#❛      ooc      ╱      saved posts.      ❜
xluciifer · 3 months
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The new staticapple game just dropped, if you even care,,,
I love you @pompedia thank you 🥹
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sirenslender · 1 month
...Hello, Flirtatious! I know we've only really talked... Once. But I've noticed you've been a bit stressed out, especially with the um... Blunt honesty thing...? And I wanted to see if there's anything I could do to help?
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bettertwin9000 · 2 years
👾 ) # INTRO ﹕ Hamato Donatello
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↳ ❝ You Never Let Me Shine! ❞
— File Entry 🌙
ᶻz My name is Hamato Donatello (He/She/They), The world’s most brilliant scientist and biggest botany enthusiast. Generally speaking, even if I am a walking prodigy, I am here to have fun rather than be a personal Wiki How search bar. Send me questions or tell me about anything interesting, and I’m sure we shall get along just fine.
Oh, and Be aware that I am an Introject.
› 💜 . . BOUNDARIES ﹠ [ EXTRA ]
— Familia (as Leo puts it)
❤️ → @hamatored
🧡 → @mystic-mikey
💙 → @bettertwin1
If you wish to read through our boundaries (which you should.) Go ahead and click Keep Reading to do so..
→ Boundaries
■ Tcest , Prosh▪︎p and NSFW DNI
■ Do not flirt with me; I will never be interested.
■ Do not sexualize me or say weird things about my body.
■ Do not infantilize me.
■ I KNOW I HAVE AUTISM. It is NOT the most defining thing about me.
→ Art Boundaries
□ Do NOT repost our art without proper credits ANYWHERE.
□ Do not reclaim our art as your own.
→ System Boundaries
■ Do not try to use information about me that you know from my source against me.
This is likely to be updated over time. Ciao.
(Also, thank you to Leo for creating this format for me.)
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It is i! The one who collects the random facts!
(And forgets if my questions have been answered or not!)
Can Pep do the whole "Take off my head and throw it at Peppino" thing? Like he did in Pizza tower? Since in this Au he's more... melty.
(I have offhandedly mentioned it a few times, but yes, Pep can remove his head like in game (anything that happens in game, assume he can do). The fact that he is 'melty' does not affect his ability to do so - unless he is upset and unable to hold his form, making parts of his body fuse into each other
In fact, all clones (Fake Peppinos and Peppiclones alike), can remove their heads, and it's kind of a bonding experience to swap heads for a while hehe
Anyway, Pep brain jumpscare raugh!!!
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wnterslder · 5 months
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whew !! what a wild and crazy year it's been ! to all of my mutuals from the start of my reemergence into the realm of m.arvel and writing to now [ and anywhere in between !! ] , from the bottom of my heart , thank you so much for joining me on this ride on writing our beloved j.ames b.uchanan b.arnes. cheers , to good times , to good pals , and a happy new year !
the howling commandos : @spybiote , @viperbit , @ncmad , @battletrio , @espercr, @chernayavidua
!!!! what is there to say ?? where do i begin ?? from my early ramblings in developing his voice and characterization to now , y'all have been there ! the worlds that we've created together have kept me going , and i've had a blast throwing ideas back and forth through our muse's [ no doubt ] angsty [ and occasionally , deservingly soft ] journey. i am thinking about them for forever and a day fr.
the comrades and confidants : @gingerspiice , @thirt13n , @goldshadows , @unexceptional , @matryochka , @greatrspnsibility , @tr4umaborn , @dr-foster , @arachnidiots , @congregaticn , @dcmur3 , @clochanam
i am in awe of you , your writing inspires me ! we've talked plenty some and i am grateful that we can always come together and chat and cry about our muses about whatever , whenever ! your presence is cherished absolutely , it always brings me joy to see you pop up on the dash ! i am rooting for our muses always , whichever path they may take !! we're in your corner. <3
the allies and pals : @haiiling , @thunderbringer , @razorfst , @notspiderkid , @peacereflected , @risingod , @ppctts , @shieldretired , @cag3dsong , @shieldagentnatasharomanoff , @belayadeath , @myatonements , @mcmorare , @executiioner , @defectivexfragmented , @reyestr , @gwenbiote , @bruz3r , @breaksmen , @spinxeret , @cxpt , @eldritchblcst , @farforvdova , @khakerskayavdova , @biitchcakes , @neonwebs , @drtwat , @hexsreality , @lvebug , @atrocitahs , @aercnaut , @ecopoison , @maidmyth , @maimedaffair , @itsalcngstory , @pitborn , @am4zon , @imperiyapala , @madeofmarblex , @medicbled , @heartsbreaking , @whctewidow , @stripesofbrooklyn , @trckstaer , @whitelace , @pcraspcra , @labwebs , @sisterwidowed , @quinnzelles
perhaps we've written or talked some , or not , i admire you INCREDIBLY still ! thank you for bein' here and ilu a bunch !! the love and attention to detail for your characters is very much clear , and i am here for it every step of the way. i am certain i am not alone in saying that you are amazing , and grateful to see the development of your character in your posts.
and again , i cannae thank enough : YOU ( yeah u ! ) !! thanks for making my year full of fun on this website , and i can't wait to see what next year brings us. love ya , be well , be kind , peace out. pat / wnterslder.
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leontheluxuriousone · 3 months
((Ooc: he truly is, awesome..))
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Ft. Confused mikey:
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gctchell · 2 months
#red is the og. the VIP#one of the safest people I've ever met#spectacular writing and I've the privilege of being able to see the incredible progression#from the day we met to present day.#it's a while! and writing like hers is unforgettable. her Lilith and Niffty are delights#and she's taken what I liked about those two and intensified my love for them#only red can pile on reasons for me to love characters especially ones she takes on#an excitable writer and one of the best people u can meet. even if we're in hell.#and her improv???? I know I can count on her to roll with the punches. -- @jizzlords
#ive known red for some time even WAAAY before HH and they’re a wonderful person#great to communicate with and very loving and kind and open minded#wonderful writer to boot on top of all of that -- @therealricksanchezpleasestandup
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i just signed on to the sweetest tags from some of the oldest mutuals i've had across my accounts. what the hell, yall. my darlings..
@jizzlords is wearing ozzie's skin. I mean that in the most complimentary way ever, because hel just pulls that man off with such ease it's like they're sharing the same body and he's just conducting the keyboard, taking down his autobiography online. the voice is crystal clear, you can hear iglehart in everything hel writes - down to the laughter.
hel loves this man and it is clear to see. the love for that muse is in there and the justice is being delivered right to the key. absolutely astounding portrayal, and hel even dives into ozzie being a fallen angel, and still having trauma from all that mess. hel gives him flaws, gives him green flags, brings him to life and makes him the icon of desire that he needs to be. I'm not surprised, though - hel's always knocked it clean out of the park when it comes to glamorous and iconic characters, bc hel is iconic. and just all-together so much fun to hang out with.
also, pssst: hel's writing is absolutely flipping beautiful. I've been lucky to be traveling alongside him for a long time now and watch it bounce from the characters he loves so dearly to the next. he's just gotten better, and he was already great.
@therealricksanchezpleasestandup is rick sanchez. I am not kidding lmao. you go onto that blog and it reads like rick. I've been a mutual of steffu's for.. god, a good few years, now? not even including the time on this account? and I have just watched her kick absolute ASS with this man. it's just like asmodeus and hel, it's another case of 'I think that man just lives in your skin and you're writing everything he tells you to', because damn. excellent portrayal, excellent handling, excellent managing of this man and his emotions, and just how messed up he is.
yeah, rick is a mess and steffu knows exactly how to write that while also making it so abundantly clear why and how it is that he has so many amicable relationships all over the multiverse. man knows how to juggle his personality traits and get those connections, find companionship in others that his family doesn't quite get to see that often - outside of morty. I always thought that was a pretty damn cool thing for her to cover.
because he's a universe jumper, it makes all the sense in the world that he has connects to others down here in hell. easy character to plug in with if you like rick and morty and want a rick to interact with. steffu has the man on lock, I am telling you.
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in-omni-scientia · 7 months
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] — Hey. Pssst. VOLITION — ... COMPOSURE — ...You've been staring at the wall above your little desk completely motionless for what can't be more than about two minutes straight now. I think Authority is getting weirded out.
You turn your head to where Authority has, also, been standing and staring at you completely motionless for two minutes. He tilts his head back and to the side a small amount.
COMPOSURE — Almost... inquisitively, I think.
"Just gathering myself. I'm okay." Involuntarily, your body tacks on a (rather awkward) thumbs up. He huffs and turns away.
COMPOSURE — Give him five seconds maximum, and he'll turn back again. I don't think he wants to let you out of his sight right now.
Shifting your gaze back to the notepad in front of you, you run your eyes over the list of allocated duties once more.
Claims to be: "what I should be"
Currently useless.
Allocated job: Prevent Authority from speaking.
Allocated job: Stay quiet.
Claims to be: "joy"
Currently useless.
Allocated job: Perceiving.
Claims to be:
Be dumb and stupid forever, haha. With love, Authority.
Allocated job: Do what we are supposed to.
Claims to be: Social cues, knowing how to act, culprit of the Suggestion Anonymo
Allocated job: Making us *appear* normal to the others.
Allocated job: Just generally keeping our shit together?
Do *not* allow to speak under ANY circumstances.
Allocated job: Movement.
VOLITION — Good. A rather rough draft, though I'm sure we can continue to allocate roles as we find them necessary. ENCYCLOPEDIA — A rather poor effort for categorization by your standards. PERCEPTION — Come *on*, why do I have to be Perception just because I do the seeing? I'd be far better suited for Ele... VOLITION — You both have *new* jobs now, stay quiet unless you can contribute something of use.
Flipping your notepad to a new page, you start to write:
ENCYCLOPEDIA — A good place to start. Theoretically, all reactions are reversible... VOLITION — What can you recall about our affliction? Anything at all.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Trivial: Success] — Obviously, this happened after the Whale communicated with us. We were experiencing its effects prior to that interaction, but to a minimal degree; the pain inflicted upon its response to us prior to this beginning is not negligible. Causation can be assumed here. COMPOSURE [Easy: Success] — I have to point out -- well, look at Authority.
You cast a side glance in his direction. Even with your blurry vision, you can see him pacing back and forth, occasionally throwing a glower your way.
COMPOSURE — He’s fine, even after communing with the Whale. A little bothered by all this, obviously, but that’s natural. VOLITION — Yes -- it’s unusual. Charmer is fine as well.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Success] — There’s a logical explanation for it. We just have to find one.
[Encyclopedia - Challenging 12] Do we know why you could have been impacted so adversely compared to your colleagues? (WHITE CHECK)
HIGH - 72% +1: Know about the Whale. +1: Savoir Faire’s fragmentation. -1: No Logic subskill. +1: Authority is here.
CHECK SUCCESS (Challenging: 12 vs. Your Total: 14)
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Challenging: Success] — If *they* have not been impacted by a pale anomaly to the same degree as you have, you can only assume it has to do something with mental fortitude, or something similar. VOLITION — …Are you saying the Psyche skills know Volta do Mar? ENCYCLOPEDIA — No. Well – you could always ask, but I don’t know if you would get a good response. What I’m saying is, it may have something to do with your level. VOLITION — Go on…
ENCYCLOPEDIA — Recall the average pulses per minute for each attribute as studied by the Turtle -- [110 for Intellect, 150 for Psyche, 70 for Physique, and 50 for Motorics]. This lines up fairly well with the base levels for them, 4-5-2-1 (though some individual skills *have* been levelled beyond this via Thoughts). ⠀⠀Remember, too, the Turtle’s studies into the neurons. They made sketches of them – but some neurons had a strange pale sheath on them that was slowing their communication. (The fact they selected a Motorics neuron for that diagram is significant, too, as it evokes Savoir Faire’s current state).
ENCYCLOPEDIA — We know that it is unnatural for neurons to have that sheath on them. What I am trying to say is, I believe that perhaps the Pale Whale has given us pale exposure, and the skill’s levels afford certain Skills protection from being affected by the pale exposure.
ENCYCLOPEDIA — The effects of pale exposure for us seem to follow a pattern: high-levelled Skills, such as Authority, Suggestion and Empathy, receive no visible afflictions. Medium-level Skills such as yourself, Drama, Composure, Rhetoric, Pain Threshold and Interfacing have their abilities to communicate affected, and low-level skills experience partial fragmentation. ⠀⠀I am unsure of *how* this fragmentation exactly occurs, considering our and Savoir Faire’s presentations are very different. Though I believe we have the resources to figure this out.
VOLITION — Hmmm… ⠀⠀This theory may have some flaws in it. I will begin with smaller flaws. First of all, cop radio was affected with a similar presentation to Skills from medium levels. How do you explain this? ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Success] — Esprit De Corps was the first to contact the Whale, of course; perhaps their initial contact overcame the natural protection their level afforded them.
VOLITION — *How* were we affected by the pale? The closest origin point is in Martinaise, and we have not been there for some time. ENCYCLOPEDIA [Heroic: Failure] — Admittedly, I have no rebuttal for that. Perhaps the theory that Harry has one in his own head is correct. Perhaps the Whale has the power to reach beyond the bounds of where pale ordinarily can.
VOLITION — Savoir Faire’s affliction was caused *prior* to the Whale’s first contact. ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] — Remember, the incident occurred after you had explained the Pale, when they claimed to ‘backflip into Rodionov’s trench’. While that is completely ludicrous to believe they could actually pull that off six thousand kilometres from the nearest point of even porch collapse, I do believe the Pale has something to do with their presentation. ⠀⠀Furthermore, the Whale claimed in its contact with you that ‘Mother Nature’ is disgusted by us, that ‘the verdict’ had already been made. Perhaps it has had its eye on us for some time now, and Savoir Faire’s affliction is another case of pale exposure, simply occurring before we were aware of the Whale’s presence. VOLITION — So it wasn’t me… PERCEPTION — It wasn’t you.
VOLITION — Okay. And finally… ⠀⠀We have six points. Not that far off from the Psyche skills. This fragmentation is *not* a low-level presentation, unlike what you said. PERCEPTION [Easy: Success] — Actually… I’m so sorry. VOLITION [Formidable: Failure] — ? PERCEPTION — You are at two points currently. VOLITION — What? Why?
ENCYCLOPEDIA — Minus-two from No Wedding Bells Chime in this Church Anymore. Minus-one from Brilliant Bibliolater’s Blues. Minus-one due to the lost morale. (Normally that last one wouldn’t be an issue, but I think the fact you’ve been proclaimed Volition is doing that…) ⠀⠀They’re distributed among us, but they add up to minus-four overall for Encyclopedia, the construct.
VOLITION — You’re kidding me. ⠀⠀*Thinking about the concept of marriage* caused this? Made me more prone to it? ⠀⠀And I’m even more prone now because Authority yelled at me?? PERCEPTION — I’m sorry. IN MEMORIAM — Until pale do our atoms part. VOLITION — We… we have to forget those thoughts *now*. Do we have the points? ENCYCLOPEDIA — No. VOLITION — *Shit*. We need to—to ask someone what to do. Who do we talk to about this? Can Volition do something?
PERCEPTION [Medium: Success] — Are you sure you want to do this?
VOLITION — Of course I am!! I’m going to be *completely torn apart* if this goes on! PERCEPTION — If you forget those thoughts, you will never be able to think about them again.
VOLITION — Yes, well… ⠀⠀… ⠀⠀Never? PERCEPTION — Never ever. VOLITION — Well, I can’t get married or have favourite facts if I’m dead. PERCEPTION — Don’t you want to take the chance? VOLITION — Empathy wouldn’t want me to. I’d leave them all alone.
IN MEMORIAM [Godly: Success] —
⠀⠀‘Tis better to have loved and lost Than to never have loved at all.
PERCEPTION — Yes, exactly -- it will hurt them far, far more knowing you saved yourself but doomed yourself to never wanting more, than to know you risked yourself to finally put a name to what you are. You *talked* about that.
VOLITION — …Uhm. ‘Exactly’ to what? PERCEPTION — Uh. I don’t remember…? ⠀⠀But seriously, please. Just take the chance. It’s irrational, it’s irresponsible, it’s impossible. ⠀⠀But… give it a try.
VOLITION — ...Sigh. ⠀⠀You… *people* are terrible. Fine, I’ll leave them for now. But the *moment* any funny business happens, we’re dragging Authority with us over to Volition’s zone and demanding they give us the points to get rid of them.
AUTHORITY [Challenging: Failure] — You want me to do something?!?! VOLITION — Not *you*. I don’t call you Authority by choice, it’s simply because it is convenient at the moment. AUTHORITY [Legendary: Failure]— (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
VOLITION — So… what do we do now? ENCYCLOPEDIA — Actually, can I try to figure out what exactly is causing fragmentation to occur? It’s a rather big step up from language difficulties. This could be important to figure out. COMPOSURE — You should tell Authority what you have worked out. Just to let him know this hasn’t been a waste of time. PERCEPTION — If you want to regain a level, you need to heal that morale you lost; I would recommend finding Empathy. It’s been a little while since you last saw them. AUTHORITY — Definitely *do not* do that; not in your current state. They’re already far too stressed. ENCYCLOPEDIA — Finally, something reasonable from that one.
[Encyclopedia - Legendary 14] Do we know how this fragmentation could be occurring? (WHITE CHECK)
About going to talk to Empathy…
“Authority, I think I’ve worked out what is happening with all of us.” (Finish thought.)
[Encyclopedia - Legendary 14] Do we know how this fragmentation could be occurring?
LOW - 28% +1: Know about the neurons. +1: Know about Savoir Faire. -1: Holes in your theory.
CHECK SUCCESS (Legendary 14 vs. Your Total: 14)
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Legendary: Success] — It has to be the pale sheath that’s doing it. ⠀⠀The sheaths are slowing the action potential of the neurons they are attached to. Theoretically, if the neurons that make up *you* could not communicate fast enough to keep you together... VOLITION — …they’d start dissociating from one another. ENCYCLOPEDIA — Yes, like the turtle proposed. And each one may begin to function as separate entities. Perhaps it would get to the point where they disconnect entirely. VOLITION — Lord. Is-- is it reversible? ENCYCLOPEDIA — I don’t know.
You gaze down at your notepad unseeingly, half-filled with a near-unintelligible frantic scrawl that has barely kept up with the pace of your thoughts.
AUTHORITY — Unintelligible?! I’ve been doing my best! PERCEPTION — OG, we can find out. Heal that lost morale, get that one point back; see what it does for you. VOLITION — But… that’s not going to do anything. Losing it hasn’t actually done anything in regards to how this… condition is presenting itself. AUTHORITY — Wrong again, worm. Look up. COMPOSURE — I think you meant bookworm? AUTHORITY — Irrelevant. Look up.
You do – and gaze directly into a near-identical copy of your own face, with the notable exception of two pinprick lights flashing at you from the abyssal shadows.
With a yelp, your stool clatters to the ground – but as soon as you’ve jumped up, it’s gone.
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gay-mooshrooms · 8 months
I fear to stain your clothes with blood/Stain them. I don't care
Chapter 1
Maybe Wilbur didn't love going to camp.
Maybe he would whine, and complain, and annoy the crap out of Phil and Techno on the 3-hour car ride.
That did not mean he hated it. 
Sure it was far from the most enjoyable experience in the world. 
But sue him, the kids gave him some small shred of hope for humanity that he was oh so desperately lacking. 
It also helped that Tommy adored Camp Essempi. He had practically grown up there, been tagging along every summer since he was 7 after Phil bought the place. 
So now Wilbur found himself in his dad's grey van, listening to The Artic Monkeys at a very unhealthy volume, while he could see Techno gesturing in the seat in front of him. 
If he had to guess, Tech was probably monologuing about some new book he read or what he was planning for the campers or something.
Wilbur didn't really care. 
Tommy was directly next to him, and his head was now resting on his shoulder, where it had been slowly creeping toward for the past hour, in spite of him claiming, "Fuck you Wil! I'm not tired at all bitch!"
They really needed to work on his swearing problem.
But that was for another day. 
Right now Wilbur had to worry about how to stay sane with 2 more hours left on this car trip.
He debated trying to read a book he brought but considering the last time he'd tried reading a book in the car they'd had to pull over so he could throw up, he decided not to risk it. 
Listen to Techno rant? Wilbur thinks he'd rather take the vomit at that point.
He eventually just decides to take the easy way out. 
Turning his music down slightly, he lays his head on top of Tommy's, stretching the blanket he'd been hogging across them both, and letting his eyes shut. 
By the time he woke up, they were only 30 minutes away from camp, and Tommy was still dead to the world. 
Techno had fallen asleep at this point too, his head lolling so his long hair fell over the edge of the car seat.
How he lived with it that long Wilbur would never know. 
He removed one of his earbuds and was met with the soft sound of Here Comes the Sun drifting from the radio, Phil humming along quietly. 
A few seconds later, his dad looked up and saw him awake. 
"Oh Wil!" Phil said, smiling, "Didn't see that you were up. We stopped at McDonald's about 15 minutes ago and got some fries for you, figured you'd be hungry."
Wilbur immediately brightened and maybe grabby hands at his father. 
"Gimme food," he said, with all the eloquence of a toddler. 
Phil chuckled and handed over the brown paper bag. 
"Save some for Tommy, you know he'll be starving when he wakes up, and who knows what that will entail."
Wilbur nodded solemnly, suddenly reminded of the last long car trip they'd taken. 
A few minutes into starting on the fries, he felt Tommy stir beside him. 
"Ugh, do I smell food?" Tommy asked, his voice slightly hoarse. 
"Always hungry never satisfied," said Wilbur, which was not entirely inaccurate. Tommy ate like a fiend. 
"Ey!" Tommy blurted out, his head immediately shooting up and his hands raising. "Just cus you're as small as a twig doesn't mean I have to be. Plus I heard Niki's running some of the sports stuff and I am NOT doing that on an empty stomach."
Wilbur had to give him that, Niki, one of his old camp friends and now first-year counselor, was one of the nicest people he'd ever met, but also incredibly badass. 
She'd been one of Techno's favorite campers, and he, in turn, had been her favorite counselor, which meant she was an expert in most combat-based camp stuff. 
She terrified Wilbur and Tommy alike. 
Techno too, but he would only admit that to her.
"Fine fine gremlin child take your food," huffed Wilbur, handing over the bag.
Tommy grinned evilly up at him and began shoveling the food into his mouth like an animal, a raccoon perhaps. Or maybe a possum. 
Wilbur couldn't help but grimace and turn his attention back towards his older brother and father, who, now that Techno had woken up too, were discussing camp setup. 
"Listen, Phil," one of Techno's quirks, he almost never called Phil dad. "We have more campers this year, we're gonna need to buy some more stuff."
Phil shook his head, "It'll be fine Tech. And if not, we'll go out and get stuff. And anyway, it's not so much supplies I'm worried about but space. I think we'll have to raid some of the unused cabins for cots. The last thing I wanna do is force kids to sleep on the floor, "said Phil, chuckling. 
"It would be good for them, " Wilbur chimed in, "Builds character."
Phil laughed. 
"C'mon Wil, let's not give them scoliosis too early on in the summer."
"As I just stated, character building."
"Wilbur I swear to god."
The last 20 minutes of the drive were spent bickering about random topics or singing along to Hamilton.
The latter was, of course, Wilbur's request. 
But Tommy joined in too. 
The sudden sound of crunching gravel alerted Wilbur to their imminent arrival at Essempi, a sound that bore equal parts joy and pain in his mind. 
It was at this point Tommy began bouncing off the walls, it was honestly a miracle he's lasted this long.
Usually about 2 hours in they had to stop for 15 minutes and just putter around a gas station.
Fortunately, Tommy had stayed up late last night with Wilbur, going over rules and his luggage over and over again to make sure he didn't forget anything. 
But once rested, Tommy's energy made a full recovery, and as soon as they had gotten their luggage out of the car he was full-on sprinting towards their cabin. 
Wilbur however, did not not follow so eagerly. 
Unlike Tommy, car trips didn't make him stir crazy, but rather tired, lethargic, and dead on his feet.
So, grumbling, he hoisted his backpack over his shoulders and grabbed his duffle, before trudging down the path behind his little brother. 
It didn't take long for his dad and Techno to catch up, his older brother giving him a small pat on his shoulder before moving past. 
Phil on the other hand, fell into stride alongside Wilbur and started humming Dear Theodosia, one of his favorites. 
"How are you feeling Wil?"
The words startled him, he hadn't exactly been expecting conversation. 
"Uh, fine?" he said, with a slight question in his tone. 
"I mean, a bit tired but nothing horrible."
Phil nodded, "OK. Just let us know if you need anything."
Wilbur couldn't help the small sigh that escaped him. 
He understood that his dad meant well. That he genuinely cared and wanted to help. But this was not what Wilbur needed. 
He never did well at the whole talking about your feelings thing. That was definitely Phil's department, and something he always encouraged in his kids. But somehow Wilbur never got the hand of that particular skill.
He didn't think any of them did really.
But he didn't say this, or anything remotely similar. 
Instead, he just nodded and said softly, "Alright, thanks dad."
Phil smiled, laid a hand on Wilbur's shoulder, gave a small squeeze, and then he was gone. 
Wilbur paused for a second, looking around at the slowly darkening sky, where the first glimpses of stars were visible.
He glanced at the trees, shaking in the slight breeze that was making him glad he wore a hoodie.
And finally, he looked back down the path, where beams of warm light could now be seen.
Wilbur took a deep inhale, readjusted his bag, and continued walking.
It was gonna be a long couple of months.
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ask-father-garcia · 2 months
How do you feel about the demon that is currently INSIDE your fridge
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Self explanatory.
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the characters that say "something something people are only puzzles to house" should immediately arrested or at least some karmic justice on the show. he CARES about them. he CARES about his patients and doesn't want them to die when they have to option to LIVE.
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thesilverlock · 27 days
Are you ever going to art of Astral and Mist fighting over your Oc?
d- do the people want that !?
nay I shan’t believe it
have a study of Mists instead, bc it’s one of those days where I’ve forgotten how to draw
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7saith-moved · 4 months
not to continue but seek out people who cheer you on vs those who hold you back. people who mean well want to see you be happy and do what you want. like i've seen so much of this controlling toxicity and it doesn't belong in a hobby where we all write muses that bring us joy. no one should make you feel shame for interacting with others or being happy having multiple partners. please, see that this is a concerning red flag. you deserve to be happy and surrounded by individuals that lift you up.
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Question for Bean: Before the tower collapsed, did Pep ever meet any of the Peppibot's from the Peppibot Factory level? If he did, what were his thoughts on them? (And if he didn’t, how do you reckon an encounter between them would’ve gone had Pep come across one?)
(Anon! Quite cheeky of you to direct a question to me instead of Pep to get lore early!!! (joking/silly)
But okay, you get a little bit as a treat!
No, Pep had never seen one of the Peppibots as he rarely left his boss area and never entered the doors to the levels on that floor
If he were to meet one, he'd be quite confused! This thing kinda looks and acts like Peppino, but unlike the others, it's very hard, somewhat cold and has a funny smell! It's strange!!!
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whirling-fangs · 8 months
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[[ It's happening!!! I can't believe it's happening. I'm leaving tomorrow for Tokyo!!!
What does this mean RP-wise? Well, extremely low activity, of course. I won't be taking my laptop so any reply I do will be iconless and on mobile. I probably won't be using small text either.
I've set everything up (thanks firefox nightly) so I can occasionally look at the dash or trim threads, and I've put all recently updated threads in the tracker. I'll try and use the queue to space things out – I have an 8-ish hour wait at the airport tomorrow so I might be writing things then haha
I will be on the hunt for Inosuke merch of course ♥♥ expect the occasional loot update!! I have a very wild plan to go near Mount Odake, where Inosuke grew up, but October is probably too late and muddy for a proper hike unfortunately ;-;
In any case, I'll be adding a link to this post to my pinned. I'll be back on the 30th! In the meantime, I hope you'll all take good care of yourselves, and I wish you the best ♥]]
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likemosaic · 3 months
checking on your rp blog during your health hiatus and tumblr's changed up the whole house on your ass, down to the wallpaper
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