#❀MASTER (Ritsuka Gudako Fujimaru).
cringechy · 1 year
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suns-out-sleeps-in · 27 days
Ritsuka looking for her servants when they call to her, but it's different for each
Charlie is excitedly calling and waving to her, opening his arms wide for a hug, causing her to run to him, jump into his arms, spinning around and nuzzling together. Super Cute and Fluffy 🫂(God Charlie would give great hugs I think, so warm)
Mandricardo being embarrassed thinking he disturbed them, looking away and not seeing Ritsuka barreling towards him thus he fails to catch her, sending both of them to the ground. Ritsuka is implied to be extremely affectionate towards him while Mandri is embarrassed but overwhelmingly happy, maybe even a smooch? Basically 😚😘🤭 vs. 😳😖🥴 (lipstick marks my beloved)
Oberon and Ritsuka annoying each other before they start angrily making out with each other as they fall to the ground with an exaggerated angry emoji and heart emoji. 💢 x ❤️ (🔞 ♠️👀🫣👁️👄👁️) (is this allowed? really? in front of my salad?)
CoMC teasing her by disappearing and reappearing with his shadows before cupping her face and kissing her with the softest look on his face, before the two lovingly embrace each other. 😍🤩🥰💫⭐🌟 (these two are so married it's not even funny)
I need to learn how to draw and animate this but if anyone wants to take a crack at it then PLZ tag me (plus credit plz 🥺) I know I mentioned F!Ritsuka but if you want to use M!Ritsuka it's works as well I just used she/her because I use she/her OR!! If you want to use your mastersona that's cool too! I'd love to see it! You can even use it as a template for other servants these are just the ones I'm in my feels for atm. Go nuts!
Basically the template would be;
Best Friends
For anyone that wants a simplified version.
Thanks for listening!
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Side A, Round 2 (Match 6)
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i know that shes making a mudra in her art. its just.
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senka-see · 1 year
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mamangasick · 1 year
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Fate/Grand Order -Epic of Remnant- Pseudo-Singularity III: The Stage of Carnage, Shimousa - Seven Duels of Swordmasters
TYPE-MOON Rei Wataru
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asterouslyaesthetic · 11 months
something about fairy godmother!merlin after gudako lets it slip that she thinks cindereli's dress is gorgeous and that she'd love to try it on makes me feral
so of course, when she wakes up in the middle of the night, she's in a beautiful castle, in a beautiful dress, staring at the mirror like she can't believe it's actually her
and then comes a knock at the door, and who appears but merlin himself, dressed up and ready to escort her to the ball
and there are tons of people there, mostly background characters with little bearing on her day to day life, but some of them are also the friends and family and classmates she hasn't seen in what feels like years
randomly, servants enter her dream and get put into appropriate costumes. abby and dantes are also there the entire time as bodyguards (abby is her lady in waiting/maid and dantes is her suave mercenary friend, it's in the script that merlin never ends up giving her), mash is there as a princess from a neighboring kingdom, and oberon is ALSO there, he forced himself there because he got no invite and he heard about it from castoria, and kind of miffed he didn't hear about this first because he can also do that. it's very important to him that gudako knows that, even if he'll never do it for her, obviously
she spends the night dancing away (always making sure to check on merlin, though he doesn't dance himself), until the clock hits twelve and merlin spirits her back to a room that looks like chaldea, but there are subtle touches to it that suggest its either OG chaldea or novum chaldea with the things she's missing from her OG room that sion couldn't replicate
and he makes her some hot chocolate, mimicking a certain someone (which causes a brief lull in the conversation after which merlin mocks the man mercilessly, but in a very frenemy way, and it gets a small smile out of her as she tells him not to make fun of the dead, but she's still agreeing with him), and they talk about how fun the night was
until gudako jokes about how she didn't have a prince charming. you can't have fairy tales without prince charming, who is the princess supposed to marry??
they end up debating whether she actually didn't have one or if she just isn't a princess who needs a prince charming right now (gudako rejects the premise that she doesn't want one—why does everyone else get knight kings, she says, pointing at shirou and hakuno for artoria and charlie), and she offhandedly says that if fairy godmothers looked like him, prince charmings would be out of a job
and that—
and that catches him off guard because the very next thing she says is "maybe prince charming was the fairy godmother who helped me along the way"
and he automatically says, "i'm not sure that's how the saying goes, my lord"
but anything else he can say dies in his throat when she stands up and asks him to dance with her and how can he say no when she's smiling at him so brilliantly
"shall we, o' wizard of mine?"
"as my lord commands."
and they live happily ever after
(when morning comes, gudako wakes up to a surprise in her bed. she figures out pretty quickly that he's just pretending to sleep, so she kicks him off her bed.
"my lord is a cruel master," he complains, cuddling her.
after they show up to breakfast like that, gawain straight up asks if she needs him to bail her out and is extremely disappointed when he finds that's not the case.)
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mako-neexu · 1 year
Post-FGL | Ritsuka holds Rokka’s hand. 「じゃね」
“Idiot! I’ll remember you!”
Even as it was her last line to him, saying it... felt heavy. Even before she came here and sensed his presence, she had prepared herself for another hello and another goodbye.
(Someone her pushed her into the light, saying that he was going to wait outside of this bubble of a universe.)
And she knew, deep down, that Ritsuka, this Ritsuka, understood. 
He understood and smiled at her before she and Eli left.
As her Servant in this Universe, the singer and idol who was one of the few to answer her calls in her timeline faded away into gold dust, smiling at her so sweetly like she did before in Orleans after her first Singularity.
After traversing through space, and emptiness with no concept of time, so much like the inside of her friend’s abyssal stomach, she found herself becoming a commentator and announcer for a fun little baseball game.
To see her friends again after so long-
She could barely hold back her high five from seeing her friend, her offer of a drink with I-chan, a cook off with her Super Cook, and another banter with her stupid but beloved Shachou...
...What a long journey.
She really had missed this.
Yet she takes a deep breath, as Rokka approaches the gates, her headset now set aside, her duties done, no purpose left-
A hand clutches at her own, alerting her of the person that tugged her back into the arena before she herself vanished from this world and slowly disappeared into the void.
“What...?” She couldn’t help her confusion, her thundering heartbeat loud in her ears. “H-Hey! You guys just won the match remember!” She tried to smirk and wriggle her hand away from Ritsuka’s grasp. “If you want another match with me being the commentator again, wait ‘till next year, you idiot!”
Pain. She can see the pain in his eyes, and it was hurting her as well.
He let go of her wrist and took a step back, with a hand going up to rub his nape, “S-Sorry! After our victory against the Crypters, I got swarmed with our Servants with congratulations and I wasn’t able to catch up to you...”
Rokka rolls her eyes with a smile, “Dude, you should take this chance to take pictures of them. I mean, have you seen Cas and Morgan? What about Gray and Reines? They were so cute! This is the only chance you’re gonna see them in baseball attire after a-”
She stilled.
Wait. Our?
Her silence after that brief pause stretched.
As if sensing her thoughts, Ritsuka smiled softly, both of his hands now reaching forwards to hold her own.
Rokka could only hold her breath.
From the cheers and merriment of the Servants, the fireworks that continued to pop and decorate the sky, and the lights of the stadium all became mere background noise as clock struck half past 11′o clock.
Dao. Ritsuka squeezes her hands in a reassuring grip, “Even though they bear the same voice and faces, they aren’t the same.”
...Was it really? She was just a different Master with a different gender. She knew as soon as looking at Ritsuka that their experiences were completely identical that it was hard to tell which is which.
But he was right.
These people weren’t the ones who she shared a meal with, who she played games and stayed up all night with, who she went to many Singularities and Lostbelts with, who she fought with and against.
These Servants are not hers, nor does she belong to them.
A calloused but warm hand cups her cheek, wiping away a tear that slid down her cheek.
“Even so, you love them, right?” Dao’s smile. His smile was enough to make her tears now continuously flow. 
His smile turns into a grin, a grin she knew well and used after a winning a victory hard-earned, “After all, you’re Ritsuka Fujimaru too!”
It’s been so long since someone called her by that name.
...Who knew the person who would call her by that is none other than a guy version of her.
She laughs, snorts, and brushes the flowing tears away as Rokka was pulled into a hug.
Ah, she didn’t wanna ruin his cool jersey... but to hell with it. They’ve only got a few minutes left.
Rokka clutches at his shirt as she smiles and cries against his chest, “Ugh, it’s supposed to be April Fools.”
It’s supposed to end in fun and games. In pleasant surprise and laughter.
Not... not like this.
He read her again, and smiled against her red-orange hair, “I don’t mind. We didn’t even pay you after being out oh-so spectacular announcer after all.”
Rokka hit his arm playfully, laughter in between her words, “Stop that! You sound like Oberon!”
“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten our talent in voice-acting?” Ritsuka tilted her chin up, so that she was gazing into a cool-blue gaze.
She blushed. So there was no helping that pinch on his arm as she puffed her cheeks, “Of course I remember! Didn’t you remember the time we had to imitate Herc during a singularity...”
Life is a series of helloes and goodbyes.
Even if you say ‘goodbye’ now, I’m sure we’ll meet again.
Surely, oneday. Someday. In a world where we could smile and laugh together and walk side by side.
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careyfell59 · 1 year
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Valentine event about Gudako and my male oc masters
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And for those who might want them, here’s the (separated) ashiversary art!
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sanctummilitis · 1 year
Spring oft symbolised beginnings anew — rebirth, fresh starts, cleaned slates. And yet nothing of this were any different the year prior; the burden of knowledge, the bitterness of truths apathetic as blades. The imbalance of omission out of intent to shelter against the weight of it all, the risk to those caught in the crossfires.
As time cycled near complete seasons, the thought to return that same church's shadow would have been particularly cruel, and so Saber had determined elsewhere. The shore of the smaller island, where the faded silhouettes of Spirale's tallest might peek above the water's surface at a distance too great for detection. Except for that, perchance, of an Archer.
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This was tiresome. Temptation of a coccoon to see her through the next months without incident festered — an escape neither a knight nor Servant could buckle to. dimmed emerald flittered to the phone illuminated to verify the time; the invitation had been scheduled for five more minutes, nevertheless, she had been rooted to the same spot for twenty prior and counting. Speculating the Master's response, anticipating a torrent of emotion, and echoing... still... the sentiments expressed when last they were unwillingly here.
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cringechy · 1 year
My life rigth now is just....
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menacingheatashi · 2 years
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Servanttober Day 6 - Riyo Style with Master(s)
A little late with this one, I still really enjoy drawing in Riyo’s style since its both simplistic and detailed at the same time
Also I have to admit its just fun to draw in lol
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dopplerdora · 8 months
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The Shimousa manga is pretty as hell and I'm pissed that it's only an ebook without a physical release.
Don't get me wrong, I love that the advent of Ebooks means that more manga and light novels are getting translated. But it still stings that those manga and light novels are digital only.
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caliburn · 1 year
As unregulated time persisted in this city, a sense of disappointment burrowed into the Servant's chest — despite never stepping foot in the city, there were a sense of nostalgia to be here, a longing to restore. Against the bridge railing, Lily observed the river beneath, following its natural course, running a fraction of her thoughts.
What broke up the sombre stillness upon the banks blazed red like no other flame — racing at speed, carrying a signal famed and encouraging. Ritsuka! Then perhaps it was meant to be she whom the Servant located in order to depart the city; the Master had been here once, witnessed for herself the desolation. But no chance were there for hope — her rush was no excitement from spying a glimmer of gold upon the bridge, but for survival.
Emerald grew wide at the recognition of a Servant in hot pursuit of the mage — and of all them, it solidified her theory. The Cu Chulainn of Singularity F had been the remarkable ally against the tainted king, summoned as a Caster. but here... a polearm rested in his hands, blazing threatening scarlet. Here, now, he was no companion.
Lily scaled the railing, perching herself on its outer edge with brief calculation for the trajectory — a rough estimation was the best she could work it, given the urgency beneath.
"Master!" Fingers unravelled from steel and the knight leaped forth, tightening her form to hasten the descent. With her powers completely sealed, it were possible that miscalculation could break her body on impact if the sturdiness of a Servant had forsaken her — but it was worth the risk. Ritsuka always took the chance.
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Caliburn came down upon the Servant's spear, shaving sparks from their respective metals. And though it disturbed his pursuit, he had the advantage of grounding. With a downward thrust, his weapon retracted the force grinding against the sword, which jolted earthward, and ruptured any airborne balance produced by his resistance. A gasp fell from the realisation of her amateurish mistake, something she could not rectify before the Lancer's leg slammed into her hip and flung her into the water.
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ladyjuquia · 2 years
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I just noticed… They are kind of matching! 💕💕💕
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