#❛ new interactions for mutuals — open. ❜
jo-harrington · 2 days
Insouciant (Eddie Munson x Reader)
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Pairings/Relationships: Older!Eddie Munson/Reader
Warnings/Themes: Mutual Pining, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Found Family, Allusions to Previously Unmentioned Trauma (Eddie), Suicidal Thoughts
Note: I've been just feeling a way lately. Overwhelmed. A tiny bit hopeless. Unfortunately I have too much I want to do and write before I meet the end so I can't off myself quite yet.
And while this might not be something I do in practice regularly, I wholeheartedly believe that Eddie would. Especially an Eddie who's pulled himself out of the pit of the Upside Down and found a new future elsewhere in Hawkins. Finding hope in the hopeless.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
Insouciant - definition, noun or adjective. free from concern, worry, or anxiety; carefree. nonchalant.
"There you are," Eddie's voice is sharp and clear over the snaps and hisses and crackles of the bonfire that you'd been staring into for most of the night. "I've been looking all over for you."
You don't turn your head towards him. Instead you just take a sip from your now-warm can of Old Style and sigh, "Well it shouldn't have been hard. I don't think I've gotten up from this chair since I got here."
He snorts and falls into the shitty lawn chair next to yours, wallet chain clattering flatly against the plastic. Shit the plastic even groans in protest a little as his gangly limbs flop to and fro so he can get comfortable on this remnant of summers past that has been residing in Jen's mom's garage for the past too-many-years.
It's obnoxious, like him, but you like how obnoxious he is, so you have to hide your smile in your can as you take another sip.
There are a lot of sounds tonight.
The flat thunk of beanbags against the cornhole boards out in the front of the house, Joe over by the grill telling a story and the accompanying laughter as his stories often elicited, the drone of cicadas from the trees past the paint-peeling fence, and the bonfire crackling in front of you.
And you chose to stay right in the middle of it all. Sometimes chatting, sometimes laughing. But silent for the most part.
Together, but somehow very separate from the party.
Alone, yet overwhelmed more by the flurry of sounds--thoughts--in your head, than by your friends.
"You didn't need to come tonight if you weren't feeling it," Eddie offered and sipped his own beer. "Fuck, if I'd'a heard that someone else was gonna stay home, I would've too. It's hot as shit out here; I can feel my balls sticking to my legs."
You can't help the chuckle that comes out of you and you finally turn to look at him.
You look at him, looking at you. You see him. You've seen him all night, even when you weren't looking. It's not hard to see Eddie Munson. It's never been hard.
"You get what you pay for," Joe told everyone when he first brought his new metalhead coworker around to meet Jen and Steph and Ben and you at your first official Jen's Mom's Garage beer session of the summer. New to town, new to the state, with puckered pink scars along his jaw and arms, and a mouth that just wouldn't stop. "Which isn't much."
You'd argue that wasn't the case though; either part. Eddie was everything. The life of the party and a pain in the ass, with too many secrets to boot, but the longer he hung around Joe and Jen's group of misfits, the more he opened up.
At least, he did to you. Because you saw him. Saw the ticks and twitches, saw his little superstitions, saw the way he flinched when birds flew past him, saw the way he called Christopher the Dog Topher instead of Chrissy like everyone else did. There was something there, something etched into his skin.
You never asked, but he always told you. Because you saw him.
And he saw you too.
Which is why he leaned into the arm of the lawn chair and asked, "what's the prob, Bob? You said it yourself, you've been here all night. You're usually out kicking my ass at bags by now."
Your eyes dart back and forth between his, and for a moment you enjoy the way the bonfire warms and melts those chocolate depths.
There's a sparkle there, a spark. Some little bit of joy that was obvious even on the days when he was annoyed or cranky. It's there now, amidst the vast sea of worry he's aiming at you.
You turn back to the fire so you don't have to look at him anymore.
"How do you do it?" you ask after a beat.
"Do what?"
You're silent for a moment before he repeats himself.
"How are you so..." you fight for the word. There's not one that really matches him. So loud and unassuming all at once. "Insouciant."
"I know you know what it means. I've heard you use bigger words than that, asshole."
"Ah, you're swearing," you can hear the grin in his voice. "That's how I know you're fine."
"Answer the question."
"Can you use it in a sentence please?"
"Alright," he scoffs a laugh. "I don't know? Why are you asking me?"
There's laughter from the group at the barbecue and cheers from the few people out front. Joe announces that burgers are almost ready and Jen's mom asks if the cooler needs more ice.
"Because my shit doesn't even seem...important," you wave a hand at the fire. "And it still feels like the earth is gonna open up and swallow me whole at any second."
"And you want to figure out how not to feel like that?"
"I want to know how not to feel like I want to step in front of the Metra during the Monday Morning commute," you snap at him.
Well, not at him. At yourself. At...the world.
You close your eyes for a brief moment and then knock back the can and chug the rest of it so you don't have to talk. Once the can is empty, you make to throw it to the ground, but Eddie's hand darts out to grab your wrist.
His touch is gentle, thumb caressing over your skin for a moment before he speaks.
"What makes you think I don't feel that way too?"
You had considered that before many times when you shot, what you thought was, some secret look across a driveway only to find him watching you. Oftentimes you'd see the flash of self-hatred in his eyes before he turned away from you.
Because you saw him.
But even in that sea of darkness, the spark was still there. He would turn away and could still laugh at a joke or...start a story of his own...or...
And you couldn't.
All you could do was sit in miserable, numbing silence.
"How do you stop?" you whisper.
"Beer," he answers almost immediately. You try to pull your wrist from his grasp but he tightens his grip. "No hear me out. Not like...become an alcoholic beer. But I wanna go and have a Guinness in Ireland beer."
"And candy. Did you know that the Tootsie Roll factory is an hour away from here and they sell 10-pound bags of rejects? I want to get one and see how much I can eat before I puke.
"And you know I write fantasies right? Well I used to play Dungeons and Dragons. That's how it all started. Actually, I guess this is twofold. I want to be able to DM a game with everyone for one thing. And I want to see if my writing is worth anything for another. Can't do that if I'm splattered across the Lake Street Metra Station."
You admit that he has a point.
"But how do you stop it from getting you down right now?" you ask. "How are you so..."
You struggle for a word again but Eddie is quick to supply one.
"Insouciant?" he offers and you nod.
You watch as he takes a deep breath, as he licks his lips and swallows hard.
"Because when everything gets to be too much or I have a bad day, or...or I'm literally back in the pits of hell having bats bite me until I'm ground chuck again...and I think it would just be easier to end it than to keep putting up with that bullshit...I think that I can't do any of that until I can find the courage to ask you out for breakfast. And that's exciting enough that I can forget about my problems. Even if it's just for a little bit."
Your heart stops in your chest.
And damn if he isn't right that for that split second nothing bothers you and there's nothing in your head or your heart except for that.
"See so when I do ask you out," he repeats and your heart goes from petrified to racing, "you have to say yes because otherwise I have nothing to look forward to anymore."
"By that logic," you reply slowly. "You can't ask me out because then how are you gonna look forward to our first date anymore."
"I'll just look forward to our second date."
He says it like it's the easiest answer in the world.
His hand tightens on your wrist for a second and it grounds you back down to earth before he lets go and sinks back into his chair with a beatific smile. He takes a sip from his beer and then looks at the bonfire.
You also turn and stare at it, beer can still in your hand, thoughts flitting through your head at a million miles an hour. Not doom-filled thoughts like earlier, but instead excited thoughts, worried thoughts--but the good kind of worry--and you...you smile.
"Hey!" Joe hollers across the yard. "Burgers are done!"
"Fuck yes I'm starving," Eddie hops to his feet and then holds his hand out to you. "Burgers, sweetheart?"
You look up at him and see that sparkle in his eye, and for a second...you can almost feel one mirroring his form in yours. A little brightness shining through the din.
And your problems are still there. The weight on your shoulders.
It might not ever get better or be ok. Shit it might get worse. You can feel it creeping in.
But at least you have something to look forward to.
Together with Eddie.
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xxxemogrrlxxx · 5 months
i love mha so much in such a autistic way but god i cant bare to go toe deep into the fandom ITS SO EMBARRASSING 😭😭
when u want mha friends but the idea of finding one of those mha fans is so scary id rather kms
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starseized · 6 months
slaps a new starter call onto the dash while i have the energy. it'll be random lyrics for the most part, but if you'd like a plotted starter please hmu on d.iscord ( which is the same as my url )
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vocesincaput · 6 months
OPEN STARTER: Thomas Hamilton
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Having been determined to not let the institution break him, Thomas had remained as together as possible whilst at Bethlem. Putting on a positive face and not letting those who ran the place see how it effected him. He befriended one of the orderlies, Lewis, early on in his time there and Thomas was more than thankful for the friendship as he knew it helped keep him sane.
After 2 years at Bethlem, Lewis came to Thomas and told him that he could get him on a ship to take him an away from London. Not wishing his friend to endure any more of what he had been put through.
And so, after several weeks of careful planning between the two men, Lewis smuggled Thomas out of Bethlem and to the docks. When introduced to the Captain of the ship, Thomas gave the only name he had had in his mind throughout the previous two years - McGraw.
Thomas quickly learned from the crew how to operate the things on board the ship. It didn’t take long for him to realise that the crew were in fact pirates. What surprised him about the realisation was that he felt comfortable amongst them. None of them judging him for anything about who he was within himself.
They taught him multiple things over the years and Thomas quickly found that he was rather adept at sword fighting and a fine shot with a pistol.
He rose up through the ranks until he became Quartermaster. Developing a reputation for only taking a life when necessary but being cunning and completely ruthless when the time called for it.
He usually stayed on board whenever the ship came to Nassau, the memories of what the place meant tying into his memories of James. Too painful to step off the boat, Thomas would usually come up with good reasons for him to stay on board, despite being the Quartermaster.
This time, however, the ship was having to undergo repair after getting into a battle with a Spanish ship. Despite winning, they had taken heavy damage and the Captain ordered every member of the crew to leave and go into the town.
Thomas felt a sharp spike in anxiety as he first stepped onto the docks. A wave of it rushing over him like a storm and mixing with a swirling mixture of feelings that had him sway upon his feet for several moments before he managed to steady himself.
The fact that he had set foot in Nassau for the first time after everything that felt like a lifetime ago, after everything he had lost and everything that had been done to him... Thomas had to clench his jaw so tight to stop himself from breaking that his face began to ache. He stood looking at everything and everyone around him for slightly too long before slowly making his way in to town.
There were a few things he could probably pick up whilst they were docked for a while. Nothing absolutely needed but could possibly come in handy to be stocked up on. Thomas didn't intend on entering any of the establishment or meeting with members of any other crews.
But he knew it were possible that someone would want to speak to him, familiar or not, so he prepared himself to have to interact if the need arose.
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chronoscout-writ · 2 months
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Hi! Thanks for sending the ask!
Mechanical keyboards
Tomodachi Life
Plushies of my blorbos
Foam swords
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velv3tdream · 5 months
Send me questions, anons welcome 🫶🏼
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d0d0-b0i · 1 year
always get so pleasantly surprised when people really like my stuff i post :) love you all. whether you celebrate something or not around this time i wish you all the best <3
#i always first and foremost post for me if not otherwise stated on the post itself#and that is what i always have done and aspire to continue. but#it makes me happy to see so many likeminded people around me#sorry. i am getting sappy and emotional; today has been draining for reasons i do not know#i am very tired and it is late for me so i will try sleeping soon#i am glad to have found such a nice and large fandom in sonic. it has allowed me to try and be more approachable and friendly while still#being myself at my core interactions. this year has been strange and new and exciting so i figured i might as well try#and make some more friends. which i have; i am happy to say :’) i have always had a hard time socializing. and to find people willing#to understand the things i say even though it’s worded weirdly#and i’m happy so many can enjoy the art i post <3 it means a lot to me#especially when i feel as if i don’t do enough. i like many others have some. issues regarding worth and content but i am trying my best#and. am getting better at it 👍 i think i might be getting sick ergo the sappiness and long tags#but i don’t regret the things i say. i love you all followers mutual ppl i follow#there is so much space in my heart and i am not afraid to admit that i get attached easily and do not know where friendships begin.#but i. am willing to try and find out! if the gods are willing; hopefully a good new year for us all next week! and more commmunity and love#i hope you understand what i am trying to convey. ive been scared of being this open but if i am not then i will never know living#and loving <3 will still be posting obvs i am simply joyous rn! gonna sleep now :3
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
Plotting Call
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Give this a like for me to pop on by your DMs to discuss...basically an all-encompassing variety of whatever muse stuff you want. Plotting for a thread, talking out a new or existing dynamic, kickstart an ask, you just want to say hi <3, etc. etc.
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dutyworn · 1 year
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❝ I’ll sleep when I’m dead. ❞
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ensuists · 1 year
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❝ Hey. Spell ICUP. ❞
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umbrx · 2 years
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Inbox call! For mutuals old and new. It will take me time to cover my drafts and inbox (and I would love to interact with everyone) so if you have no problem with being invaded by this bird, drop a like. Multis please specify the muse.
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what if someone wants to be your friend but is shy? (for mun and muse)
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// Hii dear Anon. I'm pretty chill and shy myself so i truly understand approuching at first will be difficult. But i wll need to reasure you and anyone who wants to reach out and /or be my friend - i welcome new interactions i fully welcome making friends through this hobby. <3 While i'm nervous to be the first to make the reach please know if we mutuals ( or not yet ) i wont ever be rude or ignore anyone.
I myself get scared.. of even hitting the follow button. ;; But take that step IM me, or if its the muse jump into my askbox at anytime - im slow i have other blogs- but truly i love meeting and getting to know the mun's behind the Muse(s) All i can really say is, im relaxed roleplayer and even more relaxed mun. My muse as it is thief king - it depends on the verse / iinteraction if he will be mean/rude but approuch him too?? i wont mind at all i encourage you to! ;;
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"If you don't annoy me i'll befriend you... or anyone, i even befriended a Mariku / Yami Marik years..and years ago. And we annoyed each other-. So bascially you can't annoy me, I get others are shy but i..could use some friends.... everyone either hates me or....or are gone..."
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stormbcrn · 1 year
trade offer: you like or comment on this post, i send you memes. deal ? ? ?
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vocesincaput · 7 months
OPEN STARTER: Edward Kenway
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After making sure to give the precise instructions as to what he wanted done with repairs to the Jackdaw , Edward had spent some time on board whilst letting his crew leave the ship and enjoy some downtime. Letting them relax and enjoy themselves was more important to him than having his own time away from the ship. All of them had been working hard and whilst he really wanted to relax, having multiple drinks... he needed to make sure some things were taken care of first.
Once several of them had returned and he have asked for them to keep an eye on the repairs, Edward finally left the ship and stepped out onto the docks. It had been quite some time since he had stepped foot in the Republic of Pirates and some time since he had been on land anywhere and the memories of previous times he had been there came to mind with a mixture of emotions.
He made his way through the streets until he came to Spanish Jackie's and glanced around briefly. Same as the last time, it seemed. Edward was a little different than the last time he had been inside the establishment. He had been just a low time member of a crew the last time he had been there, far from having his own ship and crew to command.
As he approached the bar and ordered himself the finest drink they had, Edward glanced around again. Wondering if any old and familiar faces would be around. As well as any enemies he had made along the way.. Things had changed for him since he had last been there and, old habits dying hard, Edward steeled himself for any problems that would arise. Both old or new.
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cagesings · 2 years
what  if  this  was  a  lowkey  starter  call?  
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dorakonia · 1 year
one of these days i might actually post an open...
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