#Pregnancy Tw
transbeeduo · 5 months
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instagram post: *video of a woman gently encouraging a hesitant child to go down a slide*
the first comment: this woman is violently pressuring her child to do something that they are clearly terrified to do, children should NEVER have to do anything they don't want to do, this kid is being abused and will grow up to hate their mother i hope someone calls cps on her
the second comment: kids are so thin skinned these days if it were my kid i would push it down the slide and laugh at it if it cried. this is the only way we will win the culture war
the third comment: she should have used a condom. this would make a great condom ad. no one cares that someone came in you. kids are not human. i hate kids so much.
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klownkoster · 3 months
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Silly self indulgent comfort doodles bc i feel terrible rn 👍
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kathaynesart · 3 months
You have me anticipating that Holiday Special SO FRICKING BAD 😭. No pressure or asking you to hurry up at all, just saying that I'm like super super excited to see what happens hehehe. Unless it turns out you aren't posting it or somthin. But anway, I love your comic and Im obsessed with how well you draw the turtles and April and Cass, you know? THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THIS COMIC INTO MY LIFE 😍
Ahh! Thank you so much and thank you to all the kind messages I have received in the past few months! I wish I had the time to respond to them all but sadly life has been busy! I promise I've been working hard on the next update too! I have 14 of 18 pages completed and I really really want to get it done by this weekend if I can! In the mean time have a panel to tie you over!
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They weren't prepared.
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mysharona1987 · 3 months
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Hey, at least she’s upfront about her hypocrisy.
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gojonanami · 3 months
thinking about an emergency c-section for one of your kids, and satoru is absolutely a wreck, already had been dozing off at the hospital after you were admitted for labor since “his” baby was taking their sweet time to come — as you put it. and he had taken up residence on the cot beside you, having just laid down, only to find a nurse doing a nightly check on you.
it happens slowly. the medical staff multiply one by one, until there’s a dozen of them, including one nurse on top of you with her hand keeping your baby’s umbilical cord from being wrapped around the baby.
and they don’t let him come in as they wheel you to the operating room, leaving him to pace alone, wondering if he would see your baby or you again. and realizing he didn’t even get a chance to tell you he loved you.
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randoimago · 7 months
thinking about: bruno, abbacchio, mista with an S/O that's pregnant but hasn't said anything cause they keep waiting for the right moment but keeps being distracted by other stuff and it isn't until narancia uses his stand and goes "uh why do you have two heartbeats?" that it's finally brought up.
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transbeeduo · 4 months
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I know this isn't exactly what you meant but I took the opportunity to show off my hybrid anatomy headcanon
here's a slightly pregnant c!tubbo
OHHH MY GODSDS OH MY FUCKING GODDDDD THIS IS LITERALLY EVERYTHING TO MEEEEE i LOVEEE ur c!tubbo’s anatomy im such a sucker for when ppl give more animal-like traits to hybrids its SOOOO GOOD i love his hair here too ouhhh whatta guy…. ALSO IDK IF THIS IS A WEIRD THING TO GET SO EXCITED OVER BUT LIKE C!TUBBO PREGNANCY ART!!!!!!!!! IS MAKING ME SO HAPPY!!!!!!! sorry for gushing so much this just genuinely made me so happy
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
Okay is it just me or are people rlly weird about male pregnancy? Like, to a lot of ppl, if you bring up, it gets treated like a joke? I saw an article about a trans guy who had a baby and got misgendered by staff and SO MANY comments were transphobic. Some ppl get so weird about trans men asking for gender neutral terms in healthcare too. I’m not being coherent rn but like I’ve never seen this being talked about. As a cis girl, it weird how some women want to gatekeep the concept of pregnancy
Oh definitely. I've made a few posts about this exact thing.
Pregnancy is the apotheosis of womanhood under the patriarchy. that's why a pregnant man is so strange: women and men are meant to be antitheses of each other, so a man with the symbol of womanhood is jarring and therefore comedic. But it's also seen as dangerous, because trans men are "corrupting" womanhood by partaking in The woman activity while socially identifying and physically appearing as men; they demand their manhood be respected while also being pregnant, which threatens womanhood by saying that pregnancy is not the apotheosis of womanhood but instead genderless, and a genderless choice (as opposed to an gendered obligation)
This is all an example of how trans men are only "acceptable" when we are stealth and indistinguishable from cis men. The MINUTE you have a visibly pregnant man, people lose their goddamn minds and don't know how to act. When trans men & other trans people who can get pregnant ask that menstrual supplies and vaginal/uterine care be gender neutral, people freak out about transmascs "erasing women". The uterus embodies womanhood under the patriarchy, so trans men must either be forced into cis womanhood, or be alienated from their own body in order to fit into cis manhood. & in general there's an expectation that, if cis society graciously allows trans people to be ourselves without forced detransition & death, we have a duty to imitate our cis counterparts and disassociate from anything that connects us to our AGAB: "trans acceptance" often really means "trans people can only exist when they do everything they can to make their transness invisible"
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theloveinc · 11 months
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kirishima x reader - kiri really, really, REALLY wants a third child.
(warnings: afab + fem reader who is a mom with two bio babies, breeding, slight sense of dubcon but it really is con, slight voyeurism, heavy on the pregnancy, mention of sick baby + baby coming early (all is well tho), son = mister, daughter = missy, abrupt end)
1.5k+ words. enjoy!!
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The conversation comes up on a sunny day in Denki’s backyard. His wife and their newest daughter in her lap sunbathing next to you, the baby reaching out for your sleeve every so often as the three of you watch Denki, Kiri and the older children—save for the oldest who claims she’s too big for such things—play in the sprinklers, screaming. 
“Have you thought about a third?” Denki’s wife asks, tipping down her sunglasses to send you an inquisitive stare.
“Oh, god, no. Ei and I are done.” 
“Really?” she seems surprised. “He’s such a good father, you’d think…”
You shrug, taking a sip of the mango slush that was provided to you when you first arrived. “We were considering it, but mister came so early that the stress of another seemed too much.”
“Ah, I know how that goes all too well. Has Kiri gotten, you know…?” She makes a snipping motion with her fingers.
You snort, the thought almost as implausible as Denki with a son. Doctors have recommended that most heroes remain unaltered, at least to reduce the chances of hormone levels fluctuating unexpectedly and causing changes in prowess… and though that didn’t stop Bakugo five years ago and nothing’s changed about his aggression or fighting style, your husband still uses the warning as an excuse to stay hesitant. 
“Oh, hell no. Have you tried talking to him about it? He goes nuts, and the man is stubborn as a bull.” 
“Are you guys using condoms, then?”
At that, you can’t help but laugh. Protected sex after what? Nearly ten years of marriage? Kirishima was far from the type even when you first met, if you tried bringing up latex contraception now, he’d practically consider it offensive, or a threat to his masculinity at the very least. 
“Pills for now. Surprisingly the side effects have been manageable.” 
“Aren’t you worried those might fail?” 
Her persistent concern touches you, and how could it not when she and her husband have to wrangle five, blonde, Kaminari daughters from sunset to sundown on the daily… but it’s nothing you don’t think you and Ei couldn’t navigate together if need be. 
The youngest starts squirming for you and you offer to take her in your arms, trading your slush to plop her on the warmth of your lap which immediately ceases her cooing. 
“Well,” you tickle her baby plump belly, the delighted squeal you get in response making you grin, “I guess an accident wouldn’t be so bad if they turned out like this one.” 
Little did you know, Kirishima overheard your little, half-joking declaration. It’s a wonder, given that you’d assumed if the water hadn’t drowned out your voices, the seven screaming children (and Denki) would’ve.
But he catches you the next morning, fresh out of the shower as you stand in the bathroom prepping your skin for the rest of the day.
“I heard,” he leans in behind you, his damp and loose hair reflected in the mirror, “you said you wanted another baby?”
You chuckle, the steamy warmth of his belly pressing into your back almost overwhelming, “I said, accidents happen, my love. I’m perfectly content with the three babies I have now.” 
Kirishima pouts, the hands on your hips tightening as they slowly turn you around to face him. 
“What if we…?” he starts, but you don’t let him finish.
“Haven’t we talked about this?” you yawn, picking a stray piece of thread off of the damp towel hanging around his shoulders, your other hand running down his bare chest. “I thought we agreed two was enough?” 
“I was just thinking, you know, it doesn’t sound so bad now that mister is older and all.”
You wave him off, nudging your way out from between the sink counter and his hips before pressing one quick peck to his cheek. 
“Shoo. You’re going to be late for work,” Kirishima doesn’t let you go so easily, his hands lingering and only falling when you’re finally out of reach. “There’s a lunch in the fridge. Don’t get hung up on it, yeah?”
But Kirishima is hung up on it.
He loves being a dad more than anything, feels as though it's one of the many reasons he was placed on this earth, and though he loves you now more than any other time in his life and would love you no matter what happened to your body, he can’t say he wasn’t extremely delighted when you were pregnant... nor that he doesn’t want to see another rounded belly on you again.
Besides, your daughter was so curious about it, so precious and clingy, but she was almost too little to understand what was happening in your belly when you were swollen with your son… that Kirishima really only has a handful of memories of you all together before one baby became two and two babies became children.
And when he spent their babyhood was spent half in a hospital and half with you out of commission, he just can't help but imagine that doing it over with a third would make his whole life complete.
It just makes perfect sense. 
It’s couple’s hot yoga the next time it gets brought up, Kirishima helping you hold the warm-up stretches as he ponders the questions out loud.
“Have you thought about it at all?” He whispers, hands pulling your thigh away from your face and into a stretch meant to straighten your hamstrings. 
“Thought about what?”
“Baby number three,” he lowers your leg and helps switch you to the other side. 
You laugh, disturbing the calm of the heated studio, apologizing to the other couples there softly after. “You seem pretty committed.”
Kirishima nods like a desperate puppy, knowing how he must look in his loose tank top and sweatband, his hair pushed back from his forehead revealing a flush that isn’t yet due to the steam in the room. 
“What’s so good about a third, anyway?” you as say as he repositions your leg from straight to bent at the instructors command. “You know how sick mister was. I can’t go through that again.”
“What if you didn’t have to?
You glare, straining your neck to make sure Kiri can get a peak at your angry eyes. “You say that like you know what would happen.”
"I just…” he shrugs, thumb rubbing your ankle. “We missed missy’s toddler years taking care of mister, and by the time he was walking, missy was using full on sentences and demanded that we start treating her like an adult.” 
The instructor commands you turn on your side and begin the same stretches that way. 
“You were also still recovering from the pregnancy, I had to go back to work… and I want to do it again but with just one this time. Savor the baby years the way we should’ve savored theirs.” 
Kirishima lets his palm brush the intersection between your thighs as he keeps your let from falling. Damp and warm with sweat, he can’t help but press his fingers into where your loins hide under your leggings and—
You stick your foot in his face, the other couples amongst the room already shifting. “Up. It’s your turn for stretches.”
“Ooh, mommy cussed!”
“You didn’t hear that, baby. I’m just—“ you squint at the notification on your device.
“What?” Kirishima asks, holding your daughter in his arms. The tops of her feet are pressing into his belly while they pass a large slice of dripping, red watermelon back and forth. Your son is preoccupied at the coloring table set up in the living room, drawing pictures of semi-naked heroes with enormous hairdos. 
“Pharmacy’s out of my birth control. Won’t be in for a few weeks.”
You don’t miss the way Kiri’s eyebrows immediately raise, though you glance back down at your phone to panic-click more buttons in the hopes that he gets the hint. 
“What’s that mean, babe?” he asks, feigning innocence about a subject you very well know he’s versed in. 
“What do you mean, what’s that mean?” 
“I mean, what are we gonna do about that? You know—“
You groan. 
“Hush. We’re just gonna pretend I didn’t say that and move on,” you turn on your feet to rush out of the room, calling over your shoulder. “And share the watermelon with mister. I’m calling the doctor.” 
“Ooh,” your daughter says again, her sticky hands going to Kiri’s cheeks which are pinched in a funny expression she doesn’t clock, “Daddy’s in trouble!” 
But honestly, Kirishima can’t pretend he hadn’t heard what you said… and truly doesn’t know what you were thinking when you suggested that he try. Birth control aside, on it or off it, you were bound to have sex eventually… that was never even the issue. 
Though when you bring up condoms to the whiney redhead barely a few days later, he barely manages to open one before accidentally flinging it across the room in trying to see how well it stretches. 
“I can’t do this,” Kirishima frowns, sitting back down on the bed after pulling his briefs back on to throw away the slimy piece of latex. He curls an arm back around you to pull you in between his legs, hands moving to grip your waist while he admires the cute black, mom panties you’re wearing that sit over the handles of your hips. “I don’t wanna wear a condom.”  
You sigh, your own hands scratching the tops of his shoulders. “You’re not planning on pulling out, either. Are you?”
“No,” he doesn’t even say it shamefully, “I’m not planning on pulling out.” 
“And you’re gonna hope that it sticks?” 
“Yes,” his eyelids flutter looking up at you. You’re so cute frowning like you’re not gonna let him have his way and then pretend it’s all his fault. An accident. “I’m gonna hope it gets you pregnant.” 
That makes you roll your eyes, though it also has you squeezing your legs together. 
“You’re such a dog.”
Kirishima nods, but you don’t stop him from slowing pulling your panties down. 
“Only for you.”
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soulprompts · 9 months
an unexpected arrival. (A PROMPT LIST!)
so a lovely anonymous angel asked for a list of prompts relating to an unexpected pregnancy, and i made a list! i have two other lists over on my other blog that i'm gonna reblog over here, but there may be some slight overlap with these; however, unlike the other two lists, these focus exclusively on the unexpected part. DON'T ADD TO THIS LIST, DON'T CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN! but do have a tonne of fun with them!
" so, remember last week, when i had the flu and i couldn't leave my house? turns out it wasn't the flu. i'm pregnant. "
" i'm telling you about this baby because you deserve to know. that's all. i don't expect anything from you. i don't need you to step up or whatever. i just thought you ought to know. "
" i'm sure you don't need to be reminded, but... getting pregnant wasn't exactly part of the whole life plan. "
" you're sure? i mean, you did the test properly? maybe it was a false positive. or, or maybe you didn't read the results right... "
" a baby... well. that certainly complicates things, doesn't it? "
" i don't even know if i want kids. "
" could you please just stop reminding me that this isn't part of the plan?! you think i don't know that?! we're having a baby, i'm terrified enough without you reminding me! "
" look. i'm/you're not the first person to get pregnant, and i/you won't be the last. we're gonna figure it out, alright? "
" my place isn't even close to being big enough for a baby... they need so much stuff. cribs, prams, diaper stations... and my neighbors complain enough as it is, they'll evict me if i have a screaming baby as well... "
" hey... why don't you move in with me? i've got plenty of space, and my walls are thick, so the baby could scream as loud as they want. you could stay as long as you like. "
" should... we get married? i mean, that's what you do, isn't it? when someone's having a baby? "
" okay, we're not getting married. i mean, i appreciate the gesture, but... there's plenty of single parents out there. what's one more, right? "
" god... we are so stupid. i mean, seriously! any idiot knows that condoms aren't 100% effective! if we're dumb enough to forget that, how are we meant to look after a baby?! "
" you... you're kidding, right? this is a joke? it's a fake pregnancy test, some weird, slightly out of touch belated april fool's prank? "
" it's honestly insane that we didn't figure it out sooner... i mean, those were some wild cravings, right? "
" when you say late... do you mean like, a few days? or are we talking... months? "
" no, no, this... it changes everything. EVERYTHING. i... i don't know if i'm ready for this, i don't think i'm parent material, i... "
" hey. you're not alone. you got that? it takes a village, right? i'm gonna help you every step of the way. we all will. this kid, if you choose to go through with it... they'd be okay. "
" you know i support you. whatever choice you end up making. i will always be by your side. okay? "
" if this is some weird idea of a joke, i have to tell you, it's not funny. i mean, you're having a baby AND i'm somehow the dad? a little much, no? "
" no, i want to step up. it took two of us to make this baby, and i want to make sure you know that, if you go ahead with this, there's gonna be two of us to raise them, too. "
" the father doesn't believe that the baby is his. "
" okay. so screw the father. i'm going to be here to help you. okay? we'll parent this kid so well, they'll never want to know who their real dad is. "
" so... you wanna tell me who the father is? "
" the surprise baby is actually not just one baby. we're having twins/triplets/etc. "
" hey, hey... don't worry, okay? it's alright. it's all going to be okay. condoms break, yeah? it's no biggie... "
" what do you mean, you think?! haven't you taken a pregnancy test yet? "
" that's a lot of pregnancy books you got there... got something you want to tell me? "
" have you told the father yet? "
" i guess, seeing how you rushed over here so fast to tell me the news, that you think the baby is mine? "
" look, we both made plans, right? and obviously shit happens, but... a baby is a pretty massive deal. "
" how many other people have you told about the pregnancy? "
" what do you want to do? "
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
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mintmatcha · 11 months
I have an idea but you have to follow me on this one:
You decide that you want a baby. You're in a good position financially to have one, you're ready emotionally, but there's one issue: you don't have anyone to help you make it. Sure, you could go to the sperm bank, but that's money you'd rather spend on the child itself.
You're complaining about it with your agency partners one night when Bakugo interjects:
"You and Sero should just make a fucling baby together," Bakugo says through gritted teeth, "He won't shut up about baby fever either."
You and your friend Sero lock eyes from across the table. Everyone else is chuckling at the joke while you and Sero clearly have the same thought.
That's not a bad idea.
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greg-montgomery · 10 months
What about bau groupchat with papa Rossi telling R that he got her pregnancy test (for her and Aaron 🤭) but he gets the chat wrong and sends it to the group 😭
(he DEF would)
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babyjackdaniels · 5 months
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starscoffeecreamer · 2 months
why each Ratchet (that I know of) is a milf
hello. I'm bored so today I'll list why each Ratchet is a milf
G1 Ratchet: He's already technically a mom to the Dinobots, so that's a point. But look at that chest and those hips, the reason why those pouches are swollen and those hips are wide have to be babies. He's already a more parental figure to the Autobots (same with Ironhide, who is also a milf) and he 100% lets the younger ones suck his milky titties, nice and leaky from babies. He's also totally got a lil tummy from baby weight (it's totally there believe me)
TFP Ratchet: need I explain? I will because I love milf-chet. He's always grumpy because his hips still ache from how many babies he's pushed out from forgetting protection in his party ambulance era, and his big pouches are achy from being stuck behind his chestplate. Again he's got the parental figure role too
IDW Ratchet: once again he's cranky from years of baby carrying from his party ambulance days. He's got a lot more baby weight, a lil nice tummy jiggling on his thick thighs. Even if he looks flat, again he's got big fat pouches under his chestplate, nice and tender and saggy from many years of breastfeeding. He's more annoyed because he's the Lost Light's surrogate, plus Drift loves fucking him until he's pregnant the minute he's well enough to frag again.
TFA Ratchet: both a milf and a gilf. That belly is proof, nice and soft and big from baby after baby. He's cranky because of his achy chest and thighs, and just screams milf
BB Movie Ratchet: even if we got very little of him, his hips and chest speak volumes
thank you for coming to my Ted talk about why ratchet is a milf in pretty much every universe
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