#❀EVENT 7.
caliburn · 1 year
As unregulated time persisted in this city, a sense of disappointment burrowed into the Servant's chest — despite never stepping foot in the city, there were a sense of nostalgia to be here, a longing to restore. Against the bridge railing, Lily observed the river beneath, following its natural course, running a fraction of her thoughts.
What broke up the sombre stillness upon the banks blazed red like no other flame — racing at speed, carrying a signal famed and encouraging. Ritsuka! Then perhaps it was meant to be she whom the Servant located in order to depart the city; the Master had been here once, witnessed for herself the desolation. But no chance were there for hope — her rush was no excitement from spying a glimmer of gold upon the bridge, but for survival.
Emerald grew wide at the recognition of a Servant in hot pursuit of the mage — and of all them, it solidified her theory. The Cu Chulainn of Singularity F had been the remarkable ally against the tainted king, summoned as a Caster. but here... a polearm rested in his hands, blazing threatening scarlet. Here, now, he was no companion.
Lily scaled the railing, perching herself on its outer edge with brief calculation for the trajectory — a rough estimation was the best she could work it, given the urgency beneath.
"Master!" Fingers unravelled from steel and the knight leaped forth, tightening her form to hasten the descent. With her powers completely sealed, it were possible that miscalculation could break her body on impact if the sturdiness of a Servant had forsaken her — but it was worth the risk. Ritsuka always took the chance.
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Caliburn came down upon the Servant's spear, shaving sparks from their respective metals. And though it disturbed his pursuit, he had the advantage of grounding. With a downward thrust, his weapon retracted the force grinding against the sword, which jolted earthward, and ruptured any airborne balance produced by his resistance. A gasp fell from the realisation of her amateurish mistake, something she could not rectify before the Lancer's leg slammed into her hip and flung her into the water.
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egophiliac · 23 days
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bring your son to work day
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three-fold-symmetry · 11 months
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Day 3 of @subcodyweek - Prompt: Praise kink
They didn't train him for this on Kamino.
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tamagoneko · 5 months
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the autism won
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fiendishartist2 · 7 months
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guy who doesnt dance x guy who will drag you onto the dance floor
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nicktoonsunite · 1 month
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Every time I look at your blog nicktoons unite becomes my category 7 autism event of the week
So real of you
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fearmeeeee · 1 year
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rubydubydoo122 · 4 months
Robin!Jason, Dying: Honestly, this isn't even the most traumatic thing that has happened to me.
The Joker: Excuse me? this is so traumatic. I'm about to blow you up.
Robin!Jason: I was homeless at 9, a pasty man with a crowbar isn't really that scary compared to the streets of crime alley
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crazy000567 · 3 months
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rayroseu · 11 months
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what being under the command of Princess Malenoa does to a fae....
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caliburn · 1 year
Everything was burning.
She'd heard about Chaldea's first mission — situated in a Japanese town engulfed in disaster, the battleground for the Holy Grail War. Though she'd never witnessed the setting herself, only tales of Saber summoned there, the Saber Alter who governed the War in a city where mages and civilians alike no longer walked. A terrifying Singularity where human life had been extinguished and Servants battled among the ruins.
Why she had been brought here was a mystery — the choking fog sweeping in twisted reality; she understood they to open formless doorways to memories, but this was not what she had experienced. nobody else was around — none of the Servants from the Singularity resided in Spirale, so how...?
The rattle of chains brought end to all questioning; she was no more alone. In her search for the origin tucked within darkness and rubble, a sight always welcome and heartful stopped the Servant dead in her tracks. "—Hunter?" His name flowed a breathless release; this was not a scene he should be subject to, a territory engulfed in carnage where only he truly were alive.
Which made him the perfect target for any Servant seeking to eliminate any potential Masters and remnant of humanity. Merging with the grim environment, the shadow began her charge, seeming to have sighted the life and claimed it as target. The window to catch her was mere seconds, and though Lily's advantage were speed, the chain-wielding Servant herself was renowned as swift. "Hunter! Run!"
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Against her left palm, Caliburn materialised in preparation to strike — she should just about make it, but it would still be an interception happening right above him. "Stay away from him, Rider!"
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egophiliac · 2 months
innocently logging in to look at the Twst schedule for May like
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asbestos-11 · 6 months
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they're so sick and disgusting, i need to shoot them on sight (said lovingly)
reblogs highly encouraged *cocks gun*
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jaskierx · 8 months
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how are we all feeling
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 7 months
⚠️Trigger warning⚠️ Graphic image.
His foot is barely hanging on. This child has been bombed by Israel. This boy is one of the 15,000 CHILDREN who have been injured by Israel and the United States. The number of life changing injuries we've seen on literal children is unfathomable. I don't share them here because of how graphic they are, which is why I ask you to follow journalists of gaza on Instagram, they share everything as they witness it. Follow shaun King too as he has given up his account for Palestinian journalists even if you don't think he's a great person. Our kids need you, never stop talking about Palestine.
Share our stories and our names, we aren't numbers. This has to stop!
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suntails · 1 year
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