#muse: thomas hamilton
vocesincaput · 9 months
OPEN STARTER: Thomas Hamilton
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Having been determined to not let the institution break him, Thomas had remained as together as possible whilst at Bethlem. Putting on a positive face and not letting those who ran the place see how it effected him. He befriended one of the orderlies, Lewis, early on in his time there and Thomas was more than thankful for the friendship as he knew it helped keep him sane.
After 2 years at Bethlem, Lewis came to Thomas and told him that he could get him on a ship to take him an away from London. Not wishing his friend to endure any more of what he had been put through.
And so, after several weeks of careful planning between the two men, Lewis smuggled Thomas out of Bethlem and to the docks. When introduced to the Captain of the ship, Thomas gave the only name he had had in his mind throughout the previous two years - McGraw.
Thomas quickly learned from the crew how to operate the things on board the ship. It didn’t take long for him to realise that the crew were in fact pirates. What surprised him about the realisation was that he felt comfortable amongst them. None of them judging him for anything about who he was within himself.
They taught him multiple things over the years and Thomas quickly found that he was rather adept at sword fighting and a fine shot with a pistol.
He rose up through the ranks until he became Quartermaster. Developing a reputation for only taking a life when necessary but being cunning and completely ruthless when the time called for it.
He usually stayed on board whenever the ship came to Nassau, the memories of what the place meant tying into his memories of James. Too painful to step off the boat, Thomas would usually come up with good reasons for him to stay on board, despite being the Quartermaster.
This time, however, the ship was having to undergo repair after getting into a battle with a Spanish ship. Despite winning, they had taken heavy damage and the Captain ordered every member of the crew to leave and go into the town.
Thomas felt a sharp spike in anxiety as he first stepped onto the docks. A wave of it rushing over him like a storm and mixing with a swirling mixture of feelings that had him sway upon his feet for several moments before he managed to steady himself.
The fact that he had set foot in Nassau for the first time after everything that felt like a lifetime ago, after everything he had lost and everything that had been done to him... Thomas had to clench his jaw so tight to stop himself from breaking that his face began to ache. He stood looking at everything and everyone around him for slightly too long before slowly making his way in to town.
There were a few things he could probably pick up whilst they were docked for a while. Nothing absolutely needed but could possibly come in handy to be stocked up on. Thomas didn't intend on entering any of the establishment or meeting with members of any other crews.
But he knew it were possible that someone would want to speak to him, familiar or not, so he prepared himself to have to interact if the need arose.
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vocesincaput-arc · 1 year
Current List Of Muses
These are the muses I currently have:
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Gabriel (Good Omens)
Astaroth (A demon OC from Good Omens)
Stede Bonnet (Our Flag Means Death)
Lucius (Our Flag Means Death)
Viago (What We Do In The Shadows)
Kerr Avon (Blake's 7)
James Flint (Black Sails)
Thomas Hamilton (Black Sails)
Leeloo (The Fifth Element)
Lady Sif (MCU)
Nebula (MCU)
Steve Rogers (MCU)
Howard Stark (MCU)
Helen Magnus (Sanctuary)
John Watson (Sherlock Holmes (2009 & 2011 films)
Merlin (Kingsman)
Arak (Kingsman OC)
Kaveh Veises (Fandomless OC)
Anton Markson (Fandomless OC)
I'm still writing up their things but the muse list & rules can be found here.
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yomawari · 7 months
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Sketches from the President/Vice President Jefferson era of my modern Jamilton AU, featuring John Adams and my attempts to give Alexander a modern hairstyle without just copying LMM.
I spent some time thinking about Jamilton and Adams while sketching, which I put under the cut because I tend to be very long-winded and my mind went to some odd places.
I find Hamilton's portrayal of Thomas Jefferson's friendship with John Adams interesting when it is examined purely in the confines of the musical and outside any historical context.
I think there are only two references to Thomas Jefferson and John Adams' personal relationship in the entirety of Hamilton:
In the cut version of the The Adams Administration, Hamilton tells Adams to "Say, 'Hi', to the Jeffersons!"
In the Election of 1800, which was historically near the height of the Jefferson-Adams feud, Jefferson says that, "John Adams shat the bed. I love the guy, but he's in traction."
Both lines imply a close, positive relationship between the two characters (and the latter line also informs the audience that Adam's will not be running for re-election because his political career crashed and burned). That's it. There is no clear evidence of the historic Jefferson-Adams feud and broken friendship within the musical, which makes sense since Hamilton is telling the story of Alexander Hamilton but has an interesting consequence: in Hamilton cannon, given the positive statements in the two songs, one can argue that Thomas and John's friendship survives the Washington and Adams administrations.
I mean this was clearly not intended, and I am definitely reading too much into things, but I find the idea really interesting--especially how it impacts any romantic relationship between Alexander and Thomas.
Alexander and John are the two leaders of the Federalist Party; yet, Thomas likes John in spite of their differences while initially being antagonistic towards Alexander. I absolutely believe that Alexander would be jealous of John and his friendship with Thomas. Especially during the early stages of his and Thomas' romantic relationship, Alexander's inferiority complex would arguably give him yet another reason to hate John Adams and cause some unnecessary relationship drama. Meanwhile, Thomas' friendship with John would help Thomas move past his political differences with Alexander in order to pursue a relationship and cause some tension given the John-Alexander feud.
The possibilities for conflict are further fed in a modern political Jamilton AU. It's been a long time since I studied the era, but I remember that one reason why Adams' vice presidency went so poorly is that Adams was not part of Washington's inner circle and the Vice President's authority was pretty limited at the time, so it certainly seemed like Adams didn't "have a real job anyway."
In a modern AU, however, that is not the case. George would have chosen John as his running mate. The Vice President is a vital part of the Presidential administration and has far more authority than in the late 1700s. The Vice President is now constitutionally part of the Cabinet and, in fact, presides over the Cabinet in the President's absence. George couldn't sideline John as much as he historically did, even if he (or Alexander) tried. Given the Thomas-John friendship and John-Alexander enmity, I think John's increased authority and participation in the Washington Administration would have very interesting consequences on the Jamilton rivalry/relationship.
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fornassau · 2 years
Rules and Characters Post!
Mun’s name is Castor, but I will answer to Tori as well. I am transmasc and my pronouns are he/they. I’m pushing 40 and have written for well over 25 years.
This is an independent multi-muse blog for several characters from the show Black Sails and the novel Treasure Island. Muses will be listed at the bottom. You can hit up my inbox anytime with RP memes or otherwise, I love plotting but I like spontaneous writing as well! Feel free to hit up my private messages and I’ll get back to you as soon as I am able.
Since this is based off rather violent characters, there will be NSFW on this blog. I will not write any NSFW content with anyone that is not of the appropriate age. Some things can get very dark and if you have certain triggers, please warn me ahead of time before writing. Also please remember that the opinions of the muses on this blog are their opinions. I don’t necessarily agree with everything that they do.
I like to write semi-para or multi-para, but sometimes I’ll answer asks with shorter responses. I like when others have the same sort of style but I realize that it’s not for everyone. You don’t have to match my post length.
I reserve the right to drop threads. It just happens sometimes, I think all of us writers go through it. I love asks, but I’ll respond to the ones I can and really feel. Also, I’m not a stickler about replies and I’ll never harass you for one so please don’t do that to me! However mun is very nice and ND, and likes to check in on his lovely writing partners. Sometimes this has been misconstrued and I’ve been treated like shit. Really, I’m a friendly person. ^^<3 I like getting to know those I write with.
I ship chemistry. And I like to write far more than just ships. I love drama, anguish, pain and suffering. If you do have an incling on wanting to ship some of my boys, we can always discuss it.
I can’t follow back from this blog as it is a side blog, but I’ll be following you back from my main blog which is @bxnnxrxd . Feel free to follow that main blog and feel free to follow my Our Flag Means Death blog, @izzyeffinhands .
Crossovers and OCs are welcome to engage with any of my pirate folks. I love Our Flag Means Death as well as Pirates of the Caribbean, and anything age of sail, so feel more than welcome to bring your characters here.
The following is a list of muses I write for Black Sails. If you have any questions, feel free to ask away. Flint is the favored muse of this blog.
Billy Bones.
Captain Flint, aka James McGraw.
Calico Jack Rackham.
Captain Charles Vane.
Lord Thomas Hamilton.
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astralaffairs · 1 year
hi!! before i go i jus wanna say, I love your work 🙏🏽 and I finally watch hamilton last night so I might write for it as well 😋😋 but i have a drabble idea.
anyways— thomas having a dance/ball for a campaign during the election and he meets aaron’s little sister, mc, who snuck in. and he can’t help but take interests in her.
“Now, what’s a lady like you doin’ getting a drink just for yourself? Nobody’s offered to do that for you yet?”
Y/N froze as her fingers met the stem of the champagne flute. She had promised herself she would stay to the outskirts of the ball, and her only goal for the night had been to avoid courting attention. However, the packed room was warm, and it was only more so at its perimeter under the lights, and the crisp bubbly had looked oh-so-inviting.
She turned with a polite smile as she picked up the glass, but her eyes widened when she saw the man behind her with his gleaming smile and his velvet suit. She recognized him instantly; after all, she’d seen him before, and he’d even been in her home, but they’d never formally met. He raised an eyebrow when her smile faltered. “I’ve only just arrived. I haven’t had a chance to speak to much of anyone just yet.”
“Then I’m gonna have to count myself lucky to have found you when I did. Thomas Jefferson.” He offered her a hand as he introduced himself, and when she took it, he dipped down to press a soft kiss to her knuckles. Her eyes went even wider.
She cleared her throat as he drew himself back up to his full height, still holding her by the fingertips, and it took a moment for it to occur to her to withdraw her hand. “You’re the host of this ball, then, if I’m not mistaken. Thank you for opening your home to us like this.”
“Believe me, sugar, the pleasure’s all mine,” he said. “Who’re you here with? Feel like I’ve seen you around, but I can’t put my finger on it.”
“Oh, um, my family’s here somewhere. I came on my own, though, and I was planning to meet them here.”
“Your family?” He pursed his lips. “You’re not a Schuyler, are you?”
“No, no, certainly not,” she replied before hastily adding, “although the Schuylers are lovely people, of course. To be a part of their family would make one lucky.”
“So you know the Schuylers, then?” he mused, and she nodded. His growing smile was making her mouth go dry. “I know where I recognize you from; you’re a Burr, aren’t you? Aaron’s sister?”
“I am, yes.” Her smile was tense, laced with unease. His grin was bright as he plucked a drink for himself off of the table behind them.
“So why haven’t I seen you at one of these before? Your family trying to keep you locked away from all the politics?” he asked, and as her eyebrows fell, he could see the look in her eyes sour.
“They’ve decided I can’t be trusted at this kind of event,” she said bitterly, and he quirked a brow. “Aaron claims he’s afraid I’ll say the wrong thing and jeopardize his career, but really, I think he just can’t deal with the idea of splitting people’s attention between us.”
“But you finally proved yourself trustworthy?” he asked mildly, taking a sip of his drink, and she shrugged uncomfortably.
“I suppose so.”
“Then where’s your dear brother now, hm? Why aren’t you here with the rest of your family?” He watched her expectantly, and when she didn’t answer right away, his grin broadened. “They don’t even know you’re here, do they?”
“No, and you’re not going to be the one to tell them,” she said sharply, pointing her champagne flute at him. He raised his eyebrows, amused by the fervor in her tone. “I had to walk miles alone in the dark to get here; I am not being thrown out as soon as I arrive.”
“Well, sweetheart, if you’re not with them, then really, I should be sendin’ you on your way.” Despite the threat, his voice was breezy, and she frowned.
“And what do you have to gain from kicking me out?”
“The respect and appreciation of your family,” he suggested blithely. “The knowledge that I’m not leavin’ a young lady to walk home alone ‘n vulnerable at the end of the night. ‘S just the right thing to do, really.”
She eyed his small smile for a moment before slowly asking, “But despite that, you’d rather I stay, wouldn’t you?” He shrugged unabashedly. “You’re quite shameless, aren’t you, Mr. Jefferson?”
“Only on a good day.” He winked as he took a sip of his drink. “After all, you went through all that effort to get here. There’s gotta be a good reason for it, huh?”
“Of course. I’m here to expand my mind just like everyone else," she said, and he raised an eyebrow.
“And not for the charming future president we’ve got roaming the ball?”
“Oh, I wasn’t aware there was one. Let me know if you see him?”
His full laugh proved him undeterred, and Y/N’s self-satisfied smile was reluctant. "'M glad to see you inherited more of the family wit than your brother seemed to."
"Please, don't tell him that. A lady needs to keep some things a secret."
"It'll stay between us, then," Thomas said, "but I don't think I ever got your name."
"Why, so you know whose presence to report to my brother?"
"So I know who to ask after the next time I see him." His response was quick, and it had Y/N on her heels. Her eyes were wide, eyebrows raised, but when she opened her mouth to answer—
"Y/N." Both she and Thomas turned on their heels at the loud voice to find her brother striding across the room toward them, and her groan was unchecked. The fury in Aaron's voice was barely contained. "What in the world do you think you're possibly doing here, sneaking out after dark? How did you even get here?"
"I brought myself, since nobody else was willing to take me," she bit back, and Thomas raised his eyebrows as he took a sip of his drink.
"That wasn't your decision to make," Aaron snapped. "We are a family, and you have to respect that—"
"Respect what? That you have total control over my life in the name of family values? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?" she asked. "I respect that you have a career and a reputation to maintain, but I am a person, and—"
"And nothing, Y/N. Put the drink down, and leave Mr. Jefferson at peace," he demanded, and Y/N narrowed her eyes, her jaw set. Aaron turned to Thomas, and much of the fire in his voice had subsided when he said, "I'm sorry for her intrusion, Thomas. We didn't know she had followed us here, and we'll send her home at once."
"Now, Aaron, what makes you think she's uninvited company?" Thomas asked, and both Y/N's and Aaron's brows were raised. "Y/N's my guest here this evening; 's the opposite of an intrusion."
He frowned, glancing between Thomas and Y/N. "You mean you're responsible for her presence here tonight?"
"Well, I invited her, so I suppose you could say that," he said casually, and if he winked when he caught Y/N's eye, Aaron didn't think anything of it. Aaron's lips were pursed and his shoulders tense as he glanced between them.
"Why didn't you tell me Thomas had invited you?" he asked Y/N, and she shrugged.
"I didn't think you'd want to hear it, and I didn't want you trying to prevent me from coming."
"If I'd known he asked you to come—"
"So, what, my personhood is dependent on his permission now?"
"Your presence here is, at least."
"As a Burr, I would've been welcome either way."
"Not unattended, however."
"I can attend to myself just fine."
"You know that isn't what I mean when—"
"Aaron, was there somethin' else you needed?" Thomas cut him off, and Aaron's gaze was affronted when it snapped to him. However, he held his tongue. "I was just about to ask Y/N to dance, assuming that's her decision to make 'n all."
Y/N had to bite back her smile at his words, and although Aaron seemed to recognize the challenge in them as his jaw ticked, he said, "Of course. I'm sorry to have interrupted."
"Don't sweat it. Your concern for your sister is awful sweet, even if it isn't needed here," Thomas responded, his smile warm.
"'Concern' isn't how I'd describe it," Y/N muttered bitterly, and Thomas nudged her with his elbow. She frowned.
"Carry on 'n enjoy the rest of the ball, though, and please send my best to your wife," he said. Aaron could only offer a tense smile in response.
“You as well. I suppose I should go find Theodosia.” He looked down skeptically at Y/N. “How are you planning to get home?”
Y/N’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh, I…” She hadn’t thought that far, so her gaze was hopeful when it snapped to Thomas, who held her with a hand at the small of her back.
“I’ll arrange for a carriage to take her home,” he promised. “Don’t you worry, Burr. She’s in safe hands.”
“Right,” he said hesitantly, looking Thomas over. “I’ll leave you to it. Don’t do anything stupid, Jefferson.”
“‘S like you don’t even know who you’re talkin’ to,” Thomas said incredulously, and Aaron scoffed.
“I’m sure.” He barely spared them both another glance before departing unceremoniously, shaking his head all the while, and Thomas chuckled. Y/N turned back toward him.
“You’re a regular local hero,” she said sardonically, but the smile in her eyes betrayed her bored tone. Thomas grinned.
“I do try, sweetheart,” he said lightly, “maybe even in a way that deserves a ‘thank you’?”
“Thank you.” Her voice was sincere. “Really. I owe you.”
“Well, if you mean that,” he said, and his eyes were shining as he looked down at her, “I wouldn’t mind making good on that dance I mentioned. Unless you’re in a real rush to get back to your dear old brother.”
He offered her his arm with an eyebrow raised, and she left her empty glass on the table behind them when she took it, drawing a wide grin from him. “How could I say no to our charming host?"
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heycarrots · 1 year
Importing my Twitter musings for maximum emotional damage. I’m . . . sorry? 😬
@jaynovz actually inspired this because we were talking about memories and trauma and how they relate to Silver in our chat for her episode of Reading Between the Lines Podcast. She mentions memories in a vault, which got me thinking about how James is doing the exact same thing. Oh! Which made me realize something else! Holy shit . . . that’s WHY he prods Silver for his past! That’s why he tells him how important all parts of him are, his present, his past, his trauma, it’s all important to embrace. Why?? It’s a lesson he learned from Miranda. One of the last.
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Okay, I’ll stop screaming and just continue with my Twitter thread . . .
Once again thinking about how those flashbacks dance around James’ and Thomas’ love story up until episode 2X05. You can certainly hold to the belief that the only reason was to drop that twist mid-season, but let’s think about how we engage with memories.
Some memories are so overwhelming that we avoid them. We don’t have time for them. We tuck them away in a drawer in the darkest corner of our mind where we are convinced we will be safe from them. That’s all well and good if those memories aren’t shared with anyone else.
The flashbacks, we realize very early on, aren’t simply exposition. They exist in Flint’s present reality; memories triggered by Flint’s quest seemingly nearing its end . . . Thomas’s dream finally within his grasp. Equally important, they are triggered by Silver.
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It’s very important to remember that we don’t get a single flashback until they are triggered by Silver working with Flint. He begins to remember Thomas because Silver reminds him, not of Thomas, but of himself. He’s now understanding how much of Thomas he’s embodied himself.
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In season one, Miranda chastises James for never addressing his loss. For tucking Meditations on a shelf and hiding it away from himself. He’s angry not just because she shared that book with Richard Guthrie, but because she’s reminded him of its very existence.
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The flashbacks are all from Flint’s perspective, as he’s focused on his goal. He’s remembering their vision for Nassau, pushing on that bruise to continue spurring him onward, no matter the cost, no matter the casualties. He never brings up Thomas by name. Not once.
It’s Miranda who brings him up by name. Miranda who is desperately trying to get him to remember the love. Remember the true reason he’s doing what he’s doing. She knows he can’t. It’s too much. It’s too painful. And so every single flashback is from Flint’s perspective . . .
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Until episode 2X05. When we see that dinner scene with Alfred Hamilton again, when we see that first kiss, it’s Miranda who is thinking of it. That’s HER memory of it because James still can’t look at it. It’s like staring into the sun.
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The writers weren’t skirting around the reveal, it was simply being told to us by a character too traumatized to give us the whole story. We needed Miranda’s perspective. She hands him the book and it’s the inscription that finally breaks him. Finally gets him to open that drawer.
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But the memories tucked inside that drawer are not Miranda’s. He doesn’t go back to the dinner scene, to that kiss. What we see is what Miranda didn’t see. We see James’s memories of the book.
He couldn’t look at that book because it wasn’t the memory of a tender first kiss at dinner, it was the unbearable intimacy of sharing that book, the private intimacies and love that’s had time to breathe for a bit. Miranda calls it shame because she doesn’t have those memories.
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So while it’s true that Black Sails was planned to build up to this reveal from its infancy, it’s equally true that James’s story is told in one of the most organic and ultimately honest narrative arcs I’ve ever seen.
So much of the beauty of this show is derived from the absolute mastery of the writers creating at the very peak of their craft and we should all remember that, during a time when those same creators, who have given us so much, are fighting to be compensated fairly.
Black Sails is the gift that keeps on giving, and onion one might never reach the center of. Considering all of this, I’m beyond excited to see what we are served up with the Percy Jackson series. If it’s anywhere close to the quality of Black Sails, we’re in for a real treat.
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chbnews · 6 months
Announcment to all!
The Muses Hall will be holding a musical!
The date has yet to be decided but actors have already been chosen via wheal spin of luck.
BEHOLD! The actors for the new Camp Half-Blood Hamilton The Musical!!
Aaron Burr played by Percy Jackson
Angelica Schuyler played by Silena Beauregard
Alexander Hamilton played by Travis Stoll
Elizabeth Schuyler played by Selena Achilles
George III played by Nico di Angelo
Marquis De Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson played by Conner Stoll
Peggy Schuyler and Maria Reynolds played by Hazel Levesque
George Washington played by Will Soalce
Hercules Mulligan played by Onyx Solace
John Laurens and Philip Schuyler played by Grover Underwood
Practice will start this week at 8:35 am - 4:50 pm. Please be noted, and have a great day! For all concerns please refer to only known JR. Muse Tumblr user, Grace Corazon.
Sincerely yours,
Theodora Wisconsin, head of the JR. MUSES and counselor of cabin XXI
Nico as George III 💀 anyways, Announcement sent to the blog!! - Travis Stoll
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 months
RANDOM MUSING: How to know Donald Trump has really never read a single thing on U.S. history: his new labeling of Kamala Harris as "worst Vice President ever."
Nah, old boy... that would be Aaron Burr. You know, the former Vice President who was arrested for treason (oh, don't want to think about that word, do you Donnie?) by Thomas Jefferson, the very President he had served. Why? Because Burr was literally trying to create an independent country in lands between Florida, the Louisiana Purchase and the Ohio Valley, where he was going to crown himself King. And all this after he shot and killed Alexander Hamilton. (Actually, he was Vice President after killing Hamilton, and I always wondered if Jefferson secretly loved that, having Hamilton's killer as his Vice President.)
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Or, you know, we could also label your former ass-licker Mike Pence as that, because of his complete ineptitude and cosigning all your seditious talk.
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rmstitanics · 5 months
List 5 topics you could talk about for an hour without preparing any material.
With Malice Toward None: a Musical of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. I’ve been developing this musical since summer 2020. With Malice Toward None focuses on exploring the mental health struggles that Lincoln experienced during his presidency. The musical is narrated by Robert Todd Lincoln, who recalls the storyline’s events with complete omniscience while at the 1922 Lincoln Memorial dedication. Relevant themes for the show include mental health, public history, teams that become brotherhoods, compassion, the stages of grief, leadership, and a bunch of other concepts that I’ll probably end up yapping about on here at some point. Orchestrally, the show can be described as “if Les Misérables, Hello Dolly, and Evita decided to have a threesome in my brain”.
all of my original characters. seriously. I have SO MANY OF THEM that I’ve developed over the years, mostly for historical fiction. 😭 the ones that are living rent free in my head the most right now are Anastasia Andrews-Ismay (the human personification of the Titanic), Lieutenant General Ethan Clay, and Dr. Constance Pierpont Morgan. Honorable mention goes to my Star Wars OC Shi’al Valorum 💅 if any of these muses seem familiar to you then we’ve probably either been in a discord server together or you’ve somehow stumbled across one of my roleplay blogs.
the rms titanic. literally EVERYTHING about this ship and her sinking is my Roman Empire. I’m particularly fond of yapping about Captain Smith, Thomas Andrews, Wallace Hartley, William Pirrie, J.P. Morgan, or any of the officers — but if you get me talking about the vilification of Bruce Ismay by the sensationalist yellow press in the aftermath of the sinking, then I WILL NEVER SHUT UP.
star wars. my first exposure to the Star Wars franchise was when I was a sophomore in high school and I got to see a screening of A New Hope where the soundtrack was played by a live orchestra. suffice to say, this altered my brain chemistry and I’ve never been the same since. I’m a Prequels girlie and Jedi apologist to my CORE; my favorite characters are probably Yoda, Dooku, Mace Windu, and Bail Organa.
film and tv soundtracks. …the fact that I once did a TWENTY FIVE MINUTE LONG presentation on the film score for Titanic (1997) should tell you everything that you need to know about this silly fixation of mine.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: ghost hunting, tarot cards, classical music, Taylor Swift, creative liberties taken by Lin Manuel Miranda for Hamilton, historical fiction as a genre in an era where media literacy is on the decline, Antebellum America, the Great Triumvirate (Henry Clay, John Calhoun, Daniel Webster), the Lost Cause of the Confederacy, and public history.
TAGGED BY no one. I stole it from the for you tab LOL
TAGGING: @viellohi, @the-rmstitanic, @man-i-dunno, @allysah, @charmwasjess, @quicksiluers, @aceofthyme, @tipsywench, @macaron-n-cheese, @meerawrites, @elisabeth515, @its-rmstitanic, @mattaytchtaylor, @tommy-288, @chamberlainswifey, AND YOU.
* make a separate post. do not reblog.
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crimsonicarus · 7 months
I was tagged to do the first line(s) game by my dearest @hrhgeorgerussell
the rule is to list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern. In order to reach the 10 fics posted we will be revisiting some of my footy fics
From A muse by any other name (Manuel Neuer/Thomas Müller)
Thomas was excited when he finally got into the art school, he was even more excited when he made friends, Robert was cool even when he was a pain in the ass sometimes, Lukas and Bastian were both out of their minds, but Thomas loved them.
From Now he is mine (Mats Hummels/Julian Draxler)
It was wrong, he knew it was wrong. Dammit not even Marco would be on his side on this one, it was the kid. No, not a kid. But Benedikt’s favorite, the one he took under his wing.
From Honey, please try to love me (Martin Odegaard/Aaron ramsdale)
He had gone over the scenario multiple times in his mind. He's not usually the anxious type… His mother would probably shake her head at the sight of him in his current state, but, now with Derby tickets and an arsenal scarf neatly packed in a gift bag, he couldn't avoid feeling nervous (also adding the considerable debt to his group of friends, who kindly promised to charge him less in case Martin turned him down). 
from I don’t know how not to love you [And i'm fine being ignorant] (Charles leclerc/pierre gasly)
Charles was not by any means a good cook and he would probably never be, still there was something endearing about him in the kitchen fighting for his life to make the “Sick-soup” they remembered so well from childhood, Pierre was not sick, but Charles didn't need to know that.
From A certain something in the middle (Charles leclerc/George russell/ Pierre gasly)
It started with Charles, Charles with his dreamy eyes, his dimpled smile, his various attempts of getting closer, either playing stupid simulators together, a message sent late at night, or early in the morning, a shared gaze across the paddock.
From Once upon a dream (Mick schumacher/ Frederik vesti/ Jack doohan)
The sky burns above his head, everything his eyes can reach is soaked in orange and yellow, the air feels warm as he stands in the middle of a field of baby’s breath. He looks around just to catch the beauty of the whole place, and he can tell there’s a city in the background but the buildings seem odd.
From The holding of hands and the breaking of glass (Charles leclerc/ Sebastian Vettel)
In front of him was Charles, beautiful, haunted, martyr Charles. No longer a naive boy, no longer his. He stood in all his glory among the royal family, Monaco’s pride and joy, the crown's jewel, the promised prince, loved by the smallfolk, respected and adored in equal parts, his skin glowing under the summer’s sun. Sebastian swore he had a vision, lovely, golden Charles shining under the morning sun, pale skin against red wine bed sheets, legs tangled with Sebastian's.
From Whatever here that's left of me is yours [just as it was] (George russell/ Lewis hamilton)
His hands kept playing the piano but the memory of salt water felt like a ghost in his mouth. His back felt heavy even now without his wings and his muscles were tense, still he played the piano. The rhythm felt odd, and the sound bounced inside his head, he had his eyes steady on the ink on his hands as his fingers shifted through the keys.
From Stop the World I Wanna Get Off With You (Charles leclerc/pierre gasly)
It was easy with Charles, talking, spending time, being silent. It felt natural, like breathing. Laughing at his awful jokes came from his mouth  effortlessly, like another mother tongue.
From Lando's George (Oscar piastri/George russell)
Oscar knew a few things. He knew Lando was one of the worst roommates ever, he knew Logan hated his macroeconomics class, he knew Liam loved his girlfriend so much it sometimes came off as concerning and nowadays he also knew that somewhere in the world there was a guy named George whose style Lando hated, who helped Logan with his midterm and that recommended a nice restaurant to Liam. He knew some stuff, not all. But some
i would say a pattern is that I never start from the actual beginning but from some random point where stuff has already happened and I just hope everyone bears with me, its also very common for me to start with a whole ass paragraph.
Tagging: @interlvgos @63historian @maxcuntstappen @readingbythestreetlights @13834
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vocesincaput · 9 months
I do kinda want to wishlist doing Thomas' main 'pirate' verse now, lol.
Details & spoilers below the cut :D
Thomas befriends an orderly during his time at Bethlem and after 2 years have passed since he first arrived, the orderly tells him that he can get him out and onto a ship away from England. Not wishing to endure any  more of what he had experienced, Thomas accepts the man's help.
The orderly smuggles Thomas out of Bethlem and to the docks. When introduced to the Captain of the ship, he gave the only name he had in his mind that he could want - McGraw.
Thomas quickly learned from the crew how to operate the things on board the ship. It didn’t take long for him to realise that the crew were in fact pirates. What surprised him about the realisation was that he felt comfortable amongst them. None of them judging him for anything about who he was within himself.
They taught him multiple things over the years and Thomas quickly found that he was rather adept at sword fighting and a fine shot with a pistol.
He rose up through the ranks until he became Quartermaster. Developing a reputation for only taking a life when necessary but being cunning and completely ruthless when the time called for it.
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theblesseddamozel · 2 months
Just a silly little English major :)
18F, you can call me Lottie
I mostly post about books and knitting, but also I don’t really believe in sideblogs so prepare to be subjected to every interest I’ve ever had lmao (sometimes I'm weird and unhinged and that's probably never gonna stop sorry not sorry)
Big medieval literature nerd, Marie de France and Geoffrey Chaucer are my bestest friends. Also a lover of Victorian novels (Brontë sisters are awesome, also a Thomas Hardy fan).
I guess I’m a writer, but really I’m just someone who spits out short stories when I feel like it. Not a published author, don’t write fanfic either (no hate to anyone who does though, you guys are crazy talented). I don’t really share my writing anywhere but if anyone’s interested I’d definitely consider it.
I have an unhealthy relationship with House MD, and also pray to the goddess that is Penelope Bridgerton. I'm also a firm believer that Colin Firth is the only acceptable Mr. Darcy.
I absolutely adore musicals. My favourites are Phantom, Wicked, Les Mis, Hamilton, and The Book of Mormon.
I’m a lover of old movies. Humphrey Bogart has a special place in my heart.
I don’t really like queuing stuff so I just kinda post things as they come to me.
Enjoy my little thoughts and musings!
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avastyetwats · 8 months
New Muses
I'm still in the process of watching Black Sails (I've yet to start season 4 but will soon), but I've decided to add some test muses:
James Flint*
Thomas Hamilton
Anne Bonny*
Jack Rackham*
Charles Vane
Billy Bones
The * means I'm more comfortable with their voices at the moment. More so James Flint because he's the only one I've written as so far. Again, these are test muses and I'm still watching the show (and avoiding spoilers) so please be patient and gentle with me. Also, I'm very much open to crossovers! I'd love for the OFMD crew to interact with the characters from Black Sails, whether I'm writing as Stede and Izzy or as the BS characters.
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spacefinch · 10 months
Assigning a song to EVERY Magic School Bus episode
Gets Lost in Space-- "Space Oddity" by David Bowie
For Lunch-- "The Bloodmobile" by They Might Be Giants
Inside Ralphie-- "Girl at the Window" by Coast Office (my dad's band!)
Gets Eaten-- "Axolotl" by Cosmo Sheldrake
Hops Home-- "We're Going to Be Friends" by the White Stripes
Meets the Rot Squad-- "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" by Tears for Fears
All Dried Up-- "Solar Waltz" by Cosmo Sheldrake
In the Haunted House-- "The Edison Museum" by They Might Be Giants
Gets Ready, Set, Dough-- "American Pie" by Don McLean
Plays Ball-- "All Star" by Smash Mouth
Goes to Seed-- "Tree Among Shrubs" by Men I Trust
Gets Ants in its Pants-- "Tardigrade Song" by Cosmo Sheldrake
Kicks Ups a Storm-- "Mr. Blue Sky" by Electric Light Orchestra
Blows Its Top-- "Island in the Sun" by Weezer
Flexes Its Muscles-- "Bones" by Imagine Dragons
The Busasaurus-- "I Am a Paleontologist" by They Might Be Giants
Going Batty-- "This is Halloween" by Danny Elfman
Butterfly and the Bog Beast-- "Solar" by Cosmo Sheldrake
Wet All Over "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head" by B.J. Thomas
In a Pickle-- "The Room Where It Happens" from Hamilton
Revving Up-- "Chemical Worker's Song" by Great Big Sea
Taking Flight-- "Never Let Me Down Again" by Depeche Mode
Getting Energized-- "Erie Canal" (Traditional folk song)
Out of This World-- "Love Don't Roam" by Neil Hannon
Cold Feet-- "Muted Land" by Faith and The Muse
Ups and Downs-- "All That Glitters" by Earl
In a Beehive-- "Buildings In Flower" by The Innocence Mission
In the Arctic-- "California Dreamin'" by The Mamas and the Papas
Spins a Web-- "Metropolis of Eden" by Sparkbird
Under Construction-- "We Built This City" by Starship
Gets a Bright Idea-- "Kill the Lights" by Set it Off
Shows and Tells-- "Time in a Bottle" by Jim Croce
Makes a Rainbow-- "Sunny" by Marvin Gaye
Goes Upstream-- "500 Miles" by The Proclaimers
Works Out-- "Good to Go" by LONIS and Daphne Willis
Gets Planted-- "The Moss" by Cosmo Sheldrake
In the Rainforest-- "Shadow of the Pines" by The Innocence Mission
Rocks and Rolls-- "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Marvin Gaye
Holiday Special-- "I Search For Tomorrow" by Leonard Nimoy
Meets Molly Cule-- "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)" by ABBA
Cracks a Yolk-- "Daily" by The Innocence Mission
Goes to Mussel Beach-- "Pelicans We" by Cosmo Sheldrake
Goes on Air-- "Toxic" by Britney Spears
Gets Swamped-- "Spock Thoughts" by Leonard Nimoy
Goes Cellular-- "Cells" by They Might Be Giants
Sees Stars-- "Space Song" by Beach House
Gains Weight-- "Planet Earth" by Duran Duran
Makes a Stink
Gets Charged-- "Make a Circuit With Me" by the Polecats
Gets Programmed-- "Rule #4: Fish in a Birdcage" by Fish in a Birdcage
In the City-- "November" by Sparkbird
Takes a Dive-- "Taroko" by August Greenwood
This list took me almost 2 consecutive hours to write, so please feel free to send me asks so I can talk about why I chose the songs I did.
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gcldcnhour · 1 year
like this for a starter from one of these muses!
huxley locke - anya taylor-joy
emil zabu - toheeb jimoh
genevieve soto - lizeth selene
onyx jones - aubrey joseph
zander okello - daniel kaluuya
jude phelps - alex fitzalan
weezie redford - florence pugh
trent hamilton - glen powell
miriam pope - alicia vikander
ida clarke - maika monroe
fox newton - thomas weatherall
alara kose - ozge yagiz
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sapphiredhearts-a · 1 year
hello! this is not meant to be a bother, but i was wondering if you happened to have a list of fcs for your muses or if you’d be willing to type one out? again very much not trying to be a bother or anything just honestly curious and would like to know!
hi friend !! not a bother at all !! almost all of my fcs are different from canon so it's probably hard to keep up ! I have a lot of muses so I'll add it under the cut ! I've been away from tumblr for a long time so if you see something that isn't super accurate please don't hesitate to let me know !! I relied real heavily on rph resources & tried to google search as much as possible but I know it's not always the best & I wanna stay true to what I can !! also pls forgive the non-formatting the list is long & I am literally copy & pasting this . ( also also if anyone's name is misspelled it's literally because I wrote this as I went & not intentional - some of them may also be abbreviated I can't remember if I went back & fixed it )
jacob black - blair redford
isbaella swan - maia mitchell
edward cullen - christopher briney
emmett cullen - adam dimarco
esme cullen - sadie sink
serena ( hybrid ) - dove cameron
sam uley - marlon teixeira
seth clearwater - booboo stewart
paul lahote - alex meraz
the hunger games
katniss everdeen - devery jacobs
peeta mellark - froy gutierrez
lucy gray - rachel zegler
finnick odair - gavin casalegno
annie cresta - lola tung
vampire academy/ bloodlines
adrian ivashkov - thomas doherty
sydney sage - sydney sweeney
eddie castile - josh hutcherson
piper halliwell - zendaya
phoebe halliwell - whitney peak
leo wyatt - jacob elordi
cole turner - michael trevino
one tree hill
brooke davis - olivia rodrigo
nathan scott - tyler posey
haley james - alba baptista
julian baker - douglas booth
peyton sawyer - penelope mitchell
monica gellar - lana condor
chandler bing - dylan o'brien
joey tribbiani - rege jean page
phoebe buffay - lili reinhart
blair waldorf - leighton meester
nate archibald - chace crawford
serena van der woodsen - blake lively
the host
wanderer - kat mcnamara / tanaya beatty
ian o'shea - luke pasqualino
jared howe - theo james
original characters
analeigh ateara - fivel stewart
josie baker - natalia dyer
daisy fairstone - adelaide kane
salem cromwell - nina dobrev
julian blackthorn - daniel sharman
a court of thorns & roses
feyre archeron - danielle rose russell
rhysand - matthew daddario
david 'gordo' gordon ( lizzie mcguire ) - alberto rosende
miley stewart ( hannah montana ) - miley cyrus
rose ( american dragon jake long ) - madelyn cline
sharpay evans ( hsm ) - sabrina carpenter
alex fielding ( twitches ) - halle bailey
nicholas sparks
allie hamilton ( the notebook ) - abigail cowen
noah calhoun ( the notebook ) - logan lerman
will blakelee ( the last song ) - noah centineo
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