#❪ wildflower waltz ❫ sawyer & eric
graysmuse · 3 years
❪ life is a dance of love and loss ❫ jace & taro
❪ solo ❫ maddox kang
❪ wildflower waltz ❫ sawyer & eric
❪ solo ❫ sawyer bang
❪ solo ❫ eric suh
❪ solo ❫ juniper ahn
❪ solo ❫ baek chawoon
❪ dev ❫
❪ solo ❫ shiloh heo
❪ solo ❫ roger bae
❪ solo ❫ jung minhan
❪ we have all the power in our hands, but no love to give ❫ minhan & mirae
❪ solo ❫ cash jang
❪ solo ❫ kingston han
❪ solo ❫ connor kwon
❪ it’s just you and me and the world beneath our louboutin heels ❫ piper & lyn
❪ with you- love became prismatic ❫ rome & zen
❪ solo ❫ ian yang
❪ solo ❫ baek ume
❪ sour patch kids and dirty asphalt ❫ atticus & addy
❪ solo ❫ nina kwon
❪ solo ❫ hazel jeon
❪ solo ❫ lauren liang
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messygray · 3 years
under the lights, Bang "Sawyer" Sang-Cheol
Standing under the lamp post, a circle of light illuminating around his figure. The skies cry above, gloomy and dark- darker than on a clear night with the full moon shining. The rain soaks through his various layers, drenching the young man to the bone, hair sticking to his forehead as the water droplets continued to drip. It rains hard. Yet there's something oddly comforting about the way everything is hit with the rhythmic pitter-patter of the clouds crying above. Sawyer enjoyed the rainy weather, to say the least. And maybe he would have continued to enjoy his time, if not for the sudden shadow that suddenly engulfs his sky. The light shunned out by a dark fabric cloaking over his head.
Without looking up, Sawyer doesn't have to do anything but stand still to know exactly who it was.
Eric Suh.
Leave it to his lover to ruin the moment, worry etching across his beautiful face as he attempts to shield Sawyer from the 'horrible' weather.
Turning to the boy, Sawyer notes the way he's wearing nothing more than a white t shirt and some pair of dark joggers, a wild look in his eyes as he attempts to stop Sawyer from becoming wetter than he already was- not that neither of them weren't already a sopping mess.
"What are you doing? You're gonna catch a cold like this-"
Without thinking, Sawyer doesn't let his boyfriend finish. The light haired man simply leans in to press their lips together, kissing any worries away, allowing them to die on Eric's tongue.
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messygray · 3 years
sitting by the wall, Suh "Eric" Kang-Min
They look like children, in all honesty. With the way Sawyer sat on his heels, crouched, leaning against the wall, while Eric practically sat his entire ass onto the stone cold ground, back equally leaning in the wall behind. Quietly, the pair sat shoulder to shoulder, with one fidgeting with the other's fingers- Eric quietly playing with Sawyer's pretty hands as they awaited for the arrival of someone very special.
By the wall, Sawyer sat in his (-actually, it was Eric's) oversized blue hoodie and some pair of black shorts, while Eric wore a baggy white tee and some pair of fancy joggers to pair. The two didn't say much, the anticipation already bubbling over, alongside the childlike excitement of Sawyer and the anxiety of their arrival by Eric.
It doesn't take long, however, for Eric's attention to shift quietly, one of his hands still happy to hold onto Sawyer's lacing their fingers together affectionately while the other fishes his phone from one of his various pant pockets. Even when Eric decides to thumb the mobile device open, Sawyer looks onwards.
The two end up with occasional conversation between the pair, with Eric quick to share a video with Sawyer whenever he'd found something funny to pass the time with.
Eric's in the midst of sharing some random cute pup he'd found when the distant bark immediately causes both boys' heads to shoot up in anticipation. Match grins break across their faces when the boyfriends' gaze meet one another, knowing and ecstatic.
Eric's the first to stand up, knees cracking with the sudden force, before he pulls Sawyer up with him, laughing quietly at the way the other boy nearly topples over.
"Ah, you're finally here!" The dark haired man calls, just as a little chocolate poodle prances up to Sawyer for affection.
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messygray · 3 years
comfortable love, Bang "Sawyer" Sang-Cheol
Comfortable love is sitting in your boyfriend's lap, chest to chest, nose brushing against nose, Sawyer Bang comes to realize one afternoon; when the sun was settling into it's golden glow and Eric never looked more beautiful with his sun-tanned skin and those sparkling orbs of melted gold he called eyes.
Comfortable love is mumbling soft sweet things into one another's ears as they rested against the softness of the couch cushions, the quietness of their home serene and safe.
Comfortable love is the gentleness in Eric's fingertip as he traces random patterns across Sawyer's shorts-covered thighs, the exchanges they made into the still air, and the feeling of Sawyer tucked away into his lover's chest; his soft hair just barely tickling the delicate skin at Eric's nape.
It's knowing that safety was not only within reach, but already present. That the worries they felt were miniscule in comparison to the overwhelming love, instead. That, despite having a long, tiring day, there would always be a someone waiting for their return. A home to return to─ and not the architectural kind.
Comfortable love is somehow knowing that having Eric present was all Sawyer needed to stay genuine and true. And through the challenges faced every day, he would always survive, if it meant coming home to warm arms and that familiar dark mop of hair─
"Hey, love?"
"My lips kinda hurt, can you kiss them better, please?"
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messygray · 3 years
in the next lifetime, where would we be? Bang "Sawyer" Sang-Cheol
The first time Sawyer had heard these sort of deeply existential questions coming from his partner, Eric, it had been during one of their late night conversations; laying in bed with Eric's head against his chest, a deck of flashcards in his hands; though he'd long since stopped focusing on his studying in favor of focusing on Sawyer instead.
The first time Sawyer had heard this particular question, he'd hated it. And he didn't hesitate to make it known with a groan of annoyance and an eye roll that Eric couldn't see. He shrugs his shoulders gently, some garbled noise rising from his throat, before the lighter haired man concedes. "Don't ask me that question, I hate it already." Instead, he threads his fingers through Eric's soft strands gently, in hopes that his boyfriend wouldn't question further. Except, of course Eric does.
"Okay, but what if? Do you think we would have met? Because I think we would have been soulmates in each lifetime- what if we even met in the lifetimes before?" There's a lilt in the pitch of Eric's voice as he speaks, an unspoken excitement shining deep in his eyes as he shifts to make eye contact with poor Sawyer, who wanted nothing to do with the scenario whatsoever. "Oh- what if you were really some royal in a different life? What do you think I would have-"
The tone in the one endearment causes the dark haired man to fall silent, cutting this specific conversation where it was. Though they, of course, carried on in various other musings, this particular one doesn't come up again for a bit.
That is, until the pair happened to have stumbled through the door after a particularly long day. The two were quick to wash and brush up before settling into their shared bed together, sliding under the duvet with Sawyer curled into Eric's lap, head tucked under the other boy's chin.
It is that night that the boy comes to realize that his boyfriend really did seem to have an unsettling fascination for deep conversations that were far too existential for poor Sawyer to comprehend on his own. He hated it. How Eric Suh, a pharmaceuticals student with his life and career goals within sight, could ponder such things so late at night; and to a psychology student with no idea where his life was going to lead him, no less. Somehow, the topic always seemed to scare Sawyer; ever the one unsure of where his future would lie in this lifetime, forget the next or the last. Yet, somehow, poor Sawyer always finds himself at the mercy of his ever-inquisitive boyfriend's requests.
"I think-"
"Oh no,"
"- I think even in the next life, I'd be looking for you too. I bet we'd find each other again, just like we have this time. Maybe we'll be someone different though, people with more interesting lives than being stuck as something as boring as students like this?"
Sawyer, who'd visibly tensed up in anticipation for whatever Eric had been planning to say, finds himself letting out a deep sigh of relief at that, body sagging back into it's original position. He wrinkles his nose in slight annoyance but picks his head up anyway; the light haired man sitting up a little in his position to level with his boyfriend a little better.
"You're really weird," The boy starts, though he'd already decided to entertain Eric's musings anyway. Sawyer comes to realize now that, maybe the other man's been feeling rather insecure about his future too. Maybe he simply hadn't wanted to admit it aloud for Sawyer to hear. And maybe Sawyer was to be the one to 'man up' and face his own fears- for the sake of his prince, of course. (If it were Sawyer himself, he would quite literally never-) "But I think, no matter where fate would have shoved us, in what shoes we'd be forced to fit, we would indeed have met once again. And who knows- maybe we would be vampires in our next lives, heh. Maybe I'd be the one to devour you like a meal next~" The man finds himself joking playfully, fingers finding their way to Eric's neck, as he gently nuzzled closer and nipped the soft skin there. A tongue peeks out to lave at the bite soon after, as if to soothe the sting originally inflicted.
This time, it's Eric's turn to let out a gasp, finger's finding their place clutching at Sawyer's shirt in response. He still tilts his head back further, however, much to Sawyer's delight.
"Perhaps... perhaps you're right... I wouldn't mind that... in the next lifetime."
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messygray · 3 years
[11:11 PM] handle with care ♡, Bang "Sawyer" Sang-Cheol
Pressed against the dim hall of Eric's little apartment, Sawyer finds himself caged in by strong arms, face so close to his boyfriend's that their breaths are mixing together and fanning across each other's noses. Even in the dimness of the corridor, the only light source coming from the dining room just a little far off, Sawyer could still make out the handsome features of his boyfriend; hair tousled and chest heaving, regarding Sawyer with hooded eyes hazy with desire.
Involuntarily, the man shudders under the presence of his boyfriend, hands settled one against his shoulder and the other at the nape. Without thinking, he cups his boyfriend's jaw and Eric obliges, leaning in one again to kiss the light haired man breathless, lips pressing firmly and with intent against Sawyer's; intent to bruise them, of course.
A garbled noise erupts from Sawyer's throat, a whimpering whine at the intensity tonight was seemingly advancing towards. The way Eric had him was dizzying, almost too much, and if he hadn't been caged in place already by the darker haired boy, Sawyer was sure his knees would have buckled under the overwhelming tension already. The atmosphere was almost heady, Sawyer didn't know if he wanted to run away (-but straight back into his boyfriend's arms, of course) or more of it. Like an addicting drug he couldn't quite get enough of.
"Eric." he tries, slightly muffled with his lips still pressed against the other's. "Eric- fuck, Eric please." He tries again, palms pressing gently, yet firmly, against his boyfriend's chest. Not pushing, but present and nudging. Under his fingertips, the man could feel the way his lover's muscles flexed under his thin tee and shit, has he always been this buff?
It doesn't take much for the dark haired male to back off, of course, always ever so attentive in the way he regarded his lover. Even in the most... distracting of times. "Hm? What is it, my pretty baby?" And fuck- did Eric sound and look downright irresistible, with his voice slightly rough, lips kissed swollen, yet eyes so gentle and brows slowly beginning to knit together.
Bashful, Sawyer can't help but flush pink, thankful that the darkness of the apartment and the shadow Eric casted over his frame likely hid his sudden shyness from said partner. Fidgeting with his hands gingerly, the light haired male suddenly finds them much more interesting than his partner, a little too shy to speak; despite his usually obnoxiously loud and daring attitude.
"Princess?" Comes a gentle prompt. Eric's own index finger finds its way to Sawyer's chin, gently tipping it up, forcing Sawyer's attention back to Eric himself. The light haired man feels himself heat up further under the concerned scrutiny of his prince and he can't help but shake his head a little and mumble.
"It's 11:11... I made a wish and it's to give my heart to you, but please handle with care ♡."
It doesn't take much more than that for Eric to pull Sawyer away from the wall, fingers slipping into Sawyer's own as Eric leads him down the hall and into the bedroom.
"Thank you darling. Let me show you just how much care I'd handle it with, hm?"
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messygray · 3 years
five little things about Eric, Bang "Sawyer" Sang-Cheol
There are many things that most people don't know about Eric.
And that's simply because the young man never made it an effort for others to know.
Sawyer revels in the little factoid alone, but it only gets better from there.
Eric is dumb: Oh no, Eric's smart- there's no one way about it. Smart, hardworking, a man of principles and goals he wasn't going to give up with out a fight. He was everything everyone would have expected him to be as a Pharmaceuticals student. Yet, he was so dumb. In the way his mind wandered to all the wrong directions (if Sawyer had any say in it), often times asking the wrong questions, (albeit sometimes just to tease poor Sawyer), only to arrive at the conclusion moments later with that smug look that just screams 'I knew it'. He could never deny the satisfaction written all over his own face when whoever he'd been with (usually Sawyer) finally admits to something themselves. Sawyer thinks Eric just enjoys hearing what he wants from others. But the light haired man prefers to call him dumb. Cheeky lil shit.
Eric always zones out: It's always while he's trying to study during the meets, Sawyer finds. When he's settled into the back of his boyfriend's car, books and notes splayed out across his lap- Eric sure looks as if he's diligently reviewing away. Except, upon closer observation from the rearview mirror, Sawyer finds that no pages are turned for lengths at a time, the pencil never really moving, and Eric seems far away; it sounds stupid, but in those moments, Sawyer could always see the gears turning in his boyfriend's head- just not the right ones, per say. Worried about the distractions and the distant revs of the engine, the lighter haired male always made sure to check in with Eric- only ever to be reassured again and again that nothing was wrong- just thinking, he'd say. (Later, Eric comes to admit that he'd been thinking quite a lot about them at the time, considering his possibilities of confessing, despite accidentally slipping up before he'd been ready. Nowadays, his thoughts often drift off to how wonderful Sawyer is, he half-jokingly claims; much to Sawyer's own bashfulness.)
Eric is affectionate: Somehow, the idea of a somewhat anti-social med student seems to put others off, believing fellows like Eric are colder and more aloof than they actually are. Sawyer guesses they aren't wrong, all things considered when one look from Eric could potentially send someone running. Yet, they're missing out. Missing out in the way Eric loves the proximity between himself and one other person (-again, Sawyer), always keeping close by, and offering subtle, but open-armed opportunities for affection whenever possible. Sawyer learns fast never to let those chances slip by, going from initially afraid of overwhelming the usually mellow man to practically hanging off of him whenever, as they drew closer. Sawyer notes the way Eric always seems to keep an arm around his waist, hand against his hip, when they're wading through the crowds; as if guiding him, keeping him from being lost in the fray. And on the bold occasion, fingers slip into his back pocket, causing Sawyer to flush to the tip of his ears. Though he doesn't complain. Never complains. (Sawyer loves receiving affection as much as Eric loves providing.)
Eric is a demon: And Sawyer means that to every extent one could think of. No one would expect the pure, innocent pharm kid to be so... much outside of his studies and yet, to say the least, Sawyer's seen far far more. Not that he's complaining, their lives just happen to be that much more exciting- but still. Eric never lets him live. [Extended]
Eric is attentive: It was simple as that. The man never seemed to lack in care where he could provide. Eric always put in the effort, expecting nothing in return; always putting his best foot forward regardless of the situation. And perhaps that's what Sawyer loved most- the very idea that they were both just so earnest with one another where the light haired male always knew he'd be the obnoxiously loud one in a relationship. Somehow, despite the peace Eric exuded, he never failed to remind Sawyer just how much he enjoyed the energy, wanted to match it and keep up; how saddened he'd be if Sawyer ever lost his confidence and color. And somehow, maybe that's the most attractive quality of Eric. His love. The way he loves. Purely and wholly 'Eric Suh'.
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messygray · 3 years
fairy lights and you, Suh "Eric" Kang-Min
Soft fingers squeeze Sawyer's hand gently as a dark haired male leads the two across the indoor bridge. Fairy lights hang from the tall ceiling above, only down half way, stopping short just beyond reach of the two young men staring in awe. They sparkle and twinkle with every little breath of a movement and although the stars aren't visible at the moment, the little lights sure do resemble what's beyond the roof. It's quiet. There isn't anyone within their proximity and they relish the moment.
Both boys stop just down the bridge path to watch the lights illuminated around them, hand in hand even when they decide to lean over the railing and observe the water below.
From the outside, their little date spot hadn't looked like much. The exterior mundane to the human eye, nothing seeming out of place; the sign on the building just barely hanging on by the thread. And yet, Eric had sworn up and down that Sawyer would enjoy what was hidden inside- he wasn't wrong, of course. (He never seemed to be wrong.) But what awaited the boys had been even more marvelous than what Sawyer could have imagined in his mind prior to entering.
While the exterior had been plain and a little boring, Eric had called this spot.. a 'hidden gem' of sorts. There was no popularity with this particular building- no one knew of it but locals, anyway. Often overlooked and overshadowed by the various other "instagram-famous" sights to visit. But it was nice that way, crowds never formed, lines were never too long of a wait. It had always been quiet and quaint. Just like Sawyer's prince had always been.
Inside, hundreds of thousands of little fairy lights illuminated the dim rooms like a magical forest of sorts; the strings wrapping around each part of the tree like ribbons, accentuating each shadowy outline in a soft glow. The space was much larger than it seemed from the outside- trails leading from room to room, each one differently themed than the last. (They'd spotted a 'deer' by the 'willow tree' and some 'bunnies' already- all made out of the manipulation of light.)
Now there's a river, the sound of water running gently under the bridge sounding live and real; the riverbeds illuminated in a blue-ish tint, highlighting the projections and ripples that would have been present had the scene been real. Standing upon the bridge, Sawyer finds himself peering far down like a child who's interest has piqued.
Beside him, rather than looking onwards at the lights as well, Eric finds himself admiring Sawyer's features instead. He's just as pretty, if not more so, than the lights; with his hair fluffy and soft as he looks down under, his complexion glowing with the softness of their environment, and eyes shining so bright in awe. If nothing else, the dark haired male simply finds himself content with bringing his boyfriend places he'd never experienced; simply to watch his reaction, pure and full of bliss. In the young man's own eyes, Sawyer Bang would always be the prettiest sight of them all. Without thinking, Eric fishes his phone out of his pocket and is quick to snap a picture of his boyfriend looking as ethereal as the scenery; perfectly pretty, just as if he'd actually jumped out of the fairy-lit forest himself.
Unbeknownst to him, the softest of smiles breaks across Eric's face, lost in his thought until Sawyer's sweet voice somehow reels him back in.
"Hey, you okay? Why are you looking at me like that."
There's nothing but a soft hum in response, but the young man finds himself pulling his boyfriend closer into his embrace, fingers untangling with Sawyer's in favor of slinging an arm around the boy's delicate waist instead.
Sawyer doesn't protest to the sudden proximity, much to Eric's delight. In fact, he nuzzles in closer to Eric's chest, arms naturally finding their place loosely around the dark haired male's own waist, nudging closer until he's caged between the railing and Eric's body instead. And of course, Eric obliges to Sawyer's every whim, readjusting the pair until he's resting his palms on either side of the lighter haired male's body.
The two stay like that in silence for a couple more heart beats; until Eric can't handle his own heart's calling any longer. Leaning in, he doesn't hesitate to brush noses with Sawyer first, soft breath fanning across the other's face before he presses their lips together ever so gently. Slowly. Firmly. Until they're slotting together so nicely, molding to one another's needs. Eric presses himself closer to his boy, wordlessly answering his worries with actions of his own.
And Sawyer understands. He understands in the way he simply allows Eric to have his way, to show him just what he'd been thinking of. The only reply he offers is in the way Sawyer pulls his arms away from around Eric's waist and loops them around his neck instead, a hand cupping the back of Eric's head to bring him closer. He hums softly, surrendering all control under his boyfriend's body.
They eventually pull away for air, though not without another peck from Eric; the dark haired male could never get enough. "Nothing, I was just thinking about how absolutely stunning you are. And how I, a boring pharm student, really just scored someone as amazing and beautifully perfect as you. That's all, princess- I'm just feelin' lucky." Finally comes a verbal response. Even now, Eric's eyes are twinkling with what Sawyer realizes is fondness- fondness for him, and love for what they had created together. A little safe home for their hearts.
Bare, were their rawest emotions for one another. And fluttering, were the butterflies floating around in Sawyer's stomach in that moment.
And yet, despite the sparks that flew, Sawyer never failed to cradle everything Eric had to offer him in the softest of hands. As if handling only the most delicate, most treasured of possessions. Always.
"Mhm, thank you for your kind words, my prince. But I think you're forgetting that it was I who had been pining for you for months on end before even having the guts to invite you to a Cruisin' meet. Much less confess to you- mind you, it was you who made my dreams come true... like a fairytale right out of the books. If it's anyone who's lucky, it's me- I promise."
And once again, Eric is reminded for the nth time since the two had started seeing each other just how candid and genuine Sawyer always was with him. How much he'd trusted Eric with his feelings and let down his walls, leaving his purest and most sensitive emotions so uncovered and undefended; just how much he was offering with open palms and eager eyes for Eric to take. Silently, the man vows to always remind himself just how privileged he was to call the other boy his.
Shaking his head, the dark haired man wants to protest some more. Except he can't find the strength in him to when Sawyer watches him with such eyes- Eric could only lean in once again to kiss his boyfriend once more, a hand moving to cup Sawyer's jaw ever so gently, thumb rubbing his cheek just the way he liked. "You know I could protest, but let's save the 'argument' for another day, shall we? I'm just so grateful that you decided to trip your way into my life. I love you so much, darling. Not even the universe could hold it all if it tried. "
Sawyer hums contently to that; Eric doesn't have to even look at him to know he's beaming so bright. Fingers toy with the hairs at the base of Eric's nape briefly before the lighter haired male leans in to peck his boyfriend's lips. This one quick and fleeting, much unlike the rest. (He wants to giggle when Eric subconsciously leans in to chase his lips when he pulls away.)
"And much to your dismay, I'd like to inform you that I do, in fact, love you just as much- if not more than that, my love. (universe be damned)."
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messygray · 3 years
laying on the floor is best done with a buddy, Suh "Eric" Kangmin
Darkness engulfs the private dance studio once Eric Suh shuts off the lights; the curtains are only left half open, sunlight filtering in as best as it could from the warm sun just beyond the windows of the studio. It's silent. The phone display slowly dimming by the speakers after its owner had shut off the music for a quick five minute break.
This studio room itself is nice- mirrored on only three sides instead of the four that Eric usually found himself in. The fourth wall allowed for windows to run along the length of it, sunlight to cut through if not for the curtains that were often hung closed when not in use.
In the middle of the studio, Eric allows himself to lay onto the cool flooring, chest heaving with ragged breaths as sweat makes his fringe cling to his forehead. He's wearing a baggy black tee and some pair of baggy gray-black gradient pants and sneakers, the cap he'd been wearing just earlier thrown across the floor in the direction of the couch to the side; despite never making it onto the soft leather (it falls short, just in front of the couch, though).
The dancer doesn't expect anyone to walk in on him. So he's pleasantly surprised to hear the door to the studio room click open, a familiar face peaking through the crevice as if to make sure they didn't just walk into the wrong room. Their eyes light up when they spot Eric's form on the floor and immediately, the latter knows exactly who it is.
"Princess?" comes the tired inquiry.
Eric tilts his head off the ground as he watches through lazy expectant eyes when he receives no answer, not bothering to prop himself up on an elbow even when Sawyer wordlessly allows the door to click shut again.
Eyes flit across Sawyer's 'fit as he inches closer, Eric smiling softly at the way he wore his baggy black sweater tucked into some pair of dark shorts, a belt keeping the look together. They're sorta matching. It's cute.
Still, without missing a beat, Sawyer slides onto the floor beside Eric, never hesitating to tug himself right into his boyfriend's side, a water bottle offered in his other hand even when Sawyer lays his head against the other's shoulder.
"Just missed you is all and I knew I'd find you in here." The pretty voice assures gently, Sawyer digging his nose into the fabric of Eric's tee, despite knowing the sweaty mess he'd be met with. "Drink. I just came to make sure you didn't dehydrate yourself." He jokes, despite contradicting his previous words.
Despite that, Eric simply laughs and shakes his head a lil before leaning in to peck Sawyer's hair, the arm Sawyer had made himself home on pulling the lithe boy in closer to Eric's own body. His smile only widens when Sawyer throws an arm around his abdomen, uncaring of the sweat that has definitely seeped into his tee. If it were anyone else, Eric just knows his boyfriend would have thrown a fit about the disgustingly slick feeling of sweat. "Mhm, well I suppose that's one excuse... you could have just gone with option one, already admitted to missing me."
"Ah, you're so annoying!" A gentle smack lands against Eric's chest, to which he could only giggle about without end. The sound bubbles from within his chest when he realizes that once again the damn melting feeling had come rushing right back whenever the dark haired had Sawyer in his arms again.
Though Eric had never thought of himself as someone who was ever not-whole, always believing he'd live for himself without the dependency on someone else, Sawyer was... with some shame, Eric realizes he couldn't let Sawyer walk out of his life now that they'd become so closely intertwined with one another. (Damn cliches.) The other was so special to Eric's heart that perhaps- he's the luckiest to call Sawyer his boyfriend.
"Hey, you okay?? Did you just randomly zone out on me??" A hand waving lazily across Eric's vision pulls him back and the dark haired boy is quick to simply shrug his shoulders again with the same sheepish grin he'd adorn whenever found guilty.
"Sorry, I got distracted thinking about how one in a million you are, made for just me~" comes the sing song response, leaning in to nose Sawyer's hair despite protests.
"Ah, Gosh!!"
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messygray · 3 years
dinners with you, Bang "Sawyer" Sang-Cheol
Residing in the booths set outside in the open air, two boys find themselves cuddled up with one another, a table of finished plates laid out before the pair and dessert still coming. The stars twinkle in the sky above despite the extra lighting dotting the venue, the bridge just behind the pair glowing in green-hued LEDs; there are other patrons of the restaurant chattering away in the other tables not far off, but the two snuggled in close are quiet. Only hushed words passing between the both of them, soft enough for a private conversation.
Though it customarily made more sense to sit across from one another tonight, the two boys had taken it upon themselves to squeeze into the same side; leaving their opposing booth empty in favor of the warmth each one provided. Courtesy of Sawyer's clingy self, complaints leaving his lips before his boyfriend could even slide into the opposing booth seat. Not that Eric minded in the least, of course. Not with the way he immediately grins wide enough for his dimples to show, eyes laughing bemusedly even when he slides into Sawyer's side, arm wrapping around the boy's shoulder, hand rubbing affectionately. "Sure thing, honey." he'd murmured after leaning in to peck his boy's cheek.
Even nearly an hour and a half later, with dinner over, Sawyer still finds himself with his fingers locked in with Eric's, head leaning against the other boy's shoulder affectionately as they chatted away about anything and everything under the stars; from their school work to their hobbies- er, cruisin' club, to... their future and perhaps what they'd expect.
"Someday, let's get an apartment together, yeah? I think a quaint little place to call ours would be nice... maybe a pup too, if we can afford it. What do you think? I'd like to have a little place to come home to, even though I won't be out of school for some time." Eric murmurs mindlessly, eyes trained to the way their fingers are so tightly intertwined together, his thumb brushing the soft skin of Sawyer's hand. "But then again, maybe it's too early to think about that. I've still got countless nights of studying, not to mention med school probably in the future and- I dunno, I just think it'd be cute to have a home to return to." the pharmacy student rambles sheepishly, his free hand coming up to rub the back of his head.
Sawyer merely listens patiently as his boyfriend babbles on, giggling softly only when Eric cuts himself off and lifting his head from Eric's shoulder when he catches the chance to cut in. He'd never been a fan of cutting Eric off mid-sentence, the dark haired man already soft-spoken enough at it is at times. And this time was no different, even when he grins so wide his cheeks hurt from the gesture.
And perhaps it's the look that stops Eric, but Sawyer takes the quick chance to lean in and press his lips against his boyfriend's, an index finger guiding Eric's chin with a gentle tilt. He savors the feeling, before pulling away, eyes sparkling and wide as they meet Eric's. "I think that'd be lovely." Sawyer simply states, lips still brushing against the other man's as he spoke. His hand cups the latter's jaw now, keeping Eric still from movement, "But maybe you're worrying too much about the details that don't matter... 'Min, you are my home, your heart is my home. It doesn't matter if we'd have to postpone plans because you've still got some ways to go, I'd always wait for you. Whenever you're ready and that's my promise to you, yeah?"
A soft pause briefly follows after the inquiry, but it doesn't last very long; despite Eric finding his heart melting into a soft, gooey puddle in his chest once again in no time at all- a normal occurrence whenever Sawyer's involved, he comes to admit. With his chest warm and fuzzy and heart lovingly wrapped up in a soft blanket by Sawyer's gentle words as if to protect its delicate nature at all costs, Eric can't help himself but to lean in once again. He pecks Sawyer's lips sweetly once, twice- at least three times, until his boy has to pull away with another laugh in amusement. "Oh, I'm so gonna marry you one day, Bang Sang-Cheol. Make you a Mr. Suh instead, if you'd let me." Chasing his lips down for another sweet kiss, Eric only pulls away another time to mumble under his breath, "You're so perfect, I love you. Thank you."
To which, once again, Eric finds himself met with only the most pleasant of replies. The soft whispers of 'I love you too' and 'You're just as wonderful for me; don't ever downplay that.' etched into his mind like no other, even as the pair finds themselves wrapped up in one another. Impossibly close, yet never truly close enough. Even after dinner's all done and the desserts are neatly tucked away in takeaway boxes in hand, Sawyer's words never leave Eric's mind. It quells the nervous energy that occasionally seems to seep into his bones, thinking of the long road ahead to live his dreams.
He hums happily along as the pair strolls through the nearby park, hand in hand still, arms swinging like children's would in the slight autumn breeze─
"Thanks for taking me out tonight."
"You know it's always my pleasure, princess."
"Oh─ and by the way..."
"You say my heart is your home, but ironically you're currently in possession of it so... I think if anything, you're actually my home- or we're both hopelessly lost and homeless." (A small playful laugh erupts from Eric after that, shoulders shaking in amusement.)
"Babe, you're so dumb, how are you a med student, I swear-"
"But you love me, so who's dumber??"
"Okay, listen here you little shit-"
(The stroll devolves into playful banter afterwards, with Sawyer pulling away from Eric to smack him- only to miss when the latter narrowly escapes by taking off in a light sprint. There's a soft protest, but without any longer hesitation, Sawyer too takes off, both young men laughing into the late night air as they chase each other through the trees.)
0 notes
messygray · 3 years
Study Confessions
Somehow studying in Sawyer's car ends up in feelings being spilled, Suh "Eric" Kang-Min
It's a random Thursday night that Eric Suh, pharmaceutical student, finds himself sliding into the spacious backseat row of an used lexus, right next to his bag of study materials for the upcoming midterm. Almost immediately, the car lights up in a soft white glow, the string lights lining the interior of the car- courtesy of one of the other boys (Danne, Eric vaguely recalls), providing just enough to suffice the young man for the night.
The moonroof slides half way open and music starts to play when the vehicle starts up; the yells and cheers from outside slowly bleeding into the small space as a result of the opening. The door of the driver's side swings open and in an instant, Eric's... friend slips into his own seat.
It's wordless and quiet for a good half an hour, though comfortably so, as Eric pulls out his textbook and composition notes, flipping through the pages, fully intent on studying as the races happen just beyond his little bubble. Sure, racing was more exciting than the organic chemistry at hand, but the midterm came first and both boys knew Eric wouldn't have agreed to come tonight, if he couldn't find the time to fit in his studies. His 'partner' doesn't make a move to bother him in the slightest- if Sawyer could help it anyway.
Not until a particularly loud round of cheers explodes into the night air does both boys look up from what they were doing- Eric from his textbook and Sawyer from the small mobile in his hand- he'd been keeping track of the coursing through his phone, per the favor of one of the other boys who couldn't make it tonight, anyway. Immediately, the latter of the two whips his head around with wide eyes, while his fingers already reached out to close the moonroof shut. His eyes search Eric's apologetically, "Are they being too loud? I'll close the moon roof and vent the car instead. Is the music okay? Danne just won his race in first, that's why they're cheering." he informs gently, hoping as to not disturb the pharmacy student further.
Though Sawyer's gaze is searching, Eric couldn't help but offer him a soft smile instead, eyes crinkling slightly around the corners. The dark haired boy quickly ducks his head after that, mumbling a soft "It's fine, baby. I'm glad he won. Feel free to leave the moonroof open, too."
A certain quietness engulfs the car soon after the words left Eric's lips, the noise around them seeming to fade out into white noise when Sawyer happens to focus on one particular word. Clearly the young man doesn't react fast enough, the light dusting of pink forming across Eric's cheekbones and nose all too telling a sign of his embarrassment.
"...Baby?" The single word comes with such a tone of hopefulness; one that brings much relief. Sawyer's always been easy to read like that, though.
"Yes? You're my baby, aren't you?" Eric mumbles in a bit of a chuckle, eyes shining brighter now and for the moment; the other light haired male feels as if he'd been hit with a train. This fucker was going to be the death of him, that's for sure... fuck you Eric-
"You better mean that," comes a grumble from the front before Sawyer finds himself climbing into the back passenger seat with the other boy just as he slides the pile of things on his lap onto the opposite seat. Without hesitation, Sawyer settles into the other's lap, legs straddling Eric's own thighs currently pressed together. Hands immediately settle onto his hips, fingers digging into his flesh slightly as Eric pulls him in closer. "I swear, if you're just teasing me right now-"
"I'm not I promise." the reply is unwavering and confident. The dark haired male tilts his head against the back of the car, eyes never leaving Sawyer's face, studying him, as if he could change his mind in that second. "I've... been thinking about it for a while. Would you like to go on a date with me after my midterms are over? Like a proper date? I know we've been coming to these meets together for the past couple months, but we've never made anything official and I'd like to- I kind of adore you, if you can't tell."
This time, it's Sawyer's turn to flush a deep red, the contrast to his platinum hair probably too stark, but he couldn't hide anything with the way Eric looked at him with such sincerity. Some garbled noise bubbles from within Sawyer's chest as he nods his head almost a little too eagerly (to which Eric wants to chuckle- not out of malice, but of amusement- the boy's just so cute n pretty-) and leans in to press his lips against Eric's.
There's no hesitation or rush in the way the boy underneath Sawyer responds; he brings a hand to cup Sawyer's pretty face instead, eyes slipping shut in contentment. His lips are soft and warm, perfect, if Sawyer could possibly possess any coherency in the moment. His heart flutters in his chest and he vaguely wonders if Eric would be able to feel it just from under his skin. Unbeknownst to him, Eric's own also pounds against his ribcage in a beat that seems so unfamiliar to the usually too-passive student.
The kiss is both too short and yet seemed to last forever and by the time the pair pulls away, they're both a little bit dizzy in the head (with love). "I'll take that as a yes then?" comes a breathless voice full of mirth.
"For a STEM student, you sure are an idiot-- yes, of course. I'd love to go on an actual date with you. Please?"
"It'd be my pleasure, sweetheart."
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