#『 murmurings on the wind: promo. 』
lamemaster · 1 year
Echoing Silence (Promo)
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Summary: Murmurs of an impending Fate seeped through the air, whispered tales of Arda's dissolution or even the resurgence of Melkor, the shadowy figure from the Void.
AN: Idk I had this weird idea and I got the impulse to post this.
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Initially, only a few took notice. Secluded within Aman, the Quendi remained tethered to the shores, isolated from Middle-Earth's tumult.
Yet, an undeniable truth began to unfurl. The first inklings arrived as urgent messages borne by the swift swallows of Cirdan, the solitary Elf lingering in Middle-Earth's solitude. Even then, these tidings were tightly guarded within the encompassing presence of Taniquetil, the towering mountain.
As time passed, murmurs of an impending Fate seeped through the air, whispered tales of Arda's dissolution or even the resurgence of Melkor, the shadowy figure from the Void.
Elrond became privy to these muted whispers, though nothing in the vast tapestry of Arda had readied him for the letter from Valmar.
Penned in impeccable Quenya, the words lay before him, intricate yet impenetrable. They conveyed a message that eluded immediate understanding.
Gone. The second-born children of Iluvatar had vanished from Arda's weave. Without a trace, an entire race had dissolved into the unknown, casting an eerie void over the world.
His daughter, his brother — one half of his existence — all erased from the song. The towns, houses, markets endured, yet the souls within had been plucked from their reality.
While Melkor remained imprisoned in the Void, Arda persisted, granting a semblance of relief to many kin. Freed from the grip of impending doom, the Quendi returned to their routines, yet the most discerning amongst them perceived the shift, the world's altered state.
The Moriquendi, the exiled Noldor, and the Sindar sensed it keenly. Separated by the seas the silence of the world echoed in their ears the ones who knew it better than others.
And then they returned. On the shores of Alqualonde. Arwen, Idril, Luthien, and Nimloth. All those who had once bound themselves to Men returned without a memory of them.
In that tender moment, Elrond held his daughter close, their embrace a sweet melody of heartbeats and hushed whispers. The reunion bloomed like a symphony of pure happiness, a dance of emotions he had feared would remain untouched forever. Arwen's presence, her laughter like a gentle breeze, the warmth of her touch—it was as though a piece of his very essence, once lost, had found its way back home. Amid shared laughter and tales, he clung to each passing second, weaving new threads of memory to mend the tapestry of their time apart.
Yet, a shadow cast its shroud upon his heart as he gazed at the vacant expanse of sky where his father's star had once shone. Earendil, that brightest gem among the Quendi, had vanished from the heavens, and with him, Elwing's radiance had faded away.
Gone for a second time. Earendil, Elwing, and Elros were now but whispers in the wind, their echoes fading from the music of Arda. Only Elrond remained, the solitary testament to their existence, a keeper of their legacy.
And then, amidst a rumble that seemed to shake even the Halls of Mandos themselves, Aegnor appeared, his arrival heralded by the fury of lightning-laden storms. "Andreth," his voice carried her name like a prayer, a soulful cry that pierced through the heavens and the earth alike.
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Candle’s whole exit interview but I wrote it while moving
You’re very welcome
Indigo: Welcome dear listeners my name is [idfk what they said] and I could not be more eager for today’s guest. No one carries a more powerful presence, she’s a voice in the wind that I long to capture even the slightest murmur of. In the darkest of times, she offers all the guiding light. Prepare yourself, mortals, for Inanimate Insanity’s own.. Candle!
Candle: Thank you for the hyper aesthetic introduction, Indigo. You truly set the scene in a manner that could not possibly be broken by any manner of interruption.
Indigo: Thanks? Hmm, that’s awfully specific.
Life Ring: Interrupting here! Ahem, to bring you this video’s surf-tastic sponsor, SurfShark VPN!
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Candle: And there it is, the return to your carefully crafted atmosphere. Despite the pause, your enthusiasm is already healing the deep wound in my soul.
Indigo: I’m glad to hear it. So, Did you actually feel hurt by this elimination? Cause if-so, it seems like you must’ve held back emotions when you got voted out, even Mephone said you were oddly calm.
Candle: To be honest, I always had sensed my time was drawing near. In fact, I felt as though I was dodging the thralls of time ever since I avoided the elimination in Episode 11. Perhaps I have been running on borrowed time ever since. It was only a matter of time.
Indigo: Oh, so in that case, Do you feel it’s worth staying on Indefinite Island for another chance?
Candle: Oh yes, I will be staying on Indefinite Island. I still feel that I have a purpose here in the game.
Indigo: Fantastic, I’m sure there’s still lots you can do here on the island while you wait, like your aura stand. How do you read auras?
Candle: It’s definitely an art. To put it as simply as I can, I use my third eye chakra to see into the depths of an individual soul. An aura is emitted during this process and the rest flows out naturally. In a sense, it’s communicating with someone as they bear their soul.
Indigo: Ohh! Speaking of which, you’ve had so many great connections out in the game. Do you think you may have made it any farther is Silver Spoon wasn’t a contestant? Or do you think he was helpful in how far you got?
Candle: Who can say? The strings of fate are ever unwinding and intertwining in new ways. I guess it would have just depended upon what type of game I wish to play. I will say this; there was a time I was sure he’d move on like everyone else, but had not. It was.. fascinating.
Indigo: Absolutely. I just want to say that you played a great game! But what is your biggest regret?
Candle: Thank you so much. That really means the world. I suppose it may be how I dealt with Yin-Yang when moving away from the Thinkers or rather, lack thereof, meeting Yin and Yang was definitely a highlight of my journey and I’m so proud of their personal growth. On a separate thought, I wish I would have started to play for myself a little sooner. I was so enthralled with aiding in my teammates’ victories and personal growth, that I may have forgotten about myself for too long. I’ve learned that it’s okay to take time to take care of oneself as well. Healthy body, happy mind, healthy aura, happy life.
Indigo: This question came from a viewer in the middle of an emergency, which is why I saved it until now. Let’s just see here.. Candle? I forgot how to breathe.
Candle: Oh my! Quick, call Dr Fizz!
Indigo: Great idea, I’ll message this listener with your advice long after this interview.
Candle: Praise the Earth Mother
Indigo: Next question. Candle, do you think Silver has any chance of winning the game?
Candle: Yes indeed. He’ll have a one in six chance; who’d have thought?
Indigo: Not me, it’s a steep competition. Did you ever feel threatened by anyone in the game, both strategy-wise and challenge-wise?
Candle: Oh, absolutely! Nickel and Balloon’s baneful friendship made for a formidable alliance, even if Balloon may have been wearing some rose tinted glasses. I’d also say Clover, as her lucky abilities defy the laws of fate and nature altogether. Although, how is one truly to compete with that? She is sweet though.
Indigo: Very sweet indeed. What is your favourite thing to do in your free time?
Candle: This may surprise you, but I do enjoy playing tabletop RPGs. I love creating stories with my friends. My favourite class is warlock.
Indigo: Hm, feels fitting, well with you and your magical abilities. Why is it that when you had swapped bodies with Silver, he couldn’t fly when he put out your flame?
Candle: Oh, Indigo, one cannot learn to fly by pouring water onto oneself.
Indigo: Ahh, of course. Will you teach me how to fly?
Candle: Step one, remove water out of the equation.
Indigo: ..remove water.. also noted. But any insight in general into how your Inner-Flame works?
Candle: Well, ‘works’ implies a sense of ability. As though I’m tapping into some whimsical superpower. However, while the Inner-Flame shares my soul, it carries a mind of its own. That’s why when someone connects to it, they best be wary, lest it consume you. But we’re on pretty nice terms, so we’re fine.
Indigo: Oh.. wow. I’m not quite sure if the flying is quite worth a hassle. Nextly, why is it that you decide to split up Balloon and Nickel? They were fun!
Candle: You mean at the glacier challenge? Well, Silver and I had established ourselves as key players of the Loony-Balloony alliance, as the two who ensured their survival against the Thinkers, the next step was to ensure that we weren’t the lowest on the pecking order. Therefore, poking at the inherently unstable relationship between Balloon and Nickel was our surest bet disrupting their trio with Bot. However, witnessing the aftermath, even I was surprised at how quick their bond was to snap. I sense that if they cannot work this out soon, it will be their downfall.
Indigo: Ooh, spooky. Following all of the craziness in that last vote, do you respect Balloon’s decision for voting for you?
Candle: Yes and no. Yes because he made a strategic choice. Can’t hold it against him if you’re participating in a game like Inanimate Insanity. And no because part of me feels like he may have been swayed into it by a certain someone who is just as strategic.
Indigo: You made plenty of bold strategic decisions as well. How do you feel about the whole villain arc you went through? Did it feel good?
Candle: Goodness! Me, a villain? Was it really that bad of me to want to try and focus on my own needs for once? My teammates had all started to find their own paths, and I felt like I was soon to be left behind. Such as the nature of the game. If being there for myself when I felt lost makes me a villain, then I guess it was an arc for me.
Indigo: I hear you. Speaking of villains, to wrap this up, I’d love to know how it feels to have left Silver Spoon behind. He was very sad to see you were eliminated, not sure if he’s the same.
Candle: Was he now? Interesting. Perhaps we will need to reconnect regarding that.
Indigo: Wonderfully vague as always! Thank you, Candle! Best of luck whenever the rejoin challenge comes along. And to our Inanimate audience, a very special thank you for all of your questions. Curiosity is a powerful thing! Be sure to subscribe to catch the next opportunity to have your question read. This has been Indigo Zircon Rose with IPR, signing off!
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
Congratulations to 300 Followers🎉🎉🎉
I would Love to read Something about the Promo "do you Trust me?"
I think that's perfect for Sam and Bucky 🖤
Thanks you🖤
Thank you so much for the fantastic prompt, @fenriswolflokidottri! I hope you enjoy the drabble! 🥰
Prompt 7: “Do you trust me?”
| 6 | Prompts | 8 |
Sam was close. So close. So infinitesimally close.
Bucky couldn't stop staring at Sam's eyes.
They were a warm sunset in the eclipse of Bucky's heart. They were Sardonyx, Andalusite, Smokey Quartz, Feldspar, Agate sparkling in the dazzling light of a mood-lit gemstone exhibit. They were Table For Two irises, Duet dahlias, Odessa calla lilies, True Love helleborus rustling in the wind.
Sam was a vision. He was awe. He was sublimity. He was kindness and joy and a ball of stress all wrapped up in a body built through hard work and dedication.
Sam was an uncle in a bathing suit who asked Bucky for some reason to come with him, Sarah, and the boys to the brown waters of a Gulf beach.
Sam was a very shirtless man sitting on a towel next to Bucky's completely buried body who was staring at Bucky as if he wanted something from Bucky. Attention? Love? One of those Captain America popsicles?
Bucky would bust out of his sand prison like the Hulk and sprint to that ice cream truck driving off if Sam asked him.
"Do you trust me?" whispered Sam, pseudo-serious.
Bucky laughed a little too loudly.
"Always," said Bucky a little too sincere.
"You got a..." Sam whispered, low and rumbling and hotter than a summer in Delacroix.
Sam's finger moved towards Bucky, the tip grazing Bucky's face, brushing Bucky's skin in a way that made Bucky want more. Sam moved his finger into Bucky's line of sight.
"Eyelash," murmured Sam, like bourbon mixing with honey, a low purr that made Bucky's brain short-circuit, "Blow it and make a wish."
Bucky immediately blew it, unable to break eye contact with Sam.
Bucky could wish for a lot of things. He could wish for the Russians to have never found him. He could wish for the snap to have never happened. He could wish that he wasn't the type of fella who needed a pardon.
He wished for Sam's happiness.
Because. If wishes were real, and if he could wish for anything, that felt like a good wish.
Sam smiled at him, the gap in his teeth hypnotic.
"You ever wonder what magic is real?" asked Sam as he lay next to Bucky, his face still so very close, "Now that we know magic is real?"
"I try not to think about it too hard," said Bucky.
Bucky's mouth felt too wet yet too dry at the same time. How was that even possible?
"Thanks for coming, James," said Sam, sounding uncharacteristically shy, "I know I keep inviting you to these family things. I hope it's not too weird for you."
"No, never. I love your family! I love - !" Bucky started, then faltered.
Sam's eyes widened.
"Sorry - " Bucky started again, meaning to explain and apologize, but he was stopped by a kiss.
A chaste, quick peck.
"You too," said Sam, sounding like he was rambling, despite him only saying a few words, "I'm - you know - with you."
Bucky couldn't help but smile at Sam, melt at his words.
"Me too," said Bucky softly, "I love you too."
Sam laughed.
"I think you sort of said that already," said Sam before going in for another kiss.
This is for my 300 Followers Event! If you want to submit a prompt, check out the list and send in an ask!
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Babylon (l.h)
End Up Here -Part 5
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x 5sos! Fem! Reader
Summary: A lot has happened and too many things were left unsaid. Even after a month they still find ways to be in each others mind.
Warnings: Angst and smut. Mentions of vioence, physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse, harassment, cheating, fighting, sexism, frustrations, alcohol. Language and some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word count : 10.1 k
Author’s Note: I cried a lot writing this, so I’m sorry. Final Part coming up March 16th! Remember that Reblogs, Feedback, Comments and Likes are very important! You have no idea how much they help me ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋🌻✨
My Materialist // wanna be part of my tag list?
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Series Materialist || part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4
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Liked by banksmadden, 5soslover55 and 1,750,316 others
yn5sos how did I end up here?
View all 55,432 comments
ashtonirwin who’s there with you?
hater7 pathetic
5sosfan9 this is so irresponsible. I thought you were better.
↪️ yn5sos me too
“OUT OF CONTROL: Singer Y/N L/N seeing partying once again after the concert. L/N was last seen with a crowd of people, none of which were her bandmates” 
“Sensitive, are we? On their last concert, Y/N L/N from the band 5 Seconds of Summer was caught running away from the stage mid-show, leaving her poor bandmates Calum Hood and Michael Clifford to finish the song for her. L/N came back minutes later to finish the show. Videos show the singer crying along to the love songs” 
“Y/N?!” Ashton kept banging at the door. His patience ran thin as the girl refused to answer “Y/N! C’mon!” 
“She’s still not answering?” A voice called behind him. 
Calum and Michael were already dressed up, ready for another day of interviews in a foreign language. Ashton assumed that the girls were already downstairs waiting for them. 
The older man shook his head, frustration clear on his face as he kept banging on the door like it was his drums. 
“Y/N, I will break down the door if you don’t open it!” 
It wasn’t an empty promise. They could pay the hotel after but he’d be damned if something happens to Y/N. 
She hasn’t been herself since Luke left. When they came back from doing promo that day they were met with the news of him leaving. Y/N didn’t leave her room that whole day. 
They were mad, furious even, with Luke. All the things they warned him about were thrown down the drain. They told them not to believe the media and to talk to Y/N but he did none of those things, he only made it worse for all of them, especially the girl who was now spending half the tour absent-minded over heartbreak. 
She told them several times that she was fine “I asked him to leave” She would say. But they know better than to believe her right away when she says those stuff, not after that night when she told them the truth about Madden. They swore never to make that mistake again, but history was repeating itself! Only this time it was ten times worse. 
Y/N would go out every night after the show, no matter in which part of the world they found themselves in. She was determined to drown herself in alcohol rather than self-pity. They tried to spot her several times but she wouldn’t listen, so they agreed that at least one of them would accompany her whenever she went out just to make sure that she is safe and that she doesn’t go too far. 
Last night, however, it was Michael’s turn but Beth felt sick so he couldn't go. He texted Calum, but he was already asleep so he didn’t see the message. Ashton was out with Dani for a date night and when he came back he found Michael in the lobby asking for some medicine for Beth’s stomach and when Calum answered their call with a sleepy voice they realized that Y/N was alone. 
And now she wouldn’t answer the door. 
“Y/N, I swear to God!”
“Why do you gotta bring the lord into this?” 
The three men turned around and found Y/N standing next to them. Her hair was messy and her makeup was smudged, but his eyes remained empty as she looked at them quizzically. 
“Were you already downstairs this whole time?!” Ashton asked, raising his voice. Y/N cringed as she shushed him.
“Ugh, could you talk any louder? My head is killing me”
Calum looked at his friend up and down, realizing what was happening “You just came back, didn’t you?”
All three of them turned their heads to her, unable to believe what was in front of them. This wasn’t the Y/N they knew. She was never like this, ever. 
Y/N rolled her eyes at the sad, angry, and pitiful looks of her friends. She didn’t need to answer what was obvious. 
“Where were you all this time?” Michael asked “We were worried sick” 
“Wow, thanks dad,” She said with sarcasm, walking towards her door as she tried to find her key somewhere along with her pockets “I was at the bar. Did you know they open 24 hs? There’s no such thing as the last call here! I love this country” 
She let out a little squeal of joy when she finally found her key, pushing Ashton out of the way with the side of her body as she inserted it on the lock. 
“We have an interview in 30 minutes!” He reminded her.
“Yeah, your girl told me that downstairs” She answered before she started to close the door “Have fun with that” 
But before she could close it completely, Ashton’s foot got in the way.
“You can’t keep doing this, Y/N,” He said with a serious tone, ignoring the pain of the door hitting his foot, still trying to close on him. 
Y/N pushed a little harder “I want to sleep, Ashton. Good night” 
“No! Goddammit, Y/N. This has gone too far!” 
She opened the door, making Ashton trip, and almost fell to the floor in front of her. She was beyond pissed as she began to talk.
“No! Everything has already gone too far, I’m just catching up!” She spat loudly, making the boys look at her in surprise “Madden went too far, the media went too far, the industry went too far and Luke went too far. And I let them crash into me like I’m just a bystander, waiting to pick up the pieces they left of me! So excuse me for finally doing whatever they thought I did. Forgive me for catching up to this fucked up world and finally live up to their false expectations! But I’m not allowed to break down, not right now and probably not ever! So I will keep running. Maybe that way, if I catch up, they’ll leave me the fuck alone” Her eyes filled with tears as she spoke, but she will not cry in front of them. Not anymore “So, good fucking night” 
Ashton closed his eyes when he felt the wind of the door slamming inches away from his face. He raised his hand to knock again, but soon he let it fall with a sigh. 
He turned around to face the guys and they all had the same hurt expression, not because she hurt them, but because she was hurting herself. They all thought she was doing it unconsciously, but now it was rather obvious that she knew exactly what she was doing. 
Y/N is destroying herself because there’s almost nothing left of her. So she’s speeding up the process. 
“We can’t leave her like that” Michael said in a whisper, none of them were looking at the door right now, all their eyes were set on the floor as they contemplated their options.
“Well, she doesn’t want to see us. That’s for fucking sure” Calum murmured. 
The three men stood in silence in the hallway. Breathing heavily from time to time as their minds tried to find a way to reach out to Y/N before it was too late. 
“We have to do something” Michael broke the silence again, fidgeting with his fingers as he met the worried eyes of his two best friends “The fans are already saying that she’s going to leave the band and-“
“No,” Ashton interrupted him, clenching his jaw as the headlines of the articles ran through his mind “We are not letting that happen” 
“But what if she wants to?”
“Then that’s not our Y/N/N,” He said “And I refuse to lose her this way or in any way, for that matter”
After a few minutes, it was clear that Y/N was not coming out of her room any time soon. So the boys had to get downstairs to get to the interviews, already thinking about excuses to justify her absence once again. 
They wanted to stay with her, but management was already being too hard on them as it is, and they didn’t want Y/N to pay the consequences if they didn’t show up to at least one promo interview. So they had no choice but to leave her alone in her room. 
Once the elevator doors opened, the three of them were met with the worried eyes of their girlfriends who quickly met up with them halfway. 
“How is she doing? She didn’t speak to us when she came through the doors” Bethany explained as she stood next to Michael, grabbing his hand in comfort.
Ashton just shook his head.
“We talked,” Kat said with a sigh “We decided that we are staying here with her” 
“You’ll be fine in the interviews without us, but she needs someone. Even if we just wait for her in the lobby all day. Someone needs to check up on her” Kat continued. 
“She’s lonely,” Danielle followed, “Even if she doesn’t want to admit it. She’s hurting too much for words to even describe” 
The boys knew they were right. Even if Y/N doesn’t want to, they will still be there for her every step of the way. They were not going to leave her to drown. 
“Thank you,” Ashton said, truthfully “But there’s gotta be something else we could do for her… just standing by and keeping an eye on her while she wastes away is just…” 
He couldn’t finish the sentence, he didn’t need to. They all knew what he was referring to; that damn feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. 
“We’ll figure something out,” Calum said confidently “We are not going to give up on her”
There was nothing much to do back in L.A. as Luke found out when he stepped out of the plane almost a month ago. His life has completely changed since he met her and now… Now she was gone and he was left with nothing.
It was his own fault, that’s what he reminded himself every single day since the morning Y/N asked him to leave. He acted on emotions rather than with reason, angry with the world that allowed him to get close to her just to rip her out of his hands the moment he realized his mistakes. He should’ve listened, should’ve fought, should’ve stayed. He should’ve done a lot of things and now he doesn’t even have the chance to fix it. 
He hasn’t checked anything about Y/N since he came back. No articles, no tweets, no posts… nothing. He feels as if he didn’t have the right anymore. He never had the right to do it from the beginning, not without letting them fill his brains with lies that eventually left him in pieces.
How could he? How could he let all those things get to him? Everyone told him to ignore them, not to believe the lies that were written for the clicks and the gossip. He knew the truth, he lived with it, and yet, he had turned on her the second it had become too much. 
Y/N was a private person and Luke could never understand why. Why if she was so private with her life did every news article write about her? They were all lies. And if he had at least an ounce of decency he would’ve realized that sooner and stand by her side instead of siding with the media. Yet, those thoughts were sticking with him at the back of his head, haunting him even in his sleep. 
How easy it was for him to turn away from her. How easy it was for him to leave her. But how hard it was to ignore the love he feels for her, knowing that she won’t take him back and with good reason. Y/N deserves better, in every way, shape, or form. She was such a bright light in such a dark world, and he just hopes she will be strong enough to see it someday, even if he’s not by her side anymore.
God, he was just a fucking idiot. 
And now, as he walked past the coffee shop where they first met while he fought the urge to cry again, he was willing to beat himself up for it. For losing the only person he cared about just because he wasn’t brave enough to fight for her as he should’ve. There wasn’t anything that didn’t remind him of Y/N, nothing he could do to shake the self-inflicted pain he caused, so he thought better than to let it consume him. 
Luke sat on an empty bench near the campus, his classes didn’t start until a month from today but he longed for some kind of distraction. Once he settled, he took out his notebook and started writing. He doesn’t write about love anymore, rather he wrote about the loss of it while still mourning it fresh on the flesh. Finally understanding what Ashton meant when he said that heartbreak breaks you, and, for a moment, he thought about how she might feel at this moment; if she, at least once, thought of him with something wasn’t hate.
He spent hours sitting outdoors, writing as if his time were to end at any moment. He wrote letters of forgiveness, poems of grief, and free thoughts of the guilt he was feeling. He didn’t mention her, but they were all about and for her. For his Y/N who was now a world away and who he will not call his ever again. 
It must’ve been late when his phone started to ring; the streetlights were starting to lit up the pavement as the sun started to set, leaving soft shades of pink and purple to cover up the sky. He didn’t know the number, so he let it ring thinking it might be just one company trying to sell him something he didn’t need. 
But the unknown caller was relentless; calling and calling until Luke decided to answer after the fourth time. 
“Hello?” He said, annoyed by the interruption. He didn’t want to talk to anyone; not like he had anyone to talk to, after all. 
“You fucker” The voice at the other end said. Luke froze when he recognized it. 
“Were you expecting the fucking queen?” He sounded angry and even through the phone he left Luke completely intimidated as he sunk into his seat. 
“How - Whose number is this?” Luke asked, knowing he had all their numbers saved in his phone. 
“Would you have answered if you saw my name on the screen?” He wouldn’t, they both know it. But at the same time…
“Why are you calling me?” He finally muttered, his head wrapped around the only reason Ashton, out of all people, would be calling him. He knew it was not to catch up “Is Y/N okay?! Did something happen to her?!” 
Something must be terribly wrong if Ashton was calling him. That man was very protective over his best friend and Luke was sure he would’ve killed him if he found him the day where he yelled at her, knowing that Y/N must’ve told him everything. He knew Y/N was not going to forgive him and neither will the boys for that matter. That day he lost more than just his girl. 
Ashton laughed without any kind of humor “No, she’s not. Of course, she’s not! You happened to her, mate. I don’t know what the fuck you did but she hasn’t been the same since you left.” 
Luke’s eyes widened “She didn’t tell you?” 
If he thought about it, it really wasn’t that surprising. Y/N never talked about her problems with him, but the boys always knew everything, them being the only people she knew she could trust with her whole heart. Luke had always been jealous of that, but once he found out the truth of why she kept some things for herself he understood why she could only trust her bandmates with it. He immediately thought that she would tell them everything, every word he said and the hateful words he wrote, but she didn’t and that could not mean anything good. 
“She told us enough. That you believed the lies of her and Madden and didn’t let her explain before you lashed out and she asked you to leave. Not a single detail about it, only that you were gone and were not coming back. I guess she didn’t want us to kick your ass, but Luke, you better be certain that-”
“I know!” Luke said with a sigh “I deserve it” 
“Dude, what the fuck did you do to her?” 
How could he tell him? How could he mutter the courage to tell one of his best friends how he absolutely fucked up? Ashton would hate him, with every reason in the world he should hate him. Luke just hoped that he didn’t. 
He, Calum, and Michael were the only friends he knew since he met Y/N. They took him in, welcomed him into the group with gritted teeth with the only condition to never hurt their friend. And after a year of being friends, he broke not only Y/N’s trust but theirs as well. And the fact that Y/N didn’t tell them what he’d done seemed cruel because now he had to. Breaking more hearts than their own. 
“I fucked up, Ash” Luke muttered, rubbing his eyes with his fingertips as he crouched forward on the bench and placing his elbows on the top of his thighs, getting ready to face the consequences of his actions “I fucked up badly. I was just- You saw those articles, you saw those tweets and those photos. She never talked about him so I thought… What was I supposed to think? She had a reputation, and with the way, she acted the night before it all made sense to me. So I snapped”
“Luke, I swear to GOD if you touched her-”
“NO! God no, I would never!” Luke quickly stated, horrified at the thought of ever hitting her. He was not like that. He would never be like that “But the things I said to her… fuck, Ash. I threw everything in her face, called her a whore and a cheater without giving her a chance to explain herself. I was so fucking angry and she didn’t say a word. She took all of it in silence and I kept going, even when she begged me to stop I kept going... I didn’t know. You must know that I didn’t know what happened to her or her past with Madden. If I knew then I would’ve never-” 
“But you did” 
Ashton's words were simple, but they cut deeper than a knife through Luke’s heart. He never heard him sound so disappointed and angry. It reminded him of her and the last words she said to him.
“Luke, this girl has been through so much and you still went and dragged her through the mud just to hurt her”
“I didn’t want to-”
“Don’t fucking interrupt me” Ashton barked into the phone “You did. She gave you everything she could give and you threw it on her face like it was nothing without a chance to explain herself. And it’s not like she could run off, turn off her comments and go back to a normal life! I have never seen Y/N so broken since-” He stopped “What did she tell you?” 
Luke knew he was referring to Madden. He remembers her face covered in tears, lips trembling and body shaking as she told him what happened in that relationship. He finally saw the hurt and scars that covered her soul. 
“She told me what she could” 
Ashton sighed “Then you must know that she would never go back to him,” He said, Luke could tell by his voice that he was hurting, too “He met her at a concert in our second world tour as a solo act. He is the son of a very famous producer and they hit it off right away. We didn’t know exactly when things turned for the worse, but we knew something was happening. She would cover herself more, never hanging out with us unless he was present, she wouldn’t eat in front of him or talk to any of us directly unless it was something about work and that still pissed him off. We all heard the rumors of him cheating on her, but she always dismissed them saying that he loved her and he would never do that. I still wonder what other things we didn’t know that she’s still processing.
It wasn’t until the night he almost killed her that we understood the severity of it. She came by my house while I and the others were hanging out. She was bleeding all over herself, her face was covered in blood just as her shirt and pants. It was terrifying; I don’t remember ever driving that far to the hospital, paying the nurses to keep quiet because she kept asking to keep it a secret. That bastard broke her nose and one of her ribs. She had bruises on her arms, stomach, eye, inner thighs, and legs and a cut over her eyebrow. She lost a lot of blood on her way to my house so Calum had to donate some of his because she needed a transfusion. She stayed in the hospital overnight; the next morning we filed a restraining order against Madden and she moved in with me that same day, promising herself and to us that she would never let someone do that again to her. We promise we would never let anything happen to her from that moment on” 
Luke was shedding silent tears at Ashton’s story, all the things he imagined happened to her didn’t compare to the reality she suffered. And he only made it worse. 
“She was never the same after that” Ashton continued “Until you came into the picture” 
Ashton could hear Luke crying over the phone, his sniffs had given him away. But he knew he needed to hear this; he needed to know. 
“We didn’t want you to get close to her, afraid you might hurt her the same way Madden did, but she insisted that you were different, that you were a good guy. And against our better judgment, we believed her. We never expected that little by little, we would get our Y/N/N back. She was smiling again, laughing and singing songs about the love we never thought she’d be able to sing again. It was so obvious that she loved you that we couldn't do anything about it but be happy for her, you brought her back to us. 
I guess Madden saw that and didn’t like it, that’s why he came to see her that night. We don’t know much about what happened there or what he said to her, but she was shaking when she came back. All she said was that he cornered her, threatened her and called the paparazzi that worked for his father to take pictures of them, and since we were not in America, there was nothing the restraining order to do to help her”
“He did what?!” Luke shouted at the phone, fuming over the fact that that fucker decided to get close to her when she was vulnerable. He promised that if he ever saw him he’d kill him. 
“Now you care about what happened?” Ashton asked in return, frustration lacing his voice at Luke’s sudden feeling of protection “Luke, she called you over ten times that day as she was breaking down in the green room. She asked us all if we could get ahold of you because the driver came back without you. She was so fucking scared and you weren’t there when she needed you by her side. So don’t you fucking dare get offended right now. It already happened and you weren’t there” 
Ashton was right. Luke had no right to be furious at the moment, given that he was the one who abandoned her deliberately when he saw the pictures of her and her abuser. He had the excuse of ignorance, but that wasn’t enough. It never has, not it ever will be, because his girlfriend needed him at the time and he left her alone. 
He cried into the phone, not caring if Ashton could listen or not. He was so fucking angry at himself, at Madden, at the world… He was supposed to protect her, he said he would and then he gave the final punch. He failed her because of his insecurities. 
“I’m sorry” He cried, but Ashton was having none of that. 
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing for”
“She doesn’t want to-”
“Listen to me you shit” Ashton hissed into the phone “I don’t care what you think she wants. She is destroying herself over the fact that the last person she thought would hurt her left her because he chose to believe the lies of the media over his own girlfriend”
Luke’s heart broke all over again “She’s what?” 
“Oh my god, how dense are you, dude? Now you decide to ignore the gossip?! She’s been going out all night, drinking herself to death and refusing help from any of us. She is slowly killing herself by killing her soul” He sounded worried, scared even, as he muttered the last words “We are losing her” 
“Wh-what can I do?” Luke asked helplessly. Not being able to bear the thought of Y/N being gone. 
“We booked you a flight. Figure it out and don’t make us regret it” 
“Forgetting the lyrics again? Y/N L/N surely knows how to displease an audience”
“What is going on with YN?” 
He arrived late to the hotel, having his flight delayed for a few hours, and the boys were already waiting for him in the lobby. Luke took a deep breath as he spotted them from afar, they were talking among them, concerned looks covering their expressions as they looked through their phone. 
Luke walked up to them, mustering enough courage to say “Hi,” 
The three men turned towards the blonde, Calum quickly walking up to him and punching him in the face, caught Luke by surprise as he backed up holding his nose and looking at Calum with widened, surprised eyes. 
“That’s for hurting my best friend, you asshole!” He said, making the other guests look in their direction. 
Luke hissed as he made sure he wasn’t bleeding “Thank you. I deserved that” He said, blinking twice “But to be honest I was expecting Ashton to deliver the blow” 
“Calum won at rock, paper, scissors” Ashton shrugged “But that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. We still need to have a serious talk and I might punch you there” 
Luke nodded, understanding that he did not only fail Y/N, but he also failed them. He promised them that he would take care of their best friend and they believed him. They even helped them get together and served as trust advisers for Luke about what it means to date a celebrity and yet he ignored every single one of them. 
He might never get their trust back, but now they needed to focus on other things more important than that.
“Where is she?” He asked. 
“Out,” Michael answered “The girls went with her. We don’t want her to be alone when she’s drunk” 
They started walking towards the door, getting into the car that would take them to Y/N and the rest of the girls. “Do you know what you will say to her when you see her?” Calum asked. 
“No,” Luke answered honestly “I guess I’ll know then”
“And you better not fuck it up again, Hemmings, or I swear it’s going to be the last thing you do” 
The dance floor was crowded. People were dancing one against the other as the beats of the songs reverberated all over their bodies and started the flame of having just one night of fun. Among them it was Y/N, dancing in the corner with her friends and ignoring their concerned eyes as she moved freely thanks to the alcohol that was cursing through her veins. She knew she had to wake up soon, but she just wanted to keep living this dream every night instead of facing the nightmares that would come in the morning.
She missed how easy everything was before that night when the nightmare started. When she couldn’t find Luke in the crowd of their concert nor their bedroom late at night. Now she doesn’t even want to go to sleep, knowing that she won’t find him there ever again, all because she asked him to leave. 
But he wanted to leave, even before she asked him he was already getting his stuff to leave her “cheating ass”, writing words that describe their relationship as toxic. Is that what it was? Were they toxic or just scared? She couldn’t tell the difference anymore, not after spending night after night trying to erase those words out of her mind, but they were already scared forever in her skin. She promised herself she would carry them as a battle wound, as proof that no matter what you do, you could never win when the whole world seems against you even when you have done nothing wrong… Unlike now. 
She knew what she was doing, she knew she was disappointing a lot of people. She was disappointed in herself, too, but she couldn’t stop. The world was finally telling truths about her and it felt nice to at least have that. They denied her the truths for so long, feeding everyone lies that they would believe without hesitation or her explanation, just like Luke did, and now she was finally acting like people supposed she had. Now, at least she had control over that. 
She wondered if Luke ever thinks about her. If he’s forgiven her for whatever he thinks she’s done or if he continues to read the articles and rejoice in the fact that he was right, even when he wasn’t, he was right. Maybe he’d be proud? 
“Darling, are you alright?” She heard Bethany shout over the music. All the girls were looking at her. She didn’t realize she stopped dancing. 
However, she just nodded “I’m going to get more drinks!” She said, faking a smile even though the girls could tell that she was crying. But she was so far out she couldn’t even feel the tears that rolled down her cheek.
Y/N gripped the marble countertop of the bar, trying to hold herself steady. She was thinking again, she didn’t want to think anymore. She ordered two shots of tequila and drowned them down before asking for two more. But before she could drown the fourth one, someone snatches the drink out of her hand.
“Heeey” She slurred “Don’t get between me and my- oh, hello!” She smiled happily at the stranger who took her drink from her “You look a lot like my ex-boyfriend” 
Luke’s eyes widened at the word. She has never called him her boyfriend in front of people before. He glanced behind her and saw Michael, Ashton, and Calum already standing next to their girls, nodding encouragingly at him. 
“Ex-boyfriend?” He asked, eyes meeting hers and noticing the glimmer of tears in them. But she kept on smiling and nodding before she started to pout.
“But shhhhh,” She said, laying her head on the counter, almost like she wanted to take a nap “It’s a secret. No one knows we’re together… or were together. They will never leave him alone if they find out”
Y/N looked to the sides, almost as if making sure no one was listening before she leaned into him and whispered “The media,” Then she started to giggle “If they found out I have a boyfriend then they will want to know everything about him! And poor Luke wouldn’t be able to handle that, he shouldn’t go through that” 
Luke’s heart broke at the sight of the drunk girl sighing in the bar, holding her empty shot glass and sniffing every other word to stop the tears from falling.
“He doesn’t deserve that, the hate. He’s a good guy, a little shy and awkward, but he’s nice. But the media is cruel and a liar, and I don’t want him to feel baaaaad. How stupid it is that because I love someone they should get hated on, right? Hahaha, I just wanted to protect hiiiim, cause I love him sooo so much. I even protected him from my friends! You know?! I never told them what he did to me in case they wanted to keep their friendship going, Luke is a very shy guy and he loved them very muchhh, I couldn't take that from him"
“Even if he hurt you?” Luke’s words were careful and filled with pain. When the boys told him that she was getting drunk each night he never imagined her this far gone. He never imagined her this sad. 
Y/N shook his head “I deserved to get, hic, hurt” She said between hiccups “He said I was a cheating whore monster liar, b-b-but I don’t blame himmmm. I’m sad but at least he doesn’t have to deal with me anymore and this BULLSHIT” She yelled, throwing her hands up to the sky. But then she started crying, sobbing as she tumbled backward before Luke caught her.
Luke was trying to contain his own tears as she sobbed into his embrace “I just want to tell him that I’m sorry I couldn’t protect him from myself” She cried “I wanted to be happy with him but we are both sad and toxic for each other. That’s what he said in his poem. I-I-I just w-want him to be ha-happy” 
Luke cried as he held her, burying his face into her hair as both of their bodies trembled. Even when she had every right to hate him, she still wants to protect him. Something he should’ve done. 
“I’m so sorry, my love” He cried, making Y/N look at him with worried, tearful eyes.
“Oh, don’t cry, stranger,” She said as she cupped his face and wiped his tears “I’m sad but you should be happy!” 
“C-cause you’re not me” 
Luke stared into her eyes, she was smiling while the tears kept falling. Even at her lowest, she tried to be strong for everyone around her, even the stranger she thought he was. He pressed his lips on a thin line and nodded, hugging her tighter as if he was trying to hold on to the last piece of her that didn’t show coldness to him before she remembers everything in the morning. At least he would hold her one more time. 
Y/N didn’t understand much of what was happening but she returned the hug with the same energy, letting the stranger cry into her shoulder as she rubbed his back with her fingertips, wondering what Luke was doing right now. She decided that she didn’t want to know. 
“I want to sleep,” She said after a minute of holding the man. 
Luke pulled away from her, wiping his tears as he nodded “Then let’s get you to bed, my love” 
She shook his head, pulling on his hand as he tried to walk them out of the club “But Luke won’t be there when I wake up” 
All the wind was knocked out of his lungs, did she want him there? “I’ll be there,” He said. 
“He’ll be there. I promise”
Luke gave one last look at the group. They were all staring at him with worried and hopeful eyes, actually surprised that this didn’t end badly just yet. Luke nodded at them and pulled Y/N with him, the rest of the guys followed him into the car as they made their way back to the hotel. 
Y/N slept all the way back, her head was placed in Luke’s shoulder as the blond kept staring at her, silent tears still dying on his cheek. The guilt was eating him alive; it was painful to see her this way, but at the same time he knew that she was at peace as she slept, letting the world fade for at least a few minutes before reality came crashing down.
When they reached the hotel, Luke carried her back into her room. He sat her down on the bed and started to take off her shoes as she lazily rubbed the tiredness from her eyes, suddenly waking up for a moment.
“Luke?” She asked. Luke raised his head and was met with her eyes already locked with his, a glaze of new tears adorned her pupils as she whispered “Am I dreaming right now?” 
“No,” He answered, voice as soft as hers as he got up and placed a kiss on the top of her head “No, you’re not, darling”
“Good. I always hate to wake up without you there” She said, looking over her shoulder to the empty side where Luke used to sleep. 
They both stayed quiet for the rest of the night. Luke took off her silk shirt and leather pants and helped her put on one of the big shirts she’s used to sleeping in. He wiped the makeup off her face and followed her nighttime routine without missing a step. When she was done, she curled up to her side and quickly fell into a deep slumber. 
Luke stared at the girl, his heart aching for her as he saw how fragile she looked while she slept. He thought about all the things she said that night, how he never considered her side of the story before. How he just assumed that she was hiding him because she didn’t want people to find out she was taken when in reality she didn’t want people to hurt him the way they hurt her. The way he hurt her.
Tears started to pick up in his eyes again. He hated to cry but there was nothing else he could do at the moment. Everything became too much too fast and he didn’t know if he could fix it. So all he could do was cry for the girl he loves and the girl he lost, not knowing if she would ever come back to him. 
“I’m sorry” He whispered in a quiet sob, getting into bed with her and holding her close “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m sorry, my love” He kept murmuring into her hair until sleep claimed him as well. 
The next morning Y/N wakes up in her hotel bed but she doesn’t know how she got there. She looks to her side but the bed is empty, yet she finds an aspirin and a bottle of water in her nightstand. She wonders who was the poor soul that had to go with her last night to make sure she doesn't end up drunk in a ditch, at least they succeeded. 
Then she hears water running up in the bathroom and her heart sinks. Did she bring someone here last night? No, she wouldn’t do that. But she was very drunk… Oh my god, what did she do? 
Luke could hear her shuffling in the bed as he brushed his teeth. “It is now or never,” He thought, but he didn’t know what he would find behind the door. She didn’t know him yesterday, but today was another story and Luke’s heart shrank at the thought of Y/N hating him for coming back, even if it was to apologize to her. He was terrified, but he was tired of running away. 
As soon as he opened the door he was met with Y/N’s surprised gaze. The girl was quick to cover herself up, cheeks tinted red at the sight of her ex-boyfriend in her hotel room. She didn’t miss the flash of hurt that ran through his face when she did that. 
“Luke…” She said in one breath, suddenly feeling self-conscious by his presence “What are you- Did we-?” 
“No,” He answered quickly, stepping closer to the bed “No, we didn’t. You were drunk and I- You know I would never do that to you” 
“I thought we didn’t know each other…” 
Her words lingered in the air between them, creating a tension that could be cut with a knife. How fast did they become strangers when they used to know every single cardinal point of their bodies, every breath they took and what they meant, every sigh, every look… Now they were just two people in a room with so much to say but with no words coming out of either of their mouths.
Luke noticed how her eyes changed. While they were no longer filled with tears, they now laid emotionless in front of him, dull and empty as she stared at him. 
“I did this to her,” He thought “I took the light of her eyes. It’s my fault” 
She cleared her throat, breaking the silence as she spoke “Well, thank you for bringing me here last night. You can go now” She said, tearing her eyes away from him as she sat on her edge of the bed. 
Luke stood still “No,” 
“I’m asking you to leave” Y/N clarified, her voice growing stronger but still a bit sore. 
“And I’m telling you I’m not going” He responded, taking tentative steps towards her “Something I should’ve done all those weeks ago” 
He was standing in front of her in a matter of seconds; he crouched to meet her eyes but she quickly turned her face away “Y/N, please” He begged, his hand coming to rest on her cheek as his knuckles caressed her skin while the other one was placed on top of her hands, both intertwined with each other on top of her thighs “You could look at me yesterday, please don’t deny me at least that. Let me see you, my love” 
But Y/N didn’t move, her face stayed turned to the side with her hair covering most of it. She couldn’t look at him, she just couldn’t. It was too hard, too painful. Luke sighed.
“Okay, it’s okay. You don’t have to, but at least listen to me, yeah? I just- I need you to listen, Y/N, please” He pleaded, placing both hands on top of hers “Y/N, I love you” 
The knot in his throat became tighter as he noticed how the veins of her neck tensed and she started to grip her hands tighter. But she needed to hear this, and even though it hurt to see her like that, he continued. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you” He said, voice breaking at the end, impossible to fight that choking feeling in his throat “I loved you since the moment I saw you. You were all dressed up in Calum‘s clothes and you had a pen in your hair, and I thought you were the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, but you were so nervous about trying to clean the coffee you spilled that you didn’t even notice I fell for you without knowing your name” He let out a tearful chuckle “I started to fall that day and I haven’t stopped, not even for a second. Y/N you are- You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I was an idiot for not seeing that. I don’t know what I have to do for you to forgive me, but I’ll do anything, my love. Anything to make it better. Cause I followed you blindly from the start, and I’m so sorry I let you down. I’m so, so fucking sorry that I let my insecurities come in our way. I love you, even then I never stopped loving you”
He could see how her chin started to tremble, she was trying to hold off the tears as much as him “I - I wish I could go back in time. I would’ve never said the things I said, I would’ve never doubted you or left without listening to what you had to say. I should’ve fought harder for you, but I was a coward. I still am, if I’m being honest, but I will not run away, Y/N. Not anymore. I know I will never deserve you, but I’ll do my best and try. Because you, my love, are the love of my life, the greatest love I have and - and I can’t -“ 
It became too much for him. He couldn’t say anything else without breaking down. But he wanted her to know how much she meant for him, how much he is willing to fight for her if she lets him. She needed to know how sorry he was and how much he still loves her. But the words got stuck in his throat. The poet was left speechless.
“Y/N you are so strong,” He finally said “So strong, my love. And I’m so fucking proud of everything you do, I always have and always will be” He brought her hands to his lips and started pressing kisses all over it while wetting them with his tears “I wish I could take back everything I said. All those words were said out of anger and jealousy, that is not how I see you at all. You are so beautiful, Y/N, inside and out. So kind, so smart, so giving… You are perfect. And I love you, I love you, I love yo-”
Suddenly his words were interrupted by her lips as she started kissing him. Y/N didn’t want to keep listening anymore so she did the only thing he could, the thing she wanted to do the most since she saw him come out of the bathroom. 
Their hands flew to cup each other’s cheeks, keeping their faces as close as they could, feeling how their tears became one as they started to deepen the kiss. They rocked back and forward with the intensity of their energies colliding once again, it was everything they needed and more. Suddenly, Luke got up from the floor and brought Y/N along with her, pressing her against the wall as their lips never left each other.
“I love you” He breathed into her lips before kissing her again and again and again, already getting lost in the feeling of euphoria she brought to him “I love you”
She kept crying as their lips met, savoring every word, every praise that came from his mouth, trying hard to hold on to them as she felt her breath become short “I missed you” She cried into the kiss, pulling away to see his face. 
Luke’s eyes were blown wide as he stared at her, their lips were pink as they tried to catch their breaths. He knocked his forehead against hers before kissing it lightly “Please, forgive me” He begged, holding her tight against his chest. 
“Luke,” She whispered as she tugged on his shirt, making him look back at her “Kiss me” 
He looked at her softly, his baby blue eyes saying more than he ever could as he caressed her cheek one more time before leaning down and trapping her lips with his. He had no rush because there was no other place he’d rather be, no other person he’d rather spend time with. Only her. Only his Y/N. 
Her hands traveled tentatively under his shirt, softly caressing the skin of his back and his stomach as she parted her lips to grant him more access and control. Luke’s hand that was not cupping her cheek rounded around her waist, bringing her body closer to him with the need of feeling her, all of her. 
“Y/N…” He groaned, tilting his head back when he felt her kiss along his jaw and neck.
“Please…” She murmured against his skin, sucking and kissing on the spot that she knew would make him shiver. 
Luke pressed her against the wall with his body completely covering hers. He grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her feet from the ground as she locked her legs around his waist. “Please,” She begged again, closing her lips around the shell of his ear and slightly biting into it. She could feel him getting hard as her hips moved forward, her core pressing against his hardening cock. She moaned softly into his ear  “Please, Luke. Please” 
The movement of her hips was all Luke needed to lose himself to her, thrusting right back at her and moaning at the friction of her soaked panties against his clothed erection. Her sound became more breathy and he knew she was getting close just by the friction alone, having spent too much time without this feeling. 
“Y/N…” Luke groaned into her after a particularly hard trust “I-”
“I know” She breathed “I need it too,” 
Without a second thought, Luke turned both of them around, still holding Y/N by the back of her thighs as he placed them back into the bed. Now it was his turn to kiss along her face, her lips, her neck… everywhere she would give him access to and would leave her breathing his name. His hands fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, taking it off completely in one swift move and occupying his hands by touching her breasts, massaging them softly as his lips closed against one of her nipples, tongue circling around the hard pebble until they were nice, erect and wet from his kiss only to do it again with the other one. 
Y/N was a whimpering mess under him, her fingers tangling in his hair as he sucked on her sweet spot, kissing down her body until his lips found her wet panties. He kissed over her clothes bundle of nerves, making her moan and begged for more as he swiftly hooked his long fingers at either side of her hips and pulled them down, kissing along her thighs up and down and up again only to finish tongue deep into her hole, lapping at her arousal and moaning against her at the taste of her. He always found her exquisite. 
Stars were playing behind her eyelids as she felt one finger inside her while Luke’s lips closed against her clit, sucking it lightly as he inserted another finger per her request, thrusting then inside and out as she chanted his name like a prayer when her walls clenched against them. 
Luke licked her clean as her fingers played with his hair, relishing this intimate moment as a precious memory for the future. When he pushed himself up he noticed that there were a new set of tears rolling down her cheeks “Are you okay, love?” He asked, “Did I hurt you?” 
She shook his head, looking up at him with teary eyes “I love you” 
His eyes soften at her words, hands caressing the side of her face as he leaned in without thinking, kissing her tears away with such care, never wanting to see them again.
“Luke…” She whispered, kissing his chin “Luke, make love to me” 
Blue eyes met Y/E/C, sharing all the love he had in them before leaning down again to trap her lips with his; tongues dancing together like it was the first time all over again where no other words were needed. 
Y/N helped him out of his shirt and shorts, pumping his cock in her hands as he moaned in her ear how good it felt before lining it up with her entrance, quiet gasps leaving each other’s mouths as they felt the familiar stretch when he bottomed out. 
Soft words and kisses were shared as Luke’s thrusts were slow and steady. It was silent, needy, passionate; it was everything they needed and more. Their hands explored the familiarity of their bodies, leaving faint marks as they enjoyed their shared pleasure.
“Please,” She begged against his lips, moaning as Luke started hitting her spot “Please, please, please, plea-” 
Her orgasm came over her like a wave and Luke was entranced with her face as it contorted in extasis, helping him reach his climax as he cum inside her, painting her walls as his thrusts became sloppy. 
They stayed like that for a while, kissing on top of each other as their bodies stayed connected in the most intimate way. But soon Luke had to get up, getting a wet cloth from the bathroom and cleaning her up, whispering sweet nothings to her as he did so. 
He climbed into the bed next to her, pulling her closer against his chest as his back rested against the headboard, drawing circles in the soft spot of her back and resting his chin on the top of her head. 
They must’ve fallen asleep after a while because when he opened his eyes again he felt Y/N crying into his chest.
“My love?” He asked, worry lacing his voice as he accommodated himself better so he could see her face. Y/N eyes were puffy and filled with tears as she struggled to contain a sob “What’s wrong?” 
Y/N sniffed, voice breaking as she asked “You love me?” 
Luke furrowed his eyebrows in confusion “What a stupid question,” He said as he started playing with your hair “Of course I love you” 
“But what else?” 
Her question confused him, even more, when he saw pure heartbreak spread along her face. 
“What else what?” 
“You love me and what else?” She repeated her question. 
“What else is there?” 
Luke’s answer made her lips tremble as a new set of tears filled her eyes. His heart fell to his stomach with her reaction, not knowing what he did to make her this upset “Baby, what’s wrong? Is love not enough?” 
Y/N shook her head as she took a deep breath, trying to find enough voice and courage to say what she needed. 
“I’m not perfect, Luke” 
“I know,” He said, bringing his fingers to caress your cheek but you shook your head.
“No, you don’t know” She stated, tears rolling down her cheek “You still see me as something out of your reach, as something you don’t deserve because you hold me to such standards that is impossible for me to live up to your expectations. I will let you down, even without wanting to, I will. And- a-and I don’t think I’ll be able to stand that look in your eyes once I do. I can’t go through that again” 
She cried softly for a while, trying to find the right words to say.
“Luke, I need you to listen to me very carefully and really think about what I’m asking for here, okay, love?” She said after collecting herself just enough. He nodded as he gave her his undivided attention “Luke, I love you. More than anyone in the world, I love you. I thought I would never say those words again but I can’t deny my feelings for you nor do I want to. I love you. But I also love my life” 
Luke’s eyes were fixed on her as she spoke, nodding along to what she was saying. She took another deep breath before continuing. 
“A life that is filled with concerts, traveling and recordings and parties and interviews… A life that I chose to follow my dreams and make them come true. A life I am not going to give up because it’s mine and I truly love it. But in this life, there are some bumps in the road. There will always be people trying to bring me down, sending hate to me and the ones I love, spreading rumors all around where sometimes you won’t be able to distinguish fiction from reality. With people trying to get to me, by flirting or abusing their power with threats. But I keep going, I deal with all of that because that’s just the way it is. I will go to an interview that might get twisted, I might go and get flirted on by a random stranger that works for publicity. I might have rumors of me dating people I haven’t even met! All of that without my consent or knowledge. But I agreed to this when I agreed to follow my dreams and I can’t help it when it happens and most of the time I can’t say anything about it even if it hurts. 
And when that happens I need to know that you will trust me. Because I cannot possibly ask you to leave your dreams to follow mine, meaning that we won’t be together all the time like we’re used to. And I need to know that you will trust me when I’m away from you”
Luke stayed quiet, his mind running a thousand miles per hour at her words. Could he trust her? When they were together on tour, and even at home in L.A, the rumors about Y/N were strong, so much so that he didn’t know if they were true or not. And even though he knew her, he still wasn’t sure. He doubted her, more times than not he did which ended up in him losing her until last night. He trusted her now, but…
“I don’t know,” He answered honestly, feeling like the weight of his shoulders was being lifted as he spoke “I don’t trust my mind, not when it’s about you. Not really. I trust you here, right now but I can’t promise that my insecurities won’t get in the way, changing that for the future. But I can try, I’ll do my best-”
“What if your best is not enough, Luke?” She asked, sucking the air out of both of them. 
“What?” He asked in return, voice small and soft. 
She sighed, blinking through the tears “What if- What if it’s not enough? You love me, but you don’t trust me. I love you, but I’m scared you’re going to run away every time you hear something about me that could tint the image of me you have in your mind. I’m scared of that Y/N because I’m not her and I might never be able to compete with her. I wish I could tell you that everything will change for the better, that love will be enough. But if we can’t see a future now…”
“There might not be a future at all” Luke finished for her. 
The truth hurt more than they could ever have imagined, but it was still the truth. Without trust, there is no love that could endure the passings of times, but they could try, couldn’t they? 
“What now?” He asked after a moment of silence. 
“Hold me?” 
Luke opened his arms and Y/N nested into them, setting her head upon his chest and letting his heartbeat be the melody of her heartbreak. “I love you” She whispered into his skin.
“I love you, too” 
“I might never stop loving you” 
“You don’t have to” 
She sighed “I know, that’s what scares me”
Luke nodded, even though she couldn't see him. He let his fingertips trace up and down her arms and back, serving as the only comfort he could give right now.
“Stay with me tonight?” She asked, tilting her head so she could look him in the eyes “Just one night the two of us where we can leave the world behind. Just us and for tonight that’s enough”
He smiled sadly “Morning will come eventually” 
“And what will happen to us in the morning?” 
Luke let out a sad sigh “I don’t know” 
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodhoran @flaneurcth @notinthesameguey @bubblegum18 @irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr @myloverboyash @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash​ @alltimesos @kingxnichole @givebuckyhisplumsnow @hufflehemm @wildflower98 @girl-toxxic
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ejzah · 3 years
This might be difficult to write since there’s not much context but I was wondering if you could do a speculation fic for the new promo pic where densi get ?kidnapped? (from what we saw in the promo pics with Kensi injured), thank you!
A/N: Hi anon, I’m assuming this is for “Land of Wolves”. I’m trying to find the various posts that @glenncoco4 and others have helpfully shared, but I’m not sure I got all the details, few as they may be at this point, right.
“You know, when I said we should take some time to bond, this is not what I was thinking,” Deeks informed Kensi, picking his way around a pile of decaying leaves and something he didn’t want examine today closely.
“What, you said you wanted fresh air, woods, and just the two of us,” Kensi replied, pausing to take a deep breath as she gave him a mischievous smile. “Camping fits all of those requirements.”
“Yeah, I was thinking more along the lines of us sitting by a fire ring, drinking apple cider and then retiring to a cozy house for more, ahem, strenuous activities.”
“I bet you were.” Rolling her eyes, Kensi nudged his shoulder, and gestured with her chin towards the path ahead of them. “C’mon, we have another couple miles to go and it’s going to start getting dark soon.”
As Kensi took a step away, Deeks grabbed her arm, fingers loosely encircling her wrist. She let him pull her back towards him and he gathered her in against his chest, stealing a long, unhurried kiss. When he leaned back, Kensi looked slightly dazed.
Maybe camping wasn’t his first choice, but it certainly had its perks, Deeks decided.
A couple hours later, they were settled in on a single chair in front of a glowing fire, their small tent set up behind them. Contrary to popular belief, Deeks was capable of putting up a tent, but he didn’t exactly enjoy it.
“This is nice,” Kensi murmured, sounding a little sleepy as she leaned back in his arms. There was a slight breeze in the air so she was curled up with a blanket to keep the chill out.
“Yeah.” He sighed, nuzzling Kensi’s jaw. “We should probably make dinner before it gets too late,” he added, wiggling his arm out from under her leg to peer at his watch.
“Or, we could have pop tarts and Cheetos for dinner.”
“Those are supposed to be our emergency snacks in case we get stuck on the side of a mountain,” Deeks reminded her. Tipping her chin up, Kensi twined her arms around his neck. She kissed his cheek, trailing a row down to just below his ear, and then he felt her smirk against his skin.
“Mm, true, but I was thinking of a more enjoyable activity than cooking,” she said, lowering her voice suggestively. Deeks raised an eyebrow and shifted his left hand to Kensi’s hip. She curled her fingers into the neck of his blue pullover, fingers brushing his chest.
“Oh, in that case do you want blueberry or-” He broke off, looking around the woods around them. “Did you hear something?”
Kensi sat up a little and glanced at rustling leaves. “No.” She shook her head. “It’s probably just the wind blowing through the leaves.”
“I swear I heard a stick breaking,” Deeks explained, feeling a strange creeping sensation down his spine.
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” she insisted, drawing his mouth back to hers. Deeks brushed off his lingering disquiet and held Kensi against his chest, eagerly returning her kiss.
After a minute, he lifted Kensi into his arms, standing with her, and making a beeline for their tent. He set Kensi on her feet at the doorway, keeping her close.
Just as Kensi’s fingers slipped under the hem of his shirt, he heard a noise again and spun around, right into the barrel of a gun.
“It’s good to see you again, Detective. Kensi,” David Kessler said pleasantly as two more people surrounded them, pressing a gun to Kensi’s temple.
A/N: I hope this is ok. Thanks for the prompt!
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wizkiddx · 3 years
I lovelovelovelove ur writing. Was thinking if u could do one where readers relationship w tom exposed bcos someone recognises her but she isnt famous? And its all backwards and caught out sort of thing
thanks for being so kind! also I feel like me narrator-y voice has gone WAY too far, what do u guys think? I won't be offended promise I just think it sounds so fucking annoying rn
Tom Holland x reader
summary: you run into possibly the most infuriating family members the one time u and ur boy are showing PDA
warnings = none I think :)
It was a late late evening, on the last train of the night towards manchester, the British countryside plunged into darkness that appeared as a blank, black canvas out the rounded-rectangular windows. 
And although the serene surroundings were calming, the regular and rhythmic movement of the carriage on the tracks - you were more on edge. Your relationship with Tom had yet to be revealed to the world - though you’d travelled as part of his extended entourage before under the guise of a ‘family friend’. So now it just being you, Tom, Harry, Andrew and Rachel - you felt more exposed. Of course, you were incredibly grateful that Tom had planned this weekend away for the two of you (after a work commitment, hence the presence of his manger, makeup artist and Harry). But it was scary.
Coming out of Euston station, the earlier time meant the train had been more of a hive of activity. Kids running up and down the aisle, inevitably recognising Tom and then asking for a photo. Enough that you’d had to move a few seats down the carriage, so no one would associate you travelling with the a-lister. 
But after you’d past Birmingham and the clocks past eleven pm, everything had quietened down and Tom convinced you to come and sit next to him on the table of four.  Andrew and Rachel were taking use of their little duo seat across for you to catch up on some well needed beauty sleep. They’d all been working with Tom doing promo for his most recent movie in London so it’d been pretty 24/7.
That left you, with all the energy, contrasting greatly with the two flagging Holland boys. 
“Lets play heads up!” You announced to the much less enthusiastic faces round the tables. 
“You can’t play that quietly and the whole carriage dont want to listen to you screeching.” Harry rolled his eyes whilst slightly ripping into you, then picking up his phone - thinking that would shut you up.
“I can play quietly!” You huffed, looking for Tom for backing… which never came. He didn’t even need to try and defend himself before you whacked his chest in false-annoyance. 
“ It’s not a bad thing, just passion.” Tom murmured, desperately attempting to sweet talk your round - which of course, was not going to happen. 
“No way! I’ll prove it to you!” 
“Nonono darling, look I’m tired.” He straight refused, wrappings his arms round your shoulders to try and cage you in. He ended up with his back pressed against the window and your back against his chest. “Lemme just relax with my best girl.”  You huffed in reply, worming round in his clutch before eventually giving up and relaxing your head onto his collar bone. For the reasons previously mentioned, you did not for a second believe he was serious with this PDA. Just sitting next to each other was risky enough,  now he was very clearly hugging you in a public place. Arching your neck back, you were shocked he already had his eyes shut - looking perfectly contented and relaxed. 
“T, are you serious?” You whispered, making him crack one eye open with a questioning look. Instantly he knew what you meant, I mean, it was him that was most worried about people finding out about you - for your sake. His horror stories of previous relationships hadn’t helped, to the point now only your mum dad and siblings knew about your relationship to Tom - mainly for the sole reason your nan was the biggest gossip in the world and could NOT be trusted. 
“Course love, it’ll be fine no ones around and I got my cap on. No one will notice us.”
Foolproof. Or so you both thought. 
And honestly for an hour or so you relished in the fact that in a public space, your boyfriend was showing you physical affection. It was exciting, which meant as Tom’s arms grew lax round you as he slumped slightly in the chair your energy only increased. No one else was being any use either - Harry had his head in his arms on the table and similarly neither Rachel nor Andrew were conscious enough to keep you company. Finally you settled on playing a game on your phone whilst also ever so softly wiggling round on Tom’s chest, purely because you enjoyed the little huffs and the way he’d squeeze you tighter as he snoozed. 
You were engrossed in shitty little iPhone game when a person who was walking down the aisle slowed down, drawing your attention away from the phone. And then your heart literally dropped because you instantly recognised your uncle and cousin, who was 12. Worse though, they had most definitely clocked you. 
Of all people, your uncle and boy cousin too. Possible the best (or worst depending on your point of view) at winding you up, at messing  with you, for genuinely causing all chaos and mischief with you. They were most certainly not going to be discrete. They’d rib you till your dying day. 
“Y/n?” Your uncle spoke first, noticing the that the group you with all seemed to be asleep, so at least trying to be a bit sensitive. Not that it mattered on Tom’s part though, you instantly bolted up and away from him, making him groan as he slowly woke up. 
“Er yeh, I-um  fancy seeing you guys here. Why were you in London?” Because yes half your family did live in manchester - a fact you felt slightly guilty about, considering you couldn’t fit in a quick and explainable reason as to  why you were in that area of the UK during a ‘pop in’. So you’d chosen to keep the whole trip a secret too.
“We’ve been at the footie, could ask you the same question.” Your uncle smirked, noticing toward Tom, who now was blinking his eyes heavily - looking with furrowed brows between the two of you. 
Because yes, the cap had been great to stop people recognising Tom. Neither of you were to expect it’d be you that’d be YOU stopped by someone who noticed you. 
“Oh um… well er this is my friend Tom, he’s got a work thing in manchester so thought I’d tag along. What was the score?” Yes you described your boyfriend of 9 months as a friend, when it was clear to everyone you were more than that. Though frankly, you still felt sick introducing him as ‘boyfriend’ - that itself was cringe as hell. The reference to football was an in-vain attempt to distract them with the most-boring-sport-in-the-world talk. If only Tom had kept his mouth shut. 
“Sorry mate” His voice was a little hoarse, making him force a cough before stretching his hand out. “I’m Tom”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Ritchie and this is Matt” Your uncle motioned to his twelve year old son who was smiling politely but his expression seemed to drop as he made eye contact with Tom. Blissfully unaware, Tom shook Ritchies hand your a soft smile. 
“How do you guys-“
“I’m her uncle. Tell you what, didn’t imagine bumping into my niece on the 11:30 train to manchester.” 
Tom’s face fell and he froze. You’d both been caught out. Massively. It couldn’t get worse, till it did. 
“Y/n is that Spiderman?” Because yes, Matt was prime Marvel fanboy age. And yes, of course his favourite hero was Spiderman. And yes, this would probably be the most exciting day of his life. And the most embarrassing of yours. 
It was at this point Harry was sufficiently disturbed, enough to make him sit upright whilst also backing away into the corner of the booth, watching from afar.
“I-uh” You didnt really want to say it, for the sake of that meant he was revealing this secret you’d guarded with your life. But at the same time, you had this overwhelming sense of pride for Tom because “yeh, yes he is spiderman.” Matt started jumping up and down like an overexcited boyband fan which made you laugh, heart swelling as Tom chuckled along beside you.
Yes by no means was this ideal. And yes you were now forced to tell your family (so ultimately the world) about your relationship. Maybe that wasn’t so bad though?
hope u enjoyed + thank you for reading <333
tagging: @hollandfanficlove @hallecarey1
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theworldinclines · 3 years
Title: definition Pairing: Pitch/Bank Summary: Based on episode 6 promo and this upcoming scene Ao3 link
Read below
     The fire had dwindled to little more than embers what has to be an hour ago, Pitch’s classmates dispersing for their late-night activities around the same time, but he’s not moved from his spot. Bank nudges his cheek against Pitch’s shoulder in an attempt to relieve his ant bites, even in sleep, and Pitch shakes his head. He scratches the back of his neck, the area that the wind had so thoughtfully dumped the nest, with a sigh.
     “Bank,” he murmurs, then a little louder, “Oi, Bank.”
     Bank lifts his head with squinted eyes and a not so coherent, “What’s it?” that Pitch will excuse because it’s almost midnight. He glances around the camp, frowning. “Where’s everyone?”
     “Beats me,” Pitch says. “As you can see, I’ve been preoccupied.”
     “What happened?” Pitch lifts an eyebrow and Bank looks at his shoulder, then back up at him. “You let me sleep on you?” he asks. Pitch nods, unable to hide a smirk, but Bank whacks his arm. “What’d you do that for?”
     Not quite the grateful response Pitch might have expected from his junior, but he’s learned to roll with the punches. “You’re right,” he says. “Next time I’ll just put you on the ground and leave you to get bitten up by more ants.”
     “You could’ve gone to sleep hours ago 一 ” He pauses. “How long has it been?”
     “You passed out around Juno’s third scary story,” Pitch supplies, “which for her is describing the plot of any given Twilight book in what I can only call excruciating detail.”
     Bank shakes his head, standing up to make for their camp. “You should’ve woken me up.”
     “You had no problem on the bus,” Bank points out.
     In fairness, Pitch had only pushed off Bank’s touch because he could already feel his friends’ grins on them and wanted to avoid their teasing, however inevitable. He hadn’t meant to hurt Bank’s feelings, hadn’t even thought to apologise because he hadn’t considered Bank might be sensitive enough to care.
     “That was a one-off,” Pitch says, no frills, and bumps Bank’s arm. “I think having you asleep on my shoulder for an hour and a half makes up for it, don’t you?”
     “You’re a menace,” Bank answers, walking ahead.
     Pitch can’t help laughing even as he calls after Bank, “Ouch!” He shakes his head again, smiling to himself, and follows after. He ducks into their tent where Bank has already settled down, blanket set aside to catch whatever breeze he can.
     “You’re actually going to sleep?” he asks as he lays down to his right.
     “What do my closed eyes tell you?”
     “You’re having a long blink.” Bank looks over at Pitch only to find a shit-eating grin. He smiles too, despite himself, and turns away to hide it. “Hey, I saw that!”
     “I’m sleeping.”
     “After that nap you’re ready to call it a night? You should be more energised than anyone. I’m surprised you’re not hunting down more of that special liquor and dancing pantsless on a table.”
     Bank turns over to look at him in dismay. “As if I’d do that!”
     “I’d love to see it.”
     “You’re a jerk.”
     Pitch makes a face and Bank shakes his head, though he’s still unable to prevent a smile of his own.
     “And you’re helpless to my charms,” Pitch says. “We all have our things.” Bank pokes a vindictive finger against Pitch’s cheek, leaving a streak through the baking soda there. Pitch stares at him with wide eyes. “Are you trying to make my face itch?”
     “We’ve been itchy all day; a little more won’t kill you,” Bank says, making Pitch’s grin widen slyly. By the look on Bank’s face, Pitch doesn’t have to explain his reaction. “You’re the worst.” Releasing a grieved sigh, Pitch sits up in his spot. “What’re you doing now?”
     “I’m sure there’s someone here who’ll take pity on me for the night. I’ll no longer burden you by being ‘the worst.’”
     Bank covers his face with his hands, laughing. “You’re the most annoying person I’ve ever met!”
     “That settles it.”
     Bank opens his eyes to see Pitch pushing up out of the tent, and Bank reaches out for his arm in a split second.
     “Don’t go!” he orders. Pitch grins, making Bank frown. “Did you miss this morning, when everyone laughed at me for wanting a tent-mate?”
     “I definitely didn’t miss it,” Pitch promises. He shrugs. “If you want me to stay, I’ll stay. I’d rather sleep here than outside Sun and Sky’s tent anyway. Who knows what I’d hear.”
     Bank laughs aloud in something like surprise and horror. “No more talking. Jesus.” He tugs Pitch’s arm and Pitch tugs back with waggled brows. “P’Pitch,” Bank starts, laughing again as he yanks harder.
     Pitch goes then, falling on his back next to Bank. “I’m not tired,” Pitch says after only a few seconds.
     “Are you serious?”
     “Maybe it was all the talk of Edward and Bella’s steamy passion but I’m wide awake.” He props onto his elbow. “We should do this again.”
     “Listen to Juno’s stories?” Bank asks, eyebrows lifted. “Cuz I didn’t even listen the first time.”
     “The volunteer trip here,” Pitch clarifies. “I’ll even commission the dinosaur onesie to make a comeback.”
     “That thing has to be burned after all the sweat I got in it.”
     “The water didn’t help?”
     “You mean the water you poured on me?” Bank asks, dry. “I can’t say it did. Half the time I’m pretty sure you’re trying to wreak havoc.”
     “That’s hurtful, and untrue. I consider myself the picture of an earnest man,” Pitch says. “The word ‘heroic’ has been tossed around.”
     “If ‘heroic’ means loud,” Bank says, grinning, and Pitch’s jaw drops.
     “Take it back right now.”
     “Good night.” He closes his eyes, but the fact that he’s still smiling widely takes away the effect.
     “Oi!” Pitch clambers atop Bank, knees on either side of his legs. “Take it back. I’m heroic!”
     “To help you sleep tonight, sure.”
     “Bank.” Bank jabs a finger into Pitch’s side, making him freeze. “Don’t.” After the afternoon’s beatdown from the kids, Bank had been fortunate enough 一 to Pitch’s even greater misfortune 一 to discover Pitch is ticklish. He knew it would come back to bite him (not unlike the ants), but not twice in one day. Bank grins, all teeth, and next thing Pitch knows he’s fallen chest to chest with Bank, breathless from laughter.
     “Next time you’ll listen when I say to sleep, right?” Bank asks.
     Pitch lifts up slightly, shaking his head. “I regret everything.”
     “That’s not what I asked.”
     Pitch meets Bank’s eyes and he’s a sight to behold, face covered in a ridiculously uneven coat of white powder. But his smile is huge, and Pitch suddenly recalls how he’d looked earlier, when they’d been this close. Before his eyes, Bank’s expression is softening into one similar to that moment, and it’s as scary to Pitch now as it had been then. But he’s the person to move closer this time around, rather than the one to put a stop to it.
     Their lips haven’t met for more than a few seconds before Bank is pushing Pitch off and disappearing from the tent. Pitch goes too, stunned from their kiss, however brief, and what appears to be Bank’s consequent fleeing of the scene.
     “Bank!” he shouts after him. “What’re you doing?”
     “What do you think you’re doing?” Bank retorts, spinning to face him.
     “Why did you kiss me?”
     “I think it’s obvious.”
     “I don’t think it is.”
     “Why are you so upset? At the lake, it seemed like 一 weren’t we 一 ” Pitch stops, frustrated that he can’t find the words.
     “You left me there,” Bank reminds him. “Why would you kiss me now and not then?”
     “I 一 Why does it even matter? It’s just a kiss; either way, it was just a kiss.” Bank shakes his head and turns again to go on walking. Pitch hurries to follow. “Can you share with the class here? Bank?”
     “You liked Juno. And Toktaeng. Whichever would give you a chance, anyone who looks at you. You flirt with them and with me and none of it means anything.”
     Pitch shakes his head, taken aback. “That’s 一 not true.”
     “You call me cute and mess with my feelings. I try to kiss you and you run, but when it’s convenient for you you’re all for it,” Bank says, eyes shining. “That’s really shitty, you know?”
     “That’s not what this is,” Pitch tries.
     Bank looks at him. “Then what is it?”
     Again, Pitch is at a loss for words. “Does it need a definition?” he manages to ask.
     “No,” Bank says, his shoulders drooping in renewed tiredness. “But if you can’t at least say you like me for real, it’s better to stop before I…”
     “I don’t want to fall for you, P’Pitch,” Bank says. “So, don’t worry about it.”
     “Bank, where are you going to sleep? I thought you didn’t want to be alone!”
     “I’ll figure it out,” is thrown over Bank’s shoulder.
     You better be careful. That you’re going to miss me too much.
     Like I’d miss you!
     “Fuck,” Pitch curses into the air.
     His phone buzzes with a question from Sky: why did Bank just message he’s gonna be sleeping in our tent? what did you do?
     Bank’s saddened eyes stare at Pitch from inside his own head and he swears again. More like what he didn’t do.
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yuthoe · 3 years
Heyooo request number 2 is from the Kiss Promts list; a hoarse whisper “kiss me” for Leedo bc his voice ends me😳👀
LITERALLY WOULD NOT LEAVE MY HEAD UNTIL I WROTE IT, SO HERE U ARE! thank you so much for sending these in! i’ve wanted to write something for leedo for a while now, and this was the perfect prompt yo
i mean, this isn’t my best, but it was so easy to write lol, it’s the bias effect
PAIRING: LEEDO x reader. GENRE: fluff, oneshot, drabble. WARNINGS: n/a. WORD COUNT: 1,108.
Long Awaited
Hey, babe
Sorry about this, but can we reschedule?
I know we’ve already rescheduled this date twice, but our manager just got a call for another guesting on that day
It’s for comeback promos, so i can’t not go
I’m sorry
The string of messages pop up one by one. Your heart sinks as you read them over, resigning to once again postponing your long awaited date. There’s no helping it anyway—you’ve been busy with promotions for your comeback the past month, and Geonhak is in the middle of pre-recording for variety show gigs in preparation for ONEUS’s comeback. When you first got together, you knew very well what you were getting into—weeks without seeing each other, being too tired from practice to even send the other a message, missed celebrations because of individual schedules… 
Back then, you both thought that just sticking it out would get your through, especially with both of you being busy with your respective debuts—there was no moment to breathe, let alone miss each other. But now…
Now you have more free time between comebacks, even if it’s just a day or a few hours. You have much more time to rest and be idle and think about how much you miss Geonhak, his deep voice and soft hands and cute laugh.
You sigh, fingers hovering over the keypad to type.
It’s oka—erase, erase, erase.
It’s no problem, babe, we can just—erase, erase, erase.
I miss you
You groan and flop back onto the pillows. You haven’t struggled with replying to Geonhak since the flirting phase of your relationship, but you’re just stuck on what to say. How do you tell him to not be sorry without hiding how you feel about the situation, but also showing you’re okay, but you’re not okay?
The thoughts run in circles through your head as you attempt to think of a reply. After a minute or two of nothing, you decide to get water. Maybe hydrating will help you finally think of something to say.
You down a glass of water before frantic knocking erupts at your door. The sound startles you, almost making you drop the glass. The knocking stops and you stay where you are, waiting for whoever is outside the door to leave.
But the knocking starts up again and you tiptoe to the door to peek through the peephole; you’re not going to just open the door for someone this late at night without making sure you know them first.
Geonhak’s side profile floods your vision, distorted from the fisheye lens of the peephole, and you open the door immediately. His head whips towards you.
“Geonhak,” you say as he steps inside, crowding you at the entryway and closing the door behind him. Your face is flushed, flustered at your boyfriend’s sudden visit. “What are you doing here? It’s late, aren’t you supposed to be—,”
You’re cut off by Geonhak cupping your face with his big hands and saying in a hoarse whisper, “Kiss me.”
There’s no time to react before he crushes his lips to yours. Your hands go to his black hair, tangling in the silky locks on instinct. One of his hands wind around your waist to press you closer to him and you moan. Geonhak takes the opportunity to slide his tongue in your mouth and explore, hungry for your taste.
He can’t remember the last time he kissed you like this, and now that he’s got you in his arms again, he can’t fathom how he went so long without you. Geonhak backs you into the nearest wall, trails the hand on your waist down to your hip, your thigh, hooks underneath your knee to hike your leg up and around his waist.
You squeak and he smiles into the kiss. He’s missed the sounds you make.
“Ah, wait—Geonhak,” you say, pushing at his strong chest until you separate. “Not that I’m not happy seeing you right now, but… What are you doing here?”
The look you’re giving him makes him want to sink to his knees and show you how much he loves you. But he only snuck out of the dorms and he doesn’t have much time before the other guys come looking for him. Plus, he has an early morning tomorrow, and knows you have a schedule, too.
So he settles for resting his forehead on yours. “You said you missed me,” he says quietly, deep voice making goosebumps rise on your arms. “And I missed you, too, so I snuck out.” He carefully lets your leg down and places both hands on your hips, rubbing circles through the thin fabric of your sweatpants.
You’re wracking your brain, trying to remember when you explicitly said you missed him. The last text you sent him was…
The bulb lights up in your head, your mouth gaping open when you realize you must have accidentally sent that “I miss you” from earlier.
You relax in Geonhak’s steady hold, run your hands up his shoulders to clasp at his neck, lean in to land a soft kiss to his plush lips. “You have to go soon, right?” you murmur, playing with the short hairs on the nape of his neck.
“Mhm,” he simply says. “Don’t wanna, though.”
The smile that spreads across your face is inevitable. “It’s okay. There’ll be other days, babe.” You cup his cheek to look at him properly. Smooth your thumb over his cheekbone. “Why don’t you have a drink before you go? I have some of that good coffee you like.”
You feel a flush in your cheeks when he smiles at you, so handsome it’s unreal sometimes. Even bare-faced and unruly hair, dressed in worn-out shirts and sweatpants, Geonhak is beautiful.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” he whispers, sending a shudder down your spine.
You talk as you make coffee, catch up on what’s kept both of you busy as you sip your beverages. Seoho calls you after an hour asking about his groupmate, and you assure him he’s on his way back.
You idle by the door, and neither of you want him to leave. Short and sweet kisses are exchanged, along with promises to reschedule that date for another weekend. You watch as he walks off and turns the corner towards the stairs, and you think,
It’s moments like these, quiet and stolen, that make you grateful for all the time you spend apart. Sometimes you miss him so much that you get agitated and anxious—but all those nerves disappear when you finally see him, touch him, hold him again.
Guess absence does make the heart grow fonder after all.
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snowbellewells · 4 years
Valentine’s Self-Promo Sunday: “Melted Chocolate”
This little fic of mine was originally posted very late on Valentine’s Day a few years back and never got many views.  Now I realize that Valentine’s Day has passed, but I still think this works for our rainy, pre-Spring time of year, and I hope some new folks may enjoy it this time around.
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Author’s Notes: This was originally an entry in the CS Fic Exchange, for Prompt #4. I haven’t used every part, but I have worked in: candy hearts, rain, high winds, or other weather events, and the dialogue: “On a scale from one to irreconcilable differences on divorce papers, how much do you think (character) will mind if…?”  Imagine this is sometime not so far past the end of season six, but before Henry takes off on his own, since he is clearly still here and happy with Violet.
{Also available on AO3 and on ff.net }
“Melted Chocolate”
by: @snowbellewells
“No, no, no!” Emma Swan moaned in sheer disgruntled reluctance, already knowing it was as bad as she feared; her forehead coming to rest against the steering wheel of her Bug where her hands were still clenched tightly.  “Tell me this isn’t happening!”
The sudden rainstorm pelted down on the roof and against the windows; the downpour making her feel all the more hemmed in as the car tilted slightly in the sucking mud where they had swerved blindly off the road just enough to get stuck in the ditch, the left rear wheel sinking slowly in the mire where it was caught. The only thing that kept her from actually crying out in frustration was the feel of her husband’s curved appendage coming to rest on her shoulder, the comforting weight rubbing gentle circles into her tensed muscles in a soothing fashion.
“Come now, Love,” Killian murmured, bending to peer into her eyes as best he could with the way she had bent over the wheel and was petulantly avoiding his pretty blue eyes.  “It can’t be all that bad, can it?”
She gave him a narrow-eyed glare as she sat up to face him, but still heaved a dejected sigh.  If she looked at that concerned, adoring gaze too long, she wouldn’t even have her anger to hold onto.  “Well, pardon me,” she grumped, only half teasing.  “In case you hadn’t noticed, the car’s stuck, and there’s a literal monsoon going on outside, so it’s not great, no.”
As if in agreement with her words, the VW gave a creaking sort of settling moan, listing even more to the left once again, and Killian offered her a sheepish grin and half-shrug in recognition of her point.  “Well,” he offered hopefully, holding up the plastic shopping bag from their quick run to the next town over, “at least we won’t starve.”  He paired his words with a playful quirk of his brow, and for a fleeting moment it was all Emma could do not to burst out in a fit of giggles at his antics, the ridiculousness of the whole situation and the sudden storm blown up out of nowhere, despite all her previous frustration.
Shaking her head, she looked over at him in disbelieving amusement before responding sarcastically.  “You just had to have those particular candy hearts, didn’t you?”
“I did promise them to Henry.  After all the effort he went to in writing those verses for the young Lady Violet, it seemed a shame to deny him the finishing touch he requested.  They were out of stock at the Dark Star, and so I truly had no other recourse.  Though, whilst we are on the subject, why any of us frequent the pharmacy of a dwarf who has had a cold as long as I have known him is beyond me.”
“Well, be that as it may,” Emma snarked back tartly, “we’ve got bigger problems now.”
“Aye, Darling, I can see that,” Killian acceded with a grudging nod, knowing he was the more optimistic member of their duo and clearly therefore hated to acknowledge defeat and the negative until it couldn’t be helped.  Still, things had clearly reached that point, as a jarring crack of thunder chose that moment to rattle the car’s windows in their frames and a jagged streak of lightning blossomed in the sky, highlighting the tension on both their faces.
Licking his lips as if gathering himself for a difficult question before plowing ahead, Killian ventured a still somewhat hopeful glance across the center console to meet hers and asked.  “I don’t supposed your magic could unstick us from this predicament?”  But the words were barely uttered before he trailed off, chagrined at the embarrassed and regretful look on his wife’s face.
Emma shook her head mournfully, blaming herself already for whatever the issue might be. “I thought so too,” she replied softly, offering up her hands, palms turned up and lying open, “but it isn’t working.  Whatever command I try to send doesn’t seem to be having any effect.  My magic is as on the fritz as our phones and the radio seem to be.”  Letting her hands drop again dejectedly into her lap, Emma sent Killian an apologetic look and huffed out addition of, “I know, right? What good is having magic anyway, if it can’t get us out of a jam like this?  Some Valentine’s date I turn out to be!”
Killian was quick to shake his head in disagreement, reaching over to pick Emma’s hands up again and pull them toward where he bent his dark head over them to press chaste, worshipful kisses into the center of both palms, lingering as if merely to inhale her scent and be nearer to her.  “Emma, none of that now, my Lass,” he finally whispered against her skin, his lips petal-soft and his nose skimming along the life line that curved across her upper palm before the stubble that covered his chin and jawline began to tickle her sensitive skin.  Raising his eyes to look at her over their entwined fingers, he barely breathed his next words aloud, and yet Emma felt them reverberating all the way down to her toes.  “You are a bloody brilliant woman, amazing in every way, and the best Valentine any man could hope to have.  I would want a date with no other, and I am lucky to call you my wife.  Don’t you ever doubt that,” he swore fervently.
Emma’s smile was a bit tremulous, even as she tried not to get tearfully emotional on top of everything else.  She nodded rapidly at Killian, as he clearly expected her promise not to sell herself short or to beat herself up for things beyond her control.  She didn’t really trust her voice to be steady, but the warmth he had sent spreading through her insides was a heartening as bright sunshine on a summer’s day – the opposite of the wet grey pelting against the glass beside them.
Sniffling only slightly, she leaned over the console inconveniently stuck between them to bury her face in his chest, allowing his arms to wrap around and hold her close.  After several calming moments like that, Emma realized that things could honestly be much worse.  The rain – torrential flood strength though it might be – was outside, not leaking in anywhere, and they were still warm and dry.  It was peaceful here in her little old car, and they were blessedly alone; something that rarely happened, emergency or no.  No one was asking for their attention or even about to come looking for them and interrupt their moment together, not in the midst of such a cold, windy mess.  The location might not have been the ideal she’d had in mind, but they were together at least, and undisturbed, two things that might not have happened for them otherwise, even on Valentine’s Day.
Mumbling against Killian’s skin, but unwilling to pull away just then, Emma spoke up with a bit more good humor to ask, “So, on a scale from one to irreconcilable difference on divorce papers, how much do you think Henry would mind if we tore into that bag of candy hearts?”  She looked up at her pirate husband with an impish glimmer in her eyes.  “If we’re going to ride this storm out here instead of making our dinner reservations, I’m going to get hungry, aren’t you?”
Killian smirked back at her, pleased with the turn in mood and more than willing to play along.  “Oh, I don’t know, Swan, he seemed pretty adamant that Violet had to see these.  But…I have grown on the lad.  I don’t believe he would order me cast off at this first minor offense.”
She shook her head at his comeback, chortling at the impressive vocabulary he managed to employ even in jest, and began to rummage through the shopping bags for their plunder.
“However,” Killian said as he withdrew a small gift bag from somewhere inside his jacket, where Emma could only assume he had managed to hide it without her noticing sometime between the checkout and when they got in the car to head home, his voice temptingly low and eyebrow cocked invitingly. “If we do mean to break out our loot, I might have something for you that is a bit more appealing than those neon-colored, word-bedecked sugar cubes.”  His tongue swept over his lower lip seductively as he watched her reaction, and Emma found herself reaching out to take the gift almost disjointedly, her movements slowed a bit at the stunned, blind attraction he could kindle in her at a moment’s notice.
When she tipped the bag upside down to free a boxed heart-shaped chocolate as large as her fist and wrapped in metallic foil, Killian continued with his honeyed words.  “I thought you deserved something solid gold, Love.  More reminiscent of your heart.  Even if your real present is back at the house,” here he paused for dramatic effect, his eyebrows dancing merrily with barely restrained mischief, “I couldn’t resist when I saw this.”
“Flatterer,” Emma admonished, her cheeks warming as she used a nail to begin loosening the thick tape holding the box closed and pry it open.  “How much of that poem for Violet did Henry write, and how much of it was your suggestion?”
“A gentleman never tells,” Killian replied archly, as though he would never dream of divulging such sacred information, to Emma’s snort of disbelief.
She got the packaging open with a bit more finagling, only to find that being pressed against her pirate’s always warm body had made one side of the chocolate heart go a bit softly melted.  Making no comment, Emma tried to hold back the evil smile she felt creeping across her face.  Peeling back the golden wrapper enough to get to the treat, she stuck her fingers in and then pulled back quickly, chocolate all over her fingertips, to smear the gooey delicacy across Killian’s chin and down his neck with a devious squeal of triumph.
“Hey now! What -- ?” but Killian’s squawk of protest is overcome rather rapidly by the desperate growl that echoed through his chest when Emma darted in quickly to suck the chocolate residue from his chin and lick up the remnants marked down his neck.
It didn’t take her Captain long to retaliate, and soon they were both sticky, panting, and the treat meant to tide them over until they got out of their fix was mushed into their hair, over their faces and hands, and across much of both their outfits.  Still, Emma couldn’t find it in herself to mind.  They celebrated Valentine’s Day together amidst a rainstorm, in kisses, giggles, and melted chocolate.  No fancy dinner or dancing marked the occasion, but she did laughingly educate her Old World husband on what else could traditionally be done in a car stopped in the deserted middle of nowhere.  As holiday revelry went, neither one of them would have celebrated it any other way.
Tagging a few shipmates who might enjoy: @searchingwardrobes @kmomof4 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @laschatzi @jennjenn615 @spartanguard @jrob64 @therooksshiningknight @ilovemesomekillianjones @xsajx  @tiganasummertree @optomisticgirl @let-it-raines @resident-of-storybrooke @darkcolinodonorgasm @artistic-writer @stahlop @winterbaby89 @lfh1226-linda @gingerchangeling @hollyethecurious @blowmiakisscolin @ineffablecolors @kday426​ @shireness-says​ @gingerpolyglot @wefoundloveunderthelight @booksteaandtoomuchtv @xarandomdreamx @bdevereaux @motherkatereloyshipper @eastwesthomeisbest @iamstartraveller776 @lenfaz @the-darkdragonfly @donteattheappleshook @elizabeethan @veryverynotgoodwrites @sailtoafarawayland
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foramomentonly · 4 years
Stoner Malex Ficlet--12/12
Author’s Note:. Third of a collection of ficlets within the Stoner Malex AU, each one based on a promo photo from Vlambase IG. The title of each ficlet will be the date the picture that inspired it was posted. 
For my sweet anon, who had a bad day.
Inspo photo
Read on AO3
They head straight to Michael’s room at the Evans house after school, a rarity considering Alex normally has a shift at the Emporium or works relief for Arturo at the Crashdown on weekday afternoons. But the museum is closed for fumigation and Rosa is more reliable than ever thanks to rehab and, Alex suspects, the alluring distraction of Isobel Evans. And so, just as Michael is sweet talking his truck’s ancient engine into turning over in the student lot, eager to run out the tedious hours between final bell and Alex’s inevitable appearance at his door, he hears a heavy thunk behind him and a moment later Alex wrenches open the passenger side door and hauls himself inside, grinning casually and setting his heavy boot on the dash like Michael secretly hates, murmuring, “Take me for a ride, sweetheart?”
But why drive out to the desert to shiver in the harsh wind that blows over the wide, open expanse, the cold metal of Michael’s truck bed an unwelcome shock to their bare skin as they fool around, when they have the option of an empty house, a soft bed, and Michael’s stash at their disposal? So “take me for a ride” turns quickly into “take me home,” and they end up sprawled across Michael’s messy bed, Alex propped up against a pillow at the foot, Michael lounging against the headboard, both in sweatshirts to fight off the chill coming from the patio door, wide open to let the smoke and the stench out.
“I’m soooo hungry,” Michael groans into his sleeve, arm thrown across his face, but instead of sympathy he gets Alex’s bare foot creeping up his side, toes wiggling under his sweatshirt to dig playfully into his ribs. Alex had learned Michael is ticklish on this same cramped bed under very different circumstances the week before. Since that discovery, he’s been relentless.
“Stop!” Michael laughs breathlessly, reaching out and capturing Alex’s foot, holding it captive against his stomach. "I'm too high and too hungry for that right now."
“So get up, then,” Alex laughs, crosses his arms behind his head and makes no move to pull his foot back. “And get me some water, I’m thirsty as fuck.”
“But I don’t want to,” Michael whines, and though his eyes are hazy and heavy lidded, they soften when he looks at Alex spread out across his bed, the length of his body pressed against Michael's with a hand wrapped loose around his calf, and adds softly, “It’s so cozy here.”
“Then I guess you aren’t eating,” Alex shrugs, and though his returning smile is something private and warm, he’s clearly unmoved by Michael’s plight.
“You could get it for me,” Michael purrs, rubbing Alex’s in step idly with his thumb and smiling suggestively down his own body. ”I’ll trade you a blow job for a frozen burrito.”
Alex snorts.
“Like I’m not probably getting one today anyway,” he laughs, and Michael grins, digs hard into Alex’s arch with his fingers and bites his lip when Alex groans softly.
“You have a point,” he replies lazily, and begins working Alex’s foot, sore from a day trapped in heavy, constricting boots, with both hands.
“You trying to butter me up, Guerin?” Alex breathes, burrowing into his pillow, eyes slipping closed.
“Yup,” Michael answers with an exaggerated pop of his lips, and suddenly he’s rolling to a stand, turning Alex sideways across the bed by his ankle as he grunts in protest and pulling Alex gently up by his wrists. He leans in close, nose brushing Alex’s, and whispers against his lips, “If I have to go all the way to the kitchen, I’m taking you with me.”
In the bright, open plan kitchen and formal living room space, Michael heads straight for the pantry, cursing the time it would take to heat up anything from the freezer. He dumps the entire contents of the snack shelf on the large, central island and pulls a glass out of the dishwasher below, handing it over to Alex and pointing to the fridge.
“There’s filtered water in there,” he says, and rips open a container of Pringles, shoving a thick stack into his mouth and moaning loud as the salt hits his tongue. He's sorting one-handed through the rest of the haul spilled out artlessly across the counter when he hears Alex wail dramatically behind him.
“Noooooo!” Alex cries as he pulls out the empty Brita pitcher from the fridge, waving it in Michael's direction. “How could you do this to me?!”
“Uh-oh,” Michael says, searching the room with wide, wild eyes for a solution. He looks out the sliding glass doors, so large they take up half the back wall, and he lets out a sudden crow of triumph as he takes in the spacious green of the backyard. He turns and grins slowly over his shoulder at Alex.
 “I got it, baby. Come on.”
Alex follows Michael through the living room and out the sliding doors into the yard, neither bothering with shoes; the grass tickles Alex's toes and he giggles, cheeks warming in embarrassment, but the next moment Michael trips over a twig and makes a show of taking Alex's hand to guide him over the "treacherous pass," and it's becoming clear to them both that underneath the combat boots and the snark, the irreverent beanie and the burnout persona, they are two boys falling in love for the first time. And they're really, really high.
"Do you guys have a cooler out here or something?" Alex asks, looking around the small section of the yard Michael's led him to. It's surprisingly unpolished, mostly out of the living room's line of sight; sparse, boasting only a thin tree and overgrown brush along the property line.
Michael grins and bends over, picking up a thin hose and holding it loosely at his waist, an arc of water spurting from the nozzle after only a moment of Michael seeming to glare at it in concentration. Alex steps back to avoid the spray.
"How'd you do that?" he asks. 
Michael pauses, stares a beat at Alex, then the hose, and back again.
"Timer!" he finally exclaims, and Alex shrugs.
Michael grins again, biting his lip, and gestures with his empty hand to the free-flowing stream.
"Go on," he says excitedly, and Alex would think he's fucking with him if Michael didn't look so proud. Taking in the full image of Michael holding an inescapably suggestive object, shooting a steam stream of liquid no less, at hip level and encouraging his boyfriend to lean in for a taste, Alex's shoulders shake with laughter, even more so when Michael leans into it, jutting his hips out and lowering the hose another half inch. 
"Come on," Michael says, voice uneven as he begins to lose his own composure. "Like you weren't probably gonna be doing this today anyway."
Alex snorts at his own words echoing back at him, but he bends his knees, folding in half and resting his palms atop his thighs for balance. He opens his mouth comically wide, his tongue flat as he extends it towards the stream of water. He's still laughing, nose scrunched and eyebrows high, and Michael mimes anticipation, jaw dropping open and lips pulling into an exaggerated O, tears bright in the corners of his unfocused eyes from laughter.
Alex is about to drink in earnest, his laughter turning into hoarse barks in his dry throat, when they hear a low voice behind them.
“You know water comes out of all the faucets, right?” Isobel says, arms crossed and hip cocked. She’d be the perfect picture of condemnation if she weren’t biting her lip to stop the spread of a broad smile across her face.
Alex and Michael lock eyes, twin looks of disbelief and amusement on their faces, and they collapse onto the rough ground in breathless laughter, Michael snorting into Alex's shoulder as Alex lies flat on his back, fist in his mouth to preserve what dignity he might still have as tears stream down his temples and his entire core shakes.
Isobel rolls her eyes and turns back toward the house.
"I think I liked it better when you two were sneaking around," she mutters under her breath.
Their shrieks and snorts finally dying out, Michael props himself up on an elbow over Alex's chest, a soft, dopey smile on his lips, and Alex lifts his hand to run his fingertips softly across Michael's cheekbone and into his hair, pushing an unruly curl out of his eyes. 
Almost in unison, they breathe, "I didn't."
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markedmage · 4 years
in your breath (our words collide)
Pairing: Zutara
Summary:  Loving Zuko, she notes, has always been an art. She paints their love across his skin like a canvas, love pressed into his temple and his lips, love burned into their intertwined fingers. But that's an innocent love, love meant for the eyes of others. This love, this raw, bared love they're sharing in this moment, with parted silks and gasping breaths, is something entirely different, and yet tastes just as sweet.
Notes: Hello friends, sorry for being so MIA on here- grad life is H-A-R-D. That being said, here’s a little self promo for the smutfic I wrote for the Zutara Smut Exchange from discord. Please show this fic lots of love, and also everyone else who participated! Excerpt below.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26765065
He enters, soft and quiet, like a wisp of smoke. She sits, sheer silk draped over her shoulders, and his eyes are like twin embers. She shudders under his heated gaze, her body heated from his eyes alone, as he draws near. Zuko walks with a purpose, powerful, confident, and the way his skin glistens in the firelight reminds her of the southern star.
"Katara," he whispers as he settles before her. He's wearing a simple silk tunic, blood-red and tinged with gold, and as he leans down, she tastes the spiced wine that lingers on his breath. "Katara."
She smiles, touching his chin, curling her fingers over his jaw. He leans into her touch, eyes fluttering close, and his chest rumbles as he shifts closer. "It's something so surreal," she murmurs, and he opens gentle golden eyes that seem to pierce her to the core. "I can't believe-"
"I know," he murmurs, and his hand wraps around her leg. "Earlier, when you were walking down the aisle, with Sokka and your father by your side-" he chokes, and there are tears in his eyes as he leans in, "-I thought I was dreaming. Who would have ever thought we'd be where we are today?"
She remembers a time where she and Zuko were on opposing sides of a war, a time when fire and ice fought tooth and nail, all for the sake of finding their place in this world. Looking at him now, she still sees that fire child, the boy who dances among the lightning strikes, and she wonders if there was ever a chance where it wasn't her and him, at the end. Because she can't, for the life of her, imagine a life where she doesn't belong to him, and he doesn't belong to her.
Maybe because Katara and Zuko were always meant to be.
She smiles. "You were always special to me," she says, and he catches her hand, pressing the barest brush of a kiss across her knuckles. "But being able to finally-"
"I know, love, I know," he tells her fiercely, and he drops down, resting his chin against her thigh, and the brush of his scar against her skin has her trembling, heat pooling in her core. "You and me, like it was always meant to be."
"Zuko," she returns, curling a hand around the nape of his neck, reaching for the silk tie holding his hair back. His eyes don't leave hers, and he trails a hand up her arms, tantalizing and soft. His hair falls around them both like the night sky as he kneels, the silk tie falling down to the floor, and he presses a kiss to her wrist.
"You look beautiful," he tells her. His fingers twine through hers, scarred and calloused, but all hers. "Before, at the ceremony, draped in the furs of your people, I thought you were the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He leans in, pressing a soft kiss to her throat, and she sucks in a breath, his lips dancing across her skin like a whisper of wind. "But now, looking at you here in my- our- room, you are the most beautiful thing I've ever known." His free hand rises, reaching for her face, gracing over her cheekbones, before going for the tie that keeps her crown in check. "Firelady Katara."
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giftwrappingpaper · 4 years
original prompt: “I would like fic where in a no-war AU where Lan Xichen and Wei Wuxian and up getting along (with a possibility for more? maybe? in other people's eyes anyway) and now Lan Wangji needs to move it if wants Wei Wuxian all to himself.”
written for the mxtx flash exchange: kisses
“Lan Zhan,” Wei Wuxian admonishes, hoping his smile is visible in the light of the moon and the glint of Lan Wangji’s sword. “What would Lan Huan say, if he were to see his dear friend being treated so inhospitably by his own brother?” Lan Wangji presses forward. Bichen’s sharpened tip grazes the hollow of Wei Wuxian’s throat; not enough to make the skin bleed, but enough to make Wei Wuxian wince at the threat of it. But not even a slit throat can dissuade Wei Wuxian from running his mouth. “No matter how fondly he writes of you in his letters, I don’t believe he’d be very well pleased by this.” He raises his empty hands up as proof of his innocence. “Why, I didn’t even have the chance to blink before you had me at swordpoint!” “We both know what you will do,” Lan Wangji says, and it’s the first sentence he’s spoken to Wei Wuxian since he and the rest of the YunmengJiang congregation set foot in Gusu for this year’s Discussion Conference, “if I were to leave you be.” A raised eyebrow. “And what will I do?” “Jump over the walls and return past curfew with contraband.” Wei Wuxian scoffs. “Contraband. Ah, now I remember why I was so glad to leave this place all those years ago.” No reply. Just more pressure, a pinprick between Wei Wuxian’s collarbones. He resists the urge to swallow, contenting himself to stare. Lan Wangji is awash with moonlight and shadow. The adolescence that had rounded his features when they last met has given way to a slender beauty most apparent in his harsh jaw — clenched under the force of his pursed frown — and musician’s fingers — bone-white with fury in the grip they have on Bichen’s hilt. Needlessly, Wei Wuxian searches for the Lan Wangji Lan Xichen writes about in his letters. Taciturn but gentle. Rule abiding to a fault, but soft enough to look over the rules that disallow the keeping of jokingly gifted pets. Wangji has built an enclosure for his rabbits a short stroll away from the jingshi, said the first letter Lan Xichen had written to Wei Wuxian after he had been expelled from the Cloud Recesses. He visits daily, doting on them as if they were his children. It is a fruitless endeavor. Wei Wuxian searches, but Lan Wangji’s face offers nothing but the disapproval he has reserved for Wei Wuxian since the night they first met.
“We are not going to play this game again,” Lan Wangji finally says in a low murmur. “Return to your quarters.” “I like games,” Wei Wuxian replies, always eager to jump at any chance to annoy. “Lan Huan had said there was an abundance of games planned for the Discussion Conference’s festivities. Other than the chance to see him again, that is the reason I decided to return. For what else is there worth seeing in this boring prison of a sect besides those two things: games, and Lan Huan?” Wei Wuxian attempts to sidestep Bichen, but Lan Wangji continues to point it resolutely at his throat. He tsks and changes tactics, asking, “Have you heard the rumors about me and Lan Huan?” It is a rhetorical question, for Lan Wangji must have caught wind of them at some point; the cultivation world is indiscreet when it comes to its unwieldy gossip mill, especially regarding young masters in good standing. Of all things one could have expected from Wei Wuxian’s short tenure as a student disciple of the Cloud Recesses, a friendship between the unruly head disciple of YunmengJiang and the laudably levelheaded heir of GusuLan was not one of them. A friendship kept alive through steady letters of correspondence and sporadic visits on Lan Xichen’s part to Lotus Pier. A friendship strong enough to last the years apart, as well as the unsolicited rumors that always develop when two cultivators of prominence come to enjoy each other's company. YunmengJiang is already tied through marriage to another prominent sect. Why not try for another?
Lan Wangji’s response is a twitch of his brow. Seeing this, Wei Wuxian smirks (any response from Lan Wangji is to be taken as a victory) and continues, “Well if you have, then you definitely shouldn’t be treating me in such a manner. After all, a family divided against itself cannot stand.”
“We are not family.”
“Not yet we aren’t.”
Moonlight lines the curtain of Lan Wangji’s hair. “Brother holds no romantic interest for you.”
Neither does Wei Wuxian for Lan Xichen. But Lan Wangji doesn’t need to know that. “A lot of things can happen in a week. And Lan Huan is so handsome, it’s impossible to ignore. And, perhaps, impossible to resist?”
Lan Wangji exhales in frustration. “You —” He stops himself. “It is a fruitless endeavor to reason with you,” he says. “Return to your quarters, or I will make you.”
Wei Wuxian hasn’t realized how much he's missed this: the addicting rush of pleasure that seeps to his core at the sight of Lan Wangji so riled up. That beautifully impassive face of his is just begging to be cracked. Wei Wuxian has always been a selfish man. Let him have this. Let him have his fun, and let Lan Wangji be the one who gives it to him.
Surely my brother would enjoy seeing you again, Lan Xichen had written to him once, to which Wei Wuxian later replied, I find that laughably impossible to believe.
Case and point:
“Has anyone ever told you,” Wei Wuxian says with a sly lilt to his voice, “how much you look like your brother?”
A beat. Then, Lan Wangji finally lowers his sword to the side. But unlike the ensuing duel Wei Wuxian was expecting, Lan Wangji only takes a step forward. And then another. And then another.
Wei Wuxian's cocky grin shutters. This close, Lan Wangji’s eyes — polished gold, unlike the warm honey of Lan Xichen’s — are the only thing he can focus on. They're lit with the kindling hearth of a man who is brimming with...something. Wei Wuxian doesn’t know what that something is, but it is undeniably present, branding the back of his neck with its heat.
“I,” he says into Wei Wuxian’s open mouth, “am not my brother.”
Lan Wangji takes a step back. Wei Wuxian is rooted to where he stands, his feet still despite the sudden urge in his gut to run. Whether away from Lan Wangji or toward him, he can't tell.
Their lips brushed when he spoke. Was that — did they just — ?
“I take it you can find your way back to the visitors dorms?” Lan Wangji asks, snapping Wei Wuxian out of his floundering.
Wei Wuxian, head disciple of the YunmengJiang Sect, holder of the biggest mouth in all of the cultivation world, can only nod.
Lan Wangji nods in return and turns to leave. Then, almost as an afterthought, he says over his shoulder, “We have indeed planned an abundance of festivities this week. I hope Wei Ying will enjoy them.”
And then he is gone.
Wei Wuxian stares unseeingly at the spot where the shadows of the late hour swallowed Lan Wangji’s retreating figure. 
When he regains control of his limbs, he wills himself to where the rest of the YunmengJiang congregation slumbers. No one notices when he stumbles back into his cot without the Emperor’s Smile he’d meant to acquire.
Sleep proves to be an elusive mistress, and he lays in bed replaying in his mind the fleeting moments Lan Wangji’s lips touched his until morning.
also posted on ao3
promo post on twitter
fic commissions
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unholyplumpprincess · 4 years
I Need It Rough
Here’s for @clefaiiiry for the idea of Crypto/Mirage and Crypto being frustrated and needy and getting his pretty little face fucked like he deserves.
Summary: Crypto is frustrated at a match gone wrong (IE he didn't win) and seeks out the comfort of his partner in a more...non traditional manner. Elliott, ever the most deserving of Best Boyfriend Of The Year Award, face fucks the hell out of him to help fuck out his frustrations.
(Older content)
Reblogs > Likes. It costs zero dollars to reblog :D
Minors and ageless blogs DNI or you will be blocked!
Fandom: Apex Legends
Relationship: Crypto/Mirage
Warnings: NSFT/18+, rough face fucking, uhhh fucking out frustrations?, fluffy aftercare, dom mirage??? On MY blog??
Words: 2.4k
Loud mouth. Smooth talker. Doesn’t shut up.
A lot of names for Elliott could come and go as they pleased. He knew what he was, and he knew what his voice did for many. Especially his fans. He liked to show off, be glamorous as he pleased. But, most importantly, he liked how his voice made a certain someone squirm.
Crypto had been a new legend added to the roster through unforeseen challenges. In fact, Elliott is sure they hadn’t even BEEN seen. Regardless, he’d been welcomed into the top Legends crew like one of their own. Even if there was some curiosity about how he even got there.
It took a little while to break through any of his layers. Even Elliott, who came off as the most least feared of them all, couldn’t quite crack his hard exterior easily. Because even if he came off friendly and inviting, Crypto had made it clear that Elliott was just as to be feared as any other legend. He was there for a reason. His smile and laugh were not the reasons his kill count was so high.
~Rest under the cut~
Becoming partners- now that was even unforeseen by Crypto. He had no interest in finding a partner, let alone falling for another legend. That in itself was dangerous, it drew too much attention. The media curious about who had Elliott all lovestruck.
Thankfully, Elliott could keep his mouth shut sometimes. Kept it a mystery. Some people speculated it to be the ever-fearsome Bloodhound, some even guessed at Wraith but when he chuckled and lightly brushed it off that theory was shot down entirely.
Crypto smirked every time he saw headlines. ‘WHO IS DATING THE LOUD MOUTH LEGEND?’ Tempting enough to reveal himself, almost.
No one expected it to be Crypto. Why would they? He was a stranger in their midst, yet an enigma easier to solve than Bloodhound, he had a pretty face. It made it easier to climb the ranks of popularity online, something he still kept tabs on even if he didn’t run the drones streaming the game live for others now.
His mother would be proud knowing he’d landed her favorite. Elliott ‘Mirage’ Witt. However, he kept that out of the letters. No need for more exposure and concern.
When it came down to it, Elliott was a lover of higher expectations. At least for Crypto, who had been used to the idea of loving someone coming with a price. It did, but telling little bits about himself and going slow was not too bad of a price. Especially when Elliott was all smiles, dimples, and a smooth voice telling him that of course they could go slow.
It didn’t affect their work in the matches either. Whether against one another or on a squad, there was no hinderance.
Except, of course, when Crypto found himself in the top five. Edging closer to the sweet taste of victory only to fall to a newcomer who was keen on focusing the hacker down. A few shots to the back and a familiar pain only to find himself awake in the med bay with the words ‘SQUAD ELIMINATED’ on the screen in front of him.
It meant frustration. It meant need. It meant desires he couldn’t handle until they became too much and he’d rather scream or be used.
The latter was more appealing.
The dorms set up on this planet were nice. It was like a little community for the more experienced legends and those newcomers from all over who wanted to participate in the blood sport and work their way up to being champions. The qualifications for it all were something Crypto was glad he didn’t have to go through.
Elliott’s dorm is much like his room on the dropship when they were all being sent to Talos. It’s covered in fanart of himself in the living room, his color scheme most prominent here. There’s a few cardboard cutouts from various sponsors, different gear to promo, his kitchen has quite a few drinks and mixing tools for said drinks, something that makes Crypto smile a bit when entering. Elliott wanted to take his bar with him, essentially.
Rolling his neck and shoulders, Crypto sets about shrugging out of his coat, folding it neatly onto the couch. He’d come straight from the med bay. Stressed and frustrated. Knowing that Elliott was going to do an interview after meant that he had time alone to think. Best do it in Elliott’s dorm which felt like home.
Having long since abandoned his shoes at the doorway, he’s left in his tight black pants, matching shirt, and jewelry. Running a hand through his hair and letting out a low groan of frustration before fishing his phone from his pocket. It was wiped of any data, wiped of anything except one number that embarrassingly had a little gold heart next to the name ‘Idiot’.
He hesitates on texting him. Elliott loved the limelight, loved the glory, the cameras, and most importantly loved the afterglow of a match well done. Crypto feels himself hesitate, feeling almost selfish for asking him to come now.
It took awhile to work him out of his shell. With lots of kisses to his knuckles and Elliott promising that he was more important. He finally works up the urge to hit send and is relieved when it is read not 30 seconds after.
It takes five minutes of waiting. Five minutes of patient waiting.
At some point Crypto had gone to the bedroom. Setting a pillow on the floor and dropping to his knees onto it. Waiting patiently near Elliott’s bed as his head bowed, ears perked and waiting for the sound of the door to click open.
He hears Elliott laughing before he hears the door. Hearing his voice call out, “Yeah! We’ll get drinks later, kay? I’m gonna rest for a bit!” All chipper and cheerful before the door slides shut and the lock is clicked into place.
Crypto swallows thickly. Letting his tongue wet his lips as he keeps his head down.
He hopes he looks good, in the back of his mind. Legs splayed out just so on the pillow to outline his lower body. Hands resting on his thighs and head bowed. Showing off his body, trying to look inviting and not like he was digging his nails into his pants in frustration. Need.
He’s in tune with the sound of boots. The sound of gear being tugged off in a not-so-hurried pace. He nearly snarls, but he waits. Just be patient, fall into your space, relax. He tries to encourage himself like Elliott might, but it isn’t the same.
When Elliott finally comes into the room, he’s dressed in his boots and pants. Everything else tossed off and his curls left down from his goggles. Crypto raises his head to look up at him, steeling his jaw and feeling the metal of his jawline seem to heat up with his body.
Elliott looked a pretty picture. Eyes soft, a smile on his lips that read cocky but the dimples gave him that charming look, and a glisten of sweat about his skin. His torso is exposed, toned and fit with a dark happy trail leading from pierced navel down into his pants. Gold adorns his pecs from piercings through his nipples and Crypto longs to tongue at them.
“Hey, beautiful,” Elliott coos softly. As if calming a feral kitten. Carefully coming over one step at a time until Crypto’s shoulders relax, falling just as Elliott’s warm, calloused fingers cup his cheek. “Look at you. Already ready, huh?”
Crypto hums in response, soft and almost irritated. Nuzzling at his palm and nipping at his fingertips until Elliott nudges his thumb at his full lips. Crypto accepts, suckling on the digit and fluttering his eyes open halfway to look up at him.
Dark brown eyes look back down at him with an intensity that leaves him shuddering. “There you go, baby.” Spoken softly, almost possessively as he presses his thumb down onto Crypto’s tongue. Forcing his lips to part and drool to threaten to spill.
“God, can’t wait to ruin your pretty little mouth.” Elliott murmurs, as if to himself if he didn’t smear the saliva onto Crypto’s lips with his thumb. Wetting them as he pulls his hand back to begin working at his fly.
Crypto grunts, turning his head as if he was going to be difficult. A bratty scenario, trying to make Elliott rougher. It works like a charm when one hand winds in his hair, yanking his head back to face the trickster. He exhales sharply through his nose at the sudden pain, hissing as he’s come face to face with Elliott’s cock.
One hand in Crypto’s hair, the other wrapped around the base of his cock and lazily stroking, he looks quite the picture. Crypto tries to avoid eye contact, turning his gaze with another huff only to get Elliott to gently smack his cheek with his cock. “Come on, baby boy, open that sweet mouth up. You w-want to text me all urg- urging- ugh- in a hurry? You’re going to get it.”
Crypto almost smiles at the stutter. Watching Elliott squint his eyes for just a moment to focus on getting out of the tick. He normally could keep his voice controlled in moments like this, but if he focused too hard on sounding smooth, it came out harder. Just like that.
So he does smile, a bit more of a smirk. Eyes flickering up to meet Elliott’s, challenging him.
“Fine.” Elliott hums in response.
Fingers twist and yank Crypto’s hair fluidly. It makes him gasp out, lips parting enough for Elliott to slide the head of his cock in without risk of biting. “See? That so hard?” He coos out, watching as Crypto’s fingers scramble at his own thighs before he reaches up to hold onto Elliott’s instead.
It’s smooth sailing from there as Crypto gives into soft treatment.
The rough hand in his hair turns to soft pets. Stroking his hair back from his face by warm fingers. Another hand cups underneath Crypto’s jaw, stroking with a thumb at where metal meets flesh. Carefully feeding him inch after inch of Elliott’s cock.  
A beautiful thing, if you asked Crypto. Elliott was about seven inches, a nice size without being too thick or too much with an upwards lean. Some freckles dotting the base where he kept the curls there trimmed and tidy. The head was almost a supple red when aroused, peeking from foreskin that made it glisten and shiny if it wasn’t just from Crypto’s saliva.
It’s with trained practice he relaxes his throat. Fingers flexing on Elliott’s thighs and humming in discomfort at first. “Shh, you got this, baby. Take your time.” Elliott speaks so softly. Still petting at his hair and moving the hand from his jawline to rest in his hair as well to massage at his scalp.
It does the trick. And only in a few moments does his nose press to Elliott’s pelvis. Allowing him to take deep, slow breathes and inhale his scent as his fingers grip tight to his pants.
“Look atcha’, babe. Fuck- wish you could see how you look right now. Such a good boy.” Elliott sighs out, gently rocking his hips to get used to the wet tightness of his throat. How Crypto’s teeth scrape along sensitive flesh without biting.
Crypto, in turn, looks up at him with this sort of lazy submission in his eyes. Humming in response to being told he’s good as his hair is pet behind his ears and his temples given a soft massage with thumbs.
It was a warning. He always knew it was. Knew when to force himself to not focus too hard on it as Elliott slowly pulls out before pushing back in with a low moan that sets Crypto’s skin alight from how good he sounds.
It’s repeated. The same motion. Until Elliott can go faster. Until he’s truly face fucking him and Crypto’s hands no longer plead and scrape at his thighs, rather just holding onto him for dear life as he feels him press into his throat again and again.
When he becomes light headed, Elliott pulls out. Keeping the head on Crypto’s tongue that lolls out as he takes needy breaths. Pressing sloppy, wet kisses over the head and shaft with a hoarse, “Please-” Whining from his throat until Elliott takes him again and uses his mouth just like a toy.
Elliott is full of it. Full of that smooth talking, loud mouth that people don’t get to see. “You look so good, sweetheart.”
“Fuck, just like that Crypto-”
“What a good boy. You look so beautiful on your knees.”
“Bet you’d cum on my boots if I’d let you.”
He’s full of it, praise and dirty talk. Crypto’s too hot in his own pants, trying to grind against nothing for friction. The taste and scent being too much- it's all too much to his sensors.
Elliott shoves in one last time, grabbing Crypto’s hair and keeping him down on his cock. “Swallow.” He pants out, a whiny moan leaving him as he cums. A beautiful noise to match his furrowed expression. Curls hanging in his face as his fingers shaky even as they pet Crypto’s hair as the man swallows every drop. Even if he does make a small face at the taste.
There’s a pause as Elliott lets Crypto milk him dry with small lavishes of his tongue and soft suckles. Slowly pulling out and letting him lick at the head like nothing more than an obedient pup until Elliott laughs softly, breathily.
Dropping onto his knees, Elliott cups his jaw, bringing him in for a deep kiss. Tongue exploring and licking over Crypto’s tongue in reply. Tasting himself as both men moan in reply to the feeling until Elliott parts with a wet sound.
Crypto’s eyes are glassy, lips parted and flushed just like his cheeks. His pants are straining, his hips canting into nothing as Elliott brings him into an embrace. Caressing his hair and his back, petting over his skin until he calms down enough to nose into Elliott’s neck and come down.
“Thank you,” He murmurs out, voice hoarse and shaky. Nosing just below Elliott’s ear until his partner pulls him back to place a soft kiss on both cheeks, then his forehead.
“You’re welcome...Let me take care of you this time around?” Elliott murmurs too sweetly, nuzzling their noses together as if he didn’t just face fuck him into a stupor.
How could he say no?
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stressedkitkatttt · 4 years
Guitar Lessons - Erick(Part 1)
Ya boi back with another story. I feel bad because it's like all the smut writers just... disappeared, myself included. But life can get in the way, and that's kind of what happened to me. Does anyone even read CNCO smut anymore?
Anyways, so I know I had a Zabdiel story coming before this one, but an anon requested a smut story with Erick, and the Zabdiel story involved him and his guitar, so I thought, "Well shit. Erick plays guitar too, so why not make a story about both of them?" This is like a threesome, only they take turns, and each story is one boy's experience. This is part one with Erick, and part two will be with Zabdiel.
Note: I tried something new... Sort of. Since each story will be a boy's experience, I tried out using some slang from their home countries. In this story, there is some Cuban slang that might need some explaining.
"Acere" basically means buddy or friend and "Mono" can mean cute, and yes I know that in other places it means monkey. I hope I sort of used them in the right context lmao, if I didn't, let me know... I probably did.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: smut
Anon: Can u make a smut about Erick plsss?!!
DISCLAIMER: Do NOT  think it is okay to take my stories and post them somewhere else without my EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Do NOT  think it is okay to take anyone else's stories and post them somewhere else without their EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Giving credit does NOT count as permission. You may reblog my stories, you may NOT repost my stories without MY PERMISSION. ~~~~~~~~~~~
Tumblr media
It's been a long day for the boys, from photoshoots to promos and everything in between, they want nothing more than to wind down for the night and relax. On the ride back to the hotel, Joel and Chris are out like lights the second they get comfortable in their seats; Richard puts on some music as he tries to stay awake long enough to get to the hotel; Zabdiel and Erick seem to be the only ones with any sort of energy left.
Because everyone is so tired, the ride back was silent, save for the quiet murmuring between Zabdiel and Erick in the back of the van. As the van pulls up, you lean over and wake up Chris, who doesn't budge. When you do manage to wake him, he is completely out of it, his head drooping and eyes slowly closing over and over again. You and Chris are the last ones out of the van, you dragging him out by the hand as he grumpily complains about having to move.
Giving Chris his luggage, you walk inside with the boys to the elevator, pressing the button for the correct floor. A sudden tap on your shoulder makes you turn and you're met with familiar green eyes. "Do you want to join me and Zabdiel for a little bit?" You weren't tired, and they seemed to have some energy left, so you agree.
"Yeah, just let me put my stuff in my room and I'll come over." You respond. Erick smiles and looks at Zabdiel, who also had a smile on his face. The elevator stops and opens, everyone filing out and going to their respective rooms. You find your room and place your suitcase on the bed. Before heading to Erick's room, you head to the bathroom to freshen up. Grabbing your phone and room key, you head down the hall and find his room.
Knocking twice, there's some shuffling before the door opens, revealing Erick in more comfortable attire. He moves to the side and lets you in. You see Zabdiel with his guitar, lazily strumming his fingers along the strings. You also notice the takeout box from the restaurant you and crew members went to for dinner. Zabdiel looks up and flashes you a small smile before returning to playing his guitar.
Erick comes up beside you and gets on his bed, reaching for his guitar and playing a few notes before tuning the strings. You make yourself comfortable on Erick's bed, propping yourself up with the pillows against the headboard. When Erick is satisfied, he and Zabdiel begin playing a tune. You record a little bit and put it on Snapchat before setting your phone down and listening in. They begin to sing softly and you begin to zone out.
"Do you want to play with us, Y/N?" You snap back into reality and stare dumbly at the Cuban. He sees your expression and motions to his guitar, rephrasing his question. "Do you want to play guitar with us?" You blush and mentally scold yourself as your mind had instantly gone to the gutter at his first question. You compose yourself and reply.
"Erick, you know I don't play guitar... or any other instrument, for that matter. You remember what happened the last time I played an instrument?" He laughs as he remembers the incident from a few years ago. When he looks at you again, there's determination in his eyes and you know he's not gonna go down without a fight.
"But that was some time ago," he reasons. "Pensaste que Zabdiel y yo nacimos sabiendo tocar la guitarra? Por favor, seré tu mejor acere." There's a little twinkle in his jade eyes and a big grin on his face and you sigh. Ever since you met him, one look into his eyes and you were a goner. He could get you to do almost anything with one look, especially if he pulled a puppy-dog look.
You sigh once more and nod, making Erick grin even wider due to his triumph. You move down the bed towards him, sitting next to him on the edge. "Here," he says as he moves behind you, placing his legs on either side of yours and his head on your shoulder. "That's better." His breath tickles your neck. He reaches over and grabs his guitar, guiding it to you. You take ahold of it as your heart rate goes up slightly. Erick adjusts it so it sits comfortably in your lap and he has a good view of your hands.
"Listo?" He gives you a side glance. You nod and he guides your hands to the correct places along the neck of the guitar before gently guiding your fingers across the strings. He starts slow and the tune sounds vaguely familiar before it jogs your memory. This was a tune Erick used to play all the time when you visited him. As you became more familiar with the movement of your fingers, still guided by Erick, you became more confident. Before long, Erick had moved his hands away from yours and you were playing the tune with relative ease, messing up every once in a while, but otherwise, anyone listening could recognize the tune.
"See? You're doing so well," Erick rests his head on your shoulder, his hands resting in your lap as you continue to play. Before long, you're joined by Zabdiel, who plays some background noise fitting for the song, smiling at you as he plays along. Erick shifts suddenly and he moves his head closer to your neck. So close, you feel his lips brush ever-so-softly, making your hair raise. You weren't expecting him to do that, so your hands faltered and you ruin the rhythm. As you feel his lips against your neck, his hands break away and move to your sides, rubbing up and down gently.
"What're you doing Erick?" You manage to hold your voice from cracking, but it wavers still. He hums and his touch gets a little more deliberate.
"Eres tan mono tocando la guitarra..." He trails off. You blush a little, a little flustered and confused as to why he's suddenly acting like this. His lips finally connect to your neck and you freeze. "Estás de acuerdo con esto?" You nod, gently placing his guitar down as he begins to move his hands up your shirt now that he has the green light.
His warm hands find your bra, pulling back a little to unhook it and you pull it off. His hands find your boobs and begin kneading them, playing with your nipples, and making your back arch slightly. His name comes off your lips in a breathy tone. You wiggle against him and he groans as you pass over his clothed dick. He takes one hand and moves it down to your pants, fiddling with the hem. You take the hint and you stand up, quickly undoing the material and letting it drop to the floor while Erick does the same.
A rush of emotion rushes over the both of you and Erick scoots up so he's in the middle of the bed. You climb up after him and get comfortable straddling his legs. Placing both your hands on either side of his head, you lean down and press a fevered kiss to his lips as you sink onto his hardened length. Erick breaks the kiss as he groans in pleasure, feeling your walls bare against his length. In the rush to feel Erick inside you, you didn't bother to take off your shirt, but Erick found it kind of hot as he watched your breasts bounce through the material.
Your thighs burn as you begin to move your hips at a medium pace, giving both of you the pleasure you need but keeping you both on the edge. Erick brings his hands up to your sides before moving them under your shirt, feeling your breasts move against his hands. He teasingly rolls a nipple between his fingers, making you whine and he grins.
"Qué se siente, mami?" He asks. Your hips stutter at the sound of his voice, and you don't reply, too busy trying to hold back the inevitable while bringing it closer. Erick wasn't pleased with your silence, so he brought a hand down to your thigh before giving it a quick smack. "Dije, qué se siente?"
You take a breath in, "It-it feels so good, Erick. Tan bueno." Erick bites his lip and begins to buck his hips in time with your thrusts. He moves one hand from your chest and begins to play with your slit, running his thumb along the entrance of your opening. Your juices coat his fingers as he continues to work you closer and closer. Feeling your walls contract around his cock, he smiles.
"You gonna come from me playing with you like this?" He says, a slight cockiness to his voice. Who knew Erick could have such a mouth on him? Maybe he spends too much time with Chris...
All you do is nod in response, feeling the knot in your stomach grow tighter and tighter with each of his thrusts, and not to mention his fingers gently rubbing you as well. Suddenly, he smacks your other thigh, causing you to bite down on your lip as an explosion of sensation hits your body. Your inner walls grab at his cock, and he manages to rub your g-spot until you've come all over his cock and he keeps thrusting moving.
This only prolongs your orgasm and keeps you spasming around him. His moans become slightly higher in pitch as he feels the knot in his stomach begins to tighten. His hand leaves your leg as he begins to grab at your hips.
"I'm going to..." he grunts. A few thrusts later, you feel his thighs tense and he bucks his hips upward, shooting his load inside you. You both lay there panting for a moment, enjoying the chemicals roaming through your bodies.
"Gracias…" He says, moving his head to look at you. You smile at him lazily and take in some breaths. You slowly move off of him and go to grab a towel to clean the two of you off. After you've cleaned him off, you connect your lips with his again. It was slow and passionate, his hand coming up to your cheek. Before you can get too lost in the kiss, the strumming of guitar strings makes you break away and turn.
Sitting on the other twin bed is Zabdiel, casually strumming his guitar. He finally looks up after a few moments and looks at you. He smiles.
"Estás listo para tu próxima lección de guitarra?"
Taglist: @cracraforfandoms​ @kmsmedine​ @kikixfandoms @richardscurls​
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pinencurls · 4 years
Oh Honey
Hey! here’s the last of my draft one shots! Hope u enjoy and if u don’t remember I wrote this a g e s ago so you can’t blame me !
Italy, bike rides and a sun burnt Harry
These days, we wake in the early hours of the morning. It's hard not to stir when the sun rises so early and bright through the thin cotton drapes strung up over the bedroom window. Sometimes, we stay quiet. Exchanging a few murmurs of good morning wishes and lightly pressed kisses; silently decided to stay in each other's arms until the ungodly hours pass and breakfast is more tempting than bed.
I think it's Wednesday. I got pulled into the warped holiday time effect as soon as we arrived. I was free from jet lag at least, the flight from London to Italy only changing the clocks forwards about an hour. Harry had been less fortunate; the busy winding of work post-tour kept him out in Los Angeles a few more days than planned whilst Sarah, Mitch and I made our way to the holiday home we'd booked in Italy to celebrate a successful first tour. By the time Harry arrived in the white-walled villa tucked away comfortably in a small town - away from prying eyes, he was slow-moving and sleepy, although the afternoon was only just setting in. He'd eagerly drunk the coffees we offered and passed out around 5pm. Harry complained to me the next day that he was still exhausted, his brain and body were working nine hours behind after all-
"You shouldn't have slept on the plane, H." I mumbled, steadying the kettle over the large white mug as I poured hot water into Harry's second coffee of the morning. He'd been vocal about his dissatisfying sleep all of the two hours we'd been awake and my comment was seemingly unhelpful. He confirmed this by burying his face into my neck, head laying heavy on my shoulder, a low groan buzzing against my skin.
It took him a few days before he was fully himself again, but we've been here for a week now and everything's falling easily into long days by the pool and explorations into the cities either side of us. It feels oddly like a family holiday, I've known Sarah long enough; We grew up in the same town a few years apart, both moving away when we hit eighteen to pursue careers in similarly creative industries - music and journalism. We ended up at the same dinner parties and, for a few months before she moved to LA, we shared a shoebox flat in London.
She's the reason I met Harry; I stayed in her overheating LA apartment over the Easter break of 2017. We spent most days sprawled out on her sofa with all the windows thrown open, catching up on everything that'd happened since she moved away. She'd promised I could meet Mitch - a guitarist for the new band she'd started playing with whom she'd been dating for a few months. I'd heard bits and pieces about him as soon as they met, mostly about his brother-like closeness to the singer they played behind, and as promised, the Tuesday afternoon I opened her front door to Mitch, an equally long-haired-Hawaiian-shirt-clad boy followed.
Harry was goofier and unarguably louder, we paired up naturally in the group of four and it wasn't hard to get to know him, or to fall for the infamous charm I'd heard he was known for. To my pleasant surprise, it didn't feel odd when we joined in with Sarah and Mitch's couple-y activities - mini-golf, brunch, movie nights, I tagged along to a few studio sessions too before I had to go home. We promised to keep in touch but I was certain I'd probably never see him again, or at least not in the same way we'd spent the last week but, when he kissed me goodbye at the airport, I had a little hope.
"Hazzaaa!" Mitch calls loudly down the hall - no doubt on a temporary high from his new coffee addiction. There's no point responding, I can hear his footsteps storming towards our door before he swings it open and I can hide my face further into Harry's shoulder, who is unsurprisingly awake now.
"Go away Rodrick." I grumble, smiling at the rumble of laughter my nickname causes to ripple through Harry's chest.
"We've got bikes, Sarah's found a ride that's only a few miles - we're gonna get lunch." I could probably live here with Sarah and Mitch forever, there was only a few years difference between us but sometimes they felt like parents - or older siblings, cooing over me and Harry's relationship. I always felt part of something when we were all together, it wasn't so hard to imagine moving around each other in the same villa for the rest of our lives.
"Give us a sec Mitchy," Harry's waking up now, I roll over as he leans forward to sit, reaching out for the tea Mitch passes him. I hear mine clink down on my bedside table. "When're you leavin?"
"Thirty minutes?" Mitch replies, twisting his wrist to check the time on the ridiculously retro watch Harry had bought for his birthday. "S'already midday."
Harry hums, promising we'll be down in ten before Mitch accepts his mission of recruitment successful and leaves the room. I shift my head at the metal click confirming the door's shut behind him.
"M'gonna stay here," My face is resting in the crook of my arm, eyes closed as I try to cling to the last bit of sleep, "too tired."
The duvet shuffles slightly again with Harry's movements. He rests on his front now, his torso propped up as he leans his face down into my hair. I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to his smiley morning kisses or the smooth scratch when his curls fall over my own.
"It'll be fun," I turn beneath him, settling to listen to his groggy drawl, his accent is always thicker in the mornings, he strokes a wave of hair behind my ear to see my face. "We'll get a nice lunch - Sarah'n'Mitch'll fawn over some street cats, what more could you want?"
"Sleep..." I giggle, his classic pout having the opposite effect as intended. "I'll come next time, promise. Today I just wanna sleep a little more and maybe go for a swim."
He glances down at me for a moment longer, hesitant to accept my excuse before swooping down to press a kiss to my cheek with a hum of approval and bounding out of bed. He tugs a white t-shirt over his head, pulling it down his torso to reveal the smiling bee graphic - "Enjoy Health - Eat Your Honey." He tries to calm his slightly dishevelled curls in the mirror before he goes back to his long morning process of getting ready.
I could spend all day by the pool if nobody stopped me. It's small enough to fit cosily in the garden of the villa and still leave enough patio for lounging chairs and a small table. A row of citrus fruit trees line the fence at the edge of the garden, they offer a little shade over the far end of the pool in the afternoons when the sun reaches its peak. Every now and then a blossom will fall from the larger trees along the patio; the first day we were all together, Sarah, Mitch and I swam for hours until the evening breeze got too cool against our wet skin. Harry had been reading in a chair a few feet off from us and despite our noisy chatter, he'd fallen asleep, no doubt aided by his still slightly backwards body clock. I made my way over to wake him, the breeze must have been stronger than we thought because as I got closer I noticed tiny pink flowers nestled in his hair - they must have blown from the trees and landed on him as he slept. For hours after he trailed behind me inside through the patio doors, I was picking small blossoms from his curls, he was smiley and dopey from jet lag as he kept reaching his hands out to catch mine and pull me into his chest. I'd missed him for the last ten months when he'd been dazzling the world in flares and Gucci suits. I visited and travelled with him for a few show dates, of course, we'd even managed to spend Christmas and our one year anniversary together, but it was different spending so much time apart. Everything was still shiny and new to me when he left for his first solo tour - we'd only been together four months, most of which had been spent in his London house or weekends together in LA. The refreshing familiarity of being together again after so long hadn't quite rubbed off as we lay sprawled over the sofa, blossom abandoned for now.
"What're you thinking about?"
I look up at Harry, he's changed into a grandpa esque pair of brown drawstring cords I don't miss the little bow he's tied. He raises his eyebrows at me inquisitively when I don't answer, smirking slightly as my eyes wander up to his face.
"Nothing," I smile, pausing to yawn, "Just thinking about what 'm gonna do today."
"Sure you don't want to come with us?" He's collecting bits and pieces from around the room - his phone, wallet, sunglasses, but he peaks his head over his shoulder to look at me as he asks.
"Yeah, think I'm just gonna sit outside for a bit, I wanna catch up on a little bit of work."
His eyebrow quirks up slightly, the 'catching up on work' conversation is something we've had tirelessly throughout our fourteen months together. His work was obviously a little more...noticeable. When he was at work it was normally in a studio all day or sat in meetings, sometimes in a different city or country to me. I could work at home more at least; the articles and reviews I wrote almost always required me to spend a few days out of town to research the topic but once I had my notes, I could write from home. This sometimes lent itself to later nights sat up in my small study - work day blurring into the evening. Harry couldn't argue on it though, he did the exact same. His long hours out of the house didn't cancel out the long ones in, Jeff called any hour of the day with 'pressing matters' and even without external pressures, Harry was determined to get everything perfect, even if it meant tweaking new songs on his weekends off. Normally when he was overwhelmed by the workload of album deadlines and promo he was out in LA, where the pre-sleep chatter whilst we both got ready for bed wasn't an option.
"We're on holiday love, you can let some of it slide."
"It's not work-work, I just wanna write a little." I brush the topic away, it didn't need to abet the argument it'd triggered in the past. "Hurry up - Mitch'll run off without you at this rate."
"I wouldn't worry, don't think Mitch has run a day in his life." Harry chuckles, the goofy smile he wore the whole first day we met beaming back at me as he tucks his belongings in his pockets. He leans down to where I'm sat up over the duvet now, kissing me goodbye. "Be back in a bit, don't burn the house down."
"Promise not to - don't fall off your bike." I say as he pulls away. "Love you- now go, I can hear Mitch having a hissy fit from here."
He laughs. Everything's so easy here, it feels as if time has warped slightly and nothing's too hard anymore. The sun's almost at it's strongest now, defying the curtains and falling on Harry as he makes his way to the bedroom door, picking up his pace as Mitch yells up the stairs at him to 'Stop messin with your hair and come down already.'
"Love you!" Harry calls behind him. His heavy footsteps are followed by Sarah's laugh from downstairs and then the door clicks shut and everything's quiet again.
After an hour or so laying by the pool and a nap that might have lasted a little longer than planned, the sun beats a little heavy and I make my way inside. I've written a decent amount - I found myself recalling the last week here, dipping into more personal ground than I would usually. It's not that Harry and I's relationship is a secret anymore, after about eight months people caught on, but we were still private. He'd brush off interviewer questions about relationships and his 'status' and my social media profiles are free from the hundreds of cosy domestic Harry photos I might have posted if he was someone less in the public eye. It's hard sometimes, especially when I can't share a decent chunk of my photography and all the experiences I might have written about. My old film camera is sat on the kitchen counter now, no doubt filled with sweet moments that'll never see the light of day outside of the four people in them.
The fridge was pretty well stocked considering we'd spent a lot of evenings eating out. We'd taken an eventful shopping trip earlier in the week to the massive grocery store in the town thirty minutes down the road. We ended up buying too much fruit and bread and not much else. The trek home hadn't been considered as Harry and Sarah grew more and more excited over the fresh foods they were used to being shipped over and older than ideal, after it all, we ended up on a long single-tiered town bus, tote bags full and tucked safely on our laps. There one photo in particular of Mitchell standing at the bus stop, watermelon in his arms and a bemused expression on his face that I can't wait to see again once I get to the small camera store back home.
After scouring the shelves for a moment longer, I settle on a sandwich. I'm slicing crunchy lettuce on the old wooden board with swirly carvings around the edges when I hear the door open and familiar voices.
I smear a thin layer of mayonnaise over the contents of the bread before cutting two even triangles and wander out to the living room. Mitch and Harry are already lounging over two of the sofas when I get there, Sarah's nowhere to be seen but the sound of the shower running upstairs starts quietly through the house.
"Hey," I call, making my way over to the back of the black sofa Harry's laying over. "How was it?"
Harry peaks one eye open and reaches his hand up towards me-
"Good- what're you eating?" I steer my food away from his prying fingers as he swoops up to tear off a corner.
"Sandwich, didn't you just eat lunch?"
"Yeah but the portions were tiny," Harry whines slightly, reaching up in a second attempt, protesting when I love the bread away from him again. "I'm growing!"
Mitch laughs from the other side of the room. He swings his legs over the side of the sofa and stands up, rubbing his eyes slightly and trogs over to the stairway. "I'm gonna go shower."
"Good idea, you stink mate," Harry smirks cheekily, earning a glare from Mitch before he disappears up the stairs.
"How was it really, H?" I ask before taking another bite of my sandwich.
"S'good, we cycled for ages - it was actually really beautiful. You've gotta come with me sometime before we go home, although we need to find a different cafe- I paid €11 for the smallest burger I've ever seen."
"We'll bring a picnic or somethin'" I muse, thinking between chews. "I was thinking we could make something tonight 'stead of going out again, something summery maybe."
"Yeah?" Harry mumbles, rubbing his hand over his sun pink cheeks, "Like what?"
"Maybe pitas and some fruit- you bought enough kiwis to last us a lifetime." It's true, he'd claimed he had to in celebration of the tour coming to an end. "Here, d'you want the rest?"
Harry's eyes wander down to the remaining half of my sandwich I'm holding out to him, I try not to think too long about how I could watch his sleepy eyes light up for as long as he'd let me.
"I had something after you left earlier, I'm not that hungry." He looks up at me, unconvinced, but takes the plate anyway, quickly setting the plate on his lap and tucking in. Now that he's sat up in the light without the shadows of the dark cushions around him, I can see how pink is face really is. There's a blushing red along his cheeks and nose and the tips of his ears are bright pink. I brush my thumb over his ear softly, catching his attention as he winces slightly.
"Sorry- think you caught the sun a bit." He swallows the food in his mouth and nods up at me.
"Yeah, hurts a bit." I tilt his face slightly to see the other side - the pink continues down his neck and shoulders where it disappears under the tan lines of his t-shirt.
"Did you not put suncream on before you left?" His mouth full again, he just shakes his head. I smile slightly at how suddenly he's eased into his patient role, munching on his sandwich and peering up at me - ready for me to tend to his injuries. A soft grumble comes from Harry before I sigh - "I'll get the aloe vera."
I walk out into the cool tiled kitchen, opening the fridge again to retrieve the small pot of gel from the top shelf. It was one of the only sensible things we'd managed to buy during the kiwi shopping spree.
"And why didn't you have any suncream on?" I chastise him, giggly at his pouty expression. "It's right on the table, you know."
"You were in bed - I forgot." He eyes my movements as I tuck my leg undeath my body and sit opposite him on the sofa, twisting the cap off the small glass pot in my hands.
" M'I supposed to remind you of everything now, can't even remember suncream without me hey?" He shakes his head, curls tousled around his face. "Come here, stay still..."
I balance the pot in his hands and push his hair back and behind his ears, it'd gotten longer on tour and was threatening to grow into a curly lord farquaad territory. He keeps his head in place when I take back the pot and spread the cold gel over his nose, smiling slightly in surprise-
"S'cold." He watches as I scoop another load of aloe onto my fingertips and cover his cheeks.
"It's been in the fridge- how're your shoulders?" I ask once the gel is spread sufficiently over the pink tint that covered his face and the tips of his ears.
"Not so bad, it's just my face that hurts really."
I hum an okay, spinning the pot lid back on and placing it on the coffee table beside my lunch plate. Harry's hands lay limply in his lap, one reaching slowly to stroke the hem of my loose summer dress. I look up to see his slightly shiny face settling in a shy expression-
"I can be quite forgetful - might have to look after me forever you know." He smiles lovingly, looking up from where his finger and thumb play with the cotton of my dress, to meet my gaze.
"Oh forever, so you've got no plan to improve this bad habit then?" He laughs at my teasing and his smile broadens into a trademark Harry grin.
"Nah...S'okay though, I'll look after you too."
We all end up in the garden by eight pm, lying around the pool with platters of fruit and pittas full of salad and falafel. Harry has a stripe of suncream down his nose and he keeps trying to throw kiwi into Sarah's mouth, although it's ending up anywhere but. The pink in his cheeks has calmed down by now and he's stolen a blue scrunchie from my suitcase and tied a little bun on top of his head.
The hours tick by and the air starts to lose its humid warmth. Pair by pair we trickle back inside, Sarah and Mitchell retreating to their room first.
Harry's standing above me, barefooted in the grass and tipsy on wine. He holds out his hand to me and I take it, pulling myself up from the soft blanket we'd been laying on.
"Leave it," Harry says when I kneel down to fold it, "It's not gonna rain."
Before I can protest he's pulling me behind him and inside the sliding french doors. The tile floor's cold against the bottoms of my feet but the air inside is warm, Harry squeezes my hand in his and pulls me closer against his side, slinging his arm over my shoulders. He's soft and sleepy, and we make out way up the curling staircase clumsily in each other's arms.
I call goodnight to Mitch and Sarah before falling into my own bed. There's a second and then two familiarly inked arms curl around me and pull me into a warm chest. I'm a little drunk, sun-kissed and sleepy from the long conversations of the evening and it isn't long before my eyes are closing - the last noise I can hear is Harry's soft mumbling against my hair. I could definitely stay right here forever.
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morganaspendragonss · 4 years
last line tag
i was tagged by the lovely @reyescarlos and @reyesstrand and i was tagged in something similar by @221bsunsettowers so i’ll just combine the two
this is a follow up to a fic i posted tonight (no i’m not too proud to self promo) which initially i wasn’t going to write but my brain had other ideas apparently. it should be finished tomorrow or thursday, i hope.
TK falls into Carlos’s arms - literally, as he trips on his way out of the truck, hampered both by his exhaustion and his desire to get to Carlos as fast as possible. He flushes as the team immediately pounce on the incident, but he finds he’s able to tune out their jibes pretty easily. He’s looking at Carlos, after all.
“Hey stranger,” Carlos murmurs, brushing his thumb against TK’s cheek.
“Hi.” TK winds his arms around Carlos’s neck and leans up to kiss him. Carlos deepens the kiss, his arms tight around TK’s waist so there’s not even a whisper of air between them.
Behind them, Mateo makes gagging noises.
“Alright, the PDA in here is officially too much,” Paul declares, though he’s clearly fighting off a smile.
“I’ll say,” Marjan replies. “I’m out before it gets truly disgusting.” She turns and heads for the showers, Mateo following close behind.
Paul goes to do the same, but he turns at the last minute. “By the way, Reyes, Mrs Ryder, ma’am? Y’all are gonna stink. Just so you know.”
if there’s a bit of a disconnect here that’s because i haven’t quite figured out how to put it all together lmao. it’s 1am, this is all I’ve got 😅
tagging: @marjansmarwani @sunshinestrand @bellakitse @moviegeek03 and anyone else who wants to!
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