do you prefer scented ones or ones that make pretty patterns when they melt?  I have SO many candles and vary rarely actually remember to light them. I like scented ones.
11 - Are you any good at taking care of plants?  it is impossible for plants to survive in my care. I don't understand it. they just die. all the plants in my home are artificial.
12 - How many surveys have you taken so far today? Will you take anymore surveys today once you’ve finished this one?  this is the second one today. I plan to play sims after this.
13 - What are the main two colours in the room you’re currently in? Did you pick these colours out yourself?  the room is mainly white/cream but the wall behind me is painted with pink, blue and grey asymmetrical triangles. I decorated it myself.
14 - What was the last hot drink you consumed? What about cold drink?  had a toffee nut latte a few hours ago. current drinking cream soda.
15 - Do you have piercings anywhere except your ears? How many and what are they?  I have no piercings.
16 - Do you prefer taking baths or showers? How come?  I like a good bath, but it always results in my kitchen flooding because there's a leak so I tend to have showers. but my shower has shit water pressure and the temperature fluctuates between too hot and too cold so I don't enjoy showers.
17 - What time do you need to wake up tomorrow morning? What is it that you have to be up for?  8.30am.. 9am at the latest. I have church in the morning and its mothers day so I have to make sure I don't forget to take her presents
18 - If you work, how often do you get paid? Would you prefer to get paid more or less often?  I get paid at the end of every month which is fine tbh, just would like to be on more than £8 an hour
19 - What does your favourite pair of pyjamas look like? Do you wear them to sleep or just to be comfy around the house?  they're Hufflepuff ones. yellow long sleeve top with the house badge on, and yellow checkered leggings. super soft, suuuuuuper comfy.
20 - How often do you wake up in the night needing a pee?  not often.
21 - What apps do you use the most on your phone?  insta, Tumblr, WhatsApp, snapchat, bible
22 - Do you prefer cats or dogs? Do you own any of either?  I like both, but I LOVE dogs cause I work with them. I don't personally own any, but my family do.
23 - Do you have one of those fridges that has an ice-maker in the front? If not, would you find one useful?  I don't but I wish I did.
24 - Do you like wearing hats? What’s your favourite style?  I do. I like beanie hats. also don't mind wearing a cap in the summer.
25 - If you live in a household with pets, who is responsible for their care - both in terms of finance and the physical tasks involved? Im a single paw-rent to a house rabbit so all responsibility falls on me.
26 - What’s your opinion on leggings as pants? literally my work uniform
27 - Have you ever driven in bare feet or do you think that’s too dangerous?  I don't think I have. I think ive driven in socks before but it was uncomfortable
28 - Have you ever walked out of a job before? What were the circumstances and did you ever go back?  I have. I worked in a primary school during the pandemic. the covid rules at the time meant each class was supposed to be its own 'bubble' and wasn't allowed to mix with other classes but this school fully ignored it and had kids from multiple classes mixing together in a small room. the kids were always coughing on each other, licking things, one kid constantly had snot running down his face. it was a germ factory and I have health anxiety. I was also stressed because my 3 year old niece was in hospital and one day it just got too much and I had a panic attack and walked out. my boss had no understanding at all, turned it round to paint herself as a victim and basically was a bitch so I quit. and thank God I did because 2 months later I got hired as a dog walker :)
29 - Do you collect anything? Are these things worth money or are they practical/sentimental items?  I collect funko pop figures and yes I take them out the box. they have sentimental meaning to me because most of them were gifts from my best friend who died last year. we would always buy them for each other at Christmas
30 - Do you have anything hanging from your ceiling apart from lights?  nope
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pic-creator · 8 months
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shoppsin · 1 year
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junijeen · 1 year
From Long to Short: Transforming Your Look with Hair Wigs in Gomti Nagar
Are you tired of your current hairstyle but afraid to commit to a drastic change?
Perhaps you've always dreamt of sporting short hair but don't want to risk cutting your precious locks.
Well, worry no more! Thanks to the wonders of hair wigs, you can effortlessly switch from long to short hair without any regrets.
If you're in Gomti Nagar and searching for a fabulous hair wig near Gomti Nagar, you're in for a treat!
The Beauty of Hair Wigs: A Fashionable Solution
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Hair wigs have been a popular fashion accessory for centuries, and they continue to reign as a versatile solution for those looking to change their appearance temporarily.
Whether for a special event, a photoshoot or to experiment with different looks, hair wigs offer an incredible opportunity to transform your style without any long-term commitment.
Embrace the Versatility
One of the significant advantages of hair wigs is their versatility. They come in various lengths, colors, and styles, allowing you to choose a wig that complements your facial features and personality.
If you've always been curious about having short hair, a wig is an excellent way to test the waters.
Try a chic bob, a sassy pixie cut, or even a stylish lob without cutting your hair. You can switch from long, flowing locks to a trendy, short 'do in minutes!
Protect Your Natural Hair
Using heating tools, chemical treatments, and excessive styling can take a toll on your natural hair, leading to damage, breakage, and loss.
Hair wigs offer a protective barrier that allows your real hair to rest and recover from all the wear and tear.
Opting for a wig can still achieve the desired hairstyle while giving your natural tresses a much-needed break.
Confidence Booster
Changing your look with a hair wig can do wonders for your confidence. It's incredible how a simple change in hairstyle can make you feel like a whole new person.
If you've always stuck with long hair and want to see how you look with short hair, a wig can allow you to experiment and boost your self-assurance.
It's all about embracing new possibilities and finding the look that suits you best.
Easy to Wear and Maintain
Modern hair wigs are designed to be user-friendly, making them easy to wear and maintain. With proper care, a good-quality wig can last a long time, allowing you to rock different hairstyles whenever possible.
Additionally, wig technology has advanced significantly, with breathable and lightweight materials that ensure daytime comfort.
A Style Statement
Hair wigs aren't just for personal experimentation; they're also becoming a style statement in the fashion world. Celebrities, influencers, and fashionistas frequently use wigs to enhance their appearance and keep up with the latest trends.
As a result, hair wigs have become more acceptable and fashionable than ever.
Finding the Perfect Hair Wig near Gomti Nagar
If you're in Gomti Nagar and looking for a fabulous hair wig, you're in luck! The area is home to various beauty stores and wig boutiques offering a wide selection of wigs to suit your preferences.
Whether you want a natural-looking human hair wig or a synthetic wig with vibrant colors, there's a perfect option waiting for you.
When searching for a hair wig near Gomti Nagar, visit local beauty salons, wig shops, or online stores. Be sure to choose a reliable and reputable seller who offers high-quality products.
Additionally, don't forget to take proper measurements of your head and consult with the store's experts to find the ideal wig that fits comfortably and complements your features.
Hair wigs are a fantastic way to experiment with different hairstyles and transform your look effortlessly.
Wigs offer a safe and stylish solution whether you want to go from long to short hair or try out any other style.
So, if you're in Gomti Nagar and looking for the perfect hair wig near Gomti Nagar, step into the world of wig wonders and embrace the beauty of versatility and confidence! Happy wig shopping!
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ourexolarmy · 1 year
hiii can I get a written ship with BTS and Seventeen?
im an enfp/gemini who tends to be the life of the party - but actually prefer life as a lone wolf! even though I am often quite energetic with people, talking fast and deeply about any topic, I most of all prefer to have a relaxed time. I really value slow living and being present, so I wake up before sunrise, do yoga, enjoy calming activities like baking and painting, and most of all reading! I also take good care of my health and exercise most days. that being said, Ive been thru a lot and had a dark period, a lot of life experience to put it like that, and havent always been this healthy.
in general im seen as really smart but also really goofy. im very approachable, super friendly, but im in no way a pushover and always states whats on my mind, sometimes a bit too much as I have tended to get into (mostly political) arguments a lot. my humor has been seen as rude by some, but in general people find me hilarious and I get up to a lot of silly shenanigans and have too many slightly embarrassing stories to tell. I love games like mafia, and am a great liar but ONLY in those settings.
my biggest weakness is a bad habit of procrastination and avoiding things I shouldnt - like an unpaid bill or the laundry. I can also be a bit sensitive and wish I had thicker skin. in the past ive been known to be fashionable, and is not afraid of experimenting with clothing, but now im pretty laid back with how I dress and look and is comfortable presenting fairly gnc. I dislike traditional gender roles in a relationship, such as the man holding open the door, but am a sucker for shoujo and a bit of a hopeless romantic.
im really focused on happiness - enjoying every small speckle of it as I find it in the sun rays while doing dishes or the laughter of a family member, and while i feel like the spirit of the time is pretty beat down, I am actively choosing to be happy despite it all (of course without being blind to the problems of the world). my love language is physical touch and when im properly comfortable with someone I am attached to their hip!
Hello Dear!~ Thank you for sending in a request with us :) We hope you enjoy your results!~
BTS we shipped you with Hobi~~ You and Hobi would be a great match. He would love your energetic side, but would also love when the two of you had downtime together. Your goofy and approachable side would be what drew him to you in the first place. Being in a relationship with him may be hard at times so he would feel relaxed knowing that no one was going to push you over and give you a hard time. He would be there for you to help remind me of the small things that you needed to get done, so no worries about procrastinating and forgetting. He would always be there to comfort you whenever something upset you. The two of you would have days full of laughter and many memories to share.
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Seventeen we shipped you with Minghao~ Minghao and you would be a perfect pair. He enjoys the moments when the two of you get to relax together. Maybe read a book or go for a walk on his days off. He would workout with you whenever you wanted to go, it would be something the two of you did together. He would find your humor funny and maybe crack some jokes himself at times. On some occasions if you wanted to cake, he would gladly be your taste tester. He would love to know more about your fashionable side and would encourage you to dive back into it. He would encourage you to try out new clothing styles with him since he is into fashion.
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~Love SkyFox and Pandaa~ -we do not own gifs-
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arasanwar · 2 years
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bestwigoutlets · 2 years
Womens Real Hair Wigs To Stay In The Fashion Without Affecting Your Hair Quality
Womens Real Hair Wigs To Stay In The Fashion Without Affecting Your Hair Quality
Are you frustrated due to your thin hair? Now, no need to worry anymore as the best hair wigs will give you so convenience and the look you always wanted to have. No matter what kind of hair you want, just look out for ultimate wigs online to grab something that can suit your personality.   Wearing wigs has many benefits; not only these wigs help you to avoid visiting salons, but at the same time you will get the best look and feel. Wigs or extensions are always the best as they are good to upgrade any hairstyle for every event, festival, and even if you are going out, this is something you can’t forget. If you are ready to purchase wigs online, you always look for the most reliable source and grab Womens Real Hair Wigs only. Human or real hair wigs are the best to wear as they look like natural and they can easily help anybody to look fantastic. If you want to get ready in no time or without wasting your time, money and efforts, just invest in the best wigs. These wigs if wore in a right manner, they immediately bring beauty, confidence, and overall elegance to your style. These days, the wigs here are proving to be useful in offering wearers everything they want. From skipping heat to their hair to changing their look, everything they can attain just by wearing right kind of wigs. When it comes to buy a wig, it is necessary to invest in the best one which suits your face as then only you can enjoy such wigs to the fullest. Not only such wigs will be good to carry, they are easy to apply and can help you to look fab for a long time. You must know that wigs today have become a main part of the beauty world, however one should invest in the Best Hair Extensions Clip-In and attain great benefits. Wigs are great to wear because this way you don’t need to change your hairstyle or you don’t need to apply heat or any kind of chemicals on your hair. As internet is full of great sources and wig ideas, hence you better check them all and find out the best wigs that suit on you. With the right source get various hairstyles along with hair shade without changing your original hair at all. Even by checking lots of options, you will find exactly what you need the most without worrying about anything. With wigs, your hair can be good forever and you can enjoy experimenting with your look and feel. If you wish them to remain of excellent quality for a long time, you have to take proper care of them, where wigs play important role. So, go with the best and you will love getting amazing results.
0 notes
jostepherjoestar · 4 years
La Squadra helps out nervous reader for her date 💘
slight suggestive content // FEM reader // HC’s and scenario
It’s been a while since you’ve been on a date, your line of work doesn’t really allow much room for new personal connections. But after a nice stranger chatted you up between the drinks and candy-isle when you went for groceries, you accepted their number. A few days later a date was picked to meet up for drinks :D You’re a bit nervous and in need of help, so why not ask your colleagues? ((+after-date bonus))
Is a bit hesitant in letting you go on the date, not that he has any power to make you stay home but he’s a bit worried about the whole thing. Out of personal experience and that of his squad members, not much results from these dates once they really get to know you. (the jobs usually scares them off)
Tells you to be careful about what you share with your date, should they ask what kind of work you do and to watch your drink at all times. He will beat the living daylight out of whoever tries to hurt you in any way.
While you’re on the date he’ll be sitting in his office, too worried to even get anything done. Lost in thought about all the things that could go wrong. Make sure to text him you’re ok every once in a while. 
“Just be yourself, ok?” He assures you that’s all you need to impress your date. 
"Do you need pickup lines or no?” He’ll honestly suggest it but please decline, they’re the worst and cheesiest ones, perhaps borderline weird.
First dates are awkward enough but if you want to practice with him he’ll gladly do it. 
Will ask you if you need a lift, he’s curious to see who was able to snag you on a date, maybe a little jealous they got to you before he could even try. 
“Try pushing your arms together every once in a while, that’ll keep them interested.” he wiggled his eyebrows at the suggestion. Maybe, juuuust maybe you’ll try it if all else fails. You do punch him in the ribs for the comment though. 
He’ll ask you before you even get the chance if he can do your hair for the occasion. “Come on, do you see my craftsmanship? I’ll even let you use my hair products, so be thankful!” 
Illuso will put so much effort into your hair, it kind of baffles you he’s actually doing something incredibly nice for once.
He won’t do anything crazy, just amplify the beauty that’s already there :D
“See? If you do it like this, it makes your cheekbones stand out nicely.” he adjusts a final strand, giving you goosebumps as he gazes so lovingly at his masterful result. You almost forget he can be such an ass most of the time. 
At your request he’ll help you with your outfit but only after a lot of convincing. His begrudging attitude was merely an act, he’d love to dress you in something trendier. Prosciutto loves all forms of fashion.
He went shopping in your own closet and completed two outfit choices, he even went out to a boutique to get any missing pieces he envisioned. Both choices still very much your personal style but with a little extra glitz. 
“Come back when you’ve showered.” he’ll say with his arms crossed, feeling a little nervous himself since he has a surprise for you. 
Gifts you a very beautiful and expensive set of lingerie, nothing too bawdy of course. He’ll hand you the set with the rest of the chosen outfit, face turned away, trying to conceal his blush but failing miserably. “Just don’t do anything stupid.” 
“I’ve never even been on a date, I don’t know how to help!” he’ll say while panicking. He’d love to help you out but is just completely lost.
“Please Pesci!! What would they even like these days? Do I hold their hand ? What do I do when they want a hug or something?” You plead, he’s always finding himself in awkward situations so he’d have at least some idea what to do, right? 
With a face fully flushed he’ll tell you to slowly grab their hand if it feels right, and don’t stare, people don’t seem to like that. 
He actually calms your nerves a little, making you feel ok for being so anxious about it. “You won’t be as bad as me, trust me.” he’ll joke to soothe you. 
Advises you to ask for their star sign, telling you all about astrology and what sign would suit you best. You understand some of it but are sure you’ll forget all about it during the date.
“I assume you’ve already learned about the birds and the bees?” 
He’ll tell you to stay safe if things get taken a few steps further, will gladly show you textbooks to warn you of the dangers of unsafe intercourse. 
Even though he doesn’t have much experience with dating, will give you handy tips and insightful indicators to figure out if your date likes you.
“Just don’t get too wrapped up in the whole psychological side of things. Don’t forget to have fun!” He’ll wink at you encouragingly. 
“Why did you even come here?” he pinches the bridge of his nose while sighing deeply. Ghiaccio does not have any viable advice for dates, he finds them too stressful and he’s too impatient for them. 
After all the help and advice you’ve received from your other teammates you feel more confident and ready. Some nervous butterflies still twirling. Noticing this, Ghiaccio felt a bit bad for not offering support. (not too much tho)
“Just... just do that smile you do. The one where you look up and all.” His face is fully red, not from anger for once, trying his best to stay composed as you wonder what smile he meant. 
“This one?” Your lips curved nicely while you looked up through your lashes, he’s not much taller than you but maybe this is it? He curtly tells you it’s the one, offering no further advice than to give your date that exact look.
after-date bonus
As you take off your shoes to alleviate your sore feet from the new shoes (courtesy of Prosciutto) you’d worn for the date, announcing that you’d returned, a few heads popped out from the kitchen and the conjoining living room. Everyone was still downstairs instead of their usual ritual of retreating to their rooms or to go out for a drink. A bit surprised but glad to see that they’d worried a bit about you, even having texted Risotto you were fine and the date was going ok. They all welcomed you, seeming very curious to know how the date went, trying their best to read your body language. You let out a long sigh as you plopped down on the couch between Formaggio and Illuso who were seated on opposing sides. “Well... that was disappointing.” Toying with the fabric of your dress, looking outright dejected at your curious teammates who’d all taken place around the living room, even Risotto had joined, leaning against the doorframe. “They were all talk and no game. Just some boring idiot who thought I’d fall for their whole “suave” act. There was just no substance.” Looking around the room you could feel the energy lighten, your colleagues seemed a bit relieved to know it wasn’t a successful date, their reaction only making you laugh. “Hey! I did my best.” Jabbing Formaggio in the arm, he seemed a bit too relieved. “That idiot was just what they were, an idiot. I mean look at you? You’re breathtaking. Their loss!” Illuso’s irritation was clear as he huffed, his complements making you regain your smile. “Yeah, it’s definitely not your fault. A girl like you needs high standards.” Prosciutto chimed in as he took another drag of his cigarette, gesturing it up and down at you while he spoke. “Probably a Leo right? I told you Leo’s weren’t good for you.” Melone added while coming around to pat you on the shoulder. 
After some more gossiping about the date and how much they didn’t make a good impression, your teammates were dwindling slowly. You felt a bit better because of their complements and reassurance that it was alright it didn’t work out. Them telling you in their own ways, some more subtle than others, that you weren’t the problem. All but your capo, he just stood and listened the whole night, casually leaning against the entrance. 
It was time to get ready for bed and even more time to forget about that disappointing outing. Stopping yourself before Risotto, looking up at him with tired eyes, his minuscule smirk denting his cheek ever so slightly. “Don’t tell me “I told you so”. This put me off dating already, it’s hard work. Do I have to dress up like this every time?” You whined tiredly, the man’s smirk only growing. “You’re beautiful enough as is, the rest is only decoration. You’ll find someone if that’s what you want. Patience, bambina.” His low voice only making the message clearer. Your self-esteem had regained its strength, glad to have seven people appreciate you for you. “Maybe I should start dating you guys instead.” You joked while letting out a loud cackle as you waddled up the stairs, feet still sore.
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comradeacerbus · 3 years
Miraak Headcannons (for fanfic)
Okay, so, I’ve been planning a Skyrim fic for some time now. I started one, but it fell through due to a lack of proper planning. Now that I know what I’m doing, I’m gonna try again! I’m just posting some notes on everyone’s favorite jackass here because I needed something to post. Obviously, since this is my fic, I’ll be referencing my granola-crunching pacifist Dragonborn, Haldis Ragnardottir.
Bethesda didn’t give us much to work with but that just makes it more interesting. I’m just getting a feel for his personality now so I can keep him consistent.
* Miraak was already getting up there in age by the time his revolt against Alduin fell through, so he’s a bit old and grey now. Maybe in his sixties physically, though he looks more past his use by date because of how Oblivion has affected his outward appearance.
* Stupidly tall because, yknow, Atmorans.
* He’s a dirty old man. He doesn’t come off that way initially, but internally, Miraak is a pervert. While he won’t get physical with women, he won’t hesitate to say something pervy.
* Just because he’s a bit pervy doesn’t mean he’s promiscuous. He certainly has game, I imagine, but he feels he’s too old to go throwing his weight around. It’s mostly for his own entertainment
* He loves to make people uncomfortable, especially our little baby Dwagonbown. Constantly picking on her, saying weird pervy shit, just constantly flustering her for his own amusement.
* A really good talker, can worm his way out of any bad situation with his words. He’s also a natural politician. He can make any insane remark and easily justify it to anyone who’s willing to listen to him.
* He’s no liar though. Not unlike Odahviing, he might not tell the whole truth, but he won’t tell much in the way of lies. He’ll just manipulate the truth. It’s no wonder he was so able to lead a cult, really.
* Literate in multiple languages. Obviously the Imperial language spoke in Tamriel and Dovahzul, but he is also fluent in Daedric and has dabbled in Falmer and Dwemer dialects as well, though he dislikes the cultures themselves as an Atmoran. He probably started looking into them out of sheer boredom in Apocrypha.
* He’s definitely looked into more than just languages in his time in Oblivion. He’s looked into various magics, histories of ancient civilizations, Aedra, Daedra, trades, and everything in between. In other words, Miraak knows his shit about a lot of things.
* In spite of how much he knows about a wide range of subjects, a jack of all trades is a master of none. He’s not talented in all the fields he’s studied, but he’s honed his main skills to a fine point. Namely the art of shouting, various styles of swordplay, and the main schools of magic.
* He frowns very strongly upon thieving and sneaking about. Subtly is one thing, but being sneaky and deceitful is a whole nother ball game to him. He dislikes the idea of assassinations, especially the use of poison. He much prefers the ancient Atmoran-Nordic tradition of openly challenging an authority figure for his seat.
* Under all the arrogance, Miraak actually does have some wisdom to him, and he does learn from his and others’ mistakes. He likes to pretend that he didn’t change after narrowly escaping Apocrypha, simply because he doesn’t want to admit that what he did was wrong, but he certainly has changed some of his views.
* Simply speaking of Oblivion’s Princes makes him uncomfortable because he wants nothing to do with them now, though he’d never admit that he’s afraid. He might be garbage in a lot of ways, but he’s definitely still human.
* Apocrypha has most certainly disfigured him, as well as the night Vahlok and his legion of Dragons burned his temple to the ground. He has some burns scars on his chest and some smaller ones on his face. They no doubt would have been worse, were it not for the metal of his mask. Apocrypha has made his skin pasty and his hair white and nasty looking no matter how much he cleans himself or walks around in the daylight. His sclera are also darkened permanently. He doesn’t wear his mask anymore, and instead prefers his hood when he returns to Tamriel, but he won’t usually show his face to anyone, aside from the Dragonborn, because he’s ashamed of what his choices have done to his body.
* He’s of an ectomorph body type. He’s super tall and towers over Haldis, but he’s not especially muscular. He’s got the broad shoulders of an early Nord, but he’s actually quite skinny. I imagine he tries his best to bulk up with his robes. The other cult leaders most certainly poked fun at him for him.
* After he and Haldis bury the hatchet and accept that they’re stuck together, I imagine he starts to see her as a niece/granddaughter/little sister figure. She doesn’t know much about shouting combatively, and he knows that her overall lack of fighting experience is likely to get her killed, so he begins teaching her from the ground up. It’s initially a thing out of necessity, but he later grows to enjoy it. Not like he’d admit it.
* He may have changed a little since his imprisonment, but he’ll still keep his pride forever. It’s what got him stuck with Herma-Mora, and it’s what got him through so much time in Oblivion.
* The main thing he was worried about for the time of his imprisonment was that he’d turn into a Seeker, but his will as a Dragonborn is likely what kept him from turning, so he’ll cling to his arrogance and his stubbornness till death does him part from Mundus.
* Yeah, he’s old fashioned and very stubborn, but he’s not unreasonable. He’ll listen to one’s argument, but with how well-spoken he is, he usually “wins” the debate, ultimately.
* Even if he is reasonable in the realm of debate, he will stop at nothing to get what he wants, even if it means using or hurting people to do so. This is a result of his inner Dovah. Haldis finds this rather insufferable and it’s one of the main reasons as to why they fight.
* When he gets drunk, he’ll sort of “forget” it’s not the Merithic Era anymore and will start speaking to people in Dovahzul and then get pissy when only Haldis can understand him. He doesn’t normally like to drink in his ripe old age, though, so it’s not something that happens often.
* A similar thing will also happen when he gets angry. He never loses his temper, but when he gets frustrated, he’ll start belting out Dovahzul rapidly.
* He may also speak Dovahzul to Haldis when trying to be subtle. For example, Haldis has to deal a lot in Skyrim’s politics as a diplomat, so if Miraak needs to tell her something or remind her to say something, he’ll tell her in Dovahzul so she doesn’t look dumb.
* The Dovahzul he speaks is a different dialect, though, given their difference in age, so things have been lost in translation from time time, resulting in small, humorous mishaps. He also finds Haldis’s accent when speaking Dovahzul to be very irritating, and mocks her for it quite a bit, usually saying that she sounds like she has a speech impediment.
* As her accent gets better, in his almighty opinion, they’ll have entire conversations together in Dovahzul when they’re alone, like out on the road or something.
I might reblog and take on some more here later. This is just some basic junk that’s not really organized. Also I did not proofread but shhhh
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prongsmydeer · 2 years
Ayesha Liveblogs Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss
“[This introduction was all lies.]” Honestly, I was ready to abandon this show immediately based on the intro scene so I like that it’s a fake-out
“To prevent my bad luck from spreading, I don’t get close to anyone.” Fascinating that Kota’s method of choice for keeping people at bay is being unnaturally perky and kind
“Don’t tell me, Miki. You want a guy at that level?” “It’s fine, I have this [romantic charm bracelet] with me.” I feel like things are not going to go well for Miki  
How does no one notice Kota glaring so intently at intervals LMAO??
I’m not sure what’s funnier, the fact that Kota was winding up a scream as the janitor approached him, or that the janitor would beeline for him despite the fact that’s not where he needs to go with the bucket
“Anyone would fall for him after hearing such words from that face. [...] This is dangerous.” I’m a little confused as why Kota is concerned, I thought he was Team Naoya’s Hot Face
“I was hoping we could stay together always.” What a bold thing to say to someone after hanging out with them one (1) time
Also. I made the mistake of thinking here Kota would be honest about why he wants to hang out with Naoya. Kota has already proven himself very emotionally dishonest
And that Naoya’s reaction to this request after their one (1) day of hanging out was “Yes, absolutely.” LMAO all in I guess
I appreciate that this show went, “You know how some other shows will play a will-they-won’t-they attitude to kissing for the entire series? Not us!! They’re going to kiss in the FIRST EPISODE.”
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“But it’s either this or going back to my miserable days.” I DON’T GET U KOTA? Why are you acting like it’s such a burden to date this man that keep saying is hot and charming and who you also keep saying you could fall for? What’s the danger for u, it’s Naoya that doesn’t understand your motives for seeking out his company?
I like that Naoya’s friends are so fashionable. You rarely see side characters with such pronounced style. It’s fun
 “I’ve decided. I have to stay with him no matter what. Even that means I have to break his trust.” 1) You’re already doing that. 2) Oh good, a conscience!
“I’m worried. I can’t let my boyfriend get sick.” Naoya is very sweet
What a funny paradox of Kota’s default personality being kind of grumpy and unhinged but Naoya’s good luck making him actually the giddy person he pretends to be 
“Whoa, it’s like I made a friend,” said Kota, about the man he was literally dating
[Kota to himself] “Don’t forget. You’re only with him to escape your bad luck. Don’t let him pull you in!” This is such a weird angle to take
Why does Kota need emotional distance when he is the one instigating the deceit? It’s like a 90s romcom when someone dates a person because of a bet/dare and then they’re like “Oh man, I actually fell for them!” It’s not about you! You’re the one hurting someone LMAO WHAT THE HELL
Awww poor Naoya, he waited for an over an hour!!
The real question is if Kota’s luck is so severe, how does he get ANYWHERE like how does he get to school???
The vengeful deity watching over Kota, probably: I want this guy to suffer, but I draw the line at interfering with his education 
Get you a boyfriend like Naoya who both takes initiative to plan things he thinks you might like AND leaves room for you to decide the other activities of the day
“Damn it. I’ve been taken in by his charm.” I must ask again, Kota, what’s your problem????????????? WHY IS THIS A PROBLEM FOR YOU?
Lol is this lottery result meant to depict that if Naoya and Kota are together they even out to a normal amount of luck
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“I’ll take responsibility.” I understand this is a common phrase, but feels funny in the immediate aftermath of implying you want someone to come over to your place to hook up
“I’ll kiss your lips when you agree.” Naoya is literally like the perfect boyfriend so all of Kota’s comments abt distance and personal gain feel so mean-spirited kjhgkjhg
Imagine if the next time I went on a date with a woman, if, for some reason, the topic of whether I was into women came up, I went, “Oh hell no.” I can’t emphasize enough how stupid this is jlkdjlkjdljdlj
“Basically, this rule states you want to return feelings of love.” [Internally] “Could it be the same with me? Is he trying to trap me with the reciprocity of attraction?” NO. YOU JUST LIKE MEN, DUDE. THAT’S IT
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It’s a wonder no one ever notices the constant trainwreck of expressions on Kota’s face
“I’m the one who caused this misunderstanding.” No shit sherlock
You know. It speaks of some psychological implications that Naoya could not stand to have just normal luck at a lottery. Aren’t matching keychains their own (understated) gesture of affection?
“He cares so much about me, yet I’m only using him to escape my bad luck. I’m such an awful person. I’m the worst.” THIS IS WHAT I THOUGHT THE INTERNAL CONFLICT WOULD BE
You know, despite Kota’s constant internal complaining about being around Naoya for NO DISCERNIBLE REASON it is cute that he brought the penguin stuffed toy with him to stay at Naoya’s place. He didn’t want it to get waterlogged <3 
This Sudden-Need-for-Cohabitation Situation really drives home the point that Kota needs to attend the Adachi School of Dealing with Your Magically-Complicated Romance
“Sensual? You have a scent for that?” Scensual pun was right there, it’s a shame it doesn’t translate 
No show has ever made me feel insane in this specific way before. It’s like I’m being gaslit about Kota being attracted to this guy. Every thirty seconds Kota internally monologues about how perfect Naoya is, and then pretends like he’s being forced by the universe to think gay thoughts 
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I assume the motivation Naoya has for ignoring Kota so much is that he’s worried about moving too fast and scaring him 
Update from like 10 minutes later: “Or rather, I can’t hold myself back.” I KNEW it would be this comment exactly, Naoya is in every way, Discount Kurosawa. Also, this seems like a very common JDrama response 
“Laugh for me again.” “I can’t do it on command!” Okay, that’s cute, one (1) point to the writers
This scene has been quite A Lot and I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or say yikes but Naoya immediately waking up after being knocked unconscious and Kota screaming at Naoya’s nipples has really tipped the scales in favour of laughter 
“Are my muscles too much?” Oh yeah, Naoya, it’s your muscles that are the problem here 
“I bet he’s mad, for sure.” Nah Kota, I’m sure he gets punched and then nipple-screamed all the time
Yashiro is actually incredibly refreshing; it’s about time Kota has a friend, and maybe if Kota talks out his feelings about bad luck and boyfriends he’ll stop being so exhausting to listen to 
“I’ll hang with you whenever you want to skip class.” Get u a friend like Yashiro 
Awwww poor Naoya, I see these two Blond Ticket Scalper Friends are immediately proving Yashiro’s ‘it’s about what you do with your luck’ statement to be true
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It’s also interesting to me how sometimes being blond in shows is shorthand for “Existing Outside of Japanese Society’s Norms.” What would these shows do if someone had dyed their hair blue? They’d be losing their minds
“Looking at you two makes me pissed off. It’s like looking at myself in a mirror.” Kota beating these guys up for talking about doing the very thing he is already doing (only spending time around Naoya to benefi from his luck). Truly the behaviour you can expect from someone who is both Gay and Homophobic
“I’m the same as these guys. I only paid attention to Naoya’s good luck and nothing else. I used him. I took advantage of such a kind, honest, guy.” This epiphany would have a lot more impact if he hadn’t had this exact same epiphany two episodes ago!!!! It doesn’t matter if you notice a behaviour is shitty if you continue to do it. The writing goes in circles. I feel like whoever submitted this script was high as hell:
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“He is generous enough to share his luck with others. That’s why people love him. It’s not something anyone can do.” I love this about Naoya also 
Well, finally their classmates witnessed Kota acting like his regular unhinged self. The Bad Personality’s out of the bag. I’m glad! Plot progression, at least
Honestly, they haven’t even DEMONSTRATED any bad luck for the last two episodes. It makes the whole scheme seem even more unnecessary 
“I was lying and taking advantage of you, too.” FINALLLLLLLLLLLLLY KOTA
Wow, he really took accountability for all of the lying and scheming in one fell swoop. That was a pretty good apology. Also the fact it took so much circular writing to get here convinces me this should’ve been a movie instead of a 8-ep series. Take a note from S. Korea, boys, they throw together a series of 10 minute webisodes and compile it into a movie. Wish You did very well in that format
Somehow, also, the acting in this one scene has been better than any of the acting so far
ALSO: How are there three episodes left? How long can u drag this out
You know, I’m thinking, because Naoya is so fucking nice, he’ll be like ‘Actually Fukuhara, you can chill with me anyway if you’re worried about bad luck. We don’t have to be boyfriends and I don’t care that you lied.’ 
“How could I realize [that I have feelings for Naoya] now? I’m so stupid.” Not gonna fight you on that one, Kota
“I can’t believe you used your friends [to find me].” “Come on, I said I’m sorry.” HAHA, NAOYA THE SCHEME-EE HAS BECOME THE SCHEMER
“After all, that guy tried to use me.” “I was using you too, though.” “Not for anything bad, right?” “But...” “No one has ever stuck up for me like that.” Naoya said: You can rent me for luck-balancing services at the low, low cost of showing me human decency
“Your tricking me, what you said, and your true self. I’ve thought all that through. If you’re okay with it, I’d like to get to know you better.” Naoya, you poor sweet man. There are other, less bananas fish in the sea. Get on a dating app. Download Tinder! 
Naoya: If we’re starting over, do you want to date or be friends?
Kota: I... I don’t know what to say.
Naoya: This is important. We have to talk it out!
HAHAHAHAH the even funnier follow-up. We love a man who knows himself:
Kota [internally]: Am I asking too much [if I say dating]?
Kota: F...Friends.
Naoya, slamming his hands on the table: I want to date you!
“It’s okay, you’ll fall in love with me.” Bold, confident, I like it Naoya
Also Kota choosing not to admit in this exchange he’s already in love LOL
“I like you, Naoya.” “Kota, you...” [Kota runs away] Been there, Kota
This show has gotten like, 10x cuter since Kota started being honest with Naoya. Why couldn’t he have been like this the whole time? What was the point of him making him unbearably mean-spirited and up to his ears in internalized homophobia for four and a half episodes? What purpose did that serve? COULD’VE BEEN A MOVIE
“I’m glad it went well.” “What?” “It’s written all over your face.” Naoya’s friends are one of my favourite parts of this show
I assume now that the Kota finally is in an emotionally good place and ready to date Naoya, his bad luck will return and he’s gonna get hit by a bus or something
“Thank you.” “What for?” “You came over despite your bad luck.” Awwww I’m glad they can laugh about it now
“Mugi is in his own world and Saku lives by his own rules. I feel comfortable whenever I’m with them, because they don’t rely on others.” I love them laying the foundations of this friend group. Also putting Naoya in a suit really makes him seem more like an office worker than a student, he really has a face of indeterminate age
“Yes, [his] smile was exactly like Pome-chan, the Pomeranian I used to have.” I’m glad Naoya’s narration is furthering the point that he is also romantically insane, by comparing the people he’s attracted to to his dead dog. Equality: 
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“He captured my heart by the sudden change in his attitude.” So you’re telling me Naoya KNEW Kota was faking his bubbly personality the whole time and he still didn’t care???? NAOYA WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HAHAHA
Kota is trying very hard not to impose now that his apartment’s fixed, but Naoya is clearly hoping to build a ‘Would you like to stay for dinner?’ to ‘Would you like to stay forever?’ Pipeline 
Naoya is sooooooo earnest it kills me. I’m with Kota on this one:
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“Hold on, what exactly are we doing tonight? I’m sure nothing will happen. A part of me is wishing for something... Wait, what?” How is Kota still surprised by his own gay thoughts
If I haven’t said so, Minato and Itsuki are very fun little background characters, they’re Kota’s friends too but Kota hasn’t quite learned how to be honest with his feelings around them 
Incredible how every one of these psychology lectures is mysteriously related to exactly whatever is going on Kota’s life
“Is there anyone you want to meet no matter how tired you are?” Kota looking at Naoya, and Naoya noticing and laughing is very cute
“’Smooch’ in this day and age?” [Anna staring at Miki, distracted] “Totally.” I don’t know if Miki is thinking gay thoughts, but Anna certainly is:
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Kota raises a fair point, why DID Naoya kiss him when they first met?
“People I’ve dated loved it when I did that, so I thought you’d like it too.” LOL Naoya has just been sweeping all his partners into a big first kiss when they get together, and it’s always gone well!
Naoya is genuinely the only character in a JDrama I’ve ever seen explicitly talk about consent. Like sometimes they do play around with that issue but never has anyone stated it so clearly as he has, “I will kiss your lips when you consent.” I appreciate it 
“Shut up and give me your mouth!” I change my mind. They’ve immediately made it weird with Kota’s actions. Good lord 
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Naoya’s response to Kota being weird about kissing him saying ‘no worries, I can wait,’ and then strength-training him so he’ll be less clumsy. Get you a boyfriend like Naoya
Also their couple’s at-home exercise montage was very fun 
This show was getting too normal and cute so they had to have someone hold Kota at gunpoint in his own home. Of course. 
“Come on, isn’t this too crazy?” Yeah, Kota, it really is
“I wanted to live longer, together with Naoya.” I appreciate the love in this sentiment and in all of Kota’s happy memories. However, this situation is still too much 
I would ask how Naoya slipped past so many cops and reporters, but he ain’t Good Luck Boy for nothing
“Take me as your hostage instead.” Does that really seem like a solution to you, Naoya?
Apparently, it was the solution. Colour me stupid:
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This water gun-hostage situation is the exact reason most water guns on the market look so cartoonish. It’s just safer for everyone! 
“But ever since I met you, I realized I can enjoy my life for the first time.” Awww, Kota said regardless of his luck, that he likes his life because Naoya is in it
Naoya’s new strategy for keeping Kota safe is by asking him to live with him. Boy said I will be your Good Luck Shield 
“I’m really happy you’re caring for me. But I’m not with you to get rid of my bad luck.” You know what that is? Growth
“It’s thanks to my bad luck that I got to meet you. I’m truly grateful for that.” Kota is all about verbalizing his feelings now. I think it’s good for Naoya to hear this!
Naoya would like to clear the air about his own long-term interest in Kota and awareness of his personality, even if it’s not a bad sort of secret
“After seeing you, I realized that I avoided deep relationships with people, too. You and I are the same,” said Naoya, not realizing that was less of a reason for a relationship and more of a reason they should both be in therapy 
[Aggressively] “I’m with you because I really like you. So just stay with me and be my boyfriend like you wanted [softer] Oh... I, um,” [Naoya bursts into laughter] This is perhaps my favourite conversation they’ve had
Ahhhh I think it’s sweet that Naoya doesn’t care about his luck anymore. Maybe being with Kota is actually freeing in a way
“But I want to move in only when we really want to live together one day.” Good for Kota!!!!! He’s been so clear and direct about how much he cares for Naoya ever since his confession
(One last: It could’ve been a movie!!! For the road)
What an adorable ending to a tonally bizarre show. 6/10 stars:
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I feel like this show needs a pro and con list, so here it is:
I like a quirky little supernatural premise, and I enjoyed how they subverted expectations by making Kota a rude little man 
Likeable side characters, I especially enjoy Mugi the fashion student who, I have found out after watching, is apparently played by someone who is trans and ace!! I don’t think I have ever seen an openly trans actor in Japanese media, so that makes my heart happy
Also I enjoyed how people showed how were able to get through their walls (Mugi and Saku to Naoya because they do not rely on other people, and Yashiro to Kota because he notices when something bothers him and doesn’t believe in luck, but what you do with it)
The last few episodes are SO good about communication. Even things that aren’t necessarily pressing issues in their relationship (like Naoya having noticed Kota before) they take the time to address so they can both be on the same page
Their apologies are so wholehearted, and they make sure you understand that even if Naoya knew about Kota’s façade or didn’t care about his motives, Kota cared about how Naoya was treated, by himself and others
They include a conversation about consent!! A clear, reiterated sentiment that consent is mandatory, without coded language
I really enjoyed the conversation about “someone you want to see no matter how tired you are” because it did feel like it was touching on a deeper form of intimacy. Favourite scene!
It becomes clear that they are actually both a compatible kind of bananas, so the lunacy feels balanced
I like how much they laugh together, especially how it leads to Kota being able to laugh at himself
I loved what they had to say about luck, and how you treat other people, regardless of your luck. It seems like they were able to pull out some good themes there
The beginning of the show feels so mean-spirited. Why does Kota constantly monologue about hard he has it emotionally is and how he only needs Naoya for personal gain, and eventually it just seems like his main regret is the fact he is having gay thoughts?
The writing feels so circular. Kota has an crisis of conscience and then it isn’t relevant again for two more episodes. He’ll say a bunch of stuff implying his strong attraction to Naoya, and then immediately we’ll regress two seconds later. It doesn’t make sense and it seems they didn’t have enough material for the length of the show so they just keep repeating things
I get that maybe this was to show Kota is struggling with his emotions, but it didn’t read like that! It read as a lack of consistency, because there wasn’t any emotional impact behind his revelations
Also like. Because there wasn’t any emotional impact to most of what happened in the first five episodes, the acting suffered for it. The actor chemistry is SO much better later on when their feelings MATTER and have an impact on the progression of the story 
Kota’s luck thing isn’t even that consistent, they straight up abandon it whenever it doesn’t serve them  
The consent thing is also used as a gag for Kota running away
I wish Yashiro had been a bigger part of the show! Given how he both allows Kota emotional honesty and helps him gain a new perspective on luck, I feel like having him in two scenes was underutilizing him. He could’ve been a part of the show from the beginning and it would’ve been stronger for it
No resolution for the Miki + Anna subplot - why bother to introduce it at all if it wasn’t going anywhere 
I saw post that was like ‘this show isn’t nearly good enough to lesbian bait me’ and I resonate with that (Found it!!)
While I think you can write a very good romance without any kissing, Kota’s fear of intimacy more reads as ‘we can be gay but not TOO gay’ rather than anything that serves the story. It is, for the most part, played for laughs in a way that also feels mean-spirited. Like in Cherry Magic, or Kieta Hatsukoi, we also never see them kiss, but they are allowed to feel attraction towards each other, you know? Aoki and Adachi explicitly desire physical intimacy with their partners, and the things that hold them back are unpacking internalized biphobia/first love nerves and Magical Power Problems, respectively, and that works!! If you had to go this very common route, you could’ve done better with it and the kiss in the beginning doesn’t make up for the clunky handling. If anything, the earlier kiss seems like it’s a gimmick or for shock value. Do better!!!
However, the cheek kiss at the end is cute, I’ll give you that! 
OH MY GOD. For a while I sincerely forgot that “kiss” is in the title. Of course it’s a gimmick. Geez. It’s THE gimmick. Which is worse, I think! 
All in all, it’s an adequate show that became a lot better as it went, but I think u could build a better show with a lot of the same ingredients. I want to make this show into soup
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