rinna5021 · 5 months
あつ森 ぴょんたろう
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あつ森・ぴょんたろう。イースターうさぎ。中の人なんていないよ。チャックなんてついてないよ。後ろに立たないでよ。 イースターは気分が明るくなって好きです。
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totoshappylife · 2 years
︎ おやちゅか? ブルーアイスのいい香りに誘われて、ひょっこりぴょんちゃん (食べてないょ) 木曜日に4回目の 今日、やっと復活しました 節々が、まぁ〜痛かっ...
︎ おやちゅか? ブルーアイスのいい香りに誘われて、ひょっこりぴょんちゃん (食べてないょ) 木曜日に4回目の 今日、やっと復活しました 節々が、まぁ〜痛かっ…
❤︎ おやちゅか? ブルーアイス🌿のいい香りに誘われて、ひょっこりぴょんちゃん🤭 (食べてないょ) 木曜日に4回目の💉 今日、やっと復活しました💦 節々が、まぁ〜痛かったこと😭 で、私🍌あんまり好きじゃないんだけど、なぜか🍌が食べたくて仕方ない‼︎ 何年かぶりで買いました😆 調べてみたところ、「何食べると副反応から回復早いですか?」の質問に「バナナだそう」との回答があり! もしや、カラダが🍌食べな〜って言ったのかな?🤭 * * * #うさぎ #ふわもこ部 #かわいいうさぎ #ペット #ネザーランドドワーフ #オパール #ぴょんきち #うさぎがいる暮らし #rabbit #bunny #cuteanimals #pet #petstagram #fluffy #rabbitlife #weeklyfluff #instapet #토끼 Source
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yukariluna · 2 years
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地物が沢山揚がったと聞いて 食指が動いた日😆😋 でも残念ながら牡蠣あったもので😂 赤崎の殼牡蠣からスタート🦪😆 うるめのつみれ 生しらす はたのなめろう かわはぎ刺し盛り めひかり 卵焼き かっぱ巻き 本鮪の赤身 本鮪の中とろ 〆はいくら 日本酒はすぐお腹いっぱいになっちゃうから 伯楽星のひやおろし 天青の秋おりがらみ ハーフサイズを一杯ずつ🍶 ご馳走さまでした😋🙏🏼 @azumayaharuo #鮨 #東家 #片瀬 #和食 #牡蠣 #うるめいわし #つみれ #生しらす #はた の #なめろう #初めて食べた #美味 #かわはぎ #肝醤油 #本鮪 #いくら #卵焼き #かんぴょうと揚げのワサビ添え #実は隠れた人気メニュー #sushi #azumaya #katase #sake #日本酒 #ご近所グルメ #ご馳走さまでした (at 東家) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkB_AhlyWnw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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u543z · 2 years
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快晴なのに強烈な風が吹いて閑散としたイシムロ周辺です💨今朝の桂月岳は西から雲が次々に流れ込むサンライズ🌅✨赤石川は体感25-30m/sくらいの暴風が絶え間なく吹き流れて💦空身でもまともに歩けないです😖朝イチは減水してますが川の水は濁ってます😅周囲の雪渓は急速に解けて雪渓末端は長靴じゃないと登山靴ではザクザク浸水必至🌊ラジオから聴こえる下界の気温がちょっぴりうらやましいです🥲💦 #網走33どですって‼️ #旭川30どですか‼️ #ぬくもりがほしい🙏🏻 #山の上は寒いですよ #桂月サンライズ #暴風 #赤石川 #黒岳山頂暴風 #ぴょんちゃん見つけられるかな🐇 #視線を感じたら👁💫 #イシムロ看板とぴょんちゃんウサギ🐰 #黒岳石室 #イシムロ (Daisetsuzan National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfQn8BXPoBS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pikahlua · 7 months
MHA Chapter 407 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 その娼婦は一年程前から病に罹っていた そのしょうふはいちねんほどまえからやまいにかかっていた sono shoufu wa ichinen hodo mae kara yamai ni kakatte ita That prostitute had been ill since about a year prior.
2 硬質の疣贅が左腕に生えていた こうしつのいぼがひだりうでにはえていた koushitsu no ibo ga hidari ude ni haete ita A hard wart had been growing on her left arm.
tagline 1 "個性"が起こるよりも昔… "こせい"がおこるよりもむかし… "kosei" ga okoru yori mo mukashi... Long before quirks arose...
tagline 2 No.407 超常遺児 堀越耕平 ナンバー407 ちょうじょういじ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 407  choujou iji   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 407 Paranormal Orphan  Kouhei Horikoshi
3 彼女が自身の懐妊に八か月もの間気付かなかったのは かのじょがじしんのかいにんにはちかげつものあいだきづかなかったのは kanojo ga jishin no kainin ni hachikagetsu mono aida kidzukanakatta no wa The reason she didn't realize she was pregnant for eight months
4 浮浪生活だけが原因ではなかった ふろうせいかつだけがげんいんではなかった furou seikatsu dake ga gen'in de wa nakatta was not only because of her vagrant lifestyle.
5 全く身に覚えがなかったからだ まったくみにおぼえがなかったからだ mattaku mi ni oboe ga nakatta kara da It was because she didn't remember it at all.
6 ソレらはいつの間にか彼女の胎に住みつき ソレらはいつのまにかかのじょのはらにすみつき SOREra wa itsu no ma ni ka kanojo no hara ni sumitsuki Before she knew it, they settled in her womb
7 彼女の生きる力を吸い取っていた かのじょのいきるちからをすいとっていた kanojo no ikiru chikara wo suitotte ita and were draining away her life force.
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1 川のほとりで双子を産み落とした女性は かわのほとりでふたごをうみおとしたじょせいは kawa no hotori de futago wo umiotoshita josei wa The woman, who gave birth to twins by the river,
2 そのまま死亡した そのまましぼうした sono mama shibou shita died just like that.
3 彼女の疣贅はなぜか かのじょのいぼはなぜか kanojo no ibo wa naze ka For some reason, her wart
4 きれいさっぱりなくなっていた kirei sappari nakunatte ita disappeared without a trace.
5 赤児達は あかごたちは akago-tachi wa As for the babies,
6 二人きりだった ふたりきりだった futarikiri datta they were alone, [just the two of them].
7 ねずみがやって来て遺体と赤児をかじり始めた頃 ねずみがやってきていたいとあかごをかじりはじめたころ nezumi ga yatte kite itai to akago wo kajiri hajimeta koro Just as the rats came and started to gnaw on the corpse and the babies,
8 増水した川が ぞうすいしたかわが zousui shita kawa ga the rising river
9 双子をさらっていった ふたごをさらっていった futago wo saratte itta swept the twins away.
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1 一年後 いちねんご ichinengo One year later,
2 "発光する赤児"を皮切りに世界各国で"異能"の報告が相次ぐ "はっこうするあかご"をかわきりにせかいかっこくで"いのう"のほうこくがあいつぐ "hakkou suru akago" wo kawakiri ni sekai kakkoku de "inou" no houkoku ga aitsugu starting with "the luminous baby," reports of "meta abilities" emerged one after the other from all over the world.
3 "異能"は先天性のもうだけではなく "いのう"はせんてんせいのもうだけではなく "inou" wa sentensei no mou dake de wa naku Meta abilities were not just congenital.
4 二次性徴前後の青少年にも後天的に発現した にじせいちょうぜんごのせいしょうねんにもこうてんてきにはつげんした nijiseichou zengo no seishounen ni mo koutenteki ni hatsugen shita Around when they developed secondary sex characteristics, adolescents also expressed them as acquired [traits]. (Note: "Secondary sex characteristics" means puberty basically.)
5 未知の病として調べていた研究グループは みちのやまいとしてしらべていたけんきゅうグループは michi no yamai to shite shirabete ita kenkyuu GURUUPU wa A research group investigating them as an unknown disease
6-7 "異能"を「ヒトから枝わかれした新たなる遺伝子」と発表した "いのう"を「ヒトからえだわかれしたあらたなるいでんし」とはっぴょうした "inou" wo 「HITO kara edawakareshita aratanaru idenshi」 to happyou shita announced that meta abilities were "a new gene branched off from humans."
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1 それはあまりに無神経で早計だった それはあまりにむしんけいでそうけいだった sore wa amari ni mushinkei de soukei datta That was too callous and rash.
2 群生性命を隔つその発表は ぐんせいせいめいをへだつそのはっぴょうは gunseisei mei wo hedatsu sono happyou wa That announcement that subdivided gregarious life* (*Note: "Gregarious life" may be a bit too literal to be comprehensible. I think the best way to think of this phrase would be something like "social species.")
3 混沌を加速させた こんとんをかそくさせた konton wo kasoku saseta accelerated the chaos.
4 コンビナート方面で"異能"の連中が結集し始めたそうだ コンビナートほうめんで"いのう"のれんちゅうがけっしゅうしはじめたそうだ KONBINAATO houmen de "inou" no renchuu ga kesshuu shi hajimeta sou da "It seems that the meta abilities gangs have begun to gather around the industrial complex."
5 昨夜デモ隊が衝突した奴等だな…… さくやデモたいがしょうとつしたやつらだな…… sakuya DEMO tai ga shoutotsu shita yatsura da na...... "They're the ones the demonstrators clashed with last night......"
6 連中が決起する前に叩くぞ れんちゅうがけっきするまえにたたくぞ renchuu ga kekki suru mae ni tataku zo "Let's hit them before they rise up."
7 なんだ? nanda? "What's that?"
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1 超常遺児か ちょうじょういじか choujou iji ka "A paranormal orphan, huh?"
2 可哀想だが放っとけ!遺児は保菌者の可能性が高い かわいそうだがほっとけ!いじはキャリアのかのうせいがたかい kawaisou da ga hottoke! iji wa KYARIA (kanji hokinsha) no kanousei ga takai "I feel bad for him, but leave him be! The possibility for an orphan to be a carrier is high."
3 ん n "Right."
4 何の音だ なんのおとだ nan no oto da "What's that sound?"
5 ん? n? "Hm?"
6 え e "Huh?"
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1 それは母親から「奪った」異能 それはははおやから「うばった」いのう sore wa hahaoya kara 「ubatta」 inou That was the meta ability he "stole" from his mother.
2 その赤児は生まれながらに不遜だった そのあかごはうまれながらにふそんだった sono akago wa umare nagara ni fuson datta That baby was born conceited.
3 身の回り全てが自身の所有物であり みのまわりすべてがじしんのしょゆうぶつであり mi no mawari subete ga jishin no shoyuubutsu de ari Everything around him was his own property.
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1 泣けど喚けど自身を見ない なけどわめけどじしんをみない nakedo wamekedo jishin wo minai He cried and screamed, but he didn't see himself.
2 何も与えない者が なにもあたえないものが nani mo ataenai mono ga Those who gave him nothing
3 ただただ tada tada were simply
4 疑問だった ぎもんだった gimon datta problems*. (*Note: The word here means "problem, doubt, question." I think the description is saying that the baby would look at others and see them as the same as everything else in the world: something that existed as his property. Therefore those that gave him nothing were confusing, were question marks, and he harbored doubts and suspicions about them as a result.)
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1 ダメ DAME "Don't."
2 イタイの ITAI no "That hurts [them]."
3 母親から与えられる筈の栄養を ははおやからあたえられるはずのえいようを hahaoya kara ataerareru hazu no eiyou wo The nutrition his mother should have given to him
4 ダメ DAME "Don't."
5 ほとんど兄に奪われたので ほとんどあににうばわれたので hotondo ani ni ubawareta node was largely stolen by his older brother, so
6 弟はとても小さく脆弱だった おとうとはとてもちいさくぜいじゃくだった otouto wa totemo chiisaku zeijaku datta the younger brother was very small and frail.
7 自身に何も与えない存在だったが手に持っていた所有物なので じしんになにもあたえないそんざいだったがてにもっていたものなので jishin ni nani mo ataenai sonzai datta ga te ni motte ita mono nanode [The younger brother's] existence gave nothing to [the older brother], but [the younger brother's existence] was a possession [the older brother] held in his hands, so
8 兄は弟を決して手放そうとしなかった あにはおとうとをけっしててばなそうとしなかった ani wa otouto wo kesshite tebanasou to shinakatta the older brother tried to never let go of the younger brother.
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1 ーー溝が深まる一方で"発光する赤児"が自ら先頭に立ち ーーみぞがふかまるいっぽうで"はっこうするあかご"がみずからせんとうにたち --mizo ga fukamaru ippou de "hakkou suru akago" ga mizukara sentou ni tachi "--While the gap* intensified, the "luminous baby" has taken the lead" (*Note: The "gap" is referring to the rift between humans with meta abilities versus those without.)
2 平和と安全を訴えています賛同者は日増しに増加しておりーー へいわとあんぜんをうったえていますさんどうしゃはひましにぞうかしておりーー heiwa to anzen wo uttaete imasu sandousha wa hima shi ni zouka shite ori-- "to call for peace and security, with the number of supporters increasing day by day--"
3 僕に黙って何を読んでる? ぼくにだまってなにをよんでる? boku ni damatte nani wo yonderu? "What are you reading without telling me?"
4 まだ文字の勉強中で難しい本は読めないんだけど… まだもじのべんきょうちゅうでむずかしいほんはよめないんだけど… mada moji no benkyouchuu de muzukashii hon wa yomenainda kedo... "I'm still learning letters so I can't read difficult books, but..."
5 すごいよこのコミックって本 すごいよこのコミックってほん sugoi yo KOMIKKU tte hon "this comic book is amazing!"
6 絵で読めるんだ えでよめるんだ e de yomerunda "I can read it by the pictures."
7 描いた人の願いが絵で伝わってくる かいたひとのねがいがえでつたわってくる kaita hito no negai ga e de tsutawatte kuru "The wishes of the person who drew it are conveyed through the pictures."
8 ヒーロー… HIIROO... "Hero..."
9-10 僕もいつかこんな風になりたいな… ぼくもいつかこんなふうになりたいな… boku mo itsu ka konna fuu ni naritai na... "I want to be like this someday too..."
11 弟はまだ兄を諦めきれなかった おとうとはまだあにをあきらめきれなかった otouto wa mada ani wo akirame kirenakatta The younger brother couldn't give up on the older brother yet.
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1-2 かすかに憶えているあの手を兄の優しさだと信じたかった かすかにおぼえているあのてをあにのやさしさだとしんじたかった kasuka ni oboete iru ano te wo ani no yasashisa da to shinjitakatta He wanted to believe that hand he faintly remembers was his older brother's kindness.
3 三年後 さんねんご sannengo Three years later
4 例の"発光する赤児"さぁ…あいつのシンパがとうとう1000万人を超えたんだってさ れいの"はっこうするあかご"さぁ…あいつのシンパがとうとう1000まんにんをこえたんだってさ rei no "hakkou suru akago" saa...aitsu no SHINPA ga toutou 1000mannin wo koetanda tte sa "Well, for example, that 'luminous baby'...they say that guy's sympathizers finally surpassed 10 million people."
5 兄さん… にいさん… niisan... "Brother..."
6 おかしいよなだってあれは戸籍登録が一番早かったってだけで おかしいよなだってあれはこせきとうろくがいちばんはやかったってだけで okashii yo na datte are wa koseki touroku ga ichiban hayakatta tte dake de "That's strange, isn't it? Since it's just because his family registration was the fastest."
7-8 インドなんかじゃその二周間前には50人は異能が産まれてたって話だぜ インドなんかじゃそのにしゅうかんまえには50にんはいのうがうまれてたってはなしだぜ INDO nanka ja sono nishuukan mae ni wa 50nin wa inou ga umareteta tte hanashi da ze "They say that, in India, 50 people with meta abilities were born two weeks before that."
9 その姿は そのすがたは sono sugata wa "That appearance..." (Note: Yoichi is reacting with surprise at how AFO looks like he's been in a fight or something.)
10 おかしな話だよそんなので人を集められるなんてさ おかしなはなしだよそんなのでひとをあつめられるなんてさ okashina hanashi da yo sonna node hito wo atsumerareru nante sa "It's such a strange story, that he could gather people together like that."
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1 だから殺して「奪って」やった だからころして「うばって」やった dakara koroshite 「ubatte」 yatta "That's why I killed him and 'stole' [his meta ability.]"
2 ……なんで… ......nande... "......Why..."
3 だって datte "Because"
4 あのコミックに描かれていたろ あのコミックにかかれていたろ ano KOMIKKU ni kakarete ita ro "it was depicted in that comic."
5 ONE FOR ALL… ワン フォー オール… WAN FOO OORU... "One For All..."
6 ALL FOR ONE良い言葉だよな オール フォー ワンいいことばだよな OORU FOO WAN ii kotoba da yo na "All For One, they're excellent words."
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1 ヒーローは正体を隠して孤独に戦っていたけれど ヒーローはしょうたいをかくしてこどくにたたかっていたけれど HIIROO wa shoutai wo kakushite kodoku ni tatakatte ita keredo "The hero was hiding his true identity as he fought alone, but"
2 悪の魔王は皆が恐怖して全てを差し出すんだ あくのまおうはみんながきょうふしてすべてをさしだすんだ aku no maou wa minna ga kyoufu shite subete wo sashidasunda "everyone feared and offered up everything to the evil Demon King."
3 おまえがそうであるように…皆が僕の為だけに存在する世界 おまえがそうであるように…みんながぼくのためだけにそんざいするせかい omae ga sou de aru you ni...minna ga boku no tame dake ni sonzai suru sekai "A world where everyone exists just for my sake...just like you do."
4 僕にも夢ができた! ぼくにもゆめができた! boku ni mo yume ga dekita! "I was also able [to come up with] a dream!"
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1 待て何故行ってしまうんだ まてなぜいってしまうんだ mate naze itte shimaunda Wait, why are you leaving?
2 "力"を与えてやったじゃないか! "ちから"をあたえてやったじゃないか! "chikara" wo ataete yatta ja nai ka! Didn't I give you power?!
3 なんだおまえは!離れろ! なんだおまえは!はなれろ! nanda omae wa! hanarero! What are you? Get away [from him]!
4 僕のだ僕を見ていろ! ぼくのだぼくをみていろ! boku no da boku wo mite iro! [That's] mine, look at me!
5-6 僕のものにならないなら ぼくのものにならないなら boku no mono ni naranai nara If you won't become mine,
7 もうーー mou-- then--
tagline その手はー… そのてはー… sono te wa-... That hand is-...
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 2 months
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gdmtblr · 10 months
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Hi, dear friends💙 How have you been?
I am so fed up with this summer heat☀️🥵🔥But according to the long-term weather forecast, the extremely hot days will still continue for a while… ahhh, What the heck!!!
Nico is the only one in our pack who is always in good spirits✨🐶✨Awww… it's wonderful to be young!!🐾🐾
それにしても、いつまで暑いんでしょうかねー(´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`) 9月になっても厳しい残暑が続くとの予報に心が折れそうです💧そんななかでもニコだけはいつも元気いっぱい、散歩道や公園の広場をぴょんぴょんと脱兎のごとく駆け回っています✨🐶✨健康優良で実に素晴らしいことですが、涼しい時期ならいざ知らず、この夏場にそんな仔犬のメガハイテンションさと延々付き合うのは正直大変だったりします😅しかしながら、肉体的にも精神的にもタフでなければイヌの飼い主なんか務まりませんから、僕も「ヒャッホーー💕」なんつって自分を鼓舞しながら、年甲斐もなく(笑)ニコと一緒にはしゃいでいるのでした🤣🤣🤣その前に早朝4:00から6:00くらいまでハグの散歩に行っているのは言うまでもありませんwドMな自分バンザイww
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dummy-dot-exe · 1 year
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何?卯年だから頼む…? マスターこういうものは年始に行うものだと思いますが…… 仕方ない…… ほれぴょんぴょん by むーにゃん@munyamunyako
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g-men-movie · 10 months
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いよいよ来週末公開となった本作。最後は全員が作品への想いを語り、「このメンバーじゃなきゃ出せない空気感が出せたと思います」(りんたろー。)「8月25日に公開するのでまたぜひ映画館で楽しんでください」(森本)「『Gメン』を気に入っていただけたら、この作品を皆さんの手で育ててください。お願いします」(矢本)「男なら誰しも楽しめる作品になりました。皆さんで観に行っていただけたらと思います」(竜星)と挨拶。岸は集まった男子学生たち一人一人の顔を見ながら「本当に笑えて泣けて感情を出せる、様々な要素が凝縮された映画になっています。夏の思い出として、一緒に盛り上げてくれたら嬉しいです」と座長らしく締めました。 さらにフォトセッションでは男子学生達と「夏だ!青春だ!Gメンだー!!」の掛け声で会場中一体となり大盛り上がりのうちにイベントの幕が閉じました。
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overthattwilight · 15 days
Piece of my World and the full lyrics I hear
Okay, so the digital album is up on some sites. I managed to listen to the full version through VPN, and hear are the lyrics I hear
First I'll be writing in hiragana and the romaji, then some Japanese what I believe it is(through the auto correct of the Japanese keybord)
Please keep in mind the lyrics might be incorrect, like, 50%. You might only want to see the hiragana ones(though this is also 20% incorrect, I guess)
Starting from verse 2, since everyone knows verse 1 already
Note 1: Edit has been made(fixing Japanese words and romaji, additional lyrics heard clear in nrc tribe ver.). Thank you @littlelionears for pointing out
Note 2: More edit in the Japanese words has been made. Credit to @littlelionears for the lyrics
とけいのはりがすべりだす(tokeino hariga suberidasu)
さあもっとあげて(saa motto agete)
はやるくつおとはじけるこどう(hayaru kutsuoto hajikeru kodou)
ほらだれよりもまえへ(hora dareyorimo maee)
えがいていたぼくのかたち(egaiteita bokuno katachi)
いびつさもきにいtてのに(ibitsusamo kiniittenoni)
ねじれたせかいでうたおう(nejireta sekaide utaou)
ざわめくむねのねつはほんとうさ(zawameku muneno netsuwa hontousa)
しらけちゃうじょしきやぶりすてていんじゃない(Shirakechau jyoushiki yaburi sutete injyanai)
すりるはぼくらがかがやくぴす(suriruwa bokuraga kagayaku pisu)
やみのなかみつけだせるさ(yamino naka mitsukedaserusa)
つながるこたえを(tsunagaru kotaewo)
よながわかつとき(yonaga wakatsutoki)
こえてゆけるだろう(koete yukeru darou)
(ねじれたせかいがみちびく[nejireta sekaiga michibiku])
ぼくだけのうんめいがこばめないように(bokudakeno unmeiga kobamenaiyouni)
あふれだすまほうのみほしい(afuredasu mahou nomihoshi)
いたみといらたちがじゃまをしても(itamito irachiga jyamao shitemo)
かまわないよぜんぶてにいれてみせるさ(kamawanaiyo zenbu teniirete miserusa)
(The next part is the same chorus part from verse 1, so skip)
のぞいてみてとびらのむこう(nozoitemite tobirano mukou)
きみのなかへつなぐwonderland(kimino nakahe tsunagu wonderland)
Ah ah, la la la la la la
Come on to Wonderland
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maddogofshimano · 1 month
Hello! Seeing this blog was an insta-follow. JW, did u do a translation somewhere of…whatever this is? https://youtu.be/tfAqq15hv5s?si=xXzvWG1ImZ_qGGGb
I’d love to know what she’s saying, I’m scraping and scrounging for more Goromi content. There *is* a translation in the comments section, but it’s worded strangely…
hey thanks!! I am waaaaaaaaay less confident in translating spoken stuff, especially with Goromi's wildly fluctuating accent and general screeching but at one point I did go through and do some of the easier ones. however!! a kind soul has transcribed everything in the comments since the last time I checked so I'm doing this proper now. under a cut because it got long lol
italics is Goromi dropping into the masc Majima-style voice
0:00 どーもー ゴロ美でーす。真島? あ? 誰やそれ つべこべ言わんと はよドンペリ入れんかい! Hiii I'm Goromi. Majima? Huh? Don't talk about whoever that is, hurry up and bring out the Dom Perignon! 0:13 はぁあん 仕事もできる女 それがゴ・ロ・美 またモテてまうわぁ はぁ 参るなぁ Haaa~ A woman can do work too. That's Go - ro - mi. She'll be popular again. Haa~ Give me a call~ 0:28 めっちゃジロジロ見られたわぁ 嫌やわぁ セクハラちゃうー? I'm gettin' stared at so much. I don't like it. Is this sexual harassment? 0:35 よっしゃー! 暴れるでぇお前らー! All right! I'm gonna go ballistic on you all! 0:39 あ? パンツ見えてる? だからなんやねん Huh? Ya can see my panties? Watch where you're lookin'! 0:46 あーあ 早う桐生ちゃん来んかのぉー Ahhhh… won't Kiryu-chan hurry up~? 0:53 なんや 俺は安い女とちゃうで  What is it? I ain't a cheap gal. 0:59 あ? パンツ見えてる? いやーんこのドスケベー 目ん玉くり抜いたろかぁ! Ya can see my panties? Ooooh ya perv~! I'll gouge out your fuckin' eyes!* 1:08 いやーん ええ飲みっぷりやないかぁ ちょっと見直したでぇ Oooh, you seem like ya can hold your drink~ I'm startin' to come around on ya~ 1:16 うち 強い奴が好きやねん うちを その気にさせたいんならぁ 殺す気で来いやぁ! Me, I like strong guys. If ya want me to like you… then ya better come at me like ya want me dead!* 1:27 やだ ゴロ美ったらドキドキしてる 気に入ったでぇ おぉ! ドス持ってこいやぁ! いっちょやり合おうやないかー! No way, ya got Goromi's heart all flutterin'. Oh! This is perfect for my dagger! Time to fight!" 1:39 うちも一杯もらってええか? 今日はなんだか飲みたい気分やねん Is it alright if I get one too? Today I'm in the mood to drink. 1:48 はい どーぞっ! ゴロ美特性 ゲロマズカクテルやでぇ なぁ 飲めや Here you go! Goromi's special super yucky cocktail! …Hey, drink it. 1:57 桐生ちゃん 驚くやろなぁ Kiryu-chan's a surprisin' guy~ 2:01 ゴロ美 ドキドキしちゃう You're gonna make Goromi's heart flutter.* 2:04 うちが ナンバーワンキャバ嬢 ゴロ美や 覚えときー I'm the number one cabaret girl Goromi, ya better remember that. 2:12 ヒーヒッヒヒヒー 惚れても知らんでぇ Hehehehee not my fault if you're fallin' for me~* 2:16 ますますべっぴんになってくでぇ I'm becoming more and more beautiful~ 2:20 奇麗なバラには トゲがあるんやでぇ A beautiful rose still has its thorns. 2:26 魔性の女 それがゴロ美やでぇ Goromi, a woman with a devilish nature~ 2:31 ゴロ美の新たな魅力 感じてやぁ Experience Goromi's fresh new glamor. 2:36 ふぉーん なかなか見どころあるやないかぁ ま、けどアフターはお預けや There's a lot of good things to see, aren't there? Well, that will have to wait for the after hours date. 2:45 やるやないかぁ へえぇ ゴロ美アフター権 進呈したるわ このボケがぁ! Well it can't be helped. I'm presentin' ya with the rights to an after hours date with Goromi. Ya dumb ass! 2:56 ご指名 おおきに Thank ya for requestin' me.* 2:59 男女がやる事いうたらー 喧嘩しかないやろがぁ! There's a thing that men and women do together… They fight each other! 3:06 か弱いレディーに 何するんじゃボケェ! This weak lady, what the hell are ya doin' to her, idiot! 3:10 あ���ーん そんなんじゃゴロ美は濡れへんでぇ! Siiiilly, that kind of thing won't get Goromi wet! (tl note: I……………………. I feel like there's something I'm misreading here. but. turns out I'm not!!) 3:14 当店はお触り禁止じゃぁ! We don't allow touching in this establishment!!! 3:17 野暮な男は嫌いやでぇ! I hate men with no manners!!
(tl note: the rest of these are various battle callouts) 3:24 ボトル入りまーす! Bottle comin' through! 3:26 これ うちの名刺! Here's… my business card! 3:30 ゴロ美に惚れたら 火傷するでぇ! If ya fall for Goromi… You're gonna get burned! 3:35 お客様は神様 なわけあるかボケェ! The customer is king… what a stupid idea! 3:41 イーヒッヒヒヒー 太客認定したるわぁ! Eeehehehehee, I just bagged a big spender! 3:46 シャンパン入りまーす! Champagne comin' through! 3:49 花は いつか散るんやでぇ Flowers will… always scatter… 3:54 終わりがあるから 美しいんやでぇ Because they must end… They are beautiful… 4:01 またのご来店 お待ちしてまーす! We look forward to seeing you agaaaaiiiin! 4:05 はぁ うちをもっと燃えさす奴はおらんのかいなぁ Haaa… is there no one left who can get me fired up? 4:11 ゴロ美の「み」は 皆殺しの「み」じゃぁ! The "mi" in "Goromi" is… from the "mi" in "minagoroshi"! (tl note: wholesale slaughter) 4:16 稼ぎ時を逃さん女 それがゴロ美じゃボケェ! Goromi, a woman who's never let a chance to make a profit escape her! 4:23 ヒヒッ ゴロ美 ほてってきたでぇ Hehe, Goromi's burnin' hot! 4:29 ヒヒッ 延長やぁ 当たり前やろ! Hehe, an extension. Obviously! (tl note: for using a continue in a fight) 4:36 ごっついのぉ Real strong, huh… (tl note: for losing)
whew! as usual if I fucked something else please tell me some of this stuff gets real in the weeds. all I can do is my best
thanks again for the follow and for suggesting this! I'm real glad I took another look, that minagoroshi line really made me laugh. unrelated to Goromi but I'll have a new event up in a week or so because the one going on right now is so incredibly funny to me. it's a Saejima event. look forward to it * Edit: a couple of line corrections thanks to @imustbenuts Thank you again!!!
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kmnmscat · 3 months
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periwinkla · 1 month
1-4 ending JP -> ENG comparison
Keep in mind: -Notes are in small text -The / is meant to separate paragraphs (I'll use it when it gets too visually messy) Disclaimer : I only studied Japanese for a little while. AA dialogue is pretty simple though. Also English isn't my native language either. Feel free to correct me on anything wrong here. Also note that I'm not trying to make the translations sound natural, I'm mostly trying to explain what the words are saying, sometimes I'll be more literal than others. Translation =/= localization.
Phoenix 終わったな、御剣‥‥。 Owatta na, Mitsurugi... So, it's finally over, Edgeworth.
Edgeworth ‥‥‥‥‥‥ … 成歩堂。 Naruhodou. Wright.
Phoenix ん? N? Yeah?
Edgeworth: ‥‥‥‥‥‥ … ‥‥その‥‥、 なんと言えばいいのか‥‥。 ...Sono... nan to ieba ii no ka... I… I'm not sure how to say this.
Maya そういうときはね。 “ありがとう”って言うんだよ! Sou iu toki wa ne. "Arigatou" tte iun da yo! I know! I know! Try "thank you."
Edgeworth そ、そうなのか。 So, Sou na no ka. I… I see.
‥‥‥‥‥‥ …
あ、ありがとう、成歩堂。 A, Arigatou, Naruhodou. Th-thank you, Wright.
Phoenix ど、どういたしまして。 Do, douitashimashite. Y-you're welcome. They sound fairly stiff here. Phoenix's response isn't exactly formal by Japanese standards... I'd say it's casual/formal, but the stuttering makes it stiffer, I feel. Also compared to how they behave in 3-5, I think it's very different. Will elaborate in a future post when I get to analyze that dialogue.
Maya うーん‥‥イマイチ、 ハリアイがないなあ‥‥。 Uun... imaichi, hariai ga nai naa.. I think you could have done better than that!
Edgeworth ム‥‥スマン。 こういうの、ニガテで‥‥。 Mu... Suman. Kouiu no, nigate de... Oof! S-sorry… I'm not good at this sort of thing.
Maya もう! ダメだなあ、御剣検事は。 Mou! Dame da naa, Mitsurugi Kenji wa. You got a lot to learn, Edgeworth!
Phoenix (‥‥やれやれ‥‥) (...Yareyare...) (Dear, dear…) (this is not at all important but I noticed it's an expression Phoenix uses a lot: yare yare...)
Gumshoe うおおおおおおおおおおおおおっ! Uoooooooooooooh! Whoooooooooooooop!
さすがッス! 自分が見込んだ だけのコトはあったッス! Sasuga ssu! Jibun ga mikonda dake no koto wa atta ssu! Amazing, pal! You pulled through just like I thought you would!
糸鋸 圭介。この恩は一生、 わすれないッス! Itonoko Keisuke. Kono on wa isshou, wasurenai ssu! I'll never forget this! I owe you one, pal.
今夜は、パーッとやるッス! 自分がゴチソウするッス! Kon'ya wa, paa tto yaru ssu! Jibun ga gochisou suru ssu! And tonight, let's party! Dinner's on me!
今月から給料がちょっぴり 下がったッスが、気にしねッス! Kongetsu kara kyuuryou ga choppiri sagatta ssu ga, ki ni shine ssu! Yeah, my salary went down a bit this month… But who cares!
Maya ほらほらほら、御剣検事。 イトノコ刑事を見ならうの! Hora hora hora, Mitsurugi Kenji. Itonoko Keiji wo minarau no! See, Mr. Edgeworth? You should take a lesson from Detective Gumshoe!
あんな感じにやると、カンシャの キモチが伝わるんだよ! Anna kanji ni yaru to, kansha no kimochi ga tsutawarun da yo! That's how you say "thank you"!
Edgeworth ‥‥ム。 な‥‥なるほど。 ...Mu. Na.... Naruhodo. Mmm. I… I see. Note how he basically says Wright's butchered JP name, which is a pun for the game (it means 'I see' / 'I understand') but it also means that the gap between them is somewhat getting narrower. It could just be for comic relief, but...note that when he attempts to thank him the first time, he calls out to him with 'Naruhodou', but now on his second attempt he says 'Naruhodo' before trying to thank him. Unfortunately the subtletly and ambiguity of this cannot be localized. By the way, he also uses 'Naruhodo' before the final trial in T&T, will elaborate on in at a later date. (I don't know whether there are other times other than these two, I haven't analyzed enough transcripts yet)
コホン。 Gohon. ahem
う、うおおおおおおおおおっ! U, Uooooooooh! Whooooooooooooop! This is, and I'm completely serious here, one of my most favourite scenes. Note the difference between Edgeworth's and Gumshoe's shouts: in the JP, 4 'O's are missing in Edgeworth's shout, while in ENG, 1 'O' is missing - the localization was careful enough to add that tiny difference, and although I am not sure why they reduced it to one single 'O', it's still interesting they differentiated them all the same.
‥‥‥‥‥‥ …
ダメだ。‥‥ヤッパリ、 私なんか‥‥。 Dame da. ...Yappari, Watashi nanka... I… I feel foolish. literal translation: No, that's not right. As I thought, / someone like me... *'someone like me...' : the underlying message seems to be: 'As I thought, something like this/acting like this wouldn't fit someone like me'
Maya まあまあ、少しずつ 慣れていきましょうよ。 Maa maa, sukoshi zutsu narete ikimashou yo. Don't worry. Take it a little at a time. You'll get used to it.
more literal translation: Come on, come on, little by little / let's get used to it! It seems to me Maya says it in a way to mean something like they'll do it together, so he shouldn't worry - implying he's not alone (anymore), again Japanese can be subtle so I'm not sure, but considering Maya's empathic character, I'd say that's what she meant. In any case, she's trying to encourage him. Very sweet! Phoenix (こんなスナオな御剣を  見るの、15年ぶりだな‥‥) (Konna sunao na Mitsurugi o miru no, juugo-nen buri da na...) (It's been fifteen years since I've seen Edgeworth this… unguarded.)
more literal translation: It's been 15 years... since I've seen Edgeworth (act) this honest (with his feelings)... Phoenix is saying that it's been a long time since he's seen Edgeworth be honest/sincere with his feelings/upfront with his feelings. The localization gets the meaning across very nicely. Lotta おっ、いたいた! O, ita ita! Hey, y'all!
Maya あ、ナツミさん! A, Natsumi-san! Lotta!
Lotta いやー、アンタら。 カッコよかったでー。 Iya, antara. Kakkoyokatta de. Y'all were great in there!
Phoenix ありがとうございます。 Arigatou gozaimasu. Thank you!
Lotta おッ。ニイちゃん。 無罪、おめでと! Oo, Niichan. Muzai, omedetou! Yo, Edgeworth! Congrats!
Edgeworth ム‥‥お、おおきに。 Mu... o, ookini. Er… thank y'all very much. ookini = 'thank you a lot' in Kansai dialect (which is the dialect Lotta uses) I find it adorably funny that first he tries to imitate Gumshoe to thank people and now he's trying Lotta's ways...
Lotta ウチには、最初から わかってたんやで! Uchi ni wa, saisho kara wakattetan ya de! I knew you were innocent from the start, of course.
あんたが無罪だ、ってなあ! Anta ga muzai da, tte naa! Just look at you! You wouldn't stick your hand in the cookie jar even if no one was there! The ENG adds a lot here which wasn't in the original. in the JP, she basically only says: 'From the start, / I knew! / That you were innocent!!' (I think this is mostly done to convey Lotta's character, since the dialect wouldn't have been enough here to convey that I believe)
Edgeworth ‥‥たしか、初日の 検察側の証人だったような‥‥。 ...Tashika, shonichi no kensatsu-gawa no shounin datta you na... You… were the witness on the first day of the trial, weren't you.
Lotta まま。まあまあ。 細かいこと、気にしなさんな! Ma ma. Maa maa. Komakai koto, ki ni shinasan na! Yeah, well, let bygones be bygones, eh?
Phoenix そういえば、ナツミさん‥‥、 今は、何を‥‥? Sou ieba, Natsumi-san..., Ima wa, nani o...? Speaking of which, what are you doing now, Lotta?
Lotta おー、今か? 大学にもどったで。 Oo, ima ka? Daigaku ni modotta de. Who, me? Aww, I went back to college.
スクープカメラマンになる夢は、 もうオシマイや。 Sukūpu kameraman ni naru yume wa, mō oshimai ya. I gave up trying to be an investigative photographer pretty quick.
Phoenix そうなんですか‥‥。 Sou nan desu ka... Really? That's too bad.
Lotta あれ? Are? Huh?
Phoenix ? ?
Lotta あそこにいるの、公園の マンジュウ屋、ちゃうか? Asoko ni iru no, kōen no manjū-ya, chau ka? Isn't that the hotdog guy from the park?
Phoenix ‥‥え? ...E? Huh?
Larry ‥‥死ぬんだぁ‥‥。 ...Shinun daa... It's over, Nick! My life is over!
Phoenix な、なんでおまえが そんなカオしてるんだよ! Na, nande omae ga sonna kao shiteru nda yo! Wh-why the sad face, Larry!? What happened now!?
Larry 成歩堂ぉ‥‥。 オレ、そろそろ死ぬからさぁ。 Naruhodouo... Ore, sorosoro shinu kara saa. Oh, Nick… I'm not long for this world. (Just funny how he drags Naruhodou's name out in a wail here.)
Phoenix い、いやいやいや。 I, iya iya iya. Uh… you don't look sick… literally like 'n, nonono' but meaning something more like 'wa, wait wait wait' - it sounds like he's about done with Larry's histrionics and possibly shaking his head in denial...
Larry カズミがよお‥‥パリ 暮らすって言い出して‥‥、 Kazumi ga yoo...Pari kurasu tte iidashite... It's Kiyance! Sh-she's goin' to live in Paris! Paris, Nick!
置いていかれちまったんだよぉぉ! Oiteikarechimattan da yooo! She's leaving me behind!!!
Phoenix (‥‥やれやれ‥‥) (...Yare yare...) (Larry, Larry…) I noticed Phoenix uses this expression a lot. It's quite funny to me, reminds me of an old man that is about done with his youngings' shenanigans.
Larry お。御剣。いたのか。 O. Mitsurugi. Ita no ka. Yo, Edgey! There you are!
Edgeworth ム。そりゃまあ、いる。 Mu. Sorya maa, iru. Um, yes, here I am.
Larry おめでとうな、御剣。 ‥‥コレ、オレからのお祝い! Omedetou na, Mitsurugi. ...Kore, ore kara no oiwai! Congrats, Edgey! Here… a little gift from me in celebration!
Edgeworth “お祝い”? ‥‥めずらしいな。 "Oiwai"? ...Mezurashii na. Celebration? That's unusual for you.
Gumshoe お。アンタも後で来るッス! ゴチソウするッス! O. Anta mo ato de kuru ssu! Gochisou suru ssu! Harry Butz! You come along tonight too! My treat, pal!
Larry は、はあ。 楽しみにしてます。 Ha, haa. Tanoshiminishitemasu. Huh? Uh… thanks! Looking forward to it! (オイ、成歩堂) (Oi, Naruhodou) (Yo, yo, Nick!)
(アイツ、オレを取り調べした  刑事だぜ‥‥) (Aitsu, ore o toriirabeshita keiji da ze...) (That's the suit that questioned me!)
(ゴチソウって、まさか  カツ丼じゃねえだろうな‥‥) (Gochisōtte, masaka katsudon ja nee darou na...) (When he says treat… that's not police-talk for prison food, right? Right?)
Phoenix そ、それはないと思うぞ。 So, sore wa nai to omou zo. Uh, I think you'll be fine, Larry.
Edgeworth ‥‥成歩堂。 ...Naruhodou. Wright…
Phoenix ん? どうした? N? Doushita? Yeah? What's up?
Edgeworth ‥‥金が入っているぞ。 矢張がくれた封筒。 ...Kane ga haitte iru zo. Yahari ga kureta fūtō. That envelope that Larry gave me. It's got money in it.
Phoenix そりゃそうだろ。 “お祝い”だからな。 Sorya sou daro. "Oiwai" dakara na. Well, yeah. That's not that strange. People give money away to celebrate sometimes.
Edgeworth 3800円だ。 3800 en da. It's $38.00, Wright.
Phoenix ‥‥また、ずいぶんハンパな 金額だな‥‥。 ...Mata, zuibun hanpa na kingaku da na... Huh. What a weird amount. I mean, it's not a little, but it's not a lot either.
‥‥‥‥‥‥ …
3800円? 3800 en? $38.00 exactly?
Maya ‥‥ななな、なるほどくん! ...Na na na, Naruhodo-kun! N-N-Nick!
小学校のころ、御剣検事が盗まれた 給食費って、たしか‥‥! Shōgakkō no koro, Mitsurugi-Kenji ga nusumareta kyūshoku-hi tte, tashika...! Wasn't that exactly the amount of lunch money that was stolen from Mr. Edgeworth in school!?
Phoenix さ‥‥3800円‥‥? Sa... 3800 en...? $38…!
ままま、まさか‥‥ Ma ma ma, masaka.... No… (I think the shock-induced stuttering in this line might be meant to parallel Maya's previous one. Cute!)
‥‥‥‥まさかああああッ! 矢張、お前ェェェェッ! ...Masakaaaaa! Yahari, omaeeee! No!!! Larry, it was you!!! There is a fun pun lost in translation here. Larry's JP name, Yahari, means 'after all/as expected/as I thought' - so Larry's name can be intended both as a vocative and a figure of speech here. "After all, it was you!" = "Larry, it was you!" The phrases basically overlap in JP, as if he were saying them at the same time.
Edgeworth 何をイロめきたっている? 成歩堂。 Nani o iromekitatte iru? Naruhodou. What are you so surprised about, Wright?
Phoenix え? E? Huh?
Edgeworth たしかに矢張は、あの日 カゼで学校を休んでいた。 Tashika ni Yahari wa, ano hi Kaze de gakkou wo yasunde ita. Larry was absent that day from school, right?
だが、だからといって 犯人でないという理由にはならん。 Daga, dakara to itte hannin de nai to iu riyuu ni wa naran. But that doesn't automatically rule him out as a suspect.
Phoenix え! What?
Edgeworth 15年前の、あの日。 15 nen mae no, ano hi. Think back to that day, fifteen years ago.
休んだはいいが、タイクツだった 矢張は、学校に来てみたのだろう。 Yasunda hai ga, taikutsu datta Yahari wa, gakkou ni kite mita no darou. Larry took the day off, but he was bored, he came in to school anyway.
そして、まあ‥‥、ちょっと 手が伸びてしまったんだろうな。 Soshite, maa..., chotto te ga nobite shimatta ndarou na. Then he saw the money lying there… and the rest is history.
Larry 伸びちまったんだろうねえ、 イヤハヤ、これが‥‥。 Nobichimattan darou nee, iyahaya, kore ga... I never was good at History! Heh… The joke is a bit different here, Edgeworth jokes that Larry's hand must have 'stretched out' , but I suppose 'slipped' is more apt. And Larry is like 'Yeah, guess it must have slipped!' The translation would be something like: Edgeworth: And, well, / his hand must have ended up slipping (must have slipped). Larry: Yeah, guess it must have slipped, / eheh, well...
Phoenix ‥‥‥‥‥‥ …
御剣‥‥まさかお前、 ‥‥知ってたのか? Mitsurugi... Masaka omae, ...Shitteta no ka? Edgeworth… you didn't know, did you?
Edgeworth ‥‥アヤシイとは思っていた。 ...Ayashii to wa omotteita. I suspected.
literal translation: I thought it was suspicious. (I find it endearing that he suspected but didn't say anything - despite how he acts, Edgeworth is really a softie most times, even towards Larry who he has the rightful urge to murder more often than not) いつもの矢張なら、 お前をかばうのはオカシイ。 Itsumo no Yahari nara, Omae o kabau no wa okashii. I just couldn't picture Larry protecting you like he did that day.
みんなといっしょになって、 ここぞとばかり責めたてただろう。 Minna to issho ni natte, Kokozo to bakari semetate daro. Everyone else was saying you did it. The whole class was against you, remember?
Phoenix ‥‥うむむむむ。 ... Umumumumu. Yeah… too well. Phoenix's blabbering is hilarious here. He's in utter denial. Like he's nodding at what he's saying but he's refusing the knowledge to enter his brain.
Edgeworth 成歩堂。もしかしたら お前は知らないかもしれないが、 Naruhodou. Moshikashitara Omae wa shiranai kamoshirenai ga, Wright, you may not know this, but we used to have a saying back in school.
この男は、こう言われていたんだ。 “事件のカゲにヤッパリ矢張”と。 Kono otoko wa, kou iwarete ita nda. "Jiken no kage ni yappari Yabari" to. "When something smells, it's usually the Butz." The saying actually means : 'In the shadow of an incident/trouble, after all, there is Larry' There is the usual pun 'yappari Yahari' so I think the localization of the saying and his name was done very well to render the original meaning.
Phoenix そのコトバなら、イヤというほど 思い知らされてるよ! Sono kotoba nara, iya to iu hodo omoishirasa reteru yo! I know, I know. I would translate this more to: 'If you're saying that, why didn't you tell me!'
Edgeworth ‥‥いやあ、成歩堂。まさか、 キミが気づいていなかったとは。 ...Iyaa, Naruhodou. Masaka, Kimi ga kizuite inakatta to wa. Really, Wright. I'm surprised you didn't figure it out! '...Why, Wright. It can't be, / you hadn't realized.' This is so funny to me, in both versions. In JP it sounds a bit more teasing and cocky, but still. It sounds like to Edgeworth, shouting objection and reprimanding his classmates and teacher as a 9 year old was no big deal. So he didn't care to mention, thought Phoenix would figure it out. If not, no big deal. To Phoenix, it was life-changing. Phoenix is having a (mid) life crisis.
Larry 意外だねこりゃあ。 Igai da ne koryaa. Well, this is sure an unexpected turn of events, eh?
Phoenix ‥‥御剣。 ... Mitsurugi. Edgeworth…
Edgeworth ん? N? Hmm?
Phoenix 言えよ! Ieyo! You should have told me! Here it may look like a whole different thing but it's mostly that there is no other natural way to translate this. 'Ieyo' is just the imperative of the verb 'ieru', 'to tell'. It kinda gives the feeling of 'But (then) tell me, dammit!'
Maya まあまあ、なるほどくん。 もう15年前のコトでしょ? Maa maa, Naruhodo-kun. Mou juugo-nen mae no koto desho? Now, now, Nick. It was fifteen years ago!
これって“じこう”ってヤツ だよね? 御剣検事。 Kore tte "jikou" tte yatsu da yo ne? Mitsurugi Kenji. Don't you think the "statute of limitations" has run out, Mr. Edgeworth?
Edgeworth そういうこと、だな。 Souiu koto, da na. I'd say so, yes.
Larry そういうことだよ。 Souiu koto da yo. There you have it! In JP version, I found it funny how Larry parrots Edgeworth's words. 'Souiu koto' means 'it's like that'.
Phoenix ‥‥まったく‥‥。 ...Mattaku,,, Grr…
お前らにカンシャして弁護士に なったぼくの立場はどうなるんだ? Omaera ni kansha shite bengoshi ni natta boku no tachiba wa dou narun da? Where does that leave me!? I became a defense attorney because of what you two did!
Edgeworth 感動的なまでのお人よし、 といったところだろうか。 Kandō-teki na made no o-hito yoshi, to itta tokoro darou ka. Well, I'd call you a goody-two-shoes to the extreme.
Larry とんだお調子モノ、とも 言えるよナ! Tonda o-chōshimono, tomo ieru yo na! Yeah! And you get worked up too easily, too!
Phoenix し、死刑だ! コイツを死刑にしてくれェッ! Shi, shikei da! Koitsu o shikei ni shite kuree! D-death! The death sentence for both of you!
‥‥こんなことなら、 検事になりゃよかったあ! ...Konna koto nara, kenji ni narya yokattaa! Man, if I only had known, I'd have become a prosecutor!
Edgeworth ‥‥それは私も同じだ。 ...Sore wa watashi mo onaji da. The same goes for me, only the other way around…
“もしかしたら、自分は父親を 撃ってしまったのかもしれない” "Moshikashitara, jibun wa chichioya o utte shimatta no kamoshirenai" For the longest time, I thought that I might have killed my own father. These are provided as literal phrases he thought: 'Could it be, I myself was the one that ended up shooting my father.'
“自分は罪人かもしれない” "Jibun wa zainin kamoshirenai" I thought I might be a criminal. "What if I'm a criminal, myself.'
‥‥私は、そういう自分を 罰する意味もあって検事になった。 …Watashi wa, sou iu jibun o batsu suru imi mo atte kenji ni natta. I became a prosecutor in part to punish myself.
Basically the same, but instead of saying 'in part' he says that was one of the reasons. He says he became a prosecutor for that reason as well (among others), the reason being that of punishing himself. ‥‥こんなことなら、 弁護士になりたかったよ。 ...Konna koto nara, bengoshi ni naritakatta yo. If I had known the truth, I might have become a defense attorney after all. 'If it were like this (if I had known), I would have wished to become a defense attorney.' The way he says it seems way more heartbreaking in Japanese. Naritakatta = wanted to become, which here becomes 'I would have wanted to become' because of context. I translated it as 'would have wished' because it seems more apt here. Naritakatta expresses a desire for something you had wanted in the past. 'I would have gone for being a defense attorney'... It indicates that someone wanted to become or achieve something at some point in the past, but for some reason, they were not able to fulfill that desire.
Phoenix ‥‥御剣。 ... Mitsurugi. Edgeworth…
Edgeworth かわるか、成歩堂。 Kawaru ka, Naruhodou. Want to switch, Wright? Says the same thing... and it sounds so resigned in both versions. It's curt, and their conversation ends just like that. Breaks my heart.
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japanologydiaries · 3 months
Japanese Vocab List (✿´‿`)/
1 . 満開 (まんかい): Full Bloom (esp. of cherry blossom); full blossom
2. 後悔 (こうかい): Regret, remorse (私は約束を守らなかった事を後悔した), (悔しい, くやしい: frustrated, regrettable, disappointing...)
3. 清掃 (せいそう): Cleaning, clean-up (of a place), maintenance and cleaning
4. 好み (このみ): liking, taste, fondness, preference (お酒の好みは人それぞれですからね)
5. 渋滞 (じゅうたい): Traffic congestion, traffic jam
6. 極端 (きょくたん): Extreme (倹約するのも大いに結構だが彼は極端である)
7. 倹約 (けんやく): Frugality, thriftiness (出費をできるだけへらし、浪費しないこと), (生活費は高いだから私たちは倹約しなければならない)
8. 頂上 (ちょうじょう): Summit, peak (of a mountain)
9. 出費 (しゅっぴ): Expense, spending (彼の出費は収入をはるかに上回っている)
10.浪費 (ろうひ): Waste, wasteful (読書は時間の浪費だと考える人もいる)
11. 無駄遣い (むだづかい): Wasting (mostly money, but also time)
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st8610 · 2 months
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貰い物ムーブ、中古アルトときて、3台目のマイカーは新車となりました。前の2台と違って「欲しくて選んだ車」です。 平成30年に走行5,000km弱で購入したアルトに乗って約4年。2回目の車検を終えた2022年3月、走行距離は7万kmまで伸びていました。 まだまだ乗れそうではありましたが、ちょっとしたトラブルが発生し、次の車検(2024年3月)にはそこそこ費用が掛かりそうな気配。
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今は少し落ち着いたようですが、当時JB64/74は納期がかなり長く、乗り換えを決意し、注文したのが2022年の6月で、納車されたのは15ヶ月後の2023年9月でした。その間にマイチェンで2型から3型になり、余計な機能がスズキセーフティサポートやアイドリングストップが標準装備となり値上がりしました。 注文時に宣告された納期ぴったりでしたので、そこまで"長かった"という印象はありませんでした。
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JB64には3つのグレードがありますが、今回選んだのは”XL”、松竹梅でいうところの竹です。 ドアバイザー、フロアマット、ETC車載機と最低限の物に加え、奮発してグリルをオプションとして付けました。
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納車から半年ちょっとで10,000km走りましたが、いい車です。 自転車を積んで車中泊も余裕でこなせます。
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リジットアクスルなので決して乗り心地が良いとは言えないのでしょうが、今まで乗ってきた車たちに比べればマシです。 他にも不満がないわけではありませんが、そのすべてを打ち消すくらいに見た目が良い。写真映りが抜群に良い。
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Azran Legacy Guidebook: Page 101
Previous Page: Page 100
Mystery 03: On page 91, Nagano-san mentioned that Sycamore’s glasses are fake – I want to hear more about it!
Nagano-san told us about the fake glasses. They may look like simple glasses, but there may be more to it than that.
This is my own interpretation, but I think that Sycamore is showing his true self when he reverts back to his original name. Still, it isn’t easy for him, he can’t do that anymore, and even if you were to ask him his true feelings, I don’t think he intends to take back his old name, or take off his glasses.
Back when Sycamore was a child, after he had been separated from young Layton, he read every book that his parents owned, packed up his necessary belongings, and then, one bright afternoon as he watched the floating clouds, he left, thinking “I’m going to buy a pair of glasses”.
Mystery 04: If the Professor Layton series were to continue, what kinds of characters would you like to create?
I’d like to draw comical characters. Currently, I’m into the “Otoko wa Tusrai yo (It’s Tough Being a Man)” series, and I find myself laughing along with Tora-san, as he gets angry, always falling in love with the heroine, then getting his heart broken, and sometimes getting annoyed… But off screen, for everyone watching, he is very entertaining. It is good to have a character like that who can make people laugh.
In “Professor Layton”, when I draw a laughing expression, there are no characters that fit a big open-mouthed laughter. For Layton or Luke, they end up with “Haha” or something tidy like that.
Layton shows a bit of a comical side in this picture.
Some of Nagano-san’s charming characters. This book is full of them, so please take a look!
The “Professor Layton” team animate Nagano-san’s illustrations in 3D, overseen by Suzuki-san. This golden duo create some charming characters.
The Azran Civilisation’s Hidden Door
If you read this book carefully to the end, the Azran civilisation’s hidden door will open, and you will be able to enjoy Nagano-san’s newly-drawn illustrations. Read until the end for details.
ナゾ03 P91 で長野さん仰っている「サ ー 八イマンの伊達メガネ」の工ピソードについてもっと聞きたい!
長野さんが語ってくれた伊達メカネのエピソ ー ド。単なるメカネのように見えて、実は彼のいろんな思いがこめられているのかもしれません
これはあくまでも僕の想像なのですが、サーイマンが完全に素顔になるときって「本来の名前」を取り戻すときだと思うんです。 でも、簡単にそうできないし、できなくなってるし、本心を問いただしても、名前を取り戻そうとも、メガネを外そうとも考えていないと思います。
ナゾ04 今後、『レイトン教授』シリ ー スが続くとしたら、 どんなキャラクターを描きたいですか?
長野さんのイラストを、レイトン教授』チームが3D で動かし、鈴木さんが監修する。この黄金コンビにより、キャラが魅力的に描かれているんです
超文明 A のアトリエかくし扉
この本を最後までじっくり読むと、超文明 A のアトリエのかくし扉が開き、長野さんの描き下ろしイラストが楽しめます。詳しくは最後までお読みください。
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