#❝...theres still a long road ahead...  ❞ ┋ accepted
acroagoraphobe · 2 months
What Makes a Man a Monster?
Chapter 4: Man are the only animal who cause their own downfall.
Sixer continued his trip, or whatever this was to wherever he was going next.
It was a good thing that soldier didn't bother him, because Sixer didn't want to have to deal with being wanted by the NCR again.
His walks were silent, no words spoken by him. Because his words were never really his own, were they? And many times he couldn't even tell if that voice in his head was really speaking.
Because he didn't have a voice, not his own anyways.
He would have to be careful, with the NCR base up ahead. The roads were long as always, but they can always be made longer with altercations with... Distasteful Governments. COUGH COUGH ANY GOVER-
So walking inconspicuously along the road, Sixer passed the NCR base, which he did not care to know the name of, the traders loitering around not even bothering to try to pick their sales onto this obviously broke and homeless man.
Continuing on, He passed by a group of ants feasting on a dead Radscorpion, taking hunks of flesh back to their family? do ants have familial bonds? fuck if I know man.
Dust obscured the farther distance and where the ants were heading. Sixer watched them for a moment, he had and has all the time in the world.
One of the ants noticed Sixer's prescence and made a cautious clicking noise, which Sixer put his hands in the air and stepped back slowly.
[Speech 30/25 I'm goin man, don't mind me my good Sir? M'am? Uh.. M'ant?]
Somehow the ant was convinced and nodded? Is Sixer hallucinating again? Fucks sake starting to wonder if he's been hitting the chems again. But hell, when is he not?
Okay, obviously not now but whatever. Sixer steps away, causing the dust beneath him to stir and leave the prints of his boots behind as he does a full turn and speedwalks away, back onto the road.
Soon he reaches one of the damn thousands of ruins across what's left of America. He can practically smell the filth of the raiders that are living here. And well.. Sixer didn't have a damn weapon.
Raiders aren't anywhere near as accepting as ants, which is funny because that means the Raiders are worse than animals. If fucking insects are more chill.
But I mean, Insects havent been huffing jet and shooting up Psycho all day so theres that I guess.
He saw a vaguely sharp-ish large flat hunk of scrap with what somewhat resembled a handle. Taking this as a makeshift weapon he trudged on, knowing he will inevitably have to deal with these assholes.
Kneeling down and sneaking close to what little remained of those walls walls. Good thing he saw the raider first, but... that didn't mean he wasn't going to get shot. Which he definitely did as soon as that dickhole saw him.
BANG, right in the neck.
It didn't kill him, but didn't mean it didn't hurt.
Sixer rushed at that raider full force, kicking him right in the gut. That raider had no Idea what the hell he was in for, along with his.. Multiple other buddies.
As soon as Sixer took him by suprise, He hit that guy in the neck hard with his.. Lets just fuckin call it a sword.
A full force swing from that thing and it got caught in the raider's neck, Splattering blood into the dust and making the raider practically gargle his own blood.
More bullets flew by, multiple hitting Sixer, but considering him, do you think he gave a fuck? Sixer didn't even give a damn to grab the gun the raider that was still currently dying had.
He rushed one of the other raiders, chopping into her with a horrifying crack sound and a fatal hit. Screams of pain fell upon deaf ears as Sixer's slaughter of the raiders continued.
The raiders finally realized after a major hit to their forces that they were faced with death itself, and it was having fun.
Sixer finally stopped when they fled.
He was soaked in blood again but this time it wasn't even his own, how he liked it. His weapon drenched in blood and probably the damn tears of his enemies.
Blood soaked the dusty sand and made this look like the scene of an obvious slaughter.
And you can't spell slaughter without and S and laughter. And Sixer begins with S.
Sixer wouldn't leave good loot behind, so he took whatever caps, ammo, and chems the corpses had on them, shoving them into his bag with little care. His Pip-Boy updated his inventory, neat.
Sixer took his makeshift weapon and wiped the blood off on one of the less bloody corpses. He used the bricks remaining on the ruined buildings to sharpen this weapon. Which when he returned to the road he practically dragged it behind him.
He may be the main character, but that definitely doesn't mean he's a good person.
Because he's not.
There's no rest for the wicked, and same goes for Sixer, he kept going, smelling the smoke of a body burning pile. Nipton. Wonderful.
Not the smell someone would get used to, but if you've been around the wasteland, you've absolutely smelled worse just from the people walking past.
A man ran out from the town as Sixer approached, and started yelling about some lottery. He immediately saw Sixer drenched in blood and split it. No time for conversation when there's a man covered in blood dragging a big-ass sword made of scrap metal.
With a look that screams bloody murder.
Sixer is an unpredictable man, but one predictable thing is he is not immune to curiosity. Which can cause pain, but not kill him, because he ain't a pussy.
Blood drying on his clothes and smoke filling whatever Sixer has that resembles lungs, he went towards the Nipton town hall. Seeing men bound to crosses offering no mercy to them, and a man walking out of the town hall that many know too well.
Vulpes Inculta.
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This week has been a lot on the unit. We have 2 patients that have pretty much changed the whole vibe of the unit, one because of a very difficult social situation (ie: mother) who is testing everyone's limits and one because of their diagnosis, medical and emotional needs (TBI). I haven't personally had either of the patients but it's definitely changed the whole atmosphere as things have just been so hectic and chaotic for everyone. I had a super busy day one shift this week due to a complex admission too, but I handled it well. I've accepted these days will happen and have gotten better at prioritizing and delegating things as needed. My second shift with the assignment went smoother as my little friend started to settle out a bit. I've seen how the kids and families have a bit of an adjustment period when they first come to us.
They begged for extra staff this reason partially to help with the increased acuity on the unit. I picked up an 8 hour shift and will likely be resource nurse, which is basically just an extra set of hands on the unit. I'm happy to help and the extra bonus/overtime doesn't hurt either. I do appreciate that our nursing management tries to advocate for us as strongly as we do for our patients. The charge nurses/ nursing supervisor and CRN (nurse management basically) really pushed that we needed more staffing to help with these 2 particular patient needs. Thankfully the end is in sight for some of the craziness as one of the patients is leaving on Tuesday.
It'll be interesting to see how the next few weeks play out as we have quite a few patients transferring to different places or discharging. We have such a mix of long term and shorter term but it seems like discharges and admissions do kind of come in waves. We have a few longer term patients who will be leaving soon, so I'm curious what admissions are gonna be like. They have waiting lists of kids waiting to come to us, so I would assume we're gonna get a bunch of admissions in the next few weeks. They have to base a lot on our staffing (mainly RNs and RTs given our population). It is exciting to get to see some of these kiddos go home or get one step closer to going home.
Lastly I've felt more aware this week of the intensity of the situations I deal with at work. Its easy to forget sometimes when focusing on the care that goes into each day but I do sometimes think of how other jobs a busy day doesn't mean someone is very critically sick or in excruciating pain that can't be managed or you're not witnessing a family's nightmare first hand etc. Its heavy and certain situations really bring that out. I find the accidents/ trauma kids some of the hardest because theres something so hard about having your life altered so drastically and painfully and losing everything you know. Its also that no one can really predict their recovery or course. With our babies or certain diagnoses, there is sometimes an expected timeline or more clear cut road ahead but that's not as true for these kids and it's hard to see that each day. I still very much love what I do, find joy each shift and feel so glad to be in the role I'm in, but sometimes its so hard and I wonder what it would be like to have a job where that wasn't the case, where I could leave work at work and one where there wouldn't be the emotional heaviness that there is. Yet I wouldn't want to do anything else either.
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kayleezra · 3 years
Something New // (Din Djarin x Reader)
Rating; PG
Word Count; 734
Warnings; None
Summary;Inspired by the prompt; “Can I just lay on your chest? The sound of your heartbeat always helps calm me down.”
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“How exactly did we get in this mess again?”, you yell breathlessly at Mando while running from a group of angry bandits.
“I believe because you called them and I quote ‘slimy bantha scum’.”
“Oh yeah.”
So while trying to collect information on a bounty you may have let your sarcasm get the best of you. Which may have in turn caused a shoot out… possibly causing the three of you to have to run back to the Razor Crest. Oops!
The three of you made it safely back to the crest, panting with fatigue. 
“How’s the kid?”, Mando asks while starting up the crest.
You lift the child from the satchel. He coo’s and lets out a small yawn.
“Lot’s of action for a little guy. He’s tired, I’m going to go put him to bed.”
You do as you said, making your way to the small cot. You coddle him against your chest and sway for a couple minutes before you hear soft snores leave the little one. You carefully place him in his hammock and close the door. You then, make your way up to the cockpit.
You take a seat next to Mando, “He’s asleep.”
“Good. I’m about to jump into hyperspace. This is going to be a long travel.”
“Sounds good.”
You get lost in the brilliant streaks of light that pass in hyperspace. Mando quietly gets up but you don’t bother to ask why. Theres faint clanking in the back of the ship but you assume it to be him rummaging through crates. Silence soon takes over the ship once again and you take solace in the peace and beauty outside the crest. You’re so lost in it that you don’t hear Mando return and you jump when he places a hand on your shoulder. Once you realize it’s him, you let out a breath and place a hand on top on his. He’s removed the armour save the helmet and your hand it relishing in the warmth of his skin. 
“We should get to bed, while the kid is still asleep. We’ve had a long day and have a long road ahead of us.”
You give his hand a squeeze and smile up at him before getting up and following him to the cot. It’s a tight squeeze to say the least but the two of you normally manage to sleep side by side.
Tonight, the two of you have chosen to lay with your backs against one another. Having each other firmly pressed against one another not only brings warmth but reassurance. Having each others unyielding presence reminds you that you’ve at least got each other. 
“Sorry I let my big mouth get us in trouble.”, you say with a grin but sincerity.
Dare you say, you heard a chuckle leave the mandalorian.
“Don’t worry about it. That bounty was more work than we were being paid for. Besides, all that matters is that we’re safe.”
“I have an odd request. And you can obviously say ‘no’.”
Mando doesn’t say anything so you continue nervously, “Can I lay on your chest? The sound of your heartbeat always helps me calm down.”
Your heartbeat quickens and you suddenly think it was a mistake and Mando’s continued silence isn’t helping. You’re about to backtrack but you hear and feel him shuffle. You look over your shoulder to see him on his back with an arm stretched out towards you in a welcoming manner and the other laying on his torso.
You’re quick to turn over and nest yourself against his side. You rest your head on his chest and arm over his torso. His one arm curls around you while the other rests on your head. 
This sudden act of intimacy is new and kinda caught you off guard. You weren’t expecting him to not only accept but further the intimacy. However, it wasn’t unwanted or disliked in the slightest. 
“Thank you.”, you say shyly.
“No need to thank me. Having you at my side bring me a sort of comfort and warmth I haven’t experienced in a while.”
“Well, I’m glad to of service.”, you say light heartedly.
You trace random patterns with your thumb on his torso and his runs his hands through and over your hair. The two of you fall asleep like this and you can only hope it won’t be the last time.
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itsthecupbros · 3 years
Just a scene
I wrote this with @shattered-ecilpse-varian last night for out hogwarts au and I thought Id format it here-
Mugman looked into the mirror of the 4th floor boys bathroom and saw and felt his face flush blue. It was near midnight, no no one should walk in on him, but he was still anxious. Bracing his hands on either side of the sink and taking a deep breath, he looked himself over. Maraca, a hint of dark blue eyeshadow, light pink lip gloss. He knew that if his father, heck, anyone in his old neighborhood saw him like this, they would never wash the blood out of the road. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against the cold surface of the mirror. After reassuring himself, he released the sink and took a step back, looking at himself in the clear glass surface. The long blue dress gently brushed the tops of his bare feet as he turned slightly on the spot. It had two straps, leading his white shoulders and upper back exposed. He thought he looked amazing, but then all of the the memories and facts came crashing down onto him. What people would think, what they would say. Guys can't wear dresses, guys can't appear like this. His face flushed dark again and he looked at the cold floor, trying to push away the shame already rising in his face.
Indigo was wandering around stress forcing him to walk was exhausted he couldn't sleep so he sweared he heard loud angry footsteps coming his way he quickly entered the boys bathroom panic-stricken he didn't want to get in trouble all over again. He saw his crush dress up in a beautiful dress he just froze staring not knowing what exactly to say
It was a few moments before Mugman noticed him. He turned and let out a Yelp, taking a step back as his face flushed darker in embarrassment. "I-Indigo! Wh-what are you doing here?" He looked downward, his face hot. He braced himself for indigo to laugh at him, or cry out in disgust, or ridicule him in some other manner.
"Tt. Um.. you... i..." Indigo flushed red looking down dying inside "I'm sorry I...I didn't m-m-mean to i-intrude I'm sorry"
"N-No! Please! I-I was just startled..." The toon let out a nervous laugh, avoiding his eyes and rubbing at the elbow joint of his prosthetic, suddenly self conscious that it was so exposed.
"Um... what what are you why are you up this late?: Indigo mumbled softly squeezing his already scratched off and red arm trying to stay awake trying to not let anything bad happen
"I-I just wanted to... to t-try some things on without the boys from my dorm looking on..."
"Oo...um understandable..." Indigo smiled a little scratching a little. "Um....you...you looked look nice..."
Mugman flushed darker. "R-really? I..I wasn't sure... you.. you don't think I look like... l-like a freak? ..o-or something...?" He wrapped his arms around himself, still avoiding his eyes.
Indigo shook his head  "N-no! I no? You don't!"
Mugman seemed stunned for a few seconds before he gave a chiming laugh and a glowing smile, his eyes shining. "..thank you..."
Indigo just gave an embarrassed thumbs up. He looked away and tried to think of more conversation "Um...so...... you can't sleep I'm guessing?"
"...no... too many nightmares..." mugman replied, looked away and biting his lip.
"Mmhm...same.... want to wander around?..um I've been doing that for the past... I don't know how many hours.. we can try to find new secret passageways and such! I do that when I can't sleep or I just watch over the dorm.. but it seems like Atlas got that one covered tonight" Inido smiled looking down reaching out his hand.
Mugman reached out, gripping it gently and smiling. "I think I'd like that..."
Indigo smiled nervously holding his hand and it started walking. "Okay! Let's do this"
Mugman giggled as he started speeding up. "Come on, I know this great hidden room up ahead!"
Indigo smiled letting the toon go first  "Okay! Show show!"  He said fidgeting, extremely excited and well happy. He was barely flustered anymore just happy to hang out with someone
Mugman rushed around a corner and ducked through a tapestry, starting to talk as he sped by. "My older brother is quite the troublemaker. On our first day, he showed me and lost the best spots in the castle. You would t believe the trouble he's gotten himself into in the past..."
Indigo quietly followed knowing a bit about getting in trouble "Mmhm! that's always nice"
After running down a passageway for a while, mugs turned a corner and came to a large open room with a small fountain off to the side, ornate pillars around the walls, and a tree growing in the center. Mugman smiled. "This has to be my favorite of the places he showed me... I'm not sure what it's used for, but I think it's beautiful..."
Indigo stared gobsmacked he started looking around and just smiled "Whoa..."
Mugman gently squeezed his hand. "...I know right...?" His voice had taken a softer tone.
Indigo gently squeezed back   "Yeah.."
Mugman looked at him and felt his heart flutter, warmth rushing to his face. He looked away again, pushing the feeling down. He didn't know what it was, but he didn't want to tempt fate.
"So...um.." Indigo squeezed his hand a little and started walking to the tree "Let's hang out?"
Mugman walked beside him, squeezing back. "We'll have to be back before morning, but I'd love that..."
"Okay... that sucks" Indigo mumbled softly and sat  down exhaustion hitting him hard
"...tired...?" Mugman asked with a small smile.
"Always.." Indigo mumbled softly rubbing his eyes
Mugman hesitated "...I get that.. some... things... have been happening lately... I... I actually really need to talk about it... s-so.. can I vent to you...?" 
"Mm..do tell... I'm here.." Indigo smiled, as his eyes closed he was quietly listening
Mugman paused for a few moments, bracing himself "okay.. s-so... I...I suppose I should start at the beginning... C-Cuphead and I got kicked out of the house when I was 3... our mom was a witch, but she didn't tell our dad until after I was born. She... she died shortly after... I don't know how... our dad was already n-not fond of us because we were wizards, but when he found out my brother was gay... it was the final straw..." he paused, taking a deep breath to stop the tears forming in his eyes. "...w-we lived on the streets for a while until cups could get enough money to rent an apartment. One day, we found another toon. He literally bumped into us on the streets and begged us to help him, he said he was being hunted and he had been under the control of dark wizards for over a year... we weren't sure, but took him in... he didn't remember his name... so he gave himself the name lost... surprisingly, we were accepted into this school and were able to escape for a while... unfortunately, apparently the people who had been controlling lost didnt want to give him up... th-they... came for him... I-Ive never see Lost so scared... he was screaming and begging... we fought them off... but... we didn't get out in one piece..." he gestured to his prosthetic, tears were starting to slip down his face. "...what scares me most is that they... they hired someone... they call themselves void and they're one of the most wanted magic users in country... they crushed cuphead's hand and... they never stop until they get the job done... we have an agreement with the headmaster... so we can stay at the castle over break... b-but I'm still terrified every night that they'll find us... Im terrified they'll take lost and kill the two of us for standing in their way... and.. th-theres no way to know if today will be the last day... I.. Im just so scared..."
Indigo just stared at him worried and bewildered. He just didn't know what to say he just looked down hugging himself
Mugman realized he'd been rambling, his face flushing. "O-oh jeez... I'm so sorry... I ruined it, didnt I...? I-I shouldn't dump that on you... jeez... stupid, stupid..." he bit his lip. He completely ruined it. They were having such a nice night... Indigo didnt need to hear about all the terrifying things going on without him and his brothers...
He quietly pulled him into a hug. He quietly mumbles "I'm so sorry..."
He closed his eyes and hugged him back, repressing a sob as all the emotions he had been repressing came crashing down on him at once. The horror of watching his own brother screaming and begging for mercy. The terror of living every day having to wonder if this would be the last time he would see the sun. He was trembling, clinging to indigo as his resolve finally broke and he sobbed into his shoulder, his body shaking I violently as wave after wave of emotion crashed into him.
Indigo gently held him rubbing his back. He tried to comfort him, he was pretty sure it wasn't good enough but he had to try
He choked out apologies as he struggled to regain control, praying indigo wouldn't hate him and already hating himself for dumping his own emotions onto the person he considered his best friend.
 Indigo just started softly speaking in German in a tune of a lullaby. He scooped him up the best he could and just held him continuing to speak
After the toon managed to stop himself from sobbing, he continued to cling to him, his arms wrapped around him and his face buried in his chest.
 The twin buried himself into him as well mostly in his shoulder. He didn't cling on to him as tightly but he still held on to him still mumbling that German tune
After a few minutes, mugman took in a shuddering breath and gently pulled away, looking downwards. His mascara was smudged and there were black tear tracks running down his pale face. He kept his eyes downcast. "I-I'm sorry... you mustn't think much of me now... right...? ...s-sorry... I just... g-god I'm so weak...
Indigo shook his head holding both of his hands not caring about the prosthetic. He just tiredly mumbled "....you're strong...you're strong.."
Mugman hesitated "...I-I just broke down in your arms and you still tell me I'm strong.. I... I really don't deserve you as a friend..." his voice was weak and broken as he bit his lip. "...you don't deserve me dumping this on you... I-I'm sorry..."
He hugged him tightly "N-no I... don't go please" Indigo's voice out of nowhere became weak and filled with terror
He hesitated before squeezing his hand, swallowing the lump in his throat before nodding, his voice only a whisper. "O-okay... I won't go..."
"Sorry.." He eventually mumbled his eyes closed trying not to slip into sleep
"...please don't be... I'm the one who just dumped a ton off emotional trauma onto you..."
Indigo mumbled incoherently clinging onto him exhaustion finally pulling him down to slumber
Mugman ran a hand through his hair, soon realizing that he had fallen asleep. He started to panic for a few seconds before managing to calm himself down, leaning back and letting his eyes flutter shut, focusing on indigo's even breaths. Maybe just a little rest... he could... wake up before morning.... before he could stop himself, he drifted into unconscious.
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words-for-holland · 4 years
ok so ik it’s been a while but i’m still hurting over the fact that tom has a gf. like no hate or anything & ik he cant be single forever bc fucking look at him and i really am happy for him but it hurts? i thought i was over it but then he posted that pic of her and it hurts again. is that normal? is this what heartbreak feels like? what do i do? distractions only work for so long. i’m so in love with him and it’s painful, man. i cant even read fanfics or watch his movies anymore bc it hurts 🥺
Hi Sweetie, Im so sorry that I didnt get to respond to this fast enough! I deleted Tumblr for a bit 🥺
I know how you feel believe me. Its completely normal to feel heartbreak. Sometimes you get so emotionally invested in someone it feels like you were close. So yes. Its okay to feel sad. Its okay to cry. Its okay to talk about how you feel to someone you trust and know wont be judgemental to you.
And you’re right distractions can only take you so far. Youre always gonna have that tempting urge to go back to the thing that hurts you the most whether its an account, a post, an app, etc. But its times like these when you really have to fight that temptation.
Heres what I’ve learned:
Delete anything to do with Tom at the moment. Right now your state of mind is still in this hurting phase and you need that seperation to make it hurt less and not think about it.
Accept whats happened. Dont tell yourself youre not good enough or its a one in a million shot. Its the hardest part but you have to simply accept the fact that hes taken and just be happy for him. Try not to view him as someone youve fallen for. View him as just a friend if it helps. Either way you need to build up to accepting the fact that you need to let go of the romantical ideals about him for the moment. Question yourself, why do you see him as more than role model? How much do you know about him to say you really genuinely love him?
Talk and hang out with friends to get your mind off it. Find new hobbies that require all youre thinking and focus. Do soemthing youve been so interested in trying out but never had the opportunity! Nows the time!
Tell yourself, you’re going to be okay.
I cant always say itll work for every person. But for me, I didnt feel so bad about it anymore. I was okay. The more I saw him as just an idol or someone Id be so down to be friends with it and not think so romantically about, I felt more at peace and happier.
Remember theres about a billion other people on this planet, and down the road Tom will just be somone you look back at and laugh saying I remember when I used to like him. You’re going to find someone and feel just as strong as you felt for Tom, and that person will return the feeling. You have a whole life ahead of you so dont get so down because of one celebrity.
Again you’re feelings are valid. Its okay to feel what you’re feeling. Dont let anyone else tell you otherwise. Just be happy that our boy is happy right now. Thats all we can really do❤️
I am always here if you need to talk ☺️
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mymoodwriting · 4 years
Kindness Goes A Long Way
F!Reader x Sicheng
Genre: Post Apocalypse AU
Warning: Burns, Electrocution, Guns, Needles, Drugs, Insomnia
Words: 4.3K
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Epilogue
Prompt: The end of the world is hard to accept as it is, but it’s even harder to be alone. It seems fate had brought you to Sicheng, someone who can definitely survive in the abandoned waste land that had become of Earth. You then find yourself with a group of others, and you might just have a chance at survival. The only problem is there’s something off about the group, something they’re not telling you, and it might mean the difference between life and death.
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“How much longer are we going to wait.”
    It wasn’t surprising that Sicheng was a bit impatient, given that they needed to stay put and get themselves together. No one had suffered any real damage, just minor inconveniences.
“Calm down.” Ten said. “We still need a plan you know.”
“Yeah we can’t just go up against these guys again without a plan.” YangYang added. “We got our asses handed to us.”
“You didn’t.” Lucas reminded. “You hid under a bed.”
“Kun told me to.”
“Since when do you do what you’re told. Let alone what Kun tells you to do”
“If it wasn’t for me we’d be going home. Sicheng should be thanking me or else he’d lose his girlfriend.”
“Ya! She’s not my girlfriend, she’s human.”
“That’s what you say now.”
“Enough.” Kun interrupted. “Can we calm down and focus. Where is she anyway?”
“About a day away from us.” YangYang pulled up a holo map. “They stopped here for the night, but they’ll probably get moving soon.”
“And we’re still here!”
“Easy, we can just send drones.” Hendery said. “Right?”
“Yeah. Have them scout ahead and keep an eye on her.”
“We still need a plan of attack.” Xiaojun reminded.
“So let’s talk about it on the way.” Sicheng added. “We’re wasting time.”
“Alright.” Kun said. “YangYang, send out the drones, and everyone pack up, we’re moving in five.”
    You and Jungwoo ate on the roof, enjoying the sunlight, and giving you a vantage point. You were both quiet, you had no idea what he was thinking but you were trying to figure out what being compatible meant. After eating Jungwoo grabbed a walkie from his bag and turned it on. You freaked out grabbing his arm.
“What are you doing? They’ll find us.”
“Easy, we’ll be okay. We only use this for a few minutes, just to check in with each other. Besides I can’t talk to everyone, only two, we won’t be found.”
    You trusted him, besides it sounded like they had done this before. Even if you were worried you were also excited. The way they were all coordinated and had contingencies for all kinds of situations, it really felt possible like there plan to take back the planet would work.
“This is beta five checking in, over.”
“Beta five I read you, this is beta three, status, over.”
“Two days out, all clear for beta five, over.”
“Copy that, lay low, see you at base, over.”
“See you at base.” Jungwoo lowered the walkie. “See, easy.”
“What… what was all that? But you don’t know their status?”
“It doesn’t work like that. It’s like a circle, I tell one person my status, and someone will tell me theres.”
“I can explain better when I hear from another.”
“Wait another?”
“This is beta two checking in, over.”
“See. Told you.” He chuckled and got up for a better signal. “Beta two I read you, this is beta five, status, over.”
“Two and a half days out, minor drone issues, all clear now for beta two, over.”
“Copy that, lay low, see you at base, over.”
“See you at base.”
“So you only tell one person you’re okay?”
“Yeah, if anything had been wrong, beta two would have told me, whether it was a problem from them or from whichever group they heard from. But since I got the all clear then it seems everything is okay. Now I just leave the walkie on for a bit, give enough time for all the info to circulate, and if I don’t hear anything in like two minutes, then everything is okay. It’s just one big circle, but no one ever knows everyone’s location, just status really.”
“So what if there was a problem?”
“Well, let’s say we had a problem, then the group I told it too, beta five, would be the ones to help. Everyone else would know we’re having trouble, but also know that someone is helping us. It’s really just used to explain any delays in arrival to the rendevu point.”
“Wait I thought we were going somewhere safe?”
“We are, but we meet up some place first before going to the safe haven. It’s better that way so we’re not opening the door all the time, and also cause we don’t have the password. It’s a whole phrase and we all know different parts of it, so as you can see, we can’t just go in by ourselves.”
“That’s pretty smart, especially since robots have human faces now.”
“Exactly. So, are you good to go?”
    Before you started packing up Jungwoo checked on your fever, you felt better, and it had gone down, but you weren’t completely healed.
“How have you been feeling anyway?”
“Not so sick, still just tired though.”
“Yeah, maybe we should stay awhile and let you sleep.”
“No, no that’s not a good idea. I can sleep when we get to the randevu. We need to keep moving.”
“If you say so.”
    It wasn’t long before you two were back on the road, finding anything to talk about to help pass the time. It was nice, if the world hadn’t ended you’d think this was just a fun adventure between two friends.
“Hey Jungwoo.”
“How do you know where to go? You don’t have a map or a compass.”
“I do, I just don’t need to look at it.”
“No, I’ve done this many times before. At this point I know this terrain a lot better than most people.”
“So then you know where we’re going to stop for supplies and the night.”
“Pretty much. So you don’t have to worry about it.”
“At least I know that.”
    Around noon, when the sun was at its highest point Jungwoo found  place to resupply and lay low, to avoid heat stroke. You only stayed for about an hour before you kept moving, chewing on some snacks while you walked. It was mostly calm, and you hoped the trip would always be that way, but you were wrong. While walking, something in Jungwoo’s bag started beeping.
“What’s that?”
“An alarm.”
“Alarm? For what?”
    Jungwoo didn’t even grab whatever was beeping, looking up at the sky with wide eyes. You didn’t get to look for yourself before he grabbed your hand and started running. At that point you didn’t care to look back, focused on following him and staying close. You wound up going into the nearest building you could find and getting out of sight. Jungwoo put his bag down, grabbing this phone like device, that was still beeping, and shutting it off.
“Jungwoo what’s going on?”
“Drones. Two appeared and might have locked onto us.”
“What… what are we going to do?”
“You need to stay here.”
“Me? What about you?”
“I need to take them out or else we’re going to be stuck.”
“Are you insane! Jungwoo, please!”
“Y/n, I’ve done this before, I’m going to be fine, just stay here.”
“It’s okay. I won’t be gone long.”
    You nervously sat down. This kind of fear you felt everyday, every moment, the fear of being found by the bots. But now that you were found, it felt like when the war started. Every step was dangerous, and hiding didn’t bring a piece of mind but made one feel cornered. Knowing a drone, two drones, were around was just as bad as a robot. Those flying orbs that were at least four times bigger than a basketball, completely silver and looking in every direction, it was like flying metal, but deadlier.
    You watched as Jungwoo grabbed parts from his bag, assembling a gun, like the ones you had seen him and his group use before. You really didn’t want him to go out there alone, but he clearly only had one gun and even then you didn’t know how you could help since you were paralyzed with fear. He gave you a reassuring look before leaving the room.
    You waited anxiously, trying not to count the seconds, and trying not to think about the worst case scenario and what you would do if you were alone. Everything was going to be fine, you had to believe that, you wanted to believe that, but then you heard a scream. There was no doubt in your mind it was Jungwoo who had screamed. You whimpered, feeling the tears coming on, feeling like it was over, but you couldn’t give up so easily.
    You swallowed your fear and found something to use as a weapon. You took a breath and walked out into the open, looking around. You wanted to call out for Jungwoo, but you knew it wouldn’t end well. You heard him scream again and rushed over to where it had come from, needing to find him. When you turned the corner your eyes went wide, now face to face with a drone.
    Even though there was no way to know which side was the front of the floating sphere, you knew it could see you. Before you could even think to run the thing split down the middle and the bottom half lowered itself, revealing a gun barrel in order to shoot you. When things first started, you knew the drones had bullets, but that wasn’t the case for you. Instead you were hit with a small disk, the thing electrocuting you to the point of making you pass out, and you collapsed to the floor.
    Jungwoo stayed low when he left you, the beeping device was a locator he had with him so he could tell where the drones were. He managed to hit one that was outside from a window, but he wondered why the two hadn’t been together. He then heard screaming, you scream, and ran to find you. When he saw you on the ground he was worried and then he noticed the drone floating over to you. He didn’t hesitate to shoot it down, rushing to your side.
“Y/n!” He pulled you into his lap, gently shaking you. “Y/n! Y/n are you okay?”
    You slowly came too, seeing Jungwoo and noticing you were in his arms. He was relieved that you were awake, noticing the device stuck to your shirt and yanking it off, tossing it to the side.
“What… what happened…”
“I don’t know, you tell me. I told you to stay in the room.”
“But… but I heard you scream…”
“I didn’t scream.”
“I heard you…”
“Even if I did…  you came out to help me, you’re crazy, you know that.”
“I wasn’t gonna just leave you… I have nothing without you.”
“Well next time I tell you to stay put, you stay put, promise?”
“Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah.” You sat up. “I can mark getting tased off my bucket list. We should go, it’s not a good idea to stick around these things.”
“Couldn’t agree more.”
    You were both in a hurry to move and get as far away as possible. At first you stumbled around a bit, the extra electricity still messing with you until it passed. Jungwoo stayed close to make sure you didn’t fall over and hurt yourself.
“What happened to laying low?”
    The guys had caught up to the drones, taking a small break in their journey to repair them. Sicheng was working on the one indoors, YangYang with him.
“Honestly, given that we’re now being delayed, I figured you’d be upset, even if this is your fault.”
“I would be but we learned something.” Sicheng admitted. “Joshua and TJ only recorded two heat signatures.”
“Which means?”
“The group split up. It’s only y/n and that guy. We don’t need to be so cautious when we get close, we outnumber them.”
“Well you’re lucky they just used an EMP again, if Joshua or TJ had been damaged I would beat you.”
“I know, I know.” The drone Sicheng was working on glowed blue and floated back up. “There we go, back online. You good Joshua?”
    The drone flashed blue and spun around, Sicheng petting it. Joshua then showed his weapon, revealing the missing slot for a taser disk. Sicheng had found it earlier and reset it, putting it back where it belonged.
“Told you mimicking his voice would work.” YangYang said. “You’re welcome by the way, but why did you have her tased anyway?”
“If we took them both out, it’d stop them for a while, letting us catch up.”
“True, by the way, TJ learned something about our kidnapper.”
“How far are we from her now?”
“Half a day, maybe more depending on where they stop for the night.”
“That’s good. We can get moving now.”
“I’ll have TJ and Joshua head back home then. Don’t want them getting hurt.” 
    Your chest still hurt a bit from the sting of that disk earlier. It all happened so fast, and you wondered why you weren’t killed, then again it probably had something to do with you being compatible. As night approached Jungwoo knew exactly where to go. There was this big house, you’d think it would be a mess but it was a bit clean, Jungwoo telling you his group used the place often. 
“I wish I lived in a place like this.”
“Given your career, I think you would have.”
“Really? This place is clearly expensive.”
“Well maybe we’ll find out someday.”
    Jungwoo went up to the second floor, finding a room to set up for the night. The two of you ate together, and you were glad you could finally get some sleep.
“What’s it like?”
“This… safe haven of yours… your home.” 
“Ah. Well, it’s pretty big, underground too. We have a farm area where we grow most of our food, a nice place to soak in the sun, an infirmary, kitchen. It’s like a community home with everything we could need.”
“It sounds great. You know, you should teach me how to use your gun.”
“Have you ever shot one?”
“I used to have one… I think Sicheng took it from me. I fired it a few times, never at a person though.”
“Well you won’t with this one either. It’s fairly similar, just bigger, and it doesn’t shoot bullets. How about tomorrow before we leave we get some practice in.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.”
     As you laid back it dawned on you just how long it had been since you actually went to bed. You curled up in the sleeping bag, exhaustion quickly catching up with you and you drifted off to sleep. Lately you slept well, and there was a reason why, a reason you no longer had. You weren’t sure for how long you were actually asleep, but you woke up screaming, quickly covering your mouth, feeling the tears on your face.
    You startled Jungwoo awake. The boy was quick to grab the gun he had close, looking around for a target but only seeing you trying to quiet your sobs. Despite wanting to comfort you he got up and quickly went to check outside the room to make sure no one was around. He put the gun down when he returned, quietly pulling you into his arms.
“You’re okay, you’re okay y/n.”
“Sh, you don’t need to tell me.”
“I… I do… I… I remembered something…”
“What is it?”
“They… the scrambler… it… he went through my memories…”
“They can do that?”
“You’ve told me everything… if… if they…” You were starting to hyperventilate. “If they get me again, they’ll go through them and find out everything. If they… I’m so sorry, I… I’m-”
“No, no, hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m not going to let them take you. When we get to the safe haven you’ll stay there, you’ll be safe. They won’t get you, I promise.”
“Don’t make promises like that.”
“Sh, just take a deep breath. I’m going to keep you safe.”
“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to wake you…”
“I’m fine, what about you?”
“I just… it’s never been easy for me to sleep ever since… I’m always tired.”
“You’ll be okay, and I’m sure you’ll get some good sleep soon.”
“Can you… can you…”
“Can you just stay close.”
“Of course.”
    It was a bit easier to sleep then, maybe it was cause you knew Jungwoo was close. Maybe you just slept better when you knew, when you felt, that you weren’t alone. Jungwoo stayed up, waiting for you to sleep, and making sure you were okay before getting some sleep too. You didn’t wake up again until morning, the sounds of birds scaring you a bit more that sounding peaceful.
    You sat up, seeing that Jungwoo wasn’t with you, probably checking the perimeter. You figured you’d wait for him and grabbed a snack, packing up your sleeping bag. You stepped out of the room, seeing the sun that was barely on the rise from a nearby window, it was quite lovely. Since you had the time you figured you’d look around the house a bit, wondering what kinda things you could find.
“Jungwoo?” You heard his voice but couldn’t find him. “Where are you?”
“Down the hall, come on, there’s something I want to show you.”
“Is it some cool rich thing?”
“Something like that.”
    You chuckled and followed his voice, being called into a room. You walked in, seeing some pretty cool paintings, and then you notice who was in the room, Xiaojun.
“Long time no see.”
    Your eyes went wide with fear, but unlike last time, you didn’t freeze. You bolted for the door, only to watch it slam shut, Ten having been hiding behind it. You didn’t seem to find any other way out, knowing your only hope at this point was to scream. Once you did the two rushed to you, Xiaajun covering your mouth and holding you still.
    You thrashed in his arms, trying to get free, but it was useless. When you noticed the chip in Ten’s hand you tried to scream again, wanting to get away from him. You kicked at Ten, trying to keep him away, but that caused Xiaojun to shove you against a wall. You were pinned, with little room to move.
“I didn’t know you’d be such a squirmer.” Ten said. “If you fight it’s going to hurt, so don’t.”
    You weren’t surprised to feel the tears falling, your heart racing. You closed your eyes when you felt the chip, a headache starting to form. It hurt like nothing before, and it gave you some strength to fight, but the two boys wound up pinning you.
“Y/n, just give in.” Xiaojun said. “You’re only hurting yourself.”
“You’re not going to win.”
“Let her go!”
    Jungwoo burst into the room, firing without hesitation. The disk landed on Ten and quickly went off, the two collapsing to the floor along with you. When you hit the floor you screamed, the headache becoming something different as the chip shorted out while still on you. Jungwoo rushed over to you and ripped it off of you, seeing the small burn it had left.
“Fuck. I’m sorry.”
“We… we have to go… now…”
“I know, come on.”
    Jungwoo helped you to your feet. You followed behind him, a bit dazed, but you kept moving. Although, after a few steps you collapsed to the floor, your leg hurting.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?”
“My leg… ah, it hurts.”
“Let me see.”
    He checked to see another burn on your leg, darker than the other, clearly from something internal.
“You… you had a chip in your leg.”
“What! They’ve been tracking me… you need to go.”
“They’re after me, if you stay they’ll kill you.”
“I’m not leaving you to them.”
“Someone needs to tell the others about those chips, and that EMPs don’t work, and that your plans are compromised.”
“I am not leaving you. Look the chip is clearly fried, the tracker won’t work anymore, they won’t follow us.”
“I can’t walk on this…”
“Yes you can, I’ll help you.”
“I am not letting you die cause of me!”
“We go together, that’s final.”
    Despite your protests Jungwoo helped you to your feet, wrapping an arm around your waist. You swore to yourself but moved as best as you could.
“I have some pain killers, they’re for emergencies.”
“You need to leave me.”
“I told you last night, I am getting you somewhere safe.”
    Somehow you managed to get back in the room. Jungwoo sat you down, handing you his gun and giving you a quick tutorial, telling you to aim at the door and shoot at anything that came through. He went through his bag, getting a syringe and sticking it in your shoulder.
“It should take effect in a few seconds.”
“How did you even find me?”
“I heard a door slam and then you screamed.”
“Ah, thanks, but what are we going to do now? We can’t just outrun them, or lead them to the rendevu point.”
“We’ll take a quick detour, and if we can shoot them all down for a while then we can lose them properly.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t know about the tracker, and the two of us can get away on our own.”
“I’ve been nothing but trouble.”
“And I’ll do it all again without a doubt.”
    Jungwoo packed the essentials quickly, and when you got to your feet you felt good, the pain practically nonexistent, you could run. You handed Jungwoo the gun back, grabbing your bag and following him out. He knew the house, so you avoided the big halls, getting downstairs quietly. Being with him inspired confidence, but you should have known better. When you stepped out to the backyard patio Kun revealed himself.
    Jungwoo shot at him, but Kun grabbed the disk in midair, letting it go off, and nothing happened. He chuckled after the EMP went off, examining the disk for a bit before dropping it to the floor and crushing it under his foot. There was no doubt in your mind how this was going to end, but you had to try and change at least something. You took a step forward, standing in front of Jungwoo.
“Y/n, what are you doing?” Jungwoo hissed, grabbing your arm. “You-”
“Please let him go.” Your voice was shaky. “You just want me right? Please…”
    The rest of the group appeared from behind. Jungwoo quickly turned around, his back against yours. You refused to look back, not wanting to meet eyes with Sicheng, but when you heard footsteps approach, you knew they were his.
“Get back!” Jungwoo yelled. “I said stay back.”
“Your gun is nothing but a toy, so drop it.”
    You pushed back the tears and turned around, pushing Jungwoo’s gun down. You got in front of him again, this time pleading to Sicheng.
“Let him go, please. Make him forget me, forget all of this, but just let him go!”
“It’s not that simple.”
“Please! I’ll go with you, I won’t fight, I won’t run again, please!”
    The others slowly spread out until you were completely surrounded. You held on tight to Jungwoo, taking slight steps back as Sicheng approached.
“Sicheng please…”
“Y/n.” Jungwoo mumbled. “Y/n…”
“Don’t kill him.”
“Y/n!” Jungwoo turned you around to face him. “If they were going to kill me they would have done it by now.”
“I’m compatible.” He looked at Sicheng. “Aren’t I?”
“Someone’s been talking.”
“No, no you… you… Jungwoo you have to run!”
    Once the boys had surrounded you, they slowly approached, getting closer until Sicheng could snatch you away. Others quickly grabbed Jungwoo and forced him on his knees, keeping him there. You tried to get away from Sicheng, but his grip was firm.
“Y/n cut it out.” You were pulled into a hug. “I know it’s been scary without me but it’s okay, I’m here.”
    You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, feeling far more afraid than comforted. His grip on you loosened a bit and he noticed the burn mark on your head.
“Ouch, that must have hurt.”
“Sh, I’m here now, you’ll be okay. I just need to be sure.”
    You weren’t sure when or how, but he had a chip in his hand. You started thrashing a bit but Kun held you in place. Your head was still a bit fuzzy from before, but it didn’t stop the headache from being just as bad. You hated how it felt familiar this time, and a part of you just wanted to let everything happen, to let him in again.
“Stop hurting her!”
“She’s doing this herself.” Sicheng said. “She said she wouldn’t fight.”
“If you let me go!”
“Who’s taking him anyway? Cause he needs to shut up.”
“I will.” Lucas volunteered, getting a chip from his pocket and getting down to Jungwoo’s level. “I highly suggest you don’t fight this.”
“I won’t give in easily.”
“You’re not going to win if that’s what you think.”
“We’ll see.”
“Cocky, I like it.”
    You had been holding back your screams, biting your lip, almost breaking skin, then you heard Jungwoo scream. It caught you off guard, something you never wanted to hear in this situation, but that small moment of hesitation was all Sicheng needed to get in. You collapsed into his arms, your vision becoming a bit hazy, the screaming now a distant sound.
    Sicheng held you, easing you back into a calm and submissive mental state, like he had you before. You cuddled against him, quickly feeling comfortable and safe and happy with him. Your hearing suddenly came back and Jungwoo’s screaming startled you again, making a few tears fall.
“Easy, it’s okay, he’s going to be just fine. Just like you.”
    You vaguely noticed the needle he had, whatever was in it had a slight blue glow, but all you did was tilt your head to the side. You didn’t really feel a prick, probably not even going to remember what had just happened. Sicheng kissed your head, his eyes glowing, seeing the changes within you since he last checked.
“Not so sick anymore, that’s good. Now come on, you haven’t eaten yet, and we need to get that tracker out of our leg.”
    Sicheng took your hand and lead you away from the patio and back inside. You looked back to see that Jungwoo had stopped screaming, still on his knees, a blank stare on his face, a chip on his head too.. You kept your eyes on him for as long as you could, feeling guilt but not being able to fully understand why. It wasn’t long before you were completely swallowed into the fog, your worries fading away.
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
YES YES YES . They both accepted that they are mates and they kissed. They KISSED. I'm so happy!!! even if they had an audience X'D they are so cute together. And Harper who was the only one to suspect that Sehun adn Y/n were mates...I love her even more X'D
Yes! We're at the turning point of the story! They're finally together but theres still a long road ahead! And thankfully someone is observant enough to catch on (all that hunter training coming in handy 😉)
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ahgaru · 6 years
Happy Days // Day6 fic; Days Gone By inspired
Pairing: Young K x Reader, and secret :P Word count: 1,269 Characters: Young K, Reader, minor mentions of other Day6 members, Eric Nam, Park Jimin/Jamie, Baek Ayeon
Past and present, reminiscing, happy days to happier days.
Did not proofread, excuse the mistakes
Younghyun looks at his side and meets your eyes. You smile at him as you continue to walk down the aisle. That small curve of lips you show him reaches his heart and he can’t help but smile back.
As you fix your eyes in front again, he lets out a soft breath. He moistens his lips as he puts a hand in his pocket.
As your feet stride forward, his mind runs back down his memory lane.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
You flipped your head towards him because of his sudden query. You gripped the railing and straightened up before shaking your head. You darted your eyes back on the sunset.
“I was just wondering how many sunsets we’ll be able to watch together,” her eyes traced the reflection of the sun on the surface of the sea. “A thousand more?”
Younghyun’s lips stretched into a smile. He drew you closer to him, causing him to side-hug you. “A million more. Or a billion more? We have eternity together so I’m sure we would lose count.”
“Eternity,” you nodded. “Let’s ask someone to put our bodies together when our time here on earth ends,” you chuckled. “So that even if our souls are elsewhere--still together--our remains here on earth would also be still together. Now that’s eternity,” you laughed loudly.
Younghyun almost shook his head. He bites his lower lip to curb himself from chuckling.
Now you’re walking to the path of your eternity. He looks up once again and his gaze shifts a little bit towards the right, and it lands on Eric and Jimin (both your and Younghyun’s good friends) standing, holding a mic, and singing. There’s also Wonpil who’s accompanying them with the piano.
As he looks back to Eric and Jimin, who are now facing each other, still singing, another series of images flash in his mind.
“What do you want to be in the future?” You quizzed right after you plopped on your seat across him.
He was reading a book, probably reviewing for exams tomorrow. He stared at you blankly, trying to figure out why you asked the question out of the blue.
“A billionaire?” You chortled. “A singer? You’re good at singing! Or perhaps a musician! You and Eric could be a duo!”
Younghyun creased his forehead. “Eric is old.”
Your jaw dropped and you threw him an accusing look before playfully slapping his arm. “He’s not old. And he doesn’t really look like older than you.”
“You’re saying we look like we’re at the same age? Do I look old?”
You laughed and threw him a piece of crumpled paper that was on the table. “I was saying that Eric just looks young. It’s just 6 years.”
“Yeah, and by the time I’d be on my mid-twenties, he’d already be on his early thirties.”
“That doesn’t matter. Now back to the question, what would you want to be?” you leaned forward and pierced your eyes on his.
He thought for a bit before a playful smile started to form. “I want to be a father of a soccer team.”
You furrowed your forehead and it was his time to laugh.
“Only a soccer team?” You challenged. “Do you want to add a basketball team?”
His laughter halted and he gazed at you mirthfully. He leaned forward. “I’m really so lucky to have you.”
You grinned as you drew your face closer to his. “I know,” you let out a soft chuckle before planting a peck on his lips.
Remembering those days fills his heart with warmth. He’s satisfied. He scans the faces of the crowd. They’re overwhelmed. Most are all smiles and few are in tears. He looks ahead and sees Jae and Dowoon, looking more handsome and in their suit and tie, and with their hairs done. Dowoon, the one whom you think of as a little brother, is almost as red as the carpet you walked on. Jae, your childhood friend, is showing a tight smile, preventing his tears from falling.
Everything is almost a blur. Younghyun can’t really comprehend what people are saying or the solemniser in the center since the beginning of the ceremony. But he hears every word that leaves your mouth when you say your vow--loud and clear--while holding the hand of the man you love the most, your eternity.
You’re so beautiful in your white long dress that is hugging you, showing your curves. You aren’t really the sexy type, yet you look so perfect in it. You’re the most beautiful today--not just in one’s eyes, but to everyone in the place.
You’re beautiful like your memories together. You had little quarrels but there were really no sad days. There was comfort in silent conversations. There was security with each other’s gaze.
"Ah, what happy days. It was like a dream. Now though there won’t be more I’m going to leave them in the past... " Younghyun thinks and smiles silently as he lets his gaze linger on you.
“You may now seal your union with a kiss,” the vow master pronounces as the crowd gets excited.
“Go get it, Park Sungjin!” someone cheers and everyone laughs.
The groom, Sungjin, shakes his head. He bites his lips and brushes his palm on his shaved head before sealing the marriage.
Younghyun smiles at the sight. There’s no regret. Sure, the period after your break up was hard. It was a very rough road. He missed you a lot. Pain and sadness engulfed him. But it’s been long. And he has accepted it for quite a while now, too.
Delicate fingers grasp Younghun’s hand. He looks at his side and his eyes meet hers.
“You okay?”
“I’m okay, Ayeon,” he smiles at her as he intertwines their fingers. “I’ve always been okay since you found me.”
He was lost. He kept on walking in circles, trying to forget you yet always find himself trying to get back to you. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know which way to go. He was trapped in a maze and he would always find himself at the starting point. But she found him and led him out of that maze.
He told her everything. She knew about you. He told her how much he loved you. She knows how much he loves him now.
Yes, there’s no regret.
Younghyun looks at her intently. He can’t believe how blessed he is to have Ayeon by his side. She saw how broken he was yet he accepted him. Now he’s whole again. She knew the risk she was going to take, the uncertainties that would haunt her, the doubts that will keep knocking on her mind, yet she opened her heart. When Younghyun entered her heart, the fear slowly faded.
She has learned how to believe in what he feels for her. She came to believe in what they both have.
Younghyun’s thumb caresses the back of Ayeon’s hand before he lifts it close to his mouth and plant a kiss on it. “I love you,” he whispers.
Ayeon nods and shows a soft smile. “I know. I love you, too.”
Younghyun squeezes her hand softly yet firmly before looking at the newly wed couple again. You sure had happy days together--days gone by. Now both of you are in a different journey for happier days you’ll have in your lives.
“Someday,” Younghyun utters softly, almost whispering. He doesn’t intend for Ayeon to hear it, but she hears it still. “It will be the two of us standing in front, sealing the vow of our journey-to-be to never ending happy days.”
I didn't put YoungK/Ayeon and Sungjin/Reader in the relationship/pairing because tadaaaa~! Surprise surprise! Sorry for those who were disappointed bc of YoungK/Reader expectation till the end but ended up with different people.
Also, I changed the usual "You may now kiss the bride" line.
Anyway, thoughts?
scream at me on twitter (@kohiiby) or curiouscat (daelisix) thankies FIC MASTERLIST
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anony-mouse-writer · 6 years
bnha fic recs part 1
okay so im putting this in a post because once again i went overboard while talking to @lachryphage hryphage and decided to make a post too long for chats. dont feel obligated to read all these. think of it as a reference for whenever you want to read something and not put effort into finding it
I sorted these.... kinda by tags? like i picked a tag that i found relevant and used that? so lots of these fall under multiple tags, but *shrug*. basically theres only minimal rhyme or reason to this. good luck sorting it out. (i didnt include the links because theres a lot and im lazy, sorry)
also i didnt comb thru for anything that has manga spoilers (like yesterday upon the stair) mostly cuz idk where the anime is rn, so... watch out for that? sorry
blue means its teacher centric
asterik means it one of my personal faves
- send endeavor to the shadow realm by pitviperofdoom *
- actuality by wonduhwoman *
dorm life
- downhill by eggstasy
- 2am knows all secrets by unbreakable_red_riot *
- katsuki vs friendship by downtownfishies
- in the business of parenthood by bonnia
- don’t paint me black when i used to be golden by humanities_angstiest
- the laundry room by dellsey
- cranky-rishima by purplepersnikitty
- number one hype man (and rival) by sammyd *
- present mic mixtape 2.0 by kurikuri
- after school special by kurikuri
future fic
- see all of it in bloom by aloneintherain *
- these days past by nivo
- two rings and two kids by kurikuri *
- slow it down (go easy on me) by newamsterdam *
- ragtag by sportsanimeruinedmylife
(warning that the second part of the series isnt finished yet)
- sugar (yes please) by plalligator *
- drunk history: heroes by sammyd *
- summer’s fool by izanyas
- when i’m gone by kittykittybobitty
- i call this place home by awechri
- fun at hero con by wolfsrainrules *
- team interview by thephilosophah
- starting over from ground zero by hyacintatropa, xenophonspeaks *
- vicious by feelslikefire *
- i would understand by deafmic
- responsibility by deafmic
- katsuki drop by arc_fangirl_owov
- sense to protect by guardianlioness *
- could i but teach the hundreth part by terra_incognita *
character centric
- running to stand still by kiyojo_michi
- get well soon by brickboat *
- observance by brickboat
- self acceptance by sinon *
general romantic
- closer by mikewritesthings
- stitches by adreamingsongbird
- shadow tag by snap_nova
- dress my up by anxioussonic
- the road ahead by adastra615
- coffee cans, energy drinks, and other things by mackismagic *
- eraserhead’s number one fan! by mikewritesthings
- glass paradise by kurikuri
- cut from the same cloth by shanastoryteller
body swap
- sweet voice by kurikuri
- better late than never by bonnia
- hurt by deafmic
fake relationship
- we are so (not) married by mikewritesthings *
- whatever it takes by xenophonspeaks
- bikes, turkey, and dangerous blondes by endlesslyalways
- acceptance and denial by poteto
- heart stains on the carpet by cityboys
enemies friends lovers
- customer service 101 by kurikuri
- dont ask dont tell by ms_chunks *
- the devil blues by iknewaman *
wrong number
- bluebird by etherealbeing
- just a little advice by kurikuri
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thesoftdumbass · 7 years
Before We Go
Steve Rogers x reader
Words: 2.9k
Characters: Reader, Steve Rogers, Brock Rumlow, (a frickton of other marvel characters are mentioned)
Warnings: shady guys, purse being stolen, talk of alcohol, talk of breakups, bloody nose, slight existential crisis, stripping is mentioned (you’ll see), a couple kisses
Summary: Steve helps reader look for their purse that has been stolen, and they learn a bit about each other along the way.
Pre A/N: A big thanks to @sgtbxckybxrnes​ for this Movie AU Writing Challenge! It was fun trying to come up with different directions to take this. I love Before We Go with Chris Evans, and I knew I just had to write it for Steve. I hope you like it!
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(All gif credit to owners)
You were walking down a side street in New York City, trying to figure out what to do next, when you noticed somebody walking behind you. Glancing over your shoulder, you noticed a group of men, staggering and holding bottles of what was obviously alcohol. Oh yay, because your trip was already turning out so great! Note the sarcasm.
Just as you were about to cross the street to try and avoid the group, someone came up and wrapped their arm around you, startling you. "Hey, honey, sorry I'm late."
You looked up into the handsome face of the man that tried to help you at the train station, feeling slightly reassured. When he guided you back onto a main road and let go of your shoulder, you sighed in relief. "When that happens, just stare straight ahead, keep walking strong," he told you.
"Thank you," you say sincerely.
"Sure," he is nonchalant.
You look at him, feeling guilty. This stranger had tried to help when you missed your train out of the city, but you had ended up snapping at him in your annoyance. "I'm sorry about earlier," you spoke up. "I shouldn't have been rude."
"It's okay, you're having a bad night. It happens to all of us." You nod, continuing to walk beside him. "So what do you want to do? You want to get a hotel room or something?"
"Excuse me?" You raise your eyebrows at him.
"No, not, not... goodness. Not for us, for you. In case you don't have friends in the city," he explains himself.
"I don't have friends in the city and I don't have a cell phone, and then my I.D. and  credit cards were in my purse, which was stolen. So I am screwed."
"Okay," the man said, trying to think of options. "Want to try and go find your purse?"
"What, like the person who took it is just going to put it back," you ask sarcastically.
"Well, no, but sometimes they just take the cash. Dump the purse. You check the trash barrels where it was stolen?"
"At the bar? No, no I didn't."
"What bar? You remember the name," he asks.
"Um... Yeah, it began with an L. Um... I can't remember. It was downtown," you say, unsure.
"Downtown," he repeats. "Well that's on my way."
"It's on your way?"
"Want to come with me, have a little adventure, find your purse?"
"Okay," you answer.
"Okay. Let's go."
You start towards the bar when you hear him pipe up.
"Where are you going?"
"Downtown is south."
"Right," the man points his thumb in the opposite way than where you were going, "downtown. I'm Steve by the way."
"Oh, hey, I'm YN." He seemed trustworthy even though you just met, so you didn't hesitate to tell him your name.
"YN. It's nice to meet you, YN."
You and Steve made your way to the bar downtown, finding it after a few minutes. You each checked the trash bins in the restrooms, coming up empty handed. You walk back into the main room of the bar and find Steve.
"Anything?" You shake your head. "All right. I got an idea." Steve walks up and places his hands on the sticky bar top, attracting the bartender's attention.
"Excuse me, hi... Brock." Steve took a moment to read the man's nametag. "My friend had her purse stolen here earlier tonight, and we were wondering if you've seen it." Steve glanced to you to explain what it looked like.
"It's a black Michael Kors bag with a long strap. I had it on the bar beside me before I noticed it was missing."
"It hasn't turned up," the brunet said in a gruff voice, "but you never know."
"Yeah, that's what the police said," Steve started.
"Funny, they're usually so helpful," Brock butted in.
"But then they told me about these guys that will lift purses out of certain places and that, sometimes, the bartender knows something," Steve continues as if he wasn't interrupted.
"Yeah, well I guess saying that is easier than doing actual police work."
"Right. Right, that's true. But uh... I be there'd be a pretty handsome gratuity in it if something popped into your brain," Steve asserted.
"Michael Kors, you said?"
"Uh huh," you told him, nodding. "It does have sentimental value."
"Give me a sec," Brock said as he stepped away from the bar and into the back.
You stood there for a few moments while Brock made some calls, until Steve broke the silence. "Sentimental value. Nice touch," he said appreciatively.
"It's true." You paused. "I appreciate you doing this. I know that you weren't planning on spending your night rummaging through bathroom trash cans."
"Well, I didn't plan not to," he said graciously.
You laughed. "Well what about all the other things that you could be doing?"
"Well, you didn't say trash can treasure hunts were on the menu," Steve said cheekily. "I'm actually in town for an audition... tomorrow. I was in Grand Central Station, just kinda... trying to piece together what I want to play."
"So, trumpet," you asked, nodding to the instrument case on his back.
"I don't think I've seen anyone play trumpet since high school band."
"Well, we're still around, we just don't, uh, march as much as we used to."
"Jazz?" you question.
"Yeah. You listen?"
"I like it. I like jazz."
While you waited for Brock to return, you and Steve talked about that time at summer camp when you serenaded Sam Wilson with 'My Funny Valentine' from a behind tree.
When Brock came back, you were curious to know what he found out. "Well...?"
"We may be in luck. Took a little persuasion. Had to call in a favor or two," he said, handing you a slip of paper.
Taking the paper and opening it, you notice a street number and business written down. "So I just have to go to this address and...?"
"That's a bad neighbourhood," Steve interrupted with a frown before you could get your thought out.
"What, you think guys on Wall Street were lifting purses," Brock asked sarcastically.
"Well... thank you," you said, trying to get out of there.
"I hope I was helpful."
"Extremely," Steve replies.
You leaned into Steve's side and said quietly, "I think he wants gratitude."
"Group hug? Big Kiss?" Steve said, spreading his arms out, reaching to embrace the bartender.
Brock rolled his eyes before, "I believe the words were 'handsome gratuity'?"
Steve sighed and reached for his wallet. "Do you take credit cards?"
You walked out of the dirty bar a few minutes later, ready to get your purse back. "Okay, so it's this way, right?" pointing in one direction.
"All right, you talked me into it... I'm coming with you."
"Thank you, but really, you have your audition to prepare for..."
"It's all right. It's late, you're going to a bad neighbourhood. I'm not gonna let you go alone. Besides, it's this way," Steve said insistently, turning you to face the right direction.
"Are you sure you don't mind," you ask your acquaintance, not knowing what you would do if he said he did mind.
"Positive. Come on."
You chatted as you walked beside Steve through the streets of New York. The two of you talked about your reasons for being in the city. You were visiting your boyfriend Pietro while you are on break from university, at least until he broke up with you out of nowhere. That's why in that sketchy bar, you had nowhere else to wait for your train. Steve has an audition with Tony Stark in the morning, but he also wanted to attend his friend's wedding to see his ex. You made sure he wasn't talking about the bride or the groom. Steve laughed at that and assured you that he wasn't going to break up a wedding.
"All right, this is it." Steve looked into the establishment and grimaced. "You know what, let me do this. What'd you say it was... a black Michael Kors bag?"
"I think we should call the police," you say nervously.
"Yeah. They'll be right over. How's next Thursday," he said sarcastically. "Anything specific about the bag?"
"On the inside lining of the bag, there should be a bright red stain. I spilled a bottle of nail polish right on the inside label," you disclose.
"Two blocks that way, theres's a bar called Barton's... Wait for me there, all right?"
”Wait! How much cash do you have," you say cautiously.
"I don't know. That's a personal question." Steve patted his pockets while he thought. "Maybe forty bucks?”
"You're gonna do something crazy," you accuse.
"Thank you for not saying 'stupid.' That means a lot."
"You're gonna grab it and run, aren't you?"
"Uh... I don't know. It's exciting though, isn't it?" He gives a self-satisfied smirk. "Go."
With that, Steve walks into the building and disappears from view. You walk a few blocks away and wait outside the bar he told you about. After around ten minutes, Steve walks your way, fingers pinching his obvious bloody nose.
"They tried to cheat me out of three hundred dollars and hit me when I said I didn't have enough," he says in explanation.
"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. You have your thing and now you look all..."
"No, let's stick with homeless." Steve chuckles at you. "Well, the purse is out."
"What now?"
"Now it doesn't matter. It was over when I missed that train."
"What was over," Steve questions.
"My chances of being accepted into the doctoral program. My interview with Doctor Banner is tomorrow morning at nine and I'm definitely going to miss it now," you say, despairing.
"Hey YN, it's okay. I'll try to get you home. And if not, you can call in the morning and try to reschedule. I'm sure everything will be fine."
"I know. It's just that I worked so hard for six years to get to this point. If I don't make it to the interview tomorrow, then I have to wait another semester." You take a few moments to calm yourself down. "Look, thank you for your help, but it's over. You can go back to whatever you were doing before I came along and ruined your night." You started walking away when Steve called out to you.
"Wait, please, stop! Stop!" You stopped and turned around with an expectant look on your face. "You didn't ruin my night, okay? I was hiding out in Grand Central trying to avoid..." Steve didn't have to finish his sentence for you to know that he meant his ex, Sharon. "Look. My night was crap before you showed up. It's gonna be crap after you leave. But your night? If we can get you home and get you to that interview? Well then... you know, that would make me a hero."
At the end of his monologue, you couldn't help the small smile on your lips. "Not gonna pass that up, am I?"
Steve smiled a genuine smile and you both set to work, trying to come up with a plan. In the end, you ended up at a bus station in Chinatown that ran buses all night. You stood outside, waiting for your bus together. The night may not have started out the greatest, but you had fun with Steve and were sad to have to leave. You struck up conversation in hopes of distracting yourself from your thoughts.
"I'm sorry again that I messed up your plans. You never got to go break up that wedding," you said, teasing."
Steve chuckled and you giggled before, "Aww, don't feel badly."
"No, I don't feel badly. I feel bad."
"Did you just do that? Did you just correct my grammar?"
"Oh, stop it, I was just teasing. Have I done that already?"
"You've been dying to," he accused lightly.
"That's an interrupted verb phrase. I've been silently correcting you all night." You give him a crooked smile and he scrunched his nose up in a show of distaste. "Don't make that face."
"Well I'm glad to know that we're at the point in our relationship where you feel comfortable doing it out loud," Steve's voice held amusement.
There was a minute where neither of you said anything and your thoughts drifted to the important meeting tomorrow.
"What if I make it to the interview, but I mess it up?" You looked down and wrung your hands together. "This is a big step in my life and I don't want to be too pre-occupied with my thoughts, or too tired from sleeping on the bus home that I ruin my own life. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself not to even bother coming to visit Pietro. What we really need is a time machine."
"Well, we kind of have one." You glance up to find the most beautiful blue eyes looking into yours. Steve walks over to the pay phone on the curb and picks up the handset. "A few years ago, they turned all these public pay phones into time machines. You pick one up, dial 1997, and a New Yorker will come on and tell you exactly what was happening on that corner 20 years ago."
"It was funny. I don't even need to call that far back. I just need to call yesterday."
"Well, let's try." At your questioning glance, Steve pretends to dial numbers, letting out silly 'beep, boop' noises to signify the numbers being pressed. Finally he turns to you and hands you the hand set. "What would you tell yourself?"
"YN, it's you from the future," pause. "She doesn't believe me."
"Well, of course; You got to tell her something secret, something only you two would know."
You think for a few seconds. "You know that tiny scar you have on your forehead? The one you tell everyone you got hiking in Colorado, but you actually got falling into the crowd while singing Wannabe by the Spice Girls."
"This is my favourite story already."
"Shh. It's collect." You bring the phone back to your mouth. "So Natasha made you go to a karaoke bar, and you ended up drinking way too much, tripping over your own feet and spending the whole night in the E.R. Okay, oh good, you believe me now. Okay, so whatever you do, don't talk to strangers in Grand Central. Just skip New York altogether."
"Ouch," Steve grabbed his chest in mock offence.
You thought about the adventure you and Steve had gone on, and looked up into his clear blue eyes, and reconsidered. "Actually, do talk to strangers in Grand Central Station. You might make a friend, and he might distract you from yourself. He's not that bad looking, either." You winked at him. "YN, remember to not take yourself so seriously. I'll see you in the future. Okay, bye." You replaced the phone on the hook and turned to your companion.
"So what do we do now," Steve asks.
"Oh, you're not gonna get off that easy. You're making a call, too."
"No, no, no. I don't mess with the physics of space and time."
"Spice girls," you say, giving him a look.
"All right, all right. Give it to me. But I don't want to do yesterday, I want to do 2004." You pass the handset to Steve and he does the ridiculous dialing sounds again, making you laugh. "Steve, hey, it's me. You from the future." He puts his hand over the speaker and turns to you. "He bought it. Idiot."
"Listen, when you're looking to get a job in college, ignore Bucky when he suggests a strip club." You raise an eyebrow when you hear this, smirking at Steve. "It doesn't matter how much money you can make or that you can settle your student debt before graduating. Dressing up as Captain America and shaking it onstage for drunk women will come back to haunt you. Okay, as long as you know that. Goodbye."
Steve hangs up the phone and you fight to hold back a laugh. "Captain America, huh? Like... the guy with the shield and tights?"
"Hey, don't laugh. Did I mention the part where I don't have student loans to pay?"
"You did. I'm just disappointed that I didn't get to see you perform. That would have been quite a show," you say, chuckling.
You shift into meaningless conversation until an announcement sounds, giving a five minute warning until departure. You look up at Steve, knowing that you have to say goodbye.
"Thank you for helping me tonight. It means a lot."
"You're welcome. I'm glad I met you."
"Maybe we'll see each other again. I'll come see you play trumpet some time," you suggest.
"Sounds like a plan."
Steve looks into your eyes, and your breath catches in your throat. His gaze is intense in a way that makes your cheeks heat up. Without noticing, you began leaning forward until your lips brushed Steve's. You pulled back, ready to apologize when you felt his mouth meet yours again, more insistently this time. His mouth slots against yours, meeting no resistance from you. You break apart once again when the bus driver sounds the horn, calling for riders to board. You said goodbye before climbing aboard, looking back only once.
Steve stood with his hands in his pockets, watching as the bus pulled away. He had slipped a handwritten note in your pocket, along with his phone number. He had an audition to get to, but he hoped you would call him when you got home. All he could do now was wait.
Post A/N: Thank you guys for reading! If I made any mistakes, please come and tell me. I’m sorry if this is more crap than usual, and I am not very creative. If you did enjoy it though, please consider leaving notes. See you next time, loves!
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shinkai-san · 7 years
Connect Road
Hi! I’m gonna make a quick connect road tutorial/guide because I haven't’ seen any and it could be helpful. If anyone has anything they’d like to add to this go ahead and tell me!
SO When you first get in the game after putting in your name and all that jazz, you’ll see a screen like this (TIP: You should be able to download this game through the Qoo app safely if you don’t live in Japan.)
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Theres a lot going on I know but it’s not that hard to wade through. These are what all your buttons do anyway, or at least all the ones I know.
The point of the game is to collect characters, or cards, and use them to win races in a connect-bubbles kind of style.
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Connect the little bubbles that match your cards and where you’re at. Blue is for all rounders (Fukutomi, Midousuji) red is for climbers (Manami, Onoda) and green is for sprinters (Naruko, Aoyagi) there are also what are called hope characters which are purple (Specials cards such as Sugimoto and Kaburagi), purple only appears if you have those cards on your team.
The more balls you connect, the more damage you deal. You can to connect red ones when you’re on hills and green when you’re on flats or downhill, blue can be anywhere. The other teams health bars will be displayed above their heads, you automatically attack the one to your left, but you can tap the one to your right and target them if you’d like.
If you're Stamina reaches zero, you lose, so make sure to watch that! Also make sure to watch where you are; if you use climbing on flats, it’ll still work, but it won’t be as effective.
I usually save the Hime thing for the end where its just the ace and assist, but use it if you’re in trouble. The “big boom thingy” will clear your board of all the bubbles (Including power ups and stamina) and will deal damage to the enemies. Use it wisely.
There will also be yellow bubbles that give points to your cards skill, which I’ll talk more on later, but when you get enough bubbles of their certain color,you can activate the characters skill (The ones that say “ok” over them are ready)
Cards now!
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In the club room, click on the cards button on the bottom of the screen and you’ll get here.
1. You have 4 tabs, each can hold their own team. You can put the same card in different teams, or make completely new ones. When you’re entering a level, you can select what team you’d like to use (A,B,C, or D)
2. This is your main team. The one at the very front if your Ace, and the second if the assist. Your ace and your assist should be all -rounders because there will be ace battles, which could be on either hills or flats. The rest can be set up however you like it. Just click on cards and then click on the spot you can them to go. you can tap cards and other cards to swap them, or if you hold the card for a moment it’s stats will show up, which I’ll explain in a minute.
3. This lil number n the corner here will go up as you go up in rank. It’s a sort of cap, which prevents you form having two many high cards on your team at a low level. Kinda dumb but whatever.
4. Click this button to save everything you’ve done and go back to the club room
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google translate doesn’t like this picture, but anyway this is the important stuff.  You’ve got your stamina up top, flat speed, climbing speed, and I’m pretty sure like fighting spirit, competitive will, guts. Idk what the last three got to do with anything but those little blue numbers on the side are bonuses added on by items, which I”ll get to later again!
Stats are important, the stamina is combined with the rest of the teams stamina to make your overall stamina bar in a race. The higher the star count means the higher your base stats are, your stats get higher when you level them up through experience in races or with the rollers, which I’ll get to. The higher the stats are, the more damage your card will do in a race when you get big combos.
Special little things are sort of a bonus reaction thing, they say quotes when you race and you collect them by putting the characters in different situations. Its not a specific science but it’s cute.
The bottom is just all the other versions of that character you have, and what ones you don’t.
SKILLS is on the other tab, which are usually bonuses to damage the opponent. however, some cards have different skills, which are not specific to a character. Sometimes I don’t know what the skill does, some skills change balls to a different color, some eat all the ones of their color on the screen and use it to beat the shit out of your opponents. Test it out and stuff!
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To make your skills require less bubbles, feed them food! A characters favorite food will give you double experience points, but some food have a crazy amount of experience points so it doesn’t matter. It’ll say it when you’re on your list of food.
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Click on items in your room and toggle with these buttons to do stuff. It’s around the same for other items that don’t do stuff, but obviously some are missing buttons because you can’t do stuff with them.
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Rollers give experience to their level, food gives experience to their skill, sleeping in the bed gives experience to their maximum level. I have no idea what the barbells do. This all requires time, which will be displayed in a meter above the characters head while they’re interacting with the item. Better rollers take longer but give more experience, better tables dont’ change the experience but lower the time, I’m not sure with the beds. Put cards to work on these things while you’re not playing.
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These are what your gold coins are for! Sopend em to get some good cards. the 11 for 250 guarantees you a 5 star, but warning; this can be any five star thats usually in these gachas, so this does not guarantee that it’ll be the 5 star listed in the gachas promo. Kind of crappy but eh. You can also get five stars through events and as race prizes, but I’ll talk about that later too. You get coupons in events, which will give you one card.
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This is where you can buy items that help your characters! Flick through the tabs, they sell pretty much everything that's not event only. Click on the picture to see what it does, usually +1 to a stat, and click the pink button if you wanna buy it. You have a limited amount of items you can hold, however.
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Click through the blue tabs for different stuff. This tab has all the stuff that needs to be put ON something, so a blanket or a shelf, but it’ll power up your dudes. The green button puts it away, it’s the same button lets you put it down when it’s in your inventory. When it’s put away, you can also sell the thing with the greyed out button that will be blue or yellow I think. This is good cause you’ll get gifts from dudes sometimes that you don’t want, and you have limited space for everything, including backgrounds and walls/floors. (numbers indicated in the top right corner in the purple box)
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anything you buy will go to your items thing other than floors/walls/background, which can be accessed through the button on the pull out menu on your club room screen to the right
This is your map!
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Usually the ones you haven’t gotten to yet are grey, the ones you need to beat are blue, and the ones where you’ve beaten all the difficulty levels are gold. The map is good for between events when you want to grind experience and get food/ money.
the special map is the same as the main one, BUT WAIT. you won’t be actually racing- you send off your team to race on their own, they’ll come back after the meter is full. This can take a long damn time, and sometimes fucks up for some reason on giving you prizes, so be careful. I”d clear the main map before you touch that.
the amount of stamina you need if that ten above the B rank, that changes depending on the level.
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Losta fun stuff! Do the events to get lots of goodies. They also usually have a 4 or 5 star prize if you can go through all the achievements, which are earned through getting event points.
The stars are important- you’ll have to beat all of them to get to the hardest, but try to match the stars up to the level for stars on your cards. If the majority of your cards are three stars or bellow, don’t try for a five star one, you’ll waist your stamina.
The pictures are for that weird screenshot tab. You get them naturally through the achievements, but you have to go tap theme every time you get a little Onoda sticker peeler. Idk what they do yet, but collect them anyway aha.
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pretty self explanatory, right?
When you’re about to go into the level (by clicking on one of the difficulty levels) you’ll get this screen
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If you select an event point boost, you spend the gold coin over it, but it multiplies your event points that you earn in the level by what number you chose. so say I picked 5 and went into the level with 500 points at the bottom, I’d get 2500. This is wasted if you lose the level. Be careful. Usually they’ll give you one free 5x per day or 3x.
you can also get boosts by having specific cards on your team. That extra all rounder multiplies my points by 1.5, which is a real help. They’ll usually specify which ones will do this by having them as a reward in the achievement tab or in a separate tab that sometimes comes up.
you can have friends on this!
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The grey button is to visit them, the red one is to delete them. Watch out! When you’re accepting a friend request, the red one is accept, it should appear as a little icon on the bottom of your screen in the club room. Friends are good, because you can visit their rooms and get back stamina like one a day or something. Theres a limit to how many you can go through, but you get 20 from you friends and only 10 from strangers.
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click the GOOD Button to get stamina. If it were a stranger, click the button above that to send them a friend request. click the back arrow at the top when you want to leave, and the back arrow again to go back to your own room.
that should be it! If you have any questions pop in my ask box!
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melonico · 5 years
Run Your Own Organisation By Re-selling Wholesale Child Garments On EBay
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In order to chat concerning love and still construct a socially acceptable urban identity, musicians often tend to implement among the five successful love narrative types. No one recognizes scenarios like that, individuals cant manage it, so they 'll talk about it forever. The woman trying to sell me their most current phone package referred to a television advert. She maintained me chatting for roughly 10 mins during which time she referred me to this certain TELEVISION advert a further 4 times, and also each time I ensured her I had actually not seen it since I do not view tv. Knitting can be gotten during the adverts and worked at for 5 or 10 minutes each time. New threads as well as trendy pattern designs make weaving fun as well as fast, as well as I can knit even if I am seeing TELEVISION, albeit an uncommon occurence for me directly! With the internet, also if you stay in a neighborhood that is small, you aren't restricted to your city, and also can find people not simply around the UK, yet across the globe as well! After that decorate with baby images and such, after that take it to your local copy store, like Kinkos, and also have them print the web page on pastel tinted paper. Often weve occurred upon regional street fairs or windsurfing competitions or a version train museum. Weve talked concerning endometriosis, that which can be a cyst. So, you can have bleeding with a cyst yet the majority of the time those are uncommon circumstances. The endometriomas, if they continue, as well as theres continuous blood loss in the abdomen as well as the ovary that can cause attachments. Any kind of hemorrhaging cyst can be a trouble. A maternity with a corpus luteum, the 2nd kind of practical cyst goes on to establish as the child is growing. Many of these, the larger blood products, the bigger capillary on cysts are usually the corpus luteum cyst. A lot of ovary cysts in and also of themselves are not mosting likely to be creating an issue. However, the important point below, is that cysts themselves, in as well as of themselves are not mosting likely to be a problem or life harmful trouble. The nature of the celebration is most likely going to often tend in the direction of the feminine side; if the organizers of the celebration have a provision for this, then welcoming males would be great. Indeed, there are millions of guys and women that are making good money making use of the net service course. In this song, the poet makes use of the perceptual story to acknowledge that some males "dont be comin right ", however that he has a various perception of women than these various other guys. Meant to aid with the pain, expected to help me maintain In this track, Guru utilizes the contrasting narrative to share his view of what love need to be. It is necessary for the clothing to be entirely dry prior to they are placed away or put on by a kid, and hanging the clothing on kids garments wall mounts will help keep their kind. However, aspartame was allowed on 1981 for completely dry goods as well as 1983 for carbonated beverages.
free baby stuff expecting mother
Individuals utilized to exchange goods and solutions for other items and also solutions prior to money was developed, as well as some individuals still barter today to prevent utilizing cash (mostly for tax factors I am told). A few other great solutions are a diaper solution for towel diapering mamas, or even a baby diaper delivery service for disposables, and also spend for the first two weeks or a month well worth of diapering products. Also the colors used in the textile ought to be natural and non-toxic. You might be at first brought in by all the eye memorable colors and also the fanciness of the attire, however if your youngster is not going to like it, it is mosting likely to spoil. Jammies and bodysuits for little baby girls come in all various colors and also designs, and also are produced all sorts of weather. 1 or 2 pieces would do - a set of babies suits, a set of t shirts, a set of pajamas. Alternately, you can place a Tee shirts over their jammies. They will certainly protect and also guarantee any type of cash you take into an interest-bearing account and also pay you perhaps 3% yearly interest on your down payment. They understand that if you're satisfied with your sample, even more than likely you be come to be a routine consumer and spend loan with them. There are truly a lot of giveaways available; you just require to know exactly how to browse for them. Or search by chemical ingredients (see listed here for some instances) and find what brands include it. Next, you will certainly reach your search engine result page; this is a checklist of all products that meet your search criteria. Allow us take a peek into what makes these requirements a need to for those parents buying infant clothes. Additionally, allow your very first few road adventures instruct you what you require to have along. There are millions of very first time mommies around that have a whole lot of information to show you and they do not desire you to be without the details. They desire to have dresses with breathable textile and also very easy on the body. Is this what we have concerned, - everyone in our area views the very same adverts, the very same programmes, the very same newspaper article every single day or evening? Note: After attempting single foods, excellent mixes are potatoes as well as carrots or carrots as well as peas. As well as not only will I evaluate it for him, Sickness make it appear like the Elvis of foods, due to the fact that Im currently quite sure that Ill love a hamdog. He additionally describes his love passion as "this Ethiopian queen from Philly ", using the royal characterization so usual in spiritual love narratives. If you're really strapped for cash money, then you can possibly use using your bed as a changing table, however if you can, this is something I highly suggest. Its far better to feed infant first point in the morning, after that allow some play or remainder time in between prior to providing baby a bathroom. At a "Pamper Celebration," a suggestion increasingly prominent for mothers that currently have several children as well as as a result a lot of the things they really need, they could take house day spa devices such as a loofah or bubble bathroom. An excellent bath-themed present basket would certainly contain some hypo-allergenic bathroom products, like infant bathrooms, baby powder, towels, and bath toys.
The significant plus is that many, if not every one of these cost-free items, are delivered right to the mom's residence. And also, keeping that, lets obtain right to the core. Do you have the software you require to begin? At some time you are going to want to deliver your baby, so you will need to buy something. Unless you're planning to hang on to them for your next baby, they're simply collecting dust. With a few easy abilities, a helpful collection of "stuff, " and also simply a little bit of preparation and also prep work, youll be on your means! There is an area for TV in our lives and also it wants all the fastest means of taking in news from worldwide. Taking classes abroad Right here, the poet uses the spiritual narrative to explain the moment, location and also emotions that his love was started on, talking them as if they were in some way meant to happen. Possibly she believed that was her location on the planet and also no-one can fault her if she performed her duties to miraculous of her capability. I once had a neighbour that notified the world and it's mother she believed tidiness was beside Godliness as well as spent all day on a daily basis cleansing her home. It is believed that from this you actually have the choice to check out every little thing prior to you even have to get something. Tight neck lines would certainly problem you as well as even the positioning of buttons at weird settings would certainly create you issues, so check these ahead of time. At the same time the switches and also other aspects in the style need to be thoroughly stitched. But Betty had the cash every single time I went to prison This track further illustrates the usage of contrasting narratives to express love. This example even more illustrates using initial language in conversational narratives. The poet feels it is unacceptable for anyone to "call you out your name ", or simply put, use bad language toward his love. A lot of the baby shower ideas will certainly help any type of place, inside or out. Do you want your child to look adorable or awesome with child clothing yet you don't have ideas on where to try to find them? Expense is a significant point you would wish to consider when getting infant garments. It's very easy, check out a baby garments shop. Garments treatment plays a large role in your infant's safety and security. Hence, it is constantly suggested that you maintain the safety as well as comfort consider mind even when you are buying occasion outfits for your little one. Also when you have actually purchased a lacy blouse for your little woman, if you wind up getting a dimension that occurs to be slightly larger than her real size, she will fit in it. As well as, moms and dads will certainly be most likely to maintain buying clothes to stay on top of the alterations in the child's growth - dimension, weight, size, and also form. Hence, buying garments that are rather larger than the genuine size of your infants body presents will be great as it guarantees maximum comfort for the child.
However, these immunization procedures will only make their systems strong but it doesn't provide an assurance that germs can not penetrate their method. So why did she act by doing this? The exact same thing can be true with, absolutely with tube maternities, thats why those 2 can be perplexed. Yes it is true that baby clothes do not last long with youngsters growing as rapid as they do, but taking care of a children clothing is still simply as, otherwise even more, vital. Hip-Hop, you the love of my life which holds true This flow is unique because it makes use of both the metaphoric as well as different narrative strategies. The discussion of Hip-Hop love stories is an extremely tough job. Which leads us to one of the most prominent metaphoric Hip-Hop love narrative of our time. Children will like this meal. Thick and cosy outfits will certainly maintain the child cozy from head to toe. Here is a checklist of prominent items that has been looked into with some of the biggest on the internet sellers of infant products. Below are a few of the standard things you'll wish to have. Do you wish to offer a present to a new mother without investing a lot of cash? They utilize it when washing to remove smells, soften the fabrics, and also provide your infant as well as young child clothes a fresh and a lot more all-natural fragrance. When you are considering your childs convenience, its not only concerning the design of the apparel youre purchasing it will certainly also be a matter of exactly how the product remains on your infants body. Take into consideration exactly how much you have right into the thing. The following time you are re-assembling your set, make certain to add that item. I would certainly instead hang around with my family members as well as good friends, talking on the phone, choosing lengthy walks or dancing the evening away. With all that having actually been said, Ive found a new food that I know I'm going to like. Quickly you'll discover that having just a couple of wonderful attire ends up being unwise. I had an excellent free site a few years ago I checked out everyday. Use your Roadway Adventure logbook to videotape every people remarks regarding the day. This will serve no great as getting infant items indiscriminately will not simply be waste of cash yet also waste of time as well as energy which you can place for some constructive usage. If passing by auto you need to constantly utilize a child seat as well as adhere to the manufacturer's directions for fitting. If your journey limit disappears than a one-hour automobile trip one means, after that look for locations of interest within regarding 40 miles of house. Which is not a trouble due to the fact that much like kidneys, similar to testis, women with one ovary can have equally as many infants as a lady with 2 ovaries as well as 2 tubes. Apparently it is a 2x matrix, suggesting those initial two individuals you reached join get on your very first level. You need to always have 2 sets at night time, because you never know when a baby is mosting likely to spit up or have a baby diaper leakage that can need a total garment change.
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avirams · 2 years
hi fae! i assume you do pjsekai as a source (?) so if you do could i request some dark blue an shiraishi wallpapers (750 x 1334)? thank you sm <3 have a nice day/night!
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♪;; done!!
hello hello!! yep, and this reminded me to update the carrd actually, so to everyone else feel free to check it^^ hope you like these, an's great..... yw, and you as well!!
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bumblegem · 7 years
wavemaker9 replied: 
that would like mean so much to austin though? even just that little thing, because like i mentioned before, he genuinely kind of thought all his time with them was just over. then that even if he got daliah back in his life slowly, him figuring mel still likely never going to forgive him, only doing this for her daughter. so hope that maybe another relationship wasn't just totaled by all this.
that mel even does give him a chance at explaining and doesn't have to accept it but that she makes the effort and at least seems to believe that, whether it was genuinely another austin or not, it wasn't /him/, it wasn't the person he strives to be.
also this countering the 'life trying to remind me attachments are bad' lesson he thought he was learning. slowly getting pieces of these relationships that meant so much to him back. knowing he's not going to get the whole thing back just like that, but. austin learning it was good that he made these connections, that he valued these people and he made it clear to htem that he valued them.
because that's allowed them to be more willing to give him more trust him in a scenario like this than he ever would have had if he hadn't. him just learning all of the stuff from before wasn't a mistake and slowly coming back out of that withdrawn state and remembering why having these people was important
like i hate that it had to come from such a rough fucking situation, but it's getting to a lot of silver linings at least.
it does!!! obviously their relationship in the non-affected au doesnt have a hiccup like this but like. if theres one thing this version provides is a lot more clarity to how important their family unit was to each other? how they feel for each other, the comfort in their company and the respect they’d grown to have in the base au happened overtime and it was almost unnoticeable to them. easier for other people to notice, but it grew into a norm for them that it was probably really easy to forget how hard it was for them to even be in the same room when they were younger.
but not only does this help austin truly recognize the value of these relationships hes worked for, but it helped amelia too?? obviously it fucking sucks and i never want a repeat of it and it’s a long road ahead for them to repair and get back to where they were, and there are some things that just wont be able to be fixed totally but. its a different path and they’re both going to try? together? i fucking love these kids, they mean so so so much to me
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narcisbolgor-blog · 6 years
Ellen DeGeneres Tells Jerry Seinfeld Shes Overwhelmed with Dread About State of the World
Ellen DeGeneres rarely lets the darkness in on her long-running daytime talk show. But that rarely seen side of the comedian and host is on full display in her time with Jerry Seinfeld on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee on Netflix, despite the bright yellow 1977 Toyota FJ40 Land Cruiser at the center of the episode.
Seinfeld picked that giant toy of a car for his guest because its approachable and no-nonsense, just like her. But as funny as DeGeneresand at times the episode, which streams July 6is, the host likely didnt realize how real things would get in their conversations, both on the road and over coffee in her neighborhood of Montecito, California.
Asked by Seinfeld if she ever could have predicted the success of her talk show, DeGeneres laughs and says, I still dont get it. I still dont get my appeal, adding, I just go along with it.
DeGeneres tells Seinfeld about the very first bit she did on stage at a charity fundraiser. She got laughs and realized she might actually have a career in comedy ahead of her. And then the thing that changed my life, of course, is my girlfriend was killed in a car accident, she says, sharing a story she also told Dax Shepard on his Armchair Expert podcast earlier this year. And I just kept thinking, why is this 23-year-old girl that I loved just gone?
As she was grieving, DeGeneres found herself wishing that she could call up God and ask these questions. Because people pray all the time, she says, but wouldnt it be amazing if you could have a connection? Right then, she started writing out the bit and said to herself, Im going to do this on Johnny Carson and Im going to be the first woman in history of the show to be called over to sit down with Johnny Carson.
Five years later, thats exactly what happened.
Thats very clever and very fresh, Carson told her when she sat down on his couch that November night in 1986. Its always tougher for a woman to do comedy, he added, because audiences will accept a little more aggression from men for some reason. He ended by saying DeGeneres had an open invitation to come back on The Tonight Show anytime.
DeGeneres tells Seinfeld that becoming famous was always really important to her. And that intention was set early on, she says, noting that since she was raised in the Christian Science religion, nobody really acknowledged pain and there was very little expression of emotions or depth or love. With her comedy, and especially through her feel-good show, DeGeneres has really sprinted in the opposite direction of that sensibility.
With rare exceptionslike, for instance, her tough commentary about police shootings with CNNs Van Jones this past AprilDeGeneres almost never lets viewers see through her sunny disposition. But with Seinfeld, she reveals just how troubled she is about the state of the world.
The world is such a scary place right now, in so many ways, she says. You have children and theres North Korea and theres fires, theres storms. It just overwhelms me with dread. When she asks Seinfeld if he goes to those places in his head, he immediately replies, No.
You know, my attitude is that each generation kind of gets this thing dumped in your lap to deal with, Seinfeld says. Perhaps given her own struggles, both personally and professionally, DeGeneres just cant look at it that way.
When I lost my sitcom, I didnt work for three years solid, she says of her ABC sitcom, which was canceled not long after her character came out as gay on the show. During that period, DeGeneres says she was living in Ojai, California, feeling bitter and sad and angry about what happened. How did this change everything just by me being honest and saying Im gay? she wondered. Why is this such a shock to people? And why is it such a big deal?
When DeGeneres finally returned to the road to perform stand-up, 90 percent of her audience was gay. All the gay people really thought I was doing some sort of gay pride tour, she says. So I was making fun of the fact that I was their leader now. I was like, Im not your leader. Im not anybodys leader.
And yet she has certainly been a pioneer for LGBTQ Americans, rising to a level of popularity as an openly gay figure in pop culture that was practically unheard of before she came along. According to a 2015 study, no one was more influential than DeGeneres in changing American attitudes about gay rights.
DeGeneres married actress Portia de Rossi in 2008, before same-sex marriage became the law of the land nationwide. But they decided not to have children.
I thought I would have kids, she tells Seinfeld, himself a father of three. When I was younger, I really wanted to have a baby. I thought I would adopt. I never thought I would have a baby, but I thought Id want kids. When Seinfeld tells her she still could, DeGeneres replies, No, Portia doesnt want kids. She doesnt like the squealing when theyre in a pool, that high-pitched squealing of joy that they have.
Its personal riffs like that one, more than the topical monologue jokes she delivers each weekday or even the prank she plays on Seinfeld at the end of the episode, that point to the type of material we might see from her when she debuts her first stand-up special in 15 years on Netflix later this year.
Perhaps DeGeneres will even return to her original premise of that phone call with God and see what he (or she) has to say about all the terrible things happening in the world today.
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transient-tutor · 7 years
RILEY: -it's been a long night of mixed emotions and very little sleep, a long night of staring at her oldest in comatose, a long night of thinking and overthinking and not so much talking. it's afternoon now, and both she and Derek have to go back to the room for something, anything that's a taste of a routine life outside of all this tragedy and loss. Riley walks ahead first and looks around blankly before just sitting on the bed to just lie down and face the wall.-
DEREK: -he follows her into the room, just ghosting along in step with some semblance of familiarity. there's always something to do around here if he just looks for it. maybe rearrange his things. he's always making a mess of the room anyway and though he doesn't usually care and prefers it that way, right now he only feels offended by the mess.- 
DEREK: -while riley lies down unmoving, he can't stop moving. he gathers up puppets and puts them up on a shelf... rearranges them a few times before suddenly shoving them and EVERYTHING ELSE off the surface with a loud clatter.-
RILEY: -rolls back around at the loud sudden sound and sighs seeing how intentional it was. he's tense, but so is she.- is that really fucking necessary?
DEREK: Fuck! -and cue the pacing. it's unclear if he was swearing at her, or just in general. there's a good chance he didn't even hear her.-
RILEY: -she watches him pace and pushes herself up so she's sitting again- yeah. same.
RILEY: glad we can talk.
DEREK: -that seems to have gotten his attention now and he spins to look at her.- What are we gonna talk about Riley huh? 
DEREK: You just wanna get on me then go ahead and say somethin. 
DEREK: Tell me how Im supposed to be feelin right now!
RILEY: -she feels herself growing angrier with the way he's speaking to her (as if she isn't doing the same) and narrows her eyes at him- you don't have to wreck the room and yell about it because that's gonna do a whole lot of fuck all. 
RILEY: he's my son too.
DEREK: Yeah? And what good is lyin around gonna do either? 
DEREK: You aint said a damn thing to me until now and you werent gonna. Only shit you got to say is what I should and shouldnt be doing. 
DEREK: Fuck. 
DEREK: Dont pretend you got some high ground over me just because Im angry and you dont wanna deal with it.
RILEY: -she stares at him, mouth slightly agape in an offended kind of disgust- i said nothing about being better than you so you're making that shit up. 
RILEY: how am i gonna deal with it, derek? knock shit over? YELL ABOUT IT? -swipes a lamp off the nightstand and onto the floor- MY SON IS IN A COMA AND MIGHT NEVER WAKE UP! 
RILEY: -kicks the same nightstand and a picture frame falls off- i feel great now!
DEREK: Dont fucking mock me! 
DEREK: -he just turns away and goes back to pacing. he knows he's being irrational, but he can't stop. it all hurts too much, it's too scary. it's all going back to the way it was. would anything ever really change?- 
DEREK: -once he's gotten some distance from her, he aims more of this pent up anger at the wall with his fist. and again and again until his knuckles bleed.- 
RILEY: -she doesn't even realize that she's crying until she tastes the salt, her gaze pinned on him. This is all so scary, so familiar, and her adrenaline is so far up she feels like she could destroy everything around her in one go. but it still stings painfully to watch him keep hurting himself like that. her voice cracks slightly- DEREK, STOP!
DEREK: -the sound of desperation in his voice is enough to rip him back to reality. it only takes that moment for the pain to register, in his hand and in his heart, and just as fast the tears are starting to roll down his cheeks as well. he looks down at the blood smeared over tattered skin, unable to think or act at all. he can only feel. and it's awful.-
RILEY: -she's silent at first aside from her own sniffling, and it reminds her of years and years ago when they lost Dirk the first time and she'd do nothing but watch him like this. Times where she needed to step up even if it felt like the hardest thing she could ever do.- baby, come here. -she says it quietly, but loud enough for him to hear accompanied by restrained sobs-
DEREK: -he feels a similar apprehension, but he's afraid of hurting her. he knows what he's capable of doing and saying. he's already done enough damage here. still, even with all the fear and doubts running through his mind, more than anything he just wants her support and to be with her. he wipes away tears with his good hand before he turns towards her again, sluggishly dragging himself to her side, weighed down by exhaustion and guilt.-
RILEY: -she holds out her hand as she's sitting: a peace offering, in a method that doesn't beg him to depend on her but instead invites him to join her. she knows her pain is too fresh to soothe his alone but she knows that carrying it together is what they need to do- i'm sorry i'm... 
RILEY: i'm sorry i'm being a bitch. 
RILEY: and for just... -let's out an unamused laugh- doing what i always did. 
RILEY: hid in bed instead of-- -she has to gather herself for a moment- talking to you.
DEREK: -places his hand in hers gently, taking the invitation easily.- I wasnt bein fair. 
DEREK: Im sorry. 
DEREK: And Im sorry if I scared you. 
DEREK: -sniffs, squeezing her hand gently.- I dont wanna be like that.
RILEY: -squeezes his hand back tightly- the only thing that scared me was how easy it was for us to go down that road again. -she brings his bloody knuckles up to her face so she can kiss them, just barely- i really fucking need you, you know? even when i try to act like i don't.
DEREK: -swallows back the lump in his throat as he watches her.- ... I need you too. -it gets a little easier every time he says it. and it gets a little easier to accept, too.- 
DEREK: I think I... 
DEREK: Need you more now than I ever did. 
DEREK: Probably goes both ways huh?
RILEY: nope. you're on your own there.
DEREK: ... Shut the fuck up. -wheeze.-
RILEY: -she smiles just a little despite all the tears- don't think i could do life without you anymore if i had to.
DEREK: -scoffs a little too when she laughs, raising her hands now to kiss them himself.- Same here. 
DEREK: I dont want to.
RILEY: -leans in to kiss him briefly- i...want to try something.
DEREK: -blinks, looking down at her curiously.- Alright. Whats that?
RILEY: -leans over to get onto her feet so she can make her way over to a cabinet where she hoarded a lot of ceramic cafeteria plates...for snacking, of course.- i just wondered if you had a point. -puts a stack of them on top of their dresser before taking one and throwing it at the opposite wall until it shatters into pieces-
DEREK: -he's a little startled by her suddenly causing a ruckus like this.- Shit-- -but then he laughs.- 
DEREK: Youre crazy. 
DEREK: Howd it feel though?
RILEY: -looks over at him- kind of...nice.
DEREK: -smirks and grabs himself a plate too before chucking it at the wall.- 
DEREK: Feels good to let all that shit out doesnt it?
RILEY: -watches it smash and it feels like a breath of fresh air. she grabs another and throws it as hard as she can- take that, universe. fuck you!
DEREK: -laughs at that.- Yeah baby. Show em whos the fucking boss.
RILEY: -and again- SUCK MY DICK!
DEREK: -snrk- Wonder whos gonna clean all this up. -chucks another even as he says this.-
RILEY: sure as hell ain't me. -just one more before she sighs loudly and plops back down on the bed- or you either. there's gotta be some kind of ceramic vaccuum.
DEREK: -takes a seat with her and then uses this opportunity to start cleaning and bandaging his hand finally.- Bet we can get one of those service drones to deal with it.
RILEY: -butts in to help him with that process- yep. cuz it sure as hell ain't us.
DEREK: -kinda lets her take over just so he can watch her and leans in to kiss her on the head.-
RILEY: -closes her eyes just for a second, truly appreciating the feeling of his lips on her head. she pauses for a moment before taking his uninjured hand and placing it on her stomach- 
RILEY: can you feel that?
DEREK: -looks down at her belly, paying close attention for any movement.- She gettin rowdy again?
RILEY: -she's definitely wiggling around in there- i think she has the hiccups. also doing somersaults or some shit i don't know. give it a sec.
DEREK: -snickers- Maybe shes throwing a tantrum cuz we were. -rubs a small circle where his hand is. relax in there.-
RILEY: -smiles a little- probably. shit, what if she's just like us? we're in for it now.
DEREK: Have some sense like your brothers do baby girl. 
DEREK: If youre gonna inherit our traits let me be the good ones. 
DEREK: Like my devilish good looks for example. -talking to ryan is relaxing him... like it always does.-
RILEY: she's gonna be beautiful. and also look nothing like you. just watch.
DEREK: The fuck? Rude. 
DEREK: -wraps his arms around her middle.- Youre just giving me attitude cuz youre cranky. 
DEREK: We should take a nap. -he just wants to rest too...-
RILEY: i'm giving you attitude because you deserve it. -leans back against him- yeah. 
RILEY: i'm all for that nap shit.
DEREK: -kisses on her again before lowering them both to lie down.-
RILEY: -and in his arms she realizes she's more tired than she thinks she is, and surprisingly, she's able to close her eyes-
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