#✧・゚:  RINOA HEARTILLY   *・゚ final fantasy   ↷   IC.
freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Magicite Dungeons Clears Part 4
The rewards from clearing the quests in the Magicite Dungeons in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game are permanent.
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But sometimes, we get time limited campaigns and such that require us to clear some of the harder quests in the Magicite Dungeons.
So far, I’ve been able to clear most, if not all, of the easy quests in these dungeons. I’ve also been able to clear some of the harder content here but there’s still a lot that I have yet to do.
Whenever we get time limited missions, I always try to see if I can clear any of them. Whenever I get new Soul Breaks that are actually good, I feel inspired to try and see if there are any hard quests that I can clear with these new relics.
Other than these time limited missions though, I’ve never really felt pressured to hurry up and try to finish all these hard quests that I have yet to do.
Yeah, I do feel kina annoyed whenever we get time limited missions that I can’t clear but I just try not to let it get to me. I miss out on the time limited rewards, which sucks, but at least the content itself won’t disappear and I should be able to do said quest in the future when I get better relics and such.
I always thought that I’d always have time to eventually be able to clear all of these fights. I thought it was better to wait for more powercreep to come before tackling these hard quests.
Why struggle trying to clear these fights now when you can just wait until you get better Soul Breaks to help you out and make things easier for you, right? That’s what I thought. Besides, I just get annoyed and frustrated whenever I try these fights and find out that they’re too difficult for my current relics.
So I clear what I can and just ignore the rest for now. Because, really, what’s the rush, right?
But then Final Fantasy Record Keeper announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022.
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This news came as a very unpleasant and unexpected surprise. I talk more about that in another post.
But anyway, this news meant that there was now a time limit to everything. I want to finish as much as I can before the game ends.
I don’t know if I’ll be able to with my current relics and whatever else I might be able to get before the end though. I guess I can only hope.
I know it doesn’t really matter, but still. I want to try to finish as much as I can before the end. For now, I don’t want to say goodbye to Final Fantasy Record Keeper yet. Heck, I wish this game didn’t have to end, at least not anytime soon.
Anyway, so I started going through the Magicite Dungeons, checking each quest and looking to see which ones I’ve already cleared. Will try to do the ones I haven’t cleared yet. Also trying to see if I can sub-30 these fights.
Magical Wind Argent Odin
The White Odin or Argent Odin fights are quest level 600. There are 2 versions of these fights, one that’s weak to physical attacks and another that’s weak to magical attacks.
The wind version of White Odin is weak to the ice element. For this fight, my team was:
Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII
Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII
Vivi Ornitier from Final Fantasy IX
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII (#ad)
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Rinoa and Vivi served as my DPS. Have 1 of Rinoa’s Syncs and 2 of her Awakenings. Have 1 of Vivi’s Syncs and 1 of his Awakenings. Cait Sith and Elarra served as my healers, supports, and buffers.
Laguna served as my ice Chain holder. He was also in charge of lowering the enemy’s weakness to the ice element. Laguna has a really good ice Chain but it buffs the attack stat.
Before going with Laguna, I was actually eyeing Fran from Final Fantasy XII as my ice Chain holder. I don’t have anything for her but one of her Awakenings  is Lensable. One of her ice Chain Soul Breaks is Lensable too.
This ice Chain sucks though. But I thought it shouldn’t be that bad since at least I’ll have Fran as another magical DPS. She can imperil the ice element as well. So I Lensed her crappy Chain.
I was about to Lens her Awakening when I noticed that it deals ranged damage. Had to do a double take when I saw that. All this time, I’d somehow been under the impression that Fran dealt magical damage.
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Ugh. What a mistake. At least I realized it before I wasted the Lenses needed to buy her Awakening. Too bad I already bought her Chain. At least it didn’t cost that much because that Chain is really crappy. And, well, I guess, it doesn’t really matter either way since the game is ending soon.
Anyway, after realizing Fran dealt physical damage, didn’t want to bother with using her anymore so I turned my attention to Laguna. 
I already have a few of his relics, including both of his Awakenings. Also already have his Hero Ability, which imperils ice.
Just needed to buy his ice Chain. Didn’t have an issue with doing so since I need his Chain for my physical ice team anyway.
Laguna’s Chain worked well enough for my magical ice team. It helped that I had Cait Sith who is actually the premier buffer and support for mages. 
Cait’s buffs helped make up for the fact that Laguna’s Chain didn’t provide any for mages. The imperils from Laguna helped as well. And Elarra’s healing helped keep the party safe. 
Rinoa and Vivi did very well. I do wish that I have more of their BDL relics though. Could use more ice tech as well, including a good magical ice Chain.
Anyway, was able to get the win in 38.65 seconds. It’s too bad I wasn’t able to sub-30 this quest. The good news is it doesn’t really matter since this fight doesn’t give any rewards if you clear it within 30 seconds.
So not gonna bother trying to go for sub-30 anymore, at least not right now. After all, still have plenty of other quest to take on.
Physical Wind Argent Odin
For this fight, my team was:
Delita Heiral from Final Fantasy Tactics
Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII
Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Laguna served as my ice Chain holder and my ice imperiler. Aerith and Elarra were my healers slash buffers slash supports. Both of them can reduce the delay of the party’s actions for a few turns.
Have both of Aerith’s Awakenings but I’m missing her Sync. She can easily provide Last Stand with one of her Ultra Soul Breaks (USB). 
Aerith is especially good as a support for physical DPS because she can reduce the delay of the party’s physical attacks for 3 turns.
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Have 2 of Elarra’s USBs and her Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB). Missing her Awakening and both of her Syncs. She provides Regenga with one of her Ultras. Her other Ultra temporarily increases the critical hit damage of the party.
Really wish I have Elarra’s Sync 2. It makes her even better as a physical support. Her Awakening is Lensable but I don’t want to get it since I’m missing her Sync 2.
With 2 top-tier healers in my party, there was no danger of anyone dying. Aerith and Elarra did a great job in keeping everyone alive and buffing and supporting my DPS.
Delita and Squall did very well as my DPS although I do wish I have more BDL relics for them. Could definitely use more physical ice tech as well. Anyway, managed to get the win in 46.65 seconds.
Physical, Earth-weak Ramuh
The 6-star Magicite fights are quest level 550. There are 2 versions of these fights, one that’s weak to physical attacks and another that’s weak to magical attacks.
The 6-star Magicite quests have long since been powercrept by now but they all have annoying mechanics and gimmicks so even with the latest tech, some of them can still be quite tricky to beat.
Ramuh is the 6-star Magicite who is weak to the earth element. For this fight, my team was:
Gladiolus Amicitia from Final Fantasy XV
Galuf Halm Baldesion from Final Fantasy V
Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Gladio and Tifa served as my DPS. Galuf was my Chain holder but since I also have multiple BDL relics for him, he was able to act as a secondary DPS. Also have Galuf’s Ultra Soul Break that can imperil the earth element. Elarra and Aerith served as my supports, as usual.
My physical earth team is pretty stacked. Have multiple BDL relics for Galuf, Tifa, and Gladio. For Galuf, have both of his Awakenings and one of his Syncs. For Tifa, have 2 of her Awakenings, 1 of her Syncs, and her DASB. 
For Gladiolus, have his Sync and his DASB. His Awakening is Lensable but I decided to see if I could do this fight without it.
Although my earth team was really good, still had some trouble with this quest. First, couldn’t even get past the first few turns because Ramuh kept on killing one of my chars who was in slot 3.
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Initially, Gladio was on that slot. Have his Hero Equipment and they were all at a pretty high level. His Hero Ability also gives him a damage reduction barrier aside from dealing damage. But even with all that, he still ended up dying to Ramuh’s single-target attack.
So I put Galuf on that slot instead. He doesn’t have his Hero Equipment yet but he has a Hero Ability that’s pretty similar to Gladio’s. And I did give him some high level equipment. The same thing happened anyway. Ramuh still killed him.
Even if I make sure that Aerith and Elarra keep the char in slot 3 at full health, that char would still end up dying no matter what. It was very frustrating.
Finally, I decided to just have that char use defend instead after like 1 turn of using their equipped ability. Thankfully, that actually worked.
Really glad to have gotten past that annoying gimmick. After that, things were a bit easier although Ramuh still has some other annoying mechanics to watch out for.
IIRC, at some point, my chars all got paralyzed as well. Thankfully, my healers were able to quickly shrug this off. Also have Aerith’s Glint+ Soul Break which lets her quickly esuna the party.
Managed to get the win in 25.60 seconds. So pleased that I was able to sub-30 this fight. There are no extra good rewards for doing so but still (well, you can get some arcana and such but meh). And it’s nice to finally be done with this annoying 6-star Magicite quest.
Magical, Ice-weak Valefor
Valefor is the 6-star Magicite who is weak to the ice element. For this fight, my team was:
Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII
Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII
Vivi Ornitier from Final Fantasy IX
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Basically, brought the same team I used to beat the magical, ice-weak version of Argent Odin.
Valefor’s gimmicks include slowing down the party so needed a source of haste. He also speeds himself up so needed to dispel him. 
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And he tends to fly off at certain intervals. When that happens, his minions will show up so you have to deal with them first while waiting for Valefor to return to the field. Valefor can also call on his minions while he’s on the field.
Cait Sith and Elarra can grant haste to the party. Also brought the Roaming Warrior that can grant haste. Had Elarra equipped with the dispel ability.
This fight was kinda annoying. Glad I was able to get the win. My clear time was 36.90 seconds. Too bad I missed the sub-30 but really don’t want to do this again.
Other Magicite Fights
The following is a list of the rest of the Magicite Dungeons fights that I have yet to do and that I’m hoping to be able to do before Final Fantasy Record Keeper ends.
Poison Argent Odin
Poison Dark Odin
Poison Argent Odin
The poison version of White Odin doesn’t have a physical or magical version. There’s only one version of this fight. The Odin boss here is weak to the poison element.
Poison Dark Odin
The Dark Odin fights are quest level 500. These have different elements but no physical or magical version. The poison Dark Odin fight is weak to the poison element.
Poison Team
The poison Dark Odin and the poison Argent Odin are the last 2 Magicite fights I need to do. Haven’t tried either yet because really lacking in poison tech. Hopefully, I can get more poison tech before the game ends.
At the moment, don’t even have a single char with 2 or more BDL relics for poison. I think I have like 3 or so chars with 1 poison BDL relic each. Don’t know if I’ll be able to take on the poison Dark Odin and White Odin quests with just those.
Planning to give it a try later on but, for now, I’m gonna try to do the Cardia Dungeons next since I still have lots of quests to clear there.
So what about you? Have you done any of the quests in the Magicite Dungeons? What do you think about these fights? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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ethernalium · 3 years
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(Rinoa... Even if you end up as the world's enemy... I'll... I'll be your Knight.)
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citylivesssss · 5 years
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SCANDALOUS   EVENT   PROVIDING   EMBARRASSMENT   FOR   HER   IMAGE.   clumsy  smile   forwarded   to  the   main   victim,    who   minutes   ago   were   chasing   a    pawky   canine   to    retrieve   his   headpiece,   fingertips   seizing   the     straw  hat    intending  to   return   and    ,preferably,   apologize   for   the   unfortunate  situation.        ❝    I     believe    this     belongs     to     you    ....      ❞     hand   extends   offering   the  item,   ANGELO   was   sitting   beside   her   exposing   a    repentant    portrait   by    gazing   downwards  ----    she   was   definitely   aware   of   how   incorrect   it   was   to    steal    someone’s     accessory.  
✧・゚:    @mugiwraa    ↷       𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆  𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑  𝐍𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑
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pof203 · 4 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Quotes Kingdom Hearts Edition (Lea)
To Other Characters:
Warrior of Light: “You better not blind me. Got it memorized?”
Garland: “Oh yeah. Fight, fight, fight.”
Firion: “Flowers burn, ya know.”
The Emperor: “Kneel to you? Don’t make me laugh.”
Onion Knight: “Hey, one class at a time!”
Cloud of Darkness: “I’ll just burn that Darkness away.”
Cecil Harvey: “No use worrying. Got it memorized?”
Kain Highwind: “Can you dodge my flames?”
Golbez: “Yikes, emotional much?”
Bartz Klauser: “Can you do chakrams, too?”
Exdeath: “You can’t avoid this one!”
Gilgamesh: “Oh boy, how’d I get stuck with the icky job?”
Terra Branford: “Just be sure to memorize this.”
Kefka Palazzo: “Where have I seen that make up before?”
Locke Cole: “I see it. The fire in your eyes.”
Cloud Strife: “Guess guys with spiking hair themselves shouldn’t through stones.”
Tifa Lockhart: “I ain’t your average dude.”
Sephiroth: “I’ll burn that long hair of yours!”
Squall Leonhart: “Who’s fire is hotter?”
Rinoa Heartilly: “You should introduce your dog to Isa.”
Ultimecia: “No flying off. Got it memorized?”
Laguna Loire: “Burn baby!”
Zindane Tribal: “I won’t fall for such a bad performance.”
Kuja: “You must have memorized a bad story.”
Tidus: “You can’t put out my flames.”
Yuna: “I know the feeling of keeping others safe.”
Jecht: “I think I speak from experience.”
Shantotto: “Can you tame my majestic flames?”
Prishe: “Prepare to have your fists burned!”
Vaan: “Flames can burn high.”
Garbranth: “Little did you know, rules are meant to be bent.”
Vayne Carudas Solidor: “Buddy, you just made my day.”
Lightning: “Show me your stuff, solder girl!”
Snow Villiers: “Just wait. I’ll melt that heart of yours.”
Y’shtola Rhul: “Stick around. What I do is magic in itself.”
Zenos yae Galvus: “Can you handle the heat?”
Noctis Lucis Caelum: “Can you memorize this, Your Majesty?”
Arydn Izunia: “It takes a crazy to know a crazy.”
Ramza Beoulve: “Got it memorized? This will be quick.”
Ace: “I’ll reduce those cards to ashes.”
Sora: “I hope you’ll have this fight memorized.”
Kairi: “Looks like I’ll be apologizing again.”
Riku: “I’ve improved. Got it memorized?”
Roxas: “I hope I can ring any bells.”
Lea: “I guess you’re Axel, huh?”
Xion: “Don’t forget: I’ll always be there to bring you back.”
Terra: “Hope we don’t cause a volcano eruption.”
Aqua: “Two opposing forces? This should be fun.”
Ventus: “I’ll never get use to your appearance.”
Young Xehanort: “You’re the only thing I wish I could forget.”
Shinryu: “The bigger they are, the brighter the fire!”
To Lea:
Warrior of Light: “I think we can both light things up.”
Garland: “I will take your fires and make them mine.”
Firion: “I won’t let my roses be reduced to ashes.”
The Emperor: “I like your rebellious flame. It makes me laugh.”
Onion Knight: “You’re quite the odd one, aren’t you?”
Cloud of Darkness: “The shadows will over power your fire.”
Cecil Harvey: “I admire how dedicated you are to your friends.”
Kain Highwind: “Will I blow out your flames or fan them?”
Golbez: “I will set your own flames against you!”
Bartz Klauser: “You use two kinds of weapons?”
Exdeath: “Fire is dangerous when not used in proper hands.”
Gilgamesh: “You won’t burn me so easily!”
Terra Branford: “I wish I could have friends like you to motivate me.”
Kefka Palazzo: “Hey! I’m the crazy one here!”
Locke Cole: “I’m still unsure about you.”
Cloud Strife: “You remind me of someone.”
Tifa Lockhart: “Hey! Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else.”
Sephiroth: “Do you have someone you care for?”
Squall Leonhart: “What is it about memorization with this guy?”
Rinoa Heartilly: “You better not char my wings!”
Ultimecia: “Memories are not match for time.”
Languna Loire: “Is this going to be a heated battle or what?”
Zindane Tribal: “We should do a fire dance together on stage.”
Kuja: “I would sing a fire song, but I think that’s taken.”
Tidus: “When fire fights water, water wins.”
Yuna: “I have an Aeon who uses fire, too.”
Jecht: “Kid, you should try for out for Blitz Ball.”
Shantotto: “Still think you’re hot. I think not.”
Prishe: “I’ve been burned before.”
Vaan: “Fire in the sky? Should I be worried?”
Gabranth: “Let the judgment by fire begin!”
Vayne Carudas Solidor: “I have flames myself.”
Lightning: “You should memorize this.”
Snow Villiers: “I have memories too… Of my love.”
Y’shtola Rhul: “I’m looking to improve on my Ice Magic.”
Zenos yae Galvus: “Perhaps through you, I would find what I’m looking for.”
Noctis Lucis Caelum: “Wait, were chucrams part of the royal arms?”
Ardyn Izunia: “I control flames as well.”
Ramza Beoulve: “You still seem to be a novice with a blade.”
Ace: “I think I can take a chance at being burned.”
Sora: “Good thing I have plenty of burn paste.”
Kairi: “Let’s see our training pay off!”
Riku: “Who can forget your flames?”
Roxas: “After this, let’s get some ice cream.”
Xion: “I hope I can beat you this time.”
Terra: “No earth scorching here.”
Aqua: “Show me how good you’ve become with your Keyblade.”
Ventus: “First it was Frisbees, now it’s Keyblades.”
Young Xehanort: “Are you sure your flames are not from the Darkness?”
About Summons:
Ifrit: “I’ve heard about fighting fire with fire, but this…”
Shiva: “I’ll melt you good!”
Ramuh: “I don’t need any lectures from you!”
Odin: “Time to melt some steel!”
Leviathan: “This could be difficult for me.”
Alexander: “Pass your judgment on someone who deserve it!”
Bahamut: “I can reach you anywhere.”
Ifrit: “Strengthen my flames!”
Shiva: “Face the winter’s wrath!”
Ramuh: “Shock ‘em where they stand!”
Odin: “Hot steel coming through!”
Leviathan: “Blast ‘em with the current!”
Alexander: “Burn through with your light!”
Bahamut: “Win this battle now!”
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askkrisachan · 6 years
Munday Tag Meme
[Here’s to you, @thehuggamugcafe !]                                      
name: Krisachan, also known as The Mighty and Thristy Hentai Queen. Queen of Happiness works fine too!
zodiac sign: Virgo
height: the american measurement [which I still don’t get!] indicates me as tall as 5′ 4″. For anyone using the usual metric system: I’m 1.64!
languages spoken: Italian as my native language, with English and a rusty French added to the mix. Wish I could say fluent in Japanese...
nationality: Italian, but with a generous dash of Japanese quirkiness and British aplombe in my personality.
favourite fruit: Strawberry, and LOAD that shit with cream! Akira, don’t take it THAT way
favourite scent: I’m enamored with myrrh. If I’m writing a sexy male character, rest assured: he WILL wearing myrrh as his favourite perfume! Other than that, there’s chocolate/coconut, jasmines, peach/mango, strawberries/vanilla...
favourite colour: Rainbow. No, really, it’s rainbow. Don’t make me choose one.
favourite animal: Bunnies! But also foxes and tigers!
coffee, tea, hot chocolate? Gotta go tea with this one. I’m always down for a glass of iced peach-flavoured tea.
favourite candy: I can’t cheat and say Milka chocolate bars, right? Uhm... well, then it’s definitely tropical/berry jelly beans.
dream trip: Japan, that’s a given!
favourite fictional character: Ah ah ah... mate, you’re opening Pandora’s box with this question. I’ll be kind and make it short for you: as for husbandos, there’s Dante Sparda from Devil May Cry [and I mean Dmc1!Dante, back when he took delight in storming gothic castles while wearing leather waistcoats!], Lee Chaolan from Tekken [the recurring husbando of my whole life], and Akira Kurusu from Persona 5 [Ren Amamiya who? No entiende, senor]. As for girls: Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII, Athena Asamiya from King of Fighters, Bayonetta [aka Akira’s mommy] from Bayonetta, Flonne from Disgaea, Mami Tomoe from Madoka Magica, Ami Mizuno from Sailor Moon. Mention of honor for Ran Kotobuki, from Gals!: the coolest and most amazing female protagonist in all of shojo’s manga history.
when was your blog created: About... five years ago? But I’ve got back a few months ago, thanks to a certain someone...
last movie you watched: Coco.
songs you’ve had on repeat: Rev 22:20 - Dry Martini Mix, Last Surprise - Taku Takahashi Remix, and That’s How You Write a Song, because Eurovision is not a mere festival, is a state of mind!
favourite holiday: I’m boring as fuck with this one, but it’s Christmas. I’d like to celebrate a proper Hanami, though.
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rosirinoa · 7 years
Hi! I was tagged by @dorkwolf-nightmare and here are my answers:
 1.       Which do you like to do the most, drawing or writing? Writing. I can’t draw for my life.
2.       Last music you listened to? Saint seiya’s openingSoldier dream… I’ve been listening to this song for the last two days. Is sooooo cool!!!
3.       Movie you’re most looking foward to watch this year? John Wick 2
4.       Which fictional character would you want to spend a day with?  Gee, this is so difficult. It could be Ronald Knox, Rinoa Heartilly or maybe Hannibal.
5.       If you could turn yourself into an animal at will, wich animal would it be? A wolf.
6.       Dragons or dinossaurs? Dragons, of course!
7.       What’s your favorite game? Final fantasy VIII
8.       Hogwarts House? Ravenclaw.
9.       A place you would like to go to spend your vacation/ holidays? Anywhere with my friends.
10.   whats the best fanfiction you have ever read or the best fan art you have ever seen?  A Royai fanfic called“You lead I follow”  especially chapter 2.
11.   A book you would like to read? Prince Lestat.
  And my questions are…
1.        What’s your favorite color?
2.       What was the last thing you eat?
3.       What’s the last book you read?
4.       What’s your Howarts house?
5.       What’s your MBTI type?
6.       A famous person you’d like to spend a day with?
7.       A fictional character you’d date?
8.       What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
9.       When was the last time you kissed someone?
10.   What’s your favorite food?
11.   Are you happy?
And I tag @azul-alvarez @deadxxxmoon and @dorkwolf-nightmare lol
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timexgoddess-blog · 6 years
Ultimecia's castle dominates the landscape in the era where she lives. It is implied she is the sole ruler of her world, although besides fallen White SeeD no other inhabitants of her world are introduced, their fate unknown. According to the Final Fantasy VIII Ultimania, Ultimecia's actions are driven by a means to escape her destined defeat at the hands of the "Legendary SeeD". Ultimecia's knowledge of this fate could be the main instigation for her desire of bringing about time compression, by which Ultimecia could absorb all time, space and existence, and become "a living god" and thus escape her fate.
With the Junction Machine Ellone Ultimecia sends her consciousness back in time to take possession of Edea Kramer, a sorceress living on the White SeeD Ship. Ultimecia's plan is to send her mind far enough back in time to cast the time compression spell, but the Junction Machine has a limit; to get even further back in time, she needs to find a girl called Ellone with a natural gift to send people's consciousnesses through time, upon whose powers the junction machine was originally built. Ultimecia uses Edea as a host to infiltrate the government of Galbadia, and is appointed ambassador of Galbadia by President Vinzer Deling.
Ultimecia manipulates Seifer.
President Deling announces her appointment in the first worldwide televised broadcast in 17 years. The broadcast is interrupted when Deling is taken hostage on-air by Seifer Almasy, a renegade SeeD cadet. Ultimecia (within Edea's body) surfaces from a teleportation spell and offers to save him from his "predicament". When Squall's SeeD party approaches her, they are paralyzed by her magic and Seifer allows Ultimecia to teleport him away to Galbadia.
Although Seifer is announced executed, Ultimecia turns him into her sorceress' knight and makes him her personal guardian. Nonetheless, Deling continues to publicize his new ambassador and plans a parade in Deling City to honor her appointment. Unbeknown to Ultimecia, General Caraway of Galbadia and SeeD mercenaries from Balamb Garden formulate a plan to assassinate her at the parade to prevent her from usurping power across the world.
General Caraway's daughter, Rinoa Heartilly, attempts to trick Ultimecia into taking a bangle created by Dr. Odine to seal away her sorceress power. Ultimecia recognizes the bangle, telekinetically disables Rinoa and takes control of her body, leading her to the balcony of the Presidential Palace. Ultimecia ascends the podium to give her acceptance speech to the people of Galbadia with Rinoa in tow, but it is a speech of hatred.
Ultimecia's parade in Deling City.
According to the Final Fantasy VIII Ultimania guide, Ultimecia casts a fascination spell that drives the crowd into a frenzy of reverence. Ultimecia impales President Deling through his chest with her hand in front of the city and throws his corpse aside. Ultimecia declares herself the ruler of Galbadia, assuring the beginning of a "new reign of terror", and brings two Iguion statues on the side of the Arch of Triumph to life and orders them to devour Rinoa as a sacrifice. Leaving Rinoa to her fate, Ultimecia boards her float which glides out into the street parade.
As Ultimecia passes underneath the Arch of Triumph the gates trap her inside. The sniper working with the SeeDs, Irvine Kinneas, takes a shot at her from atop the clock tower, but she blocks the bullet with a protection spell. Ultimecia is confronted by Squall, Irvine, and Rinoa (who had been rescued from the Iguions), and is disgusted upon discovering Squall is a SeeD. Ultimecia uses Edea's Ice Strike Limit Break to stab Squall through the shoulder.
Instead of killing Squall and his friends Ultimecia has them imprisoned in D-District Prison and orders Seifer to extract information from them via torture, namely, the reason SeeD persecute sorceresses. The interrogation yields no results as the SeeD themselves have not been informed of their organization's true goal. As Galbadia's new dictator, she declares Garden to be her enemy, and orders missiles aimed at both Balamb and Trabia Gardens. Balamb Garden avoids the missile attacks thanks to Squall and the others (who had escaped from prison) making the Garden mobile, but Trabia Garden is annihilated.
Ultimecia's true form seen for the first time.
Ultimecia takes control of the remaining Galbadia Garden and sets out to find Ellone. Galbadia occupies the towns of Balamb and Fishermans Horizon at her order to search every house, but comes up unsuccessful. Ultimecia attacks Balamb Garden directly, but the Battle of the Gardens ends with Squall leading his allies into Galbadia Garden where she is confronted in the Garden Auditorium.
Ultimecia orders Seifer to dispatch the SeeD, and when he fails, Ultimecia is forced to do battle. The encounter ends with Ultimecia being bested inside Edea's body and Edea inadvertently relinquishing her powers to Rinoa, transferring Ultimecia from within Edea to Rinoa's body. Ultimecia uses Rinoa to revive Seifer, orders him to salvage the Estharian weapon of mass destruction Lunatic Pandora from beneath the ocean, and Rinoa falls into a coma; whether Ultimecia forces this upon Rinoa, or if she collapses due to the strain of having received Edea's sorceress power, is unknown.
Edea, no longer a sorceress, divulges to the SeeD Ultimecia is a sorceress from the future who wants to destroy the world with time compression. Searching for a means to awaken Rinoa, Squall takes her to the Lunar Base—the Estharian space station—to see Ellone, hoping she could cure Rinoa with her powers over time. Ellone had come to the base to meet with the president of Esthar, but Ultimecia appears unaware of her presence and uses Rinoa to unlock Sorceress Adel's tomb, kept in space orbiting the planet overseen by the president of Esthar himself. With a more powerful sorceress in reach, Ultimecia abandons Rinoa in space to die.
Meanwhile, Seifer and the G-Army have taken control of the Lunatic Pandora and triggered the Lunar Cry, which brings monsters down to the planet from the Moon. Adel's unlocked tomb comes down with the monsters. Seifer captures Ellone, who had escaped the Lunar Base on an escape pod, and brings her to the Lunatic Pandora for Ultimecia's use.
Squall and his comrades have saved the now recovered Rinoa from space and figured out Ultimecia's goal. They concoct a plan to halt Ultimecia's scheme with the Esthar scientist Dr. Odine, who explains Ultimecia exists many generations in the future and the only way to reach her is via time travel. Their plan is to defeat Adel, leaving Rinoa the only sorceress in the present era whom Ultimecia could control. After she would take over Rinoa, Ellone would send both of their consciousnesses into the past, allowing Ultimecia to initiate time compression. Ellone would then send both of their minds back to their original bodies. To survive the time compression Squall and his friends would have to keep their bonds strong and wade through the compressing timelines and reach Ultimecia's era.
Ultimecia is confronted in her Master Room.
Ultimecia possesses Adel as she awakes from the frozen state she had been kept in the tomb, and orders Seifer to capture Rinoa. Ultimecia junctions Rinoa to Adel's body, but after engaging Squall and his friends in battle, Adel is defeated and passes on her powers to Rinoa. Ultimecia possesses Rinoa, allowing Ellone to send both of their minds to the past, where Ultimecia casts time compression only to have it temporarily halted when Ellone sends their consciousnesses back to their respective eras. Squall uses the partial time compression to enter Ultimecia's future.
Squall and his allies enter Ultimecia Castle, and after getting past the various traps and puzzles, confront Ultimecia in the Master Room. The SeeD battle Ultimecia who reaches into Squall's mind to find a power he values most. Using this information she summons Griever, the strongest Guardian Force in Squall's mind. In the Japanese version of Final Fantasy VIII, Ultimecia unveils the party's fears of memory loss, but claims it is not what they should fear, but the power of Griever, and orders the GF to unleash its ultimate attack, Shockwave Pulsar. After Griever's defeat, Ultimecia junctions herself to him, amplifying her power.
After Griever's body is destroyed, Ultimecia transforms and begins absorbing time, space and existence into her new body. She speaks of the futility of fighting against time and her final speech is distinctly different from her pre-battle lines, and she seems to be warning the party of something.
Ultimecia at Edea's Orphanage.
Despite her extensive powers, Ultimecia is unable to overcome her fate as the links that bind Squall and his friends protect them from time compression, and she falls in a massive explosion as time begins to decompress. As Ultimecia cannot die until she passes on her sorceress power, she ends up in Edea's Orphanage of the past where she passes on her power to the Edea Kramer of that time. In doing so Ultimecia ultimately perpetuates her predestined defeat, while fading away in a cloud of purple smoke.
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freyayuki · 6 months
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Dare 2 Defy Event Part 7
The second Dare to Defy event, Dare 2 Defy, just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This is a global original event that features 7 Shinryu (level 300) quests.
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Table of Contents
Dare 2 Defy VII Shinryu Quest
If you use a char on 1 Dare 2 Defy quest, then you can’t use them anymore on the other fights in this event.
You can’t bring a friend support to these fights. Each quest needs to be Perfected (meaning get the score and all the other mission requirements on the same run) in order to get all the rewards.
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The bosses featured on these quests are the same as the ones that have recently shown up in the game.
Dare 2 Defy VII Shinryu Quest
Also known as Dare 2 Defy VII. This fight has 1 wave with 2 enemies, the Krakens. This quest is the same as the Play Bittersweet For Me (Intersecting Wills) Shinryu one.
The main gimmick of this fight is that the enemies here need to be defeated at the same time otherwise they will be revived at full HP.
The enemies here also greatly resist all weapon types. And they have innate +70% non-elemental BRV damage resist.
Once the enemies go down to 69% to 40% HP, they will trigger Counter Black Inkcloud every time a char deals fire, ice, lightning, water, earth, and/or wind elemental BRV damage.
Counter Black Inkcloud deals single target brave damage while also inflicting 2 turns of the blind debuff on its target.
For this fight, my team was Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV (#ad), and Kain Highwind from Final Fantasy IV with The Brothers as my summon.
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My Calls were Cid Raines’s from Final Fantasy XIII, Raijin’s from Final Fantasy VIII, and Keiss’s from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers.
Have Rinoa’s, Kain’s, and Lunafreya’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, BT, and FR fully MLB. Their Ex weapons have been Purpled. Their Burst weapons have been Greened. They have their High Armors, and they’ve been Blued.
They have their Bloom Stones. They have triple perfect Artifacts and triple real Spheres.
All of their Summon Boards, Character Enhancement Boards, and Force Enhancements have been completed.
Rinoa is a magical, non-elemental DPS who deals really good AoE damage. She has a bit of support in her kit too but she’s mostly a DPS. She’s currently equipped with my Level 5 of 5 Special or Unique-type Ultima Weapon.
Kain’s a physical, non-elemental DPS who deals good damage and offers a bit of support.
Kain’s main gimmick is that he can fly or leap up into the air once he has max stacks of his overhead buff. While in the air, he’s basically invincible since he can’t be attacked or hit with debuffs. This does mean that he can’t be buffed either. Everything will just miss him while he’s in the air.
While Kain’s in the air, he will attack and deal off-turn damage every time someone on the field does something.
Lunafreya is a really good support slash healer slash buffer. She can imperil enemies and enchant the party with the ice element. She can enable a char to move multiple times in a row. She also has instant turn rate moves that can quickly charge the force gauge.
Anyway, kept on restarting this fight until Lunafreya got the first turn. Had her use Keiss’s LD Call. This will inflict enemies with a debuff that will battery the party based on HP damage dealt during launches.
Then I just spammed Lunafreya’s instant turn rate skills to get my force gauge fully charged as soon as possible. Also had her give her Quick Prayer buff to both Rinoa and Kain. This buff will enable them to move 3 times in a row.
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Also had Lunafreya imperil the enemies and enchant the party with the ice element.
Once my force gauge was nearing 100%, ensured that Lunafreya still had all of her buffs active. Then I used her Additional Ability and BT+ finisher and ended her turn.
It was now Kain’s turn. Had him use Raijin’s LD Call. Raijin’s LD Call inflicts the enemies with a debuff that prevents debuffs and reduces all damage to 0 for 2 turns.
Then I had Kain use his LD. This will instantly give him max stacks of his overhead buff. After that, used his BT+ and then had him jump up into the air.
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It was now Rinoa’s turn. Had her use her FR and then her BT+ finisher. Was also planning to use Raines’s LD Call. This will allow Rinoa to initiate launches for 2 turns.
But then I found myself thinking what if Rinoa ends up dealing too much damage to an enemy during her Burst+ phase due to all the launching? Didn’t want to risk having one of the Krakens die to a launch while the other one was still at high health. So opted to just not use Raines’s LD Call.
Instead, just had Rinoa spam her Angel Wing skill until she has exactly 7 turns of force time left. Angel Wing buffs Rinoa. It also has instant turn rate.
When I went into Rinoa’s Burst+ phase, have 7 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 360%. The Krakens were down to 87% HP.
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One of the effects of Rinoa’s BT+ is that it will turn her HP attack into this special move called Ultima (Angel Wing). This deals a lot of AoE damage so just had Rinoa spam this attack. Every time Rinoa moved, Kain dealt off-turn damage too.
So by the time Rinoa was about to cast Wings of the Heart, her finishing Burst+ move, the Krakens were down to 6% HP. Have 1 turn of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 870%.
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Rinoa’s Wings of the Heart was more than enough to finish off both Krakens at the same time.
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So the battle ended on turn 2 right after Rinoa’s Burst+ phase was over. Didn’t even get to use my summon. And the enemies didn’t get to move at all. LOL. This fight was really easy with this team. Everyone did so well.
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And that’s it. This is the last of the Dare 2 Defy quests. Thankfully, was able to get the Perfect for all of the quests in this event so was also able to get all of the rewards.
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The Dare 2 Defy event was pretty interesting. Glad that I was able to solo and even duo some of these Shinryu quests. Wouldn’t mind getting another event like this in the future.
Anyway, here are some more screenshots from this event:
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I talk more about my clears for the other Dare 2 Defy quests in other posts.
So, what about you? Which chars did you use to complete these Shinryu quests? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Decadence Relic Draw 2022 Banner
The Summer Sun Festival 2022 event just started in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game. This came with a special free multi-draw on the Summer Decadence Relic Draw 2022 banner.
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You can only pull once on this banner. Of the 10 items you’ll be getting, 1 is guaranteed to be a 7-star, 2 are guaranteed to be 6-stars, and 7 are guaranteed to be 5-stars.
The 7-star I got turned into this shield.
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Was really hoping to get either a new Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) or a new Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB).
Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be. Instead, I ended up getting the Limit Break Overstrike (LBO) or Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF) of Paladin Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV.
Sure, LBOs have their uses, but they’re absolutely nothing when compared to Syncs and Duals. They basically just deal damage whereas Syncs and Duals have a lot more effects and buffs.
And, IIRC, don’t even have a single BDL relic for Paladin Cecil. Really wish this 7-star had been a Sync or Dual instead. Sigh.
Of the seven 5-stars that I got, 6 were new but they were all useless. Nothing really stood out to me so didn’t even bother taking note of which relic belonged to which char.
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I only know that the dupe 5-star was Leon’s (from Final Fantasy II) Glint Soul Break because his name was on the item in question.
Got Legend Materia Relics (LMRs) for chars from Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy X, and Final Fantasy II. Also got one of Fran’s (from Final Fantasy XII) LMRs.
The other two 5-stars I got were Burst Soul Breaks (BSBs) for chars from Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy VIII. Meh. BSBs are super outdated by now. They’re never seeing use.
One of the 6-stars I got was an Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB) for a Final Fantasy IV char. AOSBs have their uses too, but they’re nothing when compared to Awakened Arcane Soul Breaks (AASBs).
I thought the other 6-star I got was pretty good though. It was the best item I got from this pull. Ended up getting the AASB of Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII (#ad).
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IIRC, this is Rinoa’s third Awakening. It’s for either the ice or earth elements. Already have her first AASB which is for the ice element. Also have her ice Sync as well as a few of her other relics.
Was so happy and pleased to have gotten something new and useful until I realized that this Soul Break also appears on the Summer Sun 2022 Festival banner 1.
Was planning to pull on that banner because I need more ice tech and Final Fantasy Record Keeper recently just announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022 so there was no more point in saving mythril. 
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And besides, I wanted to finish as much of the content in FFRK as I can before the game ends. I talk more about all of that in another post.
Anyway, now I could only hope that I don’t end up getting a dupe of this Awakening when I pull on the aforementioned banner.
But of course that was exactly what happened because eff this game and its crappy, trashy rates.
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Yeah, that’s right. Got a dupe of Rinoa’s AASB while I was pulling on the Summer Sun Festival banner 1. As if that wasn’t bad enough, also failed to get the ice relics I was hoping to get on said banner because eff this game.
I don’t want it to end, but man, the rates here seem so bad. Lately, all my pulls here seem to turn out to be crappy and trashy. It’s really freaking frustrating and disheartening. Sigh.
So, what about you? What did you get from pulling on the Summer Decadence Relic Draw 2022 banner? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 7th Anniversary Festival Present Relic Draw
As part of the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game’s 7th Anniversary Festival celebration, players get 1 free multi-draw on the Present Relic Draw banner. 
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AFAIK, the pull includes all the relics that are currently in the game and you’re only guaranteed to get at least one 5-star item so the chances of getting something crappy are very high. However, after you pull on this banner, you can pick a free Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) from a very limited pool. The options are as follows:
Locke Cole’s (from Final Fantasy VI) SASB1
Terra Branford’s (from Final Fantasy VI) SASB1
Squall Leonhart’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) SASB1
Rinoa Heartilly’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) SASB2
Bartz Klauser’s (from Final Fantasy V) SASB1
Ultimecia’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) SASB1
Tifa Lockhart’s (from Final Fantasy VII) SASB1
Maria’s (from Final Fantasy II) SASB1
Kain Highwind’s (from Final Fantasy IV) SASB1
Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca’s (from Final Fantasy XII) SASB1
Tidus’s (from Final Fantasy X) SASB1
Onion Knight’s (from Final Fantasy III) SASB1
Paladin Cecil Harvey’s (from Final Fantasy IV) SASB
Minwu’s (from Final Fantasy II) SASB
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey’s (from Final Fantasy IV) SASB
Golbez’s (from Final Fantasy IV) SASB1
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From that list, I already have a few dupes. Removing those dupes leaves me with the following: 
Locke SASB1
Terra SASB1
Rinoa SASB2
Maria SASB1
Kain SASB1
Ashe SASB1
Onion Knight SASB1
Paladin Cecil SASB
Minwu SASB
Golbez SASB1
Welp, that’s still a lot of relics to choose from. Let’s take a closer look at them to try and narrow down the options some more. But first, let me just remove Ashe from the list already because I have her Sync 2 and it’s way better than her first Sync. There’s also the fact that each char can only equip 1 Sync at a time.
Locke SASB1, Phoenix Heat
Locke’s Sync 1 is for the physical fire element. I have his Awakened Arcane Soul Break 1 (AASB1) so getting his Sync would give me 2 BDL relics for him. But he has a Sync 2 which is way better, and my physical fire team is already really stacked so I don’t know about picking this one. 
Terra SASB1, Inferno Cross
Terra’s Sync 1 is for the magical fire element. Don’t have a single BDL relic for her but her AASB1, which is for the magical fire element as well, is Lensable. My magical fire team is already pretty stacked though so I prefer to power up my other teams. If I had to pick between Terra and Locke, I’m more inclined to go for the latter since at least I already have 1 of his Awakenings so won’t need to spend additional resources in order to make him usable. 
Rinoa SASB2, Angel Wing Cross
Rinoa’s Sync 2 is for the magical ice element. Have her magical ice AASB, 2 of her Ultra Soul Breaks (USB), her Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), and even her magical ice Chain Soul Break (CSB). My magical ice tech is really lacking so, at the moment, I’m leaning towards picking Rinoa’s Sync 2 even if she herself may not be the best magical ice DPS.
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Maria SASB1, Armageddon XCIX
Maria’s Sync 1 is for the magical earth element. Don’t have a single relic for her but her Awakening is Lensable. On the other hand, my magical earth team is already pretty good and Maria has a Sync 2 that’s way better than her Sync 1.
Kain SASB1, Blood Dragoon
Kain’s Sync 1 is for the physical lightning or thunder element. The only BDL relic I have for him is his Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB) but one of his Awakenings is Lensable. He has a Sync 2 which is way better though and Kain makes use of dragoon and jump mechanics that I’m not too familiar with so not really sure about picking him. 
Onion Knight SASB1, Channel Water
Onion Knight’s Sync 1 is for the magical water element. Have 2 of his Awakenings but they’re for physical elements. Also have his magical earth Sync. His magical Awakening is Lensable though. My magical water tech is really lacking but I’m not sure about going with Onion Knight to help fill that void. Haven’t really heard a lot of good things about him when compared to other chars, and not really all that fond of him anyway.
Paladin Cecil SASB, Shine Braver
Paladin Cecil’s Sync is for either the physical holy or magical holy element. His AASB1 is Lensable. Like with Onion Knight, haven’t heard much good things about him as a DPS.
Minwu SASB, Holy XCIX
Minwu’s Sync is for the magical holy element. Already have his Awakening. My magical holy team is already pretty good but Minwu can help make it better. Aside from Rinoa, am currently leaning towards going for his Sync. It helps that I already have his AASB and won’t need to spend the Lenses needed to get it from the The Record Lab unlike with some of the other options here.
Golbez SASB1, Dark Meteor
Golbez’s Sync 1 is for the magical dark element. Don’t have a single BDL relic for him. Unfortunately, his Awakening isn’t Lensable so while I could use more magical dark tech, not sure picking him is the best option.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 7th Anniversary Festival Present Relic Draw Free Sync Select
If I remove the chars whose Awakenings I have to Lens in order for them to have 2 BDL relics, I’m left with Locke, Rinoa, Kain, and Minwu. Still not sure whose Sync to pick though. Gonna need to think about this some more.
Later, much, much later: had a bit of a scare when I discovered that my Tumblr account had been terminated. There was some sort of mistake or accident or something. Thankfully, was able to get it back but that had been one of the most stressful and depressing weeks ever. 
Will talk more about that in another post but the point is that this happened sometime during the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) 7th Anniversary Festival event. Needless to say, wasn’t feeling very festive at all and I ended up not bothering to pull on any of the fest banners. I only did the free draws since they were free. 
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After doing the FFRK 7th Anniversary Festival Present Relic Draw, I found myself at a loss as to which free Sync to pick. All my notes were on this post, which I obviously couldn’t access at that time. Sadly, I didn’t have any backups and was too upset to try and look things up again so I ended up ignoring the free Sync select for now. 
Really super thankful that I was able to get my Tumblr account back again. Now I need to backup everything! But that’s a story for another post. Anyway, now I’m fast running out of time to pick my free Sync since FFRK’s fest is ending soon so need to make a decision ASAP.
First, the free draw from this banner gave me Josef’s (from Final Fantasy II) Glint+ Soul Break. Meh. Don’t have a single BDL relic for him so this is useless.  
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Now to try narrowing down the Sync select list some more. Golbez’s Sync is out since getting it won’t do me any good considering his Awakening isn’t even Lensable. 
Minwu is still an option, especially since I already have his AASB. Getting his Sync would make him better. Now that I’m thinking about it some more though, I’m not sure he actually has a place on my magical and mind holy team. 
Currently, I’ve got Rem Tokimiya (from Final Fantasy Type-0) as my main DPS with her Sync and AASB. Then I’ve got Hope Estheim (from Final Fantasy XIII) as my secondary DPS since I have 2 of his Awakenings. I can also make use of Rydia (from Final Fantasy IV) as another DPS since I have 2 of her Awakenings and her holy Sync.
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Hmm. Okay, Minwu’s still in for now but Paladin Cecil might as well be out. If I’m getting a holy Sync, it might as well be Minwu’s as opposed to Cecil’s since at least I already have the former’s AASB.   
Onion Knight is out. It really doesn’t seem like he’s the answer to my need for a magical water DPS. I guess Kain should still be in since I do have his DASB. That’s the latest type of Soul Break in this game. If I get his Sync and AASB, then I’ll have 3 BDL relics for him. His Sync 1 may not be that good but it’s better than nothing.
Maria’s out. Even if I Lens her AASB and get her Sync 1, she won’t be better than my current magical earth DPS which are Rydia (also have her earth Sync) and Enna Kros (from World of Final Fantasy; have her Sync and AASB).
Rinoa’s still an option, especially since I recently got Vivi Ornitier’s (from Final Fantasy IX) ice and lightning magical Sync and AASB. Terra’s out. She has no place on my magical fire team unless I can get more BDL relics for her that will make her better than my current DPS. Locke’s out too. Might as well power up my other elemental teams as opposed to my most stacked element. 
So that leaves me with Rinoa’s Sync 2, Kain’s Sync 1, and Minwu’s Sync. I think I should just drop Minwu’s Sync already. I doubt getting his Sync would make him better than Rydia or Hope and Rem’s really, really good so he definitely won’t be better than her.
Now I’m left with Rinoa and Kain. Which Sync should I go for? Still not sure. Rinoa’s Sync will help me power up my magical ice team which is severely lacking. Other than Vivi, I don’t think I have any other magical ice Sync or AASB so I could really use more relics for this element. 
On the other hand, my lightning team is already pretty good. For physical lightning, I can go with Delita Heiral (from Final Fantasy Tactics) and Ravus Nox Fleuret (from Final Fantasy XV) as my DPS. I even just recently got Lightning’s (Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII) lightning Sync. Don’t have her lightning AASB but it is Lensable so I can also make use of her as yet another possible lightning DPS. 
So I guess I don’t really need Kain but the fact that I have the potential to get up to 3 BDL relics for him is actually kinda tempting. I only have Delita’s Sync and AASB. The same can be said for Lightning, assuming I Lens her Awakening. Well, I also have her second Awakening but that’s for the holy element. Ravus is the one who I have multiple BDL relics for, including his Sync, AASB, DASB, and even his True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB). 
If I get Kain’s Sync and AASB, he might become better than Lightning or Delita. And I might be able to do more fights that require a physical lightning team. But - argh! I don’t know. Still can’t decide.
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Taking a closer look at the descriptions of Rinoa’s and Kain’s Syncs revealed that they were basically the same right down to having a follow-up ability that can break the damage cap. The only difference was that one dealt lightning damage while the other dealt ice damage.
So I scrolled down to take a closer look at their Sync abilities. This was where they started to differ from each other. Rinoa’s Sync commands deal a lot of magical ice damage. Her Truespell Icefury Sync command 2 can also increase the damage of her ice abilities for 3 turns.
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Kain’s Sync abilities also deal damage but they also come with gimmicks that can’t easily be ignored. His Sworn Lance Sync command 1 only deals 1 hit (as opposed to Rinoa’s Truespell Chillfrost which deals 6 hits) but it can break the damage cap. 
It also has a long delay before landing but his Dragoon Thunderbolt Sync command 2 will reduce the delay of his attacks by 2 turns. So it looks like you’re supposed to go Sync command 2 > Sync command 1 > Sync command 1 then back to Sync command 2. I guess this isn’t really that bad but it still seems annoying to have to deal with this. 
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In contrast to that, for Rinoa, it seems feasible to just spam her Sync command 1, especially if you have other chars who can boost her damage. Speaking of chars who can boost damage, I actually have Cait Sith’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Sync and AASB. He’s the premier support for magical chars. 
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For physical chars, I only have Tyro (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper). Unfortunately, he’s not that good. I mean, he works well enough but there are way better physical supports out there. It’s really too bad I don’t have the relevant Soul Breaks for those chars.
So right now, I’m leaning towards picking Rinoa’s Sync, especially after I saw that Dragoon-type abilities all have a long delay before they hit their target. Don’t have a single Dragoon-type ability so will have to create one or more if I’m going to use Kain. On the other hand, I already have magical-type abilities that Rinoa can equip.
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Right, I think that settles it then. I’m going with Rinoa’s Sync. Hopefully, I don’t end up regretting this. But I really don’t have time to think more about this because the 7th anniversary festival event is about to end in FFRK. And as mentioned in one of the announcements within the game, “Any unclaimed bonus relics that remain from this draw at the time it ends, will be chosen for you at random.” So Rinoa’s Sync it is.
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So what about you? Which Sync did you end up picking? Do you wish we had more and better options to choose from? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm and Elemental Relic Draw Banners Part 3
Every 15 days that players log on to the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, they get 1 Realm/Elemental x 11 ticket.
These tickets can be used on Realm and Elemental banners for a 10 +1 pull that guarantees at least 1 relic that’s of 5-star or higher rarity. These tickets can also be obtained as special rewards from campaigns and limited events and the like.
Earth Elemental Lucky Relic Draw Banner
Recently, I’ve been throwing the Realm/Elemental x11 tickets that I’ve been getting at the Earth Elemental banner since my earth tech is lacking and I can’t even build a full physical or full magical earth team.
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Most of my tickets gave me nothing but trash so I didn’t even bother taking screenshots.
I remember one ticket giving me a single disco orb which turned out to be nothing more than a dupe of the Emperor’s (from Final Fantasy II) Ultra Soul Break (USB). 
Really freaking frustrating to get such a lousy draw. I don’t even have anything else for the Emperor so even if this had been new, this wouldn’t have made him usable.
One ticket didn’t turn out to be so bad though. This one also gave me 1 disco orb but at least I got something new. 
Not just that, this one also gave me an Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB). Got Rain’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) AASB, Lava Floor.
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This is my first relic for Rain but at least it’s an AASB. Here’s to hoping that I can get his Sync and other relics in future draws.
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Rain dabbles in 2 elements - earth and fire. From the looks of things, he’s a DPS with a bit of support since he can help imperil. If I manage to snag the rest of his kit, I can see him making it into my earth team.
I don’t see him making it into my fire team though since I already have lots of relics for Vincent Valentine (from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII). 
Vincent can imperil fire too. He’s my secondary physical fire DPS. Of course, my primary DPS is Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.
That’s because Genesis is currently my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper. 
Much later, another ticket actually gave me 3 new items. Not only that, Dr. Mog actually showed up and turned 2 disco orbs into 7-star relics. 
Hell, yes! It was really nice to see that. Only got to take a screenshot of the last relic though.
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But, well, as it turned out, that last item was the most important and most relevant anyway. The other 2 were, unfortunately, trash. 
Nevertheless, although it turned out like that, I’m still pretty pleased with this draw. After all, it could have been much worse than this. Could have ended up with yet another dupe. At least this pull gave me new items.
One of the 7-stars, the “useless” one, was Rinoa Heartilly’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) Limit Break Overstrike (LBO) or Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF), Angel Wing Permafrost. It deals magical ice and earth damage.
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This wouldn’t be so bad (have Genesis’s LBO and it’s a great addition to the rest of his kit. This can only be used once though and it doesn’t provide buffs or anything else other than damage so you do need other tech for the char in question) if I had more tech for Rinoa. 
But, IIRC, the only things I have for her are one of her Ultra Soul Breaks and her ice Chain Soul Break (CSB).
The other item I got was nothing more than a 5-star Burst Soul Break (BSB) so didn’t even bother taking note of who it belonged to. There’s no point in bringing someone without at least 1, preferably 2, BDL relics to a difficult boss fight.
Anyway, as for the other 7-star that I got - this was Gaia Whip (IV), a whip-type relic which contains Rydia’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Eidolon Zantetsuken. Hell, yes! Super special awesome!
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Here’s to hoping I can get her AASB sooner or later because, yeah, unfortunately, this is my only relic for Rydia.
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No, wait, I think I also have one of her Glints. Still need at least one of her Awakenings though. 
Still, it was great to obtain this Sync. Rydia’s now part of my magical earth team although I still need more earth relics.
Much, much later, tossed yet another ticket I’d been able to obtain on the Earth Elemental banner. Two disco orbs showed up. Dr. Mog didn’t make an appearance but this still turned out to be a pretty good pull anyway. Well, sort of.
Acquired 2 AASBs - Galuf Halm Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) and Onion Knight’s (from Final Fantasy III). 
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Onion Knight’s is physical but it doesn’t give en-earth which doesn’t make it all that good for my physical earth team. Have like 2 of his USBs but unless I luck into more BDL relics for him, I don’t see myself using him.
Galuf’s AASB has en-earth. This is my first BDL relic for him but I still see him as being part of my physical earth team, especially if I manage to acquire more stuff for him. 
The only issue is that this thing shows up on the upcoming fest banner 5 where I’m also planning to do some pulls. 
Galuf’s Sync is also there, and I think one of his USBs, so one of the reasons I wanted to pull on said banner was to get more earth tech. I guess I can only hope I don’t end up getting dupes of this.
Anyway, Dr. Mog made an appearance on another ticket I threw on this banner. Got this creature that looks like a bird.
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Was trying not to get my hopes up too much since this could well be yet another LBO. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case this time.
Ended up with Enna Kros’s (from World of Final Fantasy) Synchro Arcane Soul Break, The Creator’s Rules. Yay for another magical earth relic!
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This is my first relic for Enna. Here’s to hoping I can get her AASB sooner or later as well as the rest of her stuff. She’s definitely joining Rydia on my magical earth team. 
Well, it’s not like I have a lot of options anyway which was why I’m throwing all my tickets on this banner. Ideally, I’d like to be able to get at least 2 BDL relics per char.
Anyway, this pull gave me a 6-star item as well although it wasn’t that good. Got Krile Mayer Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) Limit Break Glint (LBG).
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I think the only other relic I have for her is one of her USBs so this one doesn’t make her usable. Heck, it doesn’t even deal damage. 
All it does is “temporarily infuse all allies with the power of earth” and it can only be used once. Decent Syncs and AASBs already do that so, yeah, this LBG is meh.
Final Fantasy VI Realm Banner
Much, much later, decided to try my luck on the Final Fantasy VI (#ad) realm banner since there are a lot of FF6 relics that I’m still missing.
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One of the ones I’m most interested in getting is Mog’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break 2 (AASB2). This is practically required in order to do some of the endgame content like the Dragonking Dungeon fights. 
It’s actually frustrating how important this relic is and how there’s no easy way to get it because it has yet to be featured again on a banner. 
Yeah, there are ways to clear fights without this relic but this will definitely make those battles easier. 
Well, assuming you have the DPS Soul Breaks to go with this supporting relic anyway. Mog’s other relics are useful too, but his AASB2 is the most important.
There are so many relics on the Final Fantasy VI Realm banner that it’s gonna take a miracle to actually get Mog’s AASB2. 
Still, what’s the harm in trying, right? Even if I don’t end up with Mog’s AASB2, maybe I can get some other relic that could be of use to me.
This pull gave me 2 items. One was a 5-star so was already disappointed when I saw it. 
At least the other was a 6-star. It didn’t stay that way for long though. To my surprise, Dr. Mog appeared and turned the 6-star into a 7-star. Nice! 
Now I can only hope I’m about to get a Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB). The 7-star relic soon revealed itself to be a bell. Don’t recognize it though.
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Got to the draw results screen and soon found out that the 5-star I got was Celes Chere’s Glint Soul Break. Meh. Have some of Celes’s relics, including one of her Syncs and AASBs. Those are infinitely more useful than this.
As for the 7-star item - well, I could hardly believe this but that bell turned out to contain Snow Ensemble, Mog’s Sync.
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Welp, who would have thought I’d actually get a Mog relic from this pull, huh? Too bad this hadn’t been his AASB2 instead.
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While it’s really nice to see Mog’s Sync, it’s also true that I can’t really use him with just this. 
If this had been his Awakening 2 instead, I could make him work but his Sync just isn’t that good when it’s the only thing I have for him. Ah, well. Maybe my next pull will give me Mog’s AASB2. Hopefully, anyway.
Another ticket gave me Shadow’s dark Chain Soul Break. Actually pleased to see this because this is one of the good dark Chains. Plus, I already have a few relics for Shadow, including his Sync.
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Final Fantasy IX Realm Banner
Decided to throw my next Realm/Elemental x11 ticket on the Final Fantasy IX realm banner. This gave me 3 golds. Then Dr. Mog actually appeared and turned one of the golds into a 7-star item.
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The first relic I got was a 5-star Burst Soul Break for Amarant Coral. Meh. Bursts are horribly outdated by now and pretty sure this is like my first relic for Amarant.
The second relic I got was a 6-star Awakened Arcane Soul Break for Kuja. It’s for the magical dark element. Can always use more dark relics so pleased to see this even if this is like my first BDL relic for Kuja.
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The 7-star I got was Vivi Ornitier’s Sync. It’s for the magical ice and lightning elements.
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IIRC, this is his second Sync. It’s nice to see this but I’m pretty sure this is my first BDL relic for Vivi so can’t really use him unless I can get his AASB.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm Banner
Threw a ticket on the Final Fantasy Record Keeper realm banner in the hopes of getting Elarra’s Sync 2 and/or AASB. She’s a really good support, healer, and buffer.
Unfortunately, all I got from this ticket was Wedge’s AASB. It’s new but meh. This is like my first BDL relic for him. 
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And it’s for the wind element. My wind teams are pretty stacked already so don’t really have a use for this unless I luck into more of Wedge’s relics.
Final Fantasy VI Realm Banner
Went back to the Final Fantasy VI realm banner where I was able to get Locke Cole’s Limit Break Glint (LBG). Meh. Useless.
At least this ticket also gave me a 7-star item. Got this rod or staff although don’t know who it belongs to.
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It was only when I got to the draw results screen that I found out that I just got Strago Magus’s Sync. It’s for the magical water element.
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I think this is my first relic for him but at least it’s a Sync. Here’s to hoping I can get his Awakening and other relics soon.
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My next ticket gave me 2 golds. One was nothing more than a dupe 5-star Glint Soul Break for Leo Cristophe. Meh. Completely and utterly useless.
The second gold was this 7-star pink ribbon.
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This turned out to be Terra Branford’s Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB) or True Arcane Soul Break (TASB).
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Too bad I don’t have Terra’s Sync or Awakening so can’t really use this.
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My next ticket gave me Strago’s Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB). It’s new but meh. Wish this had been his AASB instead to go with the Sync that I just got for him.
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My next ticket gave me 2 golds but they were both dupes. Ugh. How utterly disappointing. 
One was a Burst Soul Break that probably belongs to Kefka Palazzo judging from its name of Dancing Mad (VI). The second was Locke’s fire Chain Soul Break.
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Another ticket gave me a dupe of Shadow’s Burst Soul Break. Ugh. What’s with all these dupes? So frustrating. Feels like I’m just wasting tickets now. Wish I could get something new and useful.
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My next ticket gave me something new but, unfortunately, it wasn’t useful at all. Ended up with Setzer Gabbiani's Glint+ Soul Break. This is like my first relic for him so meh. Useless.
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So what about you? Which banners did you use your Realm/Elemental x11 tickets on? How did your pulls go? What do you think about the rates on FFRK? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
0 notes
freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun 2022 Festival Banner 5
The Summer Sun 2022 Relic Draw Festival event just started in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game.
As part of the festivities, several banners will show up featuring lots of relics, including several new ones for a variety of characters.
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There are 5 Summer Sun Festival banners in total. There’s a Stamp Sheet associated with these banners. You get a Stamp each time you pull on any one of these banners.
You get different things depending on the number of Stamps you have. Here’s a list of the prizes or rewards:
1 Stamp: 5000 Gysahl Greens
2 Stamps: 50 of each 4-star Mote
3 Stamps: 50 of each Major Orb
4 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
5 Stamps: Serah Farron’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Summoner’s Garb Wardrobe Record
6 Stamps: 1 free Ultra Soul Break (USB) pick
7 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
8 Stamps: 1 free Glint Soul Break (G) or Legend Materia Relic (LMR) pick
9 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
10 Stamps: 1 free Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) pick
11 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
12 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
13 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
14 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
15 Stamps: 1 free Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) pick
16 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
17 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
18 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
19 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
20 Stamps: 250 Anima Lens+
21 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
22 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
23 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
24 Stamps: 30 of each 6-star Mote
25 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
26 Stamps: 30 of each 6-star Mote
27 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
28 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
29 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
30 Stamps: 250 Anima Lens+
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For the free relic picks, you can choose from a curated list so, unfortunately, not everything’s available.
There’s also a Stamp Sheet that’s only for each of the fest banners, meaning you’ll only fill out the sheet if you pull on the fest banner it’s associated with. Here’s a list of the rewards you can get with this Stamp Sheet:
1 Stamp: 1000 Gysahl Greens
2 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
3 Stamps: 1000 Gysahl Greens
4 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
5 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
6 Stamps: 2000 Gysahl Greens
7 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
8 Stamps: 2000 Gysahl Greens
9 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
10 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
11 Stamps: 1000000 Gil
12 Stamps: 3000 Gysahl Greens
13 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
14 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
15 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
16 Stamps: 1500000 Gil
17 Stamps: 3000 Gysahl Greens
18 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
19 Stamps: 3000 Gysahl Greens
20 Stamps: 1 free new relic pick
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The new relic pick refers to all the new relics on each of the fest banners. So you need to pull 20 times on 1 fest banner to be able to get one of the new relics there.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper End of Service Announcement
Just before this fest began, we got the news that Final Fantasy Record Keeper was gonna end on September 29, 2022.
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I talk more about that in another post, but this news meant there wasn’t really anymore reason to save my mythril.
Summer Sun 2022 Festival Banner 1 and Banner 3
Which was, I suppose, one of the reasons how I ended up doing 13 pulls across fest banners 1 and 3. Did 3 multi-draws on fest banner 1 then 10 pulls on fest banner 3.
I talk more about those pulls in other post but they were mostly bad. I regret spending so much mythril on the aforementioned banners. Didn’t even get the Soul Breaks that I wanted to have on these banners. 
Like I was hoping for ice tech on fest banner 1 but failed to get any of Squall Leonhart’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) and/or Rinoa Heartilly’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) BDL relics.
On fest banner 3, I really wanted to have the Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB) of Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) but 10 pulls wasn’t enough to get it. Just ended up with dupes and more dupes.
In fact, even though I pulled 10 times on fest banner 3, I still failed to clean out said banner. Missed out on 2 of the Duals featured there - Sephiroth’s and Ayame’s (from Final Fantasy XI).
Eff the crappy rates on this game. Really so freaking pissed off and disappointed about this. This entire fest was a mess. I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from wasting mythril on these banners.
Yeah, the game is ending soon but still. I didn’t need to waste all my mythril on these fest banners. Could have pulled on other banners instead. Sigh.
Anyway, considering the results of my previous draws, don’t have high hopes at all for fest banner 5. Frankly, at this point, I’d rather not pull at all.
But I already have 13 Stamps for this fest. Two more pulls will give me 2 more Stamps which will also give me the free AASB pick. So I decided to go for it.
Summer Sun 2022 Festival Banner 5 Relics List
The Summer Sun Festival banner 5 features the following relics:
Femme Fatale (XII) - contains Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB), Awoken Northswain's Glow
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Cardshark's Deck (Type-0) - contains Ace’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) DASB, Awoken Jackpot Triad
Lufenian Jacket (XIII) - contains Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) DASB, Awoken Retributive Blast
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Meteorblaze (V) - contains Faris Scherwiz’s (Sarisa Scherwil Tycoon from Final Fantasy V) DASB1, Awoken Essence of Flame
Arbiter's Apocrypha+ - contains Tyro’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) DASB1, Awoken Arbiter's Apocrypha
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Foodie Fork (IX) - contains Quina Quen’s (from Final Fantasy IX) Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Culinary Climb
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Blessed Bell (VI) - contains Mog’s (from Final Fantasy VI) SASB, Snow Ensemble
Trumpet Shell (VII) - contains Cait Sith’s (from Final Fantasy VII) SASB, Miraculous Luck
Fantasy Grimoire Vol. III - contains Tyro’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break 2 (AASB2), Fantasy Grimoire Vol. III
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Gourmet's Fork (IX) - contains Quina’s AASB2, Taste Test!
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Crystal Shield - contains Tyro’s Limit Break Glint (LBG), Swift Flash (Tyro)
Silk Scarf (IX) - contains Quina’s Glint+ Soul Break 3 (G+3), Quina's Sampling
Have 3 dupes on this banner - Ace’s DASB, Mog’s Sync, and Cait Sith’s Sync.
Ashe’s DASB is for the lightning element. She’s a really good magical lightning DPS. Already have some of Ashe’s relics, including her Awakening and both of her Syncs so would love to get her DASB to make her stronger.
Hope’s DASB is for the magical holy element. Already have both of his Awakenings so would love to get his Dual.
Don’t have a single BDL relic for Faris so getting her Dual wouldn’t do me any good at all, especially since neither of her AASBs are Lensable.
Tyro’s a pretty decent support. Already have his first AASB as well as a couple of his other relics. Getting his Dual and Awakening on this banner should help to further improve my physical teams since I’m in dire need of a physical support.
Quina’s said to be one of the best supports in FFRK. Too bad I don’t have any of their (her? his? its?) relics aside from one of their Ultra Soul Breaks (USB) and their Super Soul Break (SSB). 
So would definitely love to get the Quina relics featured on this banner, especially their Sync and Awakening.
But considering the crappy rates on this game, I’ll probably just end up with dupes and more dupes or I’d get something new and useless like Tyro’s LBG. 
LBGs have their uses but I still prefer to get a Sync, an Awakening and/or a Dual since those are way better.
Summer Sun 2022 Festival Banner 5 Multi-Draws Results 1
Oh, yeah, I freaking hate this game. This banner looks to be as cursed as fest banner 3. Eff this game!
My first multi-draw here gave me 3/11, which seemed promising at first, especially when Dr. Mog appeared and turned 2 of the 6-stars into 7-stars.
The 6-star turned into this book so I knew it belonged to Tyro. It was only when I got to the draw results screen when I found out that I just got his AASB2. 
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This should be useful, especially if I fail to get Quina’s Sync and Awakening, which seems really likely.
The first 7-star turned into this shell that I immediately recognized as belonging to Cait Sith. Sure enough, I was soon being greeted by the Soul Break Rank Up! screen as Cait Sith’s Sync went from Rank 1 to Rank 3 of 5. Eff this game.
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Because that was clearly not bad enough, the second 7-star then turned into this familiar-looking bell that I immediately recognized as belonging to Mog. Yup, that’s right. Just got a dupe of his Sync. Now it’s at Rank 3 of 5.
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Argh! So freaking frustrating. This is just so disheartening and depressing. Damn it. Why’d this have to happen? Why couldn’t I have gotten something new? 
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Maybe it would have been better if Dr. Mog hadn’t shown up then I could have gotten Quina’s AASB2 alongside Tyro’s.
Would have preferred to get Tyro’s LBG and Quina’s G+3 over these useless dupes since at least they’d be new. Sigh. Did I mention that I hate this game?
Summer Sun 2022 Festival Banner 5 Multi-Draws Results 2
This is the last pull I need in order to get the AASB pick from the Stamp Sheet. Already dreading the results of this draw. So reluctant to do this. It feels like I’m just wasting mythril now. 
At least it’s only 1 more pull. Need to do this to get the AASB pick. It would be silly to stop now when I’m literally 1 more pull away from the 15th Stamp.
Right then. Let’s just get this over with already so I can get out of this banner and log out of the game.
This time only 1 disco orb showed up because eff this game. Probably gonna end up with a dupe again.
So Dr. Mog appeared but at this point, I don’t care anymore because he’s probably about to give me yet another dupe anyway.
Honestly, I was surprised when the Soul Break Rank Up! screen didn’t show up. Was already expecting to see it.
Before I could feel relieved that I didn’t get a dupe, I got a closer look at what I did get and - it’s new but it’s also completely useless to me.
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Just got a bow so I knew right away that this belonged to Faris, a.k.a one of the chars on this banner who I have nothing else for.
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Getting her Dual doesn’t make her usable at all since I have no other BDL relic for her. In short, eff this game.
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At least I finally got the AASB pick from the Summer Sun 2022 Festival Stamp Sheet.
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Yeah, no, that really doesn’t make me feel better at all. It feels really bad to have spent so much and yet I barely got anything good. Just ended up with lots of useless dupes. I really hate this fest. One of the worst ones ever.
Summer Sun 2022 Festival Banner 5 All Multi-Draws Results
Here’s a quick list of the results of all my draws on the Summer Sun Festival banner 5:
3/11 - Tyro AASB2, Mog SASB dupe, Cait Sith SASB dupe
1/11 - Faris DASB1
In short, eff this game. Yeah, I’ve been saying that a lot, but I’m just so, so, so angry right now. I just can’t with this - Argh!
Okay, just gonna edit out all the cursing and such but, yeah. Argh! Really so freaking pissed right now. 
I have no words for this anymore. Just really disappointed and hating on this game right now. Sigh.
So, what about you? Did you pull on the Summer Sun 2022 Festival banner 5? What relics did you get? Were you able to get the ones you wanted? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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pof203 · 4 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Quotes Kingdom Hearts Edition (Xion)
I’m at the limits of my creativity here. I just don’t know what to have the characters say anymore. Partly because some of these Dissidia characters I don’t know anything about and don’t know what to say about them. If any of you have any ideas, I would love to hear them. Thank you.
To Other Characters:
Warrior of Light: “I was never really into the knight in shining armor thing.”
Garland: “If you wish to fight, I’ll let you have it.”
Firion: “You think I could see your dream, too?”
The Emperor: “You don’t deserve that throne!”
Onion Knight: “I should try changing Classes, too.”
Cloud of Darkness: “Do you actually fight like that?”
Cecil Harvey: “Which of us know more about balance?”
Kain Highwind: “I don’t want you to upset about anything.”
Golbez: “I know what it’s like to lose hope.”
Bartz Klauser: “You collect feathers? I collect seashells.”
Exdeath: “I was in the Void once. I won’t go back.”
Gilgamesh: “Will I win this challenge?”
Terra Branford: “I have experience in this, too.”
Kefka Palazzo: “Are you suppose to be funny or scary?”
Locke Cole: “Don’t let her down.”
Cloud Strife: “Are all SOLIDERs like you?”
Tifa Lockhart: “Don’t give up on him.”
Sephiroth: “Is that long blade even legal?”
Squall Leonhart: “Being alone is no good. I should know.”
Rinoa Heartilly: “I wonder if I should get a pair of wings, too.”
Ultimecia: “I think time has no effect on the likes of me.”
Laguna Loire: “You should visit the beach. You might find something for your article.”
Zindane Tribal: “I feel that tail’s not for show.”
Kuja: “I won’t let your song of sorrow make me more unhappy.”
Tidus: “What is it about dreams and me?”
Yuna: “Just don’t Send me while you’re at it.”
Jetch: “Can you give me some Blitz Ball lessons if I win?”
Shantotto: “I need a refresher on my magic.”
Prishe: “How do I become as strong as you?”
Vaan: “I want fly freely with my friends.”
Garbranth: “I’ll win this trail no matter what!”
Vayne Carudas Solidor: “Your high and mighty attitude won’t help you.”
Lightning: “Your rose petals will dance with my blade.”
Snow Villiers: “I wonder if me and Roxas can also…”
Y’shtola Rhul: “We can practice our magic together.”
Zenos yae Galvus: “How regal.”
Noctis Lucis Caelum: “It must be nice to travel around.”
Noctis Lucis Caelum: (alternate line) “Your notebook gives me an idea. I wonder if Roxas…”
Arydn Izunia: “I won’t let you continue to hurt others!”
Ramza Beoulve: “Worthiness isn’t everything.”
Ace: “If you could go back, would you?”
Sora: “I hope Kairi’s feelings won’t be too much of a problem.”
Kairi: “So this is how it turns out, huh?”
Riku: “This time, it’s not a sham.”
Roxas: “Roxas, don’t hold back!”
Lea: “I hope I can beat you this time.”
Xion: “Was Vexen experimenting again?”
Terra: “The Darkness has nothing on either of us!”
Aqua: “Won’t we be evenly matched?”
Ventus: “Let’s get some ice- Sorry, I forgot.”
Young Xehanort: “Don’t even start. Really, don’t.”
Shinryu: “You won’t hurt anyone again!”
To Xion:
Warrior of Light: “No matter what, I sense your heart is true.”
Garland: “Can a puppet like you really defeat me?”
Firion: “I see a real spark in your eyes.”
The Emperor: “Puppets should remain stringed up.”
Onion Knight: “Real or fake, this battle is starting.”
Cloud of Darkness: “The curtain falls.”
Cecil Harvey: “You have a strong resolve. We should fight more often.”
Kain Highwind: “Will your Keyblade best my lance?”
Golbez: “We shall see who is for real!”
Bartz Klauser: “You don’t seem tough. But I’ve been wrong before.”
Exdeath: “What does a puppet know about me?”
Gilgamesh: “I want to see the strength of your heart!”
Terra Brandford: “We’re like sisters, you and I.”
Kefka Palazzo: “Time for me to play puppeteer!”
Locke Cole: “Don’t shoulder it all yourself.”
Cloud Strife: “Just don’t drop on me, okay?”
Tifa Lockhart: “You have someone like that, too? I can relate.”
Sephiroth: “What would happen if I cut your strings?”
Squall Leonhart: “You better not break on me.”
Rinoa Heartilly: “Ready for what may happen?”
Ultimecia: “Your Light maybe true, but you are still a doll.”
Laguna Loire: “You like ice-cream? You and Ellone should talk.”
Zindane Tribal: “I bet you and I can perform something great.”
Kuja: “Shall we dance the song of your heart?”
Tidus: “Did the Fayth dream you, too?”
Yuna: “You have such a strong heart. You should try being a Summoner as well.”
Jetch: “Don’t go crazy on me now.”
Shantotto: “You are no mere doll. Give me your all.”
Prishe: “Some beach time would do some good.”
Vaan: “A land where you fly with pixie dust? I’d like to see that.”
Gabranth: “All puppets are destined to be chopped up!”
Vayne Carudas Solidor: “Is there any truth to this?”
Lightning: “You should fight with your own moves.”
Snow Villiers: “Alright, we should get this done.”
Y’shtola Rhul: “I can’t wait to see how this will go.”
Zenos yae Galvus: “I will not be so gentle with you.”
Noctis Lucis Caelum: “I think you made it clear you’re real.”
Ardyn Izunia: “A mere puppet should remember her place.”
Ramza Beoulve: “Shall we see who is stronger here?”
Ace: “You’re lucky. You have your friends here to help.”
Sora: “Xion… Just who are you, really?”
Kairi: “The clash between our hearts begins!”
Riku: “Here we go again.”
Roxas: “Please don’t disappear again.”
Lea: “Don’t forget: I’ll always be there to bring you back.”
Terra: “Show me just how real this can be.”
Aqua: “I’ll train you as best as I can.”
Ventus: “Why do you always confuse me for that guy?”
Young Xehanort: “Say what you will. You will always be just a doll.”
About Summons:
Ifrit: “Time to put out this fire!”
Shiva: “How elegant.”
Ramuh: “Hope my Keyblade doesn’t act like a lightning rod.”
Odin: “Will I get to keep the horse after this?”
Leviathan: “A little water never hurt anybody or nobody.”
Alexander: “You’re just a judge! Not jury and executioner!”
Bahamut: “You don’t scare me! I’ve seen worse!”
Ifrit: “Flames of Destruction!”
Shiva: “Blanket them in your power!”
Ramuh: “Feel the surge!”
Odin: “Slice them and dice them!”
Leviathan: “The tide shall strike!”
Alexander: “Shine your radiant power!”
Bahamut: “This force is on my side!”
BTW, I just realized that Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia should have a Kingdom Hearts event. I don’t know what may happen. Will Sora be able to see his friends again? Or will it happen if during the events of Kingdom Hearts III? Also, do you think I should do Dissidia quotes for Isa, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy?
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pof203 · 4 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Quotes Kingdom Hearts Edition (Roxas)
This is one of the ones I was looking forward to.
To other characters:
Warrior of Light: “Your armor is sure unique.”
Garland: “Time for a struggle!”
Firion: “You should let me try that bow sometime.”
The Emperor: “Are you the Superior of your group?”
Onion Knight: “This should be fun.”
Cloud of Darkness: “My Light will burn you!”
Cecil Harvey: “You remind me of my Keyblades.”
Kain Highwind: “Don’t fly off on this.”
Golbez: “Will you and your brother make up after this?”
Bartz Klauser: “Can you duplicate more than two blades?”
Exdeath: “I won’t use my keys for you.”
Gilgamesh: “Now this is a struggle.”
Terra Branford: “How did it come to this?”
Kefka Palazzo: “This is no laughing matter!”
Locke Cole: “You’re not standing in my way!”
Could Strife: “Are you fighting for someone, too?”
Tifa Lockhart: “Two on two! Here we go!”
Sephiroth: “Wait! I’m only Level 58!”
Squall Leonhart: “You know Seifer, too?”
Rinoa Heartilly: “Something tells me I shouldn’t underestimate you.”
Ultimecia: “You’re like a Final Boss.”
Laguna Loire: “Guns? Really?”
Zindane Tribal: “You act, I’ll sing.”
Kuja: “Let’s see whose song is better.”
Tidus: “I can move a light speed!”
Yuna: “Is using Aeons really fair?”
Jecht: “Is Blitz Ball harder than it looks?”
Shantotto: “Just don’t turn me into a frog.”
Prishe: “Nothing beats a good brawl.”
Vaan: “I’d like to fly the skies, too.”
Garbranth: “Are you the leader of a Disciplinary Committee?”
Vayne Carudas Sildor: “This looks like it’ll be an even fight.”
Lightning: “Do you think I’ll be legend too if I win?”
Snow Villiers: “I’ll remind you what being a hero is all about!”
Y’shtola Rhul: “I fought with a stick before.”
Zenos yae Galvus: “Are you suppose to be intimidating?”
Noctus Lucis Caelum: “Can you wield two weapons, too?”
Ardyn Izunia: “I won’t bow to you!”
Ramza Beoulve: “You should come to the Struggle Tournament.”
Ace: “Are you and Luxord related?”
Sora: “My summer vacation is far from over.”
Kairi: “If that’s what you want, I guess we can spar.”
Riku: “I won’t lose to you again this time!”
Roxas: “It’s almost a good likeness.”
Lea: “After this, let’s get some ice cream.”
Xion: “Please don’t disappear again.”
Terra: “Don’t go easy on me just because I look like your best friend.”
Aqua: “Let’s do a Magic Hour, together!”
Ventus: “I really don’t see any resemblance.”
Shinryu: “You remind me of Xemnas!”
To Roxas:
Warrior of Light: “I’m guess you are a Warrior of Light yourself.”
Garland: “You think having two blade will make a difference?”
Firion: “I don’t think having two is fair.”
The Emperor: “Someone like you should remember their place.”
Onion Knight: “Don’t be sad if you lose one of your Keyblades.”
Cloud of Darkness: “You may not be able to cut through this.”
Cecil Harvey: “I can sense the balance within you.”
Kain Highwind: “I wonder if I should use two spears.”
Golbez: “Are you sure you wish to fight me the way you are?”
Bartz Klauser: “Hey! One weapon at a time!”
Exdeath: “Two keys for the price of one!”
Gilgamesh: “You’re going to need two blades to fight me!”
Terra Branford: “You are going through some pain yourself.”
Kefka Palazzo: “Oh, boy! You might just make this interesting!”
Locke Cole: “You seem angsty.”
Cloud Strife: “Just don’t overdo it, alright?”
Tifa Lockhart: “I hear you have a tournament in Twilight Town.”
Sephiroth: “Do you truly have a heart?”
Squall Leonhart: “Seriously? Teenage angst?”
Rinoa Heartilly: “The dance hasn’t even begun and already you’re upset?”
Ultimecia: “I will show you a true Magic Hour.”
Zidane Tribal: “I think your song’s way better than Kuja’s.”
Kuja: “Will you be find without your friends?”
Tidus: “I should have brought the blade I had the first time.”
Yuna: “I could ease your pain if you wish.”
Jecht: “You remind me of a friend of mine.”
Shantotto: “Halt your parade. Draw your Dual Blade.”
Prishe: “I don’t think you’re some copy.”
Vaan: “You actually flew without an airship?”
Gabranth: “Let us see who is better with Dual Blade.”
Vayne Carudas Solidor: “Can you handle being a copy?”
Lightning: “I think you and Hope should talk.”
Snow Villiers: “Why is looking at you bringing up memories?”
Y’shtola Rhul: “You have Moogles, too?”
Zenos yae Galvus: “You’ll find I’m not so easy to control.”
Noctis Lucis Caelum: “It’s official, I don’t get teenagers anymore.”
Ardyn Izunia: “Can you really succeed Sora?”
Ramza Beoulve: “You must show me how you wield two blades so well.”
Ace: “We should get together with our friends.”
Sora: “Time to show me… who you really are!”
Kairi: “I should try two Keyblades, too.”
Lea: “I hope I can ring any bells.”
Xion: “Roxas, don’t hold back!”
Terra: “I still can’t get used to your appearance.”
Aqua: “You won’t fall asleep, too, won’t you?”
Ventus: “Hey! I was here first!”
Young Xehanort: “What home do you truly call?”
About Summons:
Ifrit: “What would Ax- Lea think about this?”
Shiva: “I’m underdressed for this.”
Ramuh: “I’ve been through stormier situations with Larxene.”
Odin: “You may have a big blade. But I have two!”
Leviathan: “That’s a lot of water.”
Alexander: “My Light’s brighter than yours!”
Bahamut: “Time to slay the dragon!”
Ifrit: “Face my fairy fury!”
Shiva: “Face the blizzard’s blight!”
Ramuh: “There’s no escaping this!”
Odin: “Lend me a third blade!”
Leviathan: “Surf’s up!”
Alexander: “Increase my Light tenfold!”
Bahamut: “Beat them in your wake!”
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pof203 · 4 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Quotes Kingdom Hearts Edition (Riku)
To other characters:
Warrior of Light: “Light? Darkness? I don’t see a difference anymore.”
Garland: “You want a fight? Fine.”
Firion: “Think you can share that freedom with me?”
The Emperor: “Another one?”
Onion Knight: “Do you fight with Darkness, too?”
Cloud of Darkness: “I’ve faced Darkness worse than you.”
Cecil Harvey: “I know the struggle, as well.”
Kain Highwind: “I’ve been where you are. Just let it go.”
Golbez: “What kind of person fights his own family?”
Bartz Klauser: “Fight me with you got!”
Exdeath: “I’ve been to the Void already. I’m not going back!”
Gilgamesh: “I’m surprised about this sudden fight.”
Terra Branford: “I won’t hold back if you do.”
Kefka Palazzo: “I’ve heard of clowning around. But this?”
Locke Cole: “Hold tight, here I come!”
Cloud Strife: “A familiar face. Wait, something’s different.”
Tifa Lockhart: “Show me your strength.”
Sephiroth: “It’s like looking in a mirror.”
Squall Leonhart: “You can’t do everything alone.”
Rinoa Heartilly: “Is the dog really necessary?”
Ultimecia: “Are you a sorceress or an evil fairy?”
Laguna Loire: “Your bullets won’t do much on me. Unless they’re silver.”
Zindane Tribal: “Are you a cat? Or a monkey?”
Kuja: “I don’t know much about songs, but yours are too sad.”
Tidus: “Still haven’t learned your lesson, huh?”
Yuna: “I never had the chance to learn Summoning. Guess now’s the time.”
Jecht: “Is Blitz Ball the game here?”
Shantotto: “You should teach me a trick or two.”
Prishe: “I can sense great strength from you.”
Vaan: “I think flying the skies is a great dream. Keep at it.”
Gabranth: “The only person who can judge me is me.”
Vayne Carudas Solidor: “I sense an air from you.”
Lightning: “And I thought I was the moody type.”
Snow Villiers: “At least you haven’t fallen as far as I have.”
Y’shtola Rhul: “I admire how dedicated you are.”
Zenos yae Galvus: “I’m sorry if this is how it turns out.”
Noctus Lucis Caelum: “It’s great that you have friends to count on.”
Ardyn Izunia: “I guess Xehanort’s not the only one.”
Ramza Beoulve: “Can your blade keep up with mine?”
Ace: “Who will Lady Luck favor?”
Sora: “I want to see how much you’ve grown since I last saw you.”
Kairi: “I’m sorry, Kairi. Don’t beat me too bad.”
Riku: “Did they make another Replica of me?”
Roxas: “Which of us will win this time?”
Lea: “Who can forget your flames?”
Xion: “Here we go again.”
Terra: “I’ll show you how much I’ve grown!”
Aqua: “Can two Masters fight like this?”
Ventus: “Who am I fighting here?”
Young Xehanort: “You just don’t quit, do you?”
Shinryu: “I will fight. For my friends.”
To Riku:
Warrior of Light: “You once fought with Darkness, am I right?”
Garland: “I will learn the secrets you hold!”
Firion: “I appreciate your dedication to your quest.”
The Emperor: “From being dominated by one, to being dominated by another.”
Onion Knight: “Will you keep it in check?”
Cloud of Darkness: “Do you still have Darkness within you?”
Cecil Harvey: “I feel we are kindred spirits.”
Kain Highwind: “You heart radiates with mine.”
Golbez: “Will your friends still accept you after this?”
Bartz Klauser: “I like the look of your Keyblade.”
Exdeath: “You have the scent of the Void on you.”
Gilgamesh: “Let your test begin, Master.”
Terra Branford: “I hope you find your friend.”
Kefka Palazzo: “You were quite the hell raiser, weren’t you?”
Locke Cole: “Can you keep up?”
Cloud Strife: “Your hair and eyes remind me of someone.”
Tifa Lockhart: “Don’t judge me too quickly.”
Sephiroth: “How will this turn out?”
Squall Leonhart: “I guess Seifer has family?”
Rinoa Heartlilly: “You’re not going to turn me down, are you?”
Ultimecia: “Darkness still gets stronger over time.”
Laguna Loire: “I see. You’re that type.”
Zindane Tribal: “Stealing your heart won’t be easy.”
Kuja: “I feel it. The painful memories.”
Tidus: “This ain’t no day at the beach.”
Yuna: “The Master Wielder versus the Master Summoner.”
Jecht: “You’re not the first kid to be so mature. Do you know Bahamut?”
Shantotto: “From Darkness to Light. Now let’s fight.”
Prishe: “Are we having fun, yet?”
Vaan: “You walk the dawn, I fly the dawn!”
Gabranth: “It is time to face justice!”
Vayne Carudas Solidor: “Such a wonder to fight a master.”
Lightining: “Even masters still have a lot to learn.”
Snow Villiers: “I envy you. You walk both paths.”
Y’shtola Rhul: “If I win, will you show me your world?”
Zenos yae Galvus: “Will you still be able to face yourself?”
Noctis Lucis Caelum: “You don’t have a nickname like “The Immortal”?”
Ardyn Izunia: “You can’t even imagine what Darkness is in my heart?”
Ramza Beoulve: “So you’re the master and I’ll be the student. Is that it?”
Ace: “You play with the hand you’re dealt with.”
Sora: “In the end, I guess it will always be between us.”
Kairi: “Get ready, Riku, I’m coming at you.”
Roxas: “I won’t lose to you again this time!”
Lea: “I’ve improved. Got it memorized?”
Xion: “This time, it’s not a sham.”
Terra: “Let’s both conquer the Darkness.”
Aqua: “Let the Clash Between Masters begin!”
Ventus: “This reminds me of my fight with Master Eraqus.”
Young Xehanort: “Are you still sure you are not jealous of Sora?”
About Summons:
Ifrit: “I’ve been burned before.”
Shiva: “Your frost will be a big help.”
Ramuh: “I guess I shouldn’t underestimate your age.”
Odin: “Don’t bother. I’ll parry your blade.”
Leviathan: “I’m not about to get washed out.”
Alexander: “Now this unexpected.”
Bahamut: “Prepare to be dethroned!”
Ifrit: “Reduce it all to cinders!”
Shiva: “Incase them in ice!”
Ramuh: “The storm is with me!”
Odin: “Raise your sword!”
Leviathan: “Raise the sea for me!”
Alexander: “Let justice prevail!”
Bahamut: “Show them your force!”
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freyayuki · 4 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 5th Anniversary Free Relic Draws with Tickets
The Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game’s 5th Anniversary has finally begun.
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Again, this is another one of those fairly recent old drafts. Since I’m scheduling these posts, by the time this gets published on my blog, FFRK’s 5th anniversary will be long over.
Anyway, as part of the game’s 5th Anniversary, players can get up to 5 tickets as a login bonus. These tickets can be used on the 5th Anniversary Relic Draw banner. Each pull costs 1 ticket. 
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You can get 10 relics (weapons or armor) per pull. You’re guaranteed to get at least 1 6-star item per pull. 
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Here are the results of my ticket draws:
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5th Anniversary Relic Draw Ticket 1 Pull Results
For my first ticket, I ended up getting 2 rainbow orbs. I couldn’t help but feel rather excited when I saw those orbs. It helped that I knew at least one was going to be a 6-star item. 
Update: I finally understand the differences between these multi-colored orbs. The ones that look like disco balls, like the ones you can see in the pic below, means that you’re getting 6-star items.  
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Exdeath from Final Fantasy V
The first disco orb turned out to be Santalum Robe (V), a 6-star rarity, heavy armor-type relic, which gave me Exdeath’s Ultra Soul Break (USB), Delta Hole.
To be honest, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed that I got an Ultra. Sure, it’s way better and much preferable to getting a Legend Materia Relic (LMR) for a character that I don’t have anything else for. It’s also much better than getting Burst Soul Breaks since, AFAIK, Ultras are ranked higher than those.
However, I was hoping to get an Awakening Soul Break. Awakenings are second only to Sync Soul Breaks. They’re very good to have even if you can only use them once per battle. 
Of course, Ultras are great to have too, especially since they can be used multiple times. So you have a Soul Break to use after using the Awakening.
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I guess it’s not so bad to have Exdeath’s Ultra. I see that it can actually imperil the dark element. This means it can lower the enemy’s dark resistance level.
IIRC, the only other Soul Breaks I have that deal dark damage are the ones that belong to Gabranth and Vayne. At least I now have more relics to choose from when fighting against enemies that are weak to dark.
The Bravery Mode of Exdeath’s Ultra reminds me of Genesis Rhapsodos’ (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) Awakening. His Genesis Rhapsody also gives him Brave Mode aside from the Awoken Mode.  
Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII
The second and final disco orb turned out to be Pinwheel+ (VIII), a 6-star rarity, thrown-type relic, which gave me Rinoa’s Ultra Soul Break, Angel Wing Ice Ruin.
Sigh. Yet another Ultra. I wish I could get at least 1 Awakening from these pulls. At the moment, I only have 4 Awakenings. I don’t even have a single Sync yet.
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I actually have 1 other relic for Rinoa. I have her Chain Soul Break, which also deals ice damage. IIRC, her weapons are currently the only Soul Breaks I have that deal ice damage.
Looks like Rinoa’s Ultra also has Brave Mode. But instead of lowering the enemy’s ice resistance like Exdeath’s Ultra does for the dark element, hers boosts all her abilities and Soul Breaks that deal ice damage.
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5th Anniversary Relic Draw Ticket 2 Pull Results
I only got one disco orb from my second ticket pull. Will this orb give me my 5th Awakening?
Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy V
Unfortunately, no Awakening for me. Instead what I got was Gilgamesh’s Guise (V), a 6-star rarity, heavy armor-type relic, which gave me Gilgamesh’s Chain Soul Break (CSB), Historic Splendor.
Yeah, I wish I had gotten an Awakening. However, after learning more about Chain Soul Breaks, my disappointment at getting this relic has lessened. 
In fact, I can say that I’m actually really glad I got this item. I still want an Awakening though. Hopefully, my next pull will give me one. Fingers crossed.
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Anyway, I learned that there are different kinds of Chain Soul Breaks. Gilgamesh’s CSB is what is known as a Gen 2.0 Chain. 
This type of Chain is up to 150 hits long and greatly increases the attack of the party, similar to the buff from Ramza’s Shout Soul Break.
Chains increase the damage of an element. In this case, Gilgamesh’s Chain will increase the party’s fire damage. So why am I happy to get this Chain?
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The answer is because of Genesis Rhapsodos (#ad). He’s currently my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy character. In fact, he’s the reason why I’m playing FFRK.
It was no coincidence that I started playing this game during the Ode to a Sundered World Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII event. This is the event that introduced Genesis as a playable and recruitable character in FFRK.
Since he’s my fave, I’m always on the lookout for things that will make him stronger and better and more powerful. His main element is fire, so after learning that a fire Chain will boost his fire damage, then, of course, I wanted one.
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Now that I have one, it’s time to recruit Gilgamesh to add him to my party. Yeah, I’m so new to this game that I haven’t even been able to recruit all of the characters yet. 
I also need to level up Gilgamesh after recruiting him. He’s now a priority since his Chain is gonna make my fave shine, so, naturally, I can’t wait to try this combo in the game.   
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5th Anniversary Relic Draw Ticket 3 Pull Results
I couldn’t help but hesitate before using my 3rd login ticket on the 5th Anniversary Relic Draw banner. Am I gonna get yet another Ultra? 
The Chains are good, too, but I just got a fire one, so, at the moment, I’d like to be able to get more Awakenings.
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But RNG is RNG, so there’s really nothing that you can do about it. Sigh. At least the draw is free. Still hoping not to be disappointed with this pull though.  
I finally pressed the draw button. Only 1 disco orb showed up, so I was already feeling meh about this pull. This is gonna be yet another Ultra, isn’t it?
Lightning or Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII
Yup, I was right. The disco ball turned out to be another Ultra. I got Royal Armlet (XIII), a 6-star rarity, bracer-type relic, which gave me Lightning’s Ultra Soul Break, Dangerous Beauty.
I like Lightning, but, ugh, why couldn’t it have been her Awakening instead? I don’t know what to say about this Ultra. 
I think this might be my second Soul Break that deals holy damage. I don’t know. Right now, I’m too disappointed to bother finding out. 
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Being able to reduce the delay of physical attacks of allies in the front row sounds good, but I can only bring 5 characters for each battle, and I don’t think there’s any space for Lightning if I only have 1 Soul Break for her. 
Besides, Ultras require 2 gauges or bars before they can be used, so unless I give her the Record Materia that lets her start fights with 2 gauges, then it’s gonna be a while before she can even activate this. 
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5th Anniversary Relic Draw Ticket 4 Pull Results
I hesitated before tapping the draw button since I was already dreading what I would get. But it’s not like I can just not pull. I mean, I could, but that would be a waste since this is basically a free pull.
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Better just get this over with. So I tapped the draw button. Then I actually saw 4 disco orbs. Of course, I was hyped. I mean, how rare is that? 
Hope Estheim from Final Fantasy XIII
The first disco orb turned out to be Eagletalon (XIII), a 6-star rarity, thrown-type relic that gave me Hope’s Overstrike Soul Break, Retributive Blast.  
While it doesn’t seem that bad, it also doesn’t seem that good. It only costs 1 bar to use and it can break the damage cap, but all it does is deal damage. It doesn’t give any buffs or anything that might be of use during a battle.
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Overstrikes are ranked lower than Ultras and Bursts. And they have been outclassed by Arcane Overstrike Soul Breaks. 
These cost a whopping 3 gauges and can only be used once per fight, but they deal much more damage when compared to Overstrikes.
Like Overstrikes, they don’t give any buffs and they can also break the damage cap. Overall, I can’t say I’m all that pleased to get this relic, especially since this is my first Soul Break for Hope. 
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I don’t think he’ll be usable with just this. I’m better off bringing a character that has more Soul Breaks, especially if those Soul Breaks provide buffs for either themselves or the entire party.
I guess this’ll see some use if I manage to get more relics that belong to Hope. And if I need a Soul Break that deals holy damage, then maybe I can make use of this.  
Tellah from Final Fantasy IV
The second disco orb turned out to be Professor’s Robe (IV), a 6-star rarity, robe-type relic that gave me Tellah’s Ultra Soul Break, Sage’s Resolve.  
Being able to reduce the delay of the magic attacks of all allies for 2 turns sounds good. It’s unfortunate that I can’t really appreciate this much right now since most of my Soul Breaks deal physical attacks. And did I mention that my fave Genesis is a physical attacker? 
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The other effects of this Ultra also seem pretty good. For instance, Genesis gets a “cause fire abilities used by the user to trigger twice” with his Awakening, and it’s super special awesome. I love every time he gets to double cast Inferno Assault or Void Destruction.
However, I don’t know what to say about the fact that using Tellah’s Ultra will eventually cause him to be instantly KO’d. It’s not like I need every single character to be alive at the end of the fight. 
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Most of the time, as long as there’s at least 1 character alive by the time the enemy dies, then you win. 
I guess it’s best to use Tellah’s Ultra near the end of the fight so even if he dies soon after, the rest of the party should hopefully still be able to get the win.
Onion Knight from Final Fantasy III
The third disco orb turned out to be Zeus Mace (III), a 6-star rarity, staff-type relic that gave me Onion Knight’s Ultra Soul Break, Forbidden Wisdom.  
This Soul Break doesn’t deal damage, but it does buff the party. I just wish it also buffed attack instead of just mind and magic. 
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Like I said before, most of my Soul Breaks deal physical damage. My fave Genesis is a physical attacker, and he’s always a part of my teams, so I prefer to get relics that can buff his attack.
It looks like this Ultra is gonna have to stay in my inventory for the time being. I’ll revisit this relic again when I get more Soul Breaks that deal magical damage.
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Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
The fourth and last disco orb turned out to be Healing Rod (VII), a 6-star rarity, rod-type relic that gave me Aerith’s or Aeris’ Ultra Soul Break, Innocent Cure. 
I didn’t get a single Awakening from this pull and the previous relics didn’t seem that useful to me. However, overall, I’m still happy with this draw. The real prize here is definitely Aerith’s Ultra Soul Break.
I’ve been hearing about how good Innocent Cure is, and I’ve been looking forward to being able to get it ASAP. This item is actually available for purchase in the game’s The Record Lab. But you need 1,000 Level 3 Anima Lenses to buy this. 
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Needless to say, getting 1,000 Level 3 Anima Lenses is easier said than done. I’ve been waiting for the time when I could finally buy Aerith’s Ultra. 
Now I don’t need to do that anymore and could use these Level 3 lenses to get something else such as Elarra’s or Cloud’s Ultras; I’ve also heard good things about those 2 relics.
At the moment, the only other relic I have for Aerith Gainsborough (#ad) is her Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Star Pulse. Her Awakening is awesome beyond words and she’s been super useful and helpful to me. 
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But the thing with Awakenings is that you can only use them once. After using Aeris’ Awakening, if the fight goes on for much longer, then she ends up with a lot of gauges or bars that I can’t use because I don’t have any of her other Soul Breaks. 
Now I finally have something I can activate after using her Awakening. This also gives me even more party-wide healing, which is awesome.
And the best part is - actually, scratch that. The best part is this entire Ultra Soul Break. Seriously, just look at all its effects, which are all super special awesome.
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it activates instantly, meaning it will cast the moment you tap on the Innocent Cure button
it restores a lot of HP to the entire party at once
it grants the party Last Stand, meaning if they die, they’ll automatically get resurrected  
it reduces the delay of the party’s physical attacks for 3 turns - I think I’ve said enough about this by now
And I can use this Ultra as many times as I want throughout the entire battle as long as I have the required gauges to do so. 
In short, I can’t wait to equip this Soul Break on Aerith. Already looking forward to using it and seeing how well it interacts with my fave Genesis’ moves.
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5th Anniversary Relic Draw Ticket 5 Pull Results
Will this next draw be able to top the last one wherein I managed to get Aerith’s awesome Ultra Soul Break? Let’s see.
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Only 1 disco orb showed up, so it’s already looking pretty meh compared to the last pull where I got 4. Still, even if it’s only 1, it could very well turn out to be a great relic. At least, I hope so.
Gladiolus Amicitia from Final Fantasy XV
The disco orb turned out to be Blade of Brennaere (XV), a 6-star rarity, sword-type relic that gave me Gladiolus’ Overstrike Soul Break, Dawnhammer.   
Super disappointing, to say the least. Getting an Ultra would have been much better. As it is, this is just plain useless, especially since I have nothing else for Gladiolus.
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Also, what’s with the bonus effect of this sword? Why does it give a “small boost to fire damage” when the Soul Break itself deals earth and non-elemental damage? Weird.
Overall, I hate this pull. At the very least, I wish I had gotten more than 1 disco orb, or that I had gotten something that I can actually use even if it’s only 5-stars. Sigh. I really hope the next pull will be so much better. 
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5th Anniversary Relic Draw Ticket 6 Pull Results
Still so disappointed about my previous pull. Let’s just get this draw over and done with already. One rainbow orb and one disco ball showed up. Already feeling meh about this. 
Mog from Final Fantasy VI
The rainbow orb turned out to be White Cape (VI), a 5-star rarity, light armor-type relic that gave me Mog’s Legend Materia Relic (LMR), Moogle Survivor.  
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I don’t have any other relic for Mog, so this is basically useless. Besides, why rely on a “small chance” when there are abilities that can lower the stats of enemies with a 100% chance?
For instance, there’s Enfeebling Jitterbug, an ability that lowers the attack and magic of all enemies by 50% for 10 seconds.
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Needles to say, I already hate the results of this draw. Let’s see if the last item can salvage this pull.
Raijin from Final Fantasy VIII
The disco orb turned out to be Gokuu Pole (VIII), a 6-star rarity, hammer-type relic that gave me Raijin’s Ultra Soul Break, Dragon Soaring.  
I’m surprised to find out that this weapon is supposed to be a hammer. From just seeing the large image on the “congratulations” screen, I was so sure this was a pole. 
Heck, it even has “pole” as part of its name, so where in the world did “hammer-type” come from? Now I wonder if this is a typo or something.
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I have no other relic for Raijin, and, while an Ultra is way, way better than an LMR, getting this isn’t making me want to add him to my party. 
I still hate the results of this pull. I wish I had gotten someone else’s relic even if it’s still just an Ultra Soul Break. 
For instance, what about more relics that can heal or ones that can lower the fire resistance of enemies so my fave Genesis can deal even more damage and possibly even hit their weakness (assuming you’re able to lower their resistance enough that they become vulnerable to fire). Sigh. Sometimes, this game can be so frustrating. 
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Honestly though Raijin’s Ultra doesn’t seem bad at all. The barrier bit could be useful though I already have some ways to mitigate damage dealt to my characters via casting Shell (raises the party’s Resistance) and Protect (raises the party’s Defense).
The critical hit chance buff is definitely good. The problem is that I also already have a source for this via Tyro’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) Ultra Soul Break, Arbiter’s Tome. 
It’s much better than Raijin’s when it comes to this particular buff because, with Tyro’s Ultra, you can get up to 100% critical hit chance.
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Most of my pulls were terrible beyond words. Super disappointed, to say the least. While I’m super glad I was able to get Aerith’s Ultra and Gilgamesh’s Chain, I still can’t help but wish that I had gotten more relics that I could have made use of right away.
Aerith is already a part of my team so having her Ultra just made her even more useful as my primary healer. Gilgamesh’s Chain boosts Genesis’ damage so this immediately gave him a spot in my party even though this is the only relic that I have for him.
At the very least, I wish I had gotten more healing-type relics or relics that can make enemies weak to the fire element. In other words, I’d readily welcome any Soul Break that can support or buff my fave even if they aren’t Awakenings or even if they’re only 5-star rarity. I’d be interested in anything that can make Genesis shine and be even better than he already is.
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Unfortunately, it’s over. We aren’t getting any more tickets. Sigh. Sometimes, this game can be so frustrating. I’m reminded of just how much I hate that it doesn’t have a pity system unlike in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. 
Really, if Genesis wasn’t here in Final Fantasy Record Keeper, I wouldn’t be here at all. These draws just serves as a reminder that I shouldn’t be wasting my mythril (FFRK’s pulling currency) on any banner that doesn’t feature my fave’s relics.
If Genesis gets new weapons and armor, then I definitely want to have those, so I’m gonna need all the mythril I can gather to go all in on this potential future banner. Considering this game doesn’t have a pity system and has what appears to be terrible rates, I can’t take any chances. 
Must keep saving mythril no matter what. I think I’ll only be using them on the Luck of the Realms banners because those only cost 5 mythril and you’re guaranteed to get at least 1 5-star item or higher. 
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I’ll also be using them on the Lucky Relic Draw banner for Awakenings because those cost only 25 mythril and you’re guaranteed to get at least 1 Awakening Soul Break.
So, what about you? How did your FFRK fest draws go? Which banners are you planning to spend your mythril on? Who’s your favorite FFRK character? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by replying or reblogging this post.   
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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