#♧ musings
guntsar · 1 year
The Poet
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"There will come a poet Whose weapon is His word He will slay you with His tongue" Loneliness. Strength. Joy. You are powerful, but struggle believing it. You think you're not enough. Here's the truth : you are. You sing songs and hope they carry faith, because you have run out if it, and yet you still throw your heart out to the world and hope it makes it through. You convince yourself that pain is art because at least then, you will always have something to create. You are tired of stumbling through life. You dream of a ground you can stand on. One day, you will dance. Your love is where you feel - without fear.
Tagged by: @ghosttsar Tagging: you
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thr0whands · 2 months
post summer slam starter call for the following muses:
liv morgan, dominik mysterio, rhea ripley, cody rhodes, seth rollins, sami zayn, and bayley.
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lilmcttens · 6 months
♧♧♧♧♧- Five out of five!
Send me a ♧ if you think I have a good grip on my muse.
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out of spells- Aww! Thanks! I try! Well. Haha. You know me SSM.
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lnsania · 2 years
I’m curious… is there even any interest lingering around if I were to write derek hale from teen wolf?
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lilxmcrtes · 1 year
⚡ (Oliver and Lief)
Break-up/divorce meme | @thornstocutyouwith | Oliver
who files for divorce: Oliver
the reason for their break-up/divorce: Oliver reverted to his old self and does NOT like Lief ;n;
who gets the better lawyer: Oliver. He's bound to have an old connection he can make good with
if their conversations only end in fights: Not necessarily. Oliver is mostly confused and offput by Lief
who gets custody over the kid(s): Oliver would remain in custody of Percy. I think Oliver would have majority custody if not all due to how Lief appears incapable and wild?
who gets to keep the pets: Oliver would keep Clover and Lief would keep any additional animals
who moves out of their home and who stays: Oliver would kick Lief out. ;n;
who gets the house/apartment in the end: Oliver would keep his place
who gets more money from the other: I want to say Lief but given that Oliver has the better lawyer and getting majority custody of the kids... It's not looking good
who gets the kid(s) for which holidays: Lief would get visitation I think
if they stay friends: Oliver wouldn't be interested
who wants to give their relationship another try: Lief. He can get his Ollie back, right?!
who finds a new love: Oliver
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seasrose · 10 months
tag dump
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sun-snatcher · 1 month
Wish. If u give me a Part 2 of your Gambit fic with ❛ we'll just have to make do.  ❜ where they both make it out of the Void together I will kiss u on the mouth rn I PROMISE u. Or a hug. Whichever works. PLS I JUST NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM🙏🏼😫
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summ. The TVA extends an olive branch. Wade’s Universe becomes home. Above all, you’re just thankful you’re not alone in this Multiversal mess. pairing. Void!Gambit x f!Anomaly!reader (established in #WELUCKYFEW) w.count. 1.6k a/n. Shirtless Channing + romantic hand tension. That's it. That's the tweet. ( Continuation of this imagine! )
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That’s the first surprise.
The second? 
The Time Variance Authority want to help, now. 
( Granted, it’d mostly been Wade who did the gruntwork of sending Elektra and Blade back to their Universes, but he had hit a wall when it came to you and Gambit considering you two were— according to him: “A coked up version of being homeless. Universe-less.” )
So here you are, a stray of the Multiverse, standing on the platform of a mid-century aestheticised monitor room somewhere outside the constraints of time, trying not to double over from the vertiginous aftermath of being thrown through Wade’s weird orange warbling door of space. 
TemPad, he’d called the device. Or… something. You’re half-sure you have a concussion, to be honest.
Alioth had done a number on you. 
Remy’s concerned.
“Here’s what I don’t understand,” Wade says, mask rolled up to his nose. (There’s a spoon and plate of key lime pie in his hands. You’re not even sure where he got it from.) “Where did Gambit come from? How come he just spawned into the MCU’s metaphysical Backrooms?”
“Candidly, he is a unique case.” 
Remy pulls his gaze from you to Hunter B-15.
“You, Mr. LeBeau, are the prime example of a Variant that’s borne from a timeline decaying just as quickly as it was formed. A rare type that fades instantly without unnatural interference, because an Anchor failed to develop.”
One of the CRT screens zip to a retro rubber-hose animated diagram: rapidly branching roots, ominous red flashing, and then an immediate blink into nothing. Talk about dramatic effect.
“Your Universe falls in the rare category of those that never managed to come into fruition; but sometimes— incredibly rarely— remnants just like you manage to slip through, and instead of ceasing to exist… Well, you automatically end up getting spit into the Void.”
A pause.
Then, from behind, Wade bursts into a cackle.
“Ha! Wow, she basically called you a discontinued fucking nobody,” he wheezes. “You’re quite literally the equivalent of a failed movie pitch that’s been forgotten on the floor of Feige’s writers’ room.”
Screens flicker. 
Your breath hitches. 
Versions of different Gambit’s play out in the monitor-wall, all alike and yet different in their individual realities. Some have black eyes. Some have top-hats (“Ah, that’s 2009 Origins,” Wade muses. “Do all Variants of you just have a beautiful face? I mean, it’s kinda unfair—”). 
Some look like identical copies.
It’s… your timeline. 
Your friends in the Mutant war. Your Remy whose cards are scattered on the floor, blood in his hands, with you crumbling as you reach ou—
The Nine of Hearts in your pocket is impossibly heavy. You turn away to steel yourself. 
( “Yeah, okay, enough lore recap. Jesus, you guys are more of a dick than I am; Read the room and turn that shit off,” Wade chides a passing agent. He gets it. He’d lost Vanessa once, too, and he’s not quite sure even he can relive that pain. )
“Mais non, y’not makin’ no sense t’me,” Remy says, confused, “I’ve got memories; means I’ve got history jus’ like my Variants. How y’gon’ explain that?”
“Gaps of memories you have— knowledge of places, people, events— that comes from fixed synchronicities shared in your Temporal Aura across all your Multiversal Variants.” 
She’s met with slow, owlish blinks. Wade waves his hand in lazy dismissal.
“Forgive them. They didn’t watch Loki Season One or Two. Not that it matters, anyway. People barely understood what was going on.”
A sigh. “There’s no way to put this gently, Mr LeBeau,” B-15 concludes, tone dipping into something sympathetic. “But what I’m trying to say is that: you don’t have a Universe to go back to, because it never existed.”
She purses her lips as she catches his torn gaze. “I’m sorry.”
And that— That pisses you off.
“I’m… sorry?” you parrot, stepping forward. “That’s all you can say after everything that’s happened to us? His existence began with the Void, and my Universe was pruned by your agents. Innocent lives gone because your people decided they wanted to play God once upon a damn time—!” 
“Pump the hate breaks, you stray,” Wade calls. "Why'd you think I brought the both of you here?"
You reluctantly withdraw.
“I can’t bring you home,” B-15 supplies, matter-of-fact. “But I can find a compatible timeline for you. For both of you. A safe do-over, if you will.”
Wade’s smile is coy.
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The ‘Merc with a mouth’ has a home surprisingly… cozy.
Albeit a little tumbledown and messy with its wallpaper-torn brick walls and creaking hardwood floors— but, it’s charming. Lived in. He has a life here in this rickety two-bedroom apartment; framed photographs of friends and snatches of livelihood sit across dressers and are pasted against his magnet-crowded refrigerator.
Reminds you abit of your home, too.
“Listen,” chirps Wade’s voice, somewhere down the short hall to his room. “My advice? Save yourself the identity crisis and brain aneurysm. All this multiversal horse-crap was created just so that Marvel can write themselves out of any corner. Just sit there and be sexy for the readers, okay, Magic Mike?”
You’re halfway towards them when the doorbell rings. 
“Ooh! That must be the pizza I ordered. Or Blind Al. Or Logan.” Wade pops out to sidle past you with a wink and a whispered: “Who knows, really? This is just the part of the story where I conveniently disappear so you and Cajun Tatum here can share a moment.”
You don’t quite understand— but you’ve learned to not bother attempting when it comes to him.
Your knock is soft against the doorframe. 
Beside a lone corner of the bed, Remy turns to look over his shoulder. 
He’s fresh out the shower— faded towel tied around his waist, brown hair still damp and dripping water down his bare chest. His old clothes have been draped over a desk chair. 
You try not to stare, but—
He’s handsome. Devilishly so, with the bruises sweeping across the flex of all his stupidly lean, corded muscles.
You always had a thing for roguish-looking men.
“Hi,” he says, knowingly. ( It’s a dulcet croon, if anything. Cheeky bastard. ) “Y’okay? Got y’self cleaned up.”
Remy watches you gather yourself with a quick clear of your throat, pull at the sleeves of the scratchy hoodie you’re now wearing that’s practically swallowing you whole. 
You look rested. At ease. 
“Yeah. Showered. We don’t smell like ass anymore, that’s for sure,” you say, making a face.
And then you’re nodding over to the black-and-blue contusions blooming over his skin. “You know, I’m sure there’s something frozen in the icebox for that.”
You smile. “Yeah, that’s what you guys call it in Louisiana, right?”
“That we do, chèr,” he laughs. But it’s ducked down, quiet. Thin. “ ‘Least, I think so.”
You follow his downcast eyes to a small stack of folders— TVA files he easily thieved (unsurprisingly) from under their noses the moment he stepped foot into the room. 
He’d skimmed the manila dossiers: Absolute Points. Anchor Beings. Variant Anomalies. Some names he’d recognised and some he didn’t, most stamped or blacklisted. 
Pietro Maximoff. Edward Brock. Loki Laufeyson. 
Remy LeBeau.
Some part of you crumples. It’s one thing to not be able to return to a Universe, and another to not have even had one. 
“S’funny,” he chuckles dryly, picking his casefile up with a distant look, “My memories… I thought I’d done gon’ left a whole life behind me the entire time I been stuck in the Void— Friends. Family. An’ turns out the Void’s all I had.”
“Feels like…” he shrugs. Tries to piece his unmoored thoughts into something more cohesive. He’s never felt so horrifically adrift his entire life— whatever ‘entire life’ could mean for him now, anyway— not even when he'd been marooned in the barren wastelands of the Void.
 “Feels like I ain’t real. Hell, I don’t know what is real, anymore, chèr. I don’t— I just don’t know. I don't know anythin'."
You shake your head in disagreement nigh instantly. 
“No, no.” Pushing off the doorway, you cross the threshold with gentle admonishment lanced over your features. “You’re here. You are real.” 
The room is small. The distance you share is… close. Just enough that you catch the scent of peppermint toothpaste and coconut shampoo; Just enough that you can slide the documents out of his hands.
His fingers brush against yours. 
He wonders if you’d felt the kinetic trill of energy run through him at the contact.
“Can I be honest, Remy?”
You look up at him. 
“Mais oui, chèr. Y’can always be honest wit’ Gambit.”
You wave your hand at the TVA files. “I’m scared as shit being in a new Universe,” you blurt, truthfully. “This second chance means… a new life. New path. New everything. I don’t know what that’s like either and frankly, I am not prepared for this at all.”
You pause for a breath. “But for what it’s worth? I’m glad that you’re here. That’s… That’s about the only thing that I know.”
Then, as if dwarfed by the sheer vulnerability in your words, you take an awkward step back as you shrug. “And if you don’t feel the same, well. You and I, we’ll just have to make do, regardless.”
The sudden retreat is painfully endearing. Has him letting out a bright laugh that warms something nestled deep in your ribs.
“I’m glad I got you too, chèr,” he grins. 
“Yeah?” You flash a smile, having found your way back to the door.
Remy’s eyes fall to your face— tarrying. He follows the flutter of your lashes, the slope of your cheek, the curl of your lips. 
Your idling, fond gaze sears him like a low-grade fever. 
The thrum buzzes in hands, again.
Your Gambit really was blind, he thinks, just as you slip away and disappear around the corner.
His palm flexes open, and shut.
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clusterrunes · 2 years
Tattletale this, Tattletale that. I just want to find Arthur and Forte damnit!
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lannasroleplaymemes · 2 years
Muse Relationship Dynamics
Send a symbol (or more than one) to indicate the type of relationship you think our Muses could have! Be sure to specify who is what role and name Muse(s) for Multimuses!
Biological/Adoptive Family 🍏 Parent/Guardian & Child 🍎 Step-Parent/Guardian & Step-child 🍐 Older/Younger Sibling 🍊 Stepsiblings 🍋 Twins 🍌 Cousins 🍉 Aunt/Uncle & Nephew/Niece 🍇Grandparent / Grandchild
Platonic 🐸 New/Developing Friendship 👶 Childhood Friends ▲ Best Friends ◆ Friends Of Circumstance ♫ Reluctant Friends ♠ Secret Friends ♝ Found Family ☔ Enemies To Friends ❤ Ex-Lovers To Friends 🔮 Queerplatonic 💋 Bad/Good Influence
Professional ◎ Classmates 🍸 Coworkers/Business Partners ✔️ Employer/Employee ❂ Teacher/Mentor & Student 💧 Roommates/Housemates 💃 Partners In Crime
Romantic€ Mutual Unknown Longing ➣ One-Sided Crush ♞ Unrequited Love ♔ One Night Stand 👠 Friends With Benefits 🌹 Long-Distance Relationship 📘 Newly Started Romance 💄 Boyfriends/Girlfriends/Partners 🌼 Fiancees 💘 Newlyweds 💍 Husbands/Wives/Spouses ✌ Soulmates ♊ Arranged Marriage 💀 Enemies To Lovers ♧ Friends To Lovers 🎩 Ex-Lovers 🎱 Exes Back To Lovers 🍛 Polyamorous Partners 🐞 Forbidden/Taboo Love
Tension/Dramatic 🎭 Frenemies/Fake Friends 🌸 Rivals 🐦 One-Sided Rivalry 🚦 Enemies 🍁 Betrayer/Betrayed 🛌 Unhealthy Exes € Friends To Enemies 💐 Lovers To Enemies 💦 Bully/Victim 🍭 Enemy-Of-A-Friend 🍗 Cheater/Cheated On ✤ Falling Out Of Love Ұ Dwindling Friendship
Strangers 🔴 Acquaintances 🟣 Idol/Superstar & Fan 🔵 Worker & Customer 🟢 Neighbors
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shinsources · 1 year
Outfit Headcanons
Send a symbol below and I’ll describe or draw what my Muse wears in specific scenarios! ♔ -  pajamas / bedtime outfit ♕ - beach / swimsuit ♖ - spring outfit ♗ - summer outfit ♘- fall outfit ♟- winter outfit ♙ - date night ♚ - casual / everyday ♛ - formal outfit ♜ - gym / exercise / training outfit ♝- crisis / war / battle armor ☠ - Everyday Going-To-School uniform ☮ - Work Uniform ☯ - Outfit They Wore When They Were 8 ♠ - Clothes they wear when they just don’t care Ω -  Going-To-A-Party Outfit ♤ -  Look-At-Me-I’m-Hella-Attractive Outfit ♣ -   Lingerie / Underwear / Small clothes ♧ -   An outfit they wear related to one of their hobbies ♥ -   A “traditional” outfit based on their heritage (i.e. kimono, sari, other folk costumes) ♡ -  Superhero / Super Villain costume ♦ -  Magical Girl / Magical Knight costume ♢ -  FINAL BOSS Armor ♞ - you specify another situation!
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guntsar · 1 year
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Tag Drop:
♧ visage
♧ musings
♧ dyn: Wylan/Jesper
♧ VERSE I - six of crows
♧ VERSE II - crooked kingdom
♧ VERSE III - season 1
♧ VERSE IV - season 2
♧ VERSE V - modern
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builtbynine · 1 month
✎ arc en ciel ⎯⎯⎯ DOWNLOAD
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a single muse template with a retro theme. (That looks less blurry than my screen cap)
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯. ♧ Features the doc is FREE and retro themed. I tried to stick to a decade, but it really takes inspiration from a few. It uses drawings and tables. arc en ciel is five pages long and can be adjusted as far as length and colour palette. Some of the drawings used in the background are finnicky, if you need any help, don't hesitate to reach out!
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯. ♧ How to use arc en ciel is mobile friendly but uses drawings and tables, so please edit this document on a computer and use the replace image feature! If any help is needed, again, I'm always here to help! Remember to follow the link → file → make a copy. Please don't delete my credit!
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯. ♧ Credits model → Moon Taeil (NCT)
connections → NCT 127 members (Kpop band)
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯. ♧ Extra this template threw me through the ringer. It looks the same on every laptop but mine. No idea why, it must be a problem with my computer. Likes, reblogs and all that are deeply appreciated!
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dmysterioblog · 2 years
Masterlist II
WARNING! Most of the following contain SMUT and/or have a DARK theme!
Disclaimer! These Fanfics aren't mine! They're just some of my favorites. This masterlist will keep being updated. Check at the bottom to see when it was last updated.
Masterlist I
Dark-♤ Angst-♧ Fluff-♡ Smut-♢
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I think you promised me a date
Paring; Agatha x F!Reader
Summary: a guy is following you and you find Agatha (a stranger) and asked her to pretend to be your partner.
Pacify Her
Paring: Agnes x reader
Summary: Agnes reminds you who you belong to after watching you flirt with Wanda all night.
Next Door Neighbor
Paring; Alice Chambers x Reader
Summary: the Victory project might be messing with Alice’s head but at least one person believes her.
Rated- ♧♡
Paring; Claire debella x f!intern!assistant!reader
Summary: you’re an intern for the debella campaign on her road to her becoming a senator, and one of the hardest working on the team. no one notices how hard you work... or so you thought.
Offer Me That Deathless Death
Paring; Hela x valkyrie!reader
Summary: odin sending the valkyries to prevent hela from escaping was a present in disguise.
Feeling Neglected
Paring; Larissa Weems x fem!reader
Summary: You are laying down playing video games, not paying attention to her. To get her attention back, she fucks you while you play.
Paring; Larissa Weems x f!reader
Summary: Larissa fucks you dumb
My Little Helper
Paring; Larissa Weems x f!reader
Summary: Reader is visiting home from college for summer break and can't help but notice the new neighbor and your mom has already offered you up to help her with anything she needs.
Ms.Romanoff's sweet girl
Paring; Teacher!Nat x innocent!reader
Summary: you grew up in a conservative household and you know nothing about sex, but you have a crush on your teacher who leaves you with weird feelings downstairs, what happens when she finds out?
Paring; toxic!shuriri x blackfemreader
Summary: you’re fed up with how shuri and riri have been in the lab, and giving less and less attention everyday…but it gets resolved.
Don't Play With Me Princess
Pairing: Shuri x Reader
Summary: You get too close with Riri and Shuri doesn't like that.
When I Had The Chance
Pairing: Dark!Shuri x Reader
Summary: Namor hurts you and Shuri makes sure that doesn't happen again.
Touch Me
Pairing; dom!Shuri x brat!Fem reader
Summary: Reader is feeling neglected as Shuri takes on responsibilities as both the Black Panther and the leader of the Design Group. Instead of talking it out, she tries to get Shuri’s attention in other ways.
Rated- ♢♡
Sweet Girl
Pairing; Dom!Shuri x fem!Black Reader
Summary: smut with no plot…
Rated- ♢♢♢
The Panther's Muse
Paring; shuri x fem!reader
Summary: Shuri pays a visit to Riri’s new apartment but is surprised that she no longer lives alone.
Take it off before, I tear it
Paring; Shuri x reader
Summary: You've been feeling neglected and decide to send nude pictures to Shuri while she is in the lab. When she got back, she put you in your place.
Watching a “Movie”
Pairing; Shuri x Fem!Reader
Summary: Shuri and the reader have a fun sleepover. 
The Gardener
Paring; Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Y/n was the gardener's daughter, she used to help her father to yard work for Wanda. Now she does some of the work on her own. Wanda has a thing for the college aged girl and finds a way to get what she wants.
Rated- ♡♢
Pairing: g!p Wanda x g!p Natasha x little!fem!reader
Summary: y/n doesn’t want to go to bed, so Wanda and Natasha find another way to make her sleepy…
Rated- ♡♢
My Best Girl
Paring; stepmom!wanda x reader
Summary: Wanda spoils her best Girl for getting good grades in school.
Stress Relief
Pairing; Stepmom!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Whenever you're overwhelmed, your loving stepmom is there to make it better.
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Last updated 04/22/23
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lnsania · 2 years
what's your role in a found family dynamic??
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the hermit who helps
at first, you were a resource for the established characters to turn to, but you quickly began to steal the show due to your personality, your usefulness, or your inherently interesting perspective on life. you were pretty much already able to provide for yourself, but the next thing you know, these people are growing on you. instead of asking favors, it becomes an invitation to socialize. you find yourself sticking around for no apparent reason other than you like it here. the people are fun to watch, if nothing else, but ultimately they're just--oh no. oh no, you care about them. you always thought you stayed away from this "relationship" stuff for a reason. it gets messy and isn't worth it unless it really works. for some reason, this group really works. these weirdos are now your weirdos, and if anything happens to them, there will be hell to pay. you were basically already looking after them before this, after all. welcome to the family, hermit.
tagged by: the best person i know or as you guys know them @mutatiio tagging: honestly if you're reading this, you're tagged !! also @siiinfultemptation , @thenightmareofyourdrems , @ruinedtendencies , @stilesstylelinski ( if you guys feel like it :3 )
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lilxmcrtes · 1 year
“I KNOW you can see me.”
small / tall starters | @agentjjkelly | Oliver
Returning to reality, Oliver looked down to find the rather irritated smaller woman. "A-Ah! I'm so sorry! I-I wasn't paying a-attention. Um, w-what was it, that you needed?
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bobfloydsbabe · 11 months
gold rush | eccentric professor!bob floyd | masterlist
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gold rush is an anthology academia!au series featuring robert "bob" floyd and imogen van doren. all works can be read independently of each other, but are set in the same universe. strictly 18+/minors dni.
JOIN THE TAGLIST (form–no personal info required)
CONTENT KEY warnings on individual fics
✩ = fluff | ♧ = angst | △ = suggestive | ϟ = smut
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gold rush ↳ Bob meets his new teaching assistant for the first time
burning flames ♧ ϟ ↳ A heated argument reaches a fever pitch for Bob and his TA.
the holiday truce (sneak peek) ↳ Bob and Imogen call a truce and spend the holidays together.
rose blush △✩ ↳ Professor Bob has a special surprise for his TA on Valentine's Day.
dirty mind △ϟ ↳ Imogen learns something new about Professor Bob.
what if i love you ✩ ↳ Imogen contemplates her relationship with Bob.
you're mine ϟ ↳ Professor Bob claims Imogen.
yours ϟ ↳ Bob is working on his next book when Imogen comes home and suggests they try something new.
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◦ don't say her name ◦ morning head ◦ a whole damn meal ◦ new desk ◦ not so fast ◦ we won't be missed ◦ carry you to bed ◦ hot cocoa ◦ snowball fight ◦ kiss as a promise ◦ hand kisses ◦ tummy kisses ◦ beg for it ϟ ◦ touch myself if you do ◦ hottest man i know ◦ t-shirt ◦ italian holiday
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◦ moodboard | created by @ryebecca ◦ moodboard | created by @bradshawsbaby
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thots by readers ↳ asks sent by you, the readers, sharing your headcanons, thoughts, ideas, and the most sinful thots about eccentric professor bob.
join the conversation by sharing your own ideas
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