#✨💌.enchanting inbox
goonlineagency · 1 year
"🚀 Unleashing the Potential of Digital Marketing: A Quick Guide 🌐✨
🎯 The Digital Playground In a world where everyone's online, digital marketing isn't just an option – it's a necessity. It's about getting your brand in front of the right eyes, at the right time, with the right message. Think of it as the ultimate way to make your mark in the digital playground.
🌟 Crafting Your Online Identity Your website is your digital storefront, and first impressions matter. Imagine a site that loads like a lightning bolt, showcases your offerings, and is easy to navigate. That's what captures hearts (and clicks). And guess what? Google loves it too!
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📝 The Storytelling Spell Content isn't just king; it's a magical enchantress. Blogs, videos, podcasts – they're all wands in your content arsenal. Cast a spell with stories that educate, entertain, and resonate with your audience.
📈 Spells and Potions (Analytics) Abracadabra! Analytics reveal the secrets behind your digital spells. You can track who's visiting, what they're doing, and how long they're staying. Use these insights to fine-tune your strategies and conjure even better results.
💌 The Enchanted Inbox Emails might seem old school, but they're your secret potion. Craft bewitching emails that delight your audience, share insider info, and keep your brand on their minds.
🚀 Into the Future The digital realm is ever-changing, like a magical forest with hidden paths. Stay curious, keep learning, and embrace new tricks of the trade. Adapting is the key to staying ahead.
Ready to work your digital magic? Cast your unique brand spell and let's make some online wizardry happen! 🌐🔮 #DigitalMarketingWiz"
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starchxn · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with five of your favourite fics that you've written. Spread the self-love 🥰💛
hi mal~ i hope you’re doing good 💙
Jdhrhdhdhdhdb Tumblr literally yeeted the notification for this I’m sorry Ti I literally had to manually check my inbox cause I knew something was going wrong with my asks T-T
Anyway, thank you so much for the wonderful ask!
Five of my favourite fics:
Royals | Hwang Hyunjin - Really one of my underrated fics. I wrote this when I was genuinely angry and I've barely edited it, so you can see my most raw emotions conveyed in this one.
Burning Sunset | Han Jisung - I don't have much to say about this fic other than the fact that despite me being somewhat of an amateur with fluff-related content, I was incredibly satisfied by this work.
Sing To Me | Bang Chan - This fic is literally my baby. It is one of the first longer fics I've actually managed to finish on the blog and though the plot feels a bit wonky at some points I feel like it basically represents the mood of my entire blog and writing style with the excessive angst.
Scars | OT8 - This one seems somewhat nostalgic in the most unfamiliar way because I've literally never celebrated Halloween so it's more like a fic of the stuff I wish I got to experience in my early childhood.
Overdrive | Bang Chan - The absolute softness I get from this fic dear lord. Again, I'm not the best fluff writer but as soon as I wrote the blanket scene I felt like I'd actually accomplished something impossible lmao. Comfy baker!Chan go brr.
Thank you so much for the Love Ti! I hope you're having a wonderful day💖✨
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starchxn · 3 years
You're so right!! Those characters can have the most intruiging dynamics and it's just so fun to read and to write ✨✨✨ and it's a series~ 👁👁 sounds very very very interesting, you need to tell me more about it (only if you want to ofc njhdg)
Also thank you omg 😭😭💕💕💕 i'm so glad you enjoyed reading it!!! I definitely had a lot of fun playing around with their relationship,, and you said you learnt something from it?? 👀👀
I'm doing well, thank you for asking :D <333 how have you been? 💗
Morally grey characters always have me in a twist whether it be reading or writing them, its always so fun to experiment such dark things on them, it feels almost overpowering✨
Ah the series, my child if I may, my new infatuation😌
From what I can tell you, it's set in a heroes-vigilantes-villains dynamic universe with lots of highlights on different parts of society, whether it be the overpowered rich, poor and neglected and even straight up society-oblivious people (really, I'm so excited to write the parallels itself) and lots and lots of supernatural powers. I've set almost all my characters up to be morally grey in one area or the other, continually generating conflict if you will, but Felix is definitely at the top of that evil list even though he's the supposed 'protagonist' of the series.
Writing a morally grey character has always been somewhat of a dream of mine and I'm glad the idea that came to me in the form of this series fit perfectly in the societal sort of setting.
Ah A Song Of Time And Avarice! The story was so enrapturing to me. As someone who has no knowledge of Greek Mythology (but does want to learn about it in the near future) even though I didn't know much of the backstory like some who have the knowledge may, I found it to be explained really well and easy to understand. The dynamic between Yeosang and the MC was really amazing to read into, how he'd do almost anything to get the MC, even if he had to make her a goddess. I particularly liked the scene during the war, when Achilles watches Patroclus and Polyxena die. That whole scene really did leave me breathless because I've seen so many writing tips on how you shouldn't describe the whole scene of the war, but the little details that affect the readers even more, and this was the first scene which I felt depicted the effects of a war so intricately well. Your fics really are a delight to read🥺💖
I'm doing amazing as well, I hope your day's been going well💖
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starchxn · 3 years
Mal! How are you? I am dropping by because did I read your tags on your lastest post correctly? 👀 You're working on a Felix series? I am already excited! Best of luck with all of your writing ✨
Hello Lia! I’m doing great and I hope you’re having a good day as well😊
How was your weekend? I noticed your weekend event but unfortunately I couldn’t participate due to poor timing haha, I hope you had fun with your works💖
Oh my the Felix series seems to be on fire currently cause the ideas just don’t seem to stop pouring in. I can reveal a few things however, just for the suspense of it👀
It’s set in a Heroes! AU and you may be able to spot a vigilante/villain Felix patrolling in there with his glowing freckles. Also some villainous apprances from Hyunjin and Chan as well😉
I’d also like to add that like all my fics, there’s a whole thunderstorm of angst brewing🤭
Thank you for dropping by! Wishing you well with your writing as well💖
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starchxn · 3 years
hey mal just saw your post and all I wanna say is that you’re really strong and I know fights can be so hard. I’m sending hugs! (you don’t have to reply to this if you don’t want to I just wanted to send some love and hugs your way)
Thank you so much izzy💖. Rather than the fighting I find school more mentally exhausting so your hugs mean a whole lot to me🥺. Sending the same hugs, love and positive energy back at you💖💝💗
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starchxn · 3 years
Hello?? Rain is clearly not only gloomy smh :(( I'm the most relaxed (and inspired) when it's raining outside; and that everything seems to be grey and dull is only a city-problem. Nature is much more vibrant !! I'm a fellow rain supporter here >:(
Also YES tbh i can see the charm of paint and gas station for like a short moment, but artificial scents (like most perfumes sadly) are headache-inducing hahaha 💔💔
No bc don't mind me taking a screenshot of what you wrote bc it's so so sweet and it makes me so happy ☹☹💗💗💗 thank you !!
*Cue me using this ask as an excuse to rant to my friend about a million reasons rain should not be stereotyped for gloomy and sad scenes🙄*
But as you said, the rain really is one of the best events that gets me going and gives me a ton of inspiration for writing. I've personally only seen rain falling right into nature because there's like a little forest-like area right outside my main balcony with a ton of beautiful sights and I wish more people got to appreciate that side of nature instead of looking at it from an oh-rain-looks-so-gloomy-on-grey-cemented-buildings point of view.
In the case of the paint-and-gas argument, some people (including me ofc) have quite a sensitive sense of smell and those scents just throw us off completely because of how strong they are, so it's naturally unappealing.
Yes of course! I'd love to shower you with a thousand more compliments because you are ever-deserving of them all (though unfortunately, my vocabulary lacks heavily to ever actually express how great your works are)🥺🥰💖
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starchxn · 3 years
Your balcony sounds lovely omg !! 💗💗 we have quite a lot of trees right outside the house as well and it's always so lively !! Many birds and squirrels and butterflies and bees :D very fun
AND YES SO TRUE. Nature in general can be so so beautiful and surprisingly many people can't really appreciate it?? 🤔🤔 it is rather astonishing tbh hahaha
Anyway, rain and petrichor are superior and you're a sweet bean !! 💗 those are the hard facts. Hope you have a great day/night !!
I absolutely love waking up to the view outside (i admit tho it does get annoying with the crows sometimes when you're just trying to get some peaceful sleep) nevertheless, I'm always grateful to be waking up to nature instead of heavy traffic like most my friends do.😌
Nature in general is just so underrated, like most people find natural things like rain and snow so annoying but I don't think they actually ever have tried to look and appreciate them in the first place???😣
Thank you so much Alice! I hope you're having a great day/night too!💖💖
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starchxn · 3 years
OHHH sunset and the smell of rain !! I have to strongly agree with both :D ✨✨ there's just something so magical and calming about dawn in general,,
Also sob, favourite author ☹💗☹💗 thank you so so much for that !! Pls don't ever feel shy sending me an ask if you want to, I'll most likely shower you with hearts 😂😂💗
Yess! I feel so much more drawn and connected to nature compared to the more 'man-made' things around and that usually makes me the odd one out between my friends who probably like the smell of paint or gas stations 😂.
And yes, please never underestimate your writing skills because the way you think and interpret things is beyond spectacular and the way you describe each setting and character is so enthralling that every one of your stories has me hooked😌🥰💖
I'll keep in mind the heart shower next time I visit your inbox hehe💖
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starchxn · 3 years
Hello :D 💗💗
Coffee, mango sherbet and napolitan !!
Helloo 💖✨
Coffee- how do you like your coffee made? and what’s your go-to order at a coffee place?
I absolutely love coffee but due to some undiscovered health problems, I'm unable to drink coffee without getting sick these days. However, if I were to answer this question in the past tense, I'm quite used to coffee made with milk with a dash of extra sugar while at home and when I'm out, I try a few different things every time.
Mango Sherbet- do you prefer to watch sunsets or sunrises?
Sunrises all the way! I love the way each of the colours bleed into the sky as time passes. Of course, watching the sunset is a wholly different feeling but just the appearance of the dark night morphing into the lightest shades of blue while the world is still asleep brings a rush of happiness to me.
Napolitan- do you have a favourite scent? scents that you like in perfume, in candles, and in general?
In terms of a general scent, the smell of rain is definitely the most overpowering of all. As for perfumes, I have this specific scent bottle I've been using for years and it's a mix of rose and green tea which is a bit strong but it's quite calming. I'm not much for scented candles so I don't really know which ones are out there hehe. If I had to pick a favourite out of all these, I'd definitely pick the rain scent💖
Thank you so much for the ask!💖
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starchxn · 3 years
hi! can you tag me when Sing To Me is out please 🥺 tysm 💖
Yes of course! Thank you for all the excitement regarding Sing To Me💖
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starchxn · 2 years
hello, i couldn't help but notice the fanart you used on your fic "fire and water" ,,, the artist doesn't allow reposting so i was wondering if you have permission from them to use it? cheers :)
Hello! Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention. I didn’t realise the watermark while I was editing and I didn’t think to check the artists profile while I picked out the picture for the banner because I originally found it on Pinterest so I didn’t know the artists boundaries. I’ll take down the banner as soon as possible and try as well to delete as many of my reblogs as possible. Again, I apologise for not looking further into the picture.💖
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starchxn · 3 years
Hiiii I really love your writing and I wanted to request a felix fic but I don’t have a theme in mind 😭
Hello! Thank you so much UwU✨
It's completely alright! I can help you out if you'd like?
You can start off with the choice between the general mood of the fic, if you'd like more of angst, fluff, or something along those lines?
You could also tell me which fic of mine you want me to base it off/take inspiration from so that I can replicate your reading style as close to yours as I can.
Another option you can also consider is sending me a few links of the fics or AUs you like most so I can develop a mood from those as well.
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starchxn · 3 years
FELIX' CHARACTER IS GOING TO BE A MESS?? DO YOU HAVE A TAGLIST???? IF YOU DO, PLS ADD ME OMG ✊🏻✨✨✨✨✨ morally grey characters give me the biggest joy in life
Of course I'll add you to the (currently non-existent) taglist jsdfhkdsjf!! I absolutely love the dynamic of morally grey characters, especially when one doesn't know what they're doing is wrong and until they realise its too late. I'd like to think that not only Felix, but every character in this series is no less than the other when it comes to being evil in their own ideologies and actions and I'm truly excited to be able to write them!
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starchxn · 3 years
hi mal~ i hope you’re doing well!! i’ve got some questions for you!!
1. what is your favourite personal belonging and why?
2. is there a genre of writing or a story you want to write but haven’t gotten the chance to?
3. if you could live the life of one of your mcs, what story’s mc would you choose and why?
Hi Clove! I hope you're having a great day as well<3
1. What is my favourite personal belonging and why?
When you think about personal belongings the first thing that comes to my mind is my phone, earphones, you know, all the basic materialistic stuff, but if I had to choose something that's quite special to me I'd choose my dolphin plushie hehe. It's not that it's special just because it's a plushie but this specific one is probably the only remaining souvenir from when I went to Thailand at a very young age. It's stuck around with me for ages and even though I'm all grown up I still sleep with it (no one deserves to be judged for sleeping with a plushie because they're practically pillows but shaped and coloured). I've always been able to somehow find comfort in it and it's also good for my very much fragile back haha.
2. Is there a genre of writing or a story you want to write but haven't gotten a chance to?
When we talk about the genres I definitely want to write in the future, an Ice Skating AU is definitely at the top. As someone who prefers action and adventure over other themes of conflict, I'd love to add a little twist to the story with a unique angst-filled plot. I'm also working on so many more angst-centred plots, but I also hope to exercise my fluff writing skills with a more chill AU like a baking or college AU. Currently, I have a high interest in a Vigilante AU, which of course I did start work on, which I must say I'm proud of already.
3. If you could live the life of one of your MCs, what story’s MC would you choose and why?
Oh god, I hope WIPs count for this one because dare I say being an assassin to kill your love interest isn't the best life to choose😅
If I could choose, I'd choose the life of the reader insert in my WIPs fic titled "All We Know". It is a Biker! Hyunjin fic and oh lord does it have a load of travelling. The reason I'd choose to live this particular life is that first of all, travelling is something I could never get tired of. Going on trips and being on the road is one of, if not the best activities that not only clear my head but also give me a lot of inspiration to keep creating. The story essentially follows the same motive because the MC is tired of life and is searching for a break, in which case Hyunjin's travelling group invites her in for one trip.
The story is also set in an adventure-type vibe with cave exploring and waterfalls and beaches and everything I could possibly think of in nature. If you can guess already, I absolutely love spending time in nature. It's an environment I just seem to fit in.
Then again there's Biker! Hyunjin, who wouldn't choose him?😌😆
Thank you so much for these wonderful questions Clove! I really enjoyed thinking over them and they were delightful to answer💖
Get to know more about me by sending me such questions!
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starchxn · 3 years
hiya mal!! it’s your dnw secret santa checking in one more time. i have just one more question for you: do you prefer hot chocolate or eggnog around the holidays?
lots of love, your secret santa 🎄 (p.s. your fic will be out soon! just putting the final touches on it)
Welcome back, mysterious guest!
To answer your question, it's definitely Hot Chocolate✨
I'm already so excited, I can't wait to see how amazing it will be!💖
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starchxn · 3 years
hello mal!! it’s your DNW secret santa here!! i hope your holiday season is going well, and i’ve come to ask you a couple of questions! all hypothetical, of course 😉
first: if you were deeply in love with someone but could not tell them that you loved them, how would you convey to them that you cared?
second: do you enjoy attending large gatherings like parties? what about them appeals to you? (or, if you don’t like them, why not?)
and third: what kinds of inside jokes did you have with your childhood friends?
sorry it’s taken me a little while to drop in and chat with you :( i’ll be back if i have any more questions!! <3
Ooh hello there mysterious guest👀✨. My holiday season has been wonderful so far and I hope you’re having a great time too 💖
Ooh these are some interesting questions 👀
First: okay this question is really hard but if I had to tackle this situation, I’d definitely choose to use my love language. I love cooking for people so just making them a wholesome homemade meal when they’re tired just makes me feel like I’m giving out my love and care for them in that form, also, I’d say I’m pretty talented in crocheting so I’d make them little handmade gifts like keychains or hats or even a little doll especially if they’re not feeling their best.
Second: this one I can definitely say I’m not a fan of. I’m generally sensitive to noise and I get quite uncomfortable especially when there’s a gathering in a closed place. I’m quite introverted and going around and interacting with people is admittedly not my best trait at all and after almost every event I definitely feel very drained of energy.
Third: ooh this is quite fun! Me and my friend tend to stay up quite late at night and our text conversations often go sideways so there was this one instance when she accidentally ate chocolate which had alcohol in it and started texting me about how she didn’t have a gummy brain like how all of us do but she just has a hamster running around there and that it makes her superior. We still use it to this day.
Sorry if my answers are really long/not what you were expecting haha, I hope it helps you!
All the best and have fun writing! Looking at the questions I can see already I’ll have a lot of fun reading it 😊💖
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