takahashicleaning · 4 months
Don tap scott is “block chain revolution”, such as Uber, Airbnb, TaskRabbit and Lyft. We are talking about shared economies. It is that equal peoples generate wealth together and share. It is a very powerful idea.
But, when you tell me that kind of company does not really share it! ! In fact, the success of these companies is due to not being shared. Furthermore, unless it is a country with high inflation, deflationary spirals will occur and gradually wages will not rise. The only solution at the moment is to tax and distribute widely to platform firms taking de facto standards with redistribution of wealth. This is important! ! I say.
As a personal feeling, I think that around the dawn of Google until the financial crisis 2008 is the ideal form of redistribution. It might be even better if you incorporate block chains and virtual currency here.
As for the virtual currency, there are possibilities that three scenarios will merge into the hybrid in the future.
First, virtual currency like bit coin substitutes investment and speculation. Second, platform firms taking the de facto standards issue and use virtual currencies. Third, we will utilize the virtual currency issued by central banks to support individuals with lower annual income (policy of the executive branch like helicopter money)
第一は、ビットコインのような仮想通貨が投資や投機を代用していく。 第二は、デファクトスタンダードをとっているプラットフォーマー企業が仮想通貨を発行、活用していく。 第三は、中央銀行が発行する仮想通貨を年収の低い個人の下支え用に活用していく(ヘリコプターマネー的な行政府の政策)
Current age of artificial intelligence. As other extended ideas such as MBS, REIT and ETF of effective monetary policy measures that began to be utilized after the financial crisis by the central bank, compensation other than options to raise taxes.
In other words, central banks in each country actively purchase and forcibly buy industrial individual securities of platform companies that deflate goods other than the large public goods affecting low-income people who are currently de facto standards Support
Idea to stabilize price inflation by indirectly offsetting declines in prices by increasing the income of low-income earners by making profits on securities funded by basic income. Perhaps there is also the effect of increasing real GDP?
In addition, central banks of neutral countries can improve redistribution function at basic income, as Plato says, it is possible to prevent the rise of populism which negatively falsifies dissatisfaction of the disparity which is the blind spot of ideal democratic politics maybe.
In some ways, the information industry is also similar to credit markets.
ケイレブ・バーロウ: サイバー犯罪は一体どこから来るのか?
ステイシー・ボズリー : ネズミ講の見分け方
グレン・グリーンウォルド: なぜプライバシーは重要なのか!
ベティーナ・ウォーバーグ: ブロックチェーンが経済にもたらす劇的な変化
東京都北区神谷のハイブリッドな直送ウェブサービス(Hybrid Synergy Service)高橋クリーニングFacebook版
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g-tracenpandas · 2 years
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[FA] Actor Hakyeon Part I #HAPPYNDAY #ChaHakyeon #えんちゃん #エン #차학연 #엔 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfa8seau6e-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thisismy4thblog · 2 years
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いいねかリブログお願いします!(like or reblog if you save!)
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cubik-solutions · 2 years
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皆様、おはようございます🌞広報担当Sです🙆‍♀️ . 本日より、en転職様にて求人掲載開始しました✨ 経験問わず募集中です👩‍💻 少しでもご興味のある方は以下より求人詳細をご確認下さいませ。 . https://employment.en-japan.com/desc_1158277/?aroute=6&arearoute=1&PK=146CDB . いきなり面接は気が引ける…という方も、まずは会社説明からでも☺️!! DMでの質問もOKですよ❣️ . 皆様からのご応募を心よりお待ちしております🙇‍♂️ . . #it #it企業 #池袋北口 #池袋西口 #エンジニア #新卒 #中途 #新卒採用 #中途採用 #就活 #転職 #新入社員募集 #経験者募集 #未経験歓迎 #en転職 #エン転職 #インフラエンジニア https://www.instagram.com/p/CeR6V9dP2bY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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2-job-com · 17 days
兵庫県でアート系やデジタル系、心理系の業種を副業人材から公募 #兵庫県 #エン・ジャパン #副業 #公募 #地方自治体 #副業人材 #専門知識 #転職サイト
こんにちは 上田美穂です エン・ジャパン株式会社は運営する採用支援サービスを通じ、兵庫県初公募の副業求人を含む6職種を公募すると発表しました。 公募する業種は、デジタル専門官やメディアディレクター、具体美術魅力発信コーディネーターなどと多岐にわたります。 副業ポジションでは週1〜2日程度の勤務が想定され、専門的な知見を活かしたアドバイス等を期待するとしています。 いままでに培った専門性を活かし、兵庫の未来を築く志ある方のご応募を待つとしています。 資料 兵庫県、エン・ジャパンで初公募の副業求人を含む6職種を公募開始! | エン・ジャパン株式会社のプレスリリース [blogcard…
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yossixx · 10 months
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vegehana-food · 1 year
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✿ チレスエンノガダ | Chiles en Nogada ・メキシコ料理の一つである。語源はスペイン語で「クルミの木」を意味するnogalに由来する。唐辛子の一種であるポブラノに、挽肉やトマトなどの野菜のみじん切りを混ぜて炒めたピカディージョを詰め、nogadaと呼ばれるクルミの入ったクリームソースとザクロの種をかけた料理である。唐辛子の緑とソースの白、ザクロの赤でメキシコの国旗の色合いになる。そのため独立記念日(9/16)前後によく食される。 ・チレスエンノガダは、プエブラ州が起源であり、アグスティン・デ・イトゥルビデがこの街に来てアウグスティン1世を名乗った時に、それを歓待するために初めて作られたと言われている。この料理は、プエブラ州の住人の誇りの源になっている。
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jpopstreaming · 1 year
🆕 「 (エン)」 by RYUTist, 君島大空 Available for streaming worldwide!🌐 Added to our weekly playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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marusanman777 · 2 years
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大阪・梅田   黒門市場まぐろのエン時 この前オープンしてすぐに来たけど、また勝手にサクッと飲みに来ちゃいましたぁ〜 マグロとビール最高🍺 #黒門市場まぐろのエン時 #黒門市場まぐろのエン時ホワイティ梅田店 #梅田飲み #梅田ちょい飲み #梅田飲み歩き #梅田グルメ #大阪梅田グルメ #大阪飲み #大阪新店舗 #大阪飲み歩き #関西グルメ #関西ランチ #ホワイティ梅田 #ホワイティ梅田グルメ #梅田新店舗 #barhopping #standingdrink #osaka #黒門市場まぐろのエン時 #黒門市場まぐろのエン時ホワイティ梅田店 #梅田飲み #梅田ちょい飲み #梅田飲み歩き #梅田グルメ #大阪梅田グルメ #大阪飲み #大阪新店舗 #大阪飲み歩き #関西グルメ #関西ランチ #ホワイティ梅田 #ホワイティ梅田グルメ #梅田新店舗 #barhopping #standingdrink #osaka (ホワイティ梅田) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkB8Q5pyxg3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pikahlua · 2 months
MHA Chapter 415 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 突如現れた、ここに居ないハズの面々。それはーー とつじょあらわれた、ここにいないハズのめんめん。それはーー totsujo arawareta, koko ni inai HAZU no menmen. sore wa-- They suddenly appeared, all of these [people] that weren't supposed to be here. That's--
tagline 2 No.415 拒絶 堀越耕平 ナンバー415 きょぜつ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 415  kyozetsu  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 415 Rejection Kouhei Horikoshi
1 "記憶"の交錯…‼︎ "きおく"のこうさく…‼︎ "kioku" no kousaku...!! The intermingling of memories...!!
2 加速度的に進行していたAFO因子とOFAの感応がーーーー… かそくどてきにしんこうしていたにいさんとワン・フォー・オールのかんのうがーーーー… kasokudoteki ni shinkou shite ita niisan (kanji: OORU FOO WAN inshi) to WAN FOO OORU no kannou ga----... It's progressing at an accelerating rate, the responsiveness between brother (read as: the AFO factor) and One For All----...
3 何故 なぜ naze Why
4 おまえ達が見える!!? おまえたちがみえる!!? omae-tachi ga mieru!!? can I see you all!!?
5 2代目の攻撃で臨界点に達したんだ リーダーの譲渡でりんかいてんにたっしたんだ RIIDAA (kanji: 2daime) no jouto (kanji: kougeki) de rinkaiten ni tasshitanda By transferring (read as: attacking) Leader (read as: the Second), we reached the critical point. (Note: I don't think this is meant to be idiomatic. I think he means Through the transfer process, we were able to hit his weak point.)
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1 OFAを奪う為に兄さんは心を欲した… ワン・フォー・オールをうばうためににいさんはこころをほっした… WAN FOO OORU wo ubau tame ni niisan wa kokoro wo hosshita... In order to steal One For All, my [older] brother wanted a heart...
2 だがどれ程無体な力を得ようと心はーー… だがどれほどむたいなちからをえようとそれはーー… daga dorehodo mutai na chikara wo eyou to sore (kanji: kokoro) wa--... but no matter how much intangible power he gains, that (read as: heart)--...
3 ここだったんだ koko dattanda was here.
4 悪意と憎しみに塗り固められた最強の敵… あくいとにくしみにぬりかためられたさいきょうのヴィラン… akui to nikushimi ni nuri katamerareta saikyou no VIRAN... The strongest villain coated with malice and hatred...
5 凶行を止めるには初めから きょうこうをとめるにははじめから kyoukou wo tomeru ni wa hajime kara Stopping atrocities starts from the beginning
6 僕らが紡がれた意味は ぼくらがつむがれたいみは bokura ga tsumugareta imi wa As for the meaning we spun together,
7 ここにーーー koko ni--- here [is where]--- (Note: It sounds like this final phrase is meant to be read like "It's in this place that the meaning we spun together will come to be." In other words, this is the place where they will see the meaning of their existence as One For All come to fruition.)
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1 って感じねすごいわ二人とも ってかんじねすごいわふたりとも tte kanji ne sugoi wa futari-tomo "You're amazing, both of you!"
2 へし折って帰ろう! へしおってかえろう! heshiotte kaerou! "Let's smash [his pride] and go home!"
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1 死柄木!!!! しがらき!!!! Shigaraki!!!! "Shigaraki!!!!"
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1 緑谷あ みどりやあ Midoriyaa "Midoriyaa!"
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1 OFAの"譲渡"が ワン・フォー・オールの"じょうと"が WAN FOO OORU no "jouto" ga "The transfer of One For All"
2 弾き返された⁉︎ はじきかえされた⁉︎ hajikikaesareta!? "was repelled!?"
3 ぐア… guA... "Gwa..."
4 ダメージはある‼︎ DAMEEJI wa aru!! There is damage!!
5 "拒絶"しやがった…‼︎俺たちを奪える程強い意志ならそれも可能ってことか… "きょぜつ"しやがった…‼︎おれたちをうばえるほどつよいいしならそれもかのうってことか… "kyozetsu" shiyagatta...!! ore-tachi wo ubaeru hodo tsuyoi ishi nara sore mo kanou tte koto ka... "He freaking rejected it...!! If his will is strong enough to steal us, then I guess that's also possible..."
6 6代目だけが辛うじて"譲渡"された!ダメージはそのおかげさあ エンだけがかろうじて"じょうと"された!ダメージはそのおかげさあ EN (kanji: 6daime) dake ga karoujite "jouto" sareta! DAMEEJI wa sono okage saa "Only En (read as: the Sixth) was barely transferred! That's why there's damage."
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1 …つまり…完全には閉ざしきれていない……! …つまり…かんぜんにはとざしきれていない……! ...tsumari...kanzen ni wa tozashi kirete inai......! ...In other words...he's not completely closed off......!
2 増殖した指から"譲渡"できたらいいけど…今の二度の"譲渡"は指を壊して胸に当たった瞬間に発生した つまり指からは渡せない あれは爪や垢のようなものか ぞうしょくしたゆびから"じょうと"できたらいいけど…いまのにどの"じょうと"はゆびをこわしてむねにあたったしゅんかんにはっせいした つまりゆびからはわたせない あれはつめやあかのようなものか zoushoku shita yubi kara "jouto" dekitara ii kedo...ima no nido no "jouto" wa yubi wo kowashite mune ni atatta shunkan ni hassei shita tsumari yuba kara wa watasenai are wa tsume ya aka no you na mono ka It'd be nice if I could transfer it through his fingers that multiplied, but...the two current transfers occurred the moment I hit his chest and broke my fingers. In other words, I can't transfer through his fingers because they're things like fingernails or dirt?
3 ゴ GO "Ggh."
4 うう uu "uu"
5 ああ aa "aa"
6 近付いてる… ちかづいてる… chikadzuiteru... I'm getting closer...
7 何度だって試してやる なんどだってためしてやる nando datte tameshite yaru I'll keep trying no matter how many times.
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1 衛星通信を介した超超長距離リモート操縦‼︎ えいせいつうしんをかいしたちょうちょうちょうきょりリモートそうじゅう‼︎ eisei tsuushin wo kaishita chou chou choukyori RIMOOTO soujuu!! "Super-super-long-distance remote control via satellite communication!!"
2 オーライ OORAI "All right."
3 オーライ OORAI "All right."
4 オーライ OORAI "All right."
5 さすが腐っても天下の雄英ね…‼︎ さすがくさってもてんかのゆうえいね…‼︎ sasuga kusattemo tenka no yuuei ne...!! "As expected of the-best-in-the-world UA, even if it's crumbling...!!"
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1 あの子は緑谷くんのグローブ作成を取り次いでくれたのです あのベイビーはみどりやくんのグローブさくせいをとりついでくれたのです ano BEIBII (kanji: ko) wa Midoriya-kun no GUROOBU sakusei wo toritsuide kureta no desu "That baby took over the production of Midoriya-kun's gloves for me."
2 不時着となったので資材で強化しました ふじちゃくとなったのでしざいできょうかしました fujichaku to natta node shizai de kyouka shimashita "Since it was a crash landing, we're reinforcing it [UA] with materials."
3 手伝う! てつだう! tetsudau! "I'll help!"
4 怪我人を頼むよ!動けない人がいたら教えてくれ けがにんをたのむよ!うごけないひとがいたらおしえてくれ keganin wo tanomu yo! ugokenai hito ga itara oshiete kure "Take care of the injured! If anyone can't move, please let me know."
5 彼は私のクライアントなので今後より良いサービスを提供する為にも見る必要があります! かれはわたしのクライアントなのでこんごよりいいサービスをていきょうするためにもみるひつようがあります! kare wa watashi no KURAIANTO nanode kongo yori ii SAABISU wo teikyou suru tame ni mo miru hitsuyou ga arimasu! "He is my client, so in order to provide better service in the future, it's necessary I watch him!"
6 私の愛する人を逮捕に貶し入れてあろうことかより一層素敵にさせてくれちゃった男の子…! わたしのあいするひとをたいほにおとしいれてあろうことかよりいっそうすてきにさせてくれちゃったおとこのこ…! watashi no ai suru hito wo taiho ni otoshi irete arou koto ka yori issou suteki ni sasete kurechatta otoko no ko...! "He's the boy who made the person I love more amazing than did anyone who put him under arrest...!"
7 不時着 ふじちゃく fujichaku "A crash landing."
8 早く陸へ はやくりくへ hayaku riku e "Quickly, to shore!"
9 手を貸してくれ てをかしてくれ te wo kashite kure "Lend me a hand."
10 応援しなきゃあバチが当たるってものよ! おうえんしなきゃあバチがあたるってものよ! ouen shinakyaa BACHI ga ataru tte mono yo! "If I don't support him, I'll pay for it*!" (*Note: This phrase also means "What goes around, comes around," so "I'll pay for it" means basically "I'll regret it due to the karma.")
small text 映った…! うつった…! utsutta...! "It's displaying...!"
11 …⁉︎ なんだこりゃあ…⁉︎ ...!? nanda koryaa...!? "...!? What the hell is this...!?"
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1 避難所 ひなんじょ hinanjo [At the] evacuation shelter
2 おい oi "Hey."
3 なんだあれ nanda are "What's that?"
4 手の…塊…⁉︎… ての…かたまり…⁉︎… te no...katamari...!? ... "A ball...of hands...!? ..."
5 アッ A "Ah!"
6 待チナサイ! まチナサイ! maCHINASAI! "Wait!"
7 エリチャン‼︎ ERI-CHAN!! "Eri-chan!!"
tagline 駆ける先はーー… かけるさきはーー… kakeru saki wa--... [Where] is she running to--...[?]
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japanologydiaries · 1 month
Japanese Vocabulary... Again ヽ(・ω・)ノ
1 . 過程 (かてい): process, course, mechanism (彼はボート作りの過程を説明した)
2. 宴会 (えんかい): banquet, reception, feast (宴: うたげ, エン )
3. びしょ濡れ (びしょぬれ): sopping wet, sodden, soaked
4. 典型 (てんけい): typical example, exemplar (典型的: てんけいてき: typical, representative, model)
5. 水入らずで (みずいらずで): privately; with outsiders barred; en famille (親子や夫婦など身内で他者を交えないこと。 親しい間柄に邪魔が入ることのない状態)
6. 余分 (よぶん): extra, excess, surplus (その仕事のおかげで彼は月に六万円余分の収入がある)
7. 弁償 (べんしょう): compensation, reimbursement
8. 採用 (さいよう): 1. use, adoption (of a technique, idea, etc.) (私たちの高校では新しい教授法を採用することにした), 2. to employ, recruit
9. 邁進 (まいしん): pushing forward, striving towards, working devotedly towards something (仕事や勉学を「頑張る」という意味で、「学問に邁進する」「勇往邁進」などの言い回しで用いられることが多い)
10. 節約 (せつやく): economizing, saving (mostly money but also time, energy etc), (その機械で、あなたは多くの時間と労力を節約できます。)
11. 製造 (せいぞう): manufacture, production (ウラニウムは原子力製造に用いられる。)
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cryinglittlepeople · 10 months
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Olive's zanpaktou is named Hakukokuen Shuren (白黒煙 手管 / ハクコク エン シュカン) Deceitful/Coquettish/Tricky White and Black Smoke
It takes the form of a simple wakizashi that Olive will either store in her sleeve, or carry like a purse on a string of pearls when she dresses up fancy for combat.
Her shikai release command is Steppe Wo Fumu (ステップを踏む) Follow steps (as in dance steps). It's a peculiar way to say and write the phrase, the use of "steppu", an anglicized word, being a wink and a nod to her western, modern style.
Hakukokuen Shuren transforms into a western style cigarette holder, fixed around her neck with a string of pearls. But her zanpaktou is not the holder, it's in fact the thick purple smoke it exudes. When blown onto, and inhaled, by the enemy they will view the world around them in black and white and forced into a dance with Olive. Once the dance is complete, the enemy dies.
The dance has to be completed for the effect to take hold (think Soi Fon's shikai), if the dance is interrupted or otherwise resisted Olive will become severely fatigued and the smoke needs time to replenish.
Another way for the foe to resist the hypnosis of the smoke is to either not breathe it in, or somehow "put out" the cigarette at the end of the holder. OR the enemy can simply resist the effect by being stronger.
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bnhaobservation · 5 months
BNHA Observations, speculations and assorted info: The facts taking place during the year that ends with Rei's hospitalization and Tōya's assumed death
So, in order to write my fic, I spend much time observing canon scenes, comparing the manga and the anime version, take note of details, translations and info in them as well as finding out how are some things called.
Since what I noticed/speculated/found out can be of use for other fic authors I thought to share as well.
Chapter 31 The Boy Born with Everything (全てを持って生まれた男の子 Subete o Motte Umareta Otoko no Ko) Chapter 39 Todoroki Shōto: Origin (轟焦凍:オリジン Todoroki Shōto: Origin) Chapter 44 Relaxing Day Off (休め振替休日 Yasume Furikae Kyūjitsu) Chapter 93 One For All's Ember (残り火ワンフォーオール Nokoribi One For All) Chapter 166 Be Proud, License Trainees (ホッコれ仮免講習 Hokkore Karimen Kōshū) Chapter 187 Flaming Roar! vs. Nomu: High-End (燃えよ轟け!VS脳無:ハイエンド Moeyo Todoroke! Versus Nōmu: High-End) Chapter 188 Your Father, the Number One Hero (父はNo.1ヒーロー Chichi wa Number One Hero) Chapter 192 The Todoroki Family (轟家 Todoroki-ke) Chapter 202 Match 3 (第3セット Daisan Set) Chapter 204 Tuning Up (チューニング Tuning) Chapter 249 The Hellish Todoroki Family (地獄の轟くん家 Jigoku no Todoroki-kun-chi Chapter 250 Ending (エンディング Ending) Chapter 290 Dabi's Dance (ダビダンス Dabi Dance) Chapter 302 The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 2 (火の不始末 後編 Hi no Fushimatsu Kōhen) Chapter 350 Bound to a Fiery Fate (エン En)
Episode 19 The Boy Born with Everything (全てを持って生まれた男の子 Subete o Motte Umareta Otoko no Ko) Episode 23 Todoroki Shōto: Origin (轟焦凍:オリジン Todoroki Shōto: Origin) Episode 25 Todoroki vs. Bakugō (轟VS爆豪 Todoroki versus Bakugō) Episode 49 One For All (ワン・フォー・オール) Episode 88 His Start (始まりの Hajimarino) Episode 90 Vestiges (面影 Omokage) Episode 95 Match 3 (第3試合 Daisan Shiai) Episode 96 Match 3 Conclusion (第3試合決着 Daisan Shiai Ketchaku) Episode 105 The Hellish Todoroki Family (地獄の轟くん家 Jigoku no Todoroki-kun-chi) Episode 106 The Unforgiven (許されざる者 Yurusarezaru-mono) Episode 124 Dabi's Dance (ダビダンス Dabi Dance) Episode 130 The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire (火の不始末 Hi no Fushimatsu)
Series 4th Outro2 "Shout Baby" by Ryoku Oushoku Shakai
My Hero Academia: School Briefs I (僕のヒーローアカデミア 雄英白書 I Boku no Hīrō Akademia U.A. Hakusho I) - Part 2 Notice from School My Hero Academia: School Briefs V (僕のヒーローアカデミア 雄英白書 祝 Boku no Hero Academia Hakusho Iwai) - Part 3 Awkward Year's-End Soba
Fundamentally the year that lead to Rei's hospitalization and Touya's death is narrated into two different moments, chap 31/39, in which we've a retelling of how bad it was from Shouto's point of view and chap 290/302, in which we learn instead of Touya's side.
However, there's a fundamental difference in the two narrations. When the story tackles Touya's side, we can more or less pinpoint the dates of when this is happening, the same can't be said for when the story tackles Shouto's side. There's probably a narrative reason for this, Touya's whole story (which covers much more than just this year) is a progression of things going from good to terrible, while Shouto's story is likely meant to narrate the constant horror in which he and his mother lived until Rei lost it. So there's not really a need to pinpoint when a scene took place because that scene likely kept on repeating in similar variants for days, until Rei became unable to take it any longer.
As a result I'll narrate some fact that are part of Shouto's side first, so as to give the idea they likely repeated over and over through that year, while I'll follow the timeline of Touya's side of the story more closely.
So anyway let's dig on what happened that year.
Warning: as tumblr now has an image limit (no more than 30 per post), I had to turn more images into a single one so as to show the full scene. The result is that the image quality in some scenes is pretty low... Please, use the images solely as a visual reference of which scene you need to look at and, for the text check your own copy of BNHA.
January 11: Todoroki Shōto is 5.
January 18: Todoroki Tōya is 13.
April: Todoroki Tōya starts his second year at Middle school - Todoroki Fuyumi starts Middle school - Todoroki Natsuo starts his 3rd year at Elementary school. - Todoroki Shōto attends preschool.
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[Preeschool in Japan isn't mandatory but we know Shōto attended to it as Chap 166 shows on its cover the photo taken at the preschool entrance ceremony... the photo might not be necessarily taken in this year as kids can start preschool from when they're 3 but it just confirms Shōto went at it]
Sometime during the year: Endeavor and All Might talked for the last time.
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A note on the translation:
‘Chō hisashiburi! 10-Nen mae no taidan furi ka na! ? Mikaketakara aisatsu shi tokou to omotte ne.’ 「超久し振り!10年前の対談振りかな!?見かけたから挨拶しとこうと思ってね。」 “It’s been a long time! It's from the talk/conversation show from 10 years ago, right! ? I saw you and thought I'd say hello.”
Endeavor and All Might's conversation is called ‘taidan furi’ (対談振り) where ‘taidan’ (対談) means “a discussion between two people which is usually set up as a special occasion and whose topic is set in advance”… while ‘furi’ (振り) is “show”. So basically, 10 years ago they didn’t have a casual chat but ended up together in some sort of talk show / combined interview. The anime makes it even more obvious because in it the sentence is:
‘10-Nen mae, media de taidan shite irai ka na! ? !’ 「10年前、メディアで対談して以来かな!?!」 “I think it's been since we had a conversation on the media 10 years ago!?”
During the year: Shōto watches All Might on television when his father isn't around [shown in chap 39 and 206. We see that Shōto's clothes are different in the two scenes and so is his position, meaning he did it more than once which "School Briefs" also confirms]
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“You always were a fan of All Might, weren’t you, Shōto? But you had to wait until your father wasn’t around to watch those video clips in secret. Remember?” [Rei from "My Hero Academia: School Briefs I"]
During the year: Shōto's training is so severe it causes him to throw up. Rei tries to get in between him and Enji protesting he's only 5 and gets hit. [shown in chap 39, 202, 204]
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Actually we don't know if Chapter 202 & 204 are placed in this same year (Shōto is still small but Rei isn't present and Shōto and Enji are dressed differently so it's not the same time as chap 39... and likely chap 202 and 204 show two different scenes as well since in one Enji has his moustaches on fire while in the other is his beard... never mentioning in chap 202 Shōto already has his scar so this likely happened post him being burn and could as well take place in the following year, though the fact that Enji has long sleeves might imply it's still winter...) but they seems to show other scenes of Shōto's training which still sees him throwing up and crying, which surely confirm an abusive pattern.
A note on the translation:
'Tōya wa oshikatta. Ore ijō no karyoku o sonaete irunoni. Rei no taishitsu o motte shimatte… Aitsu wa… oshikatta' 「燈矢は惜しかった。俺以上の火力を備えているのに 冷の体質を持ってしまって… あいつは…惜しかった」 “Tōya was close/disappointing/something I feel regret for/deserving better. Even though he has more firepower than me. He had Rei's constitution… That guy… was close/disappointing/something I feel regret for/deserving better.”
Oishikatta (惜しかった) has quite a bunch of meanings like to feel regret for, to find something a pity/pitiful, to mourn but also to cherish, to love dearly, to be precious... and is used to express pity/regret of an "almost but not quite" situation, in "a damn it, you were so close" kind of way.
Very likely the emphasis in the sentence isn't that Tōya could almost do it, but that it was so unfortunate Tōya couldn't do it.
This doesn't necessarily mean Tōya was already dead because it was decided Tōya couldn't fulfill Enji's ambitions way prior his death and way prior Shōto's birth.
BTW, Tōya started burning himself before Natsuo was conceived. In order for their age difference to work, it means Enji started training Tōya when Tōya was 3 (yeah, it's possible he started earlier than this age but I find difficult that a child of 2 could pull it out successfully). As a result it's possible he started training Shōto at that age as well. In case someone doesn't remember it, Quirks don't appear when one is 4 but can appear even earlier (luminescent baby anyone?), Shōto could freeze his own snot as an infant and it's implied that Enji knew Tōya had a fire Quirk when they conceived Fuyumi (meaning when Tōya was 2 months or younger) so starting their training before 4 wasn't impossible.
During the year: While Shōto is scared at the idea of becoming like his father, someone who abuses his mother, Rei comfort him saying he can decide who he'll become. [Chap 39... I pieced back the scene for better visual]
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During the year: Tōya is desperate because he can't figure his reason to exist and search comfort in Natsuo [Chap 290]
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Likely in sprind, anyway prior to July (as Natsuo isn't 9 yet): Tōya, Natsuo and Fuyumi play together while Shōto can only watch them. Enji refuses to let him join them saying he needs to train and they belong to different worlds. [Chap 302 & 39 & 250]
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July 1: Todoroki Natsuo is 9.
Likely summer, though it could be still spring: Natsuo refuses to listen to Tōya’s complains during the night, telling him to go talk with Fuyumi. [Chap 302]
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August 8: Todoroki Enji/Endeavor is 36.
Likely autumn (Rei's sleeves are longer): Rei tries to stop Tōya from leaving the house and the two have an argument. [Chap 302]
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During the year: Rei begins to break starting to cry way too often to the point Shōto will end up remembering her solely crying and will forget her smiling. [Chap 31]
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December 6: Todoroki Fuyumi is 13.
Winter: Tōya’s flames turn blue. [Chap 302]
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A note on the translation:
'Hayaumare no chīsana karada ni yōyaku otozure hajimeta nijiseichō’「早生まれの小さな身体に漸く訪れ始めた二次性徴」 "Secondary sexual characteristics have finally begun to appear in the small body of the hayaumare.”
'Hayaumare' isn't a premature kid but someone born between January 1 and April 1. In Japan this is relevant because in order to start school you need to be 6 by the time the 2 of April comes around, meaning the Hayaumare are the youngest kids in the class as they're born in the year following the one in which the other kids, or ‘Osoumare’ (遅生まれ "born in between April 2 and December 31"), were born.
Winter (likely in a different day as the black bars on the corner hint at time passing by... possibly because when Tōya came back home Enji wasn't there yet?): Tōya asks his father to come to Sekoto Peak with him his next day off. [Chap 302]
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Winter (likely in the same day): Todoroki Enji/Endeavor hits Todoroki Rei for not stopping Todoroki Tōya from training. [Chap 302]
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Winter (the morning of another day as Todoroki Shōto has just woken up): Rei snaps and burns Shōto. [Chap 31, 39, 249, 302]
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“Shōto?” he said, facing the sliding fusuma screen. No response. Natsuo slid the screen aside, not expecting to find his brother inside, but there he was-fast asleep on the Futon that he’s clearly plopped down onto without much care, all askew. Moving quietly so as not to wake Shōto, Natsuo crept over and peered at his brother’s face. He looked surprisingly young, despite the burn scar that sat heavily on his face like a shadow. Having been abused by Endeavor-who’s been fixated on his own ambition. Todoroki Rei had snapped one day and thrown scalding water in Shōto’s face. Natsuo would never forget the pair of tear-filled screams he’d heard that day. How painful it must have been, he thought. Natsuo caught himself extending a finger toward the scar but quickly curled it away when he realized what he was doing. Shōto’s scar probably wouldn’t exist if only the boy hadn’t inherited aspects of both his parents’ Quirks. Maybe Shōto could have enjoyed a normal childhood, full of carefree days playing with his siblings. And yet I couldn’t do a thing… Natsuo had been in elementary school when it had happened. Their father, Endeavor, had ignored his family well-being in pursuit of his ambitions-ambitions he’d projected onto young Shōto. Even now, Natsuo would beat himself up over how he used to be before the abuse really began, recalling the period in his life that had made him feel pathetic and ashamed. Before Shōto was born, Natsuo had sought his father’s love and care, and when Endeavor was around, he would turn into an excited ball of energy, eager for attention. But that love never came. It was only thanks to his warm and caring mother that Natsuo had survived those early years and learned to cope with rejection from his other parent. But after Shōto was born, even their mother grew distant, though not out of indifference. Natsuo could sense how much energy she had to devote to protecting her youngest, her baby, from her husband’s so called training-which most would label abuse- but at that age, Natsuo couldn’t help but feel that his mother had been stolen from him. After witnessing his mother and brother crying and screaming on that horrible day, Natsuo had been overcome with crushing shame. [My Hero Academia: School Briefs V]
Winter (the same day or the one after it... Shōto's clothes are different but he might have had to change because he got wet... on the other side it's also possible that Rei's hospitalization wasn't done the same day but Enji had to do preparations for it): Rei is consequently hospitalized and put in isolation. After learning about his mother's hospitalization Shōto decides to blame his father for this. [Chap 39]
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A note on the translation:
'Omae ni kigai o kuwaetanode byōin ni ireta. Mattaku… daijina tokida to iu no ni…' 「おまえに危害を加えたので病院に入れた。全く…大事な時だと言うのに…」 "I put her in a hospital because she hurt you. Good grief... even though it's an important time..."
Enji is actually more specific in what he says to Shōto about Rei's fate, saying he put her in a hospital and didn't call her a fool but uses an expression of general exhasperation 'mattaku'.
Winter (likely on Todoroki Enji/Endeavor’s day off, Tōya's clothes are also noticeably different from the ones he had when he asked his father to go with him on Sekoto Peak): Tōya goes on Sekoto Peak, waiting for his father. When his father doesn’t arrive and the lights go down he ends up setting himself on fire losing his lower jaw before he manages to enter in a stream. He is then found and taken away by All for One. Enji reaches Sekoto Peak but can’t find his son except for a piece of his jawbone. Tōya is assumed dead even if Enji at first claims he didn't want to accept it. However this will lead him to focus even more on Shōto. [Chap 291, 302, 350]
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Winter (after Tōya's death): After Rei's hospitalization Shōto will never visit her until he'll be in U.A. High school. Rei's psychological condition will get worse. Fuyumi, despite knowing about her family's sad situation was and will remain too scared to do anything beyond keeping up appearances. Natsuo will gradually forget things but will keep on resenting Enji for what happened to his mother and to his siblings. [Chap 39, 187, 250, 302]
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Either Horikoshi didn't plan the Todoroki timeline or decided to change things along the way as, occasionally, what the characters say happened in a chapter get contraddicted in another... or make them seem uncaring of Enji's neglect of Natsuo (and Fuyumi) and of how he eventually casued Tōya's death.
Mind you, I'm sure they all cared about Tōya's death and about the neglect Natsuo and Fuyumi suffered because otherwise the characterization wouldn't make sense. This is likely a problem in the narration, not an attempt of the narration to deny the care.
Anyway I'm gonna list the problems in narration now. Do with them what you want. I'm sure plenty of people has headcanons that solve them just fine. This though isn't a page for theories so I didn't list any of mine either.
Not all of the problems are terrible (the only ones really bad are the ones that consistently change the timeline/why things happened) but some of them can undoubtedly confuse a reader about the characters' feelings.
Let's start with chap 350.
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For start this establishes that Tōya assumed his father didn't come to him on Sekoto Peak because he was too busy with work... so the fire took place not after the discussion they had (which fits with how the timeline decided Rei needed to be hospitalized before Tōya were to burn) but neither on Enji's free day apparently... unless Tōya assumed his father gave up on his free day to work some more which is something he had already done in chap 301, when Enji left and refused to train Tōya even though it was his day off... and this can be Tōya's own way to excuse his father for not coming to Sekoto Peak.
However, after this the chapter has Tōya say he has to go back home because he did and say some awful things so he should apologize to his mother and the others and shows his father what he can do.
The problem is... we didn't really see him doing something awful. Yes, he argued with his mother but this was PRIOR to his flames turning blue, as for his siblings his argument with Fuyumi dated to PRIOR Natsuo's birth and the one with Natsuo to PRIOR his argument with his mother and wasn't even a real argument. He just begged his little brother to hear him out.
If there was an argument that day before Tōya left for Sekoto Peak... if he did something... well, this is completely discharged by the plot. It won't even be mentioned when he and his siblings will meet again... not even mentioning his mother was hospitalized and put in isolation PRIOR to him going on Sekoto Peak, so if he had an argument with her we didn't see, it still was way prior to that.
And the same goes for whatever he did of awful... as I've hard time thinking he's referring to accidentally burning down the peak.
Even his discussion with his father doesn't seem to fit the description and if he blames himself for how his father hit his mother... well, that just feel messed up especially since he wasn't even shown being there to see.
Going on.
Chap 39 said Shōto didn't visit Rei because he blamed himself, while chap 250 says it was due to Rei's psychological condition worsening after Tōya's death... to go back on chap 302 volume version which said she was put in isolation PRIOR to Tōya's death (and therefore likely couldn't see anyone even if she wanted to) and then, AFTER Tōya's death she got even worse.
In the magazine version of chap 302 Horikoshi had Rei state that Enji basically became abusive AFTER Tōya's death, and this is what eventually lead Rei to snap and be eventually hospitalized... the whole thing was corrected in the volume version so now the volume version too agrees that Rei was hospitalized FIRST and then Tōya died.
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While the thing got 'fixed', the whole correction was done in a sloppy manner... it would have worked much better if the dialogues in whose two scenes were swapped because, if Rei was already hospitalized and put in isolation, she wouldn't have known if, after Tōya's death, Enji got worse. It's hard to think she's referring to the time prior Tōya's death because it feels like a non sequitur since they were talking of the time AFTER IT.
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Since the narration was changed retroactively it's possible that in the first planning for the chapter Tōya's flames turning blue, him telling his father, his father abusing Rei and him running to Sekoto Peak (instead than waiting for Enji's day off) took place all in the same day... or better all in the same night as it's dark when Tōya's flames turn blue and it's dark when Tōya burns on Sekoto Peak.
This however becomes impossible when it was decided Rei was hospitalized PRIOR to Tōya dying.
It doesn't help how Rei in chapter 39 focus especially on how she shouldn't stay with Shōto due to his left side being repulsive to her, when chap 302 magazine version also implied Natsuo's look was repulsive to her and the volume version instead change things and made it all about the way they looked at her (but Shōto never looked at her in such a way though okay, she might have been losing it but she should have still worried more about Tōya who glared at her like Enji and also about Natsuo). Of course the problem of chap 39 is likely that what happens in chap 302 was likely not planned and the story was possibly meant to focus solely on Shōto so, of course, she wouldn't want to be near him and wouldn't be troubled by the other kids.
Shōto is supposed to be kept isolated by his siblings, which is also why Natsuo had no idea Shōto liked Soba as, evidently, they never ate together before. However, when Enji attack Rei from the furniture we see they seem to be all in the same room, the television one.
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In chap 291 Enji claims he kept searching for Tōya, unable to believe in his death... but chap 302 presents him as resigned and completely focused on Shōto.
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Either because Tōya's storiline wasn't planned yet or to keep the secret, the story in its early stages avoid mentioning him... with confusing results.
Shōto, in chap 39, won't mention to Midoriya how his father might have lead to his older brother's demise. The manga will try to excuse it by saying
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'Sotsu-sen shita hanasu mon ja nēdaro' 「率先して話すもんじゃねエだろ」 "I wouldn't take the initiative to speak (about it)."
Only... during his first discussion with Midoriya Shōto:
Asked Midoriya if he was All Might illegittimate son
Told him about his father buying his mother for Quirk Marriage
Told him about his mother's depression and how she ended up burning him
Told him about how he was raised to fulfill his father's expecations and how he hated it and how he'll deny his father by refusing to use his Quirk
That's quite a lot he decided to mention, but the fact he didn't mention how his father also lead his oldest brother to his demise made it seems as if Shōto didn't see Enji responsible for it... which also seems confirmed by how, when Fuyumi asks Shōto how he feels about Enji, he replies he blames him solely for his scar and driving his mother to madness, not a word for his dead older brother or for how his siblings suffered of neglect even if Natsuo made clear he still suffers for it.
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Shōto is a VERY caring boy. This narrative choice seems to imply he didn't care about his siblings when it's likely the opposite. He cared for Natsuo and likely for Tōya and Fuyumi too. The way the story is told though, is misleading because it makes him look like he only cares about himself and his mother when I don't think that's the case.
Probably though, back in chap 31 Horikoshi either hadn't planned Tōya's storyline yet or wanted to keep it secret and here he didn't want to repeat the whole narration or give too many hints about Tōya's death so he had Shōto skip it and focus on Rei. It's a choice... but it's not a great one.
Enji also for a long while won't show concern for how he caused Tōya's death.
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In chap 93 Enji thinks at how his despair lead him to ruin his family... only again there's no mention of Tōya not even visually, again likely because Horikoshi either hadn't planned Tōya's storyline yet or wanted to keep it secret. Still it seems as if Enji doesn't care he lead his son to death for his own ambition.
Chapter 188 is a little better as, at least, Tōya is shown along with his siblings... but it's still not great because, even though Enji is in the middle of his attempt at being a better person, here he worries about his overheating and seems to focus solely on how he married Rei and with her he had three kids who didn't have the Quirk he wanted and then to a kid who had the Quirk he wanted to fight the over heating, and doesn't concern at all with how, in the process, he also abused his family, lead Rei to madness and Tōya to death, but it can work narratively... even if it's not so great because it remarks something we already knew and doesn't focus on his regret (which would have been more important since Enji is trying to be a better person). But okay, it can work.
Probably the worst part is chap 192 because by then Enji is making clear he plans to atone but when he worries about the lives he had cut short, even though Tōya was mentioned, the visual shows us only Rei, as if she were the only life he had cut short (as she ended up in a hospital), skipping the one of his son WHO DIED.
Yes, this is probably to keep the mystery about Tōya but it's still not a great choice since he doesn't seem concerned.
Also probably because Horikoshi either hadn't planned Tōya's (and Natsuo's) storyline yet or wanted to keep it secret in "Ultra Archive" it was said Fuyumi became a teacher solely because she felt bad about the mistreatment Shōto suffered, apparently not caring about the neglect Natsuo suffered or of how Tōya ended up dead.
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Fuyumi is also showed 'not caring' when no changes are done regarding to her in chap 302.
In the magazine version Fuyumi saying "I knew our family was broken" with an image of Enji dragging away Shōto and her mother trying to stop it, can be read as "(After Tōya's death) I knew our family was broken" and this allows her to sound like she's in pain for Tōya, Shōto and her mother.
However when the manga version changes things and have Rei hospitalized before Tōya's death, showing her having a flashback of how Enji was dragging away Shōto and her mother trying to stop it, remarks she knew her family was broken PRIOR to Tōya's death but not her feelings in regard to it. This combines negatively with how it was said she became a teacher for what Shōto suffered and paints her as uncaring for what Tōya suffered.
Again, I'm sure Fuyumi cared. It's just when "Ultra Archive" was written either Horikoshi didn't think about this part of the storyline or we weren't meant to know about it so he skipped it, and in chap 302 he merely adjusted things poorly so they ended up having implications he didn't plan.
Shōto going to preschool, where other children are, but being kept isolated by his siblings because they aren't part of the Hero world, seems a contraddiction in the story. While part of it can be due to Tōya's actions when Shōto was a baby, even after Tōya's death it will be said Shōto was kept apart from Natsuo (it's unclear if the same applies to Fuyumi) but then we see that when Shōto is in U.A. he's free to also go out without supervision so it becomes weird how (or why) Enji managed to keep him apart from his siblings, when he was allowed to spend time with whoever he wanted outside of his house... and even in his house he apparently wasn't controlled.
It also doesn't speak so great of Natsuo never attempting to connect with his little brother even if "School Briefs" tries to excuse it by saying it was due to Natsuo's grief.
When giving the green sign to "Vigilantes" Horikoshi likely completely forgot that All Might and Endeavor supposedly didn't meet for 10 years as, in chap 122, the two will cooperate to stop a Villain attack. Since “Vigilantes” takes place AFTER All Might and All for One’s big fight that injured both, it can’t be more than 6 years at the very best but, much likely, it’s less as this takes place at the end of “Vigilantes”. It’s true they didn’t really talk but still, they met.
Also both the anime and the coloured version of the manga give him red hair when, by then, his hair were while.
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Credits when it's due though, I don't know if Horikoshi is behind the coloured manga version or another person does the colouring and that person took the anime as inspiration. In the black and white version Horikoshi's design for Tōya is consistent as his hair aren't coloured (while he colour red hair in black), so this could be not Horikoshi's fault.
The anime seems to confirm many scenes took place during night (except for Endeavor searching for Tōya after Sekoto Peak burned)... clearly no one was keeping an eye on Tōya if Enji never noticed how late his son got home and Rei, despite knowing Tōya went on Sekoto Peak to train, never worried about her son being up on a peak alone till late at night...
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That's all I could remember/find for now.
The Todoroki storyline remains my favorite in the manga but there's no deny it was handled in a way that ended up contradicting itself, likely sometimes by mistake and sometimes due to change of plans or plot reasons. It's still a great story so don't think I believe the fact it has shortcoming means it's not enjoyable.
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ryotarox · 1 year
[B! 増田] 日本語では一つの名前で表されるのに英語だと二種類以上あるもの
亀 - Turtle (海亀)、tortoise (陸亀) ワニ - Alligator, Crocodile
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
はてなブックマークがトリビアの披露大会になっていて、知識が集まってる。 逆パターンも 「英語では一つの名前で表されるのに日本語だと二種類以上あるもの」
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
聞く:hear, listen  見る:see, look, watch 海:sea, ocean, waters, marine(海の) 仮説:hypothesis, assumption 罪:crime, sin (「罪と罰」の罪は以外なことにcrimeのほう *)
Museum:美術館、博物館 Requirement:要件、要求 Space:空間、宇宙
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
「総称だけ存在して、細かな違いを呼び分けない」ものと、「総称は無いが、個々の細かな呼び分けだけある」ものに分けられるかも。 総称:亀 / 個々に:Turtle (海亀)、tortoise (陸亀) 総称:皿 / 個々に:dish、plate、saucer 総称:brother / 個々に:兄、弟
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秋のAutumnとFallのパターンは、意味もニュアンスも同じで、言い方が違うだけかな。 Fallが「秋」「落下」の2つの意味。
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一番有名なのはネズミ(mouse, rat)だと思ってた。他にもphantom/ghost、coast/beach、house/home、college/university、space/universe、earth/globeとか。厳密には意味が違うんだろうけど。
言語とその話者の世界観が相関することは言語的相対論と呼ばれる。国がcountry, nation, stateに分かれるのは島国と多民族大陸国との違い。https://gijodai.jp/library/file/kiyo2011/yoshitaka_sato.pdf
ちょっと違うが、"将来に対する希望"と、"睡眠中の幻覚体験"を日本語でも英語でも「夢 dream」という一語で表現するのは全くもってピンと来ない。
麦は日本語でも大麦・小麦・ライ麦・エン麦は区別はしてるけど、英語ではbarley wheat rye oatで「麦」に対応する単語がないのよね
アプリ開発で Apple の審査担当とやり取りする際「修正」の言い方が複数あって fix, correct, modify, revise, alter などを使い分けてくるので毎回意図を汲みとれてるか不安になる。(まあ日本語にも修正の類語いっぱいあるけど)
「毒」 poison / venom / toxin
試験: 学力・知識を問う→examination,quiz,test 評価や実験→experiment 試みる→trial▼ただ「試験」で纏められるだけで日本語でも「考査」「実験」「試行」と分けて書くこともできるが。
足の指(toe)もfinger じゃない
馬車がとてもややこしくて面倒くさい / 辻馬車 cab, hansom 荷馬車 (horse)cart, wagon, (horse-drawn)carriage, horse and buggy 駅馬車 stagecoach 二輪馬車 curricle, tilbury ,jaunting car ,jinker 馬二輪戦車 chariot まだまだいっぱい…
政治家 politician / statesman たまご egg / spawn / roe ちなみに逆もあってegg 卵 / 玉子
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言語学で言うところの有標と無標も関係してそう。 作家:男女問わず作家の全般、女流作家:作家の中で女性の場合
標識 (言語学) - Wikipedia
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daily-hyosatsu · 7 months
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Some great names for kanji today! 本薗 Motozono is quite unusual, belonging to only about 140 people. And 木出 Kidashi or Kide, despite being written with extremely common kanji, is even more unusual! It belongs to about 70 people!
本 is read もと or ホン. It means book, main, origin, true, or real/genuine. It’s also used as a counter for long or cylindrical things (see here for more on that).
薗 is a variant (only used in proper nouns) of 園, which you should learn. They both share the readings of その and エン, and the meanings garden, yard, or farm. 園 can also mean park, and 薗 can also be read オン.
木 is read き, こ, ボク, or モク, and it means tree or wood.
出 is read で.る, -で, だ.す, い.でる, い.だす, シュツ, or スイ. It means means exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, or protrude.
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myscrap · 2 years
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澄名エンさんはTwitterを使っています: 「水着こがたん https://t.co/UlxPvDAbl6」 / Twitter
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