#✨{under the mask; (indigo)
id0what1want · 7 months
What does Cereza look like and how tall is she compared to the other characters and pokemon (it feels weird calling them characters)
*me vibrating at the exact frequency required to shatter glass* yeah I can do that for you
(I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ASK (scroll to the end for some sketches of Cereza))
Cereza is NOT tall, she's like maybe five feet somethin' short. She's Kieran's height during the Teal Mask and stays the same height forever. She does wear thick boots or sneakers all the time though in order to remedy this. Chunky soles are also good for traction and she climbs everything. She likes having stompers. Cereza seems taller than she is cuz she's all arms and legs, little gangly creature. She's also very sticklike, if you shook her she would make a rattling sound. All her muscle is very lean. Compact cryptid. I should clarify that I subscribe to the headcanon Kieran gets a growth spurt over the timeskip between the Teal Mask and the Indigo Disk. I think he shoots up to Amarys's height but still has issues with slouching so he might not seem like exactly the same height. Height is evidently in his genes if Carmine is any evidence. He's not done growing. (Cereza is pissed that she's not getting any taller and Kieran IS STILL GROWING) Cereza looks fucking hilarious next to all her huge freaking pokemon. Little creature next to big creature(s)
Cereza's hair is very specific in color and style in my brain. It's very wild and thick, as well as very long. It's the same consistency of a Hex Maniac's from the gen 6 games. Cereza's hair is ash blonde/white, exactly like the ash white option in game except the white streaks are even whiter (especially in the Indigo Disc, partially because fluorescents). It's very pale and muted, probably a shade lighter than the ash white in game depending on the lighting. Her hair is nigh constantly in low twintails that reach about her hips to maybe her thigh in length (it does grow over the timeskip, but it's so wild that it's kinda hard to notice especially since her bangs don't change). She will do little mini braids in her hair sometimes purely as a fidgeting habit to keep her hands busy or that piece of her hair isn't cooperating, and she wants it outta the way. Cereza's hair is the perfect length and consistency to play with and do things with. Lacey has to use every ounce of self-control in her body not to play with Cereza's hair. Deadeye has no such self-control and will bite at Cereza's hair all the time. Hair color refs!!
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(DUDE THE IMAGES ARE SO BIG HOW DO I MAKE THEM SMALLER-) and also a hex maniac for hair texture reference
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Moving on, Cereza's eyes are a darker red in Teal Mask, more discreet, but in the Indigo Disc they've gotten more saturated to the point of becoming a startling red. Her eyes are really big and round and sharp at the same time?? like they're round but her eyelines and eyelashes are pretty sharp. Her eyelashes are dark and pretty long. I would say her eyelashes are a dark DARK brown as opposed to black. Her eyes are very reminiscent of Briar's but a slightly different shape. Her pupils have a four-pointed star shape. This is not foreshadowing anything /lying
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Cereza also has a beauty mark under each eye, perfectly identical and symmetric. (research says they're called tear moles, and they signify bad luck or hardship in life. It fits for plot reasons you'll see later lmao) She also has faint freckles all over, they're light enough that they aren't visible at a glance but you can see 'em if you squint. They would be more visible if she went out more during the day. Cryptid ass.
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Posting this sketch is genuinely so scary like putting my own art on the internet? BLEGH. Giving people a visual of my own character? BLEGH.
Alright that's Cereza. Have some bonus sketches of the boys.
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might transfer them to digital. idk. Anyway, thanks for staying this long!!!!!!
✨Do whatever you want forever✨
~ Cytoplasm
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corundumb · 8 months
Credit goes to @head-in-the-icloud for the au and characters. Nova is my own character. I hope you guys like it 😁
The Royal Jesters Fanfic- Seamstress Nova
The castle is magical, as are the residents. Well, not ALL of them at least. But in Novas mind they all are, each one is nothing she’s seen before. Even the ones that seem like clones visually have such personalities. In place of flesh there’s metal and what she assumes is magic, visually unique it was crazy.
But now it’s her new normal. Having spent a few years of her life here, she’s come to know them relatively well. The Princes love to expend their energy and stress by playing as Fools, playing pranks on each other and those around them. As much as they can be annoying it’s endearing. She thought something was up when Prince Sun spent more time in her workshop, suddenly finding some fabrics and accessories very interesting. Spending a day or so flipping through sample books she’s collected throughout her professional travels. Asking when she'll head out again.
Nova kept them categorized by region, shop, and then by colors, textures, and patterns. These books are more like mini suitcases with canvas as pages in place of paper, samples of previous fabrics she’s purchased in the past. Nova took pride in her collection, even if just to look at they’re wonderful reminders of previous designs.
Her bells collection, however, she felt it almost necessary to ban him from. The constant jingling to test which ones sounded perfect got on her nerves a little, but save for that one exception it was entertaining to watch him select the fabrics and ask her so many questions. When she asked him of his sudden interest in fabric, he was being uncharacteristically vague and dismissive. She guessed it was two things, something gold and shades of reddish orange, something azure and indigo. Veeery sneaky, Prince Sun.
She recognized the fabrics immediately as they donned their new apparel. They were almost unrecognizable with the masks, the Princes looked great as Jesters! Their antics made her laugh more, even when she became a target for a little while. The number of times one or both of her braids were now ‘mustaches’ for themselves or on her was a fast way to pull her attention from work. Under normal circumstances touching her hair would be off limits but she gave them permission if their hands were clean. Despite it not being her place, she saw them as family. This doesn't mean she enjoys EVERY prank or joke, she could do without the pies in her face.
When she first met Gaiya, she was more intimidated than she was by Eclipse. Purely from height and status, and staring into her soul spooked her for sure with those big eyes. But the initial fear did not stop her from admiring the grace she carried, and instantly knew she would be hardest to design for but thrilled with the challenges. When the Queen had time to review designs and fabrics she wanted she enjoyed the most, many varieties of snacks and teas available each time.
Nova respected Neptune a great deal, a powerful wizard in his own level. Having to maintain and upkeep the knowledge required takes a lot of time. She's spoken with him only a few times, primarily for basic defense spells and the benefits of enchanting threads and fabrics for certain occasions.
During her travels to retrieve orders of fabrics, jewelry, and shop on her own accord for other necessities for her job she took guarding the goods and the money she traveled with extremely seriously. To the point where in between her travels, and main job as a tailor, she kept up her abilities by training with Eclipse when possible, or basic defense spells with Neptune. She has very little in magical capability and is only so strong physically. But what most don't know about her is why she keeps her gloves on 90% of the time.
From her fingertips thin but very strong wires of light move from her control. It's very dangerous mid to close range, and she has used it for mobility. Those who don't notice the light reflecting parts of the wires may believe she's floating or flying. But most fights she partakes in end up with body parts strewn about, the ground and herself covered in blood. It's very messy. Considering the wires can cut chunks out of wagons and armored personnel with relative ease, she's comfortable traveling on her own. But this does not mean she enjoys any bloodshed, she merely wishes to not be a burden in a kingdom of animatronics as a human.
The wires do have their benefits outside of battle, she's able to move heavy rolls of fabrics with ease on her own. But she must remain mindful of their sharpness. She'll regularly use them on herself to work on tailoring for the Queen directly, or to Eclipse when she's had enough making him more cloaks than he can burn through and gives him a piece of her mind face to face. His enjoyment of this just angers her more.
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monmuses · 5 years
Which one is your doctor muses? I’m kinda stuck on mobile.
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// *First, we have Harriet Jekyll. She’s a doctor in psychology, medicine, and social science. Elizabeth would also be considered a doctor and follow the same levels of intelligence as Harriet does.
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// *Angel is the other doctor. She is the head doctor in the TF2 verse and is specialized in all kinds of medicine and science. Her immortality gave her the ability to gain many doctorates and licenses under her name.
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// *Indigo is also a doctor, but a doctor in Medicine and Surgery. She’s been immortal since the end of the Black Plague but has gone through various lengths to test on subjects she has rounded up throughout the years. She’s a not-so trusting doctor.
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// *Kira is a doctor who specializes in Human Medicine and Complementary & Alternative Medicine. She tested on herself, much like Harriet did, but performed an accidental transformation into a Dragonewt with various physical changes.
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// *Luna is a doctor being trained under the direction of Angel, soon to be a doctor in Medicine. She’s... struggling, but doing better with her training.
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monmuses · 5 years
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“It is almost New Years Day! You know what that means?”
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“I get to spook some people with their fireworks.”
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“You all are hopeless.”
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monmuses · 5 years
Personal Conflicts/Trials (pt. 2)
Elizabeth - The struggle of keeping up her identity while, in reality, being Harriet Jekyll. Like the OG Novella Henry Jekyll, Edward Hyde was himself keeping up an identity to do as he pleased. However, with her tendency to be stubborn and to be more emotional than Harriet, there are some times where she thinks she isn’t who she really is. That she is just a facade and isn’t herself. She doesn’t want to be Harriet Jekyll, she wants to be Elizabeth Hyde.
Elva - Physical abuse and the loss of a father. She took part with her mother in raising the family along with raising money to keep the family up. 
Ember - Loss of her family and her curse as a Yuki-onna. By this point in life, she lives the way she lives it, and she knows that she lives longer than humans. She lives with the knowledge that her family is gone and she has no idea where they are now.
Finnchaem - The curse of being a werewolf. Finn suffered from continuous bullying through her childhood and still gets it to this day. She has grown used to it and blocks it out, however she’s afraid of her ownself when a werewolf. She has no control over it and is afraid she’ll kill someone if she loses it.
Flute - Her arrogance and stubborness. She’s grown up around a whole flock of Gryphons and has been taught over the years of her life how to fight and become an extraordinary warrior. But her personal problem is how stuck up she can be. She hates being on the losing side
Harriet - The judgement from her peers due to her Jekyll lineage. Since she is a descendant of Henry Jekyll, she’s a well-off person and has a steady job while working to find a true significant other. But she also has the other half of herself; Elizabeth Hyde. She also suffers with the knowledge that she can never bear any children in her life, as she was born infertile. She has adopted two little kitties; Caramel, her Ragdoll - Calico mixed cat, and Koki.
Heidi - Depression and the wish to be perfect body-wise. She was young going into college and suffered from gossiping about herself by other students during the first two years there. She also had a habit of putting herself down and degrading herself during her state of depression.
Indigo - Dealing with the Devil and cursing herself to be immortal with the cost of her soul. She doesn’t feel human emotion or positive feelings about other people. She is no longer considered human with how disfigured she looked since the Black Plague. And she had been alive at the same time Vera took control and plagued Europe with the disease.
Iris - Running away from home from a physically abusive mother and having a corrupted form. Normally, she would be a physical ideal form of beauty and perfection. However, she is now seen as a monster. She also suffers from genetic anxiety on her father’s side.
Ivonne - Discrimination because of her race as a Kobold. While on the job, she has people holler at her (or cat-call, because of her fit form). They call her names and usually call her a lap dog for being in the police force and having a canine appearance.
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monmuses · 6 years
@redgentleengie continued from here with Indigo/Scarlett
It was exciting. At least, for Indigo. It had been many, many years after her damned curse that she was able to work again. And with someone. Though, he merely trusted him to get through her rustiness, as she had been living alone with nothing to keep her mind occupied. Her grin widened a little, pupils receding as much as they could with the mere concept of creating immortality for man kind.
But she did her best to keep that excitement in.
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“But only a few,” she noted, chuckling behind her Blighted Beak. “It has taken me years to barely scratch the surface of obtaining immortality. I am quite flattered at your skills, doctor.”
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monmuses · 6 years
023 024 025 026
100 Random Character Development Questions
023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically?
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> Elizabeth loves people who have characteristics that make them stand out. She looks for bright colors, or ones that are rare. She likes people who have toned muscles, etc. Basically, your ideal model, male or female.
024. What do they consider ugly in others physically?
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> Finnchaem prefers people who keep themselves clean. To add onto this, she finds no interest in people who have acne, have body fat literally everywhere (and she means everywhere, but she’ll let belly fat and thighs slide).
025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise?
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> Indigo finds independence a beautiful personality trait. She loves a man who doesn’t need her to babysit them 24/7, but also takes general kindness and caring for someone as beautiful. She may not seem like she enjoys it, but deep inside, she does.
026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise?
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> Harriet finds stubbornness and being judgmental not ‘ugly’ personality traits, but more of unpleasant. After experiencing people who were quick to judge because of her great-grandfather’s past, she strays away from those who are quick to jump to conclusions.  
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monmuses · 6 years
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“Hello, everyone. I am Dr. Indigo Underwood. The mun, sadly, could not make it today... her little cold has gotten worse, but do not worry. For I am her temporary replacement.
“Any messages sent to her will be answered by me while she recovers.”
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monmuses · 6 years
“Hi-de-Hoo there pals! The name’s Pilot, and what are ya been up to?” -RED Pilot
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“I have been up to nothing but sleeping in all weekend, and I would prefer to not be interrupted.”
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monmuses · 6 years
I'm going to tweak the 💸 question to say: Name 1+ muses that resent wealthy people and 1+ muses that believe they earned what they have.
Thought-Provoking Headcanon Meme
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> Indigo and Vivienne would be definite picks that resent wealthy people. For Indigo, it’s mainly because of the persecution she had to deal with before escaping her home from burning. They all despised her works as a Plague Doctor, and because of her social class, she got the most hatred from wealthy people. For Vivienne, it’s because of the scientists. Most of them that she had to deal with came from very wealthy families.
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> Harriet believes she’s earned what she has. Even with being in a family of wealthy people, she’s worked, gone through college, graduated, got a job as a psychologist, married, etc. She doesn’t boast about it, but is thankful for what she has.
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monmuses · 6 years
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“If any time... you never know... You need a friend... Mmm...”
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monmuses · 6 years
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"Oh come on... If it makes you feel any better, they abandoned you at birth, so I very seriously doubt they'd even want to see you."
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monmuses · 3 years
Insects Dolls
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Fear-Themed Headcanon Questions
Send one (or a few) to my muse and they’ll answer:
Insects: Name something your muse finds gross or annoying. Dolls: Has your muse ever collected something?
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> Indigo isn’t one who finds things gross or annoying due to the loss of her soul years ago. But if there was one thing that she found annoying was poor care of tools. She is rather picky with people that she would “enjoy” being around, but people who don’t have proper care for things they own are a personal annoyance for her. If she is annoyed enough by it, she will forcefully fix how you care for your belongings.
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> Nadia doesn’t often collect many things like shiny objects, but she collects things that are interesting to her by shape or form. As for size, she prefers tiny objects that fit in her palm. She often collects small office objects, such as erasers, pens, etc. 
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monmuses · 5 years
Send a word and I will write a drabble or headcanon based on it
     Some consider immoral acts as a belief of the Devil. Many have feared those who believe in him from the amount of paranormal activity that has risen in the last few decades since the reintroduction of monsters and demi-humans alike. But... that has seemed to have changed much more than before.
     People have contradicted those who believe in the Horned Monster, but have mostly fallen into the traditional habit of killing those who practiced immoral worship. But not Indigo.
     For, you see, she had kept herself invisible to the human world since the Fall of Europe to the Black Plague. She had fallen into the practice of the Plague doctors and developed a pure addiction for dissection. For human tampering. Something about it caught her eye... she felt the need to practice. To be better than what she was before. To become perfect.
     Her soul grew needy for immortality. She sold it in the hopes of continuing to practice her work.
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     Tonight was another night of hard work. She had gotten her hands on another subject that was oh so willing to give up their life for the loss of limbs. They were strapped down by their wrists and ankles, screaming in agony as the number of needles and sharp knives cut into their skin, tearing away at the muscle and flesh. 
     “Oh quit your cries, little one,” she grimaced, twitching a brow. “What must make you think that this is as terrible as it is? You have no reason to cry...”
     Another cut was made into their neck, “I need another blood sample from you. Now quit your cries and keep quiet. Perhaps tightening those arteries of yours and I can drain more blood from you...”
     A grin grew on her face, digging her knife into their neck, “...that is all I need.”
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monmuses · 6 years
☹ Name one person they would kill for.
Horrific Headcanons
Send a symbol for a headcanon about my muse. All horror/angst/scifi related.
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> She would kill for who she serves as a doctor. In a nutshell, she’d kill for anyone she trusts.
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