#《 ♧ 》 visage.
neurowaltz-archive · 2 years
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𝖒𝖚𝖓 𝖛𝖘 𝖒𝖚𝖘𝖊
( i used a different picrew because the originally linked one didn’t have a top hat option & it was weird to see jervis without one sjkdfhkdhfs )
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞 :  @elisethetraveller 𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖌 :  everyone who sees this !
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seasrose · 10 months
tag dump
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guntsar · 1 year
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Tag Drop:
♧ visage
♧ musings
♧ dyn: Wylan/Jesper
♧ VERSE I - six of crows
♧ VERSE II - crooked kingdom
♧ VERSE III - season 1
♧ VERSE IV - season 2
♧ VERSE V - modern
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dettan-arts · 1 year
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♧ Chrysina, Consecrated Proginy ♧
- - -
"Ruthless church guardians of mysterious origin - Their immaculate golden visage withholds a terrifying nature."
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radioiaci · 5 months
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@radicheart ⧐ ♡♢
YOU AND YOUR DELIGHTFULLY UNIQUE PORTRAYAL! ! ! ! ! You are one of my fave blogs too, I love to see how you write Cal and the shenanigans he gets up to and the wonderful design and art you have for him. ALWAYS PHENOMENAL THANK U I look forward to yours and mine interacting more FOR REAL! ! !
@hellsdisneyprincess⧐ ♡ - I love everything about your blog. Just EVERYTHING. 
WOWOWO THANK YOU I honestly have not had the ability to interact with many Charlies, you are like one of TWO and SO FAR I do enjoy the thread we have and their dynamic SO I AM EXCITED TO INTERACT MORE YES, Alastor needs his lil influencer to go out there and GO GETTEM
@zestials ⧐ ♡ !!
HELLO? ?? ? ?? THANK YOU SM??? I LOVE YOUR BLOG TOO WOWOWO WE HAVEN'T EVEN INTERACTED (but we totally should hello hello i'm putting u in my pocket) THANK YOU I hope we can thread together SOMETIME ! ! !
@visage-of-hell ⧐ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
You TAKE THESE HEARTS AND GIVE EM RIGHT BACK TO YOURSELF - again you're one of the first OCs I interacted with when I made this blog AND YOUR WRITING IS PHENOMENAL OKAY I enjoy Alastor and Vis's dynamic being as prickly as it is LMAO it's a lot of fun AND WE WILL INTERACT MORE (or ELSE)
@mysteriouslyhopefulstranger ⧐ ((This is late: ♢♧
THIS IS ME NOTICING YOU! I actually have a reply to you queued up, so I promise it's COMIN'. Truthfully, I'm still trying to learn about the Mystery Skulls stuff LOL so rping with multiple muses in one post is a bit of a challenge for me BUT not a deterrent, so it'll take a bit for Alastor to feel like he can have some leverage when interacting with so many characters at once. BUT THERE IS A REPLY COMING, THANK YOU FOR ENJOYING MY WRITING!
@voxtekoverlord ⧐ ♡ :U obviously
omg if you didn't like my blog I would cry I MADE IT FOR YOU I LEARNED IT FROM WATCHING YOOOOOOUUU (jk ur allowed to have a life outside of me LMAO). but thank you I love u and ur vox is so precious to me I'm wrapping him up in my hands and putting him in my mouth so tenderly I love him and Alastor together they are so stupid and gay ok thank u for coming to my ted talk radiostatic nation
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THANK YOU ALL FOR THE LOVELY SYMBOLS AND WORDS you make my heart go doki doki.
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thoughpoppiesblow · 5 months
♧ and ☮ for the language game!
merci pour ton message! <3
♧ : favourite word from the english language translated in your language
mon mot préfère en anglais est « soliloquy » et en français ça c'est « soliloque » :)
☮ : translate the first lines of your favourite song in your language
je ne choisi pas juste un chanson ... mais je choisi le chanson que j’écoute a ce moment!
"être ici me fait chaud dans le visage" -> hot and heavy de lucy dacus
[speak your language days asks - envoie-moi quelque chose!]
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eyeless-smiles · 8 months
♧ - Cain slapping Corinthian’s hand away from something it shouldn’t touch. [ could be anything on himself or any item in his house or idk ]
The Nightmare retracts its hand from the silver framed picture. It's maws never leaving the depiction of a woman inlaid within its confines.
"Mmm, she's pretty." The Corinthian notes as it lowers its hand. Heeding Cains desire for the monster to refreign from touching it. Onyx shades flick from reflecting the portrait to Cains own visage.
"Let me guess, she's the reason you abandoned your post."
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inked-out-trees · 2 years
You know that ask game for single sentences of drafts? Here's 300 something words I wrote as a tester for a fic (you know the one) not been proofread in the slightest.
"Have you seen the thing?"
Kevin poked his head out from the breaker box. "You realize that's vaguer than I can help with right?"
"Nevermind, I'll find it." James disappeared up the stairs, "Have you seen Keith by the way?"
Kevin flipped off another breaker, "Last I heard he wanted to check out the maze." Hall light was still on, so were the dining room and lounge. Maybe the kitchen?
"Good lord he's still out there. Come look,"
Kevin joined James upstairs looking through a leaded window. Sure enough he could make out Keith in the distance, wandering around confused in the labyrinth.
"We should help him, right?" James paused, watching Keith spin round.
"Look at him, he can figure it out," Keith was attempting to jump high enough to see over the hedges and failing miserably. "Eventually."
Kevin did his best to find a comfortable position to sit. He ignored the possibility of falling off the roof to an untimely demise, or worse being stuck in agony for hours a broken pulp of a man and Then dying, instead trying not to drop the walkie talkie.
"Can you hear me ok?" James was at the maze entrance, his overalls had inexplicably gotten covered in paint throughout the morning (origin still unknown).
"If I die like this-"
"You'll be fine, it's not that high up." James lied.
"Fine, whatever. But will you please pretend to be my mysterious ex lover who may've killed me yourself at my funeral?"
The radio hissed.
"Just tell me where to go."
"That's not a no, head straight then go to the left. I just think the intrigue would be neat, like all the guests would wonder about me having this mysterious affair- take a right, no your other right." 
"What guests? Your sister?"
"I know people!"
"Sure you do." Kevin could hear James rolling his eyes at him. Keith was at the other end of the maze, seeming to take a momentary break to lay on the ground in dejection. What a mood.
what a mood indeed. I think maybe you're trying to get me to respond with larger and larger snippets until you get all 76 thousand words-in-progress of fixed point in one answered ask. i'm onto you! here's a collection of lines and exchanges i really like so far from the latest chapters
"Chris," Robert says, with all the false gravitas he'd use when acting out a death confession. "I'd say it's been an honour, but I really don't think it has."
"We're not going to die," Chris says, exasperated. (Chapter 7)
With no further response, Max wanders around the back of the flats. For a minute he thinks Dennis has somehow disappeared as well, but then Dennis pops up from the ground, having been deeply examining the base of a shrub. (Chapter 8)
And maybe he should talk to Geoff about it, but at the same time he wants to keep it close, hold their visages in a sort of retribution. To not let them go a second time. In some ways it feels like he's searching them out, desperately trying to find pieces of his old castmates in the personalities and mannerisms of his colleagues. Other times it just feels pointless. (Chapter 9)
Greg swigs down half his pop, stifles a massive burp, and frowns at the wall. (Chapter 10)
"-and presumably it will be the reason why you're sitting here, now, looking like you've never been inside a pub in your life while your eerily well-behaved pet tries to murder me with its eyes. Yes?"
Vanessa chooses to focus on the wrong part of that speech. "She's not - Patty." She nudges Patricia until the ferret breaks her death-stare on the stranger. (Chapter 11)
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lcvexhauntcd · 2 years
Tag Dump 》 Oliver ♧
♧ - 》 save ♧
♧ my mind is a prison 》 aesthetic ♧
♧ part of me is still lost out there 》 headcanon ♧
♧ weep little lion man 》 visage ♧
♧ sadness of a long lost feeling 》 musing ♧
♧ promise not to fade away 》 likes ♧
♧ don’t stand so close to me 》 interaction ♧
♧ just want to hold you in my arms 》 desire ♧
♧ can’t shake these midnight thoughts 》 wishlist ♧
♧ taking all the courage i have left 》 starter ♧
t: can’t remember to forget ( main )
t: i write sins not tragedies ( secondary main )
t: ignorance is heavenly bliss
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jordhie-a · 3 years
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thievinghearts · 3 years
♠ Tag Drop 2
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brooklynluck · 3 years
♠♧ ⌜TAG LIST⌟ ♡♦
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lilxmcrtes · 4 years
Tag Dump 》 Oliver ♧
♧ musing through memories 》 save ♧
♧ my mind is a prison 》 aesthetic ♧
♧ part of me is still lost out there 》 headcanon ♧
♧ weep little lion man 》 visage ♧
♧ sadness of a long lost feeling 》 musing ♧
♧ promise not to fade away 》 likes ♧
♧ don’t stand so close to me 》 thread ♧
♧ just want to hold you in my arms 》 desire ♧
♧ can’t shake these midnight thoughts 》 wishlist ♧
♧ taking all the courage i have left 》 starter ♧
v: can’t remember to forget ( main )
v: i write sins not tragedies ( secondary main )
v: ignorance is heavenly bliss
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