pikahlua · 2 months
MHA Chapter 430 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 もう壊したよ… もうこわしたよ… mou kowashita yo... It's already been destroyed...
2 それは明日のおまえら次第だな それはあしたのおまえらしだいだな sore wa ashita no omaera shidai da na That depends on what you people decide to do tomorrow. (Note: This is a flashback to chapters 423 and 424.)
3 人は ひとは hito wa People
4 生まれながらに平等じゃない うまれながらにびょうどうじゃない umare nagara ni byoudou ja nai are not born equal. (Note: This line is a reference to chapter 1.)
tagline 月日が流れーー つきひがながれーー tsukihi ga nagare-- The days pass by--
5 僕らは一人一人形が違って ぼくらはひとりひとりかたちがちがって bokura wa hitori hitori katachi ga chigatte Each of us is different in form,
sign 職員室 しょくいんしつ shokuin-shitsu Staff Room
6 それ故に他者を思う それゆえにたしゃをおもう sore yue ni tasha wo omou and therefore we think of others.
7 形の違うその身と心を かたちのちがうそのみとこころを katachi no chigau sono mi to kokoro wo The differences in our forms [are in both] the body and mind.
8 だからこそ他へ馳せ だからこそほかへはせ dakara koso hoka e hase That's precisely why we go a different [direction]
9 交点を探す こうてんをさがす kouten wo sagasu to search for points of intersection.
10 緑谷兄ちゃん みどりやにいちゃん Midoriya-niichan "Midoriya-niichan*," (*Note: "Niichan" is a title given to young men or an "older brother," whether related in reality or just as a term of endearment.)
11 デク先生!午後の実技ってどこに集まっとけばいい? デクせんせい!ごごのじつぎってどこにあつまっとけばいい? DEKU-sensei! gogo no jitsugi tte doko ni atsumattokeba ii? "Deku-sensei! Where should we gather for afternoon practical training?"
12 これが齢17歳にして知った これがよわい17さいにしてしった kore ga yowai 17sai ni shite shitta That's the hard truth I learned at age 17,
13 バス停前USJの行き方も兼ねてるから バスていまえユーエスジェーのいきかたもかねてるから BASUtei-mae YUU ESU JEE no ikikata mo kaneteru kara "In front of the bus stop, since it also serves as the way to go to the USJ."
14 社会の現実。 しゃかいのげんじつ。 shakai no genjitsu. the reality of society.
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1 あの日たしかに聞こえた あのひたしかにきこえた ano hi tashika ni kikoeta That day, I definitely heard them,
2 励ましと祈りの声は はげましといのりのこえは hagemashi to inori no kore wa the voices of encouragement and prayer.
3 今も僕を奮い立たせてくれる。 いまもぼくをふるいたたせてくれる。 ima mo boku wo furui tatasete kureru. They still inspire me.
4 誰かに思いを馳せる事がヒーローへの一歩だとしたら だれかにおもいをはせることがヒーローへのいっぽだとしたら dareka ni omoi wo haseru koto ga HIIROO e no ippo da to shitara If thinking of others is a step towards [becoming a] hero,
5 あの日 誰もが最高のヒーローだった。 あのひ だれもがさいこうのヒーローだった。 ano hi daremo ga saikou no HIIROO datta. then that day, everyone were all the greatest heroes.
6 不相応な夢を叶えて貰った ふそうおうなゆめをかなえてもらった fusouou na yume wo kanaete moratta I had an undeserved dream come true for me.
7 考える前に動いてしまった事で始まった僕の物語は かんがえるまえにうごいてしまったことではじまったぼくのものがたりは kangaeru mae ni ugoite shimatta koto de hajimatta boku no monogatari wa As for my story, which began when I moved before I could think,
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book title 敵連合 ヴィランれんごう VIRAN rengou The League of Villains
1 OFAの残り火と共に幕を閉じていく。 ワン・フォー・オールののこりびとともにまくをとじていく。 WAN FOO OORU no nokoribi to tomo ni maku wo tojite iku. the curtain has started to close on it along with the embers of One For All.
2 じゃあ jaa Well then,
3 何でまだコレを書いてるかって? なんでまだコレをかいてるかって? nande mada KORE wo kaiteru ka tte? why am I still writing this, you ask?
4 だってまだ datte mada Because, there's still
5 ページは続いているからね ページはつづいているからね PEEJI wa tsudzuite iru kara ne the pages that are continuing. (Note: Contextually, this would read as "There are still pages left to fill.")
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1 8年後 8ねんご 8nengo 8 years later
2 諸君もいよいよ受験生だ‼︎ しょくんもいよいよじゅけんせいだ‼︎ shokun mo iyoiyo jukensei da!! "All of you are finally [entering the school year when you will take] entrance exams!!"
3 来週までに進路希望を提出する事‼︎ らいしゅうまでにしんろきぼうをていしゅつすること‼︎ raishuu made ni shinro kibou wo teishutsu suru koto!! "By next week, submit your career aspirations!!"
4 俺ぁヒーロー科!雄英だな! おれぁヒーロー科!ゆうえいだな! orea HIIROO-ka! yuuei da na! "Mine's the hero course! At UA!"
5 今アツイのはサポートアイテムだよ! いまアツイのはサポートアイテムだよ! ima ATSUI no wa SAPOOTO AITEMU da yo! "Support items are what's hot right now!"
6 絶対「ライトリーラボ」のメンバーになるンだ! ぜったい「ライトリーラボ」のメンバーになるンだ! zettai 「RAITORII RABO」 no MENBAA ni naruNda! "I'll definitely become a member of the Lightly Lab!"
7-8 あの大天才発目明さんが所属するサポートアイテムデザイン事務所! あのだいてんさいはつめめいさんがしょぞくするサポートアイテムデザインじむしょ! ano daitensai Hatsume Mei-san ga shozoku suru SAPOOTO AITEMU DEZAIN jimusho! "The support item design office that super-genius Mei Hatsume-san belongs to!"
9 僕は吉田竜ドクターみたいに ぼくはよしだりゅうドクターみたいに boku wa Yoshida-ryuu DOKUTAA mitai ni "I [wanna be] like Doctor Ryuu Yoshida"
10 回復不可能な人をも治せるような医師になる…必ずな かいふくふかのうなひとをもなおせるようないしになる…かならずな kaifuku fukanou na hito wo mo naoseru you na ishi ni naru...kanarazu na "and become a doctor who can cure even those who cannot recover...definitely."
11 私は5年前に"サイバ・ウォー"で伝説をつくったGeL Inc.に入りたい! わたしは5ねんまえに"サイバ・ウォー"ででんせつをつくったジーエルインクにはいりたい! watashi wa 5nenmae ni "SAIBA・WOO" de densetsu wo tsukutta JII ERU INKU ni hairitai! "I want to join GeL Inc., which created a legend with 'Cyber War' five years ago!"
12 プログラミング!パリキャリかっこいいの! PUROGURAMINGU! PARI KYARI kakko ii no! "Programming! Paris and Cali are so cool!"
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1 え⁉︎おまえもヒーロー志望なのかよ⁉︎ え⁉︎おまえもヒーローしぼうなのかよ⁉︎ e!? omae mo HIIROO shibou nanoka yo!? "Eh!? You also aspire to be a hero!?"
2 うわあ見るなよ! うわあみるなよ! uwaa miruna yo! "Waah don't look!"
3 おまえの"個性"はさすがにムズくね!⁉︎ おまえの"こせい"はさすがにムズくね!⁉︎ omae no "kosei" wa sasuga ni MUZUku ne!!? "But surely that'll be difficult with your quirk!!?"
4 ダイ! "Dai!" DAI!
5 それは…わからんでしょ…! sore wa...wakaran desho...! "That's...you don't know...!"
6 ただでさえ敵発生率も減少傾向で ただでさえヴィランはっせいりつもげんしょうけいこうで tada de sae VIRAN hasseiritsu mo genshou keikou de "Even in the most opportune times, the incidence rate of villains is on the decline,"
7 ヒーローも数絞られてきてンだぜ⁉︎ ヒーローもかずしぼられてきてンだぜ⁉︎ HIIROO mo kazu shiborarete kiteNda ze!? "and the number of heroes has been narrowed down too, right!?"
8 ごっからは真に強ェ奴だけがヒーローになる時代だぜ! ごっからはしんにつえェやつだけがヒーローになるじだいだぜ! gokkara wa shin ni tsueE yatsu dake ga HIIROO ni naru jidai da ze! "It's an era when only truly strong guys become heroes!"
9 みんな変わっちゃった みんなかわっちゃった minna kawachatta Everyone has changed.
10 ガキの頃は口を揃えて ガキのころはくちをそろえて GAKI no koro wa kuchi wo soroete When I was a kid, everyone would say it in unison.
11-12 オールマイトやエンデヴァー ベストジーニスト デク 大・爆・殺・神ダイナマイト‼︎ショートみたいになりたいって デク だい・ばく・さっ・しんダイナマイト‼︎ショートみたいになりたいって OORU MAITO ya ENDEVAA BESUTO JIINISUTO DEKU daibakusasshin DAINAMAITO!! SHOOTO mitai ni naritai tte They'd all say 'I wanna be like All Might or Endeavor, Best Jeanist, Deku, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight!! Like Shouto!'
13 わかってる wakatteru I get it.
14 僕だけがガキのまま ぼくだけがガキのまま boku dake ga GAKI no mama I'm the only one who stayed like a kid.
15 だから不安になった時はいつもここに来る だからふあんになったときはいつもここにくる dakara fuan ni natta toki wa itsumo koko ni kuru That's why, when I feel anxious, I always come here.
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1 ダイくん一年生がんばれそう? ダイくんいちねんせいがんばれそう? DAI-kun ichinensei ganbaresou? Ready to try your best as a first-year, Dai-kun?
2 うん un Uh-huh! (Note: These two lines are a flashback back to chapter 258.)
3 デビュー以降目覚ましい活躍を見せるテンタコル デビューいこうめざましいかつやくをみせるテンタコル DEBYUU ikou mezamashii katsuyaku wo miseru TENTAKORU "Since his debut, Tentacole has shown us remarkable service."
4 僻地などで未だ見られる形質差別由来の事件に尽力し平和的に解決してきたその功績と影響をたたえ へきちなどでいまだみられるけいしつさべつゆらいのじけんにじんりょくしへいわてきにかいけつしてきたそのこうせきとえいきょうをたたえ hekichi nado de ima da mirareru keishitsu sabetsu yurai no jiken ni jinryoku shi heiwateki ni kaiketsu shite kita sono kouseki to eikyou wo tatae "In recognition of his achievements and influence in peacefully resolving incidents stemming from trait discrimination that still occur in remote areas,"
5 イマムラ平和賞が授与されました! イマムラへいわしょうがじゅよされました! IMAMURA heiwashou ga juyo saremashita! "the Imamura Peace Prize has been awarded!"
6 この賞は8年前蜂起した彼らへ このしょうは8ねんまえほうきしたかれらへ kono shou wa 8nenmae houki shita karera e "This award goes those who rose up 8 years ago."
7 俺は彼らの決意の上に立っているに過ぎないです おれはかれらのけついのうえにたっているにすぎないです ore wa karera no ketsui no ue ni tatte iru ni suginai desu "I am doing nothing more than standing atop their resolve."
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1 続いてはチームアップニュース つづいてはチームアップニュース tsudzuite wa CHIIMUAPPU NYUUSU "Continuing on, in team-up news,"
2 インゲニウムフロッピー・クリエティそしてウラビティが全国の小学校を巡っています インゲニウムフロッピー・クリエティそしてウラビティがぜんこくのしょうがっこうをめぐっています INGENIUMU FUROPPI・KURIETI soshite URABITI ga zenkoku no shougakkou wo megutte imasu "Ingenium, Froppy, Creati, and Uravity are patrolling at elementary schools all over the country."
3 敵発生率の減少に伴い活動の幅を広げる"ヒーロー"たちその中でもーー ヴィランはっせいりつのげんしょうにともないかつどうのはばをひろげる"ヒーロー"たちそのなかでもーー VIRAN hasseiritsu no genshou ni tomonai katsudou no haba wo hirogeru "HIIROO"-tachi sono naka demo-- "Even among the heroes whose scopes of activities are expanding with the decrease in the villain incidence rate,"
4 ウラビティの打ち出した"個性"カウンセリング拡張計画は今最も必要不可欠な活動と言われています ウラビティのうちだした"こせい"カウンセリングかくちょうけいかくはいまもっともひつようふかけつなかつどうといわれています URABITI no uchidashita "kosei" KAUNSERINGU kakushou keikaku wa ima motto mo hitsuyou fukaketsu na katsudou to iwarete imasu "The quirk counseling expansion plan launched by Uravity is said to be the most essential activity right now."
5 おい緑谷これ見たか? おいみどりやこれみたか? oi Midoriya kore mita ka? "Hey Midoriya, have you seen this?"
6 おまえの幼なじみまたチャート落とすぞこりゃ おまえのおさななじみまたチャートおとすぞこりゃ omae no osananajimi mata CHAATO otosu zo korya "Your childhood friend is gonna drop in the charts again with this."
7 かっちゃん… Kacchan... "Kacchan..."
8 なんでこんな近くにおンだてめェ‼︎ なんでこんなちかくにおンだてめェ‼︎ nande konna chikaku ni oNda temeE!! "Why are you this close to me, bastard!!"
9 ひっ‼︎ hi!! "Eep!!"
10 見せ物じゃねンだ死にてーのか‼︎ みせものじゃねンだしにてーのか‼︎ misemono ja neNda shinitee no ka!! "I ain't some spectacle, do you wanna die!!"
11 先生かっちゃん矯正しようと励んでましたよね せんせいかっちゃんきょうせいしようとはげんでましたよね sensei Kacchan kyousei shiyou to wa hagendemashita yo ne "Sensei, you were trying so hard to correct Kacchan, huh."
12 轟とはこれでだいぶ水あけられそうだなあ とどろきとはこれでだいぶみずあけられそうだなあ Todoroki to wa kore de daibu mizu akeraresou da naa "Looks like this'll widen the gap between him and Todoroki."
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1 連日連夜事件に駆けつける れんじつれんやじけんにかけつける renjitsu ren'ya jiken ni kaketsukeru "He rushes to incidents day and night."
2 ぎこちないけど分け隔てないファンサ ぎこちないけどわけへだてないファンサ gikochinai kedo wakehedatenai FANSA "He's awkward, but he gives equal attention to all his fans*." (*Note: Literally this says "He does fan service," but the meaning here is more like what we see with Hawks and Endeavor in Kyushu where that little kid wanted Hawks' autograph and that one Endeavor fan was upset when Endeavor offered to shake his hand. THAT'S the kind of fan service this refers to.)
3 最近じゃエンデヴァーの息子だなんだって言われることも少なくなったそうだ さいきんじゃエンデヴァーのむすこだなんだっていわれることもすくなくなったそうだ saikin ja ENDEVAA no musuko da nanda tte iwareru koto mo sukunaku natta sou da "Recently it seems like people don't often mention that he's Endeavor's son."
4 シンリンカムイ・Mt.レディを抜いて シンリンカムイ・マウントレディをぬいて SHINRIN KAMUI・MAUNTO REDI wo nuite "He'll overtake Kamui Woods and Mount Lady,"
5 一気にトップの通形先輩と並ぶ勢い いっきにトップのとおがたせんぱいとならぶいきおい ikki ni TOPPU no Toogata-senpai to narabu ikioi "then right away he'll have the momentum to match Toogata-senpai at the top."
6 物間くんや骨抜くんもすごいし ものまくんやほねぬきくんもすごいし Monoma-kun ya Honenuki-kun mo sugoi shi "Monoma-kun and Honenuki-kun are also amazing,"
7 先輩もこないだ「コエー!」って笑ってましたよ せんぱいもこないだ「コエー!」ってわらってましたよ senpai mo konai da 「KOEE!」 tte warattemashita yo "and senpai* was also laughing and [calling them] 'Scaryyy!' the other day." (*Note: I think he's referring to Mirio here.)
8 ……さびしいか ......sabishii ka "......You lonely?"
9 …… "......"
10 でも demo "But"
11 昔 不和先輩が先生と話してて むかし ふわせんぱいがせんせいとはなしてて mukashi Fuwa-senpai ga sensei to hanashitete "long ago, Fuwa-senpai was talking with you, Sensei,"
12 その時思ったんです そのときおもったんです sono toki omottandesu "and that's when I thought,"
13 "無個性"には戻るけど経験を活かして誰かを励ませるなら "むこせい"にはもどるけどけいけんをいかしてだれかをはげませるなら "mukosei" ni wa modoru kedo keiken wo ikashite dareka wo hagemaseru nara "I'll return to being quirkless, but if I can make use of my experience and encourage someone,"
14 それはとてもかっこいいかもなって sore wa totemo kakko ii kamo natte "that might be really cool."
15 かっこいいですかね 今僕 かっこいいですかね いまぼく kakko ii desu ka ne ima boku "Aren't I cool now?"
16 もう少し生徒に厳しくした方がいいな もうすこしせいとにきびしくしたほうがいいな mou sukoshi seito ni kibishiku shita hou ga ii na "It'd be better if you were a little more strict with the students."
17 大事なことだぞ だいじなことだぞ daiji na koto da zo "It's important."
18 この現代でウチに入って来れるような奴は このげんだいでウチにはいってこれるようなやつは kono gendai de UCHI ni haitte koreru you na yatsu wa "In this modern age, those who can get into [UA]"
19 将来ヒーロー確約されているようなもんだからな しょうらいヒーローかくやくされているようなもんだからな shourai HIIROO kakuyaku sarete iru you na mon da kara na "are guaranteed to be future heroes."
20 増長しないように俺たちが厳しくしないといけないんだわかるか ぞうちょうしないようにおれたちがきびしくしないといけないんだわかるか zouchou shinai you ni ore-tachi ga kibishiku shinai to ikenainda wakaru ka "We have to be strict now to prevent them from growing arrogant, do you understand?"
21 先生けっこうやさしかったけどな せんせいけっこうやさしかったけどな sensei kekkou yasashikatta kedo na "Sensei, you were pretty kind though."
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1 社会に出てからは しゃかいにでてからは shakai ni dete kara wa After entering society,
2 休みも合わないし集まる機会もなかなか作れない やすみもあわないしあ��まるきかいもなかなかつくれない yasumi mo awanai shi atsumaru kikai mo nakanaka tsukurenai we don't have enough time off, and we can't easily make opportunities to get together.
3 男性からの支持圧倒的 だんせいからのしじあっとうてき dansei kara no shiji attouteki "With overwhelming support from men,"
4 漢!烈怒頼雄斗の意外なオリジンに迫ります おとこ!レッドライオットのいがいなオリジンにせまります otoko! REDDO RAIOTTO no igai na ORIJIN ni semarimasu "chivalry*! The surprising origin of Red Riot approaches!" (*Note: Or, depending on how you like to translate Kirishima's favorite word, "Manliness!")
5 レッドだ! REDDO da! "It's Red!"
6 アンブれいかぶる! ANBUreikaburu! "Unbreakable!"
7 あっ a "Ah!"
8 皆の活躍を見るのはとても嬉しい みんなのかつやくをみるのはとてもうれしい minna no katsuyaku wo miru no wa totemo ureshii I'm very happy to see everyone in action*. (*Note: This word also refers to one's activities, their service, their successes and contributions, etc.)
9 学生の頃を思い出すとよくここに来る がくせいのころをおもいだすとよくここにくる gakusei no koro wo omoidasu to yoku koko ni kuru When I recall my days as a student, I often come here.
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1 いだっ‼︎ ida!! "Ow!!"
2 ひゃん hyan "Oof!"
3 あっぶねーありがとござます! abbunee arigato gozamasu! "That was dangerous, thank you very much!"
4 デ… DE... "De..."
5 え…デク⁉︎緑谷‼︎出久⁉︎ え…デク⁉︎みどりや‼︎いずく⁉︎ e...DEKU!? Midoriya!! Izuku!? "Eh...Deku!? Izuku Midoriya!?"
6 うわあ⁉︎実在してるんだあうわあ うわあ⁉︎じつざいしてるんだあうわあ uwaa!? jitsuzai shiterundaa uwaa "Waah!? You really exist, wow!"
7 そっか sokka "I see."
8 受験生かあ じゅけんせいかあ jukensei kaa "[You'll be taking] entrance exams, huh?"
9 …時代が急激に変わってって…僕みたいな …じだいがきゅうげきにかわってって…ぼくみたいな ...jidai ga kyuugeki ni kawatte tte...boku mitai na "...They say times are rapidly changing...it seems like that to me."
10 同級生に比べてめちゃ弱い"個性"はついていけなくなっちゃった どうきゅうせいにくらべてめちゃよわい"こせい"はついていけなくなっちゃった doukyuusei ni kurabete mecha yowai "kosei" wa tsuite ikenaku nachatta "Compared to my classmates, with my very weak quirk, I can't keep up."
11 だからここに来てオールマイト像に聞くんです だからここにきてオールマイトぞうにきくんです dakara koko ni kite OORU MAITO zou ni kikundesu "That's why I came here and asked the All Might statue."
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1-2 僕もあなたたちのようなヒーローになれますかーーーって… ぼくもあなたたちのようなヒーローになれますかーーーって… boku mo anata-tachi no you na HIIROO ni naremasu ka---tte... "I asked, can I also become a hero like you guys...?"
3 "僕もオールマイトのように"ーーー "ぼくもオールマイトのように"ーーー "boku mo OORU MAITO no you ni"--- Just like me with All Might---
4 髪の皿みたいなモノを投てきする"個性"か かみのさらみたいなモノをとうてきする"こせい"か kami no sara mitai na MONO wo touteki suru "kosei" ka "A quirk that throws things that look like plates from one's hair, huh?"
5 髪由来なら峰田くんの応用で全然いけると思うなあ重ねることで強度も上がるし大きさも変わってたよね?汎用性あるよ かみゆらいならみねたくんのおうようでぜんぜんいけるとおもうなあかさねることできょうどもあがるしおおきさもかわってたよね?はんようせいあるよ kami yurai nara Mineta-kun no ouyou de zenzen ikeru to omou naa kasaneru koto de kyoudo mo agaru shi ookisa mo kawatteta yo ne? han'yousei aru yo "If it comes from hair, I think you can absolutely use Mineta-kun's application. By piling them up, their strength increases and their size changes, right? It's versatile!" (Note: This text bubble is surrounded by the "mutter" sound effect often used for Izuku's mumbling.)
6 コワ‼︎いけど何これ励まされてる⁉︎ コワ‼︎いけどなにこれはげまされてる⁉︎ KOWA!! ikedo nani kore hagemasareteru!? "Creepy!! But also why is this encouraging!?"
7 夢をを叶えた後は ゆめをかなえたあとは yume wo kanaeta ato wa After fulfilling [my own] dream,
8 大丈夫 だいじょうぶ daijoubu "It's all right,"
9 だって君はさっき手を差し伸べようとしたじゃないか だってきみはさっきてをさしのべようとしたじゃないか datte kimi wa sakki te wo sashinobe you to shita ja nai ka "because back there, you tried to reach out your hand, didn't you?"
10 夢を与えていく番だ ゆめをあたえていくばんだ yume wo ataete iku ban da it's [my] turn to offer dreams.
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1 君はヒーローになれるよ きみはヒーローになれるよ kimi wa HIIROO ni nareru yo "You can become a hero!"
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1 頑張れ少年! がんばれしょうねん! ganbare shounen! "Do your best, young man!"
2 さびしくないと言ったらウソになるけど さびしくないといったらウソになるけど sabishikunai to ittara USO ni naru kedo If I said I wasn't lonely, I'd be lying, but
3 こんな風に誰かを励ませるならーー こんなふうにだれかをはげませるならーー konna fuu ni dareka wo hagemaseru nara-- if I can encourage someone like this--
4-5 これは僕たちが最高のヒーローになった物語 これはぼくたちがさいこうのヒーローになったものがたり kore wa boku-tachi ga saikou no HIIROO ni natta monogatari This is the story of how we became the greatest heroes.
text in hand 完 かん kan Complete
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1 遅かったじゃないか少年‼︎ おそかったじゃないかしょうねん‼︎ osokatta ja nai ka shounen!! "You're late, young man!!"
2 仰ってくれたら空港まで迎えに行ったのに! おっしゃってくれたらくうこうまでむかえにいったのに! osshatte kuretara kuukou made mukae ni itta noni! "If you had told me, I would have gone to pick you up from the airport!"
3 サプライズプレゼントしたくてね SAPURAIZU PUREZENTO shitakute ne "I want to give you a surprise present."
4 タペストウリーですか⁉︎ TAPESUTOURII desu ka!? "Is it a tapestry!?"
5 8年前私とAFOの戦いで取れたデータが 8ねんまえわたしとオール・フォー・ワンのたたかいでとれたデータが 8nenmae watashi to OORU FOO WAN no tatakai de toreta DEETA ga "The data obtained during the battle between me and All For One 8 years ago"
6 なんかすごい可能性を広げるモノだったそうだ! なんかすごいかのうせいをひろげるモノだったそうだ! nanka sugoi kanousei wo hirogeru MONO datta sou da! "seems like it's something that opens up a lot of possibilities!"
7 "個性"の深化と共に "こせい"のしんかとともに "kosei" no shinka to tomo ni "With the strengthening of quirks,"
8 技術もまた深化していく ぎじゅつもまたしんかしていく gijutsu mo mata shinka shite iku "technology also strengthens."
9 マルチに個性を使いこなした君で更なるデータを取りたい! マルチにこせいをつかいこなしたきみでさらなるデータをとりたい! MARUCHI ni kosei wo tsukaikonashita kimi de saranaru DEETA wo toritai! "I want to collect even more data from you as you have mastered using multiple quirks!"
10 え でもこんな高いモノ… え でもこんなたかいモノ… e demo konna takai MONO... "Eh? But such an expensive thing..."
11 こいつは海外の友と発目少女の協力 こいつはかいがいのともとはつめしょうじょのきょうりょく koitsu wa kaigai no tomo to Hatsume-shoujo no kyouryoku "This one is from cooperation between my friend overseas and Young Hatsume,"
12 そして爆豪少年中心にかつてのA組が共同出資したモノだ そしてばくごうしょうねんちゅうしんにかつてのエーぐみがきょうどうしゅっししたモノだ soshite Bakugou-shounen chuushin ni katsute no EE-gumi ga kyoudou shusshi shita MONO da "and it is something that the former Class A jointly invested in with Young Bakugou at the heart of it."
13 バレてるぜ BAREteru ze "You've been found out."
14 まだ身体が動いちまうんだろ まだからだがうごいちまうんだろ mada karada ga ugoichimaundaro "Your body is still moving."
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1 肝に銘じておきな きもにめいじておきな kimo ni meijite oki na "Take this to heart."
2-3 これも君自身が勝ち取った力だ‼︎ これもきみじしんがかちとったちからだ‼︎ kore mo kimi jishin ga kachitotta chikara da!! "You've earned this power fair and square, too!!" (Note: The above three lines are a reference to chapter 2.)
4 皆といつまでも みんなといつまでも minna to itsumademo WIth everyone, forever...
5 来い こい koi "Come [on],"
6 デク DEKU "Deku." (Note: If you want to get REALLY sentimental, just know that together speech bubbles #5 & #6 make grammatically the exact opposite phrase of what Katsuki said to Izuku in the woods at summer training camp before he disappeared in the portal, which gets translated in English as "Stay back, Deku.")
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1 前よりは"暇"って感じかな…! まえよりは"ひま"ってかんじかな…! mae yori wa "hima" tte kanji ka na...! "It feels like we've got more free time than before...!"
2 星戦道路で崖崩れ交通マヒってます せいせんどうろでがけくずれこうつうマヒってます seisen douro de gake kuzure koutsuu MAHIttemasu "A landslide on Seisen* Road is paralyzing traffic." (*Note: This road's name means literally "Star Wars" in Japanese.)
3 ヒーロー出動お願いします! ヒーローしゅつどうおねがいします! HIIROO shutsudou onegai shimasu! "Please dispatch heroes!"
4 いつまでも itsumademo ...forever,
tagline 1 No.430 僕のヒーローアカデミア 堀越耕平 ナンバー430 ぼくのヒーローアカデミア ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 430 boku no HIIROO AKADEMIA Horikoshi Kouhei No. 430 My Hero Academia Kouhei Horikoshi
tagline 2 長きに渡るご愛読心よりありがとうございました‼︎堀越先生の次回作にご期待下さい‼︎最終42巻は12月4日(水)発売予定です!!! ながきにわたるごあいどくこころよりありがとうございました‼︎ほりこしせんせいのじかいさくにごきたいください‼︎さいしゅう42かんは12がつ4か(すい)はつばいよていです!!! nagaki ni wataru goaidoku kokoro yori arigatou gozaimashita!! Horikoshi-sensei no jikaisaku ni gokitai kudasai!! saishuu 42kan wa 12gatsu 4ka (sui) hatsubai yotei desu!!! A long-time favorite, thank you very much from the bottom of our hearts!! Please stay tuned for Horikoshi-sensei's next work!! The final 42nd volume is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, December 4th!!!
5 手を差し伸べ続ける物語 てをさしのべつづけるものがたり te wo sashinobe tsudzukeru monogatari this is the story of how we keep reaching out our hands.
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danieyells · 4 months
@mayoigotokurousagi LAST ONE OF YOURS here's Jin!!!
Jin is. . .he's a lot sweeter than you'd expect once his affinity gets high lol. . . . I FEEL LIKE I ENDED UP WITH A LOT OF COMMENTARY HERE. . .he just acts very different as affinity goes up, i have to point shit out haha
I've also amended this one to be all of his voicelines now!
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Where the hell do you think you're going? Quit dawdling and help me get ready." お前、どこほっつき歩いてたんだ?……さっさと支度を手伝え

You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Hey, you've got mail. Don't tell me you're not going to open it. What if it was for me?" おい、手紙。放っとくつもりじゃねぇだろうな。 俺宛があったらどうすんだ? あ?
Jin, why would your mail be in my. . .whatever

Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"...Get to the point. The trash here is so long-winded." チッ……さっさと要件を言え。ゴミどもはこれだから面倒くせぇ

"A party? I don't waste air on bootlickers. Try Tohma." 社交界? 肩書き目当ての奴らに構うつもりはねぇよ。塔真をあたれ

"Don't just stand there like an idiot. Hurry up. ...What? You got a problem? Spit it out." おい、ぼさっと突っ立ってねぇでついてこい。 ……何だ、文句でもあんのか?

"Kneel! Tsk... Where's {PC}? Bring her to my room." 跪け!  ……チッ。あの女はどこだ。今すぐ俺の部屋に連れてこい

"What? Your schedule's not my problem. Just arrange it around me." あ? お前の都合なんて知らねぇ。黙って俺に合わせてりゃいいんだよ

Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"...Huh? I don't want to see your face at the crack of dawn. Get out." ……あ?寝起きから、その面見せんな…… 下がってろ
given how vulgar his speech is sometimes i'm surprised he didn't say "asscrack of dawn"
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Tell the chef I'm not in the mood for meat today." ……シェフに伝えろ。今日は肉の気分じゃねぇってな
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm not wasting my time fooling around with those brats today. If they're really that bored, just make them go on a low-ranking mission or something." ガキの遊びに付き合う気はねぇよ。そんなに暇なら、適当に低ランク任務でも行かせておけ
he's just barely avoiding making iPad kids out of Kaito and Lucas lmao
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Put my dinner over there. I'll eat later if I feel like it." ディナーはそこに置いておけ。気が向いたら食っておく
i am once again asking the ghouls to FUCKING EAT PROPER MEALS.
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I need more data for this case...  Go find Tohma, servant." 任務の資料が足りてねぇ…… 下僕、塔真を呼んでこい
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"A Class C anomaly? Miss me with that weak shit. Why do you think we have a Vice Captain?" あ? C級怪異? つまんねぇことに俺を巻き込むな。 何のために副寮長がいるんだ?
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"What about class? Ha. What makes you think you can lecture me? Worry about yourself." ……授業の時間? ハッ、俺に説教とはいい度胸じゃねぇか。お前は自分の心配でもしてろ
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"You don't even know that? What do they teach here?" ……そんなこともわからねぇのか?この学園の教育はどうなってんだ
I guess Jin has a good handle on the material and everything he'd need to know, as a third year. I say 'as a third year' but Alan didn't understand some of the basics so--
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Bianerus! ...I'm not feeling it today. You can go." <ビアネルス> …………チッ。調子が悪い。今日はもう下がれ
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"It's late. We're done here. Leave." ……もう遅い。話は終わりだ、下がれ
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"You're late. You've got some nerve making me wait, servant." ……遅ぇよ。下僕ごときが俺を待たせるな
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"...I'm hungry. Go order lunch. For two." ……腹が減ったな。おい、ランチの手配をしろ。2人分だ
i guarantee you the pc did not consider that he meant "i want to eat lunch with you" the first time this happened. she probably just thought "damn jin's hungry today."
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"You have plans? Take a second and really think about whether your plans are more important than me before you open that mouth again." 今日は都合が悪い? ……俺より優先する価値があるか、よく考えてから口を開け
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"...Why are you so chatty today? Just pour my tea and get out of my face." チッ……うるせぇ。いつもの紅茶だけ淹れて失せろ
'stop trying to befriend me and go away' lmao
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"You should be grateful I'm giving you the time of day this early in the morning." 俺が朝から相手してやってんだ。ありがたく思え
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Why do you look so worn out? If you're going to serve me, learn how to take better care of yourself. Tohma, take her to the infirmary." おい下僕、なんだその顔色は。俺に仕えるなら体調管理は万全にしろ。 塔真、こいつを保健室に運んでこい
why the infirmary. . .i don't think she needs a doctor i think she needs a nap. You're overworking her didn't Tohma tell you not to break her you donut
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"It's still early... You want to practice the waltz? Bold, aren't you? You're going to be sore tomorrow." まだこんな時間か。 ワルツの練習?……生意気に催促しやがって。 覚悟しろよ。お前は明日、筋肉痛だ
are we still. . .talking about the. . .dancing. . . .
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"You want to dine with me? Ha. All right. Show me if you've learned anything." お前と俺が、ディナーを一緒に? ハッ、面白ぇ。お手並み拝見といこうか
impromptu lesson on table manners!?
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"It's quiet tonight... Sit here, next to me. We're playing a duet. Don't give me that look. You'll know this song." 今夜は静かだな……隣に座れ。 連弾だ。そんな顔すんじゃねぇよ。 ……お前も知ってる曲だ
I previously used the expression names to describe his expression as 'pouting' and 'like a spoiled child' but he mostly just looks irritated lmaooo
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Waking me up every morning was your idea, so I'd better see you here tomorrow too. That's an order." ルーティンにしたのはお前だろ。責任取って、明日も起こしに来い。 ……これは命令だ
how quickly we go from "i don't wanna see your face first thing in the morning" to "i had better see your face every morning". . . . (it's not quickly at all. it's actually an incredibly slow process getting affinity up.)
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"...I was too active yesterday. Massage me, servant. ...What the hell was that? Put some muscle into it." チッ。昨日は体を動かしすぎたな。 下僕、次はマッサージだ。 ……足りねぇよ。もっと強く押せ
i love this one he's just like bitch what the fuck kinda weak ass massage is that put some back into it?????
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"You don't know about dining etiquette? I don't have time for this... If you want me to teach you, I better see that nose on the grindstone." テーブルマナーがわからない? 面倒くせぇ……俺に教わるからにはそれ相応の覚悟があんだろうな?
we are reaching critical levels of "i need to make you presentable so you can meet my father" also I find it funny that this is after the "you wanna eat with me? let's see if you've learned anything" line. WHEN WERE THEY SUPPOSED TO HAVE HAD LEARNED OR DO YOU EXPECT THEM TO STUDY YOU AS YOU EAT
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"What's that? My helicopter, obviously. Quit gawking and get in." 俺のヘリだ。見たらわかんだろ。……いいから、さっさと乗れ
get in servant idk where we're going but you are going with me
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I've got plans early tomorrow. Your house is too far. Stay here tonight." 明日は早朝から用事がある。お前が寝泊まりしてる寮からじゃ間に合わねぇかもな。 今夜は、ここに泊まれ
another expression note. . .he's looking away and putting his hand on the back of his neck here. He's shy, almost. Because he's not asking you to stay over to perform some task. It's not your usual master-servant dynamic. He just wants you close to him. As close as possible. He really is rather sweet.
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"Never learn, do you? I don't take you being here for granted. I know it won't last forever. That's all I'm going to say." 懲りないやつだな。言っておくが、こうやってお前が隣にいること…… 俺は、永遠に続くとは思ってねぇぞ
Jin makes a kind of sad face when he says it won't last forever. well, as sad as he can manage.
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He knows that once your curse is broken you'll probably go back to your ordinary life. If your curse can't be broken you'll die. And if you, for some reason, continue to stay at Darkwick even after being cured, he'll be a fourth year next year--he's gonna go off to do field work. Eventually he'll work in the highest levels of the Institute and eventually he'll take his father's place as the president. With all of this, there's no way you'll be able to be together, no matter what. This is a short lived burst of happiness and attachment for him. It means a lot more to him than you realize.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"(yawn) What's with that look? I'm not allowed to yawn?" ふぁっ…… あ? 何だその顔は。俺があくびして悪ぃか?
(between 11am and 4pm)
"The flowers you can see from the balcony? Yeah, I had them planted. ...My mother liked them." バルコニーから見える花……?ああ、俺が植えさせた。 …………お袋が好きだった花だ
the balcony bg and the front of frostheim background don't have flowers visible in them(i mean the balcony has potted plants but no flowers). . .i wonder what kind of flowers his mother liked. maybe the pc will grow them when they turn into a Kyklos.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Sunset's supposed to be nice this time of year. Come on, servant. Before I change my mind." 春茜か……おい下僕、少し外に出る。 俺の気が変わる前に付き合えよ
(between 8pm and 5am)
"You're going to see the cherry blossoms tonight with the brats? Suit yourself. I doubt any of you can appreciate them." あ? ガキどもと夜桜を見に行く? 勝手にしろ。お前らに、あの風情がわかるとは思えねぇけどな
'you guys are too poor to appreciate nice things'
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Those little shits are so loud this morning... They're worse than the cicadas. Tohma, go exterminate them." クソ、朝からガキどもがうるせぇ。 塔真、あのセミより鬱陶しい奴らを駆除してこい
(between 11am and 4pm)
"What kind of moron chooses to go out in the sun this time of year? Unless you want your brain to melt, stay here with me." わざわざこの時期、日を浴びようなんて奴は馬鹿しかいねぇ。 お前も脳みそ溶かしたくなきゃ、ここにいろ
jin. . .this is frostheim. it is PERMANENTLY WINTER here, even to the point of that the day-night timing doesn't change. It's not hot unless we leave the boundaries of frostheim. . . . THIS IS A THINLY VEILED EXCUSE TO GET YOU TO STAY WITH HIM.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"You've got tickets to a fireworks festival? The view's better from a helicopter. ...You've got guts thinking you can show me a good time, peasant." あ? 花火大会の観覧席チケット? 花火はヘリから見るもんだろ。庶民の分際で俺を誘いやがって……
'peasant' is worse than 'servant' in my opinion. . . .
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Haven't heard the sound of waves for a while... Get the speedboat. I'll drive." しばらく波の音も聞いてねぇな…… おい、今すぐクルーザーを出せ。操縦は俺がする
jin just shoving you into various vehicles to take you places is really funny to me for some reason. you're like his purse dog. he just wants to take you everywhere even if it doesn't really benefit him to do so. also he can drive a speedboat????

Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"I overworked myself. Go get Tohma. I was right having him get that PT license. I should have you get one too." 塔真を呼べ、オーバーワークした。 あいつに整体の資格を取らせたのは正解だったな。 下僕、お前も取るか
. . .doesn't that take like three years minimum in japan. . .how did you get him to get that. . .didn't he only meet you like two and a half years ago and you weren't even in the same house then. . .is that a darkwick offered course. . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"A pumpkin spice latte? I'm not drinking this saccharine garbage. Give the rest to the brats." あ? パンプキンスパイスラテ? こんな甘ったるい茶は飲まねぇよ。残りはガキどもにやっとけ
what do you think he is, a basic bitch like you? Not a big fan of sweets. Noted.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"My favorite family vacation? Don't have one. This conversation is over." 行楽の思い出?そんなもんねぇよ。 ……この話は終わりだ
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I don't play the piano because I like it. It's just force of habit." 別に、ピアノが好きで弾いてるわけじゃねぇよ。ただの惰性だ

Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"...Don't fucking wake me up. Come back later." ……起こすんじゃねぇ。話なら後にしろ
he hates the heat he hates the cold. . .well he also hates mornings in general. . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Why is my name on this snowman? Tohma, give me your gloves. Whichever half-wit made this has shit for eyes." なんで雪だるまに、俺の名前が? ……塔真、手袋を貸せ。これ作った奴の目は、確実に腐ってやがんな
"is that supposed to be me. . .? aw hell no i am fixing this shit"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Tell the chef and the brats we're having a roast dinner tomorrow. Kobe beef. They know how I like it." 明日はローストディナーだ、シェフとガキどもに言っとけ。 肉は神戸牛でな。焼き加減はわかってるはずだ
i like that the frostheim ghouls eat dinner together like a family. . .jin looks at Kaito and Lucas and goes 'those are my idiot sons. i cannot stand them.'
(between 8pm and 5am)
"You're staying here tonight, servant. I'll show you an aurora you couldn't even dream of." 下僕、今夜は泊まれ。最上級のオーロラを見せてやる
see how this is worded differently from when he asks you to stay over because 'your house is too far away'? even when he's trying to be sweet to you, as long as he maintains your power imbalance he feels comfortable--he has something over you here--but trying to lay his feelings bare, just saying 'i want you to stay with me', that's so much more than he's used to saying.

His birthday: (August 31st)
"A birthday party? This has Tohma written all over it, that asshole's always using me to— You're planning it? ...I'll think about it." 誕生日パーティー? 塔真の奴、また俺を客寄せに使って…… 違う?お前が主催? ……気が向いたらな
'that asshole tohma is trying to make me go outside aga--oh you're planning the party. oh. okay. maybe.'

Your birthday:
"The song I just played? It's G. F. Handel. He wrote it for the queen's birthday." さっき弾いた曲?……G.F.ヘンデルが、女王の誕生日に送った曲だ
in case you don't get the significance of what he's saying here. . .lemme fetch one of Tohma's lines for you--
"I'm no more than a servant. Frostheim is ruled by a king, you see." 私はあくまで小間使いですよ。フロストハイムには、キングがいますから
my dude I think jin just called you his queen--only for your birthday though don't get cocky, servant

New Years: (January 1st)
"Hope you're ready for another year being at beck and call, servant. First up, my New Year's courtesy calls. Go do them for me." おい、下僕。今年も俺専用の女中として必死に尽くせよ。 まずは新年の挨拶回りだ。代わりに行ってこい
'happy new year! your purpose is still serving me.'

Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"What's that sad-looking box you're holding? ...Oh. No, don't throw it away. I'll take it." なんだ? この貧相な包みは。 ……ああ、そういうことか。 捨てなくていい。受け取ってやるよ
jin is one of those characters who probably gets a mountain of chocolates given to him by admirers, all brand name and like from famous confectioners and shit. real nice fancy packages. so he sees your shitty little unprofessional homemade thing and is like 'tf is that' before he realizes it's for him and it's made with love and he just. . .ah. no, i want that, actually.

White Day: (March 13th)
"Keep your schedule open tonight. You're having a meal your peasant taste buds couldn't even dream of." おい、今夜は予定を開けとけ。庶民じゃ一生出会えねぇような美味いもん、お前に食わせてやるよ

April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Hey, are you all right? ...Tsk. If that was a joke, it wasn't fucking funny. I've changed my mind. Cancel all my plans for the day." おい、お前大丈夫か?  ……チッ。質の悪ぃ嘘だな…… 気が変わった。今日の予定はすべてキャンセルだ
i feel like Jin is about to put together the most elaborate prank and it's gonna hurt someone's feelings or get somebody hurt and no one will find it funny and he'll end up feeling super shitty. like that one spongebob episode.

Halloween: (October 31st)
"Where the hell's Tohma? Asshole sent the brats to my room to beg for candy. Next time I see him I'm going to wring his fucking neck." クソ……塔真はどこだ。俺の部屋に籠持ったガキども寄こしやがって。 あいつ……ぶっ殺すぞ……
okay but did you give them candy?

Christmas: (December 25th)
"Go tell Tohma what color dress you're wearing tonight. Why? Maybe I'll wear a matching ascot tie. If I feel like it." 今夜着るドレスの色を塔真に伝えておけ。 あ? 理由? 気が向いたらアスコットタイの色を合わせてやる

Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"...Where the hell did she go?" ……あの女、どこ行きやがった?
(13 affinity and above)
"Shit... This is throwing me off. Who does that servant think she is?" ……クソ……調子が狂う。 下僕の分際で、舐めやがって……
he feels so wrong without you next to him aw

Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"...You've got guts abandoning your place at my back, servant. I'm going to have to retrain you." …………っ、おい……下僕は常に主人の後ろにいるもんだろうが。 お前は再教育だ
ONCE AGAIN IT FEELS LIKE I PUT NEARLY ALL OF THEM IN IT'S ALL OF THEM NOW! The way he treats the pc in so many different ways but it makes sense with his character and feelings. . .as far as the home screen lines go, Jin definitely loves you in some capacity. He's actually quite clingy. . .i'm a little too sleepy for more coherent thought haha
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お馬鹿さんの紹介 / Let me introduce you to some idiots.
ID:alicelines ID:gravurenews
この二つは多分同一人物。パターンが同じ。 方々のブログの人気投稿をパクッて投稿してる。 1分でも早く死ねばいいのに。
こいつはブログ立ち上げ(確か2023/02~03頃)と同時にパクリまくってた。俺だけじゃなく他のtumblrブログからも。alicelinesと同様のクズ。 投稿の”元画像へのリンク”の書式までパクリ先のブログから丸々コピペしてる?と思い、試しに"Tvviter"とわざとスペルミスしてみたらそれをコピペしたので確信。 抗議しても俺をブロックして逃亡しやがったので、"Source"のリンク先をここ (必見 w )にした投稿を幾つかしてみた 案の定気づかずに丸々コピペして投稿してた大馬鹿者。自らパクリを白状して広めていくスタイルが斬新 /笑 1分でも早く死ねばいいのに。
ID:hachicolle  ← New
俺がtumblrに投稿を始めるまでは時々見に行っていたブログ。 投稿を始めてからは"tumblrからダウンロードした画像は投稿しない"と決めていたので、日本のグラビア画像がメインのtumblrブログはここを含めほとんど見に行かなくなった。
こいつが時々リアクションくれたのは気づいてたんだけど、tumblrブログからのパクリ専門だったとは残念。 2024/08/24/14:09 に俺が投稿したこれ を同日17:23にはパクリ。悪質極まりない。 盗用の根拠となるものを送ったんだけど無視しやがった。 これ とこれ 、あとこれも。 1分でも早く死ねばいいのに。
何度でも何度でも言いますが こういった(少なくとも俺からみたら)悪質なIDをフォローし、リアクションしている人へ 上記4ブログの投稿で僕のブログ@pretty-pink-rose-0413xxx由来のパクリにリアクションしているのを見かけたらその場でブロックします。場合によってはこいつら同様晒します。二次拡散も僕から見たら同罪なので。
投稿された画像の元ネタなんかわかんねーよ って? あの店、盗品売ってる。この事実を知った時から、その店で買い物するのは”バカ”がやる事。
これも是非読んで下さい related posts 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
ID: alicelines ID: gravurenews
These two are probably the same person. The pattern is the same. They are taking popular posts from other people's blogs and posting them.
I hope they die as soon as possible, even if it's just for a minute.
ID: assassin-kazui
This guy has been ripping off blogs as soon as he started his blog (around 2023/02-03, I think). Not only from me, but from other tumblr blogs. Like alicelines, this guy is a scumbag.
I noticed, this idiot, even the format of the “link to original image” in the post was copied and pasted from the blog he was copying from? I tried misspelling “Tvviter” on purpose & was convinced that he copied & pasted it.
When I protested, he blocked me and fled,
I made a few posts with the “Source” link here . As I expected, he was a big fool who copied and pasted the entire page without noticing.
His style of spreading the word by confessing his own pacification is novel /lol
I hope he dies as soon as possible, even if it's only for a minute.
ID: hachicolle
I used to visit this blog from time to time until I started posting on tumblr. Since I started posting on tumblr, I have decided not to post images downloaded from tumblr, so I rarely visit the site anymore, including this one. This one I posted on 2024/08/24/14:09
at 17:23 the same day,he/she plagiarized it. It is extremely malicious. I sent the evidence, but he ignored it. This and this and this , he plagiarized.
I hope he dies a minute sooner.
I'll say it again and again and again. To those who follow and react to these ,at least from my point of view, malicious IDs If I see you reacting to my blog-derived pacifier post on the above four blogs, I will block you on the spot.In some cases, I will expose them, just as I did this time.
Secondary proliferation is just as guilty in my view.
"I don't know the original source of the image they posted. What can I do?" you say?
That store sells stolen goods.
From the moment you learned this fact, shopping at that store was a “ idiot’s” thing to do.
Don't you see what this means?
related posts 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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tokidokitokyo · 28 days
Japanese Prefectures: Chūbu - Niigata
都道府県 (とどうふけん) - Prefectures of Japan
Learning the kanji and a little bit about each of Japan’s 47 prefectures!
新 あたらしい、あらた、にい~、シン new
潟 かた、がら lagoon
県 ケン prefecture
中部 ちゅうぶ Chūbu, Central Japan, the central region of Japan
Prefectural Capital (県庁所在地) : Niigata (新潟市)
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Niigata Prefecture is famous for its high-quality rice, sake, spectacular fireworks displays in winter, skiing in winter, and hot springs year-round. Niigata lies along the Sea of Japan and includes the offshore islands of Sado and Awa. Silt deposited by the Shinano and Agano rivers has created the lowlying Echigo Plain in the central part of the coastline, where the majority of the prefecture's population live. Most of the cities are along the coast as the rest of the prefecture is mountainous.
Recommended Tourist Spot・おすすめ観光スポット The Katakai Fireworks Festival - 片貝まつり
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Katakai Fireworks Festival (source)
The Katakai Fireworks Festival is an annual autumn celebration at Asahara Shrine. Fireworks serve as dedications to the shrine, with individuals and companies expressing their sentiments by contributions to the display. The display contains the "yonshakudama" firework, the world's largest firework with an 800-meter diameter, and is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.
In the morning, the town of Katakai is full of traditional events like the dedication of firework balls to Asahara Shrine, and rituals praying for the success and safety of the upcoming display.
Other fireworks festivities include the Gion Kashiwazaki Festival Sea Fireworks (July 26th) which illuminates the night sky over the sea; the Nagaoka Festival Grand Fireworks Show (August 2nd & 3rd) which unfolds along the banks of the Shinano River; and the winter display of Echigotsumari Fireworks in the snow (Late February) where fireworks color ethereal flower fields of light on snowy plains.
Regional Cuisine - 郷土料理 Hegi-soba (Buckwheat noodles) - へぎそば
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Hegi-soba (source)
Soba is usually made with soba flour and wheat; however, this Niigata style soba is made by mixing a type of seaweed called funori with the seaweed. Soba originated in the Edo period, and in Niigata soba was made in an area called Uonuma. Uonuma didn't grow wheat, and so often local vegetables like ground burdock root were added to the soba flour to make noodles instead. In addition to soba, Uonuma was famous for its beautiful textiles, and when weaving the cloth, funori would be ground up and applied to the weft to stiffen the fibers and make the process easier. Someone must have come up with the idea to add funori to soba flour one day, and hegi-soba was invented.
Like zaru-soba, hegi-soba gets its name from the rectangular serving tray in which it is served. The verb hagu means to strip or peel, and in many dialects of the Kanto region it is pronounced hegu. The trays made from planed wood were called hegi. Thus the soba, wound by hand into bite-sized portions and layered on the tray, is called hegi-soba.
The funori makes the noodles a little more slippery than regular soba noodles but the taste doesn't differ much. The best way to enjoy hegi-soba is to dip the noodles into the dipping sauce, or mentsuyu, to get a base flavor. Then, try it with some hot Chinese mustard: Spread a little mustard on the soba, then dip the soba into the mentsuyu without letting the mustard and mentsuyu mix. Next, add sliced green onions to the mentsuyu and dip in your noodles. Finally, add some ground sesame seeds to the mentsuyu and try out that taste.
Hegi-soba is the pride of Niigata, such that you can get a special Soba Ticket in the city of Tokamachi, which gives you two 500-yen vouchers for soba, usable at 14 different restaurants in the city.
Niigata Dialect・Niigata-ben・新潟弁
Niigata-ben has three different classifications - two on the mainland (Tōkai-Tōsan dialect and Tōhoku dialect) and one on Sado Island (Sado dialect).
あちこたねぇ achi kota nee
Standard Japanese: たいしたことない、大丈夫、心配ない (taishita koto nai, daijyoubu, shinpai nai) English: trivial, not amounting to much, it's okay, don't worry about it
あちこたねぇよ、きっと大丈夫だから achi kota nee yo, kitto daijyoubu dakara
心配ないよ、きっと大丈夫だから shinpai nai yo, kitto daijyoubu dakara
Don't worry, it's going to be okay
2. かんべんね kanben ne
Standard Japanese: ごめんね (gomen ne) English: I'm sorry
あー!かんべんね。忘れちゃった。 aa! kanben ne. wasurechatta.
あー!ごめんね。忘れちゃった。 aa! gomen ne. wasurechatta.
Ah! I'm sorry. I forgot.
3. ごおぎ (gougi)
Standard Japanese: 大変、ものすごく (taihen, monosugoku) English: immense, greatly
これはごおぎ難しいね kore wa gougi muzukashii ne
これはものすごく難しいね kore wa monosugoku muzukashii ne
This is very difficult, isn't it
4. なじらね (najirane)
Standard Japanese: いかがですか、調子はどうですか (ikaga desu ka, choushi wa dou desuka) English: how are you, how are things
A: 今日はなじらね? kyou wa najirane? B: ばっかいいて~ bakka ii te~
A: 今日は調子どう? kyou wa choushi dou? B: すごくいいよ~ sugoku ii yo~
A: How are you doing today? B: Really good~
5. そいがー (soi gaa)
Standard Japanese: そうなんだ (sou nan da) English: oh really, oh I see
A: この前ぽんしゅ館に行ってきたて~ Kono mae Ponshukan ni itte kita te~ B: そいが? Soiga?
A: この前ぽんしゅ館に行ってきたんだよ Kono mae Ponshukan ni itte kitanda yo B: そうなの? Sou na no?
A: The other day I went to Ponshukan* B: Oh really?
*Note: Ponshukan shops are located inside three major JR stations in Niigata, this sake "theme park" where you can sample leading local sake brands, purchase sake-related goods, and even soak in a sake hot spring bath.
More Niigata dialect here (JP).
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brownie-pics · 7 months
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'24.2.10 飛火野にて
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redgoldsparks · 3 months
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I have my first ever small international book event coming up on July 21 IN JAPAN! Here's the event link.
Date and time: 14:00-15:30, Sunday, July 21
Venue: Shinjuku 2-chome Footbath Café & Bar Don-yoku (Tokyo)
Capacity: 15 people (first come first served) RSVP to [email protected]
Participation is free, but please make one food or drink order at the venue on the day of the event.
I will be in conversation with Mika Kobayashi, the translator of the Japanese edition of Gender Queer. We'll be speaking mostly in English though Mika might do some translation on the fly? Readers who supported the crowdfunding campaign through Thousands of Books will be able to pick up their copies early. I will also have stickers and maybe some zines!
Japanese event description below the cut.
・日時:7/21(日)14:00-15:30 ・会場:新宿二丁目 足湯café&bar どん浴 ・定員:15名(申し込制・先着順) ・参加費:無料(当日、会場にて1オーダーをお願いします)
・参加方法:以下のメールアドレス宛にお申し込みください。 [email protected]
日本語版『ジェンダー・クィア』は、現状では7/16〜18にかけて、印刷・製本が完了する予定です。完成し次第すぐに皆様へは発送いたします。当イベントにご参加される方で、マイアさんのサインをご希望の方には、イベント会場にて日本語版『ジェンダー・クィア』をお渡しすることも可能です。イベント申し込みの際に、ご希望の書籍の受け取り方法についてお知らせくださいませ。 また、会場では、書籍の先行販売も実施いたします。クラウドファンディング未参加で、本イベントにご参加いただく方につきましては、そちらのご利用をご検討ください。
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yoooko-o · 3 months
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その人は息子さんの今後のことをを心配して、息子さんにワーホリで休職して復帰もアリなんじゃないか尋ねたら、今度は役場に属しない違う生き方がしたいと言われたので、本人の意向を尊重し、退職に踏み切らせたそうです。 因みに息子さんが退職した役場というのは私が2年前、ハラスメント被害で退職した役場です。 
そして母の話をよく聞いたら、その息子さんというのが私の在職当時、新卒で役場に入庁したTくんでした。本当、世間って狭いです。 Tくんとは部署は違いましたが、あのひどい職場環境の中でも常識の通る1人で、仕事でも1年間お世話になりました🐻 地方は企業数も仕事の選択肢が少ないので、公的機関も貴重な働き口になりますので、公務員を退職するのは勿体ないという意見もあると思います。
在職中、本人には言い出せませんでしたが、あの役場なので心配でもありましたがTくんが退職したのを聞き、失礼ながら妙に安堵してしまいました。 彼があの役場に勤めるには優しすぎる性格だと思います。
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maddogofshimano · 4 months
Hello! Seeing this blog was an insta-follow. JW, did u do a translation somewhere of…whatever this is? https://youtu.be/tfAqq15hv5s?si=xXzvWG1ImZ_qGGGb
I’d love to know what she’s saying, I’m scraping and scrounging for more Goromi content. There *is* a translation in the comments section, but it’s worded strangely…
hey thanks!! I am waaaaaaaaay less confident in translating spoken stuff, especially with Goromi's wildly fluctuating accent and general screeching but at one point I did go through and do some of the easier ones. however!! a kind soul has transcribed everything in the comments since the last time I checked so I'm doing this proper now. under a cut because it got long lol
italics is Goromi dropping into the masc Majima-style voice
0:00 どーもー ゴロ美でーす。真島? あ? 誰やそれ つべこべ言わんと はよドンペリ入れんかい! Hiii I'm Goromi. Majima? Huh? Don't talk about whoever that is, hurry up and bring out the Dom Perignon! 0:13 はぁあん 仕事もできる女 それがゴ・ロ・美 またモテてまうわぁ はぁ 参るなぁ Haaa~ A woman can do work too. That's Go - ro - mi. She'll be popular again. Haa~ Give me a call~ 0:28 めっちゃジロジロ見られたわぁ 嫌やわぁ セクハラちゃうー? I'm gettin' stared at so much. I don't like it. Is this sexual harassment? 0:35 よっしゃー! 暴れるでぇお前らー! All right! I'm gonna go ballistic on you all! 0:39 あ? パンツ見えてる? だからなんやねん Huh? Ya can see my panties? Watch where you're lookin'! 0:46 あーあ 早う桐生ちゃん来んかのぉー Ahhhh… won't Kiryu-chan hurry up~? 0:53 なんや 俺は安い女とちゃうで  What is it? I ain't a cheap gal. 0:59 あ? パンツ見えてる? いやーんこのドスケベー 目ん玉くり抜いたろかぁ! Ya can see my panties? Ooooh ya perv~! I'll gouge out your fuckin' eyes!* 1:08 いやーん ええ飲みっぷりやないかぁ ちょっと見直したでぇ Oooh, you seem like ya can hold your drink~ I'm startin' to come around on ya~ 1:16 うち 強い奴が好きやねん うちを その気にさせたいんならぁ 殺す気で来いやぁ! Me, I like strong guys. If ya want me to like you… then ya better come at me like ya want me dead!* 1:27 やだ ゴロ美ったらドキドキしてる 気に入ったでぇ おぉ! ドス持ってこいやぁ! いっちょやり合おうやないかー! No way, ya got Goromi's heart all flutterin'. Oh! This is perfect for my dagger! Time to fight!" 1:39 うちも一杯もらってええか? 今日はなんだか飲みたい気分やねん Is it alright if I get one too? Today I'm in the mood to drink. 1:48 はい どーぞっ! ゴロ美特性 ゲロマズカクテルやでぇ なぁ 飲めや Here you go! Goromi's special super yucky cocktail! …Hey, drink it. 1:57 桐生ちゃん 驚くやろなぁ Kiryu-chan's a surprisin' guy~ 2:01 ゴロ美 ドキドキしちゃう You're gonna make Goromi's heart flutter.* 2:04 うちが ナンバーワンキャバ嬢 ゴロ美や 覚えときー I'm the number one cabaret girl Goromi, ya better remember that. 2:12 ヒーヒッヒヒヒー 惚れても知らんでぇ Hehehehee not my fault if you're fallin' for me~* 2:16 ますますべっぴんになってくでぇ I'm becoming more and more beautiful~ 2:20 奇麗なバラには トゲがあるんやでぇ A beautiful rose still has its thorns. 2:26 魔性の女 それがゴロ美やでぇ Goromi, a woman with a devilish nature~ 2:31 ゴロ美の新たな魅力 感じてやぁ Experience Goromi's fresh new glamor. 2:36 ふぉーん なかなか見どころあるやないかぁ ま、けどアフターはお預けや There's a lot of good things to see, aren't there? Well, that will have to wait for the after hours date. 2:45 やるやないかぁ へえぇ ゴロ美アフター権 進呈したるわ このボケがぁ! Well it can't be helped. I'm presentin' ya with the rights to an after hours date with Goromi. Ya dumb ass! 2:56 ご指名 おおきに Thank ya for requestin' me.* 2:59 男女がやる事いうたらー 喧嘩しかないやろがぁ! There's a thing that men and women do together… They fight each other! 3:06 か弱いレディーに 何するんじゃボケェ! This weak lady, what the hell are ya doin' to her, idiot! 3:10 あかーん そんなんじゃゴロ美は濡れへんでぇ! Siiiilly, that kind of thing won't get Goromi wet! (tl note: I……………………. I feel like there's something I'm misreading here. but. turns out I'm not!!) 3:14 当店はお触り禁止じゃぁ! We don't allow touching in this establishment!!! 3:17 野暮な男は嫌いやでぇ! I hate men with no manners!!
(tl note: the rest of these are various battle callouts) 3:24 ボトル入りまーす! Bottle comin' through! 3:26 これ うちの名刺! Here's… my business card! 3:30 ゴロ美に惚れたら 火傷するでぇ! If ya fall for Goromi… You're gonna get burned! 3:35 お客様は神様 なわけあるかボケェ! The customer is king… what a stupid idea! 3:41 イーヒッヒヒヒー 太客認定したるわぁ! Eeehehehehee, I just bagged a big spender! 3:46 シャンパン入りまーす! Champagne comin' through! 3:49 花は いつか散るんやでぇ Flowers will… always scatter… 3:54 終わりがあるから 美しいんやでぇ Because they must end… They are beautiful… 4:01 またのご来店 お待ちしてまーす! We look forward to seeing you agaaaaiiiin! 4:05 はぁ うちをもっと燃えさす奴はおらんのかいなぁ Haaa… is there no one left who can get me fired up? 4:11 ゴロ美の「み」は 皆殺しの「み」じゃぁ! The "mi" in "Goromi" is… from the "mi" in "minagoroshi"! (tl note: wholesale slaughter) 4:16 稼ぎ時を逃さん女 それがゴロ美じゃボケェ! Goromi, a woman who's never let a chance to make a profit escape her! 4:23 ヒヒッ ゴロ美 ほてってきたでぇ Hehe, Goromi's burnin' hot! 4:29 ヒヒッ 延長やぁ 当たり前やろ! Hehe, an extension. Obviously! (tl note: for using a continue in a fight) 4:36 ごっついのぉ Real strong, huh… (tl note: for losing)
whew! as usual if I fucked something else please tell me some of this stuff gets real in the weeds. all I can do is my best
thanks again for the follow and for suggesting this! I'm real glad I took another look, that minagoroshi line really made me laugh. unrelated to Goromi but I'll have a new event up in a week or so because the one going on right now is so incredibly funny to me. it's a Saejima event. look forward to it * Edit: a couple of line corrections thanks to @imustbenuts Thank you again!!!
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taka-1103 · 3 months
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g-men-movie · 1 year
8月26日(土)・27日(日)『Gメン』公開記念舞台挨拶の実施が決定いたしました! さらに、8月26日(土)丸の内TOEIで行われる舞台挨拶の模様を全国の劇場(一部劇場を除く)で生中継いたします!!
■開催日時 8月26日(土) 【会場】丸の内TOEI https://toeitheaters.com/theaters/marunouchi/  1回目 9:00の回 上映終了後・舞台挨拶 2回目 12:50の回 上映開始前・舞台挨拶
【舞台挨拶登壇者(8月26日(土))】 岸優太、竜星涼(1回目のみ)、恒松祐里、矢本悠馬、森本慎太郎、りんたろー。、瑠東東一郎監督 ※登壇者は予告なく変更する場合がございますこと、予めご了承ください。
■開催日時 8月27日(日) 【会場】T・ジョイ梅田 https://tjoy.jp/t-joy_umeda 1回目 8:50の回 上映終了後 舞台挨拶 2回目 12:00の回 上映開始前 舞台挨拶
【会場】大阪ステーションシティシネマ https://www.osakastationcitycinema.com/site/oscc/ 1回目 11:50の回 上映終了後 舞台挨拶 2回目 14:45の回 上映開始前 舞台挨拶
【会場】T・ジョイ京都 https://tjoy.jp/t-joy_kyoto 1回目 14:40の回 上映終了後 舞台挨拶 2回目 17:45の回 上映開始前 舞台挨拶
【舞台挨拶登壇者(8月27日(日))】 岸優太 瑠東東一郎監督 ※登壇者は予告なく変更する場合がございますこと、予めご了承ください。
【舞台挨拶について】 ■チケット料金(1枚につき) 本会場:全席指定 2,200円(税込)
≪チケットの購入方法について≫ こちらの座席指定券は「チケットぴあ」のみでの販売となります。チケットぴあにて残席があった場合のみ劇場販売を行う予定です。
【先行抽選販売 「プレリザーブ」 】 ■ 申込受付期間: 8月11日(金)11:00AM - 8月18日(金)11:00AM ■ 抽選結果発表:8月18日(金)18:00PM  ●プレリザーブとは? http://t.pia.jp/guide/prereserve.html ◆お申込み https://w.pia.jp/t/g-men-movie/
≪先行抽選販売に関する注意事項≫  ※ チケットのお申込は、お一人様2枚までとさせていただきます。 ※ 前売券からのお引換は出来ません。ご注意ください。 ※ チケット当選後の変更・払戻は出来ません。予めご了承ください。 ※ プレリザーブとは、事前のお申し込みの後、チケットを購入できるサービスです。 ※ 必ずしも優先的に良いお席をご用意するものではありません。 ※ お申込多数の場合は抽選にて当選者を決定します。(先着順ではありません) ※ 受付期間中ならいつでもお申込み可能です。(メンテナンス時間をのぞく)
【一般発売】 ■8月19日(土)10:00AM 発売開始
(購入方法) ・下記インターネットでお求めいただけます。 ・チケットの販売は、お一人様2枚までとさせていただきます。 ・前売券からのお引換はいたしかねますのでご注意下さい。 ・お席はお選びいただけません。
◆インターネット購入  https://w.pia.jp/t/g-men-movie/
●チケットのお問合わせは、 チケットぴあヘルプ https://t.pia.jp/help/
【全国同時生中継について】 8月26日(土)丸の内TOEIで行われる、 ①9:00の回(上映終了後) ②12:50の回(上映開始前) 舞台挨拶の生中継となります。 チケット料金は各劇場通常料金(前売券使用可、無料券・招待券使用不可)に準じます。 生中継付き上映会チケットは8月23日(水)0:00~(=8月22日(火)24:00~)以降、各劇場にて順次販売開始予定です。
≪生中継 実施劇場一覧はこちら≫https://toei-screeninginfo.azurewebsites.net/theaterlist/02822 ※「8/26イベント中継」と記載のある劇場にて生中継を実施いたします。 ※実施劇場一覧は随時更新いたします。 ※販売方法、販売開始日時などについては、各劇場名をクリックして詳細をご確認ください。 ※一部の窓口販売では、インターネット販売分と併せて完売となる場合もございます。
<当イベントの注意事項> ■ご来館前の検温など体調管理および発熱、咳などの症状がある場合は、体調を最優先いただき、ご来場をお控えください。 ■全席指定席となります。チケットをお持ちでない方はご覧になれません。 ■いかなる場合においても舞台挨拶中の途中入場は固くお断りいたします。 ■場内でのカメラ(携帯電話含む)・ビデオによる撮影、録音等は固くお断りいたします。当日は荷物検査を行わせていただく場合がございます。 ■会場内ではマスコミ各社の取材による撮影、弊社記録撮影が行われ、テレビ・雑誌・ホームページ等にて、放映・掲載される場合がございます。また、イベントの模様が後日販売されるDVD商品等に収録される場合がございます。予めご了承ください。お客様の当催事における個人情報(肖像権)については、このイベントにご入場されたことにより、上記の使用にご同意いただけたものとさせていただきます。 ■インターネット・オークションへの出品その他の転売目的での入場券の購入及び転売はお断りします。 ■営利を目的として転売された入場券及びインターネットを通じて転売された入場券は無効とし、当該入場券による御入場はお断りします。 ■イベントの予定は、急遽変更になる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 ■いかなる事情が生じましても、ご購入後・お引き換え後の鑑賞券の変更や払い戻しはできません。 ■車イスでのご鑑賞をご希望されるお客様は座席指定券の購入後、劇場までご連絡ください。
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mofffun · 6 months
«Rita of Gokkan» Ch.24 [fin]
eng translation by me
ch: [tag] [2-3] [4-6] [7-9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
timeline: ep5
Ohsama Sentai's first battle... and a surprise guest
FINAL chapter
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t/n: p14 りったん 偉い偉い (Rittan erai erai) Literally, Rita is praising themself "magnificent", as in they are completed a historic deed - which is true. Their tone sounds like complimenting a child with the repetation.
Wow, I never expect myself to translate a whole web manga, even though it's just 24 chapters, it's 24 chapters I've never done before. It's pretty set that this is the end, but there's one very slim chance to say this is merely the end to the Ohsama Sentai formation arc and one day the adaptation will continue?
Above all as a Rita fan and a King-Oh fan, I'm grateful to see Toei trying out different thing with such a loved story. Overall it's a good introduction to each country and Rita's dynamic with them for newcomers while supplementing interesting context to old viewers. After episode 5 is where I'd recommend reading this in one-go if you're a first-time viewer though.
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script: p1 p2 降臨せよ キングオージャー! p3 ハハハハ! 地獄に落ちろ! あ 構わん! 貴様ら俺様に続け! p4 あんだ その態度は コラァ! 俺がテッペンだ! 倒したいなら私以外降りねばいいじゃない! 民を守りたいなら手段(しゅだん)を選ばないことです! p5 ハ!! うおっ! 何をやっている 逃げたぞ! p6 執刀する! 俺な邪魔すんな! あら? !まずい! p7 p8 ギャッ 貴様ら何を考えている! この…っ スカポンタヌキ! 貴様! おめぇが… 「わちゃ わちゃ」 p9 ああーっ! もう! p10 いいから黙って… 引っ込んでろ!!なさい!! p12 グワッ p14 ついに 五王国同盟に代わるものが実現(じつげん)できた… りったん 偉い偉い 何か言った? p15 言ってない え~ 言った 言ってない 聞きましたもん! 絶対何か言って笑った 笑ってない 不動の王リタとモルフォーニャの旅はまだまだ続く—— p20 ——とさ
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pikahlua · 2 months
MHA Chapter 428 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 中継で、AFOとの戦いを見て… ちゅうけいで、オール・フォー・ワンとのたたかいをみて… chuukei de, OORU FOO WAN to no tatakai wo mite... "On the live broadcast, watching the battle with All For One..."
2 私は体育祭から轟先輩が… わたしはたいいくさいからとどろきせんぱいが… watashi wa taiikusai kara Todoroki-senpai ga... "For me, ever since the sports festival Todoroki-senpai was..."
3 俺も…!指針になったんです! おれも…!ししんになったんです! ore mo...! shishin ni nattandesu! "Me too...! It became my compass!"
4 私も わたしも watashi mo "Me too."
5 僕も…! ぼくも…! boku mo...! "Me too...!"
tagline 1 新1年に囲まれて… しん1ねんにかこまれて… shin-1nen ni kakomarete... Surrounded by the new first years...
6 憧れるのはいいが彼らも人間だ集団で追い回されたら驚いてしまうよ! あこがれるのはいいがかれらもにんげんだしゅうだんでおいまわされたらおどろいてしまうよ! akogareru no wa ii ga karera mo ningen da shuudan de oimawasaretara odoroite shimau yo! "It's okay to admire them, but they are also humans, and if they're chased by a big group it will take them by surprise!"
7 一人一人となら話せるんだが ひとりひとりとならはなせるんだが hitori hitori nara hanaserunda ga "But I can talk to you if it's one by one."
8 轟くんが対話をほっぽり出すなんて余程だ とどろきくんがたいわをほっぽりだすなんてよほどだ Todoroki-kun ga taiwa wo hopporidasu nante yohodo da "Todoroki-kun throwing out conversation would be reasonable."
9 廊下を走ってたぜ廊下をよォ‼︎委員長‼︎ ろうかをはしってたぜろうかをよォ‼︎いいんちょう‼︎ rouka wo hasshiteta ze rouka wo yoO!! iinchou!! "They were running in the hallway! In the hallway!! Class rep!!"
10 うむ規律は守らねばならない! うむきりつはまもらねばならない! umu kiritsu wa mamoraneba naranai! "Hmm, you must abide by the rules!"
tagline 2 No.428 笑顔が好きな女の子 堀越耕平 ナンバー428 えがおがすきなおんなのこ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 428 egao no suki na onna no ko  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 428 The Girl Who Loves Smiles Kouhei Horikoshi
11 後遺症もある!安静にさせてやってくれ! こういしょうもある!あんせいにさせてやってくれ! kouishou mo aru! ansei ni sasete yatte kure! "There's also the aftereffects! Please do them the favor of letting them rest!" (Note: I assume by aftereffects Iida means the trauma but who knows, maybe he means Katsuki's medical condition. Yes this line is updated.)
12 ご…ごめんなさいなんてことを!… go...gomen nasai nante koto wo! ... "I'm...so sorry, for such a thing! ..."
13 お見かけしてつい…‼︎ おみかけしてつい…‼︎ omikake shite tsui...!! "It's just we happened to see them...!!"
14 爆豪ってワーキャーされるの好きだと思ってたけど ばくごうってワーキャーされるのすきだとおもってたけど Bakugou tte WAAKYAA saseru no suki da to omotteta kedo "But I thought Bakugou liked being oohed and aahed over."
15 数が多過ぎてさすがに困惑してるな かずがおおすぎてさすがにこんわくしてるな kazu ga oo sugite sasuga ni konwaku shiteru na "There are too many of them, anyone would be flustered."
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1 いいなァ‼︎ ii naA!! "Seems nice!!"
2 昔からかっちゃんわりと女性に距離置かれてたから慣れてないのかも むかしからかっちゃんわりとじょせいにきょうおかれてたからなれてないのかも mukashi kara Kacchan wari to josei ni kyou okareteta kara naretenai no kamo "For a long time, Kacchan was relatively kept at a distance by girls, so maybe he's not used to it."
small text 僕幼なじみなんだ ぼくおさななじみなんだ boku osananajimi nanda "I'm his childhood friend, [that's why I know.]"
3 へー意外 へーいがい HEE igai "Eh? That's unexpected."
4 意外じゃねェだろクソが いがいじゃねェだろクソが igai ja neE daro KUSO ga "It's not unexpected, damnit."
5 活躍は認めるが… かつやくはみとめるが… katsuyaku wa mitomeru ga... "I acknowledge his service contributions, but..."
6 ヤンキーがモテるのは認められん ヤンキーがモテるのはみとめられん YANKII ga MOTEru no wa mitomeraren "I can't acknowledge that a Yankee* is popular." (*Note: "Yankee" in this context refers to a type of delinquent subculture that Katsuki's character directly takes after.)
7 とっとと去ねや‼︎ とっとといねや‼︎ tottoto ine ya!! "Hurry up and leave!!"
8 ひ!本当に失礼しました! ひ!ほんとうにしつれいしました! hi! hontou ni shitsurei shimashita! "Eek! We're really sorry*!" (*Note: Literally, this phrase means "We were really rude.")
9 確かに意外じゃなかった たしかにいがいじゃなかった tashika ni igai ja nakatta "That was certainly not unexpected."
10 あ!あの! a! ano! "Ah! Um!"
11 緑谷先輩‼︎ みどりやせんぱい‼︎ Midoriya-senpai!! "Midoriya-senpai!!"
12 あの! ano! "Um!"
13-14 見てました みてました mitemashita "I was watching you."
15 マジで勇気もらいました! マジでゆうきもらいました! MAJI de yuuki moraimashita! "It really gave me courage!"
16 自分もなんかしなきゃ!って じぶんもなんかしなきゃ!って jibun mo nanka shinakya! tte "[I thought] I have to do something, too!"
17 ほんと…!思ったんです! ほんと…!おもったんです! honto...! omottandesu! "Really...! That's what I thought!"
18 あの… ano... "Um..."
19 ありがとうございました! arigatou gozaimashita! "Thank you very much!"
20 失礼します! しつれいします! shitsurei shimasu! "I'll take my leave now*!" (*Note: This phrase means a lot of things. Again, it literally means "I will be rude," but in this case it's something someone says before taking their leave.)
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1 えと…いやあ… eto...iyaa... "Uh...thanks..."
2 ……この痛みはーーー… ……このいたみはーーー… ......kono itami wa---... ......This pain---...
3 緑谷と轟はいい…‼︎ みどりやととどろきはいい…‼︎ Midoriya to Todoroki wa ii...!! "It's fine for Midoriya and Todoroki...!!"
4 オイラはヤンキーがモテる事を認められない オイラはヤンキーがモテることをみとめられない OIRA wa YANKII ga MOTEru koto wo mitomerarenai "I can't accept that a Yankee is popular."
5 魂がそうなっている たましいがそうなっている tamashii ga sou natte iru "That's what's happening in my soul."
6 まア maA "Well,"
7 戦いがでかすぎたよ たたかいがでかすぎたよ tatakai ga deka sugita yo "the battle was too big."
8 んでその中心にいたんだ んでそのちゅうしんにいたんだ nde sono chuushin ni itanda "They were at the heart of it all."
9 無理ねえよ むりねえよ muri nee yo "It was impossible."
10 (sound effect) ズキン… ZUKIN... Throb... (Note: This sound can indicate the throbbing or stinging of a physical or mental pain.)
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1 職員室 しょくいんしつ shokuin-shitsu Staff Room
2 また2ーA取材交渉 また2ーエーしゅざいこうしょう mata 2-EE shuzai koushou "Again with the 2-A interview negotiations."
3 Noで ノーで NOO de "Give them a no."
4 受ケタイ奴モイルンジャナイカ? うケタイやつモイルンジャナイカ? uKETAI yatsu MO IRUNJA NAI KA? "Isn't there someone who wants to take it?"
5 峰田トカ みねたトカ Mineta TOKA "Such as Mineta."
6 そうじゃない奴もいるんで そうじゃないやつもいるんで sou ja nai yatsu mo irunde "There are also some who aren't like that."
7 そっち優先です そっちゆうせんです socchi yuusen desu "They are the priority."
8 じゃ 今日はここの復旧再建だ じゃ きょうはここのふっきゅうさいけんだ ja kyou wa koko no fukkyuu saiken da "So, today the restoration and reconstruction will be here."
9 お!A組やないか! お!エーぐみやないか! o! EE-gumi ya nai ka! "Oh! If it isn't Class A!"
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1 ファット‼︎お願いします‼︎ ファット‼︎おねがいします‼︎ FATTO!! onegai shimasu!! "Fat!! Please [have us]*!!" (*Note: This is a standard greeting that translates literally to "please do me this favor" that is used when someone is about to work together with someone else on something, sort of like "If you please" in English.)
2 おうよ ou yo "Sure!"
3 サンイーターももうサイドキックやっとるで! SANIITAA mo mou SAIDOKIKKU yattoru de! "I also hired Suneater as a sidekick!"
4 君らはあっちを きみらはあっちを kimira wa acchi wo "You all [will handle] over there."
5 金属類はこちらへ きんぞくるいはこちらへ kinzoku-rui wa kochira e "Put various metals here."
6 っし! sshi! "Okay!"
7 まず聖地だ まずせいちだ mazu seichi da "First, the holy site."
8 ん! n! "Yeah!"
9 相当なダメージデニムだろ そうとうなダメージデニムだろ soutou na DAMEEJI DENIMU daro "Aren't you equivalent to distressed denim?"
10 おとなしく休んでいればいいものを…まったく おとなしくやすんでいればいいものを…まったく otonashiku yasunde ireba ii mono wo...mattaku "It's okay if you just rest quietly...jeez."
11 軽作業かっちゃん けいさぎょうかっちゃん keisagyou Kacchan Light-duty work Kacchan
12 やっぱそのままなんスか yappa sono mama nanSU ka "So you really are still in that state, huh."
13 気にするな徐々に回復している きにするなじょじょにかいふくしている ki ni suruna jojo ni kaifuku shite iru "Don't worry, I'm gradually recovering."
small text 手ができた てができた te ga dekita "I can make hands."
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1 元には…戻るんスか? もとには…もどるんスか? moto ni wa...modorunSU ka? "Will you...go back to the way you were?"
2 俺は元より全部獲りに行ったつもりだ! おれはもとよりぜんぶとりにいったつもりだ! ore wa moto yori zenbu tori ni itta tsumori da! "I plan to attain something greater than what I was originally!"
3 おーい君たち おーいきみたち ooi kimi-tachi "Hey, all of you!"
4 これお昼 これおひる kore ohiru "Here's lunch."
5 うわぁーおにぎり‼︎ uwaaa onigiri!! "Wow, onigiri!!"
6 いいんですか!⁉︎ iindesu ka!!? "Is it [really] all right!!?" (Note: This is an expression of politeness, like "Is it really okay for us to eat this?")
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1 ウチの土地は今回の戦いでふっとんじゃまったがーーーーー ウチのとちはこんかいのたたかいでふっとんじゃまったがーーーーー UCHI no tochi wa konkai no tatakai de futtonja matta ga----- "Our land was was all of a sudden done in by the battle this time-----"
2 全部取り戻します ぜんぶとりもどします zenbu torimodoshimasu We'll bring it all back.
3 ごめんなさい gomen nasai "I'm sorry."
4 いや!責めるつもりで言ったんじゃねぇワリィ いや!せめるつもりでいったんじゃねぇワリィ iya! semeru tsumori de ittanja nee WARII "Oh no! I didn't say that with the intention of blaming you. My bad."
5 君たちの頑張ってる姿を見たら俺たちもクヨクヨしてらんねーって思ったんだ きみたちのがんばってるすがたをみたらおれたちもクヨクヨしてらんねーっておもったんだ kimi-tachi no ganbatteru sugata wo mitara ore-tachi mo KUYOKUYO shiterun nee tte omottanda "When we saw how you all were doing your best, we also thought 'We can't mope.'"
6 任せっきりじゃなく自分たちでまたいくらでもつくりなおすさ まかせっきりじゃなくじぶんたちでまたいくらでもつくりなおすさ makasekkiri ja naku jibun-tachi de mata ikura demo tsukurinaosu sa "We can't leave everything to you forever. We'll rebuild however many times it takes."
7 いやあこんな飯まで戴いたんだ いやあこんなめしまでいただいたんだ iyaa konna meshi made itadaitanda "Wow, and we got all this food!"
8 今日中に片そうぜ‼︎ きょうじゅうにかたそうぜ‼︎ kyou-juu ni katasou ze!! "Let's clean up everything today!!"
9 それはさすがに人手が足りんわ それはさすがにひとでがたりんわ sore wa sasuga ni hitode ga tarin wa "That's because we don't have enough helping hands."
10 ん? n? "Hm?"
11 何だァ予定にないハズだ なんだァよていにないハズだ nandaA yotei ni nai HAZU da "What's this? This definitely wasn't the plan."
12 すみませんイレイザーヘッド sumimasen IREIZAA HEDDO "Sorry, Eraser Head."
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1 ウチのがどうしてもお詫びをと ウチのがどうしてもおわびをと UCHI no ga doushitemo owabi wo to "My [class] really wants to apologize..."
2 先程は失礼致しました さきほどはしつれいいたしました saki hodo wa shitsurei itashimashita "We apologize for our rudeness earlier."
3 皆さんの事情も配慮せず みなさんのじじょうもはいりょせず mina-san no jijou mo hairyo sezu "We didn't even consider everyone's circumstances."
4 マジですげえな一年…‼︎ マジですげえないちねん…‼︎ MAJI de sugee na ichinen...!! "The first years are really amazing...!!"
5 なんでつれてきた nande tsurete kita "Why did you bring them?"
6 詫び圧が凄くて わびあつがすごくて wabiatsu ga sugokute "The pressure to apologize was immense."
7 皆の為に戦った先輩たちのように みんなのためにたたかったせんぱいたちのように minna no tame ni tatakatta senpai-tachi no you ni "Like our upperclassmen* who fought for everyone's sakes," (*Note: It's "senpai.")
8 俺たちも先輩たちの力になりたい‼︎ おれたちもせんぱいたちのちからになりたい‼︎ ore-tachi mo senpai-tachi no chikara ni naritai!! "we also want to be helpful to our upperclassmen*!!" (*Note: Still "senpai.")
9 仮免どころか入学間もないですが かりめんどころかにゅうがくまもないですが karimen dokoro ka nyuugaku-ma mo nai desu ga "We haven't been inducted into school* let alone received our provisional licenses yet." (*Note: In Japan there is a concept of "entering school" called nyuugaku which is basically the opposite of graduation. It's an induction or welcoming ceremony.)
10 やれる事やらせて下さい‼︎ やれることやらせてください‼︎ yareru koto yarasete kudasai!! "Please let us do what we can!!"
11 2年生の邪魔になるから隅で軽作業ね 2ねんせいのじゃまになるからすみでけいさぎょうね 2nensei no jama ni naru kara sumi de keisagyou ne "So that you don't become disturbances for the second-years, please do light-duty work in the corner."
12 ハイ‼︎ HAI!! "Yessir!!"
13 後輩ってこんな未知の生物だっけ こうはいってこんなみちのせいぶつだっけ kouhai tte konna michi no seibutsu dakke "The underclassmen are such unknown creatures." (*Note: This word is "kouhai.")
14 飯こんなに用意してないんだけど めしこんなによういしてないんだけど meshi konna ni youi shite nainda kedo "We didn't prepare food for this many though."
15 食べてきました! たべてきました! tabete kimashita! "We ate and then came [here]!"
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1 なんかよくわからんが……… nan ka yoku wakaran ga......... "I don't really understand, but........."
2 こんな感じで頑張りが数珠つなぎになっていくんだな こんなかんじでがんばりがじゅずつなぎになっていくんだな konna kanji de ganbari ga juzu tsunagi ni natte ikunda na "it's like this that hard work links people together*, huh." (*Note: This idiom literally reads as, "string together like rosary beads.")
3 ……お茶子ちゃん… ……おちゃこちゃん… ......Ochako-chan... "......Ochako-chan..."
4 うんーー un-- "Yeah--"
5 …少しずつだけど …すこしずつだけど ...sukoshi zutsu dakedo "...It's little by little, but"
6 前向きになってるようで まえむきになってるようで maemuki ni natteru you de "looks like things are looking forward."
7 良かったなって よかったなって yokatta natte "That makes me glad."
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1 そんだけ! son dake! "That's all!"
2 ごめんね!梅雨ちゃんデクくん何食べてる? ごめんね!つゆちゃんデクくんなにたべてる? gomen ne! Tsuyu-chan DEKU-kun nani tabeteru? "Sorry! Tsuyu-chan, Deku-kun, what are you eating?"
3 高菜⁉︎ 私も高菜がいい たかな⁉︎ わたしもたかながいい takana!? watashi mo takana ga ii "Takana*? I also like takana." (*Note: Takana is a type of Japanese mustard greens vegetable.)
4 高菜と梅干しこそ至高‼︎ たかなとうめぼしこそしこう‼︎ takana to umeboshi koso shikou!! "Takana and umeboshi* especially are supreme!!" (*Note: A pickled plum condiment.)
small text おめぐみや omegumi ya "Such a blessing."
5 (sound effect) ズキン… ZUKIN... Throb...
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1 PM 7:00 ピーエム7:00 PIIEMU 7:00 7:00PM
2 寮制は緩和され りょうせいはかんわされ ryousei wa kanwa sare The dormitory system was relaxed.
3 自宅へ帰る事も選べるようになった じたくへかえることもえらべるようになった jitaku e kaeru koto mo eraberu you ni natta Now we can choose to return home, too.
4 麗日一旦家帰るって うららかいったんいえかえるって Uraraka ittan ie kaeru tte Uraraka said she'd go home for the moment.
5 お茶子ちゃん… おちゃこちゃん… Ochako-chan... "Ochako-chan..."
6 既読がつかないの きどくがつかないの kidoku ga tsukanai no "It won't show that she read [my text.]"
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1 ああ!!!くそお!!! aa!!! kusoo!!! "Ahh!!! Shit!!!"
2 何⁉︎ なに⁉︎ nani!? "What!?"
3 しくった! shikutta! "It screwed up!"
4 急にヘリ出せなんて言うから…‼︎ きゅうにヘリだせなんていうから…‼︎ kyuu ni HERI dase nante iu kara...!! "It's because they suddenly told me to go out on a helicopter...!!"
5 カメラのバッテリーが KAMERA no BATTERII ga "The camera battery"
6 切れた‼︎ きれた‼︎ kireta!! "died!!"
7 あの日 あのひ ano hi That day
8 私たちの結末は わたしたちのけつまつは watashi-tachi no ketsumatsu wa our conclusion
9 カメラには映らなかった カメラにはうつらなかった KAMERA ni wa utsuranakatta wasn't shown on camera.
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1 もう街並みが元通りだ もうまちなみがもとどおりだ mou machinami ga motodoori da The cityscape is already back to normal.
2 少しずつだけど前向きになってるようで すこしずつだけどまえむきになってるようで sukoshi zutsu dakedo maemuki ni natteru you de It seems like things are moving forward little by little.
3 良かったなって よかったなって yokatta natte That makes me glad.
4 事態が良くならないあの日からまるで日が沈むにつれて影が伸びていくような じたいがよくならないあのひからまるでひがしずむにつれてかげがのびていくような jitai ga yoku naranai ano hi kara maru de hi ga shizumu ni tsurete kage ga nobite iku you na Ever since that day when the situation didn't get better, it seems like, as the sun sets, the shadows go and grow longer.
5 これまでと違って本当に終わったんだ これまでとちがってほんとうにおわったんだ kore made to chigatte hontou ni owattanda Unlike before, now it's really over.
6 決着がついた けっちゃくがついた kecchaku ga tsuita The conclusion has arrived.
7 良かったんだ よかったんだ yokattanda It was good.
8 明るく前向きに取り戻していく時だもん あかるくまえむきにとりもどしていくときだもん akaruku maemuki ni torimodoshite iku toki da mon It's time to get back to being bright and positive*. (*Note: The grammar pattern here notes a sense of disatisfaction with what was said, like "but I don't like this.")
9 私は皆が笑ってるのが好き わたしはみんながわらってるのがすき watashi wa minna ga waratteru no ga suki I love when everyone smiles.
10 水を差したくない みずをさしたくない mizu wo sashitakunai I don't want to put a damper on things.
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1 だから dakara That's why
2-3 ずうっと痛むこの傷もしまっておくんだ ずうっといたむこのきずもしまっておくんだ zuutto itamu kono kizu mo I'll put away even this wound that hurts all the time.
4 うぐっ ugu "Ngh."
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1 うぅ uu "Uu" (Note: These are sound effects for grunting and sobbing.)
2 うぐ… ugu... "ngh..."
3 麗日さん うららかさん Uraraka-san "Uraraka-san."
tagline 少女が秘めた想いデクはーー… しょうじょがひめたおもいデクはーー… shoujo ga himeta omoi DEKU wa--... The girl's hidden feelings, and as for Deku--...
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shinjihi · 2 years
828 :本当にあった怖い名無し :sage :2010/09/27(月) 12:12:24 ID:fsTA3r1B0(4)
つまり日本人が尊敬し 知っている漢民族は紀元二世紀でこの地球上から姿を消し、中国住民はそっくり北方の騎馬民族の子孫に何回も何回も入れ替わってしまったのです。
つまり日本人は騎馬民族の子孫である中国でなく2000年以上前のいなく なった漢民族の文化を勉強してきたのです。
日本人なら誰でも知っている儒教の開祖である孔子は,紀元前6~5世紀 中国各地の有力諸侯が覇権を争っていた春秋時代のことです
830 :本当にあった怖い名無し :sage :2010/09/27(月) 12:13:38 ID:fsTA3r1B0(4)
早い話が遣隋使や遣唐使が持ち帰った「論語」や「漢詩」などによって 皮肉なことに中国人でなく日本人の人格が磨かれてきたのです。
いわゆるこの二千年間というもの,漢文は中国語とは全く関係がないと いうことを多くの日本人は知らなかったのです。
私も20年前 漢文を通じて身につけた中国イメージのまま中国に進出してそのギャップの大きさに仰天した記憶があります。
831 :本当にあった怖い名無し :sage :2010/09/27(月) 12:14:22 ID:fsTA3r1B0(4)
そして試行錯誤の結果 現在における中国語は北京語を元にした「普通話」がやっと確立されたのです。
833 :本当にあった怖い名無し :sage :2010/09/27(月) 12:16:10 ID:fsTA3r1B0(4)
この中国共産党の意図が理解できたとき、日本人やアメリカ人が思っている「中国は資本主義開放経済への道を進めば自然に民主国家になっていく」という考えが いかに愚かな事であるかということがわかっていただけたとおもいます。
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pudknocker · 8 months
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(最近双亡亭読んでるん - 二次元裏@ふたばから)
1 23/11/21(火)16:57:06No.1126657055 皆川亮二なんで刺されそうになってるの
2 23/11/21(火)16:58:35No.1126657381 絵がデビュー当時からずっと上手いから
3 23/11/21(火)16:59:35No.1126657637 そんなことで……?
4 23/11/21(火)17:01:40No.1126658143 皆川亮二ぃ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
12 23/11/21(火)17:21:50No.1126663298 皆川亮二ってただ単に上手いだけじゃなく構図とかもなんかサッと描けるというか勝手に頭の中に出てくるんじゃなかったっけ
14 23/11/21(火)17:23:58No.1126663866 描きたいものを思い浮かべてそれを頭の中でグリグリ動かしていい視点が見つかったら紙に写すだけ 簡単でしょ?
18 23/11/21(火)17:25:14No.1126664226 皆川亮二ぃ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
23 23/11/21(火)17:28:21No.1126665107 皆川とは同期で受賞作の扉絵を見て(凄い書き込みの見開きだ…一体何十時間かけたんだ…!?)と思ってた 受賞式で顔合わせたから聞いてみたら「あ~…あれは2~3時間くらいかなぁ」って返ってきた 皆川亮二ィィィィ~~!!ってなった
90 23/11/21(火)17:54:50No.1126672614 頭の中でバイク走らせます カメラがぐるっと回り込んだ所で一時停止 そのまま紙に出力します ね?簡単でしょう
92 23/11/21(火)17:55:15No.1126672758 皆川亮二い~~~~~~~~~!
93 23/11/21(火)17:55:27No.1126672807 死ねえええええ~!!!!
177 23/11/21(火)18:10:37No.1126677814 もちろんアシスタントの力もあると思うけど 皆川先生の「敵の秘密基地」感とか「古代の謎技術遺跡」みたいな画力の説得力はどうなってんだよ…
186 23/11/21(火)18:12:04No.1126678286 そりゃ映画とか遺跡の資料を見て それを紙に書けばいいんだよ
190 23/11/21(火)18:12:49No.1126678515 亮二!!!
194 23/11/21(火)18:13:26No.1126678737 死ねえええ~~~~~~!!!
205 23/11/21(火)18:16:15No.1126679696 皆川先生って本人の知らない所で色んな人の心の器にひび入れてる話しあって酷い
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tokidokitokyo · 7 months
ことわざ 17/?
ことわざ are Japanese proverbs, and I have listed some basic proverbs, their equivalents in English, and a rough translation of the meanings of the Japanese phrase.
There is a test for ことわざ called the ことわざ能力検定 (ことわざのうりょくけんてい) and these are some of the phrases that appear in level 9 or 9級 (10 being the lowest level). For the time being, try one or two of these out the next time you speak with a native Japanese speaker!
ことわざ (こと検9級): 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 More ことわざ (こと検10級): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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to furrow your brow
furrow your brow
lustrous black hair
black hair with a greenish sheen
to be deeply moved; to have wind/cold pierce the body
a feeling that permeates the body
to be touched by another's plight
feel a pinch of guilt on your body
hair-raising; spine-tingling
have your body's hair stand up in fear or from cold
hitting close to home
accurate criticism that is painful to the ear
in the know
ears are quick to receive new information
to inform
put into someone's ear
to hear ad nauseum
told something so much it creates calluses in your ears
irritating or annoying (sound)
a sound that sticks in the ear
a topic of interest
talk that makes ears approach
to doubt your own ears
doubt your ears
to lend an ear
lend an ear
to listen closely
tilt your ear over to listen
to focus your attention (and listen)
clear out your ears
to get the money together (to pay a debt)
arrange the ears (edges) of your coins
to give it your all
put in your whole body
a thought that cuts your body
to work yourself sick
whittle away your body with work
to work hard without complaint
work your body into powder
to make something of yourself; to make it on your own
raise up your body
to feel great sympathy
chest in pain
to be overcome with emotion
chest like a cupful of joy or sadness
excited; psyched up
chest dancing with joy or in anticipation
to feel uneasy
chest disturbing you with feeling something bad is going to happen
to be relaxed, worry-free
chest clear of worry
to feel uneasy
chest stuffed with sadness or worry
to take something to heart
engrave on your chest
to cause someone emotional distress
cause pain in another's chest
to touch someone's heart
strike someone's chest
to train with a superior
in sumo, to borrow someone's chest is to have the honor of training with them
to let out a sigh of relief
rub down your chest and let go of worries
to be wide-eyed and full of hope
inflate your chest with hope or joy
to have the scales fall from your eyes
to have the scales fall from your eyes
sharp as a tack
from a story where a craftsman enters the eye of a Buddha statue to affix the eye from inside. since he’s trapped he has the brilliant idea to escape through the nose of the statue.
to see stars
sparks coming out of your eyes
to be discerning
effective eyes
to be discerning
eyes grown fat with experience and knowledge
to tear up with emotion
eyes and head warm with emotion
to be highly discerning
so learned, it's as if your eyes are surveying from high above
① to have no eye for something; ② to lose objectivity
① have no eye for something; ② no eye for, or blind to, reality
to be extremely busy
so busy your eyes are spinning
to needlessly nitpick
raise up the speck in the corner of someone's eye for all to see
the pot calling the kettle black
eye crud laughing at snot
extremely close together
as close as the space before your eye and nose
to be unforgivable, unable to be overlooked
too much for your eyes to handle
to teach someone a lesson; to show someone what's what
show something before someone's eyes
to put on your game face
change the color of your eyes to indicate seriousness or anger
a thorn in your side; a pain in the butt
a person whose existence is like a lump above your eye
while you still live; while you still draw breath
while your eyes are still black (grey/white pupils indicate death)
something you really don't need to see right now
poison for the eyes because it will trigger craving/desire or cause discomfort
a sight that is too much to bear
so horrible, eyes can't hold witness to it
to completely ignore
not give an eye (attention) to something
to not be able to believe your own eyes
doubt your eyes
to be captivated
have your sight stolen and held captive by something
to cover your eyes
cover your eyes in fear
to show favoritism
place eyes upon, watch over someone
to keep an eye on
distribute your gaze around the area
to widen one’s eyes in shock
make your eyes like plates
to be shocked and flustered
eyes darting so fast they look white and black
to fix your gaze upon something
attach your eyes
to do something in secret
steal someone's eyes, act outside their vision
to keep careful watch
shine your gaze upon someone/something
to draw attention; to create a distraction
pull someone's gaze
to smile warmly
smile so that your eyes narrow
to open your eyes wide in shock
make your eyes round
to be impressed or moved emotionally
eyes open wide in pleasant surprise
to have eyes wide in shock or anger
eyes peeled wide open
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brownie-pics · 6 months
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'24.3.10 東大寺二月堂にて
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