#➳ π‘Žπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘  & π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘ π‘π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘ π‘’ ➳ ; π‘—π‘Žπ‘π‘žπ‘’π‘’π‘™π‘–π‘›π‘’ ; ❨tales❩
starsallalight Β· 2 years
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@dreamcrs : Jacqueline & Danielle
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"I never wanted it to happen like this. We were so careful... Oh, Dani, what am I going to do?" Jacqueline wept. "How am I supposed to tell Phillip? How am I supposed to tell Mother? She'll kill me. And Phillip... Dani, what do I do?"
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starsallalight Β· 1 year
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@amantesmultorum : Jacqueline & Danielle
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"I got inspired while I was out today. So I started doing some sketches for a bridal line. What do you think?" She asked, turning the sketch pad out.
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starsallalight Β· 1 year
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@dreamcrs : Jacqueline & Phillip
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"Phillip! Oh, thank God!" Jacqueline gasped, wrapping her arms tightly around the prince, holding him close and tight. "You're safe! I-I was so worried!"
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starsallalight Β· 1 year
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@dreamcrs : Jacqueline & Danielle
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"Danielle..." Jacqueline whispered, closing the door behind her. Her breath came in ragged gasps, showing the rush she'd been in to get here. "I came as quickly as I could. You... You were right."
Rubbing her lips together, the lady-in-waiting, the sister, handed her mistress, family, the paper. The proof of their suspicions...
"Henry won't be back for a fortnight. What do we do? Should I write to Phillip? Ask him to come and aid us?"
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starsallalight Β· 2 years
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@amantesmultorum : Jacqueline & Danielle
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"I got a call this afternoon." Jacqueline answered gruffly. "Give you three guesses who."
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starsallalight Β· 2 years
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@starstcff : Jacqueline & Pin
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Stepping out of the car, Jacqueline took a deep breath and looked around. She had to try and hold back tears. Danielle, Jacqueline reminded herself. She was doing this for her sister after all. It was the only way to ensure that Danielle would be taken care of; Mother certainly wouldn't do it. And now that Marguerite was married, and Jacqueline herself was about to be, Danielle was all alone. After everything her stepsister had done to try and help her, if sacrificing her chance to marry for love meant that Danielle could be free of the Baroness's torments, then Jacqueline would do it.
But when she saw the figures coming toward her, she stopped to steel her nerves and attempt to be brave. There was no getting out of it, so she would have to make the best of the situation. So long as it wasn't an 'out of the pan, into the fire' type of situation, Jacqueline was sure it couldn't be worse than home.
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Smoothing out her dress and her curls, she stepped forward with a smile, and bowed her head bowed her head respectfully. "Monsieur le Duc. It's good to finally meet you. My mother, Baroness de Ghent, sends her regards."
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starsallalight Β· 2 years
@dreamcrs : Jacqueline & Phillip
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Phillip was overjoyed when Jacqueline finally came to visit his little kingdom of Bourbon. There wasn’t much to it, but it was his, and that was all that mattered. He showed her the castle; all the rooms and secret entrances he’d play in as a boy. He took her out on horseback and showed her the wineries and the fields of grapes. He even showed her the places he had never shown anyone, places he would go off to so he could be alone and simply think.Β 
There was the occasional whisper about the two of them, which - considering his reputation -Β  was understandable. But Phillip kept himself at a gentlemanly distance the entire time. He gave her space, only took her arm when they were in public, only took her hand when it was offered and covered with a glove, and he made sure that they rode on horseback separately, and he made sure to not do anything to besmirch her good name.Β 
His intentions for her were pure, and his actions should reflect that. He had to be certain of that.Β 
Now she was leaving, heading back home to Paris, and Phillip was admittedly a bit heartbroken to see her go. But her next words were what truly left him speechless.Β 
β€œJacqueline…you…you don’t mean…” he stammered, the usually suave and charming prince at a complete loss for words.Β β€œOh, can a man, a prince such as me, truly hope that this is a sign that I have won your heart? Even after knowing all you know about me?”
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His confusion was endearing, and the Baroness couldn't help but smile serenely. Phillip had been so careful over her stay. Some might even, perhaps, say that he'd been too careful. Even Jacqueline couldn't deny that she was confused and troubled by the distance at first. He seemed to have put up walls that hadn't been there when first they met.
But then, everything in Phillip's behavior and his letters made sense. The way that some of his court behaved made sense. And she could no longer find it in her heart to fault him for his hesitation. He'd been unfairly judged and condemned. And those who had tried to make her feel less than had only wanted her to leave so that they could again try to pursue their own agendas.
Phillip was true, though. And Jacqueline swore that she would remain the same. He'd been willing to fight for her, so she'd fight for him too. She even allowed him to take her horseback riding, despite her fear of the beasts. And those hours turned out to be lovely ones!
Reaching up to lay her hand lightly against his cheek, she laughed. "Is it truly so hard to believe? I won't ride a horse for just anyone, you know."
But just as quickly, Jacqueline's smile faded. "You need to be easier on yourself, Phillip. Trust me. There are those who, once they form an opinion, it can't be changed. Even if it was wrong from the start. Their pride won't let them admit their fault. But it is their fault. Not yours. I seem to recall a certain prince telling me once that I shouldn't discount myself. That I was more powerful than I or others expected, and it was to the detriment of others to underestimate me. I think he may have forgotten his own words. Because the only man I have seen is a truthful one. One who admitted when he was wrong instead of taking the coward's way out. And one who seeks redemption that he shouldn't have to, given the fault wasn't his."
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starsallalight Β· 2 years
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@dreamcrs : Jacqueline & Phillip
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"Phillip, I'm frightened." She whimpered, glancing up at him with tears in her eyes. "What if I can't do it?"
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starsallalight Β· 2 years
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@amantesmultorum : Jacqueline & Danielle
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"I probably don't need to say it, but you... You know they're wrong, right?" Jacqueline asked, watching her stepsister get ready. "Mother and Marguerite, I mean. They're wrong, about you. Don't listen to them. Don't ever listen to them. You're so much better than they could ever hope to be, Danielle."
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starsallalight Β· 2 years
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@dreamcrs : Jacqueline & Phillip
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Looking to and laughing at her sister and Henry while strolling the campus probably wasn’t the best idea. Many people didn’t pay attention to where they were walking, and it nearly led her to crash right into another person on the path.
β€œOh! I’m so sorry. Are you alright?”
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starsallalight Β· 2 months
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Open to ships
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"It's too early. Come back to bed." Jacqueline cooed, sitting up and reaching her hand out toward her beloved.
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starsallalight Β· 2 months
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Open to ships
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"I was thinking..." She called, tilting her head toward the bathroom. "Why don't we just stay in this weekend? We've both been so busy lately. It feels like we barely see each other anymore, let alone spend time together. Danielle and Henry will understand."
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starsallalight Β· 2 months
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Open to ships
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Gazing up into his eyes, wanting desperately to believe his promise to come back for her, Jacqueline swallowed thickly and allowed him to kiss her. She didn't know if this would truly be the end, the last time she might see him, but she couldn't bring it upon herself to ruin the moment.
"I shall hold you to your word, sir." She whispered. "And beseech upon your honor as a gentleman not to forget me."
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starsallalight Β· 2 months
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Open to ships, mutuals, or Danielle
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"It surely is strange... Bring back here. How could a place be home for so many years and never once feel like it really was your home at all?"
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starsallalight Β· 1 year
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Open to ships
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"Hey!" She beamed, turning back upon feeling the kiss pressed to her hair. "Hi. How was your day?"
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starsallalight Β· 1 year
@starstcff : Jacqueline & Gregory
a pleasant smile stayed on his features as he waited for her to make a decision, even as his eyes darted around to see if anyone was looking, a sliver of embarrassment crossing through him.Β  Β  Β the things one does for his family, hyacinth would owe him for this one!Β  Β  with the way she tarried and demurred, gregory started to fear for his feet and shins.
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β€œΒ the honor is all mine,Β    ”  Β  Β guiding her by the hand to the line that was forming as the musicians readied for the signal, he wondered if he could escape after this dance.Β  Β as much as he enjoyed a good ball, there was a card game at the club today he had been itching to participate; or, he could head back to his apartments early so tomorrow he could get an early start tomorrow.Β  Β  most of his friends were going into the country for a weekend which promised entertainment abound.Β  Β Β 
for now, he had a dance to perform, and a lady to entertain.Β  Β  Β β€œΒ  Β  Β now, i don’t know about fashion, my sisters despair of me and i can’t ask them any more questions.Β  Β so, miss jacqueline, will you help me satisfy my curiosity?Β    ”
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Looking up at the young man curiously, Jacqueline blinked slowly. "I can try, sir. But I'm afraid I'm not what everyone would call whitty." She answered with a demurred tone.
She wasn't much used to anyone taking an interest in her, let alone talking to her. The only time she was ever under someone's face was when her mother or sister wanted to chide and humiliate her. Or when Danielle was trying to be kind and include her.
"What is it you wish to know?"
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