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theeccentricraven · 4 months
Happy STS! Do you have a specific idea of what any of your characters' voices sound like? Describe it if so! Is their voice deep or high or nasally? Do they have an accent? Do they speak softly or loudly? Do you have any voice claims in mind?
Hi! Thank you for the questions!
I don't think that much about my characters' voices, except for some where the voice stands out or plays a significant role. In The Keeper of Maralla, I have established that Juva has a low sounding voice while Maralla has a higher lisp voice. The story also mentions how mountain inhabitants have a unique dialogue with distinct accents. Juva has to navigate through understanding them when she and Maralla have to go on a long journey.
My sci-fi stories with aliens mention that the aliens have accents, though I haven't yet gotten specific to what their accents sound like. Many alien races make sounds that humans can't replicate. Likewise, humans aren't able to make a lot of alien sounds. Surgery and soundboards can make it happen.
I love to explore using characters from all over the world. In my superhero story Brigid Aideen Quinn, it's set in Oregon but her parents are from Ireland. I love hearing their accents. My favorite character accent has to be for my main character in Raven Nemesis, a sci-fi tale of revenge where the protagonist is from a space colony but speaks with a Kiwi accent like her parents. I love hearing her voice!
I have many Latino/Latina characters. It's a representation that's important to me because I spent years studying Spanish, have relatives and friends with Hispanic heritage, and love the culture. I also aim to avoid stereotypes, hence I don't get too into detail on their accents. I love to make use of the language.
I haven't thought too much about voice claims, but sometimes I think about actors who perfectly match some of my characters. In Columbus Day, Julie looks and sounds like Selena Gomez. In The Blood Cleaners, Joselyn looks and sounds like America Ferrera. In The Keeper of Maralla, I love to imagine my sagely mentor figure Mrs. Terila as looking and sounding like a TV actress I love - Jean Smart. I love to dream that she would be cast if the books ever becomes a movie/series, though I worry she might not be alive by the time I finish and it reaches that level of success if ever. Oh well, I can dream.
One reason I don't get too detailed about character voices is I hope to let readers imagine and hear what they will.
Thank you again for the questions!
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sabertoofed · 2 years
so what if there’s a new oc?  so what if there’s a new oc?
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