#「 verse 」 — ❛ main٬ our temple & your tomb. ❜
angerworn · 1 year
------samhain, and the month of october, are particularly precious to the sanders family (or morgan, as she's all that's left.) in their private religion, hunters celebrate the entire month as a festival dedicated to their personal losses, the celebration of their lives, and the changing of the season. as the end of harvest on october 31st, hunters believe it signifies a new chapter and holds fast to the idea of death in the cycle of life.
it is also the time of year when the veil between worlds is at its weakest, with the apex of that period on samhain itself.
traditions set that hunters decorate their homes in protective charms, bone chimes from animal offerings, and seasonal items to signify their participation. in deference to their gods they clear altars somewhere on their property and burn incense and other offerings at dusk. if a hunter family has a pact with a witch, oftentimes the witches are invited to participate as the magic helps strengthen the offering to the gods.
hunters often take the week of samhain off from their work, and many will try to return home to celebrate with their families.
there is a small chance they may be visited by the spirits of their deceased loved ones, if their remains are buried by their homesteads and the appropriate charms and decorations have been hung.
while morgan has never been visited by the spirits of her family (seeing alex regularly is enough), she does pay special homage to each of the hunters and her mother - as well as eli's parents (as morgan's family shares a mausoleum with them.) their tombs are in a clearing in the woods on morgan's property, and she has a space set for herself there ---marked and all.
she takes a private pilgrimage through the woods to lay flowers and other gifts and observes the day in near-silence (easy, since she lives alone and nobody knows where she is.)
and while alex is often left with the most vibrant flowers, eli's grave always bears an amulet charm that morgan spends the month gathering, grinding, and putting together ---a symbol of her lasting love of him.
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libidomechanica · 3 months
That white as still
Death laughs not—there in her voices.     John’s brother, — not mock me. And neck, seen up-close how to make     answers, will strew and what has not true. And found, we sat in     verses swarm at every bar; but he that post-chaises had     feather this very words
have you wilt thou dost the faculty     by nature, a spirit beauteous head. From thy babe’s father     high, then majesty, who believes me! Or at need not     drest, as you, sleeping what I Love’s temple’s worship has paid     by the heart leal and brown
away, and neat little hand in     my head. And be wisely was well! As many a great name,     of an Italy. He’ll let me my sweet bird’s through faith released     in size, from the tree of a serpent kisses in     Neptune’s might shall tire
of the heart wide, and as long to     do time it’s foes by. But plain, the Galaxie, these cowslips grew,     and triumph at Turin: Ancona was free: such triumph     o’er limbs streaming gate a slice or the fought, but that, the     powerful rhymes, which makes all
old vice. My greater, and all the     marvel at either hair, nane might beside all female ages     have his, by just be pity to reap hell, the ways is.     I am not your elbow. On the soldiers spitting, and     puts apparent reason
gone. And sair did address her live     here is guides my bridal night, we could buy, that extreem day,     in which made for a woman in red and while I was not     choose, is the levee rose waves, you for the womanhood, it     means in the season is
past care, as heaved there when thou know,     but keep the omen! ’Er done another’s gush divine, and     her place, purl, knot, or fame? Heard nor saw: tho’ this way to you,     all day I went to be in your happened, oh my boys! All-     damning good! And in a
former magnitude, and grow bright     doth take from above the ways together. She is death laughs     and night, still have swerving? I shall protect you. The day, each     rose as we sat in her cool, white sheets smell of deer moving     in three, whose fruit doth the
rain. The main of a pitch wherein     dignifies his superstratum which destroy’d and grace she     earth forget me lie alone, she is driving the gilded     tomb, and lain in the anchor o’ the gracious, her vice contents     that are such as this
power’s based, while they, we’ve so many     tours the center instead. Not these women leave you taken     him his thought her eye, which you dickhead. Stay near this world’s     marke how the wet fields! I bade my heart breathe, that is whirlwind     is in Boston, writing,
alert. Thorough the matched people     together the fault; once again of them, warmth, while we can     their starved. For conquer’d, calls of flight bear and rough that delight,     when one with rod or wit, her majesty was her in me     worthy of the Keyes betray,
nor the doors ago when she     loved the first vain that to rise, and her sleep, the upland have     him doth farre to practice and I have gone toil’d: then let come     to me crawled still each did shiver of face, his great Mother     wept, and strive in hers, children
of Scotland, should be whisper     often, often colors and yet, day be for grief at the     world? Having, let me crept: my foe came so nightfall be true,     you say. Her next amusement, and farmers’ cots and strive to     dwell their Evadne; and
her what in: say I’m weary of     thing is mane, she is in through this new museum? A deale     of my brow nature is out of ever rust th’     enamel of her one and though perhaps to flattering each     other. The cot we so
strange, her faces o’er then, is useless     as next news from our of life. An ill decide what Meg     o’ the great recompenses: Epaminondas saved me     thought on our name, that I would saved me the stars grow. And war     how odd are not what hast
sail’d it round me not, which doth since,     the window. With you adore thanks and me now, he stones with     rust, she still came, in gay letters! Come here; but by and pale     light. And lying out road. Was never leaving? And, wherever     intense fragility:
whose bodies who is dry land!     As thought of late. You pleasure? It took us a lover’s     parley: we so strong, writ now all nation. ’ Moan; fair Annie     of Lochroyan is woman, men should fold my soul! Break the     A haw bayberry kame?
0 notes
shiramoonshadow · 4 years
This is the second part of the last post.  
What is your favorite moment in the show? Rhona, and then Omari, and then Paula and then Jack.
Omari: I don’t have a moment but I think like whenever I see and hear Harrow speak I get emotional because I think of myself as a kid and seeing this like honorable, powerful king who happens to look kind of like me, I just think I didn’t really have that often on animated shows so I get...I get emotional. Again, you’re talking to a guy who every time I watch Spider-man into the Spider-Verse I cry while they’re talking like I...It just affects me on a deep level.
Paula: For me it’s an episode and it’s 2x05, when Viren is trying to convince the council to go to war and Queen Aanya is not having it, that whole episode I just love it and Jason was just talking forever and it was great, even being in the room for that episode was amazing. Just love it.
Jack: Ezran ascending to the throne. I just think like a shot of him entering the throne room and taking that on, I think it’s just one of the more well-earned and beautiful, like whoa, him leaving the journey to go back take on that responsibility, I think is just incredible.
Rhona: I think another special moment was just the first time seeing Amaya sign. That was really a special moment, you know, it felt like having black royal family, groundbreaking, and having a character sign, groundbreaking.
Mental illness representation, Callum’s anxiety...oh, okay. What do you guys think of the kind of ever present discussion of people dealing with “are they capable?” Because both Rayla and Callum are very much open and honest with like “am i a failure?” (This was mine!)
Omari: Oh, it's great to see characters that are, you know, lack confidence and struggle with these real things that I'm sure a lot of viewers do as well."
Jack: I'm a person with generalized anxiety disorder, it's what it’s been called to me, and I struggle with anxiety a lot and it's a big thing that I connected to with this character and it does feel like the show explores it in a way that isn't like…. Sometimes it’s in like, sometimes it’s in a character description as just like “anxious” just like “Oh, that’s just like a trait” as opposed to a like... a part of this person and a struggle that they're facing and I think Callum really does read to me as a person with an anxiety disorder and they really like, you know, he is really grappling with it and working through it and the dark magic coma scene that I’ve talked about a bunch because I just love it. I love that, you know, to unlock the person that he needs to be, it's stuff that I do to work on anxiety where it’s like “oh he's gotta calm down and channel his breath and think and focus on just the thing in front of him”, like those things, I think that's beautiful and I love it. Love it.
Was there a point in the story that really surprised you? Like, I did not see that. (I already wrote Paula's answer and Jack's reply, twice because I'm stupid and tumblr hates me)
Jack: I just said it, but truly, Ezran leaving. I think was a real like...It’s just so not in the outline you think of this journey when you look at the beginning of the series. You go like, oh these three kids who are like going off to meet the dragon queen and this is the one who can, this kid can like talk to animals, so he’s going to be there to talk to the dragon queen, and the fact that “no, it makes more sense that he has to go back and do the adult thing" even though he’s an 11 year old. I think that’s a really logical plot decision that is, I think, completely shocking from just a genre perspective of like, you know, this is the show where it’s about kids on an epic quest, the main kid doesn’t leave in the middle of the epic quest to go home and do a job. That’s weird, but I think it just really makes sense and it’s really cool.
Paula: What you said (about Rayllum) it’s kind of funny because I think her..for me, in terms of the relationship with Callum, for Rayla it was like “oh, this annoying guy that I have to take care of and I’ve got to explain everything to him”. Well, that does sound like the start of all my relationships so...I don’t know why I didn’t see it coming.
Omari: For a selfish pov just, you know, Corvus going from tracker to a protector, an ally. It was a great story and we talked about it on the previous one, just spoke of the brilliance of the... just the nuance of the storytelling, constant twists that are really surprising and fun.
Rhona: I feel like I want to use the same moment, just the first time I saw Amaya sign and I think the show approaches so many issues with such respect and it’s not made this big deal of... and I loved also that there wasn’t a translation. I think that it really blew me away to see that and, you know, we mentioned in our panel last night how there are fun little signing easter eggs left in there. I don’t know, I just loved that moment.
Who’s the most likely to break character and laugh during the session?
Paula: Jesse.
Rhona: Oh, he’s not here to defend himself.
Paula: Jesse and Racquel together.
Jack: Yeah, the combo.
Last question, what movie or show would your characters be a fan of? (This was mine too)
Rhona: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Like getting in there, stealing precious artifacts, going on adventures....
Omari: Terminator 2.
Paula: I think Rayla's pretty into sports, if she’s gonna watch a movie might be something like Tomb Raider, something with a girl.
Is there a sports woman movie?
Jack: Hold on, what’s like a hard-edged female sports movie…
Rhona: I, Tonya?
Jack: There’s a Drew Barrymore...roller derby movie? (Whip It) (About Callum) I was trying to think if there’s like an animated thing because he’s so into drawing, so I was trying to think if there was like an animated...Um…
Rhona: The Last Airbender.
Jack: The Last Airbender, yeah. He’s really into The Last Airbender. He has a big connection with boomerangs and he doesn’t understand, I think that’s perfect.
Edit: sorry I forgot to say that I didn't write any questions about through the moon since none of them have read it yet, but Rhona has started a free webinar series called Mistressclass and Omari's been one of the few men that they had on their platform. It's to learn about the industry from mostly women to voice over, to on camera, to commercials, to head shots to agents. They are going to have one about audition nerves and anxiety if you're interested!
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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Understanding Catholic Teaching On The Blessed Virgin Mary - Part 6
Written by: Tom Perna
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary  into Heaven
Before the Papal Definition
Before Bl. Pope Pius XII solemnly declared (in 1950) the dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven, he asked the bishops of the Church two questions: first, is the Assumption definable, and second, do you and your flocks desire such a definition? From the 1,232 bishops asked, 1,210 responded overwhelmingly with an affirmation of yes to both questions. It was the consensus of the Church that this doctrine be solemnly defined.
From 1854, the year the Immaculate Conception was solemnly declared a dogma, to 1946, the Vatican received over eight million petitions from the universal Church asking for this dogma. The Council Fathers of the First Vatican Council (1869–1870) also signed a petition desiring that the Assumption of Mary into Heaven be declared dogmatic.
The Papal Definition
With the complete and total consensus of the bishops in union with the lay faithful of the Church, on December 1, 1950 Bl. Pope Pius XII spoke “ex cathedra” (“from the chair”) declaring,
For which reason, after we have poured forth prayers of supplication again and again to God, and have invoked the light of the Spirit of Truth, for the glory of Almighty God who has lavished his special affection upon the Virgin Mary, for the honor of her Son, the immortal King of the Ages and the Victor over sin and death, for the increase of the glory of that same august Mother, and for the joy and exultation of the entire Church; by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and by our own authority, we pronounce, declare, and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma: that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory. (Emphasis added)
In this declaration, Bl. Pope Pius XII focuses on the Sacred Scriptures, with the primary Scripture verse being Genesis 3:15, given to him by the bishops of the Church as the main verse confirming this teaching. The Holy Father also draws on Sacred Tradition where we see Church Fathers, beginning in the fifth and sixth centuries, writing about Mary’s Assumption and celebrating this common belief in the Eastern liturgies.
Furthermore, with the Assumption of Mary into Heaven we see the conclusion of her earthly life that began with her Immaculate Conception and led to her being the Mother of God. The Assumption of Mary is the clear natural effect of the Immaculate Conception.
The Assumption of Mary in Sacred Scripture
Now that we have a primary understanding of the definition of the Assumption of Mary, let us turn our attention to understanding the scriptural teachings of the dogma. There are two Scripture verses that speak directly to Mary’s Assumption into Heaven. Like the Immaculate Conception, the primary verse is Genesis 3:15. In accordance with this Scripture verse, we also have the writings of St. Paul on sin. The secondary verse is Luke 1:28, but also in accordance with this verse is Revelation 11:19 and 12:1.
In Genesis, Mary shares the same victory over sin and death as does Jesus due to their mutual enmity with Satan and sin. St. Paul addresses this victory in Romans chapters 5–8, and again in Hebrews 2:14: “Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same nature, that through death he might destroy him who has the power of death, that is, the devil.” The effects of the seed of Satan are sin and death, therefore Mary had to triumph over sin and death. Through the Immaculate Conception Mary triumphs over sin and through the Assumption into Heaven she triumphs over death.
The secondary verse supporting the Assumption of Mary we have learned about already. Luke 1:28 says, “And he came to her and said, ‘Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you.’” Being that Mary was “full of grace,” the effects of sin would not taint her, which would be bodily death. In union with Luke 1:28, we also have Revelation 11:19: “Then God’s temple in heaven was opened and the ark of the covenant was seen within his temple” and 12:1, “And a great sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.” In the heavenly Jerusalem, Mary is the New Ark of the Covenant and the woman crowned and assumed.
There are other Scripture verses that give support to a potential bodily assumption. 1 Corinthians 15:23 states, “But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ” (emphasis added). “At his coming” is in reference to when Christ will return and the bodies of the saints will rise in glory. Matthew 27:52 says, “the tombs also were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised.” Besides St. Matthew’s Gospel, there is nothing written about this in secular history. Verified by many (27:53), we don’t know who was raised, or the length of time, or what their bodies appeared like. Psalm 132:8 prophesies, “Arise, O Lord, out of your resting place: you and the ark which you have sanctified.”
Mary as the New Ark of the Covenant
The ark of the covenant in the Old Testament contained the Ten Commandments, a gold vessel (similar to a ciborium) holding the manna that fed the Israelites in the desert (read Ex 16:34), and the staff of Aaron that blossomed (read Heb 9:4). The ark was the visible sign of God’s presence and protection among the sons and daughters of Israel. A cloud, which also represented God’s presence, would overshadow the ark. This cloud became known as the shekinah, which means “Divine Presence” or “Divine Glory.” At the Annunciation, the Holy Spirit overshadows Mary, the New Ark of the Covenant, just as the shekinah overshadowed the old ark of the covenant.
The New Testament is a covenant that is everlasting between God and all of humanity through the person of Jesus Christ. Mary, the God-Bearer (Theotokos), becomes the sacred vessel, for she is immaculately created by God to carry God Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. Just as the original ark was layered with gold, a precious metal that does not fade, so Mary, the New Ark of the Covenant, through her Immaculate Conception would not fade.
Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the articles that were placed in the ark of the covenant. He is the New Law (Beatitudes) that fulfills the Old Law (the Ten Commandments). He is the fulfillment of the manna come down from heaven that fed the Israelites. Jesus is the living bread come down from heaven (see Jn 6:51) to feed all of us with his Holy Eucharist (read Jn 6:22–71). He is the fulfillment of the staff of Aaron, as Aaron was the first high priest of the Levitical priesthood and Jesus is the eternal and Royal High Priest.
The Assumption of Mary in Sacred Tradition
Even though the Assumption of Mary was not declared dogmatic until 1950, recall that the Church has held this teaching sacred from her earliest centuries.
By the fifth and sixth centuries, the Eastern rites of the Church developed liturgies to the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrating her Assumption in Egypt and Syria. In the middle of the fifth century, the feast of the Anapausis (“fallen asleep) or the Dormition of the Mother of God began to be celebrated in a basilica near Jerusalem, specifically Gethsemane, which tradition taught held her tomb and final resting place. By the end of the sixth century and reign of Emperor Maurice (AD 582–602), this feast had spread throughout the Eastern Empire and was to be celebrated on August 15.
After appearing in Egypt, the tradition of the Dormition of Mary made its way to France in the sixth century and was celebrated on January 18. During the pontificate of Pope Sergius I in the late seventh century, the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God was commonly celebrated and eventually became known in the West as the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. By the twelfth century, the doctrinal teaching of the Assumption of Mary was accepted and celebrated in the universal Church in both the East and West.
The writings of St. Gregory of Tours, St. Germanus, Patriarch of Constantinople, and St. John Damascene also wrote about the Assumption (and Dormition) of Mary.
When speaking about Mary’s departure from this earth in De Gloria Beatorum Martyrum (late sixth century), St. Gregory of Tours says,
When finally the Blessed Virgin had fulfilled the course of this life, and was now to be called out of this world, all the apostles were gathered together from each region to her house . . . and behold the Lord Jesus came with his angels and, receiving her soul, entrusted it to the Archangel Michael and departed. At the break of day the apostles lifted the body with the couch and laid in the sepulcher, and they guarded in awaiting the coming of the Lord. And behold the Lord again stood by them, and commanded that the holy body be taken up and borne on a cloud into paradise, where now, reunited with (her) soul and rejoicing with the elect, it enjoys the good things of eternity which shall never come to an end.
In Praise of the Holy and Venerable Falling-Asleep of our Most Glorious Lady Mother of God Mary ever Virgin (pre-AD 730), Patriarch of Constantinople St. Germanus speaks about the appointed time of Mary’s falling asleep:
When Christ had willed that His Mother, she who had borne Life Itself within her, should be taken upwards to Himself, He tells her, by the message of an angel who was already known to her, that the time of her falling asleep is now at hand. And this he did so that through the imitation of Her coming death, she might not be troubled at departure from the living; as will happen to the rest of mortal men. For we know that the separation of the soul from the body can bring distress to the spirit of even strong men. Therefore, lest death, coming unawares, should trouble the natural instinct of the body, and so that His Mother might know beforehand of her own departure, He Who knows all things sent an angel to her, to give her strength of soul . . .
Speaking in his second homily of three given in Jerusalem on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin, St. John Damascene says,
This day the Immaculate Virgin, unacquainted with early affections, and nurtured on heavenly affections, has not returned to earth; but, belonging truly to the life of heaven, she has taken up abode in heavenly dwellings . . . it crossed over to it by way of an earthly tomb. And first it was taken through the midst of the city [by the Apostles], like a bride in her beauty, but she is adorned in the unapproachable radiance of the Spirit, and thence it was born to that most holy place, Gethsemani, angels overshadowing her with their wings, going before and with her and following after, together with the whole assembly of the Church.
Paragraph 974 of the Catechism states, “The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, when the course of her earthly life was completed, was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven, where she already shares in the glory of her Son’s Resurrection, anticipating the resurrection of all members of his Body” (see also 966).
Did Mary Die?
From what the early Church Fathers have given us, now arises the question that has been debated for centuries and is still debated today: Did the Blessed Virgin Mary die? There are two positions on this question, one from the Mortalists and the second from the Immortalists. (1)
The Mortalists position is that Mary experienced a temporary separation of soul and body but without bodily corruption. Her soul would have assumed directly into heaven and her body remained on earth for three days [like her Son]. Pope St. John Paul II favored this position when he said, “The fact that the Church proclaims Mary free from original sin by a unique divine privilege does not lead to the conclusion that she also received physical immortality. The Mother is not superior to the Son who underwent death, giving it a new meaning and changing it into a means of salvation.” If our Lord endured death, then so did His mother.
The Eastern rites of the Catholic Church (and the Orthodox churches) celebrate this as the Dormitio or Dormition. When time had come for the Theotokos to pass from this life to the next, the Apostles, including St. Paul, traveled, gathered, and briefly spent time with her. St. Thomas arrived three days after Mary had fallen asleep (a term we use when someone passes into death) and wanted to see her. When the Apostles went to the tomb where she was placed, they found that it was empty. An angel of the Lord appeared to them saying the Theotokos was assumed into heaven. By the fourth century, the majority of the East celebrated this feast.
The Immortalists position is that Mary with body and soul intact was assumed into heaven. Timothy of Jerusalem does not think Mary died and argues by saying, “Wherefore the Virgin is immortal up to now, because he who dwelt in her, assumed her to the heavenly regions.”
Between the two positions, the position of the Mortalists is the stronger theological position. Most of the theologians and doctors of the Church, from St. Augustine of Hippo to Venerable John Cardinal Newman, conclude that Mary did suffer death, but without bodily corruption. It was not a painful death, as some have claimed that she was martyred (Simeon’s prophecy), but as St. Francis de Sales says, it was a death “due to a transport of love.”
The four Marian dogmas should in no way take away from our relationship with Jesus Christ. Knowing these dogmas of the Virgin Mary will only increase and strengthen our relationship with our Lord each day. If you want to get to know a person, spend time with his mother. This is exactly what we need to do with the Blessed Virgin Mary. The more time we spend with her and learn about her, the more we will come to know and love Jesus. Don’t be afraid to study Mary! Having a relationship with her will only improve our relationship with Him.
1. The two terms were used by Dr. Mark Miravalle, professor of Theology and Mariology, in the class Mary in the Modern World at Franciscan University of Steubenville.
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thosewhoruleegypt · 6 years
The Pharaoh’s Lotus Garden (1 - 4)
The Pharaoh’s Lotus Garden is a collection of oneshots and drabbles within the TwRE-verse; Ancient Egypt AU. Each can be read separately, but they’ll make more sense with context~ Part I happens between For Love of Pharaoh and King and What Followed the High Priest Home. 
Main Story Begins Here! Also available on AO3~ Previous Chapter - Next Chapter 
Part I; Chapter 4  In which Pharaoh Atem makes preparations for eternity 1600 words; rated T (gets a little M at the end?); warnings for sexual content
The Pharaoh, King of Egypt, stood before his polished bronze mirror; with the utmost care, he drew a black accent at the corner of his eye, and smiled.
"Pharaoh... come back to bed..."
"Cannot, Yugi," Atem replied gently. "I have a meeting with some of my priests."
"You're a god. You can reschedule."
Atem chuckled. "A god should live up to expectations, my partner. You know that." He turned his attention and brush to the other eye, holding several strands of hair carefully out of the way.
"What about my expectations, Pharaoh?"
Atem jumped at Yugi's voice, shockingly close to his ear, and the makeup brush skittered wildly across his cheek. Atem turned to glare mildly at his snickering betrothed, a jagged black line streaking his face.
"For the love of Ra, Yugi..."
"What about my expectations, Pharaoh?" Yugi repeated, and Atem frowned.
"When I get back from the meeting," he said, turning back to the mirror. As he began to wipe the makeup from his face, Yugi's fingers found and began to toy with the beaded decorations threaded through the Pharaoh's hair. Atem tried to swat his hands away, but Yugi tangled their fingers together until Atem's hair got thoroughly snagged in his own rings. "Yugi—my hair—I have to look presentable, Yugi...!"
"I much prefer your hair a bit messy, Pharaoh."
"Gods help me, Yugi, I will make some excuse to call your grandfather up here and we'll see if you behave a bit better!"
Then I was Yugi's turn to frown, and he slowly retracted his hands. "My grandfather?" he repeated, with a note of umbrage. "Exactly how much of a child do you think I am, Pharaoh?"
"You are acting like a spoiled child, right now," Atem said, combing his hair out anxiously, assessing the damage. He caught sight of the makeup smudge again, too, and scowled. "This is an important meeting, Yugi. I'm still the Pharaoh; you know."
"I know that..." Yugi muttered, having retreated to the bed. Atem finished making himself up properly; fluffed his hair a bit higher in its typical spiked style, and then selected a few necklaces to wear. When he rose, smoothing down his clothes, he turned to where Yugi sat shuffling through some cards on their bed. With a sigh, he went over.
"I love you, partner," he said. Yugi didn't respond, so he leaned in and kissed Yugi's forehead. "When I get back, alright, love?"
"Maybe. Maybe not," Yugi replied.
Atem shifted uneasily; said, "Yugi, I'm sorry if I was harsh. It's just that this is a very important meeting that I have to keep, understand?"
“Yeah, and sometimes meetings are more important than me. I get it. Sometimes I need my grandfather to keep me under control, right?"
Atem sighed; leaned in and kissed Yugi's cheek. "I'm sorry, love. We'll talk when I get back."
It was harder for the Pharaoh to leave than he let on; he hated the idea that he'd upset Yugi, but the meeting was as important as he'd tried to impress upon his young Betrothed. He supposed Yugi's expectations were his own fault, as well—many times he had delayed meetings and other responsibilities, if not neglected them entirely, to spend time with his Betrothed.
"Horus," one of his lesser priests greeted him, and Atem inclined his head. This particular temple was within the palace grounds, built primarily to honor Horus and Osiris. "Right this way."
Atem followed; the priest led him to a hidden room, where several craftsmen waited. A shrouded stone tablet stood between them.
"Well?" Atem prompted, with a wave of his hand. "Let's see it!"
One stonemason nodded; removed the linen covering, and revealed the scene that had been chiseled into the stone. The Pharaoh stood on one side and, on the other, his young Betrothed. Their noses touched, in the portrayal, as did their hips, their eyes closed in bliss. The stone around them had been not only encrusted with jewels and precious stones and gold, but carved with everything good in the world—food and music and scented oils and pillows and finery and wine and lotus flowers. Above them, Magician of Black Chaos stood as guardian.
"Does it please you, Pharaoh?" one of the artists asked, when Atem offered no immediate response.
“Very much..." the Pharaoh murmured, and reached out to touch the cheek of the stone Yugi. "I am very pleased."
The artists exchanged congratulatory, somewhat relieved smiles. Atem turned, then, to one of the builders present.
"And the expansions I ordered? How are they coming along?"
"Very well, Pharaoh," the man said, bowing. "It was a bit difficult, to maintain structural integrity through the remodel, but we've figured it out, I believe."
"Good. I do want it to be ready, you understand, should anything happen."
At this, the Pharaoh's priests exchanged uncertain glances. "Pharaoh, the sarcophagus... the design you gave us is—"
"I meant exactly what I wrote down," Atem said briskly. "Make sure it's done, exactly in that way."
The priest lowered his head; murmured assent.
Yugi... Again, the Pharaoh looked at the stone portrait of his beloved. He'd told Yugi nothing of these plans; he didn't want to trouble his precious partner with such thoughts. We will be together, my love, in the afterlife... I'll prepare it, for us both. The sun will rise, on the day after we both die.
The Pharaoh's sarcophagus had been built for some time, even if preparations of the tomb were always ongoing. When Pharaoh Atem had ordered it expanded to accommodate two mummified forms, side by side, he'd been very specific in his instructions.
The original structure, my side of the sarcophagus, can be sealed off and then later reopened from the outside. The newer portion, however, cannot be sealed independently. If the newer portion... if his portion must be sealed, the whole thing must be closed and can never be reopened. His priests knew what this meant—anyone could figure it out, with a bit of thought. If I die first, my partner, you will take my place. When you come before Osiris, in your own time, I will be waiting. But if you are the first, I will stand with you, and Osiris will judge us both, at that time. Then we will walk into the afterlife hand-in-hand.
"Make sure the tomb is well-prepared. Fetch me the inventory for things to be included. I want to go over it again."
"Of course, Pharaoh."
... ... ...
By the time Atem returned to his chamber, the lanterns were out and Yugi was curled in bed with his back to the door.
The Pharaoh gave a soft sigh; called, "Yugi. I'm back."
Yugi gave no reply, although Atem could tell from the faint feeling of his mind that he was awake. Atem approached slowly, shedding clothes and jewelry as he went, broadcasting his intentions mentally so as not to catch Yugi by surprise. His betrothed didn't respond, verbally or mentally, but didn't pull away when Atem climbed into the bed beside him.
"Yugi, darling, partner, love..."
Yugi didn't respond to any of the words, whispered against his neck between kisses. When Atem rolled him onto his back, he kept his head turned to the side.
"How was your meeting, Pharaoh?" he asked, his voice businesslike.
"Hideously boring." Atem kissed his throat; tugged his robe down and kissed his collar bone, shoulder, sternum. "Only the thought of you waiting for me got me through it."
"Hmm... that so?" Yugi asked disinterestedly, lying still and unresponsive. He wore only a simple robe, a nightgown, tied at the waist—no jewelry. For as much as Yugi was fond of glittering accessories, Atem thought, there was something uniquely gorgeous about his unadorned body.
"What can I do, partner? How can I make it up to you? I'm sorry for our fight... it was my fault, love..."
"It wasn't your fault, Pharaoh. You're the Pharaoh—you have responsibilities other than me."
Atem cringed at how detached Yugi sounded; he could tell, from the slight brushing of their minds, that Yugi was trying hard to be understanding, despite the fact that his feelings were still injured.</p>
<p>"My love, you are my greatest and most joyful responsibility." Atem dipped his head; kissed his way down Yugi's body, nimble fingers undoing the tie of the robe. "You're worth more to me than the whole of Egypt, all the gold in the world, all the water in the Nile, the gods' power, every priest's opinion of me, and every pleasure promised in the afterlife."
Yugi glanced up, surprised. "The afterlife?" Though they rarely spoke of such things, they both took the afterlife as seriously as was typical of their culture—Atem even more so, as Pharaoh, and Yugi gave him a questioning, mental nudged. "What's got you thinking about the afterlife, Pharaoh?"
Atem smiled; replied aloud, "Nothing, partner. Don't worry about that, for now." He kissed the hollow beneath Yugi's jaw, hands roaming over the smaller body beneath him. Some of Yugi's stiffness began to melt away, despite his efforts to the contrary.
"I'm sorry, Yugi. We should never fight, you and I."
"I'm sorry, too, Pharaoh."
Atem was silent for a moment, mouth preoccupied with things other than words—kisses and gentle nips and other teasing. Yugi's body reacted, even if his mind remained stubbornly unresponsive.
"My name, Yugi..."
Yugi wriggled as his robe fell to the sides. He laughed breathlessly as Atem's persuasive efforts redoubled. "Ph-Pharaoh..."
Perturbed, Atem focused his attentions lower, and Yugi gasped with surprise. Atem felt, with a surge of triumph, Yugi's thoughts haze over with pleasure; his lingering anger fizzling out, like dying embers drowned in a wave of corporeal passion.
"Unh... Atem..."
Atem smiled. "There it is, my dear partner... I love you... and I will continue to, for all eternity."
"Love you... too... Pharaoh..."
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frederickwiddowson · 4 years
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The Acts of the Apostles, the history of the early church, by Luke the physician - Acts 17:22-34 comments: Paul quotes pagan poets to make a point
Acts 17:22 ¶  Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. 23  For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. 24  God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; 25  Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; 26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; 27  That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: 28  For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. 29  Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device. 30  And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: 31  Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.
 In many locations in the ancient Roman world there were altars and monuments to an unknown god or goddess. Christian writers like to say that Epimenides, a pagan poet and philosopher that Paul will quote in his argument, told the Athenians that the way to end a plague centuries before was to build an altar to a god they had not offered sacrifices to although this is a legend which the writer Pausanias said was a different person in a different city. What I can verify, though, is that the Greeks worshipped a dozen main gods and many lesser gods. The Unknown God was sometimes sworn to by the Greeks and even had a temple dedicated to him. Just think of it, that there was a god and the Greeks didn’t know what his name was. Paul tells them that this is the God who created all things who they did not know.
 Fundamentalist Christians insist that Allah is a devil and that the Muslims offer worship to this devil. However, Muslims and Arab Christians say Allah to mean the God who created everything and none of them imagine they are worshipping a devil and we shut off all conversation when we say something like that. Paul, if alive today, would not only argue with them that Allah was the same God as the God of the Bible but he would go on to explain who Jesus is, the visible image of that invisible God. I daresay that Paul would probably be able be able to quote from the Koran in his arguments if it happened today using their own words against their argument like a good lawyer. We are going to see that Paul had no problem using a nonbeliever’s system of belief against that nonbelievers own argument.
 Paul declares that the true God does not reside in a temple like the pagan gods. His glory filled the Hebrew temple but God’s abode is in Heaven and yet He is omnipresent or everywhere. Paul explains who the real God is. He explains that all men, and that would include everyone from the pygmy in Central Africa to the Scottish Highlander are made of one blood and that their dispersal around the world was by His will. The American racist who strangely uses this verse about God setting the bounds of their habitations in wanting to relocate American Blacks to Africa would not even consider that first, most Black people’s ancestors were kidnapped and brought here by immoral and violent means and secondly, that by that argument he should return to the Europe his ancestors left.
 The Greeks considered Zeus, their highest god, to be the creator of heaven and earth. Apart from the myths about him and other gods mating with human woman, an obviously contrived cultural reference to actual history when the sons of God came to earth to mate with human women in Genesis Zeus was considered an ideal. According to one source; “Zeus is understood to be the absolute good; he is ungenerated, everlasting, the father of himself, the father and pre-eminent creator of all other things.”[1]
 But Zeus has a problem in that he is confined by his all too human passions. Still, Paul will use him as representing the true God in type, and we all know that types fall apart at some point.
 Paul quotes two pagan poets here. In verse 28 he quotes from a poem by the Greek philosopher Epimenides, and his poem Cretica spoken to Zeus, which Paul also quotes in Titus 1:12.
  They fashioned a tomb for you, holy and high one, Cretans, always liars, evil beasts, idle bellies. But you are not dead: you live and abide forever, For in you we live and move and have our being.[2]
 For we are also his offspring is said to be a quote of a line from the Greek poet, Aratus, in his poem, Phenomena. Remember that they thought of Zeus as the greatest god.
 From Zeus let us begin; him do we mortals never leave unnamed;
full of Zeus are all the streets and all the market-places of men;
full is the sea and the havens thereof; always we all have need of Zeus.
For we are also his offspring; ...[3]
 Please do not make the mistake of some liberal Christians who say that because Paul quoted these pagan poets that they were inspired by God. The text doesn’t say that and Paul is merely using their own words in his argument, not imparting divine inspiration to a pagan. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. The heathen world on a regular basis emerges accidentally with the truth.
 Paul makes His point, a very important point, that God has been relatively patient with mankind and his fantasies until now but that it is time for mankind to repent or change their minds, turn from their idolatry, and turn to the true God through Christ the Messiah, that man whom he hath ordained.
 1Titus 2:5  For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
 Acts 17:32 ¶  And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, We will hear thee again of this matter. 33  So Paul departed from among them. 34  Howbeit certain men clave unto him, and believed: among the which was Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.
 Resurrection from the dead was not unheard of in Greek mythology. In fact, there are many instances of heroes being resurrected from the dead and made immortal. There is no need to go into a list here. But, of course, the Epicureans would find such a belief to be pure fantasy but it would not be impossible for the Stoics to consider a proposition such as this that was not unheard of in Greek mythology. The only two converts here mentioned by name are a man and a woman as representative of those Greeks who came to believe on Christ and were saved.
[1] Judith Herrin, Byzantium: The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press) Kindle Edition. P.295.
 [2] Harris, J. Rendel, (Oct 1906). "The Cretans always liars", The Expositor, Seventh series. 2: 305–17 as referenced by www.wikipedia.com at  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epimenides (accessed on 12 July 2020).
 [3] Aratus, Callimachus, Hymns and Epigrams. Lycophron, Translated by Mair, A. W. & G. R. Loeb Classical Library Volume 129 (London: William Heinemann, 1921), https://www.theoi.com/Text/AratusPhaenomena.html. (accessed on 12 July 2020).
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idagra19-blog · 6 years
Same Day Agra Tour by Car - Comfortable journey
While Taj Mahal is the main reason you will want to visit Agra, there are several excellent sites that you should also visit if you can, including two UNESCO World Heritage Sites – the Agra Fort and Fatehpur Sikri. It is difficult to complete all these places in one day, but perhaps can just about be done.
The magical allure of the Taj Mahal draws tourists to Agra like moths to a wondrous flame. And despite the hype, it’s every bit as good as you’ve heard. But the Taj is not a stand-alone attraction. The legacy of the Mughal Empire has left a magnificent fort and a liberal sprinkling of fascinating tombs and mausoleums; and there’s also fun to be had in the bustling chowks (marketplaces). The downside comes in the form of hordes of rickshaw-wallahs, touts, unofficial guides and souvenir vendors, whose persistence can be infuriating at times.
About the taj mahal
The Taj Mahal is an integrated complex of structures that include a white marble mausoleum containing the tombs of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan (1592 - 1666) and his third wife Mumtaz Mahal (1593-1631). The Mughal dynasty built many mausoleums in the Indian subcontinent but the Taj Mahal is undoubtedly the finest. The mausoleum is built entirely of white marble, set on a high base or plinth which includes four tall minarets, one on each corner. On either side of the tomb are a mosque and a guest house, while the tomb faces a garden laid out in the "charbagh" style, with a central walkway with fountains and viewing platforms with green spaces and trees on either side. The entrance to the complex is through a grand ornamental gateway, inscribed with Quranic inscriptions and the calligraphed line "O Soul, thou art at rest. Return to the Lord at peace with Him, and He at peace with you.
Situated in the state of Rajasthan, Jaipur is an important tourist destination attracting visitors from around the world. The city was founded by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II on 18 November 1727. Jaipur comprises a rich history, culture and immense natural beauty. Also known as the Pink City, Jaipur serves as a gateway to other prominent tourist destinations of the state such as Jodhpur, Udaipur and Jaisalmer. About Jaipur The capital of Rajasthan, Jaipur covers an area of 484.64 square kilometer. With a population of 3,046,189, as of 2011, Jaipur is India's tenth most populous state. The density of population in the city is 6,300 per square kilometers. Hindi is the official language of the city, while Rajasthani is a major regional language. It is bounded by Sikar and Mehendragarh district (in State of Haryana) in the north, Tonk district in the south, Alwar, Sawaimadhopur and Dausa district in the east and Nagaur district in the west. History of Jaipur The foundation of the city dates back to 1727. The city was founded by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, a Kachwaha Rajput, who ruled Jaipur between the years 1699 and 1743. Earlier, the capital was located at Amber some 11 kilometers away however, an increasing population and scarcity of water led to the king transferring the capital to Jaipur. It is believed that Jaipur is the first planned city of the country. The king took the help of Vidyadhar Bhattacharya to build Jaipur. Bhattacharya was a Brahmin scholar from Bengal well-versed in the disciplines of science and mathematics. The origin of the name Pink City goes back to 1878 when the Prince of Wales paid a visit to the city. To welcome the prince, the city was painted in pink color and hence came to be called the Pink City.
Delhi is a city where time travel is feasible. Step aboard your time machine (the sleek and efficient metro) and you can go from Old Delhi, where labourers haul sacks of spices and jewellers weigh gold on dusty scales, to modern New Delhi, with its colonial-era parliament buildings and penchant for high tea. Then on to the future: Gurgaon, a satellite city of skyscraping offices and glitzy malls. This pulsating metropolis has a bigger population than Australia, and is one of the world's most polluted cities. But woven into its rich fabric are moments of pure beauty: an elderly man threading temple marigolds; Sufi devotional songs; a boy flying a kite from a rooftop. So don’t be put off. Delhi is a city that has been repeatedly ravaged and reborn, with vestiges of lost empires in almost every neighborhood. There's so much to experience here, it's like a country in itself. Same Day Agra Tour By Car, Same Day Agra Tour By Train
About Us
Discovery Taj is India's premier Tour and Travel Company where our travel experts designs the tour for individuals, groups, and corporate. We specialize in Taj Heritage Tours, Same Day Agra Tours , Tajmahal Tour, Agra and Jaipur Tour, Golden Triangle Tours covering Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. Our North India Tours are above the benchmark which shows our guests the complete culture of India.
Shop No. 07, 2nd Floor, Prernna Plaza, Opp. Hotel Courtyard by Marriott, Fatehabad Road, Agra-282001 U.P. India
Mob’s: +91-9997783182, +91-9837709602
Email: [email protected] |                                                                      [email protected]                    
                         www.agraroutes.com   www.discoverytaj.com
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thesundiaries · 7 years
New Delhi & Agra, India
Turns out April in regions near the equator is the hottest time of the year. We were vaguely aware of this before booking our trip to India but it really only hit us when we walked out of our plane onto the searing asphalt and blinding sun of the tarmac at Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi. It was the beginning of a trip that had high highs and low lows but that really truly leaves a lasting impression on you. There is nowhere quite like it, this mixture of urban sprawl, ancient history, and tropical air.
Delhi is a city that has to be seen to be believed. It is sitting in LA-level traffic in an air-conditioned Uber with Bollywood music playing in the background while green-and-pink tuk tuks and motorcycles packed with whole families whiz by, horns blaring as a monkey climbs on a nearby car. It is women walking to temple by a freeway in beautiful jewel-colored saris with shining gold filigree, the colors dulled by a haze of red dust that billows up from the ground and the smog that permeates the air. It is having a 10 rupee pakora in a grease stained napkin for lunch in an alley of Chandi Chowk and then spending 11,000 rupee on dinner at Bukhara at the ITC Maurya, where you wait next to a giant orchid arrangement in the mahogany paneled lobby for the taxi the concierge called for you. It is walking out of a 400 year old sandstone fort directly into a maze of stores and tangled electric wires that nearly block out the sun, looking for the neon lights of the closest McDonald's to buy a Fanta. 
Truth be told, it can be a bit overwhelming and there were times we felt defeated by the heat, the blaring traffic and a stomach bug or two. But I can safely say that it is unlike any of the other metropolises I have been in and if you fly into Delhi you should definitely take some time to explore the city. And save up for a meal at Bukhara. 
If you're looking for historical sights, the Red Fort is probably near the top of your list. This expansive structure was built in the 1600s and served as the main residence for the Mughal emperors for 200 years. It is hewn out of red sandstone and white marble, with green gardens criss crossed by the long dry beds of canals that used to carry the water that surfaced inside the ornate carved pavilions and cooled their shadowy, pale interiors and noble residents. In its courtyards and dungeons the emperor used to carry out Coliseum-style fights between exotic animals like lions and elephants. In the present day, you can find many families picnic-ing on the lawns and pigeons roosting in the intricately carved marble walls, their former bright white color faded to beige and streaked with dark grey smudges from age. Bring water. And if you dread roaming the fort underneath the bright Delhi sun the night can be a preferable time to visit when you can also witness the Sound and Light Show, which projects colorful art onto the facade of the fort to the sound of music. Buy tickets in advance and note the separate (usually shorter) line for tourists.
Chandi Chowk is a market area in Delhi adjacent to the Red Fort that is rife with small shops and food stands. We were there on a Sunday where most shops were closed but walking in the narrow alleys, dodging motorcycles and cast iron pans bubbling with fried loops of orange jalebi and peeking inside the occasional sari store or barbershop is still an experience. I would likely not have worn open toe shoes if I went again and instead of waiting for an Uber, would have grabbed one of the many tuk tuks rushing by to find a ride home. As for food, this site provides a comprehensive list and Karim's Kebabs nearby is a particularly popular spot. As is just looking for what looks good (and well-fried if you are wary of Delhi belly). 
If you are pleased with how far money can stretch in India, Bukhara will be a bit of a rude awakening. You can easily spend $100 USD per person here but if you can't tell by the refined interiors of the ITC Maurya hotel that houses Bukhara and the genteel English-speaking service, this is a pre-tty nice establishment. The food here, a lot of it flame-grilled over charcoal pits, is exceptional. No doubt one of the best chicken dishes I've had and together with the blistered naan, buttery black lentil daal, cool creamy raita and giant cubes of life-changing seared paneer cheese - probably one of the best meals of my life in general. The waiter threw in some free dessert, saffron tinged and pistachio topped firni (an Indian rice pudding) and we left very happy if unexpectedly $160 USD poorer. If we went again I would skip the cocktails (save the room for more daal then get your cocktail fix at the 1911 bar The Imperial Hotel) and take note of the rupee to USD conversion rate, which were blissfuly unaware of the first day in Delhi.
Hotel prices in Delhi can range from $2 USD a night for a bunk bed in a shared room in a hostel to $1000+ USD for a room at one of the Taj properties. Although Airbnb is not as popular in India, we still found interesting properties in the Delhi area. Although some of them can be further from the city center, note that Uber is safe, widely used and very affordable (we rarely spent more than $2 USD on a ride). Hauz Khaz, Greater Kailash and New Friend's Colony are all good, safe, relatively upscale neighborhoods to stay in that are not too far from main attractions. And there are some sights and eats within, including the Lotus Temple and Seventyseven restaurant, both in New Friend's Colony. We booked a fairly large apartment in Greater Kailash that easily accommodated five people (and could have accommodated at least 2 more) with a rooftop garden that had quite the sunrise and sunset views. There was also A/C, filtered water in the kitchen and it included a prepared breakfast every morning (for about $100 USD a day). Link here.
There are many places we missed as we only had 3 days total in Delhi. Besides the attractions we saw Akshardam, Humayan's Tomb, Jama Masjid Mosque, Qutb Minaret, Lodhi Gardens, the Stepwells, Connaught Place and Dilli Haat (for hand made goods) were all stops on our list we didn't get to. As for restaurants, SodaBottleOpenerWala , a traditional tea house (like this one or this one) and this list from CN Traveler were all noted down too.
You can get to Agra from Delhi via train (2-3 hours) or private transport car (~3 hours). The train is significantly cheaper and a chance to ride with nearly all locals if you take the regular train instead of the express. Make sure you reserve seats and if you are a woman traveling alone, there is a women-only car. We sat across from a family with two small children and some locals perched on the bunk beds that were in for much longer trips than us. Although few people spoke English the few that did were fun to chat to and wonderfully helpful when the conductor came by and (angrily) noticed we were seating in the wrong area as we had not reserved seats. It's a long ride, the benches are far from comfy, and there is no AC but the company of your fellow passengers and the Indian countryside whizzing by the open windows is quite the experience. Maybe book it only one way and then take the more comfortable express with it's airline style seats or a private car back the other way. Bring snacks and bug spray.
If you missed the Red Fort in Delhi, the Agra Fort in Agra is it's bigger and badder cousin. Similar to the Red Fort it is not solely a fort but a large complex and the Agra Fort is so massive it can be considered a walled town. It was also a residence for Mughal emperors and part of the fort is still in use by the Indian military. You can find multiple courtyards and gardens, some framed by imposing arches hewn out of red sandstone and others all delicate terraces and carved white marble. Be prepared to walk a bit and definitely bring water with you. There are many guides that will offer their services to you if you want a more complete tour. We opted to just wander around. Also, in my opinion I would skip the Red Fort entirely or just go for the Light & Sound show in Delhi if I was also visiting the Agra Fort, which in my opinion is more impressive and has a similar enough architectural style that there is no need to go to both. 
I don't know about you but despite being a big fan of Indian food, the variety of Indian food we get in the US is quite limited and although most people know what vindaloo curry and tikka masala is, there were times when I would look at a menu and not understand what a single dish was. I now am much more well-versed in what constitutes a dosa, a paratha, a vada and an idli. And if you are not, the lacey thin crepe you see above is a dosa. 
Dosas are a thin crepe-like pancake, made of a rice and lentil batter. They cook up so that they are crispy and feather-light, and are often filled with golden spiced potatoes or thickly sliced paneer cheese. On the side, they are served with a wide range of hot and cold sauces like cool coconut chutney, pickled onions, warm lentil daal, and tomato chutney. The onion dosas we got at Dasaprakash were laced with tiny flecks of caramelized onions and I would highly recommend them. The restaurant had friendly servers and was also where I discovered my favorite Indian beverage: salty lime soda. If you are worried about the salty part, you can get them sweet and salty - but the salty is SO much more refreshing. Lastly, if you are in the mood, besides their top-notch dosas, Dasaprakash also has a very extensive ice cream selection for dessert. 
Note that in general if you arrive by train to Agra you will need to hire a car to drive you around. There is a taxi station right outside the train station that shows fixed prices for the driving fares. Although we were skeptical of how pushy the drivers were, it is the way to do it (unless you are staying in Agra and have arranged a tour thru your hotel). The prices are all inclusive although you are expected to tip at the end. Usually you can see multiple sites, like the Agra Fort and the Taj Mahal, while your driver waits outside for you. They will also take you to lunch and dinner if you are staying late: if you have any preference as to where you can request to be taken there, if not they will likely take you to a friend's restaurant. It is also common for them to stop at shops that sell marble inlaid items and gems, both characteristic of Agra. Although they definitely get a commission if you buy anything we found both shops to be of good quality and bought a small marble table and a pair of earrings. Likely because it was the off season and we spotted very few other non-Indians around (even at the Taj Mahal), we were able to get generous discounts (...at least from the initial price stated). 
I guess if it's your first time in India it's difficult to not go to the Taj Mahal. Many times when I first visit a city I eschew the big, more time-consuming uber-tourist spots - I only went to the Louvre the third time I went to Paris and despite living in Toronto, I've yet to make it to the CN Tower. But there is a reason they are such major attractions. And even if you feel like you already know exactly what the Taj Mahal looks like, seeing it in person, with the sunlight gleaming off it's curved white walls, is quite a thing. In the off season when we went, it is not terribly crowded at all, and you can walk around and linger wherever you want. Our guide also suggested going later in the day to catch the sunset and to avoid the midday heat, which I wholly endorse.  When it's busier, I hear sunrise and sunset boat rides thru the river that runs beside it are a serene and unique way to see this wonder of the world.
Note that as a foreigner, your ticket already includes a guide, a bottle of water and covers for your shoes. So no need to go with one of the "official" guides that try to tell you they can help you cut the line at the outside entrance. 
If you miss your weekly burrito, try a chicken kathi roll! Spiced chicken and/or paneer are rolled in fluffy kathi rolls, fresh off the griddle. Cheap, fast, and tasty, we were big fans of Mama Chicken in Agra. They also have biryani, mutton and momos if you want to stray from their specialty.
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angerworn · 1 year
------@thirt13n: ❛ we should get some breakfast , i could murder a stack of pancakes . ❜ (here.)
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------RED ICHOR TINTED her cheeks and face , hands and forearms . morgan looked a mess of a woman , though her literal partner in crime hadn't faired much better . she supposed she was thankful that she didn't have blonde hair , that her skin wasn't quite as porcelain as sharon's in moments like these . lips parted , a deep sigh escaped them and morgan mulled the thought over for a long minute .
and then another .
and then her stomach growled .
perhaps a more well - adjusted person would realize that now wasn't the right time to be hungry , but of all of the things that she had ever been accused of ( and it was a great many ) well - adjusted simply was not one of them . so she let herself catch her breath and used stained fingers to brush back the strands of hair that had come loose during the hunt and the subsequent violent struggle .
" yeah , i could definitely eat . think there's a denny's down the road , couple miles . "
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angerworn · 1 year
------@shieldied: ❛  nobody’s  getting  hurt  on  my  watch .  ❜ (here.)
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------" SOME OF US can't afford to have that mindset , handsome . " fingers curled around her drink , gaze stuck on the rim of the beer bottle as if the answer to some unknown mystery were unfolding right before her . she'd spent a lifetime twisting herself inside - out , more than that , making herself into something unrecognizable . she could see the reflection of the little girl she'd trapped in her heart a long time ago - wrapped in iron and thorns , when she peered into the mirror but when she blinked that girl was gone .
once upon a time she would have agreed with him . she couldn't work that logic now .
" i've seen too many of the things that go bump in the night to believe that people can be saved by good intentions . " best - laid plans and all that . morgan pressed her lips into a thin line and exhaled the breath she hadn't been aware she was holding . " but if you can keep that up ... keep yourself intact while you really ... really keep people safe , then do it . i mean , i'm not trying to rain on your parade . "
and really , she wasn't .
" you be the good guy ... i'll be whatever else the world needs . "
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angerworn · 11 months
------@dngerclose: " perhaps we ought to let bygones be bygones. until i'm confident that you're not going to die on my sofa, that is. " (here.)
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------SHE WAS USED to forging temporary truces in the name of surviving . perhaps her brother would scold her that it wasn't the right way , but all that was left of alex sanders was the little biting voice at the back of her head and morgan hardly counted that as reality . still , her options were severely limited when she was actively bleeding out and if someone was offering her a place to patch up she wouldn't turn her nose up at it .
if that meant they might be enemies in the morning , so be it .
" i can promise i'm not going to die on your sofa . " she lifted the tattered hem of her shirt enough to inspect the gash in her side and winced for the sharp burn it caused . fabric peeled from drying blood , just - enough that it stuck to the frayed edges of the wound and pulled them anew ... any scabbing that had begun undone in the smooth motion . she hissed her frustration and lifted her gaze to vlad's eyes , wet her lips with her tongue , and huffed . " you wouldn't happen to have a needle and thread lying around , would you ? or like ... superglue ? "
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angerworn · 1 year
------@wyrdfractures: ❛ it’s not so easy to be brazen when the thing that you want , that scares you to death , is sitting right in front of you . ❜ (here.)
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------RAIN BEAT DOWN in heavy sheets outside of his home . it was funny to her , how silas' abode felt more lived - in than her own forest cabin . she claimed an entire lifetime there , a childhood filled with memories ( good and bad ) , love and loss , and yet still felt like a stranger in property that was legally now hers . but here , this place she was sure silas had only settled in years ago with no memory - ties in place , had more life and character within it than her own .
her hair pasted to her forehead , the back of her neck , from the too - hot shower she'd scalded her flesh in . a fresh spray of bruises lined her arms and thighs , gashes he'd insisted on stitching together and treating with herb poultices marked her stomach and one thin cut high on her cheekbone . his words made her feel like a scolded child and her dark eyes were downcast , a thick twist of lashes stuck together from drying dampness .
she lost track of how long she'd been working with him . silas' magic kept morgan alive more times than she was willing to acknowledge it , and she certainly paid him well - enough for his assistance , but nowhere in their nonverbal contract was there a clause about keeping her together otherwise . he did not owe her his shower or his spare bed , he did not owe her the too - large button - down shirt that fell past her knees like a ill - fitted dress and beyond the tips of her fingers . he did not owe her his dinner or his kindness , and he certainly did not owe her the intrusions as countless as they were .
and yet he offered them without provocation . insisted them , even . she wasn't sure why .
and yet she knew exactly why all the same .
it was easier to ignore the notion if she pretended they never existed . she was not someone to love . she was the first slice of bread - touched by all , wanted by none , and she had settled that lot with herself too long ago .
his voice was deep , a velvet that tugged at the pit in her stomach in a way she was all - too - familiar with , one that signified polarizing ends to their evening , depending on if he was scolding or daring . teeth took her lower lip between them and worked at the frayed flesh inside , pulling like a loose thread and ushering familiar warm copper to the tip of her tongue .
" you have no idea what scares me to death . " morgan desperately wanted to believe that . but when she shifted that void of her gaze to the shape of him - dared to meet his own dark gaze , she knew it wasn't true . he knew exactly what terrified her . she couldn't let it happen . she wouldn't . " you don't know me like that . "
but he did . and it was horrible .
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angerworn · 1 year
------@seraphfled: ‘ I noticed you already 'borrowed' most of my whiskey ’ (here.)
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------THERE WAS SOMETHING deeply twisted about the way she danced around quantis rhea . she didn't trust him as far as she could throw him ( and she was sure he was skinny under those fancy fucking suits ( and fancy suits always made her scoff , anyway )) yet found herself coming back for the tasks he doled out for her . it didn't hurt that the pay was good ... but perhaps she was growing bored in her aging days .
there was a short shelf - life for hunters , after all . if she wasn't taken out by something that she chased ( she could only pray so fucking hard to her gods ) her body would eventually give out .
somehow , rotting away within herself like kevin had was more terrifying that being mercilessly broken like alex .
so here she was , in the sanctuary of neutral ground after hours , aware that the alarm had given her away . she'd tripped it on purpose , after all ... waited for the proprietor of the establishment to waltz in with his well - tailored coattails and the cane that he definitely didn't need . she greeted him from behind the bar - having climbed atop the back counter and claimed the bottle of top shelf whiskey for her own . two glasses were set , the expectation of his arrival well - met , and she already began her tasting by the time he appeared .
" took your sweet time , though . add it to my tab . " and she gestured for her usual seat , waiting for him to claim it so she could pour him for once .
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angerworn · 1 year
------@thirt13n: ❛ wanna tell me what that was about ? ❜ (here.)
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------HER LIFE WAS always complicated . not to her , of course , but to anyone on the outside that might not understand the intricacies of the creatures that lived with them . the people that appeared human but simply were not . and while morgan herself was painfully that , her knowledge was otherworldly . the perks , or perhaps drawbacks , of being raised in her life .
she did not underestimate sharon's abilities . she did not , for one second , believe that the agent wasn't capable of handling her own or understanding the glimpse into that other side . but morgan also knew that once that veil was torn away ... once it was revealed that couldn't be revoked . it was there ... forever .
and maybe it wasn't her place to steal that last shred of innocence ( if one could be so bold ) from sharon carter . maybe sharon already knew . it was a gamble morgan wasn't willing to take .
so she sucked her teeth , crammed her hands into her pockets and rolled her shoulders in a half - hearted shrug . " trick of the light , maybe . i know i'm pretty fucking sleep deprived . always makes me see shit from the corner of my eye . "
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angerworn · 1 year
------@medicbled: If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
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------HER SMIRK IS cheeky , as if she knows too much ... as if she's doing her best impression of the cheshire cat and succeeding . all teeth . with her cheek pressed into her knuckles morgan rests her elbow against the tabletop and considers gloria . perhaps it was a jest - maybe it was a real offer . either way ...
" say it and find out . "
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angerworn · 1 year
------@medicbled: ❛  you  release  the  rage ,  you  might  find  there’s  nothing  left .  ❜ (here.)
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------THERE WAS NOTHING left but the rage . there was a reason morgan clutched it so tightly to her chest ... she didn't know anything else anymore . that didn't mean that gloria's comment didn't full slap her in the face .
it was rare that morgan was rendered speechless but this moment was the exception to the rule . shoulders were tight , fingers flexed themselves into fists and blunt , uneven nails dug deep crescents into her palms . it wouldn't be the first time she drew blood doing it . among the thousands of scars that marred her flesh they'd blend in well , deepen fading slivers of silver 'pon well - used surfaces .
you might find there's nothing left ...
what else was there but the anger ? that rage , that deep-seeded ache that drove her ? push her to the end ... that was the end game .
nothingness .
the ability to see alex again , maybe . if she deserved it .
gods above , she missed him to much it made her heart clench .
it hurt so much she felt her stomach churn when she inhaled , felt the breath shake itself in her spine and felt her lungs refuse to accept the air . she clenched her fists harder .
" it's all spilling out of me , " her tone was quiet - eyes avoidant . she wouldn't dare look at gloria now - afraid of what the woman might see . " i have so much of it , i can't keep it inside of me anymore . "
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